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Intraocular Lens Power Calculation in Children 
Maya Eibschitz-Tsimhoni, MD, Steven M. Archer, MD, and Monte A. Del Monte, MD 
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Kellogg Eye Center, University of Michigan, 
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA 
Abstract. With improving surgical technique and equipment, the acceptable age for placing an 
intraocular lens in infants and children is becoming younger. The tools for predicting intraocular lens 
power have not necessarily kept up, as current theoretical and regression intraocular lens power 
prediction formulas are largely based on adult eyes at axial lengths, anterior chamber depth, and 
keratometric values much different than those seen in infants. In addition, the adult eye has matured 
and is no longer growing, whereas the eyes of infants and children may continue to note changes in 
axial length, keratometric values, and possibly optical characteristics. Another source of error in 
intraocular lens power selection that is more likely to occur in pediatric patients than in adult patients 
is inaccuracy in measurement of axial length or keratometric power. A review of current tools and 
considerations for intraocular lens power prediction in infants and children is presented. (Surv 
Ophthalmol 52:474--482, 2007.  2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.) 
Key words. axial length  cataract  children  infants  intraocular lens  pediatric 
I. Introduction 
The placement of an intraocular lens (IOL) in 
children and infants undergoing cataract surgery is 
gaining wider acceptance.33,65 With improved surgi-cal 
equipment and technique, the acceptable age for 
IOL implantation is becoming progressively younger. 
IOL implantation after cataract surgery in children 
$2 years of age is now widely accepted,65 although the 
implantation of IOLs during infancy is still contro-versial. 
31--33,56 A survey of AAPOS members, however, 
found that the percentage of responding members 
who had implanted an IOL in an infant after cataract 
surgery increased from 4% in 1997 to 21% in 2001.33 
In this setting, what is the optimal approach for 
determining IOL power in children and infants? 
II. Refractive Goal 
Three major questions arise when determining 
the power of IOL to be implanted: 1) Should 
a myopic shift be anticipated, and if so, 2) How 
much and at what age? 3) What target refraction 
should be sought immediately following the implan-tation? 
Most ocular growth occurs in the first few years of 
life, and this has significant optical implications. 
The normal newborn eye has a mean axial length 
(AL) ranging from 16.6 to 17.0 mm and a mean 
keratometric power of 51.2 diopters (D).17,35,57,59 
O’Brien and Clark demonstrated a mean AL of 
15.38  0.25 mm in preterm infants at 33 weeks.45 
AL increased at a rate of 0.18 mm/wk until 40 weeks 
then slowed to 0.15 mm/week until the age of 3 
months. The AL of infants at 3 months was 18.23 
mm. The growth rate then slows again, reaching 
a mean adult value of 23.6 mm at 15 years of age. As 
a child’s eye develops, the refractive changes are 
 2007 by Elsevier Inc. 
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largely due to growth in AL. More than half of this 
growth in AL occurs before 1 year of age and most 
axial elongation occurs during the first 2 years of 
life.17,35,38 The change in mean keratometric power 
occurs almost completely within the first 6 months 
of life, with only minor changes after that.17,28 As 
the AL increases from an average of 16.8 mm at 
birth to 23.6 mm in adulthood, the corneal 
curvature will decrease from an average power of 
51.2 D to 43.5 D. The lens power decreases by more 
than 10 D during the first year of life, then drops 
only 3--4 D from the age of 2 until the lens power 
stabilizes at 10 years of age.17 
In aphakic and pseudophakic eyes, the lens power 
is static and, if the AL grows normally, decreasing 
hyperopia or increasing myopia would be expected 
to result. Axial growth after cataract surgery can be 
attributed to normal eye growth as well as other 
factors, including age at surgery, visual input, the 
presence or absence of an IOL, laterality, genetic 
factors, and interocular AL difference.30,63 Weakley 
et al noted that the rate of refractive growth was 
correlated with visual acuity outcome.64 
McClatchey and Parks observed aphakic children 
into adulthood and found a decrease in refractive 
error that followed a logarithmic regression curve 
and was very similar to that predicted from Gordon 
and Donzis’s data on phakic children.39 In addition, 
they calculated the theoretic long-term refractive 
effects of pseudophakia in a large group of aphakic 
eyes with long-term follow-up and predicted a 6.6- 
diopter mean myopic shift (range --36.3 to þ2.9) 
over a mean follow-up of 11 years.40 Children aged 2 
years and under at the time of surgery had 
a significantly greater predicted myopic shift and 
a greater variance in the predicted refractive change 
than those older than 2 years at the time of 
surgery.40 There has been little long-term evaluation 
of refractive data in pseudophakic children. Al-though 
some authors have shown that removing the 
crystalline lens and implanting an IOL may retard 
the axial elongation of the eye,18 most authors have 
found an overall myopic shift, which was greatest in 
the youngest patients and continued until at least 
age 8 years as well as a marked variability in 
postoperative refraction.5,9,13,16,27,29,37 Vanathi et al 
noted a mean myopic shift of 7.35 D in 12 children 
(mean age 6.7 years) post-uniocular cataract surgery 
followed for a mean of 7.8 years.62 In a study of 52 
eyes in 42 patients aged 12 months to 18 years 
undergoing cataract surgery with IOL implantation, 
Crouch reported a mean myopic shift of 3.66 
D in children operated on at 3--4 years of age, 2.03 
D in children operated on at 7--8 years of age, 1.88 D 
on children operated on at 9--10 years of age, 0.97 D 
on children operated on at 11--14 years of age, and 
0.38 D on children operated on at 15--18 years of 
age.8 Mean follow-up by age group ranged between 
4.38 and 6.35 years. Similarly, in a study of 38 eyes in 
27 patients undergoing cataract surgery with im-plantation 
of a posterior chamber IOL followed for 
a mean of 6.1 years, Plager et al reported a mean 
myopic shift of 4.60 D in children operated on at 
age 2--3 years, a mean myopic shift of 2.68 D on 
children operated on at age 6--7 years, a mean 
myopic shift of 1.25 D on children operated on at 
age 8--9 years, and a mean myopic shift of 0.61 D on 
children operated on at age 10--15 years.46 Several 
studies have shown that large mean myopic shifts 
occur in some infants, although the change in 
individual infants was quite variable. Crouch re-ported 
a mean myopic shift of 5.96 D after a 6.35- 
year mean follow-up of children who underwent 
IOL implantation at 1 to 2 years of age.8 Dahan 
reported a myopic shift of 6.93  3.42 D after a 7.7- 
year follow-up of 34 children (68 eyes) who had 
undergone IOL implantation during the first 18 
months of life.9 The mean increase in AL in these 
eyes was 3.59  1.80 mm. Wilson reported a myopic 
shift of 6.22 D after a 21 months follow-up of 16 
children (32 eyes) who underwent IOL implanta-tion 
during the first year of life.66 After a mean 
follow-up of 13 months, Lambert reported a mean 
myopic shift of 5.29 D in the pseudophakic eye of 11 
children who underwent IOL implantation during 
the first 6 months of life.31 
Measurements of the ALs in the pseudophakic eye 
and the unoperated fellow eye have shown no 
significant difference in AL change over time 
between the pseudophakic and its fellow eye. These 
findings suggest that most pseudophakic eyes grow 
normally, and, thus, a significant shift after IOL 
implantation is to be expected in these young 
patients.13,27 Superstein et al, however, found that 
patients with pseudophakia between 2 and 20 years 
of age have only a minor trend toward myopia and 
show less myopic shift than patients with aphakia.58 
Zwaan also found minimal myopic shift in their 
series of 306 pseudophakic eyes in patients 2--16 
years of age.67 Better understanding of the factors 
influencing pediatric eye growth will assist in IOL 
power calculation and the prediction of refractive 
changes after IOL implantation. 
