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Info-graphic Research:
For my "info-graphics" I'll be researching graphic design – digital artwork.
• Photoshop is one of the best software's to use for is and the ones that's widely used for digital artwork – such as film
and TV's artwork for posters and thumbnails.
• Illustration, photography and video production are all play part a part in graphic design.
• Typography: "the style and appearance of printed matter" - Google.
Things required to become a graphic design:
• Understand how to core design plans, with advanced techniques to visually communicate my ideas.
• I'll need an understanding of Typography.
• I'll also require real world experience on handelling both time well under real world preasures with industry/client
• Most importantly, I'll need a strong skill set in order to both prove and preform within the industry.
Info-graphic Research:
As well as doing research through websites, I went out and searched for first had information from proffesional graphic
designers I like.
Lee Binding:
• I asked him on how he got himself out there as an artist – He replied with saying he hand no real advice other than
keeping at it. He also told me that he believes twitter was the source of his growth – rather than Instagram (the way I
was attempting to share my art work and grow my reputation as an artist.)
• Another way he started his career was through someone's requirement of artwork – however he wouldn't really
recommend it as that was 20 years ago. What he does recommend is stay at it (again) and be nice - as it's just as
important, because people will come back to you if you were patient and good and nice to them.
• On top of that he advices having a portfolio that contain a diverse range of styles – rather than sticking to a limited
range, show you can use a range of styles to suite them – as it makes you stand out further.
Will Brooks:
• In asking him how he started his career of – he replied, saying he started the run of his career going round a bit –
studding television production at university and did some work for Blue Peter, with a few other bits before he started
work on. However he truly started out by doing design work as hobby, followed by being asked to do some design
work for the Doctor Who Experience, which further lead onto Big Finish, then Titan asked him to create the covers for
their releases.
• The best advice he said he could give was to just stick at it, keep expanding my skills (as there is so mcuh I to learn and
expand upon- going as far to state that he still learns new things daily...)
Info-graphic Bibliography:
• Creative Technology Educators . (2016). Graphic Design vs Digital Design. Available: Last accessed 13th September 2018.
Info-graphic – Pre-Production:
Visually communicate
My ideas.
All part of graphic design: - 33k0u0klloYb-BOgYtsp5l6tXg7
Put your info-graphic design work here.
Client research:
My client is John R Nicolson, who's the chairmen of AG Barr, who produces the beverage – Irn-Bru.
They choose to advertise their products in a vast range of mediums – such as the TV adverts (produced by Leith - "Goth
Holiday," February 26th, 2009; "Gets You Through," April 30th, 2012; "Get a Trip" May 27th, 2015;) the outdoor company
(also made produced by Leith "Made of Irn" May 9th, 2016.)
The TV adverts are produced in the context of trying to make the audience laugh, whilst also making out that Irn-Bru is
such an amazing drink that it can solve your problems – in the adverts the main character is having a dramatically bizzar
and comical experience (e.g. a man goes back to his place, to find that his girlfriend made the place pink and fluffy - "Gets
You Through,") however the only the character copes with such a situation is to take a sip of Irn-Bru making the drink
appear to the audience as a miracle worker.
Website Used:
Advert 1:
Line of appeal:
• Comedy & humour - As the situation he's in is so over the top
(and almost quite cartoonish – for example her children are almost
exact copies her,) to the point it becomes funny to the audience.
• Luxurious - As the drink in the advert is proposed us as a luxury –
in the way that it's so good it helps you get over/overcome any
As the main character is thrown into a (comically-) over the top
Sicario – in which a sweet and scrawny lad goes on a date (expecting
to find someone perfect) to find a tough woman – who's double his
size (e.g. a complete contrast to him,) making the lad intimidated in
They try and sell the product to us by the point that, despite the
situation he's in, Irn-Bru get him through – e.g. it's that a good.
Advert 2:
Line of appeal:
• Comedy & humour - Going from a quite campy (like old Disney
cartoons you watched as a kid,) to avert you expectations at the
end (becoming dark,) as he lead all the cartoon representations of
cute animals to his butchers.
• Luxurious - As when he drink Irn-Bru at the start of the video, the
world moves from it's much duller and greyer form to a much
happier and optimistic – thus making the product appear to
change life for the better.
Commercial starts of quite dark and miserable, only to see the work
change around him (in contrast,) to the previous one – becoming
quite campy and optimistic – thus promoting Irn-Bru as this really
positive drink.
Advert 3:
Line of appeal:
• Comedy & humour - The commercial becomes funny by averting
your expectations – because there goths (stereotypically,) you
expect them to be really miserable, however after drinking the Irn-
• Luxurious - As it advertises itself as drink as a force of positivity –
as it transforms these (stereotypically) miserable goths and makes
them cartoonish-ly smiley and happy (working in contrast as before
– e.g."feel phenomenal."
(Much like the other Irn-Bru advert – with the butcher,) the advert
stars of quite down and depressing (a typical goth scene, with gothic
bell music playing within the background,) before a mother
(contrasting to the goths,) brings a tray with snack and Irn-Bru (clearly
displayed to the audience – as this is an advert for the drink.) Soon
after the goths take a sip from the drink – as we watch there mood
completely change (from miserable, to overjoyed – allowing the
audience to be provided with a mentally positive link with the Irn-Bru)
The Adverts:
Running themes and comparisons:
One of the running theme's in the Irn-Bru adverts is the humour – apposed to a lot of competitors within the drinks market (such
as Pepsi and/or Coca-Cola,) meaning as far as adverts go, they stand out from their competitors. To create their humour they like
to be obscene and push the boundaries - whilst keeping it tame enough to not go as far to offend someone (-again allowing them
to stand out and even become iconic – in their own style.)
Another similarity is that all of these adverts are linier – flowing a straight forward story –from start to finish.
Furthermore, the advert plays on the expected and twists those expectations – for a comical affect, and because of these twists
are used through out the Irn-Bru adverts, we as the audience can't help but be drawn into the adverts (for both the humour, and
the twists – to see what happens,) meaning we sit quite happily through the adverts – rather than most, in which, we tend to
Finally, like most adverts, they need to sell the drink to audience – as well as, getting their name out there as a brand. To sell us
the drink they use the drink as either a comping mechanism (as seen in "Advert 1" - "Gets You Through,") or it brings the positive
twist on either the world ("Advert 2") or characters ("Advert 3" - "Goth Holiday,") - e.g. either way it is shown as product that
makes things a lot better – as all adverts do (both in and out of the market,) as the purpose of the advert is to sell it to the
(One company that plays with a similar style to that of Irn-Bru, is Specsavers, following the twists and humour, whilst always
leading into the company's slogan - "Should of Gone to Specsavers...")
The Adverts:
The differences:
Despite Irn-Bru taking up a particular style, they still have to apply differences and changes within the adverts – to prevent it from
feeling stale (-as can seen with adverts – such as "Go Compare.")
"Advert 1" - was made in a batch of adverts that ran in 2012 by Leith -"Gets You Through." Whilst all keeping to the same style
and premise, the three advert's have use somewhat different story lines, and were all shown at the same time - meaning they
had variation to choose from when they aired them, preventing them from getting overdone – as most adverts can when
constantly repeating the same one through the duration of a program.
"Advert 2" - Now the second advert I looked after followed a different style – using a darker twist at the end – though be it still
comical. We start of with negative change - before the drinking Irn-Bru, then a positive change is brought on after. However the
has more of story structure to it – having a start to a more rounded up finish (with the animals being led into the butchers) -
unlike the "Gets You Through" adverts.
"Advert 3" - For the final advert I looked at (-"Goth Holiday") the advert is a lot more simplistic (compared to the rest,) whilst still
taking of the positive change (as was used for - "Advert 2.") On top of this, this advert only has one speaking line – using two
word - "there you go," in the entire advert's duration.
(E.g. these adverts all keep the same theme, whilst still providing change – enough so that they can still stay refreshing.)
Market research:
One of the biggest competitors to Irn-Bru is Coca-Cola – being one of the biggest soft drinks on the market (amounting to
"3.5 billion U.S. dollars" in revenue in 2017.)
Websites Used:
Colour Scheme: Running Theme's In Advertising: Slogan:
Irn-Bru Orange and blue. Comedic. "Irn-Bru get you through."
Coca-Cola Red and white. Positvty and sharing. "Taste the feeling."
Though the colour
scheme's in both Coca-
Cola and Irn-Bru aren't
the same (in colour's,)
they both do use a
simple colour schemes,
with a main colour and
secondary colour – e.g.
red and white or
orange and blue.
Unlike Irn-Bru, Coca-Cola, doesn't really
bring a theme or stlye to the markey (when
advetisting,) - however their more recent
adverts sell them selfs on sharing the soft
drink. Wheres with Irn-Bru they have quite a
consistent trend of comedy that usually
pushes the bounderies –without becoming
offensive. Furthermore, Irn-Bru being made
in Scotland (and being the only place it's the
most popular drink-) they impliment very
sterotypical Scottish accents – almost like
they're poking fun at them sleves?
Both being soft drinks, they both
focus on the quality of their drink
– Coca-Cola suggesting it's so
good that it give you a
feeling; where's with Irn-Bru
suggesting it's so good it gets you
helps you get through life – also
in reffrence to the line of adverts
"Gets You Through," by Leith in
Audience research:
As can be seen on "YouGov" profiles (as well as being made and
produced in Scotaland) the brand take a very Scotishly Left winged
politically – within their customer base.
Furthermore there customers tend to be quite young and slihgtly
more male, than female.
Websites Used:
Audience research:
Observation: I found out that my main audience is built up of a male audience – at 77.78%/7 out of the 9 people who did my questionnaire, with the rest
being females 22.22%/2 out of the 9 people who did my questionnaire.
What this says about my audience: This suggest and possibly goes as far as to prove that my main audience are my class – as this comes closer to the gender
ratio in my class.
How will this product appeal to this audience: To help my product succeed more with given demographic, I will make my primary appeal towards a main
male audience – as that would help insure more that my product would win over the main majority. However, I will also channel a smaller amount of appeal
towards the female audience – to make my product less exclusive and more inclusive instead.
Audience research:
Observation: I found out that my primary audience are 16 to 18 year olds – at 88.89%/8 out of the 9 people who did my questionnaire, and with 21 or older
being my secondary audience – at 11.11%/1 out of the 9 people who did my survey.
What this says about my audience: This again, helps back up my previous theory – that the majority of my audience are likely my class. Furthermore, 16 to
18 being my age demographic, it'll be much easier to appeal to, as I can essentially appeal to my self – as I fit into this demographic.
How will this product appeal to this audience:
• Primary Audience: I will be appealing to this age demographic with my slightly immature and random humour – that I know would appeal to me. E.g. I
will use stereotypes to motivate the humour in my advert – in original tradition of the Irn-Bru adverts, becoming more like a sketch than an advert...
• Secondary Audience: To appeal too this audience more I will try to add real world issues – issues that who a slightly older generation will get (e.g. 21 or
Audience research:
Observation: The best potential way to sell to an audience – or help sell to an audience that doesn't really take to soft drinks is to bring down the prices and
a better flavour....
What this says about my audience: Because a small fraction of the audience doesn't like soft drinks, meaning that I would be attempting to appeal to some
people that wouldn't like the product that I'm trying to promote/push...
How will this product appeal to this audience: With these results, I can take into account that 22.22% of the results won't matter as much as the 2 out of
the 9 people don't like soft drink – the product I'm trying to sell.
Audience research:
Observation: The main majority of my audience (55.56%/5 out of the 9) choose to have soft drinks a lot of the time, with majority of what's left (22.22%/2
out of the 9) choose to hardly ever drink soft drinks.
What this says about my audience: With the result I got back from my audience, I can identify that a lot of my audience drink soft drinks, with just over half
of my audience drinking soft drinks a lot – and even though a small fraction of my audience (11.11%/1 out of the 9 people drink soft drinks,) meaning that
it'll be easier to appeal to my audience – as the fit under the demographic of Irn-Bru – e.g. a soft drink.
How will this product appeal to this audience: With this given demographic, it means I can advertise to the soft drinks market and still capture the majority
(88.89%/8 out of the 9 people in my audience.)
Audience research:
Observation: Irn-Bru receives 47% average approval rating from my audience.
What this says about my audience: Despite the majority of my audience drink soft drinks are quite popular amongst my audience, this shows that Irn-Bru
has a low approval from my audience.
How will this product appeal to this audience: Because my audience don't approve of Irn-Bru too highly, it'll be harder to promote the drink to my
Audience research:
Observation: A bit appeal by the drink is the colour scheme – according to my audience. However the blue and orange (though strong as colour scheme and
definitely memorable,) can be "quite jarring..."
What this says about my audience: This tells me that I should try and include more of the Irn-Bru colour shceme in my work – however I shouldn't over do
use it – to prevent it becoming jarring to my audience.
How will this product appeal to this audience: I can pick out the things or solve the problems that the Irn-Bru makerting doesn't appeal to my audience to
help sell the product to them.
Observation: One of the most consistent things my audience like about broadcast adverts is comedy/humourus.
What this says about my audience: This tells me my audience likes to amused by the adverts they watch – using the advert itself as a form of amusement of
it own...
How will this product appeal to this audience: To appeal to my audience, I'll need to stick closely to a lot of what the Irn-Bru adverts do already – gathering
from what the audiences have told me – e.g. the comedy and possibly the use of Scottish culture...
Audience research:
Observation: Again, one of the most consistent things my audience like about radio adverts is comedy/humourus.
What this says about my audience: This tells me my audience likes to amused by the adverts they watch – using this form of advert itself as a form of
amusement of it own...
How will this product appeal to this audience: To appeal to my audience, I'll need to stick closely to a lot of what the Irn-Bru adverts do already – gathering
from what the audiences have told me – e.g. the comedy and possibly the use of Scottish culture, as well as eccentricated vocals...
Audience research:
Idea Generation - Advert - Mind Map:
Idea Generation - Advert - Script:
Idea Generation - Advert - Shot List:
Idea Generation - Adv-Game - Inspiration and Research:
For my adv-game, intend on attempting to create a simple, but fun game concept that I'll be able to implement the
product (Irn-Bru) into. To help do this, I looked into game that'd fit this brief that I could either gain inspiration for my
product or rather use the concept and modify it fit the brief...
T-Rex Chrome Offline Game:
All you have to do in this game is simply
either jump or duck – depending on a
series of simple obstacles; as the main
character endlessly runs through a
looping terrain; the aim is to get as far as
you can which will increase your score –
the further you go.
However this isn't an Adv-Game, just a
fun feature applied to Google Chrome –
meaning that this'd have to be modified
to suite the brandings purpose's...
Idea Generation - Adv-Game - Mind Map:
Idea Generation - Adv-Game - Experimentation:
For my experiment, I selected a person of my choosing and drew him into the pixelated style that'd later be used for my
Danny Davito
Though it was planned, when it came to actually making
my adv-game, I implimented the Danny Devito
experiemtion, due to the success I had with the character
and it'd save me a lot more time on making and thinking
of an entirley original one – only this time extended to
have a full body with a fully animated run cylcle...
Individual Idea:
Write down and overview of your idea here. What is your is that you want to take to the rest of the group?
You can also add some visual elements to help explain your idea.
Group Idea:
Put your groups idea here. Agree on what you are doing. You need to work to this concept from here on.
Planning Docs (TV Advert):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
Planning Docs (Advergame):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
Planning Docs (Print Advert):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
Finished Stuff:
Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog.

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Irn bru pro forma

  • 2. Info-graphic Research: For my "info-graphics" I'll be researching graphic design – digital artwork. Notes: • Photoshop is one of the best software's to use for is and the ones that's widely used for digital artwork – such as film and TV's artwork for posters and thumbnails. • Illustration, photography and video production are all play part a part in graphic design. • Typography: "the style and appearance of printed matter" - Google. Things required to become a graphic design: • Understand how to core design plans, with advanced techniques to visually communicate my ideas. • I'll need an understanding of Typography. • I'll also require real world experience on handelling both time well under real world preasures with industry/client brief's. • Most importantly, I'll need a strong skill set in order to both prove and preform within the industry.
  • 3. Info-graphic Research: As well as doing research through websites, I went out and searched for first had information from proffesional graphic designers I like. Lee Binding: • I asked him on how he got himself out there as an artist – He replied with saying he hand no real advice other than keeping at it. He also told me that he believes twitter was the source of his growth – rather than Instagram (the way I was attempting to share my art work and grow my reputation as an artist.) • Another way he started his career was through someone's requirement of artwork – however he wouldn't really recommend it as that was 20 years ago. What he does recommend is stay at it (again) and be nice - as it's just as important, because people will come back to you if you were patient and good and nice to them. • On top of that he advices having a portfolio that contain a diverse range of styles – rather than sticking to a limited range, show you can use a range of styles to suite them – as it makes you stand out further. Will Brooks: • In asking him how he started his career of – he replied, saying he started the run of his career going round a bit – studding television production at university and did some work for Blue Peter, with a few other bits before he started work on. However he truly started out by doing design work as hobby, followed by being asked to do some design work for the Doctor Who Experience, which further lead onto Big Finish, then Titan asked him to create the covers for their releases. • The best advice he said he could give was to just stick at it, keep expanding my skills (as there is so mcuh I to learn and expand upon- going as far to state that he still learns new things daily...)
  • 4. Info-graphic Bibliography: • Creative Technology Educators . (2016). Graphic Design vs Digital Design. Available: Last accessed 13th September 2018.
  • 5. Info-graphic – Pre-Production: Visually communicate My ideas. GRAPHIC DESIGN All part of graphic design: - 33k0u0klloYb-BOgYtsp5l6tXg7
  • 7. Client research: My client is John R Nicolson, who's the chairmen of AG Barr, who produces the beverage – Irn-Bru. They choose to advertise their products in a vast range of mediums – such as the TV adverts (produced by Leith - "Goth Holiday," February 26th, 2009; "Gets You Through," April 30th, 2012; "Get a Trip" May 27th, 2015;) the outdoor company (also made produced by Leith "Made of Irn" May 9th, 2016.) The TV adverts are produced in the context of trying to make the audience laugh, whilst also making out that Irn-Bru is such an amazing drink that it can solve your problems – in the adverts the main character is having a dramatically bizzar and comical experience (e.g. a man goes back to his place, to find that his girlfriend made the place pink and fluffy - "Gets You Through,") however the only the character copes with such a situation is to take a sip of Irn-Bru making the drink appear to the audience as a miracle worker. Website Used: •
  • 8. Advert 1: Link: Line of appeal: • Comedy & humour - As the situation he's in is so over the top (and almost quite cartoonish – for example her children are almost exact copies her,) to the point it becomes funny to the audience. • Luxurious - As the drink in the advert is proposed us as a luxury – in the way that it's so good it helps you get over/overcome any situation... Analysis: As the main character is thrown into a (comically-) over the top Sicario – in which a sweet and scrawny lad goes on a date (expecting to find someone perfect) to find a tough woman – who's double his size (e.g. a complete contrast to him,) making the lad intimidated in by. They try and sell the product to us by the point that, despite the situation he's in, Irn-Bru get him through – e.g. it's that a good.
  • 9. Advert 2: Link: Line of appeal: • Comedy & humour - Going from a quite campy (like old Disney cartoons you watched as a kid,) to avert you expectations at the end (becoming dark,) as he lead all the cartoon representations of cute animals to his butchers. • Luxurious - As when he drink Irn-Bru at the start of the video, the world moves from it's much duller and greyer form to a much happier and optimistic – thus making the product appear to change life for the better. Analysis: Commercial starts of quite dark and miserable, only to see the work change around him (in contrast,) to the previous one – becoming quite campy and optimistic – thus promoting Irn-Bru as this really positive drink.
  • 10. Advert 3: Link: Line of appeal: • Comedy & humour - The commercial becomes funny by averting your expectations – because there goths (stereotypically,) you expect them to be really miserable, however after drinking the Irn- Bru. • Luxurious - As it advertises itself as drink as a force of positivity – as it transforms these (stereotypically) miserable goths and makes them cartoonish-ly smiley and happy (working in contrast as before – e.g."feel phenomenal." Analysis: (Much like the other Irn-Bru advert – with the butcher,) the advert stars of quite down and depressing (a typical goth scene, with gothic bell music playing within the background,) before a mother (contrasting to the goths,) brings a tray with snack and Irn-Bru (clearly displayed to the audience – as this is an advert for the drink.) Soon after the goths take a sip from the drink – as we watch there mood completely change (from miserable, to overjoyed – allowing the audience to be provided with a mentally positive link with the Irn-Bru)
  • 11. The Adverts: Running themes and comparisons: One of the running theme's in the Irn-Bru adverts is the humour – apposed to a lot of competitors within the drinks market (such as Pepsi and/or Coca-Cola,) meaning as far as adverts go, they stand out from their competitors. To create their humour they like to be obscene and push the boundaries - whilst keeping it tame enough to not go as far to offend someone (-again allowing them to stand out and even become iconic – in their own style.) Another similarity is that all of these adverts are linier – flowing a straight forward story –from start to finish. Furthermore, the advert plays on the expected and twists those expectations – for a comical affect, and because of these twists are used through out the Irn-Bru adverts, we as the audience can't help but be drawn into the adverts (for both the humour, and the twists – to see what happens,) meaning we sit quite happily through the adverts – rather than most, in which, we tend to avoid. Finally, like most adverts, they need to sell the drink to audience – as well as, getting their name out there as a brand. To sell us the drink they use the drink as either a comping mechanism (as seen in "Advert 1" - "Gets You Through,") or it brings the positive twist on either the world ("Advert 2") or characters ("Advert 3" - "Goth Holiday,") - e.g. either way it is shown as product that makes things a lot better – as all adverts do (both in and out of the market,) as the purpose of the advert is to sell it to the audience. (One company that plays with a similar style to that of Irn-Bru, is Specsavers, following the twists and humour, whilst always leading into the company's slogan - "Should of Gone to Specsavers...")
  • 12. The Adverts: The differences: Despite Irn-Bru taking up a particular style, they still have to apply differences and changes within the adverts – to prevent it from feeling stale (-as can seen with adverts – such as "Go Compare.") "Advert 1" - was made in a batch of adverts that ran in 2012 by Leith -"Gets You Through." Whilst all keeping to the same style and premise, the three advert's have use somewhat different story lines, and were all shown at the same time - meaning they had variation to choose from when they aired them, preventing them from getting overdone – as most adverts can when constantly repeating the same one through the duration of a program. "Advert 2" - Now the second advert I looked after followed a different style – using a darker twist at the end – though be it still comical. We start of with negative change - before the drinking Irn-Bru, then a positive change is brought on after. However the has more of story structure to it – having a start to a more rounded up finish (with the animals being led into the butchers) - unlike the "Gets You Through" adverts. "Advert 3" - For the final advert I looked at (-"Goth Holiday") the advert is a lot more simplistic (compared to the rest,) whilst still taking of the positive change (as was used for - "Advert 2.") On top of this, this advert only has one speaking line – using two word - "there you go," in the entire advert's duration. (E.g. these adverts all keep the same theme, whilst still providing change – enough so that they can still stay refreshing.)
  • 13. Market research: One of the biggest competitors to Irn-Bru is Coca-Cola – being one of the biggest soft drinks on the market (amounting to "3.5 billion U.S. dollars" in revenue in 2017.) Websites Used: • Colour Scheme: Running Theme's In Advertising: Slogan: Irn-Bru Orange and blue. Comedic. "Irn-Bru get you through." Coca-Cola Red and white. Positvty and sharing. "Taste the feeling." Though the colour scheme's in both Coca- Cola and Irn-Bru aren't the same (in colour's,) they both do use a simple colour schemes, with a main colour and secondary colour – e.g. red and white or orange and blue. Unlike Irn-Bru, Coca-Cola, doesn't really bring a theme or stlye to the markey (when advetisting,) - however their more recent adverts sell them selfs on sharing the soft drink. Wheres with Irn-Bru they have quite a consistent trend of comedy that usually pushes the bounderies –without becoming offensive. Furthermore, Irn-Bru being made in Scotland (and being the only place it's the most popular drink-) they impliment very sterotypical Scottish accents – almost like they're poking fun at them sleves? Both being soft drinks, they both focus on the quality of their drink – Coca-Cola suggesting it's so good that it give you a feeling; where's with Irn-Bru suggesting it's so good it gets you helps you get through life – also in reffrence to the line of adverts "Gets You Through," by Leith in 2012.
  • 14. Audience research: As can be seen on "YouGov" profiles (as well as being made and produced in Scotaland) the brand take a very Scotishly Left winged politically – within their customer base. Furthermore there customers tend to be quite young and slihgtly more male, than female. Websites Used: •
  • 15. Audience research: Observation: I found out that my main audience is built up of a male audience – at 77.78%/7 out of the 9 people who did my questionnaire, with the rest being females 22.22%/2 out of the 9 people who did my questionnaire. What this says about my audience: This suggest and possibly goes as far as to prove that my main audience are my class – as this comes closer to the gender ratio in my class. How will this product appeal to this audience: To help my product succeed more with given demographic, I will make my primary appeal towards a main male audience – as that would help insure more that my product would win over the main majority. However, I will also channel a smaller amount of appeal towards the female audience – to make my product less exclusive and more inclusive instead.
  • 16. Audience research: Observation: I found out that my primary audience are 16 to 18 year olds – at 88.89%/8 out of the 9 people who did my questionnaire, and with 21 or older being my secondary audience – at 11.11%/1 out of the 9 people who did my survey. What this says about my audience: This again, helps back up my previous theory – that the majority of my audience are likely my class. Furthermore, 16 to 18 being my age demographic, it'll be much easier to appeal to, as I can essentially appeal to my self – as I fit into this demographic. How will this product appeal to this audience: • Primary Audience: I will be appealing to this age demographic with my slightly immature and random humour – that I know would appeal to me. E.g. I will use stereotypes to motivate the humour in my advert – in original tradition of the Irn-Bru adverts, becoming more like a sketch than an advert... • Secondary Audience: To appeal too this audience more I will try to add real world issues – issues that who a slightly older generation will get (e.g. 21 or older...)
  • 17. Audience research: Observation: The best potential way to sell to an audience – or help sell to an audience that doesn't really take to soft drinks is to bring down the prices and a better flavour.... What this says about my audience: Because a small fraction of the audience doesn't like soft drinks, meaning that I would be attempting to appeal to some people that wouldn't like the product that I'm trying to promote/push... How will this product appeal to this audience: With these results, I can take into account that 22.22% of the results won't matter as much as the 2 out of the 9 people don't like soft drink – the product I'm trying to sell.
  • 18. Audience research: Observation: The main majority of my audience (55.56%/5 out of the 9) choose to have soft drinks a lot of the time, with majority of what's left (22.22%/2 out of the 9) choose to hardly ever drink soft drinks. What this says about my audience: With the result I got back from my audience, I can identify that a lot of my audience drink soft drinks, with just over half of my audience drinking soft drinks a lot – and even though a small fraction of my audience (11.11%/1 out of the 9 people drink soft drinks,) meaning that it'll be easier to appeal to my audience – as the fit under the demographic of Irn-Bru – e.g. a soft drink. How will this product appeal to this audience: With this given demographic, it means I can advertise to the soft drinks market and still capture the majority (88.89%/8 out of the 9 people in my audience.)
  • 19. Audience research: Observation: Irn-Bru receives 47% average approval rating from my audience. What this says about my audience: Despite the majority of my audience drink soft drinks are quite popular amongst my audience, this shows that Irn-Bru has a low approval from my audience. How will this product appeal to this audience: Because my audience don't approve of Irn-Bru too highly, it'll be harder to promote the drink to my audience...
  • 20. Audience research: Observation: A bit appeal by the drink is the colour scheme – according to my audience. However the blue and orange (though strong as colour scheme and definitely memorable,) can be "quite jarring..." What this says about my audience: This tells me that I should try and include more of the Irn-Bru colour shceme in my work – however I shouldn't over do use it – to prevent it becoming jarring to my audience. How will this product appeal to this audience: I can pick out the things or solve the problems that the Irn-Bru makerting doesn't appeal to my audience to help sell the product to them.
  • 21. Observation: One of the most consistent things my audience like about broadcast adverts is comedy/humourus. What this says about my audience: This tells me my audience likes to amused by the adverts they watch – using the advert itself as a form of amusement of it own... How will this product appeal to this audience: To appeal to my audience, I'll need to stick closely to a lot of what the Irn-Bru adverts do already – gathering from what the audiences have told me – e.g. the comedy and possibly the use of Scottish culture... Audience research:
  • 22. Observation: Again, one of the most consistent things my audience like about radio adverts is comedy/humourus. What this says about my audience: This tells me my audience likes to amused by the adverts they watch – using this form of advert itself as a form of amusement of it own... How will this product appeal to this audience: To appeal to my audience, I'll need to stick closely to a lot of what the Irn-Bru adverts do already – gathering from what the audiences have told me – e.g. the comedy and possibly the use of Scottish culture, as well as eccentricated vocals... Audience research:
  • 23. Idea Generation - Advert - Mind Map:
  • 24. Idea Generation - Advert - Script:
  • 25. Idea Generation - Advert - Shot List:
  • 26. Idea Generation - Adv-Game - Inspiration and Research: For my adv-game, intend on attempting to create a simple, but fun game concept that I'll be able to implement the product (Irn-Bru) into. To help do this, I looked into game that'd fit this brief that I could either gain inspiration for my product or rather use the concept and modify it fit the brief... T-Rex Chrome Offline Game: All you have to do in this game is simply either jump or duck – depending on a series of simple obstacles; as the main character endlessly runs through a looping terrain; the aim is to get as far as you can which will increase your score – the further you go. However this isn't an Adv-Game, just a fun feature applied to Google Chrome – meaning that this'd have to be modified to suite the brandings purpose's...
  • 27. Idea Generation - Adv-Game - Mind Map:
  • 28. Idea Generation - Adv-Game - Experimentation: For my experiment, I selected a person of my choosing and drew him into the pixelated style that'd later be used for my adv-game. Danny Davito Though it was planned, when it came to actually making my adv-game, I implimented the Danny Devito experiemtion, due to the success I had with the character and it'd save me a lot more time on making and thinking of an entirley original one – only this time extended to have a full body with a fully animated run cylcle...
  • 29. Individual Idea: Write down and overview of your idea here. What is your is that you want to take to the rest of the group? You can also add some visual elements to help explain your idea.
  • 30. Group Idea: Put your groups idea here. Agree on what you are doing. You need to work to this concept from here on.
  • 31. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
  • 32. Planning Docs (Advergame): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
  • 33. Planning Docs (Print Advert): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
  • 34. Finished Stuff: Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog.