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                                             Mother friendly
                                             care during
                                             labour, delivery
                                             and the
                                             INTRODUCTION TO
                                             MOTHER FRIENDLY CARE
When you have completed this unit you
should be able to:                           2-1 What is mother friendly care during
• Define and give mother friendly            labour, delivery and the puerperium?
  care during labour, delivery and the       As with mother friendly care during
  puerperium.                                pregnancy, this is a method of caring for
• Explain why routine shaving and enemas     women where the interests of the woman and
                                             her fetus or newborn infant are considered
  are no longer needed.
                                             above those of the hospital or clinic staff.
• Understand why most women can walk         Mother friendly care is good care. Wherever
  around, take a shower or eat and drink     possible, it is based on good scientific
  during labour.                             evidence. Many women find present labour
• Give the reasons for a labour companion.   practices unpleasant and, therefore, avoid
• List the advantages of a ‘natural          delivering in a clinic or hospital. Instead, they
                                             prefer to deliver at home.
• Explain why an episiotomy is usually not
                                             2-2 What are the principles of mother
  necessary.                                 friendly care during labour, delivery and
• Define the Better Births Initiative.       the puerperium?
• Prevent separating mother and infant       They are the same as the principles of mother
  after delivery.                            friendly care during pregnancy, i.e. managing
                                             each woman as an individual and caring for her

with kindness, compassion, patience, gentleness     or requests an enema. Modern enemas can be
and respect. Both the woman’s physical and          given quickly and painlessly. However, soiling
emotional needs must be considered.                 during delivery is not always prevented by the
                                                    use of enemas. Women in labour should be
2-3 How can a woman be helped to play an            allowed a choice. Remind them that passing a
important part in her own care?                     small amount of stool at delivery is common
                                                    and is easily managed by the midwife.
Labour, delivery and the puerperium are an
ideal opportunity to allow and encourage
women to play an active role in their own care.      There are no good reasons for the routine use of
They should understand what will happen and          enemas during labour.
what is expected of them. It is very important
to explain to a woman what is occurring. It is      Similarly, there are no good reasons for giving
very frightening for a woman if she does not        caster oil or any other medicine to promote
understand what is happening to her and her         stooling before labour.
baby. Fear may slow her progress of labour.
                                                    2-6 Should a woman be shaved before
2-4 What staff behaviour is not considered          delivery?
as mother friendly?
                                                    For many years, all women expecting a vaginal
1. Being rude, aggressive, indifferent, cheeky      delivery had their perineum shaved during
   and insensitive to the woman’s needs,            labour. It was believed that this would reduce
   feelings and wishes.                             the risk of infection following an episiotomy
2. Emotionally or verbally abusing women.           or tear and make the repair easier. In contrast,
3. Ignoring what the woman’s says or requests.      it has been shown that shaving often causes
4. Slapping, pushing or in any way physically       minor cuts which increase the risk of skin
   abusing women.                                   infection after delivery. Many women find
5. Giving woman the ‘silent treatment’ and          perineal shaving painful and feel embarrassed
   not communicating with them.                     at being shaved. The shaved area also feels
6. Accusing women of presenting in labour           uncomfortable and itches when the new
   too early or too late, or for forgetting their   hair starts to grow. There is a risk of HIV
   antenatal card at home.                          transmission if an unsterile blade is used.

MOTHER FRIENDLY CARE                                 There are no medical reasons for shaving the
                                                     perineum before delivery.
                                                    Similarly, there are no medical reasons for
                                                    shaving a woman prior to caesarean section.
2-5 Should all women be given an enema
                                                    Pubic hair can simply be cut short. However,
during labour?
                                                    some women would prefer the upper boarder
In the past many women were routinely given         of their pubic hair shaved to avoid the pain
an enema at the start of labour to empty the        later of removing the surgical strapping.
bowel. It was believed that this would speed
labour and delivery. Passing stool during           2-7 Should a woman bath or shower during
delivery can be an embarrassing and unpleasant      labour?
experience. Although enemas are no longer
given routinely, some women would prefer to         Warm water can be very soothing during
have an empty bowel before delivery. An enema       labour and helps to reduce pain and
should be given if the woman feels constipated      discomfort. Relaxing in a warm bath can be

very comforting. Unless there is a medical          to bring some fruit with them. Allowing food
indication, there is no harm in either showering    and fluids during labour prevents ketosis and
or bathing during labour. Rupture of the            hypoglycaemia. Ketones in the urine indicates
membranes is not a contraindication to bathing.     that the mother is not getting enough energy.
It is important that the bath is very well washed
out before it is used. Underwater deliveries have
not shown an increased risk of infections due to
                                                     Food should not be routinely withheld in labour.
water entering the vagina before delivery.
                                                    2-10 Should women be allowed to eat and
 Women should be allowed to shower or bath          drink before a general anaesthetic?
 during labour.                                     Recent studies show that starvation during
                                                    labour does not always prevent inhalation of
Therefore, the old fashioned routine of ‘oil,       stomach contents during general anaesthetic.
bath and enema’ is no longer practised.             However it seems wise that women should
                                                    take nothing by mouth if they are being
2-8 Should women be allowed to drink                prepared for caesarean section under general
water during labour?                                anaesthetic. Women who are having a trial
                                                    of labour or are at high risk of needing a
Most women in labour want to drink. Not
                                                    caesarean section can take clear fluids but
drinking in labour is like running a marathon
                                                    not solids during the active phase of the first
without taking any fluids. No fluid intake
                                                    stage of labour. Women who are waiting for an
during labour may result in dehydration and
                                                    elective caesarean section should be starved
acidosis which can cause fetal distress. Even
                                                    of food but can continue to have small sips of
women having a trial of labour should be
                                                    clear fluids until two hours before the general
allowed to have sips of clear fluids
                                                    anaesthetic. Most women having an elective
It is better if repeated, small amounts of water    caesarean section in the morning are starved
or sweet tea are drunk than a large amount at a     of solids from the previous evening.
time. Some women prefer drinks that are cold.
If a woman cannot take fluids by mouth during       2-11 Is it safe to walk around during labour?
labour, she should receive an intravenous
infusion (‘drip’) of maintenance fluid (e.g.        Most women should be encouraged to walk
Ringer’s lactate) to prevent dehydration.           around and keep mobile rather than remaining
                                                    in bed during labour. They can relax in a
                                                    chair or find a comfortable position. There are
 Women should take small sips of water during       many disadvantages to a woman lying on her
 labour.                                            back, such as postural hypotension. Labour
                                                    progresses faster, with less pain, if a woman is
                                                    able to move about freely.
2-9 Should women be starved during
                                                     Women should be encouraged to move about and
Women should not be routinely starved during         walk around during labour.
labour. Small, frequent snacks are preferred
by most women. They should not have a large
meal. Some women do not want to eat during          2-12 Should a woman remain in her own
labour but most will need to drink. Taking          clothes during labour?
food during a long labour helps to prevent
exhaustion. Snacks such as glucose sweets,          There is no need for a woman to wear hospital
jelly or fruit are preferred. Encourage women       clothes during a normal labour. Many women

feel more comfortable and confident in their         NOTEDoula is a Greek word meaning ‘a woman
own clothes. To avoid blood stains, most             who helps other women’.
women prefer to change out of their own
clothes for the delivery.                          2-15 What is the roll of a labour companion?
                                                   A labour companion should support,
2-13 Is it helpful to have a companion             encourage and praise the mother. Labour can
during labour?                                     be very lonely, frightening and bewildering
Traditionally women delivered at home where        if one is a alone. The labour companion can
they were surrounded and supported by              rub the mother’s back, help her with her
their family and friends. Now most women           breathing, help her to turn while lying, get
labour alone in hospital as family have been       her something to eat or drink and support her
discouraged because of the fear of infection,      while walking. The birth companion should
lack of privacy for other patients, and the        stay with the woman throughout her labour,
disruption of the labour ward routine.             providing physical and emotional support.
Unfortunately a lack of staff usually prevents a   Trained doulas can also help after delivery
midwife staying with a woman throughout her        with breastfeeding. The role of the labour
labour and delivery.                               companion is different from that of the person
                                                   who conducts the labour and delivery.
Many trials have shown the benefits of a
labour companion, which include:
                                                    The role of a labour companion is to encourage
1. Labour progresses better (shorter labours).
2. Less pain with less need for analgesics (e.g.
                                                    and support the woman during labour and
   pethidine).                                      delivery.
3. Fewer caesarean sections.
4. More self esteem.
                                                   2-16 Is fetal heart monitoring essential in a
5. Greater success with breast feeding.
                                                   normal labour?
6. Better relationship with the infant.
7. Less postnatal depression.                      It is very important that the condition of the
                                                   fetus is monitored during every labour. This
Women do not want to labour alone. Therefore,
                                                   can usually be done with a fetal stethoscope or
it is important that every woman in labour
                                                   hand held Doppler ultrasound fetal heart rate
should receive the companionship she needs.
                                                   monitor. Once the base line fetal heart rate
                                                   between contractions has been determined,
 Every woman should be encouraged to have a        the fetal heart should be listened to during and
 companion in labour.                              after a contraction to detect any decelerations.
                                                   It is important to be gentle as the procedure
                                                   can be uncomfortable, especially during
2-14 Who should be the labour companion?           a contraction. Electronic fetal heart rate
                                                   monitoring (‘CTG’) usually is only needed if
Each woman should choose her own labour
                                                   the infant is at high risk of fetal distress.
companion if possible, such as her husband,
partner, friend or relative. A professional
or lay birth companion (doula), previously         2-17 Should all women be offered pain
unknown to the mother, can also be of great        relief in labour?
help and support. Many women prefer another        Labour is almost always painful. If the mother
woman to support them in labour. Doulas            is not distressed by the pain, analgesia is not
are particularly important when there are not      indicated. However analgesia must be made
enough midwives to support women in labour.        available to all women who ask for it. Women
                                                   should have a choice of no analgesia, opiate

