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        RELUCIO 4B
The glory meant the extraordinary
 achievements mad by the Greeks
 in nearly all areas of endeavor.
 They were the first people to
 develop the concept of
 democracy; they set standards of
 excellence in
 literature, philosophy and science
                           RELUCIO 4B
• Greece is one of the oldest
 civilizations in the world and
  the cradle of Western culture
• Ancient Greece occupied the
     southern tip of Balkan
    Peninsula protruding into
   the Eastern Mediterranean.

                        RELUCIO 4B
• The GREEKS called themselves
        Hellenes after HELEN.
• Greece also known as Hellas and
   officially the Hellenic Republic
 • It should be noted that History
        is a discipline that was
       conceived first in Ancient
                           RELUCIO 4B
• Greece has the tenth longest coastline
  in the world at 14,880 km in
  length, featuring a vast number of
  islands (approximately 1400, of which
  227 are inhabited), including Crete, the
  Dodecanese, the Cyclades, and the
  Ionian Islands among others. Eighty
  percent of Greece consists of
  mountains, of which Mount Olympus is
  the highest at 2,917 m (9,570 ft).
         • Mount Olympus
           in northern
           Greece is the
           highest peak in
           the country. In
           mythology it was
           the home of the
• three distinct civilizations
       –Cycladic civilization (in the islands
         of the Aegean, and more
         specifically around the Cyclades)
       –Minoans(occupied the large island
         of Crete)
       –Helladic(civilization of the Greek
         mainland : Mycenaean civilization)
Minoans (2200 – 1450 B.C.)
• occupied the large island of Crete
• considered to be the first advanced
  civilization of Europe
• Was named after King MINOS ( a JUST
• Palace Minos at Knossos(greatest
  palace ever built)
Palace Minos
Mycenaean (1900 – 1100 B.C.)
• also the called “Age of Heroes” because it
  is the source of the mythological heroes
  and epics like Hercules, the Iliad and the
• Mycenaean culture had a great deal of
  influence with its legends and Greek
  language on what later became the
  splendor of Classical Greece.
dark ages (1200-750 BC),
• After 1200B.C. Greece entered Dark
  Ages for 800 years.
• major settlements were abandoned
  (with the notable exception of
  Athens), and the population
  dropped dramatically in numbers.
• people of Greece lived in small
  groups that moved constantly in
  accordance with their new
  pastoral lifestyle and livestock
  needs, while they left no written
  record behind leading to the
  conclusion that they were
• Later in the Dark Ages (between 950
 and 750 BCE), Greeks relearned how
    to write once again, but this time
   instead of using the Linear B script
      used by the Mycenaeans, they
    adopted the alphabet used by the
       Phoenicians “innovating in a
     fundamental way by introducing
             vowels as letters.
• The Greek version of the alphabet
  eventually formed the base of the
   alphabet used for English today.
• new socio-political institutions that
   eventually allowed for the rise of
  Democracy in 5th c. BCE Athens.
   Notable events from this period
  include the occurrence of the first
           Olympics in 776,
Archaic          (700 – 480 BCE)

• it was considered archaic, or old-
  fashioned, in comparison with the
  Classical Period that followed
• Greek population recovered and
  organized politically in city-states
  (Polis) comprised of citizens, foreign
  residents, and slaves.
• The identity of each greek state was reinfoced
  by the development of:
           - Religious rituals for their gods and
           - Making political and legal decisions
• Government – ARISTOCRATIC

                  Noble family
• Situated in Peloponnesus, in southern Greece
• subdue the natives
   Helots (farm laborers)
• 700 B.C conquered Messenia –enough land
• IMPORTANT : develop the city into a military
  state       rebellion of Messenians and helots
• 600 B.C. = Constitution ( Council of Elders)
• like a military camp
• Weak and deformed children = killed
• Boys began their military training = 7 yrs. Old

      gymnastics, military exercises and test in
  physical endurance
20 yrs. Old = recruited to army and allowed to
  get married = but stay in the barracks

30 years old= admitted to the assembly and
  government posts.
• GIRLS = also trained to be strong and healthy
   “ Come back with your shield or on it”
• Helots = slaves and not allowed to become
  citizens ( secret policy to spy on them)

     every year, war arises to weed out
• Peloponnesian League (500 B.C.)

