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Profesora:Estela N. Braun
Estudiante: Yacopini Cristian
Materia:Práctica Educativa II
Año: 2021
Nombre del Establecimiento: Escuela N°256
Curso y año del aula observada: 5to grado, curso B.
BURBUJA/ HORARIOS: Burbuja 2. Lunes, Miércoles y Jueves:16.50 hs. A 17.45 hs.
Martes y Viernes: 16.05 hs a 16.50 hs.
Asignatura: Inglés
Tema de la clase observada: Animal Riddles. Animals and their Habitats.
Descripción de la organización especial del aula: recursos, ubicación de los bancos, tipo
de orden…
¿Cómo están organizados los bancos? ¿En qué situaciones esta organización se
modifica? ¿Cómo es el orden del aula?, ¿muchas láminas, armarios, útiles de los
chicos, escritorio del docente? ¿Cuáles son los sonidos predominantes en el aula?
In 5th grade, students’ tables are organised around the classroom, forming a square, and two
tables are placed at the center. Of course, this organisation follows the government’s social
distance regulations. Furthermore, the teacher’s table is in the classroom’s right corner, which
gives her a complete view of students’ faces. Whenever she presents a new topic, it allows her
to address all pupils and see their reactions. The 5th grader kids have all their school supplies
on the table and it was surprising observing that they respect their classmates’ space.
The most predominant sounds in the classroom are those coming from the students.
They talk to each other about their activities. Moreover, there are usually different questions
directed to the teacher regarding words’ definitions or how to approach a particular task.
Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam.
1. Descripción de la organización temporal
Horario, distribución del tiempo. ¿Cómo comienzan y terminan las clases? ¿Qué tipo
de ritmos hay (acelerados, aquietados, fluctuantes)? ¿Qué tiempo se la dedica a cada
cosa? ¿Cuáles son las tareas a las que se le dedica más tiempo (poner orden, hablar
sobre la convivencia, trabajar en el cuaderno, trabajar en grupo, que el docente de
clase expositiva, puesta en común, que los chicos trabajen solos)? El horario escolar,
¿se cumple?, ¿en qué situaciones se utiliza?
In the first lesson I had with them, Juliana (the teacher) revised the vocabulary they learned
in previous lessons, different types of animals. She then wrote all the words they had seen
on the whiteboard and checked if they remembered most of them. Some exchanges between
the teacher and her students reminded me of some concepts we studied in Practice II. Here
there are some examples that I would like to analyse:
Exchange 1:
Student A: ¿Profe qué es un rhino?
Teacher: A rhino? What is a rhino, kids?
Some Students: Es un rinoceronte, teacher.
The teacher, in this case, does not answer him in Spanish but in English and does not
give him the answer directly. Still, she directed the question to her students so that they
could participate in the class.
Juliana spent 5 minutes checking the previous knowledge. Then she continued with the
following activity: watching an extract from the Disney movie “The Sword In The
Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam.
Stone(1963). The wizard Merlin gets into a magic duel with madam Ming, a witch who
practices black magic. Students already had a bingo chart in their notebooks with the names
of different animals, so they had to pay close attention to the different species that appeared
during the extract and marked whenever they identified one.
Animal Bingo
Fox Turtle Crocodile
Owl Caterpillar Hen
Dragon Squirrel Pidgeon
The Sword In The Stone(1963) - The Wizard’s Duel, First part
The experience was incredibly interesting as young learners got involved when the teacher
presented the video through the projector on the wall. Throughout all the extract, students
commented each other about what was going on:
Student A: vamos corre! corre!
Student B: Uhh!
Student C: ¡Se convirtió en un dragón!
Student D: ¿Seño eso era un zorro?
Teacher: Yes! That was a fox.
This activity took approximately 15 minutes as there were some problems with the
audio coming from the laptop. While pupils were fulfilling the bingo chart, Juliana wrote
some sentences on the whiteboard. Then after claimed “bingo!” and check their charts with
the teacher, she explained the next activity in which they had to choose an animal and match
the different sentences that described it.
Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam.
Some pupils attempt to ask Juliana about some sentences:
Student A: it eat cheese? (referring to the fox)
Teacher: No, it doesn’t.
This activity took around 15 minutes. Students had to scan the sentences on the whiteboard
to match them with their corresponding animal. To conclude, the teacher ended the lesson
by answering and checking some doubts about the topic and signed the end by saying,
“Well, now is time for a break. See you next class.” Furthermore, the duration of the class
was exactly 45 minutes and the leisure time was respected.
2. Uso de recursos
¿Cuáles son los recursos que se le dan al cuaderno y carpeta? ¿Cuáles son los usos
que se le dan a los libros de texto? ¿Se utilizan otros espacios (biblioteca, taller de
informática)? ¿Para qué se utiliza el pizarrón? ¿Se usan otros recursos? ¿Hay
computadoras en el aula?SE USA ADM (AULA DIGITAL MOVIL)
In this case, students used their notebooks to check the bingo chart with the video projected in
the wall. They did not use the workbook as they had everything already written down.
Moreover, the whiteboard was used to check vocabulary and present the activity with the
different sentences.
3. Dinámica
Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam.
¿De qué manera se explicitan las formas de trabajo? ¿Cuáles son las formas de
motivación que utilizó el docente? ¿Qué aspectos modificó en la dinámica de trabajo:
cambio de lugares, uso de otros recursos, dedicación de mayor tiempo para
determinada tarea? ¿Cómo es la forma de corrección y devolución? ¿Cómo las
Juliana explained the activity and checked if all students understood the vocabulary they had
to apply. The motivational form that I found was the use of the projector and the presentation
of an animated movie to identify the different animals they have learned. The teacher’s form
of correction was through cooperative feedback from other classmates and she mostly
answered back in English. The vocabulary is recovered in every activity as they are all topic-
related content.
4. La clase: Describa cómo fue la secuencia de la clase observada.
1. Organisation of students - Checking the attendance - Ask them about their day.
10 mins
2. Check previous content - Explanation of the teacher of what they did in the
previous class. 5 minutes
3. Presentation of First activity - Video and Animal Bingo Chart. 15mins
4. Presentation of Second Activity - Connect Sentences that describe each animal in
the chart.15 minutes
5. Doubts. 5 mins
6. End of Lesson.
5. El grupo de alumnos
¿Cómo está constituido el grupo? ¿Cómo es la relación entre ellos? ¿Cómo es la
relación entre varones y mujeres? ¿Hay algunos chicos que no se integren, qué hacen?
¿Pueden realizar trabajo colectivo, cómo colaboran entre ellos? ¿Cuánto tiempo
tardan en “entrar en tarea”?¿Cuáles son las dificultades que presentan y cuáles las
Twelve students constitute the group and their relationship seems friendly and stable.
Regarding students’ distribution in class, some male students sit together, but in some cases,
Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam.
they are mixed. They talk and share comments and do not hesitate to contribute to the class.
For the most part, they seemed to get along pretty well with all their classmates, but two
students sat at the centre of the classroom. They did not talk with their classmates, maybe
because it might be challenging to start a conversation with others as they faced the whiteboard,
which is the case of those sitting on the sides.
6. Síntesis e impresiones de la clase observada.
My first impression of 5th grade was joyful. You could feel a class environment in which
students were involved with the activities and gave you a sense that they followed what the
teacher was presenting. Despite the teacher’s answers and questions being in English, students
could comprehend what she said and fulfilled their activities without further problems.
Dialogue that occurred when pupils were completing the second activity.
Student A: ¿Tenemos que usar todas las oraciones?
Teacher: No, only those that describe the animal.
Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam.
DATE: 07/09/2021
TRAINEE: Cristian Yacopini
YEAR: 5th
COURSE: B. Bubble N° 2.
SCHOOL: School N° 256.
SCHOOL ADDRESS: VILLEGAS 340, Santa Rosa Capital La Pampa
TELEPHONE NUMBER: 02954-430052
TEACHER’S NAME: Juliana Badillo.
