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Jamie Brown
This template PowerPoint presentation
includes all the relevant elements you
need to cover in your Music Video
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some sections require you to delete
the information on the slide and
replace with your own work
Add more pages to each section
where necessary [you should be doing
Add visuals as you see necessary
This document will be added to as you
progress through the pre-production
Delete this slide when complete
Generation and
after –
One idea that I have is that the main person that is
being recorded the whole time has a mask on and
cannot see his face and shows his everyday life and
his struggles. There would be different camera
movements and shots, for example, fast cutting
shots, camera shakes to match the bass of the song
and creating a transition to one scene to another by
filming something that’s goings sideways that then
switches to another scene that is moving sideways.
There would be a story behind the video that is
about the masked person and what he has to go
through everyday and also showing and talking
In this video there is use of CGI and
green screen to make it seem like they
are somewhere in a fantasy place
however there are many shots that are
filmed without a green screen. There
is many different camera angles in
this video such as low shots where the
artists are looking down at the
camera, there is long shots that are
filming the artist walking in a field
from far away. The filter that is being
used occasionally is a like a 90’s VHS
tape which makes the shot looks more
unique and artistic.
This is one example of a green
screen shot everything but him
is real which makes it look
really real and interesting to
view. This is a clear convention
to other music videos as Its
quite a popular thing to use in
videos for example in the music
video ‘ISPY’ by KYLE, he uses
green screen to imitate a
This video is very conventional as
the whole video is all about fast
cars and women and drinking. The
song and the music video has
intertextuality included in it as the
song is called motley crew and in
the video members of the band
‘Motley Crew’ can be seen. I like
the use of camera movements in
this specific shots as it starts from
behind post Malone and when he
starts to walk the footage has been
edited to become in slow motion
and looks really clean.
In this shot you can clearly see that
there is a big bunch of people
becoming exited over the music
with the cars in the background.
With the main artist in the middle
of all the people making him the
main focus of the shot. I also like
the angle of this shot as it is at a
high angle and is facing down
towards the artist, the camera then
slowly moves down and then stays
In this video there are not too many
different scenes which I quite like as I
feel like it doesn’t over complicate
anything and keeps it easy to follow,
the music video is fun/funny which
also makes it seem effortless.
In this specific shot it cuts back and forth to the
same shot but with just one person and then the
same shot but with 2 people.
This music video gave me inspiration because its
In this music video the entire
theme of it is star wars which
can be seen as intertextuality. I
like the starting scene as it
represents a scene in star wars
when there is a place crash and
the main character is stuck in
the desert. I enjoy the
references to star wars in this
video as it makes it more
relatable and something that
keeps the interest of the viewer
There are many effects used in this
video such as the blue lightning
effect and a blurry effect around the
artist when he is in front of the
camera miming. I also like the story
in this video as he finds a town after
being stranded in the desert he then
makes enemies and gets chased out
of the town and manages to escape,
this is interesting because it keeps
the viewers more engaged rather
than just the artist miming in front
of the camera the whole time.
YOU SAID In this video there is a
constant theme of the VR
headset which relates to the
lyrics as he says he feels
like he isn’t living in the
real world.
There is a many shots that
include the shutter speed of
the camera slowed down
which makes the shot look
more different and enticing
to watch.
I like the use of the VHS filter
on the video as I feel like it
suits the vibe of the song. The
main focus of the artist is in
complete focus and the
background is blurred.
(3) aldn, glaive - "what was the last thing u said" [official
music video] – YouTube
(3) aldn, midwxst - happy ever after [official lyric video] –
(3) midwxst - Made It Back (Official Video) – YouTube
Dark contrasting with bright colors, miming the lyrics,
fast cars
Fast cutting, enthusiastic performing to go along with
the fast beat, but also no facial expressions and miming
with a straight face when singing the lyrics to give a
more unsual feel to the video.
5 opportunities of your ideas
. I will be able to become more
creative and be able to think more
. I can improve my camera work with
different angles and movements
. I will become more confident in front
of the camera when being filmed
. My eye for detail will improve
. I will be able to produce ideas based
on the music
5 restrictions to your ideas
. I won't be able to get a full choir as its not possible to
be able to get a full choir to sing the chorus for the song
as it unrealistic
. I can't perform on a stage as there is no stage for me to
. I want to be able to edit a sad face and then turn it into
an angry face however I'm not sure if I can do that as I
can't edit too well yet
. Location of where I live is in the middle of a town and
would like to ideally be out in a field
. No audience for live performance
Happy ever after /aldn,midwxst
aldn is an upcoming singer, and producer. he is also affiliated
under the scene with artists like glaive, and osquinn/p4rkr.
