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Organization Behavior
Emotional Intelligence and Intelligence








We owe a great many thanks to a great many people
who helped and supported us during this project. Our
deepest thanks to Ms. Neha (Subject teacherOrganization Behaviour) for guiding and correcting
various documents with attention and care. She has
taken pain to go through the details and make
necessary correction as and when needed. We express
our thanks to the Principal of Shaheed Sukhdev
College of Business Studies for extending her
support. Our deep sense of gratitude to our classmates for
helping us with this project. We also extend our
heartfelt thanks to our family and well wishers for cooperating with us during the time period.

S. No.


Page No.


Emotional Intelligence



Components of EQ



Role of EQ in Success



Characteristics of people with different EQ



Ways to improve EQ



Intelligence Quotient



EQ vs. IQ



Case Study








What is Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional Intelligence or Emotional Quotient describes an ability or capacity to
perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of one's self, and of others. In other
words, emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control and

evaluate emotions. Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be
learned and strengthened, while others claim it is an inborn characteristic.

Emotional intelligence competencies
1) Empathy:
When we try to see the world through the frame of reference of others and
try to understand how the situation we see is seen by them, what meanings
they give it and what values they place on it, is called ‘empathizing’ with
those people/person.
2) Intuition:

It is the ability to acquire knowledge without inference or the use of reason.
Intuition provides us with beliefs that we cannot necessarily justify.
3) Leadership:

It has been described as the “process of social influence in which one person
can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a
common task."
4) Teamwork:

It is an action performed by a team towards a common goal. A team consists
of more than one person, each of whom typically has different

responsibilities. A team also includes seven common elements: 1. common

purpose; 2. interdependence; 3. clear roles and contributions; 4. satisfaction

from mutual working; 5. mutual and individual accountability; 6. realization
of synergies; and 7. empowerment.

5) Self-control:

It is the ability to control one's emotions, behavior and desires in order to
obtain some reward, or avoid some punishment, later. Presumably, some
(smaller) reward or punishment is operating in the short term which
precludes, or reduces, the later reward or punishment.
6) Self- confidence:

It is a socio-psychological concept which relates to self-assuredness in one's
personal judgment, ability, power, etc., sometimes manifested excessively.

Branches of Emotional Intelligence:

Salovey and Mayer proposed a model that identified four different factors of
emotional intelligence: the perception of emotion, the ability reason using

emotions, the ability to understand emotion and the ability to manage emotions.

Perceiving Emotions: The first step in understanding emotions is to

accurately perceive them. In many cases, this might involve understanding
nonverbal signals such as body language and facial expressions.

Reasoning With Emotions: The next step involves using emotions to

promote thinking and cognitive activity. Emotions help prioritize what we
pay attention and react to; we respond emotionally to things that garner
our attention.

Understanding Emotions: The emotions that we perceive can carry a wide

variety of meanings. If someone is expressing angry emotions, the observer
must interpret the cause of their anger and what it might mean. For

example, if your boss is acting angry, it might mean that he is dissatisfied

with your work; or it could be because he got a speeding ticket on his way
to work that morning or that he's been fighting with his wife.

Managing Emotions: The ability to manage emotions effectively is a key
part of emotional intelligence. Regulating emotions, responding

appropriately and responding to the emotions of others are all important
aspect of emotional management.

The Components Of Emotional Quotient
Emotional intelligence is measured using 5-major components and 15-


1. Intrapersonal Skills (ability to understand and apply personal emotions)
 Self Regard (ability to accept oneself as basically good)

 Emotional Self Awareness (ability to recognize one's own feelings, which
allows us to manage them and make better decisions. It is important to
be positive even when challenged because it results in more focused

 Assertiveness (ability to express feelings, beliefs, and thoughts without
becoming antagonistic and uncooperative towards others)

 Independence (ability to be self-directed and self-controlled in ones
thinking and actions and to be free of emotional dependency)

 Self Actualization (ability to realizes one's potential)

2. Interpersonal Skills (people skills)

 Empathy (understanding the feelings of others, which enables us to
respond appropriately to changes in the emotional climate of
others; Significant others, take note)

 Social Responsibility (being a cooperative, contributing, and constructive
member of various social groups)

 Interpersonal Relationships (ability to establish and maintain mutually
beneficial relationships noted for their intimacy and by the giving &

receiving of affection, whether it be as a lover, friend, family member, or
loyal employee)

3. Stress Management (ability to handle challenges)

 Stress Tolerance (Ability to handle difficult situations without ‘falling

 Impulse Control (ability to resist or delay an impulse, drive, or

temptation to act; controlling the need for "instant gratification")

4. Adaptability (Ability to react quickly, appropriately, and efficiently to

 Reality Testing (ability to assess the correspondence between what is

experienced and what objectively exists; knowing what you want to do
vs. what you actually can do)

 Flexibility (ability to adjust one's emotions, thoughts, and behaviors to
changing situations and conditions)

 Problem Solving (ability to identify and define problems as well as to
generate and implement potentially effective solutions)

5. General Mood

 Optimism (It is taking everything in a positive manner. Analyzing the

positive side of every situation and hoping that everything is meant to be

 Happiness (Being in a state where you find everything around you good
and enjoy it.)

Who Is Emotionally Intelligent - And Does
It Matter?
o Some of us accomplish certain tasks with great ease and sophistication;
others of us simply can't do those tasks. This is the case with most
challenges we face in life. Some of us are great chess players while others

of us have trouble just figuring out how the pieces move. Some of us are
fabulous conversationalists, while others of us have trouble just saying

o Now, the world could do without the game of chess, and the world
could do without fabulous conversationalists, but it would be a poorer
place for it.

o Emotional intelligence is an intelligence having to do with discerning and

understanding emotional information. Emotional information is all around
us. Emotions communicate basic feeling states from one individual to
another -- they signal urgent messages such as "let's get together" or "I am
hurting" or "I'm going to hurt you."

o What ability tests of emotional intelligence tell us is that only some people
can pick up and understand and appreciate the more subtle versions of

those messages. That is, only the high EI individual understands the full
richness and complexities of these communications.

o Emotional information is crucial. It is one of the primary forms of
information that human beings process. That doesn't mean that everybody

has to process it well. But it does mean that it is circulating around us, and
certain people who can pick up on it can perform certain tasks very well
that others cannot perform.

o We all need emotional intelligence to help us through our emotionally

demanding days. Even if we are not emotionally intelligent ourselves, we
may rely on those higher in emotional intelligence to guide us.

o But guide us to what? What is it that people high in emotional intelligence

can see that so many others are blind to? The key to this lies in what those
high in emotional intelligence are particularly good at doing themselves.

o They're particularly good at establishing positive social relationships with

others, and avoiding conflicts, fights, and other social altercations. They're

particularly good at understanding psychologically healthy living and

avoiding such problems as drugs and drug abuse. It seems likely that such

individuals, by providing coaching advice to others, and by directly

involving themselves in certain situations, assist other individuals and
groups of people to live together with greater harmony and satisfaction.

o So, perhaps even more important than scoring high on an emotional
intelligence test, is knowing one's level at this group of skills. Discovering

one's level means that you can know whether and how much to be selfreliant in emotional areas, and when to seek others' help in reading the
emotional information that is going on around oneself. Whether one is

high or low in emotional intelligence, is perhaps not as important as
knowing that emotional information exists and that some people can

understand it. Knowing just that, one can use emotional information, by
finding those who are able to understand it and reason with it.

o This is the information age. All of us are dependent on information and
using it wisely. The advent of the ability model of emotional intelligence

enriches our knowledge of the information surrounding us -- it tells us
emotional information is there and that some people can see it and use it.

The model encourages all of us to use emotional information wisely -whether through our own direct understanding, or through the assistance
of those who do understand.

Why Study Emotional Intelligence Together With
Personality Psychology?
There are several reasons to understand emotional intelligence and

personality together. Emotional intelligence is a part of human personality,
and personality provides the context in which emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence can be considered a mental ability that involves the
ability to reason validly with emotional information, and the action of
emotions to enhance thought.

Personality can be defined as a person’s pattern of internal experience and
social interaction that arises from the action of that individual’s major

psychological subsystems. Major psychological subsystems involve emotion,
cognition, and the self, among.

