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Naxsi, an open source WAF
                                 for Nginx

            ©NBS System
Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
©NBS System
Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
A bit of background
(Seems webapp security is a good starter to talk about WAFs)

                            ©NBS System
                Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Overall security level of web applications evolves slowly , or at least not fast enough

                                                                  • Low technical skill needed to exploit
                                                                    most vulnerabilities (SQLi)

                                                                  • Most actors did not reach a good
                                                                    awarness level yet

(Nb of annual defaces, source: zone-h)

Because of these factors, number of attacks is dramatically growing

                                                     ©NBS System
                                         Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Just for May 2012 :
      Govs or affiliated :
          …                                 In Russia files includes you …

      More than 300k accounts dumped each month

                                          ©NBS System
                              Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Web apps                                          Classic IT

                       ©NBS System
           Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
• Best mitigation : Patch

                                            Not always possible :

                                                Very complex or critical webapp
                                                Lack of skill, knowledge lost

                                            Your webapp security level can only be
                                            known once you performed an (expensive ?)
                                            security test on it.

                                        ©NBS System
                            Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
• When code patching is not an option:                  Web Application Firewalls

                                        Commercial WAFs :
                                           Not very affordable for small companies
                                           or big infrastructures
                                           Extremely unequal quality

                                        Open source WAFs :
                                            Performance issues
                                            Maybe not « corporate » enough for most
                                           users ?
                                           Maintenance time

                                         ©NBS System
                             Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
As a pentester :
                                 Web sites are still one of the most vulnerable
                                 entry points on a network
                                  And one of the most exposed as well !

                             As a hoster :
                                 WebSite owners, even when web is their core
                                 business, lack security awareness … and get

                            As a security consultant :
                                 CISO / Administrators are still frighten of
WHY U NO PROTECT ?               WAF’s side effects
                                 And the one using WAFs will only go for big,
                                 expensive, corporate solutions (Hi Imperva!)

                                 ©NBS System
                     Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Enough teasing !
(and enough jokes)

            ©NBS System
Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
When studying the idea of offering hardened web hosting for some of our clients,
we came accros several problems :

    Commercial WAF are way too expensive for big infrastructures (especially with
    a lot of small/medium clients)

    Open Source WAFs (mod_security) are not fast enough (means: filtering POST
    requests only if you don’t want to damage user experience)

    Both kinds requires a huge investment to keep security signatures up-to-date

                                        ©NBS System
                            Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
(Apr 2011) Naxsi project idea was born :

    Hoster compliant WAF :
        Performances / Scalability
        Production grade WAF

    A WAF that doesn’t require signatures / updates
        Only when your site code base change

    And because defense is for once funnier than attack

                                         ©NBS System
                             Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Naxsi’s design is closer to a sateless firewall than an anti-virus

Most WAFs are more web anti-viruses than firewalls
    Relies on a big, heavy, frequently updated base of signatures

On the other hand, Naxsi does rely on signatures, but not in the way you might think

                                           ©NBS System
                               Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Naxsi relies on ~35 rules, targetting : SQLi, XSS, RFI/LFI, file uploads …

   A rule is defined as :
        A pattern (most of the time, one character, here : ‘ )
        Scores (indicating the kind of threat it’s linked to, here both SQL and XSS)
        Match Zones
        And a unique ID

          str:'" "msg:simple quote"
MainRule "str:'" "msg:simple quote"
                       |$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie              id:1013;
"mz:ARGS|BODY|URL|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$SQL:4,$XSS:8" id:1013

  When a request reaches a « limit » score, an action si taken upon the request :
CheckRule "$SQL >= 8" BLOCK;

   Leaves a lot of room for fine-tuning

                                              ©NBS System
                                  Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
This naive approach has several advantages :
     Fast : No massive, expensive regex set to process
     Naive design : Naxsi doesn’t try to understand incoming requests. No need for
     complex/costly transformation functions
     Predictability : Not relying on « real » signatures makes bypass less likely to
     Small & Auditable code : <4K LOC

But comes with a price :
     Whitelist configuration !

