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Wadia OSCE

                  September 2011

Wadia CME Sept 2011
Station 1                                       marks 5
1.   Describe: MRI axial image of thigh 1/2
2.   Diagnosis: Dermatomyositis 1                   1.   Describe: USG abdomen, ½
3.   Diagnostic Criteria: Classic Rash + 3 of the   2.   Diagnosis: Intussusception 1
     following 1
      1.    Weakness
                                                    3.   Treatment : emergency
      2.    Muscle enzyme elevation
                                                         hydrostatic reduction( if not in
      3.    EMG changes                                  shock)
      4.    Muscle Biopsy                           If unsuccessful       1

                                                    Wadia CME Sept 2011
Station 2 ( marks 1 + 1+1 ½ +1 ½ =5
   How is scoliosis screened clinically? Forward bending Test. To observe Rib cage asymmetry.
   How do you calculate Cobb Angle? This is measured using the superior and inferior end plates
    of the most tilted vertebrae at the end of each curve.
   Give Differential Diagnosis of congenital Torticollis.
       Hemivertebra
       Klippel Feil
       Muscular
       Positional deformation
       Unilat. Absence of SCM
   Write Skeletal features of Marfan syndrome
       Pectus carinatum
       Pectus excavatum, needing surgery
       Reduced upper-segment to lower-segment ratio or arm span to height ratio >1.05
       Wrist and thumb signs
       Scoliosis of >20° or spondylolisthesis
       Reduced extension at the elbows (<170°)
       Medial displacement of the medial malleolus, causing pes planus
       Protrusio acetabulae of any degree (ascertained on radiographs)

                                                       Wadia CME Sept 2011
Station – 3                                     marks 6
   Name the act related to          Write the formulae for the
    hospital waste management.
    Biomedical Waste                  following:
    (management and handling)        Net protein utilization (
    rules, 1998, India
                                      NPU) : nitrogen retained /
   How will you discard 500 ml
    of blood? Chemical                nitrogen intake x 100
    disinfection with one            Standard deviation:
    percent hypochlorite
    solution followed by              Sq.root of ∑ (x- x’)2 / n
    discharge into drains.            Use n if N>30 & “n-1” if
   Which is the best type of         n<30
    incinerator available?
    Double chamber pyrolytic         Child survival index: 1000-
    incinerator.                      UFMR / 10

                                  Wadia CME Sept 2011
Station 4 Marks 1x5 = 5
As per IAP 2010 Recommendations
1.        Which of the following vaccines are under “Special Circumstances Vaccines” ( negative
          marking for wrong name)
          1.       IPV
     1.        Influenza
     2.        Yellow fever
          1.       PCV
          2.       MMR
2.        A child comes to you for routine immunization at 5 yr and 2 months. She has recd. All her
          vaccinations till date. She has not suffered from any viral exanthem till now. Name the
          vaccines that you would ask to be taken now.
     1.        DT / DTaP
     2.        MMR (2ND DOSE)
     3.        TYPHOID
     4.        CHICKENPOX ( 2ND DOSE)
3.        Mention the dosage schedule of Qudrivalent HPV vaccine : 0,2,6 months from 10 yr
4.        What is ‘Basic reproductive number’ (Ro)? measures the average number of secondary
          cases generated by one primary case in a susceptible population.
5.        In case of an infant requiring Measles Vaccine;
     1.        Needle should enter at an angle of ____ to the skin. 45 degree
     2.        The site of injection. Thigh
Station 5
Anion gap + compensation + diagnosis = 3 x2 =6 total
Sr. Na – 135 mEq/l                       An 8 year old child was diagnosed as acute rheumatic fever and discharged
                                              on Tab. Aspirin for 6 wks. The child was readmitted with c/o nausea,
                                              vomitting 2 days duration f/b rapid respiration, fever, seizure, altered
Sr. K - 3.5 mEq/l                        Data:

Sr. Cl- 85 mEq/l                         Sr. Na – 140 mEq/l
                                         Sr. K - 3.8 mEq/l
ABG: pH- 7.55                            Sr. Cl- 98 mEq/l
                                         ABG: pH- 7.55
       pCO2- 48 mm Hg                            pCO2- 19 mm Hg

       HCO3- 40 mEq/l                            HCO3- 10 mEq/l
                                         PT, PTT- elevated
                                         SGPT- 438 units
                                         Sr. Salicylate level- 58 mg/dl [mild elevation].
 What is the diagnosis?                     Analysis: ( Compensation / anion gap / Diagnosis)

 Comment on compensation.               Alkalemia / Respiratory
                                         If compensation is proper, HCO3 decreases by 1mEq/l for fall of every 10
                                               mm Hg pCO2
pCO2= 40 + .7 x [40-28]= 48.5            So expected drop of HCO3 is 4mEq/l

Suggests appropriate                     Expected HCO3- 20 mEq/l
                                         Actual HCO3- 10 mEq/l
  compensation                           This suggests inappropriate compensation i.e.