There are several reasons to understand this relationship:
1. Understanding “where” and “what” EI is (e.g., a mental ability inside, or, a
part of, personality) can help identify the type of data necessary to collect
to study the idea2. Placing emotional intelligence in its psychological
context allows one to compare and contrast it with different parts of

1. Those that are similar

2. Those that are related, and,
3. Those that is different.

2. If a person’s ultimate aim is to understand a target variable -- such as

aggression or problem behavior -- understanding the personality system as a
whole can help link EI with other relevant parts of personality for empirical

3. Understanding EI as a part of the broader personality system also can alert

researchers as to what parts of personality may influence EI, increase its effects,
or lower them.

4. Considerable research exists as to how personality’s parts are expressed.

Understanding that EI is part of personality indicates a great deal about how it
will be expressed.

How EQ Helps In Success?

Emotional Intelligence is increasingly relevant to organizational development and
developing people, because the EQ principles provide a new way to understand

and assess people's behaviors, management styles, attitudes, interpersonal skills,
and potential. Emotional Intelligence is an important consideration in human
resources planning, job profiling, recruitment interviewing and selection,

management development, customer relations and customer service, and more. It
also brings compassion and humanity to work.

Research has shown that what separates successful people from their less
successful counterparts is not necessarily IQ but EQ!

EQ proves to be a powerful strategic tool in accomplishing your business goals in
the following areas:

1. Hiring / Screening - By incorporating EQ competencies in your hiring

strategies, you are ensuring that the people who come to work for your

company will already possess a high degree of emotional intelligence that
will help them perform their job.

2. Training - All training on customer service, sales, supervisory development,
leadership, career development, and team interactions should include EQ

awareness and skills training. By helping employees focus on the areas of EQ
that they can improve, you are providing them with tools that will help the

business and improve their job satisfaction.
3. Coaching - As an HR professional, you may often be involved in coaching

others in the organization, in both crisis situations or daily interactions. You
can bring incredible value to your one on one coaching experiences as you

model and encourage others to understand how EQ can be used as a tool for
solving their current and future dilemmas.

4. Competency models / Succession plans - HR can assist the organization by
developing competency models and succession plans that incorporate EQ

competencies. This action will ensure that the organization of the future will
be built based on competencies that have the greatest potential to deliver
business goals.

5. Performance Development Reviews - Performance and development reviews
that reflect EQ competencies will ensure that employees are aware of
developmental needs in the emotional intelligence area.
6. Profit to the business – Emotional Intelligence leads to:
 Reduction of lost-time accidents.
 Reduction in formal grievances.
 Increase in productivity.

Characteristics of Low And High EQ People

A person with High EQ:

Expresses his feelings clearly and directly with three word sentences
beginning with "I feel..."


Does not disguise thoughts as feelings by the use of "I feel like...." and "I feel
that...." sentences.


Is not afraid to express her feelings.

Is able to read non-verbal communication.

Lets his feelings lead him to healthy choices and happiness.
Balances feelings with reason, logic, and reality.

Acts out of desire, not because of duty, guilt, force or obligation.
Is independent, self-reliant and morally autonomous.
Is intrinsically motivated.

Is not motivated by power, wealth, status, fame, or approval.


Is emotionally resilient.


Tends to feel optimistic, but is also realistic, and can feel pessimistic at


Does not internalize failure.

Is interested in other people's feelings.
Is comfortable talking about feelings?
Is not immobilized by fear or worry.

Is able to identify multiple concurrent feelings.

Is not dominated by negative emotions such as: fear, worry, guilt, shame,

embarrassment, obligation, disappointment, hopelessness, powerlessness,
dependency, victimization, discouragement.

A person with Low EQ:

Doesn't take responsibilities for his feelings; but blames you or others for


Can't put together three word sentences starting with "I feel..."

Can't tell you why she feels the way she does, or can't do it without
blaming someone else.


An attack, blames, commands, criticize, interrupts, invalidates, lectures,
advises and judges you and others.


Tries to analyze you, for example when you express your feelings.
Often begins sentences with "I think you..."

Ex - I think you need to.. I think you should...

Sends "you messages" disguised as "I feel messages" For example, "I feel like
you ...."


Lays guilt trips on you.

Withholds information about or lies about his feelings. (Emotional


Exaggerates or minimizes her feelings.

Lets things build up, then they blow up, or react strongly to something
relatively minor.


Carries grudges; is unforgiving.
Is uncomfortable to be around.

Acts out his feelings, rather than talking them out.
Has no empathy, no compassion.


Is rigid, inflexible; needs rules and structure to feel secure.


Is not emotionally available; offers little chance of emotional intimacy.


Does not consider your feelings before acting.

Does not consider their own future feelings before acting.

Is insecure and defensive and finds it hard to admit mistakes, express
remorse, or apologize sincerely.

Avoids responsibility by saying things like: "What was I supposed to do? I
had no choice!


Holds many distorted and self-destructive beliefs which cause persistent
negative emotions.


Here are the steps:
1. Understand the importance of emotional intelligence in all aspects of your life:
Being intellectually capable is important in life, but being emotionally intelligent

can be considered even more so, as there are many benefits associated with high
emotional intelligence.

Having high emotional intelligence can help you to lead a happier life because it
is easier to talk with and understand others, acting rationally and calmly in
difficult situations becomes second nature and it can also lead to better
relationships and job opportunities.

There are four core elements to emotional intelligence that help you lead a
balanced life:

Self awareness: This is the ability to recognize your own emotions for what
they are and to understand their origins. It is also about knowing your
strengths and limitations and self-esteem.


Self management: This is the ability to delay gratification, balance your needs
with those of others, take initiative and to pull back on impulsivity. It is also
about being able to cope with change and to stay committed.


Social awareness: This is about being attuned to other people's emotions and
concerns, as well as being able to notice and adapt to social cues. It is also
about being able to see the power dynamics at play within any group or
organizational context.


Relationship management: This is about the ability to get along well with

others, manage conflict, inspire and influence people and to communicate

2. Learn to recognize stress triggers and how to deal with them. Life is filled with
difficult situations from relationship breakdowns to job loss. In between, there
are myriad stress triggers that can make any daily issue seem much more
challenging than it probably is and the more stressed we are, the
more vulnerable we are to not coping with life's many stressors.

A very important part of improving your emotional intelligence is about being
able to spot stress triggers and recognize them for what they are and to bring
yourself back to feeling calm and relaxed.
3. Be open-minded, intellectually curious and agreeable. Openness and being

agreeable go hand-in-hand when it comes to emotional intelligence. Be open to
new ideas – a narrow mind is generally an indication of a lower EQ.

To develop a more open mind, seek to understand and reflect upon the emotions
and ideas of others. Be open to their ideas and opinions so that you are in a

position to consider all possibilities in a positive manner. Remember that you
can’t always be right, and by opening your mind and considering new

possibilities your mind will be able to both expand and be more accepting when

you discover that your take on reality isn't as accurate as you once thought.
When your mind is open through understanding and internal reflection, it

becomes easier to deal with conflicts in a calm and self-assured manner. You will
find yourself socially aware and new possibilities will be open to you.

While changing your mindset can be difficult if you're stuck on seeing

everything in your life in terms of absolutes, opening up a bit can lead to new
insights and less personal angst.

To strengthen this element of your EQ, consider:

Listening to debates on television or the radio; in doing so, always consider
both sides of the argument, as well as realizing that there are nuances and

subtleties that require closer inspection. It is often in the shades of gray that
answers can be found.

If you feel that you have a cluttered mind, write down your thoughts and
ideas, critique these thoughts, and think about why you may have

these opinions. Moving thoughts from your mind and onto paper takes them

from the abstract to the concrete and allows you to play around with them in
front of you and to see them more clearly than simply being mentally chased
by them.

To clear an overwhelmed mind, do something soothing such as going to

a deserted beach or for a walk. Taking a break from anything you're doing

can help you to cope with stressing situations, unfolding change or repetitive
daily routines.

When you hear something that you disagree with, before deciding you hate

the idea, consider it. When someone does not react emotionally the same way
you would, consider why this is.

To improve your ability to be agreeable, increase your trust in others. This

doesn't mean be naive or gullible but it does require you to be prepared to see
the best in people and to not assume the worst.

4. Be outgoing and empathetic. Those who have the ability to understand others
and direct interest toward external properties (i.e., being focused on what is

outside of the self) instead of being focused on oneself (self-absorbed) have the
qualities of extroversion and empathy. To break it down, being selfless is

known as extroversion (note that this is not the same as being an extrovert)
and understanding others is known as empathy.

