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Jessica Crosland
A present day analogy would the ‘writer director’ and having control over the final cut of a film. Auteur
theory has had a major impact on film criticism ever since it was advocated by film director and film critic
Francois Truffaut in 1954.
“Auteurism” is the method of analysing films based on this theory and the characteristics of a film makers
work that makes her or him an auteur. Associated with the French New Wave and the film critics who wrote
for the influential French film review periodical Cahiers du cinema.
The theory basically suggests that consistent visual style throughout a directors body of work makes them
the auteur of his films which I believe Malick has from the many auteur features that can be recognised
throughout his films.
James Morrison (12 July 2018). Auteur Theory and My Son
John . London: Bloomsbury Publishing
An auteur is an artist, usually a film director who applies a highly centralized and subjective control to many
aspects of a collaborative creative work. And is viewed as the major creative force in a motion picture
Auteur theory was imported to the united states in the 1960s, with Andrew Sarris its strongest proponent.
I found this information from
• Films are a collaborative effort
• Ignores the role of writers, actors and musicians
• Praise for the director at the expense of
everyone else
• The most powerful force in most films is the
studio under which I being made
• New criticism, argued that making meaning out
of what directors were attempting to portray
was secondary to the actual visualisation on
The reception theory is a version of a readers response literary theory that emphasizes each
particular readers reception or interpretation in making meaning from a literary text.
Stuart Hall states that media texts are encoded by the producer meaning that whoever produces the
text fills the product with value and messages the text is then decoded by spectators. Different
spectators will decode the text in different ways not always in the way the producer intended.
Producers encodes
Dominant or preferred
Lots of factors could effect whether we take the dominant,
oppositional or negotiated reading :
• Life experience
• Mood at the time of viewing
• Age
• Culture
• Beliefs
• gender
According to Morley audiences came from many different cultures and thus
there were many possible ‘negotiated’ readings. He further argued that
individuals had many aspects to their identities, and they interpreted media
content in a variety of ways, often chopping and changing their
interpretations over time.
The reception analysis model is an ‘active audience’ model associated
with Morley (1980) who conducted research on how several different
groups of people interpreted media messages.
The Hypodermic Needle
• It was developed in the 1920s and 1930s after researchers observed the effect of
propaganda during World War I and events like Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds
broadcast. The Hypodermic Needle Theory is a linear communication theory which
suggests that media messages are injected directly into the brains of a passive
audience It suggests that we’re all the same and we all respond to media messages in
the same way.
In the 1930s, many researchers realized the limitations of this idea and some
dispute whether early media theorists gave the idea any serious attention at all.
Nevertheless, The Hypodermic Needle Theory continues to influence the way we
talk about the media. People believe that the mass media has a powerful effect.
Parents worry about the influence of television and violent video games. News
outlets run headlines like ‘Is Google making us stupid’ and ‘Grand Theft Auto led
teen to kill’.
On the surface, events like these seem to suggest that the media can have
a powerful influence on audiences. Nevertheless, The Hypodermic Needle
Theory is kind of inadequate to describe communication and media
influence. It just doesn’t work.
Although the hypodermic needle theory has been abandoned by most media
theorists, it continues to influence mainstream discourse about the influence of the
mass media. People believe that the mass media can have powerful effect on people
and parents continue to worry about the effect of television and violent video
• The “gaze” is a term that describes how viewers engage with visual media.
Originating in film theory and criticism in the 1970s, the gaze refers to how we look
at visual representations. These include advertisements, television programs and
• When film critics talk about the gaze, they are often referring to the “male gaze”
The “male gaze” invokes the sexual politics of the gaze and suggests a sexualised way
of looking that empowers men and objectifies women. In the male gaze, woman is
visually positioned as an “object” of heterosexual male desire. Her feelings, thoughts
and her own sexual drives are less important than her being “framed” by male desire.
A key idea of feminist theory, the concept of the male gaze was introduced by scholar
and filmmaker Laura mulvery in her now famous 1975 essay, visual pleasure
Although sometimes described as the “male gaze”, Mulvey’s concept is
more accurately described as a heterosexual, masculine gaze.
Visual media that respond to masculine voyeurism tends to sexualise
women for a male viewer. As Mulvey wrote, women are characterised by
their “to-be-looked-at-ness” in cinema. Woman is “spectacle”, and man is
“the bearer of the look”.
The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946) offers a famous
example of the male gaze. In the scene below, the audience is
introduced to Cora Smith, the film’s lead female character.
Using close-ups, the camera forces the viewer to stare at
Cora’s body. It creates a mode of looking that is sexual,
voyeuristic, and associated with the male protagonist’s point-
• The male gaze theory describes a way of portraying and looking at
women that empowers men while sexualizing and diminishing
women. We are driven to look at and evaluate each other as
potential mates, the male gaze twists this natural urge, turning the
women into passive items to possess and use as props.
• The term ‘male gaze’ was first popularized in relation to the
depiction of female characters in film as inactive, often overly
sexualized objects of male desire. However, the influence of the
male gaze theory is not limited to how women and girls are featured
in the movie. It extends to the experience of being seen in this way,
both for the female figures on screen, the viewers, and by extension,
to all girls.
• The male gaze discourages female empowerment and self advocacy
while encouraging self-objectification and deference to men and the
patriarchy at large.
• Despite the fact that women make up over the 50% of the
population, the male gaze relegates women and girls to the position
of other-and really to have.
• From a feminist perspective, the male gaze limits and defines
women in ways that are harmful and demeaning.
• Studies show that increasing incidences of depression, anxiety,
loneliness, low self-esteem are related o female objectification.
• For my essays and the topic I have chosen to talk about is male gaze
theory and included in my FMP which is print I will reflect on fashion
and magazines etc how women are portrayed through this and I
have chosen this because this is something I am interested in and
would love to find out more information. I will also look into 4
sources relating to the male gaze to find out more into this specific
Source 1
• I am starting my research by looking into 4 sources which link in both with the male gaze and my chosen
specialism of print and design I began this by looking into an article/post which I found on the Westminster
university website. This post mainly focuses on the way the body is presented in the media and it can
contribute to body diversity and body positivity-the knowledge that all bodies are different and a ‘normal’
body as such does not exist and that it can make us feel good about ourselves. The post also relates towards
the audience as we look out ourselves and others everyday in many ways. Television, advertising, films ,
magazines and social media.
