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 Matlab Code:
 signal into left and right, stereo records
 time for right signal only (stereo) for original signals
 find new length
 find new time
 find new frequency
 perform fft and plot of the cut orignal signal
 Zoom in to signal baseline noise signal
 plot two signals
 plot fft compare
 calculate and compare two signals
 corlation
Matlab Code:
Author: Minh Anh Nguyen ( This script will perform the following
%1. read in two "wav" files, plot the signals of these files
%2. fft
% 3. compare input signals, and display a message on the screen whether or
not the signals are the same.
% the MSE must be 0, for both signals are the same.
% The script will read in a stereo data (right channel)
close all;% Close all figures (except those of imtool.)
clear all; % Erase all existing variables.
clc;% Clear the command window.
fontSize = 20;
fontSize1 = 14;
fontSize2 = 12;
% Please edit files
% set folder
folder = 'C:UsersMinh anhDesktopmicrophone-project-demo';
%%Open WAV file:
sound1=audioread('.good 2.wav');
[y1,fs1]=audioread('.good 2.wav');
sound2=audioread('.good 3.wav');
[y2,fs2]=audioread('.good 3.wav');
% sound2=audioread('.upper_channel 2.wav');
% [y2,fs2]=audioread('.upper_channel 2.wav');
% sound2=audioread('.upper_channel_bide 1.wav');
% [y2,fs2]=audioread('.upper_channel_bide 1.wav');
% sound2=audioread('.lower_channel 1.wav');
% [y2,fs2]=audioread('.lower_channel 1.wav');
% sound2=audioread('.pin1.wav');
% [y2,fs2]=audioread('.pin1.wav');
sound1_baseline_noise=audioread('.good 2_noise.wav');
[y1_basenoise,fs1_basenoise]=audioread('.good 2_noise.wav');
sound2_baseline_noise=audioread('.good 3_noise.wav');
[y2_basenoise,fs2_basenoise]=audioread('.good 3_noise.wav');
% sound2_baseline_noise=audioread('upper_channel 2_noise.wav');
% [y2_basenoise,fs2_basenoise]=audioread('.upper_channel 2_noise.wav');
% sound2_baseline_noise=audioread('upper_channel_bide 1_noise.wav');
% [y2_basenoise,fs2_basenoise]=audioread('.upper_channel_bide 1_noise.wav');
% sound2_baseline_noise=audioread('lower_channel 1_noise.wav');
% [y2_basenoise,fs2_basenoise]=audioread('.lower_channel 1_noise.wav');
% sound2_baseline_noise=audioread('.pin1_noise.wav');
% [y2_basenoise,fs2_basenoise]=audioread('.pin1_noise.wav');
signal into left and right, stereo records
[MR1,NR1] = size(right1);
[MR2,NR2] = size(right2);
time for right signal only (stereo) for original signals
Nl = length(right1); % number of points to analyze
lsl = size (right1); % find the length of the data per second
nbits = 2^(length(right1));
t1l = (0:1:length(right1)-1)/fs1;
fx = fs1*(0:Nl/2-1)/Nl; %Prepare freq data for plot
T1 = 1/fs1; % period between each sample
N = Nl;
N2 = length(right2);
ls2 = size (right2); % find the length of the data per second
nbits2 = 2^(length(right2));
t2 = (0:1:length(right2)-1)/fs2;
fx2 = fs2*(0:N2/2-1)/N2; %Prepare freq data for plot
T2 = 1/fs2; % period between each sample
% baseline noise is removed from signals
[MR1_basenoise,NR1_basenoise] = size(right1_basenoise);
[MR2_basenoise,NR2_basenoise] = size(right2_basenoise);
t1_basenoise = (0:1:length(right1_basenoise)-1)/fs1_basenoise;