Extroversion and empathy grow concurrently – when teamed together you
have an understanding, selfless person. A selfish, self-centered person

generally lacks empathy, and a person who lacks empathy generally directs a
lot more interest to them, seeing life through the eyes of their own needs and
wants only.

By strengthening this element of emotional intelligence, your communication

abilities will increase, allowing you to experience stronger and more satisfying
relationships. The ability to communicate clearly also helps you to manage
conflict better and increases your capability to influence others effectively.
To build upon the traits of extroversion and empathy, consider doing the

To improve empathy, put yourself in the shoes of others. Select someone who is
experiencing hardship (for example an asylum seeker or a friend who is in a
spot of trouble) and think about how you would feel if you were put in their
situation. Actively imagine how it must be to go through the experiences

they're having and what might alleviate some of their hardship in terms of
support and care.

Practice empathy on friends and peers.

When seeing someone going through something emotionally ask you, “How

would I react in the same situation?” “Do these people deserve to suffer such
hardships?” “Should I feel sorry for this person?” “Are they being treated
fairly?” and “Would I like to be treated that way?”

By doing this you will begin to understand others and develop empathy.

5. Be conscientious and prepared to deliberate. Rational thinking and actions are
abundant aspects of emotional intelligence. While you can understand a

situation well and have a clear idea of it, if you can’t take rational actions

toward it then what use would an analytical understanding of the situation be?
Conscientiousness is the act of analyzing a situation and deliberation is the act
of responding accordingly in a rational manner. In other words, it is the act of
seeing a situation, analyzing it, then acting upon it in a positive manner.

Many a person can "see" what's wrong but they stop there and don't move on to
the positive action as follow-through. Through the process of rational thinking
and acting upon the deliberation, you will find yourself making better

decisions and your ability to survive hardships will increase drastically. Paired
with an open mind, you will find yourself taking the best possible route out of
any sticky situation.

Ways to improve this element of your EQ include:

When something occurs, analyze it. Sometimes it isn’t a bad thing to over

analyze, critique articles and get right down to the bone, provided you don't

suffer the "paralysis by analysis" problem. Get to the nub, then be prepared to
act upon what you've discovered.

Put yourself in a hypothetical situation and consider how you would react in
certain situations. Challenge yourself to a gradation of easy to very difficult

situations so that your thinking process has to work hard. Deliberating about
difficult situations before they happen to you helps to train your mind in
responsible reactions.

Be goal-oriented. Being conscientious is about being focused on achievement

and taking the necessary steps to get there. One of the best things you can do is
to form goals and write them down so that they begin to direct your

deliberation. It's hard to go somewhere if you don't have the map and your life
is no different.

Before making a decision, make sure you have taken into account all

possibilities. Being prudent requires restraint on impulsivity and delaying your
response until you have all the facts before you and have weighed your
decision with care.

When making a decision, do not decide according to your mood. For example,
if you are angry at the time of a decision, it would be a very bad idea to make

an important decision. Make decisions when you are relaxed and have a clear

6. Be attentive and self-aware – know thyself. To be attentive is to pay attention

to oneself and your surroundings in a positive manner. Knowing who you are
comes in big here. If you don’t know who you are how can you expect to

know others? Worse still is expecting others to define you, to remove your
autonomy and sense of life purpose by delineating your pathway for you.

Finding yourself is an enlightening journey and it can take time – indeed, a

lifetime – but it is the awareness that you continue to grow, change and learn
more about yourself that keeps you on an even keel. Be aware of whom you
are and you will begin to be much more aware of others and their dreams,

hopes, limitations and strengths. Also, being aware of your surroundings is
important – you must be able to open your mind and analyze the outside

Once you know yourself you can begin to recognize your own emotions and
how they affect your thoughts and behavior, which is self-awareness.

Being self-aware allows you to manage yourself in an effective manner, being
able to control your emotions and behaviors in a healthy way. And like a

domino falling over, once you have yourself down-packed, you should then
be able to recognize the emotions and behaviors of others with clarity, which
can lead to better health and personal happiness.

To improve this element of EQ, consider these tips:

Ask yourself questions like, “Why do I act like that?” “Why do I have certain
beliefs?” "Why do I find it so confronting to have my beliefs challenged?"


Recognize your strengths and weaknesses and build upon the strengths
while working out how to either supplement or work around your


Develop morals and evaluate them. This is best done through broad reading,
learning and listening to a wide group of people, including those who really
challenge your own view of the world. Don't simply adopt what your

parents, teachers, workmates or anyone else believes; your morals must be

carefully constructed from your broad learning and openness to the world.

Allow space for personal growth. An intellectually curious person will

always be interested in self improvement through learning, discovering and
reinventing as needed throughout life. Nothing is static and the person who
learns to go with the ebb and flow will lead a much more fulfilled life than
the one who resists change.

7. Practice communication skills. Having good communication skills results in
a better EQ. A high level of communication skills makes it is easier to send
across and receive messages that are clear, to-the-point and respectful of
both your own boundaries and those of others.

It is important to not only build on your verbal communication, but also to
take note of your body language. You can learn a lot about a person and

their emotions by studying their body language and equally, you are always

sending certain messages through your body depending on how you control
it (or omit to control it).
Pay attention to:

Comfort zones: Comfort zones vary between person-to-person. Study how
close people stand to you and how comfortable they are with physical

contact. Respect their comfort zones to decrease their discomfort; in turn,
you will win them over for being so understanding and clued in to their

Watch for sincerity: When someone smiles, is it a real smile? You can tell a
lot about a person from their smile. Read How to smile with the eyes for
details about a genuine smile.


Body position: Study body positions to understand others better and to pick

up on social cues that aren't spoken. If a person's body is positioned toward
you in a comfortable way, with open arms and gestures and good eye
contact, then they are happy to be with you.

Some people like to hide themselves by having a closed body position; don't

always assume it's because of you, as many people are simply afraid to

reveal their real self to the world and use body language to stay shut within
themselves, believing it to be safer that way.

You can help such people unfurl through trusting them and showing them
that they can trust you, as well as being genuine and compassionate.

8. Be optimistic: Those who are optimistic tend to live a happy, successful life.
When you're optimistic, it's easier to see the beauty in life and everyday

objects. In a way, being optimistic results in an open mind, making it a crucial
element of improving your emotional intelligence.

If you have a negative outlook on everything, how can you expect to be

emotionally intelligent? Negativity encourages us to stay wrapped up in
ourselves, focused only on what can go wrong in our lives rather than

building our resilience and shoring ourselves against the vicissitudes of life.
Optimism results in emotional well being and greater opportunities – people

want to be around the optimistic person and this draws them to you, with all
the possibilities that more connections bring you.

Be sure to take some time out to practice optimism by:

Identifying your good features and appreciating them


What is Iq?
It is a score derived from one of several different standardized tests designed
to assess intelligence. The term "IQ" comes from the German Intelligenz-

Quotient. When modern IQ tests are constructed, the mean (average) score
within an age group is set to 100 and the standard deviation (SD) to

15. Today almost all IQ tests adhere to the assignment of 15 IQ points to

each standard deviation. IQ scores have been shown to be associated with
such factors as morbidity and mortality, parental social status, and, to a
substantial degree, parental IQ.

In 1912, a German psychologist, William Stern, noticed that even though the

gap between mental age and chronological age widens as a child matures, the

ratio of mental age to chronological age remains constant, throughout the life of
a person.

This constant ratio of mental age divided by chronological age was given the

name "Intelligence Quotient". Actually, the intelligence quotient is defined as 100
times the Mental Age (MA) divided by the Chronological Age (CA).

IQs range from 0 to above 200, and among children, to above 250. However,

about 50% of the population has IQs between 89 and 111, and about 80% of the
population has IQs ranging between 80 and 120, with 10% lying below 80, and
10% falling above 120.

Emotional Quotient Vs Intelligence Quotient

1. Measure Of Ability To Manage Emotions (EQ) And Measure Of

Intelligence :

 EQ or Emotional Quotient is a measure of your ability to notice and then
manage your interior and exterior perceptions of your feelings and then
control your reactions. Your mood will always control your ability to

resolve problems making this an important skill to develop and use. Using

a well developed EQ will help you manage your emotions. And developing
a higher EQ can be done quite easily.

 IQ or Intelligence Quotient is a measure of intelligence. A way to rate this
for any individual is by taking an IQ test. An IQ test measures different

types of abilities: verbal, memory, mathematical, spatial, and reasoning.
This test has a preset standard based on a representative group of the

population. The majority of people rank in at about 90-110. Generally, IQ
tests actually test general intelligence. Many experts feel IQ tests are a
measure of an individual's problem solving ability and not an actual
measure of general intelligence.