TELEPHONE NUMBER: + 54 9 2954 318764
COURSE: 5th grade, B. Bubble N° 2.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Ormerod, Mark. Shaw, Donna. Tiberio, Silvia C. Hop into English 3.
Macmillan Education, 2017.
TIMETABLE: Lunes, Miércoles y Jueves:16.50 hs. a 17.45 hs. Martes y Viernes: 16.05
hs a 16.50 hs.
Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam.
Interview with the mentor teacher.
We could not get Proyecto Educativo Institucional (P.E.I.) as our mentor teacher was not
allowed to share it with us. Juliana told us that she could give us something related to that, but
she could not find the time to answer these questions herself.
*Taken from Wright, T. 1987, ROLES OF TEACHERS AND LEARNERS. O.U.P)
 Work in small groups to compare your answers.
 What similarities and differences are there?
 How would you account for these?
Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam.
DATE: 08/09/2021
TRAINEE: Cristian Yacopini
YEAR: 5th
COURSE: B. Bubble N° 2.
1. Linguistic objective of the lesson:
 to revise previous knowledge regarding habits and activities by using present simple
 To revise different parts of a house.
2. Functional/communicative objectives of the lesson:
 To say whether they like or dislike something.
 To be able to relate one activity with a part of a house.
 To answer yes-no questions about their habits and routines (days of the week, time period and
3. Steps in the lesson:
1. The mentor teacher checks the homework for the day.
2. Review from previous classes about how to tell their routines (Zoom Class June 22nd
3. Warm-up activity: Listen to a song called “Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?” bySuper Simple
Songs Students check their notes from
previous lessons in the meantime.
4. Oral activity: The mentor teacher asks yes-no questions to the students regarding their habits
or activities:
Do you ride your bike at the weekend?
Do you watch T.V in the morning?
Do you play with your dog in the morning?
Do you play video games?
5. Oral activity: The mentor teacher asks wh-questions to the students regarding their routines or
a. What do you do after school?
b. When do you do your homework?
c. What time do you have lunch?
Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam.
6. Final Oral activity: The teacher asks students to look at the different parts of the house and
a) What do you do in the garden?
b) What do you not do in the garden?
c) What do you do in the bedroom?
d) What do you not do in the bedroom?
e) What do you do in the kitchen?
f) What do you not do in the kitchen?
g) Do you play tennis in the bathroom?
4. The teacher’s beliefs about the nature of language: the teacher believes that repetition
and practice are vital to understanding vocabulary and functions. Before moving pupils to
create their own compositions, they should first practice with different models in the students’
book and analyze how sentences are formed and how information is organized. In this sense,
she believes that students should start learning English in little chunks before forming complete
5. The teacher’s beliefs about the nature oflearning: She believes that whenever it is possible,
English should be used in class. Furthermore, she believes that knowledge is group constructed, so she
does not answer directly whenever a pupil has a doubt. Still, she redirects the question to the whole
group so students can participate in their own learning process.
6. Learner grouping (what percentages of the lesson was devoted to the following
organizational patterns:
Students, at least in the observations that I have experienced, usually work individually. However,
questions are solved all together and they share their opinions and learning process with their peers. In
this case,the whole lesson wasdesigned to revise previous knowledge as they will have a practice paper
this Friday, the 10th
Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam.
*Adapted from R.S.A. checklist
* Adapted from Nunan, D. 1988. THE LEARNER- CENTERED CURRICULUM. C.U.P.)
Work in small groups to compare your answers.
What similarities and differences are there?
How would you account for these?
Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam.
