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13                  Nursing Care during
                    Labor and Birth
       After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
       1. Analyze issues that may face the new nurse who cares for women during the intrapartum period.
       2. Explain teaching guidelines for going to the hospital or birth center.
       3. Describe admission and continuing intrapartum nursing assessments.
       4. Describe common nursing procedures used when caring for women during the intrapartum period.
       5. Identify nursing priorities when assisting the woman to give birth under emergency circumstances.
       6. Relate therapeutic communication skills to care of the intrapartum woman and her significant
       7. Apply the nursing process to care of the woman experiencing false or early labor.
       8. Apply the nursing process to care of the woman and her significant others during the intra-
          partum period.

                                                Go to your Student CD-ROM for Review Questions keyed to these Objectives.

       Abortion A pregnancy that ends before 20 weeks’ ges-                 Multipara A woman who has given birth after two or more
       tation, either spontaneously (miscarriage) or electively.            pregnancies of at least 20 weeks’ gestation; also informally
       Miscarriage is a lay term for spontaneous abortion that              used to describe a pregnant woman before the birth of her
       is being more frequently used by health professionals.               second child.
       Amniotomy Artificial rupture of the membranes (am-                    Nitrazine Paper Paper used to test pH; helps determine
       niotic sac).                                                         whether the amniotic sac has ruptured.
       Caput Succedaneum Area of edema over the pre-                        Nuchal Cord Umbilical cord around the fetal neck.
       senting part of the fetus or newborn that results from               Nullipara A woman who has not completed a pregnancy to
       pressure against the cervix (usually called caput).                  at least 20 weeks’ gestation.
       Crowning Appearance of the fetal scalp or presenting                 Para A woman who has given birth after a pregnancy of at
       part at the vaginal opening.                                         least 20 weeks’ gestation; also designates the number of a
       EDD Abbreviation for estimated date of delivery; also                woman’s pregnancies that have ended after at least 20 weeks’
       may be abbreviated EDB (estimated date of birth).                    gestation. (A multifetal gestation, such as twins, is considered
       Episiotomy Incision of the perineum to enlarge the                   one birth when calculating parity.)
       vaginal opening.                                                     Primipara A woman who has given birth after a pregnancy
       Ferning Microscopic appearance of amniotic fluid re-                  of at least 20 weeks’ gestation; also used informally to de-
       sembling fern leaves when the fluid is allowed to dry                 scribe a pregnant woman before the birth of her first child.
       on a microscope slide; also called fern test.
       Gravida A pregnant woman; also refers to a woman’s
       total number of pregnancies, including the one in
       progress, if applicable.

Nursing Care during Labor and Birth CHAPTER 13             267

Care of the woman and her family during labor and birth is
a rewarding yet demanding specialty within nursing. The              Unpredictability
birth of a baby is more than a physical event. Birth has deep        Birth follows its own timetable, even with efforts to “man-
personal and social significance for the family, whose roles          age” it. Some nurses find the uncertain nature of an intra-
and relationships are forever altered by this event.                 partum area troubling, whereas others find it exciting. Some
   The nurse must support natural physical processes, pro-           occurrences cannot be predicted or explained. In addition,
mote a meaningful experience for the family, and be alert for        the number of women needing care and the levels of care
complications. Additionally, the nurse cares for two clients,        they require can change quickly.
one of whom—the fetus—cannot be observed directly.
   The intrapartum area is typically a happy place, and good         Intimacy
outcomes for mothers and infants are usual. Most women               The intimate nature of intrapartum care and its sexual over-
have accepted their pregnancies and look forward to meet-            tones make some nurses uncomfortable. They may feel that
ing their infants. Yet some women have had stressful preg-           they are intruding on a private time.
nancies because of physical and substance abuse, economic               The male nurse often is anxious about this aspect of in-
hardship, unsupportive personal relationships, and other             trapartum care. Although he may have cared for other fe-
problems (see Chapter 24).                                           male clients, his care rarely has been so focused on the re-
                                                                     productive system. He often wonders whether a woman’s
                                                                     male partner will accept him as a care provider.
                                                                        Both male nurses and female nurses should maintain
New nurses and nursing students often approach care of la-           professional conduct and take cues from the couple. If the
boring women with apprehension. They may face several                couple wants privacy, the nurse should intervene only as
common issues when caring for families during birth.                 needed to assess the woman and fetus. In more advanced la-
                                                                     bor, both partners often welcome the presence of a compe-
Pain Associated with Birth                                           tent, caring nurse of either gender.
Working with people in pain is difficult, and most nurses feel
compelled to relieve pain promptly. Yet pain is expected in           ADMISSION TO THE BIRTH CENTER
labor and cannot always be eliminated. Some women choose
to have unmedicated births. Helping the woman manage the             The Decision to Go to the Hospital or Birth Center
pain of birth is a critical part of nursing care, and many           During the last trimester, the woman needs to know when
nurses find this to be the most creative aspect of their roles.       she should go to the hospital or birth center. Factors to con-
                                                                     sider include:
Inexperience and Negative Experiences                                      Number and duration of any previous labors
The nurse who has never given birth may feel inadequate to                 Distance from the hospital
care for laboring women, even though the same nurse rarely                 Available transportation
thinks that experiencing a fracture is necessary to care for               Child care needs
someone with that problem. Nursing skills needed by the                 Nurses instruct women to distinguish between false and
intrapartum nurse are basic: observation, critical thinking,         true labor. Nurses teach guidelines for going to the birth
problem solving, therapeutic communication, comfort pro-             center and reinforce those given by the physician or nurse-
motion, empathy, and common sense.                                   midwife (“Women Want to Know: When to Go to the Hos-
    Nurses also may be anxious because of their own difficult ex-     pital or Birth Center”). Not everyone has a typical labor, so
periences during birth. They must be careful not to convey neg-      a woman should be encouraged to go to the birth center if
ative attitudes to the laboring woman and her significant other.      she is uncertain or has other concerns.

                                       When to Go to the Hospital or Birth Center

 These are guidelines for providing individualized instruction       Bleeding—Bright-red bleeding should be evaluated
 to women about when to enter the hospital or birth center.            promptly. Normal bloody show is thicker, pink or dark red,
 Contractions—A pattern of increasing regularity, frequency,           and mixed with mucus.
   duration, and intensity.                                          Decreased fetal movement—If you notice a substantial de-
       Nullipara—Regular contractions, 5 minutes apart, for            crease in the baby’s movement, notify your physician or
       1 hour                                                          nurse-midwife or come to the labor unit.
       Multipara—Regular contractions, 10 minutes apart,             Other concerns—These guidelines cannot cover all situa-
       for 1 hour                                                      tions and do not replace specific instructions given to you
 Ruptured membranes—A gush or trickle of fluid from the                 by your birth attendant. Therefore please go to the hospi-
   vagina should be evaluated, regardless of whether con-              tal for evaluation of any concerns and feelings that some-
   tractions are occurring.                                            thing may be wrong.
268     PART III The Family during Birth

Establishing a Therapeutic Relationship
Sandra Hall is a nursing student assigned to the intrapartum           Amy: Oh no . . . the monitor . . . .
unit. A woman walks toward Sandra. The woman is leaning                Sandra: You have a problem about the monitor? (Clarify-
on a man and breathing rapidly. She says to Sandra, “I think       ing the nonspecific remark that Amy made about the monitor.)
I’m in labor, and my water broke on the way to the hospital.”          Amy: I hated having that thing on with my last baby. I had
   Sandra: It sounds like today’s the day! Let’s find you a room.   to lie the same way all the time or they couldn’t hear the
   Sandra asks the woman’s name (Amy James) and that of            baby. I know it’s best for the baby, though.
her birth attendant (Donna Moore, CNM, a nurse-midwife) as             Sandra: You seem to have mixed feelings about the mon-
they walk to a room.                                               itor. (Reflecting what Amy seems to be feeling.)
   Sandra: I’m Sandra Hall, a nursing student. What names              Amy: Yes, I didn’t like it, but I do feel better knowing the
do you want us to call each of you? (Questioning for infor-        baby’s okay.
mation. Shows respect by not assuming how the couple                   Sandra: We can usually find ways so it doesn’t bother you
wants to be addressed.)                                            so much. We don’t want you to feel tied down because that
   Amy: I’m Amy, and my husband is Jeff.                           will make you more uncomfortable. (Giving information with-
   Sandra: Is this your first baby, Amy, or have you had oth-       out promising that Amy will be totally comfortable with the
ers? (Questioning in a way that avoids “yes” or “no” answers.)     external fetal monitor.)
   Amy: It’s my second, and the first took forever! I’ve been           Sandra observes that Amy’s contractions are every 3 min-
having contractions off and on since midnight, but they didn’t     utes and strong. She finds an experienced nurse to help eval-
get regular till about 6:00 this morning. They are coming every    uate Amy. Sandra uses critical thinking and wisely seeks help
3 minutes now and starting to hurt a lot.                          from an experienced nurse because Amy seems to be in ac-
   Sandra helps Amy put a gown on and applies the exter-           tive labor and this is her second baby. The fact that Amy’s
nal fetal monitor while they wait for the RN. She does not fol-    first labor “took forever” does not necessarily mean that this
low up on Amy’s implied concern about having a long labor,         labor will be long.

Nursing Responsibilities during Admission                            DETERMINING FAMILY EXPECTATIONS ABOUT
The two nursing priorities when the woman arrives at the           BIRTH. Regardless of their number of children, women
birth center are to (1) establish a therapeutic relationship       and their partners have expectations about the birth experi-
and (2) assess the condition of the mother and fetus.              ence. The partners may have studied their options exten-
                                                                   sively and planned a birth that best fits their ideals. Those
ESTABLISHING A THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIP                            who have not made specific plans also have expectations
The nurse must quickly establish a therapeutic relationship        shaped by contact with relatives and friends and previous
with the woman and her significant other. The woman’s first          birth experiences. A couple may want to repeat a previous
impression influences her perception of the quality of her          satisfying experience or avoid repeating a poor experience.
entire birth experience.                                           Sometimes one part of a past birth has negatively influ-
   MAKING THE FAMILY FEEL WELCOME. A warm                          enced the couple’s impression of the entire experience.
greeting makes the woman and her significant other feel val-           CONVEYING CONFIDENCE. From the first en-
ued. Even if the unit is busy, the nurse should communicate        counter, the nurse should convey confidence and optimism
interest, friendliness, caring, and competence. People un-         in the woman’s ability to give birth and the ability of her
derstand if the nurse is busy, but they do not understand          significant other to support her. Women having their first
rudeness and insensitivity to their needs.                         baby may be overwhelmed by the power of normal labor
   Nurses often encounter women who speak a language               contractions. The nurse can reassure these women that in-
other than English. Arranging for a culturally acceptable in-      tense contractions are normal in active labor while helping
terpreter who is fluent in the woman’s language makes the           them manage contractions and watching for true problems.
woman and her family feel welcome and promotes safety
                                                                   I Think about the different perspectives implied by the phrases
because it enhances understanding among the woman, her
                                                                     give birth and be delivered. The woman who gives birth is an
family, and the nurse.                                               active and able participant; she is the principal action figure.
                                                                     However, the language of be delivered implies that the
I When caring for a woman who has not had prenatal care or           woman is passive. The nurse might ask “Who will attend you
  childbirth classes, which are behaviors that most nurses           as you give birth?” rather than “Who will deliver your baby?”
  value, the nurse must not be judgmental in either words or
  actions. The woman’s priorities and values may be different          ASSIGNING A PRIMARY NURSE. Having one
  from those of the nurse, but she deserves the same respect,      nurse give care during all of labor is ideal but often unreal-
  support, and care as the woman who made every prepara-
                                                                   istic. However, changes in caregivers should be as limited as
  tion for her baby’s birth.
                                                                   possible. The woman should know the name of and what to
Nursing Care during Labor and Birth CHAPTER 13             269

expect from each caregiver. For example, the primary nurse                FETAL HEART RATE. For assessment of a term fetus
might explain the role of a nursing student in the woman’s             using intermittent auscultation, the following fetal heart
care. Common roles of nursing students in the intrapartum              rate (FHR) guidelines are considered reassuring (Feinstein,
area include promoting comfort, giving emotional support,              Sprague, & Trépanier, 2000):
and helping the primary nurse observe for maternal and fe-                   A lower limit of 110 beats per minute (bpm) and an
tal problems.                                                                upper limit of 160 bpm
    USING TOUCH FOR COMFORT. Touch can com-                                  Regular rhythm
municate acceptance and reassurance and provide physical                     Presence of accelerations in the FHR
and emotional comfort to many laboring women. Women                          Absence of decelerations from the baseline
who usually do not welcome touch may appreciate it during                 These findings also would be reassuring in an electroni-
labor. Cultural norms and personal history influence a                  cally monitored fetus (see Chapter 14).
woman’s comfort with touch from an unrelated person. The                  MATERNAL VITAL SIGNS. Maternal vital signs are
nurse should not assume that the woman desires touch but               assessed to identify signs of hypertension and infection. Hy-
instead ask her if she welcomes or benefits from touch. As              pertension during pregnancy is defined as a sustained blood
labor progresses, the woman’s desire for touch may change,             pressure increase to 140 mm Hg systolic or 90 mm Hg dia-
and touch may become irritating rather than comforting.                stolic. The hypertension may be a disorder that is specific to
    RESPECTING CULTURAL VALUES. Cultural be-                           pregnancy or it may be chronic (American Academy of Pe-
liefs and practices give structure, meaning, and richness to           diatrics [AAP] & American College of Obstetricians and Gy-
the birth experience. They influence the behavior of both               necologists [ACOG], 2002; ACOG, 2001; ACOG, 2002)
the childbearing family and the professional staff. Most cul-          (see Chapter 25 for more information). A temperature of
tural groups have specific practices related to childbearing.           38° C (100.4° F) or higher suggests infection.
The nurse should incorporate a family’s beneficial and neu-                IMPENDING BIRTH. Grunting sounds, bearing
tral cultural practices into care as much as possible.                 down, sitting on one buttock, and saying urgently, “The
                                                                       baby’s coming” suggest imminent birth. The nurse abbrevi-
I People naturally believe that their own cultural values are          ates the initial assessment and collects other information
  best. The nurse should avoid using an attitude that is supe-         after birth. While the nurse cares for the mother, the fol-
  rior or diminishes the validity of another person’s cultural be-     lowing minimal information can be quickly gathered if
  liefs. Trust in technology is a common value of many care-
                                                                       birth is imminent:
  givers in the United States, but such reliance on technology
                                                                             Names of mother and support person(s)
  is considered unnecessary, odd, and even harmful by many
  other cultures.                                                            Name of her physician or nurse-midwife if she had
                                                                             prenatal care

