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This template PowerPoint presentation includes all the
relevant elements you need to cover in your Music Video
It is suggested you save this PP in a different name and
share it with your group so you always have a copy – some
sections require you to delete the information on the slide
and replace with your own work
Add more pages to each section where necessary [you
should be doing this!]
Add visuals as you see necessary
This document will be added to as you progress through the
pre-production phase.
Delete this slide when complete
TASK 1 Idea Generation and
Select a song/track that you like [or don’t like!]
Generate three ideas for music videos employing styles,
techniques and conventions that we have looked at in
previous sessions. Explore how you could interpret the
song differently using different methods
You can add any extra info you think is relevant, images,
mind maps, etc
For quick mind maps you could use to generate
-my first music video idea for this song would be a
concert themed video where the audience is mainly
female like a fan base of a male artist with flashbacks in
the music video of the artist also moving around in his
house therefore this shows the audience his daily
lifestyle of his home and his career. The colour scheme
in this video would be desaturated colours like dark
blues, black low lighting which would represent the type
of person the artist is to the audience. I would also
include a lot of cuts in the video which go with the beat
of the song to make the concert parts look a lot more
realistic and give more of an atmosphere.
-The second music video idea using this song would be
a romance genre including the male artist who sings the
song and a women set in different locations such as
pool,house,in the street and outside the women's house.
The video set out begins with the artist throwing rocks at
her house which involves talking then switches to a pool
location with dancers and the women next to the artist
and then lastly in the street passing each other this will
involve editing like the images sliding onto one another
with also short cuts except for the first part which
includes talking. The idea of this music video is to leave
the audience almost puzzled and make them want to
know more (cliffhanger) as they both split up in the
ending. This music video would be like a short film fit
into one.
My last final idea using this sound for a music video
would be a montage of different locations such as fields,
car location of female character this wouldn't have much
of a background narrative but would reflect towards the
girl going through a heartbreak and changing her
identity by expressing her feelings through the song.
This includes a lot of angle and short cut changes and
showing hints of the story so the audience can be left
with slight clues. This would also have dark lighting
changes and near the end colours like pinks will be
Watch a selection of videos to get your ideas started,
make note of a minimum of 5 – add extra slides,
screenshot the video and in bullet point note down info
in terms of camera, editing, art design, performance, etc
and how this might link to your production
You’ve already done this in
your case study, so you can
summarise that here where
.COM/WATCH?V=RTOVBOTYX00This first music video uses a
narrative story by letting the
audience figure out the story it does
this by featuring actors this is
similar to what I want to include in
my music video a storyline that is
left on a cliffhanger for the audience
to question what's next?. This video
has a lot of different camera angles
and cuts often to the beat of the
music which is something else which
links to my production because I
believe it fits in a lot better with the
music and keeps the audience
excited. Another edit used in the
video is is a fade effect this is used a
lot in the video and is a technique
which I will link in my production
because its a lot more effective
slowly building into the next clip
rather than just switching fast.
There's also a repetitive colour schemes of
dark blue in this video and dark colours
which matches the tone of music this is
another thing which links towards my
production as it matches the heartbreak
storyline and creates a low emotion until the
In this music video there is editing skills
of a split screen and a storyline of to
different people living there daily life I
like the idea of this because its almost
like a movie and is easy to understand,
this storyline links to mine a lot so it
gives me ideas on how I can produce
my own. Another technique used is the
way this is filmed I also like this
because it isn't just filmed in one
location there is a range and every one
has a different atmosphere I think this
is a good way to show a music video
because it keeps the audience intrigued
instead of getting bored at watching the
same location for 2 minutes straight.
The scenes including both of there phones
(texting each other) this is something I will
include because these are hints towards the
audience and makes it look more realistic.
The colours schemes are also neutral shades
like red which is powerful and strong.
This music video is similar to the
recent one I annotated as it includes
the split screen but also has a lot of
medium long shots and the camera
slowly moves to the characters
movements, this slow motion will be
used in my production so the
audience has time to focus on the
characters and to move in time with
the music speed.
