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Disorders of kidney and urinary tract are commonly seen in pediatric units as medical and surgical
problems. Congenital malformations, neoplasms, infections, inflammations and progressive impairment of renal
functions are common conditions found in children.
The Urinary system goes through three phases on its way to becoming fully functioning:
1. Pronephros
2. Mesonephros
3. Metanephros

Pronephros – Transient rudimentary and nonfunctioning system that begins in the fourth week of
gestation (ie, day 22) and disappears by end of the fourth week (i.e, day 28). Degeneration of the
pronephros is required for normal kidney development.


Mesonephros – Derived from the intermediate mesoderm by day 26 and by the fifth week develops into
20 paired tubules that produce small amounts of urine. The mesonephros ultimately fuses with the
cloaca and contributes to the formation of the urinary bladder, and in the male, the genital system is
derived from the mesonephric ducts and some tubules.


Metanephros – The metanephros, which is composed of the metanephric mesenchyme and ureteric bud
epithelium (caudal portion of the mesonephric duct), is the last stage of renal development and forms the
permanent kidney beginning at the fifth week of gestation.

Starting from 4th week & end on 36 week of intra uterine life:

4 wks gestation : kidney start development
9 wks : first glomeruli , Bladder
36 wks: nephrogenesis ceases (1 million glomeruli in each kidney).
Postnatal increase in the size of the kidney is due to enlargement of the Glomerular diameter &
significant increase in tubular volume & length


Active period of nephrogenesis between 20-36wks, cease around 36 wks.

Renal function in an infant is subnormal by adult standards especially in the premature neonate, which
put them into high risk to develop acute renal failure. Glomerular filtration begins between 9 to 12 weeks of
gestation, initiating formation of urine. Fetal urine is the major component of amniotic fluid and significant
reduction of amniotic fluid (oligohydromnios) is usually associated with renal disease in the baby. It is expected
the neonate produces urine and voids in 12 – 24 hours after birth. The GFR at birth is 10-20ml in the first 3 days
but increases rapidly to 75-80ml by 8 weeks. The pH of urine of a newborn is inappropriately high due to the
limited bicarbonate and sodium reabsorbtion. Prior to birth fetus does not require intact renal function because
the mother provides homeostasis., therefore a child with bilateral agenesis will be able to survive for several
days after birth. Renal function continues to improve during the first two years of life. At the end of this period,
various parametres of renal function appraoch adult values, if corrected to a standard surface area.

The organs, tubes, muscles, and nerves that work together to create, store, and carry urine are the renal
system. It is one of the excretory systems of the body. The renal system includes two kidneys, two ureters, the
bladder, two sphincter muscles, and the urethra. The development starts from intra uterine period.

2 kidneys- which secrete urine
The kidneys are situated retro peritoneally on each side of the vertebral column. Each kidney contains
about one million nephrons, the functional units. A nephron consists of a glomerulus, proximal tubule, the thin
limbs, the distal tubule and the collecting segment.
2 ureters- which convey the urine from kidneys to the urinary bladder
1 urinary bladder- where urine collects and is temporarily stored
1 urethra- through which the urine is discharged from the urinary bladder to the exterior.
2 sphincters- Internal: involuntary sphincter of smooth muscle
External: skeletal muscle inhibits urination voluntarily until proper time
The regulation of fluid volume, blood pressure, excretion of metabolic waste products and drug
metabolites are the primary functions of renal system. The kidneys are also responsible for conversion of
vitamin D to its active form, serum pH regulation and synthesis of hormones such as erythropoietin and rennin.
There are 3 functions of renal system.
1. Excretion & Elimination
2. Homeostatic regulation
3. Endocrine function
1. Excretion & Elimination:
Removal of organic wastes products from body fluids (urea, creatinine, uric acid)

Excretion of excess electrolytes, nitrogenous wastes and organic acids


The maximal excretory rate is limited or established by their plasma concentrations and the rate of their
filtration through the glomeruli.


The maximal amount of substance excreted in urine does not exceed the amount transferred through the
glomeruli by ultrafiltration except in the case of those substances capable of being secreted by the
tubular cells.

2. Homeostatic regulation:
Water -Salt Balance
Blood volume is associated with Salt volume. The greater the blood volume, the greater the blood
pressure. Removing water lowers blood pressure.
Regulate blood volume and blood pressure:

Regulate plasma ion concentrations:

by adjusting volume of water lost in

sodium, potassium, and chloride ions (by


controlling quantities lost in urine)


renin from the juxtra

calcium ion levels

glomerular apparatus

Acid - base Balance
The kidneys control this by excreting H+ ions and reabsorbing HCO3 (bicarbonate).
If plasma pH is low (acidic):





If plasma pH is high (alkaline):

HCO3¯ H+







reabsorption back to the plasma increases thus reabsorption back to the plasma decreases thus
urine becomes more acidic, and the plasma more urine becomes more alkaline, and the plasma

more acidic.

3. Endocrine function:
Kidneys have primary endocrine function since they produce hormones (erythropoietin, renin and
 Erythropoietin is secreted in response to lowered oxygen content in the blood. It acts on bone marrow,
stimulating the production of red blood cells.
 Renin the primary stimuli for renin release include reduction of renal perfusion pressure and
hyponatremia. Renin release is also influenced by angiotensin II and ADH.

The kidneys are primarily responsible for producing vitamin D3


In addition, the kidneys are site of degradation for hormones such as insulin and aldosterone,

The body takes nutrients from food and uses them to maintain all bodily functions including energy and
self-repair. After the body has taken what it needs from the food, waste products are left behind in the blood and
in the bowel. The renal system works with the lungs, skin, and intestines-all of which also excrete wastes-to
keep the chemicals and water in the body balanced.
The renal system removes urea from blood. Urea is carried in the bloodstream to the kidneys. The sensation
to urinate becomes stronger as the bladder continues to fill and reaches its limit. At that point, nerves from the
bladder send a message to the brain that the bladder is full, and the urge to empty your bladder intensifies.
When the person urinates, the brain signals the bladder muscles to tighten, squeezing urine out of the bladder.
At the same time, the brain signals the sphincter muscles to relax. As these muscles relax, urine exits the
bladder through the urethra. When all the signals occur in the correct order, normal urination occurs.

The glomerular filtration rate is approximately 20ml/min in full term newborns and 10 – 13 ml/min in
infants born at 28-30 weeks gestation. It reaches its adult level by 12 – 24 months. Until then the kidneys are
unable to fully maintain water balance and to filter solutes and medications out of the blood stream. Any fluid
that is not returned to the circulation becomes a component of urine. The daily urine production is
approximately 1-3ml/kg/h for a neonate.

The renal blood flow rate averages 20% to 25% of cardiac output each minute. Adequate blood flow to
the kidneys is required to produce a sufficient glomerular filtration rate and urine production. When the
sympathetic nervous system is stimulated, such as occurs in a stress response, both the afferent and efferent
renal arterioles constrict, producing a decrease in blood flow.
When bladder fills with 200 ml of urine, stretch receptors transmit impulses to the CNS and produce a reflex
contraction of the bladder (PNS)

It is the body‘s drainage system for removing wastes and extra water. The urinary system includes two
kidneys, two ureters, a bladder, and a urethra. The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs, each about the size
of a fist and located below the ribs, one on each side of the spine, toward the middle of the back. Every minute,
a person‘s kidneys filter about 3 ounces of blood, removing wastes and extra water. The wastes and extra water
make up the 1 to 2 quarts of urine an adult produces each day. Children produce less urine each day; the amount
produced depends on their age. The urine travels from the kidneys down two narrow tubes called the ureters.
The urine is then stored in a balloon like organ called the bladder. Routinely, urine drains in only one
direction—from the kidneys to the bladder. The bladder fills with urine until it is full enough to signal the need
to urinate. In children, the bladder can hold about 2 ounces of urine plus 1 ounce for each year of age. For
example, an 8-year-old‘s bladder can hold about 10 ounces of urine.
When the bladder empties, a muscle called the sphincter relaxes and urine flows out of the body through
a tube called the urethra at the bottom of the bladder. The opening of the urethra is at the end of the penis in
boys and in front of the vagina in girls.

Diagnostic evaluation of the problems should include details of history of illness, clinical examination,
blood tests, imaging of urinary tract and renal biopsy. There are only a few specific manifestations of renal
diseases in infants and children. Therefore

a careful family history of renal disease should always be obtained.

Past medical history

Mother‘s pregnancy history


Maternal polyhydramnios






Neonatal history


Presence of single umbilical artery


Abdominal mass


Chromosome abnormality


Congenital malformation
Present history


Burning micturition


Change in voiding pattern


Vaginal or urethral discharges


Poor growth


Weight gain




Diabetes increases risk of UTI
Assess output changes, voiding pattern changes, changes in urine color or pain
Past history
Past UTI, kidney trauma, stones, incontinence and leakage of urine Medications
Childhood problems, alcohol and illicit drug use Nephrotoxicity
Hypertension contributes to renal failure and nephropathy
Family history
Renal or cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, cancer or chronic illness


What to test

What is the procedure
Observe whether child looks sick
or well.
Is child depressed, drowsy
Height, weight,% charts
Muscle bulk, subcutaneous fat,
skin folds

What if the interpretation
Sick look suggests chronic renal failure,
UTI, altered mental state suggests
uremia. Short, thin stature suggests CRF.
Obese, moon face suggests steroid
subcutaneous fat suggests CRF.


General observation

What to look for
Wellness of the child
Mental status
Growth (short stature)

Renal rickets and chronic glomerular
Steroid therapy in nephritic syndrome
Nephritis, nephritic syndrome
Alports syndrome

Bony defects

General examination
General examination

Malar flush
Periorbital edema
Anemia, cataract, icterus
Lenticonus, deafness
Dry tongue
Uremic breath


Elevated jugular venous pressure
Beading, harrison‘s sulcus


Cardiomegaly, congestive
failure, pericardial effusion


Tachypnea, crepitations
Tenderness on palpation

Pleural effusion, pulmonary edema


Ballotable kidneys

Enlarged kidneys

Peritoneal free fluid

Ascites – on percussion

Nephritic syndrome, CRF


Enlarged, urine retension


Scrotal edema

Nephritic syndrome


Absence of testis


Muscle bulk

Poor muscle mass


Ankle edema




Pitting on pressure

Nephrotic syndrome, acute nephritis

Bony deformity

Bowed legs, epiphyseal thickening


Volume overload in CHF,
glomerulonephritiss, CRF
Renal rickets


Chronic renal failure, anemia







Renal osteodystrophy

Foot slapping

Peripheral neuropathy

Elevated blood pressure


Blood pressure

Check the status of the kidneys and urinary bladder.
KIDNEY – with the child in supine position and the abdomen relaxed, place the palm of one hand
posteriorly at the flank pushing the kidneys forward, while other hand is placed anteriorly below costal
margin, pushing abdominal wall backward and upward. Kidneys is felt best in deep inspiration.
The kidneys lie in the costovertebral area, the region bounded by the lumbar spine and the 12th rib on
either side.
To detect tenderness due to kidney inflammation, gently tap over the costovertebral area with a fist. This
usually does not cause pain unless the underlying kidney is inflamed.
BLADDER – the bladder can be palpated in the neonate and infants easily. In older children it is easily
percussible when it is distended.
The urinary bladder can be palpated just superior to the pubic symphysis. However, on the basis of
palpation alone, urinary bladder enlargement can be difficult to distinguish from the presence of an
abdominal mass.
Abnormal findings:
Lump or mass: tumor
Tenderness: infection
Unequal size: hydronephrosis
Bilateral enlargement: polycystic kidney

Lump or mass: tumor or cyst
Distention: retention or obstruction

Percuss the abdomen for unusual dullness ( normal heard over the spleen at the right costal margin, over
the kidneys, and 1 – 3 cm below the left costal margin) or flatness. A full bladder may yield dullness
above the symphysis pubis.
Tenderness in the flank may be detected by fist percussion. If CVA tenderness & pain are present,
indicate a kidney infection or polycystic kidney disease.
Abnormal findings:
Kidney Percussion:

Bladder percussion:

Tenderness and pain indicates inflammation
(glomerulonephritis or glomerulonephrosis)

Dull sounds in a patient who has just
voided indicates bladder dysfunction or

Listen for heart sounds – murmur may be present in the anemic child with renal disorder
-elevated heart rate
Auscultate blood pressure noting elevation or depression.
Absence of bowel sounds may indicate peritonitis
The abdominal aorta & renal arteries are auscultated for a bruit, which indicates impaired blood flow to
the kidneys.
Abnormal findings:
Systolic Bruits
Renal artery stenosis
The primary symptoms of urinary system disorders are pain and changes in the frequency of urination.
The nature and location of the pain can provide clues to the source of the problem.
 Pain
•Pain in the superior pubic region may be associated with urinary bladder disorders.
•Pain in the superior lumbar region or the flank that radiates to the right upper quadrant or left upper quadrant
can be caused by kidney infections such as glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, or kidney stones.
•Dysuria may occur with cystitis and urinary obstructions.
 Frequency of urination
Individuals with urinary system disorders may urinate more or less frequently than usual and may
produce normal or abnormal amounts of urine:
It is an inability to control urination voluntarily, may involve periodic involuntary urination, or a
continual, slow trickle of urine from the urethra. Incontinence may result from urinary bladder or urethral
problems, damage or weakening of the muscles of the pelvic floor. Renal function and daily urinary volume are
•Urinary retention
In this renal function is normal, at least initially, but urination does not occur. Urinary retention in males
often results from prostatic enlargement and compression of the prostatic urethra. In both sexes, urinary
retention may result from obstruction of the outlet of the urinary bladder, or from CNS damage.
 Hematuria
The presence of blood in the urine should be confirmed by the microscopic examination of urine. The
colour may vary from frank red to shades of brown, described as tea or cola – coloured. It may be glomerular or
extra glomerular. Blood in the initial urine suggests urethral origin and terminal hematuria indicates bladder
origin. If it is uniform throughout, then that is most often AGN. Hypercalciuria, clotting disorders, renal trauma,
hemorrhagic cystitis, hemoglobinuria, methemoglobinuria and injestion of certain drugs such as rifapicn also
leads to hematuria.
 Edema
GN manifests with facial puffiness and gross hematuria. Edema is turgid and does not pit readily on
pressure. In nephrotic syndrome edema develops incidiously, starting with puffiness around the eyes and then
involving the feet and legs. Edema is soft and easily pits on pressure.
 Abnormalities of micturition
A poor urinary stream in a male infant especially in the presence of a full bladder, suggests obstruction,
most commonly due to posterior urethral valve. Crying during micturition and straining suggests obstruction.
Retention of urine may be due to neurologic bladder or obstruction by stone or tumor. Persistent dribbling of
urine indicates abnormal urethral insertion distal to bladder neck.
 Oliguria
It is the passage of insufficient volume to maintain homeostasis. (<500ml/24h/1.73m2; in infant it is
<1ml/kg/hr). Decreased urine output is an important feature of renal disease. A cause such as gastroenteritis
other conditions that lead to prenatal type of renal failure may be detected. It is an important feature of moderate
or severe AGN and other conditions causing glomerular injury.
 Polyuria
It is the passage of excessive amount of urine (5-6 ml/kg/hr). Impairment of urinary concentration is an
early feature of obstructive uropathy and other disorders characterized by tubulointerstitial lesions.
 Fever
A fever commonly develops when the urinary system is infected by pathogens. Urinary bladder
infections (cystitis) often result in a low grade fever; kidney infections, such as pyelonephritis, usually produce
very high fevers.

Diagnostic Evaluations – Flowchart


RBC deposits




KUB ultrasound


Calculus,cyst, tumor

Renal function, protienuria



Family history


nephritis (alport)

IgA nephropthy

Renal biopsy

The urine examination should be fresh and relatively concentrated. A midstream urine specimen is
generally adequate. In infants, a specimen obtained by supra pubic or transurethral catheterization is preferred
for culture. Dipstick method is now widely used to test for proteinuria and many other constituents. Composite
strips that measure pH, glucosuria, hematuria, leucocytouria and bacteriuria are available and useful as
screening tests.
Microscopic examination- a fresh centrifuged specimen should be examined.
Red cell casts – glomerular inflammation
Clumping of neutrophills – acute pyelonephritis

A 24 hour urine collection is difficult but such procedure is resorted when actually needed. E.g. calcium,
phosphate, creatinine, magnesium, oxalate.


Spot urine samples are sufficient for nephrotic syndrome and various forms of GN, protein / creatinine
ratios tests.

The normal characteristics of urine:
Color- pigment is urochrome
Yellow color due to metabolic breakdown of hemoglobin (by bile or bile pigments)
Beets or rhubarb- might give a urine pink or smoky color
Vitamins- vitamin C- bright yellow
Infection- cloudy
Water: specific gravity = 1g/liter;
Urine: specific gravity = 1.001 to 1.030
Pyelonephritus- urine has high s.g.; form kidney stones
Diabetes insipidus- urine has low s.g.; drinks excessive water; injury or tumor in pituitary
Odor- normal is ammonia-like
diabetes mellitus- smells fruity or acetone like due to elevated ketone levels
diabetes insupidus- yucky, asparagus
pH - range 4.5-8 average 6.0
specific gravity– more than 1.0; ~1.001-1.003
vegetarian diet- urine is alkaline
protein rich and wheat diet- urine is acidic
Abnormal Constitutes of Urine
Glucose - when present in urine condition called glycosuria (nonpathological)
Indicative of:

Excessive carbohydrate intake




Diabetes mellitus

Albumin-abnormal in urine; it‘s a very large molecule, too large to pass through glomerular membrane >
abnormal increase in permeability of membrane
Albuminuria- nonpathological conditions- excessive exertion, pregnancy, overabundant protein intake-leads to physiologic albuminuria
Pathological condition- kidney trauma due to blows, heavy metals, bacterial toxin
Ketone bodies- normal in urine but in small amounts
Ketonuria- find during starvation, using fat stores
Ketonuria is couples w/a finding of glycosuria-- which is usually diagnosed as diabetes mellitus
RBC- hematuria
HemoglobinHemoglobinuria- due to fragmentation or hemolysis of RBC; conditions: hemolytic anemia, transfusion
reaction, burns or renal disease
Bile pigmentsBilirubinuria (bile pigment in urine)- liver pathology such as hepatitis or cirrhosis
WBCPyuria- urinary tract infection; indicates inflammation of urinary tract
Casts- hardened cell fragments, cylindrical, flushed out of urinary tract
WBC casts- pyelonephritus
RBC casts- glomerulonephritus
Fatty casts- renal damage

Normal range of blood urea level is 20-40 mg/dl. The levels increases in case of reduced renal perfusion,
increased tissue break down, trauma, gastrointestinal bleeding and use of corticosteroids and tetracycline.
Serum albumin is reduced in patients with heavy proteinuria, occasionally below 1.5g/dl. It is typically present
in children with nephrotic syndrome and hypercholesterolemia.
Expert ultrasonography is the initial modality in most renal disorders. Radionuclide examinations have
clear indications particularly in the investigation of renal and urinary tract anomalies, obstructive uropathy,
urinary tract infections and renovascular hypertension.
Imaging Of The Urinary Tract
 Micturing cystourethrogram (MCU)
It is necessary for the diagnosis and evaluation of severity of vesico ureteric reflux and the detection of
abnormalities of bladder and urethra. The contrast agent is introduced into the bladder through a catheter or
directly by supra pubic puncture. Films are taken when the child is voiding.
 Intra venous pylogram (IVP)
The functional anatomy of the urinary system can be examined by administering a radiopaque
compound that will enter the urine which permits the creation of an intravenous pyelogram, by taking an X-ray
of the kidneys. This procedure permits detection of unusual kidney, ureter, or bladder structures and masses.
 Ultrasonography
It gives excellent information about the anatomical aspects. It is ideal for children as it is painless and
requires no sedation or a contrast agent. It can be carried out even at bedside and repeated a required. In some
interventions also ultra sound guidance is used. Considerable expertisation is required for interpretation of
 Radionuclide imaging
This in non invasive, highly sensitive and expose the patient to a much smaller amount of radiation. The
techniques include:
a) Renal perfusion study (renography)
It monitors the arrival, uptake and elimination of a radiopharmaceutical by the kidney.
b) Renal static imaging
It gives a two dimentional depiction of the concentration and distribution of the radionuclide.
c) Clearance studies
It accurately assesses the individual kidney function.
d) Direct radionuclide cystography
It is more reliable for detecting VUR as the radiation dose to patient is greatly reduced compared to MCU. It
provides a visual representation of the rate of bladder emptying, residual urine volume and evidence of VUR.

Usually percutaneous specimen ix obtained s by inserting a needle through the skin and into the kidney.
The sample of the kidney is then microscopically examined.
It is usually not necessary in uncomplicated cases.
Indications of renal biopsy:

Nephrotic syndrome
Corticosteroid non minimal lesion


Acute nephrotic syndrome
Unresolving or progressive GN
Associated systemic features


Acute renal failure
Prolonged anuria
Undetermined causes


Recurrent gross hematuria


Persistent proteinuria


Hereditory nephropathies


Interstitial nephritis

Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract constitute approximately 20 to 30 percent of all
anomalies identified in the prenatal period. Defects can be bilateral or unilateral, and different defects often
coexist in an individual child.

Dysgenesis of the kidney
Renal agenesis(absent kidney)
Renal hypoplasia
Renal dysplasia

Abnormalities in shape & position:
Ectopic kidney
Fusion anomalies
horseshoe kidney
crossed fused ectopia


Abnormalities of the collecting system:
Bladder extrophy
Patent urachus

a)Renal agenesis
Renal agenesis is the name given to a congenital absence or under development of one or both kidneys.
The kidneys develop between the 5th and 12th week of fetal life, and by the 13th week they are normally
producing urine. When the embryonic kidney cells fail to develop, the result is called renal agenesis. It is due to
failure of ureteric bud formation or mesenchymal blastoma differentiation of final mesenchymal condensation.

Usually there is no family history of renal agenesis, but in 20-36% of cases, there is a genetic cause.
The risk of recurrence in future pregnancies is 3% unless one parent has unilateral renal agenesis, in
which case the risk is about 15%.
Women with uncontrolled diabetes in pregnancy may deliver a baby with bilateral renal agenesis.



Unilateral renal agenesis is much more common, but is not usually of any major health consequence, as
long as the other kidney is healthy. It is associated with an increased incidence of mullerian duct abnormalities
which are abnormalities of the development of the female reproductive tract and can be a cause of infertility.
Children with this condition are advised to approach contact sports with caution.
Unilateral renal agenesis occurs in 1 of 1000-2000 live births.
no other symptoms at all.
premature birth.
low-set ears (This is because the ears and kidneys are formed at the same time in fetal development)
The ureters may also be abnormal
Bilateral renal agenesis is the uncommon and serious failure of both a fetus' kidneys to develop
during gestation. Bilateral renal agenesis with associated malformations is known as Potters Syndrome. This
absence of kidneys causes oligohydramnios, which can place extra pressure on the developing baby and cause
further malformations. The condition is frequently, but not always the result of a genetic disorder, and is more
common in infants born to one or more parents with a malformed or absent kidney. When this condition is not
compatible with survival; in fact, 40% of babies with bilateral renal agenesis will be stillborn, and if born alive,
the baby will live only a few hours.
Prior to birth fetus does not require intact renal function because the mother provides homeostasis.,
therefore a child with bilateral agenesis will be able to survive for several days after birth.
Bilateral renal agenesis occurs in 1 of 4500 live births and is usually found in boys.
They may have a number of unique characteristics:
dry loose skin
wide-set eyes
prominent folds at the inner corner of each eye
sharp nose
large low-set ears with lack of ear cartilage
underdeveloped lungs
absent urinary bladder
anal atresia
esophageal atresia
unusual genitals
The lack of amniotic fluid causes some of the problems (undeveloped lungs, sharp nose, clubbed feet)
It is often detected on fetal ultrasound because there will be a lack of amniotic fluid (called
oligohydramnios). It is detected by US at 12th wk of gestation.

a. Short-term treatment
Bilateral renal agenesis is fatal. If one kidney is present (unilateral renal agenesis) the child will develop
normally. Many times the absence of a kidney is detected only incidentally when an older child or adult has an
abdominal x-ray for some other reason. The remaining kidney, if properly functioning, can very effectively
remove the wastes from the blood and keep the body entirely healthy.
Once detected, families where renal agenesis has occurred will be offered genetic counseling because of the
possibility of recurrence in future pregnancies.
b. Long-term treatment
Once diagnosed, children with one kidney (solitary kidney) will be encouraged to protect the remaining
kidney from infection or injury. Periodic examinations of the kidney and prompt treatment of any urinary tract
infection is required. These children may be counseled to avoid contact sports where the kidney could be
Protecting the kidney function is very important. Sometimes children will be prescribed a low dose of an
antibiotic to take once a day to prevent kidney infection and damage. Blood pressure should be carefully
monitored and elevations treated. Dialysis or kidney transplant are the only options to treat children whose
solitary kidney has ceased to function.
frequent urinary tract infections
high blood pressure
kidney stones
b)Renal hypoplasia
This may appear as one small kidney with the other one larger. It occurs due to the partial development
of kidney. Small kidneys also have small arteries and are associated with hypertension requiring nephrectomy.

c)Renal dysplasia
Multicystic dysplastic kidney is a condition that results from the malformation of the kidney during fetal
development. The kidney consists of irregular cysts of varying sizes and has no function. It is the most common
type of renal cystic disease, and it is one of the most common causes of an abdominal mass in infants.


the disease is found to be bilateral in 19% to 34% of cases.
Those with bilateral disease often have other severe deformities.
In bilateral cases, the newborn has the classic abnormal facies
Characteristic of Potter's syndrome
Contralateral ureteropelvic junction
(Malignant transformation to Wilm's tumor has been reported)
It is usually diagnosed by ultrasound examination antenatally. Mean age at the time of antenatal
diagnosis is about 28 weeks, with a range of 21 to 35 weeks.
It is not treatable. The patient is observed periodically for the first few years to ensure the healthy kidney is
functioning properly and that the unhealthy kidney is not causing adverse effects. In case of renal hypertension
or malignant transformation, the unhealthy kidney is removed entirely
1. cysts < 5cm , high chance of involution, or cause no problems.
2. reviewed annually for:
- BP
- urinary protein.
- US for cysts involution, of MCDK.
growth of contra-lateral kidney. Up to 2yrs of age then at 5yrs of age if normal.
1- no involution by 2 yrs of age.
2- HTN
3- infections
Malignancy: Wilm's‘ tumor, adenocarcinoma& embryonic carcinoma.
HTN: cured by nephrectomy.
Infection, bleeding into, or rupture of cysts if large.

a)Ectopic kidey
Renal ectopia or ectopic kidney describes a kidney that is not located in its usual position. It results from
the kidney failing to ascend from its origin in the true pelvis or from a superiorly ascended kidney located in the
b)Fusion anomalies
1. Horse Shoe Kidney
It develops when the lower poles of the kidneys are fused in the midline due to fusion of ureteric buds
during fetal development. These kidneys are more prone to develop wilms tumour than general. Diagnosis
could be done with IVP. Surgery is indicated when uncontrolled urinary infections result in pyelonephritis.
2.Crossed fused ectopia
After horseshoe kidney, crossed fused ectopia of the kidneys is the most frequent fusion abnormality of
the urinary tract. In this abnormality, both the kidneys are located on the same side with two separate ureters
arising from the respective kidneys. The ureter arising from the crossed over kidney travels back to the opposite
side and inserts in the bladder.
This congenital anomaly is the result of the abnormal development of the ureteric bud and metanephric
blastema during the fourth to eighth weeks of gestation.

a) Hydronephrosis
It is the dilatation of the renal pelvis which may be found as unilateral or bilateral. It may be due to
obstruction of urine flow in the distal urinary tract or reflux of urine up the ipsilateral ureter or due to bladder
neck obstruction or urethral obstruction.
Uretero Pelvic Junction Obstruction
Vesico Urethral Reflux
urinary infections
large abdominal mass
abdominal pain
failure to thrive
renal failure.


Antenatal US ( 18-20 WKS)
- severity of antenatal US
- Unilateral vs. bilateral
- Renal parenchyma thin
- Bladder
- Amniotic fluid
Post natal
Physical exam: Abdominal mass, palpable bladder
diuretic isotope renography

Surgical removal or pyloplasty is done and in case of complication nephrectomy or percutaneous
nephrostomy is indicated.
b) Posterior urethral valve (PUV)
It is the most frequent cause of distal urinary tract obstruction. The valves are found usually at the point
of junction of posterior urethra with anterior urethra.

dribbling of urine
abnormal urine stream
palpable bladder
recurrent urinary tract infections
failure to thrive
pulmonary hypoplasia.
Poor urinary stream
Voiding dysfunction.


US suggestive at < 24 wks gestation


It could be done by urinary catheterization
Defenitive management is by transurethral destruction of valvular leaflet by balloon catheter.
In some cases temporary urinary diversion is done.


correction of electrolytes.
Treatment of sepsis.
Temporary relieve of pressure

c) Exstrophy of bladder (ectopia vesicae)
In this the lower portion of abdominal wall and the anterior wall of the bladder are missing, so that the
bladder is everted through the opening and may found on the lower abdomen just above the symphysis pubis,
with continuous passage of urine to outside. It occurs as a result of altered, not arrested embryogenesis.
-It is the most common congenital anomaly of lower urinary and genital tracts.
-It occurs in 1 in 30,000 to 40,000 live births.
-it occurs frequently in males than in females.
This condition is diagnosed on inspection at birth.
-Urinary dribbling through defect
-skin excoriation
-infection & ulceration of bladder mucosa
-ambigous genetalia
-wadling unsteady gait
-Growth failure
- physical examination
-urodynamic testing
-surgical closure of bladder within 48 hours
-urinary diversion
-complete correction in stages by reconstruction
-orthopedic surgery in case of musculoskeletal problems
(should be done by school age)

Supporting nursing care is important before and after reconstructive surgery to prevent complications.
Pre-operative care:-Protection of bladder area from infections and trauma
-avoid irritating clothing over exposed bladder
-position by back or side
-humidifying with wet gauze
-Preparation of parents and child for surgery
Post-operative care:-close monitoring of child‘s condition
-special attention to urinary catheter, drainage
-teaching the parents regarding follow up care, complications and prevention

d)Patent urachus
The urachus is a remnant of allantois, a channel between the bladder and the umbilicus (belly button)
where urine initially drains in the fetus during the 1st trimester of pregnancy. The channel of the urachus
usually seals off and obliterates around the 12thweek of gestation and all that is left is a small fibrous cord
between the bladder and umbilicus called the median umbilical ligament.
A patent urachus occurs when the urachus did not seal off and there is a connection between the bladder
and the umbilicus. A patent urachus can cause varying amounts of clear urine to leak at the umbilicus. If the
urachus remains open all the way to the bladder, there is the danger that bacteria will enter the bladder through
the open tube and cause infection. For this reason, the patent urachus of the infant must be removed
A surgical incision is made in the baby's abdomen and the patent urachus is removed, then the opening
to the bladder is closed.
Uretero pelvic junction stenosis
It is the narrowing of the ureter at the junction between the ureter and renal pelvis of the kidney. It
produces blockage of urine drainage from the kidney (similar to the waist in an hourglass). It produces
increased backpressure on the kidney and can cause impaired kidney function and ultimately long term potential
damage to the kidney itself. It is found as a cause of hydronephrosis. It can be associated with ectopic or horse
shoe kidney.
Ureteropelvic junction stenosis and obstruction is the most common cause of kidney blockage or
obstruction in children.
It is the most common site of obstruction in the upper urinary tract
It occurs nearly 1 in 500 to 1:1250 live births.
The two main causes of PUJ obstruction are:
intrinsic muscular defect causing impaired peristalsis and urine drainage
extrinsic obstruction caused by an aberrant or accessory vascular stalk leading to the lower pole of the
kidney and crossing anteriorly to the PUJ or upper ureter.
recurrent renal colic
o flank or abdominal pain
o nausea
o vomiting
flank mass without symptoms
often associated with UTI
upper abdominal pain
Prenatal ultrasonography
Renal scan
Renal function test
Surgery; pyloplasty is indicated to remove obstruction and to avoid complications. The indications for
conservative or surgical therapy of PUJ obstruction are still developing. PUJ obstruction by crossing renal
vessels is essential in choosing the appropriate surgical approach.
 Pyeloplasty, is a surgical procedure to correct the obstruction.

If the obstruction is diagnosed during pregnancy or in the early newborn period, if possible, the health
team typically tries to wait until the child is approximately 3 months of age to perform the surgery. This
allows the child to grow and develop and mature to minimize any risk of anesthetic complications.

After 3 months of age, the anesthetic risk has dropped and will remain minimal throughout the
remainder of the child's life until older adult age. Conversely, surgical correction at that time still allows
the kidney to recover from the blockage and ultimately grow and develop normally during the important
first years of life and then into adulthood.


The surgery takes approximately 2-3 hours under a general anesthetia.
An incision (cut) will be made, usually on the child‘s side. A catheter (small tube) will be inserted
through the urethra into the bladder during surgery to drain the urine. The obstructed part of the
kidney/ureter is removed and then the remaining parts joined. The wound will be closed with dissolvable
stitches and sometimes paper tapes (steristrips) are also applied. A few children will have a small stent
left in place which goes between the kidney and incision site. This stent can be used if necessary to help
drain urine or, if needed, to insert dye during an x-ray. It can be removed with ease after drainage has

It is the congenital abnormal urethral opening on the dorsal aspect of penis. Urethra is displaced dorsally
due to the abnormal development of the infraumbilical wall and upper wall of the urethra. It is associated with
extrophy of bladder and ambiguous genetalia.
In male child

In female child

Anterior with normal continence

Bifid clitoris with no incontinence of urine

Posterior epispadiasis

Subsymphyseal with incontinence of urine

Male infants have short and broad penis with dorsal A cleft extends along the roof or entire urethra,
involving the bladder neck.
-diagnosed at birth itself
-vesicourethral reflux
-bladder capacity
Surgical correction
1st stage - it is done about 1.5 to 2 years of age for penile lengthening, elongation of urethral strip and chordee
2nd stage – it is done atleast 6 months after 1st stage urethral reconstruction
3rd stage – it is done about 3 - 4 years of age for bladder neck reconstruction and correction of VUR.
Cytoplasty can be done to enhance the bladder capacity after 2 – 3 years of 3rd stage operation.
Supportive nursing care should emphasize on prevention of infection.

It is a congenital abnormal urethral opening on the ventral aspect of the penis. Undescended testes,
inguinal hernia or upper urinary tract anomalies may be associated with hypospadiasis. It may be found in
females as urethral opening in the vagina with dribbling of urine.
It is a commonest malformation in a male child occurs 1-3
Occurs in 1-3 males per 1000 live births
Close relatives of the patients are most likely to have compared to other population
It can be classified depending upon the site of urethral meatus.






May be found as glandular or Penile shaft hypospadiasis
coronal or on distal penile shaft.

May be found on proximal penile
shaft or as penoscrotal, scrotal or
perineal type

-Mostly observed at birth
-observe for any abnormal voiding pattern
- observe for inability of the boy to stand to urinate, he must sit to void.
-surgical reconstruction to obtain straight penis at erection, to form urethral meatus at the tip of glans
-meatotomy is done at any age after birth.
-chordee correction and advancement of prepuce can be done at 2 – 3 years of age.
-urethroplasty is done 3 – 4 months after chordee correction.
(Surgical correction should be completed before admission to school.)
Surgical complication rates depend on the chosen procedure, and include urethrocutaneous fistula,
meatal stenosis, urethral strictures, urethral diverticula, complete breakdown, skin necrosis, residual or recurrent
curvature and hypospadiac cripple.

Phimosis refers to the narrow opening of the prepuse that prevents it being drawn back over the glans
penis. The inability to retract the prepuse after the age of 3 years should be considered as true phimosis. It also
can be acquired by the inflammation of glans or prepuse. It can predispose UTI. The term may also refer
to clitoral phimosis in women, whereby the clitoral hood cannot be retracted, limiting exposure of the glans
Different authors calssify it differently
o Pathological
o Physical
o Physiological

balanitis (inflammation of the glans penis)
Preputial stenosis or narrowness that prevents retraction, by fusion of the foreskin with the glans penis in
unusual masturbation practices
secondary to chronic inflammation
repeated catheterization
forcible foreskin retraction
Untreated diabetics due to the presence of glucose in their urine giving rise to infection in the foreskin


inability to retract the foreskin during routine cleaning or bathing


ballooning of the prepuce during urination


painful erections




recurrent urinary tract infections


preputial pain

weakened urinary stream

 Physical Phimosis, the foreskin cannot be retracted proximally over the glans penis.
 Physiologic phimosis, the preputial orifice is unscarred and healthy appearing.
 Pathologic phimosis, a contracted white fibrous ring may be visible around the preputial orifice
Phimosis in infancy needs to be treated only if it is causing obvious problems such as urinary discomfort
or obstruction. If phimosis in older children or adults is not causing acute and severe problems, nonsurgical
measures may be effective.
1.Non surgical methods include:
 Steroid therapy
Application of topical steroid cream, such as betamethasone, for 4–6 weeks to the narrow part of the
foreskin is relatively simple, less expensive than surgical treatments and highly effective.
 Manual stretching
Stretching of the foreskin can be accomplished manually, with balloons or with other tools. Skin that is
under tension expands by growing additional cells. A permanent increase in size occurs by gentle stretching
over a period of time. The treatment is non-traumatic and non-destructive. Manual stretching may be carried out
without the aid of a medical doctor. The tissue expansion promotes the growth of new skin cells to permanently
expand the narrow preputial ring that prevents retraction.
2.Surgical methods
It range from the complete removal of the foreskin to more minor operations to relieve foreskin tightness:
 Circumcision
It is the excision of the foreskin of the glans penis is choice of operative intervention don to treat phimosis.
Other measure is the use of betamethasone cream to the narrowed preputial skin for two times daily for 4
weeks. This treatment usually becomes successful as the foreskin becomes soft, elastic and can be retracted
gently and gradually.
 Dorsal slit (superincision)
Dorsal slit is a single incision along the upper length of the foreskin from the tip to the corona, exposing the
glans without removing any tissue.
 Ventral slit (subterincision)
It is an incision along the lower length of the foreskin from the tip of the frenulum to the base of the glans,
removing the frenulum in the process. Often used when frenulum breve occurs alongside the phimosis.
 Preputioplasty
It is in which a limited dorsal slit with transverse closure is made along the constricting band of skin can be
an effective alternative to circumcision. It has the advantage of only limited pain and a short time of healing
relative to circumcision, and avoids cosmetic effects.
The most acute complication is paraphimosis. In this condition, the glans is swollen and painful, and the
foreskin is immobilized by the swelling in a partially retracted position. The proximal penis is flaccid.

It may develop in phimotic child. It is an uncommon medical condition where the foreskin becomes
trapped behind the glans penis, and cannot be reduced (that is, pulled back to its normal flaccid position
covering the glans penis). It is the retraction of a phimotic foreskin, behind coronal sulcus forming a tight
constricting ring around the glans. The foreskin is retracted behind the glans penis and cannot be replaced to
its normal position.
painful, swollen glans penis in the uncircumcised or partially circumcised patient
Flaccidity of the penile shaft proximal to the area of paraphimosis is seen
Erythematous and edematous glans
The glans penis is initially its normal pink hue and soft to palpation. As necrosis develops, the color
changes to blue or black and the glans becomes firm to palpation.
The foreskin may be retracted during penile examination, penile cleaning, urethral catheterization, or
cystoscopy; if the foreskin is left retracted for a long period, some of the foreskin tissue may become edematous
(swollen with fluid), which makes subsequent reduction of the foreskin difficult.
o Paraphimosis can be avoided by bringing the foreskin back into its reduced position after retraction is no
longer necessary
o Phimosis is a risk factor for paraphimosis; physiologic phimosis resolves naturally as a child matures,
but it may be advisable to treat pathologic phimosis via long-term stretching or elective surgical
 Manual manipulation of the swollen foreskin tissue
This involves compressing the glans and moving the foreskin back to its normal position, perhaps with the
aid of a lubricant, cold compression, and local anesthesia as necessary.
 Dorsal slit
 Circumcision
 The Dundee technique
It entails placing multiple punctures in the swollen foreskin with a fine needle, and then expressing the
edema fluid by manual pressure.
Prune belly syndrome ( Eagle-Barrett syndrome, Triad syndrome)
It is a rare, genetic birth defect characterized by a triad of symptoms.
1.Deficiency or absence of anterior abdominal wall musculature.
2.Bilateral cryptorchidism
3.Ureter, bladder,& urethral abnormalities( megacystis, Megaureter, 2°dysplasia)
The syndrome is named for the mass of wrinkled skin that is often (but not always) present on
the abdomens of those with the disorder. Other names for the syndrome include Abdominal Muscle Deficiency
Syndrome, Congenital Absence of the Abdominal Muscles, Eagle-Barrett Syndrome, Obrinsky
Syndrome, Frohlich Syndrome, or Triad Syndrome
About 1 in 40,000 births
About 97% of those affected are male
A partial or complete lack of abdominal muscles. There may be wrinkly folds of skin covering the
Undescended testicles in males
Urinary tract abnormality such as unusually large ureters, distended bladder, accumulation and backflow
of urine from the bladder to the ureters and the kidneys
Frequent urinary tract infections due to the inability to properly expel urine.
Later in life, a common symptom is post-ejaculatory discomfort. Most likely a bladder spasm, it lasts
about two hours.
Via ultrasound while a child is still in-utero.
sAn abnormally large abdominal cavity resembling that of an obese person is the key indicator, as the
abdomen swells with the pressure of accumulated urine.
In young children, frequent urinary tract infections
Blood tests to check kidney function
Voiding cystourethrogram
Orthopedic evaluation

The type of treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms.
 Vesicostomy
Vesicostomy allows the bladder to drain through a small hole in the abdomen, thus helping to prevent
urinary tract infections. Similarly, consistent self catheterization, often several times per day, can be an effective
approach to preventing infections. A more drastic procedure is a surgical "remodeling" of the abdominal wall
and urinary tract. Boys may have an orchiopexy, which moves the testicles to their proper place in the scrotum.
Even with treatment, many patients experience renal failure.
distending and enlarging of internal organs such as the bladder and intestines
Surgery is often required but will not return the organs to a normal size. Bladder reductions have shown
that the bladder will again stretch to its previous size due to lack of muscle.
Also many complications can come from enlarged/malformed kidneys which warrant the child to go on
dialysis or require a kidney transplant. With proper treatment long healthy lives are possible.
Musculoskeletal abnormalities include pectus excavatum, scoliosis, and congenital dislocations
including the hip.

It is the absence of one or both testes from the scrotum. It is the most common birth defect regarding
male genitalia. In unique cases, cryptorchidism can develop later in life, often as late as young adulthood.
Cryptorchidism is distinct from monorchism the condition of having only one testicle.

About 3% of full-term and 30% of premature infant boys are born with at least one undescended testis.
By the age of 1 year the incidence decreases to less than 1% and does not change thereafter.
Frequency 3.4 % in term boys


Initiated by-androgens
Prompted by-differential growth
Permitted by-lengthening of ductus
Fascilitated by-gubernaculum

1.undescended testes
In this type testis neither resides nor can be manipulated into the scrotum

Abdominal – proximal to the internal inguinal ring
Canalicular – between the internal and external inguinal rings
Ectopic – outside the normal pathways of descent between the abdominal cavity and the scrotum

2.Retractile testes
It can be manipulated into scrotum where it remains without tension
Absence of testis
In most full-term infant boys with cryptorchidism but no other genital abnormalities, a cause cannot be
found, making this a common, sporadic, idiopathic birth defect. A combination of genetics, maternal health and
other environmental factors may disrupt the hormones and physical changes that influence the development of
the testicles.

Endocrine abnormalities affecting hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis
Denervation of genitofemoral nerve
Traction of gubernaculum
Abnormal development of epididymis
Premature birth
Congenital hernia
Low birth weight
endocrine disruptors that interfere with normal fetal hormone balance (pesticides)
Diabetes and obesity in the mother
exposure to regular alcohol consumption during
Family history of undescended testicle or other problems of genital development
congenital malformation syndromes (Down syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome)
In vitro Fertilization
use of cosmetics by the mother


Nonpalpabe testes (either one or both)
Retractile testes can be milked/ ushed back into scrotum



Physical examnination
Softer testes
Not well developed rugae

Cremasteric Reflex
In normal males, as the cremaster muscle relaxes or contracts, the testis moves lower or higher ("retracts")
in the scrotum. This reflex is elicited by lightly stroking the superior and medial (inner) part of the thigh
regardless of the direction of stroke. The normal response is an immediate contraction of the cremaster
muscle that pulls up the testis on the side stroked (and only on that side).
Various maneuvers
using a crosslegged position, soaping the examiner's fingers, or examining in a warm bath
Pelvic ultrasound / MRI
locate the testes while confirming absence of a uterus.
confirm or exclude forms of dysgenetic primary hypogonadism, such as Klinefelter syndrome or mixed
gonadal dysgenesis.
Hormone levels
especially gonadotropins and AMH can help confirm that there are hormonally functional testes worth
attempting to rescue, as can stimulation with a few injections of human chorionic gonadotropin to elicit a rise of
the testosterone level.
Abdominal laproscopy
The primary management of cryptorchidism is watchful waiting, due to the high likelihood of self-resolution.
Where this fails surgery is indicated.
Refractile testis can be manipulated into scrotum by milking / pushing back into scrotum.
Hormone therapy
With lutenizing hormone releasing spray(nasal spray) and HCG injection(10 injections over 5 weeks is
it is effective if inguinal testes have not descended after 4–6 months. It could be performed between 1 2 years of age. Surgical repair is done to
o Prevent damage to undescended testicles by exposure to heat thus maintaining future fertility
o Avoid trauma & torsion
o Decrease incidence of tumour formation
o Prevent cosmetic handicap
An incision is made over the inguinal canal. The testis with accompanying cord structure and blood
supply is exposed, partially separated from the surrounding tissues, and brought into the scrotum. It is sutured to
the scrotal tissue or enclosed in a "subdartos pouch." The associated passage back into the inguinal canal,
an inguinal hernia, is closed to prevent re-ascent.

It is defined as a collection of fluid within the tunica vaginalis of the testis. It is the presence of fluid in
the processus vaginalis and is result of the same developmental process as an inguinal hernia.
10 – 60/1,000 newborn full term babies
1. Congenital
- Communicating (―vogbreuk‖)
It is one in which processes vaginalis remains open and into which peritoneal fluid may
be forced by intra abdominal pressure and gravity.
- Infantile
tunica & processes vaginalis distended upto internal ring but sac has no connection with
peritoneal cavity
- Interstitial
- Cord
smooth,oval swelling associated with spermatic cord
2. Primary
- Idiopathic (aetiology not known)
- Imbalance between the fluid secretion and absorption of the tunica vaginalis
3. Secondary
- Infection
- Trauma
- Tumor
- Abnormalities in inguinal lymph nodes

scrotal mass that transilluminates
testis not palpable
can get above swelling
testicular sensation can be elicited


Incomplete closure of the processus vaginalis from the peritoneum
Residual peritoneal fluid that has yet to be reabsorbed after processus closure

In older boys it is due to abnormal absorption or secretion secondary to another pathologic
Secondary to intrascrotal or intra-abdominal pathology
Filariasis may produce hydrocele in infected boys and men
Hydrocele may be seen following ipsilateral renal transplantation
secondary to testicular torsion or incarcerated/strangulated hernia
secondary to testicular cancer


Premature and low-birth-weight infants
Indirect inguinal hernia
Primary testicular/intrascrotal pathology
Increased intra-abdominal pressure
Lymphatic obstruction
Ventriculoperitoneal shunt
Peritoneal dialysis
Bladder exstrophy

Lords placation
The hydrocele is opened with a small skin incision without further preparation. The hydrocele sac is
reduced (plicated) by suture
Von Bergmann's technique
Partial resection of the hydrocele sac, leaving a margin of 1–2 cm. Care is taken not to injure testicular
vessels, epididymis or ductus deferens. The edge of the hydrocele sac is oversewn for haemostasis
Winkelmann's or Jaboulay's technique
Same as von Bergmann's technique but the edges are sewn together behind the spermatic cord

atrophy of testis
herniation of hydrocele sac (rare)
rupture (rare)
Ambiguous genitalia is a congenital defect in which the external genitalia - penis or vulva - of the child
do not have the typical appearance of either a male or female. The genitalia usually show a combination of male
and female characteristics.
Normal Genetalia & Reproductive Organ Develoment:
During conception, the mother of a child contributes an X chromosome and the father contributes an X
or Y chromosome. If the father contributes an X chromosome, then a genetically female fetus (XX) will
develop and if he contributes a Y chromosome, a genetically male fetus (XY) will be formed. In the early stages
of fetal life, both male and female fetuses are identical. At a certain stage - about 8 weeks for an XY fetus and
12 weeks for an XX fetus - the changes that cause them to differentiate into male and female respectively,
occur. These changes occur in the same fetal tissue in both types of fetuses. Cases of ambiguous genitalia occur
when there is a disorder in the process of differentiation of this fetal tissue.
In humans, biological sex is determined by five factors present at birth:

the number and type of sex chromosomes;
the type of gonads—ovaries or testicles;
the sex hormones,
the internal reproductive anatomy (such as the uterus in females), and
the external genitalia.

People whose five characteristics are not either all typically male or all typically female are intersexed.
A failure or abnormality in any of the steps of genetalia and reproductive development can lead to abnormal
Abnormal gender determination
Chromosome abnormalities result in disturbance of development.
Abnormal differentiation of gonads
When induction of the bipotential gonad fails, gender differentiation proceeds in the direction of the
female phenotype, regardless of karyotype.
Abnormal differentiation of ductal systems
Biological inactivity of androgenic male organizer substances or insensitivity of ductal tissue to the
action of these substances results in a persistent female duct system, which leads to the presence of a
uterus and uterine tubes.
Abnormal secretion of testicular androgen
Complete failure of male hormone secretion produces female external genetalia in a genetic male.
Partial or incomplete masculination with ambiguity of the external genetalia.

 True Hermaphroditism:
Ovaries and testicles are present and the external genitalia are not clearly male or female. This
condition is very rare.
 Female Pseudohermaphroditism
The child has ovaries and a penis-like structure (usually due to clitoromegaly).
 Male Pseudohermaphroditism
The child has undescended testicles and external female genitalia.
 Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis
Genetalia vary greatly, but in those who appear predominately female, the dysplastic testis may
cause musculination at puberty.
 Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Inherited deficiency of adrenal corticosteroid hormones.
Female - In this certain forms of this condition, the adrenal glands of the fetus produce excessive
amounts of androgens (male hormones) which cause the female genitalia to look male.
Male -Certain forms of this condition cause reduced male hormone production which allows
female-looking genitalia to develop.
To enable the affected child to grow into a well adjusted, psychosocially stable person who is able to
identify with the assigned gender and is content with the same.
1.Counselling: Having ambiguous genitalia causes a lot of emotional distress for the individual.
2. Determination of the Individual's Sex: This will include
- Physical examination of the external genitalia by a physician
- Chromosomal analysis to determine genetic sex
- Pelvic ultrasound to check for the presence of reproductive organs e.g. undescended testes, ovaries,
uterus etc.
- Ability or potential of the individual to actually belong or adapt to either of the sexes.
3. Reconstructive Surgery:
To make the genitalia look more natural according to the chosen gender and to promote sexual function.
4. Hormone Therapy
If the condition which caused the ambiguous genitalia is not very severe, hormone replacement therapy
could be used. Hormone therapy is used to promote development of secondary sexual characteristics during
puberty and sometimes, throughout life.
A hernia occurs when an intestinal part of the body, such as an organ, pushes through a weakness in the
muscle or surrounding tissue wall. The muscles are usually strong but sometimes fails to kep organs in place
resulting hernia.
An inguinal hernia is a lump or protrusion of abdominal-cavity contents through the inguinal canal. It
occurs in the groin region and may extend to scrotum in male children.
Inguinal canal
In male inguinal canal transmit the spermatic cord, ilioinguinal nerve & genital branch of genitofemoral
In female round ligament replace the spermatic cord.

It accounts 80% of childhood hernias
More common in male children
10-20/1000 live births.
30% occurring in preterm infants


an opening in the muscle wall does not close as it should before birth which leaves a weak area in the
belly muscle. Pressure on that area can cause tissue to push through and bulge out.

Direct inguinal hernia:
It occur medial to the inferior epigastric vessels when abdominal contents herniated through a weak spot
in the fascia of the posterior wall of the inguinal canal which is formed by the tranvalis fascia.
Indirect inguinal hernia
It occur when abdominal contents protrude through the deep inguinal ring, lateral to the inferior epigastric
vessels, this may be caused by failure of embryonic closure of the processus vaginalis.
Other types
Reducible hernia
It can be pushed back into abdomen by manual pressure into it.
Irreducible hernia
It cannot be pushed back into abdomen by manual pressure into it.


In this lumen of herniated part of intestine is obstructed but the blood supply to hernia sac is
Incarcerated hernia
In this adhesions develop between the wall of hernia sac and wall of intestine.
Strangulated hernia
In this the blood supply of the sac is cut off, thus, leading to ischemia. The lumen of the intestine
may be patent or not.

In males the testis are initially located in the abdomen. Around the seventh month of gestation, the testis
migrate down into the scrotum via a passage, the inguinal canal. This canal begins to close before birth and is
usually completely fused or shut by the 1st year of life. If this canal does not close completely and the muscles
in the wall of the abdomen do not cover the opening well enough a hernia may develop.
Descending testes

Migrate from abdomen to scrotum during
development of urinary and reproductive organs

Large sized inguinal canal transmits testicles and accommodates spermatic cord

Weak posterior wall of inguinal canal and shutter mechanism

Lower intra abdominal pressure

Hernia formation

Swelling/ visible lump / bulge in the groin or scrotum
Appears when the child lifting heavy weights, coughing, bending, straining, or laughing
Smooth and soft swelling
Swelling increase while crying, coughing or straining
may be painful
sometime bulge without pain
swelling and a feeling of heaviness, tugging, or burning in the area of the hernia
symptoms may get better when child lie down

Sudden pain
Nausea & vomiting


History collection
Physical examination
Urine routine

No medical recommendation for inguinal hernia but elective surgery is recommended
Making truss with non intrusive flat pads to hold the hernia securely during all activities
Surgical management
It is called hernia repair. It is not recommended in minimally symptomatic
There are three different approaches to pediatric hernias.
 Open repair –
This involves making an incision just below the belt line and dissecting down to the hole in the muscle
layer. This hernia is closed with stitches. The deeper tissues and skin are then sewn together with dissolvable
sutures that are hidden under the skin so that there are no stitches to be removed.
 Open repair with laparoscopic exploration –
This is the same as the open repair except that before closing the hernia hole, a small camera (about 3 mm in
diameter) is passed into the abdomen to examine the opposite groin from the inside. If a hernia is detected, a
matching incision is made on the opposite side to allow repair of the second hernia.
 Laparoscopic repair –
In this approach the hernia is closed using laparoscopic techniques. A 3-mm or 5-mm camera is inserted
through the umbilicus and additional instruments are introduced through needle holes to perform the hernia
closure. There a number of different laparoscopic hernia repair techniques in children (eversion technique,
intracorporeal suturing technique, single stitch technique) that a can use depending upon the particular patient.
Basic pre-operative care to be provided with special attention for the followings:
Promoting understanding of parents about the planned surgical interventions by explanations according
to level of understanding.
Preparing for necessary diagnostic procedures
Involving the parents in child‘s care
Promoting normal urinary functions by monitoring intake and output, care of urinary catheter and
drainage tube, encouraging adequate fluid intake and hygienic measures and observing signs of urinary
Preventing infections by aseptic precautions, hand washing practices, taking care of wound,
administering prescribed medications, I/V fluid therapy, monitoring features of infections and vital signs
Providing comfort by rest, sleep, comfortable positioning operated side with support, administering
analgesics, antispasmodics and organizing diversions and recreation by toys and play.
Providing adequate nutrition to promote healing and prevent infection along with adequate fluid to
promote urinary function.
Teaching the parents about related care, prevention of infections and complications, importance of fluid
intake, diet and follow up. Available support services and facilities.

A UTI is an infection in the urinary tract. Infections are caused by microbes—organisms too small to be
seen without a microscope—including fungi, viruses, and bacteria. Bacteria are the most common cause of
UTIs. Normally, bacteria that enter the urinary tract are rapidly removed by the body before they cause
symptoms. However, sometimes bacteria overcome the body‘s natural defenses and cause infection. An
infection in the urethra is called urethritis. A bladder infection is called cystitis. Bacteria may travel up the
ureters to multiply and infect the kidneys. A kidney infection is called pyelonephritis.
3-8% of girls and 1-2% of boys develop a UTI during childhood.
Peak incidence is between 2 – 6 years of age.
Various terms used to describe urinary tract disorders:

Bacteriuria – presence of bacteria in urine
Asymptomatic bacteriuria – significant bacteriuria with no evidence of clinical infection
Symptomatic bacteriuria – accompanied by physical signs
Recurrent UTI – repeated episodes of bacteriuria
Persistent UTI – persistence of bacteriuria despite antibiotic
Febrile UTI – accompanied by fever, other physical signs of urinary infection
Urethritis - inflammation of urethra
Cystitis - inflammation of the bladder
Pyelonephritis – inflammation of upper urinary tract and kidneys
Urosepsis – febrile UTI coexisting with systemic signs of bacterial illness; blood culture reveals
presence of urinary pathogen.

Escherichia coli – 80% of cases
Gram negative enteric organisms are frequently implicated. These are found in anal and perineal region
Other organisms include Proteus, pseudomonas, klebsiella, staphylococcus aureus, haemophilus etc.
Anatomic and physical factors
Structure of lower urinary tract accounts to bacteriuria in females
Short urethra in young girls (2cm) & in mature women (4cm) provides pathway for organism to invade
Closure of urethra in the end of micturition may lead to return of bacteria to bladder
Longer male urethra and prostatic secretions inhibit entry of pathogens in males
Urinary stasis
The act of completely and repeatedly emptying of bladder flushes away the organisms but the
incomplete emptying result from reflux , anatomic abnormalities, dysfunction of voiding mechanism,
extrinsic ureteral compression caused by constipation etc leads to UTI.
Altered urine and bladder chemistry
The mechanical and chemical properties of urine and bladder mucosa maintain urinary sterility.
Normally urine is acidic. An alkaline medium is favored by the pathogens. A urine pH of about 5
hampers the bacterial multiplication.


Throughout childhood, the risk of having a UTI is 2 percent for boys and 8 percent for girls.
Having an anomaly of the urinary tract increases the risk of a UTI.
o Vesicoureteral reflux
o Urinary obstruction
o Dysfunctional voiding
Boys who are younger than 6 months sold who are not circumcised are at greater risk for a UTI than
circumcised boys the same age.

Cause : UVR, catheterization , postponement of voiding, DM, low fliud intake etc
bacteria ascends the urethra
Lining of urinary tract becomes inflammed
Micturition reflex triggered
Urgency, frequency, burning hematuria, irritability, failure to thrive, pyuria

A urine sample will be collected and examined. The way urine is collected depends on the child‘s age:
- If the child is not yet toilet trained, the health care provider may place a plastic collection bag over
the child‘s genital area. The bag will be sealed to the skin with an adhesive strip. If this method is
used, the bag should be removed right after the child has urinated, and the urine sample should be
processed immediately. Because bacteria from the skin can contaminate this sample, the methods
listed below are more accurate.



A health care provider may need to pass a small tube called a catheter into the urethra of an infant.
Urine will drain directly from the bladder into a clean container.
Sometimes the best way to collect a urine sample from an infant is by placing a needle directly into
the bladder through the skin of the lower abdomen. Getting urine through a catheter or needle will
ensure that the urine collected does not contain bacteria from the skin.
An older child may be asked to urinate into a container. The sample needs to come as directly into
the container as possible to avoid picking up bacteria from the skin or rectal area.

Urine culture
First morning urine specimen
Clean catch mid stream specimen
Collection bag
Supra pubic aspiration
Bladder catheterization
- Increased number of RBC
- Nitrate test positive
- Significant bacteriuria
Renal ultrasound
- GU tract anatomy
- Pelvi calceal dilatation
- Hydronephrosis
- Renal scarring
Dipstick tests
- GU anatomy

Goals -eliminate current infection
-Identify contributing factors and reduce risk of occurrence
-prevent systemic spread of infection
-preserve renal function
antibiotic therapy based on:
identification of pathogen
history of antibiotic use
location of infection

amoxicillin – 20-40mg/kg in 3 doses
cefixime – 8mg/kg in 2 doses
Cephalexin – 50-100mg/kg in 4 doses
Gentamycin – 1-4mg/kg single dose
Trimethoprim – 6-12mg/kg & 30-60mg/kg in 2 doses
Cefotaxim – 100mg/kg in 3 divided doses
Ciprofloxacin – 20-30mg/kg in 2 divided doses


Antimicrobial drugs (sometimes it will not be effective due to resistance of organism)
Anti-infective agents

For primary reflux or bladder neck obstruction, surgical correction is needed to avoid recurrence.

Careful history taking regarding voiding habits, stooling pattern
Caution the parents in suspected cases
Collect appropriate specimen
Checking diaper half hourly for straining, dripping of small amounts of urine.
Explanation of procedure according to their age
Administer proper dosage of medications
Increase the fluid intake

Most UTIs are not serious, but some infections can lead to serious problems, such as kidney infections.
- Chronic kidney infections
Infections that recur or last a long time can cause permanent damage, including kidney scars, poor kidney
growth, poor kidney function, high blood pressure, and other problems.
- Some acute kidney infections
infections that develop suddenly can be life threatening, especially if the bacteria enter the bloodstream, a
condition called septicemia.


Simple hygienic habits should be followed
Practice habit of voiding soon as they feel the urge
Adolescent girls are advised to urinate soon after an intercourse

Reinforce parents and older children the importance of compliance
Circumcision in males
Plenty of oral fluids
Treatment of constipation, pinworms

Many diseases affect kidney function by attacking the glomeruli, the tiny units within the kidney where
blood is cleaned. The glomerulus may be injured by several mechanisms, but it has only a limited number of
histopathologic responses; different disease states can produce similar microscopic changes. Glomerular injury
may be a result of genetic, immunologic, perfusion, or coagulation disorders.
The three basic types of glomerular disease include: focal nephritic, diffuse nephritic, and nephrotic.
Focal nephritic — The key feature of focal nephritic disease is blood in the urine (hematuria) without
significant impairment of kidney function or proteinuria. A person with focal glomerulonephritis may not have
any symptoms and their condition may go unnoticed until blood and protein are found during a routine
The following conditions may cause focal glomerulonephritis.

Mild postinfectious glomerulonephritis, IgA nephropathy, thin basement membrane disease, hereditary
nephritis(Alport syndrome), Henoch-Schönlein purpura (IgA vasculitis), mesangial proliferative

Diffuse nephritic — Persons with diffuse nephritic disease have hematuria with impaired kidney function and
proteinuria. This may be a severe form of focal nephritic disease for some people, or may be caused by a
bodywide disease. Urinalysis may also show high levels of protein, and patients may have edema (swelling in
the lower legs) or high blood pressure.
The following conditions may cause diffuse glomerulonephritis.

Less than 15 years old – Postinfectious glomerulonephritis, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis

Nephrotic syndrome — People with nephrotic syndrome generally have protein in the urine (proteinuria) but
little to no blood in the urine. Kidney function may worsen as nephrotic syndrome progresses.
The following conditions may cause nephrotic syndrome.

Less than 15 years old – Minimal change disease, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, mesangial
proliferative glomerulonephritis

Nephrotic Syndrome
Nephrotic syndrome, a manifestation of glomerular disease, characterized by nephrotic range proteinuria
and the triad of clinical findings associated with massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema, and
hyperlipidemia. (Nephrotic range proteinuria - protein excretion of > 40 mg/m2/hr or a first morning protein:
creatinine ratio of >2-3: 1)
The annual incidence is 2-3 cases per 100,000 children per year in most Western countries and higher in
underdeveloped countries resulting predominantly from malaria. Miniml change nephrotic syndrome constitutes
80% of nephrotic syndrome cases.
Most children with nephrotic syndrome have a form of primary or idiopathic nephrotic syndrome.
a) Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome include minimal change disease (the most common), focal segmental
glomerulosclerosis, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, membranous nephropathy and diffuse
mesangial proliferation
b) Associate with glomerular damage (systemic lupus erythematosus, lymphoma ,leukemia and infections)
c) Hereditary proteinuria syndromes are caused by mutations in genes that encode critical protein
components of the glomerular filtration apparatus. Such as Alport syndrome, sickle cell anemia.
1. Idiopathic Nephrotic syndrome
It is the primary disease which also known as childhood nephrosis, or minimal change nephrotic syndrome.
Approximately 90% of children with nephrotic syndrome have idiopathic nephrotic syndrome. Idiopathic
nephrotic syndrome is associated with primary glomerular disease without evidence of a specific systemic
cause. Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome includes multiple histologic types: minimal change disease, mesangial
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis.
2. Secondary Nephrotic Syndrome
It is a secondary disorder that occurs as a clinical manifestation after or in assosciation with glomerular
damage. It occurs secondary to systemic diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, Henoch-Schönlein
purpura, malignancy (lymphoma and leukemia), and infections (hepatitis, HIV, and malaria). Secondary
nephrotic syndrome should be suspected in patients >8 yr and those with hypertension, hematuria, renal
dysfunction, extrarenal symptoms (rash, arthralgias, fever), or depressed serum complement levels.
Nephrotic syndrome has also developed during therapy with numerous drugs and chemicals. The
histologic picture can resemble membranous glomerulopathy (penicillamine, captopril, gold, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, mercury compounds), MCNS (probenecid, ethosuximide, methimazole, lithium), or
proliferative glomerulonephritis (procainamide, chlorpropamide, phenytoin, trimethadione, paramethadione).
3. Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome
It is inherited as autosomal recessive disorder. Congenital nephrotic syndrome is defined as nephrotic
syndrome manifesting at birth or within the first 3 months of life. Congenital nephrotic syndrome may be
classified as primary or as secondary to a number of etiologies.
a) Primary congenital nephrotic syndrome is due to a variety of syndromes inherited as autosomal
recessive disorders. Affected infants most commonly present at birth with edema due to massive
proteinuria, and they are typically delivered with an enlarged placenta (>25% of the infant‘s weight).
Severe hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia, and hypogammaglobulinemia result from loss of filtering
selectivity at the glomerular filtration barrier. Prenatal diagnosis can be made by the presence of
elevated maternal and amniotic α-fetoprotein levels.
b) Secondary congenital nephrotic syndrome can be occurred from underlying causes such as syphilis.
- In nephrotic syndrome, type III hypersensitivity reaction occurs in which the immune complex
precipitated in the tissue.
- Activation of the complement system also stimulates vaksoaktive amines (including histamine) and this
substance causes retraction of endothelial cells thus increasing vascular permeability.
- Changes in membrane glomerolus, causing increased permeability, allowing the proteins (especially
albumin) out through the urine (proteinurine).
- Decreased oncotic pressure causing albumin moves from intra vascular space into interstitiel.
- Transfer of proteins to the interstitial cavity causing lipoproteinemia.
- It stimulates the liver to compensate by increasing the production of lipoproteins and increased
concentrations of blood fats (hyperlipidemia).
- When the liver is not able to compensate for damage in fat and protein metabolism.
- Transfer of protein exit the vascular system, causing fluid to move into the space plasma interstitisel
resulting edema and hypovolemia.
- Decrease in vascular volume stimulates renin angiotensin system, which allows the secretion of
aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone (ADH).
- Aldosterone stimulates increased reabsorsi distal tubules of the sodium and water, leading to increased

metabolic, biochemical, physiochemical or immune mediated disturbances
basement membrane of glomeruli permeable to proteins
loss of albumin in urine through the membrane
decrease in colloidal osmotic pressure in capillaries
vascular hydrostatic pressure exceeds the pull of colloidal
osmotic pressure
fluid accumulation
in interstitial space abdominal cavity
Decreased renal blood flow

increased secretion
of ADH and aldosterone

Rennin release

Na+ and water reabsorption



increased hydrostatic pressure

Weight gain
Puffiness on face (facial edema)
o Especially around the eyes
o Apparent on arising the morning
o Subsides during the day
Abdominal swelling (ascitis)
Pleural effusion
Labial or scrotal swelling
Edema of intestinal mucosal which result in:
o Diarrhea
o Anorexia
o Poor intestinal absorption
Ankle / leg swelling
Easily fatigued
BP normal or slightly decreased
Susceptible to infections
Urine alterations
o Decreased volume
o Frothy
History collection
o weight gain, anorexia, irritability, less active
Physical examination
o Clinical manifestations
Urine dipstick test for protienuria
Blood tests –presence of casts, RBC
o Serum protein low concentration
o Reduced albumin
o GFR normal or high
o Hb normal or elevated
o Elevated platelet count
Renal biopsy if not respond to steroid treatment
 Reduce excrtion of urinary protein
 Reduce fluid retension
 Preventing infection
 Minimize complications related to treatment
- Low salt diet
- Fluid restriction
- Diuretic therapy for temporary relief from edema
- Infections are treated with appropriate antibiotics
- Corticosteroids for MCNS
Prednisolone – 2mg/kg body weight/day in one or two divide doses
- Relapse is treated with high dose steroid therapy
- For children who do not respond to steroid therapy, immune - suppressants are given.
 Extended APN schedule
o 60mg/m2/day as a single dose for 6 weeks
o If remission is present , then 40 mg/m2/every other day for next 6 weeks
o If remission is maintained, taper steroids in EOD in 2 weeks
 Definition of response

No albumin on three consecutive early morning urine samples
2+ or more albumin on 3 consecutive early morning urine samples
Frequent relapse
3 or more relapses in 6 months or 4 or more relapses in 1 year
Steroid resistance
No remission after 8 weeks of adequate daily steroids
Steroid dependence
Relapse within 15 days of stopping steroids after inducing remission or on tapering, on more than 2

a. Focus Assessment

Urinary System (oliguric, urine retention, proteinurin and urine discoloration).
Fluid and electrolyte balance (excess fluid, edema, ascites, weight gain, dehydration)
Circulation (increased blood pressure)
Neurology (decreased level of consciousness due to dehydration)
Breathing (shortness of breath, tachypnea)
Mobility (redness, malaise)

b. Nursing Diagnosis

Impaired Urinary Elimination related to Na and water retention.
Excess Fluid Volume related to edema
Imbalanced Nutrition Less Than Body Requirements related to damage protein metabolism
Ineffective Breathing Pattern related to suppression of the diaphragm due to ascites

c. Nursing interventions
1. Administer medications, such as diuretics, antibiotics, and corticosteroids as ordered.
2. Ask dietitian to plan a low-sodium diet with moderate amounts of protein.
3. Provide meticulous skin care to combat the edema that usually occurs with nephrotic syndrome.
4. Encourage activity and exercise and provide antiembolismstockings as ordered.
5. Frequently check the patient‘s urine for protein, indicated by frothy appearance.
6. Monitor and document the location and charater of edema.
7. Measure blood pressure while the patient is in s supine position and standing.
8. Monitor intake and output hourly.
9. Assess the patient‘s response to prescribed medications.
10. Stress the importance of adhering to the special diet

1. Due to drugs
2. Due to the disease
1.Due to drugs
Toxicity of the following drugs may occur
Furosemide, siranolactone
2.Due to the disease
Biochemical hypothyroidism
Hypocalcemic tetany
Hypercoagulable states
Acute renal failure
- Children in relapse have increased susceptibility to bacterial infections because of urinary losses of
immunoglobulins, defective cell-mediated immunity, their immunosuppressive therapy,
malnutrition, and edema or ascites acting as a potential culture medium.
- Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis is a common infection, although sepsis, pneumonia, cellulitis, and
urinary tract infections may also be seen.
Thromboembolic events
- Both arterial and venous thromboses may be seen, including renal vein thrombosis, pulmonary
embolus, sagittal sinus thrombosis, and thrombosis of indwelling arterial and venous catheters.
- To minimize the risk of thromboembolic complications, aggressive use of diuretics and the use of
indwelling catheters should be avoided if possible.
Cardiovascular disease
- Hyperlipidemia, may be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease; myocardial infarction is a rare
complication in children.
Steroid therapy
- Complications incude weight gain, ounding of face, increased appetite, hirsuitism, growth
retardation, cataracts, HTN, gastro intestinal bleeding, infection and hyperglycemia.
The children with NS should receive:
- 23- serotype pneumococcal vaccine
- 7-valent conjugate pneumococcal vaccine
- routine childhood immunization schedule( for child is in remission and off daily prednisone therapy)



Live virus vaccines should not be administered to children who are receiving daily or alternate-day
high-dose steroids (≥2 mg/kg/day of prednisone or its equivalent, or ≥20 mg/day if the child weighs
>10 kg).
Vaccines can be administered after corticosteroid therapy has been discontinued to nephrotic
children in relapse
if exposed to varicella, should receive varicella-zoster immunoglobulin (1 dose ≤96 hours after
significant exposure)
Influenza vaccine should be given on a yearly basis

Ultimate recovery in most cases is good. It is a self timing disease. In children who receives steroid
therapy the tendency to relapse decreases with time. With early detection and treatment, the membrane damage
could be minimized. About 80% of affected children have favorable prognosis.

Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) is one of the most common causes of community-acquired acute
kidney failure in young children. It is characterized by the triad of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia,
thrombocytopenia, and renal insufficiency .
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is characterized by the acute onset of microangiopathic hemolytic
anemia, renal injury, and a low platelet count. Most cases of HUS occur after an acute gastrointestinal illness
(usually diarrheal).

Occurs in infants and small children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years.

• An acute illness diagnosed as HUS or TTP that meets the laboratory criteria in a patient who does not
have a clear history of acute or bloody diarrhea in the preceding 3 wk
• An acute illness diagnosed as HUS or TTP that (a) has onset within 3 wk after onset of an acute or
bloody diarrhea and (b) meets the laboratory criteria except that microangiopathic changes are not
• An acute illness diagnosed as HUS or TTP that both meets the laboratory criteria and began within 3
wk after onset of an episode of acute or bloody diarrhea

 Infection Induced
Verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli
Shiga toxin-producing Shigella dysentereriae type 1
Neuraminidase-producing Streptococcus pneumoniae
Human immunodeficiency virus
 Genetic
von Willebrand factor-cleaving protease (ADAMTS 13) deficiency
Complement factor H (or related proteins) deficiency or mutation
Membrane cofactor protein (MCP) mutations
Thrombomodulin mutations
Complement factor I mutations
Vitamin B12 metabolism defects
Familial autosomal recessive of undefined etiology
Familial autosomal dominant of undefined etiology
Sporadic, recurrent, undefined etiology without diarrhea prodrome
 Other Diseases Associated With Microvascular Injury
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
Following bone marrow transplantation
Malignant hypertension
Primary glomerulopathy
HELLP (hemolytic anemia, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count) syndrome
 Medication-Induced
Calcineurin inhibitors (cyclosporine, tacrolimus)
Cytotoxic, chemotherapy agents (mitomycin C, cisplatin, gemcitabine)
Clopidogrel and ticlopidine
1st – associated with a diarrheal prodrome ( D+ / typical HUS)
2nd – not associated with antecedent diarrhea ( D- / atypical HUS)




Bacterial toxins (e-coli, salmonella, pneumococci)




Viruses (coxsackie virus, echovirus, adenovirus)


Usually transmitted by undercooked meat or unpasteurized milk or apple cider


HUS outbreaks have also been associated with municipal water supply; petting farms; swimming in
contaminated ponds and consuming cheese, lettuce, or raw spinach contaminated with toxin

Primary injury in endothelial lining of small glomerular arterioles

Deposits of platelets and fibrin clots

Swelling in the glomerular arterioles

RBC damage resulted by the attempt to move through occluded blood vessels

Spleen removes the damage

Results in hemolytic anemia

Result in characteristic thrombocytopenia
History of a prodromal disease (gastroenteritis or an upper respiratory infection)
Acquired hemolytic anemia
Sudden onset of hemolysis
Renal injury
Central nervous system symptoms
History collectuion
Clinical examination:

Triad of anemia, thrombocytopenia and renal failure
Laboratory examination:
Urine - proteinuria, hematuria, urinary cast presence
Blood - Elevated blood urea, nitrogen, creatinine
- Low hemobglobin, hematocrit
- High reticulocyte count

early recognition of the disease


monitoring for potential complications


meticulous supportive care.
careful management of fluid and electrolytes
correction of volume deficit
control of hypertension
early institution of dialysis if the patient becomes anuric or significantly oliguric
Red cell transfusions are usually required because hemolysis can be brisk and recurrent until the
active phase of the disease has resolved.


Blood transfusion
Fresh, washed packed cells for anemic child with caution to prevent circulatory overload
Fresh frozen plasma and plasma pherisis

The acute prognosis, with careful supportive care, for diarrhea associated HUS (D+) has <5% mortality in
most major medical centers. Half of the patients require dialysis support during the acute phase of the disease.
Most recover renal function completely, but of surviving patients, 5% remain dependent on dialysis, and up to
20-30% are left with some level of chronic renal insufficiency. The recovery rate is about 95%, but residual
renal impairment ranges from 10% to 50% in various cases.

Immunoglobulin A Nephropathy (Berger Nephropathy)
IgA nephropathy is the most common chronic glomerular disease. The disease derives its name from
deposits of Immunoglobulin A (IgA) in a granular pattern in the mesangium a region of the renal glomerulus. It
is characterized by a predominance of IgA immunoglobulin within mesangial glomerular deposits in the
absence of systemic disease (e.g., symptomatic systemic lupus erythematosus or Henoch-Schönlein purpura).
It is seen more often in male than in female patients.
-is often benign in childhood in comparison to that of adults.
-is an uncommon cause of end-stage renal failure during childhood.
Gross hematuria associated with loin pain.
Proteinuria often <1000 mg/24 hr.
Mild to moderate hypertension.
Normal serum levels of C3
History collection
Physical examination (clinical features)
Laboratorical investiagationss
Renal biopsy

The primary treatment is appropriate blood pressure control


Fish oil, which contains anti-inflammatory omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids


Immunosuppressive therapy with corticosteroids


Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor antagonists are effective in
reducing proteinuria and retarding the rate of disease progression.


Kidney transplantation

Although IgA nephropathy does not lead to significant kidney damage in most children, progressive disease
develops in 20-30% of patients 15-20 yr after disease onset. Therefore, most children with IgA nephropathy do
not display progressive renal dysfunction until adulthood, prompting the need for careful long-term follow-up.
Poor prognostic indicators at presentation or followup include persistent hypertension, diminished renal
function, and heavy or prolonged proteinuria.

Alport Syndrome (hereditary nephritis)
AS, hereditary nephritis, is a genetically heterogeneous disease caused by mutations in the genes coding
for type IV collagen, a major component of basement membranes. These genetic alterations are associated with
marked variability in clinical presentation, natural history, and histologic abnormalities.
Approximately 85% of patients have X-linked disease caused by a mutation. Autosomal recessive forms
of AS are caused by mutations in the COL4A3 and COL4A4 genes on chromosome 2 encoding the α3 and α4

chains, respectively, of type IV collagen. An autosomal dominant form of AS linked to the COL4A3-COL4A4
gene locus occurs in 5% of cases.

Asymptomatic microscopic Hematuria


Single or recurrent episodes of gross hematuria commonly occurring 1-2 days after an upper
respiratory infection.




Bilateral sensorineural hearing loss


Ocular abnormalities


Leiomyomatosis of the esophagus, tracheobronchial tree, and female genitals in association with
platelet abnormalities is rare.


Family history


Screening urinalysis of first-degree relatives




Ophthalmologic examination


Diagnostic renal biopsy


Mutation screening or linkage analysis is not readily available for routine clinical use.


Prenatal diagnosis is available for families with members who have X-linked AS and who carry an
identified mutation.


No specific therapy is available to treat AS


Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors can slow the rate of progression


Careful management of renal failure complications such as hypertension, anemia, and electrolyte
imbalance is critical.


Patients with ESRD are treated with dialysis and kidney transplantation.


The risk of progressive renal dysfunction leading to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is highest
among hemizygotes and autosomal recessive homozygotes. Risk factors for progression are gross
hematuria during childhood, nephrotic syndrome, and prominent GBM thickening.

Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete
Renal system complete

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Renal system complete

  • 1. INTRODUCTION: Disorders of kidney and urinary tract are commonly seen in pediatric units as medical and surgical problems. Congenital malformations, neoplasms, infections, inflammations and progressive impairment of renal functions are common conditions found in children. NORMAL EMBRYOLOGY The Urinary system goes through three phases on its way to becoming fully functioning: 1. Pronephros 2. Mesonephros 3. Metanephros  Pronephros – Transient rudimentary and nonfunctioning system that begins in the fourth week of gestation (ie, day 22) and disappears by end of the fourth week (i.e, day 28). Degeneration of the pronephros is required for normal kidney development.  Mesonephros – Derived from the intermediate mesoderm by day 26 and by the fifth week develops into 20 paired tubules that produce small amounts of urine. The mesonephros ultimately fuses with the cloaca and contributes to the formation of the urinary bladder, and in the male, the genital system is derived from the mesonephric ducts and some tubules.  Metanephros – The metanephros, which is composed of the metanephric mesenchyme and ureteric bud epithelium (caudal portion of the mesonephric duct), is the last stage of renal development and forms the permanent kidney beginning at the fifth week of gestation. Starting from 4th week & end on 36 week of intra uterine life:     4 wks gestation : kidney start development 9 wks : first glomeruli , Bladder 36 wks: nephrogenesis ceases (1 million glomeruli in each kidney). Postnatal increase in the size of the kidney is due to enlargement of the Glomerular diameter & significant increase in tubular volume & length  Active period of nephrogenesis between 20-36wks, cease around 36 wks. DEVELOPMENT OF RENAL FUNCTION IN THE CHILD Renal function in an infant is subnormal by adult standards especially in the premature neonate, which put them into high risk to develop acute renal failure. Glomerular filtration begins between 9 to 12 weeks of gestation, initiating formation of urine. Fetal urine is the major component of amniotic fluid and significant 1
  • 2. reduction of amniotic fluid (oligohydromnios) is usually associated with renal disease in the baby. It is expected the neonate produces urine and voids in 12 – 24 hours after birth. The GFR at birth is 10-20ml in the first 3 days but increases rapidly to 75-80ml by 8 weeks. The pH of urine of a newborn is inappropriately high due to the limited bicarbonate and sodium reabsorbtion. Prior to birth fetus does not require intact renal function because the mother provides homeostasis., therefore a child with bilateral agenesis will be able to survive for several days after birth. Renal function continues to improve during the first two years of life. At the end of this period, various parametres of renal function appraoch adult values, if corrected to a standard surface area. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF RENAL SYSTEM: The organs, tubes, muscles, and nerves that work together to create, store, and carry urine are the renal system. It is one of the excretory systems of the body. The renal system includes two kidneys, two ureters, the bladder, two sphincter muscles, and the urethra. The development starts from intra uterine period. 2 kidneys- which secrete urine The kidneys are situated retro peritoneally on each side of the vertebral column. Each kidney contains about one million nephrons, the functional units. A nephron consists of a glomerulus, proximal tubule, the thin limbs, the distal tubule and the collecting segment. 2 ureters- which convey the urine from kidneys to the urinary bladder 1 urinary bladder- where urine collects and is temporarily stored 1 urethra- through which the urine is discharged from the urinary bladder to the exterior. 2 sphincters- Internal: involuntary sphincter of smooth muscle External: skeletal muscle inhibits urination voluntarily until proper time 2
  • 3. FUNCTIONS The regulation of fluid volume, blood pressure, excretion of metabolic waste products and drug metabolites are the primary functions of renal system. The kidneys are also responsible for conversion of vitamin D to its active form, serum pH regulation and synthesis of hormones such as erythropoietin and rennin. There are 3 functions of renal system. 1. Excretion & Elimination 2. Homeostatic regulation 3. Endocrine function 1. Excretion & Elimination: Removal of organic wastes products from body fluids (urea, creatinine, uric acid)  Excretion of excess electrolytes, nitrogenous wastes and organic acids  The maximal excretory rate is limited or established by their plasma concentrations and the rate of their filtration through the glomeruli.  The maximal amount of substance excreted in urine does not exceed the amount transferred through the glomeruli by ultrafiltration except in the case of those substances capable of being secreted by the tubular cells. 2. Homeostatic regulation: Water -Salt Balance Blood volume is associated with Salt volume. The greater the blood volume, the greater the blood pressure. Removing water lowers blood pressure. Regulate blood volume and blood pressure: Regulate plasma ion concentrations: by adjusting volume of water lost in sodium, potassium, and chloride ions (by urine controlling quantities lost in urine) releasing renin from the juxtra calcium ion levels glomerular apparatus 3
  • 4. Acid - base Balance The kidneys control this by excreting H+ ions and reabsorbing HCO3 (bicarbonate). If plasma pH is low (acidic): H+ secretion in the urine If plasma pH is high (alkaline): and HCO3¯ H+ secretion in the urine and HCO3¯ reabsorption back to the plasma increases thus reabsorption back to the plasma decreases thus urine becomes more acidic, and the plasma more urine becomes more alkaline, and the plasma alkaline. more acidic. 3. Endocrine function: Kidneys have primary endocrine function since they produce hormones (erythropoietin, renin and prostaglandin).  Erythropoietin is secreted in response to lowered oxygen content in the blood. It acts on bone marrow, stimulating the production of red blood cells.  Renin the primary stimuli for renin release include reduction of renal perfusion pressure and hyponatremia. Renin release is also influenced by angiotensin II and ADH.  The kidneys are primarily responsible for producing vitamin D3  In addition, the kidneys are site of degradation for hormones such as insulin and aldosterone, The body takes nutrients from food and uses them to maintain all bodily functions including energy and self-repair. After the body has taken what it needs from the food, waste products are left behind in the blood and in the bowel. The renal system works with the lungs, skin, and intestines-all of which also excrete wastes-to keep the chemicals and water in the body balanced. The renal system removes urea from blood. Urea is carried in the bloodstream to the kidneys. The sensation to urinate becomes stronger as the bladder continues to fill and reaches its limit. At that point, nerves from the bladder send a message to the brain that the bladder is full, and the urge to empty your bladder intensifies. When the person urinates, the brain signals the bladder muscles to tighten, squeezing urine out of the bladder. At the same time, the brain signals the sphincter muscles to relax. As these muscles relax, urine exits the bladder through the urethra. When all the signals occur in the correct order, normal urination occurs. GLOMERULAR FILTRATION The glomerular filtration rate is approximately 20ml/min in full term newborns and 10 – 13 ml/min in infants born at 28-30 weeks gestation. It reaches its adult level by 12 – 24 months. Until then the kidneys are unable to fully maintain water balance and to filter solutes and medications out of the blood stream. Any fluid 4
  • 5. that is not returned to the circulation becomes a component of urine. The daily urine production is approximately 1-3ml/kg/h for a neonate. RENAL PERFUSION The renal blood flow rate averages 20% to 25% of cardiac output each minute. Adequate blood flow to the kidneys is required to produce a sufficient glomerular filtration rate and urine production. When the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated, such as occurs in a stress response, both the afferent and efferent renal arterioles constrict, producing a decrease in blood flow. DIURESIS (MICTURITION) When bladder fills with 200 ml of urine, stretch receptors transmit impulses to the CNS and produce a reflex contraction of the bladder (PNS) RENAL SYSTEM IN A NUTSHELL It is the body‘s drainage system for removing wastes and extra water. The urinary system includes two kidneys, two ureters, a bladder, and a urethra. The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs, each about the size of a fist and located below the ribs, one on each side of the spine, toward the middle of the back. Every minute, a person‘s kidneys filter about 3 ounces of blood, removing wastes and extra water. The wastes and extra water make up the 1 to 2 quarts of urine an adult produces each day. Children produce less urine each day; the amount produced depends on their age. The urine travels from the kidneys down two narrow tubes called the ureters. The urine is then stored in a balloon like organ called the bladder. Routinely, urine drains in only one direction—from the kidneys to the bladder. The bladder fills with urine until it is full enough to signal the need to urinate. In children, the bladder can hold about 2 ounces of urine plus 1 ounce for each year of age. For example, an 8-year-old‘s bladder can hold about 10 ounces of urine. When the bladder empties, a muscle called the sphincter relaxes and urine flows out of the body through a tube called the urethra at the bottom of the bladder. The opening of the urethra is at the end of the penis in boys and in front of the vagina in girls. 5
  • 6. DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION Diagnostic evaluation of the problems should include details of history of illness, clinical examination, blood tests, imaging of urinary tract and renal biopsy. There are only a few specific manifestations of renal diseases in infants and children. Therefore a careful family history of renal disease should always be obtained. HISTORY OF ILLNESS Past medical history - Mother‘s pregnancy history - Maternal polyhydramnios - Oligohydramnios - DM - HTN Neonatal history - Presence of single umbilical artery - Abdominal mass - Chromosome abnormality - Congenital malformation Present history - Burning micturition - Change in voiding pattern - Vaginal or urethral discharges - Poor growth - Weight gain - Trauma - Diabetes increases risk of UTI Assess output changes, voiding pattern changes, changes in urine color or pain Past history Past UTI, kidney trauma, stones, incontinence and leakage of urine Medications Childhood problems, alcohol and illicit drug use Nephrotoxicity Hypertension contributes to renal failure and nephropathy Family history Renal or cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, cancer or chronic illness - 6
  • 7. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION A. INSPECTION What to test What is the procedure Observe whether child looks sick or well. Is child depressed, drowsy Height, weight,% charts Muscle bulk, subcutaneous fat, skin folds What if the interpretation Sick look suggests chronic renal failure, UTI, altered mental state suggests uremia. Short, thin stature suggests CRF. Obese, moon face suggests steroid effect. Loss of muscle mass, subcutaneous fat suggests CRF. Rickets General observation What to look for Wellness of the child Mental status Growth (short stature) Nutrition Renal rickets and chronic glomerular disease SLE Steroid therapy in nephritic syndrome Nephritis, nephritic syndrome Alports syndrome Dehydration Bony defects Face General examination Eyes Ear General examination Malar flush Hirsuitism Periorbital edema Anemia, cataract, icterus Lenticonus, deafness Dry tongue Uremic breath Neck Ribs Elevated jugular venous pressure Beading, harrison‘s sulcus CVS Cardiomegaly, congestive failure, pericardial effusion RS Distention Tachypnea, crepitations Tenderness on palpation Pleural effusion, pulmonary edema Peritonitis Kidneys Ballotable kidneys Enlarged kidneys Peritoneal free fluid Ascites – on percussion Nephritic syndrome, CRF Bladder Enlarged, urine retension Scrotum Scrotal edema Obstructive uropathy, bladder Nephritic syndrome testis Absence of testis Cryptorchidism Muscle bulk Poor muscle mass CRF Ankle edema Chest Mouth Uremia Pitting on pressure Nephrotic syndrome, acute nephritis Bony deformity Bowed legs, epiphyseal thickening heart Volume overload in CHF, glomerulonephritiss, CRF Renal rickets acute Chronic renal failure, anemia Abdomen neurogenic Genitalia Upper limbs and lower Renal osteodystrophy Foot slapping Peripheral neuropathy Elevated blood pressure AGN, CRF Gait Blood pressure 7
  • 8. Palpation Check the status of the kidneys and urinary bladder. KIDNEY – with the child in supine position and the abdomen relaxed, place the palm of one hand posteriorly at the flank pushing the kidneys forward, while other hand is placed anteriorly below costal margin, pushing abdominal wall backward and upward. Kidneys is felt best in deep inspiration. The kidneys lie in the costovertebral area, the region bounded by the lumbar spine and the 12th rib on either side. To detect tenderness due to kidney inflammation, gently tap over the costovertebral area with a fist. This usually does not cause pain unless the underlying kidney is inflamed. BLADDER – the bladder can be palpated in the neonate and infants easily. In older children it is easily percussible when it is distended. The urinary bladder can be palpated just superior to the pubic symphysis. However, on the basis of palpation alone, urinary bladder enlargement can be difficult to distinguish from the presence of an abdominal mass. Abnormal findings: Kidney: Lump or mass: tumor Tenderness: infection Unequal size: hydronephrosis Bilateral enlargement: polycystic kidney disease Percussion: Bladder: Lump or mass: tumor or cyst Distention: retention or obstruction Percuss the abdomen for unusual dullness ( normal heard over the spleen at the right costal margin, over the kidneys, and 1 – 3 cm below the left costal margin) or flatness. A full bladder may yield dullness above the symphysis pubis. Tenderness in the flank may be detected by fist percussion. If CVA tenderness & pain are present, indicate a kidney infection or polycystic kidney disease. Abnormal findings: Kidney Percussion: Bladder percussion: Tenderness and pain indicates inflammation (glomerulonephritis or glomerulonephrosis) Dull sounds in a patient who has just voided indicates bladder dysfunction or infection 8
  • 9. Auscultation: Listen for heart sounds – murmur may be present in the anemic child with renal disorder -elevated heart rate Auscultate blood pressure noting elevation or depression. Absence of bowel sounds may indicate peritonitis The abdominal aorta & renal arteries are auscultated for a bruit, which indicates impaired blood flow to the kidneys. Abnormal findings: Systolic Bruits Renal artery stenosis CLINICAL FEATURES OF RENAL DISEASE The primary symptoms of urinary system disorders are pain and changes in the frequency of urination. The nature and location of the pain can provide clues to the source of the problem.  Pain •Pain in the superior pubic region may be associated with urinary bladder disorders. •Pain in the superior lumbar region or the flank that radiates to the right upper quadrant or left upper quadrant can be caused by kidney infections such as glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, or kidney stones. •Dysuria may occur with cystitis and urinary obstructions.  Frequency of urination Individuals with urinary system disorders may urinate more or less frequently than usual and may produce normal or abnormal amounts of urine: •Incontinence It is an inability to control urination voluntarily, may involve periodic involuntary urination, or a continual, slow trickle of urine from the urethra. Incontinence may result from urinary bladder or urethral problems, damage or weakening of the muscles of the pelvic floor. Renal function and daily urinary volume are normal. •Urinary retention In this renal function is normal, at least initially, but urination does not occur. Urinary retention in males often results from prostatic enlargement and compression of the prostatic urethra. In both sexes, urinary retention may result from obstruction of the outlet of the urinary bladder, or from CNS damage.  Hematuria The presence of blood in the urine should be confirmed by the microscopic examination of urine. The colour may vary from frank red to shades of brown, described as tea or cola – coloured. It may be glomerular or 9
  • 10. extra glomerular. Blood in the initial urine suggests urethral origin and terminal hematuria indicates bladder origin. If it is uniform throughout, then that is most often AGN. Hypercalciuria, clotting disorders, renal trauma, hemorrhagic cystitis, hemoglobinuria, methemoglobinuria and injestion of certain drugs such as rifapicn also leads to hematuria.  Edema GN manifests with facial puffiness and gross hematuria. Edema is turgid and does not pit readily on pressure. In nephrotic syndrome edema develops incidiously, starting with puffiness around the eyes and then involving the feet and legs. Edema is soft and easily pits on pressure.  Abnormalities of micturition A poor urinary stream in a male infant especially in the presence of a full bladder, suggests obstruction, most commonly due to posterior urethral valve. Crying during micturition and straining suggests obstruction. Retention of urine may be due to neurologic bladder or obstruction by stone or tumor. Persistent dribbling of urine indicates abnormal urethral insertion distal to bladder neck.  Oliguria It is the passage of insufficient volume to maintain homeostasis. (<500ml/24h/1.73m2; in infant it is <1ml/kg/hr). Decreased urine output is an important feature of renal disease. A cause such as gastroenteritis other conditions that lead to prenatal type of renal failure may be detected. It is an important feature of moderate or severe AGN and other conditions causing glomerular injury.  Polyuria It is the passage of excessive amount of urine (5-6 ml/kg/hr). Impairment of urinary concentration is an early feature of obstructive uropathy and other disorders characterized by tubulointerstitial lesions.  Fever A fever commonly develops when the urinary system is infected by pathogens. Urinary bladder infections (cystitis) often result in a low grade fever; kidney infections, such as pyelonephritis, usually produce very high fevers. 10
  • 11. Diagnostic Evaluations – Flowchart Hematuria RBC deposits - ⁺ Hemoglobinuria, myoglobinuria KUB ultrasound Normal Abnormal,Hydronephrosis, Calculus,cyst, tumor Renal function, protienuria normal abnormal Family history Recurrent Present Hereditary nephritis (alport) Absent IgA nephropthy Renal biopsy LABORATORY EXAMINATION URINE EXAMINATION The urine examination should be fresh and relatively concentrated. A midstream urine specimen is generally adequate. In infants, a specimen obtained by supra pubic or transurethral catheterization is preferred for culture. Dipstick method is now widely used to test for proteinuria and many other constituents. Composite 11
  • 12. strips that measure pH, glucosuria, hematuria, leucocytouria and bacteriuria are available and useful as screening tests. Microscopic examination- a fresh centrifuged specimen should be examined. Red cell casts – glomerular inflammation Clumping of neutrophills – acute pyelonephritis - A 24 hour urine collection is difficult but such procedure is resorted when actually needed. E.g. calcium, phosphate, creatinine, magnesium, oxalate. - Spot urine samples are sufficient for nephrotic syndrome and various forms of GN, protein / creatinine ratios tests. URINALYSIS The normal characteristics of urine: Color- pigment is urochrome Yellow color due to metabolic breakdown of hemoglobin (by bile or bile pigments) Beets or rhubarb- might give a urine pink or smoky color Vitamins- vitamin C- bright yellow Infection- cloudy Water: specific gravity = 1g/liter; Urine: specific gravity = 1.001 to 1.030 Pyelonephritus- urine has high s.g.; form kidney stones Diabetes insipidus- urine has low s.g.; drinks excessive water; injury or tumor in pituitary Odor- normal is ammonia-like diabetes mellitus- smells fruity or acetone like due to elevated ketone levels diabetes insupidus- yucky, asparagus pH - range 4.5-8 average 6.0 specific gravity– more than 1.0; ~1.001-1.003 vegetarian diet- urine is alkaline protein rich and wheat diet- urine is acidic 12
  • 13. Abnormal Constitutes of Urine Glucose - when present in urine condition called glycosuria (nonpathological) Indicative of: • Excessive carbohydrate intake • Stress • Diabetes mellitus Albumin-abnormal in urine; it‘s a very large molecule, too large to pass through glomerular membrane > abnormal increase in permeability of membrane Albuminuria- nonpathological conditions- excessive exertion, pregnancy, overabundant protein intake-leads to physiologic albuminuria Pathological condition- kidney trauma due to blows, heavy metals, bacterial toxin Ketone bodies- normal in urine but in small amounts Ketonuria- find during starvation, using fat stores Ketonuria is couples w/a finding of glycosuria-- which is usually diagnosed as diabetes mellitus RBC- hematuria HemoglobinHemoglobinuria- due to fragmentation or hemolysis of RBC; conditions: hemolytic anemia, transfusion reaction, burns or renal disease Bile pigmentsBilirubinuria (bile pigment in urine)- liver pathology such as hepatitis or cirrhosis WBCPyuria- urinary tract infection; indicates inflammation of urinary tract Casts- hardened cell fragments, cylindrical, flushed out of urinary tract WBC casts- pyelonephritus RBC casts- glomerulonephritus Fatty casts- renal damage 13
  • 14. BLOOD TESTS Normal range of blood urea level is 20-40 mg/dl. The levels increases in case of reduced renal perfusion, increased tissue break down, trauma, gastrointestinal bleeding and use of corticosteroids and tetracycline. Serum albumin is reduced in patients with heavy proteinuria, occasionally below 1.5g/dl. It is typically present in children with nephrotic syndrome and hypercholesterolemia. IMAGING STUDIES Expert ultrasonography is the initial modality in most renal disorders. Radionuclide examinations have clear indications particularly in the investigation of renal and urinary tract anomalies, obstructive uropathy, urinary tract infections and renovascular hypertension. Imaging Of The Urinary Tract  Micturing cystourethrogram (MCU) It is necessary for the diagnosis and evaluation of severity of vesico ureteric reflux and the detection of abnormalities of bladder and urethra. The contrast agent is introduced into the bladder through a catheter or directly by supra pubic puncture. Films are taken when the child is voiding.  Intra venous pylogram (IVP) The functional anatomy of the urinary system can be examined by administering a radiopaque compound that will enter the urine which permits the creation of an intravenous pyelogram, by taking an X-ray of the kidneys. This procedure permits detection of unusual kidney, ureter, or bladder structures and masses.  Ultrasonography It gives excellent information about the anatomical aspects. It is ideal for children as it is painless and requires no sedation or a contrast agent. It can be carried out even at bedside and repeated a required. In some interventions also ultra sound guidance is used. Considerable expertisation is required for interpretation of findings.  Radionuclide imaging This in non invasive, highly sensitive and expose the patient to a much smaller amount of radiation. The techniques include: a) Renal perfusion study (renography) It monitors the arrival, uptake and elimination of a radiopharmaceutical by the kidney. b) Renal static imaging It gives a two dimentional depiction of the concentration and distribution of the radionuclide. c) Clearance studies It accurately assesses the individual kidney function. d) Direct radionuclide cystography 14
  • 15. It is more reliable for detecting VUR as the radiation dose to patient is greatly reduced compared to MCU. It provides a visual representation of the rate of bladder emptying, residual urine volume and evidence of VUR. RENAL BIOPSY Usually percutaneous specimen ix obtained s by inserting a needle through the skin and into the kidney. The sample of the kidney is then microscopically examined. It is usually not necessary in uncomplicated cases. Indications of renal biopsy: i. Nephrotic syndrome Secondary Suspected Corticosteroid non minimal lesion Congenital ii. Acute nephrotic syndrome Unresolving or progressive GN Associated systemic features iii. Acute renal failure Prolonged anuria Undetermined causes iv. Recurrent gross hematuria v. Persistent proteinuria vi. Hereditory nephropathies vii. Interstitial nephritis CONGENITAL ABNORMALITIES Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract constitute approximately 20 to 30 percent of all anomalies identified in the prenatal period. Defects can be bilateral or unilateral, and different defects often coexist in an individual child. CLASSIFICATIONS 1) a. b. c. Dysgenesis of the kidney Renal agenesis(absent kidney) Renal hypoplasia Renal dysplasia 15
  • 16. 2) a. b. c. d. Abnormalities in shape & position: Ectopic kidney Fusion anomalies horseshoe kidney crossed fused ectopia 3) a. b. c. d. Abnormalities of the collecting system: Hydronephrosis Bladder extrophy PUV Patent urachus 1. DYSGENESIS OF THE KIDNEY a)Renal agenesis Renal agenesis is the name given to a congenital absence or under development of one or both kidneys. The kidneys develop between the 5th and 12th week of fetal life, and by the 13th week they are normally producing urine. When the embryonic kidney cells fail to develop, the result is called renal agenesis. It is due to failure of ureteric bud formation or mesenchymal blastoma differentiation of final mesenchymal condensation. ETIOLOGY - Usually there is no family history of renal agenesis, but in 20-36% of cases, there is a genetic cause. The risk of recurrence in future pregnancies is 3% unless one parent has unilateral renal agenesis, in which case the risk is about 15%. Women with uncontrolled diabetes in pregnancy may deliver a baby with bilateral renal agenesis. TYPES i. ii. Unilateral Bilateral 1.UNILATERAL Unilateral renal agenesis is much more common, but is not usually of any major health consequence, as long as the other kidney is healthy. It is associated with an increased incidence of mullerian duct abnormalities which are abnormalities of the development of the female reproductive tract and can be a cause of infertility. Children with this condition are advised to approach contact sports with caution. INCIDENCE Unilateral renal agenesis occurs in 1 of 1000-2000 live births. 16
  • 17. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS no other symptoms at all. premature birth. low-set ears (This is because the ears and kidneys are formed at the same time in fetal development) The ureters may also be abnormal 2.BILATERAL Bilateral renal agenesis is the uncommon and serious failure of both a fetus' kidneys to develop during gestation. Bilateral renal agenesis with associated malformations is known as Potters Syndrome. This absence of kidneys causes oligohydramnios, which can place extra pressure on the developing baby and cause further malformations. The condition is frequently, but not always the result of a genetic disorder, and is more common in infants born to one or more parents with a malformed or absent kidney. When this condition is not compatible with survival; in fact, 40% of babies with bilateral renal agenesis will be stillborn, and if born alive, the baby will live only a few hours. Prior to birth fetus does not require intact renal function because the mother provides homeostasis., therefore a child with bilateral agenesis will be able to survive for several days after birth. INCIDENCE Bilateral renal agenesis occurs in 1 of 4500 live births and is usually found in boys. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS They may have a number of unique characteristics: dry loose skin wide-set eyes prominent folds at the inner corner of each eye sharp nose large low-set ears with lack of ear cartilage underdeveloped lungs absent urinary bladder anal atresia esophageal atresia unusual genitals The lack of amniotic fluid causes some of the problems (undeveloped lungs, sharp nose, clubbed feet) DIAGNOSIS It is often detected on fetal ultrasound because there will be a lack of amniotic fluid (called oligohydramnios). It is detected by US at 12th wk of gestation. 17
  • 18. TREATMENT a. Short-term treatment Bilateral renal agenesis is fatal. If one kidney is present (unilateral renal agenesis) the child will develop normally. Many times the absence of a kidney is detected only incidentally when an older child or adult has an abdominal x-ray for some other reason. The remaining kidney, if properly functioning, can very effectively remove the wastes from the blood and keep the body entirely healthy. Once detected, families where renal agenesis has occurred will be offered genetic counseling because of the possibility of recurrence in future pregnancies. b. Long-term treatment Once diagnosed, children with one kidney (solitary kidney) will be encouraged to protect the remaining kidney from infection or injury. Periodic examinations of the kidney and prompt treatment of any urinary tract infection is required. These children may be counseled to avoid contact sports where the kidney could be injured. NURSING MANAGEMENT Protecting the kidney function is very important. Sometimes children will be prescribed a low dose of an antibiotic to take once a day to prevent kidney infection and damage. Blood pressure should be carefully monitored and elevations treated. Dialysis or kidney transplant are the only options to treat children whose solitary kidney has ceased to function. COMPLICATIONS frequent urinary tract infections high blood pressure kidney stones reflux hydronephrosis b)Renal hypoplasia This may appear as one small kidney with the other one larger. It occurs due to the partial development of kidney. Small kidneys also have small arteries and are associated with hypertension requiring nephrectomy. 18
  • 19. c)Renal dysplasia Multicystic dysplastic kidney is a condition that results from the malformation of the kidney during fetal development. The kidney consists of irregular cysts of varying sizes and has no function. It is the most common type of renal cystic disease, and it is one of the most common causes of an abdominal mass in infants. TYPES I. II. Bilateral Unilateral INCIDENCE the disease is found to be bilateral in 19% to 34% of cases. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS Those with bilateral disease often have other severe deformities. In bilateral cases, the newborn has the classic abnormal facies Oligohydramnios Characteristic of Potter's syndrome Contralateral ureteropelvic junction Hypertension (Malignant transformation to Wilm's tumor has been reported) DIAGNOSIS It is usually diagnosed by ultrasound examination antenatally. Mean age at the time of antenatal diagnosis is about 28 weeks, with a range of 21 to 35 weeks. TREATMENT It is not treatable. The patient is observed periodically for the first few years to ensure the healthy kidney is functioning properly and that the unhealthy kidney is not causing adverse effects. In case of renal hypertension or malignant transformation, the unhealthy kidney is removed entirely CONSERVATIVE MANAGEMENT 1. cysts < 5cm , high chance of involution, or cause no problems. 2. reviewed annually for: - BP - urinary protein. - US for cysts involution, of MCDK. growth of contra-lateral kidney. Up to 2yrs of age then at 5yrs of age if normal. 19
  • 20. Nephrectomy: 1- no involution by 2 yrs of age. 2- HTN 3- infections COMPLICATIONS Malignancy: Wilm's‘ tumor, adenocarcinoma& embryonic carcinoma. HTN: cured by nephrectomy. Infection, bleeding into, or rupture of cysts if large. 2. ABNORMALITIES IN SHAPE & POSITION: a)Ectopic kidey Renal ectopia or ectopic kidney describes a kidney that is not located in its usual position. It results from the kidney failing to ascend from its origin in the true pelvis or from a superiorly ascended kidney located in the thorax. b)Fusion anomalies 1. Horse Shoe Kidney It develops when the lower poles of the kidneys are fused in the midline due to fusion of ureteric buds during fetal development. These kidneys are more prone to develop wilms tumour than general. Diagnosis could be done with IVP. Surgery is indicated when uncontrolled urinary infections result in pyelonephritis. 2.Crossed fused ectopia After horseshoe kidney, crossed fused ectopia of the kidneys is the most frequent fusion abnormality of the urinary tract. In this abnormality, both the kidneys are located on the same side with two separate ureters arising from the respective kidneys. The ureter arising from the crossed over kidney travels back to the opposite side and inserts in the bladder. This congenital anomaly is the result of the abnormal development of the ureteric bud and metanephric blastema during the fourth to eighth weeks of gestation. 20
  • 21. 3. ABNORMALITIES OF COLLECTING SYSYTEM a) Hydronephrosis It is the dilatation of the renal pelvis which may be found as unilateral or bilateral. It may be due to obstruction of urine flow in the distal urinary tract or reflux of urine up the ipsilateral ureter or due to bladder neck obstruction or urethral obstruction. ETIOLOGY Uretero Pelvic Junction Obstruction Vesico Urethral Reflux Megaureter Ureterocoele PUV CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS urinary infections large abdominal mass abdominal pain failure to thrive anemia hypertension Hematuria renal failure. DIAGNOSIS - Antenatal US ( 18-20 WKS) - severity of antenatal US - Unilateral vs. bilateral - Renal parenchyma thin - Bladder - Amniotic fluid Post natal Physical exam: Abdominal mass, palpable bladder USG IVP MCU diuretic isotope renography MANAGEMENT Surgical removal or pyloplasty is done and in case of complication nephrectomy or percutaneous nephrostomy is indicated. 21
  • 22. b) Posterior urethral valve (PUV) It is the most frequent cause of distal urinary tract obstruction. The valves are found usually at the point of junction of posterior urethra with anterior urethra. CLINICAL MANIFESTATION - dribbling of urine abnormal urine stream palpable bladder recurrent urinary tract infections vomiting failure to thrive pulmonary hypoplasia. Poor urinary stream Voiding dysfunction. Urosepsis. DIAGNOSIS - US suggestive at < 24 wks gestation MCU USG Endoscopy MANAGEMENT - It could be done by urinary catheterization Defenitive management is by transurethral destruction of valvular leaflet by balloon catheter. In some cases temporary urinary diversion is done. NURSING MANAGEMENT - correction of electrolytes. Treatment of sepsis. Resp.distress Temporary relieve of pressure c) Exstrophy of bladder (ectopia vesicae) In this the lower portion of abdominal wall and the anterior wall of the bladder are missing, so that the bladder is everted through the opening and may found on the lower abdomen just above the symphysis pubis, with continuous passage of urine to outside. It occurs as a result of altered, not arrested embryogenesis. INCIDENCE: -It is the most common congenital anomaly of lower urinary and genital tracts. 22
  • 23. -It occurs in 1 in 30,000 to 40,000 live births. -it occurs frequently in males than in females. CLINICAL MANIFESTATION: This condition is diagnosed on inspection at birth. -Urinary dribbling through defect -skin excoriation -infection & ulceration of bladder mucosa -ambigous genetalia -wadling unsteady gait -UTI -Growth failure DIAGNOSTIC EXAMINATION: - physical examination -cystoscopy -X-ray -USG -IVP -urodynamic testing MANAGEMENT: -surgical closure of bladder within 48 hours -urinary diversion -complete correction in stages by reconstruction -orthopedic surgery in case of musculoskeletal problems (should be done by school age) 23
  • 24. NURSING MANAGEMENT: Supporting nursing care is important before and after reconstructive surgery to prevent complications. Pre-operative care:-Protection of bladder area from infections and trauma -avoid irritating clothing over exposed bladder -position by back or side -humidifying with wet gauze -Preparation of parents and child for surgery Post-operative care:-close monitoring of child‘s condition -special attention to urinary catheter, drainage -teaching the parents regarding follow up care, complications and prevention d)Patent urachus The urachus is a remnant of allantois, a channel between the bladder and the umbilicus (belly button) where urine initially drains in the fetus during the 1st trimester of pregnancy. The channel of the urachus usually seals off and obliterates around the 12thweek of gestation and all that is left is a small fibrous cord between the bladder and umbilicus called the median umbilical ligament. A patent urachus occurs when the urachus did not seal off and there is a connection between the bladder and the umbilicus. A patent urachus can cause varying amounts of clear urine to leak at the umbilicus. If the urachus remains open all the way to the bladder, there is the danger that bacteria will enter the bladder through the open tube and cause infection. For this reason, the patent urachus of the infant must be removed TREATMENT A surgical incision is made in the baby's abdomen and the patent urachus is removed, then the opening to the bladder is closed. OTHER: Uretero pelvic junction stenosis It is the narrowing of the ureter at the junction between the ureter and renal pelvis of the kidney. It produces blockage of urine drainage from the kidney (similar to the waist in an hourglass). It produces increased backpressure on the kidney and can cause impaired kidney function and ultimately long term potential 24
  • 25. damage to the kidney itself. It is found as a cause of hydronephrosis. It can be associated with ectopic or horse shoe kidney. INCIDENCE Ureteropelvic junction stenosis and obstruction is the most common cause of kidney blockage or obstruction in children. It is the most common site of obstruction in the upper urinary tract It occurs nearly 1 in 500 to 1:1250 live births. ETIOLOGY The two main causes of PUJ obstruction are: intrinsic muscular defect causing impaired peristalsis and urine drainage extrinsic obstruction caused by an aberrant or accessory vascular stalk leading to the lower pole of the kidney and crossing anteriorly to the PUJ or upper ureter. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS recurrent renal colic o flank or abdominal pain o nausea o vomiting flank mass without symptoms often associated with UTI upper abdominal pain DIAGNOSIS Prenatal ultrasonography USG IVP Renal scan Renal function test MANAGEMENT Surgery; pyloplasty is indicated to remove obstruction and to avoid complications. The indications for conservative or surgical therapy of PUJ obstruction are still developing. PUJ obstruction by crossing renal vessels is essential in choosing the appropriate surgical approach.  Pyeloplasty, is a surgical procedure to correct the obstruction. - If the obstruction is diagnosed during pregnancy or in the early newborn period, if possible, the health team typically tries to wait until the child is approximately 3 months of age to perform the surgery. This allows the child to grow and develop and mature to minimize any risk of anesthetic complications. 25
  • 26. - After 3 months of age, the anesthetic risk has dropped and will remain minimal throughout the remainder of the child's life until older adult age. Conversely, surgical correction at that time still allows the kidney to recover from the blockage and ultimately grow and develop normally during the important first years of life and then into adulthood. - The surgery takes approximately 2-3 hours under a general anesthetia. An incision (cut) will be made, usually on the child‘s side. A catheter (small tube) will be inserted through the urethra into the bladder during surgery to drain the urine. The obstructed part of the kidney/ureter is removed and then the remaining parts joined. The wound will be closed with dissolvable stitches and sometimes paper tapes (steristrips) are also applied. A few children will have a small stent left in place which goes between the kidney and incision site. This stent can be used if necessary to help drain urine or, if needed, to insert dye during an x-ray. It can be removed with ease after drainage has stopped. Epispadiasis It is the congenital abnormal urethral opening on the dorsal aspect of penis. Urethra is displaced dorsally due to the abnormal development of the infraumbilical wall and upper wall of the urethra. It is associated with extrophy of bladder and ambiguous genetalia. TYPES: In male child In female child Anterior with normal continence Bifid clitoris with no incontinence of urine Posterior epispadiasis Subsymphyseal with incontinence of urine Male infants have short and broad penis with dorsal A cleft extends along the roof or entire urethra, curvature. involving the bladder neck. DIAGNOSIS: -diagnosed at birth itself -IVP -MCU -vesicourethral reflux -bladder capacity MANAGEMENT: Surgical correction 1st stage - it is done about 1.5 to 2 years of age for penile lengthening, elongation of urethral strip and chordee 26
  • 27. correction. 2nd stage – it is done atleast 6 months after 1st stage urethral reconstruction 3rd stage – it is done about 3 - 4 years of age for bladder neck reconstruction and correction of VUR. Cytoplasty can be done to enhance the bladder capacity after 2 – 3 years of 3rd stage operation. Supportive nursing care should emphasize on prevention of infection. Hypospadiasis It is a congenital abnormal urethral opening on the ventral aspect of the penis. Undescended testes, inguinal hernia or upper urinary tract anomalies may be associated with hypospadiasis. It may be found in females as urethral opening in the vagina with dribbling of urine. INCIDENCE: It is a commonest malformation in a male child occurs 1-3 Occurs in 1-3 males per 1000 live births Close relatives of the patients are most likely to have compared to other population TYPES: It can be classified depending upon the site of urethral meatus. Anterior Middle Posterior 65-70% 10-15% 20% May be found as glandular or Penile shaft hypospadiasis coronal or on distal penile shaft. May be found on proximal penile shaft or as penoscrotal, scrotal or perineal type DIAGNOSIS: -Mostly observed at birth -observe for any abnormal voiding pattern - observe for inability of the boy to stand to urinate, he must sit to void. MANAGMENT: -surgical reconstruction to obtain straight penis at erection, to form urethral meatus at the tip of glans penis. -meatotomy is done at any age after birth. -chordee correction and advancement of prepuce can be done at 2 – 3 years of age. 27
  • 28. -urethroplasty is done 3 – 4 months after chordee correction. (Surgical correction should be completed before admission to school.) SURGICAL COMPLICATIONS Surgical complication rates depend on the chosen procedure, and include urethrocutaneous fistula, meatal stenosis, urethral strictures, urethral diverticula, complete breakdown, skin necrosis, residual or recurrent curvature and hypospadiac cripple. Phimosis Phimosis refers to the narrow opening of the prepuse that prevents it being drawn back over the glans penis. The inability to retract the prepuse after the age of 3 years should be considered as true phimosis. It also can be acquired by the inflammation of glans or prepuse. It can predispose UTI. The term may also refer to clitoral phimosis in women, whereby the clitoral hood cannot be retracted, limiting exposure of the glans clitoridis. TYPES Different authors calssify it differently o Pathological o Physical o Physiological ETIOLOGY - balanitis (inflammation of the glans penis) Preputial stenosis or narrowness that prevents retraction, by fusion of the foreskin with the glans penis in children unusual masturbation practices secondary to chronic inflammation repeated catheterization forcible foreskin retraction Untreated diabetics due to the presence of glucose in their urine giving rise to infection in the foreskin CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS - inability to retract the foreskin during routine cleaning or bathing - ballooning of the prepuce during urination - painful erections - Hematuria - recurrent urinary tract infections - preputial pain 28
  • 29. - weakened urinary stream  Physical Phimosis, the foreskin cannot be retracted proximally over the glans penis.  Physiologic phimosis, the preputial orifice is unscarred and healthy appearing.  Pathologic phimosis, a contracted white fibrous ring may be visible around the preputial orifice MANAGEMENT: Phimosis in infancy needs to be treated only if it is causing obvious problems such as urinary discomfort or obstruction. If phimosis in older children or adults is not causing acute and severe problems, nonsurgical measures may be effective. 1.Non surgical methods include:  Steroid therapy Application of topical steroid cream, such as betamethasone, for 4–6 weeks to the narrow part of the foreskin is relatively simple, less expensive than surgical treatments and highly effective.  Manual stretching Stretching of the foreskin can be accomplished manually, with balloons or with other tools. Skin that is under tension expands by growing additional cells. A permanent increase in size occurs by gentle stretching over a period of time. The treatment is non-traumatic and non-destructive. Manual stretching may be carried out without the aid of a medical doctor. The tissue expansion promotes the growth of new skin cells to permanently expand the narrow preputial ring that prevents retraction. 2.Surgical methods It range from the complete removal of the foreskin to more minor operations to relieve foreskin tightness:  Circumcision It is the excision of the foreskin of the glans penis is choice of operative intervention don to treat phimosis. Other measure is the use of betamethasone cream to the narrowed preputial skin for two times daily for 4 weeks. This treatment usually becomes successful as the foreskin becomes soft, elastic and can be retracted gently and gradually.  Dorsal slit (superincision) Dorsal slit is a single incision along the upper length of the foreskin from the tip to the corona, exposing the glans without removing any tissue.  Ventral slit (subterincision) It is an incision along the lower length of the foreskin from the tip of the frenulum to the base of the glans, removing the frenulum in the process. Often used when frenulum breve occurs alongside the phimosis.  Preputioplasty It is in which a limited dorsal slit with transverse closure is made along the constricting band of skin can be an effective alternative to circumcision. It has the advantage of only limited pain and a short time of healing relative to circumcision, and avoids cosmetic effects. 29
  • 30. PROGNOSIS The most acute complication is paraphimosis. In this condition, the glans is swollen and painful, and the foreskin is immobilized by the swelling in a partially retracted position. The proximal penis is flaccid. Paraphimosis It may develop in phimotic child. It is an uncommon medical condition where the foreskin becomes trapped behind the glans penis, and cannot be reduced (that is, pulled back to its normal flaccid position covering the glans penis). It is the retraction of a phimotic foreskin, behind coronal sulcus forming a tight constricting ring around the glans. The foreskin is retracted behind the glans penis and cannot be replaced to its normal position. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS painful, swollen glans penis in the uncircumcised or partially circumcised patient irritability Flaccidity of the penile shaft proximal to the area of paraphimosis is seen Erythematous and edematous glans The glans penis is initially its normal pink hue and soft to palpation. As necrosis develops, the color changes to blue or black and the glans becomes firm to palpation. ETIOLOGY The foreskin may be retracted during penile examination, penile cleaning, urethral catheterization, or cystoscopy; if the foreskin is left retracted for a long period, some of the foreskin tissue may become edematous (swollen with fluid), which makes subsequent reduction of the foreskin difficult. PREVENTION o Paraphimosis can be avoided by bringing the foreskin back into its reduced position after retraction is no longer necessary o Phimosis is a risk factor for paraphimosis; physiologic phimosis resolves naturally as a child matures, but it may be advisable to treat pathologic phimosis via long-term stretching or elective surgical techniques MANAGEMENT  Manual manipulation of the swollen foreskin tissue This involves compressing the glans and moving the foreskin back to its normal position, perhaps with the aid of a lubricant, cold compression, and local anesthesia as necessary.  Dorsal slit  Circumcision  The Dundee technique 30
  • 31. It entails placing multiple punctures in the swollen foreskin with a fine needle, and then expressing the edema fluid by manual pressure. Prune belly syndrome ( Eagle-Barrett syndrome, Triad syndrome) It is a rare, genetic birth defect characterized by a triad of symptoms. 1.Deficiency or absence of anterior abdominal wall musculature. 2.Bilateral cryptorchidism 3.Ureter, bladder,& urethral abnormalities( megacystis, Megaureter, 2°dysplasia) The syndrome is named for the mass of wrinkled skin that is often (but not always) present on the abdomens of those with the disorder. Other names for the syndrome include Abdominal Muscle Deficiency Syndrome, Congenital Absence of the Abdominal Muscles, Eagle-Barrett Syndrome, Obrinsky Syndrome, Frohlich Syndrome, or Triad Syndrome INCIDENCE About 1 in 40,000 births About 97% of those affected are male SYMPTOMS A partial or complete lack of abdominal muscles. There may be wrinkly folds of skin covering the abdomen. Undescended testicles in males Urinary tract abnormality such as unusually large ureters, distended bladder, accumulation and backflow of urine from the bladder to the ureters and the kidneys Frequent urinary tract infections due to the inability to properly expel urine. Later in life, a common symptom is post-ejaculatory discomfort. Most likely a bladder spasm, it lasts about two hours. DIAGNOSIS Via ultrasound while a child is still in-utero. sAn abnormally large abdominal cavity resembling that of an obese person is the key indicator, as the abdomen swells with the pressure of accumulated urine. In young children, frequent urinary tract infections Blood tests to check kidney function Voiding cystourethrogram Orthopedic evaluation 31
  • 32. TREATMENT The type of treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms.  Vesicostomy Vesicostomy allows the bladder to drain through a small hole in the abdomen, thus helping to prevent urinary tract infections. Similarly, consistent self catheterization, often several times per day, can be an effective approach to preventing infections. A more drastic procedure is a surgical "remodeling" of the abdominal wall and urinary tract. Boys may have an orchiopexy, which moves the testicles to their proper place in the scrotum. Even with treatment, many patients experience renal failure. COMPLICATIONS distending and enlarging of internal organs such as the bladder and intestines Surgery is often required but will not return the organs to a normal size. Bladder reductions have shown that the bladder will again stretch to its previous size due to lack of muscle. Also many complications can come from enlarged/malformed kidneys which warrant the child to go on dialysis or require a kidney transplant. With proper treatment long healthy lives are possible. Musculoskeletal abnormalities include pectus excavatum, scoliosis, and congenital dislocations including the hip. CRYPTORCHIDISM (UNDESCENDED TESTIS) It is the absence of one or both testes from the scrotum. It is the most common birth defect regarding male genitalia. In unique cases, cryptorchidism can develop later in life, often as late as young adulthood. Cryptorchidism is distinct from monorchism the condition of having only one testicle. INCIDENCE - About 3% of full-term and 30% of premature infant boys are born with at least one undescended testis. By the age of 1 year the incidence decreases to less than 1% and does not change thereafter. Frequency 3.4 % in term boys FACTORS RESPONSIBLE FOR DESCENT - Initiated by-androgens Prompted by-differential growth Permitted by-lengthening of ductus Fascilitated by-gubernaculum TYPES 1.undescended testes In this type testis neither resides nor can be manipulated into the scrotum 32
  • 33. - Abdominal – proximal to the internal inguinal ring Canalicular – between the internal and external inguinal rings Ectopic – outside the normal pathways of descent between the abdominal cavity and the scrotum 2.Retractile testes It can be manipulated into scrotum where it remains without tension 3.Anorchia Absence of testis CAUSES AND RISK FACTORS In most full-term infant boys with cryptorchidism but no other genital abnormalities, a cause cannot be found, making this a common, sporadic, idiopathic birth defect. A combination of genetics, maternal health and other environmental factors may disrupt the hormones and physical changes that influence the development of the testicles. - Endocrine abnormalities affecting hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis Denervation of genitofemoral nerve Traction of gubernaculum Abnormal development of epididymis Premature birth Congenital hernia Low birth weight endocrine disruptors that interfere with normal fetal hormone balance (pesticides) Diabetes and obesity in the mother exposure to regular alcohol consumption during Family history of undescended testicle or other problems of genital development congenital malformation syndromes (Down syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome) In vitro Fertilization use of cosmetics by the mother pre-eclampsia CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS - Nonpalpabe testes (either one or both) Retractile testes can be milked/ ushed back into scrotum DIAGNOSIS - Physical examnination Softer testes Not well developed rugae 33
  • 34. Cremasteric Reflex In normal males, as the cremaster muscle relaxes or contracts, the testis moves lower or higher ("retracts") in the scrotum. This reflex is elicited by lightly stroking the superior and medial (inner) part of the thigh regardless of the direction of stroke. The normal response is an immediate contraction of the cremaster muscle that pulls up the testis on the side stroked (and only on that side). Various maneuvers using a crosslegged position, soaping the examiner's fingers, or examining in a warm bath Pelvic ultrasound / MRI locate the testes while confirming absence of a uterus. karyotype confirm or exclude forms of dysgenetic primary hypogonadism, such as Klinefelter syndrome or mixed gonadal dysgenesis. Hormone levels especially gonadotropins and AMH can help confirm that there are hormonally functional testes worth attempting to rescue, as can stimulation with a few injections of human chorionic gonadotropin to elicit a rise of the testosterone level. Abdominal laproscopy TREATMENT The primary management of cryptorchidism is watchful waiting, due to the high likelihood of self-resolution. Where this fails surgery is indicated. Refractile testis can be manipulated into scrotum by milking / pushing back into scrotum. Hormone therapy With lutenizing hormone releasing spray(nasal spray) and HCG injection(10 injections over 5 weeks is common). orchiopexy it is effective if inguinal testes have not descended after 4–6 months. It could be performed between 1 2 years of age. Surgical repair is done to o Prevent damage to undescended testicles by exposure to heat thus maintaining future fertility o Avoid trauma & torsion o Decrease incidence of tumour formation o Prevent cosmetic handicap An incision is made over the inguinal canal. The testis with accompanying cord structure and blood supply is exposed, partially separated from the surrounding tissues, and brought into the scrotum. It is sutured to 34
  • 35. the scrotal tissue or enclosed in a "subdartos pouch." The associated passage back into the inguinal canal, an inguinal hernia, is closed to prevent re-ascent. HYDROCELE It is defined as a collection of fluid within the tunica vaginalis of the testis. It is the presence of fluid in the processus vaginalis and is result of the same developmental process as an inguinal hernia. INCIDENCE 10 – 60/1,000 newborn full term babies TYPES 1. Congenital - Communicating (―vogbreuk‖) It is one in which processes vaginalis remains open and into which peritoneal fluid may be forced by intra abdominal pressure and gravity. - Infantile tunica & processes vaginalis distended upto internal ring but sac has no connection with peritoneal cavity - Interstitial - Cord smooth,oval swelling associated with spermatic cord 2. Primary - Idiopathic (aetiology not known) - Imbalance between the fluid secretion and absorption of the tunica vaginalis 3. Secondary - Infection - Trauma - Tumor - Abnormalities in inguinal lymph nodes CLINICAL MANIFESTATION - scrotal mass that transilluminates testis not palpable fluctuant can get above swelling testicular sensation can be elicited CAUSES - Incomplete closure of the processus vaginalis from the peritoneum Residual peritoneal fluid that has yet to be reabsorbed after processus closure 35
  • 36. - In older boys it is due to abnormal absorption or secretion secondary to another pathologic process(Trauma,Ischemia,Infection) Secondary to intrascrotal or intra-abdominal pathology Filariasis may produce hydrocele in infected boys and men Hydrocele may be seen following ipsilateral renal transplantation secondary to testicular torsion or incarcerated/strangulated hernia secondary to testicular cancer RISK FACTORS - Premature and low-birth-weight infants Indirect inguinal hernia Primary testicular/intrascrotal pathology Trauma Surgery Increased intra-abdominal pressure Lymphatic obstruction Ventriculoperitoneal shunt Peritoneal dialysis Bladder exstrophy MANAGEMENT Surgical: Lords placation The hydrocele is opened with a small skin incision without further preparation. The hydrocele sac is reduced (plicated) by suture Von Bergmann's technique Partial resection of the hydrocele sac, leaving a margin of 1–2 cm. Care is taken not to injure testicular vessels, epididymis or ductus deferens. The edge of the hydrocele sac is oversewn for haemostasis Winkelmann's or Jaboulay's technique Same as von Bergmann's technique but the edges are sewn together behind the spermatic cord COMPLICATIONS - infection pyocele,hematocele infertility atrophy of testis herniation of hydrocele sac (rare) rupture (rare) 36
  • 37. AMBIGUOUS GENETALIA (Hermaphroditism) Ambiguous genitalia is a congenital defect in which the external genitalia - penis or vulva - of the child do not have the typical appearance of either a male or female. The genitalia usually show a combination of male and female characteristics. Normal Genetalia & Reproductive Organ Develoment: During conception, the mother of a child contributes an X chromosome and the father contributes an X or Y chromosome. If the father contributes an X chromosome, then a genetically female fetus (XX) will develop and if he contributes a Y chromosome, a genetically male fetus (XY) will be formed. In the early stages of fetal life, both male and female fetuses are identical. At a certain stage - about 8 weeks for an XY fetus and 12 weeks for an XX fetus - the changes that cause them to differentiate into male and female respectively, occur. These changes occur in the same fetal tissue in both types of fetuses. Cases of ambiguous genitalia occur when there is a disorder in the process of differentiation of this fetal tissue. In humans, biological sex is determined by five factors present at birth: - the number and type of sex chromosomes; the type of gonads—ovaries or testicles; the sex hormones, the internal reproductive anatomy (such as the uterus in females), and the external genitalia. People whose five characteristics are not either all typically male or all typically female are intersexed. ETIOLOGY A failure or abnormality in any of the steps of genetalia and reproductive development can lead to abnormal development. Abnormal gender determination Chromosome abnormalities result in disturbance of development. Abnormal differentiation of gonads When induction of the bipotential gonad fails, gender differentiation proceeds in the direction of the female phenotype, regardless of karyotype. Abnormal differentiation of ductal systems Biological inactivity of androgenic male organizer substances or insensitivity of ductal tissue to the action of these substances results in a persistent female duct system, which leads to the presence of a uterus and uterine tubes. Abnormal secretion of testicular androgen Complete failure of male hormone secretion produces female external genetalia in a genetic male. Partial or incomplete masculination with ambiguity of the external genetalia. 37
  • 38. TYPES  True Hermaphroditism: Ovaries and testicles are present and the external genitalia are not clearly male or female. This condition is very rare.  Female Pseudohermaphroditism The child has ovaries and a penis-like structure (usually due to clitoromegaly).  Male Pseudohermaphroditism The child has undescended testicles and external female genitalia.  Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis Genetalia vary greatly, but in those who appear predominately female, the dysplastic testis may cause musculination at puberty.  Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Inherited deficiency of adrenal corticosteroid hormones. Female - In this certain forms of this condition, the adrenal glands of the fetus produce excessive amounts of androgens (male hormones) which cause the female genitalia to look male. Male -Certain forms of this condition cause reduced male hormone production which allows female-looking genitalia to develop. TREATMENT Goal: To enable the affected child to grow into a well adjusted, psychosocially stable person who is able to identify with the assigned gender and is content with the same. 1.Counselling: Having ambiguous genitalia causes a lot of emotional distress for the individual. 2. Determination of the Individual's Sex: This will include - Physical examination of the external genitalia by a physician - Chromosomal analysis to determine genetic sex - Pelvic ultrasound to check for the presence of reproductive organs e.g. undescended testes, ovaries, uterus etc. - Ability or potential of the individual to actually belong or adapt to either of the sexes. 3. Reconstructive Surgery: To make the genitalia look more natural according to the chosen gender and to promote sexual function. 4. Hormone Therapy If the condition which caused the ambiguous genitalia is not very severe, hormone replacement therapy could be used. Hormone therapy is used to promote development of secondary sexual characteristics during puberty and sometimes, throughout life. 38
  • 39. INGUINAL HERNIA A hernia occurs when an intestinal part of the body, such as an organ, pushes through a weakness in the muscle or surrounding tissue wall. The muscles are usually strong but sometimes fails to kep organs in place resulting hernia. An inguinal hernia is a lump or protrusion of abdominal-cavity contents through the inguinal canal. It occurs in the groin region and may extend to scrotum in male children. Inguinal canal In male inguinal canal transmit the spermatic cord, ilioinguinal nerve & genital branch of genitofemoral nerve. In female round ligament replace the spermatic cord. INCIDENCE - It accounts 80% of childhood hernias More common in male children 10-20/1000 live births. 30% occurring in preterm infants ETIOLOGY - an opening in the muscle wall does not close as it should before birth which leaves a weak area in the belly muscle. Pressure on that area can cause tissue to push through and bulge out. Overweight Lifting Coughing Straining TYPES Direct inguinal hernia: It occur medial to the inferior epigastric vessels when abdominal contents herniated through a weak spot in the fascia of the posterior wall of the inguinal canal which is formed by the tranvalis fascia. Indirect inguinal hernia It occur when abdominal contents protrude through the deep inguinal ring, lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels, this may be caused by failure of embryonic closure of the processus vaginalis. Other types Reducible hernia It can be pushed back into abdomen by manual pressure into it. Irreducible hernia It cannot be pushed back into abdomen by manual pressure into it. 39
  • 40. - - Obstructed In this lumen of herniated part of intestine is obstructed but the blood supply to hernia sac is intact Incarcerated hernia In this adhesions develop between the wall of hernia sac and wall of intestine. Strangulated hernia In this the blood supply of the sac is cut off, thus, leading to ischemia. The lumen of the intestine may be patent or not. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY In males the testis are initially located in the abdomen. Around the seventh month of gestation, the testis migrate down into the scrotum via a passage, the inguinal canal. This canal begins to close before birth and is usually completely fused or shut by the 1st year of life. If this canal does not close completely and the muscles in the wall of the abdomen do not cover the opening well enough a hernia may develop. Descending testes Migrate from abdomen to scrotum during development of urinary and reproductive organs Large sized inguinal canal transmits testicles and accommodates spermatic cord Weak posterior wall of inguinal canal and shutter mechanism Lower intra abdominal pressure Hernia formation CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS - Swelling/ visible lump / bulge in the groin or scrotum Appears when the child lifting heavy weights, coughing, bending, straining, or laughing Smooth and soft swelling Swelling increase while crying, coughing or straining may be painful sometime bulge without pain swelling and a feeling of heaviness, tugging, or burning in the area of the hernia symptoms may get better when child lie down 40
  • 41. - Sudden pain Nausea & vomiting Bloating DIAGNOSIS - History collection Physical examination USG Urine routine MANAGEMENT Conservative No medical recommendation for inguinal hernia but elective surgery is recommended Making truss with non intrusive flat pads to hold the hernia securely during all activities Surgical management It is called hernia repair. It is not recommended in minimally symptomatic hernia. There are three different approaches to pediatric hernias.  Open repair – This involves making an incision just below the belt line and dissecting down to the hole in the muscle layer. This hernia is closed with stitches. The deeper tissues and skin are then sewn together with dissolvable sutures that are hidden under the skin so that there are no stitches to be removed.  Open repair with laparoscopic exploration – This is the same as the open repair except that before closing the hernia hole, a small camera (about 3 mm in diameter) is passed into the abdomen to examine the opposite groin from the inside. If a hernia is detected, a matching incision is made on the opposite side to allow repair of the second hernia.  Laparoscopic repair – In this approach the hernia is closed using laparoscopic techniques. A 3-mm or 5-mm camera is inserted through the umbilicus and additional instruments are introduced through needle holes to perform the hernia closure. There a number of different laparoscopic hernia repair techniques in children (eversion technique, intracorporeal suturing technique, single stitch technique) that a can use depending upon the particular patient. NURSING MANAGEMENT OF THE CHILD WITH UROLOGIC SURGERY Basic pre-operative care to be provided with special attention for the followings: Promoting understanding of parents about the planned surgical interventions by explanations according to level of understanding. Preparing for necessary diagnostic procedures Involving the parents in child‘s care Promoting normal urinary functions by monitoring intake and output, care of urinary catheter and drainage tube, encouraging adequate fluid intake and hygienic measures and observing signs of urinary infections. 41
  • 42. Preventing infections by aseptic precautions, hand washing practices, taking care of wound, administering prescribed medications, I/V fluid therapy, monitoring features of infections and vital signs etc. Providing comfort by rest, sleep, comfortable positioning operated side with support, administering analgesics, antispasmodics and organizing diversions and recreation by toys and play. Providing adequate nutrition to promote healing and prevent infection along with adequate fluid to promote urinary function. Teaching the parents about related care, prevention of infections and complications, importance of fluid intake, diet and follow up. Available support services and facilities. URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS A UTI is an infection in the urinary tract. Infections are caused by microbes—organisms too small to be seen without a microscope—including fungi, viruses, and bacteria. Bacteria are the most common cause of UTIs. Normally, bacteria that enter the urinary tract are rapidly removed by the body before they cause symptoms. However, sometimes bacteria overcome the body‘s natural defenses and cause infection. An infection in the urethra is called urethritis. A bladder infection is called cystitis. Bacteria may travel up the ureters to multiply and infect the kidneys. A kidney infection is called pyelonephritis. INCIDENCE 3-8% of girls and 1-2% of boys develop a UTI during childhood. Peak incidence is between 2 – 6 years of age. CLASSIFICATION Various terms used to describe urinary tract disorders:           Bacteriuria – presence of bacteria in urine Asymptomatic bacteriuria – significant bacteriuria with no evidence of clinical infection Symptomatic bacteriuria – accompanied by physical signs Recurrent UTI – repeated episodes of bacteriuria Persistent UTI – persistence of bacteriuria despite antibiotic Febrile UTI – accompanied by fever, other physical signs of urinary infection Urethritis - inflammation of urethra Cystitis - inflammation of the bladder Pyelonephritis – inflammation of upper urinary tract and kidneys Urosepsis – febrile UTI coexisting with systemic signs of bacterial illness; blood culture reveals presence of urinary pathogen. ETIOLOGY Escherichia coli – 80% of cases Gram negative enteric organisms are frequently implicated. These are found in anal and perineal region Other organisms include Proteus, pseudomonas, klebsiella, staphylococcus aureus, haemophilus etc. 42
  • 43. Anatomic and physical factors Structure of lower urinary tract accounts to bacteriuria in females Short urethra in young girls (2cm) & in mature women (4cm) provides pathway for organism to invade Closure of urethra in the end of micturition may lead to return of bacteria to bladder Longer male urethra and prostatic secretions inhibit entry of pathogens in males Urinary stasis The act of completely and repeatedly emptying of bladder flushes away the organisms but the incomplete emptying result from reflux , anatomic abnormalities, dysfunction of voiding mechanism, extrinsic ureteral compression caused by constipation etc leads to UTI. Altered urine and bladder chemistry The mechanical and chemical properties of urine and bladder mucosa maintain urinary sterility. Normally urine is acidic. An alkaline medium is favored by the pathogens. A urine pH of about 5 hampers the bacterial multiplication. RISK CATEGORY - - Throughout childhood, the risk of having a UTI is 2 percent for boys and 8 percent for girls. Having an anomaly of the urinary tract increases the risk of a UTI. o Vesicoureteral reflux o Urinary obstruction o Dysfunctional voiding Boys who are younger than 6 months sold who are not circumcised are at greater risk for a UTI than circumcised boys the same age. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Cause : UVR, catheterization , postponement of voiding, DM, low fliud intake etc bacteria ascends the urethra Lining of urinary tract becomes inflammed Micturition reflex triggered Urgency, frequency, burning hematuria, irritability, failure to thrive, pyuria DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION A urine sample will be collected and examined. The way urine is collected depends on the child‘s age: - If the child is not yet toilet trained, the health care provider may place a plastic collection bag over the child‘s genital area. The bag will be sealed to the skin with an adhesive strip. If this method is used, the bag should be removed right after the child has urinated, and the urine sample should be processed immediately. Because bacteria from the skin can contaminate this sample, the methods listed below are more accurate. 43
  • 44. - -      A health care provider may need to pass a small tube called a catheter into the urethra of an infant. Urine will drain directly from the bladder into a clean container. Sometimes the best way to collect a urine sample from an infant is by placing a needle directly into the bladder through the skin of the lower abdomen. Getting urine through a catheter or needle will ensure that the urine collected does not contain bacteria from the skin. An older child may be asked to urinate into a container. The sample needs to come as directly into the container as possible to avoid picking up bacteria from the skin or rectal area. Urine culture First morning urine specimen Clean catch mid stream specimen Collection bag Supra pubic aspiration Bladder catheterization Urinalysis - Increased number of RBC - Nitrate test positive - Significant bacteriuria Renal ultrasound - GU tract anatomy - Pelvi calceal dilatation - Hydronephrosis - Renal scarring Dipstick tests USG VCUG - GU anatomy IVP THERAPEUTIC MANAGEMENT Goals -eliminate current infection -Identify contributing factors and reduce risk of occurrence -prevent systemic spread of infection -preserve renal function PHARMACOLOGIC MANAGEMENT antibiotic therapy based on: identification of pathogen history of antibiotic use location of infection 44
  • 45.  - Antibiotics amoxicillin – 20-40mg/kg in 3 doses cefixime – 8mg/kg in 2 doses Cephalexin – 50-100mg/kg in 4 doses Gentamycin – 1-4mg/kg single dose Trimethoprim – 6-12mg/kg & 30-60mg/kg in 2 doses Cefotaxim – 100mg/kg in 3 divided doses Ciprofloxacin – 20-30mg/kg in 2 divided doses   - Antimicrobial drugs (sometimes it will not be effective due to resistance of organism) Anti-infective agents penicillin sulfonamide cephalosporin nitrofurantoin SURGICAL MANAGEMENT For primary reflux or bladder neck obstruction, surgical correction is needed to avoid recurrence. NURSING MANAGEMENT - Careful history taking regarding voiding habits, stooling pattern Caution the parents in suspected cases Collect appropriate specimen Checking diaper half hourly for straining, dripping of small amounts of urine. Explanation of procedure according to their age Administer proper dosage of medications Increase the fluid intake COMPLICATIONS Most UTIs are not serious, but some infections can lead to serious problems, such as kidney infections. - Chronic kidney infections Infections that recur or last a long time can cause permanent damage, including kidney scars, poor kidney growth, poor kidney function, high blood pressure, and other problems. - Some acute kidney infections infections that develop suddenly can be life threatening, especially if the bacteria enter the bloodstream, a condition called septicemia. PREVENTION - Simple hygienic habits should be followed Practice habit of voiding soon as they feel the urge Adolescent girls are advised to urinate soon after an intercourse 45
  • 46. - Reinforce parents and older children the importance of compliance Circumcision in males Plenty of oral fluids Treatment of constipation, pinworms GLOMERULAR DISEASE Many diseases affect kidney function by attacking the glomeruli, the tiny units within the kidney where blood is cleaned. The glomerulus may be injured by several mechanisms, but it has only a limited number of histopathologic responses; different disease states can produce similar microscopic changes. Glomerular injury may be a result of genetic, immunologic, perfusion, or coagulation disorders. TYPES The three basic types of glomerular disease include: focal nephritic, diffuse nephritic, and nephrotic. Focal nephritic — The key feature of focal nephritic disease is blood in the urine (hematuria) without significant impairment of kidney function or proteinuria. A person with focal glomerulonephritis may not have any symptoms and their condition may go unnoticed until blood and protein are found during a routine urinalysis. The following conditions may cause focal glomerulonephritis.  Mild postinfectious glomerulonephritis, IgA nephropathy, thin basement membrane disease, hereditary nephritis(Alport syndrome), Henoch-Schönlein purpura (IgA vasculitis), mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis Diffuse nephritic — Persons with diffuse nephritic disease have hematuria with impaired kidney function and proteinuria. This may be a severe form of focal nephritic disease for some people, or may be caused by a bodywide disease. Urinalysis may also show high levels of protein, and patients may have edema (swelling in the lower legs) or high blood pressure. The following conditions may cause diffuse glomerulonephritis.  Less than 15 years old – Postinfectious glomerulonephritis, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis Nephrotic syndrome — People with nephrotic syndrome generally have protein in the urine (proteinuria) but little to no blood in the urine. Kidney function may worsen as nephrotic syndrome progresses. The following conditions may cause nephrotic syndrome.  Less than 15 years old – Minimal change disease, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis 46
  • 47. Nephrotic Syndrome Nephrotic syndrome, a manifestation of glomerular disease, characterized by nephrotic range proteinuria and the triad of clinical findings associated with massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema, and hyperlipidemia. (Nephrotic range proteinuria - protein excretion of > 40 mg/m2/hr or a first morning protein: creatinine ratio of >2-3: 1) INCIDENCE: The annual incidence is 2-3 cases per 100,000 children per year in most Western countries and higher in underdeveloped countries resulting predominantly from malaria. Miniml change nephrotic syndrome constitutes 80% of nephrotic syndrome cases. ETIOLOGY: Most children with nephrotic syndrome have a form of primary or idiopathic nephrotic syndrome. a) Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome include minimal change disease (the most common), focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, membranous nephropathy and diffuse mesangial proliferation b) Associate with glomerular damage (systemic lupus erythematosus, lymphoma ,leukemia and infections) c) Hereditary proteinuria syndromes are caused by mutations in genes that encode critical protein components of the glomerular filtration apparatus. Such as Alport syndrome, sickle cell anemia. TYPES: 1. Idiopathic Nephrotic syndrome It is the primary disease which also known as childhood nephrosis, or minimal change nephrotic syndrome. Approximately 90% of children with nephrotic syndrome have idiopathic nephrotic syndrome. Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome is associated with primary glomerular disease without evidence of a specific systemic cause. Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome includes multiple histologic types: minimal change disease, mesangial proliferation, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), membranous nephropathy, and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis. 2. Secondary Nephrotic Syndrome It is a secondary disorder that occurs as a clinical manifestation after or in assosciation with glomerular damage. It occurs secondary to systemic diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, Henoch-Schönlein purpura, malignancy (lymphoma and leukemia), and infections (hepatitis, HIV, and malaria). Secondary nephrotic syndrome should be suspected in patients >8 yr and those with hypertension, hematuria, renal dysfunction, extrarenal symptoms (rash, arthralgias, fever), or depressed serum complement levels. Nephrotic syndrome has also developed during therapy with numerous drugs and chemicals. The histologic picture can resemble membranous glomerulopathy (penicillamine, captopril, gold, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, mercury compounds), MCNS (probenecid, ethosuximide, methimazole, lithium), or proliferative glomerulonephritis (procainamide, chlorpropamide, phenytoin, trimethadione, paramethadione). 3. Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome It is inherited as autosomal recessive disorder. Congenital nephrotic syndrome is defined as nephrotic syndrome manifesting at birth or within the first 3 months of life. Congenital nephrotic syndrome may be classified as primary or as secondary to a number of etiologies. 47
  • 48. a) Primary congenital nephrotic syndrome is due to a variety of syndromes inherited as autosomal recessive disorders. Affected infants most commonly present at birth with edema due to massive proteinuria, and they are typically delivered with an enlarged placenta (>25% of the infant‘s weight). Severe hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia, and hypogammaglobulinemia result from loss of filtering selectivity at the glomerular filtration barrier. Prenatal diagnosis can be made by the presence of elevated maternal and amniotic α-fetoprotein levels. b) Secondary congenital nephrotic syndrome can be occurred from underlying causes such as syphilis. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - In nephrotic syndrome, type III hypersensitivity reaction occurs in which the immune complex precipitated in the tissue. - Activation of the complement system also stimulates vaksoaktive amines (including histamine) and this substance causes retraction of endothelial cells thus increasing vascular permeability. - Changes in membrane glomerolus, causing increased permeability, allowing the proteins (especially albumin) out through the urine (proteinurine). - Decreased oncotic pressure causing albumin moves from intra vascular space into interstitiel. - Transfer of proteins to the interstitial cavity causing lipoproteinemia. - It stimulates the liver to compensate by increasing the production of lipoproteins and increased concentrations of blood fats (hyperlipidemia). - When the liver is not able to compensate for damage in fat and protein metabolism. - Transfer of protein exit the vascular system, causing fluid to move into the space plasma interstitisel resulting edema and hypovolemia. - Decrease in vascular volume stimulates renin angiotensin system, which allows the secretion of aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone (ADH). - Aldosterone stimulates increased reabsorsi distal tubules of the sodium and water, leading to increased edema. 48
  • 49. metabolic, biochemical, physiochemical or immune mediated disturbances basement membrane of glomeruli permeable to proteins loss of albumin in urine through the membrane hypoalbuminemia decrease in colloidal osmotic pressure in capillaries vascular hydrostatic pressure exceeds the pull of colloidal osmotic pressure fluid accumulation in interstitial space abdominal cavity (edema) (ascitis) Hypovolemia Decreased renal blood flow increased secretion of ADH and aldosterone Rennin release Na+ and water reabsorption Vasoconstriction EDEMA increased hydrostatic pressure CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS Weight gain Puffiness on face (facial edema) o Especially around the eyes o Apparent on arising the morning o Subsides during the day Abdominal swelling (ascitis) Pleural effusion Labial or scrotal swelling Edema of intestinal mucosal which result in: o Diarrhea o Anorexia o Poor intestinal absorption Ankle / leg swelling Irritability Easily fatigued Lethargic 49
  • 50. BP normal or slightly decreased Susceptible to infections Urine alterations o Decreased volume o Frothy DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION History collection o weight gain, anorexia, irritability, less active Physical examination o Clinical manifestations Urine dipstick test for protienuria Blood tests –presence of casts, RBC o Serum protein low concentration o Reduced albumin o GFR normal or high o Hb normal or elevated o Elevated platelet count Renal biopsy if not respond to steroid treatment THERAPEUTIC MANAGEMENT Goals  Reduce excrtion of urinary protein  Reduce fluid retension  Preventing infection  Minimize complications related to treatment DIETARY MANAGEMENT - Low salt diet - Fluid restriction PHARMACOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT - Diuretic therapy for temporary relief from edema - Infections are treated with appropriate antibiotics - Corticosteroids for MCNS Prednisolone – 2mg/kg body weight/day in one or two divide doses - Relapse is treated with high dose steroid therapy - For children who do not respond to steroid therapy, immune - suppressants are given. STEROID THERAPY  Extended APN schedule o 60mg/m2/day as a single dose for 6 weeks o If remission is present , then 40 mg/m2/every other day for next 6 weeks o If remission is maintained, taper steroids in EOD in 2 weeks  Definition of response 50
  • 51. - Remission No albumin on three consecutive early morning urine samples Relapse 2+ or more albumin on 3 consecutive early morning urine samples Frequent relapse 3 or more relapses in 6 months or 4 or more relapses in 1 year Steroid resistance No remission after 8 weeks of adequate daily steroids Steroid dependence Relapse within 15 days of stopping steroids after inducing remission or on tapering, on more than 2 occasions NURSING MANAGEMENT a. Focus Assessment       Urinary System (oliguric, urine retention, proteinurin and urine discoloration). Fluid and electrolyte balance (excess fluid, edema, ascites, weight gain, dehydration) Circulation (increased blood pressure) Neurology (decreased level of consciousness due to dehydration) Breathing (shortness of breath, tachypnea) Mobility (redness, malaise) b. Nursing Diagnosis 1. 2. 3. 4. Impaired Urinary Elimination related to Na and water retention. Excess Fluid Volume related to edema Imbalanced Nutrition Less Than Body Requirements related to damage protein metabolism Ineffective Breathing Pattern related to suppression of the diaphragm due to ascites c. Nursing interventions 1. Administer medications, such as diuretics, antibiotics, and corticosteroids as ordered. 2. Ask dietitian to plan a low-sodium diet with moderate amounts of protein. 3. Provide meticulous skin care to combat the edema that usually occurs with nephrotic syndrome. 4. Encourage activity and exercise and provide antiembolismstockings as ordered. 5. Frequently check the patient‘s urine for protein, indicated by frothy appearance. 6. Monitor and document the location and charater of edema. 7. Measure blood pressure while the patient is in s supine position and standing. 8. Monitor intake and output hourly. 9. Assess the patient‘s response to prescribed medications. 10. Stress the importance of adhering to the special diet 51
  • 52. COMPLICATIONS 1. Due to drugs 2. Due to the disease 1.Due to drugs Toxicity of the following drugs may occur Furosemide, siranolactone Steroids Cyclophosphamide Levamisole Anticoagulants 2.Due to the disease Edema Biochemical hypothyroidism Hypocalcemic tetany Anemia Hypercoagulable states Acute renal failure Infection - Children in relapse have increased susceptibility to bacterial infections because of urinary losses of immunoglobulins, defective cell-mediated immunity, their immunosuppressive therapy, malnutrition, and edema or ascites acting as a potential culture medium. - Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis is a common infection, although sepsis, pneumonia, cellulitis, and urinary tract infections may also be seen. Thromboembolic events - Both arterial and venous thromboses may be seen, including renal vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolus, sagittal sinus thrombosis, and thrombosis of indwelling arterial and venous catheters. - To minimize the risk of thromboembolic complications, aggressive use of diuretics and the use of indwelling catheters should be avoided if possible. Cardiovascular disease - Hyperlipidemia, may be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease; myocardial infarction is a rare complication in children. Steroid therapy - Complications incude weight gain, ounding of face, increased appetite, hirsuitism, growth retardation, cataracts, HTN, gastro intestinal bleeding, infection and hyperglycemia. IMMUNISATIONS The children with NS should receive: - 23- serotype pneumococcal vaccine - 7-valent conjugate pneumococcal vaccine - routine childhood immunization schedule( for child is in remission and off daily prednisone therapy) 52
  • 53. - - Live virus vaccines should not be administered to children who are receiving daily or alternate-day high-dose steroids (≥2 mg/kg/day of prednisone or its equivalent, or ≥20 mg/day if the child weighs >10 kg). Vaccines can be administered after corticosteroid therapy has been discontinued to nephrotic children in relapse if exposed to varicella, should receive varicella-zoster immunoglobulin (1 dose ≤96 hours after significant exposure) Influenza vaccine should be given on a yearly basis PROGNOSIS Ultimate recovery in most cases is good. It is a self timing disease. In children who receives steroid therapy the tendency to relapse decreases with time. With early detection and treatment, the membrane damage could be minimized. About 80% of affected children have favorable prognosis. Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome Hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) is one of the most common causes of community-acquired acute kidney failure in young children. It is characterized by the triad of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and renal insufficiency . CLINICAL DESCRIPTION Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is characterized by the acute onset of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, renal injury, and a low platelet count. Most cases of HUS occur after an acute gastrointestinal illness (usually diarrheal). INCIDENCE - Occurs in infants and small children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years. CASE CLASSIFICATION Probable • An acute illness diagnosed as HUS or TTP that meets the laboratory criteria in a patient who does not have a clear history of acute or bloody diarrhea in the preceding 3 wk • An acute illness diagnosed as HUS or TTP that (a) has onset within 3 wk after onset of an acute or bloody diarrhea and (b) meets the laboratory criteria except that microangiopathic changes are not confirmed. Confirmed • An acute illness diagnosed as HUS or TTP that both meets the laboratory criteria and began within 3 wk after onset of an episode of acute or bloody diarrhea 53
  • 54. CLASSIFICATION OF HEMOLYTIC UREMIC SYNDROME  Infection Induced Verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli Shiga toxin-producing Shigella dysentereriae type 1 Neuraminidase-producing Streptococcus pneumoniae Human immunodeficiency virus  Genetic von Willebrand factor-cleaving protease (ADAMTS 13) deficiency Complement factor H (or related proteins) deficiency or mutation Membrane cofactor protein (MCP) mutations Thrombomodulin mutations Complement factor I mutations Vitamin B12 metabolism defects Familial autosomal recessive of undefined etiology Familial autosomal dominant of undefined etiology Sporadic, recurrent, undefined etiology without diarrhea prodrome  Other Diseases Associated With Microvascular Injury Systemic lupus erythematosus Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome Following bone marrow transplantation Malignant hypertension Primary glomerulopathy HELLP (hemolytic anemia, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count) syndrome  Medication-Induced Calcineurin inhibitors (cyclosporine, tacrolimus) Cytotoxic, chemotherapy agents (mitomycin C, cisplatin, gemcitabine) Clopidogrel and ticlopidine Quinine SUBGROUPS 1st – associated with a diarrheal prodrome ( D+ / typical HUS) 2nd – not associated with antecedent diarrhea ( D- / atypical HUS) 54
  • 55. ETIOLOGY - Rickettsia - Bacterial toxins (e-coli, salmonella, pneumococci) - Chemicals - Viruses (coxsackie virus, echovirus, adenovirus) - Usually transmitted by undercooked meat or unpasteurized milk or apple cider - HUS outbreaks have also been associated with municipal water supply; petting farms; swimming in contaminated ponds and consuming cheese, lettuce, or raw spinach contaminated with toxin PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Primary injury in endothelial lining of small glomerular arterioles Deposits of platelets and fibrin clots Swelling in the glomerular arterioles RBC damage resulted by the attempt to move through occluded blood vessels Spleen removes the damage Results in hemolytic anemia Result in characteristic thrombocytopenia CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS History of a prodromal disease (gastroenteritis or an upper respiratory infection) Acquired hemolytic anemia Sudden onset of hemolysis Thrombocytopenia Renal injury Central nervous system symptoms DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION History collectuion Clinical examination: - Triad of anemia, thrombocytopenia and renal failure 55
  • 56. Laboratory examination: Urine - proteinuria, hematuria, urinary cast presence Blood - Elevated blood urea, nitrogen, creatinine - Low hemobglobin, hematocrit - High reticulocyte count THERAPEUTIC MANAGEMENT - early recognition of the disease - monitoring for potential complications - meticulous supportive care. careful management of fluid and electrolytes correction of volume deficit control of hypertension early institution of dialysis if the patient becomes anuric or significantly oliguric Red cell transfusions are usually required because hemolysis can be brisk and recurrent until the active phase of the disease has resolved. - Blood transfusion Fresh, washed packed cells for anemic child with caution to prevent circulatory overload Fresh frozen plasma and plasma pherisis PROGNOSIS The acute prognosis, with careful supportive care, for diarrhea associated HUS (D+) has <5% mortality in most major medical centers. Half of the patients require dialysis support during the acute phase of the disease. Most recover renal function completely, but of surviving patients, 5% remain dependent on dialysis, and up to 20-30% are left with some level of chronic renal insufficiency. The recovery rate is about 95%, but residual renal impairment ranges from 10% to 50% in various cases. Immunoglobulin A Nephropathy (Berger Nephropathy) IgA nephropathy is the most common chronic glomerular disease. The disease derives its name from deposits of Immunoglobulin A (IgA) in a granular pattern in the mesangium a region of the renal glomerulus. It is characterized by a predominance of IgA immunoglobulin within mesangial glomerular deposits in the absence of systemic disease (e.g., symptomatic systemic lupus erythematosus or Henoch-Schönlein purpura). INCIDENCE It is seen more often in male than in female patients. -is often benign in childhood in comparison to that of adults. 56
  • 57. -is an uncommon cause of end-stage renal failure during childhood. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS Gross hematuria associated with loin pain. Proteinuria often <1000 mg/24 hr. Mild to moderate hypertension. Normal serum levels of C3 DIAGNOSIS History collection Physical examination (clinical features) Laboratorical investiagationss Renal biopsy TREATMENT - The primary treatment is appropriate blood pressure control - Fish oil, which contains anti-inflammatory omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids - Immunosuppressive therapy with corticosteroids - Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor antagonists are effective in reducing proteinuria and retarding the rate of disease progression. - Kidney transplantation PROGNOSIS Although IgA nephropathy does not lead to significant kidney damage in most children, progressive disease develops in 20-30% of patients 15-20 yr after disease onset. Therefore, most children with IgA nephropathy do not display progressive renal dysfunction until adulthood, prompting the need for careful long-term follow-up. Poor prognostic indicators at presentation or followup include persistent hypertension, diminished renal function, and heavy or prolonged proteinuria. Alport Syndrome (hereditary nephritis) AS, hereditary nephritis, is a genetically heterogeneous disease caused by mutations in the genes coding for type IV collagen, a major component of basement membranes. These genetic alterations are associated with marked variability in clinical presentation, natural history, and histologic abnormalities. GENETICS Approximately 85% of patients have X-linked disease caused by a mutation. Autosomal recessive forms of AS are caused by mutations in the COL4A3 and COL4A4 genes on chromosome 2 encoding the α3 and α4 57
  • 58. chains, respectively, of type IV collagen. An autosomal dominant form of AS linked to the COL4A3-COL4A4 gene locus occurs in 5% of cases. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS - Asymptomatic microscopic Hematuria - Single or recurrent episodes of gross hematuria commonly occurring 1-2 days after an upper respiratory infection. - Proteinuria - Bilateral sensorineural hearing loss - Ocular abnormalities - Leiomyomatosis of the esophagus, tracheobronchial tree, and female genitals in association with platelet abnormalities is rare. DIAGNOSIS - Family history - Screening urinalysis of first-degree relatives - Audiogram, - Ophthalmologic examination - Diagnostic renal biopsy - Mutation screening or linkage analysis is not readily available for routine clinical use. - Prenatal diagnosis is available for families with members who have X-linked AS and who carry an identified mutation. TREATMENT - No specific therapy is available to treat AS - Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors can slow the rate of progression - Careful management of renal failure complications such as hypertension, anemia, and electrolyte imbalance is critical. - Patients with ESRD are treated with dialysis and kidney transplantation. PROGNOSIS - The risk of progressive renal dysfunction leading to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is highest among hemizygotes and autosomal recessive homozygotes. Risk factors for progression are gross hematuria during childhood, nephrotic syndrome, and prominent GBM thickening. 58