                                                                             Number of pregnancies and prior births, including
                                                                             whether the birth was vaginal or cesarean
                                                                             Status of membranes
1. What communication skills can the nurse use to establish                  Expected date of delivery
   a therapeutic relationship when the woman and her family                  Any problems during this or other pregnancies
   enter the hospital or birth center?                                       Allergies to medications, foods, or other substances
2. How can the nurse incorporate a couple’s cultural prac-                   Time and type of last oral intake
   tices into intrapartum care?                                              Maternal vital signs and FHR
                                                                             Pain: location, intensity, factors that intensify or re-
                                                                             lieve, duration, whether constant or intermittent,
MAKING ASSESSMENTS                                                           whether the pain is acceptable to the woman
AT THE TIME OF ADMISSION                                                  If focused assessments of mother and fetus are normal
A paper or computerized record of prenatal care is sent to             and birth is not imminent, a more complete admission as-
the center where the woman plans to give birth and added               sessment is taken. If the initial assessments show that birth
to her chart when she is admitted. Admission information               is near or another urgent condition is identified, the physi-
can be obtained from the prenatal record and verified or up-            cian or nurse-midwife is notified promptly with essential as-
dated as needed. Women who have not had prenatal care or               sessment information.

who had care with a provider other than one who practices
at the facility she enters need more extensive assessment by                  CHECK YOUR READING
the nurse and physician (Table 13-1).
                                                                       3. What are the two assessment priorities when a woman
FOCUSED ASSESSMENT                                                        comes to the intrapartum unit?
A focused assessment is performed before the broader data-             4. What FHR characteristics (when auscultated) are
base assessment in the intrapartum unit, opposite of the usual            reassuring?
                                                                       5. What observations suggest that a woman is going to give
order. Assessment priorities are to determine the condition of
                                                                          birth very soon? What should the nurse do in that case?
the mother and fetus and whether birth is imminent.
270     PART III The Family during Birth

TABLE   13-1 Intrapartum Assessment Guide
Women who have had prenatal care have much of this information available on their prenatal record. The nurse need only verify it
or update it as needed.
Assessment, Method
(Selected Rationales)                        Common Findings                               Significant Findings, Nursing Action
Purpose: To obtain information about the
   woman’s pregnancy, labor, and condi-
   tions that may affect her care. The in-
   terview is curtailed if she seems to be
   in late labor.
Introduction: Introduce yourself, and ask    Many women prefer to be addressed by          The surname (family name) precedes the
   the woman how she wants to be ad-          their first names during labor.                 given name in some cultures. Clarify
   dressed. Ask her if she wants her part-                                                   which name is used to properly ad-
   ner and/or family to remain during the                                                    dress the woman and to properly iden-
   interview and assessment. (Shows re-                                                      tify both mother and newborn.
   spect for the woman and gives her
   control over those she wants to remain
   with her.)
Culture and language: If she is from an-     Common non-English languages of               Try to secure an interpreter fluent in the
   other culture, ask what her preferred       women in the United States are Span-           woman’s primary language. Ask her if
   language is and what language(s) she        ish and some Asian dialects. The most          there are people who are not accept-
   speaks, reads, or verbally understands.     common non-English language varies             able to her as interpreters (e.g., males
   (Identifies the need for an interpreter      with location.                                 or members of a group in conflict with
   and enables the most accurate data                                                         her culture). Family members may not
   collection.)                                                                               be the best interpreters because they
                                                                                              may interpret selectively, adding or
                                                                                              subtracting information as they see fit.
                                                                                              Telephone interpreters are available in
                                                                                              many facilities. Hearing-impaired
                                                                                              women may read lips well, or they may
                                                                                              need sign-language interpreters or
                                                                                              other assistance.
Communication: Ask the woman to tell         Women in active labor have difficulty an-      If contractions are very frequent, assess
  you when she has a contraction, and         swering questions or cooperating with           the woman’s labor status promptly
  pause during the interview and physi-       a physical examination while they are           rather than continuing the interview.
  cal assessment. (Shows sensitivity to       having a contraction.                           Ask only the most critical questions.
  her comfort and allows her to concen-
  trate more fully on the information the
  nurse requests.)
Nonverbal cues: Observe the woman’s          Latent phase: Sociable and mildly anx-        The unprepared or extremely anxious
  behaviors and interactions with her          ious. Active phase: Concentrating in-         woman may breathe deeply and
  family and the nurse. (Permits estima-       tently with contractions; often uses          rapidly, displaying a tense facial and
  tion of her level of anxiety. Identifies      prepared childbirth techniques.               body posture during and between con-
  behaviors indicating that she should                                                       tractions. These behaviors suggest
  have a vaginal examination to deter-                                                       that birth is imminent:
  mine whether birth is imminent.)                                                           1. Her statement that the baby is
                                                                                             2. Grunting sounds (low-pitched, gut-
                                                                                                 tural sounds)
                                                                                             3. Bearing down with abdominal mus-
                                                                                             4. Sitting on one buttock
                                                                                           Euphoria, combativeness, or sedation
                                                                                             suggests recent illicit drug ingestion.
Reason for admission: “What brings you       Labor contractions at term, induction of      Bleeding, preterm labor, pain other than
  to the hospital/birth center today?”         labor, or observation for false labor are     labor contractions. Report these find-
  (Open-ended question promotes more           common reasons for admission.                 ings to the physician or nurse-midwife
  complete answer.)                                                                          promptly.
Prenatal care: “Did you see a doctor or      Early and regular prenatal care promotes      No prenatal care or care that was irregu-
  nurse-midwife during your pregnancy?”        maternal and fetal health.                    lar or begun in late pregnancy means
  “Who is your doctor or nurse-midwife?”                                                     that complications may not have been
  “How far along were you in your preg-                                                      identified.
  nancy when you saw the physician or
  nurse-midwife?” “Have you ever been
  admitted here before during this preg-
  nancy?” (Enables location of prenatal
  record and prior visit records.)
Nursing Care during Labor and Birth CHAPTER 13                    271

 TABLE     13-1 Intrapartum Assessment Guide—cont’d
 Assessment, Method
 (Selected Rationales)                         Common Findings                              Significant Findings, Nursing Action
 Estimated date of delivery (EDD): “When       Term gestation: 38-42 wk. The woman’s        Gestations earlier than the beginning of
   is your baby due?” (Determines if ges-        gestation may have been confirmed or          the 38th week (preterm) or later than
   tation is term.) “When did your last          adjusted during pregnancy with an ul-        the end of the 42nd week (postterm)
   menstrual period begin?” (For estima-         trasound or other clinical examination.      are associated with more fetal or
   tion of EDD if woman did not have pre-                                                     neonatal problems. The physician may
   natal care.)                                                                               try to stop labor that occurs earlier
                                                                                              than 36 weeks.
 Gravidity, parity, abortions: “How many       Labor may be faster for the woman who        Parity of 5 or more (grand multiparity) is
   times have you been pregnant?” “How           has given birth before than for the nul-     associated with placenta previa (see
   many babies have you had? Were they           lipara. Miscarriage is used to describe      Chapter 25) and postpartum hemor-
   full term or premature?” “How many            a spontaneous abortion because many          rhage (see Chapter 28). Women who
   children are now living?” “Have you           lay people associate the term abortion       have had several spontaneous abor-
   had any miscarriages or abortions?”           with only induced abortions.                 tions or who have given birth to infants
   “Were there any problems with your                                                         with abnormalities may face a higher
   babies after they were born?” (Helps                                                       risk for an infant with a birth defect.
   estimate probable speed of labor and
   anticipate neonatal problems.)
 Pregnancy history (Identifies problems
   that may affect this birth.)
   Present pregnancy: “Have you had any        Complications are not expected.              Women who have diabetes or hyperten-
      problems during this pregnancy,                                                          sion may have poor placental blood
      such as high blood pressure, dia-                                                        flow, possibly resulting in fetal compro-
      betes, infections, or bleeding?”                                                         mise. Some complications of past
                                                                                               pregnancies, such as gestational dia-
                                                                                               betes, may recur in another pregnancy.
                                                                                               The woman who plans a VBAC may
                                                                                               need more support and reassurance to
                                                                                               give birth vaginally.
    Past pregnancies: “Were there any          Women who had previous cesarean              Although the VBAC is less common, it
      problems with your other preg-             birth(s) may have a trial of labor and        may be chosen for a variety of rea-
      nancy(ies)?” “Were your other babies       vaginal birth (VBAC). A woman who             sons. The nurse should be aware of
      born vaginally or by cesarean birth?”      previously had a difficult labor or a ce-      the need for support and for complica-
                                                 sarean birth may be more anxious than         tions that may be more likely in the
                                                 one who had an uncomplicated labor            current pregnancy.
                                                 and birth.
    Other: “Is there anything else you think   This open-ended question gives the
      we should know so that we can bet-         woman a chance to share information
      ter care for you?”                         that may not be elicited by other
 Labor status: “When did your contrac-         Varies among women. Many women go            Women who say they have been “in la-
   tions become regular?” “What time did         to the birth facility when contractions        bor” for an unusual length of time
   you begin to think you might really be        first begin. Others wait until they are         (e.g., “for 2 days”) have probably had
   in labor?” (Facilitates a more accurate       reasonably sure that they are really in        false labor. These women may be very
   estimation of the time labor began.)          labor.                                         tired from the annoying, nonproductive
 Contractions: “How often are your con-        Varies according to her stage and phase      Irregular contractions or those that do
   tractions coming?” “How long do they          of labor. Labor contractions are usually       not increase in frequency, duration, or
   last?” “Are they getting stronger?” “Tell     regular and show a pattern of increas-         intensity are more likely to represent
   me if you have a contraction while we         ing frequency, duration, and intensity.        false labor. Contractions that are too
   are talking.” (Obtains the woman’s sub-                                                      frequent or too long can reduce pla-
   jective evaluation of her contractions.                                                      cental blood flow. Incomplete uterine
   Alerts the nurse to palpate contractions                                                     relaxation between contractions also
   that occur during the interview.)                                                            can reduce placental blood flow (see
                                                                                                Chapter 14).
 Membrane status: “Has your water bro-         Most women go to the birth facility for      If the woman’s membranes have ruptured
  ken?” “What time did it break?” “What         evaluation soon after their membranes           and she is not in labor or if she is not
  did the fluid look like?” “About how           rupture. If a woman is not already in la-       at term, a vaginal examination is often
  much fluid did you lose—was it a big           bor, contractions usually begin within a        deferred. Labor may be induced if she
  gush or a trickle?” (Alerts the nurse of      few hours after the membranes rupture           is at term with ruptured membranes.
  the need to verify whether the mem-           at term.
  branes have ruptured if it is not obvi-
  ous. Identifies possible prolonged rup-
  ture of membranes or preterm rupture.)

VBAC, vaginal birth after cesarean.                                                                                              Continued
272      PART III The Family during Birth

TABLE   13-1 Intrapartum Assessment Guide—cont’d
Assessment, Method
(Selected Rationales)                           Common Findings                               Significant Findings, Nursing Action
Allergies: “Are you allergic to any foods,      Record any known allergies to food,           Allergy to seafood, iodized salt, or x-ray
   medicines, or other substances?” “Do           medication, or other substances. As             contrast media may indicate iodine al-
   you have an allergy to latex?” “What           needed, describe how they affected              lergy. Because iodine is used in many
   kind of reaction do you have?” “Have           the woman.                                      “prep” solutions, alternative ones
   you ever had a problem with anesthe-                                                           should be used. Allergy to latex is be-
   sia when you have had dental work?”                                                            coming more common. Allergy to den-
   (Determines possible sensitivity to                                                            tal anesthetics may indicate possible
   drugs that may be used.)                                                                       allergy to the drugs used for local or
                                                                                                  regional anesthetics. These drugs usu-
                                                                                                  ally end in the suffix -caine.
Food intake: “When was the last time you        Record the time of the woman’s last food      If the woman says she has not had any
  had something to eat or drink?” “What           intake and what she ate. Include both           intake for an unusual length of time,
  did you have?” (Provides information            liquids and solids.                             question her more closely: “Is there
  needed to most safely administer gen-                                                           any food you may have forgotten, such
  eral anesthesia if required. Identifies                                                          as a snack or a drink of water or other
  possible fluid or energy deficit.)                                                                liquid?”
Recent illness: “Have you been ill re-          Most pregnant women are healthy. An           Urinary tract infections are associated with
  cently?” “What was the problem?”               occasional woman may have had a mi-              preterm labor. The woman who has had
  “What did you do for it?” “Have you            nor illness such as an upper respira-            contact with someone having a com-
  been around anyone with a contagious           tory tract infection.                            municable disease may become ill and
  illness recently?”                                                                              possibly infect others in the facility.
Medications: “What drugs do you take            Prenatal vitamins and iron are commonly       Drugs may interact with other medica-
  that your doctor or nurse-midwife has           prescribed. Record all drugs the                tions given during labor, especially
  prescribed?” “Are there any over-the-           woman takes, including time and                 analgesics and anesthetics. Substance
  counter drugs that you use?” “I know            amount of last ingestion. Women who             abuse is associated with complications
  this may be uncomfortable to discuss,           use illegal substances often conceal or         for the mother and infant (see Chap-
  but we need to know about any illegal           diminish the extent of their use be-            ter 24). If the woman discloses that she
  substances that you use, to more                cause they fear reprisals.                      uses illegal drugs, ask her what kind
  safely care for you and your baby.”                                                             and the last time she ingested them
  (Permits evaluation of the woman’s                                                              (often referred to as “taking a hit”). A
  drug intake and encourages her to dis-                                                          nonjudgmental approach is more likely
  close nonprescribed use.)                                                                       to result in honest information.
Tobacco or alcohol: “Do you smoke or use        As in substance abuse, women may un-          Infants of heavy smokers are often
  tobacco in any other form? About how            derreport the extent of their use of to-        smaller and may have reduced placen-
  many cigarettes a day?” “Do you use al-         bacco or alcohol.                               tal blood flow during labor. Infants of
  cohol? About how many drinks do you                                                             women who use alcohol may show fe-
  have each day (or week)?” (Evaluates                                                            tal alcohol effects (see Chapter 30).
  use of these legal substances.)
Birth plans (shows respect for the woman
  and her family as individuals and pro-
  motes achievement of their expecta-
  tions; enables more culturally appropri-
  ate care):
  Coach or primary support person:              This is usually the woman’s husband or        The woman who has little or no support
      “Who is the main person you want            the baby’s father, but it may be her          from significant others probably needs
      to be with you during labor?” Ask           mother, her sister, or a friend, espe-        more intense nursing support during
      that person how he or she wants to          cially if she is single.                      labor and after the birth. These clients
      be addressed, such as “Mr. Ramos,”                                                        are more likely to have problems with
      or “Carlos.”                                                                              parent-infant attachment.
  Other support: “Is there anyone else you      Women often want another support per-
      would like to be present during labor?”     son present.
  Preparation for childbirth: “Did you at-      Ideally, the woman and a partner have         The unprepared woman may need more
      tend prepared childbirth classes?”          had some preparation in classes or            support with simple relaxation and
      “Did someone go with you?”                  self-study. Women who attended                breathing techniques during labor. Her
                                                  classes during previous pregnancies           partner may need to learn techniques
                                                  do not always repeat the classes dur-         to assist her.
                                                  ing subsequent pregnancies.
  Preferences: “Are there any special           Some women or couples have strong             Conflict may arise if the woman has not
    plans you have for this birth?” “Is           feelings regarding certain interventions.     previously discussed her preferences
    there anything you want to avoid?”            Common ones are (1) analgesia or              with her physician or nurse-midwife or
    “Did you plan to record the birth             anesthesia; (2) intravenous lines;            if she is unaware of what services are
    with pictures or video?”                      (3) fetal monitoring; (4) use of epi-         available where she gives birth.
                                                  siotomy or forceps.
  Cultural needs: “Are there any special        Women from Asian and Hispanic cultures        Try to incorporate all positive or neutral
    cultural practices that you plan              may subscribe to the “hot-and-cold”           cultural practices. If a practice is harm-
    when you have your baby?” “How                theory of illness and want specific            ful, explain why and try to find a way
    can we best help you to fulfill these          foods after birth, such as soft-boiled        to work around it if the family does not
    practices?”                                   eggs. They may not want their water or        want to give it up.
                                                  other fluids iced.
Nursing Care during Labor and Birth CHAPTER 13                   273