analgesia (pethidine or morphine), inhaled            may arise. A natural childbirth is not an
Entonox (50% nitrous oxide with 50% oxygen)           unsupervised delivery.
and epidural analgesia if the service is available.
Encouragement, a warm bath or shower, or              2-20 What are the advantages of natural
gently rubbing the lower back, relaxation,            childbirth?
breathing techniques and a ‘birth ball’ are
very helpful. Infants are often sleepy for the        It gives the mother the pride, joy and
first few hours after opiate analgesia. A caring,     satisfaction of having been in control of her
competent midwife and labour companion are            own labour and delivery. It enables the mother
often the best form of pain relief.                   to have a choice in what she wants.

2-18 Should early artificial rupture of the           2-21 Is it better if a doctor delivers all
membranes be encouraged?                              infants?

Previously, early artificial rupture of the           Most healthy women who are expecting a
membranes (active management of labour)               normal delivery and a healthy infant at term
was encouraged to speed up the first stage of         can be safely delivered by a trained midwife.
labour, allow the early detection of meconium         Delivery by a doctor is only needed if a serious
stained amniotic fluid and reduce the risk of         complication is expected in the mother or
undiagnosed prolapse of the cord. Recently,           infant. There is no medical reason why normal
spontaneous rupture of the membranes is               deliveries should be conducted by a doctor. In
preferred as studies have questioned the              many countries most deliveries are very ably
benefits of early, artificial rupture unless there    conducted by midwives.
are clear medical indications. This is especially
important in communities with a high rate              Most women can be safely delivered by a trained
of HIV positive women as the risk of HIV               midwife.
transmission to the infant increases as the
duration of membrane rupture becomes longer.
                                                      2-22 Should all women be delivered in
 Routine early rupture of the membranes is no         hospital?
 longer practiced.                                    Many women can be safely delivered at
                                                      a primary care maternity clinic (midwife
                                                      obstetric unit). Only where complications
                                                      are present or are expected, need a woman
MOTHER FRIENDLY CARE                                  deliver in hospital.
DURING DELIVERY                                       There are many advantages if a healthy woman
                                                      with a normal pregnancy can be delivered at a
                                                      maternity clinic:
2-19 What is ‘natural childbirth’.
                                                      1. Closer to her home and family.
A natural childbirth is a delivery where              2. More likely to have a normal vaginal
there is minimal medical interference and                delivery without medical intervention.
the women has as much control as possible.            3. Discharged home sooner.
Women should be encouraged and allowed to             4. Cheaper both to mother and health
have a natural childbirth whenever possible.             service.
However, the labour and delivery should be            5. Often preferred by mother.
supervised and monitored by a skilled person          6. More ‘homely’ and less impersonal.
to detect and manage any complication which

In a large regionalised maternity service,          There are times where it may be best if the
about half of all pregnant women can be             father leaves the delivery room for a while.
safely delivered at a clinic. The other half        Either if the mother wishes it or during a
are referred to hospital during the antenatal       medical procedure. The father should not
period or during labour because of one or           interfere with the management of the woman.
more risk factors.
                                                     The father should be encouraged to attend the
 With cafeful selection, many women can be           labour and delivery.
 safely delivered at a maternity clinic.

                                                    2-26 Should children be allowed to watch a
2-23 Can women be safely delivered at               delivery?
                                                    Although this is usually not allowed during
With careful selection, some women can be           clinic or hospital deliveries, children are often
delivered safely at home. However, excellent        present during home deliveries. Children
transport and communication are needed in           know that their mother is pregnant and ask
case of an emergency. A warm, well lit home         questions about the delivery. Being present at a
with clean water and other basic facilities are     delivery can be either a frightening or exciting
also needed. In poor communities, many of           experience for a child. It is important to explain
these requirements are missing. Instead of          to children what to expect, that their mother
home deliveries, it is preferable that women        will have some pain, and that this is normal.
deliver in a clinic close to their home.
                                                    2-27 Must a woman lie on her back during
2-24 Should every delivery be conducted             delivery?
by a trained birth assistant?
                                                    Many women are still expected to lie on their
Every effort must be made to ensure that            backs during delivery (supine position). This
a trained birth assistant is present at every       has been shown to be the worst position for
delivery, i.e. a doctor, professional midwife or    the fetus as the uterus presses down on the
well trained traditional birth attendant (TBA).     mother’s main blood vessels which can cause
Having a trained birth attendant at every           maternal hypotension and a reduced blood
delivery is one of the most important factors in    flow to the placenta, resulting in fetal distress.
reducing both maternal and perinatal mortality.     It is also very difficult to bear down effectively
It is very dangerous for family members or          in this position. Labour ward staff, however,
untrained birth assistants to conduct deliveries,   have tended to prefer the supine position as it
especially if they are not experienced.             provides the best access to the delivering head.
                                                    Many women prefer to find their own most
2-25 Should the father be present at the            comfortable position during delivery. Some
delivery?                                           want to squat, crouch, kneel or lie on their
If possible, and if the woman wants him there,      side. Some women may wish to change their
the father should be present during labour          position during delivery. It is important to
and delivery. It is important that he support       allow a woman to choose the position that
his wife or partner and share in the experience     feels best for her. The upright (squatting,
of childbirth. Being present is important           crouching or kneeling) and side-lying (lateral)
in strengthening bonds between mother               positions results in less pain, better progress of
and father and developing bonds between             the second stage and less perineal tears.
father and infant. Often fathers can attend a
caesarean section.

Often a compromise position can be found.         or perineal tear, and reduce the risk of
For example, the mother can squat or kneel        vaginal damage and stress incontinence
on the bed, holding onto the top of the bed for   after the delivery. However, both a caesarean
support, and then lie down once the head has      section and an anaesthetic also have dangers,
crowned. Labour ward staff should get used to     especially infection and thrombo-embolism.
delivering women in different positions.          The risk of complications, both to mother and
                                                  infant, is higher with a caesarean section. In
                                                  poor countries, the lack of staff and facilities
 Women should be guided and encouraged to find    make a personal choice impossible. Many of
 the most comfortable position during delivery.   the fears of a normal delivery can be avoided
                                                  with good care and a full explanation.
2-28 Is a routine episiotomy needed by all          NOTE  The financial benefit and convenience
primiparous women?                                  of an elective caesarean section, rather than a
                                                    spontaneous labour, are also very attractive to
No. There are no good reasons for performing        doctors and private health facility managers in
a routine episiotomy on all primiparous             wealthy communities. In many countries, and
women during labour.                                the private sector in South Africa, the rate of
                                                    caesarean section is far above the expected rate
                                                    of 15%, approaching 50% in some circumstances.
2-29 Is it better to do an episiotomy than          A high rate of ‘social caesars’ is not in the best
allow the perineum to tear?                         interests of mothers and infants.
For many years it was believed and taught that
is was better to perform an episiotomy than       2-31 What should be done if a woman
allow the perinuem to tear. This is now known     requests a caesarean section where there
to be incorrect as there are more complications   are no good clinical indications?
with an episiotomy than with a first or second
                                                  Explore with her the reasons why she wants
degree tear. A first or second degree tear is
                                                  a caesarean section. Often these fears are
easier to repair and results in less trauma,
                                                  based on incorrect knowledge. Explain the
less suturing, better healing, less dyspareunia
                                                  correct facts to her. It is important to stress
(painful sex) and less urinary and bowel
                                                  the feeling of achievement and the bonding
incontinence later. An episiotomy does not
                                                  experience with her infant after a normal
always prevent a third degree tear.
                                                  delivery. The hospital stay is also shorter after
An episiotomy should only be performed            a normal delivery while the risk of problems
when there is a good medical indication, such     with future deliveries is less. Infants born by
as prolonged second stage of labour or fetal      elective caesarean section are at an inceased
distress during the second stage.                 risk of needing admission to an intensive or
                                                  high care unit. However, if she persists with
                                                  her request for a caesarean section, her wishes
 Episiotomies should be avoided where possible.   must be considered. Some women have an
                                                  extreme and irrational fear of giving birth.
                                                  This may result from a previous traumatic
2-30 Should women be allowed to choose a
                                                  birthing experience, rape or sexual abuse.
caesarean section?
                                                  Birth choices should be discussed towards the
In many industrialised countries, it is common    end of pregnancy or at the onset of labour.
for women to ask for an elective caesarean        Lack of hospital facilities and staff often limit
section to avoid the expected pain, discomfort,   the option of a ‘social caesar’.
embarrassment and inconvenience of a
spontaneous vaginal delivery. A caesarean
section will also avoid a possible episiotomy

