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• Leukemia is the most common
  type of cancer in children. All
  cancers begin in cells of the
  body, and leukemia is a cancer
  that begins in blood cells.
  Normally, cells grow and divide
  to form new cells as the body
  needs them.
• When cells grow old, they die and
  new cells take their place.
  Sometimes, this process does not
  work right. In cancer, new cells
  form when the body does not need
  them, and old cells do not die
  when they should.
• Leukemia (Greek leukos "white";
  aima "blood") is a cancer of the blood
  or bone marrow characterized by an
  abnormal increase of blood cells,
  usually leukocytes (white blood cells).
• Exposure to large amounts of radiation
• Exposure to certain chemicals at work,
  such as benzene.
• Some types of chemotherapy to treat
  another cancer
• Have Down syndrome or some other
  genetic problems
• Smoking
• Hereditary factors such as the twins
  one egg
Unknown aetiology

    Somatic mutation in gene

Deactivate tumour suppressor gene
Malignant transformation of lymphoblast in
              the bone marrow

Uncontrolled proliferation of lymphoblast in
               bone marrow

Lymphoblasts replace the normal marrow

•   Fever and night sweats.
•   Headaches
•   Bruising or bleeding easily.
•   Bone or joint pain
• A swollen or painful belly from an
  enlarged spleen
• Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit,
  neck, or groin.
• Getting a lot of infections.
• Feeling very tired or weak.
• Losing weight and not feeling
• Leukemia can be divided in to 4 types.
  Leukemia is either chronic (which
  usually gets worse slowly) or acute
  (which usually gets worse quickly):

 In chronic leukemia, the leukemia cells
 come from mature, abnormal cells. The
 cells thrive for too long and
 accumulate.The cells grow slowly.
Acute leukemia,on the other hand,
develop from early cells, called
"blasts". Blasts are young cells, that
divide frequently. In acute leukemia
cells, they don't stop dividing like their
normal counterparts do.

 The remain two types refer to the type
of cells in which the leukemia started
• Myelogenous leukemia develops from
  myeloid cells. The disease can either
  be chronic or acute, referred as chronic
  myelogenous leukemia(CML), or acute
  myelogenous leukemia(ALL).
• Lymphocytic leukemia develops
  from cells called lymphoblasts or
  lymphocytes in the blood marrow.
  The disease can be acute or
  chronic, referred as chronic
  lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), or
  acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL).
Checks for swollen
lymph nodes, spleen, or liver.
              The complete blood count
to check the number of white blood
cells, red blood cells, and platelets.
Leukemia causes a very high level of
white blood cells. It may also cause low
levels of platelets and hemoglobin,
which is found inside red blood cells.
Chemotherapy is
the major form of treatment for
leukemia. This drug treatment uses
chemicals to kill leukemia cells.
Depending on the type of leukemia
client may receive a single drug or a
combination of drugs. These drugs
may come in a pill form, or they may
be injected directly into a vein.
Biological therapy works by
helping immune system
recognize and attack leukemia
Targeted therapy uses drugs that
