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 The skull and vertebrae protect the CNS from blunt
or penetrating trauma .
 The brain is suspended in these structures by
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and is surrounded by the
 The meninges are made up of three separate
 dura mater,
 arachnoid,
 and pia mater.
 Dura mater directly
beneath and is adherent to
the skull.
 The other two membranes
are referred to collectively
as leptomeninges.
 Pia mater lies directly over
brain tissue.
 Arachnoid, the middle
layer, lies between the
dura mater and the pia
 The subarachnoid space,
located between the
arachnoid and the pia
mater, is the conduit for
Cerebrospinal fluid
 Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a clear, colorless
liquid composed primarily of water that protects the
brain and spinal cord from chemical and physical
 The total volume of CSF is 80 to 150 mL(3 to 5 oz)
in an adult.
 CSF contains small amounts of glucose, proteins,
lactic acid, urea, cations (Na, K, Ca2, Mg2), and
anions (Cl– and HCO3-) it also contains some
white blood cells.
 The CSF production is from the choroid
plexuses, networks of blood capillaries in the walls
of the ventricles
Formation of csf
 The CSF formed in the choroid plexuses
of each lateral ventricle flows into the third
ventricle through two narrow, oval
openings,the interventricular foramina .
 More CSF is added by the choroid plexus
in the roof of the third ventricle.
 The fluid then flows through the aqueduct
of the midbrain (cerebral aqueduct)
which passes through the midbrain, into
the fourth ventricle.
 The choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle
contributes more fluid.
 CSF enters the subarachnoid space
through three openings in the roof of the
fourth ventricle: a single median aperture
and paired lateral apertures, one on
each side.
 CSF then circulates in the central canal of
the spinal cord and in the subarachnoid
space around the surface of the brain and
spinal cord.
 CSF is gradually reabsorbed into the
blood through arachnoid villi, fingerlike
extensions of the arachnoid that project
into the dural venous sinuses, especially
the superior sagittal sinus.
 Meningitis is the inflammation of the
meninges which covers the brain and
the spinal chord.
 It may be caused due to various viruses
, bacteria and other microorganisms.
 With meningitis, mening- refers to the meninges which are
three protective membranes that cover the brain and spinal
cord, and -itis refers to inflammation; so meningitis is an
inflammation of the meninges.
 More specifically, it refers to the inflammation of the two inner
layers which are called the leptomeninges.
 The outer layer of the meninges is the dura mater, the middle
layer is the arachnoid mater, and the inner layer is the pia
 These last two, the arachnoid and pia maters, are the
 Between the leptomeninges there’s the subarachnoid space,
which houses cerebrospinal fluid, or CSF.
 CSF is a clear, watery liquid which is pumped around the
spinal cord and brain, cushioning them from impact and
bathing them in nutrients.
 In one microliter or cubic millimeter, there are normally a few
white blood cells, up to 5.
 If we look at a bigger sample, like say a decilitre, then
around 70% of those will be lymphocytes, 30%
monocytes, and just a few polymorphonuclear cells --
PMNs -- like neutrophils.
 That same volume will contain some proteins, as well,
about 15-50 mg as well as some glucose, about 45-100
mg, which is close to two thirds of the glucose we’d find
in the same volume of blood.
 The CSF is held under a little bit of pressure, below 200
mm of H2O, which is just under 15 mm of mercury --
which is less than a fifth of the mean arterial pressure.
 Now at any given moment, there’s about 150 ml of CSF
in the body.
 This is constantly replenished, with around 500 ml of
new CSF produced everyday and the excess, or 500
minus 150 mL or 350 mL, is absorbed into the blood.
 But for any nutrients to enter and leave the CSF, and
the brain itself for the matter, they have to go through
the tightly regulated blood-brain barrier(BBB or B3).
 The blood brain barrier is the special name given to the
blood vessels in the brain.
 That’s because the endothelial cells in the blood
vessels are so tightly-bound to one another that they
prevent leakage and only allow certain molecules to slip
through them.
 Meningitis is the inflammation of the leptomeninges,
which remember are the inner two membranes around
the brain and spinal cord.
 It is not the inflammation of the brain itself,
that’s encephalitis; but sometimes they can occur
together and when that happens it’s called
 So meningitis needs some kind of trigger
for the inflammation, and could be an
autoimmune disease, where the body
attacks itself, like lupus, or the body
having an adverse reaction to some
medication, which can happen with
intrathecal therapy, when medication is
injected directly into the CSF.
 But, by far, infection is the most common
trigger for meningitis across all age
groups, like with the Neisseria
meningitidis bacteria or herpes simplex
virus for example.
 Now there are two routes that an infection can take to reach the CSF
and leptomeninges.
 The first way is direct spread, which is when a pathogen gets inside
the skull or spinal column, and then penetrates the meninges,
eventually ending up in the CSF.
 Sometimes the pathogen will have come through the overlying skin
or up through the nose, but it’s more likely that there’s an anatomical
defect to blame.
 For example, it could be a congenital defect like spina bifida, or an
acquired one like a skull fracture, where there might be CSF leaking
through the sinuses.
 The second way is hematogenous spread, which is when a
pathogen enters the bloodstream and moves through the endothelial
cells in the blood vessels making up the blood-brain barrier and gets
into the CSF.
 To do this, the pathogens typically have to bind to surface receptors
on the endothelial cells in order to get across.
 Otherwise, they have to find areas of damage or more vulnerable
spots like the choroid plexus.
 Once the pathogen finds a way into the CSF it can start
 Soon enough, the handful of white blood cells surveilling the
CSF identify the pathogen and release cytokines to recruit
additional immune cells.
 Over time, a microliter of CSF might go on to contain up to
thousands of white blood cells, but any more than five usually
defines meningitis.
 In most bacterial cases, there’ll be above 100 white blood
cells per microliter, and more than 90% PMNs.
 In most viral cases, there’ll be 10 to 1000 white blood cells;
over 50% lymphocytes and under 20% PMNs.
 In most fungal cases, there’ll be 10-500 white blood cells,
with over being 50% lymphocytes.
 In most cases of tuberculous meningitis there’ll be 50-500
white blood cells with over 80% being lymphocytes.
 The additional immune cells attract more fluid to the area and
start causing local destruction as they try to control the
 As a result the CSF pressure typically rises above 200 mm of H2O.
 The immune reaction also causes the glucose concentration in the CSF to fall, to below two thirds of
the concentration in the blood, and makes the protein levels increase to over 50 mg per decilitre.
 When it comes to the causes of meningitis, viruses and bacteria usually cause acute meningitis,
whereas fungi usually cause chronic meningitis.
 Now for bacteria there are a lot of possibilities. In newborns, the most common causes are Group B
streptococci, E coli, and Listeria monocytogenes.
 In children and teens, the most common causes are Neisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus
 In adults and the elderly, the most common causes are Streptococcus pneumoniae and Listeria
 There are also tick-borne causes of meningitis like Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria - which the cause
of Lyme disease.
 As for viruses, the main culprits are enteroviruses, especially coxsackie virus, and herpes simplex
 HIV is usually contracted through body fluids and can also cause viral meningitis.
 Less common causes include mumps virus, varicella zoster virus, and lymphocytic choriomeningitis
 There’s also the fungi, like those from the Cryptococcus and Coccidioides genuses, which mainly affect
immunocompromised individuals.
 And then of course there’s tubercular meningitis is caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria,
and finally parasitic causes of meningitis like P. falciparum which is the main cause of malaria.
 Now, the classic triad of meningitis symptoms are headaches, fevers, and nuchal rigidity, or neck
 The diagnosis of meningitis starts with a physical exam.
 One maneuver is when a person lies flat on their back facing upwards, and one of their legs is raised with the
knee flexed to a 90 degree angle.
 Then, the leg is supported and slowly straightened at the knee.
 If this causes back pain, then it’s called the Kernig’s sign.
 Another maneuver, is when a person lies flat on their back facing upwards, and has their neck supported and
 If this causes them to automatically flex their knees or hips, then it’s called the Brudzinski’s sign.
 If meningitis is suspected, a lumbar puncture can be done.
 This is when a needle goes through the lower lumbar vertebral levels of the spinal cord, between L3 and L4 for
 The needle penetrates into the subarachnoid space and a few milliliters of CSF is taken.
 The opening pressure can be measured, and the CSF can be analyzed for white blood cells, protein, and
 Polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, might be used to find specific causes like HIV, enterovirus, HSV,
or tuberculosis.
 If a particular infection seems like an obvious cause, then a test for that might be used, like the Western blot
for Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria, or a thin blood smear for malaria.
 The treatment of meningitis depends on the underlying cause.
 For bacterial meningitis, it’s common is to administer steroids and then antibiotics, to prevent massive injury to
the leptomeninges from the inflammation caused as the antibiotics destroy the bacteria.
 In general the treatment - antivirals, antibacterials, antifungals, or antiparasitic drugs are aimed at the specific
cause of meningitis.
 Prevention with a vaccine, is appropriate for some causes like Neisseria meningitidis, but also for mumps and for
disseminated tuberculosis.
