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Through the
Life Span
by Jim Foley
Chapter 4
Topics we’ll be bringing to life
 Issues in Thinking about Development
 Nature and Nurture
 Continuity and Stages
 Stability and Change
 Prenatal Development
 Conception  Zygote
 Embryo  Fetus
 Teratogen Risks
 Newborn Skills and Behaviors
Developmental Issues, Prenatal
Development, and the Newborn
and stages
How do genes and experience
guide development over our
In what
ways do we
change as
we age, and
in what
ways do we
stay the
Issues in
Is development
a gradual
change or are
there some
leaps to a new
way of thinking
or behaving?
Starting the Path to Personhood:
Prenatal Development
and the Newborn
The Competent
In the
Sperm and egg unite to bring
genetic material together and
form one organism:
the zygote (the fertilized cell).
The Zygote Stage: First 10 to 14 Days
 After the nuclei of the egg and
sperm fuse, the cell divides in 2, 4,
8, 16, 100…
 Milestone of the zygote stage: cells
begin to differentiate into
specialized locations and structures
Implantation: The Embyro, 2 to 8 weeks
 This stage begins with the
multicellular cluster that implants in
the uterine wall.
 Milestone of the implantation stage:
differentiated cells develop into
organs and bones Embryo
The Fetus
At nine weeks, hands and face
have developed; the embryo is
now called a fetus (“offspring”).
At 4 months, many more
features develop.
Milestone of the fetal stage:
by six months, the fetus
might be able to survive
outside the womb
Fetal Life: The Dangers
• Teratogens (“monster
makers”) are substances
such as viruses and
chemicals that can damage
the developing embryo or
• Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
(FAS) refers to cognitive,
behavioral, and body/brain
structure abnormalities
caused by exposure to
alcohol in the fetal stage.
Fetal life: Responding to Sounds
 Fetuses in the womb can
respond to sounds.
 Fetuses can learn to recognize
and adapt to sounds that they
previously heard only in the
 Fetuses can habituate to
annoying sounds, becoming
less agitated with repeated
After the fetal
the child is born!
Inborn Skills
Newborns have reflexes to ensure
that they will be fed.
 The rooting reflex--when
something touches a newborn’s
cheek, the infant turns toward
that side with an open mouth.
 The sucking reflex can be
triggered by a fingertip.
 Crying when hungry is the
newborn talent of using just the
right sounds to motivate parents
to end the noise and feed the
Reflexes are responses that are
inborn and do not have to be learned.
More Inborn Abilities
 Newborns (one hour old!) will look twice as long at
the image on the left.
 What can we conclude from this behavior?
Aspects of starting to grow up
 Physical Development/maturation, inc. brain
 Cognitive Development: Piaget, Vygotsky
 Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete
Operational, Formal Operational Stages
 Egocentrism, Theory of Mind, Autism
 Vygotsky: Mind in Social Context
 Social Development
 Attachment: Origins, Styles, Deprivation
 Day Care; Self-Concept; Parenting Styles
Infancy: newborns growing
almost into toddlers
Infancy and Childhood
For each of these stages, we will study:
 brain development.
 motor development.
 cognitive development.
 social and emotional development.
Childhood: toddlers growing
almost into teenagers
 In psychology, “maturation” refers to
changes that occur primarily because of
the passage of time.
 In developmental psychology, maturation
refers to biologically-driven growth and
development enabling orderly (predictably
sequential) changes in behavior.
 Experience (nurture) can adjust the timing,
but maturation (nature) sets the sequence.
not the meaning you might think
For example,
infant bodies,
in sequence,
will lift heads,
then sit up,
then crawl,
and then
Maturation in
infancy and early
childhood affects
the brain and
motor skills.
Maturation, the biological
unfolding, will be seen in:
 brain development.
 motor development.
Brain Development:
Building and Connecting Neurons
 In the womb, the number of neurons grows by about
750,000 new cells per minute in the middle trimester.
 Beginning at birth, the connections among neurons
proliferate. As we learn, we form more branches and
more neural networks.
 In infancy, the growth in neural connections takes
place initially in the less complex parts of the brain (the
brainstem and limbic system), as well as the motor and
sensory strips.
 This enables body functions and basic survival skills.
 In early childhood, neural connections proliferate in
the association areas.
 This enables advancements in controlling attention
and behavior (frontal lobes) and also in thinking,
memory, and language.
Impact of Experience/Nurture on
Brain Development
The Process Continues into Adulthood
Repeated practice at
a finger-tapping task
begins to activate a
[slightly] larger group
of motor neurons.
Experience and Brain Development
Rats living in an “enriched” environment (more
social interaction and physical play) experienced a
greater growth in brain size and complexity than
those rats living in an “impoverished” environment.
Motor Development
 Maturation takes place in the body and cerebellum
enabling the sequence below.
 Physical training generally cannot change the timing.
Baby Memory
 In infancy, the brain forms memories so
differently from the episodic memory
of adulthood that most people cannot
really recall memories from the first
three years of life.
 A birthday party when turning three
might be a person’s first memory.
Infantile Amnesia
Learning Skills
 Infants can learn skills (procedural
 This three month old can learn, and
recall a month later, that specific foot
movements move specific mobiles.
Cognitive Development
Cognition refers to the mental
activities that help us function,
 problem-solving.
 figuring out how the world
 developing models and
 storing and retrieving
 understanding and using
 using self-talk and inner
Cognitive Development:
Jean Piaget (1896-1980)
 We don’t start out being able to think like adults.
 Jean Piaget studied the errors in cognition made by
children in order to understand in what ways they think
differently than adults.
The error below is an inability to understand scale
(relative size).
Jean Piaget and Cognitive Development:
 An infant’s mind works hard to make sense of our
experiences in the world.
 An early tool to organize those experiences is a schema,
a mental container we build to hold our experiences.
 Schemas can take the form of images, models, and/or
This child has formed a schema called “COW” which he uses
to think about animals of a certain shape and size.
“Cow!” “Cow!”
Jean Piaget and Cognitive Development:
Assimilation and Accommodation
How can this girl use her
“dog” schema when
encountering a cat?
 She can assimilate the experience into her schema by
referring to the cat as a “dog”
 she can accommodate her animal schema by separating the
cat, and even different types of dogs, into separate schemas.
The Course of Development:
Jean Piaget believed that cognitive development:
1. is a combination of nature and nurture. Children
grow by maturation as well as by learning through
interacting/playing with the environment.
2. is not one continuous progression of change.
Children make leaps in cognitive abilities from one
stage of development to the next.
Issue Jean Piaget’s Vote
Nature vs. Nurture Both
Continuity vs. Stages Stages
Jean Piaget’s Stages of
Cognitive Development
Stage (Birth to
Age 2)
In this stage,
children explore by
looking, hearing,
touching, mouthing,
and grasping.
Cool cognitive trick
learned at 6 to 8
months, coming up
next: object
Hmm, a bear, should
I put it in my mouth?
Through games like
“peekaboo,” kids
learn object
idea that objects
exist even when
they can’t be seen.
There’s a game I’ve
learned to play all
by myself:
Can Children Think Abstractly?
Jean Piaget felt that kids in the
sensorimotor stage did not
think abstractly.
Yet there is some evidence
that kids in this stage can
notice violations in physics
(such as gravity).
Does that mean babies are
doing physics?
Is This Math?
If so, kids in the “sensorimotor” stage do math.
Babies stare longer and with surprise
when numbers don’t make sense.
Is this math? Was Jean Piaget wrong?
“I am the World.”
Do you
have a
What mistake is
this boy making?
How does
this relate
to ego-
Does Jim
have a
What can kids do in the preoperational stage?
1. Represent their
schema with words
and images.
2. Perform pretend
3. Picture other points
of view, replacing
egocentrism with
theory of mind.
4. Use intuition, but
not logic and
abstraction yet.
Maturing beyond Egocentrism:
Developing a “Theory of Mind”
Theory of
mind refers to
the ability to
that others
have their own
thoughts and
With a theory of
mind, you can
picture that Sally
will have the wrong
idea about where
the ball is.
Examples of Operations that
Preoperational Children Cannot Do…Yet
Conservation refers to the ability to understand that a
quantity is conserved (does not change) even when it is
arranged in a different shape.
Which row
has more
Autism Spectrum Disorders
 Children with disorders on the autism spectrum have
difficulties in three general areas:
 establishing mutual social interaction
 using language and play symbolically
 displaying flexibility with routines, interests, and
 Children with disorders on the autism spectrum have
more difficulty than a typical child in mentally
mirroring the thoughts and actions of others; this
difficulty has been called “mind blindness.”
How do we teach social/emotional
understanding to children with autism?
Are the autistic kids learning to understand
the emotions of others, or are they
memorizing that certain facial positions
correspond to certain emotion words?
The Concrete
Operational Stage
 begins at ages 6-7 (first grade) to age 11
 children now grasp conservation and
other concrete transformations
 they also understand simple
mathematical transformations the
reversibility of operations (reversing
3 + 7 = 10 to figure out that 10 - 7 = 3).
Piaget’s stages of development
Although Jean Piaget’s
observation and stage
theory are useful, today’s
researchers believe:
1. development is a
continuous process.
2. children show some
mental abilities at an
earlier age than Piaget
3. formal logic is a smaller
part of cognition, even
for adults, than Piaget
Views and uses of Piaget’s Theory
Piaget helps us understand
kids fairly. 3 year olds:
 May break things without
intending to;
 Cannot tell that they are
blocking your view, much
less figuratively see from
your viewpoint on issues;
 May complain about a
sibling getting more food if
the same sized pizza was
cut into more pieces.
 May not get your sarcasm.
Lev Vygotsky: Alternative to Jean Piaget
 Lev Vygotsky studied kids
too, but focused on how
they learn in the context
of social communication.
 Principle: children learn
thinking skills by
internalizing language
from others and
developing inner speech.
 Vygotsky saw
development as building
on a scaffold of
mentoring, language, and
cognitive support from
parents and others.