The colour schemes are dull as the
location is in a house with barley any
lighting only through the window
which again links to the beat of the
music. I also noticed the close up
shots which I will include so therefore
I have a range of different angles.
Another editing idea I liked was the font used at
the beginning of the name of the song this is
something which links in to my production as I
am looking to add a title to let my audience
know the name.
COM/WATCH?V=JFM7YDVLQNIin this music video I really like the layout
and locations of where this is filmed its
nice, modern places which really bring out
the whole music video and put it all
heather –dead
to me -
broke me first -put
your records on
Potential techniques I may use in my music video are medium and
close up shots theses are the two main types of shots I will be
focusing on because I want my audience to have a clear view of the
clips and if the camera is out of focus and too far away it can be quiet
hard to tell what's happening in the clip. I am also using close ups
because this links in with my storyline of the character because they
will be able to see the emotions of both sad and happy whilst the
camera is close up this also gives a better effect and I will be using
other techniques such as lighting which is very important when
producing a music video this is because different types of lighting
reflect on the mood of the image therefore my audience can
understand all the tones and moods my video will give off. I want to
include both dark and light lighting to also show the emotion again
and the process of ‘heartbreak'. For this I could include coloured
filters to place in front of my camera for different coloured lighting
and I would mostly focus on reds, dark blues and yellows because
these are powerful and strong tones which links to how my music
video will come across to my audience.Examples for the
type of shots which
will be included in
the music video.
5 opportunities of your ideas
5 restrictions to your ideas
Conan Gray-heather
(21 years old 5 December 1998)
This song is based on Conan's own personal experience of him loving
someone who doesn't’t love him back or someone he has lost this is the
idea I get from this lyrics as it’s a slow song. Conan Gray is an American
singer-songwriter and social media personality and started of by
posting covers on YouTube and from then he grew by singing record
deals. Similar artists to Conan are Billie Eillish, The Neighborhood and
foster the people these all have a genre of pop music and indie pop as
his lyrics are very direct and attract a specific audience that relate to the
lyrics or who are going through similar points in their life. One of my
main reasons as to why I chose this song is because this song doesn't’t
include a music video therefore I am able to think and create my own
ideas of what videos would match well with this type of song and really
focus on the lyrics and true meaning behind them later on in these
This is the song lyric
video which is produced
in his ‘journal’ to show
his audience how he
actually produced this
song. This is also one
of his most well-known
produced song.
Summary/analysis of track [consider meaning, content,
duration, pace and style of the song]
Your creative concept/video synopsis [describe your
interpretation, use of imagery or narrative, genre
conventions, etc]
TASK 2 Pre-production
You need to assess the viability of your production and
investigate what is required to enable you to make your
music video
Much of this task is hypothetical, which means you will
need to investigate standard costings for such a
production and apply these to your planned production
considering which equipment you would need and
resources, etc
Resources to support this are in the Pre-production
assessment folder on Blackboard
Delete the questions on each slide and insert your
Summary of intended production
Detail here what you are going to make and the intended
Detailed breakdown of the music track chosen and your
interpretation of it [remember the questions in the
workbook, e.g. pace/mood/tone/structure]
Specific outline your intended technical/equipment
Include any details that you think [you could use material
from your pitch]
LOCATIONSMy locations are varied and I have pictures which have locations of house places,
to eat and public places such as a local town. This is a idea of where my locations
will be to film mini parts of each clip this will almost be like a day in the
life(continuing with life after a heartbreak), the best times for me to film these will
be throughout the day with the natural day light with some parts on the night. My
limitations and risks are mostly the weather because I would prefer the weather to
be both rainy and warm which I would film these on different days this links to my
character as I could try capture her in the rain and as she gradually gets over the
heartbreak the sun begins to appear in the clips near the end of the video to
change the mood I will manage all this by filming more than once on different days
throughout the week to see any weather changes.
Another risk could be the distance to get to these locations as they are about 15
minutes away from me, but I can manage this by getting dropped of in these
arears or public transport.