 Prophylactic antibiotics can also be administered, to avoid outbreaks of bacterial meningitis like in households
where individuals haven’t been vaccinated against Neisseria meningitidis.
 A variety of factors influence the suspected cause of
 Age, underlying risk factors(e.g. immuocompromised)
and seasonal variations can be useful in directing
empirical therapy.
 In adults 3 organisms- Neisseria Meningitidis ,
streptococcus pneumoniae, and Haemophilus Influenza
are most responsible for meningitis.
 Gram negative meningitis is extremely rare in adults,
except when postneurosurgical meningitis occurs.
 However, meningitis due to enteric organisms, most
frequently Eschrichia coli (E.coli), is common in
 Gastric patients are most likely to develop meningitis
due to Listeria monocytogenes, although S.pneumoniae
and N.meningitidis are still the most common
pathogens in this age group.
 Age cannot be used as the only criterion for empirical
antibiotic treatment selection.
 Several other factors should influence the decision making
 Nosocomial meningitis or status post open head trauma
increases the index of suspicion for gram negative bacilli and
staphylococcal infections.
 Specifically, patients with indwelling shunts may develop
Staphylococcus epidermis meningitis(frequently mithicillin
 Other risk factors can also predispose patients to certain
types of meningitis.
 Alcoholism, asplenia, bacterial pneumonia, sinusitis, head
trauma, immunosuppression, and sickle cell disease
increases the likelihood of S.pneumoniae meningitis.
 Lyme meningitis due to Borrelia burgdorferi(neuroborreliosis)
is becoming more common in areas endemic for LYME
 Meningitis can also occur due to syphilis and leptospriosis.
 Pathogens are thought to infect
meningitis through 3 pathways:
 1. Hematogenous seeding.
 2. Direct inoculation(trauma,
neurosurgery, direct spread from
 3. Contiguous spread from a
parameningeal focus(e.g.
sinusitis,dental surgery)
 Virulence factors may also play a role
for certain meningeal pathogens.
 Encapsulated organism such as
S.Pneumoniae and H.influenza type B
are easily able to cross the BBB into
the CNS, and they are also resistant
to phagocytois in the bloodstream.
 N.meningitidis use pili on their cell
surface to breach and attach to
mucosal barrier.
 When pathogens have entered the CNS, a cascade of
events occurs.
 The presence of bacterial cell wall products trigger the
production of cytokines, including IL-1, TNF, and
prostaglandin E2, which initially leads to increased blood
flow to the brain.
 These cytokines also increase BBB permeability by
interfering with the integrity of capillary tight junctions,
allowing cerebral edema to occur.
 Cytotoxins released from the neutrophils, and possibly
bacteria themselves, also contribute to the development of
cerebral edema.
 Intracranial pressure rises secondary to increased blood flow
and edema, resulting in decreased cerebral perfusion.
 The inflammatory process may cause vasculitis and
thrombotic events that contribute to overall cerebral
1. Acute pyogenic meningitis
2. Aseptic meningitis
3. Chronic meningitis
 TB
 Fungal
 Syphyllitic
 Protozoal
 Helminthe
Causative agents
Causative agents
 The neurologic sequelae occur due to
activation of the host’s inflammatory
pathways, which is induced by the pathogens
or their products.
 Bacterial cell death can cause the release of
cell wall components, such as
lipopolysaccharide, lipid A (endotoxin),
lipoteichoic acid, teichoic acid, and
peptidoglycan,depending on whether the
pathogen is gram-positive or gram-negative
 These cell wall components cause capillary
endothelial cells and CNS macrophages to
release cytokines (interleukin 1 [IL-1], tumor
necrosis factor [TNF]) and other inflammatory
mediators(IL-6, IL-8, platelet-activating factor
[PAF], nitric oxide, arachidonic acid
metabolites [e.g., prostaglandin and
prostacyclin], macrophage derived proteins).
Proteolytic products and toxic oxygen radicals
are released from the capillary endothelium,
causing an alteration in the permeability of the
blood–brain barrier. PAF activates the
coagulation cascade, and arachidonic acid
metabolites stimulate vasodilation.
 These events propagate other sequential
events that lead to cerebral edema, elevated
intracranial pressure (ICP), CSF pleocytosis,
decreased cerebral blood flow, cerebral
ischemia, and death.
 Symptoms of meningitis may occur acutely, within 24
hours, or insidiously, over 1-7 days.
 Acute meningitis is associated with a higher mortality
rate (50%) and is most commonly caused by bacteria.
 Subacute meningitis may be caused by virus,
mycobacterial, or fungal, and is generally associated
with a lower mortality rate (<25%).
 A patient with acute or subacute menigitis may have
symptoms of meningeal inflammation such as vomiting,
head ache, lethargy, confusion, or neck stiffness.
 Fever, rigors, myalgias, and photophobia are also
 Patients also experience focal symptoms such as
seizures, cranial nerve palsies, or hemiparesis.
 The clinical presentation in neonates and in older adults
is more insidious.
 Neonates and young infants lack the
meningeal signs and symptoms but may
display hypothermia or hyperthermia,
listlessness, lethargy, high-pitched crying,
nausea, vomiting, anorexia, poor eating habits,
irritability, and seizures.
 Late clinical manifestations in infants include
neck stiffness and a full fontanella.
 Classic triad that is the fever& headche, neck
stiffness and a change in mental status and
are found in 95% patients of acute bacterial
 On physical examination, patients may
have nuchal rigidity or meningismus, a
positive Kernig or Brudzinski sign, and
 The Kernig sign is elicited by placing the
patient in the supine position, then flexing
the thigh perpendicular to the abdomen
with the knee also in the flexed position.
 As the leg is extended, the patients with
meningitis resists leg extension.
 The Brudzinski sign is evident when
forward neck flexion results in flexion of the
hips and knees.
 A petechial or purpuric rash predominantly
on the extremities is consistent with
N.meningitidis, although it may occur with
streptococcus or H. Influenza infection but
 Fever,
 Nuchal rigidity.
 Altered mental status
 Chills,
 Vomiting,
 Photophobia, phonophobia and severe
 Irritability, and delirium.
 Drowsiness, lethargy, and coma.
 ■ Clinical signs in children also may include
 Bulging fontanelle, apneas, purpuric rash,
convulsions and cold extremeties.
 Nausea ,vomiting, and diarrhea.
Brudzinski sign
 A, B. Brudzinski
neck signs. Hip and
knee flexion occur as
a result of flexion of
the neck (B).
 C–E. Brudzinski leg
 C. Patient’s leg is
flexed by examiner
 D. Contralateral leg
begins to flex—
contralateral sign.
 E. Contralateral leg
now begins to
resembling a little
Kernig sign
 Kernig sign.
 A. Knees are
raised to form a 90-
degree angle
relative to the
trunk, and the
examiner attempts
to extend the
 B. Once the knee
angle reaches
approximately 135
contracture or
 It is imperative that a rapid diagnosis of meningitis
be made to ensure prompt, appropriate therapy.
 A lumbar puncture (LP) is used to confirm the
diagnosis and identify the pathogen.
 The goal is to obtain and evaluate CSF within 30
minutes of presentation.
 However, it must first be determined whether it is
safe to perform the LP(i.e., rule out CI to performing
an LP, such as mass lesion, brain abscess, or
subdural empyema).
 The patient should also be evaluated for
papilledema, hemiparesis, aphasia, ataxia , and
visual field defects, which may suggest an extreme
increase in intracranial pressure.
 If papilledema or neurologic sign are present, an LP
is CI because of the risk of brain herniation.
 CT scan or MRI may be performed before an
LP is done, to help in assessment process.
 When an LP is delayed so that a CT scan
can be obtained, blood cultures should be
obtained for culture and empiric antibiotics
should be initiated, along with any adjunctive
 A delay in start of therapy can lead to
increased mortality.
 Before the CSF is removed, opening
pressure can be measured.
 In meningitis, pressures generally exceed
200 mm H20(normal : <150 mm H2O in
supine position).
 Pressures greater than 600 mm H2O may be
consistent with intracranial masses.
 A repeat LP may be necessary if treatment
response is inadequate.
 The CSF is also evaluated for gross visual
turbidity, cell analysis, glucose and protein
concentrations, and gram stain and culture.
 A pleocytosis(increased number of WBC) with a
predominance of neutrophils is consistent with
bacterial meningitis.
 A lymphocytic pleocytosis is consistent with
fungal, mycobacterial, or viral infection, although
viral meningitis may have initial neutrophilic
 An elevated protein concentration is a sign of
disruption of the BBB.
 Is a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure
that is performed in order to collect a sample
of csf for chemistry, microbiologic, and
hematologic tests.
 CSF should not be refrigerated or stored on
ice therpeutically to relieve increased
intracranial pressure.
Csf analysis
The total csf producad per day is 500 ml .but is present in the
subarachnoid space about 80-150 ml.contains around 0.3 %of plasma
 Other diagnostic tests include
 In patients presenting with new-onset
seizures, signs of space occupying lesions,
or moderate-to-severe impairment of
consciousness, cranial imaging via
magnetic resonance imaging or cranial
computed tomography (CT) should precede
a lumbar puncture.