There is no consensus in the literature on the 
ideal postoperative refraction in infants and chil-dren 
after IOL implantation. Wilson et al surveyed 
members of the American Society of Cataract and 
Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) and members of the
476 Surv Ophthalmol 52 (5) September--October 2007 EIBSCHITZ-TSIMHONI ET AL 
American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology 
(AAPOS) in 2001 to determine prevailing practice 
patterns in pediatric cataract surgery.65 Although 
a few surgeons targeted emmetropia or even mild 
myopia after surgery at all ages, most aimed for 
hyperopia until 5 years of age when the consensus 
shifted to emmetropia. Enyedi et al recommended 
a postoperative refractive goal of þ6 for a 1-year-old, 
þ5 for a 2-year-old, þ4 for a 3-year-old, þ3 for a 4- 
year-old, þ2 for a 5-year-old, þ1 for a 6-year-old, 
plano for a 7-year-old and --1 to --2 for an 8-year-old 
and older.13 Other authors recommend that pa-tients 
between 2 and 4 years of age have lens 
calculations performed to obtain a spherical equiv-alent 
refraction equal to that of the fellow eye and 
then reduce the lens power by 1.25 D to allow for 
ocular growth. These authors suggest patients older 
than 4 years of age receive IOLs with powers 
calculated to match the spherical equivalent re-fraction 
of the fellow eye.7 For older children, it is 
recommended that lens power be calculated for 
emmetropia, and then adjustments be made to 
avoid greater than 3.00 D of postoperative anisome-tropia. 
For children #2 years old, implantation of IOLs is 
still controversial and a 2001 AAPOS members’ 
survey found that most responding AAPOS mem-bers 
still prefer to leave the infant aphakic after 
cataract surgery and to use contact lenses for optical 
correction.33,34 However, as previously noted, the 
percentage of the responding AAPOS members who 
implant an IOL in an infant after cataract surgery is 
increasing.33 The Infant Aphakia Treatment Study is 
an ongoing study that will compare the visual 
outcome of children with unilateral aphakia cor-rected 
with a contact lens compared with an IOL 
implant (Lambert SR et al: Infant Aphakia Treat-ment 
Web.aspx?id5108, 2006).33 
For now, there are varying opinions as to the 
optimal postoperative refractive goal in infants and 
children under 2 years of age. Some surgeons 
choose to use an IOL with adult power.6,19 Their 
belief is that with growth and the expected myopic 
shift, the child will have good visual acuity and 
emmetropia in adulthood. This refractive goal 
results in significant residual hyperopia in the years 
following implantation, a condition that must be 
corrected. Near vision is most affected, as the 
pseudophakic eye does not accommodate, and even 
mild uncorrected hypermetropic anisometropia 
may cause severe amblyopia. The residual hyperopia 
needs to be corrected with a contact lens or 
spectacles that overcorrect by þ2.00 to þ3.00 D to 
provide clear near vision and prevent amblyopia. As 
the eye grows, contact lens power diminishes and 
the contact lenses are slowly phased out. 
A few authors have recommended targeting 
emmetropia postoperatively after IOL implantation 
in younger children.36 This approach may assist with 
amblyopia management in the early postoperative 
period. With ocular growth, the resulting myopic 
shift will necessitate the use of a contact lens or 
refractive surgery to correct the residual refractive 
error and minimize the resultant aniseikonia.38 
In Wilson’s survey of ASCRS and JAAPOS 
members in 2001, there was wide variation in the 
postoperative refractive goal for infants at 6 months 
of age, ranging from emmetropia to high hyperopia 
(defined as $7 D), with most aiming for moderate 
hyperopia (defined as $3 D but !7 D).65 For 
infants at 12 months of age, most respondents 
aimed for moderate or mild (defined as O0 D but 
!3 D) hyperopia. At 2 years of age there was 
a prevailing consensus to aim for mild hyperopia.65 
This is consistent with Plager et al who assume that 
a shift toward decreasing hyperopia (increasing 
myopia) will occur at a descending rate throughout 
childhood and, therefore, gives children a hyperopic 
pseudophakic refractive error.47 The magnitude of 
the planned hyperopia increases with decreasing 
age and is modified by the AL and refractive error of 
the fellow eye. In the Infant Aphakia Treatment 
Study, the target refractive error after IOL implan-tation 
is þ8 for infants 4--6 weeks of age and þ6 for 
infants 6 weeks to 6 months of age (Lambert SR 
et al: Infant Aphakia Treatment Study. www.nei.nih. 
gov/neitrials/viewStudyWeb.aspx?id5108, 2006). 
There remains no study demonstrating a visual 
advantage of one approach over the other. 
III. Measurement of Axial Length 
In addition to the uncertainties of growth after 
IOL implantation, the measurements of AL and 
keratometry in children can be less accurate than 
for adults. Office measurement of AL and keratom-etry 
can be difficult in young children and infants 
and must often be done under anesthesia in an eye 
that is unable to cooperate with precise fixation and 
centration. Mittelviefhaus et al have shown that the 
lack of fixation in children who have keratometry 
under general anesthesia may lead to inaccurate 
keratometry readings.43 In addition, in pediatric 
patients AL measurement is frequently done in the 
operating room under anesthesia where a skilled 
technician may not be available.
A-scan ultrasound biometry is the conventional 
method for measurement of AL in children. 
Ultrasound can be performed using applanation 
or immersion techniques. The applanation tech-nique 
places the ultrasound probe directly on the 
cornea, which slightly indents the surface. This may 
introduce a measurement error in recorded AL. 
Using the immersion technique, the ultrasound 
probe does not come into direct contact with the 
cornea, but instead uses a coupling fluid between 
the cornea and probe preventing corneal indenta-tion. 
When the probe is aligned with the optical axis 
of the eye and the ultrasound beam is perpendicular 
to the retina, the retinal spike is displayed as 
a straight, steeply rising echospike. When the probe 
is not properly aligned with the optical axis of the 
eye, the ultrasound beam is not perpendicular to 
the retinal surface and the retinal spike is displayed 
as a jagged, slow-rising echospike.55 
The quality of the ultrasound machine and the 
average ultrasound velocity may also introduce 
errors in AL measurement. The most appropriate 
ultrasound velocity is different at different ALs and 
some ultrasound machines employ a single average 
ultrasound velocity. For example, an axial myope of 
29.00 mm is best measured at an average velocity of 
1,550 m/sec, while an axial hyperope of 20.00 mm is 
best measured at an average velocity of 1,560 m/sec. 
A more accurate measurement can be obtained by 
setting the velocity of the ultrasound machine at 
1,532 m/sec and correcting for the AL.21,24,55 The 
human eye is mostly composed of aqueous and 
vitreous, both of which have an ultrasound velocity 
of 1,532 m/sec. Only the cornea and crystalline lens 
have different ultrasound velocities. If the eye is 
measured at an ultrasound velocity of 1,532 m/sec, 
a corrected axial length factor (CALF) of þ0.32 mm 
is added to the apparent AL to obtain the true AL. 
As these differences represent a relatively small 
percentage of the total AL measurement, a single 
CALF of þ0.32 mm can be universally applied for 
phakic eyes of all ALs. This method is more accurate 
than using an average ultrasound velocity, such as 
1,548 m/sec. In aphakia, an ultrasound velocity of 
1532 m/sec is recommended.55 
Partial coherence interferometry (PCI) has been 
used in cooperative children with reliability and 
accuracy.26,48 PCI requires patient cooperation and 
thus may not be a viable option in infants and young 
children. Claimed improvements over conventional 
ultrasound techniques include high reproducibility, 
contact-free measurement, and observer indepen-dence 
of the measurements.26 This technique relies 
on a laser Doppler to measure the echo delay and 
intensity of infrared light reflected back from tissue 
IV. Intraocular Lens Power Calculation 
Once the decision has been made to implant an 
IOL and the desired postoperative refractive goal is 
determined, what intraocular lens power calculation 
formula should be used to reach that refractive 
goal? Several formulas can be used to predict the 
IOL power needed to achieve the desired refractive 
goal. To date, formulas for IOL lens power 
calculation have been largely derived from studies 
in adults. 
Intraocular lens power calculation formulas fall 
into two major categories; empirically determined 
regression formulas and theoretical formulas. The 
regression formulas, such as the Sanders-Retzlaff- 
Kraff (SRK) formula, are based on mathematical 
analysis of a large sampling of postoperative results 
in adults. In adult eyes, the SRK formula (first 
generation linear regression formula) is most 
appropriate for eyes in the average AL range 
(22.5--25.0 mm). The formula does not work well 
for long (O25 mm) or short (!22.5 mm) eyes.50 
The formula generally undercorrects short eyes and 
overcorrects eyes with long ALs, because it attempts 
a linear fit to a hyperbolic relationship. 
The first-generation theoretical IOL formulas 
assume a constant position of the IOL, or post-operative 
anterior chamber depth (ACD) in all eyes, 
regardless of their AL. Since the measured post-operative 
ACD was found to be directly proportional 
to the AL of the eye (longer eyes had larger ACDs), 
these formulas were less accurate for long or short 
eyes.22 Several second-generation theoretical formu-las 
emerged, such as the Hoffer formula, that 
replaced the constant ACD with one that included 
a correction for AL.25 
The SRK formula was also modified to improve 
accuracy for short and long eyes and reemerged as 
the SRK II formula. This was a simple modification 
of the original SRK formula in which the ‘‘A’’ 
constant is modified according to the AL of the 
eye.54 In addition to the SRK II formula, a number 
of other modified empirical formulas have been 
developed in an effort to attain even better 
predictive accuracy. These include the Gills,15 
Axt,3 Thompson-Maumenee,60 and Donzis-Kastle- 
Gordon10 formulas. All divide the range of AL and 
use two or three regression lines for a better fit of 
each segment of the curve.11 Holladay and col-leagues 
have noted that the AL versus calculated 
power graphs for second-generation formulas, of 
both theoretic and regression derivation, converge 
to the same general result.25 
Thus, with second-generation formulas, ACD was 
no longer a constant in all eyes but rather varied 
with AL. Holladay and associates were the first to
478 Surv Ophthalmol 52 (5) September--October 2007 EIBSCHITZ-TSIMHONI ET AL 
consider that the ACD might vary not only with the 
AL but also with the corneal curvature.25 Their 
formula modified the ACD based on the AL, and 
also based on the corneal height (distance from the 
cornea to the IOL’s first principal plane). This 
formula was shown to be significantly more 
accurate than previous theoretic formulas and the 
SRK II.23 
Hoffer also developed a third-generation IOL 
formula.22 He speculated on the relationship 
between ACD and AL and developed an expression 
that resulted in an S-shaped curve that fit his 
impression of what this relationship should be. This 
formula deepened the ACD with increasing AL and 
with increasing corneal curvature. This modification 
of the ACD, added to his previous Hoffer formula, 
has become known as the Hoffer Q formula. 
The originators of the SRK formulas brought 
their retrospective analytic approach to develop 
a third-generation IOL formula. The SRK/T for-mula 
is a nonlinear theoretical optics formula 
empirically optimized for postoperative anterior 
chamber depth based on axial length, retinal 
thickness correction for AL, and corneal refractive 
index.51 It thus combines advantages of theoretical 
and empirical analysis. For extremely long eyes 
(O28 mm), the SRK/T seems to be significantly 
more accurate than regression formulas.53 
To improve accuracy in short, hyperopic eyes, 
Holladay further modified his formula by includ-ing 
consideration of white-to-white corneal diame-ters, 
preoperative anterior chamber depth, lens 
thickness measurements, as well as the patient’s 
age and preoperative refractive error to create the 
Holladay 2 formula (Holladay JT: Holladay IOL 
Consultant Computer Program. Houston, TX, 
In adults, the Holladay formula is considered to 
be most accurate for eyes with an axial length 
between 22 and 26 mm. The Hoffer Q formula is 
considered to be most accurate for short eyes 
(!24.5mm). The SRK/T formula is considered 
optimal for long eyes (O26mm).53 
1. IOL Calculation Using the SRK 
D15Al0:9 Km2:5 Am 
Al IOL constant in diopters 
D1 Primary implant power predicted by the SRK 
II formula 
Am Axial length in millimeters 
Km Average K reading 
2. IOL Calculation Using the SRK II Formula54 
D15Al0:9 Km2:5 AmRsg 
Al IOL constant in diopters 
D1 Primary implant power predicted by the SRK 
II formula 
Am Axial length in millimeters 
Rs Desired postoperative refraction in diopters 
Km Average K reading 
Al 5 A þ 3 for Am ! 20.0 mm 
Al 5 A þ 2 for 20.0 # Am ! 21.0 
Al 5 A þ 1 for 21.0 # Am ! 22.0 
Al 5 A for 22.0 # Am ! 24.5 
Al 5 A  0.5 for Am $ 24.5 
g51.00 for Al0.9Km2.5Am#14.00mm 
g51.25 for Al0.9Km2.5AmO14.00mm 
D25f1336 = ðAmd0:05Þg 
D2 Primary implant power predicted by the Hoffer 
d Chamber depth (ACD) in millimeters 
ACD 5pACDþ0:3Am23:5 
þðTan KmÞ2þ0:1Mð23:5AmÞ2 
 Tan 0:1 ðGAmÞ20:99166 
If Am # 23, M 5 þ1 G 5 28 
Am O 23, M 5 --1 G 5 23.5 
The personalized ACD (pACD) is set equal to the 
manufacturer’s ACD-constant, if the calculation was 
selected to be based on the ACD-constant. In case 
the A-constant was chosen, pACD is derived from 
the A-constant according to (from Holladay et al25) 
pACD5ACDconst 50:58357 
 A-const 63:896 
Personalization of the pACD is the process whereby 
one enters the IOL power actually used and the 
resultant spherical equivalent refractive result and 
back-calculate what ACD would have produced an 
error of zero. If one calculates this ‘‘perfect ACD’’ 
for a whole series of eyes (using same surgeon and 
IOL style), average the number and that becomes 
the personalized factor for that surgeon and IOL.
1. IOL Calculation Using the Holladay 
br  acor  0:001 Rs 
½v ðbracorÞþa acor r 
ðacordSFÞ fbrdSF0:001Rs 
½v ðbrdSFÞþaðdþSFÞ rg 
D3 Primary implant power predicted by the Holla-day 
acor Corrected axial length in millimeters 
v Vertex distance in millimeters 
SF Holladay’s surgeon factor in millimeters 
r 5 337.5 / Km 
b 5 nv / (nc 
 1) with nv 5 1.336 and nc 5 
a 5 1.0 / (nc  1) 
Rag 5 r for r $ 7 mm 
Rag 5 7 mm for r ! 7 mm 
AG 5 0.533 Am for AG # 13.5 mm 
AG 5 13.5 mm for AG O 13.5 mm 
d5ACD50:56 þ Rag  qffiffiffiRffiffiffiaffiffigffiffiffi2ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiAffiffiffiGffiffiffi2ffiffi=ffiffiffi4ffiffiffiffi 
acor 5 Am þ Tr where Tr 5 0.200 mm 
with SF5xxx  Aconst þ yyyy 
Although the surgeon factor represents a measur-able 
distance (anterior iris plane to the effective 
optical plane of the IOL), the optimal way to arrive 
at this factor is to solve the formula in reverse for the 
constant, using as input variables the preoperative 
Am and keratometry measurements, the IOL power 
implanted, and the stabilized postoperative refrac-tion. 
