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Order Custom Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Order Custom Essay" can be a challenging endeavor,
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In conclusion, tackling an essay on the topic of "Order Custom Essay" demands a nuanced
approach. Navigating the ethical considerations, providing unbiased information, and
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Order Custom Essay Order Custom Essay
Ethical Issues In Correctional Facilities
Another ethical problem is that in correctional facilities it is not spoken openly
about transgender rights and what can be done to ensure safety for all no matter
their gender identity. In an article written by Asmar detailing the experience of
Hill, a transgender who identifies herself as a woman in a male prison, was raped
by her cellmate. Whenever she asked for help or reported what happened to her,
the staff did not believe her. For instance, when she was violently raped by her
cellmate she wrote a letter to a nurse who was handing out medications. The nurse s
response to her note was unethical and unprofessional as she asked her if it was real
and that better be real (Asmar, 2015). There are many concerns with the nurse s
response.... Show more content on ...
Training classes will help nurses to understand the definitions and terms, being
empathic to transgender individuals in prison, and provide gender affirming
healthcare services (Wahowiak, 2016). It is also important to note what led them
to become incarcerated so that as a nurse you can help prevent them from being
incarcerated again. Treating transgender individuals with fairness, dignity, and
respect is extremely important because that is how you develop a nurse patient
relationship (NCCHC, 2015). Patient safety will also have an impact on the
profession of nursing as our mission is to protect, heal, and advocate for our
patients regardless of their gender identity. Transgender inmates are at risk for
violence and sexual assault or harassment. As nurses, it is our duty to ensure that
while they are incarcerated they are being treated equally, receiving the same
healthcare treatment as others and that we report any incidents. Housing should also
be addressed so that they can be housed based on their gender identity instead of
their genitalia. Previously mentioned, transgender individuals are denied their
medication because the healthcare system is indifferent to their needs and views it
as unimportant compared to the rest. In spite of this, what they fail to see is that if
they keep denying them their medications and sex reassignment surgery, they
become more liable because it will lead to self castration or mutilation. As a result,
they become responsible for what happens in prison and if they become ill from
catching an infection due to self castration the health professionals become
questionable. Questionable in the sense of, if it could have been prevented and
where did the staff fail in providing
Thomas Jefferson Report
Biography of Thomas Jefferson
Third President of the United States of America.
Thomas Jefferson (1743 1826) was the third president of the United States and a
creator of the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson was a philosopher,
politician, scientist, architect, inventor, musician, and writer. Thomas Jefferson was
also one of the smartest leaders in history.
His father was named Peter Jefferson, a very rich Farmer from Virginia. Thomas s
Mother, Jane Randolph Jefferson, was part of the Randolph family. The Randolph
Family was a big part of Virginia history, and also very rich also. Peter and Jane
Jefferson moved to Goochland county, because Peter had just gotten 400 acres of
land there.
Thomas Jefferson was born ... Show more content on ...
The marriage was happy, except Mrs. Jefferson s ill health. Of their six children,
only two, both of them girls, lived to maturity. Martha Jefferson died in 1782. The
death of his wife had a profound effect on Jefferson and probably influenced his
return to politics, which Thomas Jefferson had considered leaving.
On June 21, 1775, Jefferson took his seat in Congress. The following summer,
Jefferson sat in Congress as an elected delegate, not as an alternate. It was at this
session that Thomas Jefferson wrote his most famous document, the Declaration of
Independence. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was formally
adopted. The connections with America with Great Britain were broken. Within a
few days the declaration was being read to people throughout the colonies, and it was
received with great pride.
Jefferson managed to spend considerable time with his family. Thomas took up
building projects at Monticello and continued to develop his land. Jefferson was a
philosopher a architect, and an inventor. Thomas invented the dumbwaiter, a swivel
chair, a lamp heater, and an improved plow.
In May, 1784, Congress appointed Jefferson a diplomat. Jefferson was to go to
France. There Thomas Jefferson was to help the other ministers, Benjamin Franklin
and John Adams, in arranging commercial treaties with various European countries.
When Franklin retired in 1785, Jefferson replaced him as the U.S. diplomatic
representative to
France. One of Jefferson s
Teenage Culture And Teen Culture On Teens And Their
Teenage Culture and Performative Religion
How does living under the expectation of performative Christianity affect teenagers
and their behavior? While many religions are present in the United States,
Christianity is perhaps not the most prevalent, but certainly the loudest voice.
Religion is usually considered an excellent tactic to keep teenagers in line morally,
legally, and emotionally. However, this is far less effective when youth do not hold
the tenants of religion for themselves, and instead act out a version of themselves
when around adults and truly religious peers. When with secular peers, teenagers
often engage in dangerous and immoral behaviors. Teenage culture, when influenced
by performative religion is frequently preformative, quietly rebellious, and self
While religion and pressure to perform a religious life often work to dissuade
teenagers from using drugs, teenagers frequently use discreetly. Drug use among
teenagers is widespread, primarily to ease mental disorders such as depression and
anxiety, and to enjoy themselves ( Why do adolescents take drugs? ) . These
disorders are prevalent among teenagers due to changing hormones, school, and other
factors. However, the reality is that drugs such as marijuana actually increase
depressive and anxious symptoms, especially later in life ( Mental Health and
Marijuana ). Recreational drugs are condemned by religious communities, but this
does not ensure that teenagers will abstain rather, it
The Caliph Harun Al Rashid
Aside from this general emphasis on the value of cleverness and intelligence
however, the story of the Caliph Harun al Rashid and his much exalted qadi Abu
Yusuf also highlights an interesting point about religion and the works to follow or
otherwise remain within the confines of certain religious mandates while
simultaneously being able to pursue whatever personal ends one desires. Though the
qadi claims that the actions of the Caliph all fall within accordance with the Qur an
and the teachings of Islam, the series of events required to allow the Caliph to
consummate a marriage with the slave girl which involve such workarounds as the
ordering of her marriage to a male slave in order to divorce them and avoid the
three month period of legal purification (Schroeder, 1955) required for sexual
conduct, as well as ordering the male slave to become the property of the girl in
order to annul their marriage when the male slave refuses to divorce her on his own
it certainly seems that these actions probably violate the spirit of the law, even if
they avoid violation of the letter. The story itself makes a somewhat humorous and
sly mention of this fact towards the end of the tale, confirming that as to the
expiation of the oaths, Abu Yusuf s ruling would hardly be confirmed by jurists of
the Shafi i school, (Schroeder, 1955) but noting that Abu Yusuf treated it in accord
with the views of his own, the Hanafi school. In other words, whether or not the
actions of the qadi
Analysis Of Plato s Apology
Wonder is the beginning of wisdom. (Socrates cite website). Socrates was the wisest
person in Athens according to the Oracle of Delphi. In Plato s Apology we read
about Socrates journey to find a man wiser than him, his trail, and finally his death.
First we will discuss what the Oracle of Delphi is. The Oracle of Delphi is a shrine
for the Greek gods that the pageants worshiped. In the Apology the Oracle of Delphi
tells Socrates that he is the wisest man in Athens. Socrates was shocked about this
statement so he went on a journey to find a man wiser than him. During his journey
Plato goes around Athens and ask the wisest people he knew questions about logic
but realized that they are not very wise themselves. This is how it is explained ...
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The first charge against him was that he was corrupting the youth of Athens.
Socrates responds to this charge by saying it takes more than one person to corrupt
the youth , and that the youth are eager to learn. The second charge was not
believing in the Gods. But this is just the ingenious riddle of which I was speaking:
the demigods or spirits are gods, and you say first that I don t believe in gods, and
then again that I do believe in gods; that is, if I believe in demigods. For if the
demigods are the illegitimate sons of gods, whether by the Nymphs or by any other
mothers, as is thought, that, as all men will allow, necessarily implies the existence
of their parents . (The Apology). The people of Athens only put him on trial to get
him to stop pestering
Judeo-Christian Tradition
reality. It was as if boats had their rudders removed, and they were permitted to drift
freely. Today, we often refer to our Judeo Christian heritage as based on law and
legal precedent. In reality, the Christian part of this tradition did not become part of
our Western morality until after the English referred back to the Torah, began to
read Hebrew and incorporated the Jewish tradition in the system of laws based on
written laws and legal precedents and then became known as the Judeo Christian
tradition. Until then, the governance of a community was based on power those
with it made individualized decisions based on at best their own personal dictates
or, at worst, expediency. For their daily lives the people looked to the village priest,...
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Since they were already circumcised, any relief from this ritual was meaningless.
They were all usually raised with some degree of Jewish education, many were
literate and easily understood that as the people of the book, they had a tradition of
over 1,200 years of accumulated laws and commentary on laws in the Torah and
Talmud and the ensuring books of the Haftarah. Portions of each were read and
commented on regular basis every Sabbath during the year, and repeated every year
thereafter. The Jewish communities were tight knit, and centered around the
synagogue. Many Jews were engaged in trades or commerce which separated them
from the local farmers or fishermen who made up the balance of the cities
population. To ask these traditional Jews to give up the Torah, the law or leave their
communities would have required an extraordinary conversion under any
circumstance. A central point of Paul s claim was that Jesuswas resurrected into
heaven and was himself divine. A vast portion of the Jews especially mainstream
Jews never would have accepted the idea of a resurrection or an afterlife. Some
Pharisees held a belief in resurrection but nothing on a par with what Paul preached.
However, to call a man a god was entirely alien to any kind of Jewish belief. It
would have been an utter blasphemy. It is no wonder that Paul was harmed
physically and run out of numerous cities as was recounted in Acts, or in Paul s own
Examples Of Life After Death
The Thought of life after death is comforting for some. For others, there is no life
after death. Human beings are the only animals on earth who understand they will
die, and throughout history have sought eternal life or that life will continue after
death (Stewart Williams). Steve Stewart Williams, after looking at many arguments
for and against life after death, tends to believe that he does not have a ghost of a
chance (Stewart Williams). I tend to agree with this thinking as well. Stewart
Williams shows some cases for life after death and then shows some arguments
against it.
Stewart Williams looks at the examples of paranormal phenomena first. These are
the ideas of out of body experiences, near death experiences, ghosts, mediums who
communicate with the dead, and past life memories. If these occurrences were what
they appear, they would be proof of an afterlife, but ... Show more content on ...
People may have the wishful thinking without evidence, but it could still be true.
Wishful thinking is not a way of proving that life after death is false. One last
argument is resurrection. This, for Stewart Williams, has many holes. For one, if
it is true the body is resurrected, and we are made of atoms possible from bodies of
past people and possible your atoms go into others in the future, how would God
resurrect everyone? Another question Stewart Williams is maybe God uses other
atoms, not within other people, then would you be the same person you were
before death if not made up of the same material you were when alive. I like the
thoughts put forth by Stewart Williams, if we are atoms and those atoms spread
after death, then we would not really be the same. Stewart Williams uses the idea
of the you after death is not the same you from before death you would be a replica.
I agree with that, a replica or clone of you from different atoms would not necessarily
be you, almost identically but could not
Mayo Zoo Research Paper
The Como Zoo in St Paul MN, The zoo operates on a donation basis and is free to
enter. The size is small but offers a multitude of sights. It has it have different things
to visit such at animals, different kind of fishes, birds, gardens and many more, it is
the place good to visiting animals and nature. Along with the zoo there is also a
conservatory and a Japanese Garden. It was located outside of the building, the
garden captured a lot people attention and interest the most on visiting. There was a
lot of people in the zoo due to the weekend and holiday. The garden was fairly and
allowed for a quiet photo shoot. The Como zoo was wonderful place, and it was
peaceful place to visit. They also decide garden within beautify alive plant with...
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Actually stone lanterns were originally discover in the traditional Buddhist
temples. Afterwards, tea masters leave temple lanterns to express the modesty of
tea house, while providing light for early morning or evening ceremonies.
Lanterns were eventually used in the design of other types of gradients as well.
Three of the lanterns I the Charlotte partridge Ordway Japanese gander where
originally begging since 1904 World s Fair in Saint Louis. They were brought to
Minnesota for Japanese Garden located on what is now Como Park Golf Course.
The City of Nagasaki provided the wide roofed snow viewing lantern, located near
the bridge, as a gift to the citizens of Saint Paul. The reddish lantern at the entrance
to the garden was created from stone salvaged from a 100 year old park drinking
Math During World War II
Death. Danger. Destruction. These are some words that may come into mind when
thinking about the topic of war and the military. What doesn t usually come to mind
is the word math . Unknown to many, math is involved in many aspects of the
military. It has contributed to the conquering of enemies and the advancement of
systems, technology, and warstrategies in the militaryand Army.
One example of how math has been used in war occurred during World War II.
During World War II, the Allies reached a hard conclusion: the Germans tanks were
more superior to their own. In order to hinder the devastating effects of the
superiority of the German tanks, the Allied forces had to figure out how many tanks
the Germans were producing. At first, the Allies... Show more content on ...
This area of math has a great impact on the army and their needs. The long term goals
of the Army s mathematical research program is to help the Army advance in areas
such as materials, systems, testing, evaluation, acquisition, training, and logistics.
Math is a major factor when it comes to modeling systems, evaluating and regulating
complex developments, and designing and improving systems in the Army. Army
mathematical research includes applied analysis, computational mathematics,
probability and statistics, systems and controls, discrete mathematics, and intelligent
systems. Advances in these areas of math will help the Army develop a well
equipped strategic force that will be able to reach victory in conflicts. In order to
reach this goal, there has to be constant interaction between several sections of the
military including researchers, Army development personnel, and Army field
soldiers. This collaboration will ensure that Army systems are built quickly and
correctly the first
The Effects of Eurpoeans on Native Americans
Effects of European settler on Native Americans The Europeans eventually came
to dominate the land once held by the Native Americans through theft, disease and
converting the natives to Christianity. First many times the Europeans had their
own best interest in mind when they went to meet the natives. The Europeans such
as Cortes had heard stories of gold and wanted to take the gold for themselves. He
told the Aztec Chief Montezuma the amazingly ridiculous lie that the Spanish had
a strange disease of the heart for which the only known remedy is gold (Kennedy
and Cohen) Worse yet for the Aztecs who believed the Spanish conquistadors were
the god Quetzalcoatl and thus allowed entry into the city. This gave up the
intelligence of what the city had; it gave the Spanish the knowledge of how to
defeat the city. Shortly later Cortes conquered the Aztec capital. However, Cortez
was far from the only European who was attempting to take advantage of the
wealthy natural resources of the new world. Juan Ponce De Leon searched for
gold in Florida. Francisco Coronado explored the southern plains in his search for
gold abusing Native Americans along the way by placing iron collars on them and
harassed his captives with vicious dogs. Francisco Pizarro conquered the Incan
empire in Peru and took a huge load of silver for Spain. Later the silver taken from
the mines in Bolivia and Mexico resulted in a silver price revolution in Europe. The
Europeans also captured natives and
How Did Jane Addams Contribute To Social Reform
One of America s most prominent social activists, Jane Addams dedicated her
whole life to the poor and social reform. Born on September 6, 1860 in Cedarville,
Illinois, Jane grew up to become one of the most notable college educated women
of her time. Utilizing her education, Addams developed her own political and
social beliefs and applied them to society during the Progressive Era, leading to
many reforms that have shaped our world today. Although Addams has done many
impeccable things, one of her most distinguishable actions was co founding Hull
House with her friend Ellen Gates Starr in 1889. Hull House is a settlement house
in Chicago, Illinois, inspired by the Toynbee Hall she visited in England. Opening
Hull House, Addams expected the settlement to be a place where the poor could
attend cultural programs, such as art, however her ideas changed as she explored the
city and got to know her neighbors. While walking down the streets of Chicago, the
reformer noticed all the poor immigrants residing in the cramped and dirty tenements,
which led to her newfound passion to help... Show more content on ...
Taking political action, Jane Addams set forth toward goals of creating laws for
better and safer work conditions. By talking to political leaders, with great ambition,
Jane Addams persisted to create changes to benefit the community. Along with
political actions, Addams also used her writing and lectures to urge a new social
ethic and strongly advocated for women s right to vote to further close the margin she
needed to pass her ideas. With her constant push and with Hull House sponsoring
many legislations regarding children, workers, and the environment, the Progressive
party also adopted many of those reforms, incorporating them into their platform in
1912, and in turn expanded Jane Addams
Comparing Robinson And Paul Simon s Richard Cory
Richard Cory, the name used for the title of two thought provoking works, was a
man whose luxurious persona led the world from feelings of admiration to wide
ranging envy. In both poems by Edwin Arlington Robinson and Paul Simon, similar
tones established esteem and praise towards their subject. However, throughout these
verses, both speakers also appeared to shift their acknowledgments into a place of
spite and jealously. As the reader began to unfold the nature of the literary works,
tones from worship, hardship, and bitterness are all keenly painted throughout the
speakers use of contrast, repetition, and negativity by the name Richard Cory.
Tone, or the attitude of the writer towards a subject, is depicted equally and
similarly in both poems. When each line is stripped and decoded in search for its
meaning, similarities concerning the approach of both speakers can be made. Both
Robinson and Simon open by boasting Richard Cory and finalize with a major tone
shift by the death of him. Not only do they touch upon what the ... Show more content
on ...
He is defined as a gentleman from sole to crown (Edwin Arlington Robinson 3) and
who had everything a man could want: power, grace, and style (Paul Simon 4).
Cory has the presence of a stereotypical English man. He is subjected to be very
proper and well mannered. The speaker in Robinson s poem uses three stanzas to
emit notions to the reader that Richard Cory was not just any man... He was
everything (11). The celebrity in Cory was justified very genuinely throughout these
stanzas as well by signifying touches of human emotions such as fluttered pulses
when he said/ Good morning, and allowing the reader to visualize his charisma as
he glittered when he walked (Robinson 7 8). Compliments were exhumed from the
speaker and verbal irony was not suspected. These lines allow the reader to envision
their subject and recognize a tone of
Citizen By Claudia Rankine Summary
The first chapter of Citizen by Claudia Rankine immediately caught my attention. It
starts with a line that anyone can relate to, when you are alone and too tired even
to turn on any of your devices (5). This line makes the reader dig through their
memory to find a time when they felt these two things, alone and tired. It
immediately drew me in and allowed me to relate to the writer. The story becomes
Claudia s memories. However, through second person story telling the reader begins
to feel as though they are the ones experiencing these moments. This experience
enhanced the story by stirring up the things Claudia might have been feeling within
the reader. The feelings from the first story increase as the stories go on. I would
describe these... Show more content on ...
It seems as if Claudia is hurt by this because she knows the only reason she is
complimented is because she let her cheat. Another thing that hurts is the so called
compliment itself. It implies that having features more like a black person wouldn
t be a compliment at all. This is just one of the many examples used in the first
chapter of the people in Claudia s life that say or do offensive things. It becomes
clear to Claudia that these people are being subtly racist after the picture that
interrupts her words. This picture had a street named Jim Crow RD which brings
my mind to the Jim Crow laws during segregation (6). After this picture the
language Claudia uses to describe her next memory changes. She describes this
memory as a memory that can send adrenaline to the heart, dry out the tongue, and
clog the lungs (7). She tells of a friend who would call her by the name of her black
housekeeper (7). Claudia admits to feeling hurt by this, but she isn t sure why. She
doesn t know if it s because she knows her friend thinks all black people look the
same or, because she was constantly being confused for someone else, by someone
she believed she was close
Endangerment Wildlife Trust Ethos Pathos Logos
The Endangerment Wildlife Trust, started a campaign titled If you don t pick it
up, they will In 2009. This is a Visual Analysis on The Rhetoric used in this Ad
which includes Pathos, Ethos and Logos, Pathos being the strongest of the three.
The image displays a dead bird with a strong emphasis on the small manmade
objects inside to direct our attention toward it and reflect feelings of guilt back to
us. The artists wanted to bring the whole image together and deliver its intended
message. EWT knew the text would get our attention by making us feel
responsible for the crisis. This Ad is displayed for the purpose to increase
awareness of pollution and man made waste. Audience They are targeting Society
today. The intended purpose of this is to raise awareness, and to instill
watchfulness in the audience. They want individuals to feel responsible for the
endangerment of wildlife by using strong pathos. The design of the Ad they created
was intended to work together as a whole, to make their message relevant to
everybody and also to convince the viewer to be increasingly more aware of the
issue surrounding them. They know that the audience is a big part of the issue that is
occurring and that wildlife is suffering for... Show more content on ...
By eliminating that grey area they can convince more of the audience to their way
of thinking. The logic is pretty simple, If you don t pick it up, they will . It directs
the text straight toward individuals and by showing the dead bird and the manmade
objects eaten by it helps solidify the truth to the word they . The evidence is shown
in the picture with the objects in the bird and they know that the audience has seen
how bad pollution is around them and this helps solidify or convince the reader into
the author s way of thinking. Makes you ask yourself if you would have made better
choices in the past how much that would have changed your
Helmet Jellyfish Research Paper
Kiersten Swarts
Mrs. Walser
Bio II
Periphylla Periphylla: Helmet Jellyfish
The helmet jellyfish, scientifically known as periphylla periphylla has many
interesting features and many unique facts about it. When just looking at it, it
resembles many jellyfish, the bell is different from a regular jellyfish though. It has a
life cycle that contains fourteen stages that explain how it is formed and how it
develops. Not much is known about this creature when it comes to reproduction and
its behavior. Just like many other species, food, temperature, and other geographical
features affect where it reproduces, lives and where it stays most of its lifetime. Even
though a lot of things are unknown about this species, we do know that it has a fairly
long lifespan considering all the deadly things they encounter. ... Show more content
on ...
They are fairly big, on average about twenty centimeters long and up to thirty five
centimeters in diameter. Tentacles help when they need to move around in the
water. These species of jellyfish are usually found in the South Georgia Islands
and Antarctica but are not found in areas like the Arctic Ocean. Even though they
tend to stay in these regions, where they move depends on the movement of their
prey and how conditions are in their current location. When they are forced to
move they use their tentacles and also their coronal groove which gives them the
flexibility to move around faster by the pulsations of the deltoid muscles in the bell
(Sornes, 2008). These jellyfish tend to stay deep in the water and avoid the surface
unless they are trying to mate. They also move towards the surface when it s night
time because the sun is not a danger to them. The sun is a major threat to how they
live and could kill them if they get direct sunlight for a long period of
SPA Reflective Essay
I went to SPA with two goals, including: To know the criteria for type of anesthesia
for each procedure, and to know the most commonly performed procedure and
whether any research had been conducted to uncover the disease condition that
warrants this procedure. According Dr. Chopra, Kathryn, RN, and Katie, Charge
nurse, severity of patient s problem and whether the procedure will involve major
tissues are some of the criteria used to decide on the type anesthesia for each
procedure. In addition, the charge nurse in person of Katie reported that
esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) ranks highest among many procedures
performed at SPA. I was told that EGD is both diagnostic and therapeutic procedure,
which makes it to be commonly performed, ... Show more content on
My professor took walked me to SPA around 8 am, and I was introduced to the
charge nurse of the unit, who received me warmly. After this, I was assigned
initially to Vaishali, RN who took me to the first patient. With this patient, we did
initial assessment before the procedure where plethora of questions were asked to
ensure patient s safety. Immediately after this, I was asked to follow one patient to
a procedure room for observation. I had the opportunity to see how the patient was
prepared for the procedure, the type of anesthesia, type of health professionals who
make up the SPA team for each procedure, and the patient is monitored throughout
the process. After the procedure, I was told to stay with the patient for 30 minutes in
the recovery room, where the vital signs are monitored every five minutes until
patient fully comes around or better still, becomes fully aware the environment.
Furthermore, discharge teachings are given at recovery room, and what took my
interest was the language used in this area. One of the staff nurses said to patient
that You are legally intoxicated for the next 24 hours, therefore, no driving, signing
of legal documents, and no operation of microwave. I like this statement because, it
underscores patient safety. Thereafter, I followed other patient, and the whole
processes stated above were repeated. I learned how division of labor brings
efficiency. I will remember to utilize this in the nearest
The Global Sportswear Sector Operates In The Global
The global sportswear sector operates in the global apparel and footwear industry
that recorded worldwide sales worth $1.67 trillion in 2016 (Businesswire, 2017).
Out of this, the sales of sportswear items accounted for 7% with most of the sales
coming from the U.S. and emerging markets in Thailand and India (Businesswire,
2017). Besides, the industry employs more than 75 million people globally working
in apparel, footwear and sportswear sectors (ILO, 2015). The growth the global
sportswear sales can be attributed to the growth in popularity in healthy lifestyles as
more people in the developed and emerging economies engage in physical activities
hence increasing the demand for sportswear. Sportswear refers to the apparel that
people use... Show more content on ...
In the report, suppliers of leading brands like Puma, Nike, Adidas and Reebok have
forced their employees to work overtime and denied them the rights to form trade
unions. In addition, some of the workers work without being paid while others are
underpaid after working for long hours (Clean Clothes Campaign, 2004).
Similar findings were also reported by the Play Fair (2008) report. The report
findings showed that workers manufacturing sportswear items in form of apparel,
footwear and soccer balls faced similar problems. These include: abuse of
employment contracts, violation to the freedom of association and collective
bargaining, and employment insecurity. Consequently, workers who attempt to form
trade unions are dismissed, denied the chance to negotiate and the facilities with
unionized workers get closed. In addition, the rise in factory closures has led to job
insecurity among workers and this reduces the likelihood of workers to seek better
employment conditions. The Play Fair report also argued that buyers tend to
disregard facilities that are compliant with labor practices and such facilities end up
being shut down (2008). The report also highlighted the rise in short term
employment contracts and precarious employment that undermine labor regulations
and the rights of workers to social security and freedom of association (Play Fair,
Facilities manufacturing sportswear
The Importance Of A Technical Operations Enterprise...
A recent conflict I have seen at my place of work is related to a major project I am
currently working on. The project is to establish a Technical Operations Enterprise
Software Solution. The necessity of this project was created by the merger of two
airlines and the regulatory requirements mandated by the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), to establish configuration managementand control of aircraft
assets that will operate under a new single certificate (e.g. 14 CFR Part 121 Air
Carrier Certification) (FAA, 2015 ). The project s mission objective is to establish the
business requirements needed for the daily operation related to aviation maintenance
activities and select the software solutions necessary to accomplish the combined...
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The technical due diligence and process mapping analysis are methods that document
the procedures, ideas, insight and input from the employees assigned to work on the
project and this at times can interject personal opinions and assumptions. The
methods to capture this knowledge is accomplished through facilitated meetings,
email communications, and project management methods. With the assembly of the
experts, decision makers and establishment of proven methods of exchanging idea, it
should in theory allow the merged companies to capture each areas business
requirements while also allowing the IT department the best avenue to determine the
software solutions necessary to accomplish the overall project goal. However, there is
a very unique dynamic involved with the merging of the two company s legacy
management organizational structure, and unfortunately this created conflict and
disagreements related to change enablement in determining the business processes
and software solutions, to move the two merged companies as one going forward.
Chosen analysis method (Ladder of inference)
I am familiar with root cause analyses and the 5 whys analysis , so I decided to use
a process I was not completely familiar with and one that appeared to be appropriate
to analyze a business decision / work related conflict. I selected the Ladder of
Inference analysis method. This method is related to analyzing business environment
Sullivan Flooring Concepts
BUSM35436 Business Cases
Sullivan Flooring Concept
NAME: Aisosa Okitikpi
DAY TIME of CLASS: (Wed 12pm)
Key Facts of the Case (no analysis)
Who is the decision maker? (Remember: in analyzing a case you have to put
yourself in the position of the decision maker and try to figure out what YOU would
do in his/her position).
Norm Sullivan
maximum 5 key facts that summarize the case.
Fierce Competition
Unique wood flooring concept
Growing interests
Culture change
Problem(s) Statement
What is the main problem(s) or opportunity(s) that you (as decision maker) must deal
Sullivan must deal with how to improve the manufacturing process of his wood
flooring concept
How urgent and how important is this issue and ... Show more content on ...
Time available to finish planks for Norm Sullivan: 4.5 hours per week x 52 weeks =
234 hours (14040 minutes)
In that time he can create (with the table saw): 14040 minutes available /15 minutes
required per board = 936 planks
In that time he can create (with the router): 14040 minutes available / 14 minutes
required per board = 1002 planks.
Neither of these options is going to be sufficient to meet his production need of 1200
planks for the upcoming year.
What if he were to hire more workers? This would reduce the production time per
plank and make it likely that he would be able to reduce the production time per
board. For each worker he would be looking at $5200 per year.
His projected sales for the year:
1200 planks
10 feet each @ $6.00 per foot = $60 per plank Therefore, 1200 x 60 = $72000 His
projected profit margin = 50%
Therefore 50/100* 72000=
$36000 in profit for the year.
Decision Criteria for Solutions
What goals or objectives must be achieved by any potential solution to the problem?
(eg. Must maximize market share)
Must improve productivity
Must increase overall delivery time
Must have a good return on investment
Must maximize competitive advantage
Must be able to increase quantity and quality
What constraints limit the range of solutions (eg. Can t cost more than $1 Million)
Can t take too long to implement
Can t cost more than 80,000 per year
Identification of Realistic Practical Alternatives available
Personal Narrative-The Ecstasy Of Negativity In The Mind
A whisper breathed through the back of my mind. My conscious spoke to me the
words of the devil. I shake my head off the destructive and corrosive talk. I ve been
brought down by the battles that goes through my head. My mind became a
violent site of negativity against my internal self. A place where no rays of sun
can radiate through. My confidence slipped away as I hit rock bottom during my
junior year. The joy I had diminished. The ember of my fire extinguished through
the lost oxygen as I slowly fall apart. My last breath was my last hope I had in
myself, only for it to be smother by the devil of my mind. On nights where I have to
study for my upcoming tests, I get overwhelm by all the topics I have to study. Stacks
of notes and annotations dated chronological order and side notes written on post its
were in front of me. There are no number of hours I could spend studying or
cramming in information that could compete against the negative emotions that were
consuming me. It hindered me from... Show more content on ...
It is fueled by the mind in how we think and how we perceive ourselves and the
world. The internal conflicts of trying to defeat the negativity in the mind was an
ongoing struggle. However, the passion I had for biology allowed me to
rediscover the strength I had. I was no longer hopeless of myself and my dreams. I
wake up every day in hopes of discovering something new and exciting. Self doubt
is nothing but self deterioration that stopped me from achieving my full potential.
The limitations that we set upon ourselves is how far we will go. I let myself free
and see where my passion for biology can take me. I found myself captivated by the
art and nature of biology. The unexplained theories and ideas motivate me to go out
and explore the exotic and mysterious things of our universe. I learned that a
monochromatic life can be flushed with hues of colors if one finds the passion that
they long
Operation Restoring Right Case Study
Operation Restoring Right (Tal Afar, Iraq) Entering into OIF II 2004, the
reduction of coalition forces in Tal Afar, Iraq was slim to non existing. These
conditions allowed for terrorists/insurgents to return and seize this key piece of
terrain located near the Syrian border. By spring of 2005, Tal Afar was commonly
referred to as al Qaida s town due to the stronghold insurgents had on the city. In
April 2005, the 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment (3rd ACR) out of Fort Carson, Co
would have a change of mission from patrolling the Baghdad AO to now assuming
control of the Nineveh Province which included the city of Tal Afar. Their mission
was to disrupt and destroy al Qaida freedom fighters operating in and around
Nineveh Province. Operation Restoring Right, is easily the largest battle since
Fallujah based on both the size of the assault force and the scope of objective. The 3d
Armored... Show more content on ...
A fund distribution program was formed by the regiment. The program s intentions
were to reimburse residents for property damage during operation. The Regiment,
working closely with the locals and Iraqi government began the reconstructing of
the city, the schools, roads, and the parks. The 3d ACR began winning the trust of
the populace through improvement programs and partnering with city officials to
help out the citizens of Tal Afar as much as they could. As the pall of fear over the
city lifted, many citizens responded by joining the police force. The IP s recruited
over 1765 police for Tall Afar and over 2700 citizens in Western Nineveh for the
Iraqi Army. On Northside of the city, Special Forces worked to secure the town of
Avgani, using an IA company for obtaining logistics necessary for the police force. In
surrounding villages additional searches were conducted of resulting in more AIF
surrounding villages identification and to identified areas that needed humanitarian
The For A Good Risk Management Plan
Alcohol and rock concerts often intersected over the course of time; plenty of
concerts and festivals have either used alcohol as a sponsor or ancillary revenue.
Alcohol and other types of concessions sold at festivals are considered ancillary
revenue because it is derived from goods or services other than the primary service
or good being offered (What is ancillary revenue, 2015, para.1). Therefore, serving
alcohol at festivals is another way for the promotors, event managers, and the venue
to obtain additional source of revenue. As the event manager for the Freedom festival,
a rock roll festival being held at the PNC Music Pavilion in Charlotte, NC; it is the
intention of the festival to provide the patrons with a safe and fun environment to
enjoy their favorite music.
The basis for a good risk management plan is providing a risk assessment for the
event before determining how to address the possible risks. A risk assessment is a
process to identify potential hazards and analyze what could happen if a hazard
occurs (Risk Assessment, 2015, para.1). Therefore, the risk assessment will be used
to identify the possible problems that can arise from alcohol. The Freedom Festival
event planning committee is aware of, and concerned about the risks and issues that
are associated with the availability of alcohol throughout the course of the event, so
they plan is to create a risk management plan to address these risks. Violence, alcohol
poisoning, drunk driving, underage
Certificate Of Disposition
What Is A Certificate Of Disposition? A certificate of disposition is a document that
states the final disposition or current status of a case. You can get a certificate of
disposition from the clerk s office in the Supreme Court or criminal court. It is
important to note that only certain people are able to access a certificate of
disposition. The defendant s representative, the defendant and people who have
written permission are the only ones who are able to access a certificate of
disposition. There are several forms you will need to fill out before you can get a
certificate of disposition. What Type Of Fees Will I Need To Pay For A Certificate
Of Disposition? You will be charged a fee for coming to the court house. You will
also be
Dan Glickman at ShoWest Essay
Dan Glickman at ShoWest LAS VEGAS Citing long term trends to offset short
term dips, Dan Glickman, who became president and CEO of the MPAA in
September, presented his first state of the industry address Tuesday at ShoWest
2005. Speaking to a crowded house of exhibitors and distributors at the Paris hotel in
what he dubbed his maiden voyage to the annual convention, Glickman judged that
the industry is healthy. We have had some growth this year not radical growth, but
the trends are positive. According to the MPAA s bookkeepers, U.S. boxoffice for
2004 amounted to $9.54 billion, up slightly from $9.49 billion the year before.
Glickman noted that 2004 was the third consecutive... Show more content on ...
At the same time, there were slight increases in the costs of trailers and online
Internet advertising. As a result, the costs of producing and releasing the average
MPAA release rang in at $98 million, down almost 5% from 2003 s record of
$102.8 million. While only one out of 10 films recoups its costs during its
theatrical release, four out of 10 make money during their full life cycle. Glickman
cited long term trends, though, to buttress his contention that the industry remains
on solid ground. Over the past five years, he noted, boxoffice has climbed more
than $1 billion. And though individual admissions have been down the past two
years, they have risen 20% an average of 2% a year over the past 10 years. Foreign
boxoffice has grown even more dramatically, he added. Last year, it totaled $15.7
billion, up more than 44% from 2003. As for moviegoers, they enjoy a relative
bargain according to National Association of Theatre Owners president John Fithian,
who joined Glickman at the early morning press conference. Last year, the average
ticket price hit $6.21, up 3% over the 2003 figure of $6.03. Still, Fithian noted, that
3% increase was less than the 3.3% increase in the Consumer Price Index for the year.
Argued Fithian, Compared to other out of home entertainment options, movies
remain more
The Game Theory of Baseball
Decision making in Baseball Baseball is a great game to analyze from game theory
perspective because of the scale of strategic decisions that are continuously made
on the fields and each play. In every play, there are various players (baseball
players, coaches, team managers and owners) with different goals and payoffs, and
thousands of pitch by pitch decisions are made in course of an at bat, inning, game,
and season. Major League Baseball, one of the four major professional sports leagues
of North America, is the most suitable platform for analysis because statistical
information is tracked for almost every single complexion of the game. In the
following paper, we choose to inspect one at bat decision of a single game in detail as
a... Show more content on ...
In general, for defense side, minimizing opponent s batting average would be the
priority. In this case, the optimal choice for Leyland is to choose Porcello against
Ortiz with lowest BA .286. However, the situation here is not that simple. As Ortiz
representing tie run, minimizing his slugging rate would be more essential than
his batting average because a long hit (slugging) would cause greater damage;
Tigers was 5 1 lead which was situation that single is more acceptable than extra
base hit because a single might only cause they lost 2 runs and a extra base hit
might cause 3 or 4 runs. Thus, considering minimum damage as priority, using
Benoit would be the optimal choice for Leyland, same as we figured out in last
paragraph. In the report of Jim Caple ii, Benoit is our guy against lefties and we felt
he gave us the best chance to get the out, Leyland said.
Benoit v.s. Ortiz Following the conclusion from our game tree, Leyland chose to
use Benoit in to face Ortiz. In order to analyze the theoretic decisions in this at bat,
we will look at the possible outcomes and decisions on pitch by pitch basis. In order
to inspect pitch selection issues, we will set the payoff based on Runs Above
Average (RAA). RAA measures a hitter s ability to create runs based on the pitch that
Management Executive Summary
1.Executive Summary
A comfortable atmosphere provides a place where the customer can work, meet,
relax or enjoy a healthy choice of bread. Freshly brewed coffee, expresso drinks,
frozen coffee drinks, specialty teas and other beverages, along with assorted bakery,
lunch and desert items make this a place to go and relax anytime of the day.
2.Current Situation Barriers to Entry
The major barrier to entry for a specialty bakery is the perception that healthy food
tastes worse than unhealthy food. Since the population that would shop exclusively
at a specialty bakery is very limited, it would be a huge disadvantage to exclude the
general population based on this negative public perception. Capital requirements
would also be a barrier ... Show more content on ...
For the five years John was the manager he was able to cut production cost by 17%.
Beside John, James had also hired four other staff that will assist John in executing
the plan. Linda Ong has run her own successful CPA consulting firm for 15 years.
Her duties will include the bookkeeping, inventory management and stock fulfilment.
Edward runs his own PR Company and will be assisting the Bread Empire Bakery in
its marketing campaigns on a part time basis.
Ramlah, who had spent her last five years at her family s store, she was the general
employee manager. Her duties at the bakery will include employee hiring and
training, head baker and store management. Ah Guan has worked as a baker for
over five years and will be the head baker. His responsibilities will also include the
management of the bakery shopping list.
4.SWOT Analysis Internal Strengths * Well known in restaurants and local grocery
stores * Ability to deliver what the market wants * Solid business reputation in the
marketplace * Good quality product and reliable service * Good and recognize
location | Internal Weakness * Some members of our bakingstaff need more training
* More salesperson would help to increase and improve business * Delivery later
than promise * We did not consider those who are gluten intolerance or other health
Eloquent Feelings And Safe Places
Eloquent Feelings and Safe Places Stephen Dunn s poems makes sure to let the
reader stop and think, and as a creative writing teacher he knows how to do just that.
Winner of awards such as the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, The James Wright Prize ,and
the Paterson Award for Sustained Literary Achievement , his work The Sacred ,
published back in 1989, shows off his literary genius in normal experiences and
captures the vehement thoughtin his writing that has captured many hearts of the
readers. The Sacred speaks about what a student believes is his sacred space, and
what it means to him. Dunn uses three core poetic devices to not only show that
everyone needs an escape from reality, but also the herd mentality of youth when
one has confidence. The nihilistic ending and the free form moderate style add to
the ideals that Dunn tries to present and helps add a twist ending to the poem when
you see the lack of desire for social interactions in the young man who was the first
to speak up. The contrast between his outer presentation and his inside emotions are
shown strongly between the first and second half, as if he only spoke up to get it over
with . The enjambment that pushes through the whole poem create a string of
consciousness feeling, as if a person in the class is slightly nervous to share his
response. In the beginning of the poem, Dunn shows how much this student takes his
Sex Offender Management
The proper management and treatment of adult and juvenile sex offender play a
crucial role in the protection of the general public. In order to properly manage and
treat sex offenders the: who, what, where, why and how of the sexual offender and
the sexual offense committed. When issuing management and treatment the nature of
the crime comes into great thought of whether it was rape, public exposure, sodomy,
possession of child pornography, etc. All of these crimes all have different
punishments that follow which would also mean the management and treatment of
the sex offender would be different as well. When attempting to come up with the best
management and treatment method of these sex offenders the individuals assigning ...
Show more content on ...
As mentioned earlier as much as the offender wants to change that is not enough.
Wanting to change is usually not enough to be able to change the patterns that lead
to sexual offenses. To create the motivation to change, some offenders need a
variety of treatment and corrective interventions, and for others learning how to
make the change in their own behavioral cycle of abuse is more effective, (Office
of the Attorney General State of California). Historically it was ok to marry a
twelve year old child and start reproducing around fourteen years of age. This was
because life expectancy was not that long and at around the age of fourteen
individuals was considered to be adults and thus it was acceptable. Thus there being
no need for treatment because there was no sex offender cases. While in today s
society this is no longer acceptable while in some places the age of consent is as
young as sixteen years (The Age of Consent). With the history of sex offender
management came treatment which was castration which is the altogether removal
of genitals, and imprisonment. While according the Bureau of Justice Assistance
there are three forms of treatment for sex offenders. There is the cognitive behavioral
approach, which focuses on changing the thinking patterns of an offender. The
psycho educational approach focuses on increasing the offender s
Cultural Differences In Lieutenant John Dunbar And The...
Lieutenant John Dunbar and The Sioux
D ances with Wolves is a film adapted from a book of same name written by
Michael Blake in 1988 and produced by Kevin Costner in 1990. The film dictates the
story of a Union Army lieutenant, who journeyed to the American frontier in search
of a military post, and his relationships with a group of Lakota Indians. The movie
has adequately addresses some theoretical perspectives, cultural tensions and
reconciliations based on some historical facts.
Some theoretical perspectives can be seen throughout the entire film, such as the
development of assimilation culture. (Assimilation definition) Despite how the first
encounter between Lt. John Dunbar and the Sioux at Fort Sedgwick did not turn out
well, but after ... Show more content on ...
Their relationship deteriorated when a group of Pawnee warriors marched
towards the Sioux village with plan of wiping out the entire tribe. Neither was it a
war for territory nor was it for riches nor to make men free but to preserve food
stores that would help Sioux tribe make it through the winter. It was also a war to
protect the lives of women and children, once and forever. On the other hand,
recalling that Stands With A Fist is a white woman, at a very young age, the
aggressive, cold blooded Pawnee tribe slaughtered her entire family cruelly, and
Kicking Bird then adopted her later on. Besides that, Timmons, the wagon driver
who brought Dunbar to Fort Sedgwick, was also killed and have his head scalped
as war trophy by the Pawnee warriors while he was traveling back to Fort Hays.
Albeit it is unclear why the Pawnee warriors slaughtered her entire family or
Timmons, it certainly does reflect on the poor relationship between the English and
the Pawnee tribe. As compared to the Pawnee tribe, the Sioux was comparatively
more human and less cold
Fish and Management Case Study Essay
FITTskills: Global Supply Chain Management
Case Study #5: Global Supply Chain Management and Shipping
Case Study #5: Global Supply Chain Management and Shipping
Catch of the day
Kalastaa Inc. have been in the local Finnish aquaculture industry for nearly fourteen
years. They raise salmon and trout for local markets, and have recently negotiated a
deal with a small fish processing plant that distributes under a major product label in
Finland. Although they run a rather small operation, employing 16 people year
round, Kalastaa believes they are in a position to export some surplus and perhaps
broker further deals with fish processing plants around the European
Union. They do want to maintain ties with the local fresh fish ... Show more content
on ...
Colour coding is a common practice in the fish industry and provides a method of
standardization for something as subjective as colour. Both in production and sales,
colour is the most important quality parameter for salmon.
Salmon buyers can request information on the colour of a delivered lot in the form
of a number corresponding to a colour number on the Roche scale. Another salmon
colour reference is the colour number on the Salmofan scale. Kalastaa s bank, acting
as their export advisor, contacts the
FITTskills: Global Supply Chain Management
Case Study #5: Global Supply Chain Management and Shipping
company to tell them that the letter of credit has fallen though because the certificate
of quality is vague and it cannot be ascertained if the shipment has passed its quality
Something is fishy...
The documents were delivered directly to the buyer for payment. DanskFisk insists
on inspecting the shipment upon arrival. DanskFisk is not an experienced salmon
importer, and usually deals with Spanish Blue Fish and Irish Char. They are not in
disagreement that the salmon shipment has passed quality inspection. Upon
DanskFisk s inspection, they claim that the fat content of the stock is much higher
than is claimed in the quality inspection. They reject the sale and will accept
substitute goods, but are claiming damages for loss of profit. Kalastaa management
wonder if they need to rethink their
Jacqueline Förster Case Entitlement
Case Note Case C 158/07 Jacqueline Förster v Hoofddirectie van de Informatie
Beheer Groep Förster Judgment Facts of the case The Förster judgment concerns
the legal dispute between the student Jacqueline Förster and the Executive Board
of the IB Groep. Förster was a German national who moved to the Netherlands for
her studies. During her studies she worked to support her living costs and was able
to receive a study grant from the IB Groep, an administrative body. The IB Groep
annulled the maintenance grant with respect to the period from July to December
2003 and requested that Förster repay the excess sums. Ms. Förster brought an
action before Alkmaar District Court. That action was held to be unfounded on two
grounds. First, Ms. Förster could no longer be regarded as a worker since she had
not had any real and genuine employment during that time period. Second, Ms.
Förster could not claim entitlement to a maintenance grant because she had not been
integrated into Dutch society. Ms. Förster appealed against that judgement before
the Centrale Raad van Beroep. She claimed that she was already sufficiently
integrated into Dutch society to be able to claim a maintenance grant. In the
alternative, she submitted that she... Show more content on ...
Therefore, Article 18 TFEU is also applicable to maintenance costs for students.
Furthermore, a five year residence requirement is deemed appropriate for the purpose
of guaranteeing that the applicant for the maintenance grant is integrated into the
society of the host Member State. The Court concludes that the first paragraph of
Article 18 TFEU does not preclude the application to nationals of other member
States of a requirement of five years prior
State X Enacted A Statute Essay
State X enacted a statute in 2000 that stated, the governor has the sole authority to
declare a state of emergency and, during the emergency, to suspend all rules,
regulations, and rights as seem fit without court supervision and/or authorization.
Following a breach of levees in City B located in State X, the governor of State X
ordered that all legal and illegal firearms be confiscated. The governor also ordered
all police and troops to conduct a house to house search and seizure of all such
weapons. In order to determine the constitutionality of the statute under the
circumstances, we must first examine the constitutional authorities prevalent to the
issue at hand. The constitutional authorities that apply to this statute are the 5th and
14th amendments. The 5th amendment states, No person shall be deprived of life,
liberty, or property without due process of law. The 14th amendment states in
pertinent part Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property
without due process of law. There are two types of due process; procedural and
substantive. Procedural due process occurs when an individual who is faced with
deprivation of property or liberty is denied notice and an opportunity to be heard
before a court. Substantive due process is a question of whether the state has a
reasonable basis for enacting a statute that interferes with one s liberty. Under the
current circumstances substantive due process would be appropriate in evaluating the
Fly Fishing History
Imagine sitting on a dock at a nearby pond, fishing and it is peaceful and quiet
when all of sudden a fish bites the hook! Fishing is all about waiting patiently for
the right fish, having the right equipment, and knowing what a person wants to
catch; fishing is more than a way to survive, it has now grown into a lucrative sport,
and become a big hobby for many people around the world. Fishingis a sport that all
started with a stick, line, a hook, and a bait. The whole goal of fishing is to catch a fish
, either fresh or saltwater. The sport is also called angling, but since it has increased
around the world, it has been changed to fishing. The development of fishing
equipment has gradually increased throughout the years. Equipment used to be just a
stick or a bush vine, a string, and a piece of bone, or a hook (Aggarwal). Now, the
equipment is more technologically advance to better the odds of... Show more content
on ...
The main purpose of fly fishing is to get the fish to bite and imitation of a bug.
There are many techniques for fly fishing, to fit the weather conditions such as the
haul cast for it is windy. Bait fishing is also called bottom fishing, which is to catch
fish purposely by using a type of bait such as worms, crickets, and even small fish.