Anion Gap Na- [HCO3 +Cl] = 16            associated Metabolic Acidosis
                                         Anion Gap= 140-[98 + 10]= 32
Diagnosis: metabolic alkalosis           i.e wide AG
                                             Diagnosis : Respiratory Alkalosis with wide Anion Gap Metabolic

                    Source: Dr N C Joshi : Wadia CME Sept 2011
Answer- 6 marks 3*2=6
    3 yr old boy referred to hospital with severe epistaxis and multiple bruising on his limbs. He
     had been well previously and there were no other abnormalities on physical examination. He
     had not had any medications. Family history was negative for any illness.
    Hb 10.3
    WBC 13300 N- 43 L 30
    Platelets 3 x 109 /l
    INR 1.2 ….. PTTK Normal
    LFT / Platelet Antibodies Negative / ESR 20
1.      Acute Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura / Acute Leukemia.
2.      Bone marrow aspiration to exclude Leukemia.
3.      Expectant / Steroids / IVIG.
      A healthy boy was delivered and both mother and baby were discharged
       on day 3. Twelve hours after discharge, child was brought to hospital with
       severe vesiculo-pustular rash……. History now revealed a “Mild” vesiculo-
       pustular rash in mother 24 hours prior to delivery and two children
       suffering from chickenpox next door.
1.     Neonatal Chickenpox.
2.     Admit and IV Acyclovir.
3.     Zoster Immune Globulin….. And in case rash develops IV Acyclovir.

                                                    Wadia CME Sept 2011
Station 7 marks 1+ ½ + ½ + 1+1 =4
    A 10 yr old girl, brought with H/O rapidly progressive, both lower limb weakness
     since 3 days. She was apparently normal except for a history of “sore throat and
     bilateral neck swelling with fever about 20 days back.
    She started with difficulty while walking and not being able to pass urine despite of
     the sensation being there.
    On examination: normal sensorium and cranial nerves. Had normal neurology
     findings in both upper limb and shoulder. Lower limb, symmetrical flaccid paralysis;
     distal more than proximal. DTJ were exaggerated and Planters were extensors.
     There was a sensory discrepancy below T8 and Temp / light touch were affected.
     Vibration and position were normal. Her Urinary bladder was palpable.
1.      What is your differential diagnosis / diagnosis? Acute Transverse myelitis / SOL in
        spine ( Koch’s / vascular infarct / bleed / Bony spikule)
2.      What is the investigation of choice? MRI spine
3.      Treatment: IV steroid pulse
4.      Name (any 2) causative factors for this condition: Post / Para infectious / SLE with
        thrombosis / Lyme disease.
5.       Describe the components of Type 1 and 2 … Arnold Chiari malformation
         Type 1: Cerebellar Tonsillar herniation type 2 : with Meningomeylocele

                                                Wadia CME Sept 2011
Station 8
marks ½ +1 + 1+ ½ +1=4

1.   Identify the Inheritance pattern. Auto. dominant
2.   Give 4 examples. Achondroplasia / Tuberous sclerosis / Neurofibromatosis/
     marfan / Huntington / Wardenburg….

3.   What is “pseudo-dominant” Inheritance pattern on a pedigree.
     Name any one situation of the same… Homozygous AR has a partner
     who is Heterozygous AR results in a pedigree that appears to be Dominant like
4.   Mention the Fragile site and give main clinical manifestation of
     Fragile X syndrome. Xq27.3
5.   The main clinical manifestations of fragile X syndrome in affected males are
     mental retardation, autistic behavior, macro-orchidism, and characteristic facial

                                             Wadia CME Sept 2011
Station 9    marks 1*5=5
As per Indian Pediatric Nephrology Guidelines 2011
1.       Define : Significant Pyuria: > 5 leukocytes /hpf in Centrifuged sample OR >10
         leukocytes / mm3 in Fresh Uncentrifuged sample.
2.       Define: Simple UTI : UTI with low grade fever<39, Dysuria, frequency, urgency;
         and absence of symptoms of complicated UTI
3.       A child has 1st attack of UTI at 18 months: which investigations will you ask &
         when ( USG / VCUG/ DMSA) : USG: soon after Diagnosis. And DMSA 2-3 months
         later …… NO VCUG ..unless one of them is abnormal
4.       Mx of VUR grade IV : ( w.r.t. prophylaxis and/or Surgery) Antibiotic prophylaxis
         until 5 yr… Consider surgery if Breakthrough Febrile UTI. After 5 yr Prophylaxis
         only if Bowel Bladder Dysfunction.
5.       Mention ( any 4) clinical features suggesting underlying Structural abnormality:
        Distended Bladder
        palpable kidneys
        tight phimosis
        Vulval Synechiae
        Patulous anus
        Incontinence
        Surgical scars

                                                Wadia CME Sept 2011
Station -10
 1*4=4 marks

                                      From Slovis TL, editor: Caffey's pediatric diagnostic imaging, ed 11, Philadelphia, 2008, Mosby/Elsevier, p 1287.)

17 month old boy brought with H/o ingesting Kerosene. First X ray was
taken at 3 hours and second after few hours.
     •    What is the role of gastric aspiration here on admission? Not to be done.
     •    Ingestion of what amount is considered at risk for Pneumonitis ? > 30 ml
     •    How long would you observe this child , if no abnormal symptoms develop. (
          8-12 hours)
        A 10 month old infant was admitted with h/o irritability, vomiting, crying while passing urine. Urine
         microscopy revealed 2-3, RBCs; no leucocytes and urine culture was normal. No family H/o urinary stones.
        Child had history of fever with cough and cold for two days (which improved without any medication except
         paracetamol) prior to their week long trip to China.
        Child had normal mental and physical growth till now; he was was on formula feeds which were correctly
         prepared under sterile conditions.
        What is your diagnosis? Melamine poisoning