This surgeon factor is therefore a number 
representing a particular surgeon’s previous experi-ence. 
V. Intraocular Lens Power Calculation in 
Pediatric Patients 
Because all intraocular lens power calculation 
formulas were derived from considerations regard-ing 
the adult eye, it is yet unclear whether they can 
be applied in children with the same degree of 
confidence, especially with short ALs and high 
keratometry values and a target refraction that may 
be significantly different from plano. 
There are only five publications reporting on 
outcome post IOL implantation in children with 
respect to the prediction formula used.1,2,42,44,61 A 
spectrum of ALs with specific keratometry values is 
missing. Recent work by Mezer et al suggests that 
none of the current prediction formulas, including 
Hoffer Q, Holladay, SRK/T, SRK, and SRK II provide 
adequate outcomes in patients between 2 and 17 
years of age.42 Only the mean error for all patients 
was reported. Differences as a function of ALs and 
keratometry values were not defined. The average 
differences ranged between 1.06  0.79 to 1.79  
1.47 D. Andreo et al stated that there was little 
difference between SRK II, SRK/T, Holladay, and 
Hoffer Q formulas in short, medium, and long eyes 
in providing adequate predicted refraction.1 The 
mean error was between 1.23 to 1.33 D in long eyes, 
0.98 to 1.03 D in medium eyes and 1.41 to 1.8 D in 
short eyes. However, only the mean of a small 
number (n 5 17) of patients with AL ! 22.0 mm 
(as short as 18.6 mm) was evaluated in the group with 
short eyes. Neely et al showed that the SRK II, SRK T, 
and Holladay I formulas had no significant differ-ence 
in lens power predictability in children. 
However, there was increased variability in post-operative 
refractive outcome in patients younger 
than 2 years of age with all formulas. The Hoffer Q 
formula had a tendency to overestimate the IOL 
power and showed the greatest degree of variability.44 
Even in the adults, only a small number of 
patients with short ALs have been reported. For 
example, in a study by Hoffer of 500 eyes, only 36 
eyes were less than 22 mm with an average of 21.43 
 0.69 mm.22 In a study of 100 eyes by Barrett, only 
25 eyes were less than 22.5 mm.4 Nevertheless, in his 
article Hoffer suggests that the Hoffer Q formula is 
superior in eyes shorter than 22.0 mm. In addition, 
it may be inaccurate to extrapolate conclusions from 
short adult eyes to the pediatric population. 
Newer formulas such as the Holladay II formula 
were designed to increase the accuracy of the IOL 
power calculation. The Holladay II formula in-corporates 
measured anterior chamber depth, lens 
thickness, and corneal diameter and is purportedly 
helpful in adults requiring at least 30 D of power for 
emmetropia.25 In a study by Fenzl et al, the 
refractive and visual outcomes of hyperopic cataract 
cases whose IOL power calculation was made using 
Holladay I and Holladay II formulas were com-pared. 
14 The mean absolute deviation from pre-dicted 
(target) refraction was nearly equivalent in 
the two groups; however, the standard deviation of 
the mean absolute deviation was smaller in the 
Holladay II group. Hoffer also reported on his 
clinical results using the Holladay II intraocular lens 
power formula in adults. He found that although 
the Holladay II formula reduced the mean absolute 
error in short eyes (! 22.0 mm) (n 5 10), it was not 
more accurate than the Hoffer Q.20
480 Surv Ophthalmol 52 (5) September--October 2007 EIBSCHITZ-TSIMHONI ET AL 
In an analytical prediction of implant power 
prediction equation discrepancies, the average 
primary implant power discrepancy was reported 
for the modified Binkhorst, modified Colenbrander, 
Holladay, Hoffer, and SRK II equations. Only 
a general discrepancy as a function of three ALs 
and three chosen keratometry values was provided, 
with the shortest AL being 21 mm.41 
In recent work by Eibschitz et al, an analytical 
comparison of predicted implant power using 
keratometry values up to 55 D and axial length 
values as short as 16 mm was performed for two 
different refractive goals using the optimized in-traocular 
lens constants for the SRK II, SRK/T, 
Holladay I, Hoffer Q, and Haigis equations. 
Significant differences in intraocular lens power 
prediction were found among the Hoffer Q, Holla-day 
I, and SRK II formulas in the pediatric range of 
axial length and keratometry values. The Holladay I 
and Haigis formulas were found to be similar in 
their IOL prediction. The SRK/T was comparable to 
the Holladay I and Haigis formulas but still differed 
in the high keratometry values.12 
When determining individual ACD constants in 
the Hoffer Q formula for short, medium, and long 
eyes, the results in the short eye (!22.0 mm) series 
are less accurate using the personalized pACD 
derived from the 36 short eyes examined than when 
using the pACD derived from the entire 450 eye 
series.22 The same is true for the long eye (O 24.5 
mm) series. This illustrates that developing a per-sonalized 
ACD for AL subgroups at the extremes is 
of no value for the Hoffer Q formula and actually 
makes the results clinically less accurate in short 
eyes. A similar analysis performed for the Holladay 
and SRK/T formulas in short eyes showed no 
statistically significant benefit to a subgroup of short 
or long ALs using personalized SF or A-constant 
compared with using the overall 450 eye personal-ized 
pSF or A-constant.22 
VI. Conclusion 
Refractive growth after IOL implantation in 
infants and children cannot be predicted accurately 
(large standard deviation) and current IOL formu-las 
vary in their predictive outcomes. If the target 
refraction goal is emmetropia, amblyopia treatment 
will be easier but may result in myopia later in life. If 
the target refraction goal is hyperopia, amblyopia 
treatment may be more difficult but emmetropia 
later in life is more likely. Although placement of an 
IOL in children has gained acceptance and place-ment 
of an IOL in infants is gaining favor among 
some AAPOS members, there remains no IOL 
power calculation formula derived primarily on 
the basis of characteristics of the child’s eye or the 
historical outcome from IOL implantation in 
children. With the trend towards implanting IOLs 
in infants with shorter ALs, there will likely be 
a greater need to understand the accuracy and the 
differences between prediction formulas at the 
lower extremes of AL and keratometry values. Using 
current formulas and refining the A-constant and 
surgeon factor may reduce postoperative refractive 
error, but unlike adults, most pediatric ophthalmol-ogists 
only perform a few, if any IOL implants in 
infants and children with a wide range of AL and K 
values rendering adjustment of A-constants and 
surgeon factors problematic. Any modern IOL 
formula can be used on children but more error 
should be expected. Use immersion A-scan instead 
of contact and repeat K-readings to make sure they 
are reproducible. As for multifocal IOLs in children, 
given the need for highly accurate biometry, 
astigmatism control, and no refractive growth, 
caution should be used in considering the use of 
multifocal IOLs in infants and children. 