 Blood and other specimens should be
cultured according to clinical judgment
because meningitis frequently can
arise via hematogenous dissemination
or can be associated with infections at
other sites.
 A minimum of 20 mL of blood in each
of two to three separate cultures per
each 24-hour period is necessary for
detection of most bacteremias.
 Gram stain and culture of the CSF are the
most important laboratory tests performed
for bacterial meningitis..
 ■ Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
techniques can be used to diagnose
meningitis caused by N. meningitidis, S.
pneumoniae,and H.influenza B.
 ■ Latex fixation or agglutination, and
enzyme immunoassay tests provide for
rapid identification of several bacterial
causes of meningitis.
Latex fixation or agglutination
 Latex fixation test is an agglutination
test used to detect antigens produced
in response to rubella virus or
rheumatoid factor.
 It is used in diagnosis of group A
 In latex fixation test , a sample is
mixed with latex beads coated with
antibodies ,if antigen is present it will
react with the antibody causing the
 Diagnosis of tuberculosis meningitis uses acid-fast
staining, culture, and PCR of the CSF.
 ■ PCR testing of the CSF is the preferred method
for diagnosing most viral meningitis infections.
 ■ The standard diagnostic tests for fungal
meningitis include culture, direct microscopic
examination of stained and unstained specimens of
CSF, antigen detection of cryptococcal or
histoplasmal antigens, and antibody assay of
serum and/or CSF.
1. Penicillins
2. Cephalosporins
3. Chloramphenicol
4. Fluroquinolones
5. Aminoglycosides,and macrolides.
 Diagnose and initiate therapy promptly. A
delay in therapy of a few hours may
result in increased morbidity and
 Base treatment on the suspected
pathogens and their anticipated
susceptibilities, and individual patient
 Use only antimicrobials that have
bactericidal MOA, include all agents in a
combination regimen.
 Select antimicrobials that have good
penetration through the BBB and
achieve adequate CSF drug
SR.NO AGE GROUP 1st Choice Drug Alternative Therapy
1 Neonates
<7 days
Ampicillin, 50mg/kg twice daily or
Amoxicillin 25 mg/kg twice daily or
Cefotaxime 50 mg/kg twice daily or
Ceftazidime 50mg/kg twice daily.
Benzyl penicillin 50mg
twice daily and
Ampicillin 50 mg/kg
twice daily or
amoxicillin 25mg/kg
twice daily and
Gentamicin 2.5 mg/kg
twice daily
2 Neonates 8-28
Ampicillin, 50mg/kg 4 times daily or
Amoxicillin 25 mg/kg 3 times daily
or Cefotaxime 50 mg/kg 3 times
daily or
Ceftazidime 50mg/kg 3 times daily.
Benzyl penicillin 50mg
4 times daily and
Ampicillin 50 mg/kg 3
times daily or
amoxicillin 25mg/kg 4
times daily and
Gentamicin 2.5 mg/kg
3 times daily
SR.NO AGE GROUP 1st Choice Drug Alternative Therapy
3. Infants 1-3
Ampicillin, 50mg/kg 4 times daily or
Amoxicillin 25 mg/kg 3 times daily
or Cefotaxime 50 mg/kg 3 times
daily or
Ceftazidime 75-100 mg once daily.
4 Infants,
>3 months
Cefotaxime 50 mg/kg 3 times daily
Ceftazidime 75-100 mg once daily.
Ampicillin 50mg/kg
daily 4 times.
Amoxicillin 25 mg/kg 4
25mg/kg 4 times daily
SR.NO AGE GROUP 1st Choice Drug Alternative Therapy
5 Adults Cefotaxime 2g 3 times daily or
Ceftazidime 2-4 g once daily.
Benzyl penicillin 2.4 g-
4 hours.
Ampicillin 2-3 g 4
times daily or
amoxicillin 2g 3 or 4
times daily and
chloramphenicol 25
mg/kg 4 times daily.
Dosing of antibacterials
 Streptococcus penumoniae, commonly called pneumococcus, is a gram
positive coccus seen on Gram stain.
 In 40-50% cases, the patient has a concomitant pneumococcal pneumonia or
otitis media infection.
 Additionally, patients may have a contiguous or distant focus of infection
such as pneumonia, mastoiditis, sinusitis, or endocarditis.
 Empiric treatment for patients with S.Pneumoniae include penicillin or
 As there is an increase in the rate of penicillin resistance.
 Cephalosporins such as ceftriaxone or cefotaxime are therefore currently
used as first line agents.
 Empiric therapy may sometimes include the use of adjuvant dexamethasone.
 It is recommended that dexamethasone(0.15 mg/kg q6H for 2-4 days) with
the first dose of antibiotics should be given.
 Dexamethasone should be given to all adults with pneumococcal meningitis.
 It is a gram negative bacteria.
 Because of success of H. Influenza type B vaccination , N.meningitidis has
become the leading cause of bacterial meningitis.
 Clinical features of N.meningitidis infection include rapid onset, with
meningococcemia, of fever, chills, malaise, and rash.
 The rash may be maculopapular, petechial, or urticaria.
 In fulminant disease, the rash may become puerperal and is associated with a
syndrome of disseminated intravascular coagulation(DIC), shock, coma , and
death(Waterhouse Friderichsen syndrome).
 The drug of choice for N.menigitidis meningitis is Penicillin G administered as 4
million units every 4 hours for 7 days for adults with normal renal function.
 Cefotaxime(2 g every 4-6 hours) and ceftriaxone (2g every 12-24 hours) are used
if the bacteria is penicillin resistant.
 Chloramphenicol may be used in patients with allergy to both penicillin and
 Other alternatives include sulfonamides and fluoroquinolones.
 Corticosteroids should not be given in this meningitis.
 A quadrivalent N.meningitidis vaccine is commercially available.
 Vaccination should be considered in children older than 2 years of age.
Haemophilus Influenzae Type B
 It is a gram negative organism.
 Approximately 30-50% of children carry H.influenzae
asymptomatically in the nasopharynx.
 80% of patients with this meningitis also have otitis
media, sinusitis, and brochitis(any 1 or all).
 Children younger than 2 years old are at higher risk of
developing infection with this organism, as are adults
with predisposing factors such as sickle cell anemia,
asplenia, immunodeficiency disease, malignancy, head
trauma, neurosurgery, sinusitis, otitis media.
 Patients commonly develops this meningitis after an
upper respiratory tract infection or otitis media.
 Complications of this meningitis include deafness,
blindess, seizure disorders, behaviour disorders , and a
decrease in school performance.
Haemophilus Influenzae Type B
 The first choice of drug is ampicillin.
 Presently , ceftriaxone and cefotaxime
are the first line drugs.
 Since the development of the vaccine,
the incidence of H.Influenzae type B
meningitis has dramatically declined
by more than 90%.
Listeria Monocytogenes
 It is a gram positive aerobic bacillus.
 Pregnant women, newborns, older adults, and immunocompromised
persons are predisposed to get this meningitis.
 Listeria is the cause of 8% of cases of menigitis.
 The incidence of Listeria infection is greatest in summer and early
 Contaminated coleslaw, milk, cheese, raw vegetables, turkey franks,
alfaalfa tablets, and processed meat are associated with listeria food
 Antibiotics that have activity against listeria include penicillin G,
ampicillin, erythromycin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole,
chloramphenicol, tetracyclines and aminoglycosides.
 The treatment of choice for patients with Listeria meningitis include
ampicillin in combination with an aminoglycosides given
intravenously or intrathecally.
 Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is an alternative therapy for patients
with penicillin allergy.
 Meropenem can also be used.
Gram Negative Bacillary
 Gram-negative bacilli are very uncommon cause of
 Enterobacteriaceae(especially E.coli and Klebsiella species)
and pseudomonas species are most commonly implicated
gram-negative pathogens.
 The best drug for gram negative infections is cefotaxime and
 The usual dosage of cefotaxime is 2 g every 4 hours.
 If pseudomonas is implicated, ceftazidime 2 g every 6-8
hours or cefepime 2 g every 8 hours plus systemic
aminoglycosides therapy may be used.
 Ventriculitis is commonly associated with gram-negative
meningitis and require intraventricular aminoglycoside
 Meropenem can be used if resistant develops in the above
mentioned antibiotics.
 Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole can be used.
 Fluoroquinolones and aztreonam are other possible
 The 2 most common cause of fungal meningitis are
Cryptococcus Neoformans and Coccidioidomycosis.
 Bird droppings, rotten fruits and vegetable, wood rot, and
soil contain cryptococcus.
 Infection occurs through inhalation of the aerosolized
spores which results in primary pulmonary disease that
dessiminates to the CNS.
 The onset of disease is gradually, generally over 4 or more
weeks, and is more prevalent in immunosuppressed.
 Patients most commonly experience head ache along with
alteration in mental status, nuchal rigidity, fever and
 Diagnosis is made by India Ink stain, culture, latex
agglutination test, which identifies the circulating antigen in
the serum of CSF.
 The preferred treatment regimen in persons who donot have HIV
infections is amphotericin B 0.5 to 1 mg/kg/day and flucytosine 100-
150 mg/kg/day for 6 weeks.
 A total of 2 g amphotericin B should be administered.