The Genre of his music is like hyper pop which is basically
rap/pop but with an electronic beat to it to make it a more
dance like track, hyper pop is not an official genre however fans
of this type of music have named it hyper pop.
. The song Is quite unusual as it starts of with a slow
tempo with aldn singing the chorus with his normal voice
and when the beat kicks his vocals get reverbed to sound
like a childs voice, the pace of the song is quite fast
however there is a bridge when he other artist midwxst
sings where the beat stops and becomes slower and
quieter with only a piano playing however the bass and
the beat of the song come back in when he is halfway
through his verse which makes that part of the song
more impactful. The song is 3mins and 32secs there is
no real meaning of the song except from the fact that he
singing about how he wishes he was perfect and how a
lot of things in his life don’t go the right way and whats
his life to be like a fairytale hence the name of the song.
My idea and story of the video is going to be about
an old friendship that that became toxic and how
they eventually grew apart. The music video wont
all be about that story as there will be random
scenes of me or someone else miming the lyrics. I
was planning to have multiple people featured in
the video such as my friends however I'm not sure
that they will want to do that, therefore they can
maybe film me instead of being in it. I was
planning of having multiple different shots in
multiple locations, with different camera angles
and movements.
You need to assess the viability of your production and
investigate what is required to enable you to make your
music video
Much of this task is hypothetical, which means you will
need to investigate standard costings for such a
production and apply these to your planned production
considering which equipment you would need and
resources, etc
Resources to support this are in the Pre-production
assessment folder on Blackboard
Delete the questions on each slide and insert your
Summary of intended production
Detail here what you are going to
make and the intended outcome
Detailed breakdown of the music
track chosen and your interpretation
of it [remember the questions in the
workbook, e.g.
Specific outline your intended
technical/equipment requirements
Include any details that you think
[you could use material from your
I am going to film in open fields and in dark rooms because of the shadows that will be
created on my face for added shots, the rooms will either be green lit, or I will edit it
later to have a green tint to it as I feel like the green color works with the song as the
album on which this song is included has a green theme with all the lyric's videos to the
songs. There will also be shots of me with my hood up sitting alone at a train station on
a bench, the weather will be a mix of day and night and the scene at the train station
will be at nighttime, so it gives a more depressing look to the shot. I was also planning
to have a table that is outside, and I sit at one end of the table and mime the lyrics and
then sit at the other end and do the same, after that has ben filmed, I will try my best to
edit the two shots together and make it seem like I am facing myself. There will also be
different scenes of me walking with the camera behind my shoulder. Another scene that
I was planning to make is a creepy doll that is sitting on a chair, and I take loads of still
shots of the doll in different positions and put them together to make it look like she is
My interpretation of the song is that it is about a relationship that he had with a girl and
about how he tried so hard to make it work, however I was planning to put my own spin
on it and change the meaning slightly by making about a friendship. The pace of the
song is quite slow to begin with by starting with a knocking noise and then a piano,
once the main chorus comes in the vocals become reverbed and the bass of the song
becomes prevalent. I intend that the mood of the song is going to be quite sad/angry.
The structure of the song Is quite simple with it beginning with a pre-chorus and a
chorus and then a verse and then chorus and then a verse from another artist, and then
final chorus again. With the second verse I was planning to get someone else to be in it
as I feel like it would work well because its another person that raps on the song.
With the equipment that I will be using I do have a tripod and a camera that I planning
to use for slow shutter speed shots that are not possible to make on a phone. For
lighting I was planning to use natural lighting or a RGB LED light. With certain shots that
I had in mind I am unsure if I will be able to do it or not as I was planning to have a shot
of someone sitting in an empty field with the camera circling them ideally on the back
of a car which will make the shot faster.
You need to identify locations and plan a recce.
What are the limitations and risks, eg distance, access, cost, weather? How will you
manage this?
. Car park in Harrogate- Easy access however people may ask me to not film there as its
private, no cost, dark gloomy, slight risk because if I am walking around with kit in a
sketchy car park it could potentially get stolen
. Field- Easy access, no cost, Cloudy daytime, ideally, I would try and not film on private
property as im restricted to go in.