2. Social Skills (EQ) and Tactical Skills (IQ)
 Necessary social skills that students need are associated with high levels of
EQ or emotional intelligence. If a student does not develop the EQ skills

needed to successfully transverse the maturation process he or she will be

left in a situation of having the intelligence to functionally work or play but

not have the emotional skills to successfully work or play, thus limiting their
potential future.

 But at the same time a student also needs to have knowledge i.e. high IQ, in

order to contemplate the right and wrong, and make the correct decisions. If
a student lacks logic then he would not be in a situation to empathize with
others, in turn not achieving his goals.

3. More Convincing (EQ) and More Logic (IQ)
 When working in an organization, an employee with higher EI than others
can convince his or her colleague(s) about a certain argument by

appealing to their emotions rather than presenting facts and figures.
 Having a high IQ will help build interpersonal and intrapersonal skills to a
certain extent, unlike EQ, which talks about one’s character based on the
way he or she writes or replies to mail, collaborates and networks with
peers and subordinates and works towards attaining Company goals.

For best results, employees must develop communication and organizational

skills for good decision-making as well as good inter-personal relations with co-

workers. An individual’s success rate at work depends on his or her EQ as well as
IQ in the ratio of 80:20.

This is so, because EQ help individuals build and maintain relations with peers
and superiors, increases productivity and opens up doors for clarity in
communication (good listening habit is integral to EQ).







A set of questionnaire are being given to the teenagers and adults to determine
their level of emotional intelligence. This will be helpful to determine a person’s
level of emotional intelligence.
1) People will become more aware of the importance of Emotional Intelligence.
2) From this study, it will be determined if emotional intelligence influences
people’s success in life more than IQ. Since people’s emotional intelligence can be
improved unlike IQ, more people will have better chance to be successful in life
by improving their low emotional intelligence.
3) For the people who have low emotional intelligence and low IQ, finding the
importance of EI will make them think about their future in a different way. They
will have more self-confidence and will hopefully try to do better in life by
improving their emotional intelligence.

Personality Analysis
After computing the results from the questionnaire, there were three main
categories that were analyzed.
1) People with High EQ
2) People with Average EQ
3) People with Low EQ.
Here, we cover the figures of the questionnaire and the characteristics of each
personality, the benefits and consequences.

In the questionnaire, there are 5 people who are emotionally strong, having a
high EQ.

The ratio becomes 5:25.
Higher the emotional intelligence the better is the social relations.
A few basic traits of such people are:

making the most of your ability and always giving 100%
Being a good team player.

Perceiving emotions better as compared to others.
Have a high verbal and social.

Tend to be more open and agreeable than others.

Drawn to occupations involving social interactions such as teaching and


likely to have possessions of sentimental attachment around the home and
to have more positive social interactions


More adept at describing motivational goals, aims, and missions.

Benefits Of High EQ :
1. Adaptability
Developing emotional intelligence allows an individual to understand the

emotions or motives of others and as a result they are more willing to adapt to a
situation than a person who can only understand what they personally are

2. Managing emotions in others
Understanding the emotions in others is a key leadership trait which allows the

person with high EI to influence others. Understanding needs and feelings lends
itself to developing courses of action that will fulfill those needs and at the same
time accomplish what the leader wants accomplished.
3. Emotional control
Persons with a high EI understand their own emotions and can analyze them
rationally. So when they experience frustration or fear or anger, they are less

likely to react to them instinctively and are more likely to act in a controlled and
informed manner.
4. Less Impulsive
High EI means bad news for marketers who depend on impulse buys. People with

high EI don't react impulsively but rather look at their feelings and make rational
decisions without the interference of overwhelming emotional pull.
5. Strong relationships
Maybe one of the greatest advantages of elevated emotional intelligence is the

ability to enter into and sustain strong and fulfilling relationships. Being able to

understand and appreciate the emotions of others and not being driven by a "me
first" need can result in more satisfying and less conflictive interactions with the
people around you.

6. More optimistic
Face it. We live in a culture that sees the glass half empty more than we see it half

full. High EI develops high self esteem which in turn gives the person the
confidence to see the brighter side even in difficult situations.
7. Better stress management

Precisely because they have more self esteem, self confidence and an optimistic

viewpoint of life, people with developed EI can handle more stress and pressure
than others. Being able to identify stress points not as threats but simply as

challenges to be met, changes the nature of the stress to a manageable condition.
There are obvious advantages to developing emotional intelligence but there are
also arguments over how that can be done. Some say it is simply an innate skill

that you are born with. Others say you can improve it through training programs
like emotional intelligence workshops. Whatever the answer is, it's obvious that
understanding ourselves and the emotions of others has a distinct advantage in
communications, relationships and personal behavior.


In the questionnaire, there are 13 people who are average, i.e. they have an
average EQ. The ratio becomes 13:25.

People with an average EQ lie somewhere between the High and Low EQ
people, i.e. they have mixed characteristics of both these categories.
Characteristics of average EQ person :

Is interested in other people's feelings.
Is not immobilized by fear or worry.

Is able to identify multiple concurrent feelings.

Acts out his feelings, rather than talking them out.

Plays games; is indirect or evasive in various situations.

Does not consider their own future feelings before acting.

Uses his intellect to judge and criticize others without realizing he is

feeling superior, judgmental, critical, and without awareness of how his
actions impact others' feelings.

performing well under pressure

setting very high standards for yourself and your team
Find it hard to admit mistakes,

Express remorse, or apologize sincerely.

The questionnaire has 7 people who are emotionally weak, i.e. have a low EQ.
The ratio becomes 7:25.

A few traits of such people are :

Does not consider your feelings before acting.

Does not consider their own future feelings before acting.

Doesn't take responsibilities for his feelings; but blames you or others for


Can't put together three word sentences starting with "I feel..."

Can't tell you why she feels the way she does, or can't do it without
blaming someone else.


Low EQ degrades social mentality. Harmful customs, such as circumcision,
are embraced by people with low EQ.


Low EQ prevents a person to behave in socially responsible ways

Low EQ causes that people are drawn to symbolism and symbolic activities
that lack substance.


Low EQ produces behavioral inconsistency. Similar conditions can lead to

different behavioral responses or mental attitudes at different times. There
are also different attitudes toward identical acts done by one versus acts
committed by others.

Low EQ can easily allow a person to misdirect his anger against innocent
parties if others label the parties as bad.

Low EQ usually results in excessive multiplication and no worry about the

People with Low EI Are Often Successful As
There are a large number of people who are highly effective, but who lack
emotional intelligence. It makes sense that many people lack emotional

intelligence. After all, roughly half the population has to be below average in

emotional intelligence. But no one would expect that half of the population to
be uniformly unsuccessful -- and that half of the population certainly aren’t
all unsuccessful.

There are several reasons that people lower in emotional intelligence can still
be highly successful:

Emotional intelligence, though a crucial ability for human beings as a

whole, is only one human ability among many. A person can employ many
other abilities aside from emotional intelligence.

Human beings exhibit a marvelous capacity to adapt to their own skills

and preferences in the face of a complex environment. That is, a person will
compensate for low emotional intelligence by building on other strengths.
The nature of EI as an ability can be clarified by understanding that many
kinds of effective, successful people may score low on ability scales of

emotional intelligence. It is also the case that other, less effective people may
score high on the test.

From the following case study done above, we can conclude that both IQ and

EQ are very important for success; though a person having a low EQ can also
be successful.

We can also come to a few concluding points in order to promote EQ:

Taking the time for mindfulness.

Recognizing and naming emotions.

Understanding the causes of feelings.

Differentiating between emotion and the need to take action.
Preventing depression through ‘learned optimism’.

Managing anger through learned behavior or distraction techniques.
Listening for the lessons for feeling.

Using ‘gut feelings’ in decision making.
Developing listening skills.

Also, EQ can be developed at any stage in life, there is no such thing that

EQ is fixed and cannot be improved. It can be learned, unlike IQ, which is
constant throughout life.

It is not necessary that the only people having a high level of EQ are

successful, people with average or Low EQ can also be successful, provided,
they utilize this ability really well.