Some of the techniques for bait fishing are bottom rigging, jugging, and the most
common is with a cork (RBFF). Trolling is the use of live bait and artificial lures
that are left in the water behind a slow moving boat. Netting is a setline that traps
the fish. Netting is mostly used in commercial fishing and catching baitfish. The
object of noodling is to catch only catfish, with out a rod and a line, and use only a
person s hands, or feet. Noodling is mostly done in shallow waters. Ice fishing is
normally done in the colder states. When someone goes ice fishing they would need
many tools to break through the ice
Warren Buffett American Growth
The railroad in the United States assisted with its growth and expansion from sea to
shining sea. However, with the advent of the personal vehicle, trucks, and aviation,
the railroad began to decline (Gallamore Meyer, 2014). Therefore, one might
question why Warren Buffett purchased Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad for
$26.5 billion dollars. However, years after the $26.5 billion dollars was spent, no
one would question the investment as its revenue has since risen 57% and has
become a main source of income for Warren Buffetts company, Berkshire Hathaway
(Buhayar, 2014). There are a few reasons how Warren Buffett saw this growth coming
and capitalized. Mr. Buffett has throughout his years of life seen a steady growth in
our nation.... Show more content on ...
Refined oil is the number one product within the United States (Reed, 2010).
Furthermore, the means to shipping oil around the country is rail (O Malley,
2014). Thus, Warren Buffets purchase of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe
Railroad company makes sense. This can be explained by the fact that according
to Warren Buffett, the shipment of oil via rail is a cheaper, positive alternative to
pipelines (O Malley, 2014). Warren Buffett s purchase of Burlington Northern
Santa Fe Railroad shows that Mr. Buffett believes that as hauling via truck
becomes more costly due to rising oil prices, a cheap rail system will be preferred
(Foroohar, 2012). The reason that rail is a cheap means of shipment is simple, rail
uses less fuel to travel. This is evident in the fact that a rail system can haul one ton
of goods 500 miles on just one gallon of fuel (O Malley, 2014). One would be hard
pressed to find a trucking company that could boast the same. Thus, as fuel prices
rise, rail would become more viable. Warren Buffett has personally been quoted
stating this by mentioning that energy prices will rise within the United States,
allowing his railroad venture to grow more over time (Foroohar, 2012). Furthermore,
as pipelines remain controversial and a slow means of shipping oil, rail can solve the
problem via expediting oil shipments around the country (O Malley,
Gopro Persuasive Essay
Facebook has over 500 million users, Instagram has over 50 million users, Twitter
has over 220 million twitter users, Pinterest has an estimated 230 million, Tumblr
has over 100 million. Almost everybody all over the world uses social media. From
the kid next door to the hottest celebrity, sport celebrities, the government,
television networks, churches schools, nonprofit organizations, companies and
businesses. Almost everyone uses social media but the main obsession that people
has with social media is posting pictures and videos good or bad. People are
fascinated with exciting, funny, daring and I can t believe what I m seeing videos
and pictures. GoPro is the Rolls Royce of cameras that delivers Holi Grail action
photography and fantastic videos. GroPro is a revolutionary innovation. It is a
shock proof and water proof digital camera. It is small, portable and distinctively
designed for consumers who play extreme and rugged sports and want capture every
single shot or video. Anyone that enjoys surfing, water skiing, bungee jumping, ski
diving, or if you get an opportunity to run with the bulls in... Show more content on ...
I tried to capture myself zip racing with my smartphone and it was poor. I was
spinning like a top and all you could hear was my big mouth screaming and the
only videos that were taken were the tree tops and my feet. My smartphone which
was the Samsung Galaxy S4 do not have the capabilities as the GoPro cameras.
Needless to say that all the great footage that I thought I was recording never did
and it is now etched in my memory only and it was difficult for me to enact again
and share the exciting moment with my family and friends on Facebook and
Instagram from my smartphone. If I had a GoPro Hero not only I could have
recorded it but make edits and share the pristine quality and sharp images with
friends and they could see the moments as if they were there with
Compare And Contrast Charles By Gary Soto
In the story, Seventh Grade by Gary Soto and the story, Charles by Shirley Jackson
the plots play a important role in the way the characters speak and act. The setting in
Seventh Grade is in school, hallway, homeroom, math,english, french. And the setting
in Charles is at home for the most of the story, but also takes place at the PTA
meeting. The two stories plots are important to the actions of the characters because
in every thing the characters say or do it will either positively or negatively affect the
plot. The setting is important into the plot in Seventh Grade because if the story
took place in a different place or at a different time period it would affect the whole
storyline and how everything happened. In the text Seventh Grade it states, Her
next class was French, same as Victors. This shows that Victor wants to be in the
same class as Teresa and if the story didn t take place in a school or at a different
time the storyline would be different . Also in the story it states, ...and after biology a
long sprint to the public library, where he checked out three French textbooks. He was
going to like seventh grade. This shows that the setting affects the plot and the way
the characters think and do things.... Show more content on ...
In the text, Charles it states, The teacher spanked a boy, though . This is a important
part of the story because it is the first time the Charles was brought up which starts
the story. But if this setting wasn t how it is the story would be different and the
events that happened may have not happened. Also in the story it states, He kicked
the teachers friendВЁ This shows that Charles is not a good student and is alway
acting up. To sum it up, the Charles the the little boy is talking about is always acting
up and getting
Reformers During The Progressive Era
After the Civil War and during the Progressive Era there were the group of reformers
that changed the landscape the United States. These reformers were mainly
comprised of men and women from the large northern cities and rural religious
communities of Wisconsin (Schultz, 2013). The industrial age created enormous
amounts of wealth, but people were living in the worst conditions and working longer
hours than ever before. The Social Gospel movement sought to improve the working
conditions, restrict the child labor laws and fight for social justice (Fales, 2013). This
methodology was directly against what the Industrialist believed. Which was a
Darwinist attitude of the survival of the fittest. The next influential reformer group
that had a
Planets In Star Wars
Most of the planets in Star Wars are similar to planets that scientists have found in
the milky way galaxy like Hoth super Earth in deep freeze. Also think that distant
world with double sunsets can t help but think of Tatooine. Well both of these planets
exist even Kamino grey waterВworld with its own superocean exist. How about the
lava planetMustafar yes it exists but there will not be any lightsaber duels here. The
planet s temperature gets up to 3,600 degrees fahrenheit. All these planets have
different names mostly consisted of numbers and letters. No indications of life have
yet been detected on any of the nearly 2,000 scientifically confirmed exoplanets. So
we don t know if any of them are inhabited by Wookiees or mynocks, or play
Dunkin Donuts Hypothetical Marketing Strategy Case
Dunkin Donuts was first established in 1950, in Quincy, Massachusetts, by William
Rosenberg. Over the years the company expanded and now is the largest coffee and
baked goods chain in the world. They serve over 5,500 retail outlets; selling more
than 4 million doughnuts and 2.7 million cups of coffee daily! Dunkin Donuts are
famous for their many varieties of doughnuts and their wide range of bakery products
muffins, bagels and munchkinsВ® donut hole treats. Their products are represented
by more than 6,590 worldwide points of distribution, including approximately 4,815
units in the United States alone. History of Dunkin Donuts 1946: Bill Rosenberg
invests $5,000, forms Industrial Luncheon Services. 1948: Bill Rosenberg opens...
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2.Analyzing The Internal and External Environment (SWOT Analysis) a.Strengths:
Dunkin Donuts is very popular in its industry and has established a powerful brand
and image through its efficient operations, low prices and the wide range of high
quality products it offers. Moreover, the company experiences economies of scale as
it has many operations worldwide. In addition they have significant bargaining
power against their suppliers due to the experience they obtained and the support
they acquire from Allied Domecq, one of the strongest companies in the market.
b.Weaknesses: Dunkin Donuts considers themselves as a retailer, for that reason,
they are not well equipped to produce the bagels themselves. They rely on
outsourcing this can have its drawbacks as they become too dependant on suppliers.
c.Opportunities: The increased acceptance and the growing demand for bagels as a
breakfast and lunch item has estimated to spread across the boundaries of the United
States and seep into the international arena particularly Europe. Bagels appeal to
consumers because they are a versatile product they can appeal to many different
tastes by simply changing the flavor. d.Threats: Considering the bagel industry is in
the growth stage there is an upsurge of competitors. The main competitors though are
Bruegger s, Manhattan Bagel, Einstein Bros. and Starbucks Coffee. With Dunkin
Donuts grave dependence on its supplier, Harold s Bakery, they are experiencing some
Essay On Mark Cuban
Mark Cuban is a self made billionaire who has made his fortune by his innovating
idea; online media. He was born in July 31, 1958 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, then
he grew up in a middle class family. His grandfather immigrated into the United
States from Russia, and from there the Cuban s family started to develop. Mark was
always one step forward, and always saw a way to make money. At a young age,
when he was twelve years old, he sold sets of garbage bags so he can buy the shoes
he likes, and gave dance classes while he was at college so he could pay his tuition.
Cuban has an excellent education history; he began his college education while he
was in still in high school. He started his college education in Pittsburgh University in
psychology,... Show more content on ...
On Dallas, he formed his own company called MicroSolutions, a company that
gave solutions to its clients on computer networking. Cuban became an expert on
the computer networking, the company had a well planned business model, and it
was profitable. Due to its success, the company was sold to CompuServe for six
million dollars. Furthermore, after getting his money, he took a break from the
world. He moved briefly to California, he studied acting where he appeared in
numerous movies. After his break, he went back to Dallas to work on another
business idea. His partner, Todd Wagner, and Cuban worked on audio broadcast
that would transmit live the Indiana Basketball games; the company was called
AudioNet. However, Cuban and Wagner were pleased with radio broadcast, but
they were aimed bigger and decided to video broadcast on the internet. They
changed the name of the company to in 1998, and they started
streaming sports and events on the internet. No one, before this company, has ever
broadcasted live events, so Mark Cuban became a market leader in the internet
broadcasting industry. In 1999 Mark sold the company to Yahoo for $5.7 billion, and
then Mark became a billionaire; his net worth becoming $1.5 billion.
One of Mark Cuban s greatest attribute to the economy, is that he helps entrepreneurs
and donates money to charity. He participates on the show Shark Tank, where
Osteosarcoma(OS) is a primary malignant tumor of bone which is characterized by
the formation of osteoid tissue. Although it is the most common malignancy of
long bones after multiple myeloma [2], it is a relatively rarer entity in the
craniofacial region. About 6% of Oss arise in the jaws .The estimated incidence of
the new cases of Jaw OS (JOS) per year is 0 .07 in 100,000. (1) The etiology of OS
is unknown, but some risk factors such as a previous history of ionizing radiation,
alkylating agent, retinoblastoma and benign bonelesions such as paget disease and
fibro osseous dysplasia have been associated with the development of head and neck
OS.(2 4) JOS occur with a peak in the third through fifth decades of life. The mean
age is... Show more content on ...
The mandibular tumors arise more frequently in the posterior body and in the
horizontal ramus whereas the maxillary tumors occur in the alveolar ridge, the
sinus floor and the palate. (2, 5 7) Symptoms usually include painful swelling in the
area and loosening of teeth, although paresthesia, nasal obstruction and ophthalmic
complications such as proptosis may be noted. The radiographic finding varies
from radiopaque , mixed radiopaque radiolucent or entirely radiolucent lesion with
irregular border. Widening of the periodontal ligament space and enlargement of
the mandibular canal also widely described as important radiographic features. The
radiographic feature of OS are not patogonomonic.(2 4, 6, 8, 9) Thus incisional
biopsy and histopathological analysis are essential for the final diagnosis and
further treatment. Depending on the relative amounts of osteoid ,cartilage or
collagen fibers produced by the tumor, Many pathologists subclassify OSs into the
three types: osteoblastic, chondroblastic and fibroblastic (3, 4, 6, 7, 9). This article
reports a case of chondroblastic OS of maxilla. The aim of this case was to draw
attention to the possibility of diagnosing this tumor based on its clinical and
radiographical characteristic before its confirmation by
Colorado State Patrol Essay
When formed by legislation in 1935, the Colorado State Patrol was created to
...promote safety, protect human life and preserve the highways of this state by the
courteous and strict enforcement of the laws and regulations of this state relating to
highways and the traffic on such highways (CRS 24 33.5 201). Originally named the
Courtesy Patrol, over the last 76 years the Colorado State Patrol has evolved into a
comprehensive and complex law enforcement agency, without forgetting its original
mission. Through the dedication to its members, both past and present, distinguished
professional standards, and industry leading technical competence, the Colorado State
Patrol has stayed true to its traditions while taking on changing law... Show more
content on ...
While most business use a strategic plan as a guide, not all revisit and revise to
ensure their Plan remains effective and viable. In its five year Strategic Plan, the
Patrol lists the guiding principles of Commitment to Members, Alignment of
Partnerships and Leveraging Technology. The Colorado State Patrol intends to
achieve its vision statement by following the established guiding principles.
It is refreshing to have an employer declare its most important guiding principle is its
commitment to members. Investing in its personnel by providing education, personal
enrichment and professional development that enables them to utilize their individual
strengths to achieve our collective mission of offering the highest quality of service
to the public (CSP, 2011).
To become a State Patrol Trooper, one must complete an extensive hiring process
which can often take a year from the initial application to being offered employment
and that s the easy part. After accepting the position of Cadet, one must complete a
22 week on site academy. If one graduates, they earn the title Patrol Intern, and the
11 week Field Training begins. If one completes this to the satisfaction of their Field
Training Officer, they then begin to patrol by themselves (working the road) and have
earned the title of Trooper. But the training does not stop there. Each year, every
uniformed and civilian (administrative staff and communication officers) attends a 40
hour in service
Descriptive Essay On Glen White
In a small nowhere town, Glen White, West Virginia, Snowden Covey is 800 feet
underground. The Air fills with Coal dust as he swings at the coal seam once more
with his pickaxe. Redman Chewing Tobacco fills his cheek partly to keep the dust
from his lungs and partly because he likes it. He has one thing on his mind that
gets him through the day it s his family: Jack, Mildred, Fred and His Wife Theta.
Jack his youngest son has farm duty every day when he s gone to work. Jack is a
hardheaded, stubborn, energetic young boy, only about 7 years old at the time. His
chores consist of feeding the animals, getting the eggs from the chicken coop and
helping his mom around the house. Jack spends most of his free time playing in the
woods with his... Show more content on ...
This was a brand new town where he didn t know anyone. Till he met Elsey cox the
love of his life.
