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Qualitative Research Methods Essay
Question 1 Compare and contrast the following qualitative research methods: case study,
phenomenological, and grounded theory. Synthesize the findings and determine which is best suited
to a study on your potential dissertation topic. Analyze the issues associated with sample selection,
validity, and bias in such a study.
Qualitative Research Methods
It is common for researchers to compare qualitative and quantitative research methods. Quantitative
methods originate from positivist and post– positivist research paradigms. Also, the methods
objectively examine statistical data to determine cause and affect and often use generalizable data.
There are various methods used in quantitative research such as surveys, more content...
Thus, this method gives a researcher an in–depth understanding of the participants' experiences using
qualitative inquiry to determine the why, when, where, what, and how of the study. Qualitative
research is subject to judgments about the data and synthesizes the findings using specialized
approaches such as experimental or non–experimental. Researchers often opt to use
non–experimental approaches in studies using surveys, interviews, observations, and case studies.
Even though an experimental approach is appropriate in quantitative research, it further enables
researchers to find answers and collect data (Bagozzi & Yi, 2012). This approach is unique in
its hypotheses and the study of behavior, making it valid and reliable. They are five types of
approaches to select within qualitative research: case study, ethnography, phenomenology,grounded
theory, and narrative research. Each research method is distinct in its approach towards inquiry
within the qualitative paradigm in terms of appearance, conditions, focus, and theories (Creswell,
1998). There are also similarities in these approaches such as characteristics and assumptions
concerning the context of the study. This research evaluates each approach and determines that the
phenomenology method is best suited for the study of women in leadership and the challenges they
face climbing the
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What Is The Generic Qualitative Approach? Essay
1. What is the 'generic qualitative approach'?
There are various research methodologies in qualitative research. However researches sometimes do
not find one particular methodology to fit the all types of research. When researches face this kind of
challenging situation, they tend to accept 'generic qualitative approach'.
Generic qualitative approach is not guided by an explicit and set of philosophic assumptions in the
form of one established qualitative method. Generic qualitative method is sub divided into genres of
interpretative description and descriptive qualitative research.
Generic qualitative method gives an avenue for researchers to play with these boundaries, utilize
tools that the established methodologies offer and engineer designs that fit their epistemological
position, discipline and particular research questions.
2. Discuss the difference between 'qualitative description' and 'qualitative interpretation'.
According to Sandelowski (2000), Qualitative Description is defined as research design to produce a
low–interference description of phenomenon. This low interferences made in order to remain
"closer" to the original data.
Researchers conducting "Qualitative Description" method seek for descriptive validity and accuracy.
Epistemologically, Sandelowski (2000) has implied a constructivist epistemology which gives
researcher to fully interpret research participants' experience interpretation. It is a less theory driven
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Qualitative Reflection
When you look in the mirror what do you see? Everybody asked this question responds with a
similar answer, you see yourself, of course. But individually, you are so much more than that. You
study your reflection wondering what people think of you, what traits you possess, what are your
strengths and weakness, and other components that make you, you. This study takes a closer look at
those traits and characteristics to analyze how you are perceived through the eyes of another.
Statement of Purpose
The research project conducted uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to collect
data, analyze, then interpret how an individual is perceived in society. To evaluate the qualitative
research the addition of a literature more content...
By collecting people's judgements of me, I am able to evaluate my strengths and weakness as an
individual and as a professional. In order to be a successful individual in society one must gain
greater understanding into one's own traits, behavior, and actions that affects people's overall
judgements of that individual. A self– analysis will provide me with adequate findings to realize was
facets of myself need to be developed, altered, or even reduced.
Even if this project furthers my character development, implications of this study are still possible.
This research could hurt my self–esteem, make me question my actions, or even harm my self–
perception. By finding out this information it could lead me to feel insecure about my appearance,
actions, and traits so far in life that would be enough to contribute to me devaluating my self–worth.
This information could also give me overconfidence I do not necessarily need. Finding out over
positive information could harm my attitude, making me arrogant, selfish, and conceited.
Order of Key Points
The order of key points moves from the abstract to the conclusion of the self–analysis study. Key
points include the establishment of the research question and hypothesis, the five questions used for
in–depth analysis, three distinct concepts evaluated in the literature review related to my research,
methods and procures to replicate the study, and the discussion of my findings. The discussion
section included
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The qualitative and quantitative research methods are typically applied in the field of social
research. There has been a lot of debate on the relative advantages between the two designs among
researchers almost more than on any other issue of methodology. The quantitative research design
encompasses methods which focus on numbers, that is, quantities. The data collected in this design
is usually in numbers which are then analyzed using statistical and mechanical methods. This design
is highly associated with the field of science such as in practical done in a laboratory (Gall et al
2003). On the other hand, qualitative design normally uses words to explain wider concepts that
cannot be captured mathematically such more content...
This research method seeks to experiment on certain issues upon which it seeks to come up with
universal generalizations (Timmons 2005).
Qualitative Method
Unlike in the previous method, this research method involves collecting, interpreting and analyzing
information by observing and listening to people. This method normally looks for meanings of
concepts. It attempts to seek description and characteristic of things including feelings, attitudes,
symbols and signs (Schostac 2006). This method is generally subjective and normally employs
purposeful sampling where specific respondents are targeted. The questions in this method are
generally open and the respondent is not limited to the kind of information that he can give. To
obtain relevant information, in depth interviews are normally conducted. The information obtained
in this method is assumed to reflect a reality on the ground since the method usually expresses results
based on the actual response generated by respondents.
One common difference between the two is that quantitative method is objective while qualitative is
subjective. This implies that the quantitative method attempts to come up with specific conclusions
based on their data finding. For instance, a study on abuse of drugs among 16 year olds in the US
may be concluded to say that 2 out of every 5 under 16's are exposed tom alcohol before they join
high school (Timmons, 2005). On the other hand,
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Qualitative Research Essay
Qualitative Research in Nursing
Date of last revision : January 28, 2011 "Not everything that counts can be counted, and not
everything that can be counted counts" –Albert Einstein
Qualitative research methods have become increasingly important as ways of developing nursing
knowledge for evidence–based nursing practice. Qualitative research answers a wide variety of
questions related to nursing's concern with human responses to actual or potential health problems.
(Ploeg J, 1999)
Qualitative research is a type of scientific research which has its roots in philosophy and human
Qualitative research plays an important part in providing evidence for practice in nursing, and is
gaining more content...
The key difference between quantitative and qualitative methods is their flexibility.
In qualitative methods, the relationship between the researcher and the participant is often less
formal than in quantitative research Quantitative Research Qualitative Research
General framework Seek to confirm hypotheses
Postivist paradigm Seek to explore phenomena
Naturalistic paradigm
ObjectivesTo predict & controlTo understand (what, how, & why)
ToolsHighly structured methods: questionnaires, surveys, and structured observation Use
semi–structured methods: in–depth interviews, focus groups, and participant observation
DesignRigid design
Controlled & experimentalEmergent design
GeneralisabilityRich "thick" description
Similarities & contrasts
Process & context
Nature of data analysisStatisticalNon–statistical
SamplingRelatively large samples using often random sampling Small samples using purposive,
convenient or snaw ball sampling technique.
Semi structured interviews
In–depth interviews
Focus Group Discussions
Participatory Action Research
Narrative and Life History
Participant observation
Unobtrusive methods
Simple observation
Document analysis (written records)
Text analysis / Discourse analysis
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Importance Of Qualitative Research
1. Session: Introduction to Qualitative Research in Psychology
Qualitative research not only refers to the techniques used to collect and analyse certain data but also
to a field of research in itself. The different philosophical positions have in turn informed the varied
approaches to qualitative research.
As an exploratory type of research, it seeks to gather the in–depth understanding of the behaviour of
a sample group. The personal opinion, values and experiences of them. It affords the opportunity to
observe the participants behaviour as well as allowing the researcher to delve into the participants
beliefs and really probe to obtain a greater detailed understanding of the issue.
Qualitative research techniques are flexible and normally conducted in naturalistic settings using
semi structured data collection methods as this accommodates the deviation to obtain that greater
depth of answer. There are different types of analysis used for example, Interpretive
Phenomenological Analysis, grounded theory, narrative, thematic and pattern based discourse
Unlike quantitative research that use numbers as data and statistics, qualitative methods rely on
words and meaning. It seeks to understand the problem rather than quantifying it placing more
emphasis on subjectivity rather than objectivity.
Qualitative methods tend to use smaller sample sizes due to the personal form of research putting
the persons perspective at the centre of the work. The results are
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Qualitative Exploratory Essay
This study was a qualitative descriptive exploratory study, which Grove, Burns and Gray (2013, p.
27) define as being of use when researchers seek to understand a problem by describing it and
promoting further understanding. Qualitative research aims to investigate a phenomenon or analyse
perspectives, this method often utilises a smaller study population but yields data rich in human
experience (Schira, 2009, p.77–78). An example of this qualitative paradigm is the researcher's use
of interviews as a data collection method, and smaller sample size. Interviews were utilised for the
data collection, as Addo (2013, p. 197) says that these can aid researchers in exploring the
participant's experience with the phenomenon of interest. The more content...
In the article the researchers acknowledge their results may not be generalisable to due to sample
size and state they feel that further research is required in order to draw stronger thematic
conclusions. However, Esterman, Warland & Deuter (2010, p. 35) say that the lens that qualitative
researchers see through does not seek to develop universal answers. The author's willingness to
divulge their limitations is an important aspect that develops the strength of this
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Qualitative Research Strategy
Research Strategy.
Case study was research strategy adopted for this study. It is one of the types of qualitative research
study (Creswell, 1998). According to Rubin and Babbie (2013) which view case study as a
particular examination of phenomenon. In this study case study explore the influence e–resources
has on the professional development and classroom practices of beginner teachers and providing a
detailed information through multiple source of data collection methods such as semi–structured
interview, observation, data analysis and research journal.However,Creswell,2007 highlighted that
case study is a qualitative approach that explore bounded system of phenomenon over time. More
so, Yin (2009) validates that case study is an more content...
The use of these 4 data collection methods in this study was for triangulation purpose and to create
an opportunity to fid the correlation of the data during the process of collection. In the school
semi–structured interview was conducted first followed by the observation as well as document
analysis. Documents were sourced from the internet after acquiring the particular source used by
each participant.
The sequence of data was used so that in=dept information are able to be retrieved from the
participants and also be able to confirm or disapprove some of the claim retrieved from the first
method used. Interview creates an opportunity to collect data on the view of beginner teachers on
their experiences on their practices in the classroom. Observation and document analysis was on the
actual classroom practices. Each school was visited 4 times where the first visit focused n the
introduction of the study to the school.
Semi structured
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Qualitative research aims at taking a great understanding of a particular firm or activity, instead of
taking a large survey of a population. Moreover, qualitative study provides researchers the real
feedbacks of participants, who have a real impression about the product that they have tested. There
are many debates argue that qualitative research has several weaknesses due to the different opinions
about the product or the service that participants have tested. The different opinions and ideas may
create for researchers different outcomes and judgments, which create some confusion in terms of
conclusion about their products, or services. Qualitative research has been using in several industries
such as, financials, medical treatments, high tech sectors, and retails. Researchers of these
professions have reached their objectives by implement this method to see the results of their
products or services in order to distribute them effectively in the market. According to Hall and Rist
(1999), using multiple qualitative research methods will enrich researchers a great capability to
expand their studies in different ways. In fact, drug makers always expand their research in multiple
studies to get the effective outcomes based on the complementary report. Likewise, pharmaceutical
industry is one of the most essential sectors to develop, manufacture, and distribute new types of
medicines in the market. In order to make the effective medicines, companies need to conduct
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Qualitative Research Evaluation Essay
Qualitative research seeks to answer the "why" and not the "how" of the research project that is
being conducted, this is done through a complex system of analyzing unstructured information such
as survey's , questionnaires, interviews, interview transcripts, open end survey's, focus groups,
observations, emails, notes, video's, feed back forms and photo's; most of the time a qualitative
report won't depend on statistical evidence alone it must be accompanied by detailed facts and
proven facts and not hypotheses or in accurate data, this can lead to misunderstanding of data
findings and can through the whole aim of the research project off and waste valuable time.
A qualitative research project is mainly more content...
According to (Bamberger, et, al, 2006) the purpose of the interview is to elicit information about and
from the stakeholders experience, perceptions, and meanings, this is critical in a qualitative research
project it helps to understand what is being asked of the stakeholder. Interview data also incorporates
the stakeholders personal perspective, and gives confirmation of the data through direct observation,
or from other stakeholders involved in the research project; by eliciting the input of observation data
this helps to confirm to the researcher the intent of the stakeholder, it also shows their behavior, and
their personal meaning. Documentary and artifactual data includes texts, photos, and other tangible
items from the site that they are being collected from, analyzed and reviewed. By reviewing the
documents artifacts and materials of a culture provides the researcher with an unobtrusive method of
gaining information and may offer other forms of information that's unavailable from any other data
source. According to (Bamberger, et, al, 2006) journals, artifacts, photo's and artwork may provide
information of occurrences that have happened before the evaluators arrival. As in all research
projects documents and artifacts include the perspective and the biases of their human creator,
therefore each item must be considered
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Qualitative Research Methods
Howley: Discussion Board #4: Qualitative Research
Qualitative Inquiry is a type of research that evolves as the researcher learns new aspects about the
subject they are studying (Polit & Beck, 2017). Interviewing the subjects of the study about their
individual experiences and outcomes leads the researcher to a conclusion or further investigation.
This discussion board assesses qualitative research and if it is feasible for the topic chosen for
burnout and staffing levels in the emergency department.
Qualitative Research as it pertains to Burnout and Staffing Levels
Polit and Beck (2017) explain that one way to frame research questions is to utilize either the
population, intervention, outcome (PIO) template or the population, intervention, comparison,
outcome (PICO) template. The following PICO question; What is the impact more content...