. Train station- Easy access, £5 to get in, also nighttime, there may be people around
coming back from work as I would film at 7.00pm as that’s when it starts to get dark
. High rock/ The Craig- Easy access, no cost, sunny/cloudy, not many people over there
as the location is quite hidden
. In Harrogate town Centre- Easy access, no cost, nighttime, there might be more drunk
people walking around on weekends which could be a risk
All these locations are easy to mange as they are all public places and available to
anyone. Ideally, I would like to film in town on a night where there isn’t anyone around
as I feel like it would look quite cool and there would also be less disruptions.
What do you need? E.g., equipment, resources? Mostly
from college, but who do you need to speak to get this
kit? What is available? When?
I have got a camera and tripod however I may need to
use the studio in college for lighting, I would film this at
college in lesson time or at lunch. I have had the camera
for a while however I have not really used as I used to
use it at school, so therefore I may use my phone for
some shots and scenes and the camera for shots that I
want to play around with the shutter speed.
I can edit the video at college on the computers however
if I still need to work on it while at home, I will have to
purchase a monthly subscription for adobe to use
premiere at home on my computer. I do have a fast
enough pc to run photoshop etc. However, my internet
connection poor at my house which may affect
installations and exporting videos from the camera onto
CREW: Performer, cameraman, lighting. My Sister, My
friend Josh and me. I am not too confident performing in
front of camera, I have a creative mind and will be able to
come up with ideas on the spot. Josh hasn’t got much
experience holding a camera so it might be a bit shaky,
However he does have a good eye for detail and will be
able to adjust camera angles and movements to make
the video look even better. My sister is available around
after school or on weekends and Josh is available next
week on Thursday and the weekend
CAST:I have plans to ask my other friends to be able to
perform the second verse as it a second person rapping
however, I'm not too sure yet if they would be happy to
do that. Cost of travel will be free however I may have to
pay for train for them to Harrogate as they live outside of
Harrogate. I will bring food and drinks in a bag when
filming. I have plans for my sister to film certain shots
that I would do in my house such as knocking on the
Baggy dark clothes to match the sad theme
LED lit up mask to use in some of the shots there is no real
reason for this, its just to make it look more aesthetically
Hoodie to have hood up for the train station scene
Led lights
Doll to use for filming
Wooden chair
TASK 3.1
Visual Planning
This section is concerned with the visual planning of your
music video
You should use this section to develop the sequencing or your
video, establish the relationship between the visuals and the
track itself and create a structure for you to follow when
It is important that you ‘pre-visualise’ the video before you
make it; it will make filming and production a more
streamlined process
The following tasks are part of your visual planning
 Pre-visualisation and concept boards
 Storyboarding
 Shot list
Tool for exploring the direction and visuals
Provides inspiration and information for the “look & feel”
Presents key moments in your video
A means to sketch/plan ideas
Information on colour/lighting
Defining the “mise-en-scene”
Include as much here as you like, but keep it relevant to the
production, the following slides have been left blank for you to
approach in your own way, add more as you need to
Extension suggestion: edit a short sequence of clips that have
inspired or influenced your video [similar to this:
You should also construct a 15-20second Rip-o-matic
test reel using existing footage to convey the type of
video you want to make
Breakdown your track into it basic sections [e.g.
intro, verse, chorus, verse, etc] and apply broad
visual ideas to each section
You can use this as the master template for your
production, then add more shots to each section
when you develop your full visual plan
You should create a slide showing all the sections
of the song, then add a slide for each section with
timings, lyrics, what happens and details on
specific shots
You could storyboard and shot list each section
as you go, to break up the process.
Video starts out with a
knocking on the door to
match the knocking
sound when the music
starts, when the door
opens the person that
was knocking starts to
mime the words.
Shots of someone being
alone in an empty field
and train stations while
being in the dark to make
it a darker and sadder
tone. I want to a dark tone
because I feel like the
song is quite sad because
of the lyrics that are being
Next shot will include me
sitting alone in a field the
camera will be in a long
shot position in order to
get as much of the empty
field in the shot as
In this shot there will be a
table and 2 chairs that are
facing opposite of each other,
I will record the scene sat in
both chairs and then will edit
it to make it appear that I am
facing myself, the camera will
be focused on me that is sat
on the left first and
throughout the first verse I will
be miming from both sides of
the table. Towards the end of
the video you will start to hear
a car noise and then a
There will be
occasional shots
that show me in a
dark room with
green lights
lighting up the
room. I should be
able to use the
cellar in my house
to record the
section and I will
also use green LED
lights to light up
the room.