• Media portrayals of female bodies in particular are often problematic and merely serve the purpose of
showing women as objects to be consumed and looked at by men which has been explored by media and
communication researchers. From this post I gathered that the male gaze is a big thing when it comes to film
makers or genuinely in films of how women are portrayed characters etc as Hollywood Cinema was
structured along a threefold gaze (by the audience, the camera and the characters) that looks at women
from a male point of view and regards them as mere (sexual) objects. This is from close-ups of female bodies
or body parts are brought into focus and that women can only be shown in patriarchal terms and in relation
to men as some women in films are shown on the side or always with a male character as he takes charge
and leads the plot. Whereas the viewers then see the women as glamours, powerful and a perfect character
on screen and might want to be like him and women identify with the female characters and want to be
desired in a similar way and objectify themselves as sexual objects which occur largely unconsciously for
audiences. From this I have learnt a lot more detail to the film side of the male gaze and how there is a
pattern to how each characters is portrayed or shown in certain roles they have.
Source 2
• The next source I have moved onto was linked onto my first source website this is how I found this one and this source
links in with the male gaze theory on what does it mean and what about a female gaze? The idea of the male gaze invokes
the sexual politics of the gaze and suggests a sexualised way of looking that empowers men and objectifies the
male gaze, woman is visually positioned as an ‘object’ of heterosexual male desire. The male gaze takes many forms, but
can be identified by situations where female characters are controlled (as said in the first source) by the hero.
• A YouTube video ‘the postman always rings twice’ 1946 offers a famous example of the male gaze. I watched this video
and noticed the camera uses close ups and also forces the viewers to stare at Cora's body it creates a mode of looking
that is sexual, voyeuristic and associated with the males point of also establishes some important plot points the
hero desires Cora, Cora recognises his lust, Cora is an attractive women which the audience learns even before they know
her name. A lifetime of seeing women sexualised in television, music videos and advertisements has made people very
comfortable with assuming the male gaze.
• Filmmakers often attempt to avoid presenting female characters as “mere” sexual objects by giving them complex back
stories, strong motivations and an active role in the plot of their story however most show the women as to “be looked
Source 3
• Moving onto my 3rd source I found by searching through the internet focusing on films within the male gaze theory and
found this website which has many examples of films but also detail on how the male gaze is presented in films. Men are
considered the “active” do-ers of the world, while women are expected to take a more “passive” role supporting the men
and men's goals especially shown in films as characters.
• In the context of cinema, its mostly men who write films we watch, mostly men who make those films, and its men who
are usually the target audience therefore, men are usually given the lead in the stories themselves while female
characters are assigned functions that are limited to serving the goals of those male protagonists. (this is a sort of
character conduit to connect the reader to the world of that particular medium).the determining male gaze is what
happens when we put it all together-in other words we all been conditioned to adopt the male gaze because that is the
way we were “raised” by traditional cinemas.
• Women displayed has functioned on two levels: as erotic object for the characters within the screen story, and as erotic
object for the spectator within the cinema is Asif females must perform their story function while also
adhering to the heterosexual male sexual fantasy though this is not always in a literal way simply being beautiful is all
that is needed.
• The main thing which people need to remember about Laura Mulvey's male gaze is that its the perspective of the
heterosexual male fantasy.
Source 4
• This source also links a lot with male gaze in film which I noticed most of these sources do, in regards to representation in
film the male gaze is seen to strip away the human identity of female characters. The woman is visually positioned as an
“object” of heterosexual male desire through the use of the camera. Her feelings and thoughts are less important when
compared to the male counterparts, which often sees the female characters being almost invisible in the narrative. If they
were to be removed from the film, then the plot wouldn’t be affected by their lack of presence as said.
• From a feminist perspective, this theory can be viewed in three ways: how men look at women, how women look at
themselves and how women look at other women. Typical examples of the male gaze include medium close-ups shots of
women from over a mans shoulder, shots that pan across and over as well as fixate on a woman's body. According to
Mulvey, it is women who are “the bearer of meaning and not the maker of meaning” this implies that women are not
placed in a role where they can take control of a scene, instead they are simply put there to be observed from an
objectified point of view. A man possesses the gaze because he is a man, however a woman has the gaze only when she
assumes the role of a male viewer – when she objectifies others by gazing a them like a man.
• We may be more aware of the male gaze and the depiction of women but its such an integrated part of our popular culture
that I may never disappear, how we view film has certainly changed since Mulvey's essay and now with social media sites
such as Instagram we have all become subject to the gaze .
• Bauer media group is one of the worlds largest privately-owned media business with media assets all over the globe.
Founded in Hamburg in 1875 and now in its 5th generation of family ownership, the Bauer media group reaches 200 million
consumers worldwide and operates in 14 countries including the Czech republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Israel,
Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, UK, Ireland and the USA and has 15,000 employees.
• Bauer media UK is part of the wider Bauer media group and is the No.1 UK publisher and the No.1 digital commercial audio
broadcaster. No other media owner has the range and diversity of brands and audiences that Bauer truly different they use
audience insight to get a deep understanding of the audiences- knowing that it is no longer enough to understand what
consumers are doing right now but its crucial to understand where behaviours, values and attitudes are changing.
• From today Bauer media are the Uks biggest selling magazine publisher, creating iconic and influential magazine media
brands for diverse, passionate audiences. They have a women's weekly magazine which include take a break which has long
been the Uks best selling women weekly title and TV choice.
• Bauer Audio:
• This is Europe's leading digital commercial radio broadcast and audio operator. Experts in the power of sound, the company
reaches over 57 million listeners weekly through its market-leading broadcast radio, online services and the UK
they reach over 20 million listeners a week and operate over 120 commercial, local, national and digital stations. They also
own the Hits Radio Brand Network; the biggest commercial network in the UK made up Hits Radio, Greatest Hits Radio,
Country Hits Radio and other iconic local brands.
• An idea into the websites which include a range of
magazines and audio (which I will look into for my sources).