Understanding the human factor of any topic is very valuable, and there are trusted methods to
gather this data. Knowledge if staffing levels have an effect on burnout with emergency room nurses
has many subjective components that would be best ascertained by qualitative methods. Interviews,
focus groups, and observation could lead to valuable insight into this topic.
Curry, L. (2015). Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Methods []. Available from Yale Global
Health Leadership Institute.
GГіmez–Urquiza, J., De la Fuente–Solana, E., AlbendГn–GarcГa, L., Vargas–Pecino, C.,
Ortega–Campos, E., & CaГ±adas–De la Fuente, G. (2017, Oct.). Prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in
Emergency Nurses: A Meta–Analysis. Critical Care Nurse, 37(5), e1–e9. Retrieved from http:/
Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2017). Nursing Research Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing
Practice (10th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolter
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Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research Essay
Qualitative and quantitative research methods take different approaches to gathering and analysing
information. Whether it is a qualitative or quantitative study, the research study begins with a
question or series of questions. Both use rigorously designed studies to get the most accurate,
detailed and complete results. Qualitative studies common methods are interviews, surveys and
observation. A qualitative study aims to provide a detailed description of the study results, often
using pictures and written descriptions to describe what the research revealed. A qualitative study
looks at the big picture, helping researchers to narrow in on points of interest that then can be
followed up on in a quantitative study. While a more content...
Research may lead to improving services and conditions for children but not necessarily benefiting
the participants. Research may be child–led through focus groups; dilemmas such as adults acting in
a tokenistic manner may lead to a study not actually being directed by children. Ultimately the
control may retain in the adults hands but it may be argued such a complex task from planning to
dissemination may require this. Distinctions may be needed between children and young children to
allow correct participation, access, techniques, consent, legal rights, protection and addressing
ethnical issues. (EK310, Audio, Band 1) All three professionals featured in the discussion had
different interests and backgrounds but whichever methodology is used, to ensure they are effective
and appropriate.
Coates qualitative pilot study about children's drawings stemmed from her professional background
and her observations of children. She found links between language and drawing and wanted to
analysis this further. Her methodological approach was both reflexive and participant–led. She was
the collector of data through note taking, qualitative observations and the actual pictures drawn.
Therefore the study had to acknowledge her role and any effects this may have on the findings.
Having read her commentary it outlined what the goal was and how she went about achieving it. But
it was reliant on
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Qualitative Research Questions
3.1 Case study: There are several research methodologies such as survey or questionnaires, case
studies, grounded theory and ethnography notably used in the field of social sciences, education, arts
and psychology. For this dissertation, research methodologies selected are qualitative research
methods by interviews and case study approach.
According to (Yin 2003) a case study allows investigators to focus on a case and retain a holistic
and real word perspective with (Simons 2009) adding that its primary purpose is to generate in
depth understanding of a specific topic. To put it differently, (Stake 1995) states "a case study is
both a process of inquiry about the case and the product of that enquiry. The case study selected for
this more content...
For this dissertation, a semi structured interview is conducted as (Galletta and Cross 2013)
suggested, a semi structured interview is sufficiently structured to address specific topics related to
the phenomenon of study, while leaving participants to offer new meanings to the study focus. The
interview questions are open ended to ensure more in depth response's from participants without
restriction. The interview comprises of 16 questions. The responses or answers received will be
analyzed and brought forward to answer the research questions as in chapter one. The interview
questions emerged from understanding the literature and formulation of the research questions. This
interview questions will be asked to subject matter experts working in medical device industry
irrespective of the size of the organization and to medical device consultants who are also subject
matter experts in quality regulations for medical device. The selection or recruitment of the
aforementioned is to ensure appropriate understanding of the subject and the validity of their
response during the interview which will subsequently influence the data
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Qualitative Research
The quantitative and qualitative research traditions can be thought of as distinct cultures marked by
different values, beliefs, and norms. Qualitative research methods are complex meaningful analyses
characterized by processes and meanings that are not measured in terms of mathematical
measurements. Quantitative research however, relies and builds on mathematical procedures and
methods, such as frequency, quality, amount and statistical procedure. There are unique
characteristics which distinguish one research process from the other.
In the simplest terms, it 's about the nature of the data you collect and analyze. Quantitative research
uses data that more content...
This is not too much of a problem if we remember that we are not trying to create objective
knowledge. Our knowledge is much softer. We cannot be certain that practical work will always
make learning easier. We cannot prove that a pupil will respond positively to using a word
processor. Yet we can have a pretty good idea that these maybe helpful to us in certain situations.
More importantly we endeavour to 'build ' theory from the ground of experience or practice. For
qualitative researchers the context in which practice takes place has an important bearing upon that
practice and research should be rooted accordingly.
Another major difference between qualitative and quantitative research is the underlying
assumptions about the role of the researcher. In quantitative research, the researcher is ideally an
objective observer that neither participates in nor influences what is being studied. In qualitative
research, however, it is thought that the researcher can learn the most about a situation by
participating and/or being immersed in it. These basic underlying assumptions of both
methodologies guide and sequence the types of data collection methods employed.
Hamersley [op. cit.] accepts that qualitative researchers seek to articulate the views of people studied
but adds that qualitative researchers often analyse the data in ways that are likely to be alien to those
studied. He also asserts that much quantitative research
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Essay on Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Qualitative and Quantitative study designs both can be beneficial in research design. They both
provide valuable options for researchers in the field. These techniques can either be used separately
in a research study or they can be combined to achieve maximum information. This paper will define
the terms qualitative and quantitative; describe the similarities and differences between each;
discuss how qualitative and/or quantitative research designs or techniques could be used in the
evaluation of my proposed research; and discuss why linking analysis to study design is important.
Quantitative studies are primarily numbers based. They deal with large cohort groups as well as
analyze large amounts of data. "A more content...
When both research designs are used together, more information can be gathered. Mixed
methodology uses the numerical portion of the quantitative study design in combination with the
descriptive aspect of the qualitative study. There are many similarities between these two designs,
which make them compatible with each other. "Whilst quantitative research may be mostly used for
testing theory it can also be used for exploring an area and generating hypotheses and theory.
Similarly qualitative research can be used for testing hypotheses and theories even though it is mostly
used for theory generation" (Hughes, 2006). Both of these designs may be similar with testing
theory, they are also similar in the tools that they use and how the data is analyzed. "Qualitative data
often includes quantification (eg statements such as more than, less than, most as well as specific
numbers). Quantitative (ie questionnaire) approaches can collect qualitative data through open
ended questions" (Hughes, 2006). These similarities are what make these two study designs
compatible for each other. There are also some differences between these study designs, which may
cause some problems for the inexperienced researcher. "Quantitative research is objective; qualitative
research is subjective. Quantitative research seeks explanatory laws; qualitative research aims at
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Methodology Qualitative And Qualitative Research
Methodology qualitative(300/5)(382/ )
In research the two main used approaches are qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative research
represents the study of perceptions, emotions and experiences in the direction of understanding the
human behaviour therefore from a subjective perspective ( R). On the other side the quantitative
research is expressed numerical, measurable, appropriate for statistics defined as being objective
and can be used for general public (R). Another difference, according to Moule (2015) is that
qualitative approach is usually using a smaller sampling size for the study than the quantitative
approach. As the qualitative research is inductive, the process is orientated and using a holistic view,
allows the more content...