 The combination of amphotericin and flucytosine has been found to
be superior to amphotericin alone in patients who do not have HIV
infection, leading to successful outcome in 75 % of treated patients.
 In HIV infected patient, FLUCONAZOLE achives good CNF
concentration, is available as an oral agent and is better tolerated
than amphotericin B.
 The usual regimen for cryptococcal meningitis in HIV infected
patients is amphotericin B 0.7-1 mg/kg/day for 2 weeks followed by
fluconazole 800 mg per day orally for 2 days, then 400 mg per day
for 8 weeks and 200 mg per day indefinetly.
 Therapy with amphotericin B causes significant ADRs, including
nephrotoxicity, electrolyte abnormalities, anemia, thrombocytopenia,
and phlebitis.
 Infection occurs through inhalation of the aerosolized
 When inhaled, the infection disseminates within 3-6
months to the skin, musculoskeletal system and
 People at increased risk include immunocompromised
patients, infants, older adults, males, and pregnant
 Head ache is the most common symptom.
 Approximately 90% of patients dies within 12 months
without active treatment.
 Amphotericin is given intrathecally or intravenously.
 Aseptic meningitis is defined as the presence of meningeal signs
and symptoms, as well as CSF abnormalities consistent with
meningitis, with stains and cultures that are negative for bacteria or
 The most common causes of aseptic meningitis are viruses,
particularly enterovirus, herpes, lymphocytic choriomenigitis, and
 Drugs have also been implicated as a cause of aseptic meningitis .
 West Nile Virus may cause aseptic meningitis or asymmetric flaccid
paralysis, although encephalitis is more common.
 Enterovirus are members of the picornavirus family and consist of
poliovirus, coxsackievirus A and B, and echovirus and the most
common causes of aseptic meningitis.
 Transmission of these viruses occur via fecal-oral and respiratory
 Infants, children and young adult are at risk.
 Symptoms are similar to bacterial meningitis.
 These infections are self limiting and do not require any treatment.
 Patients are given supportive care , including hydration and pain
 Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2
have both been associated with
 Herpes simplex virus type 1 has been
associated with meningoencephalitis,
which is potentially fatal.
 Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 is
predominantly associated with
meningitis, which is self-limiting.
 Antibacterials :
 Penicillins ,cephalosporins,bacitracin and vancomycin
 Moa :
Inhibitors of Cell Wall Synthesis: In most bacteria, a cell wall surrounds
thecell like a rigid shell that protects against noxious outside influences
and prevents rupture of the plasma membrane from a high internal
osmotic pressure. The structural stability of the cell wall is due mainly to
the murein (peptidoglycan) lattice. This consists of basic building blocks
linked together to form a large macromolecule. Each basic unit contains
the two linked aminosuga rN-acetylglucosamine and N-
acetylmuramicacid; the latter bears a peptidechain. The building blocks
are synthesizedin the bacterium, transported outward through the cell
membrane. The enzym etranspeptidase cross-links the peptidechains of
adjacent aminosugar chains.
 b lactam antibiotics act by inhibiting the tranpeptidase enzyme-so that
cross linking does not take place.
 Adrs :
 Local irritancy ,hypersensitivity,super infections,nausea ,vomiting
after im injection.
 Uses :infections caused by streptococcal, pneminococcal,
staphylococcal, meningococcal species .
 Inhibitors of protein synthesis:
 chloramphenicol ,macrolides and
 Chloramphenicol
 Moa :it inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by
interfering with transfer of elongating peptide
chain to the newly attached amino acyl t rna at
the ribosome –mrna specifically
attaches to the 50s ribosome and prevents the
binding of aminoacyl t rna to the accceptor site
for aminoacid incorporation.
 Adrs:bone marrow toxicity,neonatal
omiting,depression delirium.neuritis.
 Uses: meningitis caused by h.influenzae.
 Macrolides
 Moa:
Inhibits the bacterial protein synthesis it
binds reversibly with 50s sub unit of
bacterial ribosome . They can inhibit the
elongation of protein by the peptidyl
tranferase ,the enzyme that forms peptide
bonds btw the amino acids.
ADRS:nausea ,vomiting,allergic reactions
dermatitis lymphadenopathy ,jaundice.
Uses: infections caused by pnemonia
 Aminoglycosides
 Moa :
Irreversible inhibition of protein syntesis
 Three mechanisms of protein synthesis inhibition which
results in cell death.
 The drug may interfere with the initiation of ps
 Misreading of m rna that leads to incorrect aminoacids
being integrated into the peptide chains resulting in non
functional proteins.
 They reduce polysomes into non functional monosomes
 Adrs :nephrotoxicity,ototoxicity,neuromuscular
blockage,super infection,nausea,vomiting,neuritis.
 Uses:infections caused by various gram –ve bacteria .
 Sulphonamides:
 Moa:
 They are bacteriostatic drugs which act by inhibiting the
folic acid synthesis in the bacteria .they are competitive
antagonists of paba.they prevent the utilization of paba
in the synthesis of folic acid .
 Sulphonamides act by inhibiting the enzyme
dihydropteorate synthase .-prevents the formation of
dihydrofolic acid .
 The trimethoprime inhibits the dihydrofolate reductase –
prevents the formation of tetrahydrofolic acid –this
prevents formation of purine bases for synthesis of dna
 Adrs :nausea ,vomiting,abdominal
pain,hypersensitivity,skin rash fever steven jonson
dyscriasis,neuritis,tinnitus,ataxia,confusion ,depression
 Uses: meningococcal infections.
 Cotrimoxazole :combination of
trimethoprime and sulphamethoxazole
in 1:5 ratio.
 Individually bacteriostatic ,when
combined they become bacteriocidal.
 Moa and adrs same as that of
 Uses:infections caused by e coli
Anti tubercular drugs
 Drugs of choice are isoniazid, rifampin, and ethambutol, along with streptomycin
and pyrazinamide. Less well tolerated, secondline agents include p-
aminosalicylic acid, cycloserine, viomycin, kanamycin, amikacin, capreomycin,
and ethionamide.
 Isoniazid is bactericidal against growing M. tuberculosis. Its mechanism of
action remains unclear. In the bacterium it is converted to isonicotinic acid,
which is membrane impermeable and hence likely to accumulate intracellularly.
Isoniazid is rapidly absorbed after oral administration. In the liver, it is
inactivated by acetylation. Notable adverse effects are peripheral neuropathy,
optic neuritis preventable by administration of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), and liver
 Rifampin. . Although mostly well tolerated,this drug may cause several adverse
effects including hepatic damage, hypersensitivity with flulike symptoms,
disconcerting but harmless red/orange discoloration of body fluids, and enzyme
induction (failure of oral contraceptives)
 Pyrazinamide exerts a bactericidal action by an unknown mechanism. It is
given orally. Pyrazinamide may impair liver function; hyperuricemia results from
inhibition of renalurate elimination.
 Streptomycin must be given i.v. like other aminoglycoside antibiotics . It
damages the inner ear and the labyrinth. Its nephrotoxicity is comparatively
 Ethambutol. The cause of ethambutol’s specific antitubercular action is
unknown. It is given orally. It is generally well tolerated,but may cause dose-
Antifungal drugs
 Moa of imidazole derivatives :
 Imidazole derivatives inhibit synthesis of ergosterol, an integral
constituent of cytoplasmic membranes of fungal cells. Fungi
stop growing (fungistatic effect) or die (fungicidal effect). The
spectrumof affected fungi is very broad.
 Flucytosine is converted in candidal fungi to 5-fluorouracil by
the action of a specific fungal cytosine deaminase. As an
antimetabolite,this compound disrupts DNAand RNA
synthesis,resulting in a fungicidal effect.
 Griseofulvin:inhibits the biosynthesis of microtubules of
the fungal cells leading to stoppage of the spindle
formation during mitosis.leading to fungal cell death.
 Amphotericin b :polyene antibiotic –it associates with ergosterol
forming a transmembrane channel .through this channel
intracellular monovalent ions move out leading to fungal cell
 Adrs : nausea ,vomiting headache,fever ,vertigo skin
rashes,convulsions,nephrotoxicity,myalgia ,neuritis.
 Uses: fungal infections
Antiviral drugs
 Moa: The organism can disrupt viral
replication with the aid of cytotoxic T-
lymphocytes that recognize and
destroy virus-producing cells or by
means of antibodies that bind to and
inactivate extracellular virus particles.
 Adrs:headache,nausea.vomiting
,malice,tremors hypotension ,skin
rashes .
 Uses: viral infections caused by
enteroviruses,hiv ,vzv.

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  • 5. MENINGES  The skull and vertebrae protect the CNS from blunt or penetrating trauma .  The brain is suspended in these structures by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and is surrounded by the meninges.  The meninges are made up of three separate membranes:  dura mater,  arachnoid,  and pia mater.
  • 6. MENINGES  Dura mater directly beneath and is adherent to the skull.  The other two membranes are referred to collectively as leptomeninges.  Pia mater lies directly over brain tissue.  Arachnoid, the middle layer, lies between the dura mater and the pia mater.  The subarachnoid space, located between the arachnoid and the pia mater, is the conduit for CSF.