Bauer Media Website
• That’s life is a magazine in which combines real-life stories with classic women's weekly editorial and
a sense of humour. This magazine is unique, sassy and gritty involving editorial talks to its readers in
their own language this ensures it has one of the strongest reader relationships of any magazine in
the UK and is incredibly thoroughly read. With readers devouring every last page it is also an
empowering magazine, bursting with character its perfect mix of humorous and captivating editorial,
make it the most engaging magazine in the market. This is a British women's magazine founded in
1995 and published by H Bauer UK a subsidiary of the German Bauer Media Group on a weekly
bases, it also includes women's health and lifestyle features, puzzles and competitions.
It’s a magazine a slice of reality for women who want a little more out of life
and aren’t afraid to get it. The readers are mainly busy mums and workers the
backbone of the family who sees that life which is for the younger women's
weekly readers and the content holds a mirror up to their lives.
The readers also want to look and feel good so they are interested in beauty
and make up (receives more than 200 requests a week for beauty advice )
• Yours magazine puts its readers at the heart of everything we do and they reward us with
unprecedented levels of loyalty, trust and engagement. offering highly relevant, trusted and
useful advice, whether it’s to help readers look their best, to stay healthy and active, to enjoy
their free time or to manage their money better they celebrate 50+ women too, whether
they’re overcoming difficulties or achieving amazing things. And like to look back with our
readers and listen to their views, enjoy a shared heritage, shared values and a sense of
friendship and community. The covers stars aren’t just ‘celebs’ they are stars with integrity,
warmth and values that the readers share, the real-life features celebrate women who have
shown courage against the odds or are making a difference In the world. Moving on from this
the readers want to look and feel their best, so this magazine provides trusted expert advice in
every area the health advice is relevant but positive + the fashion pages always feature
affordable, figure fixing fashion.
They also have ‘Yours Retro’ which is an issue which uncovers the secrets of the
unforgettable stars we love, from Hollywood greats to home-grown talent
bringing new and intriguing information about yesterdays icons. They also rejoice
in the everyday things we used to take for granted and reminisce about the
fashion and fads from years gone by.
• ‘Brave, bold and innovative’- they were the words used to describe Grazia when it first
launched, and they're just as relevant today. This is the only magazine within the market to
offer a breadth of need-to-know news, whether in the world of celebrity, fashion, beauty or
culture, on a regular basis with a new issue every two weeks. This magazine has a highly
targeted demographic of 25-45 year old women and more AB profile readers than Vogue and
Elle which are very high brands within the magazine fashion industry. Grazia adds to our
curated charts of the fortnights hottest drops and brings an added usefulness to its unrivalled
fashion offering and also has the best business beauty editors are ging further than ever to
test and try the products that truly deserve your money, time and trust – bring in mental
health with new troubleshooting franchise school for thought.
Grazia online is a real time fashion, lifestyle and news website for
the hottest and most relevant news stories of the moment. With
fashion, beauty, celebrity and lifestyle sections with stories ranging
from the best high street items to buy this pay day to the world
• heat is the brand that sets popular culture alight and gets people talking, now a huge
multiplatform brand that’s unrivalled in the entertainment market heat is more than just a
magazine it’s a radio station, podcast, an app and has a huge online and social media
presence. Things published are reports, investigations, exclusive picture stories and analysis
and help celebrities talk about their biggest stories.
• At heat they edit and road test the latest trends, treatments, launches and brands arming
readers with the information they need to make savvy decisions when it comes to trends they
like to make sure they have advice that works for everyone with the all new ;all inclusive’
fashion and beauty section. In print they bring readers a truly unique quality experience from
clever A list access shoots no their magazine could pull off to celeb news heat has the celeb
contacts to give readers the exclusive every time. The all inclusive approach promises style for
everybody and the team test fashion and beauty products to make sure readers spend their
hard-earned pennies wisely.(life hacks) gives readers down-time inspo by curating the
buzziest experiences in travel, Food, fitness, wellbeing and homes.
The leading bird title on the UK newsstand, this is the definitive source of information for
bird watchers, allowing them to get the best out of their hobby. With 65% of readers
receiving their copy on subscription they get all they need direct to their door allowing them
more time to pursue their passion.92% having been on a holiday or short break that has
involved walking in the last year.
For those who love walking in hills and mountains trail is an informative and inspirational
read, especially when it comes to buying the best gear and equipment for tough terrains. In
the past 12 months trail readers have spent more than £18 million on off-road running gear
and equipment with 92% buying something walking related as a result of seeing it in the
magazine.86% readers actively look at the magazines advertisements while reading.
• Good housekeeping is an American women's magazine featuring
articles about women's interests, product testing by the good house
keeping institute, recipes, diet and health as well as literary articles it
was founded in 1885 by American publisher and poet Clark W Bryan.
Good housekeeping is one of the ‘seven sisters’ a group of women's
service magazines in 1922 the hearst corporation created a British
edition along the same lines named British good housekeeping. The
target audience is mainly focused at a more mature audience about
around 30s as the magazine is presented in this way through it cover
lines and layout design and the information to which is included inside
the magazine. This magazine stood out to me a lot more than the other
sources I have looked into because it gives a stereotype of how women
are ‘just housekeepers for men’ which reflects on the male gaze that
men are in control and overpower the women therefore women feel
less powerful in this situation.
Analysing A Product:
Moving onto analysing my chosen product which is a women's
magazine “women's health” I chose this magazine because it stood
out to me as the type of magazine which you would be able to refer
the male gaze to and link in some points related to this theory. The
first thing which stood out when looking at the cover of this
magazine was the image which is a women in a small tank top and
bikini bottoms which can be very revealing to certain audiences of
the male gaze, however from this it seems the body image has to
look a particular way which heightens this femininity. From the cover
line ‘15 minutes,3 days a week’ ‘ways to look hot’ this reveals the
people are trying to get the audience to absorb this male gaze and
even do it themselves by loosing weight, wearing makeup and
wearing revealing clothes to look ‘hot’ this is empowering women to
look like this perfect image with no flaws for the male gaze. The mise-
en-scene of the women's body language looks Asif she means
business with both hands on her hips to show the power she holds
this also links to the masthead as the women image is on top of the
masthead to also show her importance within this magazine and
what the main focus is. The facial expression of the women are
smiley and happy this reveals she looks like she is confident and
proud of how she looks and Asif she is proud of the confidence she is
showing through the cover.
