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              Chapter 2
              The Structure of the
              Atom and the Periodic

7th Edition
2.1 Composition of the Atom
 • Atom - the basic structural unit of an
 • The smallest unit of an element that
   retains the chemical properties of
   that element
2.1 Composition of the Atom   Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons
                              • Atoms consist of three primary particles
                                  • electrons
                                  • protons
                                  • neutrons
                               • Nucleus - small, dense, positively
                                 charged region in the center of the atom
                                  - protons - positively charged particles
                                  - neutrons - uncharged particles
2.1 Composition of the Atom       Characteristics of Atomic
                              • Electrons are negatively charged particles
                                located outside of the nucleus of an atom
                              • Protons and electrons have charges that
                                are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign
                              • A neutral atom that has no electrical
                                charge has the same number of protons
                                and electrons
                              • Electrons move very rapidly in a relatively
                                large volume of space while the nucleus is
                                small and dense
2.1 Composition of the Atom      Symbolic Representation of
                                        an Element
                                                            Charge of

                                                A       C
                                                Z   X
                                    Atomic                  Symbol of
                                    number                   the atom

                              • Atomic number (Z) - the number of
                                protons in the atom
                              • Mass number (A) - sum of the number of
                                protons and neutrons
2.1 Composition of the Atom
                                       Atomic Calculations
                              number of protons + number of neutrons = mass number

                              number of neutrons = mass number - number of protons

                              number of protons = number of electrons IF positive and
                              negative charges cancel, the atom charge = 0
2.1 Composition of the Atom
2.1 Composition of the Atom
                              Atomic Composition Calculations
                               Calculate the number of protons, neutrons,
                               and electrons in each of the following:

                                5    B
                                26   Fe
2.1 Composition of the Atom                    Isotopes
                              • Isotopes - atoms of the same element
                                having different masses
                                 – contain same number of protons   4
                                  – contain different numbers of neutrons
                                       Isotopes of Hydrogen

                                Hydrogen         Deuterium         Tritium
                              (Hydrogen - 1)   (Hydrogen - 2)   (Hydrogen - 3)
2.1 Composition of the Atom
                                     Isotopic Calculations
                              • Isotopes of the same element have identical
                                chemical properties
                              • Some isotopes are radioactive
                              • Find chlorine on the periodic table
                              • What is the atomic number of chlorine?
                              • What is the mass given?
                              • This is not the mass number of an isotope
2.1 Composition of the Atom                Atomic Mass
                              • What is this number: 35.34?
                              • The atomic mass - the weighted average of
                                the masses of all the isotopes that make up
                              • Chlorine consists of chlorine-35 and
                                chlorine-37 in a 3:1 ratio
                              • Weighted average is an average corrected
                                by the relative amounts of each isotope
                                present in nature
2.1 Composition of the Atom
                                   Atomic Mass Calculation
                              Calculate the atomic mass of naturally
                               occurring chlorine if 75.77% of chlorine
                               atoms are chlorine-35 and 24.23% of
                               chlorine atoms are chlorine-37
                              Step 1: convert the percentage to a decimal
                                0.7577 chlorine-35
                                0.2423 chlorine-37
2.1 Composition of the Atom
                              Step 2: multiply the decimal fraction by the
                              mass of that isotope to obtain the isotope
                              contribution to the atomic mass:
                              For chlorine-35:
                                   0.7577 x 35.00 amu = 26.52 amu
                              For chlorine-37
                                   0.2423 x 37.00 amu = 8.965 amu
                              Step 3: sum these partial weights to get the
                              weighted average atomic mass of chlorine:
                                   26.52 amu + 8.965 amu = 35.49 amu
2.1 Composition of the Atom
                                 Atomic Mass Determination
                              • Nitrogen consists of two naturally occurring
                                – 99.63% nitrogen-14 with a mass of 14.003 amu
                                – 0.37% nitrogen-15 with a mass of 15.000 amu
                              • What is the atomic mass of nitrogen?
2.1 Composition of the Atom
                                            Ions and Charges
                              • Ions - electrically charged particles that
                                result from a gain or loss of one or more
                                electrons by the parent atom
                              • Cation - positively charged
                                 – results from the loss of electrons
                                 – 23Na  23Na+ + 1e-
                              • Anion - negatively charged
                                 – results from the gain of electrons
                                 – 19F + 1e-  19F-
2.1 Composition of the Atom   Calculating Subatomic Particles
                                          in Ions
                              • How many protons, neutrons, and electrons
                                are in the following ions?

                                 39        +
                                 19    K

                                 32        2-
                                 16    S
                                  24            2+
                                  12   Mg
2.2 Development of Atomic
• Dalton’s Atomic Theory - the first
  experimentally based theory of atomic
  structure of the atom
Postulates of Dalton’s Atomic Theory
2.2 Development of

                     1. All matter consists of tiny particles
  Atomic Theory

                        called atoms
                     2. An atom cannot be created, divided,
                        destroyed, or converted to any other
                        type of atom
                     3. Atoms of a particular element have
                        identical properties
2.2 Development of
                     4. Atoms of different elements have
                        different properties
  Atomic Theory

                     5. Atoms of different elements
                        combine in simple whole-number
                        ratios to produce compounds (stable
                        aggregates of atoms)
                     6. Chemical change involves joining,
                        separating, or rearranging atoms
                       Postulates 1, 4, 5, and 6 are still regarded
                       as true.
Subatomic Particles:
                     Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons
2.2 Development of

                     • Electrons were the first subatomic
  Atomic Theory

                       particles to be discovered using the
                       cathode ray tube.

                 Indicated that the
                 particles were
                 negatively charged.
Evidence for Protons and
2.2 Development of

  Atomic Theory

                 • Protons were the next particle to be discovered,
                   by Goldstein
                     – Protons have the same size charge but opposite in sign
                     – A proton is 1,837 times as heavy as an electron
                 • Neutrons
                     – Postulated to exist in 1920’s but not demonstrated to
                       exist until 1932
                     – Almost the same mass as the proton
2.4 The Periodic Law and the
            Periodic Table
• Dmitri Mendeleev and Lothar Meyer - two
  scientists working independently developed
  the precursor to our modern periodic table
• They noticed that as you list elements in
  order of atomic mass, there is a distinct
  regular variation of their properties
• Periodic law - the physical and chemical
  properties of the elements are periodic
  functions of their atomic numbers
2.4 The Periodic Law
and the Periodic Table
                     Classification of the Elements
2.4 The Periodic Law
and the Periodic Table
                     Important Biological Elements
Parts of the Periodic Table
and the Periodic Table
2.4 The Periodic Law
                         • Period - a horizontal row of elements in
                           the periodic table. They contain 2, 8, 8,
                           18, 18, and 32 elements
                         • Group - also called families, and are
                           columns of elements in the periodic table.
                         • Elements in a particular group or family
                           share many similarities, as in a human
Families of the Periodic Table
and the Periodic Table
2.4 The Periodic Law
                          • Representative elements - Group A
                          • Transition elements - Group B
                          • Alkali metals - Group IA
                          • Alkaline earth metals - group IIA
                          • Halogens - group VIIA
                          • Noble gases - group VIIIA
Category Classification of
and the Periodic Table            Elements
2.4 The Periodic Law

                         • Metals - elements that tend to lose
                           electrons during chemical change,
                           forming positive ions
                         • Nonmetals - a substance whose atoms
                           tend to gain electrons during chemical
                           change, forming negative ions
                         • Metalloids - have properties intermediate
                           between metals and nonmetals
Classification of Elements
and the Periodic Table                    Metals
2.4 The Periodic Law
                         • Metals:
                           – A substance whose atoms tend to lose
                             electrons during chemical change
                           – Elements found primarily in the left 2/3 of
                             the periodic table
                         • Properties:
                           –   High thermal and electrical conductivities
                           –   High malleability and ductility
                           –   Metallic luster
                           –   Solid at room temperature
Classification of Elements
and the Periodic Table              Nonmetals
2.4 The Periodic Law

                         • Nonmetals:
                           – A substance whose atoms may gain
                             electrons, forming negative ions
                           – Elements found in the right 1/3 of the
                             periodic table
                         • Properties:
                           – Brittle
                           – Powdery solids or gases
                           – Opposite of metal properties
Classification of Elements
and the Periodic Table             Metalloids
2.4 The Periodic Law

                         • Metalloids:
                           – Elements that form a narrow diagonal band
                             in the periodic table between metals and
                         • Properties are somewhat between those
                           of metals and nonmetals
                         • Also called semimetals
Atomic Number and Atomic Mass
and the Periodic Table
2.4 The Periodic Law

                         • Atomic Number:
                           – The number of protons in the nucleus of
                             an atom of an element
                           – Nuclear charge or positive charge from
                             the nucleus
                         • Most periodic tables give the element
                           symbol, atomic number, and atomic
Element Information in the
and the Periodic Table        Periodic Table
2.4 The Periodic Law

                                20    atomic number
                               Ca     symbol
                          Calcium     name
                             40.08    atomic mass
Using the Periodic Table
and the Periodic Table
2.4 The Periodic Law
                         •    Identify the group and period to
                              which each of the following belongs:
                              a. P
                              b. Cr
                              c. Element 30
                         •    How many elements are found in
                              period 6?
                         •    How many elements are in group
2.5 Electron Arrangement and
          the Periodic Table
• The electron arrangement is the primary
  factor in understanding how atoms join
  together to form compounds
• Electron configuration - describes the
  arrangement of electrons in atoms
• Valence electrons - outermost electrons
  – The electrons involved in chemical bonding
2.5 Electron Arrangement
  and the Periodic Table        Valence Electrons
                           • The number of valence electrons is the
                             group number for the representative
                           • The period number gives the energy
                             level (n) of the valence shell for all
2.5 Electron Arrangement   Valence Electrons and Energy
  and the Periodic Table              Level
                           • How many valence electrons does Fluorine
                             – 7 valence electrons

                           • What is the energy level of these electrons?
                             – Energy level is n = 2
2.5 Electron Arrangement
  and the Periodic Table
                        Energy Level
                  Electron Arrangement by
2.5 Electron Arrangement       Valence Electrons - Detail
  and the Periodic Table   • What is the total number of electrons in
                              – Atomic number = 9
                              – 9 protons and 9 electrons
                           • 7 electrons in the valence shell, (n = 2 energy level),
                             so where are the other two electrons?
                              – In n = 1 energy level
                              – Level n = 1 holds only two electrons
Determining Electron Arrangement
2.5 Electron Arrangement
  and the Periodic Table   List the total number of electrons, total number of
                           valence electrons, and energy level of the valence
                           electrons for silicon.
                           1. Find silicon in the periodic table
                              •   Group IVA
                              •   Period 3
                              •   Atomic number = 14
                           1. Atomic number = number of electrons
                              in an atom
                              •   Silicon has 14 electrons
Determining Electron Arrangement #2
2.5 Electron Arrangement
  and the Periodic Table   List the total number of electrons, total number of
                           valence electrons, and energy level of the valence
                           electrons for silicon.
                           3. As silicon is in Group IV, only 4 of its 14
                              electrons are valence electrons
                              •   Group IVA = number of valence electrons
                           3. Energy levels:
                              •   n = 1 holds 2 electrons
                              •   n = 2 holds 8 electrons (total of 10)
                              •   n = 3 holds remaining 4 electrons (total = 14)
Determining Electron Arrangement
2.5 Electron Arrangement
  and the Periodic Table           Practice
                           List the total number of electrons, total
                               number of valence electrons, and energy
                               level of the valence electrons for:
                           • Na
                           • Mg
                           • S
                           • Cl
                           • Ar
2.5 Electron Arrangement
                              Energy Levels and Subshells
  and the Periodic Table
                                   PRINCIPAL ENERGY LEVELS
                           • n = 1, 2, 3, …
                           • The larger the value of n, the higher the energy
                             level and the farther away from the nucleus the
                             electrons are
                           • The number of sublevels in a principal energy
                             level is equal to n
                              – in n = 1, there is one sublevel
                              – in n = 2, there are two sublevels
2.5 Electron Arrangement        Principal Energy Levels
  and the Periodic Table   • The electron capacity of a principal
                             energy level (or total electrons it can hold) is
                              – n = 1 can hold 2(1)2 = 2 electrons
                              – n = 2 can hold 2(2)2 = 8 electrons

                           • How many electrons can be in the n = 3
                              – 2(3)2 = 18

                           • Compare the formula with periodic table…..
n = 1, 2(1)2 = 2
                     n = 2, 2(2)2 = 8
n = 3, 2(3)2 = 18
                    n = 4, 2(4)2 = 32
2.5 Electron Arrangement                 Sublevels
  and the Periodic Table   • Sublevel: a set of energy-equal orbitals
                             within a principal energy level
                           • Subshells increase in energy:
                           • Electrons in 3d subshell have more energy
                             than electrons in the 3p subshell
                           • Specify both the principal energy level and a
                             subshell when describing the location of an
2.5 Electron Arrangement
                           Sublevels in Each Energy Level
  and the Periodic Table
                              Principle energy     Possible
                                  level (n)        subshells
                                     1                1s

                                     2              2s, 2p

                                     3            3s, 3p, 3d

                                     4           4s, 4p, 4d, 4f
2.5 Electron Arrangement                   Orbitals
  and the Periodic Table
                           • Orbital - a specific region of a sublevel
                             containing a maximum of two electrons
                           • Orbitals are named by their sublevel and
                             principal energy level
                             – 1s, 2s, 3s, 2p, etc.
                           • Each type of orbital has a characteristic
                             – s is spherically symmetrical
                             – p has a shape much like a dumbbell
2.5 Electron Arrangement
                                       Orbital Shapes
  and the Periodic Table
                                • s is spherically

                           • Each p has a shape much like a dumbbell,
                             differing in the direction extending into space
Number of
2.5 Electron Arrangement       Subshell
  and the Periodic Table
                                  s                 1

                                  p                 3

                                  d                 5

                                  f                 7

                           •How many electrons can be in the 4d

2.5 Electron Arrangement
                           Quantum Mechanical Model
  and the Periodic Table                                                                  Shell 4
                           • Each orbital within a
                             sublevel contains a                          4f •• •• •• •• •• •• ••
                             maximum of 2

                                                      Increasing Energy
                                                                          4d     •• •• •• •• ••
                           • Energy increases as n,
                             shell number                                   Sublevel
                             increases, but ALSO                          4p        •• •• ••
                             increases as you move
                             from s to p to d to f                             Orbital
                             sublevels                                    4s         ••

2.5 Electron Arrangement                  Electron Spin
  and the Periodic Table   • Electron configuration - the
                             arrangement of electrons in atomic
                           • Aufbau principle - or building up
                             principle helps determine the electron
                             – Electrons fill the lowest-energy orbital that
                               is available first
                             – Remember s<p<d<f in energy
                             – When the orbital contains two electrons,
                               the electrons are said to be paired
2.5 Electron Arrangement
  and the Periodic Table
                     Electron Filling Order
2.5 Electron Arrangement      Rules for Writing Electron
  and the Periodic Table           Configurations
                           • Obtain the total number of electrons in the atom
                             from the atomic number
                           • Electrons in atoms occupy the lowest energy
                             orbitals that are available – 1s first
                           • Each principal energy level, n contains only n
                           • Each sublevel is composed of orbitals
                           • No more than 2 electrons in any orbital
                           • Maximum number of electrons in any principal
                             energy level is 2(n)2
2.5 Electron Arrangement            Electron Distribution
  and the Periodic Table   • This table lists the number of electrons in each
                             shell for the first 20 elements
                           • Note that 3rd shell stops filling at 8 electrons even though
                             it could hold more
2.5 Electron Arrangement
  and the Periodic Table
                     Orbital Energy-level Diagram
Writing Electron Configurations
2.5 Electron Arrangement
  and the Periodic Table
                           • H                    • Li
                             – Hydrogen has         – Lithium has 3
                               only 1 electron        electrons
                             – It is in the         – First two have
                               lowest energy          configuration
                               level & lowest         of Helium – 1s2
                               orbital              – 3rd is in the
                             – Indicate               orbital of
                               number of              lowest energy
                               electrons with a       in n=2
                               superscript          – 1s2 2s1
                             – 1s1
2.5 Electron Arrangement
                      Electron Configuration Examples
  and the Periodic Table
                           • Give the complete electron
                             configuration of each element
                             – Be


                             – Na

                             – Cl

                             – Ag
2.5 Electron Arrangement
  and the Periodic Table   The Shell Model and Chemical
                     • As we explore the model placing electrons
                       in shells, we will see that the pattern which
                       emerges from this placement correlates well
                       with a pattern for various chemical
                     • We will see that all elements in a group
                       have the same number of electrons in their
                       outermost (or valence) shell
2.5 Electron Arrangement   Groups Have Similar Chemical
  and the Periodic Table    Properties and Appearances
                           • Examples of different elements that
                             have similar properties and are all in
                             group VA
                              –   Nitrogen
                              –   Phosphorus
                              –   Arsenic
                              –   Antimony
                              –   Bismuth
2.5 Electron Arrangement           Shorthand Electron
  and the Periodic Table             Configurations
                           • Uses noble gas symbols to represent the
                             inner shell and the outer shell or valance
                             shell is written after
                           • Aluminum- full electron configuration is:

                            What noble gas configuration is this?
                             •Configuration is written: [Ne]3s23p1
2.5 Electron Arrangement
  and the Periodic Table   • Remember:
                             – How many subshells are in each
                               principle energy level?
                               – There are n subshells in the n principle
                                 energy level.
                             – How many orbitals are in each
                               – s has 1, p has 3, d has 5, and f has 7
                             – How many electrons fit in each orbital?
                               – 2
2.5 Electron Arrangement      Shorthand Electron
  and the Periodic Table    Configuration Examples

                           • N

                           • S

                           • Ti

                           • Sn
2.5 Electron Arrangement      Classification of Elements
  and the Periodic Table      According to the Type of
                               Subshells Being Filled

                           Use this breakdown of the Periodic Table and you can
                           write the configuration of any element.
2.5 Electron Arrangement
  and the Periodic Table      Classification of Elements –
                                        by Group
                           • Representative element: An element in which the
                             distinguishing electron is found in an s or p
                           • Distinguishing electron: The last or highest-
                             energy electron found in an element
                           • Transition element: An element in which the
                             distinguishing electron is found in a d subshell
                           • Inner-transition element: An element in which
                             the distinguishing electron is found in a f
2.6 The Octet Rule
• The noble gases are extremely stable
  – Called inert as they don’t readily bond to other
• The stability is due to a full complement of
  valence electrons in the outermost s and p
  – 2 electrons in the 1s of Helium
  – the s and p subshells are full in the outermost
    shell of the other noble gases (eight electrons)
Octet of Electrons
2.6 The Octet Rule

                     • Elements in families other than the noble
                       gases are more reactive
                       – Strive to achieve a more stable electron
                       – Change the number of electrons in the atom to
                         result in full s and p sublevels
                     • Stable electron configuration is called the
                       “noble gas” configuration
2.6 The Octet Rule                  The Octet Rule
                     • Octet rule - elements usually react in such a way
                       as to attain the electron configuration of the noble
                       gas closest to them in the periodic table
                        – Elements on the right side of the table move right to the
                          next noble gas
                        – Elements on the left side move “backwards” to the
                          noble gas of the previous row
                     • Atoms will gain, lose or share electrons in
                       chemical reactions to attain this more stable
                       energy state
2.6 The Octet Rule   Ion Formation and the Octet Rule
                     • Metallic elements tend to form positively
                       charged ions called cations
                     • Metals tend to lose all their valence
                       electrons to obtain a configuration of the
                       noble gas
                                    Na              Na+ + e-
                               Sodium atom          Sodium ion
                              11e-, 1 valence e-       10e-
                                   [Ne]3s1             [Ne]
2.6 The Octet Rule   Ion Formation and the Octet Rule
                     • All atoms of a group lose the same number of
                     • Resulting ion has the same number of electrons as
                       the nearest (previous) noble gas atom

                                    Al                 Al3+ + 3e-
                             Aluminum atom            Aluminum ion
                             13e-, 3 valence e-           10e-
                                [Ne]3s23p1                [Ne]
                     • Isoelectronic - atoms of different elements having
2.6 The Octet Rule
                       the same electron configuration (same number of
                     • Nonmetallic elements, located on the right side of
                       the periodic table, tend to form negatively charged
                       ions called anions
                     • Nonmetals tend to gain electrons so they become
                       isoelectronic with its nearest noble gas neighbor
                       located in the same period to the right
                         O + 2e-                   O2-
                       Oxygen atom              Oxide ion
                      8e-, 6 valence e-            10e-
                         [He]2s22p4         [He]2s22p6 or [Ne]
2.6 The Octet Rule            Using the Octet Rule
                     • The octet rule is very helpful in predicting
                       the charges of ions in the representative
                     • Transition metals still tend to lose electrons
                       to become cations but predicting the charge
                       is not as easy
                     • Transition metals often form more than one
                       stable ion
                       – Iron forming Fe2+ and Fe3+ is a common example
Examples Using the Octet Rule
2.6 The Octet Rule

                     • Give the charge of the   • Which of the
                       most probable ion          following pairs of
                       resulting from these       atoms and ions are
                       elements                   isoelectronic?
                        –   Ca                     –   Cl-, Ar
                        –   Sr                     –   Na+, Ne
                        –   S                      –   Mg2+, Na+
                        –   P                      –   O2-, F-
2.7 Trends in the Periodic Table
• Many atomic properties correlate with
  electronic structure and so also with their
  position in the periodic table
  –   atomic size
  –   ion size
  –   ionization energy
  –   electron affinity
Atomic Size
2.7 Trends in the Periodic

                         • The size of an element increases, moving
                           down from top to bottom of a group
                             • The valence shell is higher in energy and

                               farther from the nucleus traveling down the
                         • The size of an element decreases from left
                           to right across a period
                             • The increase in magnitude of positive charge
                               in nucleus pulls the electrons closer to the
2.7 Trends in the Periodic
         Table         Variation in Size of Atoms
Cation Size
2.7 Trends in the Periodic
                             Cations are smaller than their parent atom
                             • More protons than electrons creates an increased
                               nuclear charge
                             • Extra protons pull the remaining electrons closer
                               to the nucleus

                             • Ions with multiple positive charges are even
                               smaller than the corresponding monopositive
                                – Which would be smaller, Fe2+ or Fe3+?   Fe3+
                             • When a cation is formed isoelectronic with a
                               noble gas the valence shell is lost, decreasing the
                               diameter of the ion relative to the parent atom
Anion Size
2.7 Trends in the Periodic

