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Lazy	vs.	Eager	Loading	Strategies	
for	JPA	2.1		
Patrycja	Wegrzynowicz	
Java	Day	Kiev	2015
About	Me	
•  15+	professional	experience		
–  SoGware	engineer,	architect,	head	of	soGware	R&D		
•  Author	and	speaker		
–  JavaOne,	Devoxx,	JavaZone,	TheServerSide	Java	
Symposium,	Jazoon,	OOPSLA,	ASE,	others		
•  Finalizing	PhD	in	Computer	Science		
•  Founder	and	CTO	of	Yonita		
–  Bridge	the	gap	between	the	industry	and	the	academia		
–  Automated	detecUon	and	refactoring	of	soGware	defects	
–  Security,	performance,	concurrency,	databases		
•  TwiVer:	@yonlabs
•  MoUvaUon	
•  Why?	
–  Expect	unexpected!	
•  What?	
–  Use	cases	and	corner	cases	
–  Hints	on	strategies	
•  How?	
–  JPA	2.1	
•  Conclusion
The	Mordor	of	Java	Devs
Hibernate JPA Provider
Heads of Hydra
public class Hydra {
private Long id;
private List<Head> heads = new ArrayList<Head>();
@Id @GeneratedValue
public Long getId() {...}
protected void setId() {...}
public List<Head> getHeads() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(heads);
protected void setHeads() {...}
// new EntityManager and new transaction: creates and persists the hydra with 3 heads
// new EntityManager and new transaction
Hydra found = em.find(Hydra.class, hydra.getId());
How Many Queries in 2nd Tx?
public class Hydra {
private Long id;
private List<Head> heads = new ArrayList<Head>();
@Id @GeneratedValue
public Long getId() {...}
protected void setId() {...}
public List<Head> getHeads() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(heads);
protected void setHeads() {...}
// new EntityManager and new transaction: creates and persists the hydra with 3 heads
// new EntityManager and new transaction
Hydra found = em.find(Hydra.class, hydra.getId());
(a) 1 select
(b) 2 selects
(c) 1+3 selects
(d) 2 selects, 1 delete, 3
(e) None of the above
How Many Queries in 2nd Tx?
(a) 1 select
(b) 2 selects
(c) 1+3 selects
(d) 2 selects, 1 delete, 3 inserts
(e) None of the above
During commit hibernate checks whether the
collection property is dirty (needs to be re-created)
by comparing Java identities (object references).
Another Look
public class Hydra {
private Long id;
private List<Head> heads = new ArrayList<Head>();
@Id @GeneratedValue
public Long getId() {...}
protected void setId() {...}
public List<Head> getHeads() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(heads);
protected void setHeads() {...}
// new EntityManager and new transaction: creates and persists the hydra with 3 heads
// new EntityManager and new transaction
// during find only 1 select (hydra)
Hydra found = em.find(Hydra.class, hydra.getId());
// during commit 1 select (heads),1 delete (heads),3 inserts (heads)
Lessons Learned
• Expect unexpected ;-)
• Prefer field access mappings
• Operate on collection objects returned by
–Don’t change collection references unless you know
what you’re doing
Lessons Learned
• Expect unexpected ;-)
• Prefer field access mappings
• Operate on collection objects returned by
–Don’t change collection references unless you know
what you’re doing
List<Head> newHeads = new List<>(hydra.getHeads());
Other Providers?
• EcpliseLink
– 1 select
• Datanucleus
– 1 select
• „A Performance Comparison of JPA Providers”
Lessons Learned
• A lot of depends on a JPA Provider!
• JPA is a spec
– A great spec, but only a spec
– It says what to implement, not how to implement
• You need to tune an application in a concrete
I do love JPA!
I do love JPA!
But as in every relationship we have
our ups and downs.
My Dear JPA and Its Providers 
My Dear JPA and Its Providers 
My Dear JPA and Its Providers 
LisUng	and	ReporUng
LisUng	and	ReporUng	AnU-PaVerns	
•  Different	contexts	
•  Direct	usage	of	an	object-oriented	domain	
•  Too	much	data	loaded	
•  Heavy	processing	on	the	Java	side
ReporUng	AnU-PaVerns	
ReporUng	AnU-PaVerns	
Employee	EnUty	
public class Employee {
@Id @GeneratedValue
private Long id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private BigDecimal salary;
private BigDecimal bonus;
private Date startDate;
private Date endDate;
@ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "manager_id")
private Employee manager;
@OneToOne @JoinColumn(name = "address_id")
private Address address;
private String country;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "owner")
private Collection<Phone> phones;
@ManyToMany(mappedBy = "employees”)
private Collection<Project> projects;
Sum	of	Salaries	By	Country	
Select	All	(1)	
TypedQuery<Employee> query = em.createQuery(
"SELECT e FROM Employee e", Employee.class);
List<Employee> list = query.getResultList();
// calculate sum of salaries by country
// map: country->sum
Map<String, BigDecimal> results = new HashMap<>();
for (Employee e : list) {
String country = e.getAddress().getCountry();
BigDecimal total = results.get(country);
if (total == null) total = BigDecimal.ZERO;
total = total.add(e.getSalary());
results.put(country, total);
Sum	of	Salaries	by	Country	
Select	Join	Fetch	(2)	
TypedQuery<Employee> query = em.createQuery(
"SELECT e FROM Employee e
JOIN FETCH e.address", Employee.class);
List<Employee> list = query.getResultList();
// calculate sum of salaries by country
// map: country->sum
Map<String, BigDecimal> results = new HashMap<>();
for (Employee e : list) {
String country = e.getAddress().getCountry();
BigDecimal total = results.get(country);
if (total == null) total = BigDecimal.ZERO;
total = total.add(e.getSalary());
results.put(country, total);
ReporUng	AnU-PaVerns	
ProjecUon	(3)	
Query query = em.createQuery(
"SELECT e.salary,
FROM Employee e”);
List<Object[]> list = query.getResultList();
// calculate sum of salaries by country
// map: country->sum
Map<String, BigDecimal> results = new HashMap<>();
for (Object[] e : list) {
String country = (String) e[1];
BigDecimal total = results.get(country);
if (total == null) total = BigDecimal.ZERO;
total = total.add((BigDecimal) e[0]);
results.put(country, total);
ReporUng	AnU-PaVerns	
AggregaUon	JPQL	(4)	
Query query = em.createQuery(
"SELECT SUM(e.salary),
FROM Employee e
List<Object[]> list = query.getResultList();
// already calculated!
ReporUng	AnU-PaVerns	
AggregaUon	SQL	(5)	
Query query = em.createNativeQuery(
"SELECT SUM(e.salary),
FROM employee e
JOIN address a ON e.address_id =
List list = query.getResultList();
// already calculated!
Comparison	1-5	
100	000	employees,	EclipseLink	
MySQL	 PostgreSQL	
(1)	Select	all	(N+1)	 25704ms	 18120ms	
(2)	Select	join	fetch	 6211ms	 3954ms	
(3)	ProjecUon	 533ms	 569ms	
(4)	Aggreg.	JPQL	 410ms	 380ms	
(5)	Aggreg.	SQL	 380ms	 409ms
JPQL	->	Value	Object	
Query query = em.createQuery(
"SELECT new com.yonita.jpa.vo.EmployeeVO(
FROM Employee e”);
// List<EmployeeVO>
List list = query.getResultList();
JPQL	->	Value	Object	
Query query = em.createQuery(
"SELECT new com.yonita.jpa.CountryStatVO(
FROM Employee e
// List<CountryStatVO>
List list = query.getResultList();
SQL	->	Value	Object	
name = "countryStatVO",
classes = {
targetClass = CountryStatVO.class,
columns = {
@ColumnResult(name = "ssum", type = BigDecimal.class),
@ColumnResult(name = "country", type = String.class)
SQL	->	Value	Object	
Query query = em.createNativeQuery(
"SELECT SUM(e.salary),
FROM employee e
JOIN address a ON e.address_id =
GROUP BY", "countryStatVO");
// List<CountryStatVO>
List list = query.getResultList();
•  JPA	2.0		
–  Only	JPQL	query	to	directly	produce	a	value	object!	
•  JPA	2.1	
–  JPQL	and	naUve	queries	to	directly	produce	a	value	object!	
•  Managed	object	
–  Sync	with	database	
–  L1/L2	cache	
•  Use	cases	for	Direct	Value	Object	
–  ReporUng,	staUsUcs,	history	
–  Read-only	data,	GUI	data	
–  Performance:	
•  No	need	for	managed	objects	
•  Rich	(or	fat)	managed	objects	
•  Subset	of	aVributes	required	
•  Gain	speed	
•  Offload	an	app	server
•  JPA	2.0		
–  Selected	aggregaUon	funcUons:	COUNT,	SUM,	AVG,	MIN,	MAX	
•  JPA	2.1	
–  All	funcUon	as	supported	by	a	database	
–  Call	any	database	funcUon	with	new	FUNCTION	keyword	
•  Database-specific	aggregate	funcUons	
–  More…	
•  Use	cases	
–  ReporUng,	staUsUcs	
–  Performance	
•  Gain	speed	
•  Offload	an	app	server	to	a	database!
Loading Strategy: EAGER for sure!
• We know what we want
– Known range of required data in a future
execution path
• We want a little
– A relatively small entity, no need to divide it into
tiny pieces
Loading strategy: Usually Better
• Network latency to a database
– Lower number of round-trips to a database with
EAGER loading
Loading Strategy: LAZY for sure!
• We don’t know what we want
– Load only required data
– „I’ll think about that tomorrow”
• We want a lot
– Divide and conquer
– Load what’s needed in the first place
Large Objects
• Lazy Property Fetching
• @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
• Recommended usage
– Blobs
– Clobs
– Formulas
• Remember about byte-code instrumentation,
– Otherwise will not work
– Silently ignores
Large Objects
• Lazy Property Fetching
• @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
• Recommended usage
– Blobs
– Clobs
– Formulas
• Remember about byte-code instrumentation,
– Otherwise will not work
– Silently ignores
Large Objects
• Something smells here
• Do you really need them?
Large Objects
• Something smells here
• Do you really need them?
• But do you really need them?
Large Objects
• Something smells here
• Do you really need them?
• But do you really need them?
• Ponder on your object model and use cases,
otherwise it’s not gonna work
Large Collections
• Divide and conquer!
• Definitely lazy
• You don’t want a really large collection in the
• Batch size
– JPA Provider specific configuration
Hibernate: Plant a Tree
public class Forest {
@Id @GeneratedValue
private Long id;
private Collection<Tree> trees = new HashSet<Tree>();
public void plantTree(Tree tree) {
return trees.add(tree);
// new EntityManager and new transaction: creates and persists a forest with 10.000 trees
// new EntityManager and new transaction
Tree tree = new Tree(“oak”);
Forest forest = em.find(Forest.class, id);
How Many Queries in 2nd Tx?
public class Forest {
@Id @GeneratedValue
private Long id;
private Collection<Tree> trees = new HashSet<Tree>();
public void plantTree(Tree tree) {
return trees.add(tree);
// new EntityManager and new transaction: creates and persists a forest with 10.000 trees
// new EntityManager and new transaction
Tree tree = new Tree(“oak”);
Forest forest = em.find(Forest.class, id);
(a) 1 select, 2 inserts
(b) 2 selects, 2 inserts
(c) 2 selects, 1 delete,
10.000+2 inserts
(d) 2 selects, 10.000
deletes, 10.000+2 inserts
(e) Even more ;-)
How Many Queries in 2nd Tx?
(a) 1 select, 2 inserts
(b) 2 selects, 2 inserts
(c) 2 selects, 1 delete, 10.000+2 inserts
(d) 2 selects, 10.000 deletes, 10.000+2 inserts
(e) Even more ;-)
The combination of OneToMany and Collection
enables a bag semantic. That’s why the collection is
Plant a Tree Revisited
public class Orchard {
@Id @GeneratedValue
private Long id;
private List<Tree> trees = new ArrayList<Tree>();
public void plantTree(Tree tree) {
return trees.add(tree);
// creates and persists a forest with 10.000 trees
// new EntityManager and new transaction
Tree tree = new Tree(“apple tree”);
Orchard orchard = em.find(Orchard.class, id);
Use OrderColumn or
IndexColumn for list
Plant a Tree
public class Forest {
@Id @GeneratedValue
private Long id;
private Set<Tree> trees = new HashSet<Tree>();
public void plantTree(Tree tree) {
return trees.add(tree);
// new EntityManager and new transaction: creates and persists a forest with 10.000 trees
// new EntityManager and new transaction
Tree tree = new Tree(“oak”);
Forest forest = em.find(Forest.class, id);
1. Collection elements
loaded into memory
2. Possibly unnecessary
3. Transaction and locking
schema problems:
version, optimistic
Plant a Tree
@Entity public class Forest {
@Id @GeneratedValue
private Long id;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = „forest”)
private Set<Tree> trees = new HashSet<Tree>();
public void plantTree(Tree tree) {
return trees.add(tree);
@Entity public class Tree {
@Id @GeneratedValue
private Long id;
private String name;
private Forest forest;
public void setForest(Forest forest) {
this.forest = forest;
Set semantic on the
inverse side forces of
loading all trees.
Other Providers?
• EclipseLink
– 2 selects/2 inserts
• OpenJPA
• 3 selects/1 update/2inserts
• Datanucleus
• 3 selects/1 update/2inserts
Loading strategy: It depends!
• You know what you want
– But it’s dynamic, depending on an execution path
and its parameters
Loading strategy: It depends!
• You know what you want
– But it’s dynamic, depending on runtime
• That was the problem in JPA 2.0
– Fetch queries
– Provider specific extensions
– Different mappings for different cases
• JPA 2.1 comes in handy
Entity Graphs in JPA 2.1
• „A template that captures the paths and
boundaries for an operation or query”
• Fetch plans for query or find operations
• Defined by annotations
• Created programmatically
Entity Graphs in JPA 2.1
• Defined by annotations
– @NamedEntityGraph, @NamedEntitySubgraph,
• Created programmatically
– Interfaces EntityGraph, EntitySubgraph,
Entity Graphs in Query or Find
• Default fetch graph
– Transitive closure of all its attributes specified or
defaulted as EAGER
• javax.persistence.fetchgraph
– Attributes specified by attribute nodes are EAGER,
others are LAZY
• javax.persistence.loadgraph
– Attributes specified by by attribute nodes are
EAGER, others as specified or defaulted
Entity Graphs in Query or Find
• Default fetch graph
– Transitive closure of all its attributes specified or
defaulted as EAGER
• javax.persistence.fetchgraph
– Attributes specified by attribute nodes are EAGER,
others are LAZY
• javax.persistence.loadgraph
– Attributes specified by by attribute nodes are
EAGER, others as specified or defaulted
Entity Graphs in Query or Find
• Default fetch graph
– Transitive closure of all its attributes specified or
defaulted as EAGER
• javax.persistence.fetchgraph
– Attributes specified by attribute nodes are EAGER,
others are LAZY
• javax.persistence.loadgraph
– Attributes specified by by attribute nodes are
EAGER, others as specified or defaulted
Entity Graphs Advantages
• Better hints to JPA providers
• Hibernate now generates smarter queries
– 1 select with joins on 3 tables
– 1 round-trip to a database instead of default N+1
• Dynamic modification of a fetch plan
There is that question...
JPA	2.1
•  Main	use	cases	
–  LisUng	and	reporUng	
•  JPA		
–  EnUty	graphs	(JPA	2.1)	
–  ProjecUons	(JPA	2.0/2.1)	
•  Performance	
–  Don’t	load	if	you	don’t	need	
–  Don’t	execute	many	small	queries	if	you	can	execute	one	big	query	
–  Don’t	calculate	if	a	database	can	
•  Tuning	
–  Tune	in	your	concrete	environment		
–  JPA	Providers	behave	differently!	
–  Databases	behave	differently!
ConUnuous	IntegraUon
ConUnuous	Refactoring
ConUnuous	Learning!
ConUnuous	Learning	Paradigm	
•  A	fool	with	a	tool	is	sUll	a	fool	
•  Let’s	educate	ourselves!	J

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Lazy vs. Eager Loading Strategies in JPA 2.1

  • 2. About Me •  15+ professional experience –  SoGware engineer, architect, head of soGware R&D •  Author and speaker –  JavaOne, Devoxx, JavaZone, TheServerSide Java Symposium, Jazoon, OOPSLA, ASE, others •  Finalizing PhD in Computer Science •  Founder and CTO of Yonita –  Bridge the gap between the industry and the academia –  Automated detecUon and refactoring of soGware defects –  Security, performance, concurrency, databases •  TwiVer: @yonlabs
  • 3. Outline •  MoUvaUon •  Why? –  Expect unexpected! •  What? –  Use cases and corner cases –  Hints on strategies •  How? –  JPA 2.1 •  Conclusion
  • 6. Hibernate JPA Provider Heads of Hydra @Entity public class Hydra { private Long id; private List<Head> heads = new ArrayList<Head>(); @Id @GeneratedValue public Long getId() {...} protected void setId() {...} @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL) public List<Head> getHeads() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(heads); } protected void setHeads() {...} } // new EntityManager and new transaction: creates and persists the hydra with 3 heads // new EntityManager and new transaction Hydra found = em.find(Hydra.class, hydra.getId());
  • 7. How Many Queries in 2nd Tx? @Entity public class Hydra { private Long id; private List<Head> heads = new ArrayList<Head>(); @Id @GeneratedValue public Long getId() {...} protected void setId() {...} @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL) public List<Head> getHeads() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(heads); } protected void setHeads() {...} } // new EntityManager and new transaction: creates and persists the hydra with 3 heads // new EntityManager and new transaction Hydra found = em.find(Hydra.class, hydra.getId()); (a) 1 select (b) 2 selects (c) 1+3 selects (d) 2 selects, 1 delete, 3 inserts (e) None of the above
  • 8. How Many Queries in 2nd Tx? (a) 1 select (b) 2 selects (c) 1+3 selects (d) 2 selects, 1 delete, 3 inserts (e) None of the above During commit hibernate checks whether the collection property is dirty (needs to be re-created) by comparing Java identities (object references).
  • 9. Another Look @Entity public class Hydra { private Long id; private List<Head> heads = new ArrayList<Head>(); @Id @GeneratedValue public Long getId() {...} protected void setId() {...} @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL) public List<Head> getHeads() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(heads); } protected void setHeads() {...} } // new EntityManager and new transaction: creates and persists the hydra with 3 heads // new EntityManager and new transaction // during find only 1 select (hydra) Hydra found = em.find(Hydra.class, hydra.getId()); // during commit 1 select (heads),1 delete (heads),3 inserts (heads)
  • 10. Lessons Learned • Expect unexpected ;-) • Prefer field access mappings • Operate on collection objects returned by hibernate –Don’t change collection references unless you know what you’re doing
  • 11. Lessons Learned • Expect unexpected ;-) • Prefer field access mappings • Operate on collection objects returned by hibernate –Don’t change collection references unless you know what you’re doing List<Head> newHeads = new List<>(hydra.getHeads()); Hydra.setHeads(newHeads);
  • 12. Other Providers? • EcpliseLink – 1 select • Datanucleus – 1 select • „A Performance Comparison of JPA Providers”
  • 13. Lessons Learned • A lot of depends on a JPA Provider! • JPA is a spec – A great spec, but only a spec – It says what to implement, not how to implement • You need to tune an application in a concrete environment
  • 14. I do love JPA!
  • 15. I do love JPA! But as in every relationship we have our ups and downs.
  • 16. My Dear JPA and Its Providers 
  • 17. My Dear JPA and Its Providers 
  • 18. My Dear JPA and Its Providers 
  • 22. ReporUng AnU-PaVerns Employee EnUty @Entity public class Employee { @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; private String firstName; private String lastName; private BigDecimal salary; private BigDecimal bonus; @Temporal(TemporalType.DATE) private Date startDate; @Temporal(TemporalType.DATE) private Date endDate; @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "manager_id") private Employee manager; @OneToOne @JoinColumn(name = "address_id") private Address address; private String country; @OneToMany(mappedBy = "owner") private Collection<Phone> phones; @ManyToMany(mappedBy = "employees”) private Collection<Project> projects; … }
  • 23. Sum of Salaries By Country Select All (1) TypedQuery<Employee> query = em.createQuery( "SELECT e FROM Employee e", Employee.class); List<Employee> list = query.getResultList(); // calculate sum of salaries by country // map: country->sum Map<String, BigDecimal> results = new HashMap<>(); for (Employee e : list) { String country = e.getAddress().getCountry(); BigDecimal total = results.get(country); if (total == null) total = BigDecimal.ZERO; total = total.add(e.getSalary()); results.put(country, total); }
  • 24. Sum of Salaries by Country Select Join Fetch (2) TypedQuery<Employee> query = em.createQuery( "SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address", Employee.class); List<Employee> list = query.getResultList(); // calculate sum of salaries by country // map: country->sum Map<String, BigDecimal> results = new HashMap<>(); for (Employee e : list) { String country = e.getAddress().getCountry(); BigDecimal total = results.get(country); if (total == null) total = BigDecimal.ZERO; total = total.add(e.getSalary()); results.put(country, total); }
  • 25. ReporUng AnU-PaVerns ProjecUon (3) Query query = em.createQuery( "SELECT e.salary, FROM Employee e”); List<Object[]> list = query.getResultList(); // calculate sum of salaries by country // map: country->sum Map<String, BigDecimal> results = new HashMap<>(); for (Object[] e : list) { String country = (String) e[1]; BigDecimal total = results.get(country); if (total == null) total = BigDecimal.ZERO; total = total.add((BigDecimal) e[0]); results.put(country, total); }
  • 26. ReporUng AnU-PaVerns AggregaUon JPQL (4) Query query = em.createQuery( "SELECT SUM(e.salary), FROM Employee e GROUP BY”); List<Object[]> list = query.getResultList(); // already calculated!
  • 27. ReporUng AnU-PaVerns AggregaUon SQL (5) Query query = em.createNativeQuery( "SELECT SUM(e.salary), FROM employee e JOIN address a ON e.address_id = GROUP BY"); List list = query.getResultList(); // already calculated!
  • 28. Comparison 1-5 100 000 employees, EclipseLink MySQL PostgreSQL (1) Select all (N+1) 25704ms 18120ms (2) Select join fetch 6211ms 3954ms (3) ProjecUon 533ms 569ms (4) Aggreg. JPQL 410ms 380ms (5) Aggreg. SQL 380ms 409ms
  • 29. ProjecUon JPQL -> Value Object Query query = em.createQuery( "SELECT new com.yonita.jpa.vo.EmployeeVO( e.salary, FROM Employee e”); // List<EmployeeVO> List list = query.getResultList();
  • 30. ProjecUon JPQL -> Value Object Query query = em.createQuery( "SELECT new com.yonita.jpa.CountryStatVO( sum(e.salary), FROM Employee e GROUP BY"”); // List<CountryStatVO> List list = query.getResultList();
  • 31. ProjecUon SQL -> Value Object @SqlResultSetMapping( name = "countryStatVO", classes = { @ConstructorResult( targetClass = CountryStatVO.class, columns = { @ColumnResult(name = "ssum", type = BigDecimal.class), @ColumnResult(name = "country", type = String.class) }) })
  • 32. ProjecUon SQL -> Value Object Query query = em.createNativeQuery( "SELECT SUM(e.salary), FROM employee e JOIN address a ON e.address_id = GROUP BY", "countryStatVO"); // List<CountryStatVO> List list = query.getResultList();
  • 33. ProjecUon Wrap-up •  JPA 2.0 –  Only JPQL query to directly produce a value object! •  JPA 2.1 –  JPQL and naUve queries to directly produce a value object! •  Managed object –  Sync with database –  L1/L2 cache •  Use cases for Direct Value Object –  ReporUng, staUsUcs, history –  Read-only data, GUI data –  Performance: •  No need for managed objects •  Rich (or fat) managed objects •  Subset of aVributes required •  Gain speed •  Offload an app server
  • 34. AggregaUon Wrap-up •  JPA 2.0 –  Selected aggregaUon funcUons: COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX •  JPA 2.1 –  All funcUon as supported by a database –  Call any database funcUon with new FUNCTION keyword •  Database-specific aggregate funcUons –  MS SQL: STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, VARP,… –  MySQL: BIT_AND, BIT_OR, BIT_XOR,… –  Oracle: MEDIAN, PERCENTILE,… –  More… •  Use cases –  ReporUng, staUsUcs –  Performance •  Gain speed •  Offload an app server to a database!
  • 35. Loading Strategy: EAGER for sure! • We know what we want – Known range of required data in a future execution path • We want a little – A relatively small entity, no need to divide it into tiny pieces
  • 36. Loading strategy: Usually Better EAGER! • Network latency to a database – Lower number of round-trips to a database with EAGER loading
  • 37. Loading Strategy: LAZY for sure! • We don’t know what we want – Load only required data – „I’ll think about that tomorrow” • We want a lot – Divide and conquer – Load what’s needed in the first place
  • 38. Large Objects • Lazy Property Fetching • @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) • Recommended usage – Blobs – Clobs – Formulas • Remember about byte-code instrumentation, – Otherwise will not work – Silently ignores
  • 39. Large Objects • Lazy Property Fetching • @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) • Recommended usage – Blobs – Clobs – Formulas • Remember about byte-code instrumentation, – Otherwise will not work – Silently ignores
  • 40. Large Objects • Something smells here • Do you really need them?
  • 41. Large Objects • Something smells here • Do you really need them? • But do you really need them?
  • 42. Large Objects • Something smells here • Do you really need them? • But do you really need them? • Ponder on your object model and use cases, otherwise it’s not gonna work
  • 43. Large Collections • Divide and conquer! • Definitely lazy • You don’t want a really large collection in the memory • Batch size – JPA Provider specific configuration
  • 44. Hibernate: Plant a Tree @Entity public class Forest { @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; @OneToMany private Collection<Tree> trees = new HashSet<Tree>(); public void plantTree(Tree tree) { return trees.add(tree); } } // new EntityManager and new transaction: creates and persists a forest with 10.000 trees // new EntityManager and new transaction Tree tree = new Tree(“oak”); em.persist(tree); Forest forest = em.find(Forest.class, id); forest.plantTree(tree);
  • 45. How Many Queries in 2nd Tx? @Entity public class Forest { @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; @OneToMany private Collection<Tree> trees = new HashSet<Tree>(); public void plantTree(Tree tree) { return trees.add(tree); } } // new EntityManager and new transaction: creates and persists a forest with 10.000 trees // new EntityManager and new transaction Tree tree = new Tree(“oak”); em.persist(tree); Forest forest = em.find(Forest.class, id); forest.plantTree(tree); (a) 1 select, 2 inserts (b) 2 selects, 2 inserts (c) 2 selects, 1 delete, 10.000+2 inserts (d) 2 selects, 10.000 deletes, 10.000+2 inserts (e) Even more ;-)
  • 46. How Many Queries in 2nd Tx? (a) 1 select, 2 inserts (b) 2 selects, 2 inserts (c) 2 selects, 1 delete, 10.000+2 inserts (d) 2 selects, 10.000 deletes, 10.000+2 inserts (e) Even more ;-) The combination of OneToMany and Collection enables a bag semantic. That’s why the collection is re-created.