Analysing a product
The next magazine I decided to look into was ‘seventeen’ magazine which
has a target audience of 13–19-year-old females this magazine is supposed
to empower young girls on the latest trends and how to ‘look’ a certain
beauty standards seemingly for men I noticed when looking into this
specific cover I had found. This included cover lines such as ‘best body’ &
‘pretty looks for you’ this reveals the magazine is trying to pursued its
audience to change their appearance for the specific beauty standards
which have become a ‘trend’ to each generation. As this magazine is aimed
at such a young demographic, I think this is very wrong in many ways young
girls want to enjoy their life and not know how to get the best body or look
appealing for others, this fits in with the male gaze that women must fit a
certain criteria to be attractive or for a man to find them attractive. This can
be very damaging to the younger teens as they may not feel they are good
enough or look good enough which effects mental health at a young age.
The font used are large and the cover lines stand out a lot to its audience
with the use of the saturated colour scheme which is feminine colours this
suggest they want to make sure the audience focuses on these cover lines
as this will pull them in and make them want to buy the magazine. The
body language of the model is very similar to the last magazine as she is
smiling and showing the power which, she holds this is also done as the
audience will want to look like these models when focusing on the images
as well as the fact this is Beyoncé who is a celebrity it will attract a fan base.
• PLAYBOY is an American men's lifestyle and
entertainment magazine including clothing, sports,
consumer goods, men's health, politics, and , formerly in
print (which is what I am focusing on) and currently
online. It was founded in Chicago in 1953, by Hugh
Hefner and his associates and funded in part by a $1,000
loan from Hefner’s mother. The first to present female
nudity and sexually oriented material in a relatively
sophisticated format, although most famous for its
photo spread Playboy also published general articles and
fiction, both of which were frequently of high quality
(which is interviews with celebrities and other
newsworthy person won wide attention)7.2 million
copies where sold in November 1972 and average sales
of 5.6 million copies per issue in 1975.
Secrets of PLAYBOY…
• This is an A&E network docuseries that explores the dark side of the lifestyle Hefner
sought to embody. Sister network lifetime notably had considerable impact with its
documentary expose ‘surviving R.Kelly’ and this fits squarely within that genre, yet
because hefner is gone having died in 2017 the main thrust lies in examining the
culture that PlayBoy promoted and the tactics employed to protect is founder, the
brand and Hefners buddies from facing damaging scrutiny.
• Secrets of PlayBoy names about some of the most egregious behavior associated
with the carte blanche including allegations of sexual misconduct and drug use.
• As much as Hefner advanced the idea of PlayBoy empowering women, the stories
about misconduct being overlooked and bunnies being regularly weighed and
reprimanded if they put on a few pounds, therefore they don’t fit that part of the
narrative. Ditto for the enormous power disparity that defined interactions
between young women working for playboy and Hefner and his celebrity pals.
• ‘obscured abusive and manipulative actions towards women who saw Playboy as a
path to fame and successes.
• This premiers on the 24th of Jan.
Episode one- The Playboy Legacy
• I decided to watch an episode on the secrets of playboy to find out a little more information and some
facts which I can then reflect on.
• Some of the girls didn’t want to bring up the memories as they were very traumatized and weren’t
even prepared to open up about Hefner
• Hefner changed the magazine culture, his legacy is very confusing because he sold women a very
seductive package about sexual freedom
• one of the women who lived in the mansion stated ‘I think he was a monster’ another said ‘ I could
look at him, and I saw the devil’
• Age of 27 when he began his first magazine
• Hefner was in his own world he created this fantasy, he thought he was the king and emperor looking
back on these photos everyone else was invisible to him.
• 7 million copies sold each month
• Women being exploded through the mansion- objectifying women
• This wasn’t empowering women this was the breaking down of women
• ¾ main girlfriends-one was the main
• Security cameras everywhere + microphones
• ‘I had to keep my mouth shut if I wanted to keep my job’
• He believed he owned these women
Analysis of Playboy
I came across this magazine which was advertised for the ‘Girls
Next Door’ TV series I noticed a lot of things as soon as I had
seen this image and the sort of way it is portraying to its
demographic. I noticed the dress codes of the three women
which were very revealing as they had only bikini tops on and
shorts with long socks, I feel Hefner did this to attract the
audience because of how the women ‘look’ as the clothing is
very little. The mise en scene of the women's facial expressions
seem overly happy as they have direct eye contact to the
audience which will also attract them to this cover. I noticed they
are holding what seems to be props which are lollipops again
themselves I feel Asif this is trying to be portrayed in a sexual
way by giving a hint this reveals that Hefner is trying to objectify
these women into using them to attract an audience and taking
power to how they will look and be sexualized in certain ways.
The colours schemes are very feminine colours of saturated
colours such as pinks with large fonts but still is trying to reach
for the male audience to these magazines. The phrase ‘up close
and personal’ also suggests Hefner wants its audience to feel
close to these women and know everything about them just by
looking at these images. I feel that Hefner is also trying to refer
to these women as young girls as they are dressed like teen girls
and the colour schemes and fonts seem like they are reaching a
younger audience.
• Ben Khon PlayBoy. Available: Last accessed 11 jan 2022.
• Bianca Bee Garner. (29th September 2019). Defining the male gaze. Available: Last accessed 11 jan 2022.
• Breaking Free From The Male Gaze. Available:
schools-and-colleges/extended-project-qualification-epq-support/breaking-free-from-the-male-gaze. Last accessed 11 jan
• Brian Lowry. (24th Jan 2022). secrets of PlayBoy. Available:
of-playboy-review/index.html. Last accessed 11 jan 2022.
• James Morrison (12 July 2018). Auteur Theory and My Son John . London: Bloomsbury Publishing
• Janice Loreck. (5th jan 2016). what does the male gaze mean, and what about the female gaze?. Available: Last
accessed 11 jan 2022.
• Kim Leonard. (25th April 2021). what is the male gaze?. Available:
gaze-definition/. Last accessed 11 jan 2022.
• Magazines. Available: Last accessed 11 jan 2022.
• Noah Berlatsky. (25 March 2013). Womens magazines objectify women just as much as mens magazines do. Available:
magazines-do/274330/. Last accessed 11 jan 2022.
• Reception Theory. Available:
theory. Last accessed 11 jan 2022.
• Reception Theory. Available: Last accessed 11 jan 2022.