t2_basenoise = (0:1:length(right2_basenoise)-1)/fs2_basenoise;
%%cut signal to the same length for comparing
voice1 = right1(fs1*1 : fs1*40);
voice2 = right2(fs2*1 : fs2*40);
find new length
N2x = length(voice2);
N1x = length(voice1);
find new time
t1x = (0:1:length(voice1)-1)/fs1;
t2x = (0:1:length(voice2)-1)/fs2;
find new frequency
f2x = fs2*(0:N2x/2-1)/N2x;
f1x = fs1*(0:N1x/2-1)/N1x;
perform fft and plot of the cut orignal signal
NFFT1x = 2 ^ nextpow2(N1x);
Y1x = fft(voice1, NFFT1x)/ N1x;
f1xx = (fs1/ 2 * linspace(0, 1, NFFT1x / 2+1))'; % Vector containing
frequencies in Hz
STFFT1x = ( 2 * abs(Y1x(1: NFFT1x / 2+1))); % Vector containing corresponding
NFFT2x = 2 ^ nextpow2(N2x);
Y2x = fft(voice2, NFFT2x) / N2x;
f2xx = (fs2 / 2 * linspace(0, 1, NFFT2x / 2+1))'; % Vector containing
frequencies in Hz
STFFT2x = ( 2 * abs(Y2x(1: NFFT2x / 2+1))); % Vector containing corresponding
% plot of the cut orginal signal
figure; subplot (2,2,1); plot(t1x, voice1);xlim([0,40]); ylim([-2,2]);
%str1=sprintf('Correct loading with sampling rate = %d Hz, number sample =
%d', fs1, N1x);
str1=sprintf('Correct loading signal');
title(str1,'Fontsize', fontSize2);
xlabel('Time (sec)','Fontsize', fontSize1); ylabel('Amplitude','Fontsize',
fontSize1); grid on;
subplot (2,2,2); plot(t2x, voice2); xlim([0,40]); ylim([-2,2]);
%str2=sprintf(' User loading with sampling rate = %d Hz, number sample = %d',
fs2, N2x);
str2=sprintf('User loading signal');
title(str2,'Fontsize', fontSize2); xlabel('Time (sec)','Fontsize',
fontSize1); ylabel('Amplitude','Fontsize', fontSize1); grid on;
% plot of the fft cut signal2
%subplot (2,2,3); plot(f1xx, STFFT1x); xlim([0,1500]); ylim([0,.09]);
plot(f1xx, STFFT1x); xlim([0,1500]); ylim([0,.09]);
str1ft1=sprintf('Single-sided Power spectrum for Correct loading');
title(str1ft1,'Fontsize', fontSize2);
ylabel ('Magnitude','Fontsize', fontSize1); xlabel ('Frequency
[Hz]','Fontsize', fontSize1); grid on;
% display markers at specific data points on DFT graph
indexmin1 = find(min(STFFT1x) == STFFT1x);
xmin1 = f1xx(indexmin1);
ymin1 = STFFT1x(indexmin1);
indexmax1 = find(max(STFFT1x) == STFFT1x);
xmax1 = f1xx(indexmax1);
ymax1 = STFFT1x(indexmax1);
strmax1 = ['Frequency = ',num2str(xmax1),' Hz',' ','Magnitude=',
%subplot (2,2,4); plot(f2xx, STFFT2x); xlim([0,1500]); ylim([0,.09]);
figure; plot(f2xx, STFFT2x); xlim([0,1500]); ylim([0,.09]);
str1ft2=sprintf('Single-sided Power spectrum for User loading');
title(str1ft2,'Fontsize', fontSize2);
ylabel ('Magnitude', 'Fontsize', fontSize1); xlabel ('Frequency
[Hz]','Fontsize', fontSize1); grid on;
% display markers at specific data points on DFT graph
indexmin2 = find(min(STFFT2x) == STFFT2x);
xmin2 = f2xx(indexmin2);
ymin2 = STFFT2x(indexmin2);
indexmax2 = find(max(STFFT2x) == STFFT2x);
xmax2 = f2xx(indexmax2);
ymax2 = STFFT2x(indexmax2);
strmax2 = ['Frequency = ',num2str(xmax2),' Hz',' ','Magnitude =',
num2str(ymax2),' '];
Zoom in to signal baseline noise signal
figure; subplot(3,2,1); plot(t1_basenoise,right1_basenoise); xlim([0,10]);
str1=sprintf('Correct loading with Zoom in');
title(str1,'Fontsize', fontSize1);