Validity suggests the ability and degree of the method to measure the concept. More specific for the
qualitative study, the criteria refers to credibility and trustworthiness. Credibility is a principle of
trustworthiness and indicates the ability to answer the study question due to the quality of the
research undertaken and reflecting the participants ' perceptions rather than the researcher own
opinion and that the findings are trustworthy (Lincoln & Guba 1985, cited in Corbin & Strauss 2015).
Research design/methods/data collection(100/1)(143/3)
Focus group was the chosen data collection design by the PBL group. Polit & Beck (2017) argued
that he benefits of this data collection include: cost–effective and time–effective; the participants feel
empowered which encourage them to express freely their emotions and opinions therefore is
enhanced the collection of rich data. The limitations associated with focus groups indicates to bias
potential; the level of confidence of some of the participants to express themselves in front of others
or the possibility to adopt the "group think" or the most powerful and vocal participant rather than
expressing own perception (Ellis 2016). Neuman (2014) believes that mixing the participants with
different status may impact on the study ' outcome as participants are more confident if they are
sharing a similar background. Therefore, it was decided that the participants will be split in two
focus groups: students
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Qualitative Research
Qualitative research is a generic term for investigative methodologies described as ethnographic,
naturalistic, anthropological, field, or participant observer research. It emphasizes the importance of
looking at variables in the natural setting in which they are found. Interaction between variables is
important. Detailed data is gathered through open ended questions. The interviewer is an integral
part of the investigation (Jacob 1988). This differs from quantitative research which attempts to
gather data by objective methods to provide information about relations, comparisons, and
predictions and attempts to remove the investigator from the investigation (Smith 1983).
Characteristics Purpose: Understanding – Seeks more content...
Keeps detailed records of what occurs, including those things characteristically taken for granted.
Periodically detaches self from the situation to review records from the neutral position of a social
scientist. Constantly monitors observations and records for evidence of personal bias or prejudice.
Five Types of Participant Observation 1.External Participation constitutes the lowest degree of
involvement in observation. This type of observation can be done by observing situations on
television or videotape. 2.Passive Participation means the researcher is present at the scene of action
but does not interact or participate. The researcher finds an observation post and assumes the role of
a bystander or spectator. 3.Balanced Participation means that the researcher maintains a balance
between being an insider and being an outsider. The researcher observes and participates in some
activities, but does not participate fully in all activities. 4.Active Participation means that the
researcher generally does what others in the setting do. While beginning with observation to learn
the rules, as they are learned the researcher becomes actively engaged in the activities of the setting.
5.Total Participation means the researcher is a natural participant. This is the highest level of
involvement and usually comes about when the researcher studies something in which he or she is
already a natural participant. Interviewing
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Qualitative Research Essay
(An Essay)
By Deborah Sitorus
One of the ways to gain knowledge is by carrying out some research. As what Zacharia (2012)
stated that in daily life most people conduct research to gain knowledge. A research can be carried
out qualitatively or quantitatively depends on the research purposes and needs and the type of
information the researcher is seeking.
My concern in this essay is to briefly share my understandings about basic concepts of qualitative
research that I gained from my readings on some books on qualitative research methods as well as
from the class discussion with lecturer and colleagues on qualitative research course at the
university. The basic concepts of qualitative research more content...
Though there are various definitions of interpretivism, for brevity I like Walsham's (1993)
description, which posits that
Interpretive methods of research start from the position that our knowledge of reality, including the
domain of human action, is a social construction by human actors and that this applies equally to
researchers. Thus there is no objective reality which can be discovered by researchers and replicated
by others, in contrast to the assumptions of positivist science. (p. 5)
In line with this, Geertz (1973) also states
To look at the symbolic dimensions of social action–art, religion, ideology, science, law, morality,
common sense–is not to turn away from the existential dilemmas of life for some empyrean realm of
deemotionalized forms; it is to plunge into the midst of them. The essential vocation of interpretive
anthropology is not to answer our deepest questions, but to make available to us answers that others,
guarding other sheep in other valleys, have given, and thus to include them in the consultable record
of what man has said. (p. 29)
As such, an interpretive perspective is based on the idea that qualitative research efforts should be
concerned with revealing multiple realities as opposed to searching for one objective reality. In
Denzin's words, "Objective reality will never be captured. In
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The Goal Of Qualitative Research Essay
According to my notes taken from a recorded lecture by Dr. Worley (Spring, 2016), the goal of
Qualitative Research is to explore, describe and explain human behavior. This method of research
involves close listening and observation and gives insights that other research methods cannot.
Qualitative data is not numerical; words are used for presenting results and qualitative research is
thematic in nature. Qualitative research usually involves fewer participants' due to the observation
methods utilized. Results are unique and individual. There are various methods used to perform
qualitative research such as:
Ethnography or human social behavior or cultures which is achieved through participant
observations or fieldwork
Interviews which are usually one on one
Focus Groups of 6–10 people; summarize answers to group questions for research
Open–ended questionnaires
The goal of Quantitative Research is to predict and generalize human behavior. Qualitative Research
also begins with observation. Quantitative data is numerical; researcher is more concerned with
numbers and statistics. Quantitative research involves summarizing large amounts of data. There are
various methods used to perform quantitative research such as:
2. Based on the problems I perceive in the case study my research questions would be: Quantitative
RQ: What percentage of men and women resort to some type of aggression in the workplace due to
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Essay On Qualitative Research
the ways to gain knowledge is by carrying out some research. As what Zacharia (2012) stated that
in daily life most people conduct research to gain knowledge. A research can be carried out
qualitatively or quantitatively depends on the research purposes and needs and the type of
information the researcher is seeking. My concern in this essay is to briefly share my
understandings about basic concepts of qualitative research that I gained from my readings on some
books on qualitative research methods as well as from the class discussion with lecturer and
colleagues on qualitative research course at the university. The basic concepts of qualitative research
that more content...