attack specific vulnerabilities
within cancer cells. For example,
the drug imatinib (Gleevec) stops
the action of a protein within the
leukemia cells of people with
chronic myelogenous leukemia.
This can help control the disease.
• Radiation therapy uses X-rays or other
  high-energy beams to damage
  leukemia cells and stop their growth.
  client may receive radiation in one
  specific area of body where there is a
  collection of leukemia cells, or client
  may receive radiation over whole body.
  Radiation therapy may be used to
  prepare for a stem cell transplant.
• A stem cell transplant is a procedure to
  replace diseased bone marrow with
  healthy bone marrow. Before a stem
  cell transplant, client receive high
  doses of chemotherapy or radiation
  therapy to destroy diseased bone
  marrow. Then client receive an infusion
  of blood-forming stem cells that help to
  rebuild bone marrow.
• Risk for Infection related to neutropenia
  or leukocytosis secondary to leukemia
  or treatment
• Risk for Haemorrhage related to
  thrombocytopenia secondary to either
  leukaemia or treatment
• Fatigue related to side effects of
  treatments, low haemoglobin levels,
  pain, lack of sleep, or other causes
• Imbalance Nutrition: Less Tan
  Body Requirements related to
  diseased condition evidenced by
  anorexia, pain or fatigue.
• Risk for Ineffective Family
  Therapeutic Regimen Management
  related to increased fear of death,
  recurrent hospitalisations etc.
• Lymphoma is a type of cancer that
  develops in the lymph system, part of
  the body's immune system.
Generally, lymphoma is divided into
two categories:
• Hodgkin's disease
• non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
• The specific cause of lymphoma is
  unknown. It is possible that a genetic
  predisposition and exposure to viral
  infections may increase the risk for
  developing Hodgkin lymphoma. There
  is a slightly increased chance for
  Hodgkin lymphoma to occur in siblings
  of patients.
• There has been much investigation
  into the association of the Epstein-
  Barr virus (EBV), which causes the
  infection mononucleosis. This
  virus has been correlated with a
  greater incidence of children
  diagnosed with Hodgkin
  lymphoma, although the direct link
  is unknown.
• Exposure to certain pesticides,
  herbicides, and solvents such
  as benzene has been
  associated with lymphoma.
• painless swelling of the lymph
  nodes in neck, underarm, groin,
  and/or chest
• difficulty breathing (dyspnea) due
  to enlarged nodes in the chest
•   fever
•   night sweats
•   tiring easily (fatigue)
•   weight loss/decreased appetite
•   itching skin (pruritus)
•   frequent viral infections (i.e.,
    cold, flu, sinus infection)
• Physical exam and history: An
  exam of the body to check general
  signs of health, including checking for
  signs of disease, such as lumps or
  anything else that seems unusual. A
  history of the patient’s health habits
  and past illnesses and treatments will
  also be taken.
• The removal of cells or tissues so
  they can be viewed under a
  microscope by a pathologist to
  check for signs of cancer
The removal of an
entire lymph node or lump of tissue.
                   The removal of part
of a lump, lymph node, or sample of
              The removal of tissue or
part of a lymph node using a wide