2-32 What may be the emotional effects of            2-36 How can changes in labour and
an unplanned caesarean section?                      delivery practice be made?
Many women, who have had a normal                    It is not easy to change labour and delivery
pregnancy and expect a vaginal delivery,             practices which have been used for many years,
are very disappointed if they have to have           especially if these practices are convenient to
an unplanned caesarean section for medical           the staff and hospital management. However,
reasons. They feel that they have failed after all   every effort must be made to change practices
the preparation at antenatal classes. This may       and attitudes to those that are based on good
be bad for their self esteem and even interfere      scientific evidence and provide better care
with the normal bonding process with their           to the mother. Changes often have to be
infant. These women need emotional support           introduced slowly, one at a time. A lot of time,
and reassurance.                                     energy and commitment are needed to make
                                                     changes. Both the staff and mothers should
2-33 What are the advantages and                     be told, and should understand, the reason
disadvantages of an induction of labour if           for the change. The staff need to be educated,
there are no medical indications?                    encouraged and supported.
Sometimes women ask, or their doctors                  NOTE  Midwives and doctors are ethically and
                                                       professionally obliged to make changes to their
suggest, that labour should be induced at a
                                                       behaviour and practice as better ways of caring
convenient time. These social advantages
                                                       for patients are found.
must be balanced against possible medical
disadvantages. If the induction fails, a
caesarean section may be needed. Induced             2-37 What is the better births initiative?
labours also have a greater risk of a longer and     The Better Births Initiative (BBI) is an
more painful first stage or an instrumental          international project to improve the quality of
delivery. Infants born after an induced labour       care during labour and childbirth by listening
are at an increased risk of respiratory distress,    to women’s views and using the best evidence
even in a term pregnancy. Therefore, very            available. BBI promotes efficient, effective
serious thought must be given before a ‘social’      and beneficial practices and stresses that
induction of labour is done.                         women should be treated with humanity and
                                                     respect. It is important that care provided
2-34 How can a woman’s dignity be                    during labour and delivery is based on the best
protected during delivery?                           evidence rather than on traditional practices.
                                                     Staff should be committed to improving care.
By being able to express her own opinion
and make her wishes known, and by having             The four main messages of BBI are:
these seriously considered by caring staff. The      1. Encourage women to drink enough fluids
birth attendants must always be aware of the            and eat if hungry during labour.
mother’s right to dignity and privacy.               2. Encourage women to have a partner, friend
                                                        or lay carer (doula) for support during
2-35 How should women be encouraged                     labour.
during delivery?                                     3. Stop routine procedures during labour
Many women are afraid and feel out of control           that are of little or no proven benefit, e.g.
during delivery. They may not understand                shaving, enemas, delivering in a supine
what is happening and they may be in pain.              position (on her back) and separating
Support and encouragement are, therefore,               mothers and their infants.
an essential part of managing a delivery. It         4. Avoid routine treatments that are of little
is totally unacceptable to ever shout or hit a          or no benefit, e.g. artificial rupture of
woman during delivery.                                  membranes, stay in bed with intravenous

     fluids during labour, episiotomy and          can be done once the mother has had a chance
     routine suctioning all infants after birth.   to meet her infant. Usually they can be done
                                                   while the mother holds her newborn infant.
Evidence based medicine is health care
based on information obtained by carefully
conducted, randomised controlled trials and        2-41 Should the infant stay with the
extensive systematic reviews of the current        mother?
literature. This is preferable to personal         If possible, the infant should stay with the
opinions and expert views which are often          mother. This is possible after most deliveries.
proved to be incorrect.                            Bonding during the first hour after delivery
                                                   (the ‘golden hour’) is particularly important.

                                                    The mother and infant should not be separated
AFTER DELIVERY                                      after delivery.

2-38 When should the infant be given to            2-42 How can the mother play an active role
the mother?                                        in preventing a postpartum haemorrhage?
With a normal delivery and a healthy mother        The mother can play an important role in
and infant, the infant should be given to the      the prevention of postpartum bleeding,
mother as soon as possible after delivery.         especially during the first hour after
Usually this is done after the infant has been     delivery. Breastfeeding directly after delivery
dried, briefly examined, the cord cut and the      encourages the uterus to contract. She should
1 minute Apgar score has been assessed.            be asked to be aware of vaginal bleeding and
                                                   immediately call for help should she start
2-39 What should the mother be                     to bleed excessively. Usually only one or
encouraged to do once she is given her             two sanitary pads are soaked after a normal
infant?                                            delivery. She can also be shown how to assess
                                                   the height of her fundus and feel whether her
She should be encouraged to give kangaroo
                                                   uterus is well contracted. Again she should
mother care with the infant placed on her
                                                   immediately inform the nurse or doctor if
naked chest. The infant can be covered with
                                                   her uterus relaxes or increases in size. She
a dry, warm towel. Kangaroo mother care
                                                   must also have been shown how to rub her
soon after delivery promotes bonding and
                                                   uterus and be instructed to do this at regular
successful breastfeeding. Most mothers want
                                                   intervals. She should keep her bladder empty.
to hold and examine their infants immediately
                                                   In this way the mother is able to monitor her
after birth. The mother should also be
                                                   uterus. This is particularly important if there
encouraged to breastfeed. This may speed up
                                                   are inadequate staff to closely monitor each
the third stage of labour by stimulating uterine
                                                   mother after delivery.
contractions. There is no need for a routine
five minute Apgar assessment if the infant is
normal and did not need any resuscitation.          Women should be encouraged to play an active
                                                    role in the management of their labour and
2-40 When should the routine procedures             delivery.
be done on the newborn infant?
These routine procedures, such as giving
vitamin K, placing prophylactic ointment or
drops into the eyes and identifying the infant,

2-43 What are ‘baby blues’ or ‘postnatal             to depression at other times of life. Women
blues’?                                              with postnatal depression feel tearful and sad,
                                                     they may worry excessively, may be irritable
Most women normally feel anxious and
                                                     and feel angry, are afraid of being alone,
tearful for a few days after delivery when they
                                                     feel they cannot cope, and can have suicidal
are faced with the overwhelming tasks and
                                                     thoughts. Often there are changes in appetite
responsibilities of caring for a newborn infant.
                                                     and sleep pattern with tiredness and loss of
Giving birth is also often the start of major
                                                     energy. They often have a loss of self esteem,
changes in their lives. A woman may feel that
                                                     cannot concentrate and lose their sex drive.
she is no longer attractive to her husband.
                                                     They feel hopeless, inadequate and guilty and
These very strong emotions, ‘the blues’, usually
                                                     have no enjoyment. They often feel a lack of
start three or four days after delivery and
                                                     joy in their infant and may even fear that they
only last a few days. Uncommonly they may
                                                     could harm the infant. Anxiety may present
last a few weeks. Staff need to explain that
                                                     with fearfulness, panic attacks or a wide range
irrational tearfulness is very common and will
                                                     of physical complaints such as weakness,
disappear without treatment. Emotional and
                                                     restlessness, shortness of breath and dizziness.
practical support by staff, family and friends is
important. If the woman does not feel better         Postnatal (puerperal) psychosis occurs in
by two weeks after delivery, a diagnosis of          about 1/1000 deliveries. These women have
postnatal depression must be considered.             lost touch with reality and hear voices or
                                                     have hallucinations. There behaviour is very
                                                     abnormal. They are often paranoid (believe
 Postnatal ‘blues’ are normal in the first week      unreasonably that people or even their infant
 after delivery.                                     are plotting against them) and need urgent
                                                     psychiatric care to avoid hurting themselves
                                                     and their infant.
2-44 What is postnatal depression?
Postnatal depression may occur at any time           2-46 Which women are at an increased risk
during the year after delivery. Surprisingly, the    of postnatal depression?
symptoms of depression usually are already
present during pregnancy, but worsen after           1. Women with a past history of depression
delivery. In industrialised countries, about            or other mental problems.
15% of women have postnatal depression.              2. Women from poor socioeconomic
The incidence appears to be much higher in              circumstances.
poor communities with greater social and             3. Women with little physical and emotional
economic problems.                                      support at home.
                                                     4. Women with emotional problems
  NOTE Recent research suggests that the incidence      (unwanted pregnancy, previous history of
  of postnatal depression may be as high as 30% in      abuse or pregnancy loss).
  some poor communities on South Africa. Anxiety
  may be equally common.
                                                     2-47 How may maternal postnatal
                                                     depression affect the infant?
 Postnatal depression is not uncommon.
                                                     Postnatal depression affects a mother’s ability
                                                     to interact with her infant. These women
2-45 What are the features of postnatal              often feel alone, despairing and isolated, and
depression?                                          find their infants difficult or demanding. The
                                                     physical and emotional development of these
Postnatal depression usually presents with           children may be slow as the poor mother-
features of both depression and anxiety, similar     infant interaction may result in a lack of