                             Anions are larger than their parent
                             • Anions have more electrons than protons

                             • Excess negative charge reduces the pull
                               of the nucleus on each individual electron
                             • Ions with multiple negative charges are
                               even larger than the corresponding
                               monopositive ions
2.7 Trends in the Periodic
                             Relative Size of Select Ions and
                                   Their Parent Atoms
2.7 Trends in the Periodic        Ionization Energy
                       • Ionization energy - The energy required to
                         remove an electron from an isolated atom
                       • The magnitude of ionization energy

                         correlates with the strength of the attractive
                         force between the nucleus and the
                         outermost electron
                       • The lower the ionization energy, the easier
                         it is to form a cation
                             ionization energy + Na  Na+ + e-
Ionization Energy of Select Elements
2.7 Trends in the Periodic

                        • Ionization decreases down a family as the
                          outermost electrons are farther from the nucleus
                        • Ionization increases across a period because the
                          outermost electrons are more tightly held
                        • Why would the noble gases be so unreactive?
2.7 Trends in the Periodic            Electron Affinity
                             • Electron affinity - The energy released
                               when a single electron is added to an
                               isolated atom

                             • Electron affinity gives information about
                               the ease of anion formation
                               – Large electron affinity indicates an atom
                                 becomes more stable as it forms an anion

                                    Br + e–  Br– + energy
2.7 Trends in the Periodic    Periodic Trends in Electron
                             • Electron affinity

                               decreases down a
                             • Electron affinity
                               generally increases
                               across a period

