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CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum                                                          1

                           Colorado Technical University
                            EE 443 – Communication 1
                     Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum
                                   August 2010
                                                   Loren Schwappach

        ABSTRACT: This lab report was completed as a course requirement to obtain full course credit in EE443,
Communication 1 at Colorado Technical University. Given two time domain signals this lab report uses MATLAB to examine the
frequency content of signals. All of the code mentioned in this lab report was saved as a MATLAB m-file for convenience, quick
reproduction, and troubleshooting of the code. All of the code below can also be found at the end of the report as an
attachment, as well as all figures.
        If you have any questions or concerns in regards to this laboratory assignment, this laboratory report, the process
used in designing the indicated circuitry, or the final conclusions and recommendations derived, please send an email to All computer drawn figures and pictures used in this report are of original and authentic content.

                                                                   function Lab1Prob1 = Comm1Lab2Problem1() %Function
                                                                   name for calling in MATLAB
                    I. INTRODUCTION                                % Colorado Technical University
                                                                   % EE 443 - Communications I
          MATLAB is a powerful program and is useful in the
                                                                   % Lab 1 - MATLAB Project - Signal Spectrum
visualization of mathematics, physics, and applied
                                                                   % By Loren K. Schwappach
engineering. In this lab exercise MATLAB will be used to           % Uses centeredFFT() for obtaining a two-sided spectrum
determine the frequency content of a composite sinusoidal
signal (to include its magnitude and power spectrum), and          %---------------------------
the frequency content of a pulse defined by a rectangular
function (to include its magnitude, energy spectrum, and           % Task #1 Magnitude and Power Spectrum for:
autocorrelation).                                                  y=5cos(2*pi*400*t)+5cos(2*pi*700*t)
                                                                   % Composite sinusodial wave
        First: Given the following signal:                         f1 = 400; %frequency of the first sinusoidal wave (400Hz)
                                                   (1)             a1 = 5; %amplitude of the first sinusoidal wave (5V)
Use MATLAB to plot the magnitude and power spectrum of             f2 = 700; %frequency of the second sinusoidal wave (700Hz)
the signal.                                                        a2 = 5; %amplitude of the second sinusoidal wave (5V)
                                                                   fs = 25*f2; %sampling frequency (25*highest freq) (17.5kHz)
        Second: Given the following signal:                        ts = 1/fs; %sampling interval (57us)
                                                                   t1 = 0:ts:1-ts; %time vector (0:57us:999.943ms)
                                                             (2)   y = (a1*cos(2*pi*f1*t1) + a2*cos(2*pi*f2*t1)); %composite
Use MATLAB to plot the magnitude and energy spectrum of            sinusoidal wave
the signal.
                                                                   % Plot of sinusodial wave in time domain
       Third: Given the second equation:                           timePlot = figure; %gives graph window a name and keeps it
Use MATLAB to plot the autocorrelation of the signal.              available
                                                                   plot (t1(1:176),y(1:176)); %plots sinusodial wave in time
                                                                   title('Composite Sinusodial
                                                                   xlabel('Time (s)'); %adds xlabel to graph
               II. PROCEDURE / RESULTS                             ylabel('Amplitude'); %adds ylabel to graph
         To complete the first task the following code was         grid; %turns on grid
used in MATLAB to produce and plot the composite
sinusoidal function in the time domain:
CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum                                                       2

Figure 1: Composite sinusoidal wave in the time domain          Figure 2: Composite sinusoidal wave's magnitude in the
y(t)=5cos(2*pi*400*t)+5cos(2*pi*700*t).                         frequency domain, Y(f).

