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Febby Kirstin L. Ibita
 Alfred Binet (1916) defined it as the capacity to judge well, to
reason well, and to comprehend well
 Lewis Terman (1916) defined it as the capacity to form concepts
and grasp their significance
 Rudolf Pintner (1921) defined it as the ability of an individual to
adapt well to new situations in life
 Edward Thorndike (1921) defined it as the power of good
responses from the point of view of truth or fact
 L.L. Thurstone (1921) defined it as the capacity to inhibit
instinctive response, imagine a different response, and realize the
response modification into behavior
 Charles Spearman (1923) defined it as a general ability
involving mainly the ability to see relations and correlates
 David Wechsler (1939) defined it as the global capacity of an
individual to act purposefully, think rationally, and deal
effectively with the environment
 Jean Piaget (1972) defined it as referring to the superior
forms of organization or equilibrium of cognitive structuring
used for adaptation to the to the physical and social
 Robert Sternberg (1985) defined it as the mental capacity to
automatize information processing and to emit contextually
appropriate behavior in response to novelty
 Howard Gardner (1986) defined it as the ability to solve
problems or fashion products valued within some setting.
 Termites
Humorous reference to gifted children who
participated in Lewis M. Terman's study of
intelligence initiated in 1916
 Ceiling effect
A phenomenon or consequence arising from the fact
that the items at the high end or the more difficult
end of a test are not "high enough" or difficult enough
to accurately gauge the variable being measured in
persons who are at the very High end of the variable
being measured
 Crystallized Intelligence
 In Cattell’s two-factor theory of intelligence,
acquired skills and knowledge that are very much
dependent on formal and informal education
 Culture-fair Test
 A test or assessment process designed to minimize
the influence of culture on various aspects of the
evaluation procedures, such as the administration
instructions, the item content, the responses
required of the test-taker, and the interpretation
 Fluid Intelligence
nonverbal abilities, less dependent on culture
and formal instruction than crystallized intelligence
 Two-factor theory of intelligence
Spearman's theory of general intelligence,
postulates the existence of a general intellectual
ability factor (g) that is partially tapped by all
other mental abilities
 G factor
In Spearman's two-factor theory of
intelligence, the general factor of intelligence;
the factor that is measured to greater or lesser
degrees by all tests
of intelligence; contrast with s and group factors
 Characteristics of ‘G’ Factor:
1. It is universal inborn ability.
2. It is general mental energy.
3. It is constant.
4. The amount of ‘g’ differs from individual to
5. It is used in every activity of life.
6. Greater the ‘g’ in an individual, greater is his
success in life.
 Characteristics of ‘S’ Factor:
1.It is learned and acquired in the environment.
2.It varies from activity to activity in the same
3.Individuals differ in the amount of ‘S’ ability.
 J.P. Guilford developed a model of intelligence
(1966) using factor analysis. He outlines topography
of the structure of intellect, providing an integrated
rationale for describing the many dimension of
intellectual performance. He suggests that there are
three basic parameters along which any intellectual
activity takes place. These are:
1. Operations – the act of thinking
2. Contents – the terms in which we think, and
3. Products – the ideas we come up with.
1. Operations: It consists of five major groups of
intellectual abilities.
Cognition: It refers to discovery, rediscovery or
Memory: Simply remembering what was once
Convergent Thinking: This type of thinking, by
reasoning, results in useful solution to problems.
Divergent Thinking: This is thinking in different
directions, seeking and searching some variety
and novelty.
Evaluation: It is reaching decisions or making
judgments about information.
2. Content: A Second way of classifying the intellectual
factor is according to the kind of material or content
involved. It involves five factors:
Visual Content: It is concrete material which is
perceived through our senses, i.e. size, form,
colour, etc.
Auditory Content: It consists of language, speech,
sounds, music and words
Symbolic Content: It is composed of letters, digits,
and other conventional signs.
Semantic Content: It is in the forms of verbal
meanings or ideas which we get from others.
Behavioural Content: It means social behaviour in
3. Products: When a certain operation is applied to certain
kind of content as many as six kinds of products may be
Units: Understanding the meaning of words, visual,
auditory and symbolic units.
Classes: It means classification of words and ideas.
Relations: It implies discovering relations of words and
Systems: The ability to structure objects in space and to
structure symbolic elements and to formulate problems.
Transformation: The ability to look into the future lines of
development or to suggest changes in the existing
Implications: The ability to utilize present information for
 Louis Thurston came out with the group factor
theory (1937) saying that Intelligence is a cluster of
abilities. These mental operations then constitute a
group. A second group of mental operations has its
own unifying Primary factor; a third group has a third
Primary factor and so on. Each of them has its own
primary factor. Each of these primary factors is said
to be relatively independent of others.
 He pointed out that there were Seven Primary Mental Abilities and
later on added two more. They are:
 Verbal comprehension Factor. This factor involves a person’s
ability to understand verbal material. It is measured by tests such as
vocabulary and reading comprehension.
 Verbal fluency Factor. This ability is involved in rapidly producing
words, sentences, and other verbal material. It is measured by tests
such as one that requires the examinee to produce as many words
as possible beginning with a particular letter in a short amount of
 Numerical Factor. This ability is involved in rapid arithmetic
computation and in solving simple arithmetic word problems.