 TABLE    13-1 Intrapartum Assessment Guide—cont’d
 Assessment, Method
 (Selected Rationales)                           Common Findings                               Significant Findings, Nursing Action
 Fetal Evaluation
 Purpose: To determine if the fetus seems
   to be healthy and tolerating labor well.
 Fetal heart rate (FHR): Assess by inter-        Average rate at term is 110-160 bpm.          These signs may indicate fetal stress and
   mittent auscultation, or apply an exter-        Rate usually increases when the fetus         should be reported to the physician or
   nal fetal monitor if that is the facility’s     moves and is reassuring.                      nurse-midwife:
   policy (most common in the United                                                             1. Rate outside the normal limits
   States). Document FHR according to                                                            2. Slowing of the rate that persists af-
   the risk status and stage of labor (see                                                          ter the contraction ends
   Chapter 14).                                                                                  3. No increase in rate when the fetus
 Guidelines include:                                                                                moves
 Low risk: q 1 h (latent phase), q 30 min                                                        4. Irregular rhythm
   (active phase), q 15 min (2nd stage).                                                       More frequent assessments should be
 High risk: q 30 min (latent phase), q 15                                                        made of the FHR and contractions if
   min (active phase), q 5 min (2nd stage).                                                      any finding is questionable.

 Labor Status
 Purpose: To identify whether the woman
   is in labor and if birth is imminent. If
   she displays signs of imminent birth,
   this assessment is done as soon as
   she is admitted.
 Contractions (yields objective information      See interview section earlier in table.       See interview section earlier in table.
   about labor status): In addition to ask-                                                      Women who have intense contractions
   ing the woman about her contraction                                                           or who are making rapid progress
   pattern, assess the contractions by                                                           should be assessed more frequently.
   palpation with the fingertips of one
   hand. Contractions should be as-
   sessed each time the FHR is assessed.
 Vaginal examination (Determines cervical        Varies according to the stage and phase       A vaginal examination is not performed if
   dilation and effacement; fetal presenta-        of labor. It may not be possible to de-       the woman reports or has evidence of
   tion, position, and station; bloody             termine the fetal position by vaginal         active bleeding (not bloody show) and
   show; and status of the membranes.)             examination when membranes are in-            may not be done if her gestation is
                                                   tact and bulging over the presenting          36 weeks or less and she does not
                                                   part.                                         seem to be in active labor. Report rea-
                                                                                                 sons for omitting a vaginal examination
                                                                                                 to the physician or nurse-midwife.
 Status of membranes: During a vaginal           Amniotic fluid should be clear, possibly       A greenish color indicates meconium
   examination a flow of fluid suggests             containing flecks of white vernix. Its          staining, which may be associated with
   ruptured membranes. A nitrazine test           odor is distinctive but not offensive.         fetal compromise or postterm gesta-
   and/or fern test may be done, often            The nitrazine test with a color change         tion. Thick meconium with heavy par-
   using a sterile speculum exam. (Test is        of blue-green to dark blue (pH >6.5)           ticulate matter (“pea soup”) is most
   not needed if it is obvious that the           suggests true rupture of the mem-              significant (see Chapter 30). Thick
   membranes have ruptured.)                      branes but is not conclusive. The fern         green-black meconium may be passed
                                                  test is more diagnostic of true rupture        by the fetus in a breech presentation
                                                  of membranes because it is less likely         and is not necessarily associated with
                                                  to be affected by vaginal infections, re-      fetal compromise. Cloudy, yellowish,
                                                  cent intercourse, or other factors.            strong-, or foul-smelling fluid suggests
                                                                                                 infection. Bloody fluid may indicate
                                                                                                 partial placental separation (see Chap-
                                                                                                 ter 25).
 Leopold’s maneuvers: Often done before          A cephalic presentation with the head         A hard, round, freely movable object in
   assessing the FHR to locate the best            well flexed (vertex) is normal. The fetal      the fundus suggests a fetal head,
   place for assessment. (Identifies fetal          head is often easily displaced upward         meaning the fetus is in a breech pre-
   presentation and position. Most accu-           (“floating”) if the woman is not in labor.     sentation. Less commonly, the fetus
   rate when combined with information             When the head is engaged, it cannot           may be crosswise in the uterus: a
   from vaginal examination.)                      be displaced upward with Leopold’s            transverse lie.
 Pain: Note discomfort during and be-            There may be verbal or nonverbal evi-         Constant pain or a tender, rigid uterus
   tween contractions. Note tenderness             dence of pain with contractions, but          suggests a complication, such as
   when palpating contractions. (Distin-           the woman should be relatively com-           abruptio placentae (separated placenta)
   guishes between normal labor pain               fortable between contractions. The skin       (see Chapter 25) or, less commonly,
   and abnormal pain that may be associ-           around the umbilicus is often sensitive.      uterine rupture (see Chapter 27).
   ated with a complication.)

 Physical Examination
 Purpose: To evaluate the woman’s gen-
   eral health and identify conditions that
   may affect her intrapartum and post-
   partum care.
bpm, Beats per minute.                                                                                                             Continued
274     PART III The Family during Birth

TABLE   13-1 Intrapartum Assessment Guide—cont’d
Assessment, Method
(Selected Rationales)                        Common Findings                                   Significant Findings, Nursing Action
Physical Examination—cont’d
General appearance: Observe skin color       Women are often fatigued if their sleep           Pallor suggests anemia. Substantial
  and texture, nutritional state, and ap-     has been interrupted by Braxton Hicks              edema of the face and fingers or ex-
  pearance of rest or fatigue. Examine        contractions, fetal activity, or frequent          treme (pitting) edema of the lower ex-
  the woman’s face, fingers, and lower         urination. Mild edema of the lower ex-             tremities is associated with preeclamp-
  extremities for edema. Ask her if she       tremities is common in late pregnancy.             sia although it may occur in the
  can take her rings off and put them on.                                                        absence of this hypertensive disorder
                                                                                                 (see Chapter 25).
Vital signs: Take the woman’s tempera-       Temperature: 35.8°-37.3° C (96.4°-99.1° F).       Report abnormalities to physician or
   ture, pulse, respirations, and blood      Pulse: 60-100/min.                                  nurse-midwife. Temperature of 38° C
   pressure. Reassess the temperature        Respirations: 12-20/min, even and                   (100.4° F) or higher suggests infection.
   every 4 hr (every 2 hr after membranes      unlabored.                                        Pulse and respirations may also be el-
   rupture or if elevated); reassess blood   Blood pressure near baseline levels es-             evated. Pulse and blood pressure may
   pressure, pulse, and respirations every     tablished during pregnancy. Transient             be elevated if the woman is extremely
   hour.                                       elevations of blood pressure are com-             anxious or in pain.
                                               mon when the woman is first admitted,            A blood pressure Ն140 mm Hg or
                                               but they return to baseline levels within         Ն90 mm Hg diastolic or higher is con-
                                               about 1⁄2 hr.                                     sidered hypertensive. For women who
                                                                                                 did not have prenatal care, there is no
                                                                                                 baseline for comparison.
Heart and lung sounds: Auscultate all ar-    Heart sounds should be clear with a dis-          The woman who is breathing rapidly and
  eas with a stethoscope.                      tinct S1 and S2. A physiologic murmur             deeply may have symptoms of hyper-
                                               is common because of the increased                ventilation: tingling and spasm of the
                                               blood volume and cardiac output.                  fingers, numbness around the lips.
                                               Breath sounds should be clear, with
                                               respirations even and unlabored.
Breasts: Palpate for a dominant mass.        Breasts are full and nodular. Areola is darker,   Report a dominant mass to the physician
                                               especially in dark-skinned women.                 or nurse-midwife.
                                               Breasts may leak colostrum (clear, sticky,
                                               straw-colored fluid) during labor.
Abdomen: Observe for scars at the same       Striae (stretch marks) are common. If             Report a previous cesarean birth to the
  time Leopold’s maneuvers and the             scars are noted, ask the woman what               physician or nurse-midwife. Transverse
  FHR are assessed. It is usually suffi-        surgery she had and when. The fundus              uterine scars are least likely to rupture
  cient to assess the fundal height by         at term is usually slightly below the             if the woman is in labor (see Chap-
  observing its relation to the xiphoid        xiphoid process but varies with mater-            ter 27). Measure the fundal height (see
  process.                                     nal height and fetal size and number.             p. 132) if the fetus seems small or if
                                                                                                 the gestation is questionable.
Deep tendon reflexes: Assess patellar re-     A brisk jerk without spasm or sustained           Report absent (uncommon unless the
  flex (see Chapter 25). Upper extremity        muscle contraction is normal. Some                woman is receiving magnesium sulfate)
  deep tendon reflexes should be used if        women normally have hypoactive re-                or hyperactive reflexes. Hyperactive re-
  epidural block analgesia is planned be-      flexes, but at least a slight twitch is ex-        flexes and clonus (repeated tapping
  cause they are normally not as strong        pected. Obese women may appear to                 when the foot is dorsiflexed) are asso-
  as the patellar reflex.                       have diminished reflexes because of                ciated with pregnancy-induced hyper-
                                               the fat tissue over the tendon.                   tension and often precede a seizure
                                                                                                 (see Chapter 25).
Midstream urine specimen: Assess pro-        Negative or trace of protein; negative glu-       Proteinuria is associated with pregnancy-
  tein and glucose levels with a dipstick.     cose and ketones.                                 induced hypertension but may also be
  Follow instructions on the package for                                                         associated with urinary tract infections
  waiting times. Check for ketones if the                                                        or a specimen that is contaminated
  woman has not eaten for a prolonged                                                            with vaginal secretions. Glucosuria is
  period or has been vomiting. Send for                                                          associated with diabetes. Ketonuria is
  urinalysis if ordered.                                                                         common in poorly controlled diabetes
                                                                                                 or if the woman does not eat adequate
                                                                                                 carbohydrates to meet her energy
Laboratory tests: Women who have had
  prenatal care may not need as many
  admission tests. Common tests include:
  1. Complete blood cell count (or             1. Hemoglobin at least 11 g/dl; hemat-            1. Values lower than these reduce ma-
     hematocrit done on unit).                    ocrit at least 33%.                               ternal reserve for normal blood loss
                                                                                                    at birth.
  2. Blood type and Rh factor.                 2. The woman who is Rh-negative                   2. Rh-negative mothers need Rh im-
                                                  receives Rh immune globulin at                    mune globulin after birth if the infant
                                                  28 weeks’ gestation to prevent for-               is Rh-positive.
                                                  mation of anti-Rh antibodies if she
                                                  has regular prenatal care.
  3. Serologic tests for syphilis.             3. Negative.                                      3. A positive test indicates that the
                                                                                                    baby could be infected and needs
                                                                                                    treatment after birth. The mother
                                                                                                    should be treated if she has not
                                                                                                    been treated already.
Nursing Care during Labor and Birth CHAPTER 13               275

                                                                     dure 13-1). The FHR is assessed by intermittent auscultation
                                                      13-1           and electronic monitoring (see Chapter 14). The nurse doc-
                                                                     uments the color and odor of the amniotic fluid and the
 During a labor admission assessment, a woman quickly de-
 nies her use of drugs and herbal preparations other than her        time of rupture if the membranes ruptured before admission.
 prescribed prenatal vitamins. She becomes quiet, answer-                Labor Status. The woman’s labor status is determined
 ing the nurse’s questions in a terse manner.                        by assessing her contraction pattern, performing vaginal ex-
 Questions                                                           amination if there are no contractions, and determining
 What might explain the woman’s change in behavior?                  whether her membranes have ruptured. Contractions are as-
 Should the nurse alter the assessment interview?                    sessed by palpation (Procedure 13-2), the fetal monitor, or
                                                                     both. Cervical dilation and effacement and the fetal station,
                                                                     presentation, and position are evaluated by vaginal exami-
   DATABASE ASSESSMENT. In addition to perform-                      nation. The vaginal examination may also reveal whether
ing the focused assessment, the nurse should assess the              the membranes have ruptured if fluid is not obviously leak-
mother, fetus, and available maternal support persons.               ing from the vagina. Vaginal examination is not performed
   Basic Information. Intrapartum admission forms guide              if the woman has active bleeding (other than bloody show)
the nurse to obtain required information. Typical informa-           because the procedure can increase bleeding.
tion includes the following:                                             Physical Examination. A brief physical examination
      The woman’s reason for coming to the hospital or               evaluates the woman’s overall health. Other important ob-
      birth center (such as contractions, rupture of mem-            servations relating to birth include the presence and loca-
      branes)                                                        tion of edema, abdominal scars, and height of the fundus.