I will have access to most of these locations as they are open up to the public the
only one will be my friends house where I will be filming In those specific locations
bedroom, bathroom and kitchen which I will ask for access to film. Cost doesn't
really involve in this music video as the areas aren't too hard to not be able to film
the only two locations which would involve costs are public transport and
restaurant areas, which will be fine to manage as its only a small cost.
What do you need? E.g. equipment, resources? Mostly
from college, but who do you need to speak to get this
kit? What is available? When?
Look at equipment hire places, etc
Where will you edit your video? Do you need any other
specialist facilities…?
Involved within my crew is only one person which is my Best friend, Sophie
who will be the main and only character acting in my clips. She has a lot of
strengths for the music video as she is confident and likes to act whilst
being filmed and is very photogenic which is a great strength for this type
of video. She isn't camera shy or nervous to film which is exactly what I
need to make the video come across a lot more professional and realistic.
However a weakness could be being able to stay serious whilst being
filmed and keeping into the character I will turn this into a strength my
making sure I also stay serious as I will be filming the music video.
Another weakness which could occur is showing up on time and making
sue the film times aren't cancelled last minute as this could delay my work
and ruin most of my plans I will make sure this doesn't occur by picking
specific dates when we can film and times to make sure these happen. But
as I have already asked Sophie we have planned days out throughout the
However I will not have to transport my crew member because I will be
transporting to her which will be a lot easier for me. Cost implications
could occur because I need clips in a restaurant with Sophie eating so I
would have to pay for the food and any public transport clips if I decide to
take this depending on COVID.
I made a plan B incase Sophie would cancel last minute and I would
In my music video only one prop would be included which is makeup
this will be give the audience an idea to performer that she is showing
what aspect make her feel free and comfortable in and happy. I am
mostly just focusing on the costumes which my performer will be
wearing I will either have a change of outfits through the week and they
will begin with quite dull, effortless clothing and in the video it
progresses to more classy casual up to date clothes to show the
change of the mood which will match with the song. Therefore my
colour scheme will be whites, blacks and then change to add more
colourful and saturated vibe like blues and reds. This is also another
reason as to why I wont be filming all in one day as it wont look as
realistic and I want to include full different looks such as a different
hairstyle and clothing so I can mix it up and make it look like real life.
Theses are ideas of neutral
tones which I like and could
feature in the music video this
can link with the pace of the
song as it comes across as calm
and slow just like these colours.
My phone which cold be clast as
a prop will be used for the text
messages of the other person
involved in the heartbreak
storyline, as this will help my
(Example on
the phone)
TASK 3.1 Visual Planning
This section is concerned with the visual planning of your
music video
You should use this section to develop the sequencing or
your video, establish the relationship between the visuals
and the track itself and create a structure for you to
follow when filming
It is important that you ‘pre-visualise’ the video before
you make it; it will make filming and production a more
streamlined process
The following tasks are part of your visual planning
 Pre-visualisation and concept boards
 Storyboarding
 Shot list
Tool for exploring the direction and visuals
Provides inspiration and information for the “look & feel”
Presents key moments in your video
A means to sketch/plan ideas
Information on colour/lighting
Defining the “mise-en-scene”
Include as much here as you like, but keep it relevant to the
production, the following slides have been left blank for you
to approach in your own way, add more as you need to
Extension suggestion: edit a short sequence of clips that
have inspired or influenced your video [similar to this:
You should also construct a 15-20second Rip-o-matic
test reel using existing footage to convey the type of
video you want to make
Breakdown your track into it basic sections [e.g. intro,
verse, chorus, verse, etc] and apply broad visual ideas to
each section
You can use this as the master template for your
production, then add more shots to each section when
you develop your full visual plan
You should create a slide showing all the sections of the
song, then add a slide for each section with timings,
lyrics, what happens and details on specific shots
You could storyboard and shot list each section as you
go, to break up the process.
Your storyboard should bring your idea to life
Provide an idea of the sequencing of you video
Provides a basis for production
Suggested online storyboard creators are:
 [very complicated]
 [allows you to insert your own images]
Alternatively, hand draw or photograph your storyboard and
scan or copy to insert it onto your slides
There are lots of tips collected together on Blackboard!
