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• Identifies presence of liver disease
• Type of liver disease-
• Primary hepatocellular
• Cholestatic
• Mixed
• Gauge severity and progression of liver disease
• Monitor therapy response
• Serial LFTs can identify particular cause of disease
• Total functional capacity of the liver
• Varied biochemical functions
• Individually lack sensitivity and specificity
• Lack of sensitivity (may be normal in cirrhosis or HCC)
• Lack of specificity (aminotransferase levels may be elevated in
musculoskeletal or cardiac disease)
• Results suggest general category of liver disease, not a specific
General categories of tests
Tests to detect injury to hepatocytes
Tests of the biosynthetic capacity of the liver
•All the enzyme tests
• aminotransferases and alkaline phosphatase
albumin, prothrombin time, ceruloplasmin, ferritin,
alpha 1 antitrypsin, lipoproteins
• Tests of the capacity of the liver to transport
organic anions and metabolize drugs
S bilirubin, s bile acids, BSP, indocyanine green (ICG), serum bile acids,
serum caffeine, serum lidocaine metabolites, and breath tests.
• Tests to detect fibrosis in the liver
• Tests for chronic inflammation or altered
Fibrotest, fibrosure, Enhanced liver fibrosis
Immunoglobulins and specific antibodies
Bilirubin metabolism
• Bilirubin, a tetrapyrrole pigment, is a breakdown product of
ferroprotoporphyrin IX (heme).
• Approximately 70% to 80% of the bilirubin produced from the
breakdown of hemoglobin in senescent red blood cells .
• The remainder comes from prematurely destroyed erythroid
cells in bone marrow
• From the turnover of hemoproteins in tissues throughout the
body, mainly liver.
• The initial steps leading to the formation of bilirubin occur in
reticuloendothelial cells, primarily in the spleen and liver.
• The first reaction, catalyzed by the microsomal enzyme heme
• oxidatively cleaves the α bridge of the porphyrin group, opens
the heme ring, and produces equimolar amounts of biliverdin
and carbonmonoxide.
• The second reaction, catalyzed by the cytosolic enzyme
biliverdin reductase,
• reduces the central methylene bridge of biliverdin, converting
it to bilirubin .
• Bilirubin formed in the reticuloendothelial cells is
• Transported in blood, by reversible, noncovalent
binding to albumin.
• Bilirubin is transported to the liver,
• Taken up by hepatocytes in a process that
involves carrier-mediated membrane transport .
• In the hepatocyte, bilirubin is coupled to
glutathione-S-transferases (formerly called
• Bilirubin is then solubilized by means of
conjugation to glucuronic acid.
• Bilirubin monoglucuronide and diglucuronide are
formed, both of which are called direct-acting
• The conjugation is catalyzed by an enzyme
system in the endoplasmic reticulum of the
hepatocyte .
• The bilirubin conjugates are then actively
transported from the hepatocyte into canalicular
• Mediated by an adenosine triphosphate–
dependent transport process.
• It is the rate-limiting step in hepatic bilirubin
• Mediated by a protein in the bile canalicular
membrane called multidrug resistance–
associated protein 2
• The conjugated bilirubins drain from the bile
duct into the duodenum
• hydrolyzed to unconjugated bilirubin by
bacterial β glucuronidases in the distal ileum and
• The unconjugated bilirubin is reduced by normal
intestinal bacteria to colorless tetrapyrroles
called urobilinogens.
• Approximately 80% to 90% of these products are
excreted in feces (unchanged or as urobilins)
• The remaining 10% to 20% of the urobilinogens
are passively absorbed, enter the portal venous
• A small fraction (<3 mg/dL) is excreted in urine
Van den Bergh Reaction
• Serum bilirubin measured in clinical labs by modification of
the diazo reaction.
• The conjugated fraction of bilirubin reacts “directly,” with the
diazo reagent without any accelerant.
• conjugated bilirubin fraction measured by photometric
analysis within 30 to 60 seconds.
• The total bilirubin is measured 30 to 60 minutes after the
addition of an accelerant ( alcohol or caffeine).
• The unconjugated fraction determined by subtracting the
direct component from the total bilirubin
Normal values
• Normal values of total serum bilirubin is less than 1.0- 1.5
mg/dl (95% - 0.2-0.9)
• Indirect fraction normal values- 0.8-1.2 mg/dl
• Upper limit of normal for the Direct acting fraction is 30%
• If direct fraction is <15%, bilirubin is entirely indirect.
• Mild increase in conjugated bilirubin in the serum - suspect
liver injury. (0.1 mg/dl)
Newer methods
• Newer and more accurate methods of measuring bilirubin( eg
• These new methods allow the identification of delta bilirubin.
• delta bilirubin has the half-life of albumin(14 to 21 days).
• serum bilirubin in some patients with prolonged jaundice
seems to lag behind clinical recovery .
• some patients with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia do not
have bilirubinuria.
• Hyperbilirubinemia may result from
• overproduction of bilirubin through excessive breakdown of
• impaired hepatocellular uptake,
• conjugation, or excretion of bilirubin;
• or regurgitation of unconjugated and conjugated bilirubin from
damaged hepatocytes or bile ducts.
• The presence of conjunctival icterus suggests a
total serum bilirubin level of at least 3.0 mg/dL .
• Does not allow differentiation between
conjugated and unconjugated
• Tea- or cola-colored urine may indicate the
presence of bilirubinuria and thus conjugated
• The magnitude and duration of
hyperbilirubinemia have not been critically
assessed as prognostic markers.
• Higher the serum bilirubin level in patients with
viral hepatitis, the greater the hepatocellular
damage .
• Patients may die of acute liver failure with only a
modest elevation of serum bilirubin.
• Total serum bilirubin correlates with poor
outcomes in alcoholic hepatitis
Causes of isolated
hyperbilirubinemia in adults
cause Mechanism
Indirect hyperbilirubinemia
Hemolytic disorders
Red cell enzyme defects (G6PD DEF)
Sickle cell disease
Spherocytosis and elliptocytosis Over production of
Acquired bilirubin
Drugs and toxins
Immune mediated/ PNH/ Traumatic
Causes of isolated
hyperbilirubinemia in adults
Ineffective erythropoiesis
Cobalamine def
Folate def
Profound iron def
Drugs – rifampicin/probencid Impaired hepatocellular uptake
Inherited conditions
Crigler- Najjar type 1 and 2/ Gilbert’s
Impaired conjugation of bilirubin
Hematoma Overproduction of bilirubin
Inherited conditions
Dubin- Johnson Syndrome Impaired conjugation of bilirubin
Rotor’s Syndrome
Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
• Bile duct obstruction
• Hepatitis
• Cirrhosis
• Medications/Toxins
• Primary biliary cirrhosis
• Primary sclerosing cholangitis
• Sepsis
• Total parenteral nutrition
• Isolated
• Dubin-Johnson syndrome
• Rotor syndrome
• Intrahepatic cholestasis of
• Benign recurrent cholestasis
• Vanishing bile duct syndromes
• The serum aminotransferases are the most sensitive markers
of acute hepatocellular injury .
• catalyze the transfer of the α-amino groups of alanine and l-
aspartic acid, respectively, to the α-keto group of ketoglutaric
• AST, found in cytosol and mitochondria, is widely distributed
throughout the body.
• ALT, a cytosolic enzyme has the greatest concentration in the
• Increases in serum values of the
aminotransferases reflect
• either damage to tissues rich in these enzymes
• changes in cell membrane permeability that allow ALT and AST to
leak into serum
• hepatocyte necrosis is not required for the
release of aminotransferases,
• the degree of elevation of the aminotransferases
does not correlate with the extent of liver injury.
• They are probably cleared by cells in the reticuloendothelial
system, with AST cleared more rapidly than ALT.
• An increased ratio of AST to ALT may also be seen in muscle
• The degree of elevation is typically less than 300 U/L.