      Prenatal care: when it began, her most recent visit, and
      her physician or nurse-midwife’s name                                 CHECK YOUR READING
      Estimated date of delivery (EDD)
      Number of pregnancies, births, spontaneous preg-               6. Which tests may be done if the nurse is not certain
      nancy losses, and abortions                                       whether the woman’s membranes have ruptured? (See
      Allergies: medications, food, other substances such as            Table 13-1.)
      latex                                                          7. Which characteristics of contractions may reduce blood
                                                                        flow to the placenta? (See Procedure 13-2.)
      Food intake: what food and when it was eaten
      Medical, surgical, and pregnancy history
      Recent illness, including treatment                            USING ADMISSION PROCEDURES
      Medications, including prescription and over-the-                 NOTIFYING THE BIRTH ATTENDANT. After assess-
      counter drugs, tobacco, alcohol and other substances           ment the nurse notifies the woman’s birth attendant to re-
      of abuse                                                       port the woman’s status and obtain orders. The nurse in-
      Complementary or alternative therapy; use of herbal            cludes the following data in the report:
      and botanical preparations and their purpose                          Gravidity, parity, abortions, and term and preterm
      Use of tobacco, alcohol, and illicit substances                       births
      Her subjective evaluation of her labor                                EDB and fundal height if it conflicts with the EDB
      Birth plans, including planned pain management                        Contraction pattern
      methods                                                               Results of vaginal examination
      Support persons: who they are and the role of each                       Cervical dilation and effacement
      Potential domestic violence (ask only when the                           Fetal presentation and position
      woman is alone)                                                          Station of the presenting part
                                                                            Fetal heart rate and pattern
I Women often bring several people with them to the birthing
  room and want them to stay during admission. However, be                  Maternal vital signs
  careful about asking for sensitive information, such as prior             Any identified abnormalities and concerns about the
  pregnancies and births and potential abuse, when others are               maternal or fetal condition
  present. A woman may have had an abortion or relinquished                 Pain, anxiety, or other reactions to labor
  a baby for adoption, and her family may not know about it.            If the birth attendant admits the woman, any of several
  Even if her partner knows about previous pregnancies, her          procedures may be performed.
  family or friends may not. Asking about domestic violence             CONSENT FORMS. The woman signs consent for
  when the abuser is present will result in a quick denial and       care during labor, such as anesthesia, vaginal birth and/or
  can be dangerous for the woman. Delay asking sensitive in-         cesarean birth, blood transfusion, testing for human im-
  formation until the woman is alone for confidentiality, safety,
                                                                     munodeficiency virus (HIV). A separate consent for tubal
  and accuracy.
                                                                     ligation must be signed by the woman if she desires perma-
    Fetal Assessments. The fetal presentation and po-                nent sterilization at the time of birth. Consent for newborn
sition are assessed using a combination of vaginal exami-            care and circumcision of male infants is often completed at
nation and Leopold’s maneuvers (Figure 13-1 and Proce-               this time.
                                                                                                           Text continued on page 280
276        PART III The Family during Birth

                                             CARE PATH FOR STAGES OF LABOR 1 & 2
 Problem                                                                                                               LATENT PHASE
 Number                               PREADMIT                                ADMISSION                                   (0-4 cm)
 IV        Assessments High risk screening with referrals prn:   T, P, R, BP                                            ෆ
                                                                                                             P, R, BP q 1 hr
 5, 8,                    – MFM                                  Deep tendon reflexes / clonus               T ෆ 2 hr if rupture of membranes, q
 9, 16
                                                                                                               q                                 ෆ
                          – Homecare                             Labor status:                                   4 hr if bag of waters intact
 I 5, 6
                          – Genetic Counsel                          – admit for labor per protocol:                 ෆ
                                                                                                             BP, P q 15 min if epidural anesthetic
                          – Social Services                          CRITERIA FOR LABOR:                                      ෆ
                                                                                                             Bladder status q 2 hr
                                                                     1. complete effacement; or 2 cm         Urine protein/ketones dip-stick prn
                                                                         in nullipara                        Deep tendon reflexes/clonus prn
                                                                     2. cervical change                      Fetal monitoring: electronic fetal
                                                                     3. rupture of membranes s labor
                                                                                                  ෆ              monitor or electronic fetal
                                                                     4. contractions at least 5 min apart        monitoring while in bed or
                                                                          – cervix: sterile vaginal exam         intermittent auscultation
                                                                             unless contraindicated          Labor status:
                                                                          – uterine activity (toco /             – frequency, duration, strength,
                                                                             palpation)                             resting tone of contractions
                                                                          – membrane status, color,                 ෆ 1 hr by toco/palpation or
                                                                             amount, odor of fluid                  intrauterine pressure catheter
                                                                 Fetus:                                          – membrane status; color,
                                                                     – presentation (ultrasound prn)                amount and odor of fluid
                                                                     – FHR: 20 min or electronic fetal           – sterile vaginal exam prn &
                                                                        monitoring strip (continue                  prior to meds as indicated
                                                                        electronic fetal monitoring if       Fetus:
                                                                        non-reassuring pattern)                                    ෆ
                                                                                                                 – low risk: FHR q 30 min
                                                                 Urine – dip for protein & ketones               – high risk: FHR ෆ 15 min
                                                                 Level of childbirth preparation             In and out catheterization
                                                                 Family interaction
                                                                 Beta-strep risk factors
                                                                     – preterm labor
                                                                     – rupture of membranes Ͻ 37 wk
                                                                     – previous baby c Beta-strep

                                                                                                             Progress to active phase c in 6°
                                                                                                             of admission

                                                                                                                verified __________________

 IV 5, 6   Procedures/                                           CBC, VDRL, ABO-Rh stat on                   If intrauterine pressure catheter
           Tests                                                   admission                                 labor pattern shows > 250
                                                                 HBSAG if not on prenatal record             Montevideo unit

                                                                                                                verified __________________

           Treatments                                            Initiate Labor Curve                        Consider amniotomy for prolonged
                                                                 Initiate “Active Management of Labor          latent phase.
                                                                      Protocol” if criteria are met.         Consider use of intrauterine
                                                                 Notify Special Care Nursery of                pressure catheter if inadequate
                                                                      potential problems.                      cervical change.
 VI 3      Medication                                                                                        PAIN CONTROL:
 XI 5                                                                                                        Parenteral analgesia as ordered.
                                                                                                                  (Consider Stadol or Nubain).
                                                                                                             If inadequate pain control, anesthesia
                                                                                                                  consult, re-evaluate for epidural
                                                                                                                   _______ Narcotic epidural
                                                                                                                   _______ Anesthetic epidural

           Signatures          /
                          _______________________                     /                       /
                                                                 _______________________ _______________________
                          _______________________                     /                       /
                                                                 _______________________ _______________________
                                                                                       BAYLOR UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER
      MED REC NO. ______________________________________
                                                                                                      DALLAS, TEXAS
      PATIENT        ______________________________________                           CARE PATH FOR STAGES OF LABOR 1 & 2

      PHYSICIAN      ______________________________________                                                 PAGE 1 OF 4

                                        Figure 13-1 I Care path for stages 1 and 2 of labor.
Nursing Care during Labor and Birth CHAPTER 13                              277

                                              CARE PATH FOR STAGES OF LABOR 1 & 2
Problem                                                                                                              LATENT PHASE
Number                                PREADMIT                               ADMISSION                                  (0-4 cm)
III 11    Elimination                                                                                      Encourage voiding q 2-3 hr
                                                                                                           In and out catheterization if unable
                                                                                                               to void & bladder is distended
                                                                                                           Bladder remains nondistended
II 7      Nutrition                                              Clear liquids/ice chips, hard candy if    Clear liquids/ice chips, hard candy if
          Hydration                                                 desired                                    desired
                                                                                                           IV fluids prn and as ordered for T Ͼ
                                                                                                               101 on 2 consecutive readings
                                                                                                               (notify attending MD)
                                                                                                           IV (18G) or heplock if VBAC
                                                                                                           Hydration status will be maintained
IV 11     Activity                                                                                         Bag of waters intact or rupture of
                                                                                                             membranes with presenting part
                                                                                                             engaged: encourage up ad lib;
                                                                                                             chair prn
                                                                                                           Ambulates frequently

VI        PT/Family      At 1st OB appt, give info on:           Ambulation & position changes
2, 5, 6   Education         – Labor warnings                     Electronic Fetal Monitor
                            – Kick counts                        Breathing & Relaxation (B & R)
                            – Prepared childbirth classes           techniques
                            – Optional classes:                  Analgesia & Anesthesia (A & A)
                                  VBAC                              options
                                   Baby care                     Labor progress & expectations
                         Advise in selection of a pediatrician   Verbalizes understanding                  Appropriate B & R maintained
                         Goal: By 28 wks, pt identifies when
                            to call the doctor & describes          verified __________________               verified __________________
                            when & how to do kick counts
VIII 7, 8 Psycho                                                 Support person identified                 Support person identified
          Emotional                                                 verified __________________

          Signatures     Initials for these signatures will be       /                     /
                                                                 _____________________ _____________________
                         found throughout the care path.             /                     /
                                                                 _____________________ _____________________
                                                                                       BAYLOR UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER
   MED REC NO. ______________________________________
                                                                                                 DALLAS, TEXAS
   PATIENT            ______________________________________                         CARE PATH FOR STAGES OF LABOR 1 & 2

   PHYSICIAN          ______________________________________                                              PAGE 2 OF 4

                                      Figure 13-1, cont’d I For legend see opposite page.
278        PART III The Family during Birth

                                              CARE PATH FOR STAGES OF LABOR 1 & 2
 Problem                            ACTIVE PHASE                                               SECOND STAGE
 Number                               (4-10 cm)                                               (10 cm – Delivery)
 IV        Assessments T, q 4° if bag of waters intact; q 2° if
                          ෆ                             ෆ         T, q 4° if bag of waters intact; q 2° if rupture of membranes
 5, 8,                     rupture of membranes                   BP, P, R, q 1 hr
 9, 16
                       BP, P, R, q 1 hr
                                  ෆ                               BP, P q 15 min if epidural anesthetic
 I 5, 6
                       BP, P q 15 min if epidural anesthetic
                               ෆ                                  Bladder status q 2 hr
                       Bladder status q 2 hr
                                        ෆ                         Urine protein/ketones dipstick prn
                       Urine protein/ketones dipstick prn         Deep tendon reflexes/clonus prn
                       Deep tendon reflexes/clonus prn            Fetal monitoring: electronic fetal monitoring while in bed, or intermittent
                       Fetal monitoring: electronic fetal             auscultation
                           monitoring while in bed, or            Labor status:
                           intermittent auscultation                  – frequency, duration, strength, resting tone of contraction q 1 hr by
                       Labor status:                                    toco/palpation or intrauterine pressure catheter
                           – frequency, duration, strength,           – membrane status; color, amount and odor of fluid
                              resting tone of contraction             – sterile vaginal exam prn & prior to meds
                              ෆ 1 hr by toco/palpation or
                              q                                   Fetus:
                              intrauterine pressure catheter          – low risk: FHR q 15 min
                           – membrane status; color,                  – high risk: FHR q 5 min
                              amount and odor of fluid                – VBAC continous electronic fetal monitor or electronic fetal monitoring
                           – sterile vaginal exam prn &           Effectiveness of expulsive efforts
                              prior to meds                           – descent of presenting part
                       Fetus:                                         – position; document if abnormal presentation
                           – low risk: FHR q 30 min
                                             ෆ                        – caput
                           – high risk: FHR q 15 min
                       In and out catheterization
                          If intrauterine pressure catheter,
                          labor pattern shows > 250
                          Montevideo units

                              verified __________________

                          Cervix changes at a rate of > 1.2
                          cm/hr for nullips; > 1.5 cm/hr for

                              verified __________________

 IV 5, 6   Procedures /
           Treatments     Plot cervical dilation q 2 hours or
                             per exam
                          Consider use of intrauterine
                             pressure catheter if inadequate
                             cervical change
 VI 3      Medications    PAIN CONTROL:
 XI 5                     Parenteral analgesics as ordered.
                              (Consider Stadol or Nubain).
                          Anesthesia consult; epidural prn
                          Oxytocin augmentation, if indicated
                              per protocol
                          If rupture of membranes Ͼ 24 hr
                              antibiotics as ordered

                          Maintains control; utilizes B & R       Maintains control;
                          techniques prn                          utilizes B & R techniques prn

                              verified __________________            verified __________________

           Signatures         /                     /                     /
                          _____________________ _____________________ _____________________
                              /                     /                     /
                          _____________________ _____________________ _____________________
                                                                                       BAYLOR UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER
      MED REC NO. ______________________________________
                                                                                                 DALLAS, TEXAS
      PATIENT        ______________________________________                           CARE PATH FOR STAGES OF LABOR 1 & 2

      PHYSICIAN      ______________________________________                                             PAGE 3 OF 4

                                   Figure 13-1, cont’d I Care paths for stages 1 and 2 of labor.
Nursing Care during Labor and Birth CHAPTER 13                           279

                                              CARE PATH FOR STAGES OF LABOR 1 & 2
Problem                             ACTIVE PHASE
Number                                (4-10 cm)                                               SECOND STAGE
IIII I I   Elimination    Encourage voiding q 2-3 hr
                                              ෆ                  Encourage voiding q 2-3 hr
                          In and out catheterization if unable   In and out catheterization if unable to void & bladder is distended
                             to void & bladder is distended
                          Bladder remains nondistended           Bladder remains nondistended

II 7       Nutrition      Clear liquids/ice chips                Clear liquids/ice chips
           Hydration      IV fluids prn and as ordered for T Ͼ   IV fluids prn: and as ordered for T Ͼ 101 on 2 consecutive readings (notify
                              101 on 2 consecutive readings          attending MD)
                              (notify attending MD)
                          IV (18G) or heplock if VBAC            IV (18G) or heplock if VBAC
                          Hydration status will be maintained    Hydration status will be maintained