The removal of tissue or part of a
lymph node using a thin needle.
The four stages of lymphoma are:
• Stage I: A single tumor which hasn't
• Stage II: More than one tumor, but the
  tumors are all found in lymph nodes on the
  same side of the diaphragm (all above or
  all below). Stage II can also mean that a
  tumor has spread to another organ, but
  that it is close to the original lymph node
• Stage III: More than one tumor with the
  tumors found on different sides (above
  and below) of the diaphragm. There may
  be tumors in the spleen or more than one
  tumor in nearby organs.
• Stage IV: Many tumors spread throughout
  an organ such as the liver or stomach, as
  well as in the lymph nodes.
• Chemotherapy is the most common
  treatment for lymphomas. Depending
  on the type and stage of disease,
  various combinations of drugs are
  administered in cycles to reduce or
  eliminate cancer cells.
• Radiation therapy is sometimes
  used in conjunction with
  chemotherapy to treat large areas, or
  to minimize discomfort caused by
  cancerous lymph nodes that are
  affecting nearby organs or structures.
• Targeted therapy is a type of treatment
  that uses drugs or other substances to
  identify and attack specific cancer cells
  without harming normal cells.
  Monoclonal antibody therapy is a cancer
  treatment that uses antibodies made in
  the laboratory from a single type of
  immune system cell. These antibodies
  can identify substances on cancer cells
  or normal substances that may help
  cancer cells grow.
• Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs)
  block signals that tumors need to
  grow. Some TKIs also keep tumors
  from growing by preventing the
  growth of new blood vessels to the
• Bone marrow transplantation and
  peripheral blood stem cell
  transplantation are sometimes
  performed. Radioimmunotherapy,
  which is treatment with a radioactive
  substance that is linked to an antibody
  that will attach to the tumor when
  injected into the body, is being tested
  in clinical trials. Surgical removal of the
  tumor may also be performed.
• Risk for impaired Gas Exchange
• Risk for infection related to
  potential bone marrow depression
  due to chemotherapy
• Fatigue related to side effects of
  treatments, low haemoglobin
  levels, pain, lack of sleep, or other
• Try to eliminate potential food
  allergens, including dairy (milk, cheese,
  butter), wheat (gluten), corn, soy,
  preservatives, and food additives.
• Eat antioxidant foods, including fruits
  (such as blueberries, cherries, and
  tomatoes) and vegetables.
• Avoid refined foods, such as white
  breads, pastas, and sugar.
• Eat fewer red meats and more lean
  meats, cold water fish, tofu (soy, if
  no allergy), or beans for protein.
• Use healthy oils in cooking, such
  as olive oil or vegetable oil.
• Reduce or eliminate trans fatty acids,
  found in such commercially baked
  goods as cookies, crackers, cakes,
  French fries, onion rings and
  processed foods.
• Avoid coffee and other stimulants,
  alcohol, and tobacco.
• Drink 6 - 8 glasses of filtered water
• Retinoblastoma is a malignancy of the
  retinal cell layer of the eye. The tumor
  is composed mainly of undifferentiated
  anaplastic cells -- blasts -- that arise
  from the nuclear layers of the retina. It
  is the most common eye tumor in
  children and it usually occurs before
  the age of five. It can occur in one eye
  (unilateral) or in both eyes (bilateral).
• Random Somatic Mutation
• Family History
• Leukocoria / Cat’s eye reflex:
  Leukocoria results when the pupil reflects
  a white color rather than the normal black
  or red color that is seen on a flash
• A red and irritated eye: The diseased
  eye of a child with retinoblastoma also
  may become red and painful. As the tumor
  grows, new blood vessels may form on the
  front surface of the iris.
• Strabismus: A deviation of the eyes. It means
  the eyes are not straight or properly aligned.
  This results from the failure of the eye muscles
  to work together
• Nystagmus: Causes the eyes to look
  involuntarily from side to side in a rapid,
  swinging motion rather than staying fixed on an
  object or person.
• Heterochromia: Refers to a difference in
  coloration, usually of the iris. Is a result of the
  relative excess or lack of melanin (a pigment).
• Double vision
• Well Baby Screening
• Red reflex: checking for a normal reddish-
  orange reflection from the eye's retina with an
  ophthalmoscope or retinoscope from
  approximately 30 cm / 1 foot, usually done in a
  dimly lit or dark room.
• Corneal light reflex/Hirchberg test: checking
  for symmetrical reflection of beam of light in the
  same spot on each eye when a light is shined
  into each cornea, to help determine whether the
  eyes are crossed.
• Eye examination: checking for any
  structural abnormalities
• Bone marrow examination or lumbar
  puncture may also be done to
  determine any metastases to bones
  or the brain.
• Ultrasound (Echography)
• Genetic testing
Photocoagulation (Laser Therapy)
       Laser therapy is performed on an
 outpatient basis during the EUA. Laser
 therapy focuses a powerful beam of light
 through the dilated pupil or through the wall
 of the eye onto the cancer and the
 surrounding tissue. This focused and high-
 powered light destroys cancerous tumors
 inside of the eye. The small burns produced
 by the laser destroy the blood supply to the
 tumor and cause the tumor to shrink.
Cryotherapy (Freezing Treatment)