 A military alliance of city-states in
  Southern Greece
• They were hardy and efficient
• No contributions to THOUGHT AND
• Emphasized a well- rounded
  development --- physically, socially and
• First people to develop DEMOCRACY
  (demos: people; kratos-power)
• DRACO = harsh lawgiver, -- drew up the
  1st written code of laws
• SOLON = a statesman, poet and
  merchant       made the first step
  towards DEMOCRACY          repealed
  Draco’s harsh laws
• PISISTRATUS – replaced SOLON , he was a
  tyrant who ruled well    gave lands to
  poor, built temples, improved water
  supply and promote culture
• CLEISTHENES = head of the party to
  oppose tyrants in 510 B.C. reformed the
  political system.     Athens 10 areas
                      ( DEMES)
• Male citizens – right to vote
• OSTRACISM – practice of banishing
  suspected tyrants for ten years by a vote
  of 6000 written on pottery called
  ostrakan or ostraca
      = Pericles --- Democracy reached to its
      =important to Athenians. AIM: to
  develop the students fine bodies and
  appreciation for the arts, to learn to think
  for themselves and to become good
  were two different cities – but
  common in LANGUAGE AND
- Read same Homeric poems and
  joined the same athletic contest .
- BARBARIANS = Non- Greeks
• 500 B.C. = Greeks migrated to the shores of
   ASIA MINOR to settle there.
• 6th century = conquered by CYRUS (Persian
 revolt with the aid of Athens = 20 ships =
  crushed by King Darius ( great Persian king)
• 492 B.C. = sent an expieition to conquer
   Greece but the fleet was destroyed by a
• 490 B.C = another expedition was sent and
  landed at Marathon (42 kilometers from
• Athenians outnumbered by Persians( 20,000
• So Athens ask help from Sparta
• MILTIADES = Greek leader who defeated the
• MILTIADES ( he sent the runner
  PHIDIPPIDES from marathon to Athens
  with news of Athenian victory = 42
  kilometers at top speed, delivered his
  message and fell to the ground, DEAD)

• * MARATHON = refers to the foot race of
  42.2 kilometers ( an event in Olympics
  since 1896)
• 10 YEARS later = 480 B.C.
• XERXES, the son of Darius assembled a huge
  force to invade Greece(both land and sea)
• The Greek city-states join forces to fight a
  common enemy.
• *betrayed by a Greek traitor and showed the
  Persians a secret trail.
• - so the Spartans was defeated by land but
  was successful to destroy the fleet on the sea
  and Xerxes had to drew back to Persia
Struggle of Hercules

                          TROJAN HORSE

                       Penelope and
CLASSIC GREECE           (480 - 323 BCE)

• Athens and Sparta dominated the
  Hellenic world with their cultural and
  military achievements.
• These two cities, with the involvement of
  the other Hellenic states, rose to power
  through alliances, reforms, and a series
  of victories against the invading Persian
• The classical (or golden) age of
  Greece started soon after and
  gave rise to many of the world’s
  cultural emblems before ending
  with the Peloponnesian Wars
  (431-404 AD) in which the
  Athenians were vanquished by
  the Spartans.
• Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey = show
  standard of courage and honor
• Pindar( greatest Greek lyric poets
  and famous to chorale odes – wrote
  about success of Athletes= Olympics
• Herodotus (484 – 425 BCE) is
  considered the Father of
  History, as he was the first who
  attempted to record events and
  human actions for the sole
  purpose of preserving them for
  future generations.

