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Association of Religion Data Archives (2006)
Confucius (Kong Qi)
551 - 479 BC
Born in Qufu, China
In the State of Lu
Modern day Shandong province
Late Spring & Autumn Period (771 - 481 BC)
City of Lu
Shangdon Province
Kong Fuzi
Means master Kong
Zhou Dynasty
Director of Public works
Director of Justice Department
School Curriculum
Trained civil servants
Taught ruling class they could have
happy, fulfilling lives if they
observed right conduct, moral
code, and just government
School Curriculum
Ruling Class were uninterested!
498 BC
Left Qufu and traveled for 14 years
and allegedly teaching
The five classics
But people didn’t seem interested
Gathered four disciples
484 BC
Offered a position in Qufu
Returned home
Set up his own school in
Temple of Confucius in Shandong Province
Died in 479 BC
Age 73 in Qufu, Lu Province
Five Great Sages
Confucius (551 - 479 BC)
Mengzi (505 - 435 BC)
Tzu Ssu (481 - 402 BC)
Mencius (372 - 289 BC)
Xunzi (310 - 235 BC)
Mencius (Mang Tze)
372-289 BC
Popularized / spread Confucianism
Born in Zhou Province
372 BC
Traveled all around china
spreading Confucianism and
planting schools
Han Dynasty
202 BC - 220 AD
Officially adopted Confucianism as
the national belief system and it
has been Chinese culture since
Four Books & Five Classics
• The Book of Rites (aka Great Learning)
• The Doctrine of the Mean
• The Analects of Confucius
• The Works of Mencius
• The I-Ching
• The Classics of Poetry
• The Classics of Rites
• The Classics of History
• The Spring and Autumn Annals
Teaching & Beliefs
Moral harmony of the individual is
related to social harmony.
Social harmony of a society is related
to cosmic harmony
Heaven does not have two suns and the
people do not have two kings'. A
consequence of this idea is that, just as
there is only one cosmic environment,
there is only one true way to live and only
one correct political system. If society fails
it is because sacred texts and teachings
have been misinterpreted; the texts
themselves contain the Way but we must
search for and find it.
Basic Principles
1. People are innately good & inclined to choose good
2. People choose wrong because they are ignorant
3. People are ignorant of the moral code
4. People can be educated in the moral code
5. People educated in the moral code will choose good
Basic Principles
1. Tian (Heaven) is the source and sustainer of life
2. Understanding one’s relationship to Tian and one’s place in
the universe establishes social order
Five Hierarchical Relationships
1. Ruler to Subject
2. Husband to Wife
3. Father to Son
4. Brother (older) to Brother (younger)
5. Friend (older) to Friend (younger)
Five Virtues
1. Ren – benevolence
2. Yi – righteousness
3. Li – ritual
4. Zhi – knowledge
5. Xin - integrity
1. Xiao – filial piety
2. Zhong – loyalty
3. Jie – contingency
4. Yi – justice/righteousness
Four Constants
Guo, Qiyong et al. (2012). The values of Confucian benevolence. Frontiers of philosophy in China 7(1) pp. 20-54.
The Silver Rule
Whatsoever you do not want done to you, do not do to others
(Analects 12:2)
Civil Service Exam
Han Dynasty
All civil servants
Military officers
Required to take exam
Any male was eligible
Mulan, 2020, “It is my place to bring honor to the family”
Mulan, 2020, “Taking the sword”
Confucian Texts
Books of Confucianism
• Five Classics
• Four Books of Learning
Five Classics
1. Book of Odes
2. Book of Documents
3. Book of Rites
4. Spring & Autumn Annals
5. Book of Changes (I-Ching)
Four Books of Learning
1. The Great Learning
2. The Analects
3. The Book of Mencius
4. The Doctrine of the Mean
Five Classics
1. Book of Odes
2. Book of Documents
3. Book of Rites
4. Spring & Autumn Annals
5. Book of Changes (I Ching)
Book of Odes
Aka Book of Songs
AKA Book of Poetry
305 Poems
Folk songs
Sacrificial hymns
Love, marriage, farming, war
How is the Night?
How is the night?
The night's not yet ended.
Courtyard torches are lit;
our lord is coming,
his bridle-bells make tinkling
How is the night?
The night's not yet over.