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  • 1. Copyright© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Chapter 2 The Structure of the Atom and the Periodic Table Denniston Topping Caret 7th Edition
  • 2. 2.1 Composition of the Atom • Atom - the basic structural unit of an element • The smallest unit of an element that retains the chemical properties of that element
  • 3. 2.1 Composition of the Atom Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons • Atoms consist of three primary particles • electrons • protons • neutrons • Nucleus - small, dense, positively charged region in the center of the atom - protons - positively charged particles - neutrons - uncharged particles
  • 4. 2.1 Composition of the Atom Characteristics of Atomic Particles • Electrons are negatively charged particles located outside of the nucleus of an atom • Protons and electrons have charges that are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign • A neutral atom that has no electrical charge has the same number of protons and electrons • Electrons move very rapidly in a relatively large volume of space while the nucleus is small and dense
  • 5. 2.1 Composition of the Atom Symbolic Representation of an Element Charge of particle Mass A C Z X Atomic Symbol of number the atom • Atomic number (Z) - the number of protons in the atom • Mass number (A) - sum of the number of protons and neutrons
  • 6. 2.1 Composition of the Atom Atomic Calculations number of protons + number of neutrons = mass number number of neutrons = mass number - number of protons number of protons = number of electrons IF positive and negative charges cancel, the atom charge = 0
  • 8. 2.1 Composition of the Atom Atomic Composition Calculations Calculate the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in each of the following: 11 5 B 55 26 Fe
  • 9. 2.1 Composition of the Atom Isotopes • Isotopes - atoms of the same element having different masses – contain same number of protons 4 – contain different numbers of neutrons Isotopes of Hydrogen Hydrogen Deuterium Tritium (Hydrogen - 1) (Hydrogen - 2) (Hydrogen - 3)
  • 10. 2.1 Composition of the Atom Isotopic Calculations • Isotopes of the same element have identical chemical properties • Some isotopes are radioactive • Find chlorine on the periodic table • What is the atomic number of chlorine? 17 • What is the mass given? 35.45 • This is not the mass number of an isotope
  • 11. 2.1 Composition of the Atom Atomic Mass • What is this number: 35.34? • The atomic mass - the weighted average of the masses of all the isotopes that make up chlorine • Chlorine consists of chlorine-35 and chlorine-37 in a 3:1 ratio • Weighted average is an average corrected by the relative amounts of each isotope present in nature
  • 12. 2.1 Composition of the Atom Atomic Mass Calculation Calculate the atomic mass of naturally occurring chlorine if 75.77% of chlorine atoms are chlorine-35 and 24.23% of chlorine atoms are chlorine-37 Step 1: convert the percentage to a decimal fraction: 0.7577 chlorine-35 0.2423 chlorine-37
  • 13. 2.1 Composition of the Atom Step 2: multiply the decimal fraction by the mass of that isotope to obtain the isotope contribution to the atomic mass: For chlorine-35: 0.7577 x 35.00 amu = 26.52 amu For chlorine-37 0.2423 x 37.00 amu = 8.965 amu Step 3: sum these partial weights to get the weighted average atomic mass of chlorine: 26.52 amu + 8.965 amu = 35.49 amu
  • 14. 2.1 Composition of the Atom Atomic Mass Determination • Nitrogen consists of two naturally occurring isotopes – 99.63% nitrogen-14 with a mass of 14.003 amu – 0.37% nitrogen-15 with a mass of 15.000 amu • What is the atomic mass of nitrogen?
  • 15. 2.1 Composition of the Atom Ions and Charges • Ions - electrically charged particles that result from a gain or loss of one or more electrons by the parent atom • Cation - positively charged – results from the loss of electrons – 23Na  23Na+ + 1e- • Anion - negatively charged – results from the gain of electrons – 19F + 1e-  19F-
  • 16. 2.1 Composition of the Atom Calculating Subatomic Particles in Ions • How many protons, neutrons, and electrons are in the following ions? 39 + 19 K 32 2- 16 S 24 2+ 12 Mg
  • 17. 2.2 Development of Atomic Theory • Dalton’s Atomic Theory - the first experimentally based theory of atomic structure of the atom
  • 18. Postulates of Dalton’s Atomic Theory 2.2 Development of 1. All matter consists of tiny particles Atomic Theory called atoms 2. An atom cannot be created, divided, destroyed, or converted to any other type of atom 3. Atoms of a particular element have identical properties
  • 19. 2.2 Development of 4. Atoms of different elements have different properties Atomic Theory 5. Atoms of different elements combine in simple whole-number ratios to produce compounds (stable aggregates of atoms) 6. Chemical change involves joining, separating, or rearranging atoms Postulates 1, 4, 5, and 6 are still regarded as true.
  • 20. Subatomic Particles: Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons 2.2 Development of • Electrons were the first subatomic Atomic Theory particles to be discovered using the cathode ray tube. Indicated that the particles were negatively charged.
  • 21. Evidence for Protons and 2.2 Development of Neutrons Atomic Theory • Protons were the next particle to be discovered, by Goldstein – Protons have the same size charge but opposite in sign – A proton is 1,837 times as heavy as an electron • Neutrons – Postulated to exist in 1920’s but not demonstrated to exist until 1932 – Almost the same mass as the proton
  • 22. 2.4 The Periodic Law and the Periodic Table • Dmitri Mendeleev and Lothar Meyer - two scientists working independently developed the precursor to our modern periodic table • They noticed that as you list elements in order of atomic mass, there is a distinct regular variation of their properties • Periodic law - the physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers
  • 23. 2.4 The Periodic Law and the Periodic Table Classification of the Elements
  • 24. 2.4 The Periodic Law and the Periodic Table Important Biological Elements
  • 25. Parts of the Periodic Table and the Periodic Table 2.4 The Periodic Law • Period - a horizontal row of elements in the periodic table. They contain 2, 8, 8, 18, 18, and 32 elements • Group - also called families, and are columns of elements in the periodic table. • Elements in a particular group or family share many similarities, as in a human family.
  • 26. Families of the Periodic Table and the Periodic Table 2.4 The Periodic Law • Representative elements - Group A elements • Transition elements - Group B elements • Alkali metals - Group IA • Alkaline earth metals - group IIA • Halogens - group VIIA • Noble gases - group VIIIA
  • 27. Category Classification of and the Periodic Table Elements 2.4 The Periodic Law • Metals - elements that tend to lose electrons during chemical change, forming positive ions • Nonmetals - a substance whose atoms tend to gain electrons during chemical change, forming negative ions • Metalloids - have properties intermediate between metals and nonmetals
  • 28. Classification of Elements and the Periodic Table Metals 2.4 The Periodic Law • Metals: – A substance whose atoms tend to lose electrons during chemical change – Elements found primarily in the left 2/3 of the periodic table • Properties: – High thermal and electrical conductivities – High malleability and ductility – Metallic luster – Solid at room temperature
  • 29. Classification of Elements and the Periodic Table Nonmetals 2.4 The Periodic Law • Nonmetals: – A substance whose atoms may gain electrons, forming negative ions – Elements found in the right 1/3 of the periodic table • Properties: – Brittle – Powdery solids or gases – Opposite of metal properties
