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Java Persistence, JPA 2
Fahad R. Golra
ECE Paris Ecole d'Ingénieurs - FRANCE
Lecture 8 - Java Persistence,
• Introduction to Persistence
• Entity Beans
• Life cycle of Entity Beans
• Associations
• Entity Beans: Query Language
2 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Introduction to Entity Beans
• Entity Bean
• Persistent objects stored in the database
• Persistence
• by serialization
• by object - relational database mapping
• Serialization
• Saving the state of an object in the form of bytes
• An object can be reconstructed once serialized
• No complex queries, hard to maintain
3 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Persistence by mapping objects to
relational databases
• State of the object is store in a database
• For example: a book object has the attributes
names and isbn. We map them to a table which has
two columns: name and isbn.
• Every object is decomposed into multiple variables,
and their values are then stored in one or more tables.
• Allows complex queries
• SQL is hard to test/debug
4 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Persistence by mapping objects to
relational databases
Object Databases
• Object databases (also known as object-oriented
database management systems) can store the objects
directly to databases.
• No mapping !!!
• Object Query Language (OQL) can be used to
manipulate objects
• Easy to use, but not scalable.
6 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Persistence through JPA 2
• JPA 2 proposes a standard model of persistence
through the use of Entity Beans
• Tools that ensure this persistence are integrated with
the application servers and must be compatible to JPA
2 standard
• e.g. Toplink, Hibernate, EclipseLink
• Java EE permits the use of dependency injection
through annotations on all the layers.
7 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
What is an Entity Bean?
• An object that is mapped to a database
• It uses the persistence mechanisms
• It serves to represent the data placed in the database
as objects
• An object = one or more rows in one or more tables
in the database
• Example
• A student entity is represented by a row of data in
student table of a database
8 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Why an Entity Bean?
• Easy to manipulate by programs
• Instance of Account entity
• A compact view of grouped data in an object
• Account object gives access to all public variables
• Associating methods to manipulate the data
• methods can be written to add behavior to Account
• The data in the database will be updated automatically
• Instance of an entity bean is a view in memory of
physical data
9 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Entity Bean
• Entity Bean is a POJO with attributes, getters &
• These attributes are mapped to database tables
• We use annotations to define the mapping to
• Primary Key, is a serializable object
• Attributes of annotations to customize the mapping
10 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Persistent Fields and Properties
• Java primitive types
• java.lang.String
• Other serializable types, including:
• Wrappers of Java primitive types
• java.math.BigInteger
• java.math.BigDecimal
• java.util.Date
• java.util.Calendar
• java.sql.Date
• java.sql.Time
• java.sql.TimeStamp
• User-defined serializable types
• byte[]
• Byte[]
• char[]
• Character[]
• Enumerated types
• Other entities and/or collections of
• Embeddable classes
Example: Entity Bean (Book)
public class Book implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Long id;
@Column(nullable = false)
private String title;
private Float price;
@Column(length = 2000)
private String description;
private String isbn;
private Integer nbOfPage;
private Boolean illustrations;
// Constructors, getters, setters
Example Entity Bean: Book
13 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Entity Manager
• We manipulate the data in the database with the help
of Entity Beans and a Entity Manager
• Entity Manager is responsible of access the disks,
caches, etc.
• Entity Manager controls when and how we can access
the database.
• It generates the SQL.
14 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Example: Client (Inserting a Book)
public class BookHandler {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Book book = new Book();
book.setTitle("The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy");
book.setDescription("Science fiction comedy book”);
// set other fields as well . . .
// Get a pointer to entity manager. We don't need to do this in web app!
EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence
EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
// Persisting the object in a transaction
EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction();
Session Bean as a Client
• In such a case
• Dependency injection can be used
• Transactions are started by default
public class MySessionBean {
EntityManager em;
public Employee createEmployee(int id, String name, long salary) {
Employee emp = new Employee(id);
return emp;
16 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Session Bean as a Client
public class BookBean {
@PersistenceContext(unitName = "bookLib")
private EntityManager em;
public void createBook() {
Book book = new Book();
book.setTitle("The Alpha Book");
book.setDescription("Description of my book");
book = em.find(Book.class, 1234L);
Why use session beans?
• They are used to implement the business logic
• A session bean can be used to implement Data
Access Object (DAO)
• DAO offers the functions of creation, searching,
modification and deletion of entity beans.
• Session beans can also be used to implement
composite services.
18 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Other Annotations
public class Book implements Serializable {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
@Column(name = "book_title", nullable = false, updatable = false)
private String title;
private Float price;
@Column(length = 2000)
private String description;
private String isbn;
@Column(name = "nb_of_page", nullable = false)
private Integer nbOfPage;
@Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Boolean illustrations;
// Constructors, getters, setters
Other Annotations
• @Column
• allows the preferences for columns
• Attributes: name, unique, nullable, insertable,
updatable, length, ….
• @Generated Value
• indicates the strategy for the automatic generation
of primary keys
• It depends on the database being used, so
automatic is recommended
20 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Other Annotations
• @Lob
• indicates “large object” for a BLOB
• Often used with @Basic(fetch=FetchType.LAZY) for
indicating that we want this attribute to be loaded
only when a get is used on it.
• There are many other annotations.
• Java EE 7 specification can be consulted for it.
21 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Example: Persistence.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence xmlns=""
<persistence-unit name="JPA_first">
<property name="toplink.jdbc.driver" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" /
<property name="toplink.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:
3306/ece_db" />
<property name="toplink.jdbc.user" value="root" />
<property name="toplink.jdbc.password" value="secret" />
<property name="" value="MySQL4" />
<property name="toplink.ddl-generation" value="drop-and-create-
tables" />
<property name="toplink.ddl-generation.output-mode" value="both" />
<property name="toplink.logging.level" value="FINE" />
Persistence Context
• A persistence context is a set of entity instances in
which for every persistent entity identity there is a
unique entity instance.
• The entity instances and their lifecycle are managed
within the persistence context.
• The EntityManager API is used to create and remove
persistent entity instances, to find entities by their
primary keys, and to query over entities.
23 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Life cycle of Entity Bean
24 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Life cycle of Entity Bean
• New: The bean exists in the memory but is not
mapped to DB yet. It is not yet mapped to persistence
context (via entity manager)
• Managed: The bean is mapped to the DB. The
changes effect the data in DB.
• Detached: The bean is not mapped to the persistence
context anymore.
• Removed: The bean is still mapped to the persistence
context and the DB, but it is programmed to be
25 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Life cycle of Entity Bean
• remove(): To delete the data
• set(), get(): If the bean is in managed state, these
methods (of the entity bean) are used to access or
modify the data.
• persist(): To create the data. The bean goes to
managed state.
• merge(): To take a bean from detached state to a
managed state.
26 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Entity Manager example methods
public Account openAccount(String ownerName) {
Account account = new Account();
account.ownerNamer = ownerName;
em.persist(account); // attach the bean & persist
return account; // copy is detached
public void update(Account detachedAccount) {
Account managedAccount = em.merge(detachedAccount);
public void delete(Account detachedAccount) {
Account managedAccount = em.merge(detachedAccount);
public void findAccount(int id) {
return em.find(Account.class, Integer.valueOf(id));
Entity Manager (other principal methods)
Object find(Class cl, Object key) :
• Find an EntityBean by its id
boolean contains(Object entity) :
• True if the entity is attached to the EntityManager
Query createQuery(String sqlString) :
• Creating a query in EJB-QL
Query createNamedQuery(String name) :
• Creating a named query
Query createNativeQuery(String sqlQuery) :
• Creating an SQL query
void refresh(Object entity) :
• Recharging the bean from the DB
28 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Using composite columns
• Fields of two classes into one table
public class Address {
private String street;
private int postalCode;
public class User {
private String name;
private Address address;
Composite Primary Key
• Instead of using @Embedded we use @EmbeddedId for
composite primary keys
public class CompositeId {
private String name;
private String email;
public class Dependent {
CompositeId id;
Employee emp;
• Cardinality
• 1 - 1 (one to one): one employee has one address
• 1 - n (one to many): one employee has multiple addresses
• n - 1 (many to one): multiple employees have one address
• n - n (many to many): multiple employees have multiple
• Direction (navigability)
• Unidirectional:
• we can go from bean A to bean B only
• Bi-directional:
• we can go from bean A to bean B & vice-versa
31 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Unidirectional: OneToOne
• Employee entity -> ︎Employee table
• Address entity -> ︎Address table with address_Id as PK
• Employee table owns a foreign key to Address, address
public class Employee {
private Address address;
public Address getAddress() {
return address;
public void setAddress(Address ad) {
this.address = ad;
public class Address {
Employee Address
1 1
Unidirectional: ManyToOne
• Employee entity -> ︎Employee table
• Address entity -> ︎Address table with address_Id as PK
• Employee table owns a foreign key to Address, address
public class Employee {
private Address address;
public Address getAddress() {
return address;
public void setAddress(Address ad) {
this.address = ad;
public class Address {
Employee Address
0..* 1
Unidirectional: OneToMany
• Employee entity -> ︎Employee table
• Address entity -> ︎Address table with address_Id as PK
• Creation of a join table Employee_Address with two columns (i.e.
Employee_Pkemployee & Address_PKAddress, each column
represents a PK to each table
public class Employee {
private Collection<Address> addresses;
public Collection<Address> getAddresses() {
return addresses;
public void setAddresses(Collection<Address> addresses) {
this.addresses = addresses;
public class Address {
Employee Address
1 0..*
Unidirectional: ManyToMany
• Employee entity -> ︎Employee table
• Address entity -> ︎Address table with address_Id as PK
• Creation of a join table Employee_Address with two columns (i.e.
Employee_Pkemployee & Address_PKAddress, each column
represents a PK to each table
public class Employee {
private Collection<Address> addresses;
public Collection<Address> getAddresses() {
return addresses;
public void setAddresses(Collection<Address> addresses) {
this.addresses = addresses;
public class Address {
Employee Address
0..* 0..*
Bi-directional: OneToOne
• Employee entity -> ︎Employee table
• Cashier entity -> ︎Cashier table with myCashier_Id as PK
• Employee table owns a foreign key to Cashier, myCashier
(note: Cashier will not have a foreign key to Employee)
public class Cashier {
private Employee myEmployee;
@OneToOne(mappedBy = "myCashier")
public Employee getMyEmployee() {
return myEmployee;
public void setMyEmploye(Employee e) {
this.myEmployee = e;
public class Employee {
private Cashier myCashier;
public Cashier getMyCashier() {
return myCashier;
public void setMyCashier(Cashier c) {
this.myCashier = c;
Employee Cashier
1 1
Bi-directional: ManyToOne/OneToMany
• Employee entity -> ︎Employee table
• Cashier entity -> ︎Cashier table with myCashier_Id as PK
• Employee table owns a foreign key to Cashier, myCashier
(note: Cashier will not have a foreign key to Employee)
public class Cashier {
private Collection<Employee> myEmployees;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "myCashier")
public Collection<Employee>
getMyEmployees() {
return myEmployees;
public void
setMyEmployees(Collection<Employee> e) {
this.myEmployees = e;
public class Employee {
private Cashier myCashier;
public Cashier getMyCashier() {
return myCashier;
public void setMyCashier(Cashier c) {
this.myCashier = c;
Employee Cashier
0..* 1
Bi-directional: ManyToMany
• Employee entity -> ︎Employee table
• Cashier entity -> ︎Cashier table
• Creation of a join table Project_Employee with two columns (i.e.
myProjects_PKProject & myEmployees_PkEmployee, each
column represents a PK to each table
public class Employee {
private Collection<Project> myProjects;
@ManyToMany(mappedBy = "myEmployees")
public Collection<Project> getMyProjets()
return myProjects;
public void
setMyProjets(Collection<Project> p) {
this.myProjects = p;
public class Project {
Collection<Employee> myEmployees;
public Collection<Employee>
getMesEmployees() {
return myEmployees;
public void
setMesEmployes(Collection<Employee> e) {
this.myEmployees = e;
Project Employee
0..* 0..*
Entity Bean Inheritance
• Entities support inheritance and polymorphism
• Entities may be concrete or abstract
public abstract class Person {
protected String name; …
public class Employee extends Person {
protected float salary; …
39 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Inheritance Strategies
• One Table by classes hierarchy (Default) :
• Implemented in most tooling solutions
• Good support of polymorphism
• Columns proper to sub-classes set at null
• One Table by concrete class:
• Some issues remain regarding polymorphism
• Join Strategy:
• @Inheritance(strategy=JOINED)
• a join between the concrete class and the super class tables
• Good support of polymorphism
• Not always implemented
• Join operation can be costly
40 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Entity Bean Inheritance
• An Entity can inherit a non-entity class and vice-versa
• MappedSuperClasses are not accessible to EntityManager
• Not considered as Entity (no table in DB)
public abstract class Person {
protected Date dob;
public class Employee extends Person {
protected int id;
protected String name;
41 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Entity Bean Compliments
• Fetch: option for loading the graph of objects
• FetchType.EAGER : loads all the tree (required if Serializable) ︎
• FetchType.LAZY : only on demand (unusable with Serializable)
• Cascade: transitivity of operations over the beans
• CascadeType.ALL: every operation is propagated
• CascadeType.MERGE: in case of a merge
• CascadeType.PERSIST: When film Entity becomes
persistent, then List<Cinema> too
• CascadeType.REFRESH: loading from the DB
• ︎CascadeType.REMOVE: delete in cascade
42 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Entity Beans: Query Language
• parameters indicated by :param-name
• Request in Query object
• Result from Query object
• getResultList()
• getSingleResult()
43 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Entity Beans: Named Query
• Named query can be attached to the Entity Bean
44 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Entity Beans: Native Query
• SQL queries can be used using
• createNativeQuery(String sqlString)
• createNativeQuery(String sqlString, Class resultClass)
45 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
Entity Beans: Life cycle interceptors
• Interception of state changes
• Around the creation (em.persist) : ︎
• @PrePersist
• @PostPersist
• At loading time from DB (em.find, Query.getResultList)
• @PostLoad
• Around updates (modification of a field, em.merge) ︎
• @PreUpdate
• @PostUpdate
• Around a remove action (em.remove) ︎
• @PreRemove
• @PostRemove
• Some of the slide contents are take
from the slides of
• Reda Bendraou, UPMC
• Michel Buffa, UNSA
47 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
48 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x

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Lecture 9 - Java Persistence, JPA 2

  • 1. Java Persistence, JPA 2 Fahad R. Golra ECE Paris Ecole d'Ingénieurs - FRANCE
  • 2. Lecture 8 - Java Persistence, JPA 2 • Introduction to Persistence • Entity Beans • Life cycle of Entity Beans • Associations • Entity Beans: Query Language 2 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 3. Introduction to Entity Beans • Entity Bean • Persistent objects stored in the database • Persistence • by serialization • by object - relational database mapping • Serialization • Saving the state of an object in the form of bytes • An object can be reconstructed once serialized • No complex queries, hard to maintain 3 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 4. Persistence by mapping objects to relational databases • State of the object is store in a database • For example: a book object has the attributes names and isbn. We map them to a table which has two columns: name and isbn. • Every object is decomposed into multiple variables, and their values are then stored in one or more tables. • Allows complex queries • SQL is hard to test/debug 4 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 5. Persistence by mapping objects to relational databases 5
  • 6. Object Databases • Object databases (also known as object-oriented database management systems) can store the objects directly to databases. • No mapping !!! • Object Query Language (OQL) can be used to manipulate objects • Easy to use, but not scalable. 6 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 7. Persistence through JPA 2 • JPA 2 proposes a standard model of persistence through the use of Entity Beans • Tools that ensure this persistence are integrated with the application servers and must be compatible to JPA 2 standard • e.g. Toplink, Hibernate, EclipseLink • Java EE permits the use of dependency injection through annotations on all the layers. 7 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 8. What is an Entity Bean? • An object that is mapped to a database • It uses the persistence mechanisms • It serves to represent the data placed in the database as objects • An object = one or more rows in one or more tables in the database • Example • A student entity is represented by a row of data in student table of a database 8 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 9. Why an Entity Bean? • Easy to manipulate by programs • Instance of Account entity • A compact view of grouped data in an object • Account object gives access to all public variables • Associating methods to manipulate the data • methods can be written to add behavior to Account • The data in the database will be updated automatically • Instance of an entity bean is a view in memory of physical data 9 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 10. Entity Bean • Entity Bean is a POJO with attributes, getters & setters. • These attributes are mapped to database tables • We use annotations to define the mapping to attributes • Primary Key, is a serializable object • Attributes of annotations to customize the mapping 10 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 11. Persistent Fields and Properties • Java primitive types • java.lang.String • Other serializable types, including: • Wrappers of Java primitive types • java.math.BigInteger • java.math.BigDecimal • java.util.Date • java.util.Calendar • java.sql.Date • java.sql.Time 11 • java.sql.TimeStamp • User-defined serializable types • byte[] • Byte[] • char[] • Character[] • Enumerated types • Other entities and/or collections of entities • Embeddable classes
  • 12. Example: Entity Bean (Book) @Entity public class Book implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; @Column(nullable = false) private String title; private Float price; @Column(length = 2000) private String description; private String isbn; private Integer nbOfPage; private Boolean illustrations; // Constructors, getters, setters } 12
  • 13. Example Entity Bean: Book 13 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 14. Entity Manager • We manipulate the data in the database with the help of Entity Beans and a Entity Manager • Entity Manager is responsible of access the disks, caches, etc. • Entity Manager controls when and how we can access the database. • It generates the SQL. 14 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 15. Example: Client (Inserting a Book) public class BookHandler { public static void main(String[] args) { Book book = new Book(); book.setTitle("The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"); book.setPrice(12.5F); book.setDescription("Science fiction comedy book”); // set other fields as well . . . // Get a pointer to entity manager. We don't need to do this in web app! EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence .createEntityManagerFactory("chapter02PU"); EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager(); // Persisting the object in a transaction EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction(); tx.begin(); em.persist(book); tx.commit(); em.close(); emf.close(); }} 15
  • 16. Session Bean as a Client • In such a case • Dependency injection can be used • Transactions are started by default @Stateless @LocalBean public class MySessionBean { EntityManager em; public Employee createEmployee(int id, String name, long salary) { Employee emp = new Employee(id); emp.setName(name); ….. em.persist(emp); return emp; } } 16 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 17. Session Bean as a Client 17 @Stateless public class BookBean { @PersistenceContext(unitName = "bookLib") private EntityManager em; public void createBook() { Book book = new Book(); book.setId(1234L); book.setTitle("The Alpha Book"); book.setPrice(13.5F); book.setDescription("Description of my book"); book.setIsbn("1-465-65465"); book.setNbOfPage(230); book.setIllustrations(false); em.persist(book); book = em.find(Book.class, 1234L); System.out.println(book); }}
  • 18. Why use session beans? • They are used to implement the business logic • A session bean can be used to implement Data Access Object (DAO) • DAO offers the functions of creation, searching, modification and deletion of entity beans. • Session beans can also be used to implement composite services. 18 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 19. Other Annotations @Entity public class Book implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) private Long id; @Column(name = "book_title", nullable = false, updatable = false) private String title; private Float price; @Column(length = 2000) private String description; private String isbn; @Column(name = "nb_of_page", nullable = false) private Integer nbOfPage; @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @Lob private Boolean illustrations; // Constructors, getters, setters } 19
  • 20. Other Annotations • @Column • allows the preferences for columns • Attributes: name, unique, nullable, insertable, updatable, length, …. • @Generated Value • indicates the strategy for the automatic generation of primary keys • It depends on the database being used, so automatic is recommended 20 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 21. Other Annotations • @Lob • indicates “large object” for a BLOB • Often used with @Basic(fetch=FetchType.LAZY) for indicating that we want this attribute to be loaded only when a get is used on it. • There are many other annotations. • Java EE 7 specification can be consulted for it. 21 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 22. Example: Persistence.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <persistence xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.0"> <persistence-unit name="JPA_first"> <provider>oracle.toplink.essentials.PersistenceProvider</provider> <class>com.ece.jee.entities.Client</class> <properties> <property name="toplink.jdbc.driver" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" / > <property name="toplink.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost: 3306/ece_db" /> <property name="toplink.jdbc.user" value="root" /> <property name="toplink.jdbc.password" value="secret" /> <property name="" value="MySQL4" /> <property name="toplink.ddl-generation" value="drop-and-create- tables" /> <property name="toplink.ddl-generation.output-mode" value="both" /> <property name="toplink.logging.level" value="FINE" /> </properties> </persistence-unit> </persistence> 22
  • 23. Persistence Context • A persistence context is a set of entity instances in which for every persistent entity identity there is a unique entity instance. • The entity instances and their lifecycle are managed within the persistence context. • The EntityManager API is used to create and remove persistent entity instances, to find entities by their primary keys, and to query over entities. 23 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 24. Life cycle of Entity Bean 24 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 25. Life cycle of Entity Bean • New: The bean exists in the memory but is not mapped to DB yet. It is not yet mapped to persistence context (via entity manager) • Managed: The bean is mapped to the DB. The changes effect the data in DB. • Detached: The bean is not mapped to the persistence context anymore. • Removed: The bean is still mapped to the persistence context and the DB, but it is programmed to be deleted. 25 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 26. Life cycle of Entity Bean • remove(): To delete the data • set(), get(): If the bean is in managed state, these methods (of the entity bean) are used to access or modify the data. • persist(): To create the data. The bean goes to managed state. • merge(): To take a bean from detached state to a managed state. 26 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 27. Entity Manager example methods public Account openAccount(String ownerName) { Account account = new Account(); account.ownerNamer = ownerName; em.persist(account); // attach the bean & persist return account; // copy is detached } public void update(Account detachedAccount) { Account managedAccount = em.merge(detachedAccount); } public void delete(Account detachedAccount) { Account managedAccount = em.merge(detachedAccount); em.remove(managedAccount); } public void findAccount(int id) { return em.find(Account.class, Integer.valueOf(id)); } 27
  • 28. Entity Manager (other principal methods) Object find(Class cl, Object key) : • Find an EntityBean by its id boolean contains(Object entity) : • True if the entity is attached to the EntityManager Query createQuery(String sqlString) : • Creating a query in EJB-QL Query createNamedQuery(String name) : • Creating a named query Query createNativeQuery(String sqlQuery) : • Creating an SQL query void refresh(Object entity) : • Recharging the bean from the DB 28 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 29. Using composite columns • Fields of two classes into one table @Embeddable public class Address { private String street; private int postalCode; } @Entity public class User { private String name; @Embedded private Address address; } 29
  • 30. Composite Primary Key • Instead of using @Embedded we use @EmbeddedId for composite primary keys @Embeddable public class CompositeId { private String name; private String email; } @Entity public class Dependent { @EmbeddedId CompositeId id; @ManyToOne Employee emp; } 30
  • 31. Associations • Cardinality • 1 - 1 (one to one): one employee has one address • 1 - n (one to many): one employee has multiple addresses • n - 1 (many to one): multiple employees have one address • n - n (many to many): multiple employees have multiple addresses • Direction (navigability) • Unidirectional: • we can go from bean A to bean B only • Bi-directional: • we can go from bean A to bean B & vice-versa 31 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 32. Unidirectional: OneToOne • Employee entity -> ︎Employee table • Address entity -> ︎Address table with address_Id as PK • Employee table owns a foreign key to Address, address @Entity public class Employee { private Address address; @OneToOne public Address getAddress() { return address; } public void setAddress(Address ad) { this.address = ad; } } 32 @Entity public class Address { … } Employee Address 1 1 adress
  • 33. Unidirectional: ManyToOne • Employee entity -> ︎Employee table • Address entity -> ︎Address table with address_Id as PK • Employee table owns a foreign key to Address, address @Entity public class Employee { private Address address; @ManyToOne public Address getAddress() { return address; } public void setAddress(Address ad) { this.address = ad; } } 33 @Entity public class Address { … } Employee Address 0..* 1 adress
  • 34. Unidirectional: OneToMany • Employee entity -> ︎Employee table • Address entity -> ︎Address table with address_Id as PK • Creation of a join table Employee_Address with two columns (i.e. Employee_Pkemployee & Address_PKAddress, each column represents a PK to each table @Entity public class Employee { private Collection<Address> addresses; @OneToMany public Collection<Address> getAddresses() { return addresses; } public void setAddresses(Collection<Address> addresses) { this.addresses = addresses; } }34 @Entity public class Address { … } Employee Address 1 0..* adresses
  • 35. Unidirectional: ManyToMany • Employee entity -> ︎Employee table • Address entity -> ︎Address table with address_Id as PK • Creation of a join table Employee_Address with two columns (i.e. Employee_Pkemployee & Address_PKAddress, each column represents a PK to each table @Entity public class Employee { private Collection<Address> addresses; @ManyToMany public Collection<Address> getAddresses() { return addresses; } public void setAddresses(Collection<Address> addresses) { this.addresses = addresses; } } 35 @Entity public class Address { … } Employee Address 0..* 0..* adresses