DATE: 10/09/2021
TRAINEE: Cristian Yacopini
YEAR: 5th
COURSE:B (twelve students)
1. Rate the lesson according to the following key:
1. Does not all reflect what went on
2. Only marginally reflects what went on
3. Neutral
4. Describes rather well what went on
5. Is a totally accurate reflection
1. There was no cultural misunderstanding 1 2 3 4 5
2. The class understood what was wanted all the time 1 2 3 4 5
3. All instructions were clear 1 2 3 4 5
4. Every student was involved at some point 1 2 3 4 5
5. All students were interested in the lesson 1 2 3 4 5
6. The teacher carried out comprehension checks 1 2 3 4 5
7. Materials and learning activities were appropriate 1 2 3 4 5
8. Class atmosphere was positive 1 2 3 4 5
9. Student groupings and sub-groupings were appropriate 1 2 3 4 5
10. The pacing of the lesson was appropriate 1 2 3 4 5
11. There was enough variety in the lesson 1 2 3 4 5
12. The teacher did not talk too much 1 2 3 4 5
13. Error correction and feedback was appropriate 1 2 3 4 5
14. There was genuine communication 1 2 3 4 5
15. There was teacher skill in organising group work 1 2 3 4 5
16. There was opportunity for controlled practice 1 2 3 4 5
17. Students were enthusiastic 1 2 3 4 5
18. General classroom management was good 1 2 3 4 5
Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam.
Notes on the class:
Today, Friday the 10th
, students had a practice paper that served as a stage of examination
requested by the institution. The atmosphere was somewhat tense at the beginning, as some
students were nervous about being tested. However, after the teacher explained what they
had to do and moved around the class,checkingthat none of them had any doubt, they calmed
down a bit. Some pupils could do the activities by themselves, but others needed more help
to complete them. An aspect that I would like to highlight is that the teacher always gave them
enough security to feel that they could do what they could and not feel bad if they could not
complete an activity in the lesson time. In this sense, I felt that despite being a test, pupils
enjoyed the fact that they could solve the activities they had been practicing. One of the
students, Tiago, was smiling when he finished the set of activities and said, “¡Vamos! ¡Si!”
and Vale, who was facing him on the classroom’s opposite side, said, “¿Tan contento te vas
a poner?” while she laughed.

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Observations At School N°256

  • 1. Profesora:Estela N. Braun Estudiante: Yacopini Cristian Materia:Práctica Educativa II Año: 2021 GUIA DE OBSERVACIÓN Nombre del Establecimiento: Escuela N°256 Curso y año del aula observada: 5to grado, curso B. BURBUJA/ HORARIOS: Burbuja 2. Lunes, Miércoles y Jueves:16.50 hs. A 17.45 hs. Martes y Viernes: 16.05 hs a 16.50 hs. Asignatura: Inglés Tema de la clase observada: Animal Riddles. Animals and their Habitats. Descripción de la organización especial del aula: recursos, ubicación de los bancos, tipo de orden… ¿Cómo están organizados los bancos? ¿En qué situaciones esta organización se modifica? ¿Cómo es el orden del aula?, ¿muchas láminas, armarios, útiles de los chicos, escritorio del docente? ¿Cuáles son los sonidos predominantes en el aula? COVID PROTOCOL. In 5th grade, students’ tables are organised around the classroom, forming a square, and two tables are placed at the center. Of course, this organisation follows the government’s social distance regulations. Furthermore, the teacher’s table is in the classroom’s right corner, which gives her a complete view of students’ faces. Whenever she presents a new topic, it allows her to address all pupils and see their reactions. The 5th grader kids have all their school supplies on the table and it was surprising observing that they respect their classmates’ space. The most predominant sounds in the classroom are those coming from the students. They talk to each other about their activities. Moreover, there are usually different questions directed to the teacher regarding words’ definitions or how to approach a particular task.