  • 30. Classification of Elements and the Periodic Table Metalloids 2.4 The Periodic Law • Metalloids: – Elements that form a narrow diagonal band in the periodic table between metals and nonmetals • Properties are somewhat between those of metals and nonmetals • Also called semimetals
  • 31. Atomic Number and Atomic Mass and the Periodic Table 2.4 The Periodic Law • Atomic Number: – The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of an element – Nuclear charge or positive charge from the nucleus • Most periodic tables give the element symbol, atomic number, and atomic mass
  • 32. Element Information in the and the Periodic Table Periodic Table 2.4 The Periodic Law 20 atomic number Ca symbol Calcium name 40.08 atomic mass
  • 33. Using the Periodic Table and the Periodic Table 2.4 The Periodic Law • Identify the group and period to which each of the following belongs: a. P b. Cr c. Element 30 • How many elements are found in period 6? • How many elements are in group VA?
  • 34. 2.5 Electron Arrangement and the Periodic Table • The electron arrangement is the primary factor in understanding how atoms join together to form compounds • Electron configuration - describes the arrangement of electrons in atoms • Valence electrons - outermost electrons – The electrons involved in chemical bonding
  • 35. 2.5 Electron Arrangement and the Periodic Table Valence Electrons • The number of valence electrons is the group number for the representative elements • The period number gives the energy level (n) of the valence shell for all elements
  • 36. 2.5 Electron Arrangement Valence Electrons and Energy and the Periodic Table Level • How many valence electrons does Fluorine have? – 7 valence electrons • What is the energy level of these electrons? – Energy level is n = 2
  • 37. 2.5 Electron Arrangement and the Periodic Table Energy Level Electron Arrangement by
  • 38. 2.5 Electron Arrangement Valence Electrons - Detail and the Periodic Table • What is the total number of electrons in fluorine? – Atomic number = 9 – 9 protons and 9 electrons • 7 electrons in the valence shell, (n = 2 energy level), so where are the other two electrons? – In n = 1 energy level – Level n = 1 holds only two electrons
  • 39. Determining Electron Arrangement 2.5 Electron Arrangement and the Periodic Table List the total number of electrons, total number of valence electrons, and energy level of the valence electrons for silicon. 1. Find silicon in the periodic table • Group IVA • Period 3 • Atomic number = 14 1. Atomic number = number of electrons in an atom • Silicon has 14 electrons
  • 40. Determining Electron Arrangement #2 2.5 Electron Arrangement and the Periodic Table List the total number of electrons, total number of valence electrons, and energy level of the valence electrons for silicon. 3. As silicon is in Group IV, only 4 of its 14 electrons are valence electrons • Group IVA = number of valence electrons 3. Energy levels: • n = 1 holds 2 electrons • n = 2 holds 8 electrons (total of 10) • n = 3 holds remaining 4 electrons (total = 14)
  • 41. Determining Electron Arrangement 2.5 Electron Arrangement and the Periodic Table Practice List the total number of electrons, total number of valence electrons, and energy level of the valence electrons for: • Na • Mg • S • Cl • Ar
  • 42. 2.5 Electron Arrangement Energy Levels and Subshells and the Periodic Table PRINCIPAL ENERGY LEVELS • n = 1, 2, 3, … • The larger the value of n, the higher the energy level and the farther away from the nucleus the electrons are • The number of sublevels in a principal energy level is equal to n – in n = 1, there is one sublevel – in n = 2, there are two sublevels
  • 43. 2.5 Electron Arrangement Principal Energy Levels and the Periodic Table • The electron capacity of a principal energy level (or total electrons it can hold) is 2(n)2 – n = 1 can hold 2(1)2 = 2 electrons – n = 2 can hold 2(2)2 = 8 electrons • How many electrons can be in the n = 3 level? – 2(3)2 = 18 • Compare the formula with periodic table…..
  • 44. n = 1, 2(1)2 = 2 n = 2, 2(2)2 = 8 n = 3, 2(3)2 = 18 n = 4, 2(4)2 = 32
  • 45. 2.5 Electron Arrangement Sublevels and the Periodic Table • Sublevel: a set of energy-equal orbitals within a principal energy level • Subshells increase in energy: s<p<d<f • Electrons in 3d subshell have more energy than electrons in the 3p subshell • Specify both the principal energy level and a subshell when describing the location of an electron
  • 46. 2.5 Electron Arrangement Sublevels in Each Energy Level and the Periodic Table Principle energy Possible level (n) subshells 1 1s 2 2s, 2p 3 3s, 3p, 3d 4 4s, 4p, 4d, 4f
  • 47. 2.5 Electron Arrangement Orbitals and the Periodic Table • Orbital - a specific region of a sublevel containing a maximum of two electrons • Orbitals are named by their sublevel and principal energy level – 1s, 2s, 3s, 2p, etc. • Each type of orbital has a characteristic shape – s is spherically symmetrical – p has a shape much like a dumbbell
  • 48. 2.5 Electron Arrangement Orbital Shapes and the Periodic Table • s is spherically symmetrical • Each p has a shape much like a dumbbell, differing in the direction extending into space
  • 49. Number of 2.5 Electron Arrangement Subshell orbitals and the Periodic Table s 1 p 3 d 5 f 7 •How many electrons can be in the 4d •10
  • 50. 2.5 Electron Arrangement Quantum Mechanical Model and the Periodic Table Shell 4 • Each orbital within a sublevel contains a 4f •• •• •• •• •• •• •• maximum of 2 Increasing Energy electrons 4d •• •• •• •• •• • Energy increases as n, shell number Sublevel increases, but ALSO 4p •• •• •• increases as you move from s to p to d to f Orbital sublevels 4s •• Electron
  • 51. 2.5 Electron Arrangement Electron Spin and the Periodic Table • Electron configuration - the arrangement of electrons in atomic orbitals • Aufbau principle - or building up principle helps determine the electron configuration – Electrons fill the lowest-energy orbital that is available first – Remember s<p<d<f in energy – When the orbital contains two electrons, the electrons are said to be paired
  • 52. 2.5 Electron Arrangement and the Periodic Table Electron Filling Order
  • 53. 2.5 Electron Arrangement Rules for Writing Electron and the Periodic Table Configurations • Obtain the total number of electrons in the atom from the atomic number • Electrons in atoms occupy the lowest energy orbitals that are available – 1s first • Each principal energy level, n contains only n sublevels • Each sublevel is composed of orbitals • No more than 2 electrons in any orbital • Maximum number of electrons in any principal energy level is 2(n)2
  • 54. 2.5 Electron Arrangement Electron Distribution and the Periodic Table • This table lists the number of electrons in each shell for the first 20 elements • Note that 3rd shell stops filling at 8 electrons even though it could hold more
  • 55. 2.5 Electron Arrangement and the Periodic Table Orbital Energy-level Diagram
  • 56. Writing Electron Configurations 2.5 Electron Arrangement and the Periodic Table • H • Li – Hydrogen has – Lithium has 3 only 1 electron electrons – It is in the – First two have lowest energy configuration level & lowest of Helium – 1s2 orbital – 3rd is in the – Indicate orbital of number of lowest energy electrons with a in n=2 superscript – 1s2 2s1 – 1s1
  • 57. 2.5 Electron Arrangement Electron Configuration Examples and the Periodic Table • Give the complete electron configuration of each element – Be –N – Na – Cl – Ag
