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Tom Karwatka
Magento as a crucial part of Digital
Transformation in B2B Industry.
This	Case	Study	Shows	How	We	Managed	to	Reach...	
EUR	online	rev
B2B	is	The	HoAest	eCommerce	Field	Right	Now		
•  Nearly	75%	of	B2B	buyers	say	
buying	from	an	e-commerce	
site	is	more	convenient	that	
buying	from	a	sales	rep.	
•  30%	of	today’s	B2B	buyers	
finalize	at	least	half	of	their	
purchases	online.	By	2017,	this	
will	nearly	have	doubled	to	
•  60%	of	B2B	companies	-	their	
B2B	buyers	spend	more	when	
interacRng	with	mulRple	
•  Omnichannel	B2B	customers	
are	also	more	likely	to	become	
repeat	and	long-term	
About	Client	-	TIM	
•  TIM	SA	is	the	biggest	electro-
technical	goods	distributor	in	
Poland	and	one	of	the	biggest	
in	the	region.	
•  30	years	of	experience	in	the	
market.	It’s	been	on	Warsaw	
Stock	Exchange	since	1998.		
•  Clients	from	the	construcRon	
business	area.			
Growth	Strategy:	eCommerce	
•  Goal:	diversificaRon	of	
business	and	improvement	
of	effecRveness	
–  Expand	customer	base	(new	
industries,	B2C	clients)		
–  Expand	product	range	and	add	
new	product	categories.	
It	is	difficult	to	convince	the	employees	
to	introduce	new	ideas,	especially	such	
radical	ones.	Moreover,	our	vision	and	
strategy	need	to	be	clear-cut	to	the	
Board	of	Directors	and	owners.		
We	cannot	begin	without	their	support	
and	-	as	you	can	see	-	the	project	is	
planned	to	last	for	many	years.	
-	Artur	Piekarczyk,	Vice-President
Start	of	
–	5.2011	
Start	of	first	B2C	test	
project	–	9.2011	
Niche	webshop	with	
cables	for	B2C	
Can	TIM	sell	on-
line	?	
Can	we	acquire	new	
customer	groups?	
Start	of	B2B	
project	-		
Switching	to	
B2B	project	
going	live	–	
S.W.A.T	–	
redesign	–	
hosRng	from	
TIM	internal	
to	outside	
datacenter	–	
2.	2015	
project	–	
Timeline	of	CooperaRon	
1.  Business	requirements.		
2.  Customer	research.
•  Field	research.		
•  We	had	previously	completed	a	B2C	
project,	so	we	had	some	interesRng	
data	about	a	new	type	of	customers.	
•  Researches	we	did	in	this	case:	
CompeRtors	analysis,	Surveys,	
Benchmarking,	Trend	analysis,	
industry	reports	etc.	
In	the	picture	you	can	see	Kasia	in	one	of	our	end-clients’	
faciliRes.	During	that	field	research	we	learned	that	sales	
reps	prefer	to	call	their	call	center	and	place	orders	directly	
to	the	operator.	
All	analyRcs	packages	provide	key	reports,	such	as	most	frequently	
visited	pages,	visitor	demographics,	bounce	rate	and	more.
•  A	persona	is	a	ficRonal	idenRty.	
•  Personas	help	you	to	understand	
what	a	client	actually	needs.	
•  Usually,	we	create	3-4	personas	
for	each	project.	
•  A	persona	gives	the	customer	
data	a	human	face.		
•  Personas	also	help	prevent	some	
common	design	piialls,	which	
may	otherwise	be	easy	to	fall	
Design	Phase	
•  Prototyping	–	changes	are	much.	
•  We	use	mockups	-		the	interacRve	prototypes.		
•  We	get	our	client	involved	in	almost	every	phase	of	design.	
ConcepRon	 SelecRon	of	ideas	
Prototype	1	
Ideas	 Coherent	
Workshop	 Findings	
Polishing	the	
from	GA	
6	clients	
of	TIM	
4	iteraRons	
User	Research	
Design	Process
We	work	in	teams.		
We	generate	ideas	using	personas.	
Then	we	do	paper	prototyping
Ajer	that	each	team	presents	mockups	
and	discusses	them	with	other	teams.		
Then	we	choose	the	best	ideas	and	build	
one	coherent	mockup	prototype.	
Paper	Prototypes	
Concept 1 Concept 2 Concept 3
Digital	Prototypes	
•  Digital	version	of	
•  Clickable	and	will	allow	
us	to	conduct	user	tests.
User	TesRng	
•  Usually	6	users	are	enough		
to	determine	80%	of	usability	
•  We	do	iteraRve	tesRng.		
Ajer	the	tests	tweak	the	
mockups	and	test	everything	
In	this	case	designing	was	a	challenge:	potenRal	customers	either	had	an	
experience	with	online	stores	or	had	no	experience	whatsoever.
Final	Digital	Mockup
Graphic	Design	
•  It	took	us	one	month	to	finish	the	graphic	work.			
•  To	shorten	the	Rme	to	market,	in	the	meanRme,	we	carried	on	implementaRon.
Choosing	the	Technology	
•  Since	2008	so	we	have	tried	many	
eCommerce	plaiorms.		
•  Why	you	should	consider	
–  Magento	is	currently	the	most	
popular	eCommerce	sojware	
–  Magento	is	the	most	popular	
plaiorm	to	migrate	to	
–  You	have	the	producer’s	support	
and	an	elasRc	license	model.	
–  The	sojware	provides	a	rich	set	of		
ready-to-use	features.	
–  Magento	2.0!	
17	hAp://	
Alexa	1	million	top	sites	survey	unveiled	leadership	of	Magento	
among	world	top	eCommerce	plaiorms.
Magento	vs	B2B	Needs	
You	should	consider	these	points:	
•  Adding	products	faster	(with	photos	and	videos)	-	PimCore	or	Akaneo.	
•  MarkeRng	automaRon	that	actually	works	and	is	easy	to	use	-	MauRc.	
•  RecommendaRon	engine	-	Hadoop.	
•  Search	that	works	like	Google	-	Fact	Finder	
•  CRM	allows	your	sales	reps	to	work	on	your	clients’	accounts	–	OroCRM		
•  Custom	B2B	modules:	a	tree	structure	of	the	clients'	account,	payment	
methods,	flexible	shopping	cart.	
Omnichannel	Open	Architecture	
19	hAp://
Nowadays	the	plaBorm	is	connected	to	the	following	
•  IntegraDon	with	CRM	system:	
–  Sending	client’s	data	
–  Downloading	client’s	data	
–  Cart	synchronizaDon	(price)	
–  Cart	downloading	
–  Cart	reservaDon	
–  Sending	orders	
–  Sending	RFPs	
–  Downloading	offers	for	a	customer	
–  Downloading	product	price	
–  Downloading	product	price	for	a	customer	
–  Downloading		invoices	data	and	invoices	in	pdf	
–  Downloading	order’s	history	
–  Downloading	order’s	data		
•  Product	Management	Program	
–  Downloading	data	on	products	and	categories	
–  Downloading	catalogue	cards	of	products	and	
•  Warehouse	IntegraDon	
–  Downloading	product	availability	
–  Downloading	cable	segments	
•  FactFinder	IntegraDon	
–  Sending	product	database	
–  Downloading	search	results	
•  IntegraRons	are	one	of	the	hardest	problems	in	eCommerce	development.		
•  CreaRng	failbacks	-	if	one	of	the	systems	is	down	we	are	able	to	operate	-	sRll	
•  We	use	a	dedicated	sojware	as	a	buffer	layer.
CRM	Live	IntegraRon	
•  CRM	integraRon	plays	the	key	role	in	the	system	
•  Bilateral	integraRon	in	a	real	Rme	-	the	merchants	in	TIM’s	central	can	edit	
the	shopping	carts	of	the	customers	that	are	currently	logged	on.	
Reco	engine	Browsing	
Add	to	cart	
Client	 Consultant
Users	Inspire	Us	
•  One	day	a	consultants	finds		
an	order	for	100	light	bulbs	and		
a	huge	electric	pole.		
•  To	ship	such	a	pole,	you	have		
to		carefully	arrange	the	delivery.		
Dedicated	FuncRons	
Dynamic	offer	
You	want	to	buy	2	km	of	the	cable.		
TIM	has	a	2.5-km-long	piece	in	stock,	they’d	love	
to	get	rid	of.	So,	they	offer	you	their	2.5	km	
cheaper	than	your	2	km.	It’s	up	to	you	to	decide	
which	length	you	will	opt	for.		
The	online	cart	is	expanded.	
You	have	a	bunch	of	specific	
funcRons,	like	communicaRon	with	
the	merchant,	dedicated	payment	
methods,	converRng	cart	to	an	offer	
inquiry	and	so	on.
B2B	FuncRons	to	Consider	
The	most	common	B2B	funcRons	we	implement	in	our	projects:	
ü  List	of	contractors	with	verificaRon	
ü  Individual	or	collecRve	negoRaRon	of	discounts	
ü  Order	files	
ü  Offer	creaRon	
ü  Consultants	who	can	accept	the	order	on	behalf	of	the	customer	by	the	
phone	/	email	/	during	a	meeRng	
ü  Saving	and	sharing	the	cart	content	
ü  Forms	of	payments	that	are	typical	of	B2B	(for	instance:	a	trade	credit)	
In	the	cases	like	this	one,	all	the	dedicated	funcRons	are	implemented	as	extra	
Magento	modules.	So	you	are	sRll	able	to	update	your	Magento.	
Development	phase	
q  Scalability	and	Performance	
q  Quality	
q  SLA		
q  EffecRve	development	
q  Data	Driven	Customer	Experience	
ImplementaRon	and	Start-up	
The	implementaRon	of	the	first	
version	of	the	system	took	us	over	
14	months.	