IV 11      Activity       Bag of waters intact or rupture of     Facilitate frequent position changes (q 1-2 hr) while in bed
                             membranes with presenting part
                             engaged: encourage up ad lib;
                             chair prn
                          Facilitate frequent position changes
                             (q 1-2 hr) while in bed
VI         PT/Family
2, 5, 6    Education

                          Appropriate B & R maintained           Appropriate B & R maintained

                             verified __________________            verified __________________

           Psycho         Support person identified              Support person identified

           Signatures         /                     /                     /
                          _____________________ _____________________ _____________________
                              /                     /                     /
                          _____________________ _____________________ _____________________
                                                                                      BAYLOR UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER
    MED REC NO. ______________________________________
                                                                                                DALLAS, TEXAS
    PATIENT            ______________________________________
                                                                                     CARE PATH FOR STAGES OF LABOR 1 & 2
    PHYSICIAN          ______________________________________
    BILLING NO.        ______________________________________                                          PAGE 4 OF 4

                                       Figure 13-1, cont’d I For legend see opposite page.
280      PART III The Family during Birth


      13-1         Leopold’s Maneuvers

      PURPOS E :   To determine presentation and position of the fetus and aid in location of fetal heart sounds

 1. Explain the procedure to the woman and the rationale           5. Palpate the uterine fundus. The breech (buttocks) is softer
    for each step as it is performed. Tell her what is found          and more irregular in shape than the head. Moving the
    at each step. Gives information, teaches the woman,               breech also moves the fetal trunk. The head is harder and
    and reassures her when the assessment findings are                has a round, uniform shape. The head can be moved
    normal.                                                           without moving the entire fetal trunk. Distinguishes be-
 2. Ask the woman to empty her bladder if she has not done            tween a cephalic and breech presentation. If the fetus is
    so recently. Have her lie on her back with her knees              in a cephalic presentation, the breech is felt in the fundus.
    flexed slightly. Place a small pillow or folded towel under        If the presentation is breech, the head is felt in the fundus.
    one hip. Decreases discomfort of a full bladder during
    palpation and improves ability to feel fetal parts in the      SECOND MANEUVER
    suprapubic area. Knee flexion helps the woman relax her
    abdominal muscles to enhance palpation. Uterine dis-
    placement prevents aortocaval compression, which
    could reduce blood flow to the placenta.
 3. Wash your hands with warm water. Wear gloves if con-
    tact with secretions is likely. Prevents transmission of mi-
    croorganisms. Warm hands are more comfortable during
    palpation and prevent tensing of abdominal muscles.
 4. Stand beside the woman, facing her head, with your
    dominant hand nearest her. The first three maneuvers are
    most easily performed in this position.


                                                                   6. Hold the left hand steady on one side of the uterus while
                                                                      palpating the opposite side of the uterus with the right
                                                                      hand. Then hold the right hand steady while palpating the
                                                                      opposite side of the uterus with the left hand. The fetal
                                                                      back is a smooth, convex surface. The fetal arms and
                                                                      legs feel nodular, and the fetus often moves them during
                                                                      palpation. Determines on which side of the uterus is the
                                                                      back and on which side are the fetal arms and legs (“small

   LABORATORY TESTS. Women who had regular pre-                       INTRAVENOUS ACCESS. If used, intravenous (IV)
natal care need laboratory tests only for specific indications,     access is started with at least an 18-gauge catheter. A saline
whereas those who did not have prenatal care need more ex-         lock may be used, or the woman may receive continuous in-
tensive laboratory tests. Simple tests that are often per-         fusion of fluids. The lock eases walking during early labor
formed on the unit include the following:                          but provides quick access if fluids or drugs are needed. Con-
      Hematocrit obtained by finger stick                           tinuous fluid infusion prevents and relieves dehydration
      Midstream urine specimen to assess protein and glu-          and is necessary if epidural block analgesia is used. IV solu-
      cose levels—usually obtained before notifying the birth      tions containing electrolytes, such as lactated Ringer’s solu-
      attendant                                                    tion, are most common.
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery
Nursing care of breech delivery

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Nursing care of breech delivery