8. Rational and Emotional Intelligence

9. Emotional Intelligence
10. Are there outward symptoms of low emotional intelligence? - Curiosity

11. What would be some disadvantages of a person lacking emotional intelligence?
12. 7 Real Life Benefits of a High Emotional Intelligence


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Project on Emotional intelligence

  • 1. Organization Behavior Emotional Intelligence and Intelligence Quotient 2012 EKTA DAYAL (50259) KANIKA SURI (50275)
  • 2. 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We owe a great many thanks to a great many people who helped and supported us during this project. Our deepest thanks to Ms. Neha (Subject teacherOrganization Behaviour) for guiding and correcting various documents with attention and care. She has taken pain to go through the details and make necessary correction as and when needed. We express our thanks to the Principal of Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies for extending her support. Our deep sense of gratitude to our classmates for helping us with this project. We also extend our heartfelt thanks to our family and well wishers for cooperating with us during the time period.
  • 3. 3 INDEX S. No. Particulars Page No. 01. Emotional Intelligence 04 02. Components of EQ 09 03. Role of EQ in Success 14 04. Characteristics of people with different EQ 16 05. Ways to improve EQ 18 06. Intelligence Quotient 26 07. EQ vs. IQ 27 08. Case Study 29 09. Conclusion 35 10. Bibliography 36
  • 4. 4
  • 5. 5 What is Emotional Intelligence? Emotional Intelligence or Emotional Quotient describes an ability or capacity to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of one's self, and of others. In other words, emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions. Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while others claim it is an inborn characteristic. Emotional intelligence competencies 1) Empathy: When we try to see the world through the frame of reference of others and try to understand how the situation we see is seen by them, what meanings they give it and what values they place on it, is called ‘empathizing’ with those people/person. 2) Intuition: It is the ability to acquire knowledge without inference or the use of reason. Intuition provides us with beliefs that we cannot necessarily justify. 3) Leadership: It has been described as the “process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task." 4) Teamwork: It is an action performed by a team towards a common goal. A team consists of more than one person, each of whom typically has different responsibilities. A team also includes seven common elements: 1. common purpose; 2. interdependence; 3. clear roles and contributions; 4. satisfaction from mutual working; 5. mutual and individual accountability; 6. realization of synergies; and 7. empowerment.
  • 6. 6 5) Self-control: It is the ability to control one's emotions, behavior and desires in order to obtain some reward, or avoid some punishment, later. Presumably, some (smaller) reward or punishment is operating in the short term which precludes, or reduces, the later reward or punishment. 6) Self- confidence: It is a socio-psychological concept which relates to self-assuredness in one's personal judgment, ability, power, etc., sometimes manifested excessively.
  • 7. 7 Branches of Emotional Intelligence: Salovey and Mayer proposed a model that identified four different factors of emotional intelligence: the perception of emotion, the ability reason using emotions, the ability to understand emotion and the ability to manage emotions. 1. Perceiving Emotions: The first step in understanding emotions is to accurately perceive them. In many cases, this might involve understanding nonverbal signals such as body language and facial expressions. 2. Reasoning With Emotions: The next step involves using emotions to promote thinking and cognitive activity. Emotions help prioritize what we pay attention and react to; we respond emotionally to things that garner our attention. 3. Understanding Emotions: The emotions that we perceive can carry a wide variety of meanings. If someone is expressing angry emotions, the observer must interpret the cause of their anger and what it might mean. For example, if your boss is acting angry, it might mean that he is dissatisfied
  • 8. 8 with your work; or it could be because he got a speeding ticket on his way to work that morning or that he's been fighting with his wife. 4. Managing Emotions: The ability to manage emotions effectively is a key part of emotional intelligence. Regulating emotions, responding appropriately and responding to the emotions of others are all important aspect of emotional management.
  • 9. 9 The Components Of Emotional Quotient Emotional intelligence is measured using 5-major components and 15- subcomponents: 1. Intrapersonal Skills (ability to understand and apply personal emotions)  Self Regard (ability to accept oneself as basically good)  Emotional Self Awareness (ability to recognize one's own feelings, which allows us to manage them and make better decisions. It is important to be positive even when challenged because it results in more focused thinking)  Assertiveness (ability to express feelings, beliefs, and thoughts without becoming antagonistic and uncooperative towards others)  Independence (ability to be self-directed and self-controlled in ones thinking and actions and to be free of emotional dependency)  Self Actualization (ability to realizes one's potential) 2. Interpersonal Skills (people skills)  Empathy (understanding the feelings of others, which enables us to respond appropriately to changes in the emotional climate of others; Significant others, take note)  Social Responsibility (being a cooperative, contributing, and constructive member of various social groups)  Interpersonal Relationships (ability to establish and maintain mutually beneficial relationships noted for their intimacy and by the giving & receiving of affection, whether it be as a lover, friend, family member, or loyal employee) 3. Stress Management (ability to handle challenges)  Stress Tolerance (Ability to handle difficult situations without ‘falling apart')  Impulse Control (ability to resist or delay an impulse, drive, or temptation to act; controlling the need for "instant gratification")
  • 10. 10 4. Adaptability (Ability to react quickly, appropriately, and efficiently to change)  Reality Testing (ability to assess the correspondence between what is experienced and what objectively exists; knowing what you want to do vs. what you actually can do)  Flexibility (ability to adjust one's emotions, thoughts, and behaviors to changing situations and conditions)  Problem Solving (ability to identify and define problems as well as to generate and implement potentially effective solutions) 5. General Mood  Optimism (It is taking everything in a positive manner. Analyzing the positive side of every situation and hoping that everything is meant to be positive.)  Happiness (Being in a state where you find everything around you good and enjoy it.)
  • 11. 11 Who Is Emotionally Intelligent - And Does It Matter? o Some of us accomplish certain tasks with great ease and sophistication; others of us simply can't do those tasks. This is the case with most challenges we face in life. Some of us are great chess players while others of us have trouble just figuring out how the pieces move. Some of us are fabulous conversationalists, while others of us have trouble just saying hello. o Now, the world could do without the game of chess, and the world could do without fabulous conversationalists, but it would be a poorer place for it. o Emotional intelligence is an intelligence having to do with discerning and understanding emotional information. Emotional information is all around us. Emotions communicate basic feeling states from one individual to another -- they signal urgent messages such as "let's get together" or "I am hurting" or "I'm going to hurt you." o What ability tests of emotional intelligence tell us is that only some people can pick up and understand and appreciate the more subtle versions of those messages. That is, only the high EI individual understands the full richness and complexities of these communications. o Emotional information is crucial. It is one of the primary forms of information that human beings process. That doesn't mean that everybody has to process it well. But it does mean that it is circulating around us, and certain people who can pick up on it can perform certain tasks very well that others cannot perform. o We all need emotional intelligence to help us through our emotionally demanding days. Even if we are not emotionally intelligent ourselves, we may rely on those higher in emotional intelligence to guide us. o But guide us to what? What is it that people high in emotional intelligence can see that so many others are blind to? The key to this lies in what those high in emotional intelligence are particularly good at doing themselves. o They're particularly good at establishing positive social relationships with others, and avoiding conflicts, fights, and other social altercations. They're particularly good at understanding psychologically healthy living and
  • 12. 12 avoiding such problems as drugs and drug abuse. It seems likely that such individuals, by providing coaching advice to others, and by directly involving themselves in certain situations, assist other individuals and groups of people to live together with greater harmony and satisfaction. o So, perhaps even more important than scoring high on an emotional intelligence test, is knowing one's level at this group of skills. Discovering one's level means that you can know whether and how much to be selfreliant in emotional areas, and when to seek others' help in reading the emotional information that is going on around oneself. Whether one is high or low in emotional intelligence, is perhaps not as important as knowing that emotional information exists and that some people can understand it. Knowing just that, one can use emotional information, by finding those who are able to understand it and reason with it. o This is the information age. All of us are dependent on information and using it wisely. The advent of the ability model of emotional intelligence enriches our knowledge of the information surrounding us -- it tells us emotional information is there and that some people can see it and use it. The model encourages all of us to use emotional information wisely -whether through our own direct understanding, or through the assistance of those who do understand.
