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IB - The Learning Perspective

The study of how humans learn has dominated behaviorism. Behaviorism developed
simultaneously in Russia and in the United States, becoming a major force in psychology
in the first part of the 20th century. Traditionalist behaviorists believed that all organisms
learn in the same way, and that all learning could be explained by the processes of
classical and operant conditioning. Psychologists working within this perspective have
investigated the ways in which behavior changes, usually using laboratory experiments,
and often using non-human animals.

In this unit students will examine the foundations of behaviorism, and then they will look
at how the learning perspective has developed over the last fifty years, taking into
consideration cognitive, biological and social factors that contribute to learning.

You need to be able to:

Describe and evaluate the cultural context and development, the conceptual framework, the
methodology, and the application of the learning model.

It was developed in the United States in the ‘50s. It was a firm contrast to Freud’s psychoanalytical
concepts because it relied solely, utterly, and firmly on empiricism (experimental method). See
“Key concepts/Ideas” and “Key theorists and their contributions”

Describe and evaluate theories and empirical studies within this perspective.

See “Key theorists and their contributions”

Explain how cultural, ethical, gender, and methodological considerations affect the
interpretation of behavior from a learning perspective.

The different learning styles of people, cultures, and genders can affect interpretation of a behavior
as some might not respond to the reward or punishment. Genders and cultures could also respond
differently to a stimulus or have a different reaction to the stimulus making the outcome of a
generalized public unclear. Also the fact that different cultures value and fear different things. If a
culture or a certain gender is taught to fear something, it will probably be easier to develop a phobia
to it and be harder to rid a person of that phobia.

Compare theories, empirical studies and the conceptual framework of this model with the other
Learning                                      Psychoanalytical
 People develop through conditioned with       People develop through their
 stimuli, rewards, and punishments             developmental sexual stages
 Learning focuses on behavior due to the       Psychoanalytical focuses on behavior with
 environment                                   finalized or unfinalized psycho-sexual
 Focuses on the experimental method and        Uses case studies
 Dreams are not empirical                       Dreams important in analysis
 Only focuses on reason for simple behavior Mainly used for therapeutic purposes
 and some predictive value of behavior
Identify and explain the strengths and limitations of learning theory explanations of behavior.
See “Strengths and weaknesses”
Explain the extent to which free will and determinism are integral in this perspective.
The learning perspective is a very deterministic science. Actually, this is one of the main
assumptions of behaviorism. Behaviorists believe that all behavior is trained, conditioned,
reinforced, and essentially reflexive. Hence, free will is basically impossible if looked at through
the lenses of an extreme behaviorist. This is because behaviorists decide to be reductionist,
reducing everything down to only observable behavior. Is this a strength or a weakness? (See also
“Strength and weakness” section)
Explain the extent to which learning can be explained by alternatives to traditional behaviorist

Assess the extent to which cognitive, biological, and environmental factors contribute to
explanations of behavior within the learning perspective

           Historical Development and Cultural Context
   o   Criticisms of the Psychodynamic perspective
   o   Emphasis on scientific study
   o   Darwin's influence on animal research

   As most of the approaches in psychology we can also argue that we can find the
   origins of the learning perspective back from the ancient Greece times. The
   environmentalism / nurture, which is one of the basic thoughts expressed in the
   learning perspective. This discussion about nature vs nurture continues in to all
   times in Europe and it confronts with the idea of dualism (a man consists of a soul
   and a body that can be studied separately) which was brought up by the French
   philosopher Descartes .But more recently we can say that at the turn of the 20th
   century is where we can find what most influenced the learning perspective. At this
   time psychologist tended to use either the experimental study or the introspective
   analysis to study their approaches. But both of them had many limitations due to the
   fact that at this time they didn’t had X-rays, or EEGs and all of those advanced
   researched methods. This pushed William James to come out with the idea of
   functionalism (psychologists should focus on how behavior relates to its purpose).
   Which leads us up to parsimony, one of the basic assumptions of the learning
perspective. What parsimony basically says is that researcher should seek the
             simplest possible explanation for any event. If we look from this point of view we
             can also say that the learning perspective was a reaction to introspection making it
             also a reaction to psychodynamic.

    •    Empiricism (The view that experience, especially of the senses, is the only source of
    •    Determinism (The philosophical doctrine that every state of affairs, including every
         human event, act, and decision is the inevitable consequence of antecedent states of
    •    Parsimony (In learning perspective they are all the things that can be seen, behaviorists
         do not infer, they observe.)
    •    Though we are born with a genetic endowment which is the root of our
         instinctual behaviors, the majority of behavior is learned from the environment
         after birth.
    •    Psychology should investigate the laws and products of learning.
    •    Behavior is determined by the environment, since we are the total of all our
         past learning experiences, free will is an illusion.
    •    Only observable behaviors should be studied if psychology is to be objective.
    •    There is an innate predisposition to learning.
    •    Learning can take place in the absence of reinforcement.

    The main idea of the learning perspective is to focus on the relationship between the
    environment and behavior. The learning perspective mainly does not pay much attention to
    internal invents such as biological or cognitive processes. Because of the idea of
    Parsimony, this principle only seeks for processes that can be observe directly and simply.
    Also because the learning perspective concentrates on the explanation of how human
    learns, this perspective particularly focuses on the idea of associationism. Which supports
    the idea that human learns by associating and making connections between ideas and
    events. Learning: changes in behavior as a result of experience.