xlabel('Time (secs)','Fontsize', fontSize1); ylabel('Amplitude','Fontsize',
fontSize1); grid on;
subplot(3,2,3); plot(t2_basenoise,right2_basenoise,'r'); xlim([0,10]);
str2=sprintf('User loading with Zoom in');
title(str2, 'Fontsize', fontSize1);
xlabel('Time (secs)','Fontsize', fontSize1); ylabel('Amplitude','Fontsize',
fontSize1); grid on;
plot two signals
figure, plot(t1_basenoise,right1_basenoise,
t2_basenoise,right2_basenoise,'r'); xlim([0,10]); ylim([-2,2]);
str2=sprintf('Comparing two loading signals with Zoom in ');
title(str2, 'Fontsize', fontSize1);
xlabel('Time (secs)','Fontsize', fontSize1); ylabel('Amplitude','Fontsize',
fontSize1); grid on;
legend ('Correct loading signal', 'User loading signal', 'Fontsize',
Warning: Using an integer to specify the legend location is not supported.
Specify the legend location with respect to the axes using the 'Location'
Warning: Ignoring extra legend entries.
plot fft compare
figure, plot(f1xx, STFFT1x,f2xx, STFFT2x,'r'); xlim([0,1500]); ylim([0,.09]);
str1ft3=sprintf('Comparing FFT for two loading signals');
title(str1ft3,'Fontsize', fontSize1);
ylabel ('Magnitude', 'Fontsize', fontSize1); xlabel ('Frequency
[Hz]','Fontsize', fontSize1); grid on;
indexmax3 = find(max(STFFT2x) == STFFT2x);
xmax3 = f2xx(indexmax3);
ymax3 = STFFT2x(indexmax3);
strmax3 = ['Frequency = ',num2str(xmax3),' Hz',' ','Magnitude= ',
num2str(ymax3),' '];
legend ('Correct loading signal', 'User loading signal','Fontsize',
Warning: Using an integer to specify the legend location is not supported.
Specify the legend location with respect to the axes using the 'Location'
Warning: Ignoring extra legend entries.
calculate and compare two signals
Calculate the MSE
D= voice1 - voice2;
%msgbox(strcat('MSE value is= ',mat2str(),' MSE'));
%msgbox(strcat('MSE value is= ',mat2str(MSE)));
%if MSE ==0;
%if MSE <= 0.00135; %%v this will work
if MSE <= 5.2731e-09 ; %%v this will work
disp('Signal are the same');
% msgbox(strcat('MSE value is= ',mat2str(MSE)));
disp('Signal are not the same');
msgbox('Centrifuge loading error. Please check bearings are seated
% %% play back play back the audio files
% disp('Playing (correctly loaded).');
% sound(y1,fs1);
% pause; %create a 2 second pause
% disp('Playing the user loading.');
% sound(y2,fs2);
% pause
%%Calculate variance, mean and standard deviation of sounds
D1c= STFFT1x - STFFT2x;
disp(['MSEfft' num2str(MSEfft)]);
mean1= sum(right1)/N;
mean2= sum(right2)/N2;
stdev1 = sqrt ((sum(right1-mean1).^2)/2);
stdev2 = sqrt ((sum(right2-mean2).^2)/2);
% var(right1(1:length(right2))-right2) %for the whole signal y1-y2
var(voice1(1:length(voice2))-voice2); %for the voice
fprintf('digital statitics of voice 1 a same length signalnn');
fprintf('mean of voice 1:%fn', mean(voice1));
fprintf('standard deviation of voice 1:%fn', std(voice1));
fprintf('variance of voice 1:%fn', std(voice1)^2);
fprintf('average power of voice 1:%fn', mean(voice1.^2));
fprintf('average magnitude of voice 1:%fn', mean(abs(voice1)));
% prod1 = sound1(1:N-1) * sound1(2:N);
% crossing1 = length (find(prod1<0));
% fprintf(' zero crossing of sound 1:% 0.fn', crossing1);