In this shot I was
planning to use the
same room and lights
however I want the
green light to cover
half of my face while
there is a close up on
my face miming the
lyrics in a straight
In this shot I will be
walking through the
park with other versions
of myself that I will edit
in, however the camera
will zoom in on the
versions of me that are
not walking and it will
be me miming the
lyrics. The sky and the
flowers and grass will
all be inverted so that
the colours really stand
out and become a main
The previous scene
will then cut to me
back at the same
door at the start of
the song however it
will show the
persons face that
opens the door and
then they mime the
part of the song
which is a different
Before the next
verse comes in I will
be walking down a
path that is heading
towards a cliff and
then the camera will
start to zoom in on
the edge of the cliff
where I will be sat
on this is when the
verse is coming on.
When starting the first verse the lyrics say, “When my sadness turns
into anger” therefore I wanted a close up of my face that is sad
previously and then another shot of my facial expressions becoming
angry, then I will edit them together and make them pop up on the
screen when the lyric is said.
In this shot I will be sat
on a bench in the middle
of a park miming the
lyrics, the camera will be
in a medium/long range
shot with their being no
camera movements, this
shot will last for about
In this shot there will be
a cinematic view of some
trees with the camera
moving slowly in a
sideways motion, there
will be different angles
and shots of the trees
with other similar
locations and I will mash
them all together when
editing and insert the
clips into the video
throughout just to
change the scenery of the
In the final shot of
the video I will film in
the same location as
before however when
the final lyrics say,
“Putting on an effort
so long, I’m a close
the curtains” I will
either close the
curtains in real life
however I will
struggle to get
curtains to close in
the dark room so I
may need to edit the
TASK 3.2
Include names, contact info, and defined roles at
difference stages of production, using a table is
Name Role Contact Info
Josh New Camera
Robyn Brown Camera Operator rbrown07@icloud.c
Information and images of your
location[s] for filming
You should have address details,
clearance/premissions for filming,
recce photos and floorplans
[including camera, equipment and
cast/crew layouts]
Where possible, have a plan B
fallback location option
Assess each location for any issues
and suggest solutions
The first location I will be filming at is my house and I
will be using the cellar which is a dark room so I will
need some additional lighting in order to be able to see
me properly. This will be easily accessible as it will be in
my house and if there are any shots that I am not happy
with when reviewing them I can go back and shoot them
again, for my friend that is helping me film I will need to
make sure he is wearing something that can keep him
warm as it is cold in the cellar. I will also need some
green LED lights to put into the background.
My second location will be in an accessible car park
however I will need to make sure I ask the council if I
would be able to film there as it closes after a certain
time and I am wanting to film there when it is dark. I will
also need additional lighting in order to light up my face
when I am in the car park as it will also be dark.
My next location will be on a field just outside Harrogate, this is a
public place to walk so it is not private property. Depending on the
day me and Josh may need some warmer clothes on which is works
fine because the clothing that I was planning to wear for the video
was going to be darker baggy clothes, I was planning to film this
shot on Saturday as Josh is still at school on Thursday and Friday
and the weather on Saturday is looking to be raining which will not
stop me filming on that day as I could do shots of me in the rain
and not in the rain.
Another location that I was planning to film at is at my friends
house and using is front door for the scene of the video this shot
will also be filmed on the same day as the previous shot, the
distance between the two shots is about a 10-15min walk. I may
need additional lighting for that scene as because of the weather
the lighting may be too dark.
I will also film at a mini cliff, there is obviously a clear risk here as
it could be possible that I fall off the cliff however to prevent this I
will try my best to stay far away from the edge, also I will not
include this shot if its raining as it will become slippy and there is a
higher risk there. I will use my camera for this shot as I am
planning to have a long zoom shot and that is not as significant on
the phone camera.
For my first location I travelled
from my house in Harrogate to
my friends house in North
Righton. My mum dropped my
off in the car in the early
morning of Saturday.
We then took all of my equipment
and walked from the house to the
crag which took about 25mins
because there was a herd of cows
blocking the only way into the
location that I was planning to
film, so we decided to wait for
them to move and then we
I was planning to film at valley gardens to film the park
and the sitting on a bench scene as there is nice scenery
and feel like it is a perfect place to film, however it is a
very popular location in Harrogate so it may be too busy to
film there. It would be a bout a 20min walk from my house
however there is a risk of walking through the main town
centre with ill my camera equipment so I may need to find
a different more safer way of getting their.