                                                                               Wadia CME Sept 2011
Station 11 who growth charts:
marks ½ + ½ +1 + 1+ 2 =5
   Q. Will the standards be applicable to all children?
   Answer: can be applied to all children everywhere, regardless of ethnicity, socioeconomic status and type
    of feeding
   Q. What reference data should be used for children older than 5 years?
   Answer: WHO Reference 2007 for boys and girls, 5-19 years
   Q. How will these new standards change current estimates of overweight (for 8 yr old )and under-
    nutrition ( infancy) in children?
   Answer: wasting rates will be substantially higher using the new WHO standards. With respect to
    overweight, use of the new WHO standards will result in a greater prevalence
   Q. which countries were involved in WHO MGRS study.
   Answer: 6 countries representing different regions of the world: Brazil, Ghana, India, Norway, Oman, and
    the United States.
   Q. What is Mid-parental height and Target centiles?
   Answer: Boys: [(maternal height + 13) + paternal height]/2
    • Girls: *maternal height + (paternal height − 13)+/2
    Chart these range at “18 year”= Target Range
   Trace the corresponding centile lines to current age.
   This is the target centile. It corresponds to 3rd and 97th centile for this child(growth potential).

                                                         Wadia CME Sept 2011
Station – 12
Marks ½ + ½+ 1 + 2= 4
    A 10 yr old child with H/o rheumatic heart disease is on Inj. Benzathine Penicillin prophylaxis.
     He has taken this inj. Previously many times. He was given test dose. Immediately the child is
     found to have fast breathing and feeble pulse and cold / pale extremities with stridor.
1.      What is the diagnosis?
     1.     Anaphylactic shock
2.        What non-pharmacological measures to be taken?
     1.     Check airway and breathing

3.        Name the drug / drugs with route and dose that should be used.
     1.     Oxygen thro Nonrebreathing mask 10 -15 lit/min.
     2.     IM adrenaline 0.01ml /kg ( 1:1000)
     3.     Diphenhydramine 1 mg/kg oral ( as IV is not available)
4.        Name types of hypersensitivity reactions( in order) and write their respective mediators.
     1.       I : Allergy : IgE
     2.       II : cytotoxic : IgM /IgG –antibody mediated
         III: Immune complex : IgG
         IV : Delayed hypersensitivity : T cell mediated

                                                             Wadia CME Sept 2011
Station -13
Marks (1+ 1 + ½ )+( ½ *3) + ½ + ½ =5
   A 3 yr old girl has been brought with h/o red staining of diapers. Her height is 101
    cm ( 1 yr back it was 90 cm), weight is 17 kg ( 1 yr back it was 13 kg). She has been
    observed to be more quiet than usual with intermittent episodes of laughing.
   On examination : No skin / mucosal bleeding. Abdominal exam no organomegaly.
    Neurology NAD
   USG abdomen normal.
   Routine Hemat / urine / stool /Biochem NAD.
   What is the likely diagnosis( give complete diagnosis) ?
       Isosexual central precociuos puberty
       Hypothalamic Hamartoma
       Gelastic seizures
   What investigations would you ask for ?
       MRI : localisation / diagnosis
       EEG : Gelastic seizures
       Estradiol levels :
   What is the medical treatment in this case? GnRH Analogues
   In case medical treatment fails, what is the other option ? Surgery : Gammaknife/
    Transpeniodal etc.

                                               Wadia CME Sept 2011
Station 14
Marks ½ +1 ½ + 2 =4
   What is Stokes Adam Syndrome?
   refers to a sudden, transient episode of syncope, occasionally
    featuring seizures with Heart block.
   Write True / False.
    1.   The QRS complex is commonly of normal duration in congenital
         heart block whereas the QRS Duration is usually prolonged in
         surgically induced heart blocks.: True
    2.   Prolongation of PR interval is a more reliable early sign of Digitalis
         toxicity than arrhythmia.: True
    3.   In Sinus Rhtythm P wave is upright in lead II and inverted in aVR. :

                                          Wadia CME Sept 2011
Answer 15 marks ( ½ *4) + 1 + (½*6) = 6
A.        Marasmus admission Criteria
     1.      Less than 6 months
     2.      NOT alert
     3.      Appetite NOT preserved
     4.      Clinically NOT well
     5.      Home environment NOT conducive
B.        Stabilization phase and Rehabilitation phase
C.        10 goals of management
     1.       Hypoglycemia
     2.      Hypothermia
     3.      Dehydration
     4.      Electrolytes
     5.      Infection
     6.      Micronutrients
     7.      Cautious feeding
     8.      Catch up growth
     9.      Sensory stimulation
     10.     Prepare for follow up

                                                Wadia CME Sept 2011
Answer 16
A 14 yr boy treated for attempted suicide , now getting
discharged, you have been asked to counsel. (Total marks 8)
1.    Introduce/ Language
2.    Try to get comfortable with some small talk.
3.    Promise Confidentiality
4.    Ask any Future Plans of another attempt
5.    Any Signs of depression (Sleep well ?, Want to listen to music?)
6.    What will you do after going home?
7.    What were the stressors (Girlfriend , Marks)
8.    Ask substance abuse
9.    Where did he get this idea from?
10.   Tell Him : make him feel he is not worthless, family and friends still love you , will welcome you home
      without change in attitude, try to have confidence when there are stress events , Other career options,
      examples of Sachin Tendulkar, singers,
11.   Take a Promise to not do it again
12.   Any such thoughts , call me up.
13.   We will meet regularly
14.   Continue your medications
15.   If you want , we can speak to your parents or teachers
16.   Never hide anything from parents
17.   Thanks for your time and sharing your intimate/ personal.