  • 13. 13 Why Study Emotional Intelligence Together With Personality Psychology? There are several reasons to understand emotional intelligence and personality together. Emotional intelligence is a part of human personality, and personality provides the context in which emotional intelligence operates. Emotional intelligence can be considered a mental ability that involves the ability to reason validly with emotional information, and the action of emotions to enhance thought. Personality can be defined as a person’s pattern of internal experience and social interaction that arises from the action of that individual’s major psychological subsystems. Major psychological subsystems involve emotion, cognition, and the self, among. There are several reasons to understand this relationship: 1. Understanding “where” and “what” EI is (e.g., a mental ability inside, or, a part of, personality) can help identify the type of data necessary to collect to study the idea2. Placing emotional intelligence in its psychological context allows one to compare and contrast it with different parts of personality: 1. Those that are similar 2. Those that are related, and, 3. Those that is different. 2. If a person’s ultimate aim is to understand a target variable -- such as aggression or problem behavior -- understanding the personality system as a whole can help link EI with other relevant parts of personality for empirical study. 3. Understanding EI as a part of the broader personality system also can alert researchers as to what parts of personality may influence EI, increase its effects, or lower them.
  • 14. 14 4. Considerable research exists as to how personality’s parts are expressed. Understanding that EI is part of personality indicates a great deal about how it will be expressed. How EQ Helps In Success? Emotional Intelligence is increasingly relevant to organizational development and developing people, because the EQ principles provide a new way to understand and assess people's behaviors, management styles, attitudes, interpersonal skills, and potential. Emotional Intelligence is an important consideration in human resources planning, job profiling, recruitment interviewing and selection, management development, customer relations and customer service, and more. It also brings compassion and humanity to work. Research has shown that what separates successful people from their less successful counterparts is not necessarily IQ but EQ! EQ proves to be a powerful strategic tool in accomplishing your business goals in the following areas: 1. Hiring / Screening - By incorporating EQ competencies in your hiring strategies, you are ensuring that the people who come to work for your company will already possess a high degree of emotional intelligence that will help them perform their job. 2. Training - All training on customer service, sales, supervisory development, leadership, career development, and team interactions should include EQ awareness and skills training. By helping employees focus on the areas of EQ that they can improve, you are providing them with tools that will help the
  • 15. 15 business and improve their job satisfaction. 3. Coaching - As an HR professional, you may often be involved in coaching others in the organization, in both crisis situations or daily interactions. You can bring incredible value to your one on one coaching experiences as you model and encourage others to understand how EQ can be used as a tool for solving their current and future dilemmas. 4. Competency models / Succession plans - HR can assist the organization by developing competency models and succession plans that incorporate EQ competencies. This action will ensure that the organization of the future will be built based on competencies that have the greatest potential to deliver business goals. 5. Performance Development Reviews - Performance and development reviews that reflect EQ competencies will ensure that employees are aware of developmental needs in the emotional intelligence area. 6. Profit to the business – Emotional Intelligence leads to:  Reduction of lost-time accidents.  Reduction in formal grievances.  Increase in productivity.
  • 16. 16 Characteristics of Low And High EQ People A person with High EQ:  Expresses his feelings clearly and directly with three word sentences beginning with "I feel..."  Does not disguise thoughts as feelings by the use of "I feel like...." and "I feel that...." sentences.         Is not afraid to express her feelings. Is able to read non-verbal communication. Lets his feelings lead him to healthy choices and happiness. Balances feelings with reason, logic, and reality. Acts out of desire, not because of duty, guilt, force or obligation. Is independent, self-reliant and morally autonomous. Is intrinsically motivated. Is not motivated by power, wealth, status, fame, or approval.  Is emotionally resilient.  Tends to feel optimistic, but is also realistic, and can feel pessimistic at times.      Does not internalize failure. Is interested in other people's feelings. Is comfortable talking about feelings? Is not immobilized by fear or worry. Is able to identify multiple concurrent feelings.
  • 17. 17  Is not dominated by negative emotions such as: fear, worry, guilt, shame, embarrassment, obligation, disappointment, hopelessness, powerlessness, dependency, victimization, discouragement. A person with Low EQ:  Doesn't take responsibilities for his feelings; but blames you or others for them.   Can't put together three word sentences starting with "I feel..." Can't tell you why she feels the way she does, or can't do it without blaming someone else.  An attack, blames, commands, criticize, interrupts, invalidates, lectures, advises and judges you and others.   Tries to analyze you, for example when you express your feelings. Often begins sentences with "I think you..." Ex - I think you need to.. I think you should...  Sends "you messages" disguised as "I feel messages" For example, "I feel like you ...."   Lays guilt trips on you. Withholds information about or lies about his feelings. (Emotional dishonesty)   Exaggerates or minimizes her feelings. Lets things build up, then they blow up, or react strongly to something relatively minor.     Carries grudges; is unforgiving. Is uncomfortable to be around. Acts out his feelings, rather than talking them out. Has no empathy, no compassion.  Is rigid, inflexible; needs rules and structure to feel secure.  Is not emotionally available; offers little chance of emotional intimacy.    Does not consider your feelings before acting. Does not consider their own future feelings before acting. Is insecure and defensive and finds it hard to admit mistakes, express remorse, or apologize sincerely.
  • 18. 18  Avoids responsibility by saying things like: "What was I supposed to do? I had no choice!  Holds many distorted and self-destructive beliefs which cause persistent negative emotions. Can EQ be IMPROVED? Here are the steps: 1. Understand the importance of emotional intelligence in all aspects of your life: Being intellectually capable is important in life, but being emotionally intelligent can be considered even more so, as there are many benefits associated with high emotional intelligence. Having high emotional intelligence can help you to lead a happier life because it is easier to talk with and understand others, acting rationally and calmly in difficult situations becomes second nature and it can also lead to better relationships and job opportunities. There are four core elements to emotional intelligence that help you lead a balanced life:
  • 19. 19 o Self awareness: This is the ability to recognize your own emotions for what they are and to understand their origins. It is also about knowing your strengths and limitations and self-esteem. o Self management: This is the ability to delay gratification, balance your needs with those of others, take initiative and to pull back on impulsivity. It is also about being able to cope with change and to stay committed. o Social awareness: This is about being attuned to other people's emotions and concerns, as well as being able to notice and adapt to social cues. It is also about being able to see the power dynamics at play within any group or organizational context. o Relationship management: This is about the ability to get along well with others, manage conflict, inspire and influence people and to communicate clearly. 2. Learn to recognize stress triggers and how to deal with them. Life is filled with difficult situations from relationship breakdowns to job loss. In between, there are myriad stress triggers that can make any daily issue seem much more challenging than it probably is and the more stressed we are, the more vulnerable we are to not coping with life's many stressors. A very important part of improving your emotional intelligence is about being able to spot stress triggers and recognize them for what they are and to bring yourself back to feeling calm and relaxed. 3. Be open-minded, intellectually curious and agreeable. Openness and being agreeable go hand-in-hand when it comes to emotional intelligence. Be open to new ideas – a narrow mind is generally an indication of a lower EQ. To develop a more open mind, seek to understand and reflect upon the emotions and ideas of others. Be open to their ideas and opinions so that you are in a position to consider all possibilities in a positive manner. Remember that you can’t always be right, and by opening your mind and considering new possibilities your mind will be able to both expand and be more accepting when
  • 20. 20 you discover that your take on reality isn't as accurate as you once thought. When your mind is open through understanding and internal reflection, it becomes easier to deal with conflicts in a calm and self-assured manner. You will find yourself socially aware and new possibilities will be open to you. While changing your mindset can be difficult if you're stuck on seeing everything in your life in terms of absolutes, opening up a bit can lead to new insights and less personal angst. To strengthen this element of your EQ, consider: o Listening to debates on television or the radio; in doing so, always consider both sides of the argument, as well as realizing that there are nuances and subtleties that require closer inspection. It is often in the shades of gray that answers can be found. o If you feel that you have a cluttered mind, write down your thoughts and ideas, critique these thoughts, and think about why you may have these opinions. Moving thoughts from your mind and onto paper takes them from the abstract to the concrete and allows you to play around with them in front of you and to see them more clearly than simply being mentally chased by them. o To clear an overwhelmed mind, do something soothing such as going to a deserted beach or for a walk. Taking a break from anything you're doing can help you to cope with stressing situations, unfolding change or repetitive daily routines. o When you hear something that you disagree with, before deciding you hate the idea, consider it. When someone does not react emotionally the same way you would, consider why this is. o To improve your ability to be agreeable, increase your trust in others. This doesn't mean be naive or gullible but it does require you to be prepared to see the best in people and to not assume the worst.