Start	of	
–	5.2011	
Start	of	first	
B2C	test	
project	–	
Start	of	B2B	
project	-		
Switching	to	
B2B	project	
going	live	–	
S.W.A.T	–	
redesign	–	
hosRng	from	
TIM	internal	
to	outside	
datacenter	–	
2.	2015	
project	–	
Scalability	and	Performance	
•  ReplicaRon	of	the	database	to	speed	
up	reading	operaRon	and	balance	the	
traffic	to	database	
•  Using	a	cache	system	–	in	this	case	
Memcached	was	replaced	by	Redis	
•  Using	a	scaAered	file	system	
•  Using	an	hAp-reverse-proxy	system	
Varnish	that	speeds	up	loading	pages	
and	staRc	files	
•  Using	PerconaDB	instead	of	MySQL	for	
the	database	
New	Relic	Performance	Report,	ELK	Stack	+	Kibana
Ensuring	Quality	
•  The	extra	risk	factor:	a	big	number	of	
•  Ajer	every	round	of	changes,	we	do	the		
performance	test	to	verify	that	the	
applicaRon	works	beAer.	
•  To	keep	the	quality	high,	we	use	
–  2	phase	Code	Review	
–  version	control	system,	
–  RckeRng	system	(where	all	communicaRon	with	
the	client	happens)	
–  monitoring	system	–	Incinga,	Jenkins	+	Selenium	
+	ELK	Stack	to	monitor	integraRons	
We	use	separate	environments	for	developers,	tests,	
and	producRon.
•  250.000	EURO	daily	rev.	
•  We	must	be	able	to	react	under	1	hour	and	
prepare	a	workaround	for	any	problem.		
•  “Divante	S.W.A.T.”	–	a	specially	formed	unit	
working	24/7.		
•  The	membership	is	opRonal	but	to	sign	up	
every	member	has	to	pass	an	official	exam.		
•  Members	get	special	bonuses	added	to	
monthly	salary.	
•  The	group	responsibility	-	if	SLA	is	violated	
on	any	website,	nobody	gets	their	bonus.	
Divante	S.W.A.T.	is	a	unit,	that	covers	
security	of	the	plaiorm	and	react	ASAP	
when	the	system	is	down	or	an	
emergency	happens.	
SLA > 99.9%
EffecRve	Development		
•  To	maintain	effecRve	
development	of	project	
we	created	a	dedicated	
•  SCRUM	gives	TIM	the	
control	and	quality	they	
•  SCRUM	team	
–  Product	Owner	
–  4	Developers	
–  1	Front	End	Developer	
–  1	Tester	
•  ConRnuous	delivery	-	
Ansible,	Phing	
Source:	hAps://	
To	ensure	conRnuous	delivery	we	automate	the	tests	and	deployment.		
Deployment time <5 min
Data	Driven	Customer	Experience	
We	use	data	on	a	large	scale	to	
improve	User	Experience	for	
TIM’s	clients.		
To	inspire	you	-	on	TIM’s	
•  97%	of	customers	preffer	one	
specific	view	of	product	list	–	
Business	Results	
The	share	of	online	sales		
in	total	sales	in	terms	of	income	
The	share	of	online	sales	in	total	
sales	in	terms	of	No.	of	products	
The	number	of	the	products	ordered	online	is	growing	faster	than	the	total	
value	of	online	sales.	That	means	that	the	online	sales	have	bigger	
potenRal	to	diversify.	On	top	of	that,	smaller	but	more	frequent	purchases	
build	customer	loyalty.	
B2B	project	
going	live	–	
Q3,	2015	
•  Ajer	the	first	year:	
–  50%	of	online	sales	
–  Over	50.000.000	EUR		
online	rev		
–  25.000	products	
•  Ajer	3	years	–	Q1-Q3	
–  67%	of	online	sales		
(85%	of	products)	
–  Over	100.000.000	EUR		
online	rev		
–  125.000	products
Business	Results	
•  This	project	has	been		
a	huge	success	for	TIM.		
•  They	achieved	their	business	
–  Diversity	of	business	
–  A	lot	of	new	customers	
–  Improved	business	effecRveness	
Clients	tesRmonials:	hAps://
TIM	client’s	really	like	the	B2B	e-Commerce	website	
Harvard	Business	Review	has	wriAen	an	arRcle	about	TIM	recently.	
The	Project	was	shown	as	a	true	digital	transformaRon.
What’s	Next?	
•  Improving	the	retenRon	of	clients	
through	BigData	analysis	and	
personalized	recommendaRons.		
•  Automated	pricing	opRmizaRon		
-	the	next	big	thing	we	want	to	pursue.	
In	the	Forrester	research	from	2014	-	Building	The	B2B	
OmniChannel	Commerce	Plaiorm	Of	The	Future	
•  Automated	pricing	opRmizaRon	–	62%	
•  Personalized	recommendaRons	–	56%	
•  Use	of	wearable	compuRng	in	distribuRon	
centers	–	49%	
•  Sensors	in	shipments/products	–	46%	
•  Robots/automaRon	in	distribuRon	center/
supply	chain	–	34%	
•  Shopping	cart	abandoment	analysis	–	32%	
B2B	e-Commerce	technologies		
to	invest
Thank	You!	
Tom	Karwatka	
We	base	on	the	experRse	we’ve	got	from	a	number	of	B2B	projects	
and	generalize	it	to	find	the	gold	rules	of	B2B	eCommerce.

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