stimulation or even neglect. They are at an           followed by an enema. Later a nurse shaves her
increased risk of child abuse.                        pubic hair and she is asked to bath. When she
  NOTE Suicide is a major cause of maternal
                                                      questioned whether the shave was necessary,
  mortality in industrialised countries. Following    she was told that it is routine management
  motor vehicle accidents, suicide is the             of all women in labour. Her boyfriend is
  commonest cause of coincidental maternal death      informed that he cannot attend the delivery.
  in South Africa.                                    When the woman complains about the
                                                      attitude of the staff she is shouted at and told
2-48 How can women be screened for                    that she can deliver at home if she chooses.
postnatal depression?
                                                      1. Is it essential that the bowel should be
If possible, women who are depressed or at
                                                      emptied before delivery?
high risk of depression should be identified
during pregnancy as an early diagnosis results        No. ‘Oil and enema’ are no longer routine
in a better outcome. A caring health worker           practice. Some women however request that
can usually recognise pregnant women who              they have an enema to empty the bowel as they
are depressed. However, a formal screening            are afraid they may soil during delivery. There
tool is available. All women who are thought to       is no scientific evidence that an enema speeds
have symptoms and signs of depression should          up labour and delivery.
be referred to a counsellor, social worker or the
community mental health team for evaluation           2. Why should all women in labour be
and management. Often depressed women are             shaved?
afraid of being referred for assessment.
                                                      There is no need to shave women in labour.
Women with antenatal depression also                  Often long pubic hair is trimmed. Contrary to
need understanding, support, psychological            earlier belief, shaving does not reduce the risk
therapy and often medication. Support groups          of infection in a perineal tear or episiotomy.
are helpful and simply listening can be of            Small cuts made during shaving may increase
great value. Antidepressants are safe during          the risk of skin infection.
pregnancy and breastfeeding. Kangaroo
mother care, touch therapy and breastfeeding          3. Is it not dangerous to bath during labour?
are all useful in helping depressed mothers
bond with their infants.                              No. Bathing and showering during labour are
                                                      safe. They do not increase the risk of infection
                                                      or fetal distress. Many women like to lie in a
 Postnatal depression can be screened for during      warm bath during labour as it reduces pain.
 pregnancy.                                           Some women even ask to deliver in a bath of
                                                      warm water.
  NOTE The Edinburgh postnatal depression scale is
  a questionnaire that can be used both antenatally
                                                      4. Are routine protocols of management
  and postnatally to assess for depression and
  anxiety. Cognitive therapy and antidepressants
                                                      still needed in a labour ward?
  are usually used in management.                     Yes. It is important to have a plan of
                                                      management that all the staff can understand
                                                      and use as a guide to care. However, routine
CASE STUDY 1                                          management should be determined by
                                                      evidence based medicine whenever possible.
A young primigravid woman with mild                   Mothers should know what is going to happen
hypertension presents in labour at the local          and be given choices where possible.
hospital. She is given a tablespoon of caster oil

5. What is evidence based medicine?                  labour pains and speeds up labour. Women
                                                     can relax in a chair or adopt any position
This is health care which is based on
                                                     which gives them the most comfort. Lying for
information obtained by carefully conducted,
                                                     hours on her back during labour is not good
randomised controlled trials and extensive
                                                     for her or her fetus.
systematic reviews of the current literature. This
is preferable to personal opinions and expert
views which are often proved to be incorrect.        2. Do women need to wear a clinic gown
                                                     during labour?
6. Why should fathers be allowed to attend           No, although some women prefer to change
the delivery of their infant?                        out of their own clothes before delivery to
                                                     avoid blood staining.
If possible, and if the woman wants him
there, the father should be present during
labour and delivery. It is important that he         3. What are the advantages of allowing
supports his wife or partner and shares in           women to wear their own clothes in
the experience of childbirth. Being present is       labour?
important in strengthening bonds between             It is one of the many small parts of ‘mother
mother and father and developing bonds               friendly care’ which makes labour an enjoyable
between father and infant.                           and meaningful experience rather than a very
                                                     stressful time. Paying attention to providing
7. What do you think of the manner in which          good, kind and gentle care improves the
this woman’s complaint was handled?                  quality of service that is offered to women.
                                                     Mother friendly care is good for the mother,
There is no excuse to shout and be aggressive
                                                     infant and staff.
with patients, especially when they are
frightened and confused. Suggesting that she
delivers at home is dangerous and unethical          4. Is it safe for women in labour to eat and
practice.                                            drink?
                                                     During a normal labour there is no danger if
                                                     the woman eats and drinks. Frequent drinks
CASE STUDY 2                                         prevent dehydration. Small snacks prevent
                                                     hypoglycaemia and ketosis. Food such as
During a normal labour at a district hospital,       glucose sweets, jelly or fruit is preferred. Only
a woman is told she must stay on her bed and         if a woman is being prepared for a general
not walk around. Her clothes are taken away          anaesthetic should she not eat.
and she is given a clinic gown. She is allowed
to have sips of water during early labour but        5. When should a woman be given pain
asked not to eat anything. She is not given          relief in labour?
any pain relief. She is afraid to ask and does
                                                     When she feels she needs it. Women must
not know whether analgesia is available at the
                                                     be asked and given a choice as they often are
clinic. She is worried that the fetal heart is
                                                     embarrassed, shy or afraid to ask.
not being monitored as she was taught during
antenatal classes.
                                                     6. Is it necessary to monitor the fetal heart
                                                     in a normal, low risk labour?
1. Should a woman in normal labour have
to remain on her bed?                                The fetal heat must always be monitored in
                                                     labour. At a maternity clinic this can usually
No. Women should be encouraged to walk
                                                     be done with a fetal stethoscope or hand held
around during labour. This helps to relieve
                                                     fetal heart rate monitor.

7. Does it help women in labour if they           3. What are some of the benefits of having
attended antenatal classes?                       a labour companion?
Yes. It helps enormously if women know what       Women labour faster and need less analgesia.
to expect and understand what occurs during       They feel more satisfied with their labour and
labour and delivery. This reduces their anxiety   delivery and bond better with their infants.
and pain and enables mothers to participate in    Having a labour companion is a typical
the decisions made during labour.                 example of mother friendly care.

                                                  4. Why is a woman’s choice of the best
CASE STUDY 3                                      position to deliver important?
                                                  Many women prefer not to deliver while lying
A woman is admitted in labour to a primary        on their backs. This is also not the best position
care maternity clinic. Every effort has been      for the infant. Some want to squat, crouch,
made to provide a mother friendly service         kneel or lie on their side. It is important
during labour. As she does not have her           that women are given a choice. Midwives
partner with her she is offered a labour          soon learn how to deliver infants in different
companion. She is also asked by the midwife       positions. The second stage of labour is faster
what position she would prefer during             with less risk of a peritoneal tear if the mother
delivery. The woman is thrilled with her good     is in an upright or lateral (side lying) position.
delivery experience which contrasts to the
efficient but very unfriendly care she received
                                                  5. What are the advantages of low risk
with the birth of her previous child when the
                                                  women delivering at a maternity clinic?
staff insisted that all primigravid mothers
must have an episiotomy. On the third day         A maternity clinic (midwife obstetric unit)
after delivery she seems well but complains of    near their homes is more convenient for most
feeling upset, without any obvious reason, and    women than a hospital. The labour ward in a
cannot stop crying.                               maternity clinic is more relaxed with midwives
                                                  managing normal deliveries. It is safer than
1. What is a labour companion?                    home deliveries in most poor communities
                                                  and avoids some of the unnecessary
A labour companion is someone who stays           investigations and interventions that are
with a woman throughout her labour and            common in hospitals. While high risk women
delivery to encourage and support her.            should be managed in hospital, where all the
Traditionally, women never laboured alone but     additional facilities are available, almost all low
always had a companion.                           risk women can be safely and well cared for in
                                                  a maternity clinic.
2. Who can be a labour companion?
Usually her partner, a friend or someone in       6. What is the Better Births Initiative?
her family. If no one suitable is available she   BBI is an international project which aims at
can be offered a professional or lay labour       improving care during labour and delivery by
companion (a doula) whom she has not met          introducing mother friendly care, based on the
before. The role of the labour companion is       best evidence available. BBI is good care. All
different from that of the person who conducts    labour wards should be encouraged to adopt
the labour and delivery.                          the principles of BBI.