  • 58. 2.5 Electron Arrangement and the Periodic Table The Shell Model and Chemical Properties • As we explore the model placing electrons in shells, we will see that the pattern which emerges from this placement correlates well with a pattern for various chemical properties • We will see that all elements in a group have the same number of electrons in their outermost (or valence) shell
  • 59. 2.5 Electron Arrangement Groups Have Similar Chemical and the Periodic Table Properties and Appearances • Examples of different elements that have similar properties and are all in group VA – Nitrogen – Phosphorus – Arsenic – Antimony – Bismuth
  • 60. 2.5 Electron Arrangement Shorthand Electron and the Periodic Table Configurations • Uses noble gas symbols to represent the inner shell and the outer shell or valance shell is written after • Aluminum- full electron configuration is: 1s22s22p63s23p1 What noble gas configuration is this? •Neon •Configuration is written: [Ne]3s23p1
  • 61. 2.5 Electron Arrangement and the Periodic Table • Remember: – How many subshells are in each principle energy level? – There are n subshells in the n principle energy level. – How many orbitals are in each subshell? – s has 1, p has 3, d has 5, and f has 7 – How many electrons fit in each orbital? – 2
  • 62. 2.5 Electron Arrangement Shorthand Electron and the Periodic Table Configuration Examples • N • S • Ti • Sn
  • 63. 2.5 Electron Arrangement Classification of Elements and the Periodic Table According to the Type of Subshells Being Filled Use this breakdown of the Periodic Table and you can write the configuration of any element.
  • 64. 2.5 Electron Arrangement and the Periodic Table Classification of Elements – by Group • Representative element: An element in which the distinguishing electron is found in an s or p subshell • Distinguishing electron: The last or highest- energy electron found in an element • Transition element: An element in which the distinguishing electron is found in a d subshell • Inner-transition element: An element in which the distinguishing electron is found in a f subshell
  • 65. 2.6 The Octet Rule • The noble gases are extremely stable – Called inert as they don’t readily bond to other elements • The stability is due to a full complement of valence electrons in the outermost s and p sublevels: – 2 electrons in the 1s of Helium – the s and p subshells are full in the outermost shell of the other noble gases (eight electrons)
  • 66. Octet of Electrons 2.6 The Octet Rule • Elements in families other than the noble gases are more reactive – Strive to achieve a more stable electron configuration – Change the number of electrons in the atom to result in full s and p sublevels • Stable electron configuration is called the “noble gas” configuration
  • 67. 2.6 The Octet Rule The Octet Rule • Octet rule - elements usually react in such a way as to attain the electron configuration of the noble gas closest to them in the periodic table – Elements on the right side of the table move right to the next noble gas – Elements on the left side move “backwards” to the noble gas of the previous row • Atoms will gain, lose or share electrons in chemical reactions to attain this more stable energy state
  • 68. 2.6 The Octet Rule Ion Formation and the Octet Rule • Metallic elements tend to form positively charged ions called cations • Metals tend to lose all their valence electrons to obtain a configuration of the noble gas Na Na+ + e- Sodium atom Sodium ion 11e-, 1 valence e- 10e- [Ne]3s1 [Ne]
  • 69. 2.6 The Octet Rule Ion Formation and the Octet Rule • All atoms of a group lose the same number of electrons • Resulting ion has the same number of electrons as the nearest (previous) noble gas atom Al Al3+ + 3e- Aluminum atom Aluminum ion 13e-, 3 valence e- 10e- [Ne]3s23p1 [Ne]
  • 70. Isoelectronic • Isoelectronic - atoms of different elements having 2.6 The Octet Rule the same electron configuration (same number of electrons) • Nonmetallic elements, located on the right side of the periodic table, tend to form negatively charged ions called anions • Nonmetals tend to gain electrons so they become isoelectronic with its nearest noble gas neighbor located in the same period to the right O + 2e- O2- Oxygen atom Oxide ion 8e-, 6 valence e- 10e- [He]2s22p4 [He]2s22p6 or [Ne]
  • 71. 2.6 The Octet Rule Using the Octet Rule • The octet rule is very helpful in predicting the charges of ions in the representative elements • Transition metals still tend to lose electrons to become cations but predicting the charge is not as easy • Transition metals often form more than one stable ion – Iron forming Fe2+ and Fe3+ is a common example
  • 72. Examples Using the Octet Rule 2.6 The Octet Rule • Give the charge of the • Which of the most probable ion following pairs of resulting from these atoms and ions are elements isoelectronic? – Ca – Cl-, Ar – Sr – Na+, Ne – S – Mg2+, Na+ – P – O2-, F-
  • 73. 2.7 Trends in the Periodic Table • Many atomic properties correlate with electronic structure and so also with their position in the periodic table – atomic size – ion size – ionization energy – electron affinity
  • 74. Atomic Size 2.7 Trends in the Periodic • The size of an element increases, moving down from top to bottom of a group • The valence shell is higher in energy and Table farther from the nucleus traveling down the group • The size of an element decreases from left to right across a period • The increase in magnitude of positive charge in nucleus pulls the electrons closer to the nucleus
  • 75. 2.7 Trends in the Periodic Table Variation in Size of Atoms
  • 76. Cation Size 2.7 Trends in the Periodic Cations are smaller than their parent atom • More protons than electrons creates an increased nuclear charge • Extra protons pull the remaining electrons closer to the nucleus Table • Ions with multiple positive charges are even smaller than the corresponding monopositive ions – Which would be smaller, Fe2+ or Fe3+? Fe3+ • When a cation is formed isoelectronic with a noble gas the valence shell is lost, decreasing the diameter of the ion relative to the parent atom
  • 77. Anion Size 2.7 Trends in the Periodic Anions are larger than their parent atom. • Anions have more electrons than protons Table • Excess negative charge reduces the pull of the nucleus on each individual electron • Ions with multiple negative charges are even larger than the corresponding monopositive ions
  • 78. 2.7 Trends in the Periodic Relative Size of Select Ions and Their Parent Atoms Table
  • 79. 2.7 Trends in the Periodic Ionization Energy • Ionization energy - The energy required to remove an electron from an isolated atom • The magnitude of ionization energy Table correlates with the strength of the attractive force between the nucleus and the outermost electron • The lower the ionization energy, the easier it is to form a cation ionization energy + Na  Na+ + e-
  • 80. Ionization Energy of Select Elements 2.7 Trends in the Periodic Table • Ionization decreases down a family as the outermost electrons are farther from the nucleus • Ionization increases across a period because the outermost electrons are more tightly held • Why would the noble gases be so unreactive?
  • 81. 2.7 Trends in the Periodic Electron Affinity • Electron affinity - The energy released when a single electron is added to an isolated atom Table • Electron affinity gives information about the ease of anion formation – Large electron affinity indicates an atom becomes more stable as it forms an anion Br + e–  Br– + energy
  • 82. 2.7 Trends in the Periodic Periodic Trends in Electron Affinity • Electron affinity generally Table decreases down a group • Electron affinity generally increases across a period