                                             ©NBS System
                                 Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Naxsi, a tweakable WAF

                ©NBS System
    Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Naxsi offers two « main » modes :
       Normal mode : « Blocked » requests are redirected to a specific location
       Learning mode : « To-be-blocked » requests are simply « copied » to a specific
       location, and the original request is processed transparently

  Redirecting requests rather than « blocking » them offers various possibilities for
  blocked requests :
       Return a specific error code to the user (HTTP 418: I'm a teapot)
       Return a static page
       Redirect user to a dynamic page (with captcha) to report false positives
       Anything LUA/PHP/<language> allows you to do

   Redirected requests contains both original request arguments, as well as « naxsi
   signature » (in HTTP headers) :

                                           ©NBS System
                               Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Naxsi in test bed
 « Reliability of naxsi model
versus obfuscated patterns »

                  ©NBS System
      Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
0 div 1 union#foo*/*bar
select#foo                                    0 div 1 union select 1,2,current_user

                          mod_sec : Transformation on comments leading to a

                                    Naxsi : 2 SQL keywords, 4 SQL comments,
                                    blocked early

                                          ©NBS System
                              Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
hUserId=22768&From                           hUserId=22768&From
Date=a1%27+or&ToDa                           Date=a1'+or&ToDate=<
te=%3C%3Eamount+a                            >amount+and'')

                     mod_sec : Victim of fragmentation (attack splitted
                     accross several parameters)

                              Naxsi : Evaluates the whole request, sees
                              multiple quotes, brackets, parenthesis

                                     ©NBS System
                         Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Naxsi in test bed
« Performances of the naxsi model »

                      ©NBS System
          Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Requests Per Second   6000


                      3000                                                              NGINX+NAXSI

                             100     300       500                         1000                Plateform:
                             Concurrent connections                                            my laptop

                                                ©NBS System
                                    Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
With apache-bench (1k concurrent requests, 10k total requests, long URL with
arguments) :

                     Nginx                   Nginx+Naxsi           Diff (%)
    Total time       1.151 s                 1.271 s               9,4%
    RPS              8687.21                 7866.73               9,4%
    TPR (mean)       0.115                   0.127                 9,4%
    Transfert Rate   1220.48                 1198.45               1,8%

                                     ©NBS System
                         Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Naxsi usage
 « Hands on »

            ©NBS System
Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
              Daemon                               MySQL/Sqlite


          Naxsi                                                  WebSite

                        ©NBS System
            Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance


                        BasicRule wl:1100 "mz:$BODY_VAR:redirect_to";
                        BasicRule wl:1005 "mz:$HEADERS_VAR:cookie" ;
                        BasicRule wl:1010 "mz:$HEADERS_VAR:cookie" ;

                       ©NBS System
           Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
I won’t cover Ngnix setup, so let’s assume our setup is the following :
         Nginx+Naxsi is used as a reverse proxy to an existing website
    Naxsi setup is as :

DeniedUrl "/RequestDenied";                                                   server {
LearningMode;                                                                 …
CheckRule "$SQL >= 8" BLOCK;                                                   location / {
CheckRule "$RFI >= 8" BLOCK;                                                     include "naxsi.conf";
CheckRule "$TRAVERSAL >= 5" BLOCK;                                               proxy_pass http://x.x.x.x;
CheckRule "$UPLOAD >= 5" BLOCK;                                                }
CheckRule "$XSS >= 10" BLOCK;                                                  location /RequestDenied {
                                                                                 proxy_pass http://x.x.y.z:8080;
                              Pointing to nx_intercept :
                                $ python -c ./naxsi-ui.conf

                                                  ©NBS System
                                      Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Naxsi’s learning daemons :
    Nx_intercept : http requests interception daemon, feeds the database
    Nx_extract : whitelist & statistics generation, fed from the database

                   username = naxsi_web
                   password = test
                   port = 8081
                   rules_path = /etc/nginx/core.rules

                   port = 8080

                   username = naxsi
                   password = trivialpasswordormaybenot
                   hostname =
                   dbname = naxsi_sig

                                         ©NBS System
                             Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
While the user is browsing,
                                   exceptions are generated by
                                   Naxsi, and HTTP requests
                                   are forwarded to nx_intercept.