fprintf('ndigital statitics of voice 2nn');
fprintf('mean of voice 2:%fn', mean(voice2));
fprintf('standard deviation of voice 2:%fn', std(voice2));
fprintf('variance of voice 2:%fn', std(voice2)^2);
fprintf('average power of voice 2:%fn', mean(voice2.^2));
fprintf('average magnitude of voice 2:%fn', mean(abs(voice2)));
% prod1 = sound1(1:N-1) * sound1(2:N);
% crossing1 = length (find(prod1<0));
% fprintf(' zero crossing of sound 1:% 0.fn', crossing1);
% % var(right1(1:length(right2))-right2) %for the whole signal y1-y2
% var(voice1(1:length(voice2))-voice2); %for the voice
Signal are the same
digital statitics of voice 1 a same length signal
mean of voice 1:-0.000105
standard deviation of voice 1:0.251742
variance of voice 1:0.063374
average power of voice 1:0.063374
average magnitude of voice 1:0.197595
digital statitics of voice 2
mean of voice 2:-0.000105
standard deviation of voice 2:0.251742
variance of voice 2:0.063374
average power of voice 2:0.063374
average magnitude of voice 2:0.197595
[C1, lag1] = xcorr(abs((fft(voice1))),abs((fft(voice2)) ));
figure, plot(lag1/fs1,C1);
ylabel('Amplitude'); grid on
title('Cross-correlation between Correct and User loading files')
% %% plot orginal signal. for debug. %% team does not like long length
% %% perform fft and plot of orignal signal
% %
% figure; subplot (2,2,1); plot(t1, sound1);
% title ('Signal of sound 1 , frequency = 44100 Hz and number sample =
% xlabel('time (sec)'); ylabel('relative signal strength'); grid on;
% %
% subplot (2,2,2); plot(t2, sound2);
% title ('Signal of sound 2, frequency = 44100 Hz and number sample =
% xlabel('time (sec)'); ylabel('relative signal strength'); grid on;
% %% fft of orignal signal
% NFFT1 = 2 ^ nextpow2(N);
% Y1 = fft(y1, NFFT1)/ N;
% f1 = (fs1 / 2 * linspace(0, 1, NFFT1 / 2+1))'; % Vector containing
frequencies in Hz
% STFFT1 = ( 2 * abs(Y1(1: NFFT1 / 2+1))); % Vector containing corresponding
% subplot (2,2,3); plot(f1, STFFT1); title ('Single-sided Power spectrum for
% %subplot (2,2,3); plot(abs(fft(sound1))); title ('plot fft of Sound 1');
%plot Magnitude of fft
% ylabel ('Magnitude |y(f)|'); xlabel ('frequency [Hz]'); grid on;
% NFFT2 = 2 ^ nextpow2(N2);
% Y2 = fft(y2, NFFT2) / N2;
% f2 = (fs2 / 2 * linspace(0, 1, NFFT2 / 2+1))'; % Vector containing
frequencies in Hz
% STFFT2 = ( 2 * abs(Y2(1: NFFT2 / 2+1))); % Vector containing corresponding
% subplot (2,2,4); plot(f2, STFFT2); title ('Single-sided Power spectrum for
% % subplot (2,2,4); plot(abs(fft(sound2))); title ('plot fft of Sound2');
% ylabel ('Magnitude |y(f)|'); xlabel ('frequency [Hz]'); grid on;
Published with MATLAB® R2016a

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Similar to Matlab code for comparing two microphone files (20)

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Matlab code for comparing two microphone files