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Mv production assignment form 2021
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Mv production assignment form 2021 jamie saved wednesday new finished

  • 2. GUIDANC E This template PowerPoint presentation includes all the relevant elements you need to cover in your Music Video Assignment It is suggested you save this PP in a different name and share it with your group so you always have a copy – some sections require you to delete the information on the slide and replace with your own work Add more pages to each section where necessary [you should be doing this!] Add visuals as you see necessary This document will be added to as you progress through the pre-production phase. Delete this slide when complete
  • 4. RESEARCH & IDEA GENERATION Happy ever after – aldn, midwxst One idea that I have is that the main person that is being recorded the whole time has a mask on and cannot see his face and shows his everyday life and his struggles. There would be different camera movements and shots, for example, fast cutting shots, camera shakes to match the bass of the song and creating a transition to one scene to another by filming something that’s goings sideways that then switches to another scene that is moving sideways. There would be a story behind the video that is about the masked person and what he has to go through everyday and also showing and talking
  • 5. TOLIVER- HIS & HERS In this video there is use of CGI and green screen to make it seem like they are somewhere in a fantasy place however there are many shots that are filmed without a green screen. There is many different camera angles in this video such as low shots where the artists are looking down at the camera, there is long shots that are filming the artist walking in a field from far away. The filter that is being used occasionally is a like a 90’s VHS tape which makes the shot looks more unique and artistic. This is one example of a green screen shot everything but him is real which makes it look really real and interesting to view. This is a clear convention to other music videos as Its quite a popular thing to use in videos for example in the music video ‘ISPY’ by KYLE, he uses green screen to imitate a
  • 6. MALONE- MOTLEY CREW This video is very conventional as the whole video is all about fast cars and women and drinking. The song and the music video has intertextuality included in it as the song is called motley crew and in the video members of the band ‘Motley Crew’ can be seen. I like the use of camera movements in this specific shots as it starts from behind post Malone and when he starts to walk the footage has been edited to become in slow motion and looks really clean. In this shot you can clearly see that there is a big bunch of people becoming exited over the music with the cars in the background. With the main artist in the middle of all the people making him the main focus of the shot. I also like the angle of this shot as it is at a high angle and is facing down towards the artist, the camera then slowly moves down and then stays
  • 7. $NOT- TELL EM In this video there are not too many different scenes which I quite like as I feel like it doesn’t over complicate anything and keeps it easy to follow, the music video is fun/funny which also makes it seem effortless. In this specific shot it cuts back and forth to the same shot but with just one person and then the same shot but with 2 people. This music video gave me inspiration because its
  • 8. IAN DIOR- SHOTS IN THE DARK In this music video the entire theme of it is star wars which can be seen as intertextuality. I like the starting scene as it represents a scene in star wars when there is a place crash and the main character is stuck in the desert. I enjoy the references to star wars in this video as it makes it more relatable and something that keeps the interest of the viewer There are many effects used in this video such as the blue lightning effect and a blurry effect around the artist when he is in front of the camera miming. I also like the story in this video as he finds a town after being stranded in the desert he then makes enemies and gets chased out of the town and manages to escape, this is interesting because it keeps the viewers more engaged rather than just the artist miming in front of the camera the whole time.
  • 9. ALDN- WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU SAID In this video there is a constant theme of the VR headset which relates to the lyrics as he says he feels like he isn’t living in the real world. There is a many shots that include the shutter speed of the camera slowed down which makes the shot look more different and enticing to watch. I like the use of the VHS filter on the video as I feel like it suits the vibe of the song. The main focus of the artist is in complete focus and the background is blurred.
  • 10. POTENTIAL SONGS (3) aldn, glaive - "what was the last thing u said" [official music video] – YouTube (3) aldn, midwxst - happy ever after [official lyric video] – YouTube (3) midwxst - Made It Back (Official Video) – YouTube
  • 12. CONVENTIONS YOU PLAN TO USE Dark contrasting with bright colors, miming the lyrics, fast cars Fast cutting, enthusiastic performing to go along with the fast beat, but also no facial expressions and miming with a straight face when singing the lyrics to give a more unsual feel to the video.
  • 13.
  • 14. SUMMAR Y 5 opportunities of your ideas . I will be able to become more creative and be able to think more creatively . I can improve my camera work with different angles and movements . I will become more confident in front of the camera when being filmed . My eye for detail will improve . I will be able to produce ideas based on the music
  • 15. SUMMARY 5 restrictions to your ideas . I won't be able to get a full choir as its not possible to be able to get a full choir to sing the chorus for the song as it unrealistic . I can't perform on a stage as there is no stage for me to use . I want to be able to edit a sad face and then turn it into an angry face however I'm not sure if I can do that as I can't edit too well yet . Location of where I live is in the middle of a town and would like to ideally be out in a field . No audience for live performance
  • 16. FINAL IDEA – ARTIST/TITLE/INFO Happy ever after /aldn,midwxst aldn is an upcoming singer, and producer. he is also affiliated under the scene with artists like glaive, and osquinn/p4rkr. The Genre of his music is like hyper pop which is basically rap/pop but with an electronic beat to it to make it a more dance like track, hyper pop is not an official genre however fans of this type of music have named it hyper pop.