• Cryotherapy, which freezes small tumors, is
  performed in conjunction with an EUA. A
  probe (which looks like a pen) is placed on
  the sclera nearest to the tumor Using a very
  cold gas; the tumor is frozen and thawed
  several times. This destroys the tumor cells
  and leaves a flat, pigmented scar with no
  signs of tumor. If tumor is evident, the
  treatment will need to be repeated to
  successfully destroy all of the tumor cells.
• Transpupillary thermotherapy: Laser
  energy (through the use of infrared
  light) heats up cancer cells and
  surrounding blood vessels, which kills
  the cells.
• Brachytherapy: Radioactive material
  (little rods or pellets) is placed within
  the tumor to deliver beams of radiation
  to specific areas. This form of treatment
  minimizes the damage to surrounding
  healthy tissue.

Vincristine (Vincasar, Oncovin PFS)
   Cycle-specific and phase-specific, which
  blocks mitosis in metaphase. Binds to
  microtubular protein, tubulin, GTP
  dependent. Blocks ability of tubulin to
  polymerize to form microtubules, which
  leads to rapid cytotoxic effects and cell
• Carboplatin (Paraplatin)
   Inhibits both DNA and RNA synthesis. Binds
  to protein and other compounds containing
  SH group. Cytotoxicity can occur at any
  stage of the cell cycle, but cell is most
  vulnerable to action of these drugs in G1 and
  S phase.
• Etoposide (Toposar, VePesid)
   Blocks cells in the late S-G2 phase of the
  cell cycle
• Immunosuppressants
  The addition of cyclosporine in combination with
  chemotherapy regimen of carboplatin, etoposide,
  and vincristine reportedly have showed enhanced
  efficacy of chemotherapy.
• Cyclosporine (Sandimmune, Neoral)
  Cyclic polypeptide that suppresses some humoral
  immunity and, to a greater extent, cell-mediated
  immune reactions such as delayed
  hypersensitivity, allograft rejection, experimental
  allergic encephalomyelitis, and graft-vs-host
  disease for a variety of organs. For children and
  adults, base dosing on ideal body weight.
Localized Plaque Radiotherapy
• In this type of treatment, a small radioactive
  plaque (disc) is custom made and attached
  to the eye. Plaque radiotherapy has
  advantages over external beam
  radiotherapy in that it delivers radiation in a
  more localized fashion, thereby minimizing
  exposure to other eye structures. It should
  be stressed that only a small percentage of
  patients with retinoblastoma are candidates
  for plaque radiotherapy.
  Enucleation is the surgical removal
 of the eyeball, leaving eye muscles
 and the contents of the eye socket
 intact. This procedure is done when
 there is no other way to remove the
 cancer completely from the eye.
 Unfortunately, loss of vision for the
 eye removed is permanent because
 an eye cannot be transplanted.
•   Screening
•   Genetic counseling
•   Monitoring for recurrence
•   Monitoring for other cancers
• Cataract formation

• Secondary malignancy

• Optic nerve atrophy

• Temporal bone hypoplasia after external
  beam radiation
• Energy (calories) should be adequate to
  support growth and development and to
  reach or maintain desirable body weight.
• Keep total fat intake between between 25
  to 35 percent of calories for children and
  adolescents 4 to 18 years of age, with
  most fats coming from sources of
  polyunsaturated and monounsaturated
  fatty acids, such as fish, nuts and
  vegetable oils.
• Choose a variety of foods to get enough
  carbohydrates, protein and other nutrients.
• Eat only enough calories to maintain a
  healthy weight for height and build. Be
  physically active for at least 60 minutes a
• Serve whole-grain/high-fiber breads and
  cereals rather than refined grain products.
• Introduce and regularly serve fish as an
  entrée. Avoid commercially fried fish.
• Serve fat-free and low-fat dairy foods.
• Ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion
  related to low haemoglobin count
  secondary to anemia
• Risk for Infection related to operative
• Acute pain related to release of
Paediatric malignancies ppt
Paediatric malignancies ppt
Paediatric malignancies ppt