Elsey was the country boy s dream. Her eyes were blue like the ocean, her heart was
pure, and she was the most beautiful girl jack had ever seen. Her dad worked in the
same coal mine and she lived right down the creek from Jack. It s almost like they
were meant to be together. Jack found his first love and found his passion in high
school, sports. His freshman year he tried out for the wildcat s basketball team. He
was natural and in his freshman year he was a sixth man and led the team in
rebounds and assists. Basketball wasn t the only sports he excelled in. He also
tried out for the football team and went all state his freshman year. All through
high school jack continued to impress in the sports realm. He was so fast and
crafty in football the team called him crazy legs covey . In basketball, he started
and led his team to states. Although they lost to Nitro, he left a legacy that would
not be forgotten. He even had some scouts after him. In 1954, he received a
scholarship to play basketball for Beckley college and accepted it. He may have
gotten a scholarship for basketball but he still didn t know what he was going to
major in for college. He soon started second guessing himself wondering if he was
even going to go to college. He asked himself Is it the right choice? , Am I college
Depressive Disorders Research Paper
Depressive Disorders
Summer Holder
South University
Depressive disorders is a mood disorder that is widespread among all ages, genders,
and ethnicities. Depressive disorders is a worldwide and serious disabling health
disorder. The age of onset occurs throughout the life span and is its effect is a
disabling as other chronic illnesses. Depressive disorders are twice as likely in
females between the ages of 15 and 40 as in males. Depression is also very common
over the age of 65 but is more difficult to diagnose and can go untreated due to the
presentation of sign and symptoms. Comorbidity with other chronic illnesses makes
the prognosis poorer and health care providers should not overlook a diagnosis of
depression when treating
Family Medicine Care Executive Summary
Through this program the health center utilizes non clinical and clinical staff to
coordinated and manage care for diabetic and hypertensive patients. The Family
Medicine Care Coordinator serves as a liaison between the patient, provider and
clinic staff. NEVHC s chronic disease program manager states that the Family
MedicineCare Coordinator position has been an invaluable asset to the organization s
efforts to improve healthcare outcomes for patients with chronic conditions. In fact,
patients who feel intimidated or hesitant to speak with their provider are more
comfortable opening up to their medicine care coordinator, which helps to prevent the
loss of vital patient information. Although the family medicine care coordinator
program was

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Order Custom Essay.pdf

  • 1. Order Custom Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of "Order Custom Essay" can be a challenging endeavor, presenting a unique set of difficulties that require careful consideration and attention. Firstly, the topic itself poses the challenge of striking a balance between advocating for custom essay services and maintaining objectivity. It necessitates delving into the intricacies of custom essay writing without appearing overly promotional or biased. One of the hurdles lies in addressing the ethical implications associated with the practice of ordering custom essays. The writer must navigate the fine line between acknowledging the legitimate reasons individuals may have for seeking custom essay services, such as time constraints or language barriers, while also discussing the potential risks, such as plagiarism and academic dishonesty. Furthermore, the essay should delve into the intricacies of selecting a reliable custom essay writing service, considering factors like reputation, customer reviews, and guarantees. This requires extensive research and critical analysis to provide readers with valuable insights without endorsing specific services. Balancing a neutral tone while providing an informative and engaging narrative can be demanding. The writer needs to avoid sounding like an advertisement while still conveying the benefits and drawbacks of the custom essay industry. Incorporating evidence and examples to support arguments adds an extra layer of complexity, requiring thorough research and analysis. In conclusion, tackling an essay on the topic of "Order Custom Essay" demands a nuanced approach. Navigating the ethical considerations, providing unbiased information, and maintaining a balance between informative and persuasive elements pose significant challenges. Despite these difficulties, a well-crafted essay can offer readers valuable insights into the world of custom essay services. For those seeking assistance with essays or similar tasks, a variety of resources are available, such as Services like these can provide tailored solutions to academic challenges, offering support for various writing needs. Order Custom Essay Order Custom Essay
  • 2. Ethical Issues In Correctional Facilities Another ethical problem is that in correctional facilities it is not spoken openly about transgender rights and what can be done to ensure safety for all no matter their gender identity. In an article written by Asmar detailing the experience of Hill, a transgender who identifies herself as a woman in a male prison, was raped by her cellmate. Whenever she asked for help or reported what happened to her, the staff did not believe her. For instance, when she was violently raped by her cellmate she wrote a letter to a nurse who was handing out medications. The nurse s response to her note was unethical and unprofessional as she asked her if it was real and that better be real (Asmar, 2015). There are many concerns with the nurse s response.... Show more content on ... Training classes will help nurses to understand the definitions and terms, being empathic to transgender individuals in prison, and provide gender affirming healthcare services (Wahowiak, 2016). It is also important to note what led them to become incarcerated so that as a nurse you can help prevent them from being incarcerated again. Treating transgender individuals with fairness, dignity, and respect is extremely important because that is how you develop a nurse patient relationship (NCCHC, 2015). Patient safety will also have an impact on the profession of nursing as our mission is to protect, heal, and advocate for our patients regardless of their gender identity. Transgender inmates are at risk for violence and sexual assault or harassment. As nurses, it is our duty to ensure that while they are incarcerated they are being treated equally, receiving the same healthcare treatment as others and that we report any incidents. Housing should also be addressed so that they can be housed based on their gender identity instead of their genitalia. Previously mentioned, transgender individuals are denied their medication because the healthcare system is indifferent to their needs and views it as unimportant compared to the rest. In spite of this, what they fail to see is that if they keep denying them their medications and sex reassignment surgery, they become more liable because it will lead to self castration or mutilation. As a result, they become responsible for what happens in prison and if they become ill from catching an infection due to self castration the health professionals become questionable. Questionable in the sense of, if it could have been prevented and where did the staff fail in providing
  • 3. Thomas Jefferson Report Biography of Thomas Jefferson Third President of the United States of America. Thomas Jefferson (1743 1826) was the third president of the United States and a creator of the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson was a philosopher, politician, scientist, architect, inventor, musician, and writer. Thomas Jefferson was also one of the smartest leaders in history. His father was named Peter Jefferson, a very rich Farmer from Virginia. Thomas s Mother, Jane Randolph Jefferson, was part of the Randolph family. The Randolph Family was a big part of Virginia history, and also very rich also. Peter and Jane Jefferson moved to Goochland county, because Peter had just gotten 400 acres of land there. Thomas Jefferson was born ... Show more content on ... The marriage was happy, except Mrs. Jefferson s ill health. Of their six children, only two, both of them girls, lived to maturity. Martha Jefferson died in 1782. The death of his wife had a profound effect on Jefferson and probably influenced his return to politics, which Thomas Jefferson had considered leaving. On June 21, 1775, Jefferson took his seat in Congress. The following summer, Jefferson sat in Congress as an elected delegate, not as an alternate. It was at this session that Thomas Jefferson wrote his most famous document, the Declaration of Independence. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was formally adopted. The connections with America with Great Britain were broken. Within a few days the declaration was being read to people throughout the colonies, and it was received with great pride. Jefferson managed to spend considerable time with his family. Thomas took up building projects at Monticello and continued to develop his land. Jefferson was a philosopher a architect, and an inventor. Thomas invented the dumbwaiter, a swivel chair, a lamp heater, and an improved plow. In May, 1784, Congress appointed Jefferson a diplomat. Jefferson was to go to France. There Thomas Jefferson was to help the other ministers, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams, in arranging commercial treaties with various European countries. When Franklin retired in 1785, Jefferson replaced him as the U.S. diplomatic representative to France. One of Jefferson s
  • 4. Teenage Culture And Teen Culture On Teens And Their Behavior Teenage Culture and Performative Religion How does living under the expectation of performative Christianity affect teenagers and their behavior? While many religions are present in the United States, Christianity is perhaps not the most prevalent, but certainly the loudest voice. Religion is usually considered an excellent tactic to keep teenagers in line morally, legally, and emotionally. However, this is far less effective when youth do not hold the tenants of religion for themselves, and instead act out a version of themselves when around adults and truly religious peers. When with secular peers, teenagers often engage in dangerous and immoral behaviors. Teenage culture, when influenced by performative religion is frequently preformative, quietly rebellious, and self destructive. While religion and pressure to perform a religious life often work to dissuade teenagers from using drugs, teenagers frequently use discreetly. Drug use among teenagers is widespread, primarily to ease mental disorders such as depression and anxiety, and to enjoy themselves ( Why do adolescents take drugs? ) . These disorders are prevalent among teenagers due to changing hormones, school, and other factors. However, the reality is that drugs such as marijuana actually increase depressive and anxious symptoms, especially later in life ( Mental Health and Marijuana ). Recreational drugs are condemned by religious communities, but this does not ensure that teenagers will abstain rather, it
  • 5. The Caliph Harun Al Rashid Aside from this general emphasis on the value of cleverness and intelligence however, the story of the Caliph Harun al Rashid and his much exalted qadi Abu Yusuf also highlights an interesting point about religion and the works to follow or otherwise remain within the confines of certain religious mandates while simultaneously being able to pursue whatever personal ends one desires. Though the qadi claims that the actions of the Caliph all fall within accordance with the Qur an and the teachings of Islam, the series of events required to allow the Caliph to consummate a marriage with the slave girl which involve such workarounds as the ordering of her marriage to a male slave in order to divorce them and avoid the three month period of legal purification (Schroeder, 1955) required for sexual conduct, as well as ordering the male slave to become the property of the girl in order to annul their marriage when the male slave refuses to divorce her on his own it certainly seems that these actions probably violate the spirit of the law, even if they avoid violation of the letter. The story itself makes a somewhat humorous and sly mention of this fact towards the end of the tale, confirming that as to the expiation of the oaths, Abu Yusuf s ruling would hardly be confirmed by jurists of the Shafi i school, (Schroeder, 1955) but noting that Abu Yusuf treated it in accord with the views of his own, the Hanafi school. In other words, whether or not the actions of the qadi
  • 6. Analysis Of Plato s Apology Wonder is the beginning of wisdom. (Socrates cite website). Socrates was the wisest person in Athens according to the Oracle of Delphi. In Plato s Apology we read about Socrates journey to find a man wiser than him, his trail, and finally his death. First we will discuss what the Oracle of Delphi is. The Oracle of Delphi is a shrine for the Greek gods that the pageants worshiped. In the Apology the Oracle of Delphi tells Socrates that he is the wisest man in Athens. Socrates was shocked about this statement so he went on a journey to find a man wiser than him. During his journey Plato goes around Athens and ask the wisest people he knew questions about logic but realized that they are not very wise themselves. This is how it is explained ... Show more content on ... The first charge against him was that he was corrupting the youth of Athens. Socrates responds to this charge by saying it takes more than one person to corrupt the youth , and that the youth are eager to learn. The second charge was not believing in the Gods. But this is just the ingenious riddle of which I was speaking: the demigods or spirits are gods, and you say first that I don t believe in gods, and then again that I do believe in gods; that is, if I believe in demigods. For if the demigods are the illegitimate sons of gods, whether by the Nymphs or by any other mothers, as is thought, that, as all men will allow, necessarily implies the existence of their parents . (The Apology). The people of Athens only put him on trial to get him to stop pestering
  • 7. Judeo-Christian Tradition reality. It was as if boats had their rudders removed, and they were permitted to drift freely. Today, we often refer to our Judeo Christian heritage as based on law and legal precedent. In reality, the Christian part of this tradition did not become part of our Western morality until after the English referred back to the Torah, began to read Hebrew and incorporated the Jewish tradition in the system of laws based on written laws and legal precedents and then became known as the Judeo Christian tradition. Until then, the governance of a community was based on power those with it made individualized decisions based on at best their own personal dictates or, at worst, expediency. For their daily lives the people looked to the village priest,... Show more content on ... Since they were already circumcised, any relief from this ritual was meaningless. They were all usually raised with some degree of Jewish education, many were literate and easily understood that as the people of the book, they had a tradition of over 1,200 years of accumulated laws and commentary on laws in the Torah and Talmud and the ensuring books of the Haftarah. Portions of each were read and commented on regular basis every Sabbath during the year, and repeated every year thereafter. The Jewish communities were tight knit, and centered around the synagogue. Many Jews were engaged in trades or commerce which separated them from the local farmers or fishermen who made up the balance of the cities population. To ask these traditional Jews to give up the Torah, the law or leave their communities would have required an extraordinary conversion under any circumstance. A central point of Paul s claim was that Jesuswas resurrected into heaven and was himself divine. A vast portion of the Jews especially mainstream Jews never would have accepted the idea of a resurrection or an afterlife. Some Pharisees held a belief in resurrection but nothing on a par with what Paul preached. However, to call a man a god was entirely alien to any kind of Jewish belief. It would have been an utter blasphemy. It is no wonder that Paul was harmed physically and run out of numerous cities as was recounted in Acts, or in Paul s own
  • 8. Examples Of Life After Death The Thought of life after death is comforting for some. For others, there is no life after death. Human beings are the only animals on earth who understand they will die, and throughout history have sought eternal life or that life will continue after death (Stewart Williams). Steve Stewart Williams, after looking at many arguments for and against life after death, tends to believe that he does not have a ghost of a chance (Stewart Williams). I tend to agree with this thinking as well. Stewart Williams shows some cases for life after death and then shows some arguments against it. Stewart Williams looks at the examples of paranormal phenomena first. These are the ideas of out of body experiences, near death experiences, ghosts, mediums who communicate with the dead, and past life memories. If these occurrences were what they appear, they would be proof of an afterlife, but ... Show more content on ... People may have the wishful thinking without evidence, but it could still be true. Wishful thinking is not a way of proving that life after death is false. One last argument is resurrection. This, for Stewart Williams, has many holes. For one, if it is true the body is resurrected, and we are made of atoms possible from bodies of past people and possible your atoms go into others in the future, how would God resurrect everyone? Another question Stewart Williams is maybe God uses other atoms, not within other people, then would you be the same person you were before death if not made up of the same material you were when alive. I like the thoughts put forth by Stewart Williams, if we are atoms and those atoms spread after death, then we would not really be the same. Stewart Williams uses the idea of the you after death is not the same you from before death you would be a replica. I agree with that, a replica or clone of you from different atoms would not necessarily be you, almost identically but could not
  • 9. Mayo Zoo Research Paper The Como Zoo in St Paul MN, The zoo operates on a donation basis and is free to enter. The size is small but offers a multitude of sights. It has it have different things to visit such at animals, different kind of fishes, birds, gardens and many more, it is the place good to visiting animals and nature. Along with the zoo there is also a conservatory and a Japanese Garden. It was located outside of the building, the garden captured a lot people attention and interest the most on visiting. There was a lot of people in the zoo due to the weekend and holiday. The garden was fairly and allowed for a quiet photo shoot. The Como zoo was wonderful place, and it was peaceful place to visit. They also decide garden within beautify alive plant with... Show more content on ... Actually stone lanterns were originally discover in the traditional Buddhist temples. Afterwards, tea masters leave temple lanterns to express the modesty of tea house, while providing light for early morning or evening ceremonies. Lanterns were eventually used in the design of other types of gradients as well. Three of the lanterns I the Charlotte partridge Ordway Japanese gander where originally begging since 1904 World s Fair in Saint Louis. They were brought to Minnesota for Japanese Garden located on what is now Como Park Golf Course. The City of Nagasaki provided the wide roofed snow viewing lantern, located near the bridge, as a gift to the citizens of Saint Paul. The reddish lantern at the entrance to the garden was created from stone salvaged from a 100 year old park drinking
  • 10. Math During World War II Death. Danger. Destruction. These are some words that may come into mind when thinking about the topic of war and the military. What doesn t usually come to mind is the word math . Unknown to many, math is involved in many aspects of the military. It has contributed to the conquering of enemies and the advancement of systems, technology, and warstrategies in the militaryand Army. One example of how math has been used in war occurred during World War II. During World War II, the Allies reached a hard conclusion: the Germans tanks were more superior to their own. In order to hinder the devastating effects of the superiority of the German tanks, the Allied forces had to figure out how many tanks the Germans were producing. At first, the Allies... Show more content on ... This area of math has a great impact on the army and their needs. The long term goals of the Army s mathematical research program is to help the Army advance in areas such as materials, systems, testing, evaluation, acquisition, training, and logistics. Math is a major factor when it comes to modeling systems, evaluating and regulating complex developments, and designing and improving systems in the Army. Army mathematical research includes applied analysis, computational mathematics, probability and statistics, systems and controls, discrete mathematics, and intelligent systems. Advances in these areas of math will help the Army develop a well equipped strategic force that will be able to reach victory in conflicts. In order to reach this goal, there has to be constant interaction between several sections of the military including researchers, Army development personnel, and Army field soldiers. This collaboration will ensure that Army systems are built quickly and correctly the first