  • 7. Cerebrospinal fluid  Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a clear, colorless liquid composed primarily of water that protects the brain and spinal cord from chemical and physical injuries.  The total volume of CSF is 80 to 150 mL(3 to 5 oz) in an adult.  CSF contains small amounts of glucose, proteins, lactic acid, urea, cations (Na, K, Ca2, Mg2), and anions (Cl– and HCO3-) it also contains some white blood cells.  The CSF production is from the choroid plexuses, networks of blood capillaries in the walls of the ventricles
  • 8. Formation of csf  The CSF formed in the choroid plexuses of each lateral ventricle flows into the third ventricle through two narrow, oval openings,the interventricular foramina .  More CSF is added by the choroid plexus in the roof of the third ventricle.  The fluid then flows through the aqueduct of the midbrain (cerebral aqueduct) which passes through the midbrain, into the fourth ventricle.  The choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle contributes more fluid.  CSF enters the subarachnoid space through three openings in the roof of the fourth ventricle: a single median aperture and paired lateral apertures, one on each side.  CSF then circulates in the central canal of the spinal cord and in the subarachnoid space around the surface of the brain and spinal cord.  CSF is gradually reabsorbed into the blood through arachnoid villi, fingerlike extensions of the arachnoid that project into the dural venous sinuses, especially the superior sagittal sinus.
  • 9. DEFINITION  Meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges which covers the brain and the spinal chord.  It may be caused due to various viruses , bacteria and other microorganisms.
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  • 26. DEFINITION  With meningitis, mening- refers to the meninges which are three protective membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord, and -itis refers to inflammation; so meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges.  More specifically, it refers to the inflammation of the two inner layers which are called the leptomeninges.  The outer layer of the meninges is the dura mater, the middle layer is the arachnoid mater, and the inner layer is the pia mater.  These last two, the arachnoid and pia maters, are the leptomeninges.  Between the leptomeninges there’s the subarachnoid space, which houses cerebrospinal fluid, or CSF.  CSF is a clear, watery liquid which is pumped around the spinal cord and brain, cushioning them from impact and bathing them in nutrients.  In one microliter or cubic millimeter, there are normally a few white blood cells, up to 5.
  • 27. DEFINITION  If we look at a bigger sample, like say a decilitre, then around 70% of those will be lymphocytes, 30% monocytes, and just a few polymorphonuclear cells -- PMNs -- like neutrophils.  That same volume will contain some proteins, as well, about 15-50 mg as well as some glucose, about 45-100 mg, which is close to two thirds of the glucose we’d find in the same volume of blood.  The CSF is held under a little bit of pressure, below 200 mm of H2O, which is just under 15 mm of mercury -- which is less than a fifth of the mean arterial pressure.  Now at any given moment, there’s about 150 ml of CSF in the body.  This is constantly replenished, with around 500 ml of new CSF produced everyday and the excess, or 500 minus 150 mL or 350 mL, is absorbed into the blood.
  • 28. DEFINITION  But for any nutrients to enter and leave the CSF, and the brain itself for the matter, they have to go through the tightly regulated blood-brain barrier(BBB or B3).  The blood brain barrier is the special name given to the blood vessels in the brain.  That’s because the endothelial cells in the blood vessels are so tightly-bound to one another that they prevent leakage and only allow certain molecules to slip through them.  Meningitis is the inflammation of the leptomeninges, which remember are the inner two membranes around the brain and spinal cord.  It is not the inflammation of the brain itself, that’s encephalitis; but sometimes they can occur together and when that happens it’s called meningoencephalitis.
  • 29. DEFINITION  So meningitis needs some kind of trigger for the inflammation, and could be an autoimmune disease, where the body attacks itself, like lupus, or the body having an adverse reaction to some medication, which can happen with intrathecal therapy, when medication is injected directly into the CSF.  But, by far, infection is the most common trigger for meningitis across all age groups, like with the Neisseria meningitidis bacteria or herpes simplex virus for example.
  • 30. DEFINITION  Now there are two routes that an infection can take to reach the CSF and leptomeninges.  The first way is direct spread, which is when a pathogen gets inside the skull or spinal column, and then penetrates the meninges, eventually ending up in the CSF.  Sometimes the pathogen will have come through the overlying skin or up through the nose, but it’s more likely that there’s an anatomical defect to blame.  For example, it could be a congenital defect like spina bifida, or an acquired one like a skull fracture, where there might be CSF leaking through the sinuses.  The second way is hematogenous spread, which is when a pathogen enters the bloodstream and moves through the endothelial cells in the blood vessels making up the blood-brain barrier and gets into the CSF.  To do this, the pathogens typically have to bind to surface receptors on the endothelial cells in order to get across.  Otherwise, they have to find areas of damage or more vulnerable spots like the choroid plexus.
  • 31. DEFINITION  Once the pathogen finds a way into the CSF it can start multiplying.  Soon enough, the handful of white blood cells surveilling the CSF identify the pathogen and release cytokines to recruit additional immune cells.  Over time, a microliter of CSF might go on to contain up to thousands of white blood cells, but any more than five usually defines meningitis.  In most bacterial cases, there’ll be above 100 white blood cells per microliter, and more than 90% PMNs.  In most viral cases, there’ll be 10 to 1000 white blood cells; over 50% lymphocytes and under 20% PMNs.  In most fungal cases, there’ll be 10-500 white blood cells, with over being 50% lymphocytes.  In most cases of tuberculous meningitis there’ll be 50-500 white blood cells with over 80% being lymphocytes.  The additional immune cells attract more fluid to the area and start causing local destruction as they try to control the infection.
  • 32. DEFINITION  As a result the CSF pressure typically rises above 200 mm of H2O.  The immune reaction also causes the glucose concentration in the CSF to fall, to below two thirds of the concentration in the blood, and makes the protein levels increase to over 50 mg per decilitre.  When it comes to the causes of meningitis, viruses and bacteria usually cause acute meningitis, whereas fungi usually cause chronic meningitis.  Now for bacteria there are a lot of possibilities. In newborns, the most common causes are Group B streptococci, E coli, and Listeria monocytogenes.  In children and teens, the most common causes are Neisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus pneumoniae.  In adults and the elderly, the most common causes are Streptococcus pneumoniae and Listeria monocytogenes.  There are also tick-borne causes of meningitis like Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria - which the cause of Lyme disease.  As for viruses, the main culprits are enteroviruses, especially coxsackie virus, and herpes simplex virus.  HIV is usually contracted through body fluids and can also cause viral meningitis.  Less common causes include mumps virus, varicella zoster virus, and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus.  There’s also the fungi, like those from the Cryptococcus and Coccidioides genuses, which mainly affect immunocompromised individuals.  And then of course there’s tubercular meningitis is caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria, and finally parasitic causes of meningitis like P. falciparum which is the main cause of malaria.  Now, the classic triad of meningitis symptoms are headaches, fevers, and nuchal rigidity, or neck stiffness.
  • 33. DEFINITION  The diagnosis of meningitis starts with a physical exam.  One maneuver is when a person lies flat on their back facing upwards, and one of their legs is raised with the knee flexed to a 90 degree angle.  Then, the leg is supported and slowly straightened at the knee.  If this causes back pain, then it’s called the Kernig’s sign.  Another maneuver, is when a person lies flat on their back facing upwards, and has their neck supported and flexed.  If this causes them to automatically flex their knees or hips, then it’s called the Brudzinski’s sign.  If meningitis is suspected, a lumbar puncture can be done.  This is when a needle goes through the lower lumbar vertebral levels of the spinal cord, between L3 and L4 for example.  The needle penetrates into the subarachnoid space and a few milliliters of CSF is taken.  The opening pressure can be measured, and the CSF can be analyzed for white blood cells, protein, and glucose.  Polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, might be used to find specific causes like HIV, enterovirus, HSV, or tuberculosis.  If a particular infection seems like an obvious cause, then a test for that might be used, like the Western blot for Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria, or a thin blood smear for malaria.  The treatment of meningitis depends on the underlying cause.  For bacterial meningitis, it’s common is to administer steroids and then antibiotics, to prevent massive injury to the leptomeninges from the inflammation caused as the antibiotics destroy the bacteria.  In general the treatment - antivirals, antibacterials, antifungals, or antiparasitic drugs are aimed at the specific cause of meningitis.  Prevention with a vaccine, is appropriate for some causes like Neisseria meningitidis, but also for mumps and for disseminated tuberculosis.  Prophylactic antibiotics can also be administered, to avoid outbreaks of bacterial meningitis like in households where individuals haven’t been vaccinated against Neisseria meningitidis.
  • 34. EPIDEMIOLOGY  A variety of factors influence the suspected cause of meningitis.  Age, underlying risk factors(e.g. immuocompromised) and seasonal variations can be useful in directing empirical therapy.  In adults 3 organisms- Neisseria Meningitidis , streptococcus pneumoniae, and Haemophilus Influenza are most responsible for meningitis.  Gram negative meningitis is extremely rare in adults, except when postneurosurgical meningitis occurs.  However, meningitis due to enteric organisms, most frequently Eschrichia coli (E.coli), is common in neonates.  Gastric patients are most likely to develop meningitis due to Listeria monocytogenes, although S.pneumoniae and N.meningitidis are still the most common pathogens in this age group.
  • 35. EPIDEMIOLOGY  Age cannot be used as the only criterion for empirical antibiotic treatment selection.  Several other factors should influence the decision making process.  Nosocomial meningitis or status post open head trauma increases the index of suspicion for gram negative bacilli and staphylococcal infections.  Specifically, patients with indwelling shunts may develop Staphylococcus epidermis meningitis(frequently mithicillin resistant).  Other risk factors can also predispose patients to certain types of meningitis.  Alcoholism, asplenia, bacterial pneumonia, sinusitis, head trauma, immunosuppression, and sickle cell disease increases the likelihood of S.pneumoniae meningitis.  Lyme meningitis due to Borrelia burgdorferi(neuroborreliosis) is becoming more common in areas endemic for LYME disease.  Meningitis can also occur due to syphilis and leptospriosis.
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  • 37. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY  Pathogens are thought to infect meningitis through 3 pathways:  1. Hematogenous seeding.  2. Direct inoculation(trauma, neurosurgery, direct spread from nasopharynx)  3. Contiguous spread from a parameningeal focus(e.g. sinusitis,dental surgery)
  • 38. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY  Virulence factors may also play a role for certain meningeal pathogens.  Encapsulated organism such as S.Pneumoniae and H.influenza type B are easily able to cross the BBB into the CNS, and they are also resistant to phagocytois in the bloodstream.  N.meningitidis use pili on their cell surface to breach and attach to mucosal barrier.
  • 39. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY  When pathogens have entered the CNS, a cascade of events occurs.  The presence of bacterial cell wall products trigger the production of cytokines, including IL-1, TNF, and prostaglandin E2, which initially leads to increased blood flow to the brain.  These cytokines also increase BBB permeability by interfering with the integrity of capillary tight junctions, allowing cerebral edema to occur.  Cytotoxins released from the neutrophils, and possibly bacteria themselves, also contribute to the development of cerebral edema.  Intracranial pressure rises secondary to increased blood flow and edema, resulting in decreased cerebral perfusion.  The inflammatory process may cause vasculitis and thrombotic events that contribute to overall cerebral
  • 40. CLASSIFICATION & CAUSATIVE AGENTS  TYPES OF MENINGITIS 1. Acute pyogenic meningitis 2. Aseptic meningitis 3. Chronic meningitis  TB  Fungal  Syphyllitic  Protozoal  Helminthe
  • 43. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY  The neurologic sequelae occur due to activation of the host’s inflammatory pathways, which is induced by the pathogens or their products.  Bacterial cell death can cause the release of cell wall components, such as lipopolysaccharide, lipid A (endotoxin), lipoteichoic acid, teichoic acid, and peptidoglycan,depending on whether the pathogen is gram-positive or gram-negative  These cell wall components cause capillary endothelial cells and CNS macrophages to release cytokines (interleukin 1 [IL-1], tumor necrosis factor [TNF]) and other inflammatory mediators(IL-6, IL-8, platelet-activating factor [PAF], nitric oxide, arachidonic acid metabolites [e.g., prostaglandin and prostacyclin], macrophage derived proteins). Proteolytic products and toxic oxygen radicals are released from the capillary endothelium, causing an alteration in the permeability of the blood–brain barrier. PAF activates the coagulation cascade, and arachidonic acid metabolites stimulate vasodilation.  These events propagate other sequential events that lead to cerebral edema, elevated intracranial pressure (ICP), CSF pleocytosis, decreased cerebral blood flow, cerebral ischemia, and death.
  • 44. CLINICAL PRESENTATION  Symptoms of meningitis may occur acutely, within 24 hours, or insidiously, over 1-7 days.  Acute meningitis is associated with a higher mortality rate (50%) and is most commonly caused by bacteria.  Subacute meningitis may be caused by virus, mycobacterial, or fungal, and is generally associated with a lower mortality rate (<25%).  A patient with acute or subacute menigitis may have symptoms of meningeal inflammation such as vomiting, head ache, lethargy, confusion, or neck stiffness.  Fever, rigors, myalgias, and photophobia are also seen.  Patients also experience focal symptoms such as seizures, cranial nerve palsies, or hemiparesis.  The clinical presentation in neonates and in older adults is more insidious.
  • 45. CLINICAL PRESENTATION  Neonates and young infants lack the meningeal signs and symptoms but may display hypothermia or hyperthermia, listlessness, lethargy, high-pitched crying, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, poor eating habits, irritability, and seizures.  Late clinical manifestations in infants include neck stiffness and a full fontanella.  Classic triad that is the fever& headche, neck stiffness and a change in mental status and are found in 95% patients of acute bacterial meningitis.
  • 46. DIAGNOSIS  On physical examination, patients may have nuchal rigidity or meningismus, a positive Kernig or Brudzinski sign, and papilledema.  The Kernig sign is elicited by placing the patient in the supine position, then flexing the thigh perpendicular to the abdomen with the knee also in the flexed position.  As the leg is extended, the patients with meningitis resists leg extension.
  • 47. CLINICAL PRESENTATION  The Brudzinski sign is evident when forward neck flexion results in flexion of the hips and knees.  A petechial or purpuric rash predominantly on the extremities is consistent with N.meningitidis, although it may occur with streptococcus or H. Influenza infection but rarely.
  • 48. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS  Fever,  Nuchal rigidity.  Altered mental status  Chills,  Vomiting,  Photophobia, phonophobia and severe headache.  Irritability, and delirium.  Drowsiness, lethargy, and coma.  ■ Clinical signs in children also may include  Bulging fontanelle, apneas, purpuric rash, convulsions and cold extremeties.  Nausea ,vomiting, and diarrhea.
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  • 50. Brudzinski sign  A, B. Brudzinski neck signs. Hip and knee flexion occur as a result of flexion of the neck (B).  C–E. Brudzinski leg signs.  C. Patient’s leg is flexed by examiner (arrow).  D. Contralateral leg begins to flex— identical contralateral sign.  E. Contralateral leg now begins to extend spontaneously, resembling a little
  • 51. Kernig sign   Kernig sign.  A. Knees are raised to form a 90- degree angle relative to the trunk, and the examiner attempts to extend the knees.  B. Once the knee angle reaches approximately 135 degrees, contracture or
  • 52. DIAGNOSIS  It is imperative that a rapid diagnosis of meningitis be made to ensure prompt, appropriate therapy.  A lumbar puncture (LP) is used to confirm the diagnosis and identify the pathogen.  The goal is to obtain and evaluate CSF within 30 minutes of presentation.  However, it must first be determined whether it is safe to perform the LP(i.e., rule out CI to performing an LP, such as mass lesion, brain abscess, or subdural empyema).  The patient should also be evaluated for papilledema, hemiparesis, aphasia, ataxia , and visual field defects, which may suggest an extreme increase in intracranial pressure.  If papilledema or neurologic sign are present, an LP is CI because of the risk of brain herniation.
  • 53. DIAGNOSIS  CT scan or MRI may be performed before an LP is done, to help in assessment process.  When an LP is delayed so that a CT scan can be obtained, blood cultures should be obtained for culture and empiric antibiotics should be initiated, along with any adjunctive therapy.  A delay in start of therapy can lead to increased mortality.
  • 54. DIAGNOSIS  Before the CSF is removed, opening pressure can be measured.  In meningitis, pressures generally exceed 200 mm H20(normal : <150 mm H2O in supine position).  Pressures greater than 600 mm H2O may be consistent with intracranial masses.  A repeat LP may be necessary if treatment response is inadequate.
  • 55. DIAGNOSIS  The CSF is also evaluated for gross visual turbidity, cell analysis, glucose and protein concentrations, and gram stain and culture.  A pleocytosis(increased number of WBC) with a predominance of neutrophils is consistent with bacterial meningitis.  A lymphocytic pleocytosis is consistent with fungal, mycobacterial, or viral infection, although viral meningitis may have initial neutrophilic predominance.  An elevated protein concentration is a sign of disruption of the BBB.
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  • 58. DIAGNOSIS LUMBAR PUNCTURE TEST  ALSO KNOWN AS SPINAL TAP  Is a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure that is performed in order to collect a sample of csf for chemistry, microbiologic, and hematologic tests.  CSF should not be refrigerated or stored on ice therpeutically to relieve increased intracranial pressure.
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  • 60. Csf analysis The total csf producad per day is 500 ml .but is present in the subarachnoid space about 80-150 ml.contains around 0.3 %of plasma proteins.
  • 61. DIAGNOSIS  Other diagnostic tests include  In patients presenting with new-onset seizures, signs of space occupying lesions, or moderate-to-severe impairment of consciousness, cranial imaging via magnetic resonance imaging or cranial computed tomography (CT) should precede a lumbar puncture.
  • 62. DIAGNOSIS  Blood and other specimens should be cultured according to clinical judgment because meningitis frequently can arise via hematogenous dissemination or can be associated with infections at other sites.  A minimum of 20 mL of blood in each of two to three separate cultures per each 24-hour period is necessary for detection of most bacteremias.