 Perceptual speed Factor. This ability is involved in proofreading
and in rapid recognition of letters and numbers. It is measured by
tests such as those requiring the crossing out of As in a long string of
letters or in tests requiring recognition of which of several pictures at
the right is identical to the picture at the left.
 Inductive reasoning Factor. This ability requires
generalization—reasoning from the specific to the
general. It is measured by tests, such as letter series,
number series, and word classifications, in which the
examinee must indicate which of several words does not
belong with the others.
 Spatial visualization Factor. This ability is involved in
visualizing shapes, rotations of objects, and how pieces
of a puzzle fit together. An example of a test would be the
presentation of a geometric form followed by several
other geometric forms. Each of the forms that follows the
first is either the same rotated by some rigid
transformation or the mirror image of the first form in
rotation. The examinee has to indicate which of the forms
at the right is a rotated version of the form at the left,
rather than a mirror image.
 Memory Factor. It means the ability to recall and
associate previously learned items effectively or
 Componential — analytical subtheory[edit]
 Sternberg associated the componential subtheory
with analytical giftedness. This is one of three types
of giftedness that Sternberg recognizes. Analytical
giftedness is influential in being able to take apart
problems and being able to see solutions not often
seen. Unfortunately, individuals with only this type
are not as adept at creating unique ideas of their
own. This form of giftedness is the type that is tested
most often (Sternberg, 1997).
 Experiential — creative subtheory[edit]
 Sternberg’s 2nd stage of his theory is his experiential
subtheory. This stage deals mainly with how well a task is
performed with regard to how familiar it is. Sternberg splits the
role of experience into two parts: novelty and automation.
 A novel situation is one that you have never experienced
before. People that are adept at managing a novel situation
can take the task and find new ways of solving it that the
majority of people would not notice (Sternberg, 1997).
 A process that has been automated has been performed
multiple times and can now be done with little or no extra
thought. Once a process is automatized, it can be run in
parallel with the same or other processes. The problem with
novelty and automation is that being skilled in one component
does not ensure that you are skilled in the other (Sternberg,
 Practical — contextual subtheory[edit]
 Sternberg’s third subtheory of intelligence, called
practical or contextual, “deals with the mental activity
involved in attaining fit to context” (Sternberg, 1985,
p. 45). Through the three processes of adaptation,
shaping, and selection, individuals create an ideal fit
between themselves and their environment. This
type of intelligence is often referred to as "street
 In the past 60 years, intelligence
scores have risen steadily by an
average of 27 points.
Measured Intelligence may vary
dues to the following:
 Author’s definition of intelligence
 Diligence of test taker
 Amount of feedback the examiner gives
the examinee
 Amount of previous practice
 Competence of person interpreting the
 Family environment
 Gender
Common Intelligence Tests
 Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
Originally developed in 1916
Currently in the 5th edition
 Wechsler Intelligence Scale (WISC)
For children 6-16 years
Currently in the 5th edition (2015)
 Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of
Intelligence (WPPSI)
For children 3 years to 7 years, 3 months
 Ottis-Lenon School Ability Test (OLSAT)
 Ravens Progressive Matrices
Standford-Binet Wechsler
asked to identify
intellectually limited
children so they
could be removed
from the regular
classroom and put
in special
Responded to perceived
shortcomings of the Binet
test thirty years later
 Ages 2 to 85 (or older)
 Now 5 main factors, each tested in verbal & nonverbal
 Fluid Reasoning
 Knowledge
 Quantitative Reasoning
 Visual-Spatial Processing
 Working Memory
 Employs “Adaptive Testing” technique
Maximum amount of info
Not to tire out test taker
Most of the subtests are not timed to
 Basal Level
 Ceiling Level
 Testing the Limit
Maximum amount of info
Not to tire out test taker
 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale- III
Measure Intelligence of Adults
1930’s Bellevue; to measure multilingual,
multinational and multicultural clients
Latest version WAIS-III updated and colored
Norms expanded including range 74-89
It’s been longer than we think…
 1949: The Beginning of time (WISC)
 1974: WISC-R
 1991: WISC-III
 WISC-IV (2003)
What is the Process Approach?
 How a child performs tasks is as important, and
often even more important, than the score obtained.
 Understanding performance on individual items,
including the kinds of errors a child makes, can
provide rich clinical information.
 Describing the strategies a child employs when
performing tasks provides a basis of interpretation
that resonates deeply with parents, teachers, and
even with the child.
Processing Speed Subtests
Individuals copy symbols that are paired with simple
geometric shapes or numbers within a specific time
Individuals scan a search group (of abstract
symbols) and
indicate if a target symbol/s matches any of the
symbols in the search group within a specific time limit.
CANCELLATION (CA) (Supplemental subtest)
Individuals scan both a random and structured
arrangement of pictures and marks target pictures
within a specific time limit.
 Remember that while instruments like the WISC-
IV can be a source of valuable information about
an individuals cognition and to a lesser extent
learning style, IQ tests are not designed to
identify dyslexia or diagnose general or specific
learning difficulties. They are tests of cognitive
functioning and any link between any part of a
WISC-IV ‘result’ and a learning issue needs
careful consideration.
Which is better?
SB can assess much younger & older clients
Both published in 2003
Both takes more or less an hour to admin
SB has short form, WISC assessors make use
of aftermarket publications
Both have child-friendly materials
Both have optional software for scoring and
report writing
Norming for 6 to 16 y.o. was 2,200 people
WISC included parent education as stratifying
variable, SB none
SB included SES & test taker education as
stratifying variable, WISC none.
Concepts in Personality
 A test response style characterized by
agreement with whatever is presented
 The standard against which a test
or a test score is evaluated; this
standard may take many forms,
including a specific behaviour or
set of behaviours
 A reference group of testtakers who
share characteristics and whose
responses to test items serve as a
standard by which items will be
or discarded from the final version of a
scale; the shared characteristic of the
criterion group will vary as a function
the nature and scope of the test being
 The process of using criterion groups
develop test items, wherein the scoring
or keying of items has been
demonstrated empirically to
differentiate among groups of testtakers
 A type of item sometimes used in
personality tests wherein each of two or
more choices has been predetermined
to be equal in social desirability
 Less than accurate rating or
by a rater due to that rater's general
tendency to be lenient or insufficiently
critical; also referred to as leniency
error; contrast with severity error
 A type of rating error wherein the rater
views the object of the rating with
extreme favor and tends to bestow
ratings inflated in a positive direction; a
set of circumstances resulting in a
rater's tendency to be positively
disposed and insufficiently critical
 A process by which an individual
assumes a pattern of behavior that is
characteristic of other people; (2)
thoughts, feelings, or behavior on the
part of one person that resonates in
some familiar way with the experiences
of another person
 A shorthand summary of a testtaker's
scores on the MMPI clinical and validity
 Personality Traits can be viewed as
distinguishing characteristics or
possessed by the individual.
 Traits are “dimensions” of individual
differences in tendencies to show
consistent patterns of thoughts,
 Personality States refer to a
behavioural tendency.
(Eg. A student may be described as
being in an anxious state before finals.)
 Whereas trait refers to an enduring
personality characteristic, state
usually refers to a temporary
 John Holland - forwarded that
people can be categorized as one of
the following:
 In Friedman and Rosenman's
a personality characterized by
competitiveness, haste, restlessness,
impatience, feelings of being time
pressured, and strong needs for
achievement and dominance
 In Friedman and Rosenman's
a personality characterized by traits
are opposite of the Type A personality;
"mellow" and "laid-back,"
– Self as primary referrant
a. Self Report b. Self Concept
– Another person as referrant
a. Leniency/Generosity Error & Severity
b. Error of Central Tendency
c. Halo Effect
Insights, thoughts, traits.
Response Style
– Social desirable responding
– Acquisence
– Non-Acquisence
– Deviance
– Extreme
– Overly Positive
Two Main Personality Theories
1. Trait theory: people differ based on stable
attributes (called “traits”)
– characteristics lie on a continuum
– e.g., the Big Five
2. Type theory: people can be sorted into
categories (either one type or the other)
- There are many different personality inventories
that measure traits or types
Personality Tests – Using Traits
 NEO – Personality Inventory Revised (NEO PI-
R, 1992)
– Unaware of the Big Five, Costa & McCrae built
the NEO Inventory in 1978
– Assessed Neuroticism, Extraversion, and
Openness to Experience
– Added Agreeableness and Conscientiousness
– Items are behavioral statements
Examples of Items:
Neuroticism - Frightening thoughts sometimes
come into my head.
Extroversion - I don’t get much pleasure from
chatting with people.
Openness - I have a very active imagination
Agreeableness - I believe that most people will
advantage of you if you let them.
Conscientiousness - I pay my promptly and in
Personality Tests – Using Traits
California Psychological Inventory (CPI)
Gough (1957)
“sane person’s MMPI”
revised in 1987
based on 20 concepts
to predict behavior in social/interpersonal
13 special purpose scales (e.g., leadership,
managerial potential)
CPI - one of the most popular personality
Measures: various facets of normal
personality; helps to make predictions about
Gough’s theory (3 assumptions):
Important characteristics in all societies
and cultures
Understandable and useful for both sides
Valid predictors of future behavior in similar
462 true-false items covers 20 scales:
– Dominance, Social Presence, Sociability, Self-
Acceptance, Self-Control, Responsibility, Well-
Being, Achievement vs. Conformity, Achievement
vs. Independence, Psychological Mindedness,
Flexibility, Capacity for Status, Empathy,
Tolerance, Femininity vs. Masculinity,
Independence, Good Impression, Socialization,
– 3 scales provide measures of test-taking
1. Looks at interpersonal relating well
2. Predicts underachieving, potential
delinquency, job performance
3. Has good norming sample
Raymond Cattell developed the Cattel Sixteen
Personality Factor Test (1949)
Revised 4 times (1956, 1962, 1968, 1993)
Survey all words in the the English
language that described personal characteristics
(approx. 4000)
Designed to measure more personality
traits and conflicts than psychopathology
185 items across 16 scales
3 Point Likert Scale
 Suggests Personality is made up of 16
independent traits - Warmth, Reasoning,
Emotional Stability,Dominance, Liveliness, Rule-
Consciousness, Social Boldness, Sensitivity,
Vigilance, Abstractedness, Privateness,
Apprehension, Openness to Change, Self-
Reliance, Perfectionism, Tension
 Each item is scored a between 0,1, or 2
depending if
the item is scored correctly
 Raw score are changed to standard scores know
1. Less time to give than MMPI-2
2. Has 5 global factors than correspond to the
3. Reliability and Validity
1. Overeducated sample
2. New version more complicated to score
3. Converts raw scores to “stens”- hard for
people to understand
16PF Applications
Research and Clinical Settings
Vocational Psychology
Personnel selection and placement
With adults or adolescents (16-yearolds)
and 5th grade reading level
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
 Myers-Briggs: based on Jungian theory of
– Classifies individuals along 4 theoretically
independent dimensions.
 Uses:
– Career counseling
– Team building
– Family counseling
 Criticisms:
– Profiles generally positive
– Barnum effect
– Validation evidence is sticky
– Factor analysis shows Big Five solution
 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
 MMPI-II – most widely used
psychological test
 10 clinical scales and several
 Items on the clinical scales of the original MMPI
were selected on the basis of their ability to
discriminate between normal and clinical groups.
 Clinical groups were comprised of depressed,
paranoid, schizophrenic, hypomanic,
 Normal groups were comprised of University of
Minnesota students
 Initially items were selected from various sources –
clinical cases, textbooks, and previous tests
 MMPI-II was normed on a nationally
representative sample – 1138 men and 1462
 MMPI added several content and supplementary
 A high score on a particular scale indicates
the likelihood that the individual possesses
those characteristics
Appropriateness of the MMPI-2
 For Adolescents persons 14 to 18 years
old MMPI- A
 It is not recommended that the MMPI – 2
be used with adolescents, although it may
be more appropriate than MMPI-A for 18
year old living independently of their
Sources of Inaccuracy in Personality
Personality assessment largely depends on self-
Response sets may affect personality results
Social Desirability
 Some test takers choose socially
acceptable answers or present themselves
in a favourable light
 People often do not attend as much to the
trait being measured as to the social
acceptability of the statement
 This represents unwanted variance
Example items:
– Friends would call me spontaneous.
– People I know can count on me to finish
what I start.
– I would rather work in a group than by
– I often get stressed-out in many
Faking -- some test takers may respond in a
particular way to cause a desired outcome
– may “fake good” (e.g., in employment
settings) to
create a favourable impression
– may “fake bad” (e.g., in clinical or forensic
as a cry for help or to appear mentally disturbed
– may use some subtle questions that are
difficult to
fake because they aren’t clearly face valid
– People try to look worse than they really
Common problem in clinical settings
– Reasons:
Cry for help
Want to plea insanity in court
Want to avoid draft into military
Want to show psychological damage
– Most people who fake bad overdo it
Random Responding
 Random responding may occur when test takers are
unwilling or unable to respond accurately.
– likely to occur when test taker lacks the skills
reading), does not want to be evaluated, or
attention to the task
– try to detect by embedding a scale that tends
yield clear results from vast majority such that a
different result suggests the test taker wasn’t
– Detection:
Duplicate items:
“I love my mother.”
“I hate my mother.”
Infrequency scales:
“I’ve never had hair on my head.”
“I have not seen a car in 10
– Mitigating IM:
Use positive and negative impression scales
(endorsed by 10% of the population)
Use lie scales to “flag” those who score high
(e.g., “I get angry sometime”).
Inconsistency scales (e.g., two different
responses to two similar questions)
(Use multiple assessment methods (other than
`` self-report)

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In depth discussion on common psychological tests

  • 2. INTELLIGENCE  Alfred Binet (1916) defined it as the capacity to judge well, to reason well, and to comprehend well  Lewis Terman (1916) defined it as the capacity to form concepts and grasp their significance  Rudolf Pintner (1921) defined it as the ability of an individual to adapt well to new situations in life  Edward Thorndike (1921) defined it as the power of good responses from the point of view of truth or fact  L.L. Thurstone (1921) defined it as the capacity to inhibit instinctive response, imagine a different response, and realize the response modification into behavior
  • 3.  Charles Spearman (1923) defined it as a general ability involving mainly the ability to see relations and correlates  David Wechsler (1939) defined it as the global capacity of an individual to act purposefully, think rationally, and deal effectively with the environment  Jean Piaget (1972) defined it as referring to the superior forms of organization or equilibrium of cognitive structuring used for adaptation to the to the physical and social environment  Robert Sternberg (1985) defined it as the mental capacity to automatize information processing and to emit contextually appropriate behavior in response to novelty  Howard Gardner (1986) defined it as the ability to solve problems or fashion products valued within some setting.
  • 4.  Termites Humorous reference to gifted children who participated in Lewis M. Terman's study of intelligence initiated in 1916  Ceiling effect A phenomenon or consequence arising from the fact that the items at the high end or the more difficult end of a test are not "high enough" or difficult enough to accurately gauge the variable being measured in persons who are at the very High end of the variable being measured
  • 5.  Crystallized Intelligence  In Cattell’s two-factor theory of intelligence, acquired skills and knowledge that are very much dependent on formal and informal education  Culture-fair Test  A test or assessment process designed to minimize the influence of culture on various aspects of the evaluation procedures, such as the administration instructions, the item content, the responses required of the test-taker, and the interpretation
  • 6.  Fluid Intelligence nonverbal abilities, less dependent on culture and formal instruction than crystallized intelligence
  • 7.  Two-factor theory of intelligence Spearman's theory of general intelligence, which postulates the existence of a general intellectual ability factor (g) that is partially tapped by all other mental abilities  G factor In Spearman's two-factor theory of intelligence, the general factor of intelligence; the factor that is measured to greater or lesser degrees by all tests of intelligence; contrast with s and group factors
  • 8. CHARACTERISTICS OF G- AND S- FACTORS  Characteristics of ‘G’ Factor: 1. It is universal inborn ability. 2. It is general mental energy. 3. It is constant. 4. The amount of ‘g’ differs from individual to individual. 5. It is used in every activity of life. 6. Greater the ‘g’ in an individual, greater is his success in life.
  • 9.  Characteristics of ‘S’ Factor: 1.It is learned and acquired in the environment. 2.It varies from activity to activity in the same individual. 3.Individuals differ in the amount of ‘S’ ability.
  • 10. GUILFORD’S STRUCTURE OF INTELLIGENCE (SI Model)  J.P. Guilford developed a model of intelligence (1966) using factor analysis. He outlines topography of the structure of intellect, providing an integrated rationale for describing the many dimension of intellectual performance. He suggests that there are three basic parameters along which any intellectual activity takes place. These are: 1. Operations – the act of thinking 2. Contents – the terms in which we think, and 3. Products – the ideas we come up with.
  • 11.
  • 12. 1. Operations: It consists of five major groups of intellectual abilities. Cognition: It refers to discovery, rediscovery or recognition. Memory: Simply remembering what was once known. Convergent Thinking: This type of thinking, by reasoning, results in useful solution to problems. Divergent Thinking: This is thinking in different directions, seeking and searching some variety and novelty. Evaluation: It is reaching decisions or making judgments about information.
  • 13. 2. Content: A Second way of classifying the intellectual factor is according to the kind of material or content involved. It involves five factors: Visual Content: It is concrete material which is perceived through our senses, i.e. size, form, colour, etc. Auditory Content: It consists of language, speech, sounds, music and words Symbolic Content: It is composed of letters, digits, and other conventional signs. Semantic Content: It is in the forms of verbal meanings or ideas which we get from others. Behavioural Content: It means social behaviour in society.
  • 14. 3. Products: When a certain operation is applied to certain kind of content as many as six kinds of products may be involved. Units: Understanding the meaning of words, visual, auditory and symbolic units. Classes: It means classification of words and ideas. Relations: It implies discovering relations of words and ideas. Systems: The ability to structure objects in space and to structure symbolic elements and to formulate problems. Transformation: The ability to look into the future lines of development or to suggest changes in the existing situations. Implications: The ability to utilize present information for
  • 15. THURSTON’S GROUP FACTOR THEORY  Louis Thurston came out with the group factor theory (1937) saying that Intelligence is a cluster of abilities. These mental operations then constitute a group. A second group of mental operations has its own unifying Primary factor; a third group has a third Primary factor and so on. Each of them has its own primary factor. Each of these primary factors is said to be relatively independent of others.
  • 16.  He pointed out that there were Seven Primary Mental Abilities and later on added two more. They are:  Verbal comprehension Factor. This factor involves a person’s ability to understand verbal material. It is measured by tests such as vocabulary and reading comprehension.  Verbal fluency Factor. This ability is involved in rapidly producing words, sentences, and other verbal material. It is measured by tests such as one that requires the examinee to produce as many words as possible beginning with a particular letter in a short amount of time.  Numerical Factor. This ability is involved in rapid arithmetic computation and in solving simple arithmetic word problems.  Perceptual speed Factor. This ability is involved in proofreading and in rapid recognition of letters and numbers. It is measured by tests such as those requiring the crossing out of As in a long string of letters or in tests requiring recognition of which of several pictures at the right is identical to the picture at the left.
  • 17.  Inductive reasoning Factor. This ability requires generalization—reasoning from the specific to the general. It is measured by tests, such as letter series, number series, and word classifications, in which the examinee must indicate which of several words does not belong with the others.  Spatial visualization Factor. This ability is involved in visualizing shapes, rotations of objects, and how pieces of a puzzle fit together. An example of a test would be the presentation of a geometric form followed by several other geometric forms. Each of the forms that follows the first is either the same rotated by some rigid transformation or the mirror image of the first form in rotation. The examinee has to indicate which of the forms at the right is a rotated version of the form at the left, rather than a mirror image.  Memory Factor. It means the ability to recall and associate previously learned items effectively or
  • 18. STERNBERG’S TRIARCHIC THEORY OF INTELLIGENCE  Componential — analytical subtheory[edit]  Sternberg associated the componential subtheory with analytical giftedness. This is one of three types of giftedness that Sternberg recognizes. Analytical giftedness is influential in being able to take apart problems and being able to see solutions not often seen. Unfortunately, individuals with only this type are not as adept at creating unique ideas of their own. This form of giftedness is the type that is tested most often (Sternberg, 1997).
  • 19.  Experiential — creative subtheory[edit]  Sternberg’s 2nd stage of his theory is his experiential subtheory. This stage deals mainly with how well a task is performed with regard to how familiar it is. Sternberg splits the role of experience into two parts: novelty and automation.  A novel situation is one that you have never experienced before. People that are adept at managing a novel situation can take the task and find new ways of solving it that the majority of people would not notice (Sternberg, 1997).  A process that has been automated has been performed multiple times and can now be done with little or no extra thought. Once a process is automatized, it can be run in parallel with the same or other processes. The problem with novelty and automation is that being skilled in one component does not ensure that you are skilled in the other (Sternberg, 1997).
  • 20.  Practical — contextual subtheory[edit]  Sternberg’s third subtheory of intelligence, called practical or contextual, “deals with the mental activity involved in attaining fit to context” (Sternberg, 1985, p. 45). Through the three processes of adaptation, shaping, and selection, individuals create an ideal fit between themselves and their environment. This type of intelligence is often referred to as "street smarts."
  • 21.
  • 23. FLYNN EFFECT  In the past 60 years, intelligence scores have risen steadily by an average of 27 points.
  • 24. Measured Intelligence may vary dues to the following:  Author’s definition of intelligence  Diligence of test taker  Amount of feedback the examiner gives the examinee  Amount of previous practice  Competence of person interpreting the data  Family environment  Gender
  • 25. Common Intelligence Tests  Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale Originally developed in 1916 Currently in the 5th edition  Wechsler Intelligence Scale (WISC) For children 6-16 years Currently in the 5th edition (2015)  Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI) For children 3 years to 7 years, 3 months  Ottis-Lenon School Ability Test (OLSAT)  Ravens Progressive Matrices
  • 26. TWO IMPORTANT TESTS Standford-Binet Wechsler asked to identify intellectually limited children so they could be removed from the regular classroom and put in special education Responded to perceived shortcomings of the Binet test thirty years later
  • 27. STANDFORD BINET  Ages 2 to 85 (or older)  Now 5 main factors, each tested in verbal & nonverbal domains  Fluid Reasoning  Knowledge  Quantitative Reasoning  Visual-Spatial Processing  Working Memory
  • 28.  Employs “Adaptive Testing” technique Maximum amount of info Rapport Not to tire out test taker Most of the subtests are not timed to  Basal Level  Ceiling Level  Testing the Limit Maximum amount of info Rapport Not to tire out test taker
  • 29.
  • 30. WESCHLER TESTS  Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale- III Measure Intelligence of Adults 1930’s Bellevue; to measure multilingual, multinational and multicultural clients Latest version WAIS-III updated and colored materials. Norms expanded including range 74-89
  • 31. It’s been longer than we think…  1949: The Beginning of time (WISC)  1974: WISC-R  1991: WISC-III  WISC-IV (2003)
  • 32. What is the Process Approach?  How a child performs tasks is as important, and often even more important, than the score obtained.  Understanding performance on individual items, including the kinds of errors a child makes, can provide rich clinical information.  Describing the strategies a child employs when performing tasks provides a basis of interpretation that resonates deeply with parents, teachers, and even with the child.
  • 33. Processing Speed Subtests CODING (CD) Individuals copy symbols that are paired with simple geometric shapes or numbers within a specific time limit. SYMBOL SEARCH (SS) Individuals scan a search group (of abstract symbols) and indicate if a target symbol/s matches any of the symbols in the search group within a specific time limit. CANCELLATION (CA) (Supplemental subtest) Individuals scan both a random and structured arrangement of pictures and marks target pictures within a specific time limit.
  • 34.  Remember that while instruments like the WISC- IV can be a source of valuable information about an individuals cognition and to a lesser extent learning style, IQ tests are not designed to identify dyslexia or diagnose general or specific learning difficulties. They are tests of cognitive functioning and any link between any part of a WISC-IV ‘result’ and a learning issue needs careful consideration.
  • 35. Which is better? SB can assess much younger & older clients Both published in 2003 Both takes more or less an hour to admin SB has short form, WISC assessors make use of aftermarket publications Both have child-friendly materials Both have optional software for scoring and report writing Norming for 6 to 16 y.o. was 2,200 people WISC included parent education as stratifying variable, SB none SB included SES & test taker education as stratifying variable, WISC none.
  • 37. ACQUIESCENCE  A test response style characterized by agreement with whatever is presented
  • 38. CRITERION  The standard against which a test or a test score is evaluated; this standard may take many forms, including a specific behaviour or set of behaviours
  • 39. CRITERION GROUP  A reference group of testtakers who share characteristics and whose responses to test items serve as a standard by which items will be included or discarded from the final version of a scale; the shared characteristic of the criterion group will vary as a function of the nature and scope of the test being developed
  • 40. EMPIRICAL CRITERION KEYING  The process of using criterion groups to develop test items, wherein the scoring or keying of items has been demonstrated empirically to differentiate among groups of testtakers
  • 41. FORCED-CHOICE FORMAT  A type of item sometimes used in personality tests wherein each of two or more choices has been predetermined to be equal in social desirability
  • 42. GENEROSITY ERROR  Less than accurate rating or evaluation by a rater due to that rater's general tendency to be lenient or insufficiently critical; also referred to as leniency error; contrast with severity error
  • 43. HALO EFFECT  A type of rating error wherein the rater views the object of the rating with extreme favor and tends to bestow ratings inflated in a positive direction; a set of circumstances resulting in a rater's tendency to be positively disposed and insufficiently critical
  • 44. IDENTIFICATION  A process by which an individual assumes a pattern of behavior that is characteristic of other people; (2) thoughts, feelings, or behavior on the part of one person that resonates in some familiar way with the experiences of another person
  • 45. WELSH CODE  A shorthand summary of a testtaker's scores on the MMPI clinical and validity scales
  • 46. TRAITS  Personality Traits can be viewed as the distinguishing characteristics or qualities possessed by the individual.  Traits are “dimensions” of individual differences in tendencies to show consistent patterns of thoughts,
  • 47. STATES  Personality States refer to a temporary behavioural tendency. (Eg. A student may be described as being in an anxious state before finals.)  Whereas trait refers to an enduring personality characteristic, state usually refers to a temporary
  • 48.
  • 49. RIASEC  John Holland - forwarded that people can be categorized as one of the following: Realistic Investigative Artistic Social Enterprising Conventional
  • 50. TYPE A PERSONALITY  In Friedman and Rosenman's typology, a personality characterized by competitiveness, haste, restlessness, impatience, feelings of being time pressured, and strong needs for achievement and dominance
  • 51. TYPE B PERSONALITY  In Friedman and Rosenman's typology, a personality characterized by traits that are opposite of the Type A personality; "mellow" and "laid-back,"
  • 52. WHO IS BEING ASSESSED? – Self as primary referrant a. Self Report b. Self Concept – Another person as referrant a. Leniency/Generosity Error & Severity Error b. Error of Central Tendency c. Halo Effect
  • 53. WHAT IS BEING ASSESSED? Insights, thoughts, traits. Response Style – Social desirable responding – Acquisence – Non-Acquisence – Deviance – Extreme – Overly Positive
  • 54. Two Main Personality Theories 1. Trait theory: people differ based on stable attributes (called “traits”) – characteristics lie on a continuum – e.g., the Big Five 2. Type theory: people can be sorted into categories (either one type or the other) - There are many different personality inventories that measure traits or types
  • 55. Personality Tests – Using Traits  NEO – Personality Inventory Revised (NEO PI- R, 1992) – Unaware of the Big Five, Costa & McCrae built the NEO Inventory in 1978 – Assessed Neuroticism, Extraversion, and Openness to Experience – Added Agreeableness and Conscientiousness – Items are behavioral statements
  • 56. Examples of Items: Neuroticism - Frightening thoughts sometimes come into my head. Extroversion - I don’t get much pleasure from chatting with people. Openness - I have a very active imagination Agreeableness - I believe that most people will take advantage of you if you let them. Conscientiousness - I pay my promptly and in
  • 57. Personality Tests – Using Traits California Psychological Inventory (CPI) Gough (1957) “sane person’s MMPI” revised in 1987 based on 20 concepts to predict behavior in social/interpersonal situations 13 special purpose scales (e.g., leadership, managerial potential)
  • 58. CPI - one of the most popular personality inventory Measures: various facets of normal personality; helps to make predictions about behaviours Gough’s theory (3 assumptions): Important characteristics in all societies and cultures Understandable and useful for both sides Valid predictors of future behavior in similar
  • 59. 462 true-false items covers 20 scales: – Dominance, Social Presence, Sociability, Self- Acceptance, Self-Control, Responsibility, Well- Being, Achievement vs. Conformity, Achievement vs. Independence, Psychological Mindedness, Flexibility, Capacity for Status, Empathy, Tolerance, Femininity vs. Masculinity, Independence, Good Impression, Socialization, Communality – 3 scales provide measures of test-taking attitudes
  • 60. Advantages: 1. Looks at interpersonal relating well 2. Predicts underachieving, potential delinquency, job performance 3. Has good norming sample
  • 61. 16PF FACTOR Raymond Cattell developed the Cattel Sixteen Personality Factor Test (1949) Revised 4 times (1956, 1962, 1968, 1993) Survey all words in the the English language that described personal characteristics (approx. 4000) Designed to measure more personality traits and conflicts than psychopathology 185 items across 16 scales 3 Point Likert Scale
  • 62.  Suggests Personality is made up of 16 independent traits - Warmth, Reasoning, Emotional Stability,Dominance, Liveliness, Rule- Consciousness, Social Boldness, Sensitivity, Vigilance, Abstractedness, Privateness, Apprehension, Openness to Change, Self- Reliance, Perfectionism, Tension  Each item is scored a between 0,1, or 2 depending if the item is scored correctly  Raw score are changed to standard scores know as
  • 63. Supports: 1. Less time to give than MMPI-2 2. Has 5 global factors than correspond to the BIG FIVE 3. Reliability and Validity Criticisms: 1. Overeducated sample 2. New version more complicated to score 3. Converts raw scores to “stens”- hard for people to understand
  • 64. 16PF Applications Research and Clinical Settings Vocational Psychology Personnel selection and placement With adults or adolescents (16-yearolds) and 5th grade reading level
  • 65. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator  Myers-Briggs: based on Jungian theory of personality – Classifies individuals along 4 theoretically independent dimensions.  Uses: – Career counseling – Team building – Family counseling  Criticisms: – Profiles generally positive – Barnum effect – Validation evidence is sticky – Factor analysis shows Big Five solution
  • 66. MMPI  Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory  MMPI-II – most widely used psychological test  10 clinical scales and several Auxiliary
  • 67.
  • 68.
  • 69.  Items on the clinical scales of the original MMPI were selected on the basis of their ability to discriminate between normal and clinical groups.  Clinical groups were comprised of depressed, paranoid, schizophrenic, hypomanic, hypocrondriacal  Normal groups were comprised of University of Minnesota students  Initially items were selected from various sources – clinical cases, textbooks, and previous tests
  • 70.  MMPI-II was normed on a nationally representative sample – 1138 men and 1462 women  MMPI added several content and supplementary scales  A high score on a particular scale indicates the likelihood that the individual possesses those characteristics
  • 71. Appropriateness of the MMPI-2  For Adolescents persons 14 to 18 years old MMPI- A  It is not recommended that the MMPI – 2 be used with adolescents, although it may be more appropriate than MMPI-A for 18 year old living independently of their parents
  • 72. Sources of Inaccuracy in Personality Testing Personality assessment largely depends on self- report Response sets may affect personality results
  • 73. Social Desirability  Some test takers choose socially acceptable answers or present themselves in a favourable light  People often do not attend as much to the trait being measured as to the social acceptability of the statement  This represents unwanted variance
  • 74. Example items: – Friends would call me spontaneous. – People I know can count on me to finish what I start. – I would rather work in a group than by myself. – I often get stressed-out in many situations.
  • 75. FAKING Faking -- some test takers may respond in a particular way to cause a desired outcome – may “fake good” (e.g., in employment settings) to create a favourable impression – may “fake bad” (e.g., in clinical or forensic settings) as a cry for help or to appear mentally disturbed – may use some subtle questions that are difficult to fake because they aren’t clearly face valid
  • 76. FAKING BAD – People try to look worse than they really are Common problem in clinical settings – Reasons: Cry for help Want to plea insanity in court Want to avoid draft into military Want to show psychological damage – Most people who fake bad overdo it
  • 77. Random Responding  Random responding may occur when test takers are unwilling or unable to respond accurately. – likely to occur when test taker lacks the skills (e.g., reading), does not want to be evaluated, or lacks attention to the task – try to detect by embedding a scale that tends to yield clear results from vast majority such that a different result suggests the test taker wasn’t
  • 78. – Detection: Duplicate items: “I love my mother.” “I hate my mother.” Infrequency scales: “I’ve never had hair on my head.” “I have not seen a car in 10 years.”
  • 79. IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT – Mitigating IM: Use positive and negative impression scales (endorsed by 10% of the population) Use lie scales to “flag” those who score high (e.g., “I get angry sometime”). Inconsistency scales (e.g., two different responses to two similar questions) (Use multiple assessment methods (other than `` self-report)

Editor's Notes

  1. Ceiling effect -  the inadequacy of a test to measure the true ability and intelligence of a child. the inadequacy of a test to measure the true ability and intelligence of a child. Each intelligence or achievement test usually has an upper limit (ceiling) designed to be the highest attainable score, and yet there are situations when the items are too easy for an exceptional participant. Compare floor effect. CEILING EFFECT: "The ceiling effect is observed when testing children who are exceptionally gifted.“ Example of floor effect: IQ tests for adults given to children
  2. G’ factor represents Native Intelligence thus when we respond to any situation or perform an intellectual task, our general mental ability or ‘G’ factor is mainly responsible for it and our specific ability in that particular task is responsible for the rest. G’ factor represents Native Intelligence thus when we respond to any situation or perform an intellectual task, our general mental ability or ‘G’ factor is mainly responsible for it and our specific ability in that particular task is responsible for the rest.
  3. The experiential subtheory also correlates with another one of Sternberg’s proposed types of giftedness. Synthetic giftedness is seen in creativity, intuition, and a study of the arts. People with synthetic giftedness are not often seen with the highest IQ’s because there are not currently any tests that can sufficiently measure these attributes, but synthetic giftedness is especially useful in creating new ideas to create and solve new problems. Sternberg also associated another one of his students, “Barbara”, to the synthetic giftedness. Barbara did not perform as well as Alice on the tests taken to get into school, but was recommended to Yale University based on her exceptional creative and intuitive skills. Barbara was later very valuable in creating new ideas for research (Sternberg, 1997).
  4. One approach to dealing with acquiescence responding on surveys and questionnaires is to employ a balance of positively and negatively keyed items in terms of the intended content. For example, in trying to assess depression it would be a good idea to also include items assessing happiness and contentedness, etc. (reversed-keyed items), in addition to the usual depressive content.[4]
  5. Empirical criterion keying refers to an approach to testDevelopment that emphasizes the selection of items that discriminate between normal individuals and members of different diagn ostic groups, regardless of whether the items appear theoretically relevant to the diagnoses of interest.