  • 1. CHAPTER 13 Nursing Care during Labor and Birth OBJECTIVES After studying this chapter, you should be able to: 1. Analyze issues that may face the new nurse who cares for women during the intrapartum period. 2. Explain teaching guidelines for going to the hospital or birth center. 3. Describe admission and continuing intrapartum nursing assessments. 4. Describe common nursing procedures used when caring for women during the intrapartum period. 5. Identify nursing priorities when assisting the woman to give birth under emergency circumstances. 6. Relate therapeutic communication skills to care of the intrapartum woman and her significant others. 7. Apply the nursing process to care of the woman experiencing false or early labor. 8. Apply the nursing process to care of the woman and her significant others during the intra- partum period. Go to your Student CD-ROM for Review Questions keyed to these Objectives. DEFINITIONS Abortion A pregnancy that ends before 20 weeks’ ges- Multipara A woman who has given birth after two or more tation, either spontaneously (miscarriage) or electively. pregnancies of at least 20 weeks’ gestation; also informally Miscarriage is a lay term for spontaneous abortion that used to describe a pregnant woman before the birth of her is being more frequently used by health professionals. second child. Amniotomy Artificial rupture of the membranes (am- Nitrazine Paper Paper used to test pH; helps determine niotic sac). whether the amniotic sac has ruptured. Caput Succedaneum Area of edema over the pre- Nuchal Cord Umbilical cord around the fetal neck. senting part of the fetus or newborn that results from Nullipara A woman who has not completed a pregnancy to pressure against the cervix (usually called caput). at least 20 weeks’ gestation. Crowning Appearance of the fetal scalp or presenting Para A woman who has given birth after a pregnancy of at part at the vaginal opening. least 20 weeks’ gestation; also designates the number of a EDD Abbreviation for estimated date of delivery; also woman’s pregnancies that have ended after at least 20 weeks’ may be abbreviated EDB (estimated date of birth). gestation. (A multifetal gestation, such as twins, is considered Episiotomy Incision of the perineum to enlarge the one birth when calculating parity.) vaginal opening. Primipara A woman who has given birth after a pregnancy Ferning Microscopic appearance of amniotic fluid re- of at least 20 weeks’ gestation; also used informally to de- sembling fern leaves when the fluid is allowed to dry scribe a pregnant woman before the birth of her first child. on a microscope slide; also called fern test. Gravida A pregnant woman; also refers to a woman’s total number of pregnancies, including the one in progress, if applicable. 266
  • 2. Nursing Care during Labor and Birth CHAPTER 13 267 Care of the woman and her family during labor and birth is a rewarding yet demanding specialty within nursing. The Unpredictability birth of a baby is more than a physical event. Birth has deep Birth follows its own timetable, even with efforts to “man- personal and social significance for the family, whose roles age” it. Some nurses find the uncertain nature of an intra- and relationships are forever altered by this event. partum area troubling, whereas others find it exciting. Some The nurse must support natural physical processes, pro- occurrences cannot be predicted or explained. In addition, mote a meaningful experience for the family, and be alert for the number of women needing care and the levels of care complications. Additionally, the nurse cares for two clients, they require can change quickly. one of whom—the fetus—cannot be observed directly. The intrapartum area is typically a happy place, and good Intimacy outcomes for mothers and infants are usual. Most women The intimate nature of intrapartum care and its sexual over- have accepted their pregnancies and look forward to meet- tones make some nurses uncomfortable. They may feel that ing their infants. Yet some women have had stressful preg- they are intruding on a private time. nancies because of physical and substance abuse, economic The male nurse often is anxious about this aspect of in- hardship, unsupportive personal relationships, and other trapartum care. Although he may have cared for other fe- problems (see Chapter 24). male clients, his care rarely has been so focused on the re- productive system. He often wonders whether a woman’s male partner will accept him as a care provider. ISSUES FOR NEW NURSES Both male nurses and female nurses should maintain New nurses and nursing students often approach care of la- professional conduct and take cues from the couple. If the boring women with apprehension. They may face several couple wants privacy, the nurse should intervene only as common issues when caring for families during birth. needed to assess the woman and fetus. In more advanced la- bor, both partners often welcome the presence of a compe- Pain Associated with Birth tent, caring nurse of either gender. Working with people in pain is difficult, and most nurses feel compelled to relieve pain promptly. Yet pain is expected in ADMISSION TO THE BIRTH CENTER labor and cannot always be eliminated. Some women choose to have unmedicated births. Helping the woman manage the The Decision to Go to the Hospital or Birth Center pain of birth is a critical part of nursing care, and many During the last trimester, the woman needs to know when nurses find this to be the most creative aspect of their roles. she should go to the hospital or birth center. Factors to con- sider include: Inexperience and Negative Experiences Number and duration of any previous labors The nurse who has never given birth may feel inadequate to Distance from the hospital care for laboring women, even though the same nurse rarely Available transportation thinks that experiencing a fracture is necessary to care for Child care needs someone with that problem. Nursing skills needed by the Nurses instruct women to distinguish between false and intrapartum nurse are basic: observation, critical thinking, true labor. Nurses teach guidelines for going to the birth problem solving, therapeutic communication, comfort pro- center and reinforce those given by the physician or nurse- motion, empathy, and common sense. midwife (“Women Want to Know: When to Go to the Hos- Nurses also may be anxious because of their own difficult ex- pital or Birth Center”). Not everyone has a typical labor, so periences during birth. They must be careful not to convey neg- a woman should be encouraged to go to the birth center if ative attitudes to the laboring woman and her significant other. she is uncertain or has other concerns. WOMEN When to Go to the Hospital or Birth Center These are guidelines for providing individualized instruction Bleeding—Bright-red bleeding should be evaluated to women about when to enter the hospital or birth center. promptly. Normal bloody show is thicker, pink or dark red, Contractions—A pattern of increasing regularity, frequency, and mixed with mucus. duration, and intensity. Decreased fetal movement—If you notice a substantial de- Nullipara—Regular contractions, 5 minutes apart, for crease in the baby’s movement, notify your physician or 1 hour nurse-midwife or come to the labor unit. Multipara—Regular contractions, 10 minutes apart, Other concerns—These guidelines cannot cover all situa- for 1 hour tions and do not replace specific instructions given to you Ruptured membranes—A gush or trickle of fluid from the by your birth attendant. Therefore please go to the hospi- vagina should be evaluated, regardless of whether con- tal for evaluation of any concerns and feelings that some- tractions are occurring. thing may be wrong.
  • 3. 268 PART III The Family during Birth Establishing a Therapeutic Relationship Sandra Hall is a nursing student assigned to the intrapartum Amy: Oh no . . . the monitor . . . . unit. A woman walks toward Sandra. The woman is leaning Sandra: You have a problem about the monitor? (Clarify- on a man and breathing rapidly. She says to Sandra, “I think ing the nonspecific remark that Amy made about the monitor.) I’m in labor, and my water broke on the way to the hospital.” Amy: I hated having that thing on with my last baby. I had Sandra: It sounds like today’s the day! Let’s find you a room. to lie the same way all the time or they couldn’t hear the Sandra asks the woman’s name (Amy James) and that of baby. I know it’s best for the baby, though. her birth attendant (Donna Moore, CNM, a nurse-midwife) as Sandra: You seem to have mixed feelings about the mon- they walk to a room. itor. (Reflecting what Amy seems to be feeling.) Sandra: I’m Sandra Hall, a nursing student. What names Amy: Yes, I didn’t like it, but I do feel better knowing the do you want us to call each of you? (Questioning for infor- baby’s okay. mation. Shows respect by not assuming how the couple Sandra: We can usually find ways so it doesn’t bother you wants to be addressed.) so much. We don’t want you to feel tied down because that Amy: I’m Amy, and my husband is Jeff. will make you more uncomfortable. (Giving information with- Sandra: Is this your first baby, Amy, or have you had oth- out promising that Amy will be totally comfortable with the ers? (Questioning in a way that avoids “yes” or “no” answers.) external fetal monitor.) Amy: It’s my second, and the first took forever! I’ve been Sandra observes that Amy’s contractions are every 3 min- having contractions off and on since midnight, but they didn’t utes and strong. She finds an experienced nurse to help eval- get regular till about 6:00 this morning. They are coming every uate Amy. Sandra uses critical thinking and wisely seeks help 3 minutes now and starting to hurt a lot. from an experienced nurse because Amy seems to be in ac- Sandra helps Amy put a gown on and applies the exter- tive labor and this is her second baby. The fact that Amy’s nal fetal monitor while they wait for the RN. She does not fol- first labor “took forever” does not necessarily mean that this low up on Amy’s implied concern about having a long labor, labor will be long. however. Nursing Responsibilities during Admission DETERMINING FAMILY EXPECTATIONS ABOUT The two nursing priorities when the woman arrives at the BIRTH. Regardless of their number of children, women birth center are to (1) establish a therapeutic relationship and their partners have expectations about the birth experi- and (2) assess the condition of the mother and fetus. ence. The partners may have studied their options exten- sively and planned a birth that best fits their ideals. Those ESTABLISHING A THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIP who have not made specific plans also have expectations The nurse must quickly establish a therapeutic relationship shaped by contact with relatives and friends and previous with the woman and her significant other. The woman’s first birth experiences. A couple may want to repeat a previous impression influences her perception of the quality of her satisfying experience or avoid repeating a poor experience. entire birth experience. Sometimes one part of a past birth has negatively influ- MAKING THE FAMILY FEEL WELCOME. A warm enced the couple’s impression of the entire experience. greeting makes the woman and her significant other feel val- CONVEYING CONFIDENCE. From the first en- ued. Even if the unit is busy, the nurse should communicate counter, the nurse should convey confidence and optimism interest, friendliness, caring, and competence. People un- in the woman’s ability to give birth and the ability of her derstand if the nurse is busy, but they do not understand significant other to support her. Women having their first rudeness and insensitivity to their needs. baby may be overwhelmed by the power of normal labor Nurses often encounter women who speak a language contractions. The nurse can reassure these women that in- other than English. Arranging for a culturally acceptable in- tense contractions are normal in active labor while helping terpreter who is fluent in the woman’s language makes the them manage contractions and watching for true problems. woman and her family feel welcome and promotes safety I Think about the different perspectives implied by the phrases because it enhances understanding among the woman, her give birth and be delivered. The woman who gives birth is an family, and the nurse. active and able participant; she is the principal action figure. However, the language of be delivered implies that the I When caring for a woman who has not had prenatal care or woman is passive. The nurse might ask “Who will attend you childbirth classes, which are behaviors that most nurses as you give birth?” rather than “Who will deliver your baby?” value, the nurse must not be judgmental in either words or actions. The woman’s priorities and values may be different ASSIGNING A PRIMARY NURSE. Having one from those of the nurse, but she deserves the same respect, nurse give care during all of labor is ideal but often unreal- support, and care as the woman who made every prepara- istic. However, changes in caregivers should be as limited as tion for her baby’s birth. possible. The woman should know the name of and what to
  • 4. Nursing Care during Labor and Birth CHAPTER 13 269 expect from each caregiver. For example, the primary nurse FETAL HEART RATE. For assessment of a term fetus might explain the role of a nursing student in the woman’s using intermittent auscultation, the following fetal heart care. Common roles of nursing students in the intrapartum rate (FHR) guidelines are considered reassuring (Feinstein, area include promoting comfort, giving emotional support, Sprague, & Trépanier, 2000): and helping the primary nurse observe for maternal and fe- A lower limit of 110 beats per minute (bpm) and an tal problems. upper limit of 160 bpm USING TOUCH FOR COMFORT. Touch can com- Regular rhythm municate acceptance and reassurance and provide physical Presence of accelerations in the FHR and emotional comfort to many laboring women. Women Absence of decelerations from the baseline who usually do not welcome touch may appreciate it during These findings also would be reassuring in an electroni- labor. Cultural norms and personal history influence a cally monitored fetus (see Chapter 14). woman’s comfort with touch from an unrelated person. The MATERNAL VITAL SIGNS. Maternal vital signs are nurse should not assume that the woman desires touch but assessed to identify signs of hypertension and infection. Hy- instead ask her if she welcomes or benefits from touch. As pertension during pregnancy is defined as a sustained blood labor progresses, the woman’s desire for touch may change, pressure increase to 140 mm Hg systolic or 90 mm Hg dia- and touch may become irritating rather than comforting. stolic. The hypertension may be a disorder that is specific to RESPECTING CULTURAL VALUES. Cultural be- pregnancy or it may be chronic (American Academy of Pe- liefs and practices give structure, meaning, and richness to diatrics [AAP] & American College of Obstetricians and Gy- the birth experience. They influence the behavior of both necologists [ACOG], 2002; ACOG, 2001; ACOG, 2002) the childbearing family and the professional staff. Most cul- (see Chapter 25 for more information). A temperature of tural groups have specific practices related to childbearing. 38° C (100.4° F) or higher suggests infection. The nurse should incorporate a family’s beneficial and neu- IMPENDING BIRTH. Grunting sounds, bearing tral cultural practices into care as much as possible. down, sitting on one buttock, and saying urgently, “The baby’s coming” suggest imminent birth. The nurse abbrevi- I People naturally believe that their own cultural values are ates the initial assessment and collects other information best. The nurse should avoid using an attitude that is supe- after birth. While the nurse cares for the mother, the fol- rior or diminishes the validity of another person’s cultural be- lowing minimal information can be quickly gathered if liefs. Trust in technology is a common value of many care- birth is imminent: givers in the United States, but such reliance on technology Names of mother and support person(s) is considered unnecessary, odd, and even harmful by many other cultures. Name of her physician or nurse-midwife if she had prenatal care ✔ Number of pregnancies and prior births, including whether the birth was vaginal or cesarean CHECK YOUR READING Status of membranes 1. What communication skills can the nurse use to establish Expected date of delivery a therapeutic relationship when the woman and her family Any problems during this or other pregnancies enter the hospital or birth center? Allergies to medications, foods, or other substances 2. How can the nurse incorporate a couple’s cultural prac- Time and type of last oral intake tices into intrapartum care? Maternal vital signs and FHR Pain: location, intensity, factors that intensify or re- lieve, duration, whether constant or intermittent, MAKING ASSESSMENTS whether the pain is acceptable to the woman AT THE TIME OF ADMISSION If focused assessments of mother and fetus are normal A paper or computerized record of prenatal care is sent to and birth is not imminent, a more complete admission as- the center where the woman plans to give birth and added sessment is taken. If the initial assessments show that birth to her chart when she is admitted. Admission information is near or another urgent condition is identified, the physi- can be obtained from the prenatal record and verified or up- cian or nurse-midwife is notified promptly with essential as- dated as needed. Women who have not had prenatal care or sessment information. ✔ who had care with a provider other than one who practices at the facility she enters need more extensive assessment by CHECK YOUR READING the nurse and physician (Table 13-1). 3. What are the two assessment priorities when a woman FOCUSED ASSESSMENT comes to the intrapartum unit? A focused assessment is performed before the broader data- 4. What FHR characteristics (when auscultated) are base assessment in the intrapartum unit, opposite of the usual reassuring? 5. What observations suggest that a woman is going to give order. Assessment priorities are to determine the condition of birth very soon? What should the nurse do in that case? the mother and fetus and whether birth is imminent.
  • 5. 270 PART III The Family during Birth TABLE 13-1 Intrapartum Assessment Guide Women who have had prenatal care have much of this information available on their prenatal record. The nurse need only verify it or update it as needed. Assessment, Method (Selected Rationales) Common Findings Significant Findings, Nursing Action Interview Purpose: To obtain information about the woman’s pregnancy, labor, and condi- tions that may affect her care. The in- terview is curtailed if she seems to be in late labor. Introduction: Introduce yourself, and ask Many women prefer to be addressed by The surname (family name) precedes the the woman how she wants to be ad- their first names during labor. given name in some cultures. Clarify dressed. Ask her if she wants her part- which name is used to properly ad- ner and/or family to remain during the dress the woman and to properly iden- interview and assessment. (Shows re- tify both mother and newborn. spect for the woman and gives her control over those she wants to remain with her.) Culture and language: If she is from an- Common non-English languages of Try to secure an interpreter fluent in the other culture, ask what her preferred women in the United States are Span- woman’s primary language. Ask her if language is and what language(s) she ish and some Asian dialects. The most there are people who are not accept- speaks, reads, or verbally understands. common non-English language varies able to her as interpreters (e.g., males (Identifies the need for an interpreter with location. or members of a group in conflict with and enables the most accurate data her culture). Family members may not collection.) be the best interpreters because they may interpret selectively, adding or subtracting information as they see fit. Telephone interpreters are available in many facilities. Hearing-impaired women may read lips well, or they may need sign-language interpreters or other assistance. Communication: Ask the woman to tell Women in active labor have difficulty an- If contractions are very frequent, assess you when she has a contraction, and swering questions or cooperating with the woman’s labor status promptly pause during the interview and physi- a physical examination while they are rather than continuing the interview. cal assessment. (Shows sensitivity to having a contraction. Ask only the most critical questions. her comfort and allows her to concen- trate more fully on the information the nurse requests.) Nonverbal cues: Observe the woman’s Latent phase: Sociable and mildly anx- The unprepared or extremely anxious behaviors and interactions with her ious. Active phase: Concentrating in- woman may breathe deeply and family and the nurse. (Permits estima- tently with contractions; often uses rapidly, displaying a tense facial and tion of her level of anxiety. Identifies prepared childbirth techniques. body posture during and between con- behaviors indicating that she should tractions. These behaviors suggest have a vaginal examination to deter- that birth is imminent: mine whether birth is imminent.) 1. Her statement that the baby is coming 2. Grunting sounds (low-pitched, gut- tural sounds) 3. Bearing down with abdominal mus- cles 4. Sitting on one buttock Euphoria, combativeness, or sedation suggests recent illicit drug ingestion. Reason for admission: “What brings you Labor contractions at term, induction of Bleeding, preterm labor, pain other than to the hospital/birth center today?” labor, or observation for false labor are labor contractions. Report these find- (Open-ended question promotes more common reasons for admission. ings to the physician or nurse-midwife complete answer.) promptly. Prenatal care: “Did you see a doctor or Early and regular prenatal care promotes No prenatal care or care that was irregu- nurse-midwife during your pregnancy?” maternal and fetal health. lar or begun in late pregnancy means “Who is your doctor or nurse-midwife?” that complications may not have been “How far along were you in your preg- identified. nancy when you saw the physician or nurse-midwife?” “Have you ever been admitted here before during this preg- nancy?” (Enables location of prenatal record and prior visit records.)