  • 21. 21 4. Be outgoing and empathetic. Those who have the ability to understand others and direct interest toward external properties (i.e., being focused on what is outside of the self) instead of being focused on oneself (self-absorbed) have the qualities of extroversion and empathy. To break it down, being selfless is known as extroversion (note that this is not the same as being an extrovert) and understanding others is known as empathy. Extroversion and empathy grow concurrently – when teamed together you have an understanding, selfless person. A selfish, self-centered person generally lacks empathy, and a person who lacks empathy generally directs a lot more interest to them, seeing life through the eyes of their own needs and wants only. By strengthening this element of emotional intelligence, your communication abilities will increase, allowing you to experience stronger and more satisfying relationships. The ability to communicate clearly also helps you to manage conflict better and increases your capability to influence others effectively. To build upon the traits of extroversion and empathy, consider doing the following: o To improve empathy, put yourself in the shoes of others. Select someone who is experiencing hardship (for example an asylum seeker or a friend who is in a spot of trouble) and think about how you would feel if you were put in their situation. Actively imagine how it must be to go through the experiences they're having and what might alleviate some of their hardship in terms of support and care. o o Practice empathy on friends and peers. When seeing someone going through something emotionally ask you, “How would I react in the same situation?” “Do these people deserve to suffer such hardships?” “Should I feel sorry for this person?” “Are they being treated fairly?” and “Would I like to be treated that way?” By doing this you will begin to understand others and develop empathy.
  • 22. 22 5. Be conscientious and prepared to deliberate. Rational thinking and actions are abundant aspects of emotional intelligence. While you can understand a situation well and have a clear idea of it, if you can’t take rational actions toward it then what use would an analytical understanding of the situation be? Conscientiousness is the act of analyzing a situation and deliberation is the act of responding accordingly in a rational manner. In other words, it is the act of seeing a situation, analyzing it, then acting upon it in a positive manner. Many a person can "see" what's wrong but they stop there and don't move on to the positive action as follow-through. Through the process of rational thinking and acting upon the deliberation, you will find yourself making better decisions and your ability to survive hardships will increase drastically. Paired with an open mind, you will find yourself taking the best possible route out of any sticky situation. Ways to improve this element of your EQ include: o When something occurs, analyze it. Sometimes it isn’t a bad thing to over analyze, critique articles and get right down to the bone, provided you don't suffer the "paralysis by analysis" problem. Get to the nub, then be prepared to act upon what you've discovered. o Put yourself in a hypothetical situation and consider how you would react in certain situations. Challenge yourself to a gradation of easy to very difficult situations so that your thinking process has to work hard. Deliberating about difficult situations before they happen to you helps to train your mind in responsible reactions. o Be goal-oriented. Being conscientious is about being focused on achievement and taking the necessary steps to get there. One of the best things you can do is to form goals and write them down so that they begin to direct your deliberation. It's hard to go somewhere if you don't have the map and your life is no different. o Before making a decision, make sure you have taken into account all possibilities. Being prudent requires restraint on impulsivity and delaying your response until you have all the facts before you and have weighed your decision with care.
  • 23. 23 o When making a decision, do not decide according to your mood. For example, if you are angry at the time of a decision, it would be a very bad idea to make an important decision. Make decisions when you are relaxed and have a clear head. 6. Be attentive and self-aware – know thyself. To be attentive is to pay attention to oneself and your surroundings in a positive manner. Knowing who you are comes in big here. If you don’t know who you are how can you expect to know others? Worse still is expecting others to define you, to remove your autonomy and sense of life purpose by delineating your pathway for you. Finding yourself is an enlightening journey and it can take time – indeed, a lifetime – but it is the awareness that you continue to grow, change and learn more about yourself that keeps you on an even keel. Be aware of whom you are and you will begin to be much more aware of others and their dreams, hopes, limitations and strengths. Also, being aware of your surroundings is important – you must be able to open your mind and analyze the outside world. Once you know yourself you can begin to recognize your own emotions and how they affect your thoughts and behavior, which is self-awareness. Being self-aware allows you to manage yourself in an effective manner, being able to control your emotions and behaviors in a healthy way. And like a domino falling over, once you have yourself down-packed, you should then be able to recognize the emotions and behaviors of others with clarity, which can lead to better health and personal happiness. To improve this element of EQ, consider these tips: o Ask yourself questions like, “Why do I act like that?” “Why do I have certain beliefs?” "Why do I find it so confronting to have my beliefs challenged?" o Recognize your strengths and weaknesses and build upon the strengths while working out how to either supplement or work around your limitations. o Develop morals and evaluate them. This is best done through broad reading, learning and listening to a wide group of people, including those who really challenge your own view of the world. Don't simply adopt what your
  • 24. 24 parents, teachers, workmates or anyone else believes; your morals must be carefully constructed from your broad learning and openness to the world. o Allow space for personal growth. An intellectually curious person will always be interested in self improvement through learning, discovering and reinventing as needed throughout life. Nothing is static and the person who learns to go with the ebb and flow will lead a much more fulfilled life than the one who resists change. 7. Practice communication skills. Having good communication skills results in a better EQ. A high level of communication skills makes it is easier to send across and receive messages that are clear, to-the-point and respectful of both your own boundaries and those of others. It is important to not only build on your verbal communication, but also to take note of your body language. You can learn a lot about a person and their emotions by studying their body language and equally, you are always sending certain messages through your body depending on how you control it (or omit to control it). Pay attention to: o Comfort zones: Comfort zones vary between person-to-person. Study how close people stand to you and how comfortable they are with physical contact. Respect their comfort zones to decrease their discomfort; in turn, you will win them over for being so understanding and clued in to their preferences. o Watch for sincerity: When someone smiles, is it a real smile? You can tell a lot about a person from their smile. Read How to smile with the eyes for details about a genuine smile. o Body position: Study body positions to understand others better and to pick up on social cues that aren't spoken. If a person's body is positioned toward you in a comfortable way, with open arms and gestures and good eye contact, then they are happy to be with you. Some people like to hide themselves by having a closed body position; don't
  • 25. 25 always assume it's because of you, as many people are simply afraid to reveal their real self to the world and use body language to stay shut within themselves, believing it to be safer that way. You can help such people unfurl through trusting them and showing them that they can trust you, as well as being genuine and compassionate. 8. Be optimistic: Those who are optimistic tend to live a happy, successful life. When you're optimistic, it's easier to see the beauty in life and everyday objects. In a way, being optimistic results in an open mind, making it a crucial element of improving your emotional intelligence. If you have a negative outlook on everything, how can you expect to be emotionally intelligent? Negativity encourages us to stay wrapped up in ourselves, focused only on what can go wrong in our lives rather than building our resilience and shoring ourselves against the vicissitudes of life. Optimism results in emotional well being and greater opportunities – people want to be around the optimistic person and this draws them to you, with all the possibilities that more connections bring you. Be sure to take some time out to practice optimism by: o Identifying your good features and appreciating them
  • 26. 26 INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT What is Iq? It is a score derived from one of several different standardized tests designed to assess intelligence. The term "IQ" comes from the German Intelligenz- Quotient. When modern IQ tests are constructed, the mean (average) score within an age group is set to 100 and the standard deviation (SD) to 15. Today almost all IQ tests adhere to the assignment of 15 IQ points to each standard deviation. IQ scores have been shown to be associated with such factors as morbidity and mortality, parental social status, and, to a substantial degree, parental IQ. In 1912, a German psychologist, William Stern, noticed that even though the gap between mental age and chronological age widens as a child matures, the ratio of mental age to chronological age remains constant, throughout the life of a person. This constant ratio of mental age divided by chronological age was given the name "Intelligence Quotient". Actually, the intelligence quotient is defined as 100 times the Mental Age (MA) divided by the Chronological Age (CA). IQs range from 0 to above 200, and among children, to above 250. However, about 50% of the population has IQs between 89 and 111, and about 80% of the population has IQs ranging between 80 and 120, with 10% lying below 80, and 10% falling above 120.
  • 27. 27 Emotional Quotient Vs Intelligence Quotient 1. Measure Of Ability To Manage Emotions (EQ) And Measure Of Intelligence :  EQ or Emotional Quotient is a measure of your ability to notice and then manage your interior and exterior perceptions of your feelings and then control your reactions. Your mood will always control your ability to resolve problems making this an important skill to develop and use. Using a well developed EQ will help you manage your emotions. And developing a higher EQ can be done quite easily.  IQ or Intelligence Quotient is a measure of intelligence. A way to rate this for any individual is by taking an IQ test. An IQ test measures different types of abilities: verbal, memory, mathematical, spatial, and reasoning. This test has a preset standard based on a representative group of the population. The majority of people rank in at about 90-110. Generally, IQ tests actually test general intelligence. Many experts feel IQ tests are a measure of an individual's problem solving ability and not an actual measure of general intelligence. 2. Social Skills (EQ) and Tactical Skills (IQ)  Necessary social skills that students need are associated with high levels of EQ or emotional intelligence. If a student does not develop the EQ skills needed to successfully transverse the maturation process he or she will be left in a situation of having the intelligence to functionally work or play but