7. Why do you think this woman felt so              8. How can postpartum depression be
upset?                                              detected early?
She almost certainly has the ‘blues’. With          Postpartum depression often presents during
understanding, explanation and support she          pregnancy and then becomes worse after
should recover in a few days. If she is no better   delivery. An awareness by health workers of
after two weeks, suspect postnatal depression,      the features of depression and anxiety can lead
and refer her for counselling or assessment.        to an early diagnosis. A screening tool can also
She has no features of puerperal psychosis.         be used to identify women who are depressed
                                                    or at high risk of depression.

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Mother and Baby Friendly Care: Mother friendly care during labour, delivery and the puerperium

  • 1. 2 Mother friendly care during labour, delivery and the puerperium INTRODUCTION TO Objectives MOTHER FRIENDLY CARE When you have completed this unit you should be able to: 2-1 What is mother friendly care during • Define and give mother friendly labour, delivery and the puerperium? care during labour, delivery and the As with mother friendly care during puerperium. pregnancy, this is a method of caring for • Explain why routine shaving and enemas women where the interests of the woman and her fetus or newborn infant are considered are no longer needed. above those of the hospital or clinic staff. • Understand why most women can walk Mother friendly care is good care. Wherever around, take a shower or eat and drink possible, it is based on good scientific during labour. evidence. Many women find present labour • Give the reasons for a labour companion. practices unpleasant and, therefore, avoid • List the advantages of a ‘natural delivering in a clinic or hospital. Instead, they prefer to deliver at home. childbirth’. • Explain why an episiotomy is usually not 2-2 What are the principles of mother necessary. friendly care during labour, delivery and • Define the Better Births Initiative. the puerperium? • Prevent separating mother and infant They are the same as the principles of mother after delivery. friendly care during pregnancy, i.e. managing each woman as an individual and caring for her
  • 2. MOTHER FRIENDLY CARE DURING LABOUR, DELIVER Y AND THE PUERPERIUM 27 with kindness, compassion, patience, gentleness or requests an enema. Modern enemas can be and respect. Both the woman’s physical and given quickly and painlessly. However, soiling emotional needs must be considered. during delivery is not always prevented by the use of enemas. Women in labour should be 2-3 How can a woman be helped to play an allowed a choice. Remind them that passing a important part in her own care? small amount of stool at delivery is common and is easily managed by the midwife. Labour, delivery and the puerperium are an ideal opportunity to allow and encourage women to play an active role in their own care. There are no good reasons for the routine use of They should understand what will happen and enemas during labour. what is expected of them. It is very important to explain to a woman what is occurring. It is Similarly, there are no good reasons for giving very frightening for a woman if she does not caster oil or any other medicine to promote understand what is happening to her and her stooling before labour. baby. Fear may slow her progress of labour. 2-6 Should a woman be shaved before 2-4 What staff behaviour is not considered delivery? as mother friendly? For many years, all women expecting a vaginal 1. Being rude, aggressive, indifferent, cheeky delivery had their perineum shaved during and insensitive to the woman’s needs, labour. It was believed that this would reduce feelings and wishes. the risk of infection following an episiotomy 2. Emotionally or verbally abusing women. or tear and make the repair easier. In contrast, 3. Ignoring what the woman’s says or requests. it has been shown that shaving often causes 4. Slapping, pushing or in any way physically minor cuts which increase the risk of skin abusing women. infection after delivery. Many women find 5. Giving woman the ‘silent treatment’ and perineal shaving painful and feel embarrassed not communicating with them. at being shaved. The shaved area also feels 6. Accusing women of presenting in labour uncomfortable and itches when the new too early or too late, or for forgetting their hair starts to grow. There is a risk of HIV antenatal card at home. transmission if an unsterile blade is used. MOTHER FRIENDLY CARE There are no medical reasons for shaving the perineum before delivery. DURING LABOUR Similarly, there are no medical reasons for shaving a woman prior to caesarean section. 2-5 Should all women be given an enema Pubic hair can simply be cut short. However, during labour? some women would prefer the upper boarder In the past many women were routinely given of their pubic hair shaved to avoid the pain an enema at the start of labour to empty the later of removing the surgical strapping. bowel. It was believed that this would speed labour and delivery. Passing stool during 2-7 Should a woman bath or shower during delivery can be an embarrassing and unpleasant labour? experience. Although enemas are no longer given routinely, some women would prefer to Warm water can be very soothing during have an empty bowel before delivery. An enema labour and helps to reduce pain and should be given if the woman feels constipated discomfort. Relaxing in a warm bath can be
  • 3. 28 MOTHER AND BABY FRIENDLY CARE very comforting. Unless there is a medical to bring some fruit with them. Allowing food indication, there is no harm in either showering and fluids during labour prevents ketosis and or bathing during labour. Rupture of the hypoglycaemia. Ketones in the urine indicates membranes is not a contraindication to bathing. that the mother is not getting enough energy. It is important that the bath is very well washed out before it is used. Underwater deliveries have not shown an increased risk of infections due to Food should not be routinely withheld in labour. water entering the vagina before delivery. 2-10 Should women be allowed to eat and Women should be allowed to shower or bath drink before a general anaesthetic? during labour. Recent studies show that starvation during labour does not always prevent inhalation of Therefore, the old fashioned routine of ‘oil, stomach contents during general anaesthetic. bath and enema’ is no longer practised. However it seems wise that women should take nothing by mouth if they are being 2-8 Should women be allowed to drink prepared for caesarean section under general water during labour? anaesthetic. Women who are having a trial of labour or are at high risk of needing a Most women in labour want to drink. Not caesarean section can take clear fluids but drinking in labour is like running a marathon not solids during the active phase of the first without taking any fluids. No fluid intake stage of labour. Women who are waiting for an during labour may result in dehydration and elective caesarean section should be starved acidosis which can cause fetal distress. Even of food but can continue to have small sips of women having a trial of labour should be clear fluids until two hours before the general allowed to have sips of clear fluids anaesthetic. Most women having an elective It is better if repeated, small amounts of water caesarean section in the morning are starved or sweet tea are drunk than a large amount at a of solids from the previous evening. time. Some women prefer drinks that are cold. If a woman cannot take fluids by mouth during 2-11 Is it safe to walk around during labour? labour, she should receive an intravenous infusion (‘drip’) of maintenance fluid (e.g. Most women should be encouraged to walk Ringer’s lactate) to prevent dehydration. around and keep mobile rather than remaining in bed during labour. They can relax in a chair or find a comfortable position. There are Women should take small sips of water during many disadvantages to a woman lying on her labour. back, such as postural hypotension. Labour progresses faster, with less pain, if a woman is able to move about freely. 2-9 Should women be starved during labour? Women should be encouraged to move about and Women should not be routinely starved during walk around during labour. labour. Small, frequent snacks are preferred by most women. They should not have a large meal. Some women do not want to eat during 2-12 Should a woman remain in her own labour but most will need to drink. Taking clothes during labour? food during a long labour helps to prevent exhaustion. Snacks such as glucose sweets, There is no need for a woman to wear hospital jelly or fruit are preferred. Encourage women clothes during a normal labour. Many women
  • 4. MOTHER FRIENDLY CARE DURING LABOUR, DELIVER Y AND THE PUERPERIUM 29 feel more comfortable and confident in their NOTEDoula is a Greek word meaning ‘a woman own clothes. To avoid blood stains, most who helps other women’. women prefer to change out of their own clothes for the delivery. 2-15 What is the roll of a labour companion? A labour companion should support, 2-13 Is it helpful to have a companion encourage and praise the mother. Labour can during labour? be very lonely, frightening and bewildering Traditionally women delivered at home where if one is a alone. The labour companion can they were surrounded and supported by rub the mother’s back, help her with her their family and friends. Now most women breathing, help her to turn while lying, get labour alone in hospital as family have been her something to eat or drink and support her discouraged because of the fear of infection, while walking. The birth companion should lack of privacy for other patients, and the stay with the woman throughout her labour, disruption of the labour ward routine. providing physical and emotional support. Unfortunately a lack of staff usually prevents a Trained doulas can also help after delivery midwife staying with a woman throughout her with breastfeeding. The role of the labour labour and delivery. companion is different from that of the person who conducts the labour and delivery. Many trials have shown the benefits of a labour companion, which include: The role of a labour companion is to encourage 1. Labour progresses better (shorter labours). 2. Less pain with less need for analgesics (e.g. and support the woman during labour and pethidine). delivery. 3. Fewer caesarean sections. 4. More self esteem. 2-16 Is fetal heart monitoring essential in a 5. Greater success with breast feeding. normal labour? 6. Better relationship with the infant. 7. Less postnatal depression. It is very important that the condition of the fetus is monitored during every labour. This Women do not want to labour alone. Therefore, can usually be done with a fetal stethoscope or it is important that every woman in labour hand held Doppler ultrasound fetal heart rate should receive the companionship she needs. monitor. Once the base line fetal heart rate between contractions has been determined, Every woman should be encouraged to have a the fetal heart should be listened to during and companion in labour. after a contraction to detect any decelerations. It is important to be gentle as the procedure can be uncomfortable, especially during 2-14 Who should be the labour companion? a contraction. Electronic fetal heart rate monitoring (‘CTG’) usually is only needed if Each woman should choose her own labour the infant is at high risk of fetal distress. companion if possible, such as her husband, partner, friend or relative. A professional or lay birth companion (doula), previously 2-17 Should all women be offered pain unknown to the mother, can also be of great relief in labour? help and support. Many women prefer another Labour is almost always painful. If the mother woman to support them in labour. Doulas is not distressed by the pain, analgesia is not are particularly important when there are not indicated. However analgesia must be made enough midwives to support women in labour. available to all women who ask for it. Women should have a choice of no analgesia, opiate