• Thucydides – 1st war correspondent
• Xenophon – “Anabasis”( an account
  of a Greek army in Persia);”
  Cryopaedia “ (biography of Cyrus the
Acropolis- Athens, Greece

• They were constructed during the Golden Age of
  Athens (5th century BC) under the rule of the famous
  Athenian statesman Pericles.
• PHILOS – Love of
• SOPHOS – Knowledge or wisdom
2. PLATO (academy)
3. ARISTOTLE(Lyceum)
• HIPPOCRATES – “ Father of
• HEROPHILUS – performed the 1st
  public anatomy demonstrations
• EUCLID – “Elements of Geometry”
• ARCHIMEDES – (physics) “Law of
• Thucydides – 1st war correspondent
• Xenophon – “Anabasis”( an account
  of a Greek army in Persia);”
  Cryopaedia “ (biography of Cyrus the
• set of diverse traditional tales told by
  the ancient Greeks about the exploits
  of gods and heroes and their relations
  with ordinary mortals.
• The ancient Greeks worshiped many
  gods within a culture that tolerated
         - both Sparta and Athens
  became powerless and open for
         - the war marked the
  beginning of the end of Grecian
• MACEDONIAN EMPIRE - north of Greece
• Alexander the Great, who marched into
  Asia Minor, Egypt, Persia and parts of
  what are now Afghanistan and India,
  ushered in the Macedonian empire. It
  ruled for three dynasties and is known as
  the Hellenistic period. During this time,
  Greek ideas and culture was
  amalgamated with other proud ancient
  cultures and a new tradition was created.
• The Hellenistic Age marks the
  transformation of Greek society from the
  localized and introverted city-states to an
  open, cosmopolitan, and at times
  exuberant culture that permeated the
  entire eastern Mediterranean, and
  Southwest Asia.
• Hellenistic Greece became a time of
  substantial maturity of the sciences.
  In geometry, Euclid’s elements
  became the standard all the way up
  to the 20th c. CE., and the work of
  Archimedes on mathematics along
  with his practical inventions became
  influential and legendary
• The battle of Actium is
  considered the pivotal
  moment that defines the end
  of Ancient Greece. After the
  battle of Actium, the entire
  Hellenic world became subject
  to Rome.
• Battle of Actium, decisive naval
  engagement fought off the promontory
  of Actium on September 2, 31 BC,
  between the Roman fleet of Octavian
  (later first emperor of Rome as
  Augustus), under the command of
  Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, and a
  combined Roman-Egyptian fleet
  commanded by Mark Antony and
GREECE(19TH              CENTURY)
   • There is a blue canton in the upper hoist-side
     corner bearing a white cross; the cross
     symbolizes Greek Orthodoxy, the established
     religion of the people of Greece and Greek
     Cypriots. According to popular tradition, the
     nine stripes represent the nine syllables of the
     phrase "Ελευθερία ή Θάνατος" ("Freedom or
     Death", " E-lef-the-ri-a i Tha-na-tos"), The nine
     stripes are also said to represent the letters of
     the word "freedom" (Greek: Ελευθερία).

• The lesson of the humiliating defeat of 1897
  was not lost on Greek statesman Eleutherios
  Venizelos, who became prime minister of
  Greece in 1910. Born in Crete, Venizelos had
  labored for the island’s union with Greece. He
  came to dominate Greek politics as the leader
  of the Liberal Party, which drew support from
  nationalists of all classes.
• At the outset of World War I,
  Venizelos favored Greece’s entry on
  the side of the Allied Powers, which
  included Britain, France, Russia, and
  later, Italy and the United States.
• In World War II, Greece was first
     invaded by Italy (1940) and
subsequently occupied by Germany
  (1941-44); fighting endured in a
    protracted civil war between
      supporters of the king and
         Communist rebels.
• Greece has both a president and a
  prime minister, as well as a cabinet
  of ministers. A constitutional revision
  in 1986 transferred a great deal of
  executive authority from the
  president to the prime minister and
  the cabinet. The powers of the
  president are now largely
• The prime minister is head of
    government. The president
appoints the prime minister but is
  obliged to select the candidate
  proposed by the party with the
     largest number of seats in
  The nominal head of state is the
  President of the Republic, who is elected
  by the Parliament for a five-year term.
• The current Constitution was drawn up
  and adopted by the Fifth Revisionary
  Parliament of the Hellenes and entered
  into force in 1975 after the fall of the
  military junta of 1967–1974.
The Hellenic Parliament in central

Count Ioannis Kapodistrias (1776–1831),first
head of state and governor of independent      The current President of
Greece.                                        Greece, Karolos Papoulias
• Greece has a capitalist economy with the
  public sector accounting for about 40% of
  gross domestic product and with per capita
  GDP about two-thirds that of the leading
  euro-zone economies. Tourism provides 15%
  of GDP. Immigrants make up nearly one-fifth
  of the work force, mainly in agricultural and
  unskilled jobs.
• GDP (2010 forecast): €236 billion
  (about $315 billion).
• Per capita GDP (2009 estimated):
• Growth rate (2010 forecast): -4.00%.
  Inflation rate (2010 forecast): 4.6%.
  Unemployment rate (annual average,
  2010 forecast): 11.8%.

• "Culture is the sum of all the forms of art, of
  love, and of thought, which, in the course of
  centuries, have enabled man to be less
  enslaved." - Andre Malraux.
• Greek Culture is one of the oldest
     cultures. It has evolved over
 thousands of years. It finds its roots
   in the Mycenaean and Minoan
    civilizations. The Roman, the
Byzantine and the Ottoman empires
  have had a major influence on the
           culture of Greece.
• Greeks are proud of their culture and
      look at their culture as being a
    representation of their nationality
     and ethnicity. Their art, religion,
   dance, music and the Greek cuisine
  compose the rich culture of Greece.
   The Greek diet is characterized by a
        variety of foods and wine.
The Parthenon, built
   between 447 and 432
   BC, is the greatest
   monument of classical
   Athens. Originally a
   temple to Athena
   Parthenos (the Virgin
   Athena), it was
   eventually converted
   into a Christian church
   and later into a mosque.
   The structure survived
   largely intact until 1687,
   when the Turkish
   gunpowder stored inside
   it was detonated in the
   course of a siege by
   Venetian troops.
Greek Relief Sculpture
                         POSEIDON, Ruler of the

                           TEMPLE OF POSEIDON,
Vaphio Cups        Temple of Athena Nike,
                      Athens, Greece

                       LION GATE
              The famous Lion Gate in the
               ancient city of Mycenae in
               Greece shows the detailed
               stone carving at which the
                 Mycenaeans excelled.
• A large population of Greece is composed of
  Orthodox Christians.
• According to other sources, 15.8% of Greeks
  describe themselves as very religious, which is
  the highest among all European countries.
• The rest of it constitutes Muslims, Roman
  Catholics and the Jews.
• Orthodox Church, one of the three historic and
  distinctive types of Christianity, along with the
  Roman Catholic Church and the diverse body of
  Protestant churches.
• Orthodoxy is the form of Christianity that
  developed first in the Eastern Roman Empire
• The Orthodox Church sees itself as the authentic
  continuation of the first Christian communities
  established by the apostles of Jesus in the cities
  of the ancient Mediterranean world and spread
  by missionary activity throughout eastern
FLAG of Orthodox Christians.
Syrtos (shuffling dances)
• The guitar and flute were some of
  the musical instruments to originate
  in the Byzantine period.
• String instruments like Lyre
  (KITHARA) were prominent during
  the classical times. The most famous
  musical instrument of Greece is
  the bouzouki, a plucked string

Stadium at Olympia

The Discobolus (Discus
• Greece, home to the first modern
  Olympics, holds a long tradition in sports
• The Greek national football team, ranked
  12th in the world in 2009
• The Greek Super League is the highest
  professional football league in the
  country comprising 16 teams.
Inside the Olympic Stadium of Athens
Spiros Louis
• The Greek culture today
  stands as an example of
  a beautiful blend of the
  ‘ancient’ and the
  ‘modern’. Greek culture
  is characterized by its
  diversity. The ancient
  traditions and the
  developments make the
  Greek culture unique.

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  • 4. The glory meant the extraordinary achievements mad by the Greeks in nearly all areas of endeavor. They were the first people to develop the concept of democracy; they set standards of excellence in literature, philosophy and science RELUCIO 4B
  • 5. • Greece is one of the oldest civilizations in the world and the cradle of Western culture • Ancient Greece occupied the southern tip of Balkan Peninsula protruding into the Eastern Mediterranean. RELUCIO 4B
  • 6. • The GREEKS called themselves Hellenes after HELEN. • Greece also known as Hellas and officially the Hellenic Republic • It should be noted that History is a discipline that was conceived first in Ancient Greece. RELUCIO 4B
  • 8.
  • 9. • Greece has the tenth longest coastline in the world at 14,880 km in length, featuring a vast number of islands (approximately 1400, of which 227 are inhabited), including Crete, the Dodecanese, the Cyclades, and the Ionian Islands among others. Eighty percent of Greece consists of mountains, of which Mount Olympus is the highest at 2,917 m (9,570 ft).
  • 10. MOUNT OLYMPUS • Mount Olympus in northern Greece is the highest peak in the country. In Greek mythology it was the home of the gods.
  • 11.
  • 12. • three distinct civilizations –Cycladic civilization (in the islands of the Aegean, and more specifically around the Cyclades) –Minoans(occupied the large island of Crete) –Helladic(civilization of the Greek mainland : Mycenaean civilization)
  • 13. Minoans (2200 – 1450 B.C.) • occupied the large island of Crete • considered to be the first advanced civilization of Europe • Was named after King MINOS ( a JUST RULER) • Palace Minos at Knossos(greatest palace ever built)
  • 15. Mycenaean (1900 – 1100 B.C.) • also the called “Age of Heroes” because it is the source of the mythological heroes and epics like Hercules, the Iliad and the Odyssey. • Mycenaean culture had a great deal of influence with its legends and Greek language on what later became the splendor of Classical Greece.
  • 16. dark ages (1200-750 BC), • After 1200B.C. Greece entered Dark Ages for 800 years. • major settlements were abandoned (with the notable exception of Athens), and the population dropped dramatically in numbers.
  • 17. • people of Greece lived in small groups that moved constantly in accordance with their new pastoral lifestyle and livestock needs, while they left no written record behind leading to the conclusion that they were illiterate.
  • 18. • Later in the Dark Ages (between 950 and 750 BCE), Greeks relearned how to write once again, but this time instead of using the Linear B script used by the Mycenaeans, they adopted the alphabet used by the Phoenicians “innovating in a fundamental way by introducing vowels as letters.
  • 19. • The Greek version of the alphabet eventually formed the base of the alphabet used for English today. • new socio-political institutions that eventually allowed for the rise of Democracy in 5th c. BCE Athens. Notable events from this period include the occurrence of the first Olympics in 776,
  • 20. Archaic (700 – 480 BCE) • it was considered archaic, or old- fashioned, in comparison with the Classical Period that followed • Greek population recovered and organized politically in city-states (Polis) comprised of citizens, foreign residents, and slaves.
  • 21. RISE OF THE CITY STATES • The identity of each greek state was reinfoced by the development of: - Religious rituals for their gods and heroes - Making political and legal decisions • Government – ARISTOCRATIC Noble family
  • 22. I. SPARTA • Situated in Peloponnesus, in southern Greece • subdue the natives Helots (farm laborers) • 700 B.C conquered Messenia –enough land • IMPORTANT : develop the city into a military state rebellion of Messenians and helots • 600 B.C. = Constitution ( Council of Elders) • like a military camp
  • 23. • Weak and deformed children = killed • Boys began their military training = 7 yrs. Old gymnastics, military exercises and test in physical endurance 20 yrs. Old = recruited to army and allowed to get married = but stay in the barracks 30 years old= admitted to the assembly and government posts.