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  • 2. AUTEUR THEORY A present day analogy would the ‘writer director’ and having control over the final cut of a film. Auteur theory has had a major impact on film criticism ever since it was advocated by film director and film critic Francois Truffaut in 1954. “Auteurism” is the method of analysing films based on this theory and the characteristics of a film makers work that makes her or him an auteur. Associated with the French New Wave and the film critics who wrote for the influential French film review periodical Cahiers du cinema. The theory basically suggests that consistent visual style throughout a directors body of work makes them the auteur of his films which I believe Malick has from the many auteur features that can be recognised throughout his films. James Morrison (12 July 2018). Auteur Theory and My Son John . London: Bloomsbury Publishing An auteur is an artist, usually a film director who applies a highly centralized and subjective control to many aspects of a collaborative creative work. And is viewed as the major creative force in a motion picture Auteur theory was imported to the united states in the 1960s, with Andrew Sarris its strongest proponent. I found this information from ISSUES WITH AUTEUR THEORY • Films are a collaborative effort • Ignores the role of writers, actors and musicians • Praise for the director at the expense of everyone else • The most powerful force in most films is the studio under which I being made • New criticism, argued that making meaning out of what directors were attempting to portray was secondary to the actual visualisation on screen.
  • 3. RECEPTION THEORY The reception theory is a version of a readers response literary theory that emphasizes each particular readers reception or interpretation in making meaning from a literary text. Stuart Hall states that media texts are encoded by the producer meaning that whoever produces the text fills the product with value and messages the text is then decoded by spectators. Different spectators will decode the text in different ways not always in the way the producer intended. Producers encodes messages/meaning Dominant or preferred negotiated Oppositional Lots of factors could effect whether we take the dominant, oppositional or negotiated reading : • Life experience • Mood at the time of viewing • Age • Culture • Beliefs • gender According to Morley audiences came from many different cultures and thus there were many possible ‘negotiated’ readings. He further argued that individuals had many aspects to their identities, and they interpreted media content in a variety of ways, often chopping and changing their interpretations over time. The reception analysis model is an ‘active audience’ model associated with Morley (1980) who conducted research on how several different groups of people interpreted media messages. model-of-audience-effects/ level-revision/reception-theory
  • 4. The Hypodermic Needle Model • It was developed in the 1920s and 1930s after researchers observed the effect of propaganda during World War I and events like Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds broadcast. The Hypodermic Needle Theory is a linear communication theory which suggests that media messages are injected directly into the brains of a passive audience It suggests that we’re all the same and we all respond to media messages in the same way. In the 1930s, many researchers realized the limitations of this idea and some dispute whether early media theorists gave the idea any serious attention at all. Nevertheless, The Hypodermic Needle Theory continues to influence the way we talk about the media. People believe that the mass media has a powerful effect. Parents worry about the influence of television and violent video games. News outlets run headlines like ‘Is Google making us stupid’ and ‘Grand Theft Auto led teen to kill’. On the surface, events like these seem to suggest that the media can have a powerful influence on audiences. Nevertheless, The Hypodermic Needle Theory is kind of inadequate to describe communication and media influence. It just doesn’t work. Although the hypodermic needle theory has been abandoned by most media theorists, it continues to influence mainstream discourse about the influence of the mass media. People believe that the mass media can have powerful effect on people and parents continue to worry about the effect of television and violent video games.
  • 5. THE MALE GAZE • The “gaze” is a term that describes how viewers engage with visual media. Originating in film theory and criticism in the 1970s, the gaze refers to how we look at visual representations. These include advertisements, television programs and cinema. • When film critics talk about the gaze, they are often referring to the “male gaze” The “male gaze” invokes the sexual politics of the gaze and suggests a sexualised way of looking that empowers men and objectifies women. In the male gaze, woman is visually positioned as an “object” of heterosexual male desire. Her feelings, thoughts and her own sexual drives are less important than her being “framed” by male desire. A key idea of feminist theory, the concept of the male gaze was introduced by scholar and filmmaker Laura mulvery in her now famous 1975 essay, visual pleasure Although sometimes described as the “male gaze”, Mulvey’s concept is more accurately described as a heterosexual, masculine gaze. Visual media that respond to masculine voyeurism tends to sexualise women for a male viewer. As Mulvey wrote, women are characterised by their “to-be-looked-at-ness” in cinema. Woman is “spectacle”, and man is “the bearer of the look”. The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946) offers a famous example of the male gaze. In the scene below, the audience is introduced to Cora Smith, the film’s lead female character. Using close-ups, the camera forces the viewer to stare at Cora’s body. It creates a mode of looking that is sexual, voyeuristic, and associated with the male protagonist’s point-
  • 6. • The male gaze theory describes a way of portraying and looking at women that empowers men while sexualizing and diminishing women. We are driven to look at and evaluate each other as potential mates, the male gaze twists this natural urge, turning the women into passive items to possess and use as props. • The term ‘male gaze’ was first popularized in relation to the depiction of female characters in film as inactive, often overly sexualized objects of male desire. However, the influence of the male gaze theory is not limited to how women and girls are featured in the movie. It extends to the experience of being seen in this way, both for the female figures on screen, the viewers, and by extension, to all girls. • The male gaze discourages female empowerment and self advocacy while encouraging self-objectification and deference to men and the patriarchy at large. • Despite the fact that women make up over the 50% of the population, the male gaze relegates women and girls to the position of other-and really to have. • From a feminist perspective, the male gaze limits and defines women in ways that are harmful and demeaning. • Studies show that increasing incidences of depression, anxiety, loneliness, low self-esteem are related o female objectification. • For my essays and the topic I have chosen to talk about is male gaze theory and included in my FMP which is print I will reflect on fashion and magazines etc how women are portrayed through this and I have chosen this because this is something I am interested in and would love to find out more information. I will also look into 4 sources relating to the male gaze to find out more into this specific topic. MALE GAZE THEORY
  • 7. Source 1 • project-qualification-epq-support/breaking-free-from-the-male-gaze • I am starting my research by looking into 4 sources which link in both with the male gaze and my chosen specialism of print and design I began this by looking into an article/post which I found on the Westminster university website. This post mainly focuses on the way the body is presented in the media and it can contribute to body diversity and body positivity-the knowledge that all bodies are different and a ‘normal’ body as such does not exist and that it can make us feel good about ourselves. The post also relates towards the audience as we look out ourselves and others everyday in many ways. Television, advertising, films , magazines and social media. • Media portrayals of female bodies in particular are often problematic and merely serve the purpose of showing women as objects to be consumed and looked at by men which has been explored by media and communication researchers. From this post I gathered that the male gaze is a big thing when it comes to film makers or genuinely in films of how women are portrayed characters etc as Hollywood Cinema was structured along a threefold gaze (by the audience, the camera and the characters) that looks at women from a male point of view and regards them as mere (sexual) objects. This is from close-ups of female bodies or body parts are brought into focus and that women can only be shown in patriarchal terms and in relation to men as some women in films are shown on the side or always with a male character as he takes charge and leads the plot. Whereas the viewers then see the women as glamours, powerful and a perfect character on screen and might want to be like him and women identify with the female characters and want to be desired in a similar way and objectify themselves as sexual objects which occur largely unconsciously for audiences. From this I have learnt a lot more detail to the film side of the male gaze and how there is a pattern to how each characters is portrayed or shown in certain roles they have.