  • 17. FINAL IDEA – TRACK SUMMARY . The song Is quite unusual as it starts of with a slow tempo with aldn singing the chorus with his normal voice and when the beat kicks his vocals get reverbed to sound like a childs voice, the pace of the song is quite fast however there is a bridge when he other artist midwxst sings where the beat stops and becomes slower and quieter with only a piano playing however the bass and the beat of the song come back in when he is halfway through his verse which makes that part of the song more impactful. The song is 3mins and 32secs there is no real meaning of the song except from the fact that he singing about how he wishes he was perfect and how a lot of things in his life don’t go the right way and whats his life to be like a fairytale hence the name of the song.
  • 18. FINAL IDEA – YOUR IDEA My idea and story of the video is going to be about an old friendship that that became toxic and how they eventually grew apart. The music video wont all be about that story as there will be random scenes of me or someone else miming the lyrics. I was planning to have multiple people featured in the video such as my friends however I'm not sure that they will want to do that, therefore they can maybe film me instead of being in it. I was planning of having multiple different shots in multiple locations, with different camera angles and movements.
  • 20. GUIDANC E: PRE- PRODUCT ION ASSESSM ENT You need to assess the viability of your production and investigate what is required to enable you to make your music video Much of this task is hypothetical, which means you will need to investigate standard costings for such a production and apply these to your planned production considering which equipment you would need and resources, etc Resources to support this are in the Pre-production assessment folder on Blackboard Delete the questions on each slide and insert your responses
  • 21. TITLE OF PRODUCTION/PRODUC TION OUTLINE Summary of intended production Detail here what you are going to make and the intended outcome Detailed breakdown of the music track chosen and your interpretation of it [remember the questions in the workbook, e.g. pace/mood/tone/structure] Specific outline your intended technical/equipment requirements Include any details that you think [you could use material from your pitch]
  • 22. SUMMARY OF INTENDED PRODUCTION I am going to film in open fields and in dark rooms because of the shadows that will be created on my face for added shots, the rooms will either be green lit, or I will edit it later to have a green tint to it as I feel like the green color works with the song as the album on which this song is included has a green theme with all the lyric's videos to the songs. There will also be shots of me with my hood up sitting alone at a train station on a bench, the weather will be a mix of day and night and the scene at the train station will be at nighttime, so it gives a more depressing look to the shot. I was also planning to have a table that is outside, and I sit at one end of the table and mime the lyrics and then sit at the other end and do the same, after that has ben filmed, I will try my best to edit the two shots together and make it seem like I am facing myself. There will also be different scenes of me walking with the camera behind my shoulder. Another scene that I was planning to make is a creepy doll that is sitting on a chair, and I take loads of still shots of the doll in different positions and put them together to make it look like she is moving. My interpretation of the song is that it is about a relationship that he had with a girl and about how he tried so hard to make it work, however I was planning to put my own spin on it and change the meaning slightly by making about a friendship. The pace of the song is quite slow to begin with by starting with a knocking noise and then a piano, once the main chorus comes in the vocals become reverbed and the bass of the song becomes prevalent. I intend that the mood of the song is going to be quite sad/angry. The structure of the song Is quite simple with it beginning with a pre-chorus and a chorus and then a verse and then chorus and then a verse from another artist, and then final chorus again. With the second verse I was planning to get someone else to be in it as I feel like it would work well because its another person that raps on the song. With the equipment that I will be using I do have a tripod and a camera that I planning to use for slow shutter speed shots that are not possible to make on a phone. For lighting I was planning to use natural lighting or a RGB LED light. With certain shots that I had in mind I am unsure if I will be able to do it or not as I was planning to have a shot of someone sitting in an empty field with the camera circling them ideally on the back of a car which will make the shot faster.
  • 23. LOCATIONS You need to identify locations and plan a recce. What are the limitations and risks, eg distance, access, cost, weather? How will you manage this? . Car park in Harrogate- Easy access however people may ask me to not film there as its private, no cost, dark gloomy, slight risk because if I am walking around with kit in a sketchy car park it could potentially get stolen . Field- Easy access, no cost, Cloudy daytime, ideally, I would try and not film on private property as im restricted to go in. . Train station- Easy access, £5 to get in, also nighttime, there may be people around coming back from work as I would film at 7.00pm as that’s when it starts to get dark . High rock/ The Craig- Easy access, no cost, sunny/cloudy, not many people over there as the location is quite hidden . In Harrogate town Centre- Easy access, no cost, nighttime, there might be more drunk people walking around on weekends which could be a risk All these locations are easy to mange as they are all public places and available to anyone. Ideally, I would like to film in town on a night where there isn’t anyone around as I feel like it would look quite cool and there would also be less disruptions.
  • 24. EQUIPMENT What do you need? E.g., equipment, resources? Mostly from college, but who do you need to speak to get this kit? What is available? When? I have got a camera and tripod however I may need to use the studio in college for lighting, I would film this at college in lesson time or at lunch. I have had the camera for a while however I have not really used as I used to use it at school, so therefore I may use my phone for some shots and scenes and the camera for shots that I want to play around with the shutter speed.
  • 25. FACILITIES I can edit the video at college on the computers however if I still need to work on it while at home, I will have to purchase a monthly subscription for adobe to use premiere at home on my computer. I do have a fast enough pc to run photoshop etc. However, my internet connection poor at my house which may affect installations and exporting videos from the camera onto premiere.
  • 26. PERSONNEL CREW: Performer, cameraman, lighting. My Sister, My friend Josh and me. I am not too confident performing in front of camera, I have a creative mind and will be able to come up with ideas on the spot. Josh hasn’t got much experience holding a camera so it might be a bit shaky, However he does have a good eye for detail and will be able to adjust camera angles and movements to make the video look even better. My sister is available around after school or on weekends and Josh is available next week on Thursday and the weekend CAST:I have plans to ask my other friends to be able to perform the second verse as it a second person rapping however, I'm not too sure yet if they would be happy to do that. Cost of travel will be free however I may have to pay for train for them to Harrogate as they live outside of Harrogate. I will bring food and drinks in a bag when filming. I have plans for my sister to film certain shots that I would do in my house such as knocking on the
  • 27. PROPS/COSTUME/ETC Baggy dark clothes to match the sad theme LED lit up mask to use in some of the shots there is no real reason for this, its just to make it look more aesthetically pleasing. Hoodie to have hood up for the train station scene Led lights Doll to use for filming Wooden chair Mirror
  • 29. PRE-PRODUCTION: VISUAL PLANNING This section is concerned with the visual planning of your music video You should use this section to develop the sequencing or your video, establish the relationship between the visuals and the track itself and create a structure for you to follow when filming It is important that you ‘pre-visualise’ the video before you make it; it will make filming and production a more streamlined process The following tasks are part of your visual planning  Pre-visualisation and concept boards  Storyboarding  Shot list
  • 30. PRE- VISUALISATION/CONC EPT BOARDS Tool for exploring the direction and visuals Provides inspiration and information for the “look & feel” Presents key moments in your video A means to sketch/plan ideas Information on colour/lighting Defining the “mise-en-scene” Include as much here as you like, but keep it relevant to the production, the following slides have been left blank for you to approach in your own way, add more as you need to Extension suggestion: edit a short sequence of clips that have inspired or influenced your video [similar to this: games-might-be-better-than-the-real-movie]
  • 31. RIP-O-MATIC You should also construct a 15-20second Rip-o-matic test reel using existing footage to convey the type of video you want to make
  • 32. STRUCTU RAL BREAKDO WN Breakdown your track into it basic sections [e.g. intro, verse, chorus, verse, etc] and apply broad visual ideas to each section You can use this as the master template for your production, then add more shots to each section when you develop your full visual plan You should create a slide showing all the sections of the song, then add a slide for each section with timings, lyrics, what happens and details on specific shots You could storyboard and shot list each section as you go, to break up the process.
  • 33.
  • 34. Video starts out with a knocking on the door to match the knocking sound when the music starts, when the door opens the person that was knocking starts to mime the words. Shots of someone being alone in an empty field and train stations while being in the dark to make it a darker and sadder tone. I want to a dark tone because I feel like the song is quite sad because of the lyrics that are being said. Next shot will include me sitting alone in a field the camera will be in a long shot position in order to get as much of the empty field in the shot as possible.
  • 35. In this shot there will be a table and 2 chairs that are facing opposite of each other, I will record the scene sat in both chairs and then will edit it to make it appear that I am facing myself, the camera will be focused on me that is sat on the left first and throughout the first verse I will be miming from both sides of the table. Towards the end of the video you will start to hear a car noise and then a There will be occasional shots that show me in a dark room with green lights lighting up the room. I should be able to use the cellar in my house to record the section and I will also use green LED lights to light up the room. In this shot I was planning to use the same room and lights however I want the green light to cover half of my face while there is a close up on my face miming the lyrics in a straight face.
  • 36. In this shot I will be walking through the park with other versions of myself that I will edit in, however the camera will zoom in on the versions of me that are not walking and it will be me miming the lyrics. The sky and the flowers and grass will all be inverted so that the colours really stand out and become a main The previous scene will then cut to me back at the same door at the start of the song however it will show the persons face that opens the door and then they mime the part of the song which is a different artist. Before the next verse comes in I will be walking down a path that is heading towards a cliff and then the camera will start to zoom in on the edge of the cliff where I will be sat on this is when the verse is coming on.
  • 37. When starting the first verse the lyrics say, “When my sadness turns into anger” therefore I wanted a close up of my face that is sad previously and then another shot of my facial expressions becoming angry, then I will edit them together and make them pop up on the screen when the lyric is said.
  • 38. In this shot I will be sat on a bench in the middle of a park miming the lyrics, the camera will be in a medium/long range shot with their being no camera movements, this shot will last for about 5-10secs. In this shot there will be a cinematic view of some trees with the camera moving slowly in a sideways motion, there will be different angles and shots of the trees with other similar locations and I will mash them all together when editing and insert the clips into the video throughout just to change the scenery of the video. In the final shot of the video I will film in the same location as before however when the final lyrics say, “Putting on an effort so long, I’m a close the curtains” I will either close the curtains in real life however I will struggle to get curtains to close in the dark room so I may need to edit the
  • 39.
  • 41. PRODUCTION GROUP INFO Include names, contact info, and defined roles at difference stages of production, using a table is suggested Name Role Contact Info Josh New Camera Operator/actor joshnew@outlook.c om Robyn Brown Camera Operator rbrown07@icloud.c om
  • 42. LOCATION INFORMAT ION Information and images of your location[s] for filming You should have address details, clearance/premissions for filming, recce photos and floorplans [including camera, equipment and cast/crew layouts] Where possible, have a plan B fallback location option Assess each location for any issues and suggest solutions
  • 43. LOCATIONS The first location I will be filming at is my house and I will be using the cellar which is a dark room so I will need some additional lighting in order to be able to see me properly. This will be easily accessible as it will be in my house and if there are any shots that I am not happy with when reviewing them I can go back and shoot them again, for my friend that is helping me film I will need to make sure he is wearing something that can keep him warm as it is cold in the cellar. I will also need some green LED lights to put into the background. My second location will be in an accessible car park however I will need to make sure I ask the council if I would be able to film there as it closes after a certain time and I am wanting to film there when it is dark. I will also need additional lighting in order to light up my face when I am in the car park as it will also be dark.
  • 44. LOCATIONS My next location will be on a field just outside Harrogate, this is a public place to walk so it is not private property. Depending on the day me and Josh may need some warmer clothes on which is works fine because the clothing that I was planning to wear for the video was going to be darker baggy clothes, I was planning to film this shot on Saturday as Josh is still at school on Thursday and Friday and the weather on Saturday is looking to be raining which will not stop me filming on that day as I could do shots of me in the rain and not in the rain. Another location that I was planning to film at is at my friends house and using is front door for the scene of the video this shot will also be filmed on the same day as the previous shot, the distance between the two shots is about a 10-15min walk. I may need additional lighting for that scene as because of the weather the lighting may be too dark. I will also film at a mini cliff, there is obviously a clear risk here as it could be possible that I fall off the cliff however to prevent this I will try my best to stay far away from the edge, also I will not include this shot if its raining as it will become slippy and there is a higher risk there. I will use my camera for this shot as I am planning to have a long zoom shot and that is not as significant on the phone camera.
  • 45. For my first location I travelled from my house in Harrogate to my friends house in North Righton. My mum dropped my off in the car in the early morning of Saturday. We then took all of my equipment and walked from the house to the crag which took about 25mins because there was a herd of cows blocking the only way into the location that I was planning to film, so we decided to wait for them to move and then we
  • 46. I was planning to film at valley gardens to film the park and the sitting on a bench scene as there is nice scenery and feel like it is a perfect place to film, however it is a very popular location in Harrogate so it may be too busy to film there. It would be a bout a 20min walk from my house however there is a risk of walking through the main town centre with ill my camera equipment so I may need to find a different more safer way of getting their.