• In cases of acute muscle injury, the AST/ALT ratio may initially
be greater than 3 : 1
• declines toward 1 : 1 because of the shorter serum half-life of
• The ratio typically is close to 1 : 1 in patients with chronic
muscle diseases.
• AST to ALT ratio is < 1 in patients with chronic
viral hepatitis and NAFLD.
• AST/ALT ratio of greater than 1 as an indicator
of cirrhosis in patients with chronic hepatitis
• The increase in AST/ALT ratio is believed to
result from impaired functional hepatic blood
flow, with a consequent decrease in hepatic
sinusoidal uptake of AST.
Causes of elevated serum
aminotransferase levels
Chronic,mild elevations, ALT>AST (<150U/L or 5 × normal)
Hepatic causes
Alpha 1 antitrypsin def
Autoimmune hepatitis
Chronic viral hepatitis
Medications and toxins
Steatosis and steahepatitis
Wilson’s disease
Nonhepatic causes
Celiac disease
Severe , acute elevations, ALT>AST (1000 U/L or 20 – 25 × normal)
Hepatic causes
Acute bile duct obstruction
Acute Budd- Chiari syndrome
Acute viral hepatitis
Autoimmune hepatitis
Hepatic artery ligation
Ischemic hepatitis
Medications/ toxins
Wilsons disease
Severe, acute elevations, AST>ALT(>1000U/L or >20-25 × normal)
Hepatic causes
Medication and toxins in patient with underlying ALD
Nonhepatic causes
Acute rhabdomyolysis
Chronic, mild elevations, AST>ALT(<150 U/L, <5× NORMAL)
Hepatic causes
Alcohol liver injury
Non-hepatic causes
Macro- AST
Strenous exercise
Asymptomatic transaminase
De Ritis Ratio
• Ratio of AST/ALT
• Alcoholic hepatitis AST> ALT
• Decrease in pyridoxal phosphate leading to decreased ALT
• Mitochondrial damage leading to increased release of mAST
into the serum
• Specificity is increased by measuring mAST/AST ratio
• But AST has a shorter half life and hence the ratio maybe 1 in
alcoholics if measured after a gap after the last binge
• PBC and PSC the ratio is >1 but not more than 2
• Acute hepatic toxicities like paracetamol- >2
• DILI- Drugs damaging mitochondria- AST>ALT
cyproterone damaging cytosol ALT>>AST
• NAFLD- AST/ALT <1 in morbidly obese patients
• Since obesity and insulin resistance increases ALT levels
• ALT levels predict progression to metabolic syndrome
• Both AST and ALT predict diabetes
• Increased AST/ALT ratio in NASH indicates development of
• Isolated AST elevation
• Hepatic Source with B6 deficiency
• Non- Hepatic source- sample hemolysis
Alkaline Phosphatase
• The term alkaline phosphatase applies to a group
of isoenzymes distributed widely throughout the
• The isoenzymes of greatest clinical importance
in adults are in the liver and bone
• Other isoenzymes originate from the placenta,
small intestine, and kidneys.
• In liver, alkaline phosphatase is found on the
canalicular membrane of hepatocytes;
• Alkaline phosphatase has a serum half-life of
approximately seven days.
Alkaline phosphatase
• hepatobiliary disease induces synthesis and leakage
of ALP
• In isolated elevation , the serum GGTP or 5′NT are
used to distinguish a liver origin from bone origin.
• A low serum level may occur in Wilson’s disease,
esp with fulminant hepatitis and hemolysis because
of reduced activity of the enzyme due to
dispacement of zinc by copper
• Low levels also occur in hypothyroidism, perinicious
anemia, Zn def, congenital hypophosphtasia
Evaluation of ALP elevations
Gamma glutamyl
• Found in the cell membranes of a wide
distribution of tissues includes
• liver (both hepatocytes and cholangiocytes), kidney,
pancreas, spleen, heart, brain, and seminal vesicles.
• No difference in levels between men and
women and no rise in pregnancy.
• elevated serum GGTP level has high sensitivity
and low specificity for hepatobiliary disease.
Gamma glutamyl
• The primary use is to identify the source of an
isolated elevation in the serum alkaline
phosphatase level.
• GGTP is not elevated in bone disease .
• Elevated in patients taking phenytoin,
barbiturates, and some drugs used in HAART
including NNRT and protease inhibitor
• Serum GGTP levels are also elevated in alcoholics
• Associated with the canalicular and sinusoidal plasma
• Also found in intestine, brain, heart, blood vessels, and
endocrine pancreas.
• Levels are unaffected by sex or race, values are lowest in
• Use - Identify the organ source of an isolated serum alkaline
phosphatase elevation .
Repeat the test
Confirm the hepatic origin
If medications suspected, discontinue them and repeat test
Persistently elevated SAP - evaluate for
•Serum gammaglutamyl transferase
•AP isoenzymes
•Cholestatic liver disease
•Infiltrative liver disease
•Biliary obstruction
• AP elevation upto 3 times ULN
• > 3 times ULN
•Occurs in all types of liver disorders
•Viral hepatitis
•Infiltrative diseases of the liver
•CHF etc
•Cholestatic disorders Extrahepatic
•Infiltrative disorders
Intrahepatic causes of cholestatic
liver enzyme elevations in adults
Bland cholestasis
anabolic steroids
Cholestatic hepatitis
NSAIDS- Sulindac, piroxicam
Antimicrobials- amox-clav, ketoconazole
Granulomatis hepatitis
Antiepileptics- carbamezepine, phenytoin
CVS agents-hydralazine, procainamide, quinidine
Intrahepatic causes of cholestatic
liver enzyme elevations in adults
Vanishing bile duct syndrome
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Granulomatis liver disease
fungal- histoplasmosis, coccidiomycosis
Intrahepatic causes of cholestatic
liver enzyme elevations in adults
Idiopathic granulomatous hepatitis
Viral hepatitis
Hepatitis A,B,C, EBV, CMV
Idiopathic adult ductopenia
Genetic conditions
PFIC 1,2,3
Infiltrative liver diseases- amyloidosis
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
Total parentral nutrition
Immune-mediated duct injury
Autoimmune pancreatitis
primary sclerosing cholangitis
Malignancy – ampullary cancer, cholangiocarcinoma
Infections – AIDS Cholangiopathy
Cryptosporidiosis, microspoidiosis
Parasitic infection- ascariasis
Malignancy- gall bladder cancer
pancreatic cancer
Mirizzi’s syndrome
Pancreatitis, pancreatic pseudocyst
•USS to assess hepatic parenchyma and biliary system
should be part of initial evaluation
•Additional imaging of abdomen if indicated
•If extrahepatic obstruction evident, ERCP or PTC
•If no obstruction, do AMA (anti-mitochondrial antibody)
•Continued presence of persistently elevated SAP ( > 6
months ) of unknown origin - further evaluation with
imaging and/or biopsy
•Potentially treatable cholestatic and infiltrative diseases
with long asymptomatic periods with mild elevations of AP
being the only finding
Eg PBC, PSC, Sarcoidosis etc
• accounts for 75% of the plasma colloid oncotic
pressure .
• average adult produces approximately 15 g/day.
• The half-life of albumin is 14 to 21 days.
• Not useful in acute liverinjury.
• levels < 3 g/dL suspect chronic injury.
• excellent marker of hepatic synthetic function in
patients with CLD and cirrhosis
• differential diagnosis of serum
• hepatocellular dysfunction,
• malnutrition,
• protein-losing enteropathy or
• nephrotic syndrome,
• chronic systemic inflammatory conditions, and hormonal
• Clotting - end result of a complex series of
enzymatic reactions involving clotting factors
• All the factors are produced in liver except
factor VIII- produced by vascular endothelial
• P.T is a measure of the rate at which
prothrombin is converted to thrombin,
• Reflects the extrinsic pathway of coagulation.