Your shot list should contain the sequential breakdown
of what you need to shoot for your video
It should work in partnership with your storyboard
It will be your working document when you film
It should contain the shot number, scene number, shot
description, framing and action you will see
It should also have information on performers in the
scene and other props, etc
Shot list template is on Blackboard in the pre-production
TASK 3.2 Organisational
Include names, contact info, and defined roles at
difference stages of production, using a table is
Information and images of your location[s] for filming
You should have address details, clearance/premissions
for filming, recce photos and floorplans [including
camera, equipment and cast/crew layouts]
Where possible, have a plan B fallback location option
Assess each location for any issues and suggest
Risk Assess each separate filming location using the
table in the camera H&S PP on Bb as a staring point
Completing a generic filming assessment would be a
start, then you can add specialist/site specific risks as
you progress your production
Remember, a Risk Assessment is an ongoing document,
you should evaluate if anything changes in production
and when you put control measures in place
You should add the table to each call sheet for each
Things go wrong
Your contingency plan is there to give you a backup or to
minimise the effect on production
You should consider the following areas: Technical,
Location, Personnel and Organisational areas [about 5
potential issues for each]
Use the form in pre-production folder on Blackboard
Your schedule should budget a total of 10 hours for
production, that is for the filming and editing of your
You should plan when you’re filming and how you intend
to use the in class days on your timetable/class schedule
Any place you film and anyone you use in the filming of
your video must have a completed form
Blank forms are on Blackboard for you to complete and
insert here

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  • 2. GUIDANCE This template PowerPoint presentation includes all the relevant elements you need to cover in your Music Video Assignment It is suggested you save this PP in a different name and share it with your group so you always have a copy – some sections require you to delete the information on the slide and replace with your own work Add more pages to each section where necessary [you should be doing this!] Add visuals as you see necessary This document will be added to as you progress through the pre-production phase. Delete this slide when complete
  • 3. TASK 1 Idea Generation and Research
  • 4. RESEARCH & IDEA GENERATION Select a song/track that you like [or don’t like!] Generate three ideas for music videos employing styles, techniques and conventions that we have looked at in previous sessions. Explore how you could interpret the song differently using different methods You can add any extra info you think is relevant, images, mind maps, etc For quick mind maps you could use to generate these
  • 5. 1.IDEA -my first music video idea for this song would be a concert themed video where the audience is mainly female like a fan base of a male artist with flashbacks in the music video of the artist also moving around in his house therefore this shows the audience his daily lifestyle of his home and his career. The colour scheme in this video would be desaturated colours like dark blues, black low lighting which would represent the type of person the artist is to the audience. I would also include a lot of cuts in the video which go with the beat of the song to make the concert parts look a lot more realistic and give more of an atmosphere.
  • 6. 2.IDEA -The second music video idea using this song would be a romance genre including the male artist who sings the song and a women set in different locations such as pool,house,in the street and outside the women's house. The video set out begins with the artist throwing rocks at her house which involves talking then switches to a pool location with dancers and the women next to the artist and then lastly in the street passing each other this will involve editing like the images sliding onto one another with also short cuts except for the first part which includes talking. The idea of this music video is to leave the audience almost puzzled and make them want to know more (cliffhanger) as they both split up in the ending. This music video would be like a short film fit into one.
  • 7. 3.IDEA My last final idea using this sound for a music video would be a montage of different locations such as fields, car location of female character this wouldn't have much of a background narrative but would reflect towards the girl going through a heartbreak and changing her identity by expressing her feelings through the song. This includes a lot of angle and short cut changes and showing hints of the story so the audience can be left with slight clues. This would also have dark lighting changes and near the end colours like pinks will be involved.
  • 8. RESEARCH Watch a selection of videos to get your ideas started, make note of a minimum of 5 – add extra slides, screenshot the video and in bullet point note down info in terms of camera, editing, art design, performance, etc and how this might link to your production Hint! You’ve already done this in your case study, so you can summarise that here where relevant
  • 9. A THOUSAND YEARS(MUSIC VIDEO)HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE .COM/WATCH?V=RTOVBOTYX00This first music video uses a narrative story by letting the audience figure out the story it does this by featuring actors this is similar to what I want to include in my music video a storyline that is left on a cliffhanger for the audience to question what's next?. This video has a lot of different camera angles and cuts often to the beat of the music which is something else which links to my production because I believe it fits in a lot better with the music and keeps the audience excited. Another edit used in the video is is a fade effect this is used a lot in the video and is a technique which I will link in my production because its a lot more effective slowly building into the next clip rather than just switching fast. There's also a repetitive colour schemes of dark blue in this video and dark colours which matches the tone of music this is another thing which links towards my production as it matches the heartbreak storyline and creates a low emotion until the end.
  • 10. WE DON’T TALK ANYMORE (MUSIC VIDEO) In this music video there is editing skills of a split screen and a storyline of to different people living there daily life I like the idea of this because its almost like a movie and is easy to understand, this storyline links to mine a lot so it gives me ideas on how I can produce my own. Another technique used is the way this is filmed I also like this because it isn't just filmed in one location there is a range and every one has a different atmosphere I think this is a good way to show a music video because it keeps the audience intrigued instead of getting bored at watching the same location for 2 minutes straight. The scenes including both of there phones (texting each other) this is something I will include because these are hints towards the audience and makes it look more realistic. The colours schemes are also neutral shades like red which is powerful and strong.
  • 11. IF THE WORLD WAS ENDING (MUSIC VIDEO) This music video is similar to the recent one I annotated as it includes the split screen but also has a lot of medium long shots and the camera slowly moves to the characters movements, this slow motion will be used in my production so the audience has time to focus on the characters and to move in time with the music speed. The colour schemes are dull as the location is in a house with barley any lighting only through the window which again links to the beat of the music. I also noticed the close up shots which I will include so therefore I have a range of different angles. Another editing idea I liked was the font used at the beginning of the name of the song this is something which links in to my production as I am looking to add a title to let my audience know the name.
  • 12. LAUGH NOW CRY LATER(MUSIC VIDEO)HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE. COM/WATCH?V=JFM7YDVLQNIin this music video I really like the layout and locations of where this is filmed its nice, modern places which really bring out the whole music video and put it all together.
  • 13. POTENTIAL SONGS - heather –dead to me - broke me first -put your records on
  • 14. POTENTIAL TECHNIQUES Potential techniques I may use in my music video are medium and close up shots theses are the two main types of shots I will be focusing on because I want my audience to have a clear view of the clips and if the camera is out of focus and too far away it can be quiet hard to tell what's happening in the clip. I am also using close ups because this links in with my storyline of the character because they will be able to see the emotions of both sad and happy whilst the camera is close up this also gives a better effect and I will be using other techniques such as lighting which is very important when producing a music video this is because different types of lighting reflect on the mood of the image therefore my audience can understand all the tones and moods my video will give off. I want to include both dark and light lighting to also show the emotion again and the process of ‘heartbreak'. For this I could include coloured filters to place in front of my camera for different coloured lighting and I would mostly focus on reds, dark blues and yellows because these are powerful and strong tones which links to how my music video will come across to my audience.Examples for the type of shots which will be included in the music video. Coloured filters
  • 19. FINAL IDEA – ARTIST/TITLE/INFO Conan Gray-heather (21 years old 5 December 1998) This song is based on Conan's own personal experience of him loving someone who doesn't’t love him back or someone he has lost this is the idea I get from this lyrics as it’s a slow song. Conan Gray is an American singer-songwriter and social media personality and started of by posting covers on YouTube and from then he grew by singing record deals. Similar artists to Conan are Billie Eillish, The Neighborhood and foster the people these all have a genre of pop music and indie pop as his lyrics are very direct and attract a specific audience that relate to the lyrics or who are going through similar points in their life. One of my main reasons as to why I chose this song is because this song doesn't’t include a music video therefore I am able to think and create my own ideas of what videos would match well with this type of song and really focus on the lyrics and true meaning behind them later on in these slides. This is the song lyric video which is produced in his ‘journal’ to show his audience how he actually produced this song. This is also one of his most well-known produced song.