  • 36. Bi-directional: OneToOne • Employee entity -> ︎Employee table • Cashier entity -> ︎Cashier table with myCashier_Id as PK • Employee table owns a foreign key to Cashier, myCashier (note: Cashier will not have a foreign key to Employee) 36 @Entity public class Cashier { private Employee myEmployee; @OneToOne(mappedBy = "myCashier") public Employee getMyEmployee() { return myEmployee; } public void setMyEmploye(Employee e) { this.myEmployee = e; } } @Entity public class Employee { private Cashier myCashier; @OneToOne public Cashier getMyCashier() { return myCashier; } public void setMyCashier(Cashier c) { this.myCashier = c; } } Employee Cashier 1 1 myCashiermyEmployee
  • 37. Bi-directional: ManyToOne/OneToMany • Employee entity -> ︎Employee table • Cashier entity -> ︎Cashier table with myCashier_Id as PK • Employee table owns a foreign key to Cashier, myCashier (note: Cashier will not have a foreign key to Employee) 37 @Entity public class Cashier { private Collection<Employee> myEmployees; @OneToMany(mappedBy = "myCashier") public Collection<Employee> getMyEmployees() { return myEmployees; } public void setMyEmployees(Collection<Employee> e) { this.myEmployees = e; } } @Entity public class Employee { private Cashier myCashier; @ManyToOne public Cashier getMyCashier() { return myCashier; } public void setMyCashier(Cashier c) { this.myCashier = c; } } Employee Cashier 0..* 1 myCashiermyEmployees
  • 38. Bi-directional: ManyToMany • Employee entity -> ︎Employee table • Cashier entity -> ︎Cashier table • Creation of a join table Project_Employee with two columns (i.e. myProjects_PKProject & myEmployees_PkEmployee, each column represents a PK to each table 38 @Entity public class Employee { private Collection<Project> myProjects; @ManyToMany(mappedBy = "myEmployees") public Collection<Project> getMyProjets() { return myProjects; } public void setMyProjets(Collection<Project> p) { this.myProjects = p; } } @Entity public class Project { Collection<Employee> myEmployees; @ManyToMany public Collection<Employee> getMesEmployees() { return myEmployees; } public void setMesEmployes(Collection<Employee> e) { this.myEmployees = e; } } Project Employee 0..* 0..* myEmployeesmyProjects
  • 39. Entity Bean Inheritance • Entities support inheritance and polymorphism • Entities may be concrete or abstract @Entity public abstract class Person { @Id protected String name; … } @Entity public class Employee extends Person { protected float salary; … } 39 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 40. Inheritance Strategies • One Table by classes hierarchy (Default) : @Inheritance(strategy=SINGLE_TABLE) • Implemented in most tooling solutions • Good support of polymorphism • Columns proper to sub-classes set at null • One Table by concrete class: @Inheritance(strategy=TABLE_PER_CLASS) • Some issues remain regarding polymorphism • Join Strategy: • @Inheritance(strategy=JOINED) • a join between the concrete class and the super class tables • Good support of polymorphism • Not always implemented • Join operation can be costly 40 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 41. Entity Bean Inheritance • An Entity can inherit a non-entity class and vice-versa • MappedSuperClasses are not accessible to EntityManager • Not considered as Entity (no table in DB) @MappedSuperclass public abstract class Person { protected Date dob; } @Entity public class Employee extends Person { @Id protected int id; protected String name; } 41 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 42. Entity Bean Compliments • Fetch: option for loading the graph of objects • FetchType.EAGER : loads all the tree (required if Serializable) ︎ • FetchType.LAZY : only on demand (unusable with Serializable) • Cascade: transitivity of operations over the beans • CascadeType.ALL: every operation is propagated • CascadeType.MERGE: in case of a merge • CascadeType.PERSIST: When film Entity becomes persistent, then List<Cinema> too • CascadeType.REFRESH: loading from the DB • ︎CascadeType.REMOVE: delete in cascade 42 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 43. Entity Beans: Query Language • parameters indicated by :param-name • Request in Query object • Result from Query object • getResultList() • getSingleResult() 43 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 44. Entity Beans: Named Query • Named query can be attached to the Entity Bean 44 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 45. Entity Beans: Native Query • SQL queries can be used using • createNativeQuery(String sqlString) • createNativeQuery(String sqlString, Class resultClass) 45 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 46. Entity Beans: Life cycle interceptors • Interception of state changes • Around the creation (em.persist) : ︎ • @PrePersist • @PostPersist • At loading time from DB (em.find, Query.getResultList) • @PostLoad • Around updates (modification of a field, em.merge) ︎ • @PreUpdate • @PostUpdate • Around a remove action (em.remove) ︎ • @PreRemove • @PostRemove 46
  • 47. References • Some of the slide contents are take from the slides of • Reda Bendraou, UPMC • Michel Buffa, UNSA 47 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x
  • 48. 48 JEE - Java Persistence, JPA 2.x