• Factors involved in the synthesis of prothrombin
include II, V, VII, and X.
International normalized ratio
• used to express the degree of anticoagulation on
warfarin therapy.
• standardizes prothrombin time measurement
according to the characteristics of the
thromboplastin reagent used in a particular lab.
• the initial measurement is expressed as an
international sensitivity index (ISI), which is then
used in calculating the INR.
• concern has been raised about the validity of
using the ISI (and INR) in patients with chronic
liver disease.
• Causes of prolonged P.T
• hepatic dysfunction,
• congenital deficiency of clotting factors,
• vitamin K deficiency (vitamin K is required for normal functioning
of factors II, VII, IX, and X)
• disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).
• DIC identified by measuring a factor VIII level
in serum.
• Vitamin K deficiency -subcutaneous
administration of vit K (e.g., 10 mg) leads to
improvement in P.T by 30%.
• P.T most useful in cases of acute liver disease.
• Allows an assessment of current hepatic synthetic function;
• Factor VII has the shortest serum half-life (six hour).
• Prognostic value in acute acetaminophen- and non-
acetaminophen-related liver failure , alcoholic hepatitis .
• INR, component of the MELD score
• liver biopsy is the standard for the assessment
of hepatic fibrosis.
• noninvasive measures of hepatic fibrosis have
been developed.
• measures include single serum biochemical
markers and multiparameter tests aimed at
detecting and staging the degree of hepatic
• hyaluronan is the best to date
• Hyaluronan is a glucosaminoglycan produced in mesenchymal
cells .
• Typically degraded by hepatic sinusoidal cells,
• serum levels of hyaluronan are elevated in patients with
cirrhosis as a result of sinusoidal capillarization .
• A fasting hyaluronan level greater than 100 mg/L had a
sensitivity of 83% and specificity of 78% for the detection of
• useful for identifying advanced fibrosis in patients with
chronic hepatitis C, chronic hepatitis B, ALD, and
FibroTest & FIBROSpect II
• FibroTest ( FibroSure in the United States) is the best
evaluated of the multiparameter blood tests.
• It incorporates haptoglobin, bilirubin, GGTP, apolipoprotein A-
I, and α2-macroglobulin.
• High positive & negative predictive values for diagnosing
advanced fibrosis chronic hepatitis C.
• The newer FIBROSpect II assay incorporates hyaluronate,
tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1, and α2-macroglobulin.
• Sensitivity of 72% & specificity of 74% for identifying advanced
fibrosis in chronic hepatitis c.
Transient elastography (TE),
• Uses ultrasound waves to measure hepatic stiffness
• The ultrasound transducer emits a low-frequency (50 Hz)
shear wave.
• Amount of time required for the wave to go through a set
“window” of tissue is measured.
• The window of tissue is 1 cm by 4 cm, 100 times the area of an
average liver biopsy.
• Use - to identify advanced fibrosis in patients with
• chronic hepatitis C, PBC, hemochromatosis, NAFLD, and recurrent
chronic hepatitis after liver transplantation
Magnetic resonance elastography
• Another noninvasive technique under study.
• low-frequency (65 Hz) waves are transmitted
into the right lobe of the liver.
• The shear elasticity of the liver is measured .
• MRE was found to be superior to TE for staging
liver fibrosis in patients with a variety of chronic
liver diseases
• Evaluate the excretory or detoxification capacity
of the liver more specifically than the serum
bilirubin level.
• lack of specificity and often cumbersome
methodology have limited their widespread
Metabolic Capacity :
Indocyanine Green ( ICG ) test
14C- Galactose breath test
Microsomal enzyme function :
Aminopurine breath test
Caffeine breath test
Functional hepatic perfusion :
Galactose tolerance test
ICG ( low dose ) test
Microsomal enzyme function and hepatic perfusion :
Lidocaine clearance test
Indocyanine green (ICG)
• ICG is a nontoxic dye that is cleared exclusively by the liver;
• 97% of an administered dose (0.64-6.4 mol/kg I.V bolus) is
excreted unchanged into bile.
• ICG can be measured directly by spectrophotometry.
• Noninvasive methods (dichromatic earlobe densitometry and
fingertip optical sensors) appear to correlate well with levels
determined by blood sampling.
• uses of ICG include the
• assessment of hepatic dysfunction,
• measurement of hepatic blood flow,
• and prediction of clinical outcomes in patients with liver
galactose elimination capacity
• studied as a measure of functional hepatic mass.
• Galactose is given as a single intravenous bolus
(0.5 g/kg), and blood samples are collected.
• Patients with cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis have
reduced galactose clearance from serum as
compared with healthy controls
Caffeine clearance tests
• Quantify functional hepatic capacity.
• Assessing the activity of cytochrome P450 1A2,
N-acetyltransferase, and xanthine oxidase.
• Caffeine - given orally (200 to 366 mg), and
levels are measured in blood, urine, saliva,
breath, or scalp hair.
• Tobacco use increases caffeine clearance.
• Drug interactions can affect results.
• Increasing age correlates with decreased
caffeine clearance.
Lidocaine metabolite formation
• Lidocaine is metabolized to
monoethylglycinexylidide (MEGX) by the hepatic
cytochrome P450 system.
• Serum samples are taken 15, 30, and 60 minutes
after I.V dose of lidocaine (1 mg/kg).
• Not superior to the Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CTP)
or MELD score in predicting prognosis in
cirrhosis sec to viral hepatitis.
14C and 13C aminopyrine breath
• Measures hepatic mixed-function oxidase mass.
• The radioactive methyl groups of aminopyrine undergo
• Eventual conversion to labeled CO2, which is then exhaled and
can be measured.
• After an overnight fast, a known dose of 14C aminopyrine
(1 to 2 ? Ci) is administered orally,
• Breath samples are taken every 30 minutes for 4 hours, or
check a single sample at either 1 or 2 hours.
• Healthy subjects excrete 6.6% ? 1.3% of the administered
dose in the breath in two hours.
• Patients with hepatocellular injury excrete considerably less.
Bile acids
• Bile acids are synthesized from cholesterol in hepatocytes.
• conjugated to glycine or taurine, and secreted into bile.
• After passage into the small intestine, most bile acids are
actively reabsorbed.
• The liver efficiently extracts bile acids from the portal blood.
• In healthy persons, all bile acids in serum emanate from the
reabsorption of bile acids in the small intestine.
• Maintenance of normal serum bile acid concentrations
depends on hepatic blood flow, hepatic uptake, secretion of
bile acids, and intestinal transit.
Bile acids
• Serum bile acids are sensitive but nonspecific indicators of
hepatic dysfunction .
• some quantification of functional hepatic reserve.
• correlate moderately well with the results of aminopyrine
breath tests chronic hepatitis.
• Correlation between serum bile acid levels and the histologic
severity of chronic hepatitis and alcoholic liver disease is poor.
• Elevated in patients with cholestatic liver diseases but normal
in patients with Gilbert's syndrome and Dubin-Johnson
syndrome ..
• Liver biochemical tests have been used to
• monitor for and assess the severity of drug-induced liver injury,
• assess operative risk,
• identify candidates for liver transplantation,
• direct donor organ allocation.
Drug-induced liver injury
• Most drugs that are hepatotoxic cause idiosyncratic liver injury
• Defined as injury that is unpredictable, occurs at therapeutic
drug levels, and is infrequent.
• The estimated frequency for any particular medication (1 in
1000 to 1 in 100,000).
• marked by a variable latency period (5 to 90 days, or even
• Other drugs produce dose-dependent toxicity.
• These injuries are predictable, have a high incidence.
Drug-induced liver injury
• Acetaminophen causes dose-dependent liver injury.
• The dose of acetaminophen exceeds 15 g, almost four times
the recommended daily dose, in 80% of cases.
• Therapeutic dose (<4 g/day) can be sufficient to cause liver
injury in susceptible persons.