  • 2. Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam. 1. Descripción de la organización temporal Horario, distribución del tiempo. ¿Cómo comienzan y terminan las clases? ¿Qué tipo de ritmos hay (acelerados, aquietados, fluctuantes)? ¿Qué tiempo se la dedica a cada cosa? ¿Cuáles son las tareas a las que se le dedica más tiempo (poner orden, hablar sobre la convivencia, trabajar en el cuaderno, trabajar en grupo, que el docente de clase expositiva, puesta en común, que los chicos trabajen solos)? El horario escolar, ¿se cumple?, ¿en qué situaciones se utiliza? In the first lesson I had with them, Juliana (the teacher) revised the vocabulary they learned in previous lessons, different types of animals. She then wrote all the words they had seen on the whiteboard and checked if they remembered most of them. Some exchanges between the teacher and her students reminded me of some concepts we studied in Practice II. Here there are some examples that I would like to analyse: Exchange 1: Student A: ¿Profe qué es un rhino? Teacher: A rhino? What is a rhino, kids? Some Students: Es un rinoceronte, teacher. The teacher, in this case, does not answer him in Spanish but in English and does not give him the answer directly. Still, she directed the question to her students so that they could participate in the class. Juliana spent 5 minutes checking the previous knowledge. Then she continued with the following activity: watching an extract from the Disney movie “The Sword In The
  • 3. Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam. Stone(1963). The wizard Merlin gets into a magic duel with madam Ming, a witch who practices black magic. Students already had a bingo chart in their notebooks with the names of different animals, so they had to pay close attention to the different species that appeared during the extract and marked whenever they identified one. Animal Bingo Fox Turtle Crocodile Owl Caterpillar Hen Dragon Squirrel Pidgeon The Sword In The Stone(1963) - The Wizard’s Duel, First part The experience was incredibly interesting as young learners got involved when the teacher presented the video through the projector on the wall. Throughout all the extract, students commented each other about what was going on: Student A: vamos corre! corre! Student B: Uhh! Student C: ¡Se convirtió en un dragón! Student D: ¿Seño eso era un zorro? Teacher: Yes! That was a fox. This activity took approximately 15 minutes as there were some problems with the audio coming from the laptop. While pupils were fulfilling the bingo chart, Juliana wrote some sentences on the whiteboard. Then after claimed “bingo!” and check their charts with the teacher, she explained the next activity in which they had to choose an animal and match the different sentences that described it.
  • 4. Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam. Some pupils attempt to ask Juliana about some sentences: Student A: it eat cheese? (referring to the fox) Teacher: No, it doesn’t. This activity took around 15 minutes. Students had to scan the sentences on the whiteboard to match them with their corresponding animal. To conclude, the teacher ended the lesson by answering and checking some doubts about the topic and signed the end by saying, “Well, now is time for a break. See you next class.” Furthermore, the duration of the class was exactly 45 minutes and the leisure time was respected. 2. Uso de recursos ¿Cuáles son los recursos que se le dan al cuaderno y carpeta? ¿Cuáles son los usos que se le dan a los libros de texto? ¿Se utilizan otros espacios (biblioteca, taller de informática)? ¿Para qué se utiliza el pizarrón? ¿Se usan otros recursos? ¿Hay computadoras en el aula?SE USA ADM (AULA DIGITAL MOVIL) In this case, students used their notebooks to check the bingo chart with the video projected in the wall. They did not use the workbook as they had everything already written down. Moreover, the whiteboard was used to check vocabulary and present the activity with the different sentences. 3. Dinámica
  • 5. Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam. ¿De qué manera se explicitan las formas de trabajo? ¿Cuáles son las formas de motivación que utilizó el docente? ¿Qué aspectos modificó en la dinámica de trabajo: cambio de lugares, uso de otros recursos, dedicación de mayor tiempo para determinada tarea? ¿Cómo es la forma de corrección y devolución? ¿Cómo las recupera? Juliana explained the activity and checked if all students understood the vocabulary they had to apply. The motivational form that I found was the use of the projector and the presentation of an animated movie to identify the different animals they have learned. The teacher’s form of correction was through cooperative feedback from other classmates and she mostly answered back in English. The vocabulary is recovered in every activity as they are all topic- related content. 4. La clase: Describa cómo fue la secuencia de la clase observada. 