        You can see form figure 1 above that this is indeed a             As illustrated by figure 2 above, you should observe
composite sinusoidal result of equation 1.                      that the composite sinusoidal results in two positive frequency
                                                                impulses in the frequency domain, each at their previous
         Next, the following code was added to plot the         individual frequencies (400Hz and 700Hz), and at half of their
                                                                original individual amplitudes (5/2=2.5) as expected.
sinusoidal wave’s magnitude in the frequency domain:
                                                                        Next, the following code was added to plot the power
% Plot of sinusodial wave (Magnitude) in frequency domain       spectrum for the composite sinusoidal:
[YfreqDomain,YfrequencyRange] = centeredFFT(y,fs); %Uses
centeredFFT function                                            % Power Spectrum of sinusodial wave
freqPlot = figure; %gives graph window a name and keeps it      % Note: Power = ((A^2)/2T))
available                                                       % The LCM of (1/400) and (1/700) is (1/280,000) so T =
stem(YfrequencyRange,abs(YfreqDomain)); %Creates stem           (1/280,000)
graph for magnitude spectrum                                    Ey=((abs(YfreqDomain).*abs(YfreqDomain)))*(1/(2*(1/2800
title('Magnitude of y(t) in frequency domain -> Y(f)')          00)));
xlabel('Freq (Hz)'); %adds xlabel to graph                      powerPlot = figure;
ylabel('Amplitude'); %adds ylabel to graph                      stem(YfrequencyRange,Ey); %Creates stem graph for
grid; %turns on grid                                            magnitude spectrum
axis([-800,800,-1,3]); %defines axis                            title('Power spectrum of Y(f)');
[x(min),x(max),y(min),y(max)]                                   xlabel('Freq (Hz)'); %adds xlabel to graph
                                                                ylabel('Power (Watts)'); %adds ylabel to graph
                                                                grid; %turns on grid
                                                                axis([-800,800,-1,1000000]); %defines axis
CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum                                                          3

Figure 3: Power Spectrum of Y(f).                                  Figure 4: Rectangular pulse function x(t).

          As illustrated by figure 3 above, you should observe              As shown by figure 4 above, the MATLAB code
that the power spectrum of the composite sinusoidal is much        correctly produces the rectangular pulse required by the
higher in value than the amplitude of Y(f)’s magnitude. This       equation 2:
is due to the fact that the signals power is derived by squaring
Y(f)’s amplitude and dividing the result by 2*(1/T) where T is              Next knowing that a rectangular pulse results in a
the least common multiple of (1/400) and (1/700). Thus the         sinc function the following code was added to plot the
power ends up being very high since (1/T) is very small.           rectangular pulse’s magnitude in the frequency domain:

         To complete the second task the following code was        % Plot of x(t)=2*rect(t/.002) (Magnitude) in frequency
used in MATLAB to produce and plot the rectangular pulse           domain
function:                                                          [XfreqDomain,XfrequencyRange] = centeredFFT(x,fs);
                                                                   %Uses centeredFFT function
% Task #2 Magnitude and Energy Spectrum for: x(t) =                rFreqPlot = figure; %gives graph window a name and keeps it
2*rect(t/.002)                                                     available
% Note: By definition rect(t/x)=u(t+x/2)-u(t-x/2) so..             plot(XfrequencyRange,abs(XfreqDomain)); %Creates stem
% x(t) = 2u(t+1e-3)-2u(t-1e-3)                                     graph for magnitude spectrum
A = 2;                                                             title('Magnitude of x(t) in frequency domain -> X(f)');
t0 = -2e-3;                                                        xlabel('Freq (Hz)'); %adds xlabel to graph
tf = 2e-3;                                                         ylabel('Amplitude'); %adds ylabel to graph
ts = (tf-t0)/1000; %(4us)                                          grid; %turns on grid
                                                                   axis([-10000,10000,0,1.1]); %defines axis
fs = 1/ts; %(250kHz)
t=[t0:ts:(tf-ts)]; %(-2ms:4us:2ms)
x = A*rectpuls(t/2e-3);

% Plot of x(t)=2*rect(t/.002) in time domain
rTimePlot = figure;
plot(t,x); %Creates stem graph for magnitude spectrum
title('x(t)=2*rect(t/.002) in time domain');
xlabel('time (s)'); %adds xlabel to graph
ylabel('Amplitude'); %adds ylabel to graph
grid; %turns on grid
axis([t0,tf-ts,0,2.1]); %defines axis
CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum                                                            4

Figure 5: Magnitude of x(t) in the frequency domain X(f).           Figure 6: Energy spectrum of X(f)

          As produced by figure 5 above, you should observe                  As seen by figure 6 above, the energy spectrum
that the rectangular pulse function equates to a sinc function in   (energy spectral density) of the rectangular pulse is merely the
the frequency domain as expected. However, since the                frequency domain result squared. This results in a much
magnitude of the function was required the sinc function never      smaller amplitude since the frequency domain amplitude is
drops below zero.                                                   already <1 (something small^2 = something even smaller).