• Most occurrences of drug-induced liver injury are mild.
• Respond promptly to drug withdrawal with complete
• Isolated elevation of the serum aminotransferase levels( 3
times normal), is associated with a positive outcome
• Patients with acute and chronic liver disease are
potentially at increased risk of morbidity and
mortality .
• The risk depends on the etiology , severity , and
planned operation.
• unexpected elevated liver enzyme levels should
prompt a postponement of surgery.
• Elective surgery should be postponed in patients
with acute hepatitis..
• The surgical risk in chronic hepatitis
correlates with the severity of histologic
inflammation .
• Only portal inflammation and interface
hepatitis have low operative risk.
• Panlobular hepatitis has an increased risk.
• The etiology of chronic hepatitis does not
influence outcome
Assessment of surgical risk in
patients with alcoholic liver
• Examination of histology is critical .
• Hepatic steatosis alone is associated with a low
operative risk.
• Alcoholic hepatitis is associated with a mortality
rate as high as 55% in patients undergoing
portosystemic shunt surgery .
• A period of abstinence of three to six months
before elective surgery is recommended in these
• Cirrhosis is associated with increased operative
risk, particularly with cardiothoracic surgery,
hepatic resection, and other abdominal
• The CTP scoring system is useful for predicting
perioperative mortality.
Modified Child-Turcotte-Pugh score for grading
severity of liver disease
• surgery may be undertaken in patients with Child's class A
• whereas the medical condition of patients with Child's class B
cirrhosis should be optimized prior to planned surgery.
• The mortality rate in patients with Child's class C cirrhosis is
prohibitive, and surgery should be avoided.
MELD score
• Predicts survival in cirrhosis and portal hypertension
undergoing placement of a transjugular intrahepatic
portosystemic shunt (TIPS).
• validated as an accurate predictor of survival in
advanced liver disease.
• Formula: 9.57 ? loge(creatinine) + 3.78 ? loge(total
bilirubin) + 11.2 ? loge(INR) + 6.43.
• The working range is 6 to 40
• score correlates with mortality in patients undergoing
surgery other than liver transplantation.
• MELD is used most often for prioritizing the allocation of
donor organs for liver transplantation.
• Before 2002, organs were allocated by the United Network
for Organ Sharing (UNOS) on the basis of the CTP score and
time on the wait list.
PPT LFT 1.pptx
PPT LFT 1.pptx
PPT LFT 1.pptx
PPT LFT 1.pptx
PPT LFT 1.pptx

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PPT LFT 1.pptx

  • 2. Uses • Identifies presence of liver disease • Type of liver disease- • Primary hepatocellular • Cholestatic • Mixed • Gauge severity and progression of liver disease • Monitor therapy response • Serial LFTs can identify particular cause of disease
  • 3. Limitations • Total functional capacity of the liver • Varied biochemical functions • Individually lack sensitivity and specificity • Lack of sensitivity (may be normal in cirrhosis or HCC) • Lack of specificity (aminotransferase levels may be elevated in musculoskeletal or cardiac disease) • Results suggest general category of liver disease, not a specific diagnosis
  • 4. General categories of tests Tests to detect injury to hepatocytes Tests of the biosynthetic capacity of the liver • •All the enzyme tests • aminotransferases and alkaline phosphatase albumin, prothrombin time, ceruloplasmin, ferritin, alpha 1 antitrypsin, lipoproteins
  • 5. • Tests of the capacity of the liver to transport organic anions and metabolize drugs S bilirubin, s bile acids, BSP, indocyanine green (ICG), serum bile acids, serum caffeine, serum lidocaine metabolites, and breath tests. • Tests to detect fibrosis in the liver • Tests for chronic inflammation or altered immunoregulation Fibrotest, fibrosure, Enhanced liver fibrosis Immunoglobulins and specific antibodies
  • 6. Bilirubin metabolism • Bilirubin, a tetrapyrrole pigment, is a breakdown product of ferroprotoporphyrin IX (heme). • Approximately 70% to 80% of the bilirubin produced from the breakdown of hemoglobin in senescent red blood cells . • The remainder comes from prematurely destroyed erythroid cells in bone marrow • From the turnover of hemoproteins in tissues throughout the body, mainly liver. • The initial steps leading to the formation of bilirubin occur in reticuloendothelial cells, primarily in the spleen and liver.
  • 7. • The first reaction, catalyzed by the microsomal enzyme heme oxygenase • oxidatively cleaves the α bridge of the porphyrin group, opens the heme ring, and produces equimolar amounts of biliverdin and carbonmonoxide. • The second reaction, catalyzed by the cytosolic enzyme biliverdin reductase, • reduces the central methylene bridge of biliverdin, converting it to bilirubin .
  • 8. • Bilirubin formed in the reticuloendothelial cells is lipid-soluble. • Transported in blood, by reversible, noncovalent binding to albumin. • Bilirubin is transported to the liver, • Taken up by hepatocytes in a process that involves carrier-mediated membrane transport .
  • 9. • In the hepatocyte, bilirubin is coupled to glutathione-S-transferases (formerly called ligandins) • Bilirubin is then solubilized by means of conjugation to glucuronic acid. • Bilirubin monoglucuronide and diglucuronide are formed, both of which are called direct-acting bilirubins
  • 10. • The conjugation is catalyzed by an enzyme system in the endoplasmic reticulum of the hepatocyte . • The bilirubin conjugates are then actively transported from the hepatocyte into canalicular bile. • Mediated by an adenosine triphosphate– dependent transport process.
  • 11. • It is the rate-limiting step in hepatic bilirubin excretion. • Mediated by a protein in the bile canalicular membrane called multidrug resistance– associated protein 2 • The conjugated bilirubins drain from the bile duct into the duodenum • hydrolyzed to unconjugated bilirubin by bacterial β glucuronidases in the distal ileum and colon
  • 12. • The unconjugated bilirubin is reduced by normal intestinal bacteria to colorless tetrapyrroles called urobilinogens. • Approximately 80% to 90% of these products are excreted in feces (unchanged or as urobilins) • The remaining 10% to 20% of the urobilinogens are passively absorbed, enter the portal venous blood. • A small fraction (<3 mg/dL) is excreted in urine
  • 13.
  • 14. Van den Bergh Reaction • Serum bilirubin measured in clinical labs by modification of the diazo reaction. • The conjugated fraction of bilirubin reacts “directly,” with the diazo reagent without any accelerant. • conjugated bilirubin fraction measured by photometric analysis within 30 to 60 seconds. • The total bilirubin is measured 30 to 60 minutes after the addition of an accelerant ( alcohol or caffeine). • The unconjugated fraction determined by subtracting the direct component from the total bilirubin
  • 15. Normal values • Normal values of total serum bilirubin is less than 1.0- 1.5 mg/dl (95% - 0.2-0.9) • Indirect fraction normal values- 0.8-1.2 mg/dl • Upper limit of normal for the Direct acting fraction is 30% • If direct fraction is <15%, bilirubin is entirely indirect. • Mild increase in conjugated bilirubin in the serum - suspect liver injury. (0.1 mg/dl)
  • 16. Newer methods • Newer and more accurate methods of measuring bilirubin( eg HPLC) • These new methods allow the identification of delta bilirubin. • delta bilirubin has the half-life of albumin(14 to 21 days). • serum bilirubin in some patients with prolonged jaundice seems to lag behind clinical recovery . • some patients with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia do not have bilirubinuria.
  • 17. • Hyperbilirubinemia may result from • overproduction of bilirubin through excessive breakdown of hemoglobin; • impaired hepatocellular uptake, • conjugation, or excretion of bilirubin; • or regurgitation of unconjugated and conjugated bilirubin from damaged hepatocytes or bile ducts.