  • 47. Plant a Tree Revisited @Entity public class Orchard { @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; @OneToMany private List<Tree> trees = new ArrayList<Tree>(); public void plantTree(Tree tree) { return trees.add(tree); } } // creates and persists a forest with 10.000 trees // new EntityManager and new transaction Tree tree = new Tree(“apple tree”); em.persist(tree); Orchard orchard = em.find(Orchard.class, id); orchard.plantTree(tree); STILL BAG SEMANTIC Use OrderColumn or IndexColumn for list semantic.
  • 48. Plant a Tree @Entity public class Forest { @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; @OneToMany private Set<Tree> trees = new HashSet<Tree>(); public void plantTree(Tree tree) { return trees.add(tree); } } // new EntityManager and new transaction: creates and persists a forest with 10.000 trees // new EntityManager and new transaction Tree tree = new Tree(“oak”); em.persist(tree); Forest forest = em.find(Forest.class, id); forest.plantTree(tree); 1. Collection elements loaded into memory 2. Possibly unnecessary queries 3. Transaction and locking schema problems: version, optimistic locking
  • 49. Plant a Tree @Entity public class Forest { @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; @OneToMany(mappedBy = „forest”) private Set<Tree> trees = new HashSet<Tree>(); public void plantTree(Tree tree) { return trees.add(tree); } } @Entity public class Tree { @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; private String name; @ManyToOne private Forest forest; public void setForest(Forest forest) { this.forest = forest; Forest.plantTree(this); } } Set semantic on the inverse side forces of loading all trees.
  • 50. Other Providers? • EclipseLink – 2 selects/2 inserts • OpenJPA • 3 selects/1 update/2inserts • Datanucleus • 3 selects/1 update/2inserts
  • 51. Loading strategy: It depends! • You know what you want – But it’s dynamic, depending on an execution path and its parameters
  • 52. Loading strategy: It depends! • You know what you want – But it’s dynamic, depending on runtime parameters • That was the problem in JPA 2.0 – Fetch queries – Provider specific extensions – Different mappings for different cases • JPA 2.1 comes in handy
  • 53. Entity Graphs in JPA 2.1 • „A template that captures the paths and boundaries for an operation or query” • Fetch plans for query or find operations • Defined by annotations • Created programmatically
  • 54. Entity Graphs in JPA 2.1 • Defined by annotations – @NamedEntityGraph, @NamedEntitySubgraph, @NamedAttributeNode • Created programmatically – Interfaces EntityGraph, EntitySubgraph, AttributeNode
  • 55. Entity Graphs in Query or Find • Default fetch graph – Transitive closure of all its attributes specified or defaulted as EAGER • javax.persistence.fetchgraph – Attributes specified by attribute nodes are EAGER, others are LAZY • javax.persistence.loadgraph – Attributes specified by by attribute nodes are EAGER, others as specified or defaulted
  • 56. Entity Graphs in Query or Find • Default fetch graph – Transitive closure of all its attributes specified or defaulted as EAGER • javax.persistence.fetchgraph – Attributes specified by attribute nodes are EAGER, others are LAZY • javax.persistence.loadgraph – Attributes specified by by attribute nodes are EAGER, others as specified or defaulted
  • 57. Entity Graphs in Query or Find • Default fetch graph – Transitive closure of all its attributes specified or defaulted as EAGER • javax.persistence.fetchgraph – Attributes specified by attribute nodes are EAGER, others are LAZY • javax.persistence.loadgraph – Attributes specified by by attribute nodes are EAGER, others as specified or defaulted
  • 58. Entity Graphs Advantages • Better hints to JPA providers • Hibernate now generates smarter queries – 1 select with joins on 3 tables – 1 round-trip to a database instead of default N+1 • Dynamic modification of a fetch plan
  • 59. There is that question...
  • 61. Wrap-up •  Main use cases –  LisUng and reporUng •  JPA –  EnUty graphs (JPA 2.1) –  ProjecUons (JPA 2.0/2.1) •  Performance –  Don’t load if you don’t need –  Don’t execute many small queries if you can execute one big query –  Don’t calculate if a database can •  Tuning –  Tune in your concrete environment –  JPA Providers behave differently! –  Databases behave differently!