  • 20. FINAL IDEA – TRACK SUMMARY Summary/analysis of track [consider meaning, content, duration, pace and style of the song]
  • 21. FINAL IDEA – YOUR IDEA Your creative concept/video synopsis [describe your interpretation, use of imagery or narrative, genre conventions, etc]
  • 23. GUIDANCE: PRE-PRODUCTION ASSESSMENT You need to assess the viability of your production and investigate what is required to enable you to make your music video Much of this task is hypothetical, which means you will need to investigate standard costings for such a production and apply these to your planned production considering which equipment you would need and resources, etc Resources to support this are in the Pre-production assessment folder on Blackboard Delete the questions on each slide and insert your responses
  • 24. TITLE OF PRODUCTION/PRODUCTION OUTLINE Summary of intended production Detail here what you are going to make and the intended outcome Detailed breakdown of the music track chosen and your interpretation of it [remember the questions in the workbook, e.g. pace/mood/tone/structure] Specific outline your intended technical/equipment requirements Include any details that you think [you could use material from your pitch]
  • 25. LOCATIONSMy locations are varied and I have pictures which have locations of house places, to eat and public places such as a local town. This is a idea of where my locations will be to film mini parts of each clip this will almost be like a day in the life(continuing with life after a heartbreak), the best times for me to film these will be throughout the day with the natural day light with some parts on the night. My limitations and risks are mostly the weather because I would prefer the weather to be both rainy and warm which I would film these on different days this links to my character as I could try capture her in the rain and as she gradually gets over the heartbreak the sun begins to appear in the clips near the end of the video to change the mood I will manage all this by filming more than once on different days throughout the week to see any weather changes. Another risk could be the distance to get to these locations as they are about 15 minutes away from me, but I can manage this by getting dropped of in these arears or public transport. I will have access to most of these locations as they are open up to the public the only one will be my friends house where I will be filming In those specific locations bedroom, bathroom and kitchen which I will ask for access to film. Cost doesn't really involve in this music video as the areas aren't too hard to not be able to film the only two locations which would involve costs are public transport and restaurant areas, which will be fine to manage as its only a small cost. RESTAURAN T PUBLIC TRANSPORT LOCAL TOWNS/CITIE HOUSE
  • 26. EQUIPMENT What do you need? E.g. equipment, resources? Mostly from college, but who do you need to speak to get this kit? What is available? When? Look at equipment hire places, etc
  • 27. FACILITIES Where will you edit your video? Do you need any other specialist facilities…?
  • 28. PERSONNEL Involved within my crew is only one person which is my Best friend, Sophie who will be the main and only character acting in my clips. She has a lot of strengths for the music video as she is confident and likes to act whilst being filmed and is very photogenic which is a great strength for this type of video. She isn't camera shy or nervous to film which is exactly what I need to make the video come across a lot more professional and realistic. However a weakness could be being able to stay serious whilst being filmed and keeping into the character I will turn this into a strength my making sure I also stay serious as I will be filming the music video. Another weakness which could occur is showing up on time and making sue the film times aren't cancelled last minute as this could delay my work and ruin most of my plans I will make sure this doesn't occur by picking specific dates when we can film and times to make sure these happen. But as I have already asked Sophie we have planned days out throughout the week. However I will not have to transport my crew member because I will be transporting to her which will be a lot easier for me. Cost implications could occur because I need clips in a restaurant with Sophie eating so I would have to pay for the food and any public transport clips if I decide to take this depending on COVID. BACKUP PLAN- I made a plan B incase Sophie would cancel last minute and I would
  • 29. PROPS/COSTUME/ETC In my music video only one prop would be included which is makeup this will be give the audience an idea to performer that she is showing what aspect make her feel free and comfortable in and happy. I am mostly just focusing on the costumes which my performer will be wearing I will either have a change of outfits through the week and they will begin with quite dull, effortless clothing and in the video it progresses to more classy casual up to date clothes to show the change of the mood which will match with the song. Therefore my colour scheme will be whites, blacks and then change to add more colourful and saturated vibe like blues and reds. This is also another reason as to why I wont be filming all in one day as it wont look as realistic and I want to include full different looks such as a different hairstyle and clothing so I can mix it up and make it look like real life. Theses are ideas of neutral tones which I like and could feature in the music video this can link with the pace of the song as it comes across as calm and slow just like these colours. My phone which cold be clast as a prop will be used for the text messages of the other person involved in the heartbreak storyline, as this will help my (Example on the phone)
  • 30. TASK 3.1 Visual Planning
  • 31. PRE-PRODUCTION: VISUAL PLANNING This section is concerned with the visual planning of your music video You should use this section to develop the sequencing or your video, establish the relationship between the visuals and the track itself and create a structure for you to follow when filming It is important that you ‘pre-visualise’ the video before you make it; it will make filming and production a more streamlined process The following tasks are part of your visual planning  Pre-visualisation and concept boards  Storyboarding  Shot list
  • 32. PRE- VISUALISATION/CONCEPT BOARDS Tool for exploring the direction and visuals Provides inspiration and information for the “look & feel” Presents key moments in your video A means to sketch/plan ideas Information on colour/lighting Defining the “mise-en-scene” Include as much here as you like, but keep it relevant to the production, the following slides have been left blank for you to approach in your own way, add more as you need to Extension suggestion: edit a short sequence of clips that have inspired or influenced your video [similar to this: hunger-games-might-be-better-than-the-real-movie]
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35. RIP-O-MATIC You should also construct a 15-20second Rip-o-matic test reel using existing footage to convey the type of video you want to make
  • 36. STRUCTURAL BREAKDOWN Breakdown your track into it basic sections [e.g. intro, verse, chorus, verse, etc] and apply broad visual ideas to each section You can use this as the master template for your production, then add more shots to each section when you develop your full visual plan You should create a slide showing all the sections of the song, then add a slide for each section with timings, lyrics, what happens and details on specific shots You could storyboard and shot list each section as you go, to break up the process.
  • 37. STORYBOARDING Your storyboard should bring your idea to life Provide an idea of the sequencing of you video Provides a basis for production Suggested online storyboard creators are:   [very complicated]  [allows you to insert your own images] Alternatively, hand draw or photograph your storyboard and scan or copy to insert it onto your slides There are lots of tips collected together on Blackboard!
  • 38. SHOT LIST Your shot list should contain the sequential breakdown of what you need to shoot for your video It should work in partnership with your storyboard It will be your working document when you film It should contain the shot number, scene number, shot description, framing and action you will see It should also have information on performers in the scene and other props, etc Shot list template is on Blackboard in the pre-production folder.
  • 40. PRODUCTION GROUP INFO Include names, contact info, and defined roles at difference stages of production, using a table is suggested
  • 41. LOCATION INFORMATION Information and images of your location[s] for filming You should have address details, clearance/premissions for filming, recce photos and floorplans [including camera, equipment and cast/crew layouts] Where possible, have a plan B fallback location option Assess each location for any issues and suggest solutions
  • 43. RISK ASSESSMENT Risk Assess each separate filming location using the table in the camera H&S PP on Bb as a staring point Completing a generic filming assessment would be a start, then you can add specialist/site specific risks as you progress your production Remember, a Risk Assessment is an ongoing document, you should evaluate if anything changes in production and when you put control measures in place You should add the table to each call sheet for each location
  • 45. CONTINGENCY PLANNING Things go wrong Your contingency plan is there to give you a backup or to minimise the effect on production You should consider the following areas: Technical, Location, Personnel and Organisational areas [about 5 potential issues for each] Use the form in pre-production folder on Blackboard
  • 47. PRODUCTION SCHEDULE Your schedule should budget a total of 10 hours for production, that is for the filming and editing of your project. You should plan when you’re filming and how you intend to use the in class days on your timetable/class schedule
  • 49. CLEARANCE AND PERMISSIONS Any place you film and anyone you use in the filming of your video must have a completed form Blank forms are on Blackboard for you to complete and insert here