  • 18. • The presence of conjunctival icterus suggests a total serum bilirubin level of at least 3.0 mg/dL . • Does not allow differentiation between conjugated and unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. • Tea- or cola-colored urine may indicate the presence of bilirubinuria and thus conjugated hyperbilirubinemia.
  • 19. • The magnitude and duration of hyperbilirubinemia have not been critically assessed as prognostic markers. • Higher the serum bilirubin level in patients with viral hepatitis, the greater the hepatocellular damage . • Patients may die of acute liver failure with only a modest elevation of serum bilirubin. • Total serum bilirubin correlates with poor outcomes in alcoholic hepatitis
  • 20. Causes of isolated hyperbilirubinemia in adults cause Mechanism Indirect hyperbilirubinemia Hemolytic disorders inherited Red cell enzyme defects (G6PD DEF) Sickle cell disease Spherocytosis and elliptocytosis Over production of Acquired bilirubin Drugs and toxins Hypersplenism Immune mediated/ PNH/ Traumatic
  • 21. Causes of isolated hyperbilirubinemia in adults Ineffective erythropoiesis Cobalamine def Folate def Profound iron def Thalassemia Drugs – rifampicin/probencid Impaired hepatocellular uptake Inherited conditions Crigler- Najjar type 1 and 2/ Gilbert’s syn Impaired conjugation of bilirubin Hematoma Overproduction of bilirubin DIRECT HYPERBILIRUBINEMIA Inherited conditions Dubin- Johnson Syndrome Impaired conjugation of bilirubin Rotor’s Syndrome
  • 22. Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia • Bile duct obstruction • Hepatitis • Cirrhosis • Medications/Toxins • Primary biliary cirrhosis • Primary sclerosing cholangitis • Sepsis • Total parenteral nutrition • Isolated • Dubin-Johnson syndrome • Rotor syndrome • Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy • Benign recurrent cholestasis • Vanishing bile duct syndromes
  • 23.
  • 24. Aminotranferases • The serum aminotransferases are the most sensitive markers of acute hepatocellular injury . • catalyze the transfer of the α-amino groups of alanine and l- aspartic acid, respectively, to the α-keto group of ketoglutaric acid. • AST, found in cytosol and mitochondria, is widely distributed throughout the body. • ALT, a cytosolic enzyme has the greatest concentration in the liver.
  • 25. Aminotranferases • Increases in serum values of the aminotransferases reflect • either damage to tissues rich in these enzymes • changes in cell membrane permeability that allow ALT and AST to leak into serum • hepatocyte necrosis is not required for the release of aminotransferases, • the degree of elevation of the aminotransferases does not correlate with the extent of liver injury.
  • 26. Aminotranferases • They are probably cleared by cells in the reticuloendothelial system, with AST cleared more rapidly than ALT.
  • 27. • An increased ratio of AST to ALT may also be seen in muscle disorders. • The degree of elevation is typically less than 300 U/L. • In cases of acute muscle injury, the AST/ALT ratio may initially be greater than 3 : 1 • declines toward 1 : 1 because of the shorter serum half-life of AST. • The ratio typically is close to 1 : 1 in patients with chronic muscle diseases.
  • 28. • AST to ALT ratio is < 1 in patients with chronic viral hepatitis and NAFLD. • AST/ALT ratio of greater than 1 as an indicator of cirrhosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C. • The increase in AST/ALT ratio is believed to result from impaired functional hepatic blood flow, with a consequent decrease in hepatic sinusoidal uptake of AST.
  • 29. Causes of elevated serum aminotransferase levels Chronic,mild elevations, ALT>AST (<150U/L or 5 × normal) Hepatic causes Alpha 1 antitrypsin def Autoimmune hepatitis Chronic viral hepatitis Hemochromatosis Medications and toxins Steatosis and steahepatitis Wilson’s disease Nonhepatic causes Celiac disease hypothyroidism
  • 30. Severe , acute elevations, ALT>AST (1000 U/L or 20 – 25 × normal) Hepatic causes Acute bile duct obstruction Acute Budd- Chiari syndrome Acute viral hepatitis Autoimmune hepatitis Hepatic artery ligation Ischemic hepatitis Medications/ toxins Wilsons disease Severe, acute elevations, AST>ALT(>1000U/L or >20-25 × normal) Hepatic causes Medication and toxins in patient with underlying ALD Nonhepatic causes Acute rhabdomyolysis
  • 31. Chronic, mild elevations, AST>ALT(<150 U/L, <5× NORMAL) Hepatic causes Alcohol liver injury cirrhosis Non-hepatic causes Hypothyroidism Macro- AST Myopathy Strenous exercise
  • 33. De Ritis Ratio • Ratio of AST/ALT •
  • 34. • Alcoholic hepatitis AST> ALT • Decrease in pyridoxal phosphate leading to decreased ALT activity • Mitochondrial damage leading to increased release of mAST into the serum • Specificity is increased by measuring mAST/AST ratio • But AST has a shorter half life and hence the ratio maybe 1 in alcoholics if measured after a gap after the last binge
  • 35. • PBC and PSC the ratio is >1 but not more than 2 • Acute hepatic toxicities like paracetamol- >2 • DILI- Drugs damaging mitochondria- AST>ALT cyproterone damaging cytosol ALT>>AST
  • 36. • NAFLD- AST/ALT <1 in morbidly obese patients • Since obesity and insulin resistance increases ALT levels • ALT levels predict progression to metabolic syndrome • Both AST and ALT predict diabetes • Increased AST/ALT ratio in NASH indicates development of cirrhosis
  • 37. • Isolated AST elevation • Hepatic Source with B6 deficiency • Non- Hepatic source- sample hemolysis rhabdomyolysis
  • 38. Alkaline Phosphatase • The term alkaline phosphatase applies to a group of isoenzymes distributed widely throughout the body. • The isoenzymes of greatest clinical importance in adults are in the liver and bone • Other isoenzymes originate from the placenta, small intestine, and kidneys. • In liver, alkaline phosphatase is found on the canalicular membrane of hepatocytes; • Alkaline phosphatase has a serum half-life of approximately seven days.
  • 39. Alkaline phosphatase • hepatobiliary disease induces synthesis and leakage of ALP • In isolated elevation , the serum GGTP or 5′NT are used to distinguish a liver origin from bone origin. • A low serum level may occur in Wilson’s disease, esp with fulminant hepatitis and hemolysis because of reduced activity of the enzyme due to dispacement of zinc by copper • Low levels also occur in hypothyroidism, perinicious anemia, Zn def, congenital hypophosphtasia
  • 40. Evaluation of ALP elevations
  • 41. Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase • Found in the cell membranes of a wide distribution of tissues includes • liver (both hepatocytes and cholangiocytes), kidney, pancreas, spleen, heart, brain, and seminal vesicles. • No difference in levels between men and women and no rise in pregnancy. • elevated serum GGTP level has high sensitivity and low specificity for hepatobiliary disease.
  • 42. Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase • The primary use is to identify the source of an isolated elevation in the serum alkaline phosphatase level. • GGTP is not elevated in bone disease . • Elevated in patients taking phenytoin, barbiturates, and some drugs used in HAART including NNRT and protease inhibitor (abacavir). • Serum GGTP levels are also elevated in alcoholics
  • 43. 5′-Nucleotidase • Associated with the canalicular and sinusoidal plasma membranes. • Also found in intestine, brain, heart, blood vessels, and endocrine pancreas. • Levels are unaffected by sex or race, values are lowest in children. • Use - Identify the organ source of an isolated serum alkaline phosphatase elevation .
  • 44.
  • 45. WhenSAPelevationisdetected Repeat the test Confirm the hepatic origin If medications suspected, discontinue them and repeat test Persistently elevated SAP - evaluate for •Serum gammaglutamyl transferase •5´-Nucleotidase •AP isoenzymes •Cholestatic liver disease •Infiltrative liver disease •Biliary obstruction
  • 46. • AP elevation upto 3 times ULN • > 3 times ULN •Nonspecific •Occurs in all types of liver disorders •Viral hepatitis •Cirrhosis •Infiltrative diseases of the liver •CHF etc •Cholestatic disorders Extrahepatic Intrahepatic •Infiltrative disorders •Mets
  • 47. Intrahepatic causes of cholestatic liver enzyme elevations in adults Drugs Bland cholestasis anabolic steroids estrogens Cholestatic hepatitis ACEI-captopril,enalapril Azathioprine Chorpromazine NSAIDS- Sulindac, piroxicam Antimicrobials- amox-clav, ketoconazole Granulomatis hepatitis Allopurinol Antibiotics-sulfonamides Antiepileptics- carbamezepine, phenytoin CVS agents-hydralazine, procainamide, quinidine phenylbutazone
  • 48. Intrahepatic causes of cholestatic liver enzyme elevations in adults Vanishing bile duct syndrome Amox-clav Chlorpromazine Dicloxacillin Erythromycin flucloxacillin Primary biliary cirrhosis Primary sclerosing cholangitis Granulomatis liver disease brucellosis fungal- histoplasmosis, coccidiomycosis Leprosy Q-fever Schistosomiasis Tuberculosis
  • 49. Intrahepatic causes of cholestatic liver enzyme elevations in adults Sarcoidosis Idiopathic granulomatous hepatitis Viral hepatitis Hepatitis A,B,C, EBV, CMV Idiopathic adult ductopenia Genetic conditions PFIC 1,2,3 BRIC TYPE1,2 MALIGNANCY- HCC,METS Infiltrative liver diseases- amyloidosis Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy Total parentral nutrition GVHD
  • 50. EXTRAHEPATIC CAUSES OF CHOLESTATIC LIVER ENZYMES IN ADULTS Intrinsic Choledocholithiasis Immune-mediated duct injury Autoimmune pancreatitis primary sclerosing cholangitis Malignancy – ampullary cancer, cholangiocarcinoma Infections – AIDS Cholangiopathy CMV Cryptosporidiosis, microspoidiosis Parasitic infection- ascariasis Extrinsic Malignancy- gall bladder cancer pancreatic cancer mets Mirizzi’s syndrome Pancreatitis, pancreatic pseudocyst
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53. •USS to assess hepatic parenchyma and biliary system should be part of initial evaluation •Additional imaging of abdomen if indicated •CT, MRI, MRCP •If extrahepatic obstruction evident, ERCP or PTC •If no obstruction, do AMA (anti-mitochondrial antibody) •Continued presence of persistently elevated SAP ( > 6 months ) of unknown origin - further evaluation with imaging and/or biopsy •Potentially treatable cholestatic and infiltrative diseases with long asymptomatic periods with mild elevations of AP being the only finding Eg PBC, PSC, Sarcoidosis etc
  • 54. TESTS OF HEPATIC SYNTHETIC FUNCTION • ALBUMIN • accounts for 75% of the plasma colloid oncotic pressure . • average adult produces approximately 15 g/day. • The half-life of albumin is 14 to 21 days.
  • 55. ALBUMIN • Not useful in acute liverinjury. • levels < 3 g/dL suspect chronic injury. • excellent marker of hepatic synthetic function in patients with CLD and cirrhosis • differential diagnosis of serum hypoalbuminemia, • hepatocellular dysfunction, • malnutrition, • protein-losing enteropathy or • nephrotic syndrome, • chronic systemic inflammatory conditions, and hormonal imbalances
  • 56. PROTHROMBIN TIME • Clotting - end result of a complex series of enzymatic reactions involving clotting factors • All the factors are produced in liver except factor VIII- produced by vascular endothelial cells. • P.T is a measure of the rate at which prothrombin is converted to thrombin, • Reflects the extrinsic pathway of coagulation. • Factors involved in the synthesis of prothrombin include II, V, VII, and X.
  • 57. International normalized ratio (INR) • used to express the degree of anticoagulation on warfarin therapy. • standardizes prothrombin time measurement according to the characteristics of the thromboplastin reagent used in a particular lab. • the initial measurement is expressed as an international sensitivity index (ISI), which is then used in calculating the INR. • concern has been raised about the validity of using the ISI (and INR) in patients with chronic liver disease.
  • 58. • Causes of prolonged P.T • hepatic dysfunction, • congenital deficiency of clotting factors, • vitamin K deficiency (vitamin K is required for normal functioning of factors II, VII, IX, and X) • disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). • DIC identified by measuring a factor VIII level in serum. • Vitamin K deficiency -subcutaneous administration of vit K (e.g., 10 mg) leads to improvement in P.T by 30%.
  • 59. • P.T most useful in cases of acute liver disease. • Allows an assessment of current hepatic synthetic function; • Factor VII has the shortest serum half-life (six hour). • Prognostic value in acute acetaminophen- and non- acetaminophen-related liver failure , alcoholic hepatitis . • INR, component of the MELD score
  • 60. TESTS TO DETECT HEPATIC FIBROSIS • liver biopsy is the standard for the assessment of hepatic fibrosis. • noninvasive measures of hepatic fibrosis have been developed. • measures include single serum biochemical markers and multiparameter tests aimed at detecting and staging the degree of hepatic fibrosis. • hyaluronan is the best to date
  • 61. Hyaluronan • Hyaluronan is a glucosaminoglycan produced in mesenchymal cells . • Typically degraded by hepatic sinusoidal cells, • serum levels of hyaluronan are elevated in patients with cirrhosis as a result of sinusoidal capillarization . • A fasting hyaluronan level greater than 100 mg/L had a sensitivity of 83% and specificity of 78% for the detection of cirrhosis. • useful for identifying advanced fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C, chronic hepatitis B, ALD, and NASH
  • 62. FibroTest & FIBROSpect II • FibroTest ( FibroSure in the United States) is the best evaluated of the multiparameter blood tests. • It incorporates haptoglobin, bilirubin, GGTP, apolipoprotein A- I, and α2-macroglobulin. • High positive & negative predictive values for diagnosing advanced fibrosis chronic hepatitis C. • The newer FIBROSpect II assay incorporates hyaluronate, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1, and α2-macroglobulin. • Sensitivity of 72% & specificity of 74% for identifying advanced fibrosis in chronic hepatitis c.
  • 63. Transient elastography (TE), • Uses ultrasound waves to measure hepatic stiffness noninvasively. • The ultrasound transducer emits a low-frequency (50 Hz) shear wave. • Amount of time required for the wave to go through a set “window” of tissue is measured. • The window of tissue is 1 cm by 4 cm, 100 times the area of an average liver biopsy. • Use - to identify advanced fibrosis in patients with • chronic hepatitis C, PBC, hemochromatosis, NAFLD, and recurrent chronic hepatitis after liver transplantation
  • 64. Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) • Another noninvasive technique under study. • low-frequency (65 Hz) waves are transmitted into the right lobe of the liver. • The shear elasticity of the liver is measured . • MRE was found to be superior to TE for staging liver fibrosis in patients with a variety of chronic liver diseases
  • 65. QUANTITATIVE LIVER FUNCTION TESTS • Evaluate the excretory or detoxification capacity of the liver more specifically than the serum bilirubin level. • lack of specificity and often cumbersome methodology have limited their widespread acceptance
  • 66. Metabolic Capacity : Indocyanine Green ( ICG ) test 14C- Galactose breath test Microsomal enzyme function : Aminopurine breath test Caffeine breath test Functional hepatic perfusion : Galactose tolerance test ICG ( low dose ) test Microsomal enzyme function and hepatic perfusion : Lidocaine clearance test
  • 67. Indocyanine green (ICG) • ICG is a nontoxic dye that is cleared exclusively by the liver; • 97% of an administered dose (0.64-6.4 mol/kg I.V bolus) is excreted unchanged into bile. • ICG can be measured directly by spectrophotometry. • Noninvasive methods (dichromatic earlobe densitometry and fingertip optical sensors) appear to correlate well with levels determined by blood sampling. • uses of ICG include the • assessment of hepatic dysfunction, • measurement of hepatic blood flow, • and prediction of clinical outcomes in patients with liver disease.