  • 63. DIAGNOSIS  Gram stain and culture of the CSF are the most important laboratory tests performed for bacterial meningitis..  ■ Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques can be used to diagnose meningitis caused by N. meningitidis, S. pneumoniae,and H.influenza B.  ■ Latex fixation or agglutination, and enzyme immunoassay tests provide for rapid identification of several bacterial causes of meningitis.
  • 64. Latex fixation or agglutination test  Latex fixation test is an agglutination test used to detect antigens produced in response to rubella virus or rheumatoid factor.  It is used in diagnosis of group A streptococcus.  In latex fixation test , a sample is mixed with latex beads coated with antibodies ,if antigen is present it will react with the antibody causing the
  • 65. DIAGNOSIS  Diagnosis of tuberculosis meningitis uses acid-fast staining, culture, and PCR of the CSF.  ■ PCR testing of the CSF is the preferred method for diagnosing most viral meningitis infections.  ■ The standard diagnostic tests for fungal meningitis include culture, direct microscopic examination of stained and unstained specimens of CSF, antigen detection of cryptococcal or histoplasmal antigens, and antibody assay of serum and/or CSF.
  • 66. TREATMENT  ANTIBACTERIALS 1. Penicillins 2. Cephalosporins 3. Chloramphenicol 4. Fluroquinolones 5. Aminoglycosides,and macrolides.  SULPHONAMIDES  ANTI TB DRUGS  ANTIFUNGALS  ANTIVIRALS
  • 67. GOAL OF TREATMENT  Diagnose and initiate therapy promptly. A delay in therapy of a few hours may result in increased morbidity and mortality.  Base treatment on the suspected pathogens and their anticipated susceptibilities, and individual patient characteristics.  Use only antimicrobials that have bactericidal MOA, include all agents in a combination regimen.  Select antimicrobials that have good penetration through the BBB and achieve adequate CSF drug
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  • 71. TREATMENT OF BACTERIAL MENINGITIS SR.NO AGE GROUP 1st Choice Drug Alternative Therapy 1 Neonates <7 days Ampicillin, 50mg/kg twice daily or Amoxicillin 25 mg/kg twice daily or Cefotaxime 50 mg/kg twice daily or Ceftazidime 50mg/kg twice daily. Benzyl penicillin 50mg twice daily and Ampicillin 50 mg/kg twice daily or amoxicillin 25mg/kg twice daily and Gentamicin 2.5 mg/kg twice daily 2 Neonates 8-28 days Ampicillin, 50mg/kg 4 times daily or Amoxicillin 25 mg/kg 3 times daily or Cefotaxime 50 mg/kg 3 times daily or Ceftazidime 50mg/kg 3 times daily. Benzyl penicillin 50mg 4 times daily and Ampicillin 50 mg/kg 3 times daily or amoxicillin 25mg/kg 4 times daily and Gentamicin 2.5 mg/kg 3 times daily
  • 72. TREATMENT OF BACTERIAL MENINGITIS SR.NO AGE GROUP 1st Choice Drug Alternative Therapy 3. Infants 1-3 months Ampicillin, 50mg/kg 4 times daily or Amoxicillin 25 mg/kg 3 times daily or Cefotaxime 50 mg/kg 3 times daily or Ceftazidime 75-100 mg once daily. 4 Infants, >3 months Cefotaxime 50 mg/kg 3 times daily or Ceftazidime 75-100 mg once daily. Ampicillin 50mg/kg daily 4 times. Amoxicillin 25 mg/kg 4 times. Chloramphenicol 25mg/kg 4 times daily
  • 73. TREATMENT OF BACTERIAL MENINGITIS SR.NO AGE GROUP 1st Choice Drug Alternative Therapy 5 Adults Cefotaxime 2g 3 times daily or Ceftazidime 2-4 g once daily. Benzyl penicillin 2.4 g- 4 hours. Ampicillin 2-3 g 4 times daily or amoxicillin 2g 3 or 4 times daily and chloramphenicol 25 mg/kg 4 times daily.
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  • 77. STREPTOCOCCUS PNUMONIAE MENINGITIS  Streptococcus penumoniae, commonly called pneumococcus, is a gram positive coccus seen on Gram stain.  In 40-50% cases, the patient has a concomitant pneumococcal pneumonia or otitis media infection.  Additionally, patients may have a contiguous or distant focus of infection such as pneumonia, mastoiditis, sinusitis, or endocarditis.  Empiric treatment for patients with S.Pneumoniae include penicillin or ampicillin.  As there is an increase in the rate of penicillin resistance.  Cephalosporins such as ceftriaxone or cefotaxime are therefore currently used as first line agents.  Empiric therapy may sometimes include the use of adjuvant dexamethasone.  It is recommended that dexamethasone(0.15 mg/kg q6H for 2-4 days) with the first dose of antibiotics should be given.  Dexamethasone should be given to all adults with pneumococcal meningitis.
  • 78. NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS Meningitis  It is a gram negative bacteria.  Because of success of H. Influenza type B vaccination , N.meningitidis has become the leading cause of bacterial meningitis.  Clinical features of N.meningitidis infection include rapid onset, with meningococcemia, of fever, chills, malaise, and rash.  The rash may be maculopapular, petechial, or urticaria.  In fulminant disease, the rash may become puerperal and is associated with a syndrome of disseminated intravascular coagulation(DIC), shock, coma , and death(Waterhouse Friderichsen syndrome).  The drug of choice for N.menigitidis meningitis is Penicillin G administered as 4 million units every 4 hours for 7 days for adults with normal renal function.  Cefotaxime(2 g every 4-6 hours) and ceftriaxone (2g every 12-24 hours) are used if the bacteria is penicillin resistant.  Chloramphenicol may be used in patients with allergy to both penicillin and cephalosporins.  Other alternatives include sulfonamides and fluoroquinolones.  Corticosteroids should not be given in this meningitis.  A quadrivalent N.meningitidis vaccine is commercially available.  Vaccination should be considered in children older than 2 years of age.
  • 79. Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Meningitis.  It is a gram negative organism.  Approximately 30-50% of children carry H.influenzae asymptomatically in the nasopharynx.  80% of patients with this meningitis also have otitis media, sinusitis, and brochitis(any 1 or all).  Children younger than 2 years old are at higher risk of developing infection with this organism, as are adults with predisposing factors such as sickle cell anemia, asplenia, immunodeficiency disease, malignancy, head trauma, neurosurgery, sinusitis, otitis media.  Patients commonly develops this meningitis after an upper respiratory tract infection or otitis media.  Complications of this meningitis include deafness, blindess, seizure disorders, behaviour disorders , and a decrease in school performance.
  • 80. Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Meningitis.  The first choice of drug is ampicillin.  Presently , ceftriaxone and cefotaxime are the first line drugs.  Since the development of the vaccine, the incidence of H.Influenzae type B meningitis has dramatically declined by more than 90%.
  • 81. Listeria Monocytogenes Meningitis  It is a gram positive aerobic bacillus.  Pregnant women, newborns, older adults, and immunocompromised persons are predisposed to get this meningitis.  Listeria is the cause of 8% of cases of menigitis.  The incidence of Listeria infection is greatest in summer and early fall.  Contaminated coleslaw, milk, cheese, raw vegetables, turkey franks, alfaalfa tablets, and processed meat are associated with listeria food poisoning.  Antibiotics that have activity against listeria include penicillin G, ampicillin, erythromycin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, chloramphenicol, tetracyclines and aminoglycosides.  The treatment of choice for patients with Listeria meningitis include ampicillin in combination with an aminoglycosides given intravenously or intrathecally.  Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is an alternative therapy for patients with penicillin allergy.  Meropenem can also be used.
  • 82. Gram Negative Bacillary Meningitis  Gram-negative bacilli are very uncommon cause of meningitis.  Enterobacteriaceae(especially E.coli and Klebsiella species) and pseudomonas species are most commonly implicated gram-negative pathogens.  The best drug for gram negative infections is cefotaxime and ceftazidime.  The usual dosage of cefotaxime is 2 g every 4 hours.  If pseudomonas is implicated, ceftazidime 2 g every 6-8 hours or cefepime 2 g every 8 hours plus systemic aminoglycosides therapy may be used.  Ventriculitis is commonly associated with gram-negative meningitis and require intraventricular aminoglycoside administration.  Meropenem can be used if resistant develops in the above mentioned antibiotics.  Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole can be used.  Fluoroquinolones and aztreonam are other possible alternatives.
  • 83. FUNGAL MENINGITIS  The 2 most common cause of fungal meningitis are Cryptococcus Neoformans and Coccidioidomycosis.  Bird droppings, rotten fruits and vegetable, wood rot, and soil contain cryptococcus.  Infection occurs through inhalation of the aerosolized spores which results in primary pulmonary disease that dessiminates to the CNS.  The onset of disease is gradually, generally over 4 or more weeks, and is more prevalent in immunosuppressed.  Patients most commonly experience head ache along with alteration in mental status, nuchal rigidity, fever and papilledema.  Diagnosis is made by India Ink stain, culture, latex agglutination test, which identifies the circulating antigen in the serum of CSF.