  • 6. Nursing Care during Labor and Birth CHAPTER 13 271 TABLE 13-1 Intrapartum Assessment Guide—cont’d Assessment, Method (Selected Rationales) Common Findings Significant Findings, Nursing Action Interview—cont’d Estimated date of delivery (EDD): “When Term gestation: 38-42 wk. The woman’s Gestations earlier than the beginning of is your baby due?” (Determines if ges- gestation may have been confirmed or the 38th week (preterm) or later than tation is term.) “When did your last adjusted during pregnancy with an ul- the end of the 42nd week (postterm) menstrual period begin?” (For estima- trasound or other clinical examination. are associated with more fetal or tion of EDD if woman did not have pre- neonatal problems. The physician may natal care.) try to stop labor that occurs earlier than 36 weeks. Gravidity, parity, abortions: “How many Labor may be faster for the woman who Parity of 5 or more (grand multiparity) is times have you been pregnant?” “How has given birth before than for the nul- associated with placenta previa (see many babies have you had? Were they lipara. Miscarriage is used to describe Chapter 25) and postpartum hemor- full term or premature?” “How many a spontaneous abortion because many rhage (see Chapter 28). Women who children are now living?” “Have you lay people associate the term abortion have had several spontaneous abor- had any miscarriages or abortions?” with only induced abortions. tions or who have given birth to infants “Were there any problems with your with abnormalities may face a higher babies after they were born?” (Helps risk for an infant with a birth defect. estimate probable speed of labor and anticipate neonatal problems.) Pregnancy history (Identifies problems that may affect this birth.) Present pregnancy: “Have you had any Complications are not expected. Women who have diabetes or hyperten- problems during this pregnancy, sion may have poor placental blood such as high blood pressure, dia- flow, possibly resulting in fetal compro- betes, infections, or bleeding?” mise. Some complications of past pregnancies, such as gestational dia- betes, may recur in another pregnancy. The woman who plans a VBAC may need more support and reassurance to give birth vaginally. Past pregnancies: “Were there any Women who had previous cesarean Although the VBAC is less common, it problems with your other preg- birth(s) may have a trial of labor and may be chosen for a variety of rea- nancy(ies)?” “Were your other babies vaginal birth (VBAC). A woman who sons. The nurse should be aware of born vaginally or by cesarean birth?” previously had a difficult labor or a ce- the need for support and for complica- sarean birth may be more anxious than tions that may be more likely in the one who had an uncomplicated labor current pregnancy. and birth. Other: “Is there anything else you think This open-ended question gives the we should know so that we can bet- woman a chance to share information ter care for you?” that may not be elicited by other questions. Labor status: “When did your contrac- Varies among women. Many women go Women who say they have been “in la- tions become regular?” “What time did to the birth facility when contractions bor” for an unusual length of time you begin to think you might really be first begin. Others wait until they are (e.g., “for 2 days”) have probably had in labor?” (Facilitates a more accurate reasonably sure that they are really in false labor. These women may be very estimation of the time labor began.) labor. tired from the annoying, nonproductive contractions. Contractions: “How often are your con- Varies according to her stage and phase Irregular contractions or those that do tractions coming?” “How long do they of labor. Labor contractions are usually not increase in frequency, duration, or last?” “Are they getting stronger?” “Tell regular and show a pattern of increas- intensity are more likely to represent me if you have a contraction while we ing frequency, duration, and intensity. false labor. Contractions that are too are talking.” (Obtains the woman’s sub- frequent or too long can reduce pla- jective evaluation of her contractions. cental blood flow. Incomplete uterine Alerts the nurse to palpate contractions relaxation between contractions also that occur during the interview.) can reduce placental blood flow (see Chapter 14). Membrane status: “Has your water bro- Most women go to the birth facility for If the woman’s membranes have ruptured ken?” “What time did it break?” “What evaluation soon after their membranes and she is not in labor or if she is not did the fluid look like?” “About how rupture. If a woman is not already in la- at term, a vaginal examination is often much fluid did you lose—was it a big bor, contractions usually begin within a deferred. Labor may be induced if she gush or a trickle?” (Alerts the nurse of few hours after the membranes rupture is at term with ruptured membranes. the need to verify whether the mem- at term. branes have ruptured if it is not obvi- ous. Identifies possible prolonged rup- ture of membranes or preterm rupture.) VBAC, vaginal birth after cesarean. Continued
  • 7. 272 PART III The Family during Birth TABLE 13-1 Intrapartum Assessment Guide—cont’d Assessment, Method (Selected Rationales) Common Findings Significant Findings, Nursing Action Interview—cont’d Allergies: “Are you allergic to any foods, Record any known allergies to food, Allergy to seafood, iodized salt, or x-ray medicines, or other substances?” “Do medication, or other substances. As contrast media may indicate iodine al- you have an allergy to latex?” “What needed, describe how they affected lergy. Because iodine is used in many kind of reaction do you have?” “Have the woman. “prep” solutions, alternative ones you ever had a problem with anesthe- should be used. Allergy to latex is be- sia when you have had dental work?” coming more common. Allergy to den- (Determines possible sensitivity to tal anesthetics may indicate possible drugs that may be used.) allergy to the drugs used for local or regional anesthetics. These drugs usu- ally end in the suffix -caine. Food intake: “When was the last time you Record the time of the woman’s last food If the woman says she has not had any had something to eat or drink?” “What intake and what she ate. Include both intake for an unusual length of time, did you have?” (Provides information liquids and solids. question her more closely: “Is there needed to most safely administer gen- any food you may have forgotten, such eral anesthesia if required. Identifies as a snack or a drink of water or other possible fluid or energy deficit.) liquid?” Recent illness: “Have you been ill re- Most pregnant women are healthy. An Urinary tract infections are associated with cently?” “What was the problem?” occasional woman may have had a mi- preterm labor. The woman who has had “What did you do for it?” “Have you nor illness such as an upper respira- contact with someone having a com- been around anyone with a contagious tory tract infection. municable disease may become ill and illness recently?” possibly infect others in the facility. Medications: “What drugs do you take Prenatal vitamins and iron are commonly Drugs may interact with other medica- that your doctor or nurse-midwife has prescribed. Record all drugs the tions given during labor, especially prescribed?” “Are there any over-the- woman takes, including time and analgesics and anesthetics. Substance counter drugs that you use?” “I know amount of last ingestion. Women who abuse is associated with complications this may be uncomfortable to discuss, use illegal substances often conceal or for the mother and infant (see Chap- but we need to know about any illegal diminish the extent of their use be- ter 24). If the woman discloses that she substances that you use, to more cause they fear reprisals. uses illegal drugs, ask her what kind safely care for you and your baby.” and the last time she ingested them (Permits evaluation of the woman’s (often referred to as “taking a hit”). A drug intake and encourages her to dis- nonjudgmental approach is more likely close nonprescribed use.) to result in honest information. Tobacco or alcohol: “Do you smoke or use As in substance abuse, women may un- Infants of heavy smokers are often tobacco in any other form? About how derreport the extent of their use of to- smaller and may have reduced placen- many cigarettes a day?” “Do you use al- bacco or alcohol. tal blood flow during labor. Infants of cohol? About how many drinks do you women who use alcohol may show fe- have each day (or week)?” (Evaluates tal alcohol effects (see Chapter 30). use of these legal substances.) Birth plans (shows respect for the woman and her family as individuals and pro- motes achievement of their expecta- tions; enables more culturally appropri- ate care): Coach or primary support person: This is usually the woman’s husband or The woman who has little or no support “Who is the main person you want the baby’s father, but it may be her from significant others probably needs to be with you during labor?” Ask mother, her sister, or a friend, espe- more intense nursing support during that person how he or she wants to cially if she is single. labor and after the birth. These clients be addressed, such as “Mr. Ramos,” are more likely to have problems with or “Carlos.” parent-infant attachment. Other support: “Is there anyone else you Women often want another support per- would like to be present during labor?” son present. Preparation for childbirth: “Did you at- Ideally, the woman and a partner have The unprepared woman may need more tend prepared childbirth classes?” had some preparation in classes or support with simple relaxation and “Did someone go with you?” self-study. Women who attended breathing techniques during labor. Her classes during previous pregnancies partner may need to learn techniques do not always repeat the classes dur- to assist her. ing subsequent pregnancies. Preferences: “Are there any special Some women or couples have strong Conflict may arise if the woman has not plans you have for this birth?” “Is feelings regarding certain interventions. previously discussed her preferences there anything you want to avoid?” Common ones are (1) analgesia or with her physician or nurse-midwife or “Did you plan to record the birth anesthesia; (2) intravenous lines; if she is unaware of what services are with pictures or video?” (3) fetal monitoring; (4) use of epi- available where she gives birth. siotomy or forceps. Cultural needs: “Are there any special Women from Asian and Hispanic cultures Try to incorporate all positive or neutral cultural practices that you plan may subscribe to the “hot-and-cold” cultural practices. If a practice is harm- when you have your baby?” “How theory of illness and want specific ful, explain why and try to find a way can we best help you to fulfill these foods after birth, such as soft-boiled to work around it if the family does not practices?” eggs. They may not want their water or want to give it up. other fluids iced.
  • 8. Nursing Care during Labor and Birth CHAPTER 13 273 TABLE 13-1 Intrapartum Assessment Guide—cont’d Assessment, Method (Selected Rationales) Common Findings Significant Findings, Nursing Action Fetal Evaluation Purpose: To determine if the fetus seems to be healthy and tolerating labor well. Fetal heart rate (FHR): Assess by inter- Average rate at term is 110-160 bpm. These signs may indicate fetal stress and mittent auscultation, or apply an exter- Rate usually increases when the fetus should be reported to the physician or nal fetal monitor if that is the facility’s moves and is reassuring. nurse-midwife: policy (most common in the United 1. Rate outside the normal limits States). Document FHR according to 2. Slowing of the rate that persists af- the risk status and stage of labor (see ter the contraction ends Chapter 14). 3. No increase in rate when the fetus Guidelines include: moves Low risk: q 1 h (latent phase), q 30 min 4. Irregular rhythm (active phase), q 15 min (2nd stage). More frequent assessments should be High risk: q 30 min (latent phase), q 15 made of the FHR and contractions if min (active phase), q 5 min (2nd stage). any finding is questionable. Labor Status Purpose: To identify whether the woman is in labor and if birth is imminent. If she displays signs of imminent birth, this assessment is done as soon as she is admitted. Contractions (yields objective information See interview section earlier in table. See interview section earlier in table. about labor status): In addition to ask- Women who have intense contractions ing the woman about her contraction or who are making rapid progress pattern, assess the contractions by should be assessed more frequently. palpation with the fingertips of one hand. Contractions should be as- sessed each time the FHR is assessed. Vaginal examination (Determines cervical Varies according to the stage and phase A vaginal examination is not performed if dilation and effacement; fetal presenta- of labor. It may not be possible to de- the woman reports or has evidence of tion, position, and station; bloody termine the fetal position by vaginal active bleeding (not bloody show) and show; and status of the membranes.) examination when membranes are in- may not be done if her gestation is tact and bulging over the presenting 36 weeks or less and she does not part. seem to be in active labor. Report rea- sons for omitting a vaginal examination to the physician or nurse-midwife. Status of membranes: During a vaginal Amniotic fluid should be clear, possibly A greenish color indicates meconium examination a flow of fluid suggests containing flecks of white vernix. Its staining, which may be associated with ruptured membranes. A nitrazine test odor is distinctive but not offensive. fetal compromise or postterm gesta- and/or fern test may be done, often The nitrazine test with a color change tion. Thick meconium with heavy par- using a sterile speculum exam. (Test is of blue-green to dark blue (pH >6.5) ticulate matter (“pea soup”) is most not needed if it is obvious that the suggests true rupture of the mem- significant (see Chapter 30). Thick membranes have ruptured.) branes but is not conclusive. The fern green-black meconium may be passed test is more diagnostic of true rupture by the fetus in a breech presentation of membranes because it is less likely and is not necessarily associated with to be affected by vaginal infections, re- fetal compromise. Cloudy, yellowish, cent intercourse, or other factors. strong-, or foul-smelling fluid suggests infection. Bloody fluid may indicate partial placental separation (see Chap- ter 25). Leopold’s maneuvers: Often done before A cephalic presentation with the head A hard, round, freely movable object in assessing the FHR to locate the best well flexed (vertex) is normal. The fetal the fundus suggests a fetal head, place for assessment. (Identifies fetal head is often easily displaced upward meaning the fetus is in a breech pre- presentation and position. Most accu- (“floating”) if the woman is not in labor. sentation. Less commonly, the fetus rate when combined with information When the head is engaged, it cannot may be crosswise in the uterus: a from vaginal examination.) be displaced upward with Leopold’s transverse lie. maneuvers. Pain: Note discomfort during and be- There may be verbal or nonverbal evi- Constant pain or a tender, rigid uterus tween contractions. Note tenderness dence of pain with contractions, but suggests a complication, such as when palpating contractions. (Distin- the woman should be relatively com- abruptio placentae (separated placenta) guishes between normal labor pain fortable between contractions. The skin (see Chapter 25) or, less commonly, and abnormal pain that may be associ- around the umbilicus is often sensitive. uterine rupture (see Chapter 27). ated with a complication.) Physical Examination Purpose: To evaluate the woman’s gen- eral health and identify conditions that may affect her intrapartum and post- partum care. bpm, Beats per minute. Continued