  • 68. galactose elimination capacity • studied as a measure of functional hepatic mass. • Galactose is given as a single intravenous bolus (0.5 g/kg), and blood samples are collected. • Patients with cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis have reduced galactose clearance from serum as compared with healthy controls
  • 69. Caffeine clearance tests • Quantify functional hepatic capacity. • Assessing the activity of cytochrome P450 1A2, N-acetyltransferase, and xanthine oxidase. • Caffeine - given orally (200 to 366 mg), and levels are measured in blood, urine, saliva, breath, or scalp hair. • Tobacco use increases caffeine clearance. • Drug interactions can affect results. • Increasing age correlates with decreased caffeine clearance.
  • 70. Lidocaine metabolite formation • Lidocaine is metabolized to monoethylglycinexylidide (MEGX) by the hepatic cytochrome P450 system. • Serum samples are taken 15, 30, and 60 minutes after I.V dose of lidocaine (1 mg/kg). • Not superior to the Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CTP) or MELD score in predicting prognosis in cirrhosis sec to viral hepatitis.
  • 71. 14C and 13C aminopyrine breath tests • Measures hepatic mixed-function oxidase mass. • The radioactive methyl groups of aminopyrine undergo demethylation • Eventual conversion to labeled CO2, which is then exhaled and can be measured. • After an overnight fast, a known dose of 14C aminopyrine (1 to 2 ? Ci) is administered orally, • Breath samples are taken every 30 minutes for 4 hours, or check a single sample at either 1 or 2 hours. • Healthy subjects excrete 6.6% ? 1.3% of the administered dose in the breath in two hours. • Patients with hepatocellular injury excrete considerably less.
  • 72. Bile acids • Bile acids are synthesized from cholesterol in hepatocytes. • conjugated to glycine or taurine, and secreted into bile. • After passage into the small intestine, most bile acids are actively reabsorbed. • The liver efficiently extracts bile acids from the portal blood. • In healthy persons, all bile acids in serum emanate from the reabsorption of bile acids in the small intestine. • Maintenance of normal serum bile acid concentrations depends on hepatic blood flow, hepatic uptake, secretion of bile acids, and intestinal transit.
  • 73. Bile acids • Serum bile acids are sensitive but nonspecific indicators of hepatic dysfunction . • some quantification of functional hepatic reserve. • correlate moderately well with the results of aminopyrine breath tests chronic hepatitis. • Correlation between serum bile acid levels and the histologic severity of chronic hepatitis and alcoholic liver disease is poor. • Elevated in patients with cholestatic liver diseases but normal in patients with Gilbert's syndrome and Dubin-Johnson syndrome ..
  • 74. SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS OF LIVER BIOCHEMICAL TESTING • Liver biochemical tests have been used to • monitor for and assess the severity of drug-induced liver injury, • assess operative risk, • identify candidates for liver transplantation, • direct donor organ allocation.
  • 75. Drug-induced liver injury • Most drugs that are hepatotoxic cause idiosyncratic liver injury • Defined as injury that is unpredictable, occurs at therapeutic drug levels, and is infrequent. • The estimated frequency for any particular medication (1 in 1000 to 1 in 100,000). • marked by a variable latency period (5 to 90 days, or even longer). • Other drugs produce dose-dependent toxicity. • These injuries are predictable, have a high incidence.
  • 76. Drug-induced liver injury • Acetaminophen causes dose-dependent liver injury. • The dose of acetaminophen exceeds 15 g, almost four times the recommended daily dose, in 80% of cases. • Therapeutic dose (<4 g/day) can be sufficient to cause liver injury in susceptible persons. • Most occurrences of drug-induced liver injury are mild. • Respond promptly to drug withdrawal with complete resolution. • Isolated elevation of the serum aminotransferase levels( 3 times normal), is associated with a positive outcome
  • 77. SURGICAL CANDIDACY AND ORGAN ALLOCATION • Patients with acute and chronic liver disease are potentially at increased risk of morbidity and mortality . • The risk depends on the etiology , severity , and planned operation. • unexpected elevated liver enzyme levels should prompt a postponement of surgery. • Elective surgery should be postponed in patients with acute hepatitis..
  • 78. SURGICAL CANDIDACY AND ORGAN ALLOCATION • The surgical risk in chronic hepatitis correlates with the severity of histologic inflammation . • Only portal inflammation and interface hepatitis have low operative risk. • Panlobular hepatitis has an increased risk. • The etiology of chronic hepatitis does not influence outcome
  • 79. Assessment of surgical risk in patients with alcoholic liver disease. • Examination of histology is critical . • Hepatic steatosis alone is associated with a low operative risk. • Alcoholic hepatitis is associated with a mortality rate as high as 55% in patients undergoing portosystemic shunt surgery . • A period of abstinence of three to six months before elective surgery is recommended in these patients.
  • 80. • Cirrhosis is associated with increased operative risk, particularly with cardiothoracic surgery, hepatic resection, and other abdominal operations. • The CTP scoring system is useful for predicting perioperative mortality.
  • 81. Modified Child-Turcotte-Pugh score for grading severity of liver disease
  • 82. • surgery may be undertaken in patients with Child's class A cirrhosis, • whereas the medical condition of patients with Child's class B cirrhosis should be optimized prior to planned surgery. • The mortality rate in patients with Child's class C cirrhosis is prohibitive, and surgery should be avoided.
  • 83. MELD score • Predicts survival in cirrhosis and portal hypertension undergoing placement of a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS). • validated as an accurate predictor of survival in advanced liver disease. • Formula: 9.57 ? loge(creatinine) + 3.78 ? loge(total bilirubin) + 11.2 ? loge(INR) + 6.43. • The working range is 6 to 40 • score correlates with mortality in patients undergoing surgery other than liver transplantation.
  • 84. • MELD is used most often for prioritizing the allocation of donor organs for liver transplantation. • Before 2002, organs were allocated by the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) on the basis of the CTP score and time on the wait list.

Editor's Notes

  1. an integral part of heme-containing proteins.
  2. BILIRUBIN IS almost insoluble in water. ALBUMIN is not taken by the liver
  3. It transfers glucuronic acid from uridine diphosphate (UDP)-glucuronic acid to the acyl groups of the propionic acid side chains of bilirubin
  4. CONJUGATED BILIRUBIN are carried distally through the intestine.
  5. . The renal excretion of urobilinogen is complicated, partly because urobilinogen is a weak acid that passively diffuses across the renal tubule when in its undissociated form. The appearance of urobilinogen in urine depends on many factors, including urine pH and the rate of urine flow. EXCRETED Either unchanged or oxidized to orange derivatives called urobilins.
  6. The terms direct and indirect bilirubin, which correspond roughly to conjugated and unconjugated bilirubin, respectively, derive from the original van den Bergh reaction. In this assay, bilirubin is exposed to diazotized sulfanilic acid
  7. Using the diazo method, normal values of total serum bilirubin are between 1.0 and 1.5 mg/dL, with 95% of a normal population falling between 0.2 and 0.9 mg/dL.[8] Normal values for the indirect component are between 0.8 and 1.2 mg/dL . The diazo method, however, tends to overestimate the amount of conjugated bilirubin, particularly within the normal range. As a result, “normal” ranges for conjugated bilirubin have crept upward over time. The measurement and fractionation of serum bilirubin in patients with jaundice does not allow differentiation between parenchymal (hepatocellular) and obstructive (cholestatic) jaundice.