                                                        Wadia CME Sept 2011
Answer 17
Counsel the mother, whose child has been diagnosed with Haemophilia A (Total
marks 8)
   Introduction
   Explain the disease
   Removal of guilt
   Problem addressed – current problems (Jt. Bleed ))
   Associated problems.. deep bleeds
   Treatment drug / dosage / side effect to watch Factor VIII / Cryo / FFP
   On discharge : precautions at home
   Precautions at school / play . Helmet / knee / elbow
   To inform about condition in case of any future medical intervention
   Counsel for future preg/ posibility of prenatal diagnosis for her and others in Family
   Investigate other RELEVENT members
   School / play
   Future cure / vaccination MAY come up …
   When to follow up
   When to come in emergency?
   Ask if they have any more questions?
   Thank the Mother                                Wadia CME Sept 2011
Answer 18 (Total marks 8)
Perform Lumbar Puncture in this 3 year old child
1.       Introduces.
2.       Explain to parents the Need for Procedure & consent
3.       Checks or asks for blood glucose level
4.       Keeps resuscitation equip ready
5.       Checks Vitals and AF
6.       Universal precaution for self
7.       Clean / Drape
8.       Identifies the site
9.       Sedation (Midazolam) ,[ No need for Atropine]
10.      Position (Left Recumbent )
11.      LA (Deep into Dura and Outside)
12.      Correct direction(Towards Umbilicus) and “give way” mentioned
13.      [Newborn 23/22 G , 1 inch], [Pediatric 22 G 1.5 inch], [Adolscent LP needle].
14.      Post procedure , mild pressure and seal
15.      Will send for cells / biochemistry / culture
16.      Post procedure position [Head Low],
17.      Explain to mother that procedure was uneventful
18.      Instructions to monitor this child
20.      Thanks the Mother
                                                           Wadia CME Sept 2011
Answer 19 (Total marks 8)
Explain the procedure of insulin administration
6 units Actrapid and 4 units Insulatard.

1.      Introduction
2.      Explain procedure (painless , need to take daily)
3.      Tells about the two insulin (Milky and Plain) and insulin syringe
4.       Remove half an hour before from fridge and shake lightly
5.       To give 15-30 minutes before food
6.      Select areas –mark them for every day => thigh and site rotation
7.      Swab the top of the vial with spirit swab provided
8.      Takes 4U air in a syringe puts it in insulatard vial (keeping the vial upright) and then takes 6U air in
        a syringe puts it in actrapid vial.(vial upright)
9.      Inverts the bottle withdraws 6u actrapid then withdraws syringe inserts in insulatard and
        withdraws up to 10u i.e. 4u
10.     Cleans area with spirit
11.     Allows it to dry
12.     Pinches the subcutaneous area –inserts the needle at 45 degree angle and injects then withdraws
        needle with syringe and slowly releases pinch, no rubbing massaging
13.     Syringe reusable/disposal in sharp
14.     Can use same needle for 2-3 times
15.     Keep insulin in fridge
16.     Explain the symptoms of Hypoglycemia
17.     Thank you

                                                        Wadia CME Sept 2011
Answer 20 (Total marks 8)
Preterm child is being discharged after 1 month of NICU Stay under you,
Counsel mother
1.    No need for introduction, only say hello
2.    Preferably insist on father being present
3.    Congratulations (You have gone through a lot)
4.    Talk of Normal Routine care in all babies
5.    Hypothermia (warm clothes, KMC)
6.    Infections (Minimal handling, less visitors, wash hands)
7.    Feeding (EBM only with paladi, Non Nutritive suck, No bottle Feeds, Burping)
8.    Normal Pattern (Stool, sleep, urine )
9.    Continue medications at home
10.   Regular vaccination (except HBV)
11.   No kajal ,Oil instillation
12.   No Bath ;Only sponge till we tell you
13.   Massage only if done by family member
14.   Follow up every week initially , Growth Monitoring
15.   Please arrange for somebody (Mother, Mother in Law ) to help you
16.   Bring to doctor (Baby Cold, Lethargic, Oliguria, Persistent vomiting, not feeding well)
17.   If you have any doubt , take my number

                                                      Wadia CME Sept 2011
Answer 21 (Total marks 8)
Kindly do the developmental assessment of this 4 year old boy.
   Gross Motor:-
       Walks up and down stairs by alternate feet
       Hops on one feet
       Throws ball overhead
   Fine Motor:-
       Draws a man with 2-4 parts besides head
       Copies a square
   Language:-
       Tells a story
       Knows three colours
   Social:-
       Gives a account of recent experience and events
       Washes face, feet and brushes teeth.

                                         Wadia CME Sept 2011
Answer 22 (Total marks 8)
Examine a patient with Mediastinal Lymph Nodes and Suspected
   Pallor
   Lymphadenopathy [Axilla , Cervical, Groin, Epitrochlear]
    (In detail, in all positions)
   Abdomen examination for Hepatomegaly and
   Trachea in centre
   Apex Beat (Shift of Mediastinum)
   Para aortic LN (Deep Abdominal Palpation)
   Entire Lung Examination (If time Permits)
   Neck examination for JVP !!

                                 Wadia CME Sept 2011
Station 23
marks : ½ + (1 ½ only if all four drugs) + 1 + 1 =4
    Product code 15 (PWBs)
1.      Identify the product
                                                  Name the categories for
2.      What does each pouch contain?              pediatrics TB diagnosis
3.      Indication of using this pouch.            under RNTCP
    Product Code 15 –(pediatric Wise
     Boxes )                                           New ( prev. CAT I)
    Prolongation of intensive phase of                Previously treated ( cat II)
     category I
    Pediatric cases (6-10 kg and 18-25 kg).
    Each box containing 5 pouches
    Each pouch containing 12 blister
     Combi pack of Schedule-5.
    The pouch consists of Isoniazid,
     Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide and
     Ethambutol to be given under direct
     observation thrice a week on
     alternate days for 1 month (12 doses).