  • 1. Contents  Matlab Code:  signal into left and right, stereo records  time for right signal only (stereo) for original signals  find new length  find new time  find new frequency  perform fft and plot of the cut orignal signal  Zoom in to signal baseline noise signal  plot two signals  plot fft compare  calculate and compare two signals  corlation Matlab Code: Author: Minh Anh Nguyen ( This script will perform the following tasks: %1. read in two "wav" files, plot the signals of these files %2. fft % 3. compare input signals, and display a message on the screen whether or not the signals are the same. % the MSE must be 0, for both signals are the same. % The script will read in a stereo data (right channel) close all;% Close all figures (except those of imtool.) clear all; % Erase all existing variables. clc;% Clear the command window. fontSize = 20; fontSize1 = 14; fontSize2 = 12; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Please edit files % set folder folder = 'C:UsersMinh anhDesktopmicrophone-project-demo'; %%Open WAV file: sound1=audioread('.good 2.wav'); [y1,fs1]=audioread('.good 2.wav'); sound2=audioread('.good 3.wav'); [y2,fs2]=audioread('.good 3.wav'); % sound2=audioread('.upper_channel 2.wav'); % [y2,fs2]=audioread('.upper_channel 2.wav'); % sound2=audioread('.upper_channel_bide 1.wav'); % [y2,fs2]=audioread('.upper_channel_bide 1.wav');
  • 2. % sound2=audioread('.lower_channel 1.wav'); % [y2,fs2]=audioread('.lower_channel 1.wav'); % sound2=audioread('.pin1.wav'); % [y2,fs2]=audioread('.pin1.wav'); sound1_baseline_noise=audioread('.good 2_noise.wav'); [y1_basenoise,fs1_basenoise]=audioread('.good 2_noise.wav'); % sound2_baseline_noise=audioread('.good 3_noise.wav'); [y2_basenoise,fs2_basenoise]=audioread('.good 3_noise.wav'); % sound2_baseline_noise=audioread('upper_channel 2_noise.wav'); % [y2_basenoise,fs2_basenoise]=audioread('.upper_channel 2_noise.wav'); % sound2_baseline_noise=audioread('upper_channel_bide 1_noise.wav'); % [y2_basenoise,fs2_basenoise]=audioread('.upper_channel_bide 1_noise.wav'); % sound2_baseline_noise=audioread('lower_channel 1_noise.wav'); % [y2_basenoise,fs2_basenoise]=audioread('.lower_channel 1_noise.wav'); % sound2_baseline_noise=audioread('.pin1_noise.wav'); % [y2_basenoise,fs2_basenoise]=audioread('.pin1_noise.wav'); signal into left and right, stereo records size(y1); left1=y1(:,1); right1=y1(:,2); [MR1,NR1] = size(right1); size(y2); left2=y2(:,1); right2=y2(:,2); [MR2,NR2] = size(right2); time for right signal only (stereo) for original signals Nl = length(right1); % number of points to analyze lsl = size (right1); % find the length of the data per second nbits = 2^(length(right1)); t1l = (0:1:length(right1)-1)/fs1; fx = fs1*(0:Nl/2-1)/Nl; %Prepare freq data for plot T1 = 1/fs1; % period between each sample N = Nl; N2 = length(right2); ls2 = size (right2); % find the length of the data per second nbits2 = 2^(length(right2)); t2 = (0:1:length(right2)-1)/fs2; fx2 = fs2*(0:N2/2-1)/N2; %Prepare freq data for plot T2 = 1/fs2; % period between each sample % baseline noise is removed from signals