        Next the following code was used to graph the                        To complete the final task the following code was
energy spectrum of the rectangular pulse:                           used in MATLAB to plot the autocorrelation of the
                                                                    rectangular pulse x(t):
% Energy Spectrum of x(t)=2*rect(t/.002)
Ex = (abs(XfreqDomain).*abs(XfreqDomain));                          % Task #3 Plot the autocorrelation for the rect function in task
rEnergyPlot = figure;                                               2.
plot(XfrequencyRange,Ex); %Creates stem graph for                   % Uses task #2's variables and functions.
magnitude spectrum                                                  Rxx=xcorr(x); % Estimate its autocorrelation
title('Energy spectrum of X(f)');                                   rEnergyPlot = figure;
xlabel('Freq (Hz)'); %adds xlabel to graph                          plot(Rxx); % Plot the autocorrelation
ylabel('Amplitude'); %adds ylabel to graph                          title('Autocorrelation function of x(t)=2*rect(t/.002)');
grid; %turns on grid                                                xlabel('lags');
axis([-10000,10000,0,1.1]); %defines axis                           ylabel('Autocorrelation');
[x(min),x(max),y(min),y(max)]                                       grid;
CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum   5

Figure 7: Autocorrelation of x(t).

          As seen by figure 7 above, the autocorrelation of the
rectangular pulse results in a linear pyramid. The
autocorrelation function is a measure of the similarity between
x (t) and its delayed counterpart x (      ).

                     III. CONCLUSIONS
.         MATLAB is a great utility for representing complex
concepts visually and can easily be manipulated to show
signals in various formats. This lab project was successful in
demonstrating MATLABs powerful features in a quick and
easy method, and demonstrating how MATLAB can be used
for displaying the frequency contents of signals.

[1] Haykin, S., “Signals and Systems 2         Edition” McGraw-
    Hill, New York, NY, 2007.
CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum                          6

Figure 8: Composite sinusoidal wave in the time domain y(t)=5cos(2*pi*400*t)+5cos(2*pi*700*t).
CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum          7

Figure 9: Composite sinusoidal wave's magnitude in the frequency domain, Y(f).
CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum   8

Figure 10: Power Spectrum of Y(f).
CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum   9

Figure 11: Rectangular pulse function x(t).
CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum   10

Figure 12: Magnitude of x(t) in the frequency domain X(f).
CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum   11

Figure 13: Energy spectrum of X(f)
CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum   12

Figure 14: Autocorrelation of x(t).
CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum              13

function Lab1Prob1 = Comm1Lab2Problem1() %Function name for calling in MATLAB
% Colorado Technical University
% EE 443 - Communications I
% Lab 1 - MATLAB Project - Signal Spectrum
% By Loren K. Schwappach
% Uses centeredFFT() for obtaining a two-sided spectrum


% Task #1 Magnitude and Power Spectrum for: y=5cos(2*pi*400*t)+5cos(2*pi*700*t)
% Composite sinusodial wave
f1 = 400; %frequency of the first sinusodial wave (400Hz)
a1 = 5; %amplitude of the first sinusodial wave (5V)
f2 = 700; %frequency of the second sinusodial wave (700Hz)
a2 = 5; %amplitude of the second sinusodial wave (5V)
fs = 25*f2; %sampling frequency (25*highest freq) (17.5kHz)
ts = 1/fs; %sampling interval (57us)
t1 = 0:ts:1-ts; %time vector (0:57us:999.943ms)
y = (a1*cos(2*pi*f1*t1) + a2*cos(2*pi*f2*t1)); %composite sinusodial wave