                                      Key Concepts and Ideas
•       Animals can be conditioned to be in                     o   Classical and operant conditioning
        anyway                                                  o   The Law of Effect (Thorndike)
            o Operant conditioning, and                         o   Social Learning Theory (Bandura;
                classical conditioning.                             Berkowitz)
•       Social learning theory introduced insight,              o   Learned helplessness (Seligman)
        latent learning, and models                             o   Instinctual drift (Breland &
•       Insight: When, after encountering a
        problem for some time, new ideas arise in
        order to solve it
•       Latent Learning: Concepts may be
        learned but not used until reinforcer is
•   Models: Subjects learn from watching
       other people and copying the ways they

Overview:                                          Perhaps the most well known Behaviorist is B. F.
Learning can be defined as the process leading to Skinner (1904-1990). Skinner followed much of
relatively permanent behavioral change or          Watson’s research and findings, but believed that
potential behavioral change. In other words, as    internal states could influence behavior just as
we learn, we alter the way we perceive our         external stimuli. He is considered to be a Radical
environment, the way we interpret the incoming     Behaviorist because of this belief, although nowadays
stimuli, and therefore the way we interact, or     it is believed that both internal and external stimuli
behave. John B. Watson (1878-1958) was the first influence our behavior.
to study how the process of learning affects our
behavior, and he formed the school of thought      Behavioral Psychology is basically interested in how
known as Behaviorism. The central idea behind      our behavior results from the stimuli both in the
behaviorism is that only observable behaviors are environment and within ourselves. They study, often
                                                   in minute detail, the behaviors we exhibit while
worthy of research since other abstraction such as controlling for as many other variables as possible.
a person’s mood or thoughts are too subjective.    Often a grueling process, but results have helped us
This belief was dominant in psychological          learn a great deal about our behaviors, the effect our
research in the United Stated for a good 50 years. environment has on us, how we learn new behaviors,
                                                   and what motivates us to change or remain the same.

                           Key Theorists and Their Contributions
Ivan Pavlov                  He was the first experimenter to research classical conditioning. In what
                             started as a simple, physiological experiment with a dog, turned out to be the
                             discovery of what came to be known as conditioning, more specifically,
                             classical conditioning.

                                     -He was performing some experiments on a dog, and found that he
                             could “condition” the dog to salivate on the sound of a bell. After
                             repeatedly ringing the bell, and introducing food. Eventually, the bell alone
                             was sufficient to make the poor pup drip.
James Watson                 He was the pioneer psychology theorist that translated the ideas of Pavlov’s
                             classical conditioning to humans.

                                     -His famous work is little Albert. He conditioned poor little Albert
                             to reject white fluffy things by continually including LOUD NOISES upon
                             the introduction of the white fluffy thing. Soon enough, the fluffy white thing
                             alone would make little Albert upset. This research introduced the idea of
                             stimulus generalization. Not only the white bunny (for example) would
                             scare the poor baby. White fluffy pillows, etc could also raise fear from Al.
                             Watson was confident that if you gave him a child, he could make him into
anything (criminal, business man, etc.)

B.F. Skinner                 He brought a new face into the world of behaviorism. Operant
                             Conditioning is very similar to classical conditioning. But in include
                             reinforces. After a response occurs, due to a certain stimulus, reinforces
                             (positive or negative) are inserted that will increase or diminish the
                             probability that the behavior may occur again.

                                    -His famous work is the Skinner box where he would condition,
                             pigeons, mice, and even his own daughter to learn anything he wanted them

Albert Bandura               He gave us the concepts of Social Learning. With the help of the bobo doll
                             experiment he showed us how there can be latent learning that is not seen
                             until a reinforcer is included. Little babies learned to either hit, or not hit a
                             bobo doll, but only the ones that saw the “model” receive no reinforcement
                             or positive reinforcement for beating up the doll actually engaged in that
                             activity. He also came up with the concept of insight learning, which dealt
                             with monkeys finding ingenious ways to arrive to a solution (getting a

John Watson, Edward Thorndike, B F Skinner, Ivan Pavlov, Albert Bandura, Martin Seligman, Edward C.
Tolman, Wolfgang Kohler.

                                 Attitude Toward Determinism
       Behaviorism thoroughly embraced the idea of determinism. Key researchers such as Watson,
       and Skinner believed that the environment could be changed to mold an individual to behave in
       any way they please. In the rough words of James Watson “Give me 5 babies and I’ll make one
       a businessman, a cook, a football star, an actor, and a criminal. The definition of determinism
       is: The philosophical doctrine that every state of affairs, including every human event, act, and
       decision is the inevitable consequence of antecedent states of affairs. Behaviorism states that
       everything is learned due to the environment. Thus, determinism is a key idea. It happens to be
       one of the learning perspective’s main assumptions.

 The learning perspective view towards behavior does not support determinism. As we already know
 determinism is the idea that our behavior is innate, and in most of the cases it is believed that it is
 something that we are born with so it is not able to learn it but just it develops inside of us. One
 example of a perspective that supports this idea will be the biological perspective, since it focus more
 on how the organisms of the humans dictates our behavior. But in the learning perspective, we can
 argue that it does not supports the idea of determinism in anyways since it focus on how we learn our
 behaviors. One of the basic assumptions that we looked at in the beginning of the paper, states
Learning: changes in behavior as a result of experience. Also the learning perspective focuses on how
the environment takes control over our learning. We can see this on Bandura’s social learning theory
as well as the classical conditioning and operant conditioning.