  • 3. size(y1_basenoise); left1_basenoise=y1_basenoise(:,1); right1_basenoise=y1_basenoise(:,2); [MR1_basenoise,NR1_basenoise] = size(right1_basenoise); size(y2_basenoise); left2_basenoise=y2_basenoise(:,1); right2_basenoise=y2_basenoise(:,2); [MR2_basenoise,NR2_basenoise] = size(right2_basenoise); t1_basenoise = (0:1:length(right1_basenoise)-1)/fs1_basenoise; t2_basenoise = (0:1:length(right2_basenoise)-1)/fs2_basenoise; %%cut signal to the same length for comparing voice1 = right1(fs1*1 : fs1*40); voice2 = right2(fs2*1 : fs2*40); find new length N2x = length(voice2); N1x = length(voice1); find new time t1x = (0:1:length(voice1)-1)/fs1; t2x = (0:1:length(voice2)-1)/fs2; find new frequency f2x = fs2*(0:N2x/2-1)/N2x; f1x = fs1*(0:N1x/2-1)/N1x; perform fft and plot of the cut orignal signal NFFT1x = 2 ^ nextpow2(N1x); Y1x = fft(voice1, NFFT1x)/ N1x; f1xx = (fs1/ 2 * linspace(0, 1, NFFT1x / 2+1))'; % Vector containing frequencies in Hz STFFT1x = ( 2 * abs(Y1x(1: NFFT1x / 2+1))); % Vector containing corresponding amplitudes NFFT2x = 2 ^ nextpow2(N2x); Y2x = fft(voice2, NFFT2x) / N2x; f2xx = (fs2 / 2 * linspace(0, 1, NFFT2x / 2+1))'; % Vector containing frequencies in Hz STFFT2x = ( 2 * abs(Y2x(1: NFFT2x / 2+1))); % Vector containing corresponding amplitudes % plot of the cut orginal signal figure; subplot (2,2,1); plot(t1x, voice1);xlim([0,40]); ylim([-2,2]); %str1=sprintf('Correct loading with sampling rate = %d Hz, number sample = %d', fs1, N1x);
  • 4. str1=sprintf('Correct loading signal'); title(str1,'Fontsize', fontSize2); xlabel('Time (sec)','Fontsize', fontSize1); ylabel('Amplitude','Fontsize', fontSize1); grid on; subplot (2,2,2); plot(t2x, voice2); xlim([0,40]); ylim([-2,2]); %str2=sprintf(' User loading with sampling rate = %d Hz, number sample = %d', fs2, N2x); str2=sprintf('User loading signal'); title(str2,'Fontsize', fontSize2); xlabel('Time (sec)','Fontsize', fontSize1); ylabel('Amplitude','Fontsize', fontSize1); grid on; % plot of the fft cut signal2 %subplot (2,2,3); plot(f1xx, STFFT1x); xlim([0,1500]); ylim([0,.09]); figure; plot(f1xx, STFFT1x); xlim([0,1500]); ylim([0,.09]); str1ft1=sprintf('Single-sided Power spectrum for Correct loading'); title(str1ft1,'Fontsize', fontSize2); ylabel ('Magnitude','Fontsize', fontSize1); xlabel ('Frequency [Hz]','Fontsize', fontSize1); grid on; % display markers at specific data points on DFT graph indexmin1 = find(min(STFFT1x) == STFFT1x); xmin1 = f1xx(indexmin1); ymin1 = STFFT1x(indexmin1); indexmax1 = find(max(STFFT1x) == STFFT1x); xmax1 = f1xx(indexmax1); ymax1 = STFFT1x(indexmax1); strmax1 = ['Frequency = ',num2str(xmax1),' Hz',' ','Magnitude=', num2str(ymax1),'']; text(xmax1,ymax1,strmax1,'HorizontalAlignment','Left'); %subplot (2,2,4); plot(f2xx, STFFT2x); xlim([0,1500]); ylim([0,.09]); figure; plot(f2xx, STFFT2x); xlim([0,1500]); ylim([0,.09]); str1ft2=sprintf('Single-sided Power spectrum for User loading'); title(str1ft2,'Fontsize', fontSize2); ylabel ('Magnitude', 'Fontsize', fontSize1); xlabel ('Frequency [Hz]','Fontsize', fontSize1); grid on; % display markers at specific data points on DFT graph indexmin2 = find(min(STFFT2x) == STFFT2x); xmin2 = f2xx(indexmin2); ymin2 = STFFT2x(indexmin2); indexmax2 = find(max(STFFT2x) == STFFT2x); xmax2 = f2xx(indexmax2); ymax2 = STFFT2x(indexmax2); strmax2 = ['Frequency = ',num2str(xmax2),' Hz',' ','Magnitude =', num2str(ymax2),' ']; text(xmax2,ymax2,strmax2,'HorizontalAlignment','Left');
  • 5.