                                               Wadia CME Sept 2011
Station 24
Marks : 1 ½ + ½ + ½ + 1 ½ = 4
   Give (any 3)D/D of Bowing of legs
       Physiological
       Rickets
       Blounts
   What is the commonest inheritance pattern in
    Hypophosph. Rickets? X linked Dominant
   In the above condition, who will be having a more severe
    disease; Boy or Girl ? Girl
   Vit D resistant rickets Type 2:
       Vit D3 ( normal)and 1,25(OH)2 vit D levels( high ) :
       Drug of choice: Calcitriol or Alphacalcidol ( also calcium but
        drug of choice is calcitriol)

                                       Wadia CME Sept 2011
 Wish   you all the best

             Wadia CME Sept 2011





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OSCE in Pediatrics (Wadia, Sept 2011)

  • 1.
  • 2. Wadia OSCE September 2011 Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 3. Station 1 marks 5 1. Describe: MRI axial image of thigh 1/2 2. Diagnosis: Dermatomyositis 1 1. Describe: USG abdomen, ½ 3. Diagnostic Criteria: Classic Rash + 3 of the 2. Diagnosis: Intussusception 1 following 1 1. Weakness 3. Treatment : emergency 2. Muscle enzyme elevation hydrostatic reduction( if not in 3. EMG changes shock) 4. Muscle Biopsy If unsuccessful 1 Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 4. Station 2 ( marks 1 + 1+1 ½ +1 ½ =5  How is scoliosis screened clinically? Forward bending Test. To observe Rib cage asymmetry.  How do you calculate Cobb Angle? This is measured using the superior and inferior end plates of the most tilted vertebrae at the end of each curve.  Give Differential Diagnosis of congenital Torticollis.  Hemivertebra  Klippel Feil  Muscular  Positional deformation  Unilat. Absence of SCM  Write Skeletal features of Marfan syndrome  Pectus carinatum  Pectus excavatum, needing surgery  Reduced upper-segment to lower-segment ratio or arm span to height ratio >1.05  Wrist and thumb signs  Scoliosis of >20° or spondylolisthesis  Reduced extension at the elbows (<170°)  Medial displacement of the medial malleolus, causing pes planus  Protrusio acetabulae of any degree (ascertained on radiographs) Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 5. Station – 3 marks 6  Name the act related to  Write the formulae for the hospital waste management. Biomedical Waste following: (management and handling)  Net protein utilization ( rules, 1998, India NPU) : nitrogen retained /  How will you discard 500 ml of blood? Chemical nitrogen intake x 100 disinfection with one  Standard deviation: percent hypochlorite solution followed by Sq.root of ∑ (x- x’)2 / n discharge into drains. Use n if N>30 & “n-1” if  Which is the best type of n<30 incinerator available? Double chamber pyrolytic  Child survival index: 1000- incinerator. UFMR / 10 Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 6. Station 4 Marks 1x5 = 5 As per IAP 2010 Recommendations 1. Which of the following vaccines are under “Special Circumstances Vaccines” ( negative marking for wrong name) 1. IPV 1. Influenza 2. Yellow fever 1. PCV 2. MMR 2. A child comes to you for routine immunization at 5 yr and 2 months. She has recd. All her vaccinations till date. She has not suffered from any viral exanthem till now. Name the vaccines that you would ask to be taken now. 1. DT / DTaP 2. MMR (2ND DOSE) 3. TYPHOID 4. CHICKENPOX ( 2ND DOSE) 3. Mention the dosage schedule of Qudrivalent HPV vaccine : 0,2,6 months from 10 yr onwards 4. What is ‘Basic reproductive number’ (Ro)? measures the average number of secondary cases generated by one primary case in a susceptible population. 5. In case of an infant requiring Measles Vaccine; 1. Needle should enter at an angle of ____ to the skin. 45 degree 2. The site of injection. Thigh
  • 7. Station 5 Anion gap + compensation + diagnosis = 3 x2 =6 total Sr. Na – 135 mEq/l An 8 year old child was diagnosed as acute rheumatic fever and discharged on Tab. Aspirin for 6 wks. The child was readmitted with c/o nausea, vomitting 2 days duration f/b rapid respiration, fever, seizure, altered Sr. K - 3.5 mEq/l Data: sensorium. Sr. Cl- 85 mEq/l Sr. Na – 140 mEq/l Sr. K - 3.8 mEq/l ABG: pH- 7.55 Sr. Cl- 98 mEq/l ABG: pH- 7.55 pCO2- 48 mm Hg pCO2- 19 mm Hg HCO3- 40 mEq/l HCO3- 10 mEq/l PT, PTT- elevated SGPT- 438 units Sr. Salicylate level- 58 mg/dl [mild elevation].  What is the diagnosis?  Analysis: ( Compensation / anion gap / Diagnosis)  Comment on compensation. Alkalemia / Respiratory If compensation is proper, HCO3 decreases by 1mEq/l for fall of every 10 mm Hg pCO2 pCO2= 40 + .7 x [40-28]= 48.5 So expected drop of HCO3 is 4mEq/l Suggests appropriate Expected HCO3- 20 mEq/l Actual HCO3- 10 mEq/l compensation This suggests inappropriate compensation i.e. Anion Gap Na- [HCO3 +Cl] = 16 associated Metabolic Acidosis Anion Gap= 140-[98 + 10]= 32 Diagnosis: metabolic alkalosis i.e wide AG  Diagnosis : Respiratory Alkalosis with wide Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis Source: Dr N C Joshi : Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 8. Answer- 6 marks 3*2=6  3 yr old boy referred to hospital with severe epistaxis and multiple bruising on his limbs. He had been well previously and there were no other abnormalities on physical examination. He had not had any medications. Family history was negative for any illness.  Hb 10.3  WBC 13300 N- 43 L 30  Platelets 3 x 109 /l  INR 1.2 ….. PTTK Normal  LFT / Platelet Antibodies Negative / ESR 20 1. Acute Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura / Acute Leukemia. 2. Bone marrow aspiration to exclude Leukemia. 3. Expectant / Steroids / IVIG.  A healthy boy was delivered and both mother and baby were discharged on day 3. Twelve hours after discharge, child was brought to hospital with severe vesiculo-pustular rash……. History now revealed a “Mild” vesiculo- pustular rash in mother 24 hours prior to delivery and two children suffering from chickenpox next door. 1. Neonatal Chickenpox. 2. Admit and IV Acyclovir. 3. Zoster Immune Globulin….. And in case rash develops IV Acyclovir. Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 9. Station 7 marks 1+ ½ + ½ + 1+1 =4  A 10 yr old girl, brought with H/O rapidly progressive, both lower limb weakness since 3 days. She was apparently normal except for a history of “sore throat and bilateral neck swelling with fever about 20 days back.  She started with difficulty while walking and not being able to pass urine despite of the sensation being there.  On examination: normal sensorium and cranial nerves. Had normal neurology findings in both upper limb and shoulder. Lower limb, symmetrical flaccid paralysis; distal more than proximal. DTJ were exaggerated and Planters were extensors. There was a sensory discrepancy below T8 and Temp / light touch were affected. Vibration and position were normal. Her Urinary bladder was palpable. 1. What is your differential diagnosis / diagnosis? Acute Transverse myelitis / SOL in spine ( Koch’s / vascular infarct / bleed / Bony spikule) 2. What is the investigation of choice? MRI spine 3. Treatment: IV steroid pulse 4. Name (any 2) causative factors for this condition: Post / Para infectious / SLE with thrombosis / Lyme disease. 5. Describe the components of Type 1 and 2 … Arnold Chiari malformation Type 1: Cerebellar Tonsillar herniation type 2 : with Meningomeylocele Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 10. Station 8 marks ½ +1 + 1+ ½ +1=4 1. Identify the Inheritance pattern. Auto. dominant 2. Give 4 examples. Achondroplasia / Tuberous sclerosis / Neurofibromatosis/ marfan / Huntington / Wardenburg…. 3. What is “pseudo-dominant” Inheritance pattern on a pedigree. Name any one situation of the same… Homozygous AR has a partner who is Heterozygous AR results in a pedigree that appears to be Dominant like 4. Mention the Fragile site and give main clinical manifestation of Fragile X syndrome. Xq27.3 5. The main clinical manifestations of fragile X syndrome in affected males are mental retardation, autistic behavior, macro-orchidism, and characteristic facial features Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 11. Station 9 marks 1*5=5 As per Indian Pediatric Nephrology Guidelines 2011 1. Define : Significant Pyuria: > 5 leukocytes /hpf in Centrifuged sample OR >10 leukocytes / mm3 in Fresh Uncentrifuged sample. 2. Define: Simple UTI : UTI with low grade fever<39, Dysuria, frequency, urgency; and absence of symptoms of complicated UTI 3. A child has 1st attack of UTI at 18 months: which investigations will you ask & when ( USG / VCUG/ DMSA) : USG: soon after Diagnosis. And DMSA 2-3 months later …… NO VCUG ..unless one of them is abnormal 4. Mx of VUR grade IV : ( w.r.t. prophylaxis and/or Surgery) Antibiotic prophylaxis until 5 yr… Consider surgery if Breakthrough Febrile UTI. After 5 yr Prophylaxis only if Bowel Bladder Dysfunction. 5. Mention ( any 4) clinical features suggesting underlying Structural abnormality:  Distended Bladder  palpable kidneys  tight phimosis  Vulval Synechiae  Patulous anus  Incontinence  Surgical scars Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 12. Station -10 1*4=4 marks From Slovis TL, editor: Caffey's pediatric diagnostic imaging, ed 11, Philadelphia, 2008, Mosby/Elsevier, p 1287.) 17 month old boy brought with H/o ingesting Kerosene. First X ray was taken at 3 hours and second after few hours. • What is the role of gastric aspiration here on admission? Not to be done. • Ingestion of what amount is considered at risk for Pneumonitis ? > 30 ml • How long would you observe this child , if no abnormal symptoms develop. ( 8-12 hours)  A 10 month old infant was admitted with h/o irritability, vomiting, crying while passing urine. Urine microscopy revealed 2-3, RBCs; no leucocytes and urine culture was normal. No family H/o urinary stones.  Child had history of fever with cough and cold for two days (which improved without any medication except paracetamol) prior to their week long trip to China.  Child had normal mental and physical growth till now; he was was on formula feeds which were correctly prepared under sterile conditions.  What is your diagnosis? Melamine poisoning Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 13. Station 11 who growth charts: marks ½ + ½ +1 + 1+ 2 =5  Q. Will the standards be applicable to all children?  Answer: can be applied to all children everywhere, regardless of ethnicity, socioeconomic status and type of feeding  Q. What reference data should be used for children older than 5 years?  Answer: WHO Reference 2007 for boys and girls, 5-19 years  Q. How will these new standards change current estimates of overweight (for 8 yr old )and under- nutrition ( infancy) in children?  Answer: wasting rates will be substantially higher using the new WHO standards. With respect to overweight, use of the new WHO standards will result in a greater prevalence  Q. which countries were involved in WHO MGRS study.  Answer: 6 countries representing different regions of the world: Brazil, Ghana, India, Norway, Oman, and the United States.  Q. What is Mid-parental height and Target centiles?  Answer: Boys: [(maternal height + 13) + paternal height]/2 • Girls: *maternal height + (paternal height − 13)+/2 Chart these range at “18 year”= Target Range  Trace the corresponding centile lines to current age.  This is the target centile. It corresponds to 3rd and 97th centile for this child(growth potential).  Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 14. Station – 12 Marks ½ + ½+ 1 + 2= 4  A 10 yr old child with H/o rheumatic heart disease is on Inj. Benzathine Penicillin prophylaxis. He has taken this inj. Previously many times. He was given test dose. Immediately the child is found to have fast breathing and feeble pulse and cold / pale extremities with stridor. 1. What is the diagnosis? 1. Anaphylactic shock 2. What non-pharmacological measures to be taken? 1. Check airway and breathing 3. Name the drug / drugs with route and dose that should be used. 1. Oxygen thro Nonrebreathing mask 10 -15 lit/min. 2. IM adrenaline 0.01ml /kg ( 1:1000) 3. Diphenhydramine 1 mg/kg oral ( as IV is not available) 4. Name types of hypersensitivity reactions( in order) and write their respective mediators. 1. I : Allergy : IgE 2. II : cytotoxic : IgM /IgG –antibody mediated  III: Immune complex : IgG  IV : Delayed hypersensitivity : T cell mediated Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 15. Station -13 Marks (1+ 1 + ½ )+( ½ *3) + ½ + ½ =5  A 3 yr old girl has been brought with h/o red staining of diapers. Her height is 101 cm ( 1 yr back it was 90 cm), weight is 17 kg ( 1 yr back it was 13 kg). She has been observed to be more quiet than usual with intermittent episodes of laughing.  On examination : No skin / mucosal bleeding. Abdominal exam no organomegaly. Neurology NAD  USG abdomen normal.  Routine Hemat / urine / stool /Biochem NAD.  What is the likely diagnosis( give complete diagnosis) ?  Isosexual central precociuos puberty  Hypothalamic Hamartoma  Gelastic seizures  What investigations would you ask for ?  MRI : localisation / diagnosis  EEG : Gelastic seizures  Estradiol levels :  What is the medical treatment in this case? GnRH Analogues  In case medical treatment fails, what is the other option ? Surgery : Gammaknife/ Transpeniodal etc. Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 16. Station 14 Marks ½ +1 ½ + 2 =4  What is Stokes Adam Syndrome?  refers to a sudden, transient episode of syncope, occasionally featuring seizures with Heart block.  Write True / False. 1. The QRS complex is commonly of normal duration in congenital heart block whereas the QRS Duration is usually prolonged in surgically induced heart blocks.: True 2. Prolongation of PR interval is a more reliable early sign of Digitalis toxicity than arrhythmia.: True 3. In Sinus Rhtythm P wave is upright in lead II and inverted in aVR. : True Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 17. Answer 15 marks ( ½ *4) + 1 + (½*6) = 6 A. Marasmus admission Criteria 1. Less than 6 months 2. NOT alert 3. Appetite NOT preserved 4. Clinically NOT well 5. Home environment NOT conducive B. Stabilization phase and Rehabilitation phase C. 10 goals of management 1. Hypoglycemia 2. Hypothermia 3. Dehydration 4. Electrolytes 5. Infection 6. Micronutrients 7. Cautious feeding 8. Catch up growth 9. Sensory stimulation 10. Prepare for follow up Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 18. Answer 16 A 14 yr boy treated for attempted suicide , now getting discharged, you have been asked to counsel. (Total marks 8) 1. Introduce/ Language 2. Try to get comfortable with some small talk. 3. Promise Confidentiality 4. Ask any Future Plans of another attempt 5. Any Signs of depression (Sleep well ?, Want to listen to music?) 6. What will you do after going home? 7. What were the stressors (Girlfriend , Marks) 8. Ask substance abuse 9. Where did he get this idea from? 10. Tell Him : make him feel he is not worthless, family and friends still love you , will welcome you home without change in attitude, try to have confidence when there are stress events , Other career options, examples of Sachin Tendulkar, singers, 11. Take a Promise to not do it again 12. Any such thoughts , call me up. 13. We will meet regularly 14. Continue your medications 15. If you want , we can speak to your parents or teachers 16. Never hide anything from parents 17. Thanks for your time and sharing your intimate/ personal. Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 19. Answer 17 Counsel the mother, whose child has been diagnosed with Haemophilia A (Total marks 8)  Introduction  Explain the disease  Removal of guilt  Problem addressed – current problems (Jt. Bleed ))  Associated problems.. deep bleeds  Treatment drug / dosage / side effect to watch Factor VIII / Cryo / FFP  On discharge : precautions at home  Precautions at school / play . Helmet / knee / elbow  To inform about condition in case of any future medical intervention  Counsel for future preg/ posibility of prenatal diagnosis for her and others in Family  Investigate other RELEVENT members  School / play  Future cure / vaccination MAY come up …  When to follow up  When to come in emergency?  Ask if they have any more questions?  Thank the Mother Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 20. Answer 18 (Total marks 8) Perform Lumbar Puncture in this 3 year old child 1. Introduces. 