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Paediatric malignancies ppt

  • 1.
  • 2. • Leukemia is the most common type of cancer in children. All cancers begin in cells of the body, and leukemia is a cancer that begins in blood cells. Normally, cells grow and divide to form new cells as the body needs them.
  • 3. • When cells grow old, they die and new cells take their place. Sometimes, this process does not work right. In cancer, new cells form when the body does not need them, and old cells do not die when they should.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8. • Leukemia (Greek leukos "white"; aima "blood") is a cancer of the blood or bone marrow characterized by an abnormal increase of blood cells, usually leukocytes (white blood cells).
  • 9. • Exposure to large amounts of radiation • Exposure to certain chemicals at work, such as benzene. • Some types of chemotherapy to treat another cancer • Have Down syndrome or some other genetic problems • Smoking • Hereditary factors such as the twins one egg
  • 10. Unknown aetiology Somatic mutation in gene Deactivate tumour suppressor gene
  • 11. Malignant transformation of lymphoblast in the bone marrow Uncontrolled proliferation of lymphoblast in bone marrow Lymphoblasts replace the normal marrow element Leukemia
  • 12. Fever and night sweats. • Headaches • Bruising or bleeding easily. • Bone or joint pain
  • 13. • A swollen or painful belly from an enlarged spleen • Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit, neck, or groin. • Getting a lot of infections. • Feeling very tired or weak. • Losing weight and not feeling hungry.
  • 14. • Leukemia can be divided in to 4 types. Leukemia is either chronic (which usually gets worse slowly) or acute (which usually gets worse quickly): In chronic leukemia, the leukemia cells come from mature, abnormal cells. The cells thrive for too long and accumulate.The cells grow slowly.
  • 15. Acute leukemia,on the other hand, develop from early cells, called "blasts". Blasts are young cells, that divide frequently. In acute leukemia cells, they don't stop dividing like their normal counterparts do. The remain two types refer to the type of cells in which the leukemia started from.
  • 16. • Myelogenous leukemia develops from myeloid cells. The disease can either be chronic or acute, referred as chronic myelogenous leukemia(CML), or acute myelogenous leukemia(ALL).
  • 17. • Lymphocytic leukemia develops from cells called lymphoblasts or lymphocytes in the blood marrow. The disease can be acute or chronic, referred as chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), or acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL).
  • 18. Checks for swollen lymph nodes, spleen, or liver. The complete blood count to check the number of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. Leukemia causes a very high level of white blood cells. It may also cause low levels of platelets and hemoglobin, which is found inside red blood cells.
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  • 22. Chemotherapy is the major form of treatment for leukemia. This drug treatment uses chemicals to kill leukemia cells. Depending on the type of leukemia client may receive a single drug or a combination of drugs. These drugs may come in a pill form, or they may be injected directly into a vein.
  • 23. Biological therapy works by helping immune system recognize and attack leukemia cells.
  • 24. Targeted therapy uses drugs that attack specific vulnerabilities within cancer cells. For example, the drug imatinib (Gleevec) stops the action of a protein within the leukemia cells of people with chronic myelogenous leukemia. This can help control the disease.
  • 25. • Radiation therapy uses X-rays or other high-energy beams to damage leukemia cells and stop their growth. client may receive radiation in one specific area of body where there is a collection of leukemia cells, or client may receive radiation over whole body. Radiation therapy may be used to prepare for a stem cell transplant.
  • 26. • A stem cell transplant is a procedure to replace diseased bone marrow with healthy bone marrow. Before a stem cell transplant, client receive high doses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy to destroy diseased bone marrow. Then client receive an infusion of blood-forming stem cells that help to rebuild bone marrow.
  • 27. • Risk for Infection related to neutropenia or leukocytosis secondary to leukemia or treatment • Risk for Haemorrhage related to thrombocytopenia secondary to either leukaemia or treatment • Fatigue related to side effects of treatments, low haemoglobin levels, pain, lack of sleep, or other causes
  • 28. • Imbalance Nutrition: Less Tan Body Requirements related to diseased condition evidenced by anorexia, pain or fatigue. • Risk for Ineffective Family Therapeutic Regimen Management related to increased fear of death, recurrent hospitalisations etc.
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  • 30. • Lymphoma is a type of cancer that develops in the lymph system, part of the body's immune system.
  • 31. Generally, lymphoma is divided into two categories: • Hodgkin's disease • non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
  • 32. • The specific cause of lymphoma is unknown. It is possible that a genetic predisposition and exposure to viral infections may increase the risk for developing Hodgkin lymphoma. There is a slightly increased chance for Hodgkin lymphoma to occur in siblings of patients.