Courtyard torches shimmer
and shine:
our lord is coming,
his bridle-bells make jangling
How is the night?
The night gives way to dawn.
Courtyard torches are
our lord is coming,
I can see his banners!
Kizer, K. (2002). Poem 152 in Chinese poetry.
Book of Documents
Events of ancient China
58 chapters
Chronicles kings Yao & Shun
The role and duties of a sage
The Role and duty of a king
Book of Rites
Social Norms during Zhou dyanasty
Government organizations
Ritual Conduct
Book of Rites
• If a man be sitting, let him do so as a personator of the
deceased; if he be standing, let him do so (reverently), as
in sacrificing
• In going to take counsel with an elder, one must carry a
stool and a staff with him (for the elder's use). When the
elder asks a question, to reply without acknowledging one's
incompetency and (trying to) decline answering, is contrary
to propriety
All wisdom comes from the Lord, and so
do common sense and understanding
(Proverbs 2:6, CEV)
When a man sees an intimate friend of his father, not to presume to
go forward to him without being told to do so; nor to retire without
being told; nor to address him without being questioned:--this is the
conduct of a filial son, 5. A son, when he is going abroad, must
inform (his parents where he is going); when he returns, he must
present himself before them. Where he travels must be in some fixed
(region); what he engages in must be some (reputable) occupation.
6. In ordinary conversation (with his parents), he does not use the
term 'old' (with reference to them)[2]. 7. He should serve one twice
as old as himself as he serves his father, one ten years older than
himself as an elder brother; with one five years older he should walk
shoulder to shoulder, but (a little) behind him. 8. When five are
sitting together, the eldest must have a different mat (by himself)[3].
9. A son should not occupy the south-west corner of the apartment,
Kung Fu, 1972, “Why did you not drink”
Spring & Autumn Annals
Longest of 5 classics
History of State of Lu
Book of Changes
I- Ching
Five Classics
It was whilst he was teaching in his school
that Confucius started to write. Two
collections of poetry were the Book of Odes
(Shijing or Shi king) and the Book of
Documents (Shujing or Shu king). The
Spring and Autumn Annals (Lin Jing or Lin
King), which told the history of Lu, and the
Book of Changes ( Yi Jing or Yi king) was a
collection of treatises on divination.
1. In the first (or lowest) NINE, undivided, (we see
its subject as) the dragon lying hid (in the deep). It
is not the time for active doing.
2. In the second NINE, undivided, (we see its
subject as) the dragon appearing in the field. It will
be advantageous to meet with the great man.
3. In the third NINE, undivided, (we see its subject
as) the superior man active and vigilant all the day,
and in the evening still careful and apprehensive.
(The position is) dangerous, but there will be no
4. In the fourth NINE, undivided, (we see its subject
as the dragon looking) as if he were leaping up, but
still in the deep. There will be no mistake.
The Khien
By King Wan
5. In the fifth NINE, undivided, (we see its
subject as) the dragon on the wing in the sky. It
will be advantageous to meet with the great
6. In the sixth (or topmost) NINE, undivided,
(we see its subject as) the dragon exceeding
the proper limits. There will be occasion for
7. (The lines of this hexagram are all strong and
undivided, as appears from) the use of the
number NINE. If the host of dragons (thus)
appearing were to divest themselves of their
heads, there would be good fortune.
The Khien
By King Wan
The Four Books of Learning
1. Book of Analects
2. Book of Mencius
3. Book of Great Learning
4. Doctrine of the Mean
The Analects
During Spring Autumn Period of China
Collection of Confucian Proverbs
Textbook for Civil Service
Analects 2.3
If the people be led by laws, and uniformity
sought to be given them by punishments, they
will try to avoid the punishment, but have no
sense of shame. If they be led by virtue, and
uniformity sought to be given them by the rules
of propriety, they will have the sense of shame
and, moreover, will become good.
(Analects, 2.3; Tamblyn, p. 3)
• By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection,
which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and
third by experience, which is the bitterest.
• Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.
• It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not
• Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
• If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a
• Study the past if you would define the future.
• The funniest people are the saddest ones
• Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves
• To be wronged is nothing…unless of course you continue to
remember it
• The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who
does not ask is a fool for life.
• When you see a good person, think of becoming like her/him. When
you see someone not so good, reflect on your own weak points
• The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected
without trials.
Book of Mencius
Conversations between Mencius & disciples
How to govern
Book of Great Learning
The Great Learning is a guide for moral self-
cultivation. According to the Great Learning,
the key to moral self-cultivation is learning,
or the investigation of things. Through the
investigation of things, one comes to
understand the principle in all things, which
allows one to better comprehend the world.
Through this moral self-cultivation, one's li
(principle) and qi (psychophysical stuff) are
in harmony, leading to consistent moral
behavior. Zhu Xi prescribed that The Great
Learning be the first of the Confucian
Classics read, as the message contained in
The Great Learning would orient scholars to
think about the value of their studies.
Doctrine of the Mean
The Doctrine of the Mean has been translated in
many ways, including The Constant Mean (Legge)
and Maintaining Perfect Balance (Gardener). The
Doctrine of the Mean is attributed to Zisi, Kongzi's
grandson, and deals with how to maintain perfect
balance and harmony in one's life. The Doctrine of
the Mean focuses on following the Way and acting
in accordance with what is right and natural, but
acknowledges that people often do not act
properly. To rectify the situation, people are
encouraged to engage in moral self-cultivation to
act properly. In addition, the Doctrine of the Mean
emphasizes the fact that the good governance
rests with men and that rulers who maintain
balance are not only more effective, but also
encourage the Way in others.
Temple Rituals
Stress honoring
the ancestors
Mulan (1998)
Confucian Temple in Quzhou
Probably built about 1136. They have sacri
ces to Confucius and tablets dedicated to the scholars there
Temple to Confucius in Beijing
One hundred ninety-eight carved stone tablets that still stand in
front of the main gate of the Temple in Beijing best illustrate the
Confucius Temple's integral connection with the examination
system: they bear over fifty thousand names of men who passed
the highest examination beginning in 1313, the date of the first
examination to be held in the capital city of Beijing, to 1904, when
the last civil examination was held there. The Libationer of the
Directorate of Education led the new degree-holders who had
passed the Palace Examination to the Temple to pay obeisance to
the Supreme Sage.
Confucian Temple in Beijing
In Modern China
Mao Tse Tung
Communist Revolution 1949
Sought to eradicate Confucianism
Cultural Revolution
1966 - 1976
Confucian Books Burned
Temples destroyed
Confucian Temple in Taipei Taiwan
Confucianism survived in Taiwan from 1949 to 1996 after Mao and was brought back to China by scholars
Communism Changed China
Erased Class differences
Woman had equal rights
Erased religious practices (secularism)
Communism Retained Confucianism
Loyalty to the State
Stress on education and civil service exams
Stress on social duty
Deng Xiaoping
1978 - 1989
Return of Confucianism
Confucianism has made comeback as the Communist Party looked
for ways to justify its authoritarianism and forge a common Chinese
identity. In the 1990s, Confucianism was promoted to provide moral
teachings and counteract the decadence and materialism brought
about by the Deng reforms. In the early 2000s, a number of schools
opened up to teach Confucian values to youngsters and an institute
was set up at Renmin University devoted to the study of Confucius
and Confucian thought.
Hays, Sep 2016, “Confucianism Today”
Modern Day College Exam
Determines if a student will go to
a. Tech or Vocation School
b. Chinese University
Modern traditions and Social
values in China rooted in
Confucian philosophy including
stress on
Learning, self-development, and
social hierarchy
Vigo (2014) China Source Quarterly
Modern educational program
providing adult opportunities to
earn a BA, MA or even PhD,
Stressing Confucian texts and
moral education
Vigo (2014) China Source Quarterly
The Confucius Institute
• Founded in 2004
• Confucian learning around the world
• Some are institutes within Universities.
• Some are independent schools
• Teach Chinese, culture, music,
• Controversy: Propaganda tool of the PRC
• Suppress learning about Taiwan
• Promote learning about Communism
Page, Jeremy. (2015). Chinese Communist Party Turns to Confucius. Wall Street Journal

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INT-244 Confucianism

  • 2. Demographics • Worldwide 6,111,000 followers • Taiwan, Korea, Japan, China, and Vietnam Association of Religion Data Archives (2006)
  • 4. Confucius (Kong Qi) 551 - 479 BC Born in Qufu, China In the State of Lu Modern day Shandong province
  • 5. ( Late Spring & Autumn Period (771 - 481 BC)
  • 7. Confucius Kong Fuzi Means master Kong
  • 8. Confucius Zhou Dynasty Director of Public works Director of Justice Department
  • 9. School Curriculum Trained civil servants Taught ruling class they could have happy, fulfilling lives if they observed right conduct, moral code, and just government
  • 10. School Curriculum Ruling Class were uninterested!
  • 11. Confucius 498 BC Left Qufu and traveled for 14 years and allegedly teaching The five classics But people didn’t seem interested
  • 13. Confucius 484 BC Offered a position in Qufu Returned home
  • 14. Confucius Set up his own school in Lu
  • 15. Temple of Confucius in Shandong Province
  • 16. Died in 479 BC Age 73 in Qufu, Lu Province
  • 17. Five Great Sages Confucius (551 - 479 BC) Mengzi (505 - 435 BC) Tzu Ssu (481 - 402 BC) Mencius (372 - 289 BC) Xunzi (310 - 235 BC)
  • 18. Mencius (Mang Tze) 372-289 BC Popularized / spread Confucianism
  • 19. Born in Zhou Province 372 BC Traveled all around china spreading Confucianism and planting schools
  • 20. Han Dynasty 202 BC - 220 AD Officially adopted Confucianism as the national belief system and it has been Chinese culture since
  • 21. Four Books & Five Classics • The Book of Rites (aka Great Learning) • The Doctrine of the Mean • The Analects of Confucius • The Works of Mencius • The I-Ching • The Classics of Poetry • The Classics of Rites • The Classics of History • The Spring and Autumn Annals
  • 22.
  • 24. Confucianism Premise: Moral harmony of the individual is related to social harmony. Social harmony of a society is related to cosmic harmony
  • 25. Premise Heaven does not have two suns and the people do not have two kings'. A consequence of this idea is that, just as there is only one cosmic environment, there is only one true way to live and only one correct political system. If society fails it is because sacred texts and teachings have been misinterpreted; the texts themselves contain the Way but we must search for and find it.
  • 26. Basic Principles 1. People are innately good & inclined to choose good 2. People choose wrong because they are ignorant 3. People are ignorant of the moral code 4. People can be educated in the moral code 5. People educated in the moral code will choose good
  • 27. Basic Principles 1. Tian (Heaven) is the source and sustainer of life 2. Understanding one’s relationship to Tian and one’s place in the universe establishes social order
  • 28. Five Hierarchical Relationships 1. Ruler to Subject 2. Husband to Wife 3. Father to Son 4. Brother (older) to Brother (younger) 5. Friend (older) to Friend (younger)
  • 29. Five Virtues 1. Ren – benevolence 2. Yi – righteousness 3. Li – ritual 4. Zhi – knowledge 5. Xin - integrity 1. Xiao – filial piety 2. Zhong – loyalty 3. Jie – contingency 4. Yi – justice/righteousness Four Constants Guo, Qiyong et al. (2012). The values of Confucian benevolence. Frontiers of philosophy in China 7(1) pp. 20-54.
  • 30. The Silver Rule Whatsoever you do not want done to you, do not do to others (Analects 12:2)
  • 31. Civil Service Exam Han Dynasty All civil servants Military officers Required to take exam Any male was eligible
  • 32.
  • 33. Mulan, 2020, “It is my place to bring honor to the family”
  • 34. Mulan, 2020, “Taking the sword”
  • 36. Books of Confucianism • Five Classics • Four Books of Learning
  • 37. Five Classics 1. Book of Odes 2. Book of Documents 3. Book of Rites 4. Spring & Autumn Annals 5. Book of Changes (I-Ching)
  • 38. Four Books of Learning 1. The Great Learning 2. The Analects 3. The Book of Mencius 4. The Doctrine of the Mean
  • 39. Five Classics Wujing 1. Book of Odes 2. Book of Documents 3. Book of Rites 4. Spring & Autumn Annals 5. Book of Changes (I Ching)
  • 40. Book of Odes Aka Book of Songs AKA Book of Poetry 305 Poems Folk songs Sacrificial hymns Love, marriage, farming, war fi veclassics.html
  • 41. How is the Night? How is the night? The night's not yet ended. Courtyard torches are lit; our lord is coming, his bridle-bells make tinkling sounds. How is the night? The night's not yet over. Courtyard torches shimmer and shine: our lord is coming, his bridle-bells make jangling sounds. How is the night? The night gives way to dawn. Courtyard torches are glimmering: our lord is coming, I can see his banners! Kizer, K. (2002). Poem 152 in Chinese poetry.
  • 42. Book of Documents Events of ancient China 58 chapters Chronicles kings Yao & Shun The role and duties of a sage The Role and duty of a king fi veclassics.html
  • 43. Book of Rites Social Norms during Zhou dyanasty Government organizations Ritual Conduct fi veclassics.html
  • 44. Book of Rites • If a man be sitting, let him do so as a personator of the deceased; if he be standing, let him do so (reverently), as in sacrificing • In going to take counsel with an elder, one must carry a stool and a staff with him (for the elder's use). When the elder asks a question, to reply without acknowledging one's incompetency and (trying to) decline answering, is contrary to propriety
  • 45. All wisdom comes from the Lord, and so do common sense and understanding (Proverbs 2:6, CEV)
  • 46. When a man sees an intimate friend of his father, not to presume to go forward to him without being told to do so; nor to retire without being told; nor to address him without being questioned:--this is the conduct of a filial son, 5. A son, when he is going abroad, must inform (his parents where he is going); when he returns, he must present himself before them. Where he travels must be in some fixed (region); what he engages in must be some (reputable) occupation. 6. In ordinary conversation (with his parents), he does not use the term 'old' (with reference to them)[2]. 7. He should serve one twice as old as himself as he serves his father, one ten years older than himself as an elder brother; with one five years older he should walk shoulder to shoulder, but (a little) behind him. 8. When five are sitting together, the eldest must have a different mat (by himself)[3]. 9. A son should not occupy the south-west corner of the apartment,
  • 47. Kung Fu, 1972, “Why did you not drink”
  • 48. Spring & Autumn Annals Longest of 5 classics History of State of Lu fi veclassics.html
  • 49. Book of Changes I- Ching fi veclassics.html
  • 50. Five Classics Wujing It was whilst he was teaching in his school that Confucius started to write. Two collections of poetry were the Book of Odes (Shijing or Shi king) and the Book of Documents (Shujing or Shu king). The Spring and Autumn Annals (Lin Jing or Lin King), which told the history of Lu, and the Book of Changes ( Yi Jing or Yi king) was a collection of treatises on divination.
  • 51. 1. In the first (or lowest) NINE, undivided, (we see its subject as) the dragon lying hid (in the deep). It is not the time for active doing. 2. In the second NINE, undivided, (we see its subject as) the dragon appearing in the field. It will be advantageous to meet with the great man. 3. In the third NINE, undivided, (we see its subject as) the superior man active and vigilant all the day, and in the evening still careful and apprehensive. (The position is) dangerous, but there will be no mistake. 4. In the fourth NINE, undivided, (we see its subject as the dragon looking) as if he were leaping up, but still in the deep. There will be no mistake. The Khien Hexagram By King Wan
  • 52. 5. In the fifth NINE, undivided, (we see its subject as) the dragon on the wing in the sky. It will be advantageous to meet with the great man. 6. In the sixth (or topmost) NINE, undivided, (we see its subject as) the dragon exceeding the proper limits. There will be occasion for repentance. 7. (The lines of this hexagram are all strong and undivided, as appears from) the use of the number NINE. If the host of dragons (thus) appearing were to divest themselves of their heads, there would be good fortune. The Khien Hexagram By King Wan
  • 53. The Four Books of Learning 1. Book of Analects 2. Book of Mencius 3. Book of Great Learning 4. Doctrine of the Mean
  • 54. The Analects During Spring Autumn Period of China Collection of Confucian Proverbs fi veclassics.html
  • 55. Textbook for Civil Service
  • 56. Analects 2.3 If the people be led by laws, and uniformity sought to be given them by punishments, they will try to avoid the punishment, but have no sense of shame. If they be led by virtue, and uniformity sought to be given them by the rules of propriety, they will have the sense of shame and, moreover, will become good. (Analects, 2.3; Tamblyn, p. 3)
  • 57. • By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. • Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. • It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. • Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. • If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake. • Study the past if you would define the future.
  • 58. • The funniest people are the saddest ones • Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves • To be wronged is nothing…unless of course you continue to remember it • The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life. • When you see a good person, think of becoming like her/him. When you see someone not so good, reflect on your own weak points • The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.
  • 59. Book of Mencius Conversations between Mencius & disciples How to govern fi veclassics.html
  • 60. Book of Great Learning The Great Learning is a guide for moral self- cultivation. According to the Great Learning, the key to moral self-cultivation is learning, or the investigation of things. Through the investigation of things, one comes to understand the principle in all things, which allows one to better comprehend the world. Through this moral self-cultivation, one's li (principle) and qi (psychophysical stuff) are in harmony, leading to consistent moral behavior. Zhu Xi prescribed that The Great Learning be the first of the Confucian Classics read, as the message contained in The Great Learning would orient scholars to think about the value of their studies. fi veclassics.html
  • 61. Doctrine of the Mean The Doctrine of the Mean has been translated in many ways, including The Constant Mean (Legge) and Maintaining Perfect Balance (Gardener). The Doctrine of the Mean is attributed to Zisi, Kongzi's grandson, and deals with how to maintain perfect balance and harmony in one's life. The Doctrine of the Mean focuses on following the Way and acting in accordance with what is right and natural, but acknowledges that people often do not act properly. To rectify the situation, people are encouraged to engage in moral self-cultivation to act properly. In addition, the Doctrine of the Mean emphasizes the fact that the good governance rests with men and that rulers who maintain balance are not only more effective, but also encourage the Way in others. fi veclassics.html
  • 65. Confucian Temple in Quzhou Probably built about 1136. They have sacri fi ces to Confucius and tablets dedicated to the scholars there
  • 66. Temple to Confucius in Beijing One hundred ninety-eight carved stone tablets that still stand in front of the main gate of the Temple in Beijing best illustrate the Confucius Temple's integral connection with the examination system: they bear over fifty thousand names of men who passed the highest examination beginning in 1313, the date of the first examination to be held in the capital city of Beijing, to 1904, when the last civil examination was held there. The Libationer of the Directorate of Education led the new degree-holders who had passed the Palace Examination to the Temple to pay obeisance to the Supreme Sage.
  • 69. Mao Tse Tung Communist Revolution 1949 Sought to eradicate Confucianism
  • 70. Cultural Revolution 1966 - 1976 Confucian Books Burned Temples destroyed
  • 71. Confucian Temple in Taipei Taiwan Confucianism survived in Taiwan from 1949 to 1996 after Mao and was brought back to China by scholars
  • 72. Communism Changed China Erased Class differences Woman had equal rights Erased religious practices (secularism)
  • 73. Communism Retained Confucianism Loyalty to the State Stress on education and civil service exams Stress on social duty
  • 75. Return of Confucianism Confucianism has made comeback as the Communist Party looked for ways to justify its authoritarianism and forge a common Chinese identity. In the 1990s, Confucianism was promoted to provide moral teachings and counteract the decadence and materialism brought about by the Deng reforms. In the early 2000s, a number of schools opened up to teach Confucian values to youngsters and an institute was set up at Renmin University devoted to the study of Confucius and Confucian thought. Hays, Sep 2016, “Confucianism Today”
  • 76. Gaokao Modern Day College Exam Determines if a student will go to a. Tech or Vocation School b. Chinese University
  • 77. Ruism Modern traditions and Social values in China rooted in Confucian philosophy including stress on Learning, self-development, and social hierarchy Vigo (2014) China Source Quarterly
  • 78. guóxué Modern educational program providing adult opportunities to earn a BA, MA or even PhD, Stressing Confucian texts and moral education Vigo (2014) China Source Quarterly
  • 79.
  • 80. The Confucius Institute • Founded in 2004 • Confucian learning around the world • Some are institutes within Universities. • Some are independent schools • Teach Chinese, culture, music, • Controversy: Propaganda tool of the PRC • Suppress learning about Taiwan • Promote learning about Communism fi ltrated-us-classrooms-216327/
  • 81. Page, Jeremy. (2015). Chinese Communist Party Turns to Confucius. Wall Street Journal