                                   Nx_intercept extracts
                                   signatures from forwarded
                                   HTTP requests, and put them
                                   into the database.

            ©NBS System
Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
After browsing a bit (here two different pages), we can fire nx_extract, the whitelist
generation daemon :

                                         ©NBS System
                             Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Clicking on whitelist generation will get you there :
########### Rules Before Optimisation ##################
#1 hits on rule 1005 (mysql keyword (|)) on url / from 1 different peers
#BasicRule wl:1005 "mz:$URL:/|$HEADERS_VAR:cookie";
#BasicRule wl:1010 "mz:$URL:/test_securite_web|$HEADERS_VAR:cookie";
#1 hits on rule 1011 (parenthesis, probable sql/xss) on url /test_securite_web from 1
different peers
########### End Of Rules Before Optimisation ###########
# (mysql keyword (|))
BasicRule wl:1005 "mz:$HEADERS_VAR:cookie";
# open parenthesis
BasicRule wl:1010 "mz:$HEADERS_VAR:cookie";
# close parenthesis
BasicRule wl:1011 "mz:$HEADERS_VAR:cookie";
BasicRule wl:1315 "mz:$HEADERS_VAR:cookie";

                                            ©NBS System
                                Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Naxsi usage
« Hands on : User forms »

                 ©NBS System
     Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
But the real deal, with learning mode, is user forms !
  Cookies, URL and so on will be detected in one browsing session, but what about
  user forms ? You need to fill them, with all « authorized » characters, which can be
  Thanks to Naxsi naive architecture, you can easilly fool him to reach your goal.

  Let’s add a rule or two in our naxsi’s location configuration :

BasicRule id:0 "str:123FREETEXT" "s:BLOCK" "mz:ARGS|BODY|URL";
BasicRule id:42 "str:123EMAIL" "s:BLOCK" "mz:ARGS|BODY|URL";

                                            ©NBS System
                                Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
This two rules will allow us, whenever we will type « 123FREETEXT » or « 123EMAIL »
   within a field (GET/POST) to trigger naxsi, and output whitelist for :
        Id:0 (which means *all* rules) whenever you input « 123FREETEXT »
        Id:42 (which doesn’t exist) whenever you input « 123EMAIL »

The idea here is to be able to simply tell naxsi « whitelist everything » in this field, in a
convenient way.

And regarding id:42, replacing it by the Ids you want to whitelist is left as an exercice to
the audience (mainly because it’s not supported by nx_extract yet ;p)

                                            ©NBS System
                                Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Using the pattern « 123FREETEXT » in the website will thus generate a whitelist for
  « all » rules, on specific element :

BasicRule wl:0 "mz:$URL:/|$ARGS_VAR:s";

                                          ©NBS System
                              Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Naxsi usage
« Hands on : User forms – another approach »

                           ©NBS System
               Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Naxsi is parsing both variable names and content
And most frameworks (magento, drupal etc.) provide « default » names, for several
kind of fields !

Do you see my point ? Not yet maybe …

                                       ©NBS System
                           Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
In the case of magento, form fields use hardcoded name depending on type of field,
  such as :
  As a specific example, « search » field will always be passed as « q » :
BasicRule id:9002 "rx:^q$" "s:BLOCK" "mz:ARGS|BODY|URL";
  And name fields are always named « firstname » in HTML forms :
BasicRule id:9003 "rx:^firstname$" "s:BLOCK" "mz:ARGS|BODY|URL";

                                          ©NBS System
                              Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Thus, browsing the website, and using the forms, even without specific patterns, will
   trigger the rules, and you will see in whitelist generation :

BasicRule wl:9002 "mz:$URL:/catalogsearch/result/|$ARGS_VAR:q|NAME";

BasicRule wl:9003

   This allows you to perform « passive » learning. Let users use the website (in learning
   mode), let them write your whitelist rules ;)

                                             ©NBS System
                                 Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Naxsi usage
« Reporting, because bosses love reporting »

                          ©NBS System
              Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Nx_intercept can as well be fed by logfiles, nginx logfiles.
As Naxsi writes its signatures into Nginx’s error log :


It means two things :
     You can use LearningMode, even without nx_intercept
     You can get cool & nice reporting on the period you want (just inject Nginx’s log
     files for this period !)