1. Organisation of students - Checking the attendance - Ask them about their day. 10 mins 2. Check previous content - Explanation of the teacher of what they did in the previous class. 5 minutes 3. Presentation of First activity - Video and Animal Bingo Chart. 15mins 4. Presentation of Second Activity - Connect Sentences that describe each animal in the chart.15 minutes 5. Doubts. 5 mins 6. End of Lesson. 5. El grupo de alumnos ¿Cómo está constituido el grupo? ¿Cómo es la relación entre ellos? ¿Cómo es la relación entre varones y mujeres? ¿Hay algunos chicos que no se integren, qué hacen? ¿Pueden realizar trabajo colectivo, cómo colaboran entre ellos? ¿Cuánto tiempo tardan en “entrar en tarea”?¿Cuáles son las dificultades que presentan y cuáles las virtudes? Twelve students constitute the group and their relationship seems friendly and stable. Regarding students’ distribution in class, some male students sit together, but in some cases,
  • 6. Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam. they are mixed. They talk and share comments and do not hesitate to contribute to the class. For the most part, they seemed to get along pretty well with all their classmates, but two students sat at the centre of the classroom. They did not talk with their classmates, maybe because it might be challenging to start a conversation with others as they faced the whiteboard, which is the case of those sitting on the sides. 6. Síntesis e impresiones de la clase observada. My first impression of 5th grade was joyful. You could feel a class environment in which students were involved with the activities and gave you a sense that they followed what the teacher was presenting. Despite the teacher’s answers and questions being in English, students could comprehend what she said and fulfilled their activities without further problems. Dialogue that occurred when pupils were completing the second activity. Student A: ¿Tenemos que usar todas las oraciones? Teacher: No, only those that describe the animal.
  • 7. Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam. CLASSROOM OBSERVATION Nº 3 DATE: 07/09/2021 TRAINEE: Cristian Yacopini YEAR: 5th COURSE: B. Bubble N° 2. COMPLETE SCHOOL: School N° 256. SCHOOL ADDRESS: VILLEGAS 340, Santa Rosa Capital La Pampa TELEPHONE NUMBER: 02954-430052 SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Adriana Weigel. TEACHER’S NAME: Juliana Badillo. EMAIL ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: + 54 9 2954 318764 COURSE: 5th grade, B. Bubble N° 2. NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 12. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Ormerod, Mark. Shaw, Donna. Tiberio, Silvia C. Hop into English 3. Macmillan Education, 2017. TIMETABLE: Lunes, Miércoles y Jueves:16.50 hs. a 17.45 hs. Martes y Viernes: 16.05 hs a 16.50 hs.
  • 8. Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam. Interview with the mentor teacher. LOOK FOR THIS INFORMATION. 1. SCHOOL OBJECTIVES: 2. AREA OBJECTIVES: 3. SUBJECT LONG TERM OBJECTIVES: 4. SHORT TERM OBJECTIVES: 5. NAME THE SUBJECTS THAT BELONG TO THE SAME AREA: 6. FIND OUT IF THERE IS ANY INTERDISCIPLINARY WORK: 7. SCHOOL ORGANIZATION: We could not get Proyecto Educativo Institucional (P.E.I.) as our mentor teacher was not allowed to share it with us. Juliana told us that she could give us something related to that, but she could not find the time to answer these questions herself. *Taken from Wright, T. 1987, ROLES OF TEACHERS AND LEARNERS. O.U.P)  Work in small groups to compare your answers.  What similarities and differences are there?  How would you account for these?
  • 9. Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam. CLASSROOM OBSERVATION Nº 4 DATE: 08/09/2021 TRAINEE: Cristian Yacopini YEAR: 5th COURSE: B. Bubble N° 2. COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Linguistic objective of the lesson:  to revise previous knowledge regarding habits and activities by using present simple structures.  To revise different parts of a house. 2. Functional/communicative objectives of the lesson:  To say whether they like or dislike something.  To be able to relate one activity with a part of a house.  To answer yes-no questions about their habits and routines (days of the week, time period and hours). 3. Steps in the lesson: 1. The mentor teacher checks the homework for the day. 2. Review from previous classes about how to tell their routines (Zoom Class June 22nd ) 3. Warm-up activity: Listen to a song called “Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?” bySuper Simple Songs Students check their notes from previous lessons in the meantime. 4. Oral activity: The mentor teacher asks yes-no questions to the students regarding their habits or activities: Do you ride your bike at the weekend? Do you watch T.V in the morning? Do you play with your dog in the morning? Do you play video games? 5. Oral activity: The mentor teacher asks wh-questions to the students regarding their routines or activities: a. What do you do after school? b. When do you do your homework? c. What time do you have lunch?