In quantitative research, the researcher relies on statistical analysis (mathematical analysis) of the
data, which is typically in numeric form. In qualitative research, statistics are not used to analyze the
data; instead, the inquirer analyzes words (e.g., transcriptions from interviews) or images (e.g.,
photographs). Rather than relying on statistical procedures, the qualitative researcher analyzes the
words to group them into larger meanings of understanding, such as codes, categories, or themes
(Creswell, 2012). In addition, both qualitative and quantitative researchers are concerned with the
individuals' point of view. However, qualitative researchers think they can get closer to the actor's
perspective through detailed–interviewing and observation. They argue that quantitative researchers
are seldom able to capture their subjects perspective because they have to rely on more remote,
inferential empirical methods and materials (Denzin and Lincoln, 2000). Despite all these
differences, one of the strengths of qualitative research design is that it often allows for far greater
(theoretically informed) flexibility than in most quantitative research designs (Silverman, 2005). The
allure of qualitative research also enables the researcher to conduct in–depth studies about a broad
array of topics, including the favorites, in plain and everyday terms (Yin, 2011). Furthermore,
qualitative research designs tend to work
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Qualitative Research Essay

  • 1. Qualitative Research Methods Essay Question 1 Compare and contrast the following qualitative research methods: case study, phenomenological, and grounded theory. Synthesize the findings and determine which is best suited to a study on your potential dissertation topic. Analyze the issues associated with sample selection, validity, and bias in such a study. Qualitative Research Methods Introduction It is common for researchers to compare qualitative and quantitative research methods. Quantitative methods originate from positivist and post– positivist research paradigms. Also, the methods objectively examine statistical data to determine cause and affect and often use generalizable data. There are various methods used in quantitative research such as surveys, more content... Thus, this method gives a researcher an in–depth understanding of the participants' experiences using qualitative inquiry to determine the why, when, where, what, and how of the study. Qualitative research is subject to judgments about the data and synthesizes the findings using specialized approaches such as experimental or non–experimental. Researchers often opt to use non–experimental approaches in studies using surveys, interviews, observations, and case studies. Even though an experimental approach is appropriate in quantitative research, it further enables researchers to find answers and collect data (Bagozzi & Yi, 2012). This approach is unique in its hypotheses and the study of behavior, making it valid and reliable. They are five types of approaches to select within qualitative research: case study, ethnography, phenomenology,grounded theory, and narrative research. Each research method is distinct in its approach towards inquiry within the qualitative paradigm in terms of appearance, conditions, focus, and theories (Creswell, 1998). There are also similarities in these approaches such as characteristics and assumptions concerning the context of the study. This research evaluates each approach and determines that the phenomenology method is best suited for the study of women in leadership and the challenges they face climbing the Get more content on
  • 2. What Is The Generic Qualitative Approach? Essay PART A 1. What is the 'generic qualitative approach'? There are various research methodologies in qualitative research. However researches sometimes do not find one particular methodology to fit the all types of research. When researches face this kind of challenging situation, they tend to accept 'generic qualitative approach'. Generic qualitative approach is not guided by an explicit and set of philosophic assumptions in the form of one established qualitative method. Generic qualitative method is sub divided into genres of interpretative description and descriptive qualitative research. Generic qualitative method gives an avenue for researchers to play with these boundaries, utilize tools that the established methodologies offer and engineer designs that fit their epistemological position, discipline and particular research questions. 2. Discuss the difference between 'qualitative description' and 'qualitative interpretation'. According to Sandelowski (2000), Qualitative Description is defined as research design to produce a low–interference description of phenomenon. This low interferences made in order to remain "closer" to the original data. Researchers conducting "Qualitative Description" method seek for descriptive validity and accuracy. Epistemologically, Sandelowski (2000) has implied a constructivist epistemology which gives researcher to fully interpret research participants' experience interpretation. It is a less theory driven methodology. Data Get more content on
  • 3. Qualitative Reflection When you look in the mirror what do you see? Everybody asked this question responds with a similar answer, you see yourself, of course. But individually, you are so much more than that. You study your reflection wondering what people think of you, what traits you possess, what are your strengths and weakness, and other components that make you, you. This study takes a closer look at those traits and characteristics to analyze how you are perceived through the eyes of another. Statement of Purpose The research project conducted uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to collect data, analyze, then interpret how an individual is perceived in society. To evaluate the qualitative research the addition of a literature more content... By collecting people's judgements of me, I am able to evaluate my strengths and weakness as an individual and as a professional. In order to be a successful individual in society one must gain greater understanding into one's own traits, behavior, and actions that affects people's overall judgements of that individual. A self– analysis will provide me with adequate findings to realize was facets of myself need to be developed, altered, or even reduced. Even if this project furthers my character development, implications of this study are still possible. This research could hurt my self–esteem, make me question my actions, or even harm my self– perception. By finding out this information it could lead me to feel insecure about my appearance, actions, and traits so far in life that would be enough to contribute to me devaluating my self–worth. This information could also give me overconfidence I do not necessarily need. Finding out over positive information could harm my attitude, making me arrogant, selfish, and conceited. Order of Key Points The order of key points moves from the abstract to the conclusion of the self–analysis study. Key points include the establishment of the research question and hypothesis, the five questions used for in–depth analysis, three distinct concepts evaluated in the literature review related to my research, methods and procures to replicate the study, and the discussion of my findings. The discussion section included Get more content on
  • 4. Introduction The qualitative and quantitative research methods are typically applied in the field of social research. There has been a lot of debate on the relative advantages between the two designs among researchers almost more than on any other issue of methodology. The quantitative research design encompasses methods which focus on numbers, that is, quantities. The data collected in this design is usually in numbers which are then analyzed using statistical and mechanical methods. This design is highly associated with the field of science such as in practical done in a laboratory (Gall et al 2003). On the other hand, qualitative design normally uses words to explain wider concepts that cannot be captured mathematically such more content... This research method seeks to experiment on certain issues upon which it seeks to come up with universal generalizations (Timmons 2005). Qualitative Method Unlike in the previous method, this research method involves collecting, interpreting and analyzing information by observing and listening to people. This method normally looks for meanings of concepts. It attempts to seek description and characteristic of things including feelings, attitudes, symbols and signs (Schostac 2006). This method is generally subjective and normally employs purposeful sampling where specific respondents are targeted. The questions in this method are generally open and the respondent is not limited to the kind of information that he can give. To obtain relevant information, in depth interviews are normally conducted. The information obtained in this method is assumed to reflect a reality on the ground since the method usually expresses results based on the actual response generated by respondents. Differences One common difference between the two is that quantitative method is objective while qualitative is subjective. This implies that the quantitative method attempts to come up with specific conclusions based on their data finding. For instance, a study on abuse of drugs among 16 year olds in the US may be concluded to say that 2 out of every 5 under 16's are exposed tom alcohol before they join high school (Timmons, 2005). On the other hand, Get more content on