Stranger anxiety
develops around ages 9
to 13 months. In this
stage, a child notices
and fears new people.
Explaining Stranger Anxiety
How does this develop?
 As children develop schemas for the primary people
in their lives, they are more able to notice when
strangers do not fit those schemas. However, they do
not yet have the ability to assimilate those faces.
Why does this develop?
 An evolutionary psychologist would note that a child
is learning to walk at this age. Some of the children
who walked toward unfamiliar creatures might have
died before having a chance to pass on genes.
Social Development
Stranger Anxiety
Social Development:
Attachment refers to an emotional tie to another person.
 In children, attachment can appear as a desire for
physical closeness to a caregiver.
Origins of Attachment
Experiments with monkeys
suggest that attachment is
based on physical affection
and comfortable body
contact, and not based on
being rewarded with food.
Origins of Attachment: Familiarity
 Most creatures tend to attach to caregivers who
have become familiar.
 Birds have a critical period, hours after hatching,
during which they might imprint: become rigidly
attached to the first moving object they see.
Attachment Variation:
Styles of Dealing with Separation
“Strange situations” test:
1. a mother and infant
child are alone in an
unfamiliar (“strange”)
room; the child
explores the room .
2. the mother leaves the
3. After a few moments,
the mother returns.
Reactions to Separation
and Reunion
 Secure attachment: mild
distress when mother leaves,
seeking contact with her
when she returns
 Insecure attachment
(anxious style): not
exploring, clinging to mother,
loudly upset when mother
leaves, remaining upset when
she returns
 Insecure attachment
(avoidant style): seeming
indifferent to mother’s
departure and return
What causes these different attachment styles:
nature or nurture?
Is the child’s behavior
actually caused by
previous parenting
Is the “strange situations”
behavior mainly a function
of the child’s inborn
 Temperament refers to a
person’s characteristic style and
intensity of emotional reactivity.
 Some infants have an “easy”
temperament happy, relaxed,
and calm, with predictable
rhythms of hunger and sleep.
 Some infants seem to be
“difficult”; they are irritable, with
unpredictable needs and
behavior, and intense reactions.
 Mary Ainsworth believed
that sensitive, responsive,
calm parenting is
correlated with the secure
attachment style.
 Training in sensitive
responding for parents of
children led to doubled
rates of secure
Count Too
 Many studies of the
impact of parenting
have focused on
 Correlational studies
show a strong
relationship between
paternal (father)
involvement in
parenting and the
child’s academic
success, health, and
overall well-being.
Influences on Separation Anxiety
Effects of Environment on Attachment
Separation anxiety peaks and fades whether kids are at
home or in day care.
Attachment Styles…
not just about bonding with parents
 Erik Erikson’s concept of
basic trust resembles the
concept of attachment,
but extends beyond the
family into our feeling of
whether the world is
predictable and
 Attachment style may be
relevant to our ability to
manage and enjoy adult
Are basic trust and attachment
styles determined in childhood?
 Erik Erikson believed that basic
trust is established by
relationships with early
 Are trust and attachment styles:
 set by genetics?
 formed by early experiences
with parents?
 reshaped by new relationship
Deprivation of Attachment
 If children live without safe,
nurturing, affectionate
caretaking, they may still be
resilient, that is bounce back,
attach, and succeed.
 However, if the child
experiences severe, prolonged
deprivation or abuse, he or she
 have difficulty forming
 have increased anxiety and
 have lowered intelligence.
 show increased aggression.
 We have seen already
that time in day care
does not significantly
increase or decrease
separation anxiety.
 Warm interaction with
multiple caretakers can
result in multiple healthy
 Time in day care
correlates with advanced
thinking skills… and also
with increased
aggression and defiance.
Children in Day Care
Childhood: Parenting Styles
Style Response to Child’s Behavior
“Too Hard”
Parents impose rules “because I said so”
and expect obedience.
“Too Soft”
Parents submit to kids’ desires, not enforcing
limits or standards for child behavior.
“Just Right”
Parents enforce rules, limits, and standards
but also explain, discuss, listen, and express
respect for child’s ideas and wishes.
Outcomes of these Parenting Styles
Style Long term outcomes for the child
“Too Hard”
Rebellion, compulsivity, identity issues.
“Too Soft”
Legal trouble, substance abuse,
disorganization, unemployment.
“Just Right”
Internalized rules, self-discipline, follow
through, life planning.
Outcomes with Parenting Styles
 Authoritative parenting,
more than the other two
styles, seems to be
associated with:
 high self-reliance.
 high social competence.
 high self-esteem.
 low aggression.
 But are these a result of
parenting style, or are
parents responding to a
child’s temperament? Or
are both a function of
culture ? Or genes?
Child-rearing: Cultural Differences
 Individualist cultures: raising children to
be self-reliant, independent and
developing a personal identity.
 In Western cultures, parents maintain
control over parenting but might pay
others to care for their children.
 Collectivist cultures, e.g. Asia and Africa:
raising children to be interdependent,
developing a family self (what shames
the child, shames the family).
 Children in Africa and Asia are often
raised in close physical contact with
adults, but also raised later by siblings,
integrated into webs of mutual support.
Nature, Nurture, and Differences
 Childhood involves a genetically-driven process of
maturation, AND a process of interacting with, and
being formed by, the world of objects and media,
parents and peers.
 When racial or ethnic or gender groups of people differ
from each other in traits or abilities, the differences
within groups tends to be greater than the difference
between groups. Why?
 The environment and culture affects all of us, but due to
our similar biological heritage, it affects us in much the
same way.
 Genetic variations within groups affect traits and
behavior more than the variations between groups.
Teenage Topics
 Physical Development: Puberty
and more
 Cognitive Development in
 Reasoning Power
 Moral Intuition, Reasoning, and
 Social Development in Adolescence
 Forming an Identity
 Parent and Peer Relationships
 Emerging Adulthood
The next phase of development
 Developmental psychologists used to focus
attention only on childhood.
 Lifespan perspective refers to the idea that
development is a lifelong process.
 The next phase of that process is adolescence.
 the transition period
from childhood to
 the period of
development ranging
from puberty to
Are these kids adolescents yet?
Adolescent Physical Development
Puberty is the time of
sexual maturation
(becoming physically able
to reproduce).
During puberty, increased
sex hormones lead to:
 primary and secondary
sex characteristics.
 some changes in mood
and behavior.
As with other maturation,
the sequence is more
predictable than the
Effects of Early Physical
Boys who become
strong/athletic early
• become more popular
and confident
• Are at greater risk of
substance abuse,
delinquency, premature
sexual activity.
Girls whose bodies mature
early may associate with
older teens or be teased or
Adolescent Brain Development
 During puberty, the brain
stops automatically adding
new connections, and
starts pruning away the
neurons and synapses that
aren’t being used (Use
them or lose them!)
 The frontal lobes are still
forming during this time,
still becoming more
efficient at conducting
 The adolescent brain is at
its peak of learning ability
but not fully able to inhibit
impulses (good
accelerator, bad brakes). “Young man, go to your room and stay
until your frontal lobes finish forming.”
Adolescent Cognitive Development
According to Jean Piaget,
adolescents are in the formal
operational stage. They use this
reasoning to:
 think about how reality
compares to ideals.
 think hypothetically about
different choices and their
 critique the reasoning of others.
 debate matters of justice,
meaning of life, and human
Building Toward Moral Reasoning
Adolescents see justice
and fairness in terms of
merit and equity
instead of in terms of
everyone getting equal
Moral Intuition: Our
reasoning may be
directed by emotions,
such as
 disgust about evil
acts, and
 elevated feelings
about generosity and
Lawrence Kohlberg’s
Levels of Moral Reasoning
Preconventional morality (up to
age 9): “Follow the rules because
if you don’t, you’ll get in trouble;
if you do, you might get a treat.”
Conventional morality (early
adolescence): “Follow the rules
because we get along better if
everyone does the right thing.”
Postconventional morality (later
adolescence and adulthood):
“Sometimes rules need to be set
aside to pursue higher principles.”
Building Toward Moral Reasoning
 Adolescents see
justice and fairness in
terms of merit and
equity instead of in
terms of everyone
getting equal
 Adolescents may
strive to advocate for
ideals and political
 Adolescents think
about god, meaning,
and purpose in
deeper terms than in
Lawrence Kohlberg’s
Levels of Moral Reasoning
Preconventional morality (up to
age 9): “Follow the rules because
if you don’t, you’ll get in trouble;
if you do, you might get a treat.”
Conventional morality (early
adolescence): “Follow the rules
because we get along better if
everyone does the right thing.”
Postconventional morality (later
adolescence and adulthood):
“Sometimes rules need to be set
aside to pursue higher principles.”
looting after a natural disaster
Which level of moral reasoning is involved?
 Looting is a problem; if everyone did it, there would be
escalating chaos and greater damage to the economy.
 Looting is generally wrong, yet morally right when your
family’s survival seems to depend on it.
 Looting is wrong because you might get punished, but if no
one is punished, that’s a sign that it’s okay.
Moral Intuition
 Jonathan Haidt believed moral
decisions are often driven by
moral intuition, that is, quick,
gut-feeling decisions.
 This intuition is not just based
in moral reasoning but also in
emotions such as:
 disgust. We may turn away
from choosing an action
because it feels awful.
 elevated feelings. We may
get a rewarding delight from
some moral behavior such
as donating to charity.
An Example of Moral
Given a hypothetical
choice to save five people
from an oncoming trolley
by killing one person,
many people’s choice is
determined not just by
reasoning, but by disgust.
Many people would flip a
switch to make this
choice, but not as many
would push a person on
the tracks to save five
Moral Action: Doing the Right Thing
what helps
people choose
actions over
selfishness or
social pressure?
Empathy for
the feelings
of others
or the ability
to resist
to plan for
larger goals
Psychosocial Development: Erikson’s
 Each age involves an “issue,” a psychological
challenge in managing our interaction with the social
 The “vs.” part: there is tension between two
opposing tendencies.