  • 10. Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam. 6. Final Oral activity: The teacher asks students to look at the different parts of the house and answer: a) What do you do in the garden? b) What do you not do in the garden? c) What do you do in the bedroom? d) What do you not do in the bedroom? e) What do you do in the kitchen? f) What do you not do in the kitchen? g) Do you play tennis in the bathroom? 4. The teacher’s beliefs about the nature of language: the teacher believes that repetition and practice are vital to understanding vocabulary and functions. Before moving pupils to create their own compositions, they should first practice with different models in the students’ book and analyze how sentences are formed and how information is organized. In this sense, she believes that students should start learning English in little chunks before forming complete sentences. 5. The teacher’s beliefs about the nature oflearning: She believes that whenever it is possible, English should be used in class. Furthermore, she believes that knowledge is group constructed, so she does not answer directly whenever a pupil has a doubt. Still, she redirects the question to the whole group so students can participate in their own learning process. 6. Learner grouping (what percentages of the lesson was devoted to the following organizational patterns: Students, at least in the observations that I have experienced, usually work individually. However, questions are solved all together and they share their opinions and learning process with their peers. In this case,the whole lesson wasdesigned to revise previous knowledge as they will have a practice paper this Friday, the 10th .
  • 11. Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam. *Adapted from R.S.A. checklist * Adapted from Nunan, D. 1988. THE LEARNER- CENTERED CURRICULUM. C.U.P.) Work in small groups to compare your answers. What similarities and differences are there? How would you account for these?
  • 12. Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam. CLASSROOM OBSERVATION Nº 5 DATE: 10/09/2021 TRAINEE: Cristian Yacopini YEAR: 5th COURSE:B (twelve students) CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT 1. Rate the lesson according to the following key: 1. Does not all reflect what went on 2. Only marginally reflects what went on 3. Neutral 4. Describes rather well what went on 5. Is a totally accurate reflection 1. There was no cultural misunderstanding 1 2 3 4 5 2. The class understood what was wanted all the time 1 2 3 4 5 3. All instructions were clear 1 2 3 4 5 4. Every student was involved at some point 1 2 3 4 5 5. All students were interested in the lesson 1 2 3 4 5 6. The teacher carried out comprehension checks 1 2 3 4 5 7. Materials and learning activities were appropriate 1 2 3 4 5 8. Class atmosphere was positive 1 2 3 4 5 9. Student groupings and sub-groupings were appropriate 1 2 3 4 5 10. The pacing of the lesson was appropriate 1 2 3 4 5 11. There was enough variety in the lesson 1 2 3 4 5 12. The teacher did not talk too much 1 2 3 4 5 13. Error correction and feedback was appropriate 1 2 3 4 5 14. There was genuine communication 1 2 3 4 5 15. There was teacher skill in organising group work 1 2 3 4 5 16. There was opportunity for controlled practice 1 2 3 4 5 17. Students were enthusiastic 1 2 3 4 5 18. General classroom management was good 1 2 3 4 5
  • 13. Prof. Estela Braun and Prof. Liliana Monserrat - PRACTICE II, UNLPam. Notes on the class: Today, Friday the 10th , students had a practice paper that served as a stage of examination requested by the institution. The atmosphere was somewhat tense at the beginning, as some students were nervous about being tested. However, after the teacher explained what they had to do and moved around the class,checkingthat none of them had any doubt, they calmed down a bit. Some pupils could do the activities by themselves, but others needed more help to complete them. An aspect that I would like to highlight is that the teacher always gave them enough security to feel that they could do what they could and not feel bad if they could not complete an activity in the lesson time. In this sense, I felt that despite being a test, pupils enjoyed the fact that they could solve the activities they had been practicing. One of the students, Tiago, was smiling when he finished the set of activities and said, “¡Vamos! ¡Si!” and Vale, who was facing him on the classroom’s opposite side, said, “¿Tan contento te vas a poner?” while she laughed.