  • 5. Qualitative Research Essay Qualitative Research in Nursing Date of last revision : January 28, 2011 "Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts" –Albert Einstein INTRODUCTION Qualitative research methods have become increasingly important as ways of developing nursing knowledge for evidence–based nursing practice. Qualitative research answers a wide variety of questions related to nursing's concern with human responses to actual or potential health problems. (Ploeg J, 1999) Qualitative research is a type of scientific research which has its roots in philosophy and human sciences. Qualitative research plays an important part in providing evidence for practice in nursing, and is gaining more content... DIFFERENCE BETWEEN QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH The key difference between quantitative and qualitative methods is their flexibility. In qualitative methods, the relationship between the researcher and the participant is often less formal than in quantitative research Quantitative Research Qualitative Research General framework Seek to confirm hypotheses Postivist paradigm Seek to explore phenomena Naturalistic paradigm ObjectivesTo predict & controlTo understand (what, how, & why) ToolsHighly structured methods: questionnaires, surveys, and structured observation Use semi–structured methods: in–depth interviews, focus groups, and participant observation DesignRigid design Controlled & experimentalEmergent design FocusPrediction Outcomes GeneralisabilityRich "thick" description Similarities & contrasts Process & context Nature of data analysisStatisticalNon–statistical SamplingRelatively large samples using often random sampling Small samples using purposive, convenient or snaw ball sampling technique. METHODS OF COLLECTING DATA Obtrusive Semi structured interviews In–depth interviews Focus Group Discussions Ethnography Participatory Action Research Narrative and Life History
  • 6. Participant observation Unobtrusive methods Simple observation Document analysis (written records) Audio–visual Text analysis / Discourse analysis Get more content on
  • 7. Importance Of Qualitative Research 1. Session: Introduction to Qualitative Research in Psychology Qualitative research not only refers to the techniques used to collect and analyse certain data but also to a field of research in itself. The different philosophical positions have in turn informed the varied approaches to qualitative research. As an exploratory type of research, it seeks to gather the in–depth understanding of the behaviour of a sample group. The personal opinion, values and experiences of them. It affords the opportunity to observe the participants behaviour as well as allowing the researcher to delve into the participants beliefs and really probe to obtain a greater detailed understanding of the issue. Qualitative research techniques are flexible and normally conducted in naturalistic settings using semi structured data collection methods as this accommodates the deviation to obtain that greater depth of answer. There are different types of analysis used for example, Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis, grounded theory, narrative, thematic and pattern based discourse analysis. Unlike quantitative research that use numbers as data and statistics, qualitative methods rely on words and meaning. It seeks to understand the problem rather than quantifying it placing more emphasis on subjectivity rather than objectivity. Qualitative methods tend to use smaller sample sizes due to the personal form of research putting the persons perspective at the centre of the work. The results are Get more content on
  • 8. Qualitative Exploratory Essay This study was a qualitative descriptive exploratory study, which Grove, Burns and Gray (2013, p. 27) define as being of use when researchers seek to understand a problem by describing it and promoting further understanding. Qualitative research aims to investigate a phenomenon or analyse perspectives, this method often utilises a smaller study population but yields data rich in human experience (Schira, 2009, p.77–78). An example of this qualitative paradigm is the researcher's use of interviews as a data collection method, and smaller sample size. Interviews were utilised for the data collection, as Addo (2013, p. 197) says that these can aid researchers in exploring the participant's experience with the phenomenon of interest. The more content... In the article the researchers acknowledge their results may not be generalisable to due to sample size and state they feel that further research is required in order to draw stronger thematic conclusions. However, Esterman, Warland & Deuter (2010, p. 35) say that the lens that qualitative researchers see through does not seek to develop universal answers. The author's willingness to divulge their limitations is an important aspect that develops the strength of this Get more content on
  • 9. Qualitative Research Strategy Research Strategy. Case study was research strategy adopted for this study. It is one of the types of qualitative research study (Creswell, 1998). According to Rubin and Babbie (2013) which view case study as a particular examination of phenomenon. In this study case study explore the influence e–resources has on the professional development and classroom practices of beginner teachers and providing a detailed information through multiple source of data collection methods such as semi–structured interview, observation, data analysis and research journal.However,Creswell,2007 highlighted that case study is a qualitative approach that explore bounded system of phenomenon over time. More so, Yin (2009) validates that case study is an more content... The use of these 4 data collection methods in this study was for triangulation purpose and to create an opportunity to fid the correlation of the data during the process of collection. In the school semi–structured interview was conducted first followed by the observation as well as document analysis. Documents were sourced from the internet after acquiring the particular source used by each participant. The sequence of data was used so that in=dept information are able to be retrieved from the participants and also be able to confirm or disapprove some of the claim retrieved from the first method used. Interview creates an opportunity to collect data on the view of beginner teachers on their experiences on their practices in the classroom. Observation and document analysis was on the actual classroom practices. Each school was visited 4 times where the first visit focused n the introduction of the study to the school. Semi structured Get more content on
  • 10. Qualitative research aims at taking a great understanding of a particular firm or activity, instead of taking a large survey of a population. Moreover, qualitative study provides researchers the real feedbacks of participants, who have a real impression about the product that they have tested. There are many debates argue that qualitative research has several weaknesses due to the different opinions about the product or the service that participants have tested. The different opinions and ideas may create for researchers different outcomes and judgments, which create some confusion in terms of conclusion about their products, or services. Qualitative research has been using in several industries such as, financials, medical treatments, high tech sectors, and retails. Researchers of these professions have reached their objectives by implement this method to see the results of their products or services in order to distribute them effectively in the market. According to Hall and Rist (1999), using multiple qualitative research methods will enrich researchers a great capability to expand their studies in different ways. In fact, drug makers always expand their research in multiple studies to get the effective outcomes based on the complementary report. Likewise, pharmaceutical industry is one of the most essential sectors to develop, manufacture, and distribute new types of medicines in the market. In order to make the effective medicines, companies need to conduct Get more content on
  • 11. Qualitative Research Evaluation Essay EVALUATION DATA RESEARCH Qualitative research seeks to answer the "why" and not the "how" of the research project that is being conducted, this is done through a complex system of analyzing unstructured information such as survey's , questionnaires, interviews, interview transcripts, open end survey's, focus groups, observations, emails, notes, video's, feed back forms and photo's; most of the time a qualitative report won't depend on statistical evidence alone it must be accompanied by detailed facts and proven facts and not hypotheses or in accurate data, this can lead to misunderstanding of data findings and can through the whole aim of the research project off and waste valuable time. A qualitative research project is mainly more content... According to (Bamberger, et, al, 2006) the purpose of the interview is to elicit information about and from the stakeholders experience, perceptions, and meanings, this is critical in a qualitative research project it helps to understand what is being asked of the stakeholder. Interview data also incorporates the stakeholders personal perspective, and gives confirmation of the data through direct observation, or from other stakeholders involved in the research project; by eliciting the input of observation data this helps to confirm to the researcher the intent of the stakeholder, it also shows their behavior, and their personal meaning. Documentary and artifactual data includes texts, photos, and other tangible items from the site that they are being collected from, analyzed and reviewed. By reviewing the documents artifacts and materials of a culture provides the researcher with an unobtrusive method of gaining information and may offer other forms of information that's unavailable from any other data source. According to (Bamberger, et, al, 2006) journals, artifacts, photo's and artwork may provide information of occurrences that have happened before the evaluators arrival. As in all research projects documents and artifacts include the perspective and the biases of their human creator, therefore each item must be considered Get more content on