                                           ©NBS System
                               Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
©NBS System
Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
©NBS System
Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Naxsi usage
« More ! More ! »

             ©NBS System
 Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Naxsi simplicity and naive design allows you to simply write rules for whatever you
   want :
        Blocking robots ?
BasicRule id:X ‘str:BOT_USER_AGENT’ ‘mz:$HEADERS_VAR:user-agent’ ‘s:BLOCK’;

        People looking for PhpMyAdmin ?
Basicrule id:X ‘rx:*phpmy*’ ‘mz:URL’ ‘s:BLOCK’;

   As Naxsi writes signatures of attacks to Nginx’s error log, it’s fail2ban-friendly ;)
   Why not let the learning mode on, and simply rely on fail2ban to push away insisting
   attackers ?

                                            ©NBS System
                                Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Back to reality

            ©NBS System
Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
November 2011 : « Charlie Hebdo » a french satiric newpaper, gets heavily targeted
by muslim hacktivists after an edition – representing Muhammad– was published.

  Their office was burned, and …

                                        ©NBS System
                            Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Their website gets targeted and is defaced twice within 24h of time

                                        ©NBS System
                            Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
Then Dos and Ddos follows …

Their actual hoster decides to shut down the website, by fear of retaliation

Migration was planned, but it became much more urgent

                                         ©NBS System
                             Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
A small hardened infrastructure was setup within 8 hours :
    Two RP NGINX + NAXSI (for redundancy)
    A LAMP server

And here we go for first « fire experience » of naxsi !

At the time we migrated the website, we were already aware of some vulnerabilities
that were not possible to patch within such short delay, so all our hope was within
naxsi ☺

                                          ©NBS System
                              Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
D+1 : Architecture is ready, dns migration ongoing
        As stated earlier, we knew some vulnerabilities were present. Attackers did
       know as well (as they already defaced the website twice)

   D+1,5 : DNS migration is over

   A small analysis of Naxsi’s logs on the first week
       Over 32 000 HTTP requests blocked
       Over 200 IP blacklisted

    And the cool thing is that we didn’t get any false positives, and the website
   remained safe.

Thanks for the bench !

                                            ©NBS System
                                Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
©NBS System
Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance
                                       Document confidentiel

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Naxsi, an open source WAF for Nginx