  • 5. 30 MOTHER AND BABY FRIENDLY CARE analgesia (pethidine or morphine), inhaled may arise. A natural childbirth is not an Entonox (50% nitrous oxide with 50% oxygen) unsupervised delivery. and epidural analgesia if the service is available. Encouragement, a warm bath or shower, or 2-20 What are the advantages of natural gently rubbing the lower back, relaxation, childbirth? breathing techniques and a ‘birth ball’ are very helpful. Infants are often sleepy for the It gives the mother the pride, joy and first few hours after opiate analgesia. A caring, satisfaction of having been in control of her competent midwife and labour companion are own labour and delivery. It enables the mother often the best form of pain relief. to have a choice in what she wants. 2-18 Should early artificial rupture of the 2-21 Is it better if a doctor delivers all membranes be encouraged? infants? Previously, early artificial rupture of the Most healthy women who are expecting a membranes (active management of labour) normal delivery and a healthy infant at term was encouraged to speed up the first stage of can be safely delivered by a trained midwife. labour, allow the early detection of meconium Delivery by a doctor is only needed if a serious stained amniotic fluid and reduce the risk of complication is expected in the mother or undiagnosed prolapse of the cord. Recently, infant. There is no medical reason why normal spontaneous rupture of the membranes is deliveries should be conducted by a doctor. In preferred as studies have questioned the many countries most deliveries are very ably benefits of early, artificial rupture unless there conducted by midwives. are clear medical indications. This is especially important in communities with a high rate Most women can be safely delivered by a trained of HIV positive women as the risk of HIV midwife. transmission to the infant increases as the duration of membrane rupture becomes longer. 2-22 Should all women be delivered in Routine early rupture of the membranes is no hospital? longer practiced. Many women can be safely delivered at a primary care maternity clinic (midwife obstetric unit). Only where complications are present or are expected, need a woman MOTHER FRIENDLY CARE deliver in hospital. DURING DELIVERY There are many advantages if a healthy woman with a normal pregnancy can be delivered at a maternity clinic: 2-19 What is ‘natural childbirth’. 1. Closer to her home and family. A natural childbirth is a delivery where 2. More likely to have a normal vaginal there is minimal medical interference and delivery without medical intervention. the women has as much control as possible. 3. Discharged home sooner. Women should be encouraged and allowed to 4. Cheaper both to mother and health have a natural childbirth whenever possible. service. However, the labour and delivery should be 5. Often preferred by mother. supervised and monitored by a skilled person 6. More ‘homely’ and less impersonal. to detect and manage any complication which
  • 6. MOTHER FRIENDLY CARE DURING LABOUR, DELIVER Y AND THE PUERPERIUM 31 In a large regionalised maternity service, There are times where it may be best if the about half of all pregnant women can be father leaves the delivery room for a while. safely delivered at a clinic. The other half Either if the mother wishes it or during a are referred to hospital during the antenatal medical procedure. The father should not period or during labour because of one or interfere with the management of the woman. more risk factors. The father should be encouraged to attend the With cafeful selection, many women can be labour and delivery. safely delivered at a maternity clinic. 2-26 Should children be allowed to watch a 2-23 Can women be safely delivered at delivery? home? Although this is usually not allowed during With careful selection, some women can be clinic or hospital deliveries, children are often delivered safely at home. However, excellent present during home deliveries. Children transport and communication are needed in know that their mother is pregnant and ask case of an emergency. A warm, well lit home questions about the delivery. Being present at a with clean water and other basic facilities are delivery can be either a frightening or exciting also needed. In poor communities, many of experience for a child. It is important to explain these requirements are missing. Instead of to children what to expect, that their mother home deliveries, it is preferable that women will have some pain, and that this is normal. deliver in a clinic close to their home. 2-27 Must a woman lie on her back during 2-24 Should every delivery be conducted delivery? by a trained birth assistant? Many women are still expected to lie on their Every effort must be made to ensure that backs during delivery (supine position). This a trained birth assistant is present at every has been shown to be the worst position for delivery, i.e. a doctor, professional midwife or the fetus as the uterus presses down on the well trained traditional birth attendant (TBA). mother’s main blood vessels which can cause Having a trained birth attendant at every maternal hypotension and a reduced blood delivery is one of the most important factors in flow to the placenta, resulting in fetal distress. reducing both maternal and perinatal mortality. It is also very difficult to bear down effectively It is very dangerous for family members or in this position. Labour ward staff, however, untrained birth assistants to conduct deliveries, have tended to prefer the supine position as it especially if they are not experienced. provides the best access to the delivering head. Many women prefer to find their own most 2-25 Should the father be present at the comfortable position during delivery. Some delivery? want to squat, crouch, kneel or lie on their If possible, and if the woman wants him there, side. Some women may wish to change their the father should be present during labour position during delivery. It is important to and delivery. It is important that he support allow a woman to choose the position that his wife or partner and share in the experience feels best for her. The upright (squatting, of childbirth. Being present is important crouching or kneeling) and side-lying (lateral) in strengthening bonds between mother positions results in less pain, better progress of and father and developing bonds between the second stage and less perineal tears. father and infant. Often fathers can attend a caesarean section.
  • 7. 32 MOTHER AND BABY FRIENDLY CARE Often a compromise position can be found. or perineal tear, and reduce the risk of For example, the mother can squat or kneel vaginal damage and stress incontinence on the bed, holding onto the top of the bed for after the delivery. However, both a caesarean support, and then lie down once the head has section and an anaesthetic also have dangers, crowned. Labour ward staff should get used to especially infection and thrombo-embolism. delivering women in different positions. The risk of complications, both to mother and infant, is higher with a caesarean section. In poor countries, the lack of staff and facilities Women should be guided and encouraged to find make a personal choice impossible. Many of the most comfortable position during delivery. the fears of a normal delivery can be avoided with good care and a full explanation. 2-28 Is a routine episiotomy needed by all NOTE The financial benefit and convenience primiparous women? of an elective caesarean section, rather than a spontaneous labour, are also very attractive to No. There are no good reasons for performing doctors and private health facility managers in a routine episiotomy on all primiparous wealthy communities. In many countries, and women during labour. the private sector in South Africa, the rate of caesarean section is far above the expected rate of 15%, approaching 50% in some circumstances. 2-29 Is it better to do an episiotomy than A high rate of ‘social caesars’ is not in the best allow the perineum to tear? interests of mothers and infants. For many years it was believed and taught that is was better to perform an episiotomy than 2-31 What should be done if a woman allow the perinuem to tear. This is now known requests a caesarean section where there to be incorrect as there are more complications are no good clinical indications? with an episiotomy than with a first or second Explore with her the reasons why she wants degree tear. A first or second degree tear is a caesarean section. Often these fears are easier to repair and results in less trauma, based on incorrect knowledge. Explain the less suturing, better healing, less dyspareunia correct facts to her. It is important to stress (painful sex) and less urinary and bowel the feeling of achievement and the bonding incontinence later. An episiotomy does not experience with her infant after a normal always prevent a third degree tear. delivery. The hospital stay is also shorter after An episiotomy should only be performed a normal delivery while the risk of problems when there is a good medical indication, such with future deliveries is less. Infants born by as prolonged second stage of labour or fetal elective caesarean section are at an inceased distress during the second stage. risk of needing admission to an intensive or high care unit. However, if she persists with her request for a caesarean section, her wishes Episiotomies should be avoided where possible. must be considered. Some women have an extreme and irrational fear of giving birth. This may result from a previous traumatic 2-30 Should women be allowed to choose a birthing experience, rape or sexual abuse. caesarean section? Birth choices should be discussed towards the In many industrialised countries, it is common end of pregnancy or at the onset of labour. for women to ask for an elective caesarean Lack of hospital facilities and staff often limit section to avoid the expected pain, discomfort, the option of a ‘social caesar’. embarrassment and inconvenience of a spontaneous vaginal delivery. A caesarean section will also avoid a possible episiotomy
  • 8. MOTHER FRIENDLY CARE DURING LABOUR, DELIVER Y AND THE PUERPERIUM 33 2-32 What may be the emotional effects of 2-36 How can changes in labour and an unplanned caesarean section? delivery practice be made? Many women, who have had a normal It is not easy to change labour and delivery pregnancy and expect a vaginal delivery, practices which have been used for many years, are very disappointed if they have to have especially if these practices are convenient to an unplanned caesarean section for medical the staff and hospital management. However, reasons. They feel that they have failed after all every effort must be made to change practices the preparation at antenatal classes. This may and attitudes to those that are based on good be bad for their self esteem and even interfere scientific evidence and provide better care with the normal bonding process with their to the mother. Changes often have to be infant. These women need emotional support introduced slowly, one at a time. A lot of time, and reassurance. energy and commitment are needed to make changes. Both the staff and mothers should 2-33 What are the advantages and be told, and should understand, the reason disadvantages of an induction of labour if for the change. The staff need to be educated, there are no medical indications? encouraged and supported. Sometimes women ask, or their doctors NOTE Midwives and doctors are ethically and professionally obliged to make changes to their suggest, that labour should be induced at a behaviour and practice as better ways of caring convenient time. These social advantages for patients are found. must be balanced against possible medical disadvantages. If the induction fails, a caesarean section may be needed. Induced 2-37 What is the better births initiative? labours also have a greater risk of a longer and The Better Births Initiative (BBI) is an more painful first stage or an instrumental international project to improve the quality of delivery. Infants born after an induced labour care during labour and childbirth by listening are at an increased risk of respiratory distress, to women’s views and using the best evidence even in a term pregnancy. Therefore, very available. BBI promotes efficient, effective serious thought must be given before a ‘social’ and beneficial practices and stresses that induction of labour is done. women should be treated with humanity and respect. It is important that care provided 2-34 How can a woman’s dignity be during labour and delivery is based on the best protected during delivery? evidence rather than on traditional practices. Staff should be committed to improving care. By being able to express her own opinion and make her wishes known, and by having The four main messages of BBI are: these seriously considered by caring staff. The 1. Encourage women to drink enough fluids birth attendants must always be aware of the and eat if hungry during labour. mother’s right to dignity and privacy. 2. Encourage women to have a partner, friend or lay carer (doula) for support during 2-35 How should women be encouraged labour. during delivery? 3. Stop routine procedures during labour Many women are afraid and feel out of control that are of little or no proven benefit, e.g. during delivery. They may not understand shaving, enemas, delivering in a supine what is happening and they may be in pain. position (on her back) and separating Support and encouragement are, therefore, mothers and their infants. an essential part of managing a delivery. It 4. Avoid routine treatments that are of little is totally unacceptable to ever shout or hit a or no benefit, e.g. artificial rupture of woman during delivery. membranes, stay in bed with intravenous
  • 9. 34 MOTHER AND BABY FRIENDLY CARE fluids during labour, episiotomy and can be done once the mother has had a chance routine suctioning all infants after birth. to meet her infant. Usually they can be done while the mother holds her newborn infant. Evidence based medicine is health care based on information obtained by carefully conducted, randomised controlled trials and 2-41 Should the infant stay with the extensive systematic reviews of the current mother? literature. This is preferable to personal If possible, the infant should stay with the opinions and expert views which are often mother. This is possible after most deliveries. proved to be incorrect. Bonding during the first hour after delivery (the ‘golden hour’) is particularly important. MOTHER FRIENDLY CARE The mother and infant should not be separated AFTER DELIVERY after delivery. 2-38 When should the infant be given to 2-42 How can the mother play an active role the mother? in preventing a postpartum haemorrhage? With a normal delivery and a healthy mother The mother can play an important role in and infant, the infant should be given to the the prevention of postpartum bleeding, mother as soon as possible after delivery. especially during the first hour after Usually this is done after the infant has been delivery. Breastfeeding directly after delivery dried, briefly examined, the cord cut and the encourages the uterus to contract. She should 1 minute Apgar score has been assessed. be asked to be aware of vaginal bleeding and immediately call for help should she start 2-39 What should the mother be to bleed excessively. Usually only one or encouraged to do once she is given her two sanitary pads are soaked after a normal infant? delivery. She can also be shown how to assess the height of her fundus and feel whether her She should be encouraged to give kangaroo uterus is well contracted. Again she should mother care with the infant placed on her immediately inform the nurse or doctor if naked chest. The infant can be covered with her uterus relaxes or increases in size. She a dry, warm towel. Kangaroo mother care must also have been shown how to rub her soon after delivery promotes bonding and uterus and be instructed to do this at regular successful breastfeeding. Most mothers want intervals. She should keep her bladder empty. to hold and examine their infants immediately In this way the mother is able to monitor her after birth. The mother should also be uterus. This is particularly important if there encouraged to breastfeed. This may speed up are inadequate staff to closely monitor each the third stage of labour by stimulating uterine mother after delivery. contractions. There is no need for a routine five minute Apgar assessment if the infant is normal and did not need any resuscitation. Women should be encouraged to play an active role in the management of their labour and 2-40 When should the routine procedures delivery. be done on the newborn infant? These routine procedures, such as giving vitamin K, placing prophylactic ointment or drops into the eyes and identifying the infant,
  • 10. MOTHER FRIENDLY CARE DURING LABOUR, DELIVER Y AND THE PUERPERIUM 35 2-43 What are ‘baby blues’ or ‘postnatal to depression at other times of life. Women blues’? with postnatal depression feel tearful and sad, they may worry excessively, may be irritable Most women normally feel anxious and and feel angry, are afraid of being alone, tearful for a few days after delivery when they feel they cannot cope, and can have suicidal are faced with the overwhelming tasks and thoughts. Often there are changes in appetite responsibilities of caring for a newborn infant. and sleep pattern with tiredness and loss of Giving birth is also often the start of major energy. They often have a loss of self esteem, changes in their lives. A woman may feel that cannot concentrate and lose their sex drive. she is no longer attractive to her husband. They feel hopeless, inadequate and guilty and These very strong emotions, ‘the blues’, usually have no enjoyment. They often feel a lack of start three or four days after delivery and joy in their infant and may even fear that they only last a few days. Uncommonly they may could harm the infant. Anxiety may present last a few weeks. Staff need to explain that with fearfulness, panic attacks or a wide range irrational tearfulness is very common and will of physical complaints such as weakness, disappear without treatment. Emotional and restlessness, shortness of breath and dizziness. practical support by staff, family and friends is important. If the woman does not feel better Postnatal (puerperal) psychosis occurs in by two weeks after delivery, a diagnosis of about 1/1000 deliveries. These women have postnatal depression must be considered. lost touch with reality and hear voices or have hallucinations. There behaviour is very abnormal. They are often paranoid (believe Postnatal ‘blues’ are normal in the first week unreasonably that people or even their infant after delivery. are plotting against them) and need urgent psychiatric care to avoid hurting themselves and their infant. 2-44 What is postnatal depression? Postnatal depression may occur at any time 2-46 Which women are at an increased risk during the year after delivery. Surprisingly, the of postnatal depression? symptoms of depression usually are already present during pregnancy, but worsen after 1. Women with a past history of depression delivery. In industrialised countries, about or other mental problems. 15% of women have postnatal depression. 2. Women from poor socioeconomic The incidence appears to be much higher in circumstances. poor communities with greater social and 3. Women with little physical and emotional economic problems. support at home. 4. Women with emotional problems NOTE Recent research suggests that the incidence (unwanted pregnancy, previous history of of postnatal depression may be as high as 30% in abuse or pregnancy loss). some poor communities on South Africa. Anxiety may be equally common. 2-47 How may maternal postnatal depression affect the infant? Postnatal depression is not uncommon. Postnatal depression affects a mother’s ability to interact with her infant. These women 2-45 What are the features of postnatal often feel alone, despairing and isolated, and depression? find their infants difficult or demanding. The physical and emotional development of these Postnatal depression usually presents with children may be slow as the poor mother- features of both depression and anxiety, similar infant interaction may result in a lack of