  • 12. Qualitative Research Methods Howley: Discussion Board #4: Qualitative Research Qualitative Inquiry is a type of research that evolves as the researcher learns new aspects about the subject they are studying (Polit & Beck, 2017). Interviewing the subjects of the study about their individual experiences and outcomes leads the researcher to a conclusion or further investigation. This discussion board assesses qualitative research and if it is feasible for the topic chosen for burnout and staffing levels in the emergency department. Qualitative Research as it pertains to Burnout and Staffing Levels Polit and Beck (2017) explain that one way to frame research questions is to utilize either the population, intervention, outcome (PIO) template or the population, intervention, comparison, outcome (PICO) template. The following PICO question; What is the impact more content... Understanding the human factor of any topic is very valuable, and there are trusted methods to gather this data. Knowledge if staffing levels have an effect on burnout with emergency room nurses has many subjective components that would be best ascertained by qualitative methods. Interviews, focus groups, and observation could lead to valuable insight into this topic. References Curry, L. (2015). Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Methods []. Available from Yale Global Health Leadership Institute. GГіmez–Urquiza, J., De la Fuente–Solana, E., AlbendГn–GarcГa, L., Vargas–Pecino, C., Ortega–Campos, E., & CaГ±adas–De la Fuente, G. (2017, Oct.). Prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in Emergency Nurses: A Meta–Analysis. Critical Care Nurse, 37(5), e1–e9. Retrieved from http:/ / /pdfviewer?vid=13&sid=64badbc3–b651–43bc–ac1f–9e4072834556%40sessionmgr101 Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2017). Nursing Research Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice (10th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolter Get more content on
  • 13. Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research Essay Qualitative and quantitative research methods take different approaches to gathering and analysing information. Whether it is a qualitative or quantitative study, the research study begins with a question or series of questions. Both use rigorously designed studies to get the most accurate, detailed and complete results. Qualitative studies common methods are interviews, surveys and observation. A qualitative study aims to provide a detailed description of the study results, often using pictures and written descriptions to describe what the research revealed. A qualitative study looks at the big picture, helping researchers to narrow in on points of interest that then can be followed up on in a quantitative study. While a more content... Research may lead to improving services and conditions for children but not necessarily benefiting the participants. Research may be child–led through focus groups; dilemmas such as adults acting in a tokenistic manner may lead to a study not actually being directed by children. Ultimately the control may retain in the adults hands but it may be argued such a complex task from planning to dissemination may require this. Distinctions may be needed between children and young children to allow correct participation, access, techniques, consent, legal rights, protection and addressing ethnical issues. (EK310, Audio, Band 1) All three professionals featured in the discussion had different interests and backgrounds but whichever methodology is used, to ensure they are effective and appropriate. Coates qualitative pilot study about children's drawings stemmed from her professional background and her observations of children. She found links between language and drawing and wanted to analysis this further. Her methodological approach was both reflexive and participant–led. She was the collector of data through note taking, qualitative observations and the actual pictures drawn. Therefore the study had to acknowledge her role and any effects this may have on the findings. Having read her commentary it outlined what the goal was and how she went about achieving it. But it was reliant on Get more content on
  • 14. Qualitative Research Questions 3.1 Case study: There are several research methodologies such as survey or questionnaires, case studies, grounded theory and ethnography notably used in the field of social sciences, education, arts and psychology. For this dissertation, research methodologies selected are qualitative research methods by interviews and case study approach. According to (Yin 2003) a case study allows investigators to focus on a case and retain a holistic and real word perspective with (Simons 2009) adding that its primary purpose is to generate in depth understanding of a specific topic. To put it differently, (Stake 1995) states "a case study is both a process of inquiry about the case and the product of that enquiry. The case study selected for this more content... For this dissertation, a semi structured interview is conducted as (Galletta and Cross 2013) suggested, a semi structured interview is sufficiently structured to address specific topics related to the phenomenon of study, while leaving participants to offer new meanings to the study focus. The interview questions are open ended to ensure more in depth response's from participants without restriction. The interview comprises of 16 questions. The responses or answers received will be analyzed and brought forward to answer the research questions as in chapter one. The interview questions emerged from understanding the literature and formulation of the research questions. This interview questions will be asked to subject matter experts working in medical device industry irrespective of the size of the organization and to medical device consultants who are also subject matter experts in quality regulations for medical device. The selection or recruitment of the aforementioned is to ensure appropriate understanding of the subject and the validity of their response during the interview which will subsequently influence the data Get more content on
  • 15. Qualitative Research COMPARE AND CONTRAST THE QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS The quantitative and qualitative research traditions can be thought of as distinct cultures marked by different values, beliefs, and norms. Qualitative research methods are complex meaningful analyses characterized by processes and meanings that are not measured in terms of mathematical measurements. Quantitative research however, relies and builds on mathematical procedures and methods, such as frequency, quality, amount and statistical procedure. There are unique characteristics which distinguish one research process from the other. In the simplest terms, it 's about the nature of the data you collect and analyze. Quantitative research uses data that more content... This is not too much of a problem if we remember that we are not trying to create objective knowledge. Our knowledge is much softer. We cannot be certain that practical work will always make learning easier. We cannot prove that a pupil will respond positively to using a word processor. Yet we can have a pretty good idea that these maybe helpful to us in certain situations. More importantly we endeavour to 'build ' theory from the ground of experience or practice. For qualitative researchers the context in which practice takes place has an important bearing upon that practice and research should be rooted accordingly. Another major difference between qualitative and quantitative research is the underlying assumptions about the role of the researcher. In quantitative research, the researcher is ideally an objective observer that neither participates in nor influences what is being studied. In qualitative research, however, it is thought that the researcher can learn the most about a situation by participating and/or being immersed in it. These basic underlying assumptions of both methodologies guide and sequence the types of data collection methods employed. Hamersley [op. cit.] accepts that qualitative researchers seek to articulate the views of people studied but adds that qualitative researchers often analyse the data in ways that are likely to be alien to those studied. He also asserts that much quantitative research Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Qualitative and Quantitative Research Qualitative and Quantitative study designs both can be beneficial in research design. They both provide valuable options for researchers in the field. These techniques can either be used separately in a research study or they can be combined to achieve maximum information. This paper will define the terms qualitative and quantitative; describe the similarities and differences between each; discuss how qualitative and/or quantitative research designs or techniques could be used in the evaluation of my proposed research; and discuss why linking analysis to study design is important. Quantitative studies are primarily numbers based. They deal with large cohort groups as well as analyze large amounts of data. "A more content... When both research designs are used together, more information can be gathered. Mixed methodology uses the numerical portion of the quantitative study design in combination with the descriptive aspect of the qualitative study. There are many similarities between these two designs, which make them compatible with each other. "Whilst quantitative research may be mostly used for testing theory it can also be used for exploring an area and generating hypotheses and theory. Similarly qualitative research can be used for testing hypotheses and theories even though it is mostly used for theory generation" (Hughes, 2006). Both of these designs may be similar with testing theory, they are also similar in the tools that they use and how the data is analyzed. "Qualitative data often includes quantification (eg statements such as more than, less than, most as well as specific numbers). Quantitative (ie questionnaire) approaches can collect qualitative data through open ended questions" (Hughes, 2006). These similarities are what make these two study designs compatible for each other. There are also some differences between these study designs, which may cause some problems for the inexperienced researcher. "Quantitative research is objective; qualitative research is subjective. Quantitative research seeks explanatory laws; qualitative research aims at Get more content on
