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Essay on Psychology
behaviourism–the study of behaviour in an objective way. social learning theory/cognitive behaviourism attachment theory evolutionary theory
behavioural genetics Piaget's theory of cognitive development Erikson's theory developmental systems Define and describe the following research
methods correlational study experimental study cross sectional study longitudinal study Study Questions 1. Define cohort and briefly summarize at
least one major difference in how different cohorts, past and present, are experiencing childhood, old age, and adulthood (pp. 5–9). Cohorts are the
birth group we grow up with through life. The past childhood cohort was growing up in a time when there wasn' more content...
Your answer should include a definition for major concepts of each theory (pp. 13–16). Behaviourism is similar to the social learning theory by they
both believe that the actions we do in early childhood effect our adult years in the way we act and weather we are dependant or independent. They
are different in the way that behaviourism is based on visible acts while the social learning theory is based upon modifying peoples thoughts. In
traditional behaviourism, we act the way we do because of the reinforcements we get called the "operant condition." In social learning theory, we act
the way we do because we prefer to model our peers or the ones caring for us. In social learning theory, self–efficacy has a lot to do with our personal
growth in life weather it is high or low. 4. Describe attachment theory and its relation to psychoanalytic theory and evolutionary psychology. Describe
behavioural genetics. What are the two nature–nature principles that Belsky draws from this discussion (pp. 16–20)? The attachment theory states that
the first years of life will provide us to be a successful adult or leave us with problems, that the early caregivers of life shape our future ability to love.
The attachment theory and its relation to psychoanalytic theory and evolutionary psychology is the clear commonality that both state is that earliest
actions of our caregivers affect the rest of our lives. Behavioural genetics
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Essay on Educational Psychology
One of the more popular areas of psychology is Educational Psychology. Educational Psychology can be explained several ways. The idea is to study
theories and concepts from different parts of psychology and apply them in educational settings. These educational settings may occur in different
school settings such as preschool. The goal of educational psychology is to create a positive student–teacher relationship. Educational psychology uses
five different types of psychology, behavioral, cognitive, developmental, and social cognitive, and constructivist in this research paper I will be
briefly discussing each type of psychology listed above. Behaviorism is the point of view where learning and behavior are described and explained in more content...
Some examples are belief, desire, ideas and motivation. Next, cognitive psychologists think memory structures determine how information is perceived,
processed, stored, retrieved and forgotten. Cognitive psychology include perception, categorization, memory, knowledge representation, language and
thinking processes. "The relationship of cognitive psychology to classroom is like the relationship of physics to engineering. Knowledge of the mind
gleaned from cognitive psychology experiments will not tell teachers how to teach children, any more than knowledge of physics can prescribe what a
bridge should look like" (Willingham, 2009) Developmental psychology is the point of view that occurs in learners over the course of a period of time.
The developmental perspective includes theories that are continuous and discontinuous. Discontinuous theories are stage–like. The processes of
learning and development involve distinct stages, which are characterized by qualitative differences in behavior. Theorists who use discontinuous
theories use a specific beginning and end period for each stage. Continuous theories explain that learning and development generally happen in
incremental processes. Learning involves changes throughout the lifespan. "Contemporary views on the nature of cognitive development have been
vastly influenced by the work of one man. This was Jean Piaget (1896–1980), once a biologist, who turned his
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Essay about Behavior Psychology
Behavior Psychology Psychology is defined as a science that focuses on the study of and to explain the way human's think, behave, and feel. The
behaviourist school of psychology is concerned with the explanation of behaviour through observable outcomes without making reference to mental
events. Behaviourism is very narrow and can be strongly objected in its approach to psychology as it does not consider the mental thought process
involvement in behaviour. This school of psychology is very much about nurture rather more content...
The belief is that human behaviour can be trained because human emotions are so malleable therefore personality is forever changeable (Cohen, 1979).
Behaviour is simply a reaction to a stimulus which once learned becomes part of learned habit. It was also believed learning occurs through the
reinforcement of certain aspects of the situation. Reinforcement is when something is added to the situation which makes the same reaction in that
situation more likely in future (McInerney, 1998). The belief was that most of behaviour is a result of what has been learnt, which is to say that it is the
result of the environment rather than biological influences. Therefore the study of learning and the conditions under which it occurs is the core project
of behaviourism (Tennant, 1997) Behaviouristic therapy is aimed at the modification of behaviour especially undesirable ones by mainly reinforcing
the desirable behaviour and suppressing or punishing the undesirable and unwanted behaviour. Once the therapist has identified the behaviour and
triggering factors they may employ several techniques to condition or recondition the person's behaviour. These methods of therapy have been derived
and adapted by experiments done by earlier behaviourists such as Pavlov, Watson and Skinner. Methods used today
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Essay on Clinical Psychology
Clinical psychology aims to understand, treat and prevent psychological distress and dysfunction thus to encourage good health, good adaptive thinking
and a healthy lifestyle. People working in this field research into mental dysfunction suffered by the patients, assess their cognitive state of mind and
perform psychotherapy to decrease the psychological symptoms and/ or the underlying causes.
There are many sub divisions of therapies focusing on different routes of cure/prevention. Biologically, chemotherapy and psychosurgeries are
available; but below I will discuss the treatments available psychologically. Psychologically, there are various treatments mainly the psychodynamic and
the behavioural approach. The main more content...
In contrast behaviour in the unconsciousness state lacks awareness of self and the environmental situations. In between these is the preconscious state
where thoughts from the unconscious state, that are not suppressed, thus can be brought to the conscious by slowly recalling the thoughts.
Upon this differentiation Freud discovered that these symptoms resulted from the unconscious decisions made following psychological conflicts
experienced at the present moment. One specific case, involved a young boy, who mother was asking him to sign a letter accusing the father of abusing
him, in order support her in their divorce. However the boy, knowing that both parents are of no harm couldn't decide whether to sign the letter in
favour of the mother or not to in favour of the father (unconscious psychological conflict). Thus this resulted in the boy suffering paralysis (mental
neurotic dysfunction).
Such neurosis are maladaptive behaviours, that doesn't resolve but instead avoids the under lying situation. This initiates from childhood feelings,
memories, wishes and experiences that are emotionally attached.
Freud's theory of personality defines that the psychological conflicts experienced by the individuals' link to the compromises made against the forces of
cognitive construct. Id, this form of cognitive construct is from the unconscious that follows the
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Essay about Psychology Theories
I chose Gestalt Psychology for my first perspective, it is how people experience objects and perceive things as a whole. Gestalt allows us to look at
everyday objects and distinguish them from their surroundings. Without the Gestalt Theory people would see every atom that made up a whole
object. As I look at my computer screen, I do not see every little atom, I see the screen as a whole. From this perspective, learning objects as a whole
instead of each individual part is beneficial because it allows us to open our minds for new learning experiences. However, there may be things in life
that do not provide enough visual clues to determine what it is supposed to be. The Functionalist Theory is based on behavior and mental life.