  • 11. 36 MOTHER AND BABY FRIENDLY CARE stimulation or even neglect. They are at an followed by an enema. Later a nurse shaves her increased risk of child abuse. pubic hair and she is asked to bath. When she NOTE Suicide is a major cause of maternal questioned whether the shave was necessary, mortality in industrialised countries. Following she was told that it is routine management motor vehicle accidents, suicide is the of all women in labour. Her boyfriend is commonest cause of coincidental maternal death informed that he cannot attend the delivery. in South Africa. When the woman complains about the attitude of the staff she is shouted at and told 2-48 How can women be screened for that she can deliver at home if she chooses. postnatal depression? 1. Is it essential that the bowel should be If possible, women who are depressed or at emptied before delivery? high risk of depression should be identified during pregnancy as an early diagnosis results No. ‘Oil and enema’ are no longer routine in a better outcome. A caring health worker practice. Some women however request that can usually recognise pregnant women who they have an enema to empty the bowel as they are depressed. However, a formal screening are afraid they may soil during delivery. There tool is available. All women who are thought to is no scientific evidence that an enema speeds have symptoms and signs of depression should up labour and delivery. be referred to a counsellor, social worker or the community mental health team for evaluation 2. Why should all women in labour be and management. Often depressed women are shaved? afraid of being referred for assessment. There is no need to shave women in labour. Women with antenatal depression also Often long pubic hair is trimmed. Contrary to need understanding, support, psychological earlier belief, shaving does not reduce the risk therapy and often medication. Support groups of infection in a perineal tear or episiotomy. are helpful and simply listening can be of Small cuts made during shaving may increase great value. Antidepressants are safe during the risk of skin infection. pregnancy and breastfeeding. Kangaroo mother care, touch therapy and breastfeeding 3. Is it not dangerous to bath during labour? are all useful in helping depressed mothers bond with their infants. No. Bathing and showering during labour are safe. They do not increase the risk of infection or fetal distress. Many women like to lie in a Postnatal depression can be screened for during warm bath during labour as it reduces pain. pregnancy. Some women even ask to deliver in a bath of warm water. NOTE The Edinburgh postnatal depression scale is a questionnaire that can be used both antenatally 4. Are routine protocols of management and postnatally to assess for depression and anxiety. Cognitive therapy and antidepressants still needed in a labour ward? are usually used in management. Yes. It is important to have a plan of management that all the staff can understand and use as a guide to care. However, routine CASE STUDY 1 management should be determined by evidence based medicine whenever possible. A young primigravid woman with mild Mothers should know what is going to happen hypertension presents in labour at the local and be given choices where possible. hospital. She is given a tablespoon of caster oil
  • 12. MOTHER FRIENDLY CARE DURING LABOUR, DELIVER Y AND THE PUERPERIUM 37 5. What is evidence based medicine? labour pains and speeds up labour. Women can relax in a chair or adopt any position This is health care which is based on which gives them the most comfort. Lying for information obtained by carefully conducted, hours on her back during labour is not good randomised controlled trials and extensive for her or her fetus. systematic reviews of the current literature. This is preferable to personal opinions and expert views which are often proved to be incorrect. 2. Do women need to wear a clinic gown during labour? 6. Why should fathers be allowed to attend No, although some women prefer to change the delivery of their infant? out of their own clothes before delivery to avoid blood staining. If possible, and if the woman wants him there, the father should be present during labour and delivery. It is important that he 3. What are the advantages of allowing supports his wife or partner and shares in women to wear their own clothes in the experience of childbirth. Being present is labour? important in strengthening bonds between It is one of the many small parts of ‘mother mother and father and developing bonds friendly care’ which makes labour an enjoyable between father and infant. and meaningful experience rather than a very stressful time. Paying attention to providing 7. What do you think of the manner in which good, kind and gentle care improves the this woman’s complaint was handled? quality of service that is offered to women. Mother friendly care is good for the mother, There is no excuse to shout and be aggressive infant and staff. with patients, especially when they are frightened and confused. Suggesting that she delivers at home is dangerous and unethical 4. Is it safe for women in labour to eat and practice. drink? During a normal labour there is no danger if the woman eats and drinks. Frequent drinks CASE STUDY 2 prevent dehydration. Small snacks prevent hypoglycaemia and ketosis. Food such as During a normal labour at a district hospital, glucose sweets, jelly or fruit is preferred. Only a woman is told she must stay on her bed and if a woman is being prepared for a general not walk around. Her clothes are taken away anaesthetic should she not eat. and she is given a clinic gown. She is allowed to have sips of water during early labour but 5. When should a woman be given pain asked not to eat anything. She is not given relief in labour? any pain relief. She is afraid to ask and does When she feels she needs it. Women must not know whether analgesia is available at the be asked and given a choice as they often are clinic. She is worried that the fetal heart is embarrassed, shy or afraid to ask. not being monitored as she was taught during antenatal classes. 6. Is it necessary to monitor the fetal heart in a normal, low risk labour? 1. Should a woman in normal labour have to remain on her bed? The fetal heat must always be monitored in labour. At a maternity clinic this can usually No. Women should be encouraged to walk be done with a fetal stethoscope or hand held around during labour. This helps to relieve fetal heart rate monitor.
  • 13. 38 MOTHER AND BABY FRIENDLY CARE 7. Does it help women in labour if they 3. What are some of the benefits of having attended antenatal classes? a labour companion? Yes. It helps enormously if women know what Women labour faster and need less analgesia. to expect and understand what occurs during They feel more satisfied with their labour and labour and delivery. This reduces their anxiety delivery and bond better with their infants. and pain and enables mothers to participate in Having a labour companion is a typical the decisions made during labour. example of mother friendly care. 4. Why is a woman’s choice of the best CASE STUDY 3 position to deliver important? Many women prefer not to deliver while lying A woman is admitted in labour to a primary on their backs. This is also not the best position care maternity clinic. Every effort has been for the infant. Some want to squat, crouch, made to provide a mother friendly service kneel or lie on their side. It is important during labour. As she does not have her that women are given a choice. Midwives partner with her she is offered a labour soon learn how to deliver infants in different companion. She is also asked by the midwife positions. The second stage of labour is faster what position she would prefer during with less risk of a peritoneal tear if the mother delivery. The woman is thrilled with her good is in an upright or lateral (side lying) position. delivery experience which contrasts to the efficient but very unfriendly care she received 5. What are the advantages of low risk with the birth of her previous child when the women delivering at a maternity clinic? staff insisted that all primigravid mothers must have an episiotomy. On the third day A maternity clinic (midwife obstetric unit) after delivery she seems well but complains of near their homes is more convenient for most feeling upset, without any obvious reason, and women than a hospital. The labour ward in a cannot stop crying. maternity clinic is more relaxed with midwives managing normal deliveries. It is safer than 1. What is a labour companion? home deliveries in most poor communities and avoids some of the unnecessary A labour companion is someone who stays investigations and interventions that are with a woman throughout her labour and common in hospitals. While high risk women delivery to encourage and support her. should be managed in hospital, where all the Traditionally, women never laboured alone but additional facilities are available, almost all low always had a companion. risk women can be safely and well cared for in a maternity clinic. 2. Who can be a labour companion? Usually her partner, a friend or someone in 6. What is the Better Births Initiative? her family. If no one suitable is available she BBI is an international project which aims at can be offered a professional or lay labour improving care during labour and delivery by companion (a doula) whom she has not met introducing mother friendly care, based on the before. The role of the labour companion is best evidence available. BBI is good care. All different from that of the person who conducts labour wards should be encouraged to adopt the labour and delivery. the principles of BBI.
  • 14. MOTHER FRIENDLY CARE DURING LABOUR, DELIVER Y AND THE PUERPERIUM 39 7. Why do you think this woman felt so 8. How can postpartum depression be upset? detected early? She almost certainly has the ‘blues’. With Postpartum depression often presents during understanding, explanation and support she pregnancy and then becomes worse after should recover in a few days. If she is no better delivery. An awareness by health workers of after two weeks, suspect postnatal depression, the features of depression and anxiety can lead and refer her for counselling or assessment. to an early diagnosis. A screening tool can also She has no features of puerperal psychosis. be used to identify women who are depressed or at high risk of depression.