  • 17. Methodology Qualitative And Qualitative Research Methodology qualitative(300/5)(382/ ) In research the two main used approaches are qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative research represents the study of perceptions, emotions and experiences in the direction of understanding the human behaviour therefore from a subjective perspective ( R). On the other side the quantitative research is expressed numerical, measurable, appropriate for statistics defined as being objective and can be used for general public (R). Another difference, according to Moule (2015) is that qualitative approach is usually using a smaller sampling size for the study than the quantitative approach. As the qualitative research is inductive, the process is orientated and using a holistic view, allows the more content... Validity suggests the ability and degree of the method to measure the concept. More specific for the qualitative study, the criteria refers to credibility and trustworthiness. Credibility is a principle of trustworthiness and indicates the ability to answer the study question due to the quality of the research undertaken and reflecting the participants ' perceptions rather than the researcher own opinion and that the findings are trustworthy (Lincoln & Guba 1985, cited in Corbin & Strauss 2015). Research design/methods/data collection(100/1)(143/3) Focus group was the chosen data collection design by the PBL group. Polit & Beck (2017) argued that he benefits of this data collection include: cost–effective and time–effective; the participants feel empowered which encourage them to express freely their emotions and opinions therefore is enhanced the collection of rich data. The limitations associated with focus groups indicates to bias potential; the level of confidence of some of the participants to express themselves in front of others or the possibility to adopt the "group think" or the most powerful and vocal participant rather than expressing own perception (Ellis 2016). Neuman (2014) believes that mixing the participants with different status may impact on the study ' outcome as participants are more confident if they are sharing a similar background. Therefore, it was decided that the participants will be split in two focus groups: students Get more content on
  • 18. Qualitative Research Qualitative research is a generic term for investigative methodologies described as ethnographic, naturalistic, anthropological, field, or participant observer research. It emphasizes the importance of looking at variables in the natural setting in which they are found. Interaction between variables is important. Detailed data is gathered through open ended questions. The interviewer is an integral part of the investigation (Jacob 1988). This differs from quantitative research which attempts to gather data by objective methods to provide information about relations, comparisons, and predictions and attempts to remove the investigator from the investigation (Smith 1983). Characteristics Purpose: Understanding – Seeks more content... Keeps detailed records of what occurs, including those things characteristically taken for granted. Periodically detaches self from the situation to review records from the neutral position of a social scientist. Constantly monitors observations and records for evidence of personal bias or prejudice. Five Types of Participant Observation 1.External Participation constitutes the lowest degree of involvement in observation. This type of observation can be done by observing situations on television or videotape. 2.Passive Participation means the researcher is present at the scene of action but does not interact or participate. The researcher finds an observation post and assumes the role of a bystander or spectator. 3.Balanced Participation means that the researcher maintains a balance between being an insider and being an outsider. The researcher observes and participates in some activities, but does not participate fully in all activities. 4.Active Participation means that the researcher generally does what others in the setting do. While beginning with observation to learn the rules, as they are learned the researcher becomes actively engaged in the activities of the setting. 5.Total Participation means the researcher is a natural participant. This is the highest level of involvement and usually comes about when the researcher studies something in which he or she is already a natural participant. Interviewing Get more content on
  • 19. Qualitative Research Essay BASIC CONCEPTS OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH (An Essay) By Deborah Sitorus One of the ways to gain knowledge is by carrying out some research. As what Zacharia (2012) stated that in daily life most people conduct research to gain knowledge. A research can be carried out qualitatively or quantitatively depends on the research purposes and needs and the type of information the researcher is seeking. My concern in this essay is to briefly share my understandings about basic concepts of qualitative research that I gained from my readings on some books on qualitative research methods as well as from the class discussion with lecturer and colleagues on qualitative research course at the university. The basic concepts of qualitative research more content... Though there are various definitions of interpretivism, for brevity I like Walsham's (1993) description, which posits that Interpretive methods of research start from the position that our knowledge of reality, including the domain of human action, is a social construction by human actors and that this applies equally to researchers. Thus there is no objective reality which can be discovered by researchers and replicated by others, in contrast to the assumptions of positivist science. (p. 5) In line with this, Geertz (1973) also states To look at the symbolic dimensions of social action–art, religion, ideology, science, law, morality, common sense–is not to turn away from the existential dilemmas of life for some empyrean realm of deemotionalized forms; it is to plunge into the midst of them. The essential vocation of interpretive anthropology is not to answer our deepest questions, but to make available to us answers that others, guarding other sheep in other valleys, have given, and thus to include them in the consultable record of what man has said. (p. 29) As such, an interpretive perspective is based on the idea that qualitative research efforts should be concerned with revealing multiple realities as opposed to searching for one objective reality. In Denzin's words, "Objective reality will never be captured. In Get more content on
  • 20. The Goal Of Qualitative Research Essay According to my notes taken from a recorded lecture by Dr. Worley (Spring, 2016), the goal of Qualitative Research is to explore, describe and explain human behavior. This method of research involves close listening and observation and gives insights that other research methods cannot. Qualitative data is not numerical; words are used for presenting results and qualitative research is thematic in nature. Qualitative research usually involves fewer participants' due to the observation methods utilized. Results are unique and individual. There are various methods used to perform qualitative research such as: Ethnography or human social behavior or cultures which is achieved through participant observations or fieldwork Interviews which are usually one on one Focus Groups of 6–10 people; summarize answers to group questions for research Open–ended questionnaires The goal of Quantitative Research is to predict and generalize human behavior. Qualitative Research also begins with observation. Quantitative data is numerical; researcher is more concerned with numbers and statistics. Quantitative research involves summarizing large amounts of data. There are various methods used to perform quantitative research such as: Surveys Experimental Correlations Causal–Comparison 2. Based on the problems I perceive in the case study my research questions would be: Quantitative RQ: What percentage of men and women resort to some type of aggression in the workplace due to job Get more content on
  • 21. Essay On Qualitative Research BASIC CONCEPTS OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH (An Essay) By Deborah Sitorus One of the ways to gain knowledge is by carrying out some research. As what Zacharia (2012) stated that in daily life most people conduct research to gain knowledge. A research can be carried out qualitatively or quantitatively depends on the research purposes and needs and the type of information the researcher is seeking. My concern in this essay is to briefly share my understandings about basic concepts of qualitative research that I gained from my readings on some books on qualitative research methods as well as from the class discussion with lecturer and colleagues on qualitative research course at the university. The basic concepts of qualitative research that more content... In quantitative research, the researcher relies on statistical analysis (mathematical analysis) of the data, which is typically in numeric form. In qualitative research, statistics are not used to analyze the data; instead, the inquirer analyzes words (e.g., transcriptions from interviews) or images (e.g., photographs). Rather than relying on statistical procedures, the qualitative researcher analyzes the words to group them into larger meanings of understanding, such as codes, categories, or themes (Creswell, 2012). In addition, both qualitative and quantitative researchers are concerned with the individuals' point of view. However, qualitative researchers think they can get closer to the actor's perspective through detailed–interviewing and observation. They argue that quantitative researchers are seldom able to capture their subjects perspective because they have to rely on more remote, inferential empirical methods and materials (Denzin and Lincoln, 2000). Despite all these differences, one of the strengths of qualitative research design is that it often allows for far greater (theoretically informed) flexibility than in most quantitative research designs (Silverman, 2005). The allure of qualitative research also enables the researcher to conduct in–depth studies about a broad array of topics, including the favorites, in plain and everyday terms (Yin, 2011). Furthermore, qualitative research designs tend to work Get more content on