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This allows us to be able to avoid waling into a hole or hitting our head on a door. Humanistic Personality Theory is more of a behavioral theory. I
can say they both deal with the "here and now" issues though. The Functionalist Theory however is associated with the Humanistic Personality
Theory because they are both behavioral and mental theories. Functionalism is based on experiences and how it affects our current behavior. With
the Humanistic Theory and its beliefs of dealing with the present functionalism allows you to retrieve memories to help you make your decision. I
believe that functionalism also contributes to self worth. My whole life I have been achieving accomplishments, whether big or small, and it gives
me a self worth to look back at all of them. "Cognitive theory is focused on the individual's thoughts as the determinate of his or her emotions and
behaviors and therefore personality. Many cognitive theorists believe that without these thought processes, we could have no emotions and no
behavior and would therefore not function. In other words, thoughts always come before any feeling and before any action." ("Cognitive theory in,"
2004) Cognitive theory could have an effect on Gestalt Psychology because if a person has a learning disorder is can change how they perceive
things. They may not be able to distinguish every day objects for what they truly are. My six year old cousin has down syndrome.
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Essay on Psychology Class Reflection
Over the course of this class I have pieced together many things about my own life that before went unnoticed. I am now able to see things in a bit
of a different light. Now that I have been introduced to the realm of psychology I understand some of the reasons for behavior around me. I have
learned that there is a reason for most everything and a lot of our behaviors and mental processes can be explained through psychology. Studies have
been conducted for many years to try and pinpoint the source of our behavior and it is not something that most people think about every day. Having a
better understanding of why we operate the way we do will help me to better understand myself and the others around me. Our behavior more
role confusion stage. (Gerrig & Zimbardo, 2009) It is a coping mechanism that probably stems from his childhood in some way. This is just one
example of how I am seeing the world from a more psychological perspective. I now try and form some theory about abnormal behavior rather that
just shrugging it off. While I have not really had any experience with anyone with any very serious psychological conditions I see now that there is
much more than meets the eye when it comes to their behavior. There is typically some sort of explanation that can be found in psychology and I
think if everyone had a basic understanding of psychology they would understand the abnormal behavior a little better. After this introduction to
psychology I can now also better understand my behavior and understand the things that are affecting my life. There are certain aspects in my life
that limit me from making the choices I may prefer to make. I have obligations and responsibilities that I must maintain in order to provide a
decent life for my family. There is much at stake for me and I cannot always just do whatever it is that I would like to do. As a child I was raised in
a house where honesty was the key. It has been instilled in my life and to this day I know the right thing to do is to be honest. My parents were very
good at instilling a since of honor in me. I am still not sure how they did it but I know it affected the decisions that I made and make today. I was always
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Personal Reflection In Psychology
I consider myself someone who values the question "why?". My entire life I have caught myself questioning things that others never really seemed to
care to think about, about a multitude of subjects. Specifically, asking those close to me like my parents, siblings, friends, and now my husband.
Leaning this semester about Psychology has been very interesting to me because it had helped me understand the "why" behind the way the brain
works. In this class, Lifespan Growth and Development, I have learned about concepts that I will be able to carry with me throughout my college
education, my professional career, my marriage, and my eventual parenthood as a mother. One of the topics I learned about that intrigued me the
most, was about Jean Piaget and his work. I think this is because the concepts that were learned in this class over Piaget's studies relate to multiple
chapters in a person's life, so it was easy to connect back with and understand. It was easy for me to understand the "why" because I was able to
relate it back to Piaget's study. Piaget was a psychologist who focused on the "qualitative changes" that occur in a child's "mode of thought" (Crandell,
Human Development). He studied that a child's biological growth combined with the interactions of their environment led to specific stages that would
take place at different ages in one's life. This is especially interesting to me as an adult now because even though I don't have children, I have friends
who have
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A Career as a Psychologist Essay
Psychologists are very important people; they help millions of people with their everyday struggles and problems that they have to deal with. Not
only do psychologists help people with problems that they cannot handle on their own, they also are scientists who study human minds and
behaviors. With being a psychologist, there are many different careers to choose from within this profession (Explore Health Careers). The first type
of psychologists to choose from is a clinical psychologist. Clinical psychologists help people with counseling and psychotherapy. They work with
people who have all around life problems, such as new adjustments in life. Clinical psychologists also help people who have emotional disorders or more content...
They also provide consolation to courts and attorneys in different types of legal proceedings (Psyris). Next is an organization psychologist, which helps
in the productivity of groups and individuals in a workplace. These types of psychologists focus on improving the function of organizations, and to keep
individuals healthy within the organization (Psyris). Another type of psychology to choose from is a counseling psychologist. These are important
psychologists because they teach people how to deal with their everyday problems. They help their patients determine their problems and help them
understand the problems they are facing. Not only do counseling psychologists help their patients with the issues they are experiencing at home but
also in their workplace or their community in general. By helping their patients identify their strengths and resources, is how counseling psychologists
help them with their problems (Bureau of Labor Statistics). The next type of psychology is the developmental psychologist. Developmental
psychologists work with psychological processes and development that takes place throughout life. They study aging and problems the elderly may
face, but this type of psychologist mainly focuses on children and adolescents (Bureau of Labor Statistics). The last type of psychologist to choose
from is the social
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Essay on Psychologists
Psychology is the study of human behavior, how we think, feel and act. Psychologists study both normal and abnormal behavior to understand it.
Psychologists also try to use what we learn from that study to help people change aspects of their behavior that they want to change. Areas of
psychology are clinical, industrial, and developmental. Careers in Psychology offer varied opportunities.
Employment opportunities for capable psychologists are expected to be slightly better than average over the next several years. However, if you're
interested in a career in Psychology, you should know that the training program to become a psychologist is a long one. There is also stiff competition
for places in graduate training programs in more content...
A person with only a bachelor's degree cannot legally practice psychology in the states. They can hold psychology related positions. With a bachelor's
degree in Psychology, salary starts at about $17,000 a year.
With a doctoral degree in Psychology and one year of a supervised internship, a student can become a legal psychologist. In many states, it is
required that one pass an exam before practicing Psychology. One with a doctoral degree can have a salary of $45,000 per year, on the low end. After
schooling, the field of Psychology can expand many ways.
To give you an idea, here are some indepth looks at various fields.Some psychologists work in the health care field. They practice in hospitals,
rehabilitation facilities, and both public and private clinics. They may work individually or in teams with other health care professionals such as
physicians, nurses, social workers, and so forth. Psychologists in health care provide assessment and treatment services to persons with mental and
emotional disorder. Because of the growing body of scientific knowledge about the role of psychological factors in physical health and disease,
psychologists also play a role
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Introduction to Psychology Essay examples
Introduction to Psychology The concern about life is a main human characteristic. No matter if his concern is concentrated in himself or in persons or
things that surround him and constitute his environment, everybody wants to know why people, himself included, behave the way they behave.
Everybody, also, wants to improve his behavior, so as to live in harmony with himself and the society. The Greek word Psychology, is a word consisted
of the words ψυχή–soul and λόγος–utterance, talk. So, generally, psychology is the science
that examines the soul. But , since the psychologists work on the problems of the personal, family, school, professional and social life, we could say, more content...