2. Explain to parents the Need for Procedure & consent 3. Checks or asks for blood glucose level 4. Keeps resuscitation equip ready 5. Checks Vitals and AF 6. Universal precaution for self 7. Clean / Drape 8. Identifies the site 9. Sedation (Midazolam) ,[ No need for Atropine] 10. Position (Left Recumbent ) 11. LA (Deep into Dura and Outside) 12. Correct direction(Towards Umbilicus) and “give way” mentioned 13. [Newborn 23/22 G , 1 inch], [Pediatric 22 G 1.5 inch], [Adolscent LP needle]. 14. Post procedure , mild pressure and seal 15. Will send for cells / biochemistry / culture 16. Post procedure position [Head Low], 17. Explain to mother that procedure was uneventful 18. Instructions to monitor this child 19. BIOWASTE DISPOSAL 20. Thanks the Mother Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 21. Answer 19 (Total marks 8) Explain the procedure of insulin administration 6 units Actrapid and 4 units Insulatard. 1. Introduction 2. Explain procedure (painless , need to take daily) 3. Tells about the two insulin (Milky and Plain) and insulin syringe 4. Remove half an hour before from fridge and shake lightly 5. To give 15-30 minutes before food 6. Select areas –mark them for every day => thigh and site rotation 7. Swab the top of the vial with spirit swab provided 8. Takes 4U air in a syringe puts it in insulatard vial (keeping the vial upright) and then takes 6U air in a syringe puts it in actrapid vial.(vial upright) 9. Inverts the bottle withdraws 6u actrapid then withdraws syringe inserts in insulatard and withdraws up to 10u i.e. 4u 10. Cleans area with spirit 11. Allows it to dry 12. Pinches the subcutaneous area –inserts the needle at 45 degree angle and injects then withdraws needle with syringe and slowly releases pinch, no rubbing massaging 13. Syringe reusable/disposal in sharp 14. Can use same needle for 2-3 times 15. Keep insulin in fridge 16. Explain the symptoms of Hypoglycemia 17. Thank you Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 22. Answer 20 (Total marks 8) Preterm child is being discharged after 1 month of NICU Stay under you, Counsel mother 1. No need for introduction, only say hello 2. Preferably insist on father being present 3. Congratulations (You have gone through a lot) 4. Talk of Normal Routine care in all babies 5. Hypothermia (warm clothes, KMC) 6. Infections (Minimal handling, less visitors, wash hands) 7. Feeding (EBM only with paladi, Non Nutritive suck, No bottle Feeds, Burping) 8. Normal Pattern (Stool, sleep, urine ) 9. Continue medications at home 10. Regular vaccination (except HBV) 11. No kajal ,Oil instillation 12. No Bath ;Only sponge till we tell you 13. Massage only if done by family member 14. Follow up every week initially , Growth Monitoring 15. Please arrange for somebody (Mother, Mother in Law ) to help you 16. Bring to doctor (Baby Cold, Lethargic, Oliguria, Persistent vomiting, not feeding well) 17. If you have any doubt , take my number 18. AVOID TALKING ABOUT KEEPING A WATCH FOR DELAYED DEVELOPMENT AT THIS MEETING Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 23. Answer 21 (Total marks 8) Kindly do the developmental assessment of this 4 year old boy.  Gross Motor:-  Walks up and down stairs by alternate feet  Hops on one feet  Throws ball overhead  Fine Motor:-  Draws a man with 2-4 parts besides head  Copies a square  Language:-  Tells a story  Knows three colours  Social:-  Gives a account of recent experience and events  Washes face, feet and brushes teeth. Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 24. Answer 22 (Total marks 8) Examine a patient with Mediastinal Lymph Nodes and Suspected Lymphoma  Pallor  Lymphadenopathy [Axilla , Cervical, Groin, Epitrochlear] (In detail, in all positions)  Abdomen examination for Hepatomegaly and Splenomegaly  Trachea in centre  Apex Beat (Shift of Mediastinum)  Para aortic LN (Deep Abdominal Palpation)  Entire Lung Examination (If time Permits)  Neck examination for JVP !! Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 25. Station 23 marks : ½ + (1 ½ only if all four drugs) + 1 + 1 =4  Product code 15 (PWBs) 1. Identify the product  Name the categories for 2. What does each pouch contain? pediatrics TB diagnosis 3. Indication of using this pouch. under RNTCP  Product Code 15 –(pediatric Wise Boxes )  New ( prev. CAT I)  Prolongation of intensive phase of  Previously treated ( cat II) category I  Pediatric cases (6-10 kg and 18-25 kg).  Each box containing 5 pouches  Each pouch containing 12 blister Combi pack of Schedule-5.  The pouch consists of Isoniazid, Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide and Ethambutol to be given under direct observation thrice a week on alternate days for 1 month (12 doses). Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 26. Station 24 Marks : 1 ½ + ½ + ½ + 1 ½ = 4  Give (any 3)D/D of Bowing of legs  Physiological  Rickets  Blounts  What is the commonest inheritance pattern in Hypophosph. Rickets? X linked Dominant  In the above condition, who will be having a more severe disease; Boy or Girl ? Girl  Vit D resistant rickets Type 2:  Vit D3 ( normal)and 1,25(OH)2 vit D levels( high ) :  Drug of choice: Calcitriol or Alphacalcidol ( also calcium but drug of choice is calcitriol) Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 27.  Wish you all the best Wadia CME Sept 2011
  • 28. Theory: OSCE: Clinical: Practicals: Download at: