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Interoperability with ML2:
LinuxBridge, OVS and SDN
Sungman Jang (LinuxBridge& OVS)
Guohua Lee (SDN)
ML2 with Linux Bridge & OVS
Part 1
• Host: HP Elitebook 820 G1 (Intel
i5-4300U, 2.50GHz / 12GB RAM)
/ Windows 7 Enterprise
• VirtualBox: 5.0.6 with Extension
Pack installed
• Guest: Ubuntu x64 14.04
• OpenStack: Liberty
(Provider Network)
• 설치목차
• 1. 기본 프로그램 설치(python-
openstackclient chrony) 및 네트
워크 인터페이스 설정
2. 컨트롤러 전용 프로그램 설치
(mariasql, rabbitmq)
3-1. Keystone 설치
3-2. 기본 계정 설정하기
3-3. Keystone 설치 후 동작 확인
4-1. Glance 설치
4-2. Glance 설치 후 동작 확인
• -----------
• 5-1. Nova 설치
• 5-2. Nova 설치 후 동작 확인
• 6-1. Neutron 설치
• 6-2. Neutron 설치 후 동작 확인
• 7. Horizon 설치
Provider Networks
• Provider networks generally offer
simplicity, performance, and
reliability at the cost of flexibility.
• Operators can build on this
minimal deployment to enable
more cloud networking features.
<OpenStack Networking Guide> <VirtualBox로 구현한 네트워크 구조>
Why LinuxBridge and OVS?
• LinuxBridge (since 1999/01/25):
– A Linux bridge is more powerful than a pure
hardware bridge because it can also filter and
shape traffic. The combination of bridging and
firewalling is done with the companion project
• Open vSwitch (since 2009/07/29)
– It is designed to enable massive network
automation through programmatic extension, while
still supporting standard management interfaces
and protocols (e.g. NetFlow, sFlow, IPFIX,
RSPAN, CLI, LACP, 802.1ag).
Why OVS so complicated?
• Ideally, the TAP device vnet0 would be connected directly to the integration bridge, br-int. Unfortunately, this isn't possible because of how OpenStack security
groups are currently implemented. OpenStack uses iptables rules on the TAP devices such as vnet0 to implement security groups, and Open vSwitch is not
compatible with iptables rules that are applied directly on TAP devices that are connected to an Open vSwitch port.
• Networking uses an extra Linux bridge and a veth pair as a workaround for this issue. Instead of connecting vnet0 to an Open vSwitch bridge, it is connected to
a Linux bridge, qbrXXX. This bridge is connected to the integration bridge, br-int, through the (qvbXXX, qvoXXX) veth pair.
What is ML2
• The Modular Layer 2 (ML2) Plugin is a framework allowing OpenStack
Networking to simultaneously utilize the variety of layer 2 networking
technologies found in complex real-world datacenters.
POST /v2.0/ports.json HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/json
"port": {
"admin_state_up": true,
"device_id": "d6b4d3a5-c700-476f-b609-1493dd9dadc0",
"name": "port1",
"network_id": "6aeaf34a-c482-4bd3-9dc3-7faf36412f12"
LB Agent
Expected Scenario
type_drivers = flat,vlan,gre,vxlan
tenant_network_types =
mechanism_drivers = linuxbridge,openvswitch
verbose = True
interface_driver = neutron.agent.linux.interface.BridgeInterfaceDriver
dhcp_driver = neutron.agent.linux.dhcp.Dnsmasq
dhcp_delete_namespaces = True
Mech Driver:
Type Driver:
Mech Driver:
Type Driver:
Mech Driver:
Type Driver:
Oh… No…
• /etc/neutron/neutron.conf
• /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini
• /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini
Bridge, Switch and Router
• Bridge: A network bridge is network hardware that connects multiple network segments.
• Switch: A network switch is a multiport network bridge that uses hardware addresses to
process and forward data at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model.
• Router: A router is connected to two or more data lines from different networks. When
multiple routers are used in interconnected networks, the routers exchange information
about destination addresses using a dynamic routing protocol.
주요 특징 Classical Router Layer 3 Switch
주요 OSI Layer Layer 3 Layer 3
Routing 방법 Software (CPU + Software) Hardware (ASIC chip)
L2 지원 Ethernet, TokerRing, FDDI, ATM, WAN FastEthernet, Gigabit Ethernet
forwarding 성능 Slow Fast
Latency 약 200 ms < 10 ms (100 Mbps)
관리/program가능 매우 높음 적음
지원 Protocol All IP (일부 IPX)
Routing Protocol All RIP1,2 OSPF 등
WAN 지원 지원함 지원하지 않음
비용 높음 낮음
표 출처:
Booting a VM
• 0. _build_instance() & _allocate_network()
• 1. REST (C->N): Create Port
• 2. vif_driver.plug() & Add a port tap with external_ids set
– ‘Neutron OVS agent’ loop to detect port update
– Get the Neutron port id from the external_ids
– Call get_device_details(port_id) to Neutron Server
• 3. Bind_port() & Set up the ovs port
• 4. update_device_up()
ML2 in Code
neutron.ml2.type_drivers =
flat = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.type_flat
local = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.type_local
vlan = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.type_vlan
geneve = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.type_geneve
gre = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.type_gre
vxlan = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.type_vxlan
neutron.ml2.mechanism_drivers =
ovsvapp = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.ovsvapp.mech_driver
opendaylight = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.opendaylight.driver
logger = neutron.tests.unit.plugins.ml2.drivers.mechanism_logger
test = neutron.tests.unit.plugins.ml2.drivers.mechanism_test
linuxbridge = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.linuxbridge.mech_driver.mech_linuxbridge
openvswitch = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.mech_driver.mech_openvswitch
hyperv = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.hyperv.mech_hyperv
l2population = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.l2pop.mech_driver
ofagent = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.ofagent.driver
mlnx = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.mlnx.mech_mlnx
brocade = networking_brocade.vdx.ml2driver.mechanism_brocade
brocade_fi_ni = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.brocade.fi_ni.mechanism_brocade_fi_ni
fslsdn = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.freescale.mechanism_fslsdn
sriovnicswitch = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.mech_sriov.mech_driver.mech_driver
fake_agent = neutron.tests.unit.plugins.ml2.drivers.mech_fake_agent
sdnve =
neutron.ml2.extension_drivers =
test = neutron.tests.unit.plugins.ml2.drivers.ext_test
testdb = neutron.tests.unit.plugins.ml2.drivers.ext_test
port_security = neutron.plugins.ml2.extensions.port_security
qos = neutron.plugins.ml2.extensions.qos
ML2 in Code
RPC: Agent->Plugin
RPC: Plugin->Agent
class OpenDaylightMechanismDriver(driver_api.MechanismDriver):
"""Mechanism Driver for OpenDaylight.
This driver was a port from the NCS MechanismDriver. The API
exposed by ODL is slightly different from the API exposed by NCS,
but the general concepts are the same.
def initialize(self):
self.url = cfg.CONF.ml2_odl.url
self.timeout = cfg.CONF.ml2_odl.timeout
self.username = cfg.CONF.ml2_odl.username
self.password = cfg.CONF.ml2_odl.password
required_opts = ('url', 'username', 'password')
for opt in required_opts:
if not getattr(self, opt):
raise cfg.RequiredOptError(opt, 'ml2_odl')
self.odl_drv = OpenDaylightDriver()
# Postcommit hooks are used to trigger synchronization.
def create_network_postcommit(self, context):
self.odl_drv.synchronize('create', odl_const.ODL_NETWORKS, context)
ML2 for ODL
from networking_odl.common import constants as odl_const
from networking_odl.ml2 import mech_driver
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
from neutron.plugins.ml2 import driver_api as api
(ODL backend implementation)
def sendjson(self, method, urlpath, obj):
"""Send json to the OpenDaylight controller."""
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
data = jsonutils.dumps(obj, indent=2) if obj else None
url = '/'.join([self.url, urlpath])
LOG.debug("Sending METHOD (%(method)s) URL (%(url)s) JSON (%(obj)s)",
{'method': method, 'url': url, 'obj': obj})
r = requests.request(method, url=url,
headers=headers, data=data,
auth=self.auth, timeout=self.timeout)
def sync_single_resource(self, operation, object_type, context):
"""Sync over a single resource from Neutron to OpenDaylight.
Handle syncing a single operation over to OpenDaylight, and correctly
filter attributes out which are not required for the requisite
operation (create or update) being handled.
# Convert underscores to dashes in the URL for ODL
object_type_url = object_type.replace('_', '-')
obj_id = context.current['id']
if operation == odl_const.ODL_DELETE:
self.out_of_sync |= not self.client.try_delete(
object_type_url + '/' + obj_id)
filter_cls = self.FILTER_MAP[object_type]
if operation == odl_const.ODL_CREATE:
urlpath = object_type_url
method = 'post'
attr_filter = filter_cls.filter_create_attributes
elif operation == odl_const.ODL_UPDATE:
urlpath = object_type_url + '/' + obj_id
method = 'put'
attr_filter = filter_cls.filter_update_attributes
resource = context.current.copy()
attr_filter(resource, context)
self.client.sendjson(method, urlpath,
{object_type_url[:-1]: resource})
def synchronize(self, operation, object_type, context):
"""Synchronize ODL with Neutron following a configuration change."""
if self.out_of_sync:
self.sync_single_resource(operation, object_type, context)
ML2 for ODL
def create_network_postcommit(self, context):
self.odl_drv.synchronize('create', odl_const.ODL_NETWORKS, context)
self.context = context.get_admin_context()
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u admin:admin http://localhost:8080/controller/nb/v2/neutron/networks -d '{ "networks": [ { "id": "d17696ea-1d2f-42ff-
9a8f-895eca97b5ed", "name": "Network-1", "tenant_id": "93397de8-7b3c-4450-a700-40d5d0120e89","router:external": true,"shared": true} ]}'
ML2 for ONOS
def create_network_postcommit(self, context):
entity_path = 'networks'
resource = context.current.copy()
onos_utils.send_msg(self.onos_path, self.onos_auth, 'post',
entity_path, {'network': resource})
def send_msg(onos_path, onos_auth, msg_type, entity_path, entity=None):
"""Send message to the ONOS controller."""
path = '/'.join([onos_path, entity_path])
hdr = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
body = jsonutils.dumps(entity, indent=2) if entity else None
LOG.debug("Sending MSG_TYPE (%(msg)s) URL (%(path)s) "
"OBJECT (%(entity)s) BODY (%(body)s)",
{'msg': msg_type, 'path': path,
'entity': entity, 'body': body})
req = requests.request(method=msg_type, url=path,
headers=hdr, data=body,
# Let's raise voice for an error
def __init__(self):
self.onos_path = cfg.CONF.onos.url_path
self.onos_auth = (cfg.CONF.onos.username, cfg.CONF.onos.password)
self.vif_type = portbindings.VIF_TYPE_OVS
self.vif_details = {portbindings.CAP_PORT_FILTER: True}
class Network(model_base.BASEV2, HasId, HasTenant):
"""Represents a v2 neutron network."""
name = sa.Column(sa.String(attr.NAME_MAX_LEN))
ports = orm.relationship(Port, backref='networks')
subnets = orm.relationship(
Subnet, backref=orm.backref('networks', lazy='joined'),
status = sa.Column(sa.String(16))
admin_state_up = sa.Column(sa.Boolean)
mtu = sa.Column(sa.Integer, nullable=True)
vlan_transparent = sa.Column(sa.Boolean, nullable=True)
rbac_entries = orm.relationship(rbac_db_models.NetworkRBAC,
backref='network', lazy='joined',
cascade='all, delete, delete-orphan')
ML2 with SDN
Part 2
SDN, OpenFlow, SDN Controller
How to integrate SDN controller with
SDN(Software Defined Networking) 개념
소프트웨어 정의 네트워킹으로 불리 우며 개방형 API(예를 들어 OpenFlow)를
통해 네트워크 장비에서 하드웨어 기능과 소프트웨어 기능을 분리하여
소프트웨어 기반 컨트롤러에 의해 제거/관리하는 접근 방식임
SDN Architecture
SDN, OpenFlow, SDN Controller
Control Layer
Network Aware
SDN Controller
(e.g., onos, opendaylight, floodlight …)
Network Device
Network Device
Control Data Plane Interface
(e.g., OpenFlow)
Network Information
Network Control
*출처: “OpenFlow를 이용한 SDN입문”
Control Plane
Data Plane
Neutron + SDN Controller
Neutron Components
Mechanism driver: ONOSMechanismDriver (instead of
Service plugin: ONOSL3Plugin(instead of L3RouterPlugin)
Detail Configuration:
Five VMs or host machines are needed
No usage CPU Memory Disk
1 OpenStack
Controller Node
2 Core 4 GB 20 GB
2 OpenStack Network
2 Core 4 GB 20 GB
3 ONOS Controller
2 Core 4 GB 20 GB
4 Compute Node1 1 Core 2 GB 20 GB
5 Compute Node2 1 Core 2 GB 20 GB
*Reference: SONA User Guide
System Configuration
Controller/Network/ONOS Node Compute Node
Supporting Services
Message Broker
Basic Services
Identity: Keystone
Image Service: Glance
Compute: Nova mgmt
Networking: Neutron
Dashboard: Horizon
ONOS Controller
Java 8
Karaf & mvn
onos (emu)
Basic Services
Nova Hypervisor
Ml2 Plug-in
OVS Agent
Network Interface
External (
Network Interface
( Tunnels
Instance Tunnels
ONOS Ml2 Plug-in
OVS Agent
Layer 3 Agent
DHCP Agent
Metadata Agent
Openstackswitching from SONA architecture
They only support switching part
They didn’t support gre tunnel
Networking-onos는 nova로 부터 ONOS사이
REST API형식으로 전달해주는 작용을 함
Openstackswitching은 REST API를 받아
instance들을 위한 가상 네트워크를 만들어 줌
Openstackswithcing app uses the REST API call from onos-
networking plugin only when pushing the DHCP
mapping(VM IP-MAC pair), and it pushes flow rules when
VMs are created and PORT_ADDED/UPDATED events occurs
We need both networking-onos and
openstackswitching app
Instance can not receive fixed IP
It means ONOS can not receive fixed IP
Work to be continued …

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2019년 커뮤니티 활동 보고: 오픈스택 한국 커뮤니티
2019년 커뮤니티 활동 보고: 오픈스택 한국 커뮤니티2019년 커뮤니티 활동 보고: 오픈스택 한국 커뮤니티
2019년 커뮤니티 활동 보고: 오픈스택 한국 커뮤니티
OpenStack Korea Community
[2018.10.19] Andrew Kong - Tunnel without tunnel (Seminar at OpenStack Korea ...
[2018.10.19] Andrew Kong - Tunnel without tunnel (Seminar at OpenStack Korea ...[2018.10.19] Andrew Kong - Tunnel without tunnel (Seminar at OpenStack Korea ...
[2018.10.19] Andrew Kong - Tunnel without tunnel (Seminar at OpenStack Korea ...
OpenStack Korea Community
[2018.10.19] 김용기 부장 - IAC on OpenStack (feat. ansible)
[2018.10.19] 김용기 부장 - IAC on OpenStack (feat. ansible)[2018.10.19] 김용기 부장 - IAC on OpenStack (feat. ansible)
[2018.10.19] 김용기 부장 - IAC on OpenStack (feat. ansible)
OpenStack Korea Community
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6: "SONA: ONOS SDN Controller 기반 OpenSta...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6: "SONA: ONOS SDN Controller 기반 OpenSta...[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6: "SONA: ONOS SDN Controller 기반 OpenSta...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6: "SONA: ONOS SDN Controller 기반 OpenSta...
OpenStack Korea Community
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E3-2: "핸즈온 워크샵: Kubespray, Helm, Armada를 ...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E3-2: "핸즈온 워크샵: Kubespray, Helm, Armada를 ...[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E3-2: "핸즈온 워크샵: Kubespray, Helm, Armada를 ...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E3-2: "핸즈온 워크샵: Kubespray, Helm, Armada를 ...
OpenStack Korea Community
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5-1: "Invited Talk: Kubicorn - Building ...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5-1: "Invited Talk: Kubicorn - Building ...[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5-1: "Invited Talk: Kubicorn - Building ...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5-1: "Invited Talk: Kubicorn - Building ...
OpenStack Korea Community
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 1 - T4-7: "Ceph 스토리지, PaaS로 서비스 운영하기"
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 1 - T4-7: "Ceph 스토리지, PaaS로 서비스 운영하기"[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 1 - T4-7: "Ceph 스토리지, PaaS로 서비스 운영하기"
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 1 - T4-7: "Ceph 스토리지, PaaS로 서비스 운영하기"
OpenStack Korea Community
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5: Mesos to Kubernetes, Cloud Native 서비스...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5: Mesos to Kubernetes, Cloud Native 서비스...[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5: Mesos to Kubernetes, Cloud Native 서비스...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5: Mesos to Kubernetes, Cloud Native 서비스...
OpenStack Korea Community
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E1: 딥다이브 - OpenStack 생존기
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E1: 딥다이브 - OpenStack 생존기[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E1: 딥다이브 - OpenStack 생존기
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E1: 딥다이브 - OpenStack 생존기
OpenStack Korea Community
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E4 - 딥다이브: immutable Kubernetes architecture
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E4 - 딥다이브: immutable Kubernetes architecture[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E4 - 딥다이브: immutable Kubernetes architecture
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E4 - 딥다이브: immutable Kubernetes architecture
OpenStack Korea Community
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6 - 마이크로서비스를 위한 Istio & Kubernetes [다운로드...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6 - 마이크로서비스를 위한 Istio & Kubernetes [다운로드...[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6 - 마이크로서비스를 위한 Istio & Kubernetes [다운로드...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6 - 마이크로서비스를 위한 Istio & Kubernetes [다운로드...
OpenStack Korea Community
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6 - OpenInfra monitoring with Prometheus
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6 - OpenInfra monitoring with Prometheus[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6 - OpenInfra monitoring with Prometheus
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6 - OpenInfra monitoring with Prometheus
OpenStack Korea Community
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5: GPU on Kubernetes
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5: GPU on Kubernetes[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5: GPU on Kubernetes
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5: GPU on Kubernetes
OpenStack Korea Community
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - CEPH 운영자를 위한 Object Storage Performance T...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - CEPH 운영자를 위한 Object Storage Performance T...[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - CEPH 운영자를 위한 Object Storage Performance T...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - CEPH 운영자를 위한 Object Storage Performance T...
OpenStack Korea Community
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E4 - 핸즈온 워크샵: 서버리스가 컨테이너를 만났을 때
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E4 - 핸즈온 워크샵: 서버리스가 컨테이너를 만났을 때 [OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E4 - 핸즈온 워크샵: 서버리스가 컨테이너를 만났을 때
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E4 - 핸즈온 워크샵: 서버리스가 컨테이너를 만났을 때
OpenStack Korea Community
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (삼성전자) Evolution to Cloud Native
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (삼성전자) Evolution to Cloud Native[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (삼성전자) Evolution to Cloud Native
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (삼성전자) Evolution to Cloud Native
OpenStack Korea Community
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (NetApp) Open Source with NetApp - 전국섭 상무
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (NetApp) Open Source with NetApp - 전국섭 상무[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (NetApp) Open Source with NetApp - 전국섭 상무
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (NetApp) Open Source with NetApp - 전국섭 상무
OpenStack Korea Community
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - 오픈스택기반 NFV 관리 및 HA (high Availability...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - 오픈스택기반 NFV 관리 및 HA (high Availability...[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - 오픈스택기반 NFV 관리 및 HA (high Availability...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - 오픈스택기반 NFV 관리 및 HA (high Availability...
OpenStack Korea Community
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - FreeIPA와 함께 SSO 구성
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - FreeIPA와 함께 SSO 구성[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - FreeIPA와 함께 SSO 구성
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - FreeIPA와 함께 SSO 구성
OpenStack Korea Community
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - Backend.AI: 오픈소스 머신러닝 인프라 프레임워크
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - Backend.AI: 오픈소스 머신러닝 인프라 프레임워크[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - Backend.AI: 오픈소스 머신러닝 인프라 프레임워크
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - Backend.AI: 오픈소스 머신러닝 인프라 프레임워크
OpenStack Korea Community

More from OpenStack Korea Community (20)

2019년 커뮤니티 활동 보고: 오픈스택 한국 커뮤니티
2019년 커뮤니티 활동 보고: 오픈스택 한국 커뮤니티2019년 커뮤니티 활동 보고: 오픈스택 한국 커뮤니티
2019년 커뮤니티 활동 보고: 오픈스택 한국 커뮤니티
[2018.10.19] Andrew Kong - Tunnel without tunnel (Seminar at OpenStack Korea ...
[2018.10.19] Andrew Kong - Tunnel without tunnel (Seminar at OpenStack Korea ...[2018.10.19] Andrew Kong - Tunnel without tunnel (Seminar at OpenStack Korea ...
[2018.10.19] Andrew Kong - Tunnel without tunnel (Seminar at OpenStack Korea ...
[2018.10.19] 김용기 부장 - IAC on OpenStack (feat. ansible)
[2018.10.19] 김용기 부장 - IAC on OpenStack (feat. ansible)[2018.10.19] 김용기 부장 - IAC on OpenStack (feat. ansible)
[2018.10.19] 김용기 부장 - IAC on OpenStack (feat. ansible)
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6: "SONA: ONOS SDN Controller 기반 OpenSta...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6: "SONA: ONOS SDN Controller 기반 OpenSta...[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6: "SONA: ONOS SDN Controller 기반 OpenSta...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6: "SONA: ONOS SDN Controller 기반 OpenSta...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E3-2: "핸즈온 워크샵: Kubespray, Helm, Armada를 ...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E3-2: "핸즈온 워크샵: Kubespray, Helm, Armada를 ...[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E3-2: "핸즈온 워크샵: Kubespray, Helm, Armada를 ...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E3-2: "핸즈온 워크샵: Kubespray, Helm, Armada를 ...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5-1: "Invited Talk: Kubicorn - Building ...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5-1: "Invited Talk: Kubicorn - Building ...[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5-1: "Invited Talk: Kubicorn - Building ...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5-1: "Invited Talk: Kubicorn - Building ...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 1 - T4-7: "Ceph 스토리지, PaaS로 서비스 운영하기"
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 1 - T4-7: "Ceph 스토리지, PaaS로 서비스 운영하기"[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 1 - T4-7: "Ceph 스토리지, PaaS로 서비스 운영하기"
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 1 - T4-7: "Ceph 스토리지, PaaS로 서비스 운영하기"
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5: Mesos to Kubernetes, Cloud Native 서비스...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5: Mesos to Kubernetes, Cloud Native 서비스...[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5: Mesos to Kubernetes, Cloud Native 서비스...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5: Mesos to Kubernetes, Cloud Native 서비스...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E1: 딥다이브 - OpenStack 생존기
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E1: 딥다이브 - OpenStack 생존기[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E1: 딥다이브 - OpenStack 생존기
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E1: 딥다이브 - OpenStack 생존기
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E4 - 딥다이브: immutable Kubernetes architecture
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E4 - 딥다이브: immutable Kubernetes architecture[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E4 - 딥다이브: immutable Kubernetes architecture
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E4 - 딥다이브: immutable Kubernetes architecture
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6 - 마이크로서비스를 위한 Istio & Kubernetes [다운로드...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6 - 마이크로서비스를 위한 Istio & Kubernetes [다운로드...[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6 - 마이크로서비스를 위한 Istio & Kubernetes [다운로드...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6 - 마이크로서비스를 위한 Istio & Kubernetes [다운로드...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6 - OpenInfra monitoring with Prometheus
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6 - OpenInfra monitoring with Prometheus[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6 - OpenInfra monitoring with Prometheus
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E6 - OpenInfra monitoring with Prometheus
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5: GPU on Kubernetes
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5: GPU on Kubernetes[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5: GPU on Kubernetes
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E5: GPU on Kubernetes
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - CEPH 운영자를 위한 Object Storage Performance T...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - CEPH 운영자를 위한 Object Storage Performance T...[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - CEPH 운영자를 위한 Object Storage Performance T...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - CEPH 운영자를 위한 Object Storage Performance T...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E4 - 핸즈온 워크샵: 서버리스가 컨테이너를 만났을 때
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E4 - 핸즈온 워크샵: 서버리스가 컨테이너를 만났을 때 [OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E4 - 핸즈온 워크샵: 서버리스가 컨테이너를 만났을 때
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] Day 2 - E4 - 핸즈온 워크샵: 서버리스가 컨테이너를 만났을 때
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (삼성전자) Evolution to Cloud Native
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (삼성전자) Evolution to Cloud Native[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (삼성전자) Evolution to Cloud Native
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (삼성전자) Evolution to Cloud Native
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (NetApp) Open Source with NetApp - 전국섭 상무
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (NetApp) Open Source with NetApp - 전국섭 상무[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (NetApp) Open Source with NetApp - 전국섭 상무
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (NetApp) Open Source with NetApp - 전국섭 상무
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - 오픈스택기반 NFV 관리 및 HA (high Availability...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - 오픈스택기반 NFV 관리 및 HA (high Availability...[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - 오픈스택기반 NFV 관리 및 HA (high Availability...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - 오픈스택기반 NFV 관리 및 HA (high Availability...