The heartbeats, the movements of our head are behavior. The way we eat, the way we drink, the way we walk, we talk, are behavior. The
construction of a bridge, the composition of a song are behavior. The fantasies of a child, the dreams of a adolescent, the illusions of an alcoholic
are behavior. Although we are all familiar with human behavior, a little do we understand or we can explain about it. Since our infancy we learn
about behavior through the experiences and the knowledge that we get by observing other people or having relations with them. Living in society
leads us to watch and try to explain the way people behave. But that is not always easy. Sometimes we cannot understand even ourselves. Psychology
comes to give answers to all this uncertainty. Therefore, according to modern psychology, the term behavior means all the conscious, unconscious,
verbal, mental and kinetic expressions of ourselves. Psychology uses statistic researches so as to distinguish the normal behavior from the abnormal
one. Such a thing is very difficult because every society has its own behavior standards, and, consequently, an act that is normal according to one
society, may be abnormal according to another. For example, polygamy is not permitted in Europe, but it is permitted in certain societies in Africa. So,
the judgement of a behavior must bear in mind the social environment in which it takes place .
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Child Psychology Essay
Child Psychology
Psychology involves studying the mental functioning and general behaviors of both humans and animals. Social behavior and mental functioning of an
individual are explained by exploring the neurological and physiological processes. These include emotions, cognition, perception, motivation, attention,
brain functioning and personality. Child psychology is as well stated to be the application of psychological techniques to children where it involves
carrying out research on mental states and development of children. The development of the child both physically, mentally and emotionally, with the
help of a parent allows the identification of helpful information to any evolving challenges in child's behavior more content...
Successful levels and stages of development are majorly associated with the increasing efficiency and memory capacity. These explain a progression
to higher stages and individual differences which increases by same age persons and cognitive performance. Research indicates that the performance
of children at a given age is changeable from domain to domain such as the understanding of social, mathematical, and spatial concepts that it is
impossible to place the child in a single stage. This level involves processes that define the volume and kind of information that the individual child
can process. For example, reflexes arise before birth and are still present in newborns. Sometimes, prenatal development and birth complications may
also be connected to neurodevelopmental disorders. Young children react to various motivations in various ways (Damon & Lerner, 2006). For
example infants' sight blurry in early stages improves over time.
Habituation is applied in discovering the perceptual systems which indicates that children advance earlier in developing perception compared to the
acquiring the idea of the permanence of objects. Vision, hearing, smell and taste, language, touch, and pain are the early infant sensorimotor perceptual
improvement in the infants' mental growth. Motor development, required for the child to create relationships between vision, touch and
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Essay on Motivation in Psychology
The human mind is designed with the innate ability to achieve anything. The interesting part of this paper is how we all use different triggers and
motivations to goad us into gear. Motivation is an area of psychology that has gotten a great deal of attention, especially in the recent years. There are
several distinct theories of motivation we will discuss in this section. Some include basic biological forces, while others seem to transcend concrete
explanation. All creatures are born with specific innate knowledge about how to survive. Animals are born with the capacity and often times knowledge
of how to survive by spinning webs, building nests, avoiding danger, and reproducing. These innate tendencies are preprogrammed at birth, more
This theory focused on how children socialize and how they develop their sense of self. This happens in eight distinct stages. I will only be discussing
the ones that occur from birth to puberty. Each developmental stage has two possible outcomes. According to the theory, successful completion of each
stage results in a healthy personality and successful interactions with others. Failure to successfully complete a stage can result in a reduced ability to
complete further stages and therefore a more unhealthy personality and sense of self. These stages, however, can be resolved successfully at a later time.
The first stage is trust or mistrust. This stage begins from birth to one year, children begin to learn the ability to trust others based upon the consistency
of their caregiver. If trust develops successfully, the child gains confidence and security in the world around him and is able to feel secure even when
threatened. Unsuccessful completion of this stage can result in an inability to trust, and therefore a sense of fear about the inconsistent world. It may
result in anxiety, heightened insecurities, and an over feeling of mistrust in the world around them.
The next definable stage is autonomy or shame which begins between the ages of one and three, children begin to assert their independence, by
walking away from their mother, picking which toy to play with, and making choices about what they like to wear, to eat,
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Ethics in Psychology Essay
Ethics in Psychology Our country was founded on certain moral principles. The moral principles which guide our lives are referred to as ethics.
These ethics have an impact on how we interact with the world around us and shape our personalities; this happens even if we do not realize their
immediate impact. It is for this very reason that ethics in psychological research became necessary. "One may also define ethics as a method,
procedure, or perspective for deciding how to act and for analyzing complex problems and issues" (Resnik, 2011). We are expected to behave or be
treated a particular way in society, therefore we should be granted certain ethical treatments in regards to research. Human Participants According to the more content...
Animal Subjects This is a sensitive issue area in regards to research. There are many types of research that just are not feasible to do with human
subjects; therefore the justification for non–human animals come into the experiment. Even though there are many benefits to using animals, many
animal rights groups maintain strong opposition to using animals for research. This is why the APA has developed the Committee on Animal Research
and Ethics (CARE). It is the responsibility of CARE to audit that all ethics regarding animal usage is followed ("Committee on animal," 2014). Due to
the sensitivity of testing on animals the APA has developed very strict standards regarding usage of animals as subjects. They range from justification,
housing of said animal, acquisition, and procedures. These requirements outline absolute necessity in order to reduce the unnecessary usage of animals
in testing. Therapy relationships with clients. The psychologist to patient relationship during therapy is a crucial aspect. It is within ethical guidelines
that the psychologist clearly establish his role whether it be with an individual, group, or family therapist. These roles need to be understood for the
variety of issues that may arise; one of which is the disclosure of information. Psychologists, for obvious reasons, are not to have sexual relationships
with patients or former patients within a
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Psychology Concepts: Psychology is a term derived from two Greek words that translate to life explanation, which makes it an important element of
daily life. The field of psychology can be described as a discipline that focuses on the study of mind and behavior. This discipline is characterized by
several concepts and approaches that are used by psychologists in understanding human behavior. Since psychology is a broad field, psychologists not
only use these concepts and approaches but also conduct scientific research that enables them to understand human behavior. Some of the most
common psychological concepts that are used to modify or change an individual's behavior include operant conditioning, positive and negative
punishment, more content...
An example of the use of this method is when my friend was recently grounded by his parents for misbehaving in school. While positive punishment
helps in modifying behavior, it may cause an individual to be embarrassed and contribute to other negative behavior, which is a major ethical concern.
On the contrary, negative punishment is a method that also contributes to weakening a behavior though it lessens or eliminates something pleasant. It
involves taking away something desirable or good from an individual in order to discourage him/her from engaging in a particular behavior. For
instance, one of my classmate's phone rang in class despite being told by teachers not to bring our phones to class. Consequently, the teacher took away
the phone from my classmate in order to discourage that behavior. The ethical concern that may emerge from using negative punishment is that it does
not teach the victim of undesired behavior how to change his/her behavior. Positive reinforcement involves strengthening or fostering desired behavior
through the addition or increase of a pleasant incentive. Positive reinforcement tends to be a more effective means of behavior modification that the
two types of punishment. The addition or increase of incentive when using positive reinforcement is geared towards encouraging the occurrence of the
behavior in the future. For instance, positive reinforcement is used by an
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Essay on Psychology: Personality Theories
Introduction: What is Personality? Allport defines personality as 'the dynamic organisation within the individual of those psychological systems that
determine his unique adjustment to his environment' (Allport, 1937). An individual's unique personality traits and attributes are a powerful indicator of
how he/she will interact with the work environment. The difference between average and outstanding employees can often be solely personality
related. As the employee is the most valuable asset to the company, 'selecting the right employee during the process is critical' (Carbery and Cross,
2013, pp. 41–53) Traditional Theory Vs Cognitive Theory When we speak about personality, we must consider the two prominent schools of thought: more content...