 Successfully resolving this tension gives us strengths
that help us move to the next stage.
 Not resolving this tension can lead to lifelong
emotional and social difficulties.
Social Development: Erik Erikson
 Erik Erikson’s model of lifelong
psychosocial developmentsees
adolescence as a struggle to
form an identity, a sense of
 Adolescents may in different
roles with peers, with parents,
and with teachers, try out
different “selves.”
 For Erikson, the challenge in
adolescence is to test and
integrate the roles/selves in
order to prevent role
confusion (which of those
selves, or what combination, is
really me?).
Erik Erikson: Stages of Psychosocial Development
Other Eriksonian stages on the minds
of adolescents
While currently in the
identity vs. role
confusion stage,
 adolescents have
ideally just finished
working through
the tension of
competence vs.
 They are ready
after adolescence
to take on the
challenge of
intimacy vs.
Peer Influence
 The degree of peer influence is hard to trace. Apparent
conformity (the whole group smokes) could be a selection
effect (they get together because they want to be with
others who like to smoke).
 Interaction with peers can teach new social skills.
 Parents may try to have indirect influence by selecting a
child’s peers, such as by selecting a school or neighborhood.
However, ultimately, most children self-select their peers.
Influences on Identity:
Parent and Peer
 During adolescence,
peer relationships take
center stage.
 Conflicts arise in this
stage, especially with
first born children.
 The challenge: finding
how adolescent
relationships with
peers and with parents
can coexist well, rather
than being in conflict.
Parents vs. Peers
Battling over non-genetic influence
Parents have more
influence on:
Education and career path
Style of interaction with
authority figures
Peers have more
influence on:
Learning cooperation skills
Learning the path to
Choice of music and other
Choice of clothing and
other cultural choices
Good and bad habits
Adolescence, the sequel…
Emerging Adulthood
In some countries, added years of
education and later marriage has
delayed full adult independence
beyond traditional adolescence. This
seems to have created a new phase
which can be called emerging
adulthood, ages 18-25.
Stages and Continuity
 Three different types of development--cognitive,
moral, and psychosocial--have been running in parallel.
 Are they really separate stages, or a continuous process
of development?
Continuity vs. Stages
Researchers who see
development as a
function of
experience tend to
see development
as continuous and
Nurture is
Researchers who
focus on biological
maturation see spurts
of growth and other
changes that make
one stage of
development very
different from
Nature has stages.
Topics Grown-Ups Think
 Physical Changes in Middle
Adulthood and in Later
Life: Life expectancy,
Sensory changes,
Dementias including
Alzheimer’s Disease
 Cognitive Development
and decline
 Social Development: Love,
 Well-Being across the
 Dying and Death
Is the rest of the
developmental story just
one long plateau of work
and possibly raising kids?
 Physical Development
 physical decline
 lifespan and death
 sensory changes
 Cognitive
 memory
 Social Development
 commitments
Adult Physical Development
 In our mid-20’s, we reach
a peak in the natural
physical abilities which
come with biological
 muscular strength
 cardiac output
 reaction time
 sensory sensitivity
 To what extent can
training overcome the
decline that follows?
Physical Changes:
Middle Adulthood
The end the
reproductive years
 There is a gradual
decline in sexual
activity in
although sexuality
can continue
throughout life.
 Around age 50,
women enter
menopause (the
end of being able
to get pregnant).
 According to
psychologists, why
might it make
sense for women’s
fertility to end?
Between ages 40 and 60,
physical vitality (such as
endurance and strength)
may still be more of a
function of lifestyle than
of biological decline.
changes are
still driven by
especially the
end of our
More Aged Women
 The rise in life expectancy,
combined with declining
birth rates, means a higher
percentage of the world’s
population is old.
 More elderly people are
women because more men
die than women at every
age. By age 100, women
outnumber men by a ratio
of 5 to 1.
The Aging Body
 Potential lifespan for the
human body is estimated to
be about 122 years.
 Life expectancy refers to the
average expected life span.
 The worldwide average has
increased from 49 in 1950 to
69 in 2010. In 2012:
South Africa—49
United States--75
Why don’t we live forever?
Possible biological answers…
 Nurture/Environment
An accumulation of stress, damage, and disease
wears us down until one of these factors kills
 Genes
Some people have genes that protect against
some kinds of damage.
 Even with great genes and environment,
telomeres (the tips at the end of chromosomes)
wear down with every generation of cell
duplication and we stop healing well.
The Death-Deferral Phenomenon
Can people will themselves to hold off death?
There is some evidence that some people are able
to stay alive to be with families at Christmas time.
Physical Changes with Age
The following abilities
decline as we age:
 visual acuity, both
sharpness and
 hearing, especially
sensing higher pitch
 reaction time and
general motor abilities
 neural processing speed,
especially for complex
and novel tasks
Impact of Sensory and Motor Decline
What specific factors and changes might
explain the results below?
Health/Immunity Changes with Age
The immune system
declines with age, and
can have difficulty
fighting off major
The immune system has
a lifetime’s accumulation
of antibodies, and does
well fighting off minor
Exercise Can Slow the Aging Process
Exercise can:
 build muscles and
 stimulate neurogenesis
(in the hippocampus)
and new neural
 maintain telomeres.
 improve cognition.
 reduce the risk of
Changes in the Brain with Age
 Myelin-enhanced neural
processing speed peaks in
the teen years, and
declines thereafter.
 Regions of the brain
related to memory begin to
shrink with age, making it
harder to form new
 The frontal lobes atrophy,
leading eventually to
decreased inhibition and
 By age 80, a healthy brain
is 5 percent lighter than a
brain in middle adulthood.
Alzheimer’s Disease
and Other Dementias
Dementia, including the
Alzheimer’s type, is NOT a
“normal” part of aging.
Dementia Symptoms
 decreased ability to recall
recent events and the names
of familiar objects and
 emotional unpredictability;
flat, then uninhibited, then
 confusion, disorientation,
and eventual inability to
think or communicate
Brain Changes of
Alzheimer’s Disease
 loss of brain cells and
neural network
 deterioration of neurons
that produce
acetylcholine, the memory
 shriveled and broken
protein filaments forming
plaques at the tips of
 dramatic shrinking of the
and Memory
Can you describe and explain the differences in
performance changes in these charts?
 Even without the brain changes of
dementia, there are some changes in
our ability to learn, process, and recall
 The ability to recognize information, and
to use previous knowledge as expertise,
does not decline with age.
More Learning and Memory Changes
 Rote memorization ability
declines more than ability to
learn meaningful
 Prospective memory,
planning to recall, (“I must
remember to do…) also
 The ability to learn new
skills declines less than the
ability to learn new
Comparing Young and Old People
 Cross-sectional studies
compare people at different
ages all at one time.
 What disadvantages can
you see with this method?
Hint: when, and how, were
today’s 80-year-olds raised?
 Longitudinal studies
compare the attributes of the
same people as they change
over time.
Any disadvantages?
Is it practical?
Is it generalizable?
Social Development in Adulthood
Is adult social development driven by biological
maturation or by life experiences and roles?
 The “midlife crisis”--re-evaluating one’s life plan and
success--does not seem to peak at any age.
 For the 25 percent of adults who do have this
emotional crisis, the trigger seems to be the
challenge of major illness, divorce, job loss, or
Psychosocial Development
 Although the “midlife crisis” may not be a function of
age, people do feel pressured by a “social clock” of
achievement expectation.
 Erik Erikson’s observations of age-related issues:
Challenges of Healthy Adulthood
Arising first:
Erik Erikson’s
intimacy issue
(a.k.a. affiliation,
Arising later: Erik
generativity issue
Sigmund Freud
used simpler
terms, saying that
the healthy adult
must find ways to
love and to work.
to Love
 The desire to commit to a
loving relationship may have
evolved to help vulnerable
human children survive long
enough to reproduce.
 Couples who go through
marriage/union ceremonies
tend to stay together more
than couples who simply live
 Marriage, compared to being
single, is associated with
‘happiness’ and with fewer
social problems such as crime
and child delinquency.
 Work roles can largely define
adult identity, especially in
individualistic capitalist
 Tough economic times make it
difficult to find work, much less
follow a career path.
 Work satisfaction seems to be a
function of having the work fit
a person’s interests and
providing a sense of
competence and
to Work
Well-Being across the Lifespan
Life satisfaction, as measured by
how close people feel to the
“best possible life,” is apparently
not a function of age.
Why do people claim to
be happy even as their
body declines?
 Older people attend less to
negative information and more
to positive information.
 They are also more likely to
have accumulated many mildly
positive memories, which last
longer than mildly negative
 Older people feel an increased
sense of competence and
control, and have greater
stability in mood.
Managing the Aging Process:
Biopsychosocial Factors
Many factors
can support
well-being in
old age.
Coping with Death and Dying
Below is an average reaction to a spouse’s death.
Coping with Death and Dying
Individual responses to death
may vary.
 Grief is more intense when
death occurs unexpectedly
(especially if also too early on
the social clock).
 There is NO standard pattern
or length of the grieving
 It seems to help to have the
support of friends or groups,
and to face the reality of
death and grief while
affirming the value of life.
Reflections on Change and Stability
 Are there some parts of who we are that remain stable
throughout development?
Our temperament? Our overall personality?
 Do some of our attributes change during development
(even while we maintain our sense of identity)?
Our abilities? Our interests? Our habits? Our traits?
The Final Issue in Development:
Stability and Change
Are we essentially the same person over long
 In general, temperament seems stable.
 Traits can vary, especially attitudes, coping
strategies, work habits, and styles of
 Personality seems to stabilize with age.