  • 84. FUNGAL MENINGITIS  The preferred treatment regimen in persons who donot have HIV infections is amphotericin B 0.5 to 1 mg/kg/day and flucytosine 100- 150 mg/kg/day for 6 weeks.  A total of 2 g amphotericin B should be administered.  The combination of amphotericin and flucytosine has been found to be superior to amphotericin alone in patients who do not have HIV infection, leading to successful outcome in 75 % of treated patients.  In HIV infected patient, FLUCONAZOLE achives good CNF concentration, is available as an oral agent and is better tolerated than amphotericin B.  The usual regimen for cryptococcal meningitis in HIV infected patients is amphotericin B 0.7-1 mg/kg/day for 2 weeks followed by fluconazole 800 mg per day orally for 2 days, then 400 mg per day for 8 weeks and 200 mg per day indefinetly.  Therapy with amphotericin B causes significant ADRs, including nephrotoxicity, electrolyte abnormalities, anemia, thrombocytopenia, and phlebitis.
  • 85. FUNGAL MENINGITIS  COCCIDIOIDOMYCOSIS is caused by Coccidioidesimmitis.  Infection occurs through inhalation of the aerosolized spores.  When inhaled, the infection disseminates within 3-6 months to the skin, musculoskeletal system and meninges.  People at increased risk include immunocompromised patients, infants, older adults, males, and pregnant women.  Head ache is the most common symptom.  Approximately 90% of patients dies within 12 months without active treatment.  Amphotericin is given intrathecally or intravenously.
  • 86. VIRAL MENINGITIS OR ASEPTIC MENINGITIS  Aseptic meningitis is defined as the presence of meningeal signs and symptoms, as well as CSF abnormalities consistent with meningitis, with stains and cultures that are negative for bacteria or fungi.  The most common causes of aseptic meningitis are viruses, particularly enterovirus, herpes, lymphocytic choriomenigitis, and mumps.  Drugs have also been implicated as a cause of aseptic meningitis .  West Nile Virus may cause aseptic meningitis or asymmetric flaccid paralysis, although encephalitis is more common.  Enterovirus are members of the picornavirus family and consist of poliovirus, coxsackievirus A and B, and echovirus and the most common causes of aseptic meningitis.  Transmission of these viruses occur via fecal-oral and respiratory routes.  Infants, children and young adult are at risk.  Symptoms are similar to bacterial meningitis.  These infections are self limiting and do not require any treatment.  Patients are given supportive care , including hydration and pain control.
  • 87. VIRAL MENINGITIS OR ASEPTIC MENINGITIS  Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 have both been associated with meningitis.  Herpes simplex virus type 1 has been associated with meningoencephalitis, which is potentially fatal.  Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 is predominantly associated with meningitis, which is self-limiting.
  • 89. Pharmacology  Antibacterials :  Penicillins ,cephalosporins,bacitracin and vancomycin  Moa : Inhibitors of Cell Wall Synthesis: In most bacteria, a cell wall surrounds thecell like a rigid shell that protects against noxious outside influences and prevents rupture of the plasma membrane from a high internal osmotic pressure. The structural stability of the cell wall is due mainly to the murein (peptidoglycan) lattice. This consists of basic building blocks linked together to form a large macromolecule. Each basic unit contains the two linked aminosuga rN-acetylglucosamine and N- acetylmuramicacid; the latter bears a peptidechain. The building blocks are synthesizedin the bacterium, transported outward through the cell membrane. The enzym etranspeptidase cross-links the peptidechains of adjacent aminosugar chains.  b lactam antibiotics act by inhibiting the tranpeptidase enzyme-so that cross linking does not take place.  Adrs :  Local irritancy ,hypersensitivity,super infections,nausea ,vomiting ,diarrhea,nephrotoxicity,bleeding,neutropenia,thrombocytopenia,pain after im injection.  Uses :infections caused by streptococcal, pneminococcal, staphylococcal, meningococcal species .
  • 90. Pharmacology  Inhibitors of protein synthesis:  chloramphenicol ,macrolides and aminoglycosides.  Chloramphenicol  Moa :it inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by interfering with transfer of elongating peptide chain to the newly attached amino acyl t rna at the ribosome –mrna specifically attaches to the 50s ribosome and prevents the binding of aminoacyl t rna to the accceptor site for aminoacid incorporation.  Adrs:bone marrow toxicity,neonatal toxicity,hypersensitivity,superinfections,nausea,v omiting,depression delirium.neuritis.  Uses: meningitis caused by h.influenzae.
  • 91. Pharmacology  Macrolides  Moa: Inhibits the bacterial protein synthesis it binds reversibly with 50s sub unit of bacterial ribosome . They can inhibit the elongation of protein by the peptidyl tranferase ,the enzyme that forms peptide bonds btw the amino acids. ADRS:nausea ,vomiting,allergic reactions dermatitis lymphadenopathy ,jaundice. Uses: infections caused by pnemonia species
  • 92. Pharmacology  Aminoglycosides  Moa : Irreversible inhibition of protein syntesis  Three mechanisms of protein synthesis inhibition which results in cell death.  The drug may interfere with the initiation of ps  Misreading of m rna that leads to incorrect aminoacids being integrated into the peptide chains resulting in non functional proteins.  They reduce polysomes into non functional monosomes  Adrs :nephrotoxicity,ototoxicity,neuromuscular blockage,super infection,nausea,vomiting,neuritis.  Uses:infections caused by various gram –ve bacteria .
  • 93. Pharmacology  Sulphonamides:  Moa:  They are bacteriostatic drugs which act by inhibiting the folic acid synthesis in the bacteria .they are competitive antagonists of paba.they prevent the utilization of paba in the synthesis of folic acid .  Sulphonamides act by inhibiting the enzyme dihydropteorate synthase .-prevents the formation of dihydrofolic acid .  The trimethoprime inhibits the dihydrofolate reductase – prevents the formation of tetrahydrofolic acid –this prevents formation of purine bases for synthesis of dna .  Adrs :nausea ,vomiting,abdominal pain,hypersensitivity,skin rash fever steven jonson syndrome,blood dyscriasis,neuritis,tinnitus,ataxia,confusion ,depression  Uses: meningococcal infections.
  • 94. Pharmacology  Cotrimoxazole :combination of trimethoprime and sulphamethoxazole in 1:5 ratio.  Individually bacteriostatic ,when combined they become bacteriocidal.  Moa and adrs same as that of sulphonamides.  Uses:infections caused by e coli bacteria.
  • 95. Anti tubercular drugs  Drugs of choice are isoniazid, rifampin, and ethambutol, along with streptomycin and pyrazinamide. Less well tolerated, secondline agents include p- aminosalicylic acid, cycloserine, viomycin, kanamycin, amikacin, capreomycin, and ethionamide.  Isoniazid is bactericidal against growing M. tuberculosis. Its mechanism of action remains unclear. In the bacterium it is converted to isonicotinic acid, which is membrane impermeable and hence likely to accumulate intracellularly. Isoniazid is rapidly absorbed after oral administration. In the liver, it is inactivated by acetylation. Notable adverse effects are peripheral neuropathy, optic neuritis preventable by administration of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), and liver damage.  Rifampin. . Although mostly well tolerated,this drug may cause several adverse effects including hepatic damage, hypersensitivity with flulike symptoms, disconcerting but harmless red/orange discoloration of body fluids, and enzyme induction (failure of oral contraceptives)  Pyrazinamide exerts a bactericidal action by an unknown mechanism. It is given orally. Pyrazinamide may impair liver function; hyperuricemia results from inhibition of renalurate elimination.  Streptomycin must be given i.v. like other aminoglycoside antibiotics . It damages the inner ear and the labyrinth. Its nephrotoxicity is comparatively minor.  Ethambutol. The cause of ethambutol’s specific antitubercular action is unknown. It is given orally. It is generally well tolerated,but may cause dose-
  • 96. Antifungal drugs  Moa of imidazole derivatives :  Imidazole derivatives inhibit synthesis of ergosterol, an integral constituent of cytoplasmic membranes of fungal cells. Fungi stop growing (fungistatic effect) or die (fungicidal effect). The spectrumof affected fungi is very broad.  Flucytosine is converted in candidal fungi to 5-fluorouracil by the action of a specific fungal cytosine deaminase. As an antimetabolite,this compound disrupts DNAand RNA synthesis,resulting in a fungicidal effect.  Griseofulvin:inhibits the biosynthesis of microtubules of the fungal cells leading to stoppage of the spindle formation during mitosis.leading to fungal cell death.  Amphotericin b :polyene antibiotic –it associates with ergosterol forming a transmembrane channel .through this channel intracellular monovalent ions move out leading to fungal cell death.  Adrs : nausea ,vomiting headache,fever ,vertigo skin rashes,convulsions,nephrotoxicity,myalgia ,neuritis.  Uses: fungal infections
  • 97. Antiviral drugs  Moa: The organism can disrupt viral replication with the aid of cytotoxic T- lymphocytes that recognize and destroy virus-producing cells or by means of antibodies that bind to and inactivate extracellular virus particles.  Adrs:headache,nausea.vomiting ,malice,tremors hypotension ,skin rashes .  Uses: viral infections caused by enteroviruses,hiv ,vzv.