% Plot of sinusodial wave in time domain
timePlot = figure; %gives graph window a name and keeps it available
plot (t1(1:176),y(1:176)); %plots sinusodial wave in time domain
title('Composite Sinusodial y(t)=5cos(2*pi*400*t1)+5cos(2*pi*700*t2)');
xlabel('Time (s)'); %adds xlabel to graph
ylabel('Amplitude'); %adds ylabel to graph
grid; %turns on grid

% Plot of sinusodial wave (Magnitude) in frequency domain
[YfreqDomain,YfrequencyRange] = centeredFFT(y,fs); %Uses centeredFFT function
freqPlot = figure; %gives graph window a name and keeps it available
stem(YfrequencyRange,abs(YfreqDomain)); %Creates stem graph for magnitude spectrum
title('Magnitude of y(t) in frequency domain -> Y(f)')
xlabel('Freq (Hz)'); %adds xlabel to graph
ylabel('Amplitude'); %adds ylabel to graph
grid; %turns on grid
axis([-800,800,-1,3]); %defines axis [x(min),x(max),y(min),y(max)]

% Power Spectrum of sinusodial wave
% Note: Power = ((A^2)/2T))
% The LCM of (1/400) and (1/700) is (1/280,000) so T = (1/280,000)
Ey = ((abs(YfreqDomain).*abs(YfreqDomain)))*(1/(2*(1/280000)));
powerPlot = figure;
stem(YfrequencyRange,Ey); %Creates stem graph for magnitude spectrum
title('Power spectrum of Y(f)');
xlabel('Freq (Hz)'); %adds xlabel to graph
ylabel('Power (Watts)'); %adds ylabel to graph
grid; %turns on grid
axis([-800,800,-1,1000000]); %defines axis [x(min),x(max),y(min),y(max)]


% Task #2 Magnitude and Energy Spectrum for: x(t) = 2*rect(t/.002)
% Note: By definition rect(t/x)=u(t+x/2)-u(t-x/2) so..
% x(t) = 2u(t+1e-3)-2u(t-1e-3)
A = 2;
t0 = -2e-3;
tf = 2e-3;
CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum              14

ts = (tf-t0)/1000; %(4us)
fs = 1/ts; %(250kHz)
t=[t0:ts:(tf-ts)]; %(-2ms:4us:2ms)
x = A*rectpuls(t/2e-3);

% Plot of x(t)=2*rect(t/.002) in time domain
rTimePlot = figure;
plot(t,x); %Creates stem graph for magnitude spectrum
title('x(t)=2*rect(t/.002) in time domain');
xlabel('time (s)'); %adds xlabel to graph
ylabel('Amplitude'); %adds ylabel to graph
grid; %turns on grid
axis([t0,tf-ts,0,2.1]); %defines axis [x(min),x(max),y(min),y(max)]

% Plot of x(t)=2*rect(t/.002) (Magnitude) in frequency domain
[XfreqDomain,XfrequencyRange] = centeredFFT(x,fs); %Uses centeredFFT function
rFreqPlot = figure; %gives graph window a name and keeps it available
plot(XfrequencyRange,abs(XfreqDomain)); %Creates stem graph for magnitude spectrum
title('Magnitude of x(t) in frequency domain -> X(f)');
xlabel('Freq (Hz)'); %adds xlabel to graph
ylabel('Amplitude'); %adds ylabel to graph
grid; %turns on grid
axis([-10000,10000,0,1.1]); %defines axis [x(min),x(max),y(min),y(max)]

% Energy Spectrum of x(t)=2*rect(t/.002)
Ex = (abs(XfreqDomain).*abs(XfreqDomain));
rEnergyPlot = figure;
plot(XfrequencyRange,Ex); %Creates stem graph for magnitude spectrum
title('Energy spectrum of X(f)');
xlabel('Freq (Hz)'); %adds xlabel to graph
ylabel('Amplitude'); %adds ylabel to graph
grid; %turns on grid
axis([-10000,10000,0,1.1]); %defines axis [x(min),x(max),y(min),y(max)]