  • 1. Naxsi, an open source WAF for Nginx ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 1
  • 2. ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 2
  • 3. A bit of background (Seems webapp security is a good starter to talk about WAFs) ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 3
  • 4. Overall security level of web applications evolves slowly , or at least not fast enough • Low technical skill needed to exploit most vulnerabilities (SQLi) • Most actors did not reach a good awarness level yet (Nb of annual defaces, source: zone-h) Because of these factors, number of attacks is dramatically growing ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 4
  • 5. Just for May 2012 : Govs or affiliated : France Bahrain US Thailand Canada Israel … In Russia files includes you … More than 300k accounts dumped each month ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 5
  • 6. Web apps Classic IT ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 6
  • 7. • Best mitigation : Patch Not always possible : Very complex or critical webapp Lack of skill, knowledge lost Your webapp security level can only be known once you performed an (expensive ?) security test on it. ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 7
  • 8. • When code patching is not an option: Web Application Firewalls Commercial WAFs : Not very affordable for small companies or big infrastructures Extremely unequal quality Open source WAFs : Performance issues Maybe not « corporate » enough for most users ? Maintenance time ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 8
  • 9. As a pentester : Web sites are still one of the most vulnerable entry points on a network And one of the most exposed as well ! As a hoster : WebSite owners, even when web is their core business, lack security awareness … and get owned As a security consultant : CISO / Administrators are still frighten of WHY U NO PROTECT ? WAF’s side effects And the one using WAFs will only go for big, expensive, corporate solutions (Hi Imperva!) ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 9
  • 10. Enough teasing ! (and enough jokes) ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 10
  • 11. When studying the idea of offering hardened web hosting for some of our clients, we came accros several problems : Commercial WAF are way too expensive for big infrastructures (especially with a lot of small/medium clients) Open Source WAFs (mod_security) are not fast enough (means: filtering POST requests only if you don’t want to damage user experience) Both kinds requires a huge investment to keep security signatures up-to-date ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 11
  • 12. (Apr 2011) Naxsi project idea was born : Hoster compliant WAF : Performances / Scalability Production grade WAF A WAF that doesn’t require signatures / updates Only when your site code base change And because defense is for once funnier than attack ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 12
  • 13. Naxsi’s design is closer to a sateless firewall than an anti-virus Most WAFs are more web anti-viruses than firewalls Relies on a big, heavy, frequently updated base of signatures On the other hand, Naxsi does rely on signatures, but not in the way you might think ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 13
  • 14. Naxsi relies on ~35 rules, targetting : SQLi, XSS, RFI/LFI, file uploads … A rule is defined as : A pattern (most of the time, one character, here : ‘ ) Scores (indicating the kind of threat it’s linked to, here both SQL and XSS) Match Zones And a unique ID str:'" "msg:simple quote" MainRule "str:'" "msg:simple quote" mz:ARGS|BODY|URL|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" |$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie id:1013; "mz:ARGS|BODY|URL|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$SQL:4,$XSS:8" id:1013 When a request reaches a « limit » score, an action si taken upon the request : CheckRule "$SQL >= 8" BLOCK; Leaves a lot of room for fine-tuning ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 14
  • 15. This naive approach has several advantages : Fast : No massive, expensive regex set to process Naive design : Naxsi doesn’t try to understand incoming requests. No need for complex/costly transformation functions Predictability : Not relying on « real » signatures makes bypass less likely to happen Small & Auditable code : <4K LOC But comes with a price : Whitelist configuration ! ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 15
  • 16. Naxsi, a tweakable WAF ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 16
  • 17. Naxsi offers two « main » modes : Normal mode : « Blocked » requests are redirected to a specific location Learning mode : « To-be-blocked » requests are simply « copied » to a specific location, and the original request is processed transparently Redirecting requests rather than « blocking » them offers various possibilities for blocked requests : Return a specific error code to the user (HTTP 418: I'm a teapot) Return a static page Redirect user to a dynamic page (with captcha) to report false positives Anything LUA/PHP/<language> allows you to do Redirected requests contains both original request arguments, as well as « naxsi signature » (in HTTP headers) : ip=x.x.x.x& S&id0=1308&var_name0=cookie&zone1=HEADERS&id1=1309&var_name1=cookie ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 17
