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James cooper-abel
This template PowerPoint presentation includes all the
relevant elements you need to cover in your Music Video
It is suggested you save this PP in a different name and
share it with your group so you always have a copy – some
sections require you to delete the information on the slide
and replace with your own work
Add more pages to each section where necessary [you
should be doing this!]
Add visuals as you see necessary
This document will be added to as you progress through the
pre-production phase.
Delete this slide when complete
TASK 1 Idea Generation and
GENERATIONSelect a song/track that you like [or don’t like!]
Generate three ideas for music videos employing styles, techniques and conventions that we have looked at in previous sessions. Explore how you could interpret the song
differently using different methods
You can add any extra info you think is relevant, images, mind maps, etc
For quick mind maps you could use to generate these
Music video idea mind
Songs that
could be
Can’t hold
Genres of
p Pop
within the
Watch a selection of videos to get your ideas started,
make note of a minimum of 5 – add extra slides,
screenshot the video and in bullet point note down info
in terms of camera, editing, art design, performance, etc
and how this might link to your production
You’ve already done this in
your case study, so you can
summarise that here where
The types of camera work used in the
music video are that of close up shots
which are used to create a sense of
intimacy between the viewer and the
artist but it is also used to create the
illusion that the artist is singing the song
specifically to the viewer like a personal
performance which means it draws in the
the intended audiences attention.
One use of editing used in
the music videos is that of
jump cuts as at the
beginning up to the middle
jump cuts are used to move
the video from scene to
scene without any sense of
flow to them however this
can be seen a
representation of the
turmoil that the character in
the music video is going
Another use of editing used in the music video is that of multi
media recording in which separate pieces of media are recorded
separately then put together to create something greater as an
example when creating a music video a artist will record the lyrics
for their song then afterward those lytic are used by the artist to lip-
sync when recording the video section and when put together
creates the illusion that the artist is singing the lyrics in the footage
The performance you can see in the music video has
the artist constantly moving and using hand gestures
as if to imply the artist is more having a conversation
with someone rather than singing.
The intended message that can be interpreted
from this music video is that of changing and
becoming a better person for the sack of
yourself and those around you as in the video
we see at some point I the video the character
looks into reflective surfaces and see his eyes
blacked out almost as if he’s looking at a
skeleton and then later on the character
smashes down a wall which can be
representative of them having enough and
deciding to take the first steps to changing
then standing at the edge of the world and
taking a leap of faith and souring to show that
the character has changed for the better
Two types of camera work used in the music video is that of
close up shots in which the camera is up close to the artist and
panning shots in which the camera is moved around the
subject, for the close up shot this allows the video to create a
sense of intimacy between the viewer and the artist but also
allows the video to show the audience what on sale. As for a
panning shot It can allow a video to have a sense of flow but
can also be used to allow a easy and smooth transition
between scenes as for example in the video see two people on
a beach with one being given a hair cut by the other in which
the camera move around the two for a bit then the camera
focuses on a third character coming out of the water with a
flag and zooms in on him for a few second and then cut back
to the other two characters with one now with shorter hair and
taking the flag.
The performance that can be seen here in the music video
has the artist constantly moving and making hand gesture
with it following the beats of the song this kind of
performance give a sense of energy to the video and even
may have the intention of getting the audience to join in
through the energy the video gives off.
One use of editing used in the music video is that of
jump cut where one scene will cut quickly to another
either from the same time or where the artist is in a
similar position as an example in the music video the
video cuts from the scene where artist Is in then cut to
a different location where the artist is in a similar
positions this create a sense of continuity and flow
between shots another example of this can be found
when the video cuts to a group of people playing
trumpets trombones and tubas then cuts to a closer
shot of this group of people this type of cutting allows
for the video to keep pace with the song making it and
The intended message that can be interpreted from the
music video is to live your life to the fullest and let
nothing get in your way or slow you down which is
reflected in the video as through out as nobody stops
moving always keeping that sense of flow and energy
only stopping when the song itself stops.
One type of camera work used in the music video is that
of close up shots however with most videos it is to create
a sense of intimacy between the artist and the viewer
however in this music video it is used more for
intimidation as it feels like the artist is getting into the
audiences personal space so the audiences hears what
artist is saying because if you want to be heard when
someone Isn't listening properly you get in their personal
space and then you have their full undivided attention.
One use of editing used in the
music video is that of multi media
recording in which the audio and
the video have been recorded
separately from each other then
combined together to make one
cohesive music video
The message that can be interpreted from this music
video is that it’s all about girl power and that women
can do anything men can do just as much and never to
The performance used in the music video has
very aggressive themes like smoking drinking
alcohol, getting tattoos and dance move like men
would do in a stereotypical rap videos however in
this it is the women doing it and is a good
example of subverting expectation within a genre
as instead of the men doing these activity which
are seen as manly now the women are doing it
Another use of editing used in the music video is that of harsh jump cuts
as every scene cut sharply to each other without the use of a subtle
transition which fits with the theme of the song as there is no need for
subtlety its just straight to the point and keeps the viewers on their toes
through out the music video
One use of camera work used in the music video is that of close up shots which allows
for the video to create a sense of intimacy between the audience and the artist and for
the video to show what's on sale however another reason for this is so that we the
audience have a clear understanding of the emotions the main character a young boy
as we see his emotions of sadness, confusion, anger and then acceptance but also it is
used to put us the audience in the boys shoes as we see thing from his perspective as
The message that can be Interpreted from this music video is that it is trying
to say don’t waste your time for people who will never be there for you and
never to make the same mistakes as them and to move on and do better
thing for yourself.
One use of editing used in the music video is that of multi media
recording in which lyrics to a song and footage to a video are
recorded separately then put together but also audio can be
layered on top of each other to create this sense of an echo
affect for when a artist is singing lyrics or certain musical notes
are played by a instrument
Another use of editing used in the music video is that of jump cuts
in which a scene will cut to a different shot at the same time as the
last shot or cut to a shot at a different time, this allows for the video
to keep in pace with the lyrics of the song but still allow for the
story to be told.
The performance used in the music video is very laid back
and restricted as the artist professor green dose do the
hand gesture expected for a rap music video however there
isn’t much aggression to the movements or energy to them
even the character in the story's movements are slowed
down only picking up pace when the boy losses it near the
end of the music video but then returns at the end to laid
back and restricted
One use of editing used in the music video is that of the
transitions between shots as In the music video nearly every
shot uses the fading transition effect when the shot is
finished unlike most rap music videos which use jump cut
for when certain shot have ended and need to move onto
the next one which mostly allows for the music video to
keep pace with the lyrics of the song however in no regrets
the fade transition effect still allows for the footage to keep
pace with the lyric but allows for a more easier and
smoother transition for the audience to understand what's
happening in the story of the music video.
Another use of editing used in the music
video is that of multi media recording in
which lyrics are recorded for a song on a
album then are later used by the artist as a
frame for lip syncing for a music video but
also where audio can be layered on top of
each other to create new sound or an echo in
the case of music videos whether they be
lyrics sung by the artist or note played by an
The message that can be interpreted from
the music video is that when you made
your choice to change your life for the
better by doing something differently look
to the future and never look back with no
regrets even if it makes thing more difficult
for a while it will be worth it in the long
The performance shown through out the
music video has a fast paced and energetic
flow to it as the artist is always moving with
his hand gestures being fast and energetic
as well even when he’s sitting down he is
still moving always carrying that energy with
One use of camera work used in the music video is that of
close up shots which has the camera near to the artist face
which can either create a sense of intimacy between the viewer
and the artist but also can serve as a way to help the audience
understand the emotional state of a character allowing the
view to connect more with the character and panning shots in
which the camera is moved around a subject to show the scale
of a situation.