  • 24. • GIRLS = also trained to be strong and healthy mothers “ Come back with your shield or on it” SPARTAN = STERNLY DISCIPLINE (now) • Helots = slaves and not allowed to become citizens ( secret policy to spy on them) every year, war arises to weed out troublemakers
  • 25. • Peloponnesian League (500 B.C.) A military alliance of city-states in Southern Greece • They were hardy and efficient soldiers • No contributions to THOUGHT AND ART.
  • 26. II. ATHENS • Emphasized a well- rounded development --- physically, socially and mentally • First people to develop DEMOCRACY (demos: people; kratos-power) • KING ARCHNOS(NOBLES) • DRACO = harsh lawgiver, -- drew up the 1st written code of laws
  • 27. • SOLON = a statesman, poet and merchant made the first step towards DEMOCRACY repealed Draco’s harsh laws • PISISTRATUS – replaced SOLON , he was a tyrant who ruled well gave lands to poor, built temples, improved water supply and promote culture “FOUNDATION OF THE CULTURAL CENTER OF ATHENS”
  • 28. • CLEISTHENES = head of the party to oppose tyrants in 510 B.C. reformed the political system. Athens 10 areas ( DEMES) • Male citizens – right to vote • OSTRACISM – practice of banishing suspected tyrants for ten years by a vote of 6000 written on pottery called ostrakan or ostraca
  • 29. • POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT = Pericles --- Democracy reached to its height. • EDUCATION =important to Athenians. AIM: to develop the students fine bodies and appreciation for the arts, to learn to think for themselves and to become good citizens
  • 30. • * though SPARTA AND ATHENS were two different cities – but common in LANGUAGE AND GODS - Read same Homeric poems and joined the same athletic contest . - BARBARIANS = Non- Greeks
  • 31. GREEK STRUGGLE AGAINST PERSIA • 500 B.C. = Greeks migrated to the shores of ASIA MINOR to settle there. • 6th century = conquered by CYRUS (Persian King) revolt with the aid of Athens = 20 ships = crushed by King Darius ( great Persian king) • 492 B.C. = sent an expieition to conquer Greece but the fleet was destroyed by a storm
  • 32. PERSIAN DEFEAT AT MARATHON • 490 B.C = another expedition was sent and landed at Marathon (42 kilometers from Athens). • Athenians outnumbered by Persians( 20,000 men) • So Athens ask help from Sparta • MILTIADES = Greek leader who defeated the Persians
  • 33. • MILTIADES ( he sent the runner PHIDIPPIDES from marathon to Athens with news of Athenian victory = 42 kilometers at top speed, delivered his message and fell to the ground, DEAD) • * MARATHON = refers to the foot race of 42.2 kilometers ( an event in Olympics since 1896)
  • 34. BATTLE OF THERMOPYLAE • 10 YEARS later = 480 B.C. • XERXES, the son of Darius assembled a huge force to invade Greece(both land and sea) • The Greek city-states join forces to fight a common enemy. • *betrayed by a Greek traitor and showed the Persians a secret trail. • - so the Spartans was defeated by land but was successful to destroy the fleet on the sea and Xerxes had to drew back to Persia
  • 35. Struggle of Hercules TROJAN HORSE Penelope and Telemachus
  • 36. CLASSIC GREECE (480 - 323 BCE) • Athens and Sparta dominated the Hellenic world with their cultural and military achievements. • These two cities, with the involvement of the other Hellenic states, rose to power through alliances, reforms, and a series of victories against the invading Persian armies.
  • 37. • The classical (or golden) age of Greece started soon after and gave rise to many of the world’s cultural emblems before ending with the Peloponnesian Wars (431-404 AD) in which the Athenians were vanquished by the Spartans.
  • 38.
  • 39. LITERATURE • Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey = show standard of courage and honor • Pindar( greatest Greek lyric poets and famous to chorale odes – wrote about success of Athletes= Olympics
  • 40. • Herodotus (484 – 425 BCE) is considered the Father of History, as he was the first who attempted to record events and human actions for the sole purpose of preserving them for future generations. RELUCIO 4B
  • 41. • Thucydides – 1st war correspondent = “HISTORY OF THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR” • Xenophon – “Anabasis”( an account of a Greek army in Persia);” Cryopaedia “ (biography of Cyrus the Great)
  • 42. Acropolis- Athens, Greece • They were constructed during the Golden Age of Athens (5th century BC) under the rule of the famous Athenian statesman Pericles.
  • 43. PHILOSOPHY • PHILOS – Love of • SOPHOS – Knowledge or wisdom • 3 OUTSTANDING PHILOSOPHERS : 1. SOCRATES 2. PLATO (academy) 3. ARISTOTLE(Lyceum)
  • 44. SCIENCE • HIPPOCRATES – “ Father of Medicine” • HEROPHILUS – performed the 1st public anatomy demonstrations • EUCLID – “Elements of Geometry” • ARCHIMEDES – (physics) “Law of Bouyancy”
  • 45. • Thucydides – 1st war correspondent = “HISTORY OF THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR” • Xenophon – “Anabasis”( an account of a Greek army in Persia);” Cryopaedia “ (biography of Cyrus the Great)
  • 46. GREEK MYTHOLOGY • set of diverse traditional tales told by the ancient Greeks about the exploits of gods and heroes and their relations with ordinary mortals. • The ancient Greeks worshiped many gods within a culture that tolerated diversity
  • 47. DECLINE OF GREECE • PELOPONESSIAN WAR(431 B.C.) - both Sparta and Athens became powerless and open for invasions. - the war marked the beginning of the end of Grecian glory.
  • 48. • MACEDONIAN EMPIRE - north of Greece • Alexander the Great, who marched into Asia Minor, Egypt, Persia and parts of what are now Afghanistan and India, ushered in the Macedonian empire. It ruled for three dynasties and is known as the Hellenistic period. During this time, Greek ideas and culture was amalgamated with other proud ancient cultures and a new tradition was created.
  • 49. HELLENISTIC AGE • The Hellenistic Age marks the transformation of Greek society from the localized and introverted city-states to an open, cosmopolitan, and at times exuberant culture that permeated the entire eastern Mediterranean, and Southwest Asia.
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52. • Hellenistic Greece became a time of substantial maturity of the sciences. In geometry, Euclid’s elements became the standard all the way up to the 20th c. CE., and the work of Archimedes on mathematics along with his practical inventions became influential and legendary
  • 53. • The battle of Actium is considered the pivotal moment that defines the end of Ancient Greece. After the battle of Actium, the entire Hellenic world became subject to Rome.
  • 54. BATTLE OF ACTIUM • Battle of Actium, decisive naval engagement fought off the promontory of Actium on September 2, 31 BC, between the Roman fleet of Octavian (later first emperor of Rome as Augustus), under the command of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, and a combined Roman-Egyptian fleet commanded by Mark Antony and Cleopatra
  • 55. GREECE(19TH CENTURY) • There is a blue canton in the upper hoist-side corner bearing a white cross; the cross symbolizes Greek Orthodoxy, the established religion of the people of Greece and Greek Cypriots. According to popular tradition, the nine stripes represent the nine syllables of the phrase "Ελευθερία ή Θάνατος" ("Freedom or Death", " E-lef-the-ri-a i Tha-na-tos"), The nine stripes are also said to represent the letters of the word "freedom" (Greek: Ελευθερία). CAPITAL : ATHENS
  • 56. BALKAN WAR • The lesson of the humiliating defeat of 1897 was not lost on Greek statesman Eleutherios Venizelos, who became prime minister of Greece in 1910. Born in Crete, Venizelos had labored for the island’s union with Greece. He came to dominate Greek politics as the leader of the Liberal Party, which drew support from nationalists of all classes.
  • 57. WORLD WAR I • At the outset of World War I, Venizelos favored Greece’s entry on the side of the Allied Powers, which included Britain, France, Russia, and later, Italy and the United States.
  • 58. • In World War II, Greece was first invaded by Italy (1940) and subsequently occupied by Germany (1941-44); fighting endured in a protracted civil war between supporters of the king and Communist rebels.
  • 60. • Greece has both a president and a prime minister, as well as a cabinet of ministers. A constitutional revision in 1986 transferred a great deal of executive authority from the president to the prime minister and the cabinet. The powers of the president are now largely ceremonial.
  • 61. • The prime minister is head of government. The president appoints the prime minister but is obliged to select the candidate proposed by the party with the largest number of seats in parliament.
  • 62. • Greece is a PARLIAMENTARY REPUBLIC. The nominal head of state is the President of the Republic, who is elected by the Parliament for a five-year term. • The current Constitution was drawn up and adopted by the Fifth Revisionary Parliament of the Hellenes and entered into force in 1975 after the fall of the military junta of 1967–1974.
  • 63. The Hellenic Parliament in central Athens. Count Ioannis Kapodistrias (1776–1831),first head of state and governor of independent The current President of Greece. Greece, Karolos Papoulias
  • 64. ECONOMY • Greece has a capitalist economy with the public sector accounting for about 40% of gross domestic product and with per capita GDP about two-thirds that of the leading euro-zone economies. Tourism provides 15% of GDP. Immigrants make up nearly one-fifth of the work force, mainly in agricultural and unskilled jobs.
  • 65.
  • 66. • GDP (2010 forecast): €236 billion (about $315 billion). • Per capita GDP (2009 estimated): $30,035. • Growth rate (2010 forecast): -4.00%. Inflation rate (2010 forecast): 4.6%. Unemployment rate (annual average, 2010 forecast): 11.8%.
  • 67. CULTURE • "Culture is the sum of all the forms of art, of love, and of thought, which, in the course of centuries, have enabled man to be less enslaved." - Andre Malraux.
  • 68. • Greek Culture is one of the oldest cultures. It has evolved over thousands of years. It finds its roots in the Mycenaean and Minoan civilizations. The Roman, the Byzantine and the Ottoman empires have had a major influence on the culture of Greece.
  • 69. • Greeks are proud of their culture and look at their culture as being a representation of their nationality and ethnicity. Their art, religion, dance, music and the Greek cuisine compose the rich culture of Greece. The Greek diet is characterized by a variety of foods and wine.
  • 70. PARTHENON The Parthenon, built between 447 and 432 BC, is the greatest monument of classical Athens. Originally a temple to Athena Parthenos (the Virgin Athena), it was eventually converted into a Christian church and later into a mosque. The structure survived largely intact until 1687, when the Turkish gunpowder stored inside it was detonated in the course of a siege by Venetian troops.
  • 71. Greek Relief Sculpture POSEIDON, Ruler of the Sea TEMPLE OF POSEIDON, Paestum
  • 72. Vaphio Cups Temple of Athena Nike, Athens, Greece LION GATE The famous Lion Gate in the ancient city of Mycenae in Greece shows the detailed stone carving at which the Mycenaeans excelled.
  • 73. RELIGION • A large population of Greece is composed of Orthodox Christians. • According to other sources, 15.8% of Greeks describe themselves as very religious, which is the highest among all European countries. • The rest of it constitutes Muslims, Roman Catholics and the Jews.
  • 74. • Orthodox Church, one of the three historic and distinctive types of Christianity, along with the Roman Catholic Church and the diverse body of Protestant churches. • Orthodoxy is the form of Christianity that developed first in the Eastern Roman Empire • The Orthodox Church sees itself as the authentic continuation of the first Christian communities established by the apostles of Jesus in the cities of the ancient Mediterranean world and spread by missionary activity throughout eastern Europe.
  • 75. FLAG of Orthodox Christians.
  • 77. • The guitar and flute were some of the musical instruments to originate in the Byzantine period. • String instruments like Lyre (KITHARA) were prominent during the classical times. The most famous musical instrument of Greece is the bouzouki, a plucked string instrument.
  • 79. ANCIENT OLYMPICS Stadium at Olympia The Discobolus (Discus Thrower)
  • 80. • Greece, home to the first modern Olympics, holds a long tradition in sports • The Greek national football team, ranked 12th in the world in 2009 • The Greek Super League is the highest professional football league in the country comprising 16 teams.
  • 81. Inside the Olympic Stadium of Athens Spiros Louis
  • 82. • The Greek culture today stands as an example of a beautiful blend of the ‘ancient’ and the ‘modern’. Greek culture is characterized by its diversity. The ancient traditions and the present-day developments make the Greek culture unique.