  • 6. Zoom in to signal baseline noise signal figure; subplot(3,2,1); plot(t1_basenoise,right1_basenoise); xlim([0,10]); ylim([-2,2]); str1=sprintf('Correct loading with Zoom in'); title(str1,'Fontsize', fontSize1); xlabel('Time (secs)','Fontsize', fontSize1); ylabel('Amplitude','Fontsize', fontSize1); grid on; subplot(3,2,3); plot(t2_basenoise,right2_basenoise,'r'); xlim([0,10]); ylim([-2,2]); str2=sprintf('User loading with Zoom in'); title(str2, 'Fontsize', fontSize1); xlabel('Time (secs)','Fontsize', fontSize1); ylabel('Amplitude','Fontsize', fontSize1); grid on;
  • 7. plot two signals figure, plot(t1_basenoise,right1_basenoise, t2_basenoise,right2_basenoise,'r'); xlim([0,10]); ylim([-2,2]); str2=sprintf('Comparing two loading signals with Zoom in '); title(str2, 'Fontsize', fontSize1); xlabel('Time (secs)','Fontsize', fontSize1); ylabel('Amplitude','Fontsize', fontSize1); grid on; legend ('Correct loading signal', 'User loading signal', 'Fontsize', fontSize); Warning: Using an integer to specify the legend location is not supported. Specify the legend location with respect to the axes using the 'Location' parameter. Warning: Ignoring extra legend entries.
  • 8. plot fft compare figure, plot(f1xx, STFFT1x,f2xx, STFFT2x,'r'); xlim([0,1500]); ylim([0,.09]); str1ft3=sprintf('Comparing FFT for two loading signals'); title(str1ft3,'Fontsize', fontSize1); ylabel ('Magnitude', 'Fontsize', fontSize1); xlabel ('Frequency [Hz]','Fontsize', fontSize1); grid on; indexmax3 = find(max(STFFT2x) == STFFT2x); xmax3 = f2xx(indexmax3); ymax3 = STFFT2x(indexmax3); strmax3 = ['Frequency = ',num2str(xmax3),' Hz',' ','Magnitude= ', num2str(ymax3),' ']; legend ('Correct loading signal', 'User loading signal','Fontsize', fontSize); Warning: Using an integer to specify the legend location is not supported. Specify the legend location with respect to the axes using the 'Location' parameter. Warning: Ignoring extra legend entries.
  • 9. calculate and compare two signals Calculate the MSE D= voice1 - voice2; MSE=mean(D.^2); %msgbox(strcat('MSE value is= ',mat2str(),' MSE')); %msgbox(strcat('MSE value is= ',mat2str(MSE))); %if MSE ==0; %if MSE <= 0.00135; %%v this will work if MSE <= 5.2731e-09 ; %%v this will work disp('Signal are the same'); else % msgbox(strcat('MSE value is= ',mat2str(MSE))); disp('Signal are not the same'); msgbox('Centrifuge loading error. Please check bearings are seated properly'); end % %% play back play back the audio files % disp('Playing (correctly loaded).'); % sound(y1,fs1); % pause; %create a 2 second pause % %
  • 10. % disp('Playing the user loading.'); % sound(y2,fs2); % pause %%Calculate variance, mean and standard deviation of sounds D1c= STFFT1x - STFFT2x; MSEfft=mean(D1c.^2); disp(['MSEfft' num2str(MSEfft)]); mean1= sum(right1)/N; mean2= sum(right2)/N2; stdev1 = sqrt ((sum(right1-mean1).^2)/2); stdev2 = sqrt ((sum(right2-mean2).^2)/2); % var(right1(1:length(right2))-right2) %for the whole signal y1-y2 var(voice1(1:length(voice2))-voice2); %for the voice fprintf('digital statitics of voice 1 a same length signalnn'); fprintf('mean of voice 1:%fn', mean(voice1)); fprintf('standard deviation of voice 1:%fn', std(voice1)); fprintf('variance of voice 1:%fn', std(voice1)^2); fprintf('average power of voice 1:%fn', mean(voice1.