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - FreeIPA와 함께 SSO 구성
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - FreeIPA와 함께 SSO 구성[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - FreeIPA와 함께 SSO 구성
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - FreeIPA와 함께 SSO 구성
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - Backend.AI: 오픈소스 머신러닝 인프라 프레임워크
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - Backend.AI: 오픈소스 머신러닝 인프라 프레임워크[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - Backend.AI: 오픈소스 머신러닝 인프라 프레임워크
[OpenInfra Days Korea 2018] (Track 4) - Backend.AI: 오픈소스 머신러닝 인프라 프레임워크

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[OpenStack 하반기 스터디] Interoperability with ML2: LinuxBridge, OVS and SDN

  • 1. Interoperability with ML2: LinuxBridge, OVS and SDN Sungman Jang (LinuxBridge& OVS) Guohua Lee (SDN)
  • 2. ML2 with Linux Bridge & OVS Part 1
  • 3. Environment • Host: HP Elitebook 820 G1 (Intel i5-4300U, 2.50GHz / 12GB RAM) / Windows 7 Enterprise • VirtualBox: 5.0.6 with Extension Pack installed • Guest: Ubuntu x64 14.04 • OpenStack: Liberty (Provider Network) • 설치목차 • 1. 기본 프로그램 설치(python- openstackclient chrony) 및 네트 워크 인터페이스 설정 2. 컨트롤러 전용 프로그램 설치 (mariasql, rabbitmq) 3-1. Keystone 설치 3-2. 기본 계정 설정하기 (Admin/Demo) 3-3. Keystone 설치 후 동작 확인 4-1. Glance 설치 4-2. Glance 설치 후 동작 확인 • ----------- • 5-1. Nova 설치 • 5-2. Nova 설치 후 동작 확인 • 6-1. Neutron 설치 • 6-2. Neutron 설치 후 동작 확인 • 7. Horizon 설치
  • 4. Provider Networks • Provider networks generally offer simplicity, performance, and reliability at the cost of flexibility. • Operators can build on this minimal deployment to enable more cloud networking features. 공유기= <OpenStack Networking Guide> <VirtualBox로 구현한 네트워크 구조>
  • 5. Why LinuxBridge and OVS? • LinuxBridge (since 1999/01/25): – A Linux bridge is more powerful than a pure hardware bridge because it can also filter and shape traffic. The combination of bridging and firewalling is done with the companion project ebtables. • Open vSwitch (since 2009/07/29) – It is designed to enable massive network automation through programmatic extension, while still supporting standard management interfaces and protocols (e.g. NetFlow, sFlow, IPFIX, RSPAN, CLI, LACP, 802.1ag).
  • 6. Why OVS so complicated? • Ideally, the TAP device vnet0 would be connected directly to the integration bridge, br-int. Unfortunately, this isn't possible because of how OpenStack security groups are currently implemented. OpenStack uses iptables rules on the TAP devices such as vnet0 to implement security groups, and Open vSwitch is not compatible with iptables rules that are applied directly on TAP devices that are connected to an Open vSwitch port. • Networking uses an extra Linux bridge and a veth pair as a workaround for this issue. Instead of connecting vnet0 to an Open vSwitch bridge, it is connected to a Linux bridge, qbrXXX. This bridge is connected to the integration bridge, br-int, through the (qvbXXX, qvoXXX) veth pair. LinuxBridgeOpenvSwitch
  • 7. What is ML2 • The Modular Layer 2 (ML2) Plugin is a framework allowing OpenStack Networking to simultaneously utilize the variety of layer 2 networking technologies found in complex real-world datacenters. POST /v2.0/ports.json HTTP/1.1 content-type: application/json { "port": { "admin_state_up": true, "device_id": "d6b4d3a5-c700-476f-b609-1493dd9dadc0", "name": "port1", "network_id": "6aeaf34a-c482-4bd3-9dc3-7faf36412f12" } } LB Agent
  • 8. Expected Scenario /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini [ml2] type_drivers = flat,vlan,gre,vxlan tenant_network_types = mechanism_drivers = linuxbridge,openvswitch /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini [DEFAULT] verbose = True interface_driver = neutron.agent.linux.interface.BridgeInterfaceDriver dhcp_driver = neutron.agent.linux.dhcp.Dnsmasq dhcp_delete_namespaces = True Mech Driver: Linuxbridge, Openvswitch + Type Driver: flat,vlan, gre,vxlan Mech Driver: Linuxbridge, + Type Driver: vxlan Mech Driver: Openvswitch + Type Driver: vxlan neutron.agent.linux.interface.OVSInterfaceDriver
  • 9. Oh… No… • /etc/neutron/neutron.conf • /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini • /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini
  • 11. Bridge, Switch and Router • Bridge: A network bridge is network hardware that connects multiple network segments. • Switch: A network switch is a multiport network bridge that uses hardware addresses to process and forward data at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model. • Router: A router is connected to two or more data lines from different networks. When multiple routers are used in interconnected networks, the routers exchange information about destination addresses using a dynamic routing protocol. 주요 특징 Classical Router Layer 3 Switch 주요 OSI Layer Layer 3 Layer 3 Routing 방법 Software (CPU + Software) Hardware (ASIC chip) L2 지원 Ethernet, TokerRing, FDDI, ATM, WAN FastEthernet, Gigabit Ethernet forwarding 성능 Slow Fast Latency 약 200 ms < 10 ms (100 Mbps) 관리/program가능 매우 높음 적음 지원 Protocol All IP (일부 IPX) Routing Protocol All RIP1,2 OSPF 등 WAN 지원 지원함 지원하지 않음 비용 높음 낮음 표 출처:
  • 12. Booting a VM • 0. _build_instance() & _allocate_network() • 1. REST (C->N): Create Port • 2. vif_driver.plug() & Add a port tap with external_ids set – ‘Neutron OVS agent’ loop to detect port update – Get the Neutron port id from the external_ids – Call get_device_details(port_id) to Neutron Server • 3. Bind_port() & Set up the ovs port • 4. update_device_up()
  • 13. ML2 in Code neutron.ml2.type_drivers = flat = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.type_flat local = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.type_local vlan = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.type_vlan geneve = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.type_geneve gre = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.type_gre vxlan = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.type_vxlan neutron.ml2.mechanism_drivers = ovsvapp = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.ovsvapp.mech_driver opendaylight = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.opendaylight.driver logger = neutron.tests.unit.plugins.ml2.drivers.mechanism_logger test = neutron.tests.unit.plugins.ml2.drivers.mechanism_test linuxbridge = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.linuxbridge.mech_driver.mech_linuxbridge openvswitch = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.mech_driver.mech_openvswitch hyperv = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.hyperv.mech_hyperv l2population = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.l2pop.mech_driver ofagent = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.ofagent.driver mlnx = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.mlnx.mech_mlnx brocade = networking_brocade.vdx.ml2driver.mechanism_brocade brocade_fi_ni = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.brocade.fi_ni.mechanism_brocade_fi_ni fslsdn = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.freescale.mechanism_fslsdn sriovnicswitch = neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.mech_sriov.mech_driver.mech_driver fake_agent = neutron.tests.unit.plugins.ml2.drivers.mech_fake_agent sdnve = neutron.ml2.extension_drivers = test = neutron.tests.unit.plugins.ml2.drivers.ext_test testdb = neutron.tests.unit.plugins.ml2.drivers.ext_test port_security = neutron.plugins.ml2.extensions.port_security qos = neutron.plugins.ml2.extensions.qos neutronpluginsml2driver_api.pysetup.cfg
  • 15. class OpenDaylightMechanismDriver(driver_api.MechanismDriver): """Mechanism Driver for OpenDaylight. This driver was a port from the NCS MechanismDriver. The API exposed by ODL is slightly different from the API exposed by NCS, but the general concepts are the same. """ def initialize(self): self.url = cfg.CONF.ml2_odl.url self.timeout = cfg.CONF.ml2_odl.timeout self.username = cfg.CONF.ml2_odl.username self.password = cfg.CONF.ml2_odl.password required_opts = ('url', 'username', 'password') for opt in required_opts: if not getattr(self, opt): raise cfg.RequiredOptError(opt, 'ml2_odl') self.odl_drv = OpenDaylightDriver() # Postcommit hooks are used to trigger synchronization. def create_network_postcommit(self, context): self.odl_drv.synchronize('create', odl_const.ODL_NETWORKS, context) ML2 for ODL from networking_odl.common import constants as odl_const from networking_odl.ml2 import mech_driver from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from neutron.plugins.ml2 import driver_api as api (ODL backend implementation)
  • 16. def sendjson(self, method, urlpath, obj): """Send json to the OpenDaylight controller.""" headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} data = jsonutils.dumps(obj, indent=2) if obj else None url = '/'.join([self.url, urlpath]) LOG.debug("Sending METHOD (%(method)s) URL (%(url)s) JSON (%(obj)s)", {'method': method, 'url': url, 'obj': obj}) r = requests.request(method, url=url, headers=headers, data=data, auth=self.auth, timeout=self.timeout) r.raise_for_status() def sync_single_resource(self, operation, object_type, context): """Sync over a single resource from Neutron to OpenDaylight. Handle syncing a single operation over to OpenDaylight, and correctly filter attributes out which are not required for the requisite operation (create or update) being handled. """ # Convert underscores to dashes in the URL for ODL object_type_url = object_type.replace('_', '-') try: obj_id = context.current['id'] if operation == odl_const.ODL_DELETE: self.out_of_sync |= not self.client.try_delete( object_type_url + '/' + obj_id) else: filter_cls = self.FILTER_MAP[object_type] if operation == odl_const.ODL_CREATE: urlpath = object_type_url method = 'post' attr_filter = filter_cls.filter_create_attributes elif operation == odl_const.ODL_UPDATE: urlpath = object_type_url + '/' + obj_id method = 'put' attr_filter = filter_cls.filter_update_attributes resource = context.current.copy() attr_filter(resource, context) self.client.sendjson(method, urlpath, {object_type_url[:-1]: resource}) def synchronize(self, operation, object_type, context): """Synchronize ODL with Neutron following a configuration change.""" if self.out_of_sync: self.sync_full(context._plugin) else: self.sync_single_resource(operation, object_type, context) ML2 for ODL def create_network_postcommit(self, context): self.odl_drv.synchronize('create', odl_const.ODL_NETWORKS, context) self.context = context.get_admin_context() curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u admin:admin http://localhost:8080/controller/nb/v2/neutron/networks -d '{ "networks": [ { "id": "d17696ea-1d2f-42ff- 9a8f-895eca97b5ed", "name": "Network-1", "tenant_id": "93397de8-7b3c-4450-a700-40d5d0120e89","router:external": true,"shared": true} ]}'
  • 17. ML2 for ONOS def create_network_postcommit(self, context): entity_path = 'networks' resource = context.current.copy() onos_utils.send_msg(self.onos_path, self.onos_auth, 'post', entity_path, {'network': resource}) def send_msg(onos_path, onos_auth, msg_type, entity_path, entity=None): """Send message to the ONOS controller.""" path = '/'.join([onos_path, entity_path]) hdr = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} body = jsonutils.dumps(entity, indent=2) if entity else None LOG.debug("Sending MSG_TYPE (%(msg)s) URL (%(path)s) " "OBJECT (%(entity)s) BODY (%(body)s)", {'msg': msg_type, 'path': path, 'entity': entity, 'body': body}) req = requests.request(method=msg_type, url=path, headers=hdr, data=body, auth=onos_auth) # Let's raise voice for an error req.raise_for_status() def __init__(self): self.onos_path = cfg.CONF.onos.url_path self.onos_auth = (cfg.CONF.onos.username, cfg.CONF.onos.password) self.vif_type = portbindings.VIF_TYPE_OVS self.vif_details = {portbindings.CAP_PORT_FILTER: True} class Network(model_base.BASEV2, HasId, HasTenant): """Represents a v2 neutron network.""" name = sa.Column(sa.String(attr.NAME_MAX_LEN)) ports = orm.relationship(Port, backref='networks') subnets = orm.relationship( Subnet, backref=orm.backref('networks', lazy='joined'), lazy="joined") status = sa.Column(sa.String(16)) admin_state_up = sa.Column(sa.Boolean) mtu = sa.Column(sa.Integer, nullable=True) vlan_transparent = sa.Column(sa.Boolean, nullable=True) rbac_entries = orm.relationship(rbac_db_models.NetworkRBAC, backref='network', lazy='joined', cascade='all, delete, delete-orphan') ONOS JSON REST API
  • 19. SDN, OpenFlow, SDN Controller How to integrate SDN controller with OpenStack? Demo Contents
  • 20. SDN(Software Defined Networking) 개념 소프트웨어 정의 네트워킹으로 불리 우며 개방형 API(예를 들어 OpenFlow)를 통해 네트워크 장비에서 하드웨어 기능과 소프트웨어 기능을 분리하여 소프트웨어 기반 컨트롤러에 의해 제거/관리하는 접근 방식임 SDN Architecture SDN, OpenFlow, SDN Controller Infrastructure Layer Network Control Layer Application Layer Network Aware Application SDN Controller (e.g., onos, opendaylight, floodlight …) Physical Network Device Virtual Network Device Control Data Plane Interface (e.g., OpenFlow) Network Information API API Network Control *출처: “OpenFlow를 이용한 SDN입문” Control Plane Data Plane
  • 21. Neutron + SDN Controller Neutron Components Mechanism driver: ONOSMechanismDriver (instead of OpenvswitchMechanismDriver) Service plugin: ONOSL3Plugin(instead of L3RouterPlugin) Detail Configuration: onosemu-with-openstack-kilo.html x x x 수정
  • 22. Five VMs or host machines are needed Prerequisite No usage CPU Memory Disk 1 OpenStack Controller Node 2 Core 4 GB 20 GB 2 OpenStack Network Node 2 Core 4 GB 20 GB 3 ONOS Controller Node 2 Core 4 GB 20 GB 4 Compute Node1 1 Core 2 GB 20 GB 5 Compute Node2 1 Core 2 GB 20 GB *Reference: SONA User Guide
  • 23. System Configuration Controller/Network/ONOS Node Compute Node Supporting Services Database MySQL Message Broker rabbitmq Basic Services Identity: Keystone Image Service: Glance Compute: Nova mgmt Networking: Neutron Server Dashboard: Horizon ONOS Controller Java 8 Karaf & mvn onos (emu) Basic Services Compute: Nova Hypervisor KVM/libvirt Networking: Ml2 Plug-in OVS Agent Network Interface Management ( External ( Network Interface Management ( Tunnels ( Instance Tunnels ( Networking: ONOS Ml2 Plug-in OVS Agent Layer 3 Agent DHCP Agent Metadata Agent
  • 24. Openstackswitching from SONA architecture e They only support switching part They didn’t support gre tunnel Networking-onos는 nova로 부터 ONOS사이 REST API형식으로 전달해주는 작용을 함 Openstackswitching은 REST API를 받아 instance들을 위한 가상 네트워크를 만들어 줌 Openstackswithcing app uses the REST API call from onos- networking plugin only when pushing the DHCP mapping(VM IP-MAC pair), and it pushes flow rules when VMs are created and PORT_ADDED/UPDATED events occurs We need both networking-onos and openstackswitching app
  • 26. Instance can not receive fixed IP It means ONOS can not receive fixed IP Reference: with-openstack-kilo/80 ONOS-Integration-for-CORD-VTN Work to be continued …

Editor's Notes

  2. 이렇게 테스트 베드 구성 선호함