Stability helps us form identity, while the
potential for change gives us control over our

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  • 2. Topics we’ll be bringing to life  Issues in Thinking about Development  Nature and Nurture  Continuity and Stages  Stability and Change  Prenatal Development  Conception  Zygote  Embryo  Fetus  Teratogen Risks  Newborn Skills and Behaviors Developmental Issues, Prenatal Development, and the Newborn
  • 3. nature and nurture change and stability continuity and stages How do genes and experience guide development over our lifespan? In what ways do we change as we age, and in what ways do we stay the same? Issues in Developmental Psychology Is development a gradual change or are there some leaps to a new way of thinking or behaving?
  • 4. Starting the Path to Personhood: Prenatal Development and the Newborn Conception Prenatal Development The Competent Newborn
  • 5. In the beginning: Sperm and egg unite to bring genetic material together and form one organism: the zygote (the fertilized cell). Conception
  • 6. The Zygote Stage: First 10 to 14 Days  After the nuclei of the egg and sperm fuse, the cell divides in 2, 4, 8, 16, 100…  Milestone of the zygote stage: cells begin to differentiate into specialized locations and structures Prenatal Development Implantation: The Embyro, 2 to 8 weeks  This stage begins with the multicellular cluster that implants in the uterine wall.  Milestone of the implantation stage: differentiated cells develop into organs and bones Embryo
  • 7. The Fetus At nine weeks, hands and face have developed; the embryo is now called a fetus (“offspring”). Placenta At 4 months, many more features develop. Milestone of the fetal stage: by six months, the fetus might be able to survive outside the womb
  • 8. Fetal Life: The Dangers Dangers • Teratogens (“monster makers”) are substances such as viruses and chemicals that can damage the developing embryo or fetus. • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) refers to cognitive, behavioral, and body/brain structure abnormalities caused by exposure to alcohol in the fetal stage.
  • 9. Fetal life: Responding to Sounds  Fetuses in the womb can respond to sounds.  Fetuses can learn to recognize and adapt to sounds that they previously heard only in the womb.  Fetuses can habituate to annoying sounds, becoming less agitated with repeated exposure.
  • 10. After the fetal period, the child is born!
  • 11. Inborn Skills Newborns have reflexes to ensure that they will be fed.  The rooting reflex--when something touches a newborn’s cheek, the infant turns toward that side with an open mouth.  The sucking reflex can be triggered by a fingertip.  Crying when hungry is the newborn talent of using just the right sounds to motivate parents to end the noise and feed the baby. Reflexes are responses that are inborn and do not have to be learned. The Competent Newborn
  • 12. More Inborn Abilities  Newborns (one hour old!) will look twice as long at the image on the left.  What can we conclude from this behavior?
  • 13. Aspects of starting to grow up  Physical Development/maturation, inc. brain  Cognitive Development: Piaget, Vygotsky  Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operational, Formal Operational Stages  Egocentrism, Theory of Mind, Autism  Vygotsky: Mind in Social Context  Social Development  Attachment: Origins, Styles, Deprivation  Day Care; Self-Concept; Parenting Styles
  • 14. Infancy: newborns growing almost into toddlers Infancy and Childhood For each of these stages, we will study:  brain development.  motor development.  cognitive development.  social and emotional development. Childhood: toddlers growing almost into teenagers
  • 15.  In psychology, “maturation” refers to changes that occur primarily because of the passage of time.  In developmental psychology, maturation refers to biologically-driven growth and development enabling orderly (predictably sequential) changes in behavior.  Experience (nurture) can adjust the timing, but maturation (nature) sets the sequence. Maturation: not the meaning you might think For example, infant bodies, in sequence, will lift heads, then sit up, then crawl, and then walk. Maturation in infancy and early childhood affects the brain and motor skills. Maturation, the biological unfolding, will be seen in:  brain development.  motor development.
  • 16. Brain Development: Building and Connecting Neurons  In the womb, the number of neurons grows by about 750,000 new cells per minute in the middle trimester.  Beginning at birth, the connections among neurons proliferate. As we learn, we form more branches and more neural networks.  In infancy, the growth in neural connections takes place initially in the less complex parts of the brain (the brainstem and limbic system), as well as the motor and sensory strips.  This enables body functions and basic survival skills.  In early childhood, neural connections proliferate in the association areas.  This enables advancements in controlling attention and behavior (frontal lobes) and also in thinking, memory, and language.
  • 17. Impact of Experience/Nurture on Brain Development The Process Continues into Adulthood Repeated practice at a finger-tapping task begins to activate a [slightly] larger group of motor neurons.
  • 18. Experience and Brain Development Rats living in an “enriched” environment (more social interaction and physical play) experienced a greater growth in brain size and complexity than those rats living in an “impoverished” environment.
  • 19. Motor Development  Maturation takes place in the body and cerebellum enabling the sequence below.  Physical training generally cannot change the timing.
  • 20. Baby Memory  In infancy, the brain forms memories so differently from the episodic memory of adulthood that most people cannot really recall memories from the first three years of life.  A birthday party when turning three might be a person’s first memory. Infantile Amnesia Learning Skills  Infants can learn skills (procedural memories).  This three month old can learn, and recall a month later, that specific foot movements move specific mobiles.
  • 21. Cognitive Development Cognition refers to the mental activities that help us function, including:  problem-solving.  figuring out how the world works.  developing models and concepts.  storing and retrieving knowledge.  understanding and using language.  using self-talk and inner thoughts.
  • 22. Cognitive Development: Jean Piaget (1896-1980)  We don’t start out being able to think like adults.  Jean Piaget studied the errors in cognition made by children in order to understand in what ways they think differently than adults. The error below is an inability to understand scale (relative size).
  • 23. Jean Piaget and Cognitive Development: Schemas  An infant’s mind works hard to make sense of our experiences in the world.  An early tool to organize those experiences is a schema, a mental container we build to hold our experiences.  Schemas can take the form of images, models, and/or concepts. This child has formed a schema called “COW” which he uses to think about animals of a certain shape and size. “Cow!” “Cow!”
  • 24. Jean Piaget and Cognitive Development: Assimilation and Accommodation How can this girl use her “dog” schema when encountering a cat?  She can assimilate the experience into her schema by referring to the cat as a “dog” or  she can accommodate her animal schema by separating the cat, and even different types of dogs, into separate schemas.
  • 25. The Course of Development: Stages Jean Piaget believed that cognitive development: 1. is a combination of nature and nurture. Children grow by maturation as well as by learning through interacting/playing with the environment. 2. is not one continuous progression of change. Children make leaps in cognitive abilities from one stage of development to the next. Issue Jean Piaget’s Vote Nature vs. Nurture Both Continuity vs. Stages Stages
  • 26. Jean Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development
  • 27. Sensorimotor Stage (Birth to Age 2) In this stage, children explore by looking, hearing, touching, mouthing, and grasping. Cool cognitive trick learned at 6 to 8 months, coming up next: object permanence.
  • 28. Hmm, a bear, should I put it in my mouth? Object Permanence Through games like “peekaboo,” kids learn object permanence--the idea that objects exist even when they can’t be seen. There’s a game I’ve learned to play all by myself: peekaboo!
  • 29. Can Children Think Abstractly? Jean Piaget felt that kids in the sensorimotor stage did not think abstractly. Yet there is some evidence that kids in this stage can notice violations in physics (such as gravity). Does that mean babies are doing physics?
  • 30. 30 Is This Math? If so, kids in the “sensorimotor” stage do math. Babies stare longer and with surprise when numbers don’t make sense. Is this math? Was Jean Piaget wrong?
  • 31. Yes. Jim. Egocentrism: “I am the World.” Do you have a brother? What mistake is this boy making? How does this relate to ego- centrism? Does Jim have a brother? No.
  • 32. What can kids do in the preoperational stage? 1. Represent their schema with words and images. 2. Perform pretend play. 3. Picture other points of view, replacing egocentrism with theory of mind. 4. Use intuition, but not logic and abstraction yet.
  • 33. Maturing beyond Egocentrism: Developing a “Theory of Mind” Theory of mind refers to the ability to understand that others have their own thoughts and perspective. With a theory of mind, you can picture that Sally will have the wrong idea about where the ball is.
  • 34. Examples of Operations that Preoperational Children Cannot Do…Yet Conservation refers to the ability to understand that a quantity is conserved (does not change) even when it is arranged in a different shape. Which row has more mice?
  • 35. Autism Spectrum Disorders  Children with disorders on the autism spectrum have difficulties in three general areas:  establishing mutual social interaction  using language and play symbolically  displaying flexibility with routines, interests, and behavior  Children with disorders on the autism spectrum have more difficulty than a typical child in mentally mirroring the thoughts and actions of others; this difficulty has been called “mind blindness.”
  • 36. How do we teach social/emotional understanding to children with autism? Are the autistic kids learning to understand the emotions of others, or are they memorizing that certain facial positions correspond to certain emotion words? Happytrain
  • 37. The Concrete Operational Stage  begins at ages 6-7 (first grade) to age 11  children now grasp conservation and other concrete transformations  they also understand simple mathematical transformations the reversibility of operations (reversing 3 + 7 = 10 to figure out that 10 - 7 = 3).
  • 38. Piaget’s stages of development
  • 39. Although Jean Piaget’s observation and stage theory are useful, today’s researchers believe: 1. development is a continuous process. 2. children show some mental abilities at an earlier age than Piaget thought. 3. formal logic is a smaller part of cognition, even for adults, than Piaget believed. Views and uses of Piaget’s Theory Piaget helps us understand kids fairly. 3 year olds:  May break things without intending to;  Cannot tell that they are blocking your view, much less figuratively see from your viewpoint on issues;  May complain about a sibling getting more food if the same sized pizza was cut into more pieces.  May not get your sarcasm.
  • 40. Lev Vygotsky: Alternative to Jean Piaget  Lev Vygotsky studied kids too, but focused on how they learn in the context of social communication.  Principle: children learn thinking skills by internalizing language from others and developing inner speech.  Vygotsky saw development as building on a scaffold of mentoring, language, and cognitive support from parents and others.