^2)); fprintf('average magnitude of voice 1:%fn', mean(abs(voice1))); % prod1 = sound1(1:N-1) * sound1(2:N); % crossing1 = length (find(prod1<0)); % fprintf(' zero crossing of sound 1:% 0.fn', crossing1); % fprintf('ndigital statitics of voice 2nn'); fprintf('mean of voice 2:%fn', mean(voice2)); fprintf('standard deviation of voice 2:%fn', std(voice2)); fprintf('variance of voice 2:%fn', std(voice2)^2); fprintf('average power of voice 2:%fn', mean(voice2.^2)); fprintf('average magnitude of voice 2:%fn', mean(abs(voice2))); % prod1 = sound1(1:N-1) * sound1(2:N); % crossing1 = length (find(prod1<0)); % fprintf(' zero crossing of sound 1:% 0.fn', crossing1); % % % var(right1(1:length(right2))-right2) %for the whole signal y1-y2 % var(voice1(1:length(voice2))-voice2); %for the voice % % Signal are the same MSEfft0 digital statitics of voice 1 a same length signal mean of voice 1:-0.000105 standard deviation of voice 1:0.251742 variance of voice 1:0.063374 average power of voice 1:0.063374 average magnitude of voice 1:0.197595
  • 11. digital statitics of voice 2 mean of voice 2:-0.000105 standard deviation of voice 2:0.251742 variance of voice 2:0.063374 average power of voice 2:0.063374 average magnitude of voice 2:0.197595 correlation [C1, lag1] = xcorr(abs((fft(voice1))),abs((fft(voice2)) )); figure, plot(lag1/fs1,C1); ylabel('Amplitude'); grid on title('Cross-correlation between Correct and User loading files') % %% plot orginal signal. for debug. %% team does not like long length % %% perform fft and plot of orignal signal % % % figure; subplot (2,2,1); plot(t1, sound1); % title ('Signal of sound 1 , frequency = 44100 Hz and number sample = 2742270'); % xlabel('time (sec)'); ylabel('relative signal strength'); grid on; % % % subplot (2,2,2); plot(t2, sound2); % title ('Signal of sound 2, frequency = 44100 Hz and number sample = 2674665'); % xlabel('time (sec)'); ylabel('relative signal strength'); grid on; % %% fft of orignal signal % NFFT1 = 2 ^ nextpow2(N); % Y1 = fft(y1, NFFT1)/ N; % f1 = (fs1 / 2 * linspace(0, 1, NFFT1 / 2+1))'; % Vector containing frequencies in Hz % STFFT1 = ( 2 * abs(Y1(1: NFFT1 / 2+1))); % Vector containing corresponding amplitudes % subplot (2,2,3); plot(f1, STFFT1); title ('Single-sided Power spectrum for Sound1'); % %subplot (2,2,3); plot(abs(fft(sound1))); title ('plot fft of Sound 1'); %plot Magnitude of fft % ylabel ('Magnitude |y(f)|'); xlabel ('frequency [Hz]'); grid on; % % NFFT2 = 2 ^ nextpow2(N2); % Y2 = fft(y2, NFFT2) / N2; % f2 = (fs2 / 2 * linspace(0, 1, NFFT2 / 2+1))'; % Vector containing frequencies in Hz % STFFT2 = ( 2 * abs(Y2(1: NFFT2 / 2+1))); % Vector containing corresponding amplitudes % subplot (2,2,4); plot(f2, STFFT2); title ('Single-sided Power spectrum for Sound2'); % % subplot (2,2,4); plot(abs(fft(sound2))); title ('plot fft of Sound2'); % ylabel ('Magnitude |y(f)|'); xlabel ('frequency [Hz]'); grid on;