Not afraid by Eminem
Read All About It by Professor Green
No Regrets by Dappy
One technique I plan on using in my music video is that of
close up shots as in my music video I will at certain point
have the camera pointed close to my face, which is seen in
most rap music videos as at certain points the camera will
be brought close to the artist whilst they’re sing the lyrics to
the song.
Another technique I plan on using in my music video is that
of having scenes that tell a story with the lyrics being song
in the back ground, which can be found in rap music videos
that tell story's within them as some scenes will just have
the character act out a scene with no sound or dialogue only
being accompanied by the artist sing the lyrics of the song.
A final technique I plan on using in my music video is using
jump cuts within certain scenes and shots as in most rap
music videos jump cuts are used quite a lot to get from one
shot in scene to enough shot taking place around the same
One convention I plan to use in my rap music video is
having the rapper which will be me in a hoodie with a
snap back cap on as in most rap music videos you can
see the artist in a hoodie and sometimes wearing a snap
back cap with it to.
Another convention I plan on using in my rap video is
that of the hand gestures that rap artist will do whilst
they’re singing in the music video’s.
A final convention I plan on using in my rap video is
having the camera sometime very low down pointed
towards me as in most rap music videos the camera will
sometimes be very low down pointing toward the artist.
Rap Music video idea
mind map
Songs that
could be
Read all
about it
within the
Jerome Alice Kelly
Locations to
shoot from
within the
Star ship/
door of
Uses of camera
Close up
Low angle
Zoom in
lyrics to a
5 opportunities of your ideas
One opportunity my ideas will give me is the opportunity to get a
better understanding of the equipment I am using and going to use
in the future through experimentation of shots and how to
compose them better in the future.
a second opportunity my ideas will give me is that is give me a
chance to experiment with certain shot types and see which will
work to my advantage to make a music video to a standard that I
feel confident to show.
A third opportunity of my ideas is that if I used machinima which Is
a form of recording game footage like that recorded in TV shows is
that it will allow my music video to stand out more among other
rap videos as most are set in live action whilst mine is a mixture of
live action and machinima.
A fourth opportunity of my ideas is that if I record my footage at
college then it will allow me to get footage recorded quickly but
still of high quality due to familiarity of the environment.
A fifth opportunity of my ideas in which is use characters from the
game series in the halo 5 machinima engine is that it makes it
easier to record footage as all I have to do is change the armor my
avatar is wearing and record the footage I need whereas if I did the
video with more live action actors the recording process may take a
lot longer than intended especially if anything come up that the
5 restrictions to your ideas
One restriction of my ideas is that of using halo 5 machinima as the
avatars can’t take their helmet off meaning you don’t actually see the
character talk however there is a way around this problem as all you
have to do is get the avatar to bob it head up and down implying
talking or in the case of the music video singing.
a second restriction of my ideas is that if I am recording footage in live
action lighting is going to be problem especially for outdoor shots as
the weather can be very unpredictable as for example you may need
footage of a sunny day but on the day your recording it starts raining
and you have to cancel the shoot a wait for later on that day when it
clear up or have to record the footage another day wasting precious
A third restriction of my ideas is again since I am using halo 5
machinima none of the other characters can be together in a shot as
unlike previous games in the halo series where guest account avatars
could borrow armor that had already been unlocked by the host halo 5
got rid of that so if you wanted a shot where two people were talking in
specific armor sets you better hope the guest has unlocked the armor
you want them in for the shot.
A fourth restriction of my idea is that since in the music video I am
planning on lip syncing the lyrics to a rap song which are sung very fast
so it may be a case of having to slow down the lyrics so I can sync up
my singing with the lyric of the song but also I may have to do this with
the footage in halo 5 machinima.
ARTIST/TITLE/INFOName of track / name of artist
Brief biographical background
Links to other artists
Genre info
No Regrets by Dappy
Costadinos Contostavlos or better know as dappy was born June 11th 1987 and
lived with his mother and father Zoi Agorou and byron contostavlos who was a
member of the band mungo jerry and older brother Spiros, he is a well known
English rapper and former lead singer of the grime based group trio N-Dubz and
is well known for his most popular song no regrets done in 2011 though
throughout his carrier the artist has been in trouble multiple times with the law
with the most recent being in 2017 however the artist still release singles to this
day with the most recent in 2019 called not today in collaboration with Tory
As stated before dappy has work along side many artist including tory lanze on
the song not today, queen guitarist brian may on his second single called rock
star and tinchy styder on his own single spaceship which was dappys first taste at
solo fame.
Most conventions that the genre of rap music videos are known for is that of
including having the artist wear either a hoodie or track suit with either a beanie
or snap back hat with accessories such a gold and diamond jewelry and ring but
also most of the time containing themes of drugs violence and female nudity,
Summary/analysis of track [consider meaning, content, duration, pace and style of the song]
No regrets by dappy
• The meaning of the song is not matter what mistakes we have made in the past there’s no point in
looking back and feeling bad about it now we need to look to the future to make ourselves a better
person through hard work and determination and have no regrets in doing so even if its hard at first it’ll
be worth it in the end, which is back up by the content that is shown as throughout the music video as
we are shown multiple story's being told one being about a mother now having to raise her kid on her
own now as her husband has walked out on them and how she start taking the steps to allow her to be
able to provide and raise her kid on her own by becoming a nurse and in the end selling their old house
to move into a new and better one, with another story being that of two best friends or brothers in
which one of them starts hanging out with a gang and the consequences to come from it as through out
we see one of them being shown to be devasted at the fact that he may lose his friend forever and later
on we see that the people this kid start hanging out with ends up trying to beat him up with him
eventually getting away and at the end of the music video we see the two best friends reunited, a third
and final short story we see presented in the music video is that of a boxer training and at the end of
the music video with him taking part in a boxing competition and winning the contest thanks to all the
training he did and the help he was given by his trainer that has allowed him to achieve that goal.
• The music videos pace is very quick as through quick editing such fading and jump cutting from shot to
shot which it must be as the music video is a rap music video, so it must be able to keep pace with the
lyrics of the song as rap lyrics are sung very quickly.
• We also see that the artist dappy never take part in the story's told in the music video but rather is there
in the background..
• The duration of the video is around 4 minuets and two seconds.