  • 8. Source 2 • • The next source I have moved onto was linked onto my first source website this is how I found this one and this source links in with the male gaze theory on what does it mean and what about a female gaze? The idea of the male gaze invokes the sexual politics of the gaze and suggests a sexualised way of looking that empowers men and objectifies the male gaze, woman is visually positioned as an ‘object’ of heterosexual male desire. The male gaze takes many forms, but can be identified by situations where female characters are controlled (as said in the first source) by the hero. • A YouTube video ‘the postman always rings twice’ 1946 offers a famous example of the male gaze. I watched this video and noticed the camera uses close ups and also forces the viewers to stare at Cora's body it creates a mode of looking that is sexual, voyeuristic and associated with the males point of also establishes some important plot points the hero desires Cora, Cora recognises his lust, Cora is an attractive women which the audience learns even before they know her name. A lifetime of seeing women sexualised in television, music videos and advertisements has made people very comfortable with assuming the male gaze. • • Filmmakers often attempt to avoid presenting female characters as “mere” sexual objects by giving them complex back stories, strong motivations and an active role in the plot of their story however most show the women as to “be looked at”.
  • 9. Source 3 • Moving onto my 3rd source I found by searching through the internet focusing on films within the male gaze theory and found this website which has many examples of films but also detail on how the male gaze is presented in films. Men are considered the “active” do-ers of the world, while women are expected to take a more “passive” role supporting the men and men's goals especially shown in films as characters. • In the context of cinema, its mostly men who write films we watch, mostly men who make those films, and its men who are usually the target audience therefore, men are usually given the lead in the stories themselves while female characters are assigned functions that are limited to serving the goals of those male protagonists. (this is a sort of character conduit to connect the reader to the world of that particular medium).the determining male gaze is what happens when we put it all together-in other words we all been conditioned to adopt the male gaze because that is the way we were “raised” by traditional cinemas. • Women displayed has functioned on two levels: as erotic object for the characters within the screen story, and as erotic object for the spectator within the cinema is Asif females must perform their story function while also adhering to the heterosexual male sexual fantasy though this is not always in a literal way simply being beautiful is all that is needed. • The main thing which people need to remember about Laura Mulvey's male gaze is that its the perspective of the heterosexual male fantasy. • gaze-definition/
  • 10. Source 4 • • This source also links a lot with male gaze in film which I noticed most of these sources do, in regards to representation in film the male gaze is seen to strip away the human identity of female characters. The woman is visually positioned as an “object” of heterosexual male desire through the use of the camera. Her feelings and thoughts are less important when compared to the male counterparts, which often sees the female characters being almost invisible in the narrative. If they were to be removed from the film, then the plot wouldn’t be affected by their lack of presence as said. • From a feminist perspective, this theory can be viewed in three ways: how men look at women, how women look at themselves and how women look at other women. Typical examples of the male gaze include medium close-ups shots of women from over a mans shoulder, shots that pan across and over as well as fixate on a woman's body. According to Mulvey, it is women who are “the bearer of meaning and not the maker of meaning” this implies that women are not placed in a role where they can take control of a scene, instead they are simply put there to be observed from an objectified point of view. A man possesses the gaze because he is a man, however a woman has the gaze only when she assumes the role of a male viewer – when she objectifies others by gazing a them like a man. • We may be more aware of the male gaze and the depiction of women but its such an integrated part of our popular culture that I may never disappear, how we view film has certainly changed since Mulvey's essay and now with social media sites such as Instagram we have all become subject to the gaze .
  • 11. BAUER MEDIA • Bauer media group is one of the worlds largest privately-owned media business with media assets all over the globe. Founded in Hamburg in 1875 and now in its 5th generation of family ownership, the Bauer media group reaches 200 million consumers worldwide and operates in 14 countries including the Czech republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, UK, Ireland and the USA and has 15,000 employees. • Bauer media UK is part of the wider Bauer media group and is the No.1 UK publisher and the No.1 digital commercial audio broadcaster. No other media owner has the range and diversity of brands and audiences that Bauer truly different they use audience insight to get a deep understanding of the audiences- knowing that it is no longer enough to understand what consumers are doing right now but its crucial to understand where behaviours, values and attitudes are changing. • From today Bauer media are the Uks biggest selling magazine publisher, creating iconic and influential magazine media brands for diverse, passionate audiences. They have a women's weekly magazine which include take a break which has long been the Uks best selling women weekly title and TV choice. • Bauer Audio: • This is Europe's leading digital commercial radio broadcast and audio operator. Experts in the power of sound, the company reaches over 57 million listeners weekly through its market-leading broadcast radio, online services and the UK they reach over 20 million listeners a week and operate over 120 commercial, local, national and digital stations. They also own the Hits Radio Brand Network; the biggest commercial network in the UK made up Hits Radio, Greatest Hits Radio, Country Hits Radio and other iconic local brands. •
  • 12. • An idea into the websites which include a range of magazines and audio (which I will look into for my sources). Bauer Media Website
  • 13. SOURCE 1-THAT’S LIFE • That’s life is a magazine in which combines real-life stories with classic women's weekly editorial and a sense of humour. This magazine is unique, sassy and gritty involving editorial talks to its readers in their own language this ensures it has one of the strongest reader relationships of any magazine in the UK and is incredibly thoroughly read. With readers devouring every last page it is also an empowering magazine, bursting with character its perfect mix of humorous and captivating editorial, make it the most engaging magazine in the market. This is a British women's magazine founded in 1995 and published by H Bauer UK a subsidiary of the German Bauer Media Group on a weekly bases, it also includes women's health and lifestyle features, puzzles and competitions. It’s a magazine a slice of reality for women who want a little more out of life and aren’t afraid to get it. The readers are mainly busy mums and workers the backbone of the family who sees that life which is for the younger women's weekly readers and the content holds a mirror up to their lives. The readers also want to look and feel good so they are interested in beauty and make up (receives more than 200 requests a week for beauty advice )
  • 14. SOURCE 2- YOURS • Yours magazine puts its readers at the heart of everything we do and they reward us with unprecedented levels of loyalty, trust and engagement. offering highly relevant, trusted and useful advice, whether it’s to help readers look their best, to stay healthy and active, to enjoy their free time or to manage their money better they celebrate 50+ women too, whether they’re overcoming difficulties or achieving amazing things. And like to look back with our readers and listen to their views, enjoy a shared heritage, shared values and a sense of friendship and community. The covers stars aren’t just ‘celebs’ they are stars with integrity, warmth and values that the readers share, the real-life features celebrate women who have shown courage against the odds or are making a difference In the world. Moving on from this the readers want to look and feel their best, so this magazine provides trusted expert advice in every area the health advice is relevant but positive + the fashion pages always feature affordable, figure fixing fashion. They also have ‘Yours Retro’ which is an issue which uncovers the secrets of the unforgettable stars we love, from Hollywood greats to home-grown talent bringing new and intriguing information about yesterdays icons. They also rejoice in the everyday things we used to take for granted and reminisce about the fashion and fads from years gone by.
  • 15. SOURCE 3-GRAZIA • ‘Brave, bold and innovative’- they were the words used to describe Grazia when it first launched, and they're just as relevant today. This is the only magazine within the market to offer a breadth of need-to-know news, whether in the world of celebrity, fashion, beauty or culture, on a regular basis with a new issue every two weeks. This magazine has a highly targeted demographic of 25-45 year old women and more AB profile readers than Vogue and Elle which are very high brands within the magazine fashion industry. Grazia adds to our curated charts of the fortnights hottest drops and brings an added usefulness to its unrivalled fashion offering and also has the best business beauty editors are ging further than ever to test and try the products that truly deserve your money, time and trust – bring in mental health with new troubleshooting franchise school for thought. Grazia online is a real time fashion, lifestyle and news website for the hottest and most relevant news stories of the moment. With fashion, beauty, celebrity and lifestyle sections with stories ranging from the best high street items to buy this pay day to the world exclusive.
  • 16. SOURCE 4- HEAT • heat is the brand that sets popular culture alight and gets people talking, now a huge multiplatform brand that’s unrivalled in the entertainment market heat is more than just a magazine it’s a radio station, podcast, an app and has a huge online and social media presence. Things published are reports, investigations, exclusive picture stories and analysis and help celebrities talk about their biggest stories. • At heat they edit and road test the latest trends, treatments, launches and brands arming readers with the information they need to make savvy decisions when it comes to trends they like to make sure they have advice that works for everyone with the all new ;all inclusive’ fashion and beauty section. In print they bring readers a truly unique quality experience from clever A list access shoots no their magazine could pull off to celeb news heat has the celeb contacts to give readers the exclusive every time. The all inclusive approach promises style for everybody and the team test fashion and beauty products to make sure readers spend their hard-earned pennies wisely.(life hacks) gives readers down-time inspo by curating the buzziest experiences in travel, Food, fitness, wellbeing and homes.
  • 17. SOURCE 5- COUNTRY The leading bird title on the UK newsstand, this is the definitive source of information for bird watchers, allowing them to get the best out of their hobby. With 65% of readers receiving their copy on subscription they get all they need direct to their door allowing them more time to pursue their passion.92% having been on a holiday or short break that has involved walking in the last year. For those who love walking in hills and mountains trail is an informative and inspirational read, especially when it comes to buying the best gear and equipment for tough terrains. In the past 12 months trail readers have spent more than £18 million on off-road running gear and equipment with 92% buying something walking related as a result of seeing it in the magazine.86% readers actively look at the magazines advertisements while reading.
  • 18. SOURCE 6- GOOD HOUSEKEEPING • Good housekeeping is an American women's magazine featuring articles about women's interests, product testing by the good house keeping institute, recipes, diet and health as well as literary articles it was founded in 1885 by American publisher and poet Clark W Bryan. Good housekeeping is one of the ‘seven sisters’ a group of women's service magazines in 1922 the hearst corporation created a British edition along the same lines named British good housekeeping. The target audience is mainly focused at a more mature audience about around 30s as the magazine is presented in this way through it cover lines and layout design and the information to which is included inside the magazine. This magazine stood out to me a lot more than the other sources I have looked into because it gives a stereotype of how women are ‘just housekeepers for men’ which reflects on the male gaze that men are in control and overpower the women therefore women feel less powerful in this situation.
  • 19. Analysing A Product: Moving onto analysing my chosen product which is a women's magazine “women's health” I chose this magazine because it stood out to me as the type of magazine which you would be able to refer the male gaze to and link in some points related to this theory. The first thing which stood out when looking at the cover of this magazine was the image which is a women in a small tank top and bikini bottoms which can be very revealing to certain audiences of the male gaze, however from this it seems the body image has to look a particular way which heightens this femininity. From the cover line ‘15 minutes,3 days a week’ ‘ways to look hot’ this reveals the people are trying to get the audience to absorb this male gaze and even do it themselves by loosing weight, wearing makeup and wearing revealing clothes to look ‘hot’ this is empowering women to look like this perfect image with no flaws for the male gaze. The mise- en-scene of the women's body language looks Asif she means business with both hands on her hips to show the power she holds this also links to the masthead as the women image is on top of the masthead to also show her importance within this magazine and what the main focus is. The facial expression of the women are smiley and happy this reveals she looks like she is confident and proud of how she looks and Asif she is proud of the confidence she is showing through the cover.