  • 33. • There has been much investigation into the association of the Epstein- Barr virus (EBV), which causes the infection mononucleosis. This virus has been correlated with a greater incidence of children diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma, although the direct link is unknown.
  • 34. • Exposure to certain pesticides, herbicides, and solvents such as benzene has been associated with lymphoma.
  • 35. • painless swelling of the lymph nodes in neck, underarm, groin, and/or chest • difficulty breathing (dyspnea) due to enlarged nodes in the chest
  • 36. fever • night sweats • tiring easily (fatigue) • weight loss/decreased appetite • itching skin (pruritus) • frequent viral infections (i.e., cold, flu, sinus infection)
  • 37. • Physical exam and history: An exam of the body to check general signs of health, including checking for signs of disease, such as lumps or anything else that seems unusual. A history of the patient’s health habits and past illnesses and treatments will also be taken.
  • 38. • The removal of cells or tissues so they can be viewed under a microscope by a pathologist to check for signs of cancer
  • 39. The removal of an entire lymph node or lump of tissue. The removal of part of a lump, lymph node, or sample of tissue. The removal of tissue or part of a lymph node using a wide needle. The removal of tissue or part of a lymph node using a thin needle.
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  • 44. The four stages of lymphoma are: • Stage I: A single tumor which hasn't spread. • Stage II: More than one tumor, but the tumors are all found in lymph nodes on the same side of the diaphragm (all above or all below). Stage II can also mean that a tumor has spread to another organ, but that it is close to the original lymph node tumor.
  • 45. • Stage III: More than one tumor with the tumors found on different sides (above and below) of the diaphragm. There may be tumors in the spleen or more than one tumor in nearby organs. • Stage IV: Many tumors spread throughout an organ such as the liver or stomach, as well as in the lymph nodes.
  • 46. • Chemotherapy is the most common treatment for lymphomas. Depending on the type and stage of disease, various combinations of drugs are administered in cycles to reduce or eliminate cancer cells.
  • 47. • Radiation therapy is sometimes used in conjunction with chemotherapy to treat large areas, or to minimize discomfort caused by cancerous lymph nodes that are affecting nearby organs or structures.
  • 48. • Targeted therapy is a type of treatment that uses drugs or other substances to identify and attack specific cancer cells without harming normal cells. Monoclonal antibody therapy is a cancer treatment that uses antibodies made in the laboratory from a single type of immune system cell. These antibodies can identify substances on cancer cells or normal substances that may help cancer cells grow.
  • 49. • Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) block signals that tumors need to grow. Some TKIs also keep tumors from growing by preventing the growth of new blood vessels to the tumors.
  • 50. • Bone marrow transplantation and peripheral blood stem cell transplantation are sometimes performed. Radioimmunotherapy, which is treatment with a radioactive substance that is linked to an antibody that will attach to the tumor when injected into the body, is being tested in clinical trials. Surgical removal of the tumor may also be performed.
  • 51. • Risk for impaired Gas Exchange • Risk for infection related to potential bone marrow depression due to chemotherapy • Fatigue related to side effects of treatments, low haemoglobin levels, pain, lack of sleep, or other causes
  • 52. • Try to eliminate potential food allergens, including dairy (milk, cheese, butter), wheat (gluten), corn, soy, preservatives, and food additives. • Eat antioxidant foods, including fruits (such as blueberries, cherries, and tomatoes) and vegetables.
  • 53. • Avoid refined foods, such as white breads, pastas, and sugar. • Eat fewer red meats and more lean meats, cold water fish, tofu (soy, if no allergy), or beans for protein. • Use healthy oils in cooking, such as olive oil or vegetable oil.
  • 54. • Reduce or eliminate trans fatty acids, found in such commercially baked goods as cookies, crackers, cakes, French fries, onion rings and processed foods. • Avoid coffee and other stimulants, alcohol, and tobacco. • Drink 6 - 8 glasses of filtered water daily.
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  • 57. • Retinoblastoma is a malignancy of the retinal cell layer of the eye. The tumor is composed mainly of undifferentiated anaplastic cells -- blasts -- that arise from the nuclear layers of the retina. It is the most common eye tumor in children and it usually occurs before the age of five. It can occur in one eye (unilateral) or in both eyes (bilateral).
  • 58. • Random Somatic Mutation • Family History
  • 59. • Leukocoria / Cat’s eye reflex: Leukocoria results when the pupil reflects a white color rather than the normal black or red color that is seen on a flash photograph. • A red and irritated eye: The diseased eye of a child with retinoblastoma also may become red and painful. As the tumor grows, new blood vessels may form on the front surface of the iris.