  • 11. The Effects of Eurpoeans on Native Americans Effects of European settler on Native Americans The Europeans eventually came to dominate the land once held by the Native Americans through theft, disease and converting the natives to Christianity. First many times the Europeans had their own best interest in mind when they went to meet the natives. The Europeans such as Cortes had heard stories of gold and wanted to take the gold for themselves. He told the Aztec Chief Montezuma the amazingly ridiculous lie that the Spanish had a strange disease of the heart for which the only known remedy is gold (Kennedy and Cohen) Worse yet for the Aztecs who believed the Spanish conquistadors were the god Quetzalcoatl and thus allowed entry into the city. This gave up the intelligence of what the city had; it gave the Spanish the knowledge of how to defeat the city. Shortly later Cortes conquered the Aztec capital. However, Cortez was far from the only European who was attempting to take advantage of the wealthy natural resources of the new world. Juan Ponce De Leon searched for gold in Florida. Francisco Coronado explored the southern plains in his search for gold abusing Native Americans along the way by placing iron collars on them and harassed his captives with vicious dogs. Francisco Pizarro conquered the Incan empire in Peru and took a huge load of silver for Spain. Later the silver taken from the mines in Bolivia and Mexico resulted in a silver price revolution in Europe. The Europeans also captured natives and
  • 12. How Did Jane Addams Contribute To Social Reform One of America s most prominent social activists, Jane Addams dedicated her whole life to the poor and social reform. Born on September 6, 1860 in Cedarville, Illinois, Jane grew up to become one of the most notable college educated women of her time. Utilizing her education, Addams developed her own political and social beliefs and applied them to society during the Progressive Era, leading to many reforms that have shaped our world today. Although Addams has done many impeccable things, one of her most distinguishable actions was co founding Hull House with her friend Ellen Gates Starr in 1889. Hull House is a settlement house in Chicago, Illinois, inspired by the Toynbee Hall she visited in England. Opening Hull House, Addams expected the settlement to be a place where the poor could attend cultural programs, such as art, however her ideas changed as she explored the city and got to know her neighbors. While walking down the streets of Chicago, the reformer noticed all the poor immigrants residing in the cramped and dirty tenements, which led to her newfound passion to help... Show more content on ... Taking political action, Jane Addams set forth toward goals of creating laws for better and safer work conditions. By talking to political leaders, with great ambition, Jane Addams persisted to create changes to benefit the community. Along with political actions, Addams also used her writing and lectures to urge a new social ethic and strongly advocated for women s right to vote to further close the margin she needed to pass her ideas. With her constant push and with Hull House sponsoring many legislations regarding children, workers, and the environment, the Progressive party also adopted many of those reforms, incorporating them into their platform in 1912, and in turn expanded Jane Addams
  • 13. Comparing Robinson And Paul Simon s Richard Cory Richard Cory, the name used for the title of two thought provoking works, was a man whose luxurious persona led the world from feelings of admiration to wide ranging envy. In both poems by Edwin Arlington Robinson and Paul Simon, similar tones established esteem and praise towards their subject. However, throughout these verses, both speakers also appeared to shift their acknowledgments into a place of spite and jealously. As the reader began to unfold the nature of the literary works, tones from worship, hardship, and bitterness are all keenly painted throughout the speakers use of contrast, repetition, and negativity by the name Richard Cory. Tone, or the attitude of the writer towards a subject, is depicted equally and similarly in both poems. When each line is stripped and decoded in search for its meaning, similarities concerning the approach of both speakers can be made. Both Robinson and Simon open by boasting Richard Cory and finalize with a major tone shift by the death of him. Not only do they touch upon what the ... Show more content on ... He is defined as a gentleman from sole to crown (Edwin Arlington Robinson 3) and who had everything a man could want: power, grace, and style (Paul Simon 4). Cory has the presence of a stereotypical English man. He is subjected to be very proper and well mannered. The speaker in Robinson s poem uses three stanzas to emit notions to the reader that Richard Cory was not just any man... He was everything (11). The celebrity in Cory was justified very genuinely throughout these stanzas as well by signifying touches of human emotions such as fluttered pulses when he said/ Good morning, and allowing the reader to visualize his charisma as he glittered when he walked (Robinson 7 8). Compliments were exhumed from the speaker and verbal irony was not suspected. These lines allow the reader to envision their subject and recognize a tone of
  • 14. Citizen By Claudia Rankine Summary The first chapter of Citizen by Claudia Rankine immediately caught my attention. It starts with a line that anyone can relate to, when you are alone and too tired even to turn on any of your devices (5). This line makes the reader dig through their memory to find a time when they felt these two things, alone and tired. It immediately drew me in and allowed me to relate to the writer. The story becomes Claudia s memories. However, through second person story telling the reader begins to feel as though they are the ones experiencing these moments. This experience enhanced the story by stirring up the things Claudia might have been feeling within the reader. The feelings from the first story increase as the stories go on. I would describe these... Show more content on ... It seems as if Claudia is hurt by this because she knows the only reason she is complimented is because she let her cheat. Another thing that hurts is the so called compliment itself. It implies that having features more like a black person wouldn t be a compliment at all. This is just one of the many examples used in the first chapter of the people in Claudia s life that say or do offensive things. It becomes clear to Claudia that these people are being subtly racist after the picture that interrupts her words. This picture had a street named Jim Crow RD which brings my mind to the Jim Crow laws during segregation (6). After this picture the language Claudia uses to describe her next memory changes. She describes this memory as a memory that can send adrenaline to the heart, dry out the tongue, and clog the lungs (7). She tells of a friend who would call her by the name of her black housekeeper (7). Claudia admits to feeling hurt by this, but she isn t sure why. She doesn t know if it s because she knows her friend thinks all black people look the same or, because she was constantly being confused for someone else, by someone she believed she was close
  • 15. Endangerment Wildlife Trust Ethos Pathos Logos The Endangerment Wildlife Trust, started a campaign titled If you don t pick it up, they will In 2009. This is a Visual Analysis on The Rhetoric used in this Ad which includes Pathos, Ethos and Logos, Pathos being the strongest of the three. The image displays a dead bird with a strong emphasis on the small manmade objects inside to direct our attention toward it and reflect feelings of guilt back to us. The artists wanted to bring the whole image together and deliver its intended message. EWT knew the text would get our attention by making us feel responsible for the crisis. This Ad is displayed for the purpose to increase awareness of pollution and man made waste. Audience They are targeting Society today. The intended purpose of this is to raise awareness, and to instill watchfulness in the audience. They want individuals to feel responsible for the endangerment of wildlife by using strong pathos. The design of the Ad they created was intended to work together as a whole, to make their message relevant to everybody and also to convince the viewer to be increasingly more aware of the issue surrounding them. They know that the audience is a big part of the issue that is occurring and that wildlife is suffering for... Show more content on ... By eliminating that grey area they can convince more of the audience to their way of thinking. The logic is pretty simple, If you don t pick it up, they will . It directs the text straight toward individuals and by showing the dead bird and the manmade objects eaten by it helps solidify the truth to the word they . The evidence is shown in the picture with the objects in the bird and they know that the audience has seen how bad pollution is around them and this helps solidify or convince the reader into the author s way of thinking. Makes you ask yourself if you would have made better choices in the past how much that would have changed your
  • 16. Helmet Jellyfish Research Paper Kiersten Swarts Mrs. Walser Bio II 8/30/15 Periphylla Periphylla: Helmet Jellyfish The helmet jellyfish, scientifically known as periphylla periphylla has many interesting features and many unique facts about it. When just looking at it, it resembles many jellyfish, the bell is different from a regular jellyfish though. It has a life cycle that contains fourteen stages that explain how it is formed and how it develops. Not much is known about this creature when it comes to reproduction and its behavior. Just like many other species, food, temperature, and other geographical features affect where it reproduces, lives and where it stays most of its lifetime. Even though a lot of things are unknown about this species, we do know that it has a fairly long lifespan considering all the deadly things they encounter. ... Show more content on ... They are fairly big, on average about twenty centimeters long and up to thirty five centimeters in diameter. Tentacles help when they need to move around in the water. These species of jellyfish are usually found in the South Georgia Islands and Antarctica but are not found in areas like the Arctic Ocean. Even though they tend to stay in these regions, where they move depends on the movement of their prey and how conditions are in their current location. When they are forced to move they use their tentacles and also their coronal groove which gives them the flexibility to move around faster by the pulsations of the deltoid muscles in the bell (Sornes, 2008). These jellyfish tend to stay deep in the water and avoid the surface unless they are trying to mate. They also move towards the surface when it s night time because the sun is not a danger to them. The sun is a major threat to how they live and could kill them if they get direct sunlight for a long period of
  • 17. SPA Reflective Essay Goals I went to SPA with two goals, including: To know the criteria for type of anesthesia for each procedure, and to know the most commonly performed procedure and whether any research had been conducted to uncover the disease condition that warrants this procedure. According Dr. Chopra, Kathryn, RN, and Katie, Charge nurse, severity of patient s problem and whether the procedure will involve major tissues are some of the criteria used to decide on the type anesthesia for each procedure. In addition, the charge nurse in person of Katie reported that esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) ranks highest among many procedures performed at SPA. I was told that EGD is both diagnostic and therapeutic procedure, which makes it to be commonly performed, ... Show more content on ... My professor took walked me to SPA around 8 am, and I was introduced to the charge nurse of the unit, who received me warmly. After this, I was assigned initially to Vaishali, RN who took me to the first patient. With this patient, we did initial assessment before the procedure where plethora of questions were asked to ensure patient s safety. Immediately after this, I was asked to follow one patient to a procedure room for observation. I had the opportunity to see how the patient was prepared for the procedure, the type of anesthesia, type of health professionals who make up the SPA team for each procedure, and the patient is monitored throughout the process. After the procedure, I was told to stay with the patient for 30 minutes in the recovery room, where the vital signs are monitored every five minutes until patient fully comes around or better still, becomes fully aware the environment. Furthermore, discharge teachings are given at recovery room, and what took my interest was the language used in this area. One of the staff nurses said to patient that You are legally intoxicated for the next 24 hours, therefore, no driving, signing of legal documents, and no operation of microwave. I like this statement because, it underscores patient safety. Thereafter, I followed other patient, and the whole processes stated above were repeated. I learned how division of labor brings efficiency. I will remember to utilize this in the nearest
  • 18. The Global Sportswear Sector Operates In The Global Apparel The global sportswear sector operates in the global apparel and footwear industry that recorded worldwide sales worth $1.67 trillion in 2016 (Businesswire, 2017). Out of this, the sales of sportswear items accounted for 7% with most of the sales coming from the U.S. and emerging markets in Thailand and India (Businesswire, 2017). Besides, the industry employs more than 75 million people globally working in apparel, footwear and sportswear sectors (ILO, 2015). The growth the global sportswear sales can be attributed to the growth in popularity in healthy lifestyles as more people in the developed and emerging economies engage in physical activities hence increasing the demand for sportswear. Sportswear refers to the apparel that people use... Show more content on ... In the report, suppliers of leading brands like Puma, Nike, Adidas and Reebok have forced their employees to work overtime and denied them the rights to form trade unions. In addition, some of the workers work without being paid while others are underpaid after working for long hours (Clean Clothes Campaign, 2004). Similar findings were also reported by the Play Fair (2008) report. The report findings showed that workers manufacturing sportswear items in form of apparel, footwear and soccer balls faced similar problems. These include: abuse of employment contracts, violation to the freedom of association and collective bargaining, and employment insecurity. Consequently, workers who attempt to form trade unions are dismissed, denied the chance to negotiate and the facilities with unionized workers get closed. In addition, the rise in factory closures has led to job insecurity among workers and this reduces the likelihood of workers to seek better employment conditions. The Play Fair report also argued that buyers tend to disregard facilities that are compliant with labor practices and such facilities end up being shut down (2008). The report also highlighted the rise in short term employment contracts and precarious employment that undermine labor regulations and the rights of workers to social security and freedom of association (Play Fair, 2008). Facilities manufacturing sportswear
  • 19. The Importance Of A Technical Operations Enterprise... A recent conflict I have seen at my place of work is related to a major project I am currently working on. The project is to establish a Technical Operations Enterprise Software Solution. The necessity of this project was created by the merger of two airlines and the regulatory requirements mandated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), to establish configuration managementand control of aircraft assets that will operate under a new single certificate (e.g. 14 CFR Part 121 Air Carrier Certification) (FAA, 2015 ). The project s mission objective is to establish the business requirements needed for the daily operation related to aviation maintenance activities and select the software solutions necessary to accomplish the combined... Show more content on ... The technical due diligence and process mapping analysis are methods that document the procedures, ideas, insight and input from the employees assigned to work on the project and this at times can interject personal opinions and assumptions. The methods to capture this knowledge is accomplished through facilitated meetings, email communications, and project management methods. With the assembly of the experts, decision makers and establishment of proven methods of exchanging idea, it should in theory allow the merged companies to capture each areas business requirements while also allowing the IT department the best avenue to determine the software solutions necessary to accomplish the overall project goal. However, there is a very unique dynamic involved with the merging of the two company s legacy management organizational structure, and unfortunately this created conflict and disagreements related to change enablement in determining the business processes and software solutions, to move the two merged companies as one going forward. Chosen analysis method (Ladder of inference) I am familiar with root cause analyses and the 5 whys analysis , so I decided to use a process I was not completely familiar with and one that appeared to be appropriate to analyze a business decision / work related conflict. I selected the Ladder of Inference analysis method. This method is related to analyzing business environment
  • 20. Sullivan Flooring Concepts BUSM35436 Business Cases Sullivan Flooring Concept NAME: Aisosa Okitikpi DAY TIME of CLASS: (Wed 12pm) Key Facts of the Case (no analysis) Who is the decision maker? (Remember: in analyzing a case you have to put yourself in the position of the decision maker and try to figure out what YOU would do in his/her position). Norm Sullivan maximum 5 key facts that summarize the case. Fierce Competition Price Unique wood flooring concept Growing interests Culture change Problem(s) Statement What is the main problem(s) or opportunity(s) that you (as decision maker) must deal with? Sullivan must deal with how to improve the manufacturing process of his wood flooring concept How urgent and how important is this issue and ... Show more content on ... Time available to finish planks for Norm Sullivan: 4.5 hours per week x 52 weeks = 234 hours (14040 minutes) In that time he can create (with the table saw): 14040 minutes available /15 minutes required per board = 936 planks In that time he can create (with the router): 14040 minutes available / 14 minutes required per board = 1002 planks. Neither of these options is going to be sufficient to meet his production need of 1200 planks for the upcoming year. What if he were to hire more workers? This would reduce the production time per plank and make it likely that he would be able to reduce the production time per board. For each worker he would be looking at $5200 per year. His projected sales for the year:
  • 21. 1200 planks 10 feet each @ $6.00 per foot = $60 per plank Therefore, 1200 x 60 = $72000 His projected profit margin = 50% Therefore 50/100* 72000= $36000 in profit for the year. Decision Criteria for Solutions What goals or objectives must be achieved by any potential solution to the problem? (eg. Must maximize market share) Must improve productivity Must increase overall delivery time Must have a good return on investment Must maximize competitive advantage Must be able to increase quantity and quality What constraints limit the range of solutions (eg. Can t cost more than $1 Million) Can t take too long to implement Can t cost more than 80,000 per year Identification of Realistic Practical Alternatives available
  • 22. Personal Narrative-The Ecstasy Of Negativity In The Mind A whisper breathed through the back of my mind. My conscious spoke to me the words of the devil. I shake my head off the destructive and corrosive talk. I ve been brought down by the battles that goes through my head. My mind became a violent site of negativity against my internal self. A place where no rays of sun can radiate through. My confidence slipped away as I hit rock bottom during my junior year. The joy I had diminished. The ember of my fire extinguished through the lost oxygen as I slowly fall apart. My last breath was my last hope I had in myself, only for it to be smother by the devil of my mind. On nights where I have to study for my upcoming tests, I get overwhelm by all the topics I have to study. Stacks of notes and annotations dated chronological order and side notes written on post its were in front of me. There are no number of hours I could spend studying or cramming in information that could compete against the negative emotions that were consuming me. It hindered me from... Show more content on ... It is fueled by the mind in how we think and how we perceive ourselves and the world. The internal conflicts of trying to defeat the negativity in the mind was an ongoing struggle. However, the passion I had for biology allowed me to rediscover the strength I had. I was no longer hopeless of myself and my dreams. I wake up every day in hopes of discovering something new and exciting. Self doubt is nothing but self deterioration that stopped me from achieving my full potential. The limitations that we set upon ourselves is how far we will go. I let myself free and see where my passion for biology can take me. I found myself captivated by the art and nature of biology. The unexplained theories and ideas motivate me to go out and explore the exotic and mysterious things of our universe. I learned that a monochromatic life can be flushed with hues of colors if one finds the passion that they long