% Task #3 Plot the autocorrelation for the rect function in task 2.
% Uses task #2's variables and functions.
Rxx=xcorr(x); % Estimate its autocorrelation
rEnergyPlot = figure;
plot(Rxx); % Plot the autocorrelation
title('Autocorrelation function of x(t)=2*rect(t/.002)');


% end Comm1Lab1Problem1

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EE443 - Communications 1 - Lab 1 - Loren Schwappach.pdf

  • 1. CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum 1 Colorado Technical University EE 443 – Communication 1 Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum August 2010 Loren Schwappach ABSTRACT: This lab report was completed as a course requirement to obtain full course credit in EE443, Communication 1 at Colorado Technical University. Given two time domain signals this lab report uses MATLAB to examine the frequency content of signals. All of the code mentioned in this lab report was saved as a MATLAB m-file for convenience, quick reproduction, and troubleshooting of the code. All of the code below can also be found at the end of the report as an attachment, as well as all figures. If you have any questions or concerns in regards to this laboratory assignment, this laboratory report, the process used in designing the indicated circuitry, or the final conclusions and recommendations derived, please send an email to All computer drawn figures and pictures used in this report are of original and authentic content. function Lab1Prob1 = Comm1Lab2Problem1() %Function name for calling in MATLAB I. INTRODUCTION % Colorado Technical University % EE 443 - Communications I MATLAB is a powerful program and is useful in the % Lab 1 - MATLAB Project - Signal Spectrum visualization of mathematics, physics, and applied % By Loren K. Schwappach engineering. In this lab exercise MATLAB will be used to % Uses centeredFFT() for obtaining a two-sided spectrum determine the frequency content of a composite sinusoidal signal (to include its magnitude and power spectrum), and %--------------------------- the frequency content of a pulse defined by a rectangular function (to include its magnitude, energy spectrum, and % Task #1 Magnitude and Power Spectrum for: autocorrelation). y=5cos(2*pi*400*t)+5cos(2*pi*700*t) % Composite sinusodial wave First: Given the following signal: f1 = 400; %frequency of the first sinusoidal wave (400Hz) (1) a1 = 5; %amplitude of the first sinusoidal wave (5V) Use MATLAB to plot the magnitude and power spectrum of f2 = 700; %frequency of the second sinusoidal wave (700Hz) the signal. a2 = 5; %amplitude of the second sinusoidal wave (5V) fs = 25*f2; %sampling frequency (25*highest freq) (17.5kHz) Second: Given the following signal: ts = 1/fs; %sampling interval (57us) t1 = 0:ts:1-ts; %time vector (0:57us:999.943ms) (2) y = (a1*cos(2*pi*f1*t1) + a2*cos(2*pi*f2*t1)); %composite Use MATLAB to plot the magnitude and energy spectrum of sinusoidal wave the signal. % Plot of sinusodial wave in time domain Third: Given the second equation: timePlot = figure; %gives graph window a name and keeps it Use MATLAB to plot the autocorrelation of the signal. available plot (t1(1:176),y(1:176)); %plots sinusodial wave in time domain title('Composite Sinusodial y(t)=5cos(2*pi*400*t1)+5cos(2*pi*700*t2)'); xlabel('Time (s)'); %adds xlabel to graph II. PROCEDURE / RESULTS ylabel('Amplitude'); %adds ylabel to graph To complete the first task the following code was grid; %turns on grid used in MATLAB to produce and plot the composite sinusoidal function in the time domain:
  • 2. CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum 2 Figure 1: Composite sinusoidal wave in the time domain Figure 2: Composite sinusoidal wave's magnitude in the y(t)=5cos(2*pi*400*t)+5cos(2*pi*700*t). frequency domain, Y(f). You can see form figure 1 above that this is indeed a As illustrated by figure 2 above, you should observe composite sinusoidal result of equation 1. that the composite sinusoidal results in two positive frequency impulses in the frequency domain, each at their previous Next, the following code was added to plot the individual frequencies (400Hz and 700Hz), and at half of their original individual amplitudes (5/2=2.5) as expected. sinusoidal wave’s magnitude in the frequency domain: Next, the following code was added to plot the power % Plot of sinusodial wave (Magnitude) in frequency domain spectrum for the composite sinusoidal: [YfreqDomain,YfrequencyRange] = centeredFFT(y,fs); %Uses centeredFFT function % Power Spectrum of sinusodial wave freqPlot = figure; %gives graph window a name and keeps it % Note: Power = ((A^2)/2T)) available % The LCM of (1/400) and (1/700) is (1/280,000) so T = stem(YfrequencyRange,abs(YfreqDomain)); %Creates stem (1/280,000) graph for magnitude spectrum Ey=((abs(YfreqDomain).*abs(YfreqDomain)))*(1/(2*(1/2800 title('Magnitude of y(t) in frequency domain -> Y(f)') 00))); xlabel('Freq (Hz)'); %adds xlabel to graph powerPlot = figure; ylabel('Amplitude'); %adds ylabel to graph stem(YfrequencyRange,Ey); %Creates stem graph for grid; %turns on grid magnitude spectrum axis([-800,800,-1,3]); %defines axis title('Power spectrum of Y(f)'); [x(min),x(max),y(min),y(max)] xlabel('Freq (Hz)'); %adds xlabel to graph ylabel('Power (Watts)'); %adds ylabel to graph grid; %turns on grid axis([-800,800,-1,1000000]); %defines axis [x(min),x(max),y(min),y(max)]
  • 3. CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum 3 Figure 3: Power Spectrum of Y(f). Figure 4: Rectangular pulse function x(t). As illustrated by figure 3 above, you should observe As shown by figure 4 above, the MATLAB code that the power spectrum of the composite sinusoidal is much correctly produces the rectangular pulse required by the higher in value than the amplitude of Y(f)’s magnitude. This equation 2: is due to the fact that the signals power is derived by squaring Y(f)’s amplitude and dividing the result by 2*(1/T) where T is Next knowing that a rectangular pulse results in a the least common multiple of (1/400) and (1/700). Thus the sinc function the following code was added to plot the power ends up being very high since (1/T) is very small. rectangular pulse’s magnitude in the frequency domain: To complete the second task the following code was % Plot of x(t)=2*rect(t/.002) (Magnitude) in frequency used in MATLAB to produce and plot the rectangular pulse domain function: [XfreqDomain,XfrequencyRange] = centeredFFT(x,fs); %Uses centeredFFT function % Task #2 Magnitude and Energy Spectrum for: x(t) = rFreqPlot = figure; %gives graph window a name and keeps it 2*rect(t/.002) available % Note: By definition rect(t/x)=u(t+x/2)-u(t-x/2) so.. plot(XfrequencyRange,abs(XfreqDomain)); %Creates stem % x(t) = 2u(t+1e-3)-2u(t-1e-3) graph for magnitude spectrum A = 2; title('Magnitude of x(t) in frequency domain -> X(f)'); t0 = -2e-3; xlabel('Freq (Hz)'); %adds xlabel to graph tf = 2e-3; ylabel('Amplitude'); %adds ylabel to graph ts = (tf-t0)/1000; %(4us) grid; %turns on grid axis([-10000,10000,0,1.1]); %defines axis fs = 1/ts; %(250kHz) [x(min),x(max),y(min),y(max)] t=[t0:ts:(tf-ts)]; %(-2ms:4us:2ms) x = A*rectpuls(t/2e-3); % Plot of x(t)=2*rect(t/.002) in time domain rTimePlot = figure; plot(t,x); %Creates stem graph for magnitude spectrum title('x(t)=2*rect(t/.002) in time domain'); xlabel('time (s)'); %adds xlabel to graph ylabel('Amplitude'); %adds ylabel to graph grid; %turns on grid axis([t0,tf-ts,0,2.1]); %defines axis [x(min),x(max),y(min),y(max)]
  • 4. CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum 4 Figure 5: Magnitude of x(t) in the frequency domain X(f). Figure 6: Energy spectrum of X(f) As produced by figure 5 above, you should observe As seen by figure 6 above, the energy spectrum that the rectangular pulse function equates to a sinc function in (energy spectral density) of the rectangular pulse is merely the the frequency domain as expected. However, since the frequency domain result squared. This results in a much magnitude of the function was required the sinc function never smaller amplitude since the frequency domain amplitude is drops below zero. already <1 (something small^2 = something even smaller). Next the following code was used to graph the To complete the final task the following code was energy spectrum of the rectangular pulse: used in MATLAB to plot the autocorrelation of the rectangular pulse x(t): % Energy Spectrum of x(t)=2*rect(t/.002) Ex = (abs(XfreqDomain).*abs(XfreqDomain)); % Task #3 Plot the autocorrelation for the rect function in task rEnergyPlot = figure; 2. plot(XfrequencyRange,Ex); %Creates stem graph for % Uses task #2's variables and functions. magnitude spectrum Rxx=xcorr(x); % Estimate its autocorrelation title('Energy spectrum of X(f)'); rEnergyPlot = figure; xlabel('Freq (Hz)'); %adds xlabel to graph plot(Rxx); % Plot the autocorrelation ylabel('Amplitude'); %adds ylabel to graph title('Autocorrelation function of x(t)=2*rect(t/.002)'); grid; %turns on grid xlabel('lags'); axis([-10000,10000,0,1.1]); %defines axis ylabel('Autocorrelation'); [x(min),x(max),y(min),y(max)] grid;
  • 5. CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum 5 Figure 7: Autocorrelation of x(t). As seen by figure 7 above, the autocorrelation of the rectangular pulse results in a linear pyramid. The autocorrelation function is a measure of the similarity between x (t) and its delayed counterpart x ( ). III. CONCLUSIONS . MATLAB is a great utility for representing complex concepts visually and can easily be manipulated to show signals in various formats. This lab project was successful in demonstrating MATLABs powerful features in a quick and easy method, and demonstrating how MATLAB can be used for displaying the frequency contents of signals. REFERENCES nd [1] Haykin, S., “Signals and Systems 2 Edition” McGraw- Hill, New York, NY, 2007.
  • 6. CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum 6 Figure 8: Composite sinusoidal wave in the time domain y(t)=5cos(2*pi*400*t)+5cos(2*pi*700*t).
  • 7. CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum 7 Figure 9: Composite sinusoidal wave's magnitude in the frequency domain, Y(f).
  • 8. CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum 8 Figure 10: Power Spectrum of Y(f).
  • 9. CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum 9 Figure 11: Rectangular pulse function x(t).
  • 10. CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum 10 Figure 12: Magnitude of x(t) in the frequency domain X(f).
  • 11. CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum 11 Figure 13: Energy spectrum of X(f)
  • 12. CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum 12 Figure 14: Autocorrelation of x(t).
  • 13. CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum 13 %MATLAB CODE function Lab1Prob1 = Comm1Lab2Problem1() %Function name for calling in MATLAB % Colorado Technical University % EE 443 - Communications I % Lab 1 - MATLAB Project - Signal Spectrum % By Loren K. Schwappach % Uses centeredFFT() for obtaining a two-sided spectrum %--------------------------- % Task #1 Magnitude and Power Spectrum for: y=5cos(2*pi*400*t)+5cos(2*pi*700*t) % Composite sinusodial wave f1 = 400; %frequency of the first sinusodial wave (400Hz) a1 = 5; %amplitude of the first sinusodial wave (5V) f2 = 700; %frequency of the second sinusodial wave (700Hz) a2 = 5; %amplitude of the second sinusodial wave (5V) fs = 25*f2; %sampling frequency (25*highest freq) (17.5kHz) ts = 1/fs; %sampling interval (57us) t1 = 0:ts:1-ts; %time vector (0:57us:999.943ms) y = (a1*cos(2*pi*f1*t1) + a2*cos(2*pi*f2*t1)); %composite sinusodial wave % Plot of sinusodial wave in time domain timePlot = figure; %gives graph window a name and keeps it available plot (t1(1:176),y(1:176)); %plots sinusodial wave in time domain title('Composite Sinusodial y(t)=5cos(2*pi*400*t1)+5cos(2*pi*700*t2)'); xlabel('Time (s)'); %adds xlabel to graph ylabel('Amplitude'); %adds ylabel to graph grid; %turns on grid % Plot of sinusodial wave (Magnitude) in frequency domain [YfreqDomain,YfrequencyRange] = centeredFFT(y,fs); %Uses centeredFFT function freqPlot = figure; %gives graph window a name and keeps it available stem(YfrequencyRange,abs(YfreqDomain)); %Creates stem graph for magnitude spectrum title('Magnitude of y(t) in frequency domain -> Y(f)') xlabel('Freq (Hz)'); %adds xlabel to graph ylabel('Amplitude'); %adds ylabel to graph grid; %turns on grid axis([-800,800,-1,3]); %defines axis [x(min),x(max),y(min),y(max)] % Power Spectrum of sinusodial wave % Note: Power = ((A^2)/2T)) % The LCM of (1/400) and (1/700) is (1/280,000) so T = (1/280,000) Ey = ((abs(YfreqDomain).*abs(YfreqDomain)))*(1/(2*(1/280000))); powerPlot = figure; stem(YfrequencyRange,Ey); %Creates stem graph for magnitude spectrum title('Power spectrum of Y(f)'); xlabel('Freq (Hz)'); %adds xlabel to graph ylabel('Power (Watts)'); %adds ylabel to graph grid; %turns on grid axis([-800,800,-1,1000000]); %defines axis [x(min),x(max),y(min),y(max)] %--------------------------- % Task #2 Magnitude and Energy Spectrum for: x(t) = 2*rect(t/.002) % Note: By definition rect(t/x)=u(t+x/2)-u(t-x/2) so.. % x(t) = 2u(t+1e-3)-2u(t-1e-3) A = 2; t0 = -2e-3; tf = 2e-3;
  • 14. CTU: EE 443 – Communications 1: Lab 1: MATLAB Project – Signal Spectrum 14 ts = (tf-t0)/1000; %(4us) fs = 1/ts; %(250kHz) t=[t0:ts:(tf-ts)]; %(-2ms:4us:2ms) x = A*rectpuls(t/2e-3); % Plot of x(t)=2*rect(t/.002) in time domain rTimePlot = figure; plot(t,x); %Creates stem graph for magnitude spectrum title('x(t)=2*rect(t/.002) in time domain'); xlabel('time (s)'); %adds xlabel to graph ylabel('Amplitude'); %adds ylabel to graph grid; %turns on grid axis([t0,tf-ts,0,2.1]); %defines axis [x(min),x(max),y(min),y(max)] % Plot of x(t)=2*rect(t/.002) (Magnitude) in frequency domain [XfreqDomain,XfrequencyRange] = centeredFFT(x,fs); %Uses centeredFFT function rFreqPlot = figure; %gives graph window a name and keeps it available plot(XfrequencyRange,abs(XfreqDomain)); %Creates stem graph for magnitude spectrum title('Magnitude of x(t) in frequency domain -> X(f)'); xlabel('Freq (Hz)'); %adds xlabel to graph ylabel('Amplitude'); %adds ylabel to graph grid; %turns on grid axis([-10000,10000,0,1.1]); %defines axis [x(min),x(max),y(min),y(max)] % Energy Spectrum of x(t)=2*rect(t/.002) Ex = (abs(XfreqDomain).*abs(XfreqDomain)); rEnergyPlot = figure; plot(XfrequencyRange,Ex); %Creates stem graph for magnitude spectrum title('Energy spectrum of X(f)'); xlabel('Freq (Hz)'); %adds xlabel to graph ylabel('Amplitude'); %adds ylabel to graph grid; %turns on grid axis([-10000,10000,0,1.1]); %defines axis [x(min),x(max),y(min),y(max)] %--------------------------- % Task #3 Plot the autocorrelation for the rect function in task 2. % Uses task #2's variables and functions. Rxx=xcorr(x); % Estimate its autocorrelation rEnergyPlot = figure; plot(Rxx); % Plot the autocorrelation title('Autocorrelation function of x(t)=2*rect(t/.002)'); xlabel('lags'); ylabel('Autocorrelation'); grid; %--------------------------- % end Comm1Lab1Problem1