  • 41. Stranger anxiety develops around ages 9 to 13 months. In this stage, a child notices and fears new people. Explaining Stranger Anxiety How does this develop?  As children develop schemas for the primary people in their lives, they are more able to notice when strangers do not fit those schemas. However, they do not yet have the ability to assimilate those faces. Why does this develop?  An evolutionary psychologist would note that a child is learning to walk at this age. Some of the children who walked toward unfamiliar creatures might have died before having a chance to pass on genes. Social Development Stranger Anxiety
  • 42. Social Development: Attachment Attachment refers to an emotional tie to another person.  In children, attachment can appear as a desire for physical closeness to a caregiver. Origins of Attachment Experiments with monkeys suggest that attachment is based on physical affection and comfortable body contact, and not based on being rewarded with food.
  • 43. Origins of Attachment: Familiarity  Most creatures tend to attach to caregivers who have become familiar.  Birds have a critical period, hours after hatching, during which they might imprint: become rigidly attached to the first moving object they see.
  • 44. Attachment Variation: Styles of Dealing with Separation “Strange situations” test: 1. a mother and infant child are alone in an unfamiliar (“strange”) room; the child explores the room . 2. the mother leaves the room. 3. After a few moments, the mother returns. Reactions to Separation and Reunion  Secure attachment: mild distress when mother leaves, seeking contact with her when she returns  Insecure attachment (anxious style): not exploring, clinging to mother, loudly upset when mother leaves, remaining upset when she returns  Insecure attachment (avoidant style): seeming indifferent to mother’s departure and return
  • 45. What causes these different attachment styles: nature or nurture? Is the child’s behavior actually caused by previous parenting behavior? Is the “strange situations” behavior mainly a function of the child’s inborn temperament?  Temperament refers to a person’s characteristic style and intensity of emotional reactivity.  Some infants have an “easy” temperament happy, relaxed, and calm, with predictable rhythms of hunger and sleep.  Some infants seem to be “difficult”; they are irritable, with unpredictable needs and behavior, and intense reactions.  Mary Ainsworth believed that sensitive, responsive, calm parenting is correlated with the secure attachment style.  Training in sensitive responding for parents of temperamentally-difficult children led to doubled rates of secure attachment.
  • 46. Fathers Count Too  Many studies of the impact of parenting have focused on mothers.  Correlational studies show a strong relationship between paternal (father) involvement in parenting and the child’s academic success, health, and overall well-being.
  • 47. Influences on Separation Anxiety Effects of Environment on Attachment Separation anxiety peaks and fades whether kids are at home or in day care.
  • 48. Attachment Styles… not just about bonding with parents  Erik Erikson’s concept of basic trust resembles the concept of attachment, but extends beyond the family into our feeling of whether the world is predictable and trustworthy.  Attachment style may be relevant to our ability to manage and enjoy adult relationships. Are basic trust and attachment styles determined in childhood?  Erik Erikson believed that basic trust is established by relationships with early caregivers.  Are trust and attachment styles:  set by genetics?  formed by early experiences with parents?  reshaped by new relationship experiences?
  • 49. Deprivation of Attachment  If children live without safe, nurturing, affectionate caretaking, they may still be resilient, that is bounce back, attach, and succeed.  However, if the child experiences severe, prolonged deprivation or abuse, he or she may:  have difficulty forming attachments.  have increased anxiety and depression.  have lowered intelligence.  show increased aggression.
  • 50.  We have seen already that time in day care does not significantly increase or decrease separation anxiety.  Warm interaction with multiple caretakers can result in multiple healthy attachments.  Time in day care correlates with advanced thinking skills… and also with increased aggression and defiance. Children in Day Care
  • 51. Childhood: Parenting Styles Style Response to Child’s Behavior Authoritarian “Too Hard” Parents impose rules “because I said so” and expect obedience. Permissive “Too Soft” Parents submit to kids’ desires, not enforcing limits or standards for child behavior. Authoritative “Just Right” Parents enforce rules, limits, and standards but also explain, discuss, listen, and express respect for child’s ideas and wishes.
  • 52. Outcomes of these Parenting Styles Style Long term outcomes for the child Authoritarian “Too Hard” Rebellion, compulsivity, identity issues. Permissive “Too Soft” Legal trouble, substance abuse, disorganization, unemployment. Authoritative “Just Right” Internalized rules, self-discipline, follow through, life planning.
  • 53. Outcomes with Parenting Styles  Authoritative parenting, more than the other two styles, seems to be associated with:  high self-reliance.  high social competence.  high self-esteem.  low aggression.  But are these a result of parenting style, or are parents responding to a child’s temperament? Or are both a function of culture ? Or genes?
  • 54. Child-rearing: Cultural Differences  Individualist cultures: raising children to be self-reliant, independent and developing a personal identity.  In Western cultures, parents maintain control over parenting but might pay others to care for their children.  Collectivist cultures, e.g. Asia and Africa: raising children to be interdependent, developing a family self (what shames the child, shames the family).  Children in Africa and Asia are often raised in close physical contact with adults, but also raised later by siblings, integrated into webs of mutual support.
  • 55. Nature, Nurture, and Differences  Childhood involves a genetically-driven process of maturation, AND a process of interacting with, and being formed by, the world of objects and media, parents and peers.  When racial or ethnic or gender groups of people differ from each other in traits or abilities, the differences within groups tends to be greater than the difference between groups. Why?  The environment and culture affects all of us, but due to our similar biological heritage, it affects us in much the same way.  Genetic variations within groups affect traits and behavior more than the variations between groups.
  • 56. Adolescence Teenage Topics  Physical Development: Puberty and more  Cognitive Development in Adolescence  Reasoning Power  Moral Intuition, Reasoning, and Action  Social Development in Adolescence  Forming an Identity  Parent and Peer Relationships  Emerging Adulthood
  • 57. The next phase of development  Developmental psychologists used to focus attention only on childhood.  Lifespan perspective refers to the idea that development is a lifelong process.  The next phase of that process is adolescence.  the transition period from childhood to adulthood  the period of development ranging from puberty to independence Are these kids adolescents yet?
  • 58. Adolescent Physical Development Puberty is the time of sexual maturation (becoming physically able to reproduce). During puberty, increased sex hormones lead to:  primary and secondary sex characteristics.  some changes in mood and behavior. As with other maturation, the sequence is more predictable than the timing. Effects of Early Physical Maturation: Boys who become strong/athletic early • become more popular and confident • Are at greater risk of substance abuse, delinquency, premature sexual activity. Girls whose bodies mature early may associate with older teens or be teased or taunted.
  • 59. Adolescent Brain Development  During puberty, the brain stops automatically adding new connections, and starts pruning away the neurons and synapses that aren’t being used (Use them or lose them!)  The frontal lobes are still forming during this time, still becoming more efficient at conducting signals.  The adolescent brain is at its peak of learning ability but not fully able to inhibit impulses (good accelerator, bad brakes). “Young man, go to your room and stay until your frontal lobes finish forming.”
  • 60. Adolescent Cognitive Development According to Jean Piaget, adolescents are in the formal operational stage. They use this reasoning to:  think about how reality compares to ideals.  think hypothetically about different choices and their consequences.  critique the reasoning of others.  debate matters of justice, meaning of life, and human nature.
  • 61. Building Toward Moral Reasoning Adolescents see justice and fairness in terms of merit and equity instead of in terms of everyone getting equal treatment. Moral Intuition: Our reasoning may be directed by emotions, such as  disgust about evil acts, and  elevated feelings about generosity and courage. Lawrence Kohlberg’s Levels of Moral Reasoning Preconventional morality (up to age 9): “Follow the rules because if you don’t, you’ll get in trouble; if you do, you might get a treat.” Conventional morality (early adolescence): “Follow the rules because we get along better if everyone does the right thing.” Postconventional morality (later adolescence and adulthood): “Sometimes rules need to be set aside to pursue higher principles.”
  • 62. Building Toward Moral Reasoning  Adolescents see justice and fairness in terms of merit and equity instead of in terms of everyone getting equal treatment.  Adolescents may strive to advocate for ideals and political causes.  Adolescents think about god, meaning, and purpose in deeper terms than in childhood. Lawrence Kohlberg’s Levels of Moral Reasoning Preconventional morality (up to age 9): “Follow the rules because if you don’t, you’ll get in trouble; if you do, you might get a treat.” Conventional morality (early adolescence): “Follow the rules because we get along better if everyone does the right thing.” Postconventional morality (later adolescence and adulthood): “Sometimes rules need to be set aside to pursue higher principles.”
  • 63. Example: looting after a natural disaster Which level of moral reasoning is involved?  Looting is a problem; if everyone did it, there would be escalating chaos and greater damage to the economy.  Looting is generally wrong, yet morally right when your family’s survival seems to depend on it.  Looting is wrong because you might get punished, but if no one is punished, that’s a sign that it’s okay.
  • 64. Moral Intuition  Jonathan Haidt believed moral decisions are often driven by moral intuition, that is, quick, gut-feeling decisions.  This intuition is not just based in moral reasoning but also in emotions such as:  disgust. We may turn away from choosing an action because it feels awful.  elevated feelings. We may get a rewarding delight from some moral behavior such as donating to charity. An Example of Moral Intuition: Given a hypothetical choice to save five people from an oncoming trolley by killing one person, many people’s choice is determined not just by reasoning, but by disgust. Many people would flip a switch to make this choice, but not as many would push a person on the tracks to save five others.
  • 65. Moral Action: Doing the Right Thing Character education: what helps people choose principled actions over selfishness or social pressure? Empathy for the feelings of others Self- discipline, or the ability to resist impulses Delaying gratification to plan for larger goals Experience serving others/the greater good
  • 66. Psychosocial Development: Erikson’s Stages  Each age involves an “issue,” a psychological challenge in managing our interaction with the social world.  The “vs.” part: there is tension between two opposing tendencies.  Successfully resolving this tension gives us strengths that help us move to the next stage.  Not resolving this tension can lead to lifelong emotional and social difficulties.
  • 67. Social Development: Erik Erikson  Erik Erikson’s model of lifelong psychosocial developmentsees adolescence as a struggle to form an identity, a sense of self.  Adolescents may in different roles with peers, with parents, and with teachers, try out different “selves.”  For Erikson, the challenge in adolescence is to test and integrate the roles/selves in order to prevent role confusion (which of those selves, or what combination, is really me?).
  • 68. Erik Erikson: Stages of Psychosocial Development
  • 69. Other Eriksonian stages on the minds of adolescents While currently in the identity vs. role confusion stage,  adolescents have ideally just finished working through the tension of competence vs. inferiority.  They are ready after adolescence to take on the challenge of intimacy vs. isolation.
  • 70. Peer Influence  The degree of peer influence is hard to trace. Apparent conformity (the whole group smokes) could be a selection effect (they get together because they want to be with others who like to smoke).  Interaction with peers can teach new social skills.  Parents may try to have indirect influence by selecting a child’s peers, such as by selecting a school or neighborhood. However, ultimately, most children self-select their peers.
  • 71. Influences on Identity: Parent and Peer Relationships  During adolescence, peer relationships take center stage.  Conflicts arise in this stage, especially with first born children.  The challenge: finding how adolescent relationships with peers and with parents can coexist well, rather than being in conflict.
  • 72. Parents vs. Peers Battling over non-genetic influence Parents have more influence on: Education and career path Cooperation Self-discipline Responsibility Charitableness Religion Style of interaction with authority figures Peers have more influence on: Learning cooperation skills Learning the path to popularity Choice of music and other recreation Choice of clothing and other cultural choices Good and bad habits
  • 73. Adolescence, the sequel… Emerging Adulthood In some countries, added years of education and later marriage has delayed full adult independence beyond traditional adolescence. This seems to have created a new phase which can be called emerging adulthood, ages 18-25.
  • 74. Stages and Continuity  Three different types of development--cognitive, moral, and psychosocial--have been running in parallel.  Are they really separate stages, or a continuous process of development?
  • 75. Continuity vs. Stages Researchers who see development as a function of experience tend to see development as continuous and gradual. Nurture is continuous. Researchers who focus on biological maturation see spurts of growth and other changes that make one stage of development very different from another. Nature has stages.
  • 76. Adulthood Topics Grown-Ups Think About  Physical Changes in Middle Adulthood and in Later Life: Life expectancy, Sensory changes, Dementias including Alzheimer’s Disease  Cognitive Development and decline  Social Development: Love, Work  Well-Being across the Lifespan  Dying and Death
  • 77. Adulthood Is the rest of the developmental story just one long plateau of work and possibly raising kids?  Physical Development  physical decline  lifespan and death  sensory changes  Cognitive Development  memory  Social Development  commitments
  • 78. Adult Physical Development  In our mid-20’s, we reach a peak in the natural physical abilities which come with biological maturation:  muscular strength  cardiac output  reaction time  sensory sensitivity  To what extent can training overcome the decline that follows?
  • 79. Physical Changes: Middle Adulthood The end the reproductive years  There is a gradual decline in sexual activity in adulthood, although sexuality can continue throughout life.  Around age 50, women enter menopause (the end of being able to get pregnant).  According to evolutionary psychologists, why might it make sense for women’s fertility to end? Between ages 40 and 60, physical vitality (such as endurance and strength) may still be more of a function of lifestyle than of biological decline. Some changes are still driven by genetic maturation, especially the end of our reproductive years.
  • 80. More Aged Women  The rise in life expectancy, combined with declining birth rates, means a higher percentage of the world’s population is old.  More elderly people are women because more men die than women at every age. By age 100, women outnumber men by a ratio of 5 to 1. The Aging Body  Potential lifespan for the human body is estimated to be about 122 years.  Life expectancy refers to the average expected life span.  The worldwide average has increased from 49 in 1950 to 69 in 2010. In 2012: South Africa—49 Cameroon—55 Pakistan—66 Thailand--74 United States--75 Ireland--80 Australia—82 Japan--84
  • 81. Why don’t we live forever? Possible biological answers…  Nurture/Environment An accumulation of stress, damage, and disease wears us down until one of these factors kills us.  Genes Some people have genes that protect against some kinds of damage.  Even with great genes and environment, telomeres (the tips at the end of chromosomes) wear down with every generation of cell duplication and we stop healing well.
  • 82. The Death-Deferral Phenomenon Can people will themselves to hold off death? There is some evidence that some people are able to stay alive to be with families at Christmas time.
  • 83. Physical Changes with Age The following abilities decline as we age:  visual acuity, both sharpness and brightness  hearing, especially sensing higher pitch  reaction time and general motor abilities  neural processing speed, especially for complex and novel tasks
  • 84. Impact of Sensory and Motor Decline What specific factors and changes might explain the results below? Age
  • 85. Health/Immunity Changes with Age The bad news The good news The immune system declines with age, and can have difficulty fighting off major illnesses. The immune system has a lifetime’s accumulation of antibodies, and does well fighting off minor illnesses.
  • 86. Exercise Can Slow the Aging Process Exercise can:  build muscles and bones.  stimulate neurogenesis (in the hippocampus) and new neural connections.  maintain telomeres.  improve cognition.  reduce the risk of dementia.
  • 87. Changes in the Brain with Age  Myelin-enhanced neural processing speed peaks in the teen years, and declines thereafter.  Regions of the brain related to memory begin to shrink with age, making it harder to form new memories.  The frontal lobes atrophy, leading eventually to decreased inhibition and self-control.  By age 80, a healthy brain is 5 percent lighter than a brain in middle adulthood.
  • 88. Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias Dementia, including the Alzheimer’s type, is NOT a “normal” part of aging. Dementia Symptoms  decreased ability to recall recent events and the names of familiar objects and people  emotional unpredictability; flat, then uninhibited, then angry  confusion, disorientation, and eventual inability to think or communicate Brain Changes of Alzheimer’s Disease  loss of brain cells and neural network connections  deterioration of neurons that produce acetylcholine, the memory neurotransmitter  shriveled and broken protein filaments forming plaques at the tips of neurons  dramatic shrinking of the brain
  • 89. Cognitive Development and Memory Can you describe and explain the differences in performance changes in these charts?  Even without the brain changes of dementia, there are some changes in our ability to learn, process, and recall information.  The ability to recognize information, and to use previous knowledge as expertise, does not decline with age.
  • 90. More Learning and Memory Changes  Rote memorization ability declines more than ability to learn meaningful information.  Prospective memory, planning to recall, (“I must remember to do…) also declines.  The ability to learn new skills declines less than the ability to learn new information.
  • 91. Comparing Young and Old People  Cross-sectional studies compare people at different ages all at one time.  What disadvantages can you see with this method? Hint: when, and how, were today’s 80-year-olds raised?  Longitudinal studies compare the attributes of the same people as they change over time. Any disadvantages? Is it practical? Is it generalizable?
  • 92. Social Development in Adulthood Is adult social development driven by biological maturation or by life experiences and roles?  The “midlife crisis”--re-evaluating one’s life plan and success--does not seem to peak at any age.  For the 25 percent of adults who do have this emotional crisis, the trigger seems to be the challenge of major illness, divorce, job loss, or parenting.
  • 93. Psychosocial Development  Although the “midlife crisis” may not be a function of age, people do feel pressured by a “social clock” of achievement expectation.  Erik Erikson’s observations of age-related issues:
  • 94. Challenges of Healthy Adulthood Arising first: Erik Erikson’s intimacy issue (a.k.a. affiliation, attachment, connectedness) Arising later: Erik Erikson’s generativity issue (achievement, productivity, competence) Sigmund Freud used simpler terms, saying that the healthy adult must find ways to love and to work.
  • 95. Commitment to Love  The desire to commit to a loving relationship may have evolved to help vulnerable human children survive long enough to reproduce.  Couples who go through marriage/union ceremonies tend to stay together more than couples who simply live together.  Marriage, compared to being single, is associated with ‘happiness’ and with fewer social problems such as crime and child delinquency.  Work roles can largely define adult identity, especially in individualistic capitalist societies.  Tough economic times make it difficult to find work, much less follow a career path.  Work satisfaction seems to be a function of having the work fit a person’s interests and providing a sense of competence and accomplishment. Commitment to Work
  • 96. Well-Being across the Lifespan Life satisfaction, as measured by how close people feel to the “best possible life,” is apparently not a function of age.
  • 97. Why do people claim to be happy even as their body declines?  Older people attend less to negative information and more to positive information.  They are also more likely to have accumulated many mildly positive memories, which last longer than mildly negative memories.  Older people feel an increased sense of competence and control, and have greater stability in mood.
  • 98. Managing the Aging Process: Biopsychosocial Factors Many factors can support well-being in old age.
  • 99. Coping with Death and Dying Below is an average reaction to a spouse’s death.
  • 100. Coping with Death and Dying Individual responses to death may vary.  Grief is more intense when death occurs unexpectedly (especially if also too early on the social clock).  There is NO standard pattern or length of the grieving process.  It seems to help to have the support of friends or groups, and to face the reality of death and grief while affirming the value of life.
  • 101. Reflections on Change and Stability  Are there some parts of who we are that remain stable throughout development? Our temperament? Our overall personality?  Do some of our attributes change during development (even while we maintain our sense of identity)? Our abilities? Our interests? Our habits? Our traits?
  • 102. The Final Issue in Development: Stability and Change Are we essentially the same person over long periods?  In general, temperament seems stable.  Traits can vary, especially attitudes, coping strategies, work habits, and styles of socializing.  Personality seems to stabilize with age. Stability helps us form identity, while the potential for change gives us control over our lives.

Editor's Notes

  1. No animation.
  2. Click to reveal issues.Instructor: You can mention here that nature and nurture don’t need further summary, because we just finished a chapter about it. However, if you skipped that chapter, you may want to go to the presentation for that chapter and use slides that summarize that issue, as well as slides that show the cell, chromosomes, and genes.