  • 23. Operation Restoring Right Case Study Operation Restoring Right (Tal Afar, Iraq) Entering into OIF II 2004, the reduction of coalition forces in Tal Afar, Iraq was slim to non existing. These conditions allowed for terrorists/insurgents to return and seize this key piece of terrain located near the Syrian border. By spring of 2005, Tal Afar was commonly referred to as al Qaida s town due to the stronghold insurgents had on the city. In April 2005, the 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment (3rd ACR) out of Fort Carson, Co would have a change of mission from patrolling the Baghdad AO to now assuming control of the Nineveh Province which included the city of Tal Afar. Their mission was to disrupt and destroy al Qaida freedom fighters operating in and around Nineveh Province. Operation Restoring Right, is easily the largest battle since Fallujah based on both the size of the assault force and the scope of objective. The 3d Armored... Show more content on ... A fund distribution program was formed by the regiment. The program s intentions were to reimburse residents for property damage during operation. The Regiment, working closely with the locals and Iraqi government began the reconstructing of the city, the schools, roads, and the parks. The 3d ACR began winning the trust of the populace through improvement programs and partnering with city officials to help out the citizens of Tal Afar as much as they could. As the pall of fear over the city lifted, many citizens responded by joining the police force. The IP s recruited over 1765 police for Tall Afar and over 2700 citizens in Western Nineveh for the Iraqi Army. On Northside of the city, Special Forces worked to secure the town of Avgani, using an IA company for obtaining logistics necessary for the police force. In surrounding villages additional searches were conducted of resulting in more AIF surrounding villages identification and to identified areas that needed humanitarian
  • 24. The For A Good Risk Management Plan Alcohol and rock concerts often intersected over the course of time; plenty of concerts and festivals have either used alcohol as a sponsor or ancillary revenue. Alcohol and other types of concessions sold at festivals are considered ancillary revenue because it is derived from goods or services other than the primary service or good being offered (What is ancillary revenue, 2015, para.1). Therefore, serving alcohol at festivals is another way for the promotors, event managers, and the venue to obtain additional source of revenue. As the event manager for the Freedom festival, a rock roll festival being held at the PNC Music Pavilion in Charlotte, NC; it is the intention of the festival to provide the patrons with a safe and fun environment to enjoy their favorite music. The basis for a good risk management plan is providing a risk assessment for the event before determining how to address the possible risks. A risk assessment is a process to identify potential hazards and analyze what could happen if a hazard occurs (Risk Assessment, 2015, para.1). Therefore, the risk assessment will be used to identify the possible problems that can arise from alcohol. The Freedom Festival event planning committee is aware of, and concerned about the risks and issues that are associated with the availability of alcohol throughout the course of the event, so they plan is to create a risk management plan to address these risks. Violence, alcohol poisoning, drunk driving, underage
  • 25. Certificate Of Disposition What Is A Certificate Of Disposition? A certificate of disposition is a document that states the final disposition or current status of a case. You can get a certificate of disposition from the clerk s office in the Supreme Court or criminal court. It is important to note that only certain people are able to access a certificate of disposition. The defendant s representative, the defendant and people who have written permission are the only ones who are able to access a certificate of disposition. There are several forms you will need to fill out before you can get a certificate of disposition. What Type Of Fees Will I Need To Pay For A Certificate Of Disposition? You will be charged a fee for coming to the court house. You will also be
  • 26. Dan Glickman at ShoWest Essay Dan Glickman at ShoWest LAS VEGAS Citing long term trends to offset short term dips, Dan Glickman, who became president and CEO of the MPAA in September, presented his first state of the industry address Tuesday at ShoWest 2005. Speaking to a crowded house of exhibitors and distributors at the Paris hotel in what he dubbed his maiden voyage to the annual convention, Glickman judged that the industry is healthy. We have had some growth this year not radical growth, but the trends are positive. According to the MPAA s bookkeepers, U.S. boxoffice for 2004 amounted to $9.54 billion, up slightly from $9.49 billion the year before. Glickman noted that 2004 was the third consecutive... Show more content on ... At the same time, there were slight increases in the costs of trailers and online Internet advertising. As a result, the costs of producing and releasing the average MPAA release rang in at $98 million, down almost 5% from 2003 s record of $102.8 million. While only one out of 10 films recoups its costs during its theatrical release, four out of 10 make money during their full life cycle. Glickman cited long term trends, though, to buttress his contention that the industry remains on solid ground. Over the past five years, he noted, boxoffice has climbed more than $1 billion. And though individual admissions have been down the past two years, they have risen 20% an average of 2% a year over the past 10 years. Foreign boxoffice has grown even more dramatically, he added. Last year, it totaled $15.7 billion, up more than 44% from 2003. As for moviegoers, they enjoy a relative bargain according to National Association of Theatre Owners president John Fithian, who joined Glickman at the early morning press conference. Last year, the average ticket price hit $6.21, up 3% over the 2003 figure of $6.03. Still, Fithian noted, that 3% increase was less than the 3.3% increase in the Consumer Price Index for the year. Argued Fithian, Compared to other out of home entertainment options, movies remain more
  • 27. The Game Theory of Baseball Decision making in Baseball Baseball is a great game to analyze from game theory perspective because of the scale of strategic decisions that are continuously made on the fields and each play. In every play, there are various players (baseball players, coaches, team managers and owners) with different goals and payoffs, and thousands of pitch by pitch decisions are made in course of an at bat, inning, game, and season. Major League Baseball, one of the four major professional sports leagues of North America, is the most suitable platform for analysis because statistical information is tracked for almost every single complexion of the game. In the following paper, we choose to inspect one at bat decision of a single game in detail as a... Show more content on ... In general, for defense side, minimizing opponent s batting average would be the priority. In this case, the optimal choice for Leyland is to choose Porcello against Ortiz with lowest BA .286. However, the situation here is not that simple. As Ortiz representing tie run, minimizing his slugging rate would be more essential than his batting average because a long hit (slugging) would cause greater damage; Tigers was 5 1 lead which was situation that single is more acceptable than extra base hit because a single might only cause they lost 2 runs and a extra base hit might cause 3 or 4 runs. Thus, considering minimum damage as priority, using Benoit would be the optimal choice for Leyland, same as we figured out in last paragraph. In the report of Jim Caple ii, Benoit is our guy against lefties and we felt he gave us the best chance to get the out, Leyland said. Benoit v.s. Ortiz Following the conclusion from our game tree, Leyland chose to use Benoit in to face Ortiz. In order to analyze the theoretic decisions in this at bat, we will look at the possible outcomes and decisions on pitch by pitch basis. In order to inspect pitch selection issues, we will set the payoff based on Runs Above Average (RAA). RAA measures a hitter s ability to create runs based on the pitch that
  • 28. Management Executive Summary 1.Executive Summary A comfortable atmosphere provides a place where the customer can work, meet, relax or enjoy a healthy choice of bread. Freshly brewed coffee, expresso drinks, frozen coffee drinks, specialty teas and other beverages, along with assorted bakery, lunch and desert items make this a place to go and relax anytime of the day. 2.Current Situation Barriers to Entry The major barrier to entry for a specialty bakery is the perception that healthy food tastes worse than unhealthy food. Since the population that would shop exclusively at a specialty bakery is very limited, it would be a huge disadvantage to exclude the general population based on this negative public perception. Capital requirements would also be a barrier ... Show more content on ... For the five years John was the manager he was able to cut production cost by 17%. Beside John, James had also hired four other staff that will assist John in executing the plan. Linda Ong has run her own successful CPA consulting firm for 15 years. Her duties will include the bookkeeping, inventory management and stock fulfilment. Edward runs his own PR Company and will be assisting the Bread Empire Bakery in its marketing campaigns on a part time basis. Ramlah, who had spent her last five years at her family s store, she was the general employee manager. Her duties at the bakery will include employee hiring and training, head baker and store management. Ah Guan has worked as a baker for over five years and will be the head baker. His responsibilities will also include the management of the bakery shopping list. 4.SWOT Analysis Internal Strengths * Well known in restaurants and local grocery stores * Ability to deliver what the market wants * Solid business reputation in the marketplace * Good quality product and reliable service * Good and recognize location | Internal Weakness * Some members of our bakingstaff need more training * More salesperson would help to increase and improve business * Delivery later than promise * We did not consider those who are gluten intolerance or other health
  • 29. Eloquent Feelings And Safe Places Eloquent Feelings and Safe Places Stephen Dunn s poems makes sure to let the reader stop and think, and as a creative writing teacher he knows how to do just that. Winner of awards such as the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, The James Wright Prize ,and the Paterson Award for Sustained Literary Achievement , his work The Sacred , published back in 1989, shows off his literary genius in normal experiences and captures the vehement thoughtin his writing that has captured many hearts of the readers. The Sacred speaks about what a student believes is his sacred space, and what it means to him. Dunn uses three core poetic devices to not only show that everyone needs an escape from reality, but also the herd mentality of youth when one has confidence. The nihilistic ending and the free form moderate style add to the ideals that Dunn tries to present and helps add a twist ending to the poem when you see the lack of desire for social interactions in the young man who was the first to speak up. The contrast between his outer presentation and his inside emotions are shown strongly between the first and second half, as if he only spoke up to get it over with . The enjambment that pushes through the whole poem create a string of consciousness feeling, as if a person in the class is slightly nervous to share his response. In the beginning of the poem, Dunn shows how much this student takes his
  • 30. Sex Offender Management I.Introduction The proper management and treatment of adult and juvenile sex offender play a crucial role in the protection of the general public. In order to properly manage and treat sex offenders the: who, what, where, why and how of the sexual offender and the sexual offense committed. When issuing management and treatment the nature of the crime comes into great thought of whether it was rape, public exposure, sodomy, possession of child pornography, etc. All of these crimes all have different punishments that follow which would also mean the management and treatment of the sex offender would be different as well. When attempting to come up with the best management and treatment method of these sex offenders the individuals assigning ... Show more content on ... As mentioned earlier as much as the offender wants to change that is not enough. Wanting to change is usually not enough to be able to change the patterns that lead to sexual offenses. To create the motivation to change, some offenders need a variety of treatment and corrective interventions, and for others learning how to make the change in their own behavioral cycle of abuse is more effective, (Office of the Attorney General State of California). Historically it was ok to marry a twelve year old child and start reproducing around fourteen years of age. This was because life expectancy was not that long and at around the age of fourteen individuals was considered to be adults and thus it was acceptable. Thus there being no need for treatment because there was no sex offender cases. While in today s society this is no longer acceptable while in some places the age of consent is as young as sixteen years (The Age of Consent). With the history of sex offender management came treatment which was castration which is the altogether removal of genitals, and imprisonment. While according the Bureau of Justice Assistance there are three forms of treatment for sex offenders. There is the cognitive behavioral approach, which focuses on changing the thinking patterns of an offender. The psycho educational approach focuses on increasing the offender s
  • 31. Cultural Differences In Lieutenant John Dunbar And The... Lieutenant John Dunbar and The Sioux D ances with Wolves is a film adapted from a book of same name written by Michael Blake in 1988 and produced by Kevin Costner in 1990. The film dictates the story of a Union Army lieutenant, who journeyed to the American frontier in search of a military post, and his relationships with a group of Lakota Indians. The movie has adequately addresses some theoretical perspectives, cultural tensions and reconciliations based on some historical facts. Some theoretical perspectives can be seen throughout the entire film, such as the development of assimilation culture. (Assimilation definition) Despite how the first encounter between Lt. John Dunbar and the Sioux at Fort Sedgwick did not turn out well, but after ... Show more content on ... Their relationship deteriorated when a group of Pawnee warriors marched towards the Sioux village with plan of wiping out the entire tribe. Neither was it a war for territory nor was it for riches nor to make men free but to preserve food stores that would help Sioux tribe make it through the winter. It was also a war to protect the lives of women and children, once and forever. On the other hand, recalling that Stands With A Fist is a white woman, at a very young age, the aggressive, cold blooded Pawnee tribe slaughtered her entire family cruelly, and Kicking Bird then adopted her later on. Besides that, Timmons, the wagon driver who brought Dunbar to Fort Sedgwick, was also killed and have his head scalped as war trophy by the Pawnee warriors while he was traveling back to Fort Hays. Albeit it is unclear why the Pawnee warriors slaughtered her entire family or Timmons, it certainly does reflect on the poor relationship between the English and the Pawnee tribe. As compared to the Pawnee tribe, the Sioux was comparatively more human and less cold
  • 32. Fish and Management Case Study Essay FITTskills: Global Supply Chain Management Case Study #5: Global Supply Chain Management and Shipping Case Study #5: Global Supply Chain Management and Shipping Catch of the day Kalastaa Inc. have been in the local Finnish aquaculture industry for nearly fourteen years. They raise salmon and trout for local markets, and have recently negotiated a deal with a small fish processing plant that distributes under a major product label in Finland. Although they run a rather small operation, employing 16 people year round, Kalastaa believes they are in a position to export some surplus and perhaps broker further deals with fish processing plants around the European Union. They do want to maintain ties with the local fresh fish ... Show more content on ... Colour coding is a common practice in the fish industry and provides a method of standardization for something as subjective as colour. Both in production and sales, colour is the most important quality parameter for salmon. Salmon buyers can request information on the colour of a delivered lot in the form of a number corresponding to a colour number on the Roche scale. Another salmon colour reference is the colour number on the Salmofan scale. Kalastaa s bank, acting as their export advisor, contacts the FITT 1 FITTskills: Global Supply Chain Management Case Study #5: Global Supply Chain Management and Shipping company to tell them that the letter of credit has fallen though because the certificate of quality is vague and it cannot be ascertained if the shipment has passed its quality certification. Something is fishy... The documents were delivered directly to the buyer for payment. DanskFisk insists on inspecting the shipment upon arrival. DanskFisk is not an experienced salmon importer, and usually deals with Spanish Blue Fish and Irish Char. They are not in disagreement that the salmon shipment has passed quality inspection. Upon DanskFisk s inspection, they claim that the fat content of the stock is much higher than is claimed in the quality inspection. They reject the sale and will accept substitute goods, but are claiming damages for loss of profit. Kalastaa management wonder if they need to rethink their
  • 33. Jacqueline FГ¶rster Case Entitlement Case Note Case C 158/07 Jacqueline FГ¶rster v Hoofddirectie van de Informatie Beheer Groep FГ¶rster Judgment Facts of the case The FГ¶rster judgment concerns the legal dispute between the student Jacqueline FГ¶rster and the Executive Board of the IB Groep. FГ¶rster was a German national who moved to the Netherlands for her studies. During her studies she worked to support her living costs and was able to receive a study grant from the IB Groep, an administrative body. The IB Groep annulled the maintenance grant with respect to the period from July to December 2003 and requested that FГ¶rster repay the excess sums. Ms. FГ¶rster brought an action before Alkmaar District Court. That action was held to be unfounded on two grounds. First, Ms. FГ¶rster could no longer be regarded as a worker since she had not had any real and genuine employment during that time period. Second, Ms. FГ¶rster could not claim entitlement to a maintenance grant because she had not been integrated into Dutch society. Ms. FГ¶rster appealed against that judgement before the Centrale Raad van Beroep. She claimed that she was already sufficiently integrated into Dutch society to be able to claim a maintenance grant. In the alternative, she submitted that she... Show more content on ... Therefore, Article 18 TFEU is also applicable to maintenance costs for students. Furthermore, a five year residence requirement is deemed appropriate for the purpose of guaranteeing that the applicant for the maintenance grant is integrated into the society of the host Member State. The Court concludes that the first paragraph of Article 18 TFEU does not preclude the application to nationals of other member States of a requirement of five years prior
  • 34. State X Enacted A Statute Essay State X enacted a statute in 2000 that stated, the governor has the sole authority to declare a state of emergency and, during the emergency, to suspend all rules, regulations, and rights as seem fit without court supervision and/or authorization. Following a breach of levees in City B located in State X, the governor of State X ordered that all legal and illegal firearms be confiscated. The governor also ordered all police and troops to conduct a house to house search and seizure of all such weapons. In order to determine the constitutionality of the statute under the circumstances, we must first examine the constitutional authorities prevalent to the issue at hand. The constitutional authorities that apply to this statute are the 5th and 14th amendments. The 5th amendment states, No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. The 14th amendment states in pertinent part Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. There are two types of due process; procedural and substantive. Procedural due process occurs when an individual who is faced with deprivation of property or liberty is denied notice and an opportunity to be heard before a court. Substantive due process is a question of whether the state has a reasonable basis for enacting a statute that interferes with one s liberty. Under the current circumstances substantive due process would be appropriate in evaluating the