  • 18. Naxsi in test bed « Reliability of naxsi model versus obfuscated patterns » ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 18
  • 19. 0 div 1 union#foo*/*bar select#foo 0 div 1 union select 1,2,current_user 1,2,current_user mod_sec : Transformation on comments leading to a bypass. Naxsi : 2 SQL keywords, 4 SQL comments, blocked early ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 19
  • 20. hUserId=22768&From hUserId=22768&From Date=a1%27+or&ToDa Date=a1'+or&ToDate=< te=%3C%3Eamount+a >amount+and'') nd%27 mod_sec : Victim of fragmentation (attack splitted accross several parameters) Naxsi : Evaluates the whole request, sees multiple quotes, brackets, parenthesis ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 20
  • 21. Naxsi in test bed « Performances of the naxsi model » ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 21
  • 22. Requests Per Second 6000 5000 4000 NGINX 3000 NGINX+NAXSI APACHE 2000 APACHE+MODSEC 1000 0 100 300 500 1000 Plateform: Concurrent connections my laptop ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 22
  • 23. With apache-bench (1k concurrent requests, 10k total requests, long URL with arguments) : Nginx Nginx+Naxsi Diff (%) Total time 1.151 s 1.271 s 9,4% RPS 8687.21 7866.73 9,4% TPR (mean) 0.115 0.127 9,4% Transfert Rate 1220.48 1198.45 1,8% ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 23
  • 24. Naxsi usage « Hands on » ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 24
  • 25. Learning Daemon MySQL/Sqlite (nx_intercept) User(s) Naxsi WebSite ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 25
  • 26. Learning Daemon (nx_extract) MySQL/Sqlite BasicRule wl:1100 "mz:$BODY_VAR:redirect_to"; BasicRule wl:1005 "mz:$HEADERS_VAR:cookie" ; BasicRule wl:1010 "mz:$HEADERS_VAR:cookie" ; Naxsinaxsi configuration ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 26
  • 27. I won’t cover Ngnix setup, so let’s assume our setup is the following : Nginx+Naxsi is used as a reverse proxy to an existing website Naxsi setup is as : SecRulesEnabled; DeniedUrl "/RequestDenied"; server { LearningMode; … CheckRule "$SQL >= 8" BLOCK; location / { CheckRule "$RFI >= 8" BLOCK; include "naxsi.conf"; CheckRule "$TRAVERSAL >= 5" BLOCK; proxy_pass http://x.x.x.x; CheckRule "$UPLOAD >= 5" BLOCK; } CheckRule "$XSS >= 10" BLOCK; location /RequestDenied { proxy_pass http://x.x.y.z:8080; } … } Pointing to nx_intercept : $ python -c ./naxsi-ui.conf … ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 27
  • 28. Naxsi’s learning daemons : Nx_intercept : http requests interception daemon, feeds the database Nx_extract : whitelist & statistics generation, fed from the database [nx_extract] username = naxsi_web password = test port = 8081 rules_path = /etc/nginx/core.rules [nx_intercept] port = 8080 [mysql] username = naxsi password = trivialpasswordormaybenot hostname = dbname = naxsi_sig ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 28
  • 29. While the user is browsing, exceptions are generated by Naxsi, and HTTP requests are forwarded to nx_intercept. Nx_intercept extracts signatures from forwarded HTTP requests, and put them into the database. ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 29
  • 30. After browsing a bit (here two different pages), we can fire nx_extract, the whitelist generation daemon : ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 30
  • 31. Clicking on whitelist generation will get you there : ########### Rules Before Optimisation ################## #1 hits on rule 1005 (mysql keyword (|)) on url / from 1 different peers #BasicRule wl:1005 "mz:$URL:/|$HEADERS_VAR:cookie"; …. #BasicRule wl:1010 "mz:$URL:/test_securite_web|$HEADERS_VAR:cookie"; #1 hits on rule 1011 (parenthesis, probable sql/xss) on url /test_securite_web from 1 different peers ########### End Of Rules Before Optimisation ########### # (mysql keyword (|)) BasicRule wl:1005 "mz:$HEADERS_VAR:cookie"; # open parenthesis BasicRule wl:1010 "mz:$HEADERS_VAR:cookie"; # close parenthesis BasicRule wl:1011 "mz:$HEADERS_VAR:cookie"; BasicRule wl:1315 "mz:$HEADERS_VAR:cookie"; ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 31
  • 32. Naxsi usage « Hands on : User forms » ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 32
  • 33. But the real deal, with learning mode, is user forms ! Cookies, URL and so on will be detected in one browsing session, but what about user forms ? You need to fill them, with all « authorized » characters, which can be boring. Thanks to Naxsi naive architecture, you can easilly fool him to reach your goal. Let’s add a rule or two in our naxsi’s location configuration : BasicRule id:0 "str:123FREETEXT" "s:BLOCK" "mz:ARGS|BODY|URL"; BasicRule id:42 "str:123EMAIL" "s:BLOCK" "mz:ARGS|BODY|URL"; ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 33
  • 34. This two rules will allow us, whenever we will type « 123FREETEXT » or « 123EMAIL » within a field (GET/POST) to trigger naxsi, and output whitelist for : Id:0 (which means *all* rules) whenever you input « 123FREETEXT » Id:42 (which doesn’t exist) whenever you input « 123EMAIL » The idea here is to be able to simply tell naxsi « whitelist everything » in this field, in a convenient way. And regarding id:42, replacing it by the Ids you want to whitelist is left as an exercice to the audience (mainly because it’s not supported by nx_extract yet ;p) ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 34
  • 35. Using the pattern « 123FREETEXT » in the website will thus generate a whitelist for « all » rules, on specific element : BasicRule wl:0 "mz:$URL:/|$ARGS_VAR:s"; ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 35
  • 36. Naxsi usage « Hands on : User forms – another approach » ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 36
  • 37. Naxsi is parsing both variable names and content And most frameworks (magento, drupal etc.) provide « default » names, for several kind of fields ! Do you see my point ? Not yet maybe … ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 37
  • 38. In the case of magento, form fields use hardcoded name depending on type of field, such as : Firstname Lastname Email Password … As a specific example, « search » field will always be passed as « q » : BasicRule id:9002 "rx:^q$" "s:BLOCK" "mz:ARGS|BODY|URL"; And name fields are always named « firstname » in HTML forms : BasicRule id:9003 "rx:^firstname$" "s:BLOCK" "mz:ARGS|BODY|URL"; ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 38
  • 39. Thus, browsing the website, and using the forms, even without specific patterns, will trigger the rules, and you will see in whitelist generation : BasicRule wl:9002 "mz:$URL:/catalogsearch/result/|$ARGS_VAR:q|NAME"; BasicRule wl:9003 "mz:$URL:/customer/account/createpost/|$BODY_VAR:firstname|NAME"; This allows you to perform « passive » learning. Let users use the website (in learning mode), let them write your whitelist rules ;) ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 39
  • 40. Naxsi usage « Reporting, because bosses love reporting » ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 40
  • 41. Nx_intercept can as well be fed by logfiles, nginx logfiles. As Naxsi writes its signatures into Nginx’s error log : ip=x.x.x.& cron.php&total_processed=8140&total_blocked=1954& It means two things : You can use LearningMode, even without nx_intercept You can get cool & nice reporting on the period you want (just inject Nginx’s log files for this period !) ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 41
  • 42. ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 42
  • 43. ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 43
  • 44. Naxsi usage « More ! More ! » ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 44
  • 45. Naxsi simplicity and naive design allows you to simply write rules for whatever you want : Blocking robots ? BasicRule id:X ‘str:BOT_USER_AGENT’ ‘mz:$HEADERS_VAR:user-agent’ ‘s:BLOCK’; People looking for PhpMyAdmin ? Basicrule id:X ‘rx:*phpmy*’ ‘mz:URL’ ‘s:BLOCK’; As Naxsi writes signatures of attacks to Nginx’s error log, it’s fail2ban-friendly ;) Why not let the learning mode on, and simply rely on fail2ban to push away insisting attackers ? ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 45
  • 46. Back to reality ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 46
  • 47. November 2011 : « Charlie Hebdo » a french satiric newpaper, gets heavily targeted by muslim hacktivists after an edition – representing Muhammad– was published. Their office was burned, and … ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 47
  • 48. Their website gets targeted and is defaced twice within 24h of time ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 48
  • 49. Then Dos and Ddos follows … Their actual hoster decides to shut down the website, by fear of retaliation Migration was planned, but it became much more urgent ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 49
  • 50. A small hardened infrastructure was setup within 8 hours : Two RP NGINX + NAXSI (for redundancy) A LAMP server And here we go for first « fire experience » of naxsi ! At the time we migrated the website, we were already aware of some vulnerabilities that were not possible to patch within such short delay, so all our hope was within naxsi ☺ ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 50
  • 51. D+1 : Architecture is ready, dns migration ongoing As stated earlier, we knew some vulnerabilities were present. Attackers did know as well (as they already defaced the website twice) D+1,5 : DNS migration is over A small analysis of Naxsi’s logs on the first week Over 32 000 HTTP requests blocked Over 200 IP blacklisted And the cool thing is that we didn’t get any false positives, and the website remained safe. Thanks for the bench ! ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance 51
  • 52. ©NBS System Sécurité – Hébergement - Infogérance Document confidentiel 52