VII. Method of Literature Search 
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words intraocular lens, lens power calculation, lens power 
formula, myopic shift, cataract, infants, children, axial 
length, pediatric, and refractive error from 1975 up to 
April 2006, our own published papers, and manual 
searches based upon articles cited in the texts of 
other articles. The Cochrane Collaboration and 
Embase were also searched using the search terms. 
Relevant textbooks were cited as referenced sub-sequently. 
Articles were included if they emanated 
from peer-reviewed journals. Clinical studies were 
selected if they were randomized controlled trials, 
single- or double-blind, or interventions with phar-macological 
therapy compared to placebo or some 
other pharmacological agents. Abstracts were used 
in the case of non-English articles, if available. 
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482 Surv Ophthalmol 52 (5) September--October 2007 EIBSCHITZ-TSIMHONI ET AL 
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The authors reported no proprietary or commercial interest in 
any product mentioned or concept discussed in this article. 
Reprint address: Maya Eibschitz, MD, 1000 Wall St. Ann Arbor, 
MI 48105. 
I. Introduction 
II. Refractive goal 
A. Normal eye development and myopic shift 
B. Postoperative refractive goal in older chil-dren 
C. Postoperative refractive goal in infants 
III. Measurement of axial length 
IV. Intraocular lens power calculation 
A. The SRK formulas 
1. IOL calculation using the SRK formula 
2. IOL calculation using the SRK II formula 
B. IOL calculation using the Hoffer Q formula 
C. The Holladay formula 
1. IOL calculation using the Holladay for-mula 
V. Intraocular lens power calculation in pediatric 
VI. Conclusion 
VII. Method of literature search

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Major review IOL in child

  • 1. MAJOR REVIEW Intraocular Lens Power Calculation in Children Maya Eibschitz-Tsimhoni, MD, Steven M. Archer, MD, and Monte A. Del Monte, MD Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Kellogg Eye Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA Abstract. With improving surgical technique and equipment, the acceptable age for placing an intraocular lens in infants and children is becoming younger. The tools for predicting intraocular lens power have not necessarily kept up, as current theoretical and regression intraocular lens power prediction formulas are largely based on adult eyes at axial lengths, anterior chamber depth, and keratometric values much different than those seen in infants. In addition, the adult eye has matured and is no longer growing, whereas the eyes of infants and children may continue to note changes in axial length, keratometric values, and possibly optical characteristics. Another source of error in intraocular lens power selection that is more likely to occur in pediatric patients than in adult patients is inaccuracy in measurement of axial length or keratometric power. A review of current tools and considerations for intraocular lens power prediction in infants and children is presented. (Surv Ophthalmol 52:474--482, 2007. 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.) Key words. axial length cataract children infants intraocular lens pediatric I. Introduction The placement of an intraocular lens (IOL) in children and infants undergoing cataract surgery is gaining wider acceptance.33,65 With improved surgi-cal equipment and technique, the acceptable age for IOL implantation is becoming progressively younger. IOL implantation after cataract surgery in children $2 years of age is now widely accepted,65 although the implantation of IOLs during infancy is still contro-versial. 31--33,56 A survey of AAPOS members, however, found that the percentage of responding members who had implanted an IOL in an infant after cataract surgery increased from 4% in 1997 to 21% in 2001.33 In this setting, what is the optimal approach for determining IOL power in children and infants? II. Refractive Goal Three major questions arise when determining the power of IOL to be implanted: 1) Should a myopic shift be anticipated, and if so, 2) How much and at what age? 3) What target refraction should be sought immediately following the implan-tation? A. NORMAL EYE DEVELOPMENT AND MYOPIC SHIFT Most ocular growth occurs in the first few years of life, and this has significant optical implications. The normal newborn eye has a mean axial length (AL) ranging from 16.6 to 17.0 mm and a mean keratometric power of 51.2 diopters (D).17,35,57,59 O’Brien and Clark demonstrated a mean AL of 15.38 0.25 mm in preterm infants at 33 weeks.45 AL increased at a rate of 0.18 mm/wk until 40 weeks then slowed to 0.15 mm/week until the age of 3 months. The AL of infants at 3 months was 18.23 mm. The growth rate then slows again, reaching a mean adult value of 23.6 mm at 15 years of age. As a child’s eye develops, the refractive changes are 474 2007 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 0039-6257/07/$--see front matter doi:10.1016/j.survophthal.2007.06.010 SURVEY OF OPHTHALMOLOGY VOLUME 52 NUMBER 5 SEPTEMBER–OCTOBER 2007
  • 2. INTRAOCULAR LENS POWER CALCULATION IN CHILDREN 475 largely due to growth in AL. More than half of this growth in AL occurs before 1 year of age and most axial elongation occurs during the first 2 years of life.17,35,38 The change in mean keratometric power occurs almost completely within the first 6 months of life, with only minor changes after that.17,28 As the AL increases from an average of 16.8 mm at birth to 23.6 mm in adulthood, the corneal curvature will decrease from an average power of 51.2 D to 43.5 D. The lens power decreases by more than 10 D during the first year of life, then drops only 3--4 D from the age of 2 until the lens power stabilizes at 10 years of age.17 In aphakic and pseudophakic eyes, the lens power is static and, if the AL grows normally, decreasing hyperopia or increasing myopia would be expected to result. Axial growth after cataract surgery can be attributed to normal eye growth as well as other factors, including age at surgery, visual input, the presence or absence of an IOL, laterality, genetic factors, and interocular AL difference.30,63 Weakley et al noted that the rate of refractive growth was correlated with visual acuity outcome.64 McClatchey and Parks observed aphakic children into adulthood and found a decrease in refractive error that followed a logarithmic regression curve and was very similar to that predicted from Gordon and Donzis’s data on phakic children.39 In addition, they calculated the theoretic long-term refractive effects of pseudophakia in a large group of aphakic eyes with long-term follow-up and predicted a 6.6- diopter mean myopic shift (range --36.3 to þ2.9) over a mean follow-up of 11 years.40 Children aged 2 years and under at the time of surgery had a significantly greater predicted myopic shift and a greater variance in the predicted refractive change than those older than 2 years at the time of surgery.40 There has been little long-term evaluation of refractive data in pseudophakic children. Al-though some authors have shown that removing the crystalline lens and implanting an IOL may retard the axial elongation of the eye,18 most authors have found an overall myopic shift, which was greatest in the youngest patients and continued until at least age 8 years as well as a marked variability in postoperative refraction.5,9,13,16,27,29,37 Vanathi et al noted a mean myopic shift of 7.35 D in 12 children (mean age 6.7 years) post-uniocular cataract surgery followed for a mean of 7.8 years.62 In a study of 52 eyes in 42 patients aged 12 months to 18 years undergoing cataract surgery with IOL implantation, Crouch reported a mean myopic shift of 3.66 D in children operated on at 3--4 years of age, 2.03 D in children operated on at 7--8 years of age, 1.88 D on children operated on at 9--10 years of age, 0.97 D on children operated on at 11--14 years of age, and 0.38 D on children operated on at 15--18 years of age.8 Mean follow-up by age group ranged between 4.38 and 6.35 years. Similarly, in a study of 38 eyes in 27 patients undergoing cataract surgery with im-plantation of a posterior chamber IOL followed for a mean of 6.1 years, Plager et al reported a mean myopic shift of 4.60 D in children operated on at age 2--3 years, a mean myopic shift of 2.68 D on children operated on at age 6--7 years, a mean myopic shift of 1.25 D on children operated on at age 8--9 years, and a mean myopic shift of 0.61 D on children operated on at age 10--15 years.46 Several studies have shown that large mean myopic shifts occur in some infants, although the change in individual infants was quite variable. Crouch re-ported a mean myopic shift of 5.96 D after a 6.35- year mean follow-up of children who underwent IOL implantation at 1 to 2 years of age.8 Dahan reported a myopic shift of 6.93 3.42 D after a 7.7- year follow-up of 34 children (68 eyes) who had undergone IOL implantation during the first 18 months of life.9 The mean increase in AL in these eyes was 3.59 1.80 mm. Wilson reported a myopic shift of 6.22 D after a 21 months follow-up of 16 children (32 eyes) who underwent IOL implanta-tion during the first year of life.66 After a mean follow-up of 13 months, Lambert reported a mean myopic shift of 5.29 D in the pseudophakic eye of 11 children who underwent IOL implantation during the first 6 months of life.31 Measurements of the ALs in the pseudophakic eye and the unoperated fellow eye have shown no significant difference in AL change over time between the pseudophakic and its fellow eye. These findings suggest that most pseudophakic eyes grow normally, and, thus, a significant shift after IOL implantation is to be expected in these young patients.13,27 Superstein et al, however, found that patients with pseudophakia between 2 and 20 years of age have only a minor trend toward myopia and show less myopic shift than patients with aphakia.58 Zwaan also found minimal myopic shift in their series of 306 pseudophakic eyes in patients 2--16 years of age.67 Better understanding of the factors influencing pediatric eye growth will assist in IOL power calculation and the prediction of refractive changes after IOL implantation. B. POSTOPERATIVE REFRACTIVE GOAL IN OLDER CHILDREN There is no consensus in the literature on the ideal postoperative refraction in infants and chil-dren after IOL implantation. Wilson et al surveyed members of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) and members of the
  • 3. 476 Surv Ophthalmol 52 (5) September--October 2007 EIBSCHITZ-TSIMHONI ET AL American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology (AAPOS) in 2001 to determine prevailing practice patterns in pediatric cataract surgery.65 Although a few surgeons targeted emmetropia or even mild myopia after surgery at all ages, most aimed for hyperopia until 5 years of age when the consensus shifted to emmetropia. Enyedi et al recommended a postoperative refractive goal of þ6 for a 1-year-old, þ5 for a 2-year-old, þ4 for a 3-year-old, þ3 for a 4- year-old, þ2 for a 5-year-old, þ1 for a 6-year-old, plano for a 7-year-old and --1 to --2 for an 8-year-old and older.13 Other authors recommend that pa-tients between 2 and 4 years of age have lens calculations performed to obtain a spherical equiv-alent refraction equal to that of the fellow eye and then reduce the lens power by 1.25 D to allow for ocular growth. These authors suggest patients older than 4 years of age receive IOLs with powers calculated to match the spherical equivalent re-fraction of the fellow eye.7 For older children, it is recommended that lens power be calculated for emmetropia, and then adjustments be made to avoid greater than 3.00 D of postoperative anisome-tropia. 7 C. POSTOPERATIVE REFRACTIVE GOAL IN INFANTS For children #2 years old, implantation of IOLs is still controversial and a 2001 AAPOS members’ survey found that most responding AAPOS mem-bers still prefer to leave the infant aphakic after cataract surgery and to use contact lenses for optical correction.33,34 However, as previously noted, the percentage of the responding AAPOS members who implant an IOL in an infant after cataract surgery is increasing.33 The Infant Aphakia Treatment Study is an ongoing study that will compare the visual outcome of children with unilateral aphakia cor-rected with a contact lens compared with an IOL implant (Lambert SR et al: Infant Aphakia Treat-ment Study. Web.aspx?id5108, 2006).33 For now, there are varying opinions as to the optimal postoperative refractive goal in infants and children under 2 years of age. Some surgeons choose to use an IOL with adult power.6,19 Their belief is that with growth and the expected myopic shift, the child will have good visual acuity and emmetropia in adulthood. This refractive goal results in significant residual hyperopia in the years following implantation, a condition that must be corrected. Near vision is most affected, as the pseudophakic eye does not accommodate, and even mild uncorrected hypermetropic anisometropia may cause severe amblyopia. The residual hyperopia needs to be corrected with a contact lens or spectacles that overcorrect by þ2.00 to þ3.00 D to provide clear near vision and prevent amblyopia. As the eye grows, contact lens power diminishes and the contact lenses are slowly phased out. A few authors have recommended targeting emmetropia postoperatively after IOL implantation in younger children.36 This approach may assist with amblyopia management in the early postoperative period. With ocular growth, the resulting myopic shift will necessitate the use of a contact lens or refractive surgery to correct the residual refractive error and minimize the resultant aniseikonia.38 In Wilson’s survey of ASCRS and JAAPOS members in 2001, there was wide variation in the postoperative refractive goal for infants at 6 months of age, ranging from emmetropia to high hyperopia (defined as $7 D), with most aiming for moderate hyperopia (defined as $3 D but !7 D).65 For infants at 12 months of age, most respondents aimed for moderate or mild (defined as O0 D but !3 D) hyperopia. At 2 years of age there was a prevailing consensus to aim for mild hyperopia.65 This is consistent with Plager et al who assume that a shift toward decreasing hyperopia (increasing myopia) will occur at a descending rate throughout childhood and, therefore, gives children a hyperopic pseudophakic refractive error.47 The magnitude of the planned hyperopia increases with decreasing age and is modified by the AL and refractive error of the fellow eye. In the Infant Aphakia Treatment Study, the target refractive error after IOL implan-tation is þ8 for infants 4--6 weeks of age and þ6 for infants 6 weeks to 6 months of age (Lambert SR et al: Infant Aphakia Treatment Study. www.nei.nih. gov/neitrials/viewStudyWeb.aspx?id5108, 2006). There remains no study demonstrating a visual advantage of one approach over the other. III. Measurement of Axial Length In addition to the uncertainties of growth after IOL implantation, the measurements of AL and keratometry in children can be less accurate than for adults. Office measurement of AL and keratom-etry can be difficult in young children and infants and must often be done under anesthesia in an eye that is unable to cooperate with precise fixation and centration. Mittelviefhaus et al have shown that the lack of fixation in children who have keratometry under general anesthesia may lead to inaccurate keratometry readings.43 In addition, in pediatric patients AL measurement is frequently done in the operating room under anesthesia where a skilled technician may not be available.
  • 4. INTRAOCULAR LENS POWER CALCULATION IN CHILDREN 477 A-scan ultrasound biometry is the conventional method for measurement of AL in children. Ultrasound can be performed using applanation or immersion techniques. The applanation tech-nique places the ultrasound probe directly on the cornea, which slightly indents the surface. This may introduce a measurement error in recorded AL. Using the immersion technique, the ultrasound probe does not come into direct contact with the cornea, but instead uses a coupling fluid between the cornea and probe preventing corneal indenta-tion. When the probe is aligned with the optical axis of the eye and the ultrasound beam is perpendicular to the retina, the retinal spike is displayed as a straight, steeply rising echospike. When the probe is not properly aligned with the optical axis of the eye, the ultrasound beam is not perpendicular to the retinal surface and the retinal spike is displayed as a jagged, slow-rising echospike.55 The quality of the ultrasound machine and the average ultrasound velocity may also introduce errors in AL measurement. The most appropriate ultrasound velocity is different at different ALs and some ultrasound machines employ a single average ultrasound velocity. For example, an axial myope of 29.00 mm is best measured at an average velocity of 1,550 m/sec, while an axial hyperope of 20.00 mm is best measured at an average velocity of 1,560 m/sec. A more accurate measurement can be obtained by setting the velocity of the ultrasound machine at 1,532 m/sec and correcting for the AL.21,24,55 The human eye is mostly composed of aqueous and vitreous, both of which have an ultrasound velocity of 1,532 m/sec. Only the cornea and crystalline lens have different ultrasound velocities. If the eye is measured at an ultrasound velocity of 1,532 m/sec, a corrected axial length factor (CALF) of þ0.32 mm is added to the apparent AL to obtain the true AL. As these differences represent a relatively small percentage of the total AL measurement, a single CALF of þ0.32 mm can be universally applied for phakic eyes of all ALs. This method is more accurate than using an average ultrasound velocity, such as 1,548 m/sec. In aphakia, an ultrasound velocity of 1532 m/sec is recommended.55 Partial coherence interferometry (PCI) has been used in cooperative children with reliability and accuracy.26,48 PCI requires patient cooperation and thus may not be a viable option in infants and young children. Claimed improvements over conventional ultrasound techniques include high reproducibility, contact-free measurement, and observer indepen-dence of the measurements.26 This technique relies on a laser Doppler to measure the echo delay and intensity of infrared light reflected back from tissue interfaces. IV. Intraocular Lens Power Calculation Once the decision has been made to implant an IOL and the desired postoperative refractive goal is determined, what intraocular lens power calculation formula should be used to reach that refractive goal? Several formulas can be used to predict the IOL power needed to achieve the desired refractive goal. To date, formulas for IOL lens power calculation have been largely derived from studies in adults. Intraocular lens power calculation formulas fall into two major categories; empirically determined regression formulas and theoretical formulas. The regression formulas, such as the Sanders-Retzlaff- Kraff (SRK) formula, are based on mathematical analysis of a large sampling of postoperative results in adults. In adult eyes, the SRK formula (first generation linear regression formula) is most appropriate for eyes in the average AL range (22.5--25.0 mm). The formula does not work well for long (O25 mm) or short (!22.5 mm) eyes.50 The formula generally undercorrects short eyes and overcorrects eyes with long ALs, because it attempts a linear fit to a hyperbolic relationship. The first-generation theoretical IOL formulas assume a constant position of the IOL, or post-operative anterior chamber depth (ACD) in all eyes, regardless of their AL. Since the measured post-operative ACD was found to be directly proportional to the AL of the eye (longer eyes had larger ACDs), these formulas were less accurate for long or short eyes.22 Several second-generation theoretical formu-las emerged, such as the Hoffer formula, that replaced the constant ACD with one that included a correction for AL.25 The SRK formula was also modified to improve accuracy for short and long eyes and reemerged as the SRK II formula. This was a simple modification of the original SRK formula in which the ‘‘A’’ constant is modified according to the AL of the eye.54 In addition to the SRK II formula, a number of other modified empirical formulas have been developed in an effort to attain even better predictive accuracy. These include the Gills,15 Axt,3 Thompson-Maumenee,60 and Donzis-Kastle- Gordon10 formulas. All divide the range of AL and use two or three regression lines for a better fit of each segment of the curve.11 Holladay and col-leagues have noted that the AL versus calculated power graphs for second-generation formulas, of both theoretic and regression derivation, converge to the same general result.25 Thus, with second-generation formulas, ACD was no longer a constant in all eyes but rather varied with AL. Holladay and associates were the first to
  • 5. 478 Surv Ophthalmol 52 (5) September--October 2007 EIBSCHITZ-TSIMHONI ET AL consider that the ACD might vary not only with the AL but also with the corneal curvature.25 Their formula modified the ACD based on the AL, and also based on the corneal height (distance from the cornea to the IOL’s first principal plane). This formula was shown to be significantly more accurate than previous theoretic formulas and the SRK II.23 Hoffer also developed a third-generation IOL formula.22 He speculated on the relationship between ACD and AL and developed an expression that resulted in an S-shaped curve that fit his impression of what this relationship should be. This formula deepened the ACD with increasing AL and with increasing corneal curvature. This modification of the ACD, added to his previous Hoffer formula, has become known as the Hoffer Q formula. The originators of the SRK formulas brought their retrospective analytic approach to develop a third-generation IOL formula. The SRK/T for-mula is a nonlinear theoretical optics formula empirically optimized for postoperative anterior chamber depth based on axial length, retinal thickness correction for AL, and corneal refractive index.51 It thus combines advantages of theoretical and empirical analysis. For extremely long eyes (O28 mm), the SRK/T seems to be significantly more accurate than regression formulas.53 To improve accuracy in short, hyperopic eyes, Holladay further modified his formula by includ-ing consideration of white-to-white corneal diame-ters, preoperative anterior chamber depth, lens thickness measurements, as well as the patient’s age and preoperative refractive error to create the Holladay 2 formula (Holladay JT: Holladay IOL Consultant Computer Program. Houston, TX, 1996).20 In adults, the Holladay formula is considered to be most accurate for eyes with an axial length between 22 and 26 mm. The Hoffer Q formula is considered to be most accurate for short eyes (!24.5mm). The SRK/T formula is considered optimal for long eyes (O26mm).53 A. THE SRK FORMULAS 1. IOL Calculation Using the SRK Formula49,50,52,53 D15Al0:9 Km2:5 Am Al IOL constant in diopters D1 Primary implant power predicted by the SRK II formula Am Axial length in millimeters Km Average K reading 2. IOL Calculation Using the SRK II Formula54 D15Al0:9 Km2:5 AmRsg Al IOL constant in diopters D1 Primary implant power predicted by the SRK II formula Am Axial length in millimeters Rs Desired postoperative refraction in diopters Km Average K reading Where Al 5 A þ 3 for Am ! 20.0 mm Al 5 A þ 2 for 20.0 # Am ! 21.0 Al 5 A þ 1 for 21.0 # Am ! 22.0 Al 5 A for 22.0 # Am ! 24.5 Al 5 A 0.5 for Am $ 24.5 and g51.00 for Al0.9Km2.5Am#14.00mm g51.25 for Al0.9Km2.5AmO14.00mm B. IOL CALCULATION USING THE HOFFER Q FORMULA22 D25f1336 = ðAmd0:05Þg f1:336=½1:336=ðKmþRsÞ ½ðdþ0:05Þ=1000g D2 Primary implant power predicted by the Hoffer equation d Chamber depth (ACD) in millimeters Where ACD 5pACDþ0:3Am23:5 þðTan KmÞ2þ0:1Mð23:5AmÞ2 Tan 0:1 ðGAmÞ20:99166 If Am # 23, M 5 þ1 G 5 28 Am O 23, M 5 --1 G 5 23.5 The personalized ACD (pACD) is set equal to the manufacturer’s ACD-constant, if the calculation was selected to be based on the ACD-constant. In case the A-constant was chosen, pACD is derived from the A-constant according to (from Holladay et al25) pACD5ACDconst 50:58357 A-const 63:896 Personalization of the pACD is the process whereby one enters the IOL power actually used and the resultant spherical equivalent refractive result and back-calculate what ACD would have produced an error of zero. If one calculates this ‘‘perfect ACD’’ for a whole series of eyes (using same surgeon and IOL style), average the number and that becomes the personalized factor for that surgeon and IOL.