        In social learning theory we looked at how children learn their behavior by modeling the adults
or social models. In classical conditioning we looked at how the stimulus from the outside can dictate
our behaviors. And in operant conditioning we saw how we are likely to do certain behaviors
depending on its outcomes.

       Therefore we can see and conclude that the social learning theory does not support at all the
determinism idea of the human’s behaviors.

 •   Experimental – scientific method
 •   Observation – direct and effect
 •   Interview – surveys etc.
 •   Verbal Protocol – thinking aloud
 •   Reliability - external and internal
 •   Ecological validity
 •   Use of animals in research
 •   Ethical considerations

          (Where and how is this perspective used with specific examples)
         o One example of classical               One special and very powerful example of classical
           conditioning in use is in animal          conditioning is taste aversion. Taste aversion is a
           training. Pet trainers today mostly       case where an organism learns to have an aversion
           use classical conditioning to train       to the taste or smell or other characteristics of
           animals, as it is more humane than        some food or drink. For example, after consuming
           previous methods. Many trainers           too much alcohol, it’s not unusual for someone to
           use a small clicking device that          associate the smell or even sight of the alcohol
           they click while giving the animal        with the sickness that resulted from consuming the
           a treat. That animal then associates      alcohol.
           the clicking sound with the treat,
           much like Pavlov’s dogs.

                                                  ·   Another application of classical conditioning
                                                      works with advertising. For example, many beer
         o Bullying reduction programs                ads prominently feature attractive young women
         o Systematic desensitization                 wearing bikinis. The young women
                                                      (Unconditioned Stimulus) naturally elicit a
                                                      favorable, mildly aroused feeling (Unconditioned
                                                      Response) in most men. The beer is simply
                                                      associated with this effect. The same thing applies
                                                      with the jingles and music that accompany many

                                             Ethical Issues
Their choice of method - especially verbal        •   Learning styles
                                                  •   Maybe you're not a social person
•   Confusion of the participant
                                                  •   Right to withdrawal
•   Cultural difference between participant and
    observer                                      •   Experiments that require intrusive devices, like
                                                      the cutting of the corpus callosum, make it
•   Behavior that the participant’s culture may       difficult for the participant withdrawal afterwards
    deem as normal, might be considered unusual
    by the observer’s, or vice versa.             •   Deceiving the participant

•   Gender issues                                            “The researcher must decide what can be
                                                      published without consent and must be aware that
                                                      the people studied will not be able to recall
                                                      everything they have divulged or done during the

                       Evaluation of the Strengths and Weaknesses
Strengths                                         Weaknesses

Strictly empirical using scientific method as     Does not account for acquisition of first language
means of information
                                                     •   Does not account for random behavior
   •   Applicable to training simple animal and      •   Does not account for interaction between
       human behaviors                                   people
   •   Gave information about insight in all
       animals                                    As we can see from all the description of the
   •   Methods could be used in school to teach   perspective, we can understand that the learning
       students                                   perspective is manly based on the de idea of looking
                                                  at the interactions between an organism and its
                                                  environment. But because this perspective
                                                  concentrates too much on analyzing what we can see
                                                  from the outside it lacks to study consciousness and
                                                  internal subjective states. Some critics say that
                                                  treating the organism like a black box means that one
                                                  ignores the mental processes that are central to human
                                                  behavior. But many behaviorist responded to this by
                                                  simply saying that such events are scientifically
                                                  unknowable, and in case do not cause behavior. But
                                                  today we know that those things are not scientifically
                                                  unknowable because today we have many
                                                  technologies such as the CAT scan etc. to investigate
                                                  what is happening inside the organism which dictates
                                                  some of our behaviors. Also the learning perspective
                                                  does not believe that behavior is determined, but by
                                                  ignoring some stuff that are going inside our body just
                                                  because we are not able to see them does not
                                                  necessary mean that it doesn’t exist. Also in cases
                                                  where the root of the problem is a brain damage or
                                                  some damage in an organism, the cause of the
                                                  abnormal behavior can’t be fully describe by the
                                                  learning perspective. On the other hand we can also
                                                  argue that many of the experimental methods that are
                                                  used in the research of the learning perspective are
                                                  based on animal research so we can’t generalize the
                                                  same results that we get for a rat the same for a
                                                  human. Many of the weaknesses of this perspective is
                                                  based on the fact that the learning perspective focuses
                                                  too much in the idea of parsimony.
   •   Behaviorism was very scientific, with high levels of reliability.
   •   The approach is reductionist - explaining a great deal of phenomena using only a few
       simple principles.
   •   It has many practical applications which have been very effective.
   •   Heavy reliance on animal research - discounts the qualitative difference between humans
       and non-human animals.
•      Ignores important mental processes involved in learning.
    •      Highly deterministic.
    •      Questionable ecological validity

                                                          Key Terms
anticipatory     feelings of sickness elicited by             cognitive
                                                                             a mental representation in the brain of the layout of
nausea           stimuli that are associated with             map
                                                                             an environment and its features
                 receiving chemotherapy treatments
classical        learning in which a neutral stimulus         continuous
                                                                             every occurrence of the operant response results in
conditioning     acquires the ability to produce a            reinforceme
                                                                             delivery of the reinforcer
                 response (Ivan Pavlov)                       nt
cognitive        a kind of learning that involves             fixed-
learning         mental pro a kind of learning that           interval
                                                                             a reinforcer occurs following the first response that
                 involves mental processes alone;             schedule
                                                                             occurs after a fixed interval of time
                 may not require rewards or overt
conditioned      feeling fear or pleasure when                fixed-ratio
emotional        experiencing a stimulus that initially       schedule       a reinforcer occurs only after a fixed number of
response         accompanied a painful or pleasant                           responses made by the subject
conditioned      new response elicited by a                   imprinting
                                                                             inherited tendencies or responses that are displayed
response         conditioned stimulus; similar to the
                                                                             by newborn animals encountering certain stimuli
(CR)             unconditioned response
conditioned      a formerly neutral stimulus that has         insight
                                                                             a mental process marked by the sudden solution to a
stimulus (CS)    acquired the ability to elicit the
                                                                             problem; the "ah ha" phenomenon
                 same response as UCS does
contiguity       explains classical conditioning as           negative
                                                                             removing a reinforcing stimulus (allowance) after
theory           occurring because two stimuli are            punishment
                                                                             response; decreases chances of response recurring
                 paired closely together in time
discriminatio    learning to make a particular                negative
                                                                             an aversive stimulus whose removal increases the
n                response to some stimuli but not to          reinforceme
                                                                             likelihood of the preceding response occurring again
                 others                                       nt
extinction       failure of a conditioned stimulus to         partial
                                                                             a situation in which responding is reinforced only
                 elicit a response when repeatedly            reinforceme
                                                                             some of the time
                 presented without the UCS                    nt
generalization   tendency for a stimulus that is              positive
                 similar to the original conditioned          reinforceme    the presentation of a stimulus that increases the
                 stimulus to elicit the same                  nt             probability of a behavior occurring again
law of effect    if actions are followed by a                 preparedne
                 pleasurable consequence or                   ss             an innate or biological tendency of animals to
                 reward, they tend to be repeated             (prepared      recognize and attend to certain cues and stimuli
                 (E. L. Thorndike)                            learning)
learning         a relatively enduring or permanent           punishment
                                                                             a consequence that occurs after behavior and
                 change in behavior that results
                                                                             decreases chance of that behavior occurring again
                 from experience with stimuli
neutral          some stimulus that produces a                reinforceme
                                                                             a consequence that occurs after behavior and
stimulus         response, but does not produce the           nt
                                                                             increases the chance of that behavior occurring again
                 reflex being tested
preparedness     biological readiness to associate            schedule of
                                                                             a rule that determines how and when the occurrence
                 some combinations of conditioned             reinforceme
                                                                             of a response will be followed by a reinforcer
                 and unconditioned stimuli                    nt
spontaneous      tendency for the conditioned                 shaping
                                                                             a rule that determines how and when the occurrence
recovery         response to reappear after being
                                                                             of a response will be followed by a reinforcer
stimulus         explains classical conditioning as a         superstitiou   any behavior that increases in frequency because of
substitution      neural bonding of a neutral and an      s behavior
                                                                       accidental pairing with the delivery of a reinforcer
                  unconditioned stimulus
systematic        procedure in which a person             variable-
                                                                       a reinforcer occurs following the first response after a
desensitizatio    eliminates anxiety-evoking stimuli      interval
                                                                       variable amount of time has gone by
n                 by relaxation; counterconditioning      schedule
taste-aversion    associating sensory cues (smells,       variable-
learning          tastes, sound, or sights) with          ratio
                                                                       a subject must make a variable or different
                  getting sick, then avoiding those       schedule
unconditione      an unlearned, innate, involuntary
d response        physiological reflex that is elicited
(UCR)             by the unconditioned stimulus
unconditione      some stimulus that triggers or
d stimulus        elicits a physiological reflex, such
(UCS)             as salivation or eye blink


                          a. Outline one psychological question which may be explained
                             using the learning perspective. [3 marks]
                          b. Evaluate the effectiveness of the learning perspective
                             explanation of the psychological question identified in part (a).
                             [5 marks]
                      May 2003

                 3. “Theories challenging traditional learning theory make the assumption
                      that learning is more than a series of stimulus-response associations.”
                      With reference to this statement, assess the extent to which cognitive
                      and/or biological factors contribute to explanations of behavioural
                      change within the learning perspective. [20 marks] May 2003
                 4. Identify and evaluate one contribution of the learning perspective to
                      the scientific study of behaviour. [8 marks]      Nov 2003

                 5. Consider ways in which the learning perspective has produced
                      recommendations for change in lifestyles. [20 marks]             Nov 2003

                 6. “An assumption can be defined as a belief or idea that psychologists
                    studying behaviour from a particular perspective hold in common.”
                          a. Outline one assumption from the learning perspective. [3
                          b. Explain how one empirical study from the learning perspective
                             illustrates the assumption you have identified in part a). [5
                      May 2004

                          a. Outline one explanation of learning               from      the      traditional
                             behaviourist approach. [6 marks]
                          b. The learning perspective still offers explanations of behavioural
                             change. To what extent have cognitive or biological factors
extended traditional explanations         of   behaviour   within   the
             learning perspective? [14 marks]
      May 2004

         a. Describe one study in which environmental factors contribute to
            explanations of behaviour within the learning perspective. [4
         b. Explain how the findings of the study described in part a) have
            helped psychologists to understand behavioural change. [4
      Nov 2004

         a. Some research studies within the learning perspective are seen
            as ethically contentious. With reference to such research
            studies, describe relevant ethical considerations. [8 marks]
         b. To what extent have ethical considerations affected the
            interpretation of behaviour within the learning perspective? [12
      Nov 2004

10. Describe how one historical or cultural condition helped to give rise to
      the learning perspective. [8 marks]   May 2005

         a. Use empirical studies to illustrate two research methodologies
            used within the learning perspective (e.g. experiments,
            observations, case studies). [10 marks]
         b. Compare the strengths and limitations of two methodologies
            used in the learning perspective. [10 marks]
      May 2005

         a. Identify one assumption from the learning perspective. [2
         b. Explain how one assumption from the learning perspective is
            illustrated by one theory or study. [6 marks]
      Nov 2005

13. Examine the extent to which the concept of free will relates to the
      learning perspective. [20 marks]   Nov 2005

14. “The     influence of biological factors has extended traditional
      behaviourist explanations of behaviour within the learning
      Explain this statement making reference to one relevant study from
      the learning perspective. [8 marks] May 2006
15. Assess the effectiveness of learning perspective explanations for either
   one psychological or one social question. [20 marks]   May 2006

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IB Learning Perspective Review

  • 1. IB - The Learning Perspective Introduction The study of how humans learn has dominated behaviorism. Behaviorism developed simultaneously in Russia and in the United States, becoming a major force in psychology in the first part of the 20th century. Traditionalist behaviorists believed that all organisms learn in the same way, and that all learning could be explained by the processes of classical and operant conditioning. Psychologists working within this perspective have investigated the ways in which behavior changes, usually using laboratory experiments, and often using non-human animals. In this unit students will examine the foundations of behaviorism, and then they will look at how the learning perspective has developed over the last fifty years, taking into consideration cognitive, biological and social factors that contribute to learning. You need to be able to: Describe and evaluate the cultural context and development, the conceptual framework, the methodology, and the application of the learning model. It was developed in the United States in the ‘50s. It was a firm contrast to Freud’s psychoanalytical concepts because it relied solely, utterly, and firmly on empiricism (experimental method). See “Key concepts/Ideas” and “Key theorists and their contributions” Describe and evaluate theories and empirical studies within this perspective. See “Key theorists and their contributions” Explain how cultural, ethical, gender, and methodological considerations affect the interpretation of behavior from a learning perspective. The different learning styles of people, cultures, and genders can affect interpretation of a behavior as some might not respond to the reward or punishment. Genders and cultures could also respond differently to a stimulus or have a different reaction to the stimulus making the outcome of a generalized public unclear. Also the fact that different cultures value and fear different things. If a culture or a certain gender is taught to fear something, it will probably be easier to develop a phobia to it and be harder to rid a person of that phobia. Compare theories, empirical studies and the conceptual framework of this model with the other perspectives.
  • 2. Learning Psychoanalytical People develop through conditioned with People develop through their stimuli, rewards, and punishments developmental sexual stages Learning focuses on behavior due to the Psychoanalytical focuses on behavior with environment finalized or unfinalized psycho-sexual stages Focuses on the experimental method and Uses case studies observational Dreams are not empirical Dreams important in analysis Only focuses on reason for simple behavior Mainly used for therapeutic purposes and some predictive value of behavior Identify and explain the strengths and limitations of learning theory explanations of behavior. See “Strengths and weaknesses” Explain the extent to which free will and determinism are integral in this perspective. The learning perspective is a very deterministic science. Actually, this is one of the main assumptions of behaviorism. Behaviorists believe that all behavior is trained, conditioned, reinforced, and essentially reflexive. Hence, free will is basically impossible if looked at through the lenses of an extreme behaviorist. This is because behaviorists decide to be reductionist, reducing everything down to only observable behavior. Is this a strength or a weakness? (See also “Strength and weakness” section) Explain the extent to which learning can be explained by alternatives to traditional behaviorist approaches. Assess the extent to which cognitive, biological, and environmental factors contribute to explanations of behavior within the learning perspective Historical Development and Cultural Context o Criticisms of the Psychodynamic perspective o Emphasis on scientific study o Darwin's influence on animal research As most of the approaches in psychology we can also argue that we can find the origins of the learning perspective back from the ancient Greece times. The environmentalism / nurture, which is one of the basic thoughts expressed in the learning perspective. This discussion about nature vs nurture continues in to all times in Europe and it confronts with the idea of dualism (a man consists of a soul and a body that can be studied separately) which was brought up by the French philosopher Descartes .But more recently we can say that at the turn of the 20th century is where we can find what most influenced the learning perspective. At this time psychologist tended to use either the experimental study or the introspective analysis to study their approaches. But both of them had many limitations due to the fact that at this time they didn’t had X-rays, or EEGs and all of those advanced researched methods. This pushed William James to come out with the idea of functionalism (psychologists should focus on how behavior relates to its purpose). Which leads us up to parsimony, one of the basic assumptions of the learning
  • 3. perspective. What parsimony basically says is that researcher should seek the simplest possible explanation for any event. If we look from this point of view we can also say that the learning perspective was a reaction to introspection making it also a reaction to psychodynamic. Assumptions • Empiricism (The view that experience, especially of the senses, is the only source of knowledge.) • Determinism (The philosophical doctrine that every state of affairs, including every human event, act, and decision is the inevitable consequence of antecedent states of affairs.) • Parsimony (In learning perspective they are all the things that can be seen, behaviorists do not infer, they observe.) • Though we are born with a genetic endowment which is the root of our instinctual behaviors, the majority of behavior is learned from the environment after birth. • Psychology should investigate the laws and products of learning. • Behavior is determined by the environment, since we are the total of all our past learning experiences, free will is an illusion. • Only observable behaviors should be studied if psychology is to be objective. • There is an innate predisposition to learning. • Learning can take place in the absence of reinforcement. The main idea of the learning perspective is to focus on the relationship between the environment and behavior. The learning perspective mainly does not pay much attention to internal invents such as biological or cognitive processes. Because of the idea of Parsimony, this principle only seeks for processes that can be observe directly and simply. Also because the learning perspective concentrates on the explanation of how human learns, this perspective particularly focuses on the idea of associationism. Which supports the idea that human learns by associating and making connections between ideas and events. Learning: changes in behavior as a result of experience. Key Concepts and Ideas • Animals can be conditioned to be in o Classical and operant conditioning anyway o The Law of Effect (Thorndike) o Operant conditioning, and o Social Learning Theory (Bandura; classical conditioning. Berkowitz) • Social learning theory introduced insight, o Learned helplessness (Seligman) latent learning, and models o Instinctual drift (Breland & • Insight: When, after encountering a Breland) problem for some time, new ideas arise in order to solve it • Latent Learning: Concepts may be learned but not used until reinforcer is added.
  • 4. Models: Subjects learn from watching other people and copying the ways they behave. • Overview: Perhaps the most well known Behaviorist is B. F. Learning can be defined as the process leading to Skinner (1904-1990). Skinner followed much of relatively permanent behavioral change or Watson’s research and findings, but believed that potential behavioral change. In other words, as internal states could influence behavior just as we learn, we alter the way we perceive our external stimuli. He is considered to be a Radical environment, the way we interpret the incoming Behaviorist because of this belief, although nowadays stimuli, and therefore the way we interact, or it is believed that both internal and external stimuli behave. John B. Watson (1878-1958) was the first influence our behavior. to study how the process of learning affects our behavior, and he formed the school of thought Behavioral Psychology is basically interested in how known as Behaviorism. The central idea behind our behavior results from the stimuli both in the behaviorism is that only observable behaviors are environment and within ourselves. They study, often in minute detail, the behaviors we exhibit while worthy of research since other abstraction such as controlling for as many other variables as possible. a person’s mood or thoughts are too subjective. Often a grueling process, but results have helped us This belief was dominant in psychological learn a great deal about our behaviors, the effect our research in the United Stated for a good 50 years. environment has on us, how we learn new behaviors, and what motivates us to change or remain the same. Key Theorists and Their Contributions Ivan Pavlov He was the first experimenter to research classical conditioning. In what started as a simple, physiological experiment with a dog, turned out to be the discovery of what came to be known as conditioning, more specifically, classical conditioning. -He was performing some experiments on a dog, and found that he could “condition” the dog to salivate on the sound of a bell. After repeatedly ringing the bell, and introducing food. Eventually, the bell alone was sufficient to make the poor pup drip. James Watson He was the pioneer psychology theorist that translated the ideas of Pavlov’s classical conditioning to humans. -His famous work is little Albert. He conditioned poor little Albert to reject white fluffy things by continually including LOUD NOISES upon the introduction of the white fluffy thing. Soon enough, the fluffy white thing alone would make little Albert upset. This research introduced the idea of stimulus generalization. Not only the white bunny (for example) would scare the poor baby. White fluffy pillows, etc could also raise fear from Al. Watson was confident that if you gave him a child, he could make him into
  • 5. anything (criminal, business man, etc.) B.F. Skinner He brought a new face into the world of behaviorism. Operant Conditioning is very similar to classical conditioning. But in include reinforces. After a response occurs, due to a certain stimulus, reinforces (positive or negative) are inserted that will increase or diminish the probability that the behavior may occur again. -His famous work is the Skinner box where he would condition, pigeons, mice, and even his own daughter to learn anything he wanted them to. Albert Bandura He gave us the concepts of Social Learning. With the help of the bobo doll experiment he showed us how there can be latent learning that is not seen until a reinforcer is included. Little babies learned to either hit, or not hit a bobo doll, but only the ones that saw the “model” receive no reinforcement or positive reinforcement for beating up the doll actually engaged in that activity. He also came up with the concept of insight learning, which dealt with monkeys finding ingenious ways to arrive to a solution (getting a banana). John Watson, Edward Thorndike, B F Skinner, Ivan Pavlov, Albert Bandura, Martin Seligman, Edward C. Tolman, Wolfgang Kohler. Attitude Toward Determinism Behaviorism thoroughly embraced the idea of determinism. Key researchers such as Watson, and Skinner believed that the environment could be changed to mold an individual to behave in any way they please. In the rough words of James Watson “Give me 5 babies and I’ll make one a businessman, a cook, a football star, an actor, and a criminal. The definition of determinism is: The philosophical doctrine that every state of affairs, including every human event, act, and decision is the inevitable consequence of antecedent states of affairs. Behaviorism states that everything is learned due to the environment. Thus, determinism is a key idea. It happens to be one of the learning perspective’s main assumptions. The learning perspective view towards behavior does not support determinism. As we already know determinism is the idea that our behavior is innate, and in most of the cases it is believed that it is something that we are born with so it is not able to learn it but just it develops inside of us. One example of a perspective that supports this idea will be the biological perspective, since it focus more on how the organisms of the humans dictates our behavior. But in the learning perspective, we can argue that it does not supports the idea of determinism in anyways since it focus on how we learn our behaviors. One of the basic assumptions that we looked at in the beginning of the paper, states
  • 6. Learning: changes in behavior as a result of experience. Also the learning perspective focuses on how the environment takes control over our learning. We can see this on Bandura’s social learning theory as well as the classical conditioning and operant conditioning. In social learning theory we looked at how children learn their behavior by modeling the adults or social models. In classical conditioning we looked at how the stimulus from the outside can dictate our behaviors. And in operant conditioning we saw how we are likely to do certain behaviors depending on its outcomes. Therefore we can see and conclude that the social learning theory does not support at all the determinism idea of the human’s behaviors. Methods • Experimental – scientific method • Observation – direct and effect • Interview – surveys etc. • Verbal Protocol – thinking aloud • Reliability - external and internal • Ecological validity • Use of animals in research • Ethical considerations Applications (Where and how is this perspective used with specific examples) o One example of classical One special and very powerful example of classical conditioning in use is in animal conditioning is taste aversion. Taste aversion is a training. Pet trainers today mostly case where an organism learns to have an aversion use classical conditioning to train to the taste or smell or other characteristics of animals, as it is more humane than some food or drink. For example, after consuming previous methods. Many trainers too much alcohol, it’s not unusual for someone to use a small clicking device that associate the smell or even sight of the alcohol they click while giving the animal with the sickness that resulted from consuming the a treat. That animal then associates alcohol. the clicking sound with the treat, much like Pavlov’s dogs. · Another application of classical conditioning works with advertising. For example, many beer o Bullying reduction programs ads prominently feature attractive young women o Systematic desensitization wearing bikinis. The young women (Unconditioned Stimulus) naturally elicit a
  • 7. (Wolpe) favorable, mildly aroused feeling (Unconditioned Response) in most men. The beer is simply associated with this effect. The same thing applies with the jingles and music that accompany many advertisements. Ethical Issues Their choice of method - especially verbal • Learning styles protocol • Maybe you're not a social person • Confusion of the participant • Right to withdrawal • Cultural difference between participant and observer • Experiments that require intrusive devices, like the cutting of the corpus callosum, make it • Behavior that the participant’s culture may difficult for the participant withdrawal afterwards deem as normal, might be considered unusual by the observer’s, or vice versa. • Deceiving the participant • Gender issues “The researcher must decide what can be published without consent and must be aware that the people studied will not be able to recall everything they have divulged or done during the experiment” Evaluation of the Strengths and Weaknesses
  • 8. Strengths Weaknesses Strictly empirical using scientific method as Does not account for acquisition of first language means of information • Does not account for random behavior • Applicable to training simple animal and • Does not account for interaction between human behaviors people • Gave information about insight in all animals As we can see from all the description of the • Methods could be used in school to teach perspective, we can understand that the learning students perspective is manly based on the de idea of looking at the interactions between an organism and its environment. But because this perspective concentrates too much on analyzing what we can see from the outside it lacks to study consciousness and internal subjective states. Some critics say that treating the organism like a black box means that one ignores the mental processes that are central to human behavior. But many behaviorist responded to this by simply saying that such events are scientifically unknowable, and in case do not cause behavior. But today we know that those things are not scientifically unknowable because today we have many technologies such as the CAT scan etc. to investigate what is happening inside the organism which dictates some of our behaviors. Also the learning perspective does not believe that behavior is determined, but by ignoring some stuff that are going inside our body just because we are not able to see them does not necessary mean that it doesn’t exist. Also in cases where the root of the problem is a brain damage or some damage in an organism, the cause of the abnormal behavior can’t be fully describe by the learning perspective. On the other hand we can also argue that many of the experimental methods that are used in the research of the learning perspective are based on animal research so we can’t generalize the same results that we get for a rat the same for a human. Many of the weaknesses of this perspective is based on the fact that the learning perspective focuses too much in the idea of parsimony. • Behaviorism was very scientific, with high levels of reliability. • The approach is reductionist - explaining a great deal of phenomena using only a few simple principles. • It has many practical applications which have been very effective. • Heavy reliance on animal research - discounts the qualitative difference between humans and non-human animals.
  • 9. Ignores important mental processes involved in learning. • Highly deterministic. • Questionable ecological validity • Key Terms anticipatory feelings of sickness elicited by cognitive a mental representation in the brain of the layout of nausea stimuli that are associated with map an environment and its features receiving chemotherapy treatments classical learning in which a neutral stimulus continuous every occurrence of the operant response results in conditioning acquires the ability to produce a reinforceme delivery of the reinforcer response (Ivan Pavlov) nt cognitive a kind of learning that involves fixed- learning mental pro a kind of learning that interval a reinforcer occurs following the first response that involves mental processes alone; schedule occurs after a fixed interval of time may not require rewards or overt behavior conditioned feeling fear or pleasure when fixed-ratio emotional experiencing a stimulus that initially schedule a reinforcer occurs only after a fixed number of response accompanied a painful or pleasant responses made by the subject event conditioned new response elicited by a imprinting inherited tendencies or responses that are displayed response conditioned stimulus; similar to the by newborn animals encountering certain stimuli (CR) unconditioned response conditioned a formerly neutral stimulus that has insight a mental process marked by the sudden solution to a stimulus (CS) acquired the ability to elicit the problem; the "ah ha" phenomenon same response as UCS does contiguity explains classical conditioning as negative removing a reinforcing stimulus (allowance) after theory occurring because two stimuli are punishment response; decreases chances of response recurring paired closely together in time discriminatio learning to make a particular negative an aversive stimulus whose removal increases the n response to some stimuli but not to reinforceme likelihood of the preceding response occurring again others nt extinction failure of a conditioned stimulus to partial a situation in which responding is reinforced only elicit a response when repeatedly reinforceme some of the time presented without the UCS nt generalization tendency for a stimulus that is positive similar to the original conditioned reinforceme the presentation of a stimulus that increases the stimulus to elicit the same nt probability of a behavior occurring again response law of effect if actions are followed by a preparedne pleasurable consequence or ss an innate or biological tendency of animals to reward, they tend to be repeated (prepared recognize and attend to certain cues and stimuli (E. L. Thorndike) learning) learning a relatively enduring or permanent punishment a consequence that occurs after behavior and change in behavior that results decreases chance of that behavior occurring again from experience with stimuli neutral some stimulus that produces a reinforceme a consequence that occurs after behavior and stimulus response, but does not produce the nt increases the chance of that behavior occurring again reflex being tested preparedness biological readiness to associate schedule of a rule that determines how and when the occurrence some combinations of conditioned reinforceme of a response will be followed by a reinforcer and unconditioned stimuli nt spontaneous tendency for the conditioned shaping a rule that determines how and when the occurrence recovery response to reappear after being of a response will be followed by a reinforcer extinguished stimulus explains classical conditioning as a superstitiou any behavior that increases in frequency because of
  • 10. substitution neural bonding of a neutral and an s behavior accidental pairing with the delivery of a reinforcer unconditioned stimulus systematic procedure in which a person variable- a reinforcer occurs following the first response after a desensitizatio eliminates anxiety-evoking stimuli interval variable amount of time has gone by n by relaxation; counterconditioning schedule taste-aversion associating sensory cues (smells, variable- learning tastes, sound, or sights) with ratio a subject must make a variable or different getting sick, then avoiding those schedule cues unconditione an unlearned, innate, involuntary d response physiological reflex that is elicited (UCR) by the unconditioned stimulus unconditione some stimulus that triggers or d stimulus elicits a physiological reflex, such (UCS) as salivation or eye blink 1. EXAM SHORT ANSWER and ESSAY QUESTIONS 2. a. Outline one psychological question which may be explained using the learning perspective. [3 marks] b. Evaluate the effectiveness of the learning perspective explanation of the psychological question identified in part (a). [5 marks] May 2003 3. “Theories challenging traditional learning theory make the assumption that learning is more than a series of stimulus-response associations.” With reference to this statement, assess the extent to which cognitive and/or biological factors contribute to explanations of behavioural change within the learning perspective. [20 marks] May 2003 4. Identify and evaluate one contribution of the learning perspective to the scientific study of behaviour. [8 marks] Nov 2003 5. Consider ways in which the learning perspective has produced recommendations for change in lifestyles. [20 marks] Nov 2003 6. “An assumption can be defined as a belief or idea that psychologists studying behaviour from a particular perspective hold in common.” a. Outline one assumption from the learning perspective. [3 marks] b. Explain how one empirical study from the learning perspective illustrates the assumption you have identified in part a). [5 marks] May 2004 7. a. Outline one explanation of learning from the traditional behaviourist approach. [6 marks] b. The learning perspective still offers explanations of behavioural change. To what extent have cognitive or biological factors
  • 11. extended traditional explanations of behaviour within the learning perspective? [14 marks] May 2004 8. a. Describe one study in which environmental factors contribute to explanations of behaviour within the learning perspective. [4 marks] b. Explain how the findings of the study described in part a) have helped psychologists to understand behavioural change. [4 marks] Nov 2004 9. a. Some research studies within the learning perspective are seen as ethically contentious. With reference to such research studies, describe relevant ethical considerations. [8 marks] b. To what extent have ethical considerations affected the interpretation of behaviour within the learning perspective? [12 marks] Nov 2004 10. Describe how one historical or cultural condition helped to give rise to the learning perspective. [8 marks] May 2005 11. a. Use empirical studies to illustrate two research methodologies used within the learning perspective (e.g. experiments, observations, case studies). [10 marks] b. Compare the strengths and limitations of two methodologies used in the learning perspective. [10 marks] May 2005 12. a. Identify one assumption from the learning perspective. [2 marks] b. Explain how one assumption from the learning perspective is illustrated by one theory or study. [6 marks] Nov 2005 13. Examine the extent to which the concept of free will relates to the learning perspective. [20 marks] Nov 2005 14. “The influence of biological factors has extended traditional behaviourist explanations of behaviour within the learning perspective”. Explain this statement making reference to one relevant study from the learning perspective. [8 marks] May 2006
  • 12. 15. Assess the effectiveness of learning perspective explanations for either one psychological or one social question. [20 marks] May 2006