  • 28. 28 not have the emotional skills to successfully work or play, thus limiting their potential future.  But at the same time a student also needs to have knowledge i.e. high IQ, in order to contemplate the right and wrong, and make the correct decisions. If a student lacks logic then he would not be in a situation to empathize with others, in turn not achieving his goals. 3. More Convincing (EQ) and More Logic (IQ)  When working in an organization, an employee with higher EI than others can convince his or her colleague(s) about a certain argument by appealing to their emotions rather than presenting facts and figures.  Having a high IQ will help build interpersonal and intrapersonal skills to a certain extent, unlike EQ, which talks about one’s character based on the way he or she writes or replies to mail, collaborates and networks with peers and subordinates and works towards attaining Company goals. For best results, employees must develop communication and organizational skills for good decision-making as well as good inter-personal relations with co- workers. An individual’s success rate at work depends on his or her EQ as well as IQ in the ratio of 80:20. This is so, because EQ help individuals build and maintain relations with peers and superiors, increases productivity and opens up doors for clarity in communication (good listening habit is integral to EQ).
  • 29. 29 CASE STUDY: EMOTIONALLY WEAK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AVERAGE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EMOTIONALLY STRONG 1 1 1 1 1 7 13 5 Method: A set of questionnaire are being given to the teenagers and adults to determine their level of emotional intelligence. This will be helpful to determine a person’s level of emotional intelligence. Importance: 1) People will become more aware of the importance of Emotional Intelligence. 2) From this study, it will be determined if emotional intelligence influences people’s success in life more than IQ. Since people’s emotional intelligence can be improved unlike IQ, more people will have better chance to be successful in life by improving their low emotional intelligence. 3) For the people who have low emotional intelligence and low IQ, finding the importance of EI will make them think about their future in a different way. They will have more self-confidence and will hopefully try to do better in life by improving their emotional intelligence.
  • 30. 30 Personality Analysis After computing the results from the questionnaire, there were three main categories that were analyzed. 1) People with High EQ 2) People with Average EQ 3) People with Low EQ. Here, we cover the figures of the questionnaire and the characteristics of each personality, the benefits and consequences. I. HIGH EQ In the questionnaire, there are 5 people who are emotionally strong, having a high EQ. The ratio becomes 5:25. Higher the emotional intelligence the better is the social relations. A few basic traits of such people are:       making the most of your ability and always giving 100% Being a good team player. Perceiving emotions better as compared to others. Have a high verbal and social. Tend to be more open and agreeable than others. Drawn to occupations involving social interactions such as teaching and counseling.  likely to have possessions of sentimental attachment around the home and to have more positive social interactions  More adept at describing motivational goals, aims, and missions.
  • 31. 31 Benefits Of High EQ : 1. Adaptability Developing emotional intelligence allows an individual to understand the emotions or motives of others and as a result they are more willing to adapt to a situation than a person who can only understand what they personally are feeling. 2. Managing emotions in others Understanding the emotions in others is a key leadership trait which allows the person with high EI to influence others. Understanding needs and feelings lends itself to developing courses of action that will fulfill those needs and at the same time accomplish what the leader wants accomplished. 3. Emotional control Persons with a high EI understand their own emotions and can analyze them rationally. So when they experience frustration or fear or anger, they are less likely to react to them instinctively and are more likely to act in a controlled and informed manner. 4. Less Impulsive High EI means bad news for marketers who depend on impulse buys. People with high EI don't react impulsively but rather look at their feelings and make rational decisions without the interference of overwhelming emotional pull. 5. Strong relationships Maybe one of the greatest advantages of elevated emotional intelligence is the ability to enter into and sustain strong and fulfilling relationships. Being able to understand and appreciate the emotions of others and not being driven by a "me first" need can result in more satisfying and less conflictive interactions with the people around you.
  • 32. 32 6. More optimistic Face it. We live in a culture that sees the glass half empty more than we see it half full. High EI develops high self esteem which in turn gives the person the confidence to see the brighter side even in difficult situations. 7. Better stress management Precisely because they have more self esteem, self confidence and an optimistic viewpoint of life, people with developed EI can handle more stress and pressure than others. Being able to identify stress points not as threats but simply as challenges to be met, changes the nature of the stress to a manageable condition. There are obvious advantages to developing emotional intelligence but there are also arguments over how that can be done. Some say it is simply an innate skill that you are born with. Others say you can improve it through training programs like emotional intelligence workshops. Whatever the answer is, it's obvious that understanding ourselves and the emotions of others has a distinct advantage in communications, relationships and personal behavior. II. AVERAGE EQ : In the questionnaire, there are 13 people who are average, i.e. they have an average EQ. The ratio becomes 13:25. People with an average EQ lie somewhere between the High and Low EQ people, i.e. they have mixed characteristics of both these categories. Characteristics of average EQ person :       Is interested in other people's feelings. Is not immobilized by fear or worry. Is able to identify multiple concurrent feelings. Acts out his feelings, rather than talking them out. Plays games; is indirect or evasive in various situations. Does not consider their own future feelings before acting.
  • 33. 33  Uses his intellect to judge and criticize others without realizing he is feeling superior, judgmental, critical, and without awareness of how his actions impact others' feelings.     performing well under pressure setting very high standards for yourself and your team Find it hard to admit mistakes, Express remorse, or apologize sincerely. III. LOW EQ : The questionnaire has 7 people who are emotionally weak, i.e. have a low EQ. The ratio becomes 7:25. A few traits of such people are :    Does not consider your feelings before acting. Does not consider their own future feelings before acting. Doesn't take responsibilities for his feelings; but blames you or others for them.   Can't put together three word sentences starting with "I feel..." Can't tell you why she feels the way she does, or can't do it without blaming someone else. CONSEQUENCES OF LOW EQ: o Low EQ degrades social mentality. Harmful customs, such as circumcision, are embraced by people with low EQ. o o Low EQ prevents a person to behave in socially responsible ways Low EQ causes that people are drawn to symbolism and symbolic activities that lack substance. o Low EQ produces behavioral inconsistency. Similar conditions can lead to different behavioral responses or mental attitudes at different times. There are also different attitudes toward identical acts done by one versus acts committed by others. o Low EQ can easily allow a person to misdirect his anger against innocent parties if others label the parties as bad.
  • 34. 34 o Low EQ usually results in excessive multiplication and no worry about the future. People with Low EI Are Often Successful As Well There are a large number of people who are highly effective, but who lack emotional intelligence. It makes sense that many people lack emotional intelligence. After all, roughly half the population has to be below average in emotional intelligence. But no one would expect that half of the population to be uniformly unsuccessful -- and that half of the population certainly aren’t all unsuccessful. There are several reasons that people lower in emotional intelligence can still be highly successful:  Emotional intelligence, though a crucial ability for human beings as a whole, is only one human ability among many. A person can employ many other abilities aside from emotional intelligence.  Human beings exhibit a marvelous capacity to adapt to their own skills and preferences in the face of a complex environment. That is, a person will compensate for low emotional intelligence by building on other strengths. The nature of EI as an ability can be clarified by understanding that many kinds of effective, successful people may score low on ability scales of emotional intelligence. It is also the case that other, less effective people may score high on the test.
  • 35. 35 CONCLUSION From the following case study done above, we can conclude that both IQ and EQ are very important for success; though a person having a low EQ can also be successful. We can also come to a few concluding points in order to promote EQ: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Taking the time for mindfulness. Recognizing and naming emotions. Understanding the causes of feelings. Differentiating between emotion and the need to take action. Preventing depression through ‘learned optimism’. Managing anger through learned behavior or distraction techniques. Listening for the lessons for feeling. Using ‘gut feelings’ in decision making. Developing listening skills. Also, EQ can be developed at any stage in life, there is no such thing that EQ is fixed and cannot be improved. It can be learned, unlike IQ, which is constant throughout life. It is not necessary that the only people having a high level of EQ are successful, people with average or Low EQ can also be successful, provided, they utilize this ability really well.
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