Differences in Personality Both nature and nurture interplay to determine personality characteristics. Nature is heredity and passed on at conception.
Nurture is that which is environmentally developed. It is innate that a baby will crawl, but he needs the support of his environment (diet, etc.) if he
is to ultimately survive. Our behaviour is the result of a combination of inborn traits and the situations in which we find ourselves. There are five
categorise which help influence personality differences. Genetically, offspring tend to take on some of the characteristics of their parents. However,
this could be due to long term exposure to the personalities of their parents rather than their genetic coding. Whether a person is male or female
determines what gender role they take on. 'Women are expected to be nurturing, attractive, emotional, weak, and subordinate to men; whereas, men
are the strong, rational, objective, and financial providers' (Loue and Sajatovic, 2007). Ones family experiences can also influence a person's
behaviour. Family experiences like: 'family size, birth order, differential parental orientations towards children' etc. will impact on the emergence of
personality as well as a person's suitability to leadership roles (Morley and Moore et al., 2004, pp. 28–52). Culture plays a very strong role in
determining what is believed to be acceptable and unacceptable
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Essay about Definition of Psychology
Definition of Psychology
The term psychology comes from two Greek words: psyche, which means
1. The spirit or soul. 2. The human mind. 3. In psychoanalysis, the mind functioning as the center of thought, emotion, and behavior.
And logos, "the study of." or according to modern researches "science"
These root words were first combined in the 16th century, at a time when the human soul, spirit, or mind was seen as distinct from the body.
Definition of Psychology:
Psychology is one of the youngest sciences. It is still going through the process of its development. There has been much fierce controversy about its
definition. It has been variously defined as the science of soul, more content...
Great psychologist like Sigmand Freud support this fact.
The science of Behavior:
J.B. Watson described Psychology as the science of Behavior.. He said that external action or behavior is the only concern of Psychology. He totally
ignored mental processes. He said that what goes on in our mind eventually comes out as our behavior. But this is not true for all times so this was
considered incomplete.
Now a days the most comprehensive definition of Psychology is:
"Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior, and its application to solve human problems"
"Psychology is the schematic study of behavior and mental processes"
This definition contains three elements. The first is that psychology is a scientific enterprise that obtains knowledge through systematic and objective
methods of observation and experimentation. Second is that psychologists study behavior, which refers to any action or reaction that can be measured
or observed–such as the blink of an eye, an increase in heart rate, or the unruly violence that often erupts in a mob. Third is that psychologists study the
mind, which refers to both conscious and unconscious mental states. These states cannot actually be seen, only inferred from
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Essay on my interest in psychology
my interest in psychology
I have always been intrigued by the mental processes of humans and animals. As a young child and into adolescence, as a student and teacher and as a
caregiver, I have always been interested in psychology in one form or another. This essay will reflect not only the development of my interest in
psychology, but the development of myself as a person.
I was born into a family with Native American heritage that practiced a strict protestant religion. As a child, I would often wonder why people's
attitudes, behaviors and beliefs could be so different from one another. I wondered why some people believed in things with great zeal, yetother people
believed the contrary just as more content...
I then went back to school with more determination and plunged myself into more psychology classes.
In these classes, I found myself naturally drawn to the topics of research methods and statistics. These two academic areas in particular provided an
environment in which I was able to develop and excercise my naturally analytical way of thinking. I then geared my undergraduate education towards
learning to perform research in psychology by taking more research and science based psychology classes. Additionally, I sought out and obtained
research assistantships with professors of cognition, physiological and clinical psychology. Specifically, I have been a primary research assistant for an
investigation of the effect of irony on recall and recognition, an investigation of the performance of children with and without Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on a computer anticipation task, and an investigation of the effect of Polychlorinated Biphenyls on ADHD–like
behavior in laboratory rats. I have also assisted in literature reviews in the area of receptive language and Autism, as well as a review on sleep and
genetics. In addition, I have been a participant recruiter for a research project on familial inheritance of depression and REM sleep abnormalities. For
complete information, please see my attached curriculum vitae.
While taking research–based courses, I found that I had another natural inclination:
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Essay on Choosing Psychology as a Career
Psychology is the study of the mind, its biology, and behavior if the individual. The father of psychology, Wilhelm Wundt, used objective measurement
and controlled analyzing to find and emphasize separation between psychology and philosophy (McLeod). Wundt opened the Institute for Experimental
Psychology at the University of Leipzig in Germany in 1879, using his background in physiology to study reactions and sensations (McLeod). There is
no doubt that he, along with the later help of Sigmund Freud, launched what is now modern psychology. Psychology and its research helped the world
understand the inner workings of the mind and how it affects everyone around us. Many associate psychology with sitting in a chair in a small office as more content...
Hypnosis is an intense state of consciousness in which the psychologist asks several specific questions to either alleviate pain or come to a better
understanding of the symptom of event that causes them distress. Although a controversial tactic, those who choose to go through with hypnosis can
only be hypnotized if they are willing. If a patient requires more treatment such as medication, a psychologist can work with medical personnel to
further their recovery ("What Do"). They work with a person's motivation and energy to examine their thoughts, feelings, and behavior to develop
ideas about how to move forward with their life (Cohen). Forensic psychology deals with both the offenders of the law, and the victims (AGCAS).
Although many people think of a forensic psychologist as what they see on television shows, profiling and finding the actual offenders is a tiny part
of what the title actually works as (AGCAS). The majority of forensic psychologists work in prisons, probation services, hospitals, and the National
Health Service (AGCAS). Those who work in the Prison Service offer one on one sessions with offenders. They also assess whether they are at risk to
themselves, others within the prison, or the public, if they have the possibility of being released, by instituting rehabilitation programs, probation
programs, and any other mental and emotional therapy they require (AGCAS).
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Psychology and Human Behavior Essay
Psychology and Human Behavior What makes people behave the way they do? Can anyone analyse 12 billion brain cells to determine how and why the
mind functions the way it does?How is it that people being similar in physiological terms, are yet so different in psychological terms?
Man has a multiple nature,there is a constant conflict...between good & evil, between the urges & restricting forces, between thoughts & feelings, head
& heart, soul & body,lower nature & upper nature, more content...
The book says Yes! The answer is Transactional Analysis..TA, which is a tool to map the blue print of the mind. Dr.Thomas Harris, a disciple of
Dr.Sullivan, working with Dr, Eric Berne, came out with the theory in early 70's and wrote this book, which was a bestseller.
Dr. Penfield, a neuro–surgeon, conducted a variety of experiments in 1950's using electrodes to stimulate various parts and spots of the brain. The
experiments revealed that;
a) Not only the past events are recorded in detail by human brain, but also the feelings associated with the events. Both are inexorably locked together,
one cannot be evoked without the other.
b) Brain is a high fidelity recorder that puts on tape every experience right from birth, even before birth. It is a unique recorder that can not only record
images and sounds, but also sights,smells,feelings and emotions too.
c) Experiences can not only be recalled, but also be re–lived.
d) Persons can live in two states at a time. Being in the present,one can re–visit and re–live the past as an observer,guest.
Dr Harris and Berne take over from here. The theory of TA, as I have understood is as follows;
The unit of social intercourse is a transaction which comprises of a stimulus, and a response. Both these can be verbal or non verbal communications
which indicate a transaction. If the transactions are analysed, one can analyse the human nature.
Parent(P), Adult (A), and Child(C), are three parts of any person's
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Essay On Psychology

  • 1. Essay on Psychology behaviourism–the study of behaviour in an objective way. social learning theory/cognitive behaviourism attachment theory evolutionary theory behavioural genetics Piaget's theory of cognitive development Erikson's theory developmental systems Define and describe the following research methods correlational study experimental study cross sectional study longitudinal study Study Questions 1. Define cohort and briefly summarize at least one major difference in how different cohorts, past and present, are experiencing childhood, old age, and adulthood (pp. 5–9). Cohorts are the birth group we grow up with through life. The past childhood cohort was growing up in a time when there wasn' more content... Your answer should include a definition for major concepts of each theory (pp. 13–16). Behaviourism is similar to the social learning theory by they both believe that the actions we do in early childhood effect our adult years in the way we act and weather we are dependant or independent. They are different in the way that behaviourism is based on visible acts while the social learning theory is based upon modifying peoples thoughts. In traditional behaviourism, we act the way we do because of the reinforcements we get called the "operant condition." In social learning theory, we act the way we do because we prefer to model our peers or the ones caring for us. In social learning theory, self–efficacy has a lot to do with our personal growth in life weather it is high or low. 4. Describe attachment theory and its relation to psychoanalytic theory and evolutionary psychology. Describe behavioural genetics. What are the two nature–nature principles that Belsky draws from this discussion (pp. 16–20)? The attachment theory states that the first years of life will provide us to be a successful adult or leave us with problems, that the early caregivers of life shape our future ability to love. The attachment theory and its relation to psychoanalytic theory and evolutionary psychology is the clear commonality that both state is that earliest actions of our caregivers affect the rest of our lives. Behavioural genetics Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Educational Psychology One of the more popular areas of psychology is Educational Psychology. Educational Psychology can be explained several ways. The idea is to study theories and concepts from different parts of psychology and apply them in educational settings. These educational settings may occur in different school settings such as preschool. The goal of educational psychology is to create a positive student–teacher relationship. Educational psychology uses five different types of psychology, behavioral, cognitive, developmental, and social cognitive, and constructivist in this research paper I will be briefly discussing each type of psychology listed above. Behaviorism is the point of view where learning and behavior are described and explained in more content... Some examples are belief, desire, ideas and motivation. Next, cognitive psychologists think memory structures determine how information is perceived, processed, stored, retrieved and forgotten. Cognitive psychology include perception, categorization, memory, knowledge representation, language and thinking processes. "The relationship of cognitive psychology to classroom is like the relationship of physics to engineering. Knowledge of the mind gleaned from cognitive psychology experiments will not tell teachers how to teach children, any more than knowledge of physics can prescribe what a bridge should look like" (Willingham, 2009) Developmental psychology is the point of view that occurs in learners over the course of a period of time. The developmental perspective includes theories that are continuous and discontinuous. Discontinuous theories are stage–like. The processes of learning and development involve distinct stages, which are characterized by qualitative differences in behavior. Theorists who use discontinuous theories use a specific beginning and end period for each stage. Continuous theories explain that learning and development generally happen in incremental processes. Learning involves changes throughout the lifespan. "Contemporary views on the nature of cognitive development have been vastly influenced by the work of one man. This was Jean Piaget (1896–1980), once a biologist, who turned his Get more content on
  • 3. Essay about Behavior Psychology Behavior Psychology Psychology is defined as a science that focuses on the study of and to explain the way human's think, behave, and feel. The behaviourist school of psychology is concerned with the explanation of behaviour through observable outcomes without making reference to mental events. Behaviourism is very narrow and can be strongly objected in its approach to psychology as it does not consider the mental thought process involvement in behaviour. This school of psychology is very much about nurture rather more content... The belief is that human behaviour can be trained because human emotions are so malleable therefore personality is forever changeable (Cohen, 1979). Behaviour is simply a reaction to a stimulus which once learned becomes part of learned habit. It was also believed learning occurs through the reinforcement of certain aspects of the situation. Reinforcement is when something is added to the situation which makes the same reaction in that situation more likely in future (McInerney, 1998). The belief was that most of behaviour is a result of what has been learnt, which is to say that it is the result of the environment rather than biological influences. Therefore the study of learning and the conditions under which it occurs is the core project of behaviourism (Tennant, 1997) Behaviouristic therapy is aimed at the modification of behaviour especially undesirable ones by mainly reinforcing the desirable behaviour and suppressing or punishing the undesirable and unwanted behaviour. Once the therapist has identified the behaviour and triggering factors they may employ several techniques to condition or recondition the person's behaviour. These methods of therapy have been derived and adapted by experiments done by earlier behaviourists such as Pavlov, Watson and Skinner. Methods used today Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology aims to understand, treat and prevent psychological distress and dysfunction thus to encourage good health, good adaptive thinking and a healthy lifestyle. People working in this field research into mental dysfunction suffered by the patients, assess their cognitive state of mind and perform psychotherapy to decrease the psychological symptoms and/ or the underlying causes. There are many sub divisions of therapies focusing on different routes of cure/prevention. Biologically, chemotherapy and psychosurgeries are available; but below I will discuss the treatments available psychologically. Psychologically, there are various treatments mainly the psychodynamic and the behavioural approach. The main more content... In contrast behaviour in the unconsciousness state lacks awareness of self and the environmental situations. In between these is the preconscious state where thoughts from the unconscious state, that are not suppressed, thus can be brought to the conscious by slowly recalling the thoughts. Upon this differentiation Freud discovered that these symptoms resulted from the unconscious decisions made following psychological conflicts experienced at the present moment. One specific case, involved a young boy, who mother was asking him to sign a letter accusing the father of abusing him, in order support her in their divorce. However the boy, knowing that both parents are of no harm couldn't decide whether to sign the letter in favour of the mother or not to in favour of the father (unconscious psychological conflict). Thus this resulted in the boy suffering paralysis (mental neurotic dysfunction). Such neurosis are maladaptive behaviours, that doesn't resolve but instead avoids the under lying situation. This initiates from childhood feelings, memories, wishes and experiences that are emotionally attached. Freud's theory of personality defines that the psychological conflicts experienced by the individuals' link to the compromises made against the forces of cognitive construct. Id, this form of cognitive construct is from the unconscious that follows the Get more content on
  • 5. Essay about Psychology Theories I chose Gestalt Psychology for my first perspective, it is how people experience objects and perceive things as a whole. Gestalt allows us to look at everyday objects and distinguish them from their surroundings. Without the Gestalt Theory people would see every atom that made up a whole object. As I look at my computer screen, I do not see every little atom, I see the screen as a whole. From this perspective, learning objects as a whole instead of each individual part is beneficial because it allows us to open our minds for new learning experiences. However, there may be things in life that do not provide enough visual clues to determine what it is supposed to be. The Functionalist Theory is based on behavior and mental life. more content... This allows us to be able to avoid waling into a hole or hitting our head on a door. Humanistic Personality Theory is more of a behavioral theory. I can say they both deal with the "here and now" issues though. The Functionalist Theory however is associated with the Humanistic Personality Theory because they are both behavioral and mental theories. Functionalism is based on experiences and how it affects our current behavior. With the Humanistic Theory and its beliefs of dealing with the present functionalism allows you to retrieve memories to help you make your decision. I believe that functionalism also contributes to self worth. My whole life I have been achieving accomplishments, whether big or small, and it gives me a self worth to look back at all of them. "Cognitive theory is focused on the individual's thoughts as the determinate of his or her emotions and behaviors and therefore personality. Many cognitive theorists believe that without these thought processes, we could have no emotions and no behavior and would therefore not function. In other words, thoughts always come before any feeling and before any action." ("Cognitive theory in," 2004) Cognitive theory could have an effect on Gestalt Psychology because if a person has a learning disorder is can change how they perceive things. They may not be able to distinguish every day objects for what they truly are. My six year old cousin has down syndrome. Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Psychology Class Reflection Over the course of this class I have pieced together many things about my own life that before went unnoticed. I am now able to see things in a bit of a different light. Now that I have been introduced to the realm of psychology I understand some of the reasons for behavior around me. I have learned that there is a reason for most everything and a lot of our behaviors and mental processes can be explained through psychology. Studies have been conducted for many years to try and pinpoint the source of our behavior and it is not something that most people think about every day. Having a better understanding of why we operate the way we do will help me to better understand myself and the others around me. Our behavior more content... role confusion stage. (Gerrig & Zimbardo, 2009) It is a coping mechanism that probably stems from his childhood in some way. This is just one example of how I am seeing the world from a more psychological perspective. I now try and form some theory about abnormal behavior rather that just shrugging it off. While I have not really had any experience with anyone with any very serious psychological conditions I see now that there is much more than meets the eye when it comes to their behavior. There is typically some sort of explanation that can be found in psychology and I think if everyone had a basic understanding of psychology they would understand the abnormal behavior a little better. After this introduction to psychology I can now also better understand my behavior and understand the things that are affecting my life. There are certain aspects in my life that limit me from making the choices I may prefer to make. I have obligations and responsibilities that I must maintain in order to provide a decent life for my family. There is much at stake for me and I cannot always just do whatever it is that I would like to do. As a child I was raised in a house where honesty was the key. It has been instilled in my life and to this day I know the right thing to do is to be honest. My parents were very good at instilling a since of honor in me. I am still not sure how they did it but I know it affected the decisions that I made and make today. I was always Get more content on
  • 7. Personal Reflection In Psychology I consider myself someone who values the question "why?". My entire life I have caught myself questioning things that others never really seemed to care to think about, about a multitude of subjects. Specifically, asking those close to me like my parents, siblings, friends, and now my husband. Leaning this semester about Psychology has been very interesting to me because it had helped me understand the "why" behind the way the brain works. In this class, Lifespan Growth and Development, I have learned about concepts that I will be able to carry with me throughout my college education, my professional career, my marriage, and my eventual parenthood as a mother. One of the topics I learned about that intrigued me the most, was about Jean Piaget and his work. I think this is because the concepts that were learned in this class over Piaget's studies relate to multiple chapters in a person's life, so it was easy to connect back with and understand. It was easy for me to understand the "why" because I was able to relate it back to Piaget's study. Piaget was a psychologist who focused on the "qualitative changes" that occur in a child's "mode of thought" (Crandell, Human Development). He studied that a child's biological growth combined with the interactions of their environment led to specific stages that would take place at different ages in one's life. This is especially interesting to me as an adult now because even though I don't have children, I have friends who have Get more content on
  • 8. A Career as a Psychologist Essay Psychologists are very important people; they help millions of people with their everyday struggles and problems that they have to deal with. Not only do psychologists help people with problems that they cannot handle on their own, they also are scientists who study human minds and behaviors. With being a psychologist, there are many different careers to choose from within this profession (Explore Health Careers). The first type of psychologists to choose from is a clinical psychologist. Clinical psychologists help people with counseling and psychotherapy. They work with people who have all around life problems, such as new adjustments in life. Clinical psychologists also help people who have emotional disorders or more content... They also provide consolation to courts and attorneys in different types of legal proceedings (Psyris). Next is an organization psychologist, which helps in the productivity of groups and individuals in a workplace. These types of psychologists focus on improving the function of organizations, and to keep individuals healthy within the organization (Psyris). Another type of psychology to choose from is a counseling psychologist. These are important psychologists because they teach people how to deal with their everyday problems. They help their patients determine their problems and help them understand the problems they are facing. Not only do counseling psychologists help their patients with the issues they are experiencing at home but also in their workplace or their community in general. By helping their patients identify their strengths and resources, is how counseling psychologists help them with their problems (Bureau of Labor Statistics). The next type of psychology is the developmental psychologist. Developmental psychologists work with psychological processes and development that takes place throughout life. They study aging and problems the elderly may face, but this type of psychologist mainly focuses on children and adolescents (Bureau of Labor Statistics). The last type of psychologist to choose from is the social Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Psychologists Psychology is the study of human behavior, how we think, feel and act. Psychologists study both normal and abnormal behavior to understand it. Psychologists also try to use what we learn from that study to help people change aspects of their behavior that they want to change. Areas of psychology are clinical, industrial, and developmental. Careers in Psychology offer varied opportunities. Employment opportunities for capable psychologists are expected to be slightly better than average over the next several years. However, if you're interested in a career in Psychology, you should know that the training program to become a psychologist is a long one. There is also stiff competition for places in graduate training programs in more content... A person with only a bachelor's degree cannot legally practice psychology in the states. They can hold psychology related positions. With a bachelor's degree in Psychology, salary starts at about $17,000 a year. With a doctoral degree in Psychology and one year of a supervised internship, a student can become a legal psychologist. In many states, it is required that one pass an exam before practicing Psychology. One with a doctoral degree can have a salary of $45,000 per year, on the low end. After schooling, the field of Psychology can expand many ways. To give you an idea, here are some indepth looks at various fields.Some psychologists work in the health care field. They practice in hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, and both public and private clinics. They may work individually or in teams with other health care professionals such as physicians, nurses, social workers, and so forth. Psychologists in health care provide assessment and treatment services to persons with mental and emotional disorder. Because of the growing body of scientific knowledge about the role of psychological factors in physical health and disease, psychologists also play a role Get more content on
  • 10. Introduction to Psychology Essay examples Introduction to Psychology The concern about life is a main human characteristic. No matter if his concern is concentrated in himself or in persons or things that surround him and constitute his environment, everybody wants to know why people, himself included, behave the way they behave. Everybody, also, wants to improve his behavior, so as to live in harmony with himself and the society. The Greek word Psychology, is a word consisted of the words ψυχή–soul and λόγος–utterance, talk. So, generally, psychology is the science that examines the soul. But , since the psychologists work on the problems of the personal, family, school, professional and social life, we could say, more content... The heartbeats, the movements of our head are behavior. The way we eat, the way we drink, the way we walk, we talk, are behavior. The construction of a bridge, the composition of a song are behavior. The fantasies of a child, the dreams of a adolescent, the illusions of an alcoholic are behavior. Although we are all familiar with human behavior, a little do we understand or we can explain about it. Since our infancy we learn about behavior through the experiences and the knowledge that we get by observing other people or having relations with them. Living in society leads us to watch and try to explain the way people behave. But that is not always easy. Sometimes we cannot understand even ourselves. Psychology comes to give answers to all this uncertainty. Therefore, according to modern psychology, the term behavior means all the conscious, unconscious, verbal, mental and kinetic expressions of ourselves. Psychology uses statistic researches so as to distinguish the normal behavior from the abnormal one. Such a thing is very difficult because every society has its own behavior standards, and, consequently, an act that is normal according to one society, may be abnormal according to another. For example, polygamy is not permitted in Europe, but it is permitted in certain societies in Africa. So, the judgement of a behavior must bear in mind the social environment in which it takes place . Get more content on
  • 11. Child Psychology Essay Child Psychology Introduction Psychology involves studying the mental functioning and general behaviors of both humans and animals. Social behavior and mental functioning of an individual are explained by exploring the neurological and physiological processes. These include emotions, cognition, perception, motivation, attention, brain functioning and personality. Child psychology is as well stated to be the application of psychological techniques to children where it involves carrying out research on mental states and development of children. The development of the child both physically, mentally and emotionally, with the help of a parent allows the identification of helpful information to any evolving challenges in child's behavior more content... Successful levels and stages of development are majorly associated with the increasing efficiency and memory capacity. These explain a progression to higher stages and individual differences which increases by same age persons and cognitive performance. Research indicates that the performance of children at a given age is changeable from domain to domain such as the understanding of social, mathematical, and spatial concepts that it is impossible to place the child in a single stage. This level involves processes that define the volume and kind of information that the individual child can process. For example, reflexes arise before birth and are still present in newborns. Sometimes, prenatal development and birth complications may also be connected to neurodevelopmental disorders. Young children react to various motivations in various ways (Damon & Lerner, 2006). For example infants' sight blurry in early stages improves over time. Habituation is applied in discovering the perceptual systems which indicates that children advance earlier in developing perception compared to the acquiring the idea of the permanence of objects. Vision, hearing, smell and taste, language, touch, and pain are the early infant sensorimotor perceptual improvement in the infants' mental growth. Motor development, required for the child to create relationships between vision, touch and Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on Motivation in Psychology The human mind is designed with the innate ability to achieve anything. The interesting part of this paper is how we all use different triggers and motivations to goad us into gear. Motivation is an area of psychology that has gotten a great deal of attention, especially in the recent years. There are several distinct theories of motivation we will discuss in this section. Some include basic biological forces, while others seem to transcend concrete explanation. All creatures are born with specific innate knowledge about how to survive. Animals are born with the capacity and often times knowledge of how to survive by spinning webs, building nests, avoiding danger, and reproducing. These innate tendencies are preprogrammed at birth, more content... This theory focused on how children socialize and how they develop their sense of self. This happens in eight distinct stages. I will only be discussing the ones that occur from birth to puberty. Each developmental stage has two possible outcomes. According to the theory, successful completion of each stage results in a healthy personality and successful interactions with others. Failure to successfully complete a stage can result in a reduced ability to complete further stages and therefore a more unhealthy personality and sense of self. These stages, however, can be resolved successfully at a later time. The first stage is trust or mistrust. This stage begins from birth to one year, children begin to learn the ability to trust others based upon the consistency of their caregiver. If trust develops successfully, the child gains confidence and security in the world around him and is able to feel secure even when threatened. Unsuccessful completion of this stage can result in an inability to trust, and therefore a sense of fear about the inconsistent world. It may result in anxiety, heightened insecurities, and an over feeling of mistrust in the world around them. The next definable stage is autonomy or shame which begins between the ages of one and three, children begin to assert their independence, by walking away from their mother, picking which toy to play with, and making choices about what they like to wear, to eat, Get more content on
  • 13. Ethics in Psychology Essay Ethics in Psychology Our country was founded on certain moral principles. The moral principles which guide our lives are referred to as ethics. These ethics have an impact on how we interact with the world around us and shape our personalities; this happens even if we do not realize their immediate impact. It is for this very reason that ethics in psychological research became necessary. "One may also define ethics as a method, procedure, or perspective for deciding how to act and for analyzing complex problems and issues" (Resnik, 2011). We are expected to behave or be treated a particular way in society, therefore we should be granted certain ethical treatments in regards to research. Human Participants According to the more content... Animal Subjects This is a sensitive issue area in regards to research. There are many types of research that just are not feasible to do with human subjects; therefore the justification for non–human animals come into the experiment. Even though there are many benefits to using animals, many animal rights groups maintain strong opposition to using animals for research. This is why the APA has developed the Committee on Animal Research and Ethics (CARE). It is the responsibility of CARE to audit that all ethics regarding animal usage is followed ("Committee on animal," 2014). Due to the sensitivity of testing on animals the APA has developed very strict standards regarding usage of animals as subjects. They range from justification, housing of said animal, acquisition, and procedures. These requirements outline absolute necessity in order to reduce the unnecessary usage of animals in testing. Therapy relationships with clients. The psychologist to patient relationship during therapy is a crucial aspect. It is within ethical guidelines that the psychologist clearly establish his role whether it be with an individual, group, or family therapist. These roles need to be understood for the variety of issues that may arise; one of which is the disclosure of information. Psychologists, for obvious reasons, are not to have sexual relationships with patients or former patients within a Get more content on
  • 14. Psychology Concepts: Psychology is a term derived from two Greek words that translate to life explanation, which makes it an important element of daily life. The field of psychology can be described as a discipline that focuses on the study of mind and behavior. This discipline is characterized by several concepts and approaches that are used by psychologists in understanding human behavior. Since psychology is a broad field, psychologists not only use these concepts and approaches but also conduct scientific research that enables them to understand human behavior. Some of the most common psychological concepts that are used to modify or change an individual's behavior include operant conditioning, positive and negative punishment, more content... An example of the use of this method is when my friend was recently grounded by his parents for misbehaving in school. While positive punishment helps in modifying behavior, it may cause an individual to be embarrassed and contribute to other negative behavior, which is a major ethical concern. On the contrary, negative punishment is a method that also contributes to weakening a behavior though it lessens or eliminates something pleasant. It involves taking away something desirable or good from an individual in order to discourage him/her from engaging in a particular behavior. For instance, one of my classmate's phone rang in class despite being told by teachers not to bring our phones to class. Consequently, the teacher took away the phone from my classmate in order to discourage that behavior. The ethical concern that may emerge from using negative punishment is that it does not teach the victim of undesired behavior how to change his/her behavior. Positive reinforcement involves strengthening or fostering desired behavior through the addition or increase of a pleasant incentive. Positive reinforcement tends to be a more effective means of behavior modification that the two types of punishment. The addition or increase of incentive when using positive reinforcement is geared towards encouraging the occurrence of the behavior in the future. For instance, positive reinforcement is used by an Get more content on
  • 15. Essay on Psychology: Personality Theories Introduction: What is Personality? Allport defines personality as 'the dynamic organisation within the individual of those psychological systems that determine his unique adjustment to his environment' (Allport, 1937). An individual's unique personality traits and attributes are a powerful indicator of how he/she will interact with the work environment. The difference between average and outstanding employees can often be solely personality related. As the employee is the most valuable asset to the company, 'selecting the right employee during the process is critical' (Carbery and Cross, 2013, pp. 41–53) Traditional Theory Vs Cognitive Theory When we speak about personality, we must consider the two prominent schools of thought: more content... Differences in Personality Both nature and nurture interplay to determine personality characteristics. Nature is heredity and passed on at conception. Nurture is that which is environmentally developed. It is innate that a baby will crawl, but he needs the support of his environment (diet, etc.) if he is to ultimately survive. Our behaviour is the result of a combination of inborn traits and the situations in which we find ourselves. There are five categorise which help influence personality differences. Genetically, offspring tend to take on some of the characteristics of their parents. However, this could be due to long term exposure to the personalities of their parents rather than their genetic coding. Whether a person is male or female determines what gender role they take on. 'Women are expected to be nurturing, attractive, emotional, weak, and subordinate to men; whereas, men are the strong, rational, objective, and financial providers' (Loue and Sajatovic, 2007). Ones family experiences can also influence a person's behaviour. Family experiences like: 'family size, birth order, differential parental orientations towards children' etc. will impact on the emergence of personality as well as a person's suitability to leadership roles (Morley and Moore et al., 2004, pp. 28–52). Culture plays a very strong role in determining what is believed to be acceptable and unacceptable Get more content on
  • 16. Essay about Definition of Psychology Definition of Psychology The term psychology comes from two Greek words: psyche, which means 1. The spirit or soul. 2. The human mind. 3. In psychoanalysis, the mind functioning as the center of thought, emotion, and behavior. And logos, "the study of." or according to modern researches "science" These root words were first combined in the 16th century, at a time when the human soul, spirit, or mind was seen as distinct from the body. Definition of Psychology: Psychology is one of the youngest sciences. It is still going through the process of its development. There has been much fierce controversy about its definition. It has been variously defined as the science of soul, more content... Great psychologist like Sigmand Freud support this fact. The science of Behavior: J.B. Watson described Psychology as the science of Behavior.. He said that external action or behavior is the only concern of Psychology. He totally ignored mental processes. He said that what goes on in our mind eventually comes out as our behavior. But this is not true for all times so this was considered incomplete. Now a days the most comprehensive definition of Psychology is: "Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior, and its application to solve human problems"
  • 17. OR "Psychology is the schematic study of behavior and mental processes" This definition contains three elements. The first is that psychology is a scientific enterprise that obtains knowledge through systematic and objective methods of observation and experimentation. Second is that psychologists study behavior, which refers to any action or reaction that can be measured or observed–such as the blink of an eye, an increase in heart rate, or the unruly violence that often erupts in a mob. Third is that psychologists study the mind, which refers to both conscious and unconscious mental states. These states cannot actually be seen, only inferred from Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on my interest in psychology my interest in psychology I have always been intrigued by the mental processes of humans and animals. As a young child and into adolescence, as a student and teacher and as a caregiver, I have always been interested in psychology in one form or another. This essay will reflect not only the development of my interest in psychology, but the development of myself as a person. I was born into a family with Native American heritage that practiced a strict protestant religion. As a child, I would often wonder why people's attitudes, behaviors and beliefs could be so different from one another. I wondered why some people believed in things with great zeal, yetother people believed the contrary just as more content... I then went back to school with more determination and plunged myself into more psychology classes. In these classes, I found myself naturally drawn to the topics of research methods and statistics. These two academic areas in particular provided an environment in which I was able to develop and excercise my naturally analytical way of thinking. I then geared my undergraduate education towards learning to perform research in psychology by taking more research and science based psychology classes. Additionally, I sought out and obtained research assistantships with professors of cognition, physiological and clinical psychology. Specifically, I have been a primary research assistant for an investigation of the effect of irony on recall and recognition, an investigation of the performance of children with and without Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on a computer anticipation task, and an investigation of the effect of Polychlorinated Biphenyls on ADHD–like behavior in laboratory rats. I have also assisted in literature reviews in the area of receptive language and Autism, as well as a review on sleep and genetics. In addition, I have been a participant recruiter for a research project on familial inheritance of depression and REM sleep abnormalities. For complete information, please see my attached curriculum vitae.
  • 19. While taking research–based courses, I found that I had another natural inclination: Get more content on
  • 20. Essay on Choosing Psychology as a Career Psychology is the study of the mind, its biology, and behavior if the individual. The father of psychology, Wilhelm Wundt, used objective measurement and controlled analyzing to find and emphasize separation between psychology and philosophy (McLeod). Wundt opened the Institute for Experimental Psychology at the University of Leipzig in Germany in 1879, using his background in physiology to study reactions and sensations (McLeod). There is no doubt that he, along with the later help of Sigmund Freud, launched what is now modern psychology. Psychology and its research helped the world understand the inner workings of the mind and how it affects everyone around us. Many associate psychology with sitting in a chair in a small office as more content... Hypnosis is an intense state of consciousness in which the psychologist asks several specific questions to either alleviate pain or come to a better understanding of the symptom of event that causes them distress. Although a controversial tactic, those who choose to go through with hypnosis can only be hypnotized if they are willing. If a patient requires more treatment such as medication, a psychologist can work with medical personnel to further their recovery ("What Do"). They work with a person's motivation and energy to examine their thoughts, feelings, and behavior to develop ideas about how to move forward with their life (Cohen). Forensic psychology deals with both the offenders of the law, and the victims (AGCAS). Although many people think of a forensic psychologist as what they see on television shows, profiling and finding the actual offenders is a tiny part of what the title actually works as (AGCAS). The majority of forensic psychologists work in prisons, probation services, hospitals, and the National Health Service (AGCAS). Those who work in the Prison Service offer one on one sessions with offenders. They also assess whether they are at risk to themselves, others within the prison, or the public, if they have the possibility of being released, by instituting rehabilitation programs, probation programs, and any other mental and emotional therapy they require (AGCAS). Get more content on
  • 21. Psychology and Human Behavior Essay Psychology and Human Behavior What makes people behave the way they do? Can anyone analyse 12 billion brain cells to determine how and why the mind functions the way it does?How is it that people being similar in physiological terms, are yet so different in psychological terms? Man has a multiple nature,there is a constant conflict...between good & evil, between the urges & restricting forces, between thoughts & feelings, head & heart, soul & body,lower nature & upper nature, more content... The book says Yes! The answer is Transactional Analysis..TA, which is a tool to map the blue print of the mind. Dr.Thomas Harris, a disciple of Dr.Sullivan, working with Dr, Eric Berne, came out with the theory in early 70's and wrote this book, which was a bestseller. Dr. Penfield, a neuro–surgeon, conducted a variety of experiments in 1950's using electrodes to stimulate various parts and spots of the brain. The experiments revealed that; a) Not only the past events are recorded in detail by human brain, but also the feelings associated with the events. Both are inexorably locked together, one cannot be evoked without the other. b) Brain is a high fidelity recorder that puts on tape every experience right from birth, even before birth. It is a unique recorder that can not only record images and sounds, but also sights,smells,feelings and emotions too. c) Experiences can not only be recalled, but also be re–lived. d) Persons can live in two states at a time. Being in the present,one can re–visit and re–live the past as an observer,guest. Dr Harris and Berne take over from here. The theory of TA, as I have understood is as follows; The unit of social intercourse is a transaction which comprises of a stimulus, and a response. Both these can be verbal or non verbal communications which indicate a transaction. If the transactions are analysed, one can analyse the human nature. Parent(P), Adult (A), and Child(C), are three parts of any person's Get more content on