  8. Newer methods are not generally available because they are more difficult to perform and do not add additional information beyond that provided by the diazo method in most clinical situations. Delta bilirubin a conjugated bilirubin tightly linked to albumin through covalent binding. Delta bilirubin is found in cases of prolonged and severe elevation of serum conjugated bilirubin levels. Usual half-life of serum bilirubin is 4 hours The identification of delta bilirubin explains why the decline in serum bilirubin in some patients with prolonged jaundice seems to lag behind clinical recovery and why some patients with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia do not have bilirubinuria. .
  9. . Total serum bilirubin is a critical component of the model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score, which is used to estimate survival of patients with end-stage liver disease
  10. ; AST is found, in order of decreasing concentration, in liver, cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle, kidney, brain, pancreas, lung, leukocytes, and erythrocytes
  11. . Normal values for aminotransferases in serum vary widely among laboratories, but values gaining general acceptance are <30 U/L for men and <19 U/L for women. The inter-laboratory variation in the normal range is the result of technical issues; no reference standards exist to establish the upper limits of normal for serum ALT and AST levels. Therefore, each reference laboratory is responsible for identifying a locally defined reference population or for using a normal range first established in the 1950s
  12. but in rare cases, such as rhabdomyolysis, levels observed in patients with acute hepatocellular disease can be reached
  13. AST/ALT ratio of greater than 1 as an indicator of cirrhosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C. has a high specificity (94% to 100%) but a relatively low sensitivity (44% to 75%). as cirrhosis develops, the ratio rises and may become greater than 1
  14. although the sites of degradation are unknown, clearance of alkaline phosphatase from serum is independent of either patency of the biliary tract or functional capacity of the liver. Hepatobiliary disease leads to increased serum alkaline phosphatase levels through induced synthesis of the enzyme and leakage into the serum, a process mediated by bile acids.
  15. a healthy 65-year-old woman has a serum alkaline phosphatase level 50% higher than that of a healthy 30-year-old woman. The reason for this difference is not known. , possibly because of reduced activity of the enzyme owing to displacement of the co-factor zinc by copper .
  16. present in the serum of healthy persons
  17. The sensitivity of an elevated serum GGTP level for alcohol use ranges from 52% to 94%, but specificity is low. One study has suggested an association between high serum GGTP levels and the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma.[29] The GGTP level had a negative predictive value of 97.9%, higher than that for alkaline phosphatase, total bilirubin, ALT, and AST, for detecting bile duct stones in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy.[30]
  18. and increase gradually, reaching a plateau at approximately age 50 years. ). The 5′NT level is not increased in bone disease and is primarily increased in hepatobiliary disease. Its function is undefined.
  19. Quantitatively, the most important plasma protein, albumin, synthesized exclusively by hepatocytes. 300 to 500 g of albumin distributed in body fluids. the site of degradation is not known. Albumin synthesis is regulated by changes in nutritional status, osmotic pressure, systemic inflammation, and hormone levels.[33liver has the ability to double the rate of synthesis.
  20. The long serum half-life of albumin in serum accounts for its unreliability as a marker of hepatic synthetic function in acute liver injury. Serum albumin levels less than 3 g/dL in a patient with newly with the exception of patients with cirrhosis and ascites, who may have normal or increased albumin production but an increased volume of distribution that results in a low serum albumin level. Albumin has no utility as a screening test in patients for whom there is low suspicion of liver disease; a study in which the serum albumin level was measured in 449 consecutive patients yielded 56 abnormal results, of which only 2 (0.4%) were of clinical importance with the exception of patients with cirrhosis and ascites, who may have normal or increased albumin production but an increased volume of distribution that results in a low serum albumin level. Albumin has no utility as a screening test in patients for whom there is low suspicion of liver disease; a study in which the serum albumin level was measured in 449 consecutive patients yielded 56 abnormal results, of which only 2 (0.4%) were of clinical importance
  21. Because the ISI is validated only for patients taking a vitamin K antagonist, Two studies have demonstrated, in fact, that the ISI, as currently determined, is not accurate for calculating the INR in patients with cirrhosis, and the investigators have proposed that specific ISI and INR determinations using control patients with liver disease be used to eliminate inter-laboratory variability in calculating the INR in patients with cirrhosis.[36,37
  22. the level is decreased in DIC and normal or increased in liver disease.
  23. hyaluronan is the best to date) (more than 20 such tests are described in the literature).
  24. and widely distributed in the extracellular space. Preoperative levels also have been shown to correlate with the development of hepatic dysfunction after hepatectomy
  25. One study showed that use of a more sensitive index cut-off had a sensitivity of 90%, specificity of 36%, positive predictive value of 88%, and negative predictive value of 40% for the diagnosis of bridging fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C.[41] The test has similar performance characteristics in patients with chronic hepatitis B and alcoholic liver disease and has been shown to predict advanced fibrosis in patients taking methotrexate for psoriasis.[42]
  26. Central to this technique's development was the principle that fibrosis leads to increased stiffness of the hepatic tissue and that a shear wave would propagate faster through stiff material than through elastic material.[44 A meta-analysis showed that TE performed best at differentiating cirrhosis from absence of cirrhosis but was less accurate for the estimation of lesser degrees of fibrosis
  27. Unfortunately, measurement of ICG has proved to be insensitive for detecting hepatic dysfunction and is inaccurate for measuring blood flow in patients with cirrhosis because of decreased ICG extraction by the diseased liver. Although ICG measurement has shown some promise for predicting outcomes in certain clinical situations, it has not been employed widely outside of research protocols
  28. , but the test has proved no better than standard serum testing in differentiating healthy persons from those with liver disease.
  29. The alternative methods correlate well with the plasma clearance method. . Overnight salivary caffeine clearance has been shown to correlate with ICG measurements and galactose clearance as well as with results of the aminopyrine breath test .
  30. Other studies have suggested that a decline in MEGX concentration correlates well with histologic worsening in patients with chronic liver disease
  31. The degree of decrease in excretion of aminopyrine overlaps considerably in patients with all types of severe liver disease, including cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, and hepatocellular carcinoma.[56] Data are conflicting regarding the ability of this test to predict survival in patients with chronic liver disease
  32. Although decreased serum bile acid levels are highly specific indicators of liver dysfunction, they are not as sensitive as initially hoped
  33. The King's College criteria identify patients with a poor prognosis from acetaminophen-induced liver injury: those with an arterial pH <7.3 or those with an INR >6.5, serum creatinine level >3.4 g/dL, and stage 3 to 4 hepatic encephalopathy . . When aminotransferase elevations are associated with clinical jaundice (so-called Hy's Law, after the late Dr. Hyman Zimmerman), the risk of mortality is increased to as high as 10%.[61]
  34. A retrospective analysis found that patients with acute viral hepatitis who undergo laparotomy had an operative mortality rate of approximately 9.5%.[
  35. Few data exist for surgical risk in patients with NAFLD, but the mortality rate appears to correlate with the severity of steatosis in patients undergoing liver resection. Whether steatohepatitis carries a higher risk than that for steatosis is not clear.
  36. Two studies performed more than 10 years apart examined mortality after abdominal surgery in cirrhotic patients and reported nearly identical rates of mortality for patients with Child's class A, B, and C cirrhosis: 10%, 30% to 31%, and 76% to 82%, respectively.[63,64] An estimated 10% of patients with advanced liver disease undergo surgery in the last two years of their lives
  37. hepatic resection, other abdominal procedures, and cardiac surgery.
  38. Questions of fairness with this system were raised in light of subjective variables in the CTP score (specifically, the amount of ascites and grade of encephalopathy). Wait time was also believed to be an unfair component that placed patients referred at a late stage of disease at a disadvantage. The MELD score addressed these concerns by using only three objective variables and eliminating wait time as a criterion for organ allocation.[69] Since implementation of the MELD score for prioritizing organ allocation, the number of deaths among patients on the wait list has decreased, suggesting that use of the MELD score is achieving its primary goal—allocation of organs to the sickest patients first (see Chapter 95).