  • 6. INTRAOCULAR LENS POWER CALCULATION IN CHILDREN 479 C. THE HOLLADAY FORMULA 1. IOL Calculation Using the Holladay Formula24,25 D351336 br acor 0:001 Rs ½v ðbracorÞþa acor r ðacordSFÞ fbrdSF0:001Rs ½v ðbrdSFÞþaðdþSFÞ rg D3 Primary implant power predicted by the Holla-day equation acor Corrected axial length in millimeters v Vertex distance in millimeters SF Holladay’s surgeon factor in millimeters Where r 5 337.5 / Km b 5 nv / (nc 1) with nv 5 1.336 and nc 5 1.333333 a 5 1.0 / (nc 1) Rag 5 r for r $ 7 mm Rag 5 7 mm for r ! 7 mm With AG 5 0.533 Am for AG # 13.5 mm AG 5 13.5 mm for AG O 13.5 mm d5ACD50:56 þ Rag qffiffiffiRffiffiffiaffiffigffiffiffi2ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiAffiffiffiGffiffiffi2ffiffi=ffiffiffi4ffiffiffiffi acor 5 Am þ Tr where Tr 5 0.200 mm with SF5xxx Aconst þ yyyy Although the surgeon factor represents a measur-able distance (anterior iris plane to the effective optical plane of the IOL), the optimal way to arrive at this factor is to solve the formula in reverse for the constant, using as input variables the preoperative Am and keratometry measurements, the IOL power implanted, and the stabilized postoperative refrac-tion. This surgeon factor is therefore a number representing a particular surgeon’s previous experi-ence. 25 V. Intraocular Lens Power Calculation in Pediatric Patients Because all intraocular lens power calculation formulas were derived from considerations regard-ing the adult eye, it is yet unclear whether they can be applied in children with the same degree of confidence, especially with short ALs and high keratometry values and a target refraction that may be significantly different from plano. There are only five publications reporting on outcome post IOL implantation in children with respect to the prediction formula used.1,2,42,44,61 A spectrum of ALs with specific keratometry values is missing. Recent work by Mezer et al suggests that none of the current prediction formulas, including Hoffer Q, Holladay, SRK/T, SRK, and SRK II provide adequate outcomes in patients between 2 and 17 years of age.42 Only the mean error for all patients was reported. Differences as a function of ALs and keratometry values were not defined. The average differences ranged between 1.06 0.79 to 1.79 1.47 D. Andreo et al stated that there was little difference between SRK II, SRK/T, Holladay, and Hoffer Q formulas in short, medium, and long eyes in providing adequate predicted refraction.1 The mean error was between 1.23 to 1.33 D in long eyes, 0.98 to 1.03 D in medium eyes and 1.41 to 1.8 D in short eyes. However, only the mean of a small number (n 5 17) of patients with AL ! 22.0 mm (as short as 18.6 mm) was evaluated in the group with short eyes. Neely et al showed that the SRK II, SRK T, and Holladay I formulas had no significant differ-ence in lens power predictability in children. However, there was increased variability in post-operative refractive outcome in patients younger than 2 years of age with all formulas. The Hoffer Q formula had a tendency to overestimate the IOL power and showed the greatest degree of variability.44 Even in the adults, only a small number of patients with short ALs have been reported. For example, in a study by Hoffer of 500 eyes, only 36 eyes were less than 22 mm with an average of 21.43 0.69 mm.22 In a study of 100 eyes by Barrett, only 25 eyes were less than 22.5 mm.4 Nevertheless, in his article Hoffer suggests that the Hoffer Q formula is superior in eyes shorter than 22.0 mm. In addition, it may be inaccurate to extrapolate conclusions from short adult eyes to the pediatric population. Newer formulas such as the Holladay II formula were designed to increase the accuracy of the IOL power calculation. The Holladay II formula in-corporates measured anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, and corneal diameter and is purportedly helpful in adults requiring at least 30 D of power for emmetropia.25 In a study by Fenzl et al, the refractive and visual outcomes of hyperopic cataract cases whose IOL power calculation was made using Holladay I and Holladay II formulas were com-pared. 14 The mean absolute deviation from pre-dicted (target) refraction was nearly equivalent in the two groups; however, the standard deviation of the mean absolute deviation was smaller in the Holladay II group. Hoffer also reported on his clinical results using the Holladay II intraocular lens power formula in adults. He found that although the Holladay II formula reduced the mean absolute error in short eyes (! 22.0 mm) (n 5 10), it was not more accurate than the Hoffer Q.20
  • 7. 480 Surv Ophthalmol 52 (5) September--October 2007 EIBSCHITZ-TSIMHONI ET AL In an analytical prediction of implant power prediction equation discrepancies, the average primary implant power discrepancy was reported for the modified Binkhorst, modified Colenbrander, Holladay, Hoffer, and SRK II equations. Only a general discrepancy as a function of three ALs and three chosen keratometry values was provided, with the shortest AL being 21 mm.41 In recent work by Eibschitz et al, an analytical comparison of predicted implant power using keratometry values up to 55 D and axial length values as short as 16 mm was performed for two different refractive goals using the optimized in-traocular lens constants for the SRK II, SRK/T, Holladay I, Hoffer Q, and Haigis equations. Significant differences in intraocular lens power prediction were found among the Hoffer Q, Holla-day I, and SRK II formulas in the pediatric range of axial length and keratometry values. The Holladay I and Haigis formulas were found to be similar in their IOL prediction. The SRK/T was comparable to the Holladay I and Haigis formulas but still differed in the high keratometry values.12 When determining individual ACD constants in the Hoffer Q formula for short, medium, and long eyes, the results in the short eye (!22.0 mm) series are less accurate using the personalized pACD derived from the 36 short eyes examined than when using the pACD derived from the entire 450 eye series.22 The same is true for the long eye (O 24.5 mm) series. This illustrates that developing a per-sonalized ACD for AL subgroups at the extremes is of no value for the Hoffer Q formula and actually makes the results clinically less accurate in short eyes. A similar analysis performed for the Holladay and SRK/T formulas in short eyes showed no statistically significant benefit to a subgroup of short or long ALs using personalized SF or A-constant compared with using the overall 450 eye personal-ized pSF or A-constant.22 VI. Conclusion Refractive growth after IOL implantation in infants and children cannot be predicted accurately (large standard deviation) and current IOL formu-las vary in their predictive outcomes. If the target refraction goal is emmetropia, amblyopia treatment will be easier but may result in myopia later in life. If the target refraction goal is hyperopia, amblyopia treatment may be more difficult but emmetropia later in life is more likely. Although placement of an IOL in children has gained acceptance and place-ment of an IOL in infants is gaining favor among some AAPOS members, there remains no IOL power calculation formula derived primarily on the basis of characteristics of the child’s eye or the historical outcome from IOL implantation in children. With the trend towards implanting IOLs in infants with shorter ALs, there will likely be a greater need to understand the accuracy and the differences between prediction formulas at the lower extremes of AL and keratometry values. Using current formulas and refining the A-constant and surgeon factor may reduce postoperative refractive error, but unlike adults, most pediatric ophthalmol-ogists only perform a few, if any IOL implants in infants and children with a wide range of AL and K values rendering adjustment of A-constants and surgeon factors problematic. Any modern IOL formula can be used on children but more error should be expected. Use immersion A-scan instead of contact and repeat K-readings to make sure they are reproducible. As for multifocal IOLs in children, given the need for highly accurate biometry, astigmatism control, and no refractive growth, caution should be used in considering the use of multifocal IOLs in infants and children. VII. Method of Literature Search This article was prepared by using the database of National Library of Medicine by using the search words intraocular lens, lens power calculation, lens power formula, myopic shift, cataract, infants, children, axial length, pediatric, and refractive error from 1975 up to April 2006, our own published papers, and manual searches based upon articles cited in the texts of other articles. The Cochrane Collaboration and Embase were also searched using the search terms. Relevant textbooks were cited as referenced sub-sequently. Articles were included if they emanated from peer-reviewed journals. 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