Your creative concept/video synopsis [describe your
interpretation, use of imagery or narrative, genre
conventions, etc]
The idea I have for my music video is to have myself following
the genre convention of rap videos which involves me wearing
a hoodie and a snap back hat and lip sync the lyrics to the song
no regrets by dappy but also doing hand gestures that every
rap artist dose in their music vidoes but also tell a visual story
about master chief from the halo series having flashback to his
past and all the things he’s been through in his life and how it
has effected him but also as the song we see the mater chief
reflect on them but relies that he can’t let them keep haunting
him anymore as what’s happened has happened and he can’t
let his mistakes keep him down forever but instead to focus on
the future and what he can do better to next to where at the
end we see him enter a room where his we see his new armor
set that he’ll be wearing in halo infinite which is the next game
in the halo series but showing a not only just a physical change
but also metaphorical change as well, but also there will be
points to where shots will also cut back to me and another
TASK 2 Pre-production
You need to assess the viability of your production and
investigate what is required to enable you to make your
music video
Much of this task is hypothetical, which means you will
need to investigate standard costings for such a
production and apply these to your planned production
considering which equipment you would need and
resources, etc
Resources to support this are in the Pre-production
assessment folder on Blackboard
Delete the questions on each slide and insert your
Summary of intended production
Detail here what you are going to make and the intended outcome
Detailed breakdown of the music track chosen and your interpretation of it [remember the questions in
the workbook, e.g. pace/mood/tone/structure]
Specific outline your intended technical/equipment requirements
Include any details that you think [you could use material from your pitch]
The kind of music video I am making is a tribute music video as I want to pay tribute to a series, I have
loved for years which as mentioned before is the halo series from it huge and inspiring stories to it deep
characters but also the great community behind and their creations which is why I plan on using
footage recorded from halo 5 as a way to pay tribute to the series I love and the creative community
that is apart of it, but also an inspirational music video which the song no regrets by dappy will help me
And the reason I have chosen this song is because my interpretation of it is that it is meant to inspire
you as it has a fast pace as the lyrics are sung through rap which is usually very fast but also its tone
and mood is very upbeat as through the lyrics there are some very inspirational thing said “I’ve got the
heart of a winner.” “I’ll paint a picture of a fire” and finally “you ain’t even seen the best of me” but also
its structure is well put together as every break is used well and every word in the lyrics is timed and
flows together perfectly moving on to the next word quickly but not to quick as to lose the listener or
view but not slow that it drags on and the listener or viewer gets bored that they don’t want to listen
The technical and equipment requirement of my music video are that I’ll need a camera to record live
action footage, a capture card to record game footage from halo 5 a flash drive to transfer footage and
other files from one place to another, a tri pod to allow for shots the require the camera to be level and
not shaken around to much and finally editing software such as adobe premier, photoshop and after
affect which will allow me to edit footage and any images a may use in the music video.
A location I plan on shooting footage for my music video is
that of York college as I plan on shooting some footage at
the balcony’s on a sunny day the hallways and even an
unoccupied room if I can get the chance however with this
comes the limitations of this plan is that if I am recording
footage on the balcony is that it may be cloudy or rainy so
to avoid this I will have to check to see which days are
sunny and which are not so I can record footage on the
balcony on sunny days and record footage in sperate
locations on none sunny days however another limitation of
recording footage in this location is that if I am recording
footage in the hallways of collage there is a chance people
may be using those hallway to get to other location around
college which will get in the way of shooting so to get
around this problem I will try to find a hallway that isn’t as
used or busy to record in a third and final limitation of
recording footage in the location I have chosen is that if I
am recording in one of the class rooms in college as those
room can already be in use so to get around this I will have
Pieces of equipment I will need for my music video are a
camera for recording footage a tripod to place the
camera on for still shots a laptop, a sd card to store and
transfer footage and computer with adobe premier
photoshop and after effect for editing purposes and the
way I can get my hands on these pieces of equipment I
will need to talk to my tutor or go onto the York college
websites to help book these pieces of equipment out
however for the editing software I will need to go to
adobe .com to be able to use the editing software but
also I will need a Xbox one to run halo 5 as a plan on
doing some game recording footage but also a capture
card to record footage and finally a usb drive to help
store and transfer footage and files however with these I
wont have a problem booking these as I already have
Places or facilties I will be editing my video from are
either my classroom the learning center and at home as
all of these are easily accessible to me and the reason, I
am doing editing at home is because I have editing
software on my laptop so I can get any needed editing
done there.
My crew for the music video will be a camera operator in
which I may have to ask fellow classmates to do if they’re
busy so availability is not known yet and a puppeteer for
the avatars in halo which will be my mum as she is
available quite often
One prop I will need is that of a news paper to tear up in
the music video but also a mic to which I can pretend
sing in.
The pieces of costume I need are a hoodie and a snap
back cap and some sunglasses to create that rapper look
TASK 3.1 Visual Planning
This section is concerned with the visual planning of your
music video
You should use this section to develop the sequencing or
your video, establish the relationship between the visuals
and the track itself and create a structure for you to
follow when filming
It is important that you ‘pre-visualise’ the video before
you make it; it will make filming and production a more
streamlined process
The following tasks are part of your visual planning
 Pre-visualisation and concept boards
 Storyboarding
 Shot list
Tool for exploring the direction and visuals
Provides inspiration and information for the “look & feel”
Presents key moments in your video
A means to sketch/plan ideas
Information on colour/lighting
Defining the “mise-en-scene”
Include as much here as you like, but keep it relevant to the
production, the following slides have been left blank for you
to approach in your own way, add more as you need to
Extension suggestion: edit a short sequence of clips that
have inspired or influenced your video [similar to this:
Location needed for video shoot - green screen room,
collage balcony, collage hallway and a class room within
Props needed - news paper
Actors – me
Kit needed – camera, tripod, xbox one, capture card,
Breakdown your track into it basic sections [e.g. intro,
verse, chorus, verse, etc] and apply broad visual ideas to
each section
You can use this as the master template for your
production, then add more shots to each section when
you develop your full visual plan
You should create a slide showing all the sections of the
song, then add a slide for each section with timings,
lyrics, what happens and details on specific shots
You could storyboard and shot list each section as you
go, to break up the process.
Your storyboard should bring your idea to life
Provide an idea of the sequencing of you video
Provides a basis for production
Suggested online storyboard creators are:
 [very complicated]
 [allows you to insert your own images]
Alternatively, hand draw or photograph your storyboard and
scan or copy to insert it onto your slides
There are lots of tips collected together on Blackboard!
Description/notes (e.g. camera movement,
specific directions for performers, etc)
18 MCU 2.53 3
Medium close up of me in the hallway
standing still then side step to the left
19 MCU 3.12 19
this shot will have multiple medium close ups
of all the actors in one place.
20 MCU 3.17 5
Medium Close up shot of my singing some
21 MCU 3.52 35
repeat of shot 19 in which multiple medium
close up shots are used.
22 CU/E
4.00 8
close up shot of the master chief walking into
a room and looking a his new armor then
changing to a long shot at the back of him
and panning towards me
TASK 3.2 Organisational
Include names, contact info, and defined roles at
difference stages of production, using a table is
Cast and crew job
Susannah Puppeteer for the avatars
in halo 5
James – me actor
Information and images of your location[s] for filming
You should have address details, clearance/premissions
for filming, recce photos and floorplans [including
camera, equipment and cast/crew layouts]
Where possible, have a plan B fallback location option
Assess each location for any issues and suggest
One location I will be visiting to shoot some footage for
my music video is that of the college balcony.