  3. Automatic animation.Instructor: You can note here (unless you think it’s obvious) that “prenatal” literally means “before birth.”You could ask students to answer or think about these questions over the next group of slides:--Where do you think the study of development should begin: at birth, or in utero?--At what stage in this process does it make sense to talk about the process of nature AND nurture? Is there “nurture” in utero?
  4. No animation.What does the Michael Phelps cartoon from the book illustrate?...that most sperm do not make it to the egg. Of those that make it, only one sperm is allowed through the protective coating. Then, after several hours, the nuclei fuse, which might be considered the actual moment of conception.
  5. Click to reveal bullets.Instructor: You can ask students if they think that teratogens qualify as a “nurture” factor influencing development. If we recall that “nurture” really means “environmental influences” and not “cuddling,” it should be clear that this is an example of how nature and nurture both operate before birth.Sometimes, the zygote first fully splits into two; this is the start of identical twins. The outer layer of cells becomes the placenta, the mechanism for providing nutrients and oxygen to the child and filtering out toxins; it will be more visible on the next slide.
  6. Click to reveal bullets.
  7. Click to reveal bullets.Examples of noticeable problems in FAS: hyperactivity, learning problems, emotion control problems, and unusual facial size, shape, and features. The underlying problem of FAS may be that alcohol switches genes on and off, diverting the normal course of development.
  8. Click to reveal bullets.Evidence of learning to recognize sounds from inside the womb: immediately after birth, newborns prefer mother’s voice, and even coo and cry in the tones of her language.Evidence of habituating to annoying sounds: after birth, newborns can ignore sounds that would agitate other newborns.
  9. No animation.
  10. Click to reveal bullets.How do we conclude that these abilities are inborn?...because they are evident within hours of birth.The rooting reflex triggers the baby to get in position for breastfeeding.
  11. Click to show smiley face.Newborns might have an inborn preference for looking at faces, AND the ability to distinguish a facelike pattern of dots and lines from a less face-like pattern!You could ask if students can describe a possible survival/evolutionary function of this face preference. Perhaps this preference might help infants seek out and make eye contact with people rather than light bulbs, to assure that others are motivated to care for them.
  12. Click to reveal bullets.
  13. Click to reveal definitions and bar at bottom.The book defines the childhood age span as “growing from toddler to teenager.” This is not meant to imply that childhood includes the teenage years.
  14. Click to reveal bullets and example.Instructor: Mention before the text appears on screen:“This is one of the words in this course that means something different in psychology than in popular usage (other examples include arousal, learning, conservation, theory, etc.). When we use the term, we do NOT mean “becoming socially aware and competent as an adult, but… [now click to reveal text]”You might ask, “for these two topics, speculate: which of the changes, or the timing and sequence of those changes, is driven by biology/unfolding, and which are triggered or greatly effected by environment/experience?”
  15. Click to reveal bullets and images.
  16. Automatic animation.
  17. Automatic animation.Many kinds of stimulation help generate brain development, even providing massage and other touch to newborns (especially those born prematurely).
  18. No animation.Studies on an identical twins have shown that rushing kids to learn to walk, learn to climb stairs, etc. does not seem to do much to make it happen sooner than it would happen anyway.
  19. Click to reveal bullets.Instructor--some details on infantile amnesia: the fourth birthday party is more likely (than the third) to be a real memory, and more accurate. Those memories from early years (like most memories, but even more so at this age) are likely to be reconstructions, built mostly from stories told to them by others when they were older. Yet these memories feel like recalled events; more about this in the chapter on memory.Learning skills: this skill or “procedural memory” could be seen as an example of operant conditioning. Babies also acquire fear, which of course is classical conditioning. These terms are omitted from the slide because these concepts typically would not have been introduced yet in the course, but you may want to mention it here.
  20. No animation.
  21. Click to reveal bullets and example.Jean Piaget was originally a biologist but he began observing children, at first mainly his own kids and relatives. He generated novel ideas about development throughout the mid-20th century.
  22. Click to reveal bullets and example.
  23. Click to reveal answer/example.If students want this stated in definition form: assimilation refers to incorporating new experiences into our existing schema/categories; accommodation refers to adjusting our schema to better fit our experiences.Whether the mini-poodle in the picture is categorized as a dog may be subject to debate… 
  24. Click to reveal bullets.Instructor: here you can highlight the “nature vs. nurture” and “continuity vs. stages” concepts, and question where Jean Piaget stands on these issues. You can mention here or later that Piaget’s positions have been somewhat modified by recent research, especially the idea that certain stages are tied maturationally/genetically to certain ages.
  25. No animation.
  26. No animation.Image:
  27. Click to start animation.Peekaboo brings out issues of “nature vs. nurture,” as well as “stages of maturation vs. practice at playing.” Since kids develop this ability automatically but also practice to develop it, how much of the development of object permanence is nature/maturation, and how much is nurture/experience?
  28. Click to reveal bullets/animation; see this in slide show mode to see the ball obeying gravity, and not obeying gravity.“Violations in physics and math” examples: kids look more surprised when they see a ball start to drop and then stop. You might want to simulate this with a ball on a stick.
  29. Click to reveal all text.Answer to the slide question: this boy is unable to see his brother Jim’s perspective and unable to see himself as a brother rather than just as ME, the center of the world.Egocentrism is another one of those terms that has a different meaning in psychology than in its more vague popular use. It is not about selfishness, but about being unable to see another person’s perspective, or even to imagine that other people have a perspective that might be different from your own.Hiding their eyes: If I can’t see, you can’t see, right? If the world has just become dark, how can anyone else see?Egocentrism is also a hallmark of autism, to such an extent that if you point somewhere, an autistic child might look at the end of your finger or at a point past the finger from their perspective, rather than being able to tell where you are looking.
  30. Click to reveal bullets.
  31. Click through to show the three scenes.This test is typically called the “false belief test” because the younger child is asked to be able to tell when another person has the wrong idea, or a false belief, about where something is. It is a screening test for autism.The ability to understand a false belief appears at age 3.5 to 4.5, or much later in children with autism spectrum disorders (including Asperger’s Disorder), although I have had a first-year college male fail this test despite repeated explanation and in-class demonstration.
  32. Click to reveal all text.This child could “conserve” the amount of fluid by mentally reversing the operation of pouring it into a different container, but this is difficult for a child at the start of the preoperational phase. Click for another example: if objects are arranged on a table in two rows of five, but one row is more spread out, a preoperational child will feel sure that there are more objects in the spread-out row.
  33. Click to reveal bullets.The brain in autism is marked by “islands of ability” (usually very concrete abilities) but the parts of the brain are not well connected to each other; the first talent to be missing is often social intuition. The official diagnosis of Asperger’s Disorder will disappear soon after this textbook is published. Asperger’s Disorder will be considered to be synonymous with the higher-functioning end of the autism spectrum. That diagnostic change may also affect the “1 in 110” figure; this is based on the current overall category of Pervasive Developmental Disorder, PDD, about half of which is “PDD-NOS”, Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, which includes many children who do not meet the full criteria for autism or any other PDD.
  34. Click to reveal question.The book recommends the transporter’s website, but the only way to see a video for free is to find some copy of an episode on YouTube, such as path for teaching about emotions in real social context is the “Social Stories and Comic Book Conversations” techniques associated with Carol Gray.
  35. Click to reveal bullets.Just as toddlers enjoy practicing their newfound understanding of object permanence by playing peekaboo, kids in the concrete operational stage might like playing around with their understanding of conservation with jokes like the one in the book: “don’t cut the pizza into eight pieces, I can only eat six.” Back to the glass of milk example, a kid at this age might laugh at hearing or saying, “could you pour that milk into a taller glass, I’m really thirsty.”
  36. No animation.
  37. Click to reveal all text.If this is symbolic thought, then adult primates such as bonobos have this too.There is a great video starring Alan Alda showing a bonobo (a peaceful relative of the chimpanzee) able to do what a two and a half year old cannot do; find the hidden object based on a model.Is this symbolic thought, or is a visual mental model not the same as an abstract symbol?Click to reveal sidebar.
  38. Click to reveal bullets and example.Regarding the first bullet point: by contrast, Jean Piaget was more focused on how children learned through interaction with the physical environment.
  39. Click to reveal bullets.
  40. Click to reveal all text.Instructor: The word “tie” here implies something even stronger, tighter, and closer than the word “connection.” Sometimes this attachment includes anxiety/distress when separated from the caregiver, as we will see in upcoming slides.In experiments by Harry Harlow (in the late 1950s and 1960s) that gave monkeys a choice of surrogate mothers, a baby monkey would cling to a comfortable cloth ‘mother’ rather than the ‘mother’ that provided food. However, there are numerous critiques of these experiments.
  41. No animation.Humans are more flexible than birds because humans do not have a critical period or rigid/imprinted attachments. However, humans still become emotionally attached to people and objects based on the mere exposure effect--feeling comfortable with what is familiar. This may be one small part of explaining hoarding, or why it is hard to lose a relationship because of breakup or death even when the relationship was dysfunctional.
  42. Click to reveal bullets and sidebar.The book mixes the descriptions of the two insecure attachment styles together; I have separated them here.Some theorists have added a fourth type of attachment--disorganized, not forming a coherent or consistent style.
  43. Click to show bullets under each question.Note: we are later going to take a broader look at different parenting styles and the correlation with child behaviors. Here, the focus is on parent and child behaviors related to attachment.Child temperament and attachment: there is usually a third style listed when describing temperament, called “slow to warm up.”As we shall see when discussing personality, these temperamental traits may be genetically based and persist into adulthood in some form.Parental influences on attachment: the correlational observations are not enough, since the correlation could have been driven either by the child’s temperament or by the parent’s behavior. The experiment, by Dymphna C. van den Boom, involved random assignment to experimental and control groups. The control group showed 28 percent of infants being securely attached at 12 months. The experimental group showed 68 percent, actually above the average for infants in general, despite beginning with temperamentally difficult infants.