  • 60. • Strabismus: A deviation of the eyes. It means the eyes are not straight or properly aligned. This results from the failure of the eye muscles to work together • Nystagmus: Causes the eyes to look involuntarily from side to side in a rapid, swinging motion rather than staying fixed on an object or person. • Heterochromia: Refers to a difference in coloration, usually of the iris. Is a result of the relative excess or lack of melanin (a pigment). • Double vision
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  • 62. • Well Baby Screening • Red reflex: checking for a normal reddish- orange reflection from the eye's retina with an ophthalmoscope or retinoscope from approximately 30 cm / 1 foot, usually done in a dimly lit or dark room. • Corneal light reflex/Hirchberg test: checking for symmetrical reflection of beam of light in the same spot on each eye when a light is shined into each cornea, to help determine whether the eyes are crossed.
  • 63. • Eye examination: checking for any structural abnormalities • Bone marrow examination or lumbar puncture may also be done to determine any metastases to bones or the brain. • Ultrasound (Echography) • Genetic testing
  • 64. Photocoagulation (Laser Therapy) Laser therapy is performed on an outpatient basis during the EUA. Laser therapy focuses a powerful beam of light through the dilated pupil or through the wall of the eye onto the cancer and the surrounding tissue. This focused and high- powered light destroys cancerous tumors inside of the eye. The small burns produced by the laser destroy the blood supply to the tumor and cause the tumor to shrink.
  • 65. Cryotherapy (Freezing Treatment) • Cryotherapy, which freezes small tumors, is performed in conjunction with an EUA. A probe (which looks like a pen) is placed on the sclera nearest to the tumor Using a very cold gas; the tumor is frozen and thawed several times. This destroys the tumor cells and leaves a flat, pigmented scar with no signs of tumor. If tumor is evident, the treatment will need to be repeated to successfully destroy all of the tumor cells.
  • 66. • Transpupillary thermotherapy: Laser energy (through the use of infrared light) heats up cancer cells and surrounding blood vessels, which kills the cells. • Brachytherapy: Radioactive material (little rods or pellets) is placed within the tumor to deliver beams of radiation to specific areas. This form of treatment minimizes the damage to surrounding healthy tissue.
  • 67. Chemotherapy Vincristine (Vincasar, Oncovin PFS) Cycle-specific and phase-specific, which blocks mitosis in metaphase. Binds to microtubular protein, tubulin, GTP dependent. Blocks ability of tubulin to polymerize to form microtubules, which leads to rapid cytotoxic effects and cell destruction.
  • 68. • Carboplatin (Paraplatin) Inhibits both DNA and RNA synthesis. Binds to protein and other compounds containing SH group. Cytotoxicity can occur at any stage of the cell cycle, but cell is most vulnerable to action of these drugs in G1 and S phase. • Etoposide (Toposar, VePesid) Blocks cells in the late S-G2 phase of the cell cycle
  • 69. • Immunosuppressants The addition of cyclosporine in combination with chemotherapy regimen of carboplatin, etoposide, and vincristine reportedly have showed enhanced efficacy of chemotherapy. • Cyclosporine (Sandimmune, Neoral) Cyclic polypeptide that suppresses some humoral immunity and, to a greater extent, cell-mediated immune reactions such as delayed hypersensitivity, allograft rejection, experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, and graft-vs-host disease for a variety of organs. For children and adults, base dosing on ideal body weight.
  • 70. Localized Plaque Radiotherapy • In this type of treatment, a small radioactive plaque (disc) is custom made and attached to the eye. Plaque radiotherapy has advantages over external beam radiotherapy in that it delivers radiation in a more localized fashion, thereby minimizing exposure to other eye structures. It should be stressed that only a small percentage of patients with retinoblastoma are candidates for plaque radiotherapy.
  • 71. Enucleation Enucleation is the surgical removal of the eyeball, leaving eye muscles and the contents of the eye socket intact. This procedure is done when there is no other way to remove the cancer completely from the eye. Unfortunately, loss of vision for the eye removed is permanent because an eye cannot be transplanted.
  • 72. PREVENTION • Screening • Genetic counseling • Monitoring for recurrence • Monitoring for other cancers
  • 73. COMPLICATIONS • Cataract formation • Secondary malignancy • Optic nerve atrophy • Temporal bone hypoplasia after external beam radiation
  • 74. DIET PLAN • Energy (calories) should be adequate to support growth and development and to reach or maintain desirable body weight. • Keep total fat intake between between 25 to 35 percent of calories for children and adolescents 4 to 18 years of age, with most fats coming from sources of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, such as fish, nuts and vegetable oils.
  • 75. • Choose a variety of foods to get enough carbohydrates, protein and other nutrients. • Eat only enough calories to maintain a healthy weight for height and build. Be physically active for at least 60 minutes a day. • Serve whole-grain/high-fiber breads and cereals rather than refined grain products. • Introduce and regularly serve fish as an entrée. Avoid commercially fried fish. • Serve fat-free and low-fat dairy foods.
  • 76. • Ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion related to low haemoglobin count secondary to anemia • Risk for Infection related to operative procedure • Acute pain related to release of prostaglandin