  • 9. 274 PART III The Family during Birth TABLE 13-1 Intrapartum Assessment Guide—cont’d Assessment, Method (Selected Rationales) Common Findings Significant Findings, Nursing Action Physical Examination—cont’d General appearance: Observe skin color Women are often fatigued if their sleep Pallor suggests anemia. Substantial and texture, nutritional state, and ap- has been interrupted by Braxton Hicks edema of the face and fingers or ex- pearance of rest or fatigue. Examine contractions, fetal activity, or frequent treme (pitting) edema of the lower ex- the woman’s face, fingers, and lower urination. Mild edema of the lower ex- tremities is associated with preeclamp- extremities for edema. Ask her if she tremities is common in late pregnancy. sia although it may occur in the can take her rings off and put them on. absence of this hypertensive disorder (see Chapter 25). Vital signs: Take the woman’s tempera- Temperature: 35.8°-37.3° C (96.4°-99.1° F). Report abnormalities to physician or ture, pulse, respirations, and blood Pulse: 60-100/min. nurse-midwife. Temperature of 38° C pressure. Reassess the temperature Respirations: 12-20/min, even and (100.4° F) or higher suggests infection. every 4 hr (every 2 hr after membranes unlabored. Pulse and respirations may also be el- rupture or if elevated); reassess blood Blood pressure near baseline levels es- evated. Pulse and blood pressure may pressure, pulse, and respirations every tablished during pregnancy. Transient be elevated if the woman is extremely hour. elevations of blood pressure are com- anxious or in pain. mon when the woman is first admitted, A blood pressure Ն140 mm Hg or but they return to baseline levels within Ն90 mm Hg diastolic or higher is con- about 1⁄2 hr. sidered hypertensive. For women who did not have prenatal care, there is no baseline for comparison. Heart and lung sounds: Auscultate all ar- Heart sounds should be clear with a dis- The woman who is breathing rapidly and eas with a stethoscope. tinct S1 and S2. A physiologic murmur deeply may have symptoms of hyper- is common because of the increased ventilation: tingling and spasm of the blood volume and cardiac output. fingers, numbness around the lips. Breath sounds should be clear, with respirations even and unlabored. Breasts: Palpate for a dominant mass. Breasts are full and nodular. Areola is darker, Report a dominant mass to the physician especially in dark-skinned women. or nurse-midwife. Breasts may leak colostrum (clear, sticky, straw-colored fluid) during labor. Abdomen: Observe for scars at the same Striae (stretch marks) are common. If Report a previous cesarean birth to the time Leopold’s maneuvers and the scars are noted, ask the woman what physician or nurse-midwife. Transverse FHR are assessed. It is usually suffi- surgery she had and when. The fundus uterine scars are least likely to rupture cient to assess the fundal height by at term is usually slightly below the if the woman is in labor (see Chap- observing its relation to the xiphoid xiphoid process but varies with mater- ter 27). Measure the fundal height (see process. nal height and fetal size and number. p. 132) if the fetus seems small or if the gestation is questionable. Deep tendon reflexes: Assess patellar re- A brisk jerk without spasm or sustained Report absent (uncommon unless the flex (see Chapter 25). Upper extremity muscle contraction is normal. Some woman is receiving magnesium sulfate) deep tendon reflexes should be used if women normally have hypoactive re- or hyperactive reflexes. Hyperactive re- epidural block analgesia is planned be- flexes, but at least a slight twitch is ex- flexes and clonus (repeated tapping cause they are normally not as strong pected. Obese women may appear to when the foot is dorsiflexed) are asso- as the patellar reflex. have diminished reflexes because of ciated with pregnancy-induced hyper- the fat tissue over the tendon. tension and often precede a seizure (see Chapter 25). Midstream urine specimen: Assess pro- Negative or trace of protein; negative glu- Proteinuria is associated with pregnancy- tein and glucose levels with a dipstick. cose and ketones. induced hypertension but may also be Follow instructions on the package for associated with urinary tract infections waiting times. Check for ketones if the or a specimen that is contaminated woman has not eaten for a prolonged with vaginal secretions. Glucosuria is period or has been vomiting. Send for associated with diabetes. Ketonuria is urinalysis if ordered. common in poorly controlled diabetes or if the woman does not eat adequate carbohydrates to meet her energy needs. Laboratory tests: Women who have had prenatal care may not need as many admission tests. Common tests include: 1. Complete blood cell count (or 1. Hemoglobin at least 11 g/dl; hemat- 1. Values lower than these reduce ma- hematocrit done on unit). ocrit at least 33%. ternal reserve for normal blood loss at birth. 2. Blood type and Rh factor. 2. The woman who is Rh-negative 2. Rh-negative mothers need Rh im- receives Rh immune globulin at mune globulin after birth if the infant 28 weeks’ gestation to prevent for- is Rh-positive. mation of anti-Rh antibodies if she has regular prenatal care. 3. Serologic tests for syphilis. 3. Negative. 3. A positive test indicates that the baby could be infected and needs treatment after birth. The mother should be treated if she has not been treated already.
  • 10. Nursing Care during Labor and Birth CHAPTER 13 275 dure 13-1). The FHR is assessed by intermittent auscultation 13-1 and electronic monitoring (see Chapter 14). The nurse doc- uments the color and odor of the amniotic fluid and the During a labor admission assessment, a woman quickly de- nies her use of drugs and herbal preparations other than her time of rupture if the membranes ruptured before admission. prescribed prenatal vitamins. She becomes quiet, answer- Labor Status. The woman’s labor status is determined ing the nurse’s questions in a terse manner. by assessing her contraction pattern, performing vaginal ex- Questions amination if there are no contractions, and determining What might explain the woman’s change in behavior? whether her membranes have ruptured. Contractions are as- Should the nurse alter the assessment interview? sessed by palpation (Procedure 13-2), the fetal monitor, or both. Cervical dilation and effacement and the fetal station, presentation, and position are evaluated by vaginal exami- DATABASE ASSESSMENT. In addition to perform- nation. The vaginal examination may also reveal whether ing the focused assessment, the nurse should assess the the membranes have ruptured if fluid is not obviously leak- mother, fetus, and available maternal support persons. ing from the vagina. Vaginal examination is not performed Basic Information. Intrapartum admission forms guide if the woman has active bleeding (other than bloody show) the nurse to obtain required information. Typical informa- because the procedure can increase bleeding. tion includes the following: Physical Examination. A brief physical examination The woman’s reason for coming to the hospital or evaluates the woman’s overall health. Other important ob- birth center (such as contractions, rupture of mem- servations relating to birth include the presence and loca- branes) tion of edema, abdominal scars, and height of the fundus. ✔ Prenatal care: when it began, her most recent visit, and her physician or nurse-midwife’s name CHECK YOUR READING Estimated date of delivery (EDD) Number of pregnancies, births, spontaneous preg- 6. Which tests may be done if the nurse is not certain nancy losses, and abortions whether the woman’s membranes have ruptured? (See Allergies: medications, food, other substances such as Table 13-1.) latex 7. Which characteristics of contractions may reduce blood flow to the placenta? (See Procedure 13-2.) Food intake: what food and when it was eaten Medical, surgical, and pregnancy history Recent illness, including treatment USING ADMISSION PROCEDURES Medications, including prescription and over-the- NOTIFYING THE BIRTH ATTENDANT. After assess- counter drugs, tobacco, alcohol and other substances ment the nurse notifies the woman’s birth attendant to re- of abuse port the woman’s status and obtain orders. The nurse in- Complementary or alternative therapy; use of herbal cludes the following data in the report: and botanical preparations and their purpose Gravidity, parity, abortions, and term and preterm Use of tobacco, alcohol, and illicit substances births Her subjective evaluation of her labor EDB and fundal height if it conflicts with the EDB Birth plans, including planned pain management Contraction pattern methods Results of vaginal examination Support persons: who they are and the role of each Cervical dilation and effacement Potential domestic violence (ask only when the Fetal presentation and position woman is alone) Station of the presenting part Fetal heart rate and pattern I Women often bring several people with them to the birthing room and want them to stay during admission. However, be Maternal vital signs careful about asking for sensitive information, such as prior Any identified abnormalities and concerns about the pregnancies and births and potential abuse, when others are maternal or fetal condition present. A woman may have had an abortion or relinquished Pain, anxiety, or other reactions to labor a baby for adoption, and her family may not know about it. If the birth attendant admits the woman, any of several Even if her partner knows about previous pregnancies, her procedures may be performed. family or friends may not. Asking about domestic violence CONSENT FORMS. The woman signs consent for when the abuser is present will result in a quick denial and care during labor, such as anesthesia, vaginal birth and/or can be dangerous for the woman. Delay asking sensitive in- cesarean birth, blood transfusion, testing for human im- formation until the woman is alone for confidentiality, safety, munodeficiency virus (HIV). A separate consent for tubal and accuracy. ligation must be signed by the woman if she desires perma- Fetal Assessments. The fetal presentation and po- nent sterilization at the time of birth. Consent for newborn sition are assessed using a combination of vaginal exami- care and circumcision of male infants is often completed at nation and Leopold’s maneuvers (Figure 13-1 and Proce- this time. Text continued on page 280
  • 11. 276 PART III The Family during Birth CARE PATH FOR STAGES OF LABOR 1 & 2 NANDA Problem LATENT PHASE Number PREADMIT ADMISSION (0-4 cm) LOCATION IV Assessments High risk screening with referrals prn: T, P, R, BP ෆ P, R, BP q 1 hr 5, 8, – MFM Deep tendon reflexes / clonus T ෆ 2 hr if rupture of membranes, q 9, 16 q ෆ – Homecare Labor status: 4 hr if bag of waters intact I 5, 6 – Genetic Counsel – admit for labor per protocol: ෆ BP, P q 15 min if epidural anesthetic III I I – Social Services CRITERIA FOR LABOR: ෆ Bladder status q 2 hr 1. complete effacement; or 2 cm Urine protein/ketones dip-stick prn in nullipara Deep tendon reflexes/clonus prn 2. cervical change Fetal monitoring: electronic fetal 3. rupture of membranes s labor ෆ monitor or electronic fetal 4. contractions at least 5 min apart monitoring while in bed or – cervix: sterile vaginal exam intermittent auscultation unless contraindicated Labor status: – uterine activity (toco / – frequency, duration, strength, palpation) resting tone of contractions – membrane status, color, ෆ 1 hr by toco/palpation or q amount, odor of fluid intrauterine pressure catheter Fetus: – membrane status; color, – presentation (ultrasound prn) amount and odor of fluid – FHR: 20 min or electronic fetal – sterile vaginal exam prn & monitoring strip (continue prior to meds as indicated electronic fetal monitoring if Fetus: non-reassuring pattern) ෆ – low risk: FHR q 30 min Urine – dip for protein & ketones – high risk: FHR ෆ 15 min q Level of childbirth preparation In and out catheterization Family interaction Beta-strep risk factors – preterm labor – rupture of membranes Ͻ 37 wk – previous baby c Beta-strep ෆ Progress to active phase c in 6° of admission verified __________________ IV 5, 6 Procedures/ CBC, VDRL, ABO-Rh stat on If intrauterine pressure catheter Tests admission labor pattern shows > 250 HBSAG if not on prenatal record Montevideo unit verified __________________ Treatments Initiate Labor Curve Consider amniotomy for prolonged Initiate “Active Management of Labor latent phase. Protocol” if criteria are met. Consider use of intrauterine Notify Special Care Nursery of pressure catheter if inadequate potential problems. cervical change. VI 3 Medication PAIN CONTROL: XI 5 Parenteral analgesia as ordered. (Consider Stadol or Nubain). If inadequate pain control, anesthesia consult, re-evaluate for epidural _______ Narcotic epidural _______ Anesthetic epidural Signatures / _______________________ / / _______________________ _______________________ / _______________________ / / _______________________ _______________________ BAYLOR UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER MED REC NO. ______________________________________ DALLAS, TEXAS PATIENT ______________________________________ CARE PATH FOR STAGES OF LABOR 1 & 2 PHYSICIAN ______________________________________ PAGE 1 OF 4 Figure 13-1 I Care path for stages 1 and 2 of labor.
  • 12. Nursing Care during Labor and Birth CHAPTER 13 277 CARE PATH FOR STAGES OF LABOR 1 & 2 NANDA Problem LATENT PHASE Number PREADMIT ADMISSION (0-4 cm) LOCATION III 11 Elimination Encourage voiding q 2-3 hr ෆ In and out catheterization if unable to void & bladder is distended Bladder remains nondistended II 7 Nutrition Clear liquids/ice chips, hard candy if Clear liquids/ice chips, hard candy if Hydration desired desired IV fluids prn and as ordered for T Ͼ 101 on 2 consecutive readings (notify attending MD) IV (18G) or heplock if VBAC Hydration status will be maintained IV 11 Activity Bag of waters intact or rupture of membranes with presenting part engaged: encourage up ad lib; chair prn Ambulates frequently VI PT/Family At 1st OB appt, give info on: Ambulation & position changes 2, 5, 6 Education – Labor warnings Electronic Fetal Monitor – Kick counts Breathing & Relaxation (B & R) – Prepared childbirth classes techniques – Optional classes: Analgesia & Anesthesia (A & A) VBAC options Baby care Labor progress & expectations Breastfeeding Advise in selection of a pediatrician Verbalizes understanding Appropriate B & R maintained Goal: By 28 wks, pt identifies when to call the doctor & describes verified __________________ verified __________________ when & how to do kick counts VIII 7, 8 Psycho Support person identified Support person identified Social Emotional verified __________________ Signatures Initials for these signatures will be / / _____________________ _____________________ found throughout the care path. / / _____________________ _____________________ BAYLOR UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER MED REC NO. ______________________________________ DALLAS, TEXAS PATIENT ______________________________________ CARE PATH FOR STAGES OF LABOR 1 & 2 PHYSICIAN ______________________________________ PAGE 2 OF 4 Figure 13-1, cont’d I For legend see opposite page. Continued
  • 13. 278 PART III The Family during Birth CARE PATH FOR STAGES OF LABOR 1 & 2 NANDA Problem ACTIVE PHASE SECOND STAGE Number (4-10 cm) (10 cm – Delivery) LOCATION IV Assessments T, q 4° if bag of waters intact; q 2° if ෆ ෆ T, q 4° if bag of waters intact; q 2° if rupture of membranes ෆ 5, 8, rupture of membranes BP, P, R, q 1 hr 9, 16 ෆ BP, P, R, q 1 hr ෆ BP, P q 15 min if epidural anesthetic ෆ I 5, 6 III I I BP, P q 15 min if epidural anesthetic ෆ Bladder status q 2 hr ෆ Bladder status q 2 hr ෆ Urine protein/ketones dipstick prn Urine protein/ketones dipstick prn Deep tendon reflexes/clonus prn Deep tendon reflexes/clonus prn Fetal monitoring: electronic fetal monitoring while in bed, or intermittent Fetal monitoring: electronic fetal auscultation monitoring while in bed, or Labor status: intermittent auscultation – frequency, duration, strength, resting tone of contraction q 1 hr by ෆ Labor status: toco/palpation or intrauterine pressure catheter – frequency, duration, strength, – membrane status; color, amount and odor of fluid resting tone of contraction – sterile vaginal exam prn & prior to meds ෆ 1 hr by toco/palpation or q Fetus: intrauterine pressure catheter – low risk: FHR q 15 min ෆ – membrane status; color, – high risk: FHR q 5 min ෆ amount and odor of fluid – VBAC continous electronic fetal monitor or electronic fetal monitoring – sterile vaginal exam prn & Effectiveness of expulsive efforts prior to meds – descent of presenting part Fetus: – position; document if abnormal presentation – low risk: FHR q 30 min ෆ – caput – high risk: FHR q 15 min ෆ In and out catheterization If intrauterine pressure catheter, labor pattern shows > 250 Montevideo units verified __________________ Cervix changes at a rate of > 1.2 cm/hr for nullips; > 1.5 cm/hr for multips verified __________________ IV 5, 6 Procedures / Tests Treatments Plot cervical dilation q 2 hours or ෆ per exam Consider use of intrauterine pressure catheter if inadequate cervical change VI 3 Medications PAIN CONTROL: XI 5 Parenteral analgesics as ordered. (Consider Stadol or Nubain). Anesthesia consult; epidural prn Oxytocin augmentation, if indicated per protocol If rupture of membranes Ͼ 24 hr antibiotics as ordered Maintains control; utilizes B & R Maintains control; techniques prn utilizes B & R techniques prn verified __________________ verified __________________ Signatures / / / _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ / / / _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ BAYLOR UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER MED REC NO. ______________________________________ DALLAS, TEXAS PATIENT ______________________________________ CARE PATH FOR STAGES OF LABOR 1 & 2 PHYSICIAN ______________________________________ PAGE 3 OF 4 Figure 13-1, cont’d I Care paths for stages 1 and 2 of labor.
  • 14. Nursing Care during Labor and Birth CHAPTER 13 279 CARE PATH FOR STAGES OF LABOR 1 & 2 NANDA Problem ACTIVE PHASE Number (4-10 cm) SECOND STAGE LOCATION IIII I I Elimination Encourage voiding q 2-3 hr ෆ Encourage voiding q 2-3 hr ෆ In and out catheterization if unable In and out catheterization if unable to void & bladder is distended to void & bladder is distended Bladder remains nondistended Bladder remains nondistended II 7 Nutrition Clear liquids/ice chips Clear liquids/ice chips Hydration IV fluids prn and as ordered for T Ͼ IV fluids prn: and as ordered for T Ͼ 101 on 2 consecutive readings (notify 101 on 2 consecutive readings attending MD) (notify attending MD) IV (18G) or heplock if VBAC IV (18G) or heplock if VBAC Hydration status will be maintained Hydration status will be maintained IV 11 Activity Bag of waters intact or rupture of Facilitate frequent position changes (q 1-2 hr) while in bed ෆ membranes with presenting part engaged: encourage up ad lib; chair prn Facilitate frequent position changes (q 1-2 hr) while in bed ෆ VI PT/Family 2, 5, 6 Education Appropriate B & R maintained Appropriate B & R maintained verified __________________ verified __________________ Psycho Support person identified Support person identified Social Emotional Signatures / / / _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ / / / _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ BAYLOR UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER MED REC NO. ______________________________________ DALLAS, TEXAS PATIENT ______________________________________ CARE PATH FOR STAGES OF LABOR 1 & 2 PHYSICIAN ______________________________________ BILLING NO. ______________________________________ PAGE 4 OF 4 Figure 13-1, cont’d I For legend see opposite page.
  • 15. 280 PART III The Family during Birth PROCEDURE 13-1 Leopold’s Maneuvers PURPOS E : To determine presentation and position of the fetus and aid in location of fetal heart sounds 1. Explain the procedure to the woman and the rationale 5. Palpate the uterine fundus. The breech (buttocks) is softer for each step as it is performed. Tell her what is found and more irregular in shape than the head. Moving the at each step. Gives information, teaches the woman, breech also moves the fetal trunk. The head is harder and and reassures her when the assessment findings are has a round, uniform shape. The head can be moved normal. without moving the entire fetal trunk. Distinguishes be- 2. Ask the woman to empty her bladder if she has not done tween a cephalic and breech presentation. If the fetus is so recently. Have her lie on her back with her knees in a cephalic presentation, the breech is felt in the fundus. flexed slightly. Place a small pillow or folded towel under If the presentation is breech, the head is felt in the fundus. one hip. Decreases discomfort of a full bladder during palpation and improves ability to feel fetal parts in the SECOND MANEUVER suprapubic area. Knee flexion helps the woman relax her abdominal muscles to enhance palpation. Uterine dis- placement prevents aortocaval compression, which could reduce blood flow to the placenta. 3. Wash your hands with warm water. Wear gloves if con- tact with secretions is likely. Prevents transmission of mi- croorganisms. Warm hands are more comfortable during palpation and prevent tensing of abdominal muscles. 4. Stand beside the woman, facing her head, with your dominant hand nearest her. The first three maneuvers are most easily performed in this position. FIRST MANEUVER 6. Hold the left hand steady on one side of the uterus while palpating the opposite side of the uterus with the right hand. Then hold the right hand steady while palpating the opposite side of the uterus with the left hand. The fetal back is a smooth, convex surface. The fetal arms and legs feel nodular, and the fetus often moves them during palpation. Determines on which side of the uterus is the back and on which side are the fetal arms and legs (“small parts”). LABORATORY TESTS. Women who had regular pre- INTRAVENOUS ACCESS. If used, intravenous (IV) natal care need laboratory tests only for specific indications, access is started with at least an 18-gauge catheter. A saline whereas those who did not have prenatal care need more ex- lock may be used, or the woman may receive continuous in- tensive laboratory tests. Simple tests that are often per- fusion of fluids. The lock eases walking during early labor formed on the unit include the following: but provides quick access if fluids or drugs are needed. Con- Hematocrit obtained by finger stick tinuous fluid infusion prevents and relieves dehydration Midstream urine specimen to assess protein and glu- and is necessary if epidural block analgesia is used. IV solu- cose levels—usually obtained before notifying the birth tions containing electrolytes, such as lactated Ringer’s solu- attendant tion, are most common.