  44. Click to reveal bullets.
  45. No animation.Instructor: More about day care coming up; this slide is in this location following the sequence of material in the text, but you could move it a few slides forward to join the slide on day care.
  46. Click to reveal bullets and sidebar.
  47. Click to reveal bullets.Genetics and biology still play a role in determining the outcome of prolonged deprivation. Some people’s stress hormone systems seem to be more easily damaged by chronic stress, and some people’s serotonin pathways more easily become inefficient.
  48. Click to reveal bullets.Instructor: For this last bullet point, see if students notice, thanks to the word “correlation,” that there is more than one possible explanation for this result:placement in day care may facilitate advanced thinking and encourage defiance and aggression,OR2) more educated parents, and more irritable and angry parents, are two populations more likely to place the child in day care.
  49. No animation.Instructor: You might note here that we have earlier discussed the influences of parenting behaviors on infant attachment. Now we’re looking at a slightly different picture--the way parents handle the issue of control in childhood.Response to child’s behavior: how does this style control, manage, or otherwise respond to child behavior?
  50. No animation.Instructor: You might note here that we have earlier discussed the influences of parenting behaviors on infant attachment. Now we’re looking at a slightly different picture--the way parents handle the issue of control in childhood.Response to child’s behavior: how does this style control, manage, or otherwise respond to child behavior?
  51. Click to reveal bullets.There could also be other factors, such as genes or culture, affecting both the child outcomes and the parenting styles.
  52. Click to reveal bullets.
  53. No animation.
  54. Click to reveal bullets.Longer narrative accompanying this slide:“Developmental psychologists used to focus on childhood, believing that is the period when maturation and experience formed our traits for life. But now we have the lifespan perspective, acknowledging that “development is a lifelong process.” And thus we move on to adolescence.In some cultures or periods in history, this transition period, especially by the second definition, would be short or non-existent. In the 21st-century, puberty is coming earlier and independence seems to be coming much later, so that we’ll be hearing of one more transitional phase, “emergent adulthood.”
  55. Click to reveal bullets.
  56. Click to reveal bullets.Note: I have altered the caption of this cartoon from the text.
  57. Click to reveal bullets.Although adolescents are cognitively able to consider consequences, they may seem like they’re ignoring consequences because they tend to weigh potential benefits much more heavily than potential risks.Although adolescents are able to make plans to meet goals, they may still tend to make choices based on shorter-term, immediate benefits rather than long-term goals.Adolescents can picture the minds of others, but they retain some childhood egocentrism; they mainly wonder what others think about them, and assume no one else can understand their experience.
  58. This is an optional slide that combines the next three slides.Click to reveal bullets and Kohlberg’s levels of moral reasoning.Instructor: You can add that Lawrence Kohlberg (1927-1987) established these categories after studying the way kids of different ages created solutions to moral dilemmas. If you’re going to use the next slide, you can preview here, or wait until that slide has been discussed, to note that we might not agree that these levels of moral reasoning are really a function of age and development. Kohlberg’s levels have also been criticized as culturally determined.
  59. Click to reveal bullets and Kohlberg’s levels of moral reasoning.Instructor: You can add that Lawrence Kohlberg (1927-1987) established these categories after studying the way kids of different ages created solutions to moral dilemmas. If you’re going to use the next slide, you can preview here, or wait until that slide has been discussed, to note that we might not agree that these levels of moral reasoning are really a function of age and development. Kohlberg’s levels have also been criticized as culturally determined.
  60. Click to reveal bullets.The goal here is not to have students answer the questions but to have students note that the questions use a variety of levels of moral reasoning. See if they can explain which level of moral reasoning is involved. This may bring out the critique of Lawrence Kohlberg for seeing these levels as stages based on age/development; after all, adults can be found thinking in any of these three ways.Answers: conventional morality--this is an example of thinking about rules based on the benefits they bring to society. postconventional morality--here we put aside rules that benefit society when we decide to invoke a higher moral principle, although it could be argued here that the “higher principle” here is actually selfish. An imperfect example can sometimes generate discussion.preconventional morality--using punishments and rewards as a cue for deciding what is right and wrong.
  61. Click to reveal bullets and example.The emotional areas of the brain, quiet when considering flipping a track switch to have a trolley kill one person instead of five, actually light up when considering pushing someone in the path of a trolley. This supports the idea that emotion is making the difference in the choice.
  62. No animation.
  63. Click to reveal bullets.
  64. Click to reveal bullets.
  65. No animation.
  66. Click to reveal bullets.This is an optional slide, spotlighting material from the two previous slides, and putting the current stage in context of the course of psychosocial development.
  67. Click to reveal bullets.
  68. Click to reveal bullets and example.
  69. Have students guess at these before clicking to reveal each list.
  70. No animation.The chart at the left shows how the time between the onset of puberty and fully moving on from one’s family of origin has grown to the point that it is not really one single “adolescent” phase anymore. It is now broken into parts, with the departure for college, around age 18, making a natural breaking point.
  71. Click to reveal bullets and example.
  72. Automatic animation.
  73. No animation.
  74. Click to show box with upcoming topics.Early on in this section, I highlight that death comes to everyone, so that students will be prepared to shift gears and talk about sensory decline. You can choose to move those lifespan/death slides to the end of the physical development section or to the end of the entire discussion of adulthood.
  75. Click to reveal bullets.Answering the last question: with strength and endurance training, you can improve compared to someone not training, but it does not change the decline compared to a younger person doing the same training.Question (with no correct answer) you can raise with students: does the word “development” still apply if we are talking about a decline?
  76. Click to reveal bullets and sidebar.Potential answer to the sidebar question: to ensure the presence of healthy mothers, AND to create a population of back-up help to these mothers (grandmothers). You might note that is human fertility did not end, evolutionary psychologists would easily explain that too (i.e., to maximize the number of offspring). This might help students understand the limits of evolutionary psychology; explanations cannot almost never be empirically tested.
  77. Click to reveal bullets and sidebar bullets.Although the next few slides leading up to death are here to follow the sequence of the text, I suggest moving them to the end of this “Physical Development” section or even to the end of the chapter. About the change in life expectancy: picture how adding two more decades of life (on average) changes what a typical life is like, both for individuals and families. (Although actually, much of the rise of this average figure may be due to decreasing infant mortality; not all adults living two decades longer.)This life expectancy figure may seem low; keep in mind that it averages all countries, and that it is the life expectancy at birth. Figures for life expectancy for those who have survived the infant mortality years is higher, although this was even more true in the past.
  78. Click to reveal bullets.Philosophical and evolutionary answers to the question on this slide might speculate about the value of “new blood” but this is highly debatable. The answers on the slide are biological answers, and more about “how” we don’t live forever, perhaps not a full answer as to “why.”The wearing down of telomeres is worsened by smoking, obesity, and stress. It happens no matter how life is lived, although researchers are looking into extending the human lifespan by reducing the deterioration of the telomeres.
  79. No animation.There is, however, some dispute about this data. We will return to the subject of dying later in the chapter, as a social rather than as a biological issue, although you could also move this slide to join that later discussion.
  80. Click to reveal bullets.The first bullet will shrink to play off the visual acuity issue.
  81. No animation.It’s a more minor point, but you could ask students to explain why looking at accidents per mile driven rather than per driver is a more dramatic figure. Which figure is more appropriate in assessing the average risk of letting an older person drive?
  82. Click to reveal good news and bad news.
  83. Click to reveal bullets.
  84. Click to reveal bullets.
  85. Click to reveal bullets and sidebar bullets.Note: when a person has just one of the above symptoms, or general memory problems, it does NOT mean that person has dementia.There are many other kinds of dementia besides Alzheimer’s, including dementia related to strokes, or “multi-infarct dementia.”Sidebar: it is not clear which of these brain changes causes dementia and which simply tend to be associated with Alzheimer’s. Some of these changes are evident in people without Alzheimer’s, and some people with Alzheimer’s symptoms do not show these changes. Nonetheless, these brain changes, in addition to some associated genes, and other symptoms such as loss of ability to smell, can form early warning signs of Alzheimer’s.
  86. Click to reveal bullets and example.See if students can describe, or even try to explain, the change with age in performance depicted in these two charts. You may need to clarify that the “names recalled” in this study (on the left), refers to the names of people introducing themselves in video clips.
  87. Click to reveal bullets.
  88. Click to reveal bullets.Disadvantage of cross-sectional studies: comparing populations with different “nurture.” Today’s 80 year olds may be different because of the era in which they were raisedDisadvantage of longitudinal studies: a declining and narrow subject base, and it takes a long time to get useful data.Both types of studies have the weakness of comparing the average young person to the select group of older people who happen to live that long.All of these make it hard to gain knowledge that can predict how today’s young people will be when they are old.
  89. Click to reveal bullets.The sports car is a stereotypical, perhaps mythical, example of purchases by people in their 50’s trying to feel more youthful. You could ask if any students have parents showing this type of behavior.
  90. Click to reveal bullets.
  91. Click to reveal all text.
  92. Click to reveal all bullets on each side.In both examples, it is possible to explain the causation in either direction, (e.g. that ceremonies make commitments last OR that people in relationships that are more likely to last choose to have a ceremony) or even that both factors are explained by a third factor such as culture or socioeconomic status. Work satisfaction is also caused by other factors such as financial reward and control over work tasks and schedules. However, the factors listed above fit with the challenges of Erik Erikson’s psychosocial crisis of “generativity vs. stagnation.”
  93. No animation.
  94. Click to reveal bullets.The first finding may be related to recent research on the brain: with age, the amygdala responds less actively to negative events, but not less actively to positively events. There is generally less brain wave activity in response to negative images.
  95. No animation.
  96. No animation.The word “average” is underlined because one of the biggest struggles in grieving is trying to rush or skip the grieving process, or feeling incompetent if one is not following the “normal” timeline for “moving on.”
  97. Click to reveal bullets.
  98. Click to reveal bullets.Some of these questions will be addressed in later chapters on intelligence and personality.
  99. Click to reveal bullets.