A second location I will be visiting to shoot some footage
for my music video is that of one of York colleges
A third location I will be using to shoot footage for my
music video is that of the green screen studio in York
Risk Assess each separate filming location using the
table in the camera H&S PP on Bb as a staring point
Completing a generic filming assessment would be a
start, then you can add specialist/site specific risks as
you progress your production
Remember, a Risk Assessment is an ongoing document,
you should evaluate if anything changes in production
and when you put control measures in place
You should add the table to each call sheet for each
Problems that can accrue
Camera may break
Weather may turn bad
during sunny days
Outside floors may be
slippy due to rainy
Things go wrong
Your contingency plan is there to give you a backup or to
minimise the effect on production
You should consider the following areas: Technical,
Location, Personnel and Organisational areas [about 5
potential issues for each]
Use the form in pre-production folder on Blackboard
Problems that can occure Contingency plan
Footage being lost Make sure to back up recorded footage
on multiple storage devices
Computer crashing All ways save changes made to digital
files and back them up
Actor not being available Make sure to have a back up actor who
can take the place of the univalble
Game footage corrupted and unusable Rerecord corrupted footage
Booked equipment not being available All ways have back up equipment to
use if the booked equipment is
unavailable so footage recording can
Provide an outline of what you will do on which days
during production
You should broadly plan to the following structure:
- 2 weeks pre-production
- 1 week filming [plan for up to 2 days]
- 2 weeks editing [essentially 2 days for every day you
Week one Week two Week three
Monday – story board the
story and scenes for the
music video
Monday – shoot green
screen footage for music
Monday – begin editing
on green screen footage
and implement it into the
halo 5 footage
Tuesday – plan out props
and equipment for the
music video
Tuesday – shoot footage
from college balcony and
hallway for music video
Tuesday – edit balcony
and hall way footage in
order and cut out any
unneeded bits and put in
Wednesday – note down
risk and contigenys for
anything that may hinder
production of the music
video and book out
equipment and green
Wednesday – shoot
footage in halo 5 game
engine for music video
Wednesday – combined
halo and green screen
footage and live action
footage together to
create the music video
and add the song no
Since I was planning on using green screen in my video I thought it best to
research how to operate it in adobe premier pro and how to add a background
behind me or impose myself in a shot so I went on YouTube and found a video
made by lexziar in which I learned to add a background to a green screen clip
you need to select the green screen clip, go to effects and select the ultra key
option and drag it to the green screen clip, then go to effect controls and select
the dropper tool and then click on any area on the green screen, once that is
done go to file manager select the background you want and then place it under
your green screen footage.
TASK 4.1 Production
Keep track your filming and production work with the
camera here
You could add stills of your work with annotations
You should include any specific details about how your
filming went and what you did on set to enable you to
complete the work
You should include Call Sheets and relevant production
documents here
The production for my music video began with me
shooting footage for scenes within the music
video that would be using green screen in which I
shot my needed footage in the green screen
studio by doing lips sync versions of certain
points in the song I was using.
After finishing shooting footage in the green
screen studio I moved into the next location or
locations I would be shooting at which was the
hallways in York college in which I repeated the
same process from the green screen room in
which I recorded footage of myself lip syncing
lyrics to the song I would use in my music video.
RECORDThe next location I visited to shoot footage for my music
video in which I had the camera placed at the bottom of
the stair and then extended the legs and pole on the tri
pod until the camera was level with me at the top of the
stair allowing me to create a long shot in my music video
as one scene in my music video was planed to have a long
shot of me in it.
After finishing recording footage on the stairwell I moved
onto the first floor balcony to do panning shot going up
and a close up shot of me lip syncing the lyrics of my
chosen song for my music video in which I was also able to
get help with the panning shot from my former media level
2 teacher Shantel with the panning shot.
For the final live action shots I went back to the
stairwell and place to camera a few feet away from
the door as in this live action shot I would be kicking
the door open and lip syncing lyrics of my chosen
song for my music video and I didn't want to slam
myself or the door into the camera when I came
through the door and break the camera then I found
an empty class room and recorded some close up
and medium shots there.
After finishing up on recording the live
action footage for my music video I began
recording footage in halo 5 in which I began
by recording the master chiefs scenes first
such as him standing by a window and
looking up ,walking past a monitor in a
hallway which will be important when I get to
editing the video, walking towards
After finishing recording the master chief parts of the music
video I began recording footage of Fred, Kelly, Linda, Jerome,
Alice and Douglas for the acapella bit of the music video as at
the near end the singer is joined in by multiple people so I
decided to do the same in mine in which basically to to create
of the sense of the character singing I followed the same rule
used when it come to create a sense of character talking
when they have helmets on is to have the character bob their
head up and down to create to illusion of the character
talking and so the same rule can apply when trying to create
the illusion of singing so I had to do was have the song play
in the back ground and bob each characters head to the
With the acapella shot finished I moved on to shooting out door footage in halo
5 in which I did one close up shot of Jerome singing next to a piano and one
close up shot of Jerome singing with a wide shot of where Jerome is in which I
had him bob his head up and down to imply singing.
Next after finishing the close up shots I moved onto doing panning shots in
which thank to the help of my mum who did camera work and me doing the
puppeteering for the character we were able to create a shot that pans to the
left showing Jerome singing again and one were the camera pans down to show
Jerome playing the piano.
Finally with all the shots I needed for the music video recorded I moved onto the
editing process in which began by importing the song I was going to use as the
foundation of my music video then afterwards imported the live action footage I
had recorded and began placing each recorded piece of footage in certain place
on the time line of the music video so the lip-syncing within the the live action
footage would fit with the lyrics being sung in the music video but also cut
unneeded bit of the footage such me getting ready and wait for my ques to
begin lip syncing, next I imported in some of the footage recorded in halo 5 and
began using green screen effect in the video footage where I was standing in
front of a green screen in which I used the knowledge I had gained from
watching a YouTube video showing me how to add effect and backgrounds to
my green screen or allowing me to be placed in other scenes in other pieces of
footage such as the case when me and Jerome are doing our duet or when the
After finishing up with the green screen I imported the rest of my recorded halo
5 footage into premier and repeated the same process I did with the live action
footage in which I began matching up the characters head bobbing with the
lyrics to the song creating the illusion of the character sing but also have one of
the characters change their weapons back and fourth quickly right in front of a
piano and some clever camera angle create the illusion of the character playing
the piano as long as you pay no attention to the weapons on the side of the leg
changing, but also I cut out and deleated the unneeded footage of the
characters waiting for their queue.
For the final bit of the music video I wanted to do something different with than
what was done in the original music video as when the song get near to the end
the artist is joined by a group of people however for mine I decided to have
each singer in a different box to one another and to make it more interesting I
edited it so that every 3 seconds 3 people would disappear whilst 3 people
would reappear for about 22 seconds then it would change to each person
getting a full shot for 2 seconds then cut to the next person with it ending with
everyone together singing then cutting to the last shot of the music video with
the character singing in the back ground.