  • 20. Analysing a product The next magazine I decided to look into was ‘seventeen’ magazine which has a target audience of 13–19-year-old females this magazine is supposed to empower young girls on the latest trends and how to ‘look’ a certain beauty standards seemingly for men I noticed when looking into this specific cover I had found. This included cover lines such as ‘best body’ & ‘pretty looks for you’ this reveals the magazine is trying to pursued its audience to change their appearance for the specific beauty standards which have become a ‘trend’ to each generation. As this magazine is aimed at such a young demographic, I think this is very wrong in many ways young girls want to enjoy their life and not know how to get the best body or look appealing for others, this fits in with the male gaze that women must fit a certain criteria to be attractive or for a man to find them attractive. This can be very damaging to the younger teens as they may not feel they are good enough or look good enough which effects mental health at a young age. The font used are large and the cover lines stand out a lot to its audience with the use of the saturated colour scheme which is feminine colours this suggest they want to make sure the audience focuses on these cover lines as this will pull them in and make them want to buy the magazine. The body language of the model is very similar to the last magazine as she is smiling and showing the power which, she holds this is also done as the audience will want to look like these models when focusing on the images as well as the fact this is Beyoncé who is a celebrity it will attract a fan base.
  • 21. What Is PLAYBOY? • PLAYBOY is an American men's lifestyle and entertainment magazine including clothing, sports, consumer goods, men's health, politics, and , formerly in print (which is what I am focusing on) and currently online. It was founded in Chicago in 1953, by Hugh Hefner and his associates and funded in part by a $1,000 loan from Hefner’s mother. The first to present female nudity and sexually oriented material in a relatively sophisticated format, although most famous for its photo spread Playboy also published general articles and fiction, both of which were frequently of high quality (which is interviews with celebrities and other newsworthy person won wide attention)7.2 million copies where sold in November 1972 and average sales of 5.6 million copies per issue in 1975.
  • 22. Secrets of PLAYBOY… • This is an A&E network docuseries that explores the dark side of the lifestyle Hefner sought to embody. Sister network lifetime notably had considerable impact with its documentary expose ‘surviving R.Kelly’ and this fits squarely within that genre, yet because hefner is gone having died in 2017 the main thrust lies in examining the culture that PlayBoy promoted and the tactics employed to protect is founder, the brand and Hefners buddies from facing damaging scrutiny. • Secrets of PlayBoy names about some of the most egregious behavior associated with the carte blanche including allegations of sexual misconduct and drug use. • As much as Hefner advanced the idea of PlayBoy empowering women, the stories about misconduct being overlooked and bunnies being regularly weighed and reprimanded if they put on a few pounds, therefore they don’t fit that part of the narrative. Ditto for the enormous power disparity that defined interactions between young women working for playboy and Hefner and his celebrity pals. • ‘obscured abusive and manipulative actions towards women who saw Playboy as a path to fame and successes. • This premiers on the 24th of Jan.
  • 23. Episode one- The Playboy Legacy • I decided to watch an episode on the secrets of playboy to find out a little more information and some facts which I can then reflect on. NOTES: • Some of the girls didn’t want to bring up the memories as they were very traumatized and weren’t even prepared to open up about Hefner • Hefner changed the magazine culture, his legacy is very confusing because he sold women a very seductive package about sexual freedom • one of the women who lived in the mansion stated ‘I think he was a monster’ another said ‘ I could look at him, and I saw the devil’ • Age of 27 when he began his first magazine • Hefner was in his own world he created this fantasy, he thought he was the king and emperor looking back on these photos everyone else was invisible to him. • 7 million copies sold each month • Women being exploded through the mansion- objectifying women • This wasn’t empowering women this was the breaking down of women • ¾ main girlfriends-one was the main • Security cameras everywhere + microphones • ‘I had to keep my mouth shut if I wanted to keep my job’ • He believed he owned these women
  • 24. Analysis of Playboy Magazine: I came across this magazine which was advertised for the ‘Girls Next Door’ TV series I noticed a lot of things as soon as I had seen this image and the sort of way it is portraying to its demographic. I noticed the dress codes of the three women which were very revealing as they had only bikini tops on and shorts with long socks, I feel Hefner did this to attract the audience because of how the women ‘look’ as the clothing is very little. The mise en scene of the women's facial expressions seem overly happy as they have direct eye contact to the audience which will also attract them to this cover. I noticed they are holding what seems to be props which are lollipops again themselves I feel Asif this is trying to be portrayed in a sexual way by giving a hint this reveals that Hefner is trying to objectify these women into using them to attract an audience and taking power to how they will look and be sexualized in certain ways. The colours schemes are very feminine colours of saturated colours such as pinks with large fonts but still is trying to reach for the male audience to these magazines. The phrase ‘up close and personal’ also suggests Hefner wants its audience to feel close to these women and know everything about them just by looking at these images. I feel that Hefner is also trying to refer to these women as young girls as they are dressed like teen girls and the colour schemes and fonts seem like they are reaching a younger audience.
  • 25. Bibliography: • Ben Khon PlayBoy. Available: Last accessed 11 jan 2022. • Bianca Bee Garner. (29th September 2019). Defining the male gaze. Available: Last accessed 11 jan 2022. • Breaking Free From The Male Gaze. Available: schools-and-colleges/extended-project-qualification-epq-support/breaking-free-from-the-male-gaze. Last accessed 11 jan 2022. • Brian Lowry. (24th Jan 2022). secrets of PlayBoy. Available: of-playboy-review/index.html. Last accessed 11 jan 2022. • James Morrison (12 July 2018). Auteur Theory and My Son John . London: Bloomsbury Publishing • Janice Loreck. (5th jan 2016). what does the male gaze mean, and what about the female gaze?. Available: Last accessed 11 jan 2022. • Kim Leonard. (25th April 2021). what is the male gaze?. Available: gaze-definition/. Last accessed 11 jan 2022. • Magazines. Available: Last accessed 11 jan 2022. • Noah Berlatsky. (25 March 2013). Womens magazines objectify women just as much as mens magazines do. Available: magazines-do/274330/. Last accessed 11 jan 2022. • Reception Theory. Available: theory. Last accessed 11 jan 2022. • Reception Theory. Available: Last accessed 11 jan 2022.