  • 35. Fly Fishing History Imagine sitting on a dock at a nearby pond, fishing and it is peaceful and quiet when all of sudden a fish bites the hook! Fishing is all about waiting patiently for the right fish, having the right equipment, and knowing what a person wants to catch; fishing is more than a way to survive, it has now grown into a lucrative sport, and become a big hobby for many people around the world. Fishingis a sport that all started with a stick, line, a hook, and a bait. The whole goal of fishing is to catch a fish , either fresh or saltwater. The sport is also called angling, but since it has increased around the world, it has been changed to fishing. The development of fishing equipment has gradually increased throughout the years. Equipment used to be just a stick or a bush vine, a string, and a piece of bone, or a hook (Aggarwal). Now, the equipment is more technologically advance to better the odds of... Show more content on ... The main purpose of fly fishing is to get the fish to bite and imitation of a bug. There are many techniques for fly fishing, to fit the weather conditions such as the haul cast for it is windy. Bait fishing is also called bottom fishing, which is to catch fish purposely by using a type of bait such as worms, crickets, and even small fish. Some of the techniques for bait fishing are bottom rigging, jugging, and the most common is with a cork (RBFF). Trolling is the use of live bait and artificial lures that are left in the water behind a slow moving boat. Netting is a setline that traps the fish. Netting is mostly used in commercial fishing and catching baitfish. The object of noodling is to catch only catfish, with out a rod and a line, and use only a person s hands, or feet. Noodling is mostly done in shallow waters. Ice fishing is normally done in the colder states. When someone goes ice fishing they would need many tools to break through the ice
  • 36. Warren Buffett American Growth The railroad in the United States assisted with its growth and expansion from sea to shining sea. However, with the advent of the personal vehicle, trucks, and aviation, the railroad began to decline (Gallamore Meyer, 2014). Therefore, one might question why Warren Buffett purchased Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad for $26.5 billion dollars. However, years after the $26.5 billion dollars was spent, no one would question the investment as its revenue has since risen 57% and has become a main source of income for Warren Buffetts company, Berkshire Hathaway (Buhayar, 2014). There are a few reasons how Warren Buffett saw this growth coming and capitalized. Mr. Buffett has throughout his years of life seen a steady growth in our nation.... Show more content on ... Refined oil is the number one product within the United States (Reed, 2010). Furthermore, the means to shipping oil around the country is rail (O Malley, 2014). Thus, Warren Buffets purchase of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad company makes sense. This can be explained by the fact that according to Warren Buffett, the shipment of oil via rail is a cheaper, positive alternative to pipelines (O Malley, 2014). Warren Buffett s purchase of Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad shows that Mr. Buffett believes that as hauling via truck becomes more costly due to rising oil prices, a cheap rail system will be preferred (Foroohar, 2012). The reason that rail is a cheap means of shipment is simple, rail uses less fuel to travel. This is evident in the fact that a rail system can haul one ton of goods 500 miles on just one gallon of fuel (O Malley, 2014). One would be hard pressed to find a trucking company that could boast the same. Thus, as fuel prices rise, rail would become more viable. Warren Buffett has personally been quoted stating this by mentioning that energy prices will rise within the United States, allowing his railroad venture to grow more over time (Foroohar, 2012). Furthermore, as pipelines remain controversial and a slow means of shipping oil, rail can solve the problem via expediting oil shipments around the country (O Malley,
  • 37. Gopro Persuasive Essay Facebook has over 500 million users, Instagram has over 50 million users, Twitter has over 220 million twitter users, Pinterest has an estimated 230 million, Tumblr has over 100 million. Almost everybody all over the world uses social media. From the kid next door to the hottest celebrity, sport celebrities, the government, television networks, churches schools, nonprofit organizations, companies and businesses. Almost everyone uses social media but the main obsession that people has with social media is posting pictures and videos good or bad. People are fascinated with exciting, funny, daring and I can t believe what I m seeing videos and pictures. GoPro is the Rolls Royce of cameras that delivers Holi Grail action photography and fantastic videos. GroPro is a revolutionary innovation. It is a shock proof and water proof digital camera. It is small, portable and distinctively designed for consumers who play extreme and rugged sports and want capture every single shot or video. Anyone that enjoys surfing, water skiing, bungee jumping, ski diving, or if you get an opportunity to run with the bulls in... Show more content on ... I tried to capture myself zip racing with my smartphone and it was poor. I was spinning like a top and all you could hear was my big mouth screaming and the only videos that were taken were the tree tops and my feet. My smartphone which was the Samsung Galaxy S4 do not have the capabilities as the GoPro cameras. Needless to say that all the great footage that I thought I was recording never did and it is now etched in my memory only and it was difficult for me to enact again and share the exciting moment with my family and friends on Facebook and Instagram from my smartphone. If I had a GoPro Hero not only I could have recorded it but make edits and share the pristine quality and sharp images with friends and they could see the moments as if they were there with
  • 38. Compare And Contrast Charles By Gary Soto In the story, Seventh Grade by Gary Soto and the story, Charles by Shirley Jackson the plots play a important role in the way the characters speak and act. The setting in Seventh Grade is in school, hallway, homeroom, math,english, french. And the setting in Charles is at home for the most of the story, but also takes place at the PTA meeting. The two stories plots are important to the actions of the characters because in every thing the characters say or do it will either positively or negatively affect the plot. The setting is important into the plot in Seventh Grade because if the story took place in a different place or at a different time period it would affect the whole storyline and how everything happened. In the text Seventh Grade it states, Her next class was French, same as Victors. This shows that Victor wants to be in the same class as Teresa and if the story didn t take place in a school or at a different time the storyline would be different . Also in the story it states, ...and after biology a long sprint to the public library, where he checked out three French textbooks. He was going to like seventh grade. This shows that the setting affects the plot and the way the characters think and do things.... Show more content on ... In the text, Charles it states, The teacher spanked a boy, though . This is a important part of the story because it is the first time the Charles was brought up which starts the story. But if this setting wasn t how it is the story would be different and the events that happened may have not happened. Also in the story it states, He kicked the teachers friendВЁ This shows that Charles is not a good student and is alway acting up. To sum it up, the Charles the the little boy is talking about is always acting up and getting
  • 39. Reformers During The Progressive Era After the Civil War and during the Progressive Era there were the group of reformers that changed the landscape the United States. These reformers were mainly comprised of men and women from the large northern cities and rural religious communities of Wisconsin (Schultz, 2013). The industrial age created enormous amounts of wealth, but people were living in the worst conditions and working longer hours than ever before. The Social Gospel movement sought to improve the working conditions, restrict the child labor laws and fight for social justice (Fales, 2013). This methodology was directly against what the Industrialist believed. Which was a Darwinist attitude of the survival of the fittest. The next influential reformer group that had a
  • 40. Planets In Star Wars Most of the planets in Star Wars are similar to planets that scientists have found in the milky way galaxy like Hoth super Earth in deep freeze. Also think that distant world with double sunsets can t help but think of Tatooine. Well both of these planets exist even Kamino grey waterВworld with its own superocean exist. How about the lava planetMustafar yes it exists but there will not be any lightsaber duels here. The planet s temperature gets up to 3,600 degrees fahrenheit. All these planets have different names mostly consisted of numbers and letters. No indications of life have yet been detected on any of the nearly 2,000 scientifically confirmed exoplanets. So we don t know if any of them are inhabited by Wookiees or mynocks, or play
  • 41. Dunkin Donuts Hypothetical Marketing Strategy Case Dunkin Donuts was first established in 1950, in Quincy, Massachusetts, by William Rosenberg. Over the years the company expanded and now is the largest coffee and baked goods chain in the world. They serve over 5,500 retail outlets; selling more than 4 million doughnuts and 2.7 million cups of coffee daily! Dunkin Donuts are famous for their many varieties of doughnuts and their wide range of bakery products muffins, bagels and munchkinsВ® donut hole treats. Their products are represented by more than 6,590 worldwide points of distribution, including approximately 4,815 units in the United States alone. History of Dunkin Donuts 1946: Bill Rosenberg invests $5,000, forms Industrial Luncheon Services. 1948: Bill Rosenberg opens... Show more content on ... 2.Analyzing The Internal and External Environment (SWOT Analysis) a.Strengths: Dunkin Donuts is very popular in its industry and has established a powerful brand and image through its efficient operations, low prices and the wide range of high quality products it offers. Moreover, the company experiences economies of scale as it has many operations worldwide. In addition they have significant bargaining power against their suppliers due to the experience they obtained and the support they acquire from Allied Domecq, one of the strongest companies in the market. b.Weaknesses: Dunkin Donuts considers themselves as a retailer, for that reason, they are not well equipped to produce the bagels themselves. They rely on outsourcing this can have its drawbacks as they become too dependant on suppliers. c.Opportunities: The increased acceptance and the growing demand for bagels as a breakfast and lunch item has estimated to spread across the boundaries of the United States and seep into the international arena particularly Europe. Bagels appeal to consumers because they are a versatile product they can appeal to many different tastes by simply changing the flavor. d.Threats: Considering the bagel industry is in the growth stage there is an upsurge of competitors. The main competitors though are Bruegger s, Manhattan Bagel, Einstein Bros. and Starbucks Coffee. With Dunkin Donuts grave dependence on its supplier, Harold s Bakery, they are experiencing some
  • 42. Essay On Mark Cuban Mark Cuban is a self made billionaire who has made his fortune by his innovating idea; online media. He was born in July 31, 1958 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, then he grew up in a middle class family. His grandfather immigrated into the United States from Russia, and from there the Cuban s family started to develop. Mark was always one step forward, and always saw a way to make money. At a young age, when he was twelve years old, he sold sets of garbage bags so he can buy the shoes he likes, and gave dance classes while he was at college so he could pay his tuition. Cuban has an excellent education history; he began his college education while he was in still in high school. He started his college education in Pittsburgh University in psychology,... Show more content on ... On Dallas, he formed his own company called MicroSolutions, a company that gave solutions to its clients on computer networking. Cuban became an expert on the computer networking, the company had a well planned business model, and it was profitable. Due to its success, the company was sold to CompuServe for six million dollars. Furthermore, after getting his money, he took a break from the world. He moved briefly to California, he studied acting where he appeared in numerous movies. After his break, he went back to Dallas to work on another business idea. His partner, Todd Wagner, and Cuban worked on audio broadcast that would transmit live the Indiana Basketball games; the company was called AudioNet. However, Cuban and Wagner were pleased with radio broadcast, but they were aimed bigger and decided to video broadcast on the internet. They changed the name of the company to in 1998, and they started streaming sports and events on the internet. No one, before this company, has ever broadcasted live events, so Mark Cuban became a market leader in the internet broadcasting industry. In 1999 Mark sold the company to Yahoo for $5.7 billion, and then Mark became a billionaire; his net worth becoming $1.5 billion. One of Mark Cuban s greatest attribute to the economy, is that he helps entrepreneurs and donates money to charity. He participates on the show Shark Tank, where
  • 43. Osteosarcoma Osteosarcoma(OS) is a primary malignant tumor of bone which is characterized by the formation of osteoid tissue. Although it is the most common malignancy of long bones after multiple myeloma [2], it is a relatively rarer entity in the craniofacial region. About 6% of Oss arise in the jaws .The estimated incidence of the new cases of Jaw OS (JOS) per year is 0 .07 in 100,000. (1) The etiology of OS is unknown, but some risk factors such as a previous history of ionizing radiation, alkylating agent, retinoblastoma and benign bonelesions such as paget disease and fibro osseous dysplasia have been associated with the development of head and neck OS.(2 4) JOS occur with a peak in the third through fifth decades of life. The mean age is... Show more content on ... The mandibular tumors arise more frequently in the posterior body and in the horizontal ramus whereas the maxillary tumors occur in the alveolar ridge, the sinus floor and the palate. (2, 5 7) Symptoms usually include painful swelling in the area and loosening of teeth, although paresthesia, nasal obstruction and ophthalmic complications such as proptosis may be noted. The radiographic finding varies from radiopaque , mixed radiopaque radiolucent or entirely radiolucent lesion with irregular border. Widening of the periodontal ligament space and enlargement of the mandibular canal also widely described as important radiographic features. The radiographic feature of OS are not patogonomonic.(2 4, 6, 8, 9) Thus incisional biopsy and histopathological analysis are essential for the final diagnosis and further treatment. Depending on the relative amounts of osteoid ,cartilage or collagen fibers produced by the tumor, Many pathologists subclassify OSs into the three types: osteoblastic, chondroblastic and fibroblastic (3, 4, 6, 7, 9). This article reports a case of chondroblastic OS of maxilla. The aim of this case was to draw attention to the possibility of diagnosing this tumor based on its clinical and radiographical characteristic before its confirmation by
  • 44. Colorado State Patrol Essay When formed by legislation in 1935, the Colorado State Patrol was created to ...promote safety, protect human life and preserve the highways of this state by the courteous and strict enforcement of the laws and regulations of this state relating to highways and the traffic on such highways (CRS 24 33.5 201). Originally named the Courtesy Patrol, over the last 76 years the Colorado State Patrol has evolved into a comprehensive and complex law enforcement agency, without forgetting its original mission. Through the dedication to its members, both past and present, distinguished professional standards, and industry leading technical competence, the Colorado State Patrol has stayed true to its traditions while taking on changing law... Show more content on ... While most business use a strategic plan as a guide, not all revisit and revise to ensure their Plan remains effective and viable. In its five year Strategic Plan, the Patrol lists the guiding principles of Commitment to Members, Alignment of Partnerships and Leveraging Technology. The Colorado State Patrol intends to achieve its vision statement by following the established guiding principles. It is refreshing to have an employer declare its most important guiding principle is its commitment to members. Investing in its personnel by providing education, personal enrichment and professional development that enables them to utilize their individual strengths to achieve our collective mission of offering the highest quality of service to the public (CSP, 2011). To become a State Patrol Trooper, one must complete an extensive hiring process which can often take a year from the initial application to being offered employment and that s the easy part. After accepting the position of Cadet, one must complete a 22 week on site academy. If one graduates, they earn the title Patrol Intern, and the 11 week Field Training begins. If one completes this to the satisfaction of their Field Training Officer, they then begin to patrol by themselves (working the road) and have earned the title of Trooper. But the training does not stop there. Each year, every uniformed and civilian (administrative staff and communication officers) attends a 40 hour in service
  • 45. Descriptive Essay On Glen White In a small nowhere town, Glen White, West Virginia, Snowden Covey is 800 feet underground. The Air fills with Coal dust as he swings at the coal seam once more with his pickaxe. Redman Chewing Tobacco fills his cheek partly to keep the dust from his lungs and partly because he likes it. He has one thing on his mind that gets him through the day it s his family: Jack, Mildred, Fred and His Wife Theta. Jack his youngest son has farm duty every day when he s gone to work. Jack is a hardheaded, stubborn, energetic young boy, only about 7 years old at the time. His chores consist of feeding the animals, getting the eggs from the chicken coop and helping his mom around the house. Jack spends most of his free time playing in the woods with his... Show more content on ... This was a brand new town where he didn t know anyone. Till he met Elsey cox the love of his life. Elsey was the country boy s dream. Her eyes were blue like the ocean, her heart was pure, and she was the most beautiful girl jack had ever seen. Her dad worked in the same coal mine and she lived right down the creek from Jack. It s almost like they were meant to be together. Jack found his first love and found his passion in high school, sports. His freshman year he tried out for the wildcat s basketball team. He was natural and in his freshman year he was a sixth man and led the team in rebounds and assists. Basketball wasn t the only sports he excelled in. He also tried out for the football team and went all state his freshman year. All through high school jack continued to impress in the sports realm. He was so fast and crafty in football the team called him crazy legs covey . In basketball, he started and led his team to states. Although they lost to Nitro, he left a legacy that would not be forgotten. He even had some scouts after him. In 1954, he received a scholarship to play basketball for Beckley college and accepted it. He may have gotten a scholarship for basketball but he still didn t know what he was going to major in for college. He soon started second guessing himself wondering if he was even going to go to college. He asked himself Is it the right choice? , Am I college
  • 46. Depressive Disorders Research Paper Depressive Disorders Summer Holder South University Depressive disorders is a mood disorder that is widespread among all ages, genders, and ethnicities. Depressive disorders is a worldwide and serious disabling health disorder. The age of onset occurs throughout the life span and is its effect is a disabling as other chronic illnesses. Depressive disorders are twice as likely in females between the ages of 15 and 40 as in males. Depression is also very common over the age of 65 but is more difficult to diagnose and can go untreated due to the presentation of sign and symptoms. Comorbidity with other chronic illnesses makes the prognosis poorer and health care providers should not overlook a diagnosis of depression when treating
  • 47. Family Medicine Care Executive Summary Through this program the health center utilizes non clinical and clinical staff to coordinated and manage care for diabetic and hypertensive patients. The Family Medicine Care Coordinator serves as a liaison between the patient, provider and clinic staff. NEVHC s chronic disease program manager states that the Family MedicineCare Coordinator position has been an invaluable asset to the organization s efforts to improve healthcare outcomes for patients with chronic conditions. In fact, patients who feel intimidated or hesitant to speak with their provider are more comfortable opening up to their medicine care coordinator, which helps to prevent the loss of vital patient information. Although the family medicine care coordinator program was