Finally to finish off the music video I
began apply fade video transitions to
certain shots to allow for smoother
transitions between each clip in the
music video so it isn't jarring for the
audience when the video move from
one scene to another and allowed the
music video to keep its sense of flow
after which I exported the finished

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Mv production assignment form 2019

  • 2. GUIDANCE This template PowerPoint presentation includes all the relevant elements you need to cover in your Music Video Assignment It is suggested you save this PP in a different name and share it with your group so you always have a copy – some sections require you to delete the information on the slide and replace with your own work Add more pages to each section where necessary [you should be doing this!] Add visuals as you see necessary This document will be added to as you progress through the pre-production phase. Delete this slide when complete
  • 3. TASK 1 Idea Generation and Research
  • 4. RESEARCH & IDEA GENERATIONSelect a song/track that you like [or don’t like!] Generate three ideas for music videos employing styles, techniques and conventions that we have looked at in previous sessions. Explore how you could interpret the song differently using different methods You can add any extra info you think is relevant, images, mind maps, etc For quick mind maps you could use to generate these Music video idea mind map Songs that could be used No regrets Not afraid Can’t hold us Genres of music Heavy metal ra p Pop musi c monster Feel invincible num b Pop star Characters within the video dougl as Jerome Alic e kell y Maste r chief lind a fred
  • 5. RESEARCH Watch a selection of videos to get your ideas started, make note of a minimum of 5 – add extra slides, screenshot the video and in bullet point note down info in terms of camera, editing, art design, performance, etc and how this might link to your production Hint! You’ve already done this in your case study, so you can summarise that here where relevant
  • 6. NOT AFRAID - EMINEM The types of camera work used in the music video are that of close up shots which are used to create a sense of intimacy between the viewer and the artist but it is also used to create the illusion that the artist is singing the song specifically to the viewer like a personal performance which means it draws in the the intended audiences attention. ance, One use of editing used in the music videos is that of jump cuts as at the beginning up to the middle jump cuts are used to move the video from scene to scene without any sense of flow to them however this can be seen a representation of the turmoil that the character in the music video is going through. Another use of editing used in the music video is that of multi media recording in which separate pieces of media are recorded separately then put together to create something greater as an example when creating a music video a artist will record the lyrics for their song then afterward those lytic are used by the artist to lip- sync when recording the video section and when put together creates the illusion that the artist is singing the lyrics in the footage The performance you can see in the music video has the artist constantly moving and using hand gestures as if to imply the artist is more having a conversation with someone rather than singing. The intended message that can be interpreted from this music video is that of changing and becoming a better person for the sack of yourself and those around you as in the video we see at some point I the video the character looks into reflective surfaces and see his eyes blacked out almost as if he’s looking at a skeleton and then later on the character smashes down a wall which can be representative of them having enough and deciding to take the first steps to changing then standing at the edge of the world and taking a leap of faith and souring to show that the character has changed for the better
  • 7. CAN'T HOLD US FEAT. MACKLEMORE & RYAN LEWIS Two types of camera work used in the music video is that of close up shots in which the camera is up close to the artist and panning shots in which the camera is moved around the subject, for the close up shot this allows the video to create a sense of intimacy between the viewer and the artist but also allows the video to show the audience what on sale. As for a panning shot It can allow a video to have a sense of flow but can also be used to allow a easy and smooth transition between scenes as for example in the video see two people on a beach with one being given a hair cut by the other in which the camera move around the two for a bit then the camera focuses on a third character coming out of the water with a flag and zooms in on him for a few second and then cut back to the other two characters with one now with shorter hair and taking the flag. The performance that can be seen here in the music video has the artist constantly moving and making hand gesture with it following the beats of the song this kind of performance give a sense of energy to the video and even may have the intention of getting the audience to join in through the energy the video gives off. One use of editing used in the music video is that of jump cut where one scene will cut quickly to another either from the same time or where the artist is in a similar position as an example in the music video the video cuts from the scene where artist Is in then cut to a different location where the artist is in a similar positions this create a sense of continuity and flow between shots another example of this can be found when the video cuts to a group of people playing trumpets trombones and tubas then cuts to a closer shot of this group of people this type of cutting allows for the video to keep pace with the song making it and
  • 8. CAN'T HOLD US FEAT. MACKLEMORE & RYAN LEWIS The intended message that can be interpreted from the music video is to live your life to the fullest and let nothing get in your way or slow you down which is reflected in the video as through out as nobody stops moving always keeping that sense of flow and energy only stopping when the song itself stops.
  • 9. DO IT LIKE A DUDE - JESSIE J One type of camera work used in the music video is that of close up shots however with most videos it is to create a sense of intimacy between the artist and the viewer however in this music video it is used more for intimidation as it feels like the artist is getting into the audiences personal space so the audiences hears what artist is saying because if you want to be heard when someone Isn't listening properly you get in their personal space and then you have their full undivided attention. One use of editing used in the music video is that of multi media recording in which the audio and the video have been recorded separately from each other then combined together to make one cohesive music video The message that can be interpreted from this music video is that it’s all about girl power and that women can do anything men can do just as much and never to The performance used in the music video has very aggressive themes like smoking drinking alcohol, getting tattoos and dance move like men would do in a stereotypical rap videos however in this it is the women doing it and is a good example of subverting expectation within a genre as instead of the men doing these activity which are seen as manly now the women are doing it too. Another use of editing used in the music video is that of harsh jump cuts as every scene cut sharply to each other without the use of a subtle transition which fits with the theme of the song as there is no need for subtlety its just straight to the point and keeps the viewers on their toes through out the music video
  • 10. READ ALL ABOUT IT - PROFESSOR GREEN One use of camera work used in the music video is that of close up shots which allows for the video to create a sense of intimacy between the audience and the artist and for the video to show what's on sale however another reason for this is so that we the audience have a clear understanding of the emotions the main character a young boy as we see his emotions of sadness, confusion, anger and then acceptance but also it is used to put us the audience in the boys shoes as we see thing from his perspective as well. The message that can be Interpreted from this music video is that it is trying to say don’t waste your time for people who will never be there for you and never to make the same mistakes as them and to move on and do better thing for yourself. One use of editing used in the music video is that of multi media recording in which lyrics to a song and footage to a video are recorded separately then put together but also audio can be layered on top of each other to create this sense of an echo affect for when a artist is singing lyrics or certain musical notes are played by a instrument Another use of editing used in the music video is that of jump cuts in which a scene will cut to a different shot at the same time as the last shot or cut to a shot at a different time, this allows for the video to keep in pace with the lyrics of the song but still allow for the story to be told. The performance used in the music video is very laid back and restricted as the artist professor green dose do the hand gesture expected for a rap music video however there isn’t much aggression to the movements or energy to them even the character in the story's movements are slowed down only picking up pace when the boy losses it near the end of the music video but then returns at the end to laid back and restricted
  • 11. NO REGRETS - DAPPY One use of editing used in the music video is that of the transitions between shots as In the music video nearly every shot uses the fading transition effect when the shot is finished unlike most rap music videos which use jump cut for when certain shot have ended and need to move onto the next one which mostly allows for the music video to keep pace with the lyrics of the song however in no regrets the fade transition effect still allows for the footage to keep pace with the lyric but allows for a more easier and smoother transition for the audience to understand what's happening in the story of the music video. Another use of editing used in the music video is that of multi media recording in which lyrics are recorded for a song on a album then are later used by the artist as a frame for lip syncing for a music video but also where audio can be layered on top of each other to create new sound or an echo in the case of music videos whether they be lyrics sung by the artist or note played by an instrument. The message that can be interpreted from the music video is that when you made your choice to change your life for the better by doing something differently look to the future and never look back with no regrets even if it makes thing more difficult for a while it will be worth it in the long run. The performance shown through out the music video has a fast paced and energetic flow to it as the artist is always moving with his hand gestures being fast and energetic as well even when he’s sitting down he is still moving always carrying that energy with him. One use of camera work used in the music video is that of close up shots which has the camera near to the artist face which can either create a sense of intimacy between the viewer and the artist but also can serve as a way to help the audience understand the emotional state of a character allowing the view to connect more with the character and panning shots in which the camera is moved around a subject to show the scale of a situation.
  • 12. POTENTIAL SONGS Not afraid by Eminem Read All About It by Professor Green No Regrets by Dappy
  • 13. POTENTIAL TECHNIQUES One technique I plan on using in my music video is that of close up shots as in my music video I will at certain point have the camera pointed close to my face, which is seen in most rap music videos as at certain points the camera will be brought close to the artist whilst they’re sing the lyrics to the song. Another technique I plan on using in my music video is that of having scenes that tell a story with the lyrics being song in the back ground, which can be found in rap music videos that tell story's within them as some scenes will just have the character act out a scene with no sound or dialogue only being accompanied by the artist sing the lyrics of the song. A final technique I plan on using in my music video is using jump cuts within certain scenes and shots as in most rap music videos jump cuts are used quite a lot to get from one shot in scene to enough shot taking place around the same time.
  • 14. CONVENTIONS YOU PLAN TO USE One convention I plan to use in my rap music video is having the rapper which will be me in a hoodie with a snap back cap on as in most rap music videos you can see the artist in a hoodie and sometimes wearing a snap back cap with it to. Another convention I plan on using in my rap video is that of the hand gestures that rap artist will do whilst they’re singing in the music video’s. A final convention I plan on using in my rap video is having the camera sometime very low down pointed towards me as in most rap music videos the camera will sometimes be very low down pointing toward the artist.
  • 15. MIND MAP OF IDEAS [SUMMARY OF IDEAS] Rap Music video idea mind map Songs that could be used No regrets Not afraid Read all about it Characters within the video Dougl as Jerome Alice Kelly Master chief Lind a Fred Recording styles Live action animati on machine ma myself Locations to shoot from colleg e Locations within the video Star ship/ space station Colleg e balcon y York bridg Costume halo maps Front door of home Colleg e Uses of camera work Close up shots Low angle shots Zoom in shots Lip syncing lyrics to a chosen song
  • 16. SUMMARY 5 opportunities of your ideas One opportunity my ideas will give me is the opportunity to get a better understanding of the equipment I am using and going to use in the future through experimentation of shots and how to compose them better in the future. a second opportunity my ideas will give me is that is give me a chance to experiment with certain shot types and see which will work to my advantage to make a music video to a standard that I feel confident to show. A third opportunity of my ideas is that if I used machinima which Is a form of recording game footage like that recorded in TV shows is that it will allow my music video to stand out more among other rap videos as most are set in live action whilst mine is a mixture of live action and machinima. A fourth opportunity of my ideas is that if I record my footage at college then it will allow me to get footage recorded quickly but still of high quality due to familiarity of the environment. A fifth opportunity of my ideas in which is use characters from the game series in the halo 5 machinima engine is that it makes it easier to record footage as all I have to do is change the armor my avatar is wearing and record the footage I need whereas if I did the video with more live action actors the recording process may take a lot longer than intended especially if anything come up that the
  • 17. SUMMARY 5 restrictions to your ideas One restriction of my ideas is that of using halo 5 machinima as the avatars can’t take their helmet off meaning you don’t actually see the character talk however there is a way around this problem as all you have to do is get the avatar to bob it head up and down implying talking or in the case of the music video singing. a second restriction of my ideas is that if I am recording footage in live action lighting is going to be problem especially for outdoor shots as the weather can be very unpredictable as for example you may need footage of a sunny day but on the day your recording it starts raining and you have to cancel the shoot a wait for later on that day when it clear up or have to record the footage another day wasting precious time. A third restriction of my ideas is again since I am using halo 5 machinima none of the other characters can be together in a shot as unlike previous games in the halo series where guest account avatars could borrow armor that had already been unlocked by the host halo 5 got rid of that so if you wanted a shot where two people were talking in specific armor sets you better hope the guest has unlocked the armor you want them in for the shot. A fourth restriction of my idea is that since in the music video I am planning on lip syncing the lyrics to a rap song which are sung very fast so it may be a case of having to slow down the lyrics so I can sync up my singing with the lyric of the song but also I may have to do this with the footage in halo 5 machinima.
  • 18. FINAL IDEA – ARTIST/TITLE/INFOName of track / name of artist Brief biographical background Links to other artists Genre info No Regrets by Dappy Costadinos Contostavlos or better know as dappy was born June 11th 1987 and lived with his mother and father Zoi Agorou and byron contostavlos who was a member of the band mungo jerry and older brother Spiros, he is a well known English rapper and former lead singer of the grime based group trio N-Dubz and is well known for his most popular song no regrets done in 2011 though throughout his carrier the artist has been in trouble multiple times with the law with the most recent being in 2017 however the artist still release singles to this day with the most recent in 2019 called not today in collaboration with Tory Lanez. As stated before dappy has work along side many artist including tory lanze on the song not today, queen guitarist brian may on his second single called rock star and tinchy styder on his own single spaceship which was dappys first taste at solo fame. Most conventions that the genre of rap music videos are known for is that of including having the artist wear either a hoodie or track suit with either a beanie or snap back hat with accessories such a gold and diamond jewelry and ring but also most of the time containing themes of drugs violence and female nudity,
  • 19. FINAL IDEA – TRACK SUMMARY Summary/analysis of track [consider meaning, content, duration, pace and style of the song] No regrets by dappy • The meaning of the song is not matter what mistakes we have made in the past there’s no point in looking back and feeling bad about it now we need to look to the future to make ourselves a better person through hard work and determination and have no regrets in doing so even if its hard at first it’ll be worth it in the end, which is back up by the content that is shown as throughout the music video as we are shown multiple story's being told one being about a mother now having to raise her kid on her own now as her husband has walked out on them and how she start taking the steps to allow her to be able to provide and raise her kid on her own by becoming a nurse and in the end selling their old house to move into a new and better one, with another story being that of two best friends or brothers in which one of them starts hanging out with a gang and the consequences to come from it as through out we see one of them being shown to be devasted at the fact that he may lose his friend forever and later on we see that the people this kid start hanging out with ends up trying to beat him up with him eventually getting away and at the end of the music video we see the two best friends reunited, a third and final short story we see presented in the music video is that of a boxer training and at the end of the music video with him taking part in a boxing competition and winning the contest thanks to all the training he did and the help he was given by his trainer that has allowed him to achieve that goal. • The music videos pace is very quick as through quick editing such fading and jump cutting from shot to shot which it must be as the music video is a rap music video, so it must be able to keep pace with the lyrics of the song as rap lyrics are sung very quickly. • We also see that the artist dappy never take part in the story's told in the music video but rather is there in the background.. • The duration of the video is around 4 minuets and two seconds.
  • 20. FINAL IDEA – YOUR IDEA Your creative concept/video synopsis [describe your interpretation, use of imagery or narrative, genre conventions, etc] The idea I have for my music video is to have myself following the genre convention of rap videos which involves me wearing a hoodie and a snap back hat and lip sync the lyrics to the song no regrets by dappy but also doing hand gestures that every rap artist dose in their music vidoes but also tell a visual story about master chief from the halo series having flashback to his past and all the things he’s been through in his life and how it has effected him but also as the song we see the mater chief reflect on them but relies that he can’t let them keep haunting him anymore as what’s happened has happened and he can’t let his mistakes keep him down forever but instead to focus on the future and what he can do better to next to where at the end we see him enter a room where his we see his new armor set that he’ll be wearing in halo infinite which is the next game in the halo series but showing a not only just a physical change but also metaphorical change as well, but also there will be points to where shots will also cut back to me and another
  • 22. GUIDANCE: PRE-PRODUCTION ASSESSMENT You need to assess the viability of your production and investigate what is required to enable you to make your music video Much of this task is hypothetical, which means you will need to investigate standard costings for such a production and apply these to your planned production considering which equipment you would need and resources, etc Resources to support this are in the Pre-production assessment folder on Blackboard Delete the questions on each slide and insert your responses
  • 23. TITLE OF PRODUCTION/PRODUCTION OUTLINE Summary of intended production Detail here what you are going to make and the intended outcome Detailed breakdown of the music track chosen and your interpretation of it [remember the questions in the workbook, e.g. pace/mood/tone/structure] Specific outline your intended technical/equipment requirements Include any details that you think [you could use material from your pitch] The kind of music video I am making is a tribute music video as I want to pay tribute to a series, I have loved for years which as mentioned before is the halo series from it huge and inspiring stories to it deep characters but also the great community behind and their creations which is why I plan on using footage recorded from halo 5 as a way to pay tribute to the series I love and the creative community that is apart of it, but also an inspirational music video which the song no regrets by dappy will help me with. And the reason I have chosen this song is because my interpretation of it is that it is meant to inspire you as it has a fast pace as the lyrics are sung through rap which is usually very fast but also its tone and mood is very upbeat as through the lyrics there are some very inspirational thing said “I’ve got the heart of a winner.” “I’ll paint a picture of a fire” and finally “you ain’t even seen the best of me” but also its structure is well put together as every break is used well and every word in the lyrics is timed and flows together perfectly moving on to the next word quickly but not to quick as to lose the listener or view but not slow that it drags on and the listener or viewer gets bored that they don’t want to listen anymore. The technical and equipment requirement of my music video are that I’ll need a camera to record live action footage, a capture card to record game footage from halo 5 a flash drive to transfer footage and other files from one place to another, a tri pod to allow for shots the require the camera to be level and not shaken around to much and finally editing software such as adobe premier, photoshop and after affect which will allow me to edit footage and any images a may use in the music video.
  • 24. LOCATIONS A location I plan on shooting footage for my music video is that of York college as I plan on shooting some footage at the balcony’s on a sunny day the hallways and even an unoccupied room if I can get the chance however with this comes the limitations of this plan is that if I am recording footage on the balcony is that it may be cloudy or rainy so to avoid this I will have to check to see which days are sunny and which are not so I can record footage on the balcony on sunny days and record footage in sperate locations on none sunny days however another limitation of recording footage in this location is that if I am recording footage in the hallways of collage there is a chance people may be using those hallway to get to other location around college which will get in the way of shooting so to get around this problem I will try to find a hallway that isn’t as used or busy to record in a third and final limitation of recording footage in the location I have chosen is that if I am recording in one of the class rooms in college as those room can already be in use so to get around this I will have
  • 25. EQUIPMENT Pieces of equipment I will need for my music video are a camera for recording footage a tripod to place the camera on for still shots a laptop, a sd card to store and transfer footage and computer with adobe premier photoshop and after effect for editing purposes and the way I can get my hands on these pieces of equipment I will need to talk to my tutor or go onto the York college websites to help book these pieces of equipment out however for the editing software I will need to go to adobe .com to be able to use the editing software but also I will need a Xbox one to run halo 5 as a plan on doing some game recording footage but also a capture card to record footage and finally a usb drive to help store and transfer footage and files however with these I wont have a problem booking these as I already have them.
  • 26. FACILITIES Places or facilties I will be editing my video from are either my classroom the learning center and at home as all of these are easily accessible to me and the reason, I am doing editing at home is because I have editing software on my laptop so I can get any needed editing done there.
  • 27. PERSONNEL My crew for the music video will be a camera operator in which I may have to ask fellow classmates to do if they’re busy so availability is not known yet and a puppeteer for the avatars in halo which will be my mum as she is available quite often
  • 28. PROPS/COSTUME/ETC One prop I will need is that of a news paper to tear up in the music video but also a mic to which I can pretend sing in. The pieces of costume I need are a hoodie and a snap back cap and some sunglasses to create that rapper look
  • 29. TASK 3.1 Visual Planning
  • 30. PRE-PRODUCTION: VISUAL PLANNING This section is concerned with the visual planning of your music video You should use this section to develop the sequencing or your video, establish the relationship between the visuals and the track itself and create a structure for you to follow when filming It is important that you ‘pre-visualise’ the video before you make it; it will make filming and production a more streamlined process The following tasks are part of your visual planning  Pre-visualisation and concept boards  Storyboarding  Shot list
  • 31. PRE- VISUALISATION/CONCEPT BOARDS Tool for exploring the direction and visuals Provides inspiration and information for the “look & feel” Presents key moments in your video A means to sketch/plan ideas Information on colour/lighting Defining the “mise-en-scene” Include as much here as you like, but keep it relevant to the production, the following slides have been left blank for you to approach in your own way, add more as you need to Extension suggestion: edit a short sequence of clips that have inspired or influenced your video [similar to this: hunger-games-might-be-better-than-the-real-movie]
  • 32. PROPS, LOCATION, ACTORS, KIT Location needed for video shoot - green screen room, collage balcony, collage hallway and a class room within college. Props needed - news paper Actors – me Kit needed – camera, tripod, xbox one, capture card,
  • 35. STRUCTURAL BREAKDOWN Breakdown your track into it basic sections [e.g. intro, verse, chorus, verse, etc] and apply broad visual ideas to each section You can use this as the master template for your production, then add more shots to each section when you develop your full visual plan You should create a slide showing all the sections of the song, then add a slide for each section with timings, lyrics, what happens and details on specific shots You could storyboard and shot list each section as you go, to break up the process.
  • 36. STORYBOARDING Your storyboard should bring your idea to life Provide an idea of the sequencing of you video Provides a basis for production Suggested online storyboard creators are:   [very complicated]  [allows you to insert your own images] Alternatively, hand draw or photograph your storyboard and scan or copy to insert it onto your slides There are lots of tips collected together on Blackboard!
  • 37. SHOT LIST Sho t No. Shot Type Estimate d duration Description/notes (e.g. camera movement, specific directions for performers, etc) 18 MCU 2.53 3 SEC Medium close up of me in the hallway standing still then side step to the left 19 MCU 3.12 19 SEC this shot will have multiple medium close ups of all the actors in one place. 20 MCU 3.17 5 SEC Medium Close up shot of my singing some lyrics 21 MCU 3.52 35 SEC repeat of shot 19 in which multiple medium close up shots are used. 22 CU/E LS 4.00 8 SEC close up shot of the master chief walking into a room and looking a his new armor then changing to a long shot at the back of him and panning towards me
  • 38.
  • 40. PRODUCTION GROUP INFO Include names, contact info, and defined roles at difference stages of production, using a table is suggested Cast and crew job Susannah Puppeteer for the avatars in halo 5 James – me actor
  • 41. LOCATION INFORMATION Information and images of your location[s] for filming You should have address details, clearance/premissions for filming, recce photos and floorplans [including camera, equipment and cast/crew layouts] Where possible, have a plan B fallback location option Assess each location for any issues and suggest solutions
  • 42. LOCATIONS One location I will be visiting to shoot some footage for my music video is that of the college balcony. A second location I will be visiting to shoot some footage for my music video is that of one of York colleges hallways. A third location I will be using to shoot footage for my music video is that of the green screen studio in York college.
  • 43. RISK ASSESSMENT Risk Assess each separate filming location using the table in the camera H&S PP on Bb as a staring point Completing a generic filming assessment would be a start, then you can add specialist/site specific risks as you progress your production Remember, a Risk Assessment is an ongoing document, you should evaluate if anything changes in production and when you put control measures in place You should add the table to each call sheet for each location
  • 44. RISK ASSESSMENT Problems that can accrue Camera may break Weather may turn bad during sunny days Outside floors may be slippy due to rainy weather
  • 45. CONTINGENCY PLANNING Things go wrong Your contingency plan is there to give you a backup or to minimise the effect on production You should consider the following areas: Technical, Location, Personnel and Organisational areas [about 5 potential issues for each] Use the form in pre-production folder on Blackboard
  • 46. CONTINGENCY PLAN Problems that can occure Contingency plan Footage being lost Make sure to back up recorded footage on multiple storage devices Computer crashing All ways save changes made to digital files and back them up Actor not being available Make sure to have a back up actor who can take the place of the univalble actor Game footage corrupted and unusable Rerecord corrupted footage Booked equipment not being available All ways have back up equipment to use if the booked equipment is unavailable so footage recording can continue
  • 47. PRODUCTION SCHEDULE Provide an outline of what you will do on which days during production You should broadly plan to the following structure: - 2 weeks pre-production - 1 week filming [plan for up to 2 days] - 2 weeks editing [essentially 2 days for every day you filmed]
  • 48. SCHEDULE Week one Week two Week three Monday – story board the story and scenes for the music video Monday – shoot green screen footage for music video Monday – begin editing on green screen footage and implement it into the halo 5 footage Tuesday – plan out props and equipment for the music video Tuesday – shoot footage from college balcony and hallway for music video Tuesday – edit balcony and hall way footage in order and cut out any unneeded bits and put in order. Wednesday – note down risk and contigenys for anything that may hinder production of the music video and book out equipment and green Wednesday – shoot footage in halo 5 game engine for music video Wednesday – combined halo and green screen footage and live action footage together to create the music video and add the song no
  • 49. RESEARCH FOR GREEN SCREEN Since I was planning on using green screen in my video I thought it best to research how to operate it in adobe premier pro and how to add a background behind me or impose myself in a shot so I went on YouTube and found a video made by lexziar in which I learned to add a background to a green screen clip you need to select the green screen clip, go to effects and select the ultra key option and drag it to the green screen clip, then go to effect controls and select the dropper tool and then click on any area on the green screen, once that is done go to file manager select the background you want and then place it under your green screen footage.
  • 51. PRODUCTION RECORD/LOG Keep track your filming and production work with the camera here You could add stills of your work with annotations You should include any specific details about how your filming went and what you did on set to enable you to complete the work You should include Call Sheets and relevant production documents here
  • 52. PRODUCTION RECORD The production for my music video began with me shooting footage for scenes within the music video that would be using green screen in which I shot my needed footage in the green screen studio by doing lips sync versions of certain points in the song I was using. After finishing shooting footage in the green screen studio I moved into the next location or locations I would be shooting at which was the hallways in York college in which I repeated the same process from the green screen room in which I recorded footage of myself lip syncing lyrics to the song I would use in my music video.
  • 53. PRODUCTION RECORDThe next location I visited to shoot footage for my music video in which I had the camera placed at the bottom of the stair and then extended the legs and pole on the tri pod until the camera was level with me at the top of the stair allowing me to create a long shot in my music video as one scene in my music video was planed to have a long shot of me in it. After finishing recording footage on the stairwell I moved onto the first floor balcony to do panning shot going up and a close up shot of me lip syncing the lyrics of my chosen song for my music video in which I was also able to get help with the panning shot from my former media level 2 teacher Shantel with the panning shot.
  • 54. PRODUCTION RECORD For the final live action shots I went back to the stairwell and place to camera a few feet away from the door as in this live action shot I would be kicking the door open and lip syncing lyrics of my chosen song for my music video and I didn't want to slam myself or the door into the camera when I came through the door and break the camera then I found an empty class room and recorded some close up and medium shots there. After finishing up on recording the live action footage for my music video I began recording footage in halo 5 in which I began by recording the master chiefs scenes first such as him standing by a window and looking up ,walking past a monitor in a hallway which will be important when I get to editing the video, walking towards
  • 55. PRODUCTION RECORD After finishing recording the master chief parts of the music video I began recording footage of Fred, Kelly, Linda, Jerome, Alice and Douglas for the acapella bit of the music video as at the near end the singer is joined in by multiple people so I decided to do the same in mine in which basically to to create of the sense of the character singing I followed the same rule used when it come to create a sense of character talking when they have helmets on is to have the character bob their head up and down to create to illusion of the character talking and so the same rule can apply when trying to create the illusion of singing so I had to do was have the song play in the back ground and bob each characters head to the
  • 56. PRODUCTION RECORD With the acapella shot finished I moved on to shooting out door footage in halo 5 in which I did one close up shot of Jerome singing next to a piano and one close up shot of Jerome singing with a wide shot of where Jerome is in which I had him bob his head up and down to imply singing. Next after finishing the close up shots I moved onto doing panning shots in which thank to the help of my mum who did camera work and me doing the puppeteering for the character we were able to create a shot that pans to the left showing Jerome singing again and one were the camera pans down to show Jerome playing the piano.
  • 57. PRODUCTION RECORD Finally with all the shots I needed for the music video recorded I moved onto the editing process in which began by importing the song I was going to use as the foundation of my music video then afterwards imported the live action footage I had recorded and began placing each recorded piece of footage in certain place on the time line of the music video so the lip-syncing within the the live action footage would fit with the lyrics being sung in the music video but also cut unneeded bit of the footage such me getting ready and wait for my ques to begin lip syncing, next I imported in some of the footage recorded in halo 5 and began using green screen effect in the video footage where I was standing in front of a green screen in which I used the knowledge I had gained from watching a YouTube video showing me how to add effect and backgrounds to my green screen or allowing me to be placed in other scenes in other pieces of footage such as the case when me and Jerome are doing our duet or when the
  • 58. PRODUCTION RECORD After finishing up with the green screen I imported the rest of my recorded halo 5 footage into premier and repeated the same process I did with the live action footage in which I began matching up the characters head bobbing with the lyrics to the song creating the illusion of the character sing but also have one of the characters change their weapons back and fourth quickly right in front of a piano and some clever camera angle create the illusion of the character playing the piano as long as you pay no attention to the weapons on the side of the leg changing, but also I cut out and deleated the unneeded footage of the characters waiting for their queue.
  • 59. PRODUCTION RECORD For the final bit of the music video I wanted to do something different with than what was done in the original music video as when the song get near to the end the artist is joined by a group of people however for mine I decided to have each singer in a different box to one another and to make it more interesting I edited it so that every 3 seconds 3 people would disappear whilst 3 people would reappear for about 22 seconds then it would change to each person getting a full shot for 2 seconds then cut to the next person with it ending with everyone together singing then cutting to the last shot of the music video with the character singing in the back ground.
  • 60. PRODUCTION RECORD Finally to finish off the music video I began apply fade video transitions to certain shots to allow for smoother transitions between each clip in the music video so it isn't jarring for the audience when the video move from one scene to another and allowed the music video to keep its sense of flow after which I exported the finished video.