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The Government of the US
Scott Thomas | May 2013
The Constitution
The Supreme Court
The Executive
Exam success is
not a lottery!
Know your
Know the
Know the
Session 1
The Constitution and
The Constitution & Federalism
Nature & Significance
Separation of Powers
Checks and Balances
Bill of Rights
Constitutional Change
US Government Overview
Federal Government Power
Makes the laws
House of Representatives
Carries out the laws
Plus VP, EXOP, Cabinet,
Executive Dept, and
Enforces and interprets
the laws
Supreme Court
Including appeal courts
and trial courts
A Constitution
• A system of rules which describes the
structure and powers of Government
• Outlines the relationship between the three
branches of government
• And the relationship between the government
and its citizens
A Constitution
• Limits upon power
– Checks and Balances
• How power is exercised
• Where power is located
Acts of Parliament
Works of Authority
EU Law
UK Constitution
Common Law
Royal Prerogative
UK Constitution
Birth of the USA
1776 – Declaration of Independence
Declaration of Independence
Taxation without representation
Leads to the US War of Independence from
Britain in April 1775
4th July 1776 the Colonies issue the Declaration
of Independence
Birth of the USA
1776 – Declaration of Independence
1781 – Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
War isn’t over yet
13 Colonies ratify the Articles
Create a confederacy
Afraid of tyrannical government
They failed to form a nation
despite gaining independence
Problems with the Articles
No Executive
No Judiciary
was a talking
Birth of the USA
1776 – Declaration of Independence
1781 – Articles of Confederation
1787 – Philadelphia Convention
Philadelphia Convention
55 Delegates from 12 of 13
States in May 1787
It took 4 Months
Had to create a strong
government whilst protecting
Rhode Island
about this
Philadelphia Convention
Virginia Plan
States with large
New Jersey Plan
States with Small
Bicameral System
One according to Population
One represented Equally
The Articles
Legislative Branch
Executive Branch
Judicial Branch
Federal – State &
Interstate Relationship
Amendment Process
Misc. Provisions
Ratification procedure
Birth of the USA
1776 – Declaration of Independence
1781 – Articles of Confederation
1787 – Philadelphia Convention
1789 – George Washington elected
Birth of the USA
1776 – Declaration of Independence
1781 – Articles of Confederation
1787 – Philadelphia Convention
1789 – George Washington elected
1791 – Bill of Rights
Bill of Rights 1791
First 10 Amendments known as
Bill of Rights
Proposed by Congress Sept
Ratified by States December
Designed to protect against an
all powerful federal
17 Further Amendments
have been passed since
Rights Established
I Freedom of Speech
II Right to Keep and Bear Arms
III No quartering of soldiers
IV No unreasonable search and
V Due Process
VI Speedy and public trial
VII Trial by jury in civil cases
VIII No Cruel and Unusual Punishment
IX Other rights of the people
X Power not delegated to Fed. Govt.
are reserved to the States or people
 Where does the Death Penalty sit with the 8th Amendment?
 Does the Elastic Clause supersede the 10th Amendment?
Vote in the House
2/3 Majority
Vote in the Senate
2/3 Majority
Votes in State
Passed by ¾ of all
State Legislatures
Amending the Constitution
Notable Amendments
13th Slavery Abolished (1865)
14th Equal Protection and due process clause (1868)
15th Blacks given the right to vote (1870)
16th Income Tax (1913)
22nd Two term presidential limit (1951)
25th Presidential succession procedure (1967)
Notable Attempts to Amend
Amendment House Senate
286-130 Yes 66-34
(1 vote short)
Budget (95)
300-132 Yes 65-35 No
Super Majority
to increase
taxes (2002)
227-178 No N/A N/A
During Clinton’s Presidency there were 17 votes on constitutional amendments. All
the votes happened under a Republican Congress
Amendment House Senate States
Equal Rights for
Women (1972)
Yes Yes 35/50 (3 short)
Separation of Powers
Political power is distributed among the three
branches of government, all acting independently
and interdependently
Powers are shared through a series of checks and
Executive Branch
Judicial Branch
Legislative Branch
Synoptic Links
Separation of Powers
• UK has a fusion of powers
• Members may sit in more
than one branch
• Until the CRA 2005 the Lord
Chancellor sat in all three
Legislative &
Limited Government
The size and scope of the federal government
should be limited to only what is necessary
Limited Govt.
Checks & Balances
Each branch exercises power and control over
the others
It supports the idea of Limited Government
Checks on Legislature
•Recommend legislation for passage
•Veto (Pocket and Official)
By Executive
•Judicial Review
By Judiciary
Checks on Judiciary
• Appointment of judges
• Pardon
By Executive
• Impeachment trials and removal from
• Proposition of constitutional amendments
By Legislature
Checks on Executive
• Amend/Delay/Reject legislation
• Veto Override
• Power of the Purse
• Declaration of War
• Ratification of Treaties
• Confirmation of Appointments
• Congressional Committee Investigations
• Impeachment
By Legislature
• Judicial Review
By Judiciary
Checks and Balances Examples
• Supreme Court Appointments
– Robert Bork (1987) [FAILED]
– John Roberts (2005)
– Sonia Sotomayor (2009)
• Amendments
– Education Reform Bill 2001 – Heavily Amended
• Legislative Blocking
– Clinton’s Healthcare programme 1993-94
– Increasing Minimum Wage
A theory by which political power is divided
between a national and state government, each
having their own jurisdiction
It focuses around decentralisation
Federalism & The Constitution
Shown through implied powers also
Dual Federalism
• Associated with a collection of ‘unknown
Large Focus on States Rights
• Federal Government limited to Money, War and
Layer Cake Federalism
• Divisions in Political Power are Clear Cut
Cooperative Federalism
1930s – 1960s
• Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson
• Majority of the Presidents were Democrats
New Departments
• Defence (1949), Health, Education, & Welfare (1953), Transportation
Large Increase in Categorical Grants
• Grants allocated to states by Federal Government for specific projects
Marble Cake
• Division in Political Power are less clear cut
New Federalism
• Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush and Clinton
• Majority of the Presidents were Republicans
Shift back to State Power
• The Federal Government did not create the States;
the States created the Federal Government
Large Increase in Block Grants
• Grants allocated to states by Federal Government
for non specific purposes or general areas
An Ever Changing Concept
• Westward Expansion
– From 13 colonies to 50
• Growth in Population
– 4million in 1790 to 275million in 2000
• Industrialisation
– Need for Government Regulation
• Communication
– As the nation grew, it shrank
• Events
– The Great Depression
An Ever Changing Concept
• Foreign Policy
– Second World War caused the need for centralised
• Supreme Court Decisions
– Decisions on the meaning of the constitution alter the
role of the Federal Government
• Constitutional Amendments
– These can alter the powers of States or Federal
Federalism Under Bush
Government spending
increased by 33% in 01-05
– Iraq War
– Homeland Security
– Expansions of Medicare
& Education
• No Child Left behind
– Wall Street and Banking
Federalism Under Obama
Expansion of Federal Government
• Obama Care
• GM Bailouts
Willing to allow states to pursue
goals – pollution permits in
Only does this when it suits him to
do so!
Pros Cons
Permits Diversity Can hide economic and social inequalities
Pluralistic Frustrates the national will, making
solutions to problems harder
Increased protection of individual rights Constant source of conflict between
states and government
States becomes ‘policy labs’ e.g. Pollution
permits in California
Overly bureaucratic, therefore creating a
costly system that is resistant to change
Well suited to geographically large nation
Constitution Synoptic Links
UK Constitution is uncodified
Unitary system of government
Fusion of Powers
Lower levels of democratic participation
UK becoming somewhat more Federalised with
the EU
Session 2
The Judicial Branch of
the US
The Judicial Branch
Constitutional Role
Power of Judicial Review
Political Significance
Protection of Citizen’s Rights
Relationship with Other
Supreme Court & The Constitution
Judicial Branch is Article Three
Section 1 sets the
Supreme Court out as
the only Judicial Power
No provision for number
of Supreme Court justicesNo mention of Judicial
Congress can ‘ordain and
establish’ new courts
Judges shall hold their
office for life in ‘good
Structure of Federal Courts
Supreme Court sits at the
top of the Federal Court
Court rejects 96% of the
Cases brought to it
Lower courts hear
majority of cases
United States Supreme Court
US Court of Appeals
US Court of Appeals
1 Court – 9 Justices
1 in each of 11 circuits
1 in DC
1 Federal Circuit
1 in each 94 districts
Membership of the Supreme Court
8 Associate Justices
1 Chief Justice
All have an ideological stance
Number is set by Congress
FDR threatened to ‘pack the court’ when they
continually struck down New Deal legislation
Life tenure in good behaviour
Justice Date Appointed Sitting President Ideological Balance
Chief Justice
John Roberts
2005 George W Bush (R) Right Leaning
Associate Justices
Antonin Scalia 1986 Ronald Reagan (R) Right Leaning
Anthony Kennedy 1988 Ronald Reagan (R) Swing Vote
Clarence Thomas 1991 George H W Bush (R) Right Leaning
Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1993 William J Clinton (D) Left Leaning
Stephen Breyer 1994 William J Clinton (D) Left Leaning
Samuel Alito 2005 George W Bush (R) Right Leaning
Sonia Sotomayor 2009 Barack H Obama (D) Left Leaning
Elena Kagan 2010 Barack H Obama (D) Left Leaning
Membership of the Supreme Court
The Roberts Court
John Roberts
Antonin Scalia Anthony
Ruth Bader
Samuel Alito Sonia
Elena Kagan
Left Right
The Ideology of the Roberts Court
John Roberts
Antonin Scalia
Ruth Bader
Samuel Alito
Sotomayor Elena Kagan
Judicial Philosophy
President’s often want to appoint Justices that
fit their own ideological image
Reagan: Bork, Scalia
Obama: Sotomayor, Kagan
Justices are often seen as ‘conservatives’ or
There are more classifications
Strict Constructionist
Interprets the Constitution in a literal or ‘strict’ way, look at
the original intent of the Founding Fathers. Favour States
rights over Federal Government. Tend to be labelled as
Loose Constructionist
Interprets the Constitution in a loose way, in which they
‘read between the lines’. They look at the context of the
issue and the constitution. Favour federal government power
over that of states power and rights. Tend be labelled as
Activism and Restraint
Judicial Activism
Justices should use their position to promote desirable social
ends. Activist courts have a large docket
Judicial Restraint
Justices should not ‘legislate’ from the bench, leaving this to
the legislature and executive. Greater stress should be
placed upon the precedent set by previous courts.
Restrained courts have a smaller docket
Appointments Process
Search is
hearings and
Death, Retirement or Impeachment
Advice sought from:
• Advisors
• Congress
• Professional Bodies
Nominees can come
• Lower Courts
• Executive Branch
Legislative Branch
• Academia
FBI Checks and
interview with the
President. ABA gives
an informal rating
Clarence Thomas is
the last nominee to
receive lower than
SJC holds hearings for
the candidate
Sometimes candidates
withdraw if hearing is
Vote on the floor. If
committee rules
against, Senate
typically will
Notable Appointments
Earl Warren
Appointed by
Eisenhower who
said it was the
biggest god dam
mistake of his life
Robert Bork
nomination, the
subject of a
negative ad
campaign. Failed
to confirm
David Souter
Appointed by
George H W Bush
he has turned out
to be one of the
most liberal
members of the
Why is this important?
Presidents seek to leave a
legacy in the court
One of their ideological
The Court will outlive the
Reagan & George H W Bush
placed right leaning judges on
the Court – Bush v Gore 2000?
Judicial Review
No constitutional basis for this power
Found in Marbury v Madison 1803
Allowed the Court to rule:
• Acts of Congress
• Executive Actions
• State Law
The Courts you Need to Know
Year Court Year Court Year Court Year Court
1954 1969 1984 1999
1955 1970
1985 2000
1956 1971 1986
1957 1972 1987 2002
1958 1973 1988 2003
1959 1974 1989 2004
1960 1975 1990 2005
1961 1976 1991 2006
1962 1977 1992 2007
1963 1978 1993 2008
1964 1979 1994 2009
1965 1980 1995 2010
1966 1981 1996 2011
1967 1982 1997 2012
Plessy v Ferguson 1856
Upheld segregation as
constitutional with the
reference to separate but
Arose from the Louisiana
Separate Car Act for Rail
Brown v Board of Education 1953
This case overturns Plessy v Ferguson
Established that separate was
inherently unequal in the provision
of facilities
Paved the way for integration
Ruled on through the Equal
Protection Clause of the 14th
Mapp v Ohio 1961
Ruled that evidence obtained in the violation of
the Fourth Amendment cannot be used in court
Arose from a dispute in Ohio which police didn’t
have a warrant and found large amounts of
Engel v Vitale 1962
Ruled that it is unconstitutional
for school prayers in public
This violates the First
This was the basis for more cases
such as Wallace v Jaffree which
banned meditation in Alabama
Gideon v Wainwright 1963
Under the Sixth Amendment
right to counsel is a
fundamental right
States must provide defence
counsel should the defendant
be unable to afford it
Griswold v Connecticut 1965
Protected the right to Privacy
Connecticut law prohibited the
use of contraception
Supreme court ruled that it
violated the right to marital
Does the constitution provide for a
right to privacy specifically?
Miranda v Arizona 1966
Ruled that the accused must
be read their legal rights prior
to questioning by the police
Basis is the fifth amendment
which protects against Self
Roe v Wade 1973
Ruled that abortion was legal
in the first trimester
Found on the right to Privacy
under the due process clause
of the 14th Amendment
Texas law made it illegal to
assist a woman to get an
Is this legislating from the Bench?
United States v Nixon 1974
Ruled that no person not even
the President is completely
above the law
Also ruled that the President
cannot use executive privilege
as an excuse to withhold
evidence in criminal trials
Started the ball rolling on Nixon
Planned Parenthood v Casey 1992
Rules on abortion in
Pennsylvania were challenged
The court upheld the right to
an abortion but ruled that 1
out of 5 restrictions was
Pennsylvania State made patients go through many
‘hoops’ before an abortion
Clinton v City of New York 1998
Ruled that the Line Item Veto
from the Line Item Veto Act of
1996 was unconstitutional as it
gave the President power to
amend legislation duly passed
by Congress
43 States give Governors
the power of Line Item Veto
Line Item Bill appeared in the
House in Feb 2012
George W Bush v Albert Gore 2000
Votes in Florida were close
Supreme Court ruled that
manually recounting a precinct
was wrong and the entire state
must be recounted
Proper recounting by deadline
of Dec 12 would be
Decision handed down on Dec 11
Gonzales v Carhart 2007
Court upheld the Partial-Birth
Abortion Ban of 2003
It did not impose a burden on
the ability to have an abortion
as presented under Roe V
Wade and Planned Parenthood
v Casey
Shown as a turning in the
conservatism of the Roberts Court
National Federation of Independent
Business v Sebelius 2012
Court upheld Affordable Care
Act requiring Americans to
purchase Health Insurance by
Roberts ruled that a mandate
to buy insurance was an
exercise of Congress’ power to
collect taxes
Case Visualisation
Year Case Year Case Year Case Year Case
1953 Brown v BoE 1968 1983 1998 Clinton v NY
1954 1969 1984 1999
1955 1970 1985 2000 Bush V Gore
1956 1971 1986 2001
1957 1972 1987 2002
1958 1973 Roe v Wade 1988 2003
1959 1974 US v Nixon 1989 2004
1960 1975 1990 2005
1961 Mapp v Ohio 1976 1991 2006
1962 Engel v Vitale 1977 1992 PP v Casey 2007 Gonzales v Car
1963 Gideon v Wain 1978 1993 2008
1964 1979 1994 2009
1965 Griswold v CT 1980 1995 2010
1966 Miranda v AZ 1981 1996 2011
1967 1982 1997 2012 NFIB v Sebelius
Hollingsworth v Perry 2013
California’s Prop 8 Case:
CSC ruled Same Sex Marriage
legal in 2008
Prop 8 Banned them
Opponents are seeking a court
ordered expansion of
traditional marriage Case is on-going – May appear
before the Court
Judicial Synoptic Links
 UK Judiciary are far less partisan and far less powerful
 Appointments go through Judicial Appointments
Commission rather than Senate or Parliamentary
 Parliamentary Sovereignty undermines UKs judicial
 Can’t rule on constitutionality but only make a
declaration of incompatibility
 Judges must retire at aged 70
Session 3
The Legislative Branch
of the US
The Legislative Branch
Constitutional Role
Differences between Houses
Importance of the Parties
Roles of Congress
Relationship with
Government and Supreme
Congress & The Constitution
Congress is Article One
Powers outlined in this
are known as
Enumerated powers
Section 8 – Final Clause
Elastic Clause
If Article One references
Congress surely it is the most
important branch?
Divides Congress into two
House of Representatives
Bicameral System is
known as the
Connecticut CompromiseHouse Elected via Popular Vote
Senate indirect elected until 1914
Concurrent Powers of Congress
Equal Legislative Power
Override Presidential Veto
Initiate Constitutional Amendments
Declarations of War
Confirm appointed Vice Presidents
Declared Wars
Elastic Clause
“to make all laws which shall be necessary and
proper for carrying into execution the
foregoing powers, and all other powers vested
in this Constitution in the Government of the
United States, or in any department or officer
Article 1, Section 8, Final Clause
House of Representatives
Make up of the House
435 Seats
200 Democrats
232 Republicans
3 Vacant
Each member represents a ‘Congressional District’
States are given a number of districts in proportion to their population
House is presided over by the Speaker of the House
Key Demographics
Gender Balance: Male 82% Female 28%
African American 41
Asian 7
Caucasian 336
Hispanic 27
Not Stated 22
Other 5
Powers of the House
Known as Exclusive Powers
• Initiate Money Bills
– Power of the Purse
• Impeachment
– Voted to impeach Clinton in 1998
• Elect a President should the Electoral College
– John Quincy Adams elected President in Deadlock
Speaker of the
• Presiding Officer of the
• Second in Presidential
• Leader of Majority party in
the House normally becomes
Speaker through ballot
• No requirement that the
Speaker be a member of the
John Boehner (R)
Ohio 8th District
Role of the Speaker
Notably Partisan Role
Speaker doesn’t typically debate or vote unless it’s
Responsible for the passage o legislation and which
will make it to the floor
Speaker normally designates to someone else to
preside over the proceedings in the House
Responsible for maintaining decorum in the House
House Leadership
John Boehner (R)
Ohio 8th District
Eric Cantor (R)
Virginia 7th District
Nancy Pelosi (D)
California 12th District
Speaker Majority Leader Minority Leader
Majority & Minority Leaders
• Elected via closed door
party caucus every
• Represent the Party
• Liaison between
Congress and White
• Day to Day director of
Operations on the
House Floor
Leaders More Important in The Senate
Running for the House
Elections are every 2 years (all elected)
US Citizens for 7 years
Must be a resident in
representative state
Candidates must be at
least 25 years old
Some states may impose a locality rule
You need to first secure
the nomination from your
You may need to win a
Primary Election
You May be challenged as
an incumbent
Congressional Districts
The House has 435 Seats
These are given to states depending on
population, roughly 700,000 people in each
Every 10 years after a census the number is
changed per state
Congressional Districts
• Gerrymandering is a form of redistricting in
which electoral districts boundaries are
deliberately modified for electoral purposes,
thereby producing a contorted or unusual
CGP Grey Explains:
Negative: when used to allege that a party is
gaining disproportionate power – packing
districts with hardcore support form one party,
creating wasted votes.
Positive: producing a proportion of
constituencies with an African-American or
other minority in the majority (these are then
called "minority-majority districts").
Some Brilliant Gerrymandering
US Senate
Make up of the Senate
100 Seats
53 Democrats
45 Republicans
2 Independents
Each member represents a State
States are allocated 2 Senators each
The two Independents caucus with the Democrats, thus bringing Democrat majority to 55
Key Demographics
Gender Balance: Male 80% Female 20%
African American 2
Asian 1
Caucasian 93
Hispanic 2
Not Stated 2
Voting in the States
1 from each Party Both Democrats Both Republicans
Running for the Senate
Elections are every 2 years (1/3 of Senate)
US Citizens for
9 years
Must be a
resident in
must be at
least 30 years
old You need to first secure
the nomination from your
You may need to win a
Primary Election
You May be challenged as
an incumbent
Powers of the Senate
Exclusive Powers
Confirm Appointments
– Supreme Court Nominees, Executive
Ratify Treaties
– Failed to ratify 1919 Treaty of Versailles
Try in Cases of Impeachment
– 1998 Bill Clinton
Elect VP in Case of Electoral College
Senate Leadership
Patrick Leahy (D)
Harry Reid (D)
Mitch McConnell (R)
President Pro Tempore Majority Leader Minority Leader
A device by which a Senator or Group of
Senators can attempt to talk a bill to death by
using delaying tactics.
Strom Thurmond 1957
Filibustered a Civil Rights
Bill for 24hrs 18mins
Rand Paul 2013
Attempted to stop John
Brennen’s appointment as
CIA Director: 12hrs 52mins
Power is derived from a
Senator’s right to
unlimited debate
If 3/5 of the House vote to
end a filibuster it is known
as a Cloture Motion
Which is Better?
• Longer terms
• Represent entire state
• Easier to achieve more public
• More powers
• Trying the accused
• More committee places
• Projection to a Presidency
• Vote is worth more so
bargaining more common
• More likely to get a piece of
the action
• House Controls money bills
‘Power of the Purse’
• Equal pay
• Equal legislative power
Last 15 Vice Presidential
Nominations: 14 were
Passage of a Bill in Congress
• Concurrent Passage through Congress
– Through both House and Senate
• Concurrent Passage means there will be
First Reading
A formality – There is no debate and no vote
Typically thousands of bills are introduced
Committee Stage
Congressional Standing Committees decide on which bills they are going to ‘hear’
Many bills will not get a hearing and are said to be ‘pigeon holed’
Pork Barrelling happens in this stage
Committees are normally filled with experts or specialists
Bills may die if they can’t get reported out such as Clinton’s Healthcare Reforms
House of Representatives
The House Rules Committee makes the
decisions on which Bills make it to the floor
and how long they will be debated for.
This is done by Unanimous Consent
Meaning Senate Leadership agree on
which bills will make it to the floor
Second Reading
House of Representatives
Members debate and vote on the bill in the
form that comes from the committee
Members debate and vote on the bill in
the form that comes from the committee
Here a bill may end up being filibustered
Third Reading
House of Representatives
Final opportunity to debate the bill.
Debate would tend to small before the vote
Final opportunity to debate the bill.
Debate would tend to small before the
Conference Committee
Due to concurrent passage of the bills different bills will be produced. A conference
committee was typically used to reconcile the two bills.
Typically only 10% of bills go this route now
Congressional Leadership now typically reconcile the bill.
Presidential Action
3 Options
Sign Bill in to Law
Leave it on the Desk – Becomes law after 10 days
Veto – Sent it back to Congress
Pocket Veto – within the last 10 days of Congress an unsigned bill will die
Congressional Committees
Most important part of the Legislative Process
Members of Congress will seek assignment to
committees so they can get pork projects for
their constituents
Washington State members will seek Defense
Committee seats
Unlike the UK the committee
stage is before the 2nd Reading
Functions of Committees
Branch of Congress Function
Senate & House Conduct the Committee Stage in the
passage of a bill
E.g. 1993 Bill Clinton’s Healthcare reform
Senate & House Conduct investigations into the area of
that committee
E.g. Senate Foreign Relations Committee –
NATO Enlargement
Senate ONLY Confirm some appointments such as
Supreme Court Judges, Cabinet Posts
E.g. Robert Bork or Clarence Thomas
House Rules Committee
The Traffic Cop of the House
It’s job is prioritising the bills for votes on the
floor of the House
It can attach time limits and rules to the debates
of a bill
13 Members
9 Majority Party
4 Minority Party
Pete Sessions TX (R)
Select Committees
Known as ‘Special’ or ‘Investigative’
Formed on an ad hoc basis for a
particular issue
Tend to investigate an issue that would
a) Take up too much time in standing
b) Come under many different
Iran-Contra or 9/11 are notable examples
Committee Chairs
Always come from the Majority
Used to be done by Seniority Rule
Now elected through secret ballots
6 year term limits imposed by
Republicans in the 1990s
Seniority Rule: Chairs of congressional standing committees will
be from the majority party and be the longest continuous service
on that committee
Why is Party Discipline so weak?
“Lack of Tasty Carrots and Sizeable
On Capitol Hill the Lobbyists and
Electorate rule
Congressmen generally pay a lot of
attention to what the folks back home say,
they are very concerned with getting
themselves re-elected
Interest Groups play a massive part in this
Legislative Synoptic Links
UK is an unbalanced bi-cameral system
Parties are far more dominant (whipping)
Members of the Executive are in the Legislature
Legislative process is slightly different
Session 4
The Executive Branch
of the US
The Executive Branch
Constitution & Executive
Presidential Power
Limitations & Constraints
Power and Influence:
Federal Bureaucracy &
Federal Agencies
Executive & The Constitution
Found in Article 2
All executive power is
vested in one President
Commander in Chief
Cabinet not a requirement
Electoral College outlined Term limits added via
Some Key Presidents
George Washington
• First President
• Bill of Rights
• Two term convention
Abraham Lincoln
• Abolished Slavery
• President during Civil War
Franklin D Roosevelt
• Longest serving 12 years
• The New Deal
Richard M Nixon
• Watergate
• New Federalism
Ronald Reagan
• Iran-Contra Affair
• Robert Bork – SC Nominee
Bill J Clinton
• Failed Impeachment
• Failed Healthcare Reform
Some Key Presidents
• 9/11
• Anti terror legislation
• Education & AIDS
• War on Terror
• 2008 Financial Crisis
George W
• Obamacare
• Gun Control
• Immigration Reform
• Osama Bin Laden
• Bailouts
Barack H
Role of the President
Head of State
Chief Diplomat
Chief Legislator
Commander in Chief
Chief Executive
Increasing Role of the President
Only national political
institution that can act
quickly and decisively in
times of crisis
Only nationally elected
politician – claim a
Crisis – Flows towards POTUS
Peace – Congress Reasserts itself
Powers of the President
• Propose Legislation
– Bush – No Child Left Behind
• Submit the Annual Budget
• Sign Legislation
• Veto Legislation
– Bush Stem Cell Research
• Act as Chief Executive
• Nominations Chief
• Commander in Chief
• Negotiate Treaties
• Pardon
Power of Veto
Presidents can veto legislation, i.e. not make it
Standard Veto
Sends it back to Congress
Pocket Veto
Doesn’t sign within last 10 days of Congress
Line Item Veto
Power to veto certain parts of legislation, ruled
unconstitutional by Clinton v New York 1998
The Power to Persuade
Why only persuade:
Cabinet is not a reward to
Congress due to the separation
of powers
Lack of an honours system in
the US unlike the UK
Can’t remove the whip
Who Persuades:
 VP
 EXOP (Office of
Legislative Affairs)
 Party Leadership
 Interest Groups
Presidential Power is the Power to
The President Persuades
Sometimes the Presidents wades into the
persuasion personally
Phone Calls
Budget Vote 1993 Clinton rang Marjorie Margolies
Mezvinsky to get her to cast her vote
Support Legislation
Campaign in District
Only if Popular!!!!
Vice President of the United States
Vice President
First Vice President’s were the people who came second
in a Presidential Race
The role as moved on since its formation in the early
Modern VP Candidates
VPs chosen through a Joint
Ticket System
A balance ticket is often
crucial in elections
Balance can be in the form
of Experience, Ideology, Age,
Are race and gender now
important as well?
Enumerated Powers of the VP
Presiding Officer of the Senate
• Votes in Senate Deadlocks
• Cheney voted to protect Bush's $1.6bn tax cut
Announces Electoral College Votes
• January 2001 – Al Gore announces his own defeat
First in line of Succession
• If President dies, resigns or is removed from office
• Has happened a total of 9 times
Acting President
• 25th Amendment: Cheney was President for 2 hours whilst Bush
was sedated
However... Powers have Increased
Since Eisenhower the Vice Presidency
has been a breeding ground for
Many distinguished politicians battle for
the role
– Bush Senior, Joe Biden
Presidents give VP more responsibility
and some become advisors
VPs now see daily intelligence briefings
and all have an office in the West Wing
Additional Powers
VPs are now a major
spokesperson for the
– Gore: Environment
– Cheney: Foreign Policy
The VP is a major
VPs can play the
‘Washington Insider’
guiding POTUS
Cheney as Vice President
Portfolio Contained the
Iron Issues
 Economic Issues
 Security Issues
 Energy Issues
 Party Caucus
The Most Powerful Vice
President in History The President and I have a different
Biden as Vice President
Less powerful relatively
than Cheney
Focus on Foreign Policy
Washington Insider
 Senate Judiciary
 36 years as a Senator He was the Second poorest member of
The US Cabinet
15 Heads of Department
+ Vice President
+ Director of OMB
No constitutional
John Kerry
Jack Lew
Chuck Hagel
Attorney General
Eric Holder
The advisory group selected by the President to aid him in making decisions and
coordinating the work of the Federal Government. Membership is at the pleasure of
the President
Frequency of Meetings
Varies between President to
Reagan in his first year held 36
Meeting number tends to
decline towards an election
year as election demands eat
into his time
George W Bush’s Meetings
Year Frequency
2001 9
2002 5
2003 8
2004 6
2005 5
2006 6
2007 4
2008 5
2009 1
Functions of the Cabinet
For the President
Team Spirit
Big Picture
See all
Functions of the Cabinet
For the Cabinet
Get to know
Catch the
Cabinet Synoptic Links
Cabinet members sit in the legislature
Cabinet posts are part of the PM’s
powers of Patronage
MPs want to be in Cabinet
Collective Ministerial Responsibility
Cabinet members must only be in the
Not a reward, more of a final posting
before retirement
No Collective Ministerial Responsibility
Federal Bureaucracy
Similar to the UK Civil
Service the Federal
Bureaucracy is the back
bone of the US
They carry out policy and
work out the finer details
of the bills passed by
$13.8 billion
11% of
employees in
Roughly 900
Unelected, Administrative Body in the Executive Branch, set out into departments
agencies and commissions. They carry out policy on a day to day basis.
Federal Bureaucracy
of the
Bureau of
United States
Postal Service
Problems with the Bureaucracy
• Agencies serve the interests of those the are supposed to be overseeing
• Lap Dogs rather than Watchdogs
• Agencies seek to expand their own power at the expense of other
• Turf Battles
• Agencies may act slowly and cautiously, with a nature to resist change
• Argument very similar to the UK Civil Service
Iron Triangles
Strong relationship between
three political bodies
• Interest Groups
• Congressional
• Agency
Generally considered as
having a negative impact on
Iron Triangles Example
Department of
Favours and Less Regulation
Support Dept.
Executive Office of the President
Executive Office of the President
Formed in 1939 as a result
of the Brownlow
“The President
Needs Help”
Expansion of Federal
Top staff agencies in the White House that give the president
advice and support in his role. It focuses on coordination,
personnel management and advice giving
Executive Office of the President
Office of
Management and
National Security
White House Office
(The West Wing)
White House Office
Most trusted advisors and aides
Chief of
Director of
White House Office
 Liaison between President and Federal
Bureaucracy and Cabinet
 Liaison between President and Congress
 Screening of Telephone calls
 Screening of Documents
 Advisory Role
 Draw up Presidential Schedule
 ‘Lightening Conductors’
Remember this is just the Public Schedule,
WHO will create a more private one
White House Office Staff
President chooses them
‘Honest Brokers’
Staff should be following the Presidents Agenda,
Not their own, like Sununu may have been
Should not be in the media spotlight
The Chief of Staff
Head of EXOP
Most Crucial Role
‘Deputy President’
Gate Keeper to the Oval
Protect the interests of the President and advise
him accordingly
A Chief of Staff’s power is will depend on how
strong they are
Denis McDonough
The Chief of Staff
Bob Halderman
• Richard Nixon
John Sununu
• George H W Bush
Mack Mclarty
• William J Clinton
Leon Panetta
• William J Clinton
Andrew Card
• George W Bush
Rahm Emanuel
• Barack Obama
Office of Management and Budget
Created by Nixon in 1970
Oversees the spending by all
Federal departments and
Advises the President on the
allocation of Federal Funds
Director is the only Senate
confirmed position within
National Security Council
Headed by National Security
Nixon politicised the way in
which worked, running
Foreign Policy through
Kissinger from the West
Clinton returned it to its
honest broker role
EXOP v Cabinet
From EXOP Perspective
 Regard Cabinet as too
distant and disloyal
from the President
From Cabinet Perspective
 See EXOP as too close
and too loyal to the
Large rivalries existed during the
Nixon Years as EXOP ran Foreign
Policy with Henry Kissinger as
National Security Advisor instead of
the State Department
US State
White House
1.7 Mile Journey between the two
NSA – 30 seconds from the Oval
An Imperial President?
Term Originates from the
1970s by Schlesinger
Focuses on abuse of
power by Johnson and
EXOP becomes the Court
of an Emperor
Executive branch dominates over the other
Presidents craft Foreign Policy as Commander in
Chief and use the vagueness of the Constitution
to go to War
Johnson and Nixon personified this
1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution giving Johnson a
‘blank cheque’ for Vietnam War
Nixon – Wire tapping, bombing of Laos and
Cambodia, executive privilege claims
Imperilled Presidency
However it can be imperilled
President Ford is a good example
• Lack of Party leadership in Congress
• Unable to control Federal Bureaucracy
A principal weakness in the presidency is
the inability of the White House to
maintain control over the large federal
G . Ford
‘Bifurcated’ presidency
It can be argued that the presidency is almost like
two separate roles, with different levels of power:
• Foreign policy – almost unchecked power
• Domestic policy – hugely constrained by
• So is Congress ‘too effective’ a check and balance
domestically, yet too weak on foreign issues?
Clinton was easily able to send troops to
Bosnia and Kosovo, whilst he couldn’t pass
his healthcare bill
There are contrasting examples
• Foreign policy – Congress dried
up funds for the Vietnam conflict
under Ford (power of the purse)
• Domestic policy – FDR was able
to pass much legislation in the
1930s (New Deal), as was
Johnson (Great Society)
George W Bush
Yes No
Presidential Authority – Only response in
War on Terror
Congress refuses to extend Patriot Act
Many in Administration saw Congress as
below the White House in National
Passing of Anti Terror Legislation (Patriot
Executive Synoptic Links
UK Fusion of Powers vs US Separation of Powers
Importance of Cabinet
UK PM stronger domestically than US President
US President stronger on foreign policy than UK PM
UK PM has bigger sticks and tastier carrots
US Term limits vs no limits on PM tenure
UK PMs can be presidential whereas US President’s can be
Exam success is
not a lottery!
Know your
Know the
Know the
Answer the question, the whole
question and nothing but the
Good Luck
Monday 10th June

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GOV4A: United States Politics - A Complete Overview

  • 1. GOV4A The Government of the US Scott Thomas | May 2013
  • 2. Today The Constitution The Supreme Court Congress The Executive
  • 3. Exam success is not a lottery! Know your terms Know the Articles Know the Examples
  • 4. Session 1 The Constitution and Federalism
  • 5. The Constitution & Federalism Nature & Significance Separation of Powers Checks and Balances Bill of Rights Amendments Federalism Constitutional Change
  • 6. US Government Overview Federal Government Power Legislature Makes the laws Congress House of Representatives Senate Executive Carries out the laws President Plus VP, EXOP, Cabinet, Executive Dept, and Agencies Judiciary Enforces and interprets the laws Supreme Court Including appeal courts and trial courts
  • 7. A Constitution • A system of rules which describes the structure and powers of Government • Outlines the relationship between the three branches of government • And the relationship between the government and its citizens
  • 8. A Constitution • Limits upon power – Checks and Balances • How power is exercised • Where power is located
  • 9. Acts of Parliament Works of Authority EU Law UK Constitution
  • 11. Birth of the USA 1776 – Declaration of Independence
  • 12. Declaration of Independence Taxation without representation Leads to the US War of Independence from Britain in April 1775 4th July 1776 the Colonies issue the Declaration of Independence
  • 13. Birth of the USA 1776 – Declaration of Independence 1781 – Articles of Confederation
  • 14. Articles of Confederation War isn’t over yet 13 Colonies ratify the Articles Create a confederacy Afraid of tyrannical government They failed to form a nation despite gaining independence
  • 15. Problems with the Articles No Executive Branch No Judiciary Legislature was a talking shop
  • 16. Birth of the USA 1776 – Declaration of Independence 1781 – Articles of Confederation 1787 – Philadelphia Convention
  • 17. Philadelphia Convention 55 Delegates from 12 of 13 States in May 1787 It took 4 Months Had to create a strong government whilst protecting freedoms Rhode Island I'm Suspicious about this
  • 19. Philadelphia Convention Virginia Plan States with large populations New Jersey Plan States with Small Populations Connecticut Compromise Bicameral System One according to Population One represented Equally
  • 20. The Articles I II III IVV VI VII Legislative Branch Executive Branch Judicial Branch Federal – State & Interstate Relationship Amendment Process Misc. Provisions Ratification procedure
  • 21. Birth of the USA 1776 – Declaration of Independence 1781 – Articles of Confederation 1787 – Philadelphia Convention 1789 – George Washington elected
  • 22. Birth of the USA 1776 – Declaration of Independence 1781 – Articles of Confederation 1787 – Philadelphia Convention 1789 – George Washington elected 1791 – Bill of Rights
  • 23. Bill of Rights 1791 First 10 Amendments known as Bill of Rights Proposed by Congress Sept 1789 Ratified by States December 1791 Designed to protect against an all powerful federal government 17 Further Amendments have been passed since 1791
  • 24. Rights Established No. I Freedom of Speech II Right to Keep and Bear Arms III No quartering of soldiers IV No unreasonable search and seizure V Due Process No. VI Speedy and public trial VII Trial by jury in civil cases VIII No Cruel and Unusual Punishment IX Other rights of the people X Power not delegated to Fed. Govt. are reserved to the States or people Issues:  Where does the Death Penalty sit with the 8th Amendment?  Does the Elastic Clause supersede the 10th Amendment?
  • 25. Proposed Amendment Vote in the House 2/3 Majority Required Vote in the Senate 2/3 Majority required Votes in State Legislatures Passed by ¾ of all State Legislatures Constitution Amended Amending the Constitution
  • 26. Notable Amendments 13th Slavery Abolished (1865) 14th Equal Protection and due process clause (1868) 15th Blacks given the right to vote (1870) 16th Income Tax (1913) 22nd Two term presidential limit (1951) 25th Presidential succession procedure (1967)
  • 27. Notable Attempts to Amend Amendment House Senate Flag Desecration (05/06) 286-130 Yes 66-34 No (1 vote short) Balanced Budget (95) 300-132 Yes 65-35 No Super Majority to increase taxes (2002) 227-178 No N/A N/A During Clinton’s Presidency there were 17 votes on constitutional amendments. All the votes happened under a Republican Congress Amendment House Senate States Equal Rights for Women (1972) Yes Yes 35/50 (3 short)
  • 28. Separation of Powers Political power is distributed among the three branches of government, all acting independently and interdependently Powers are shared through a series of checks and balances Executive Branch Judicial Branch Legislative Branch
  • 29. Synoptic Links Separation of Powers • UK has a fusion of powers • Members may sit in more than one branch • Until the CRA 2005 the Lord Chancellor sat in all three branches Legislative & Executive
  • 30. Limited Government The size and scope of the federal government should be limited to only what is necessary Limited Govt.
  • 31. Checks & Balances Each branch exercises power and control over the others It supports the idea of Limited Government
  • 32. Checks on Legislature •Recommend legislation for passage •Veto (Pocket and Official) By Executive •Judicial Review By Judiciary
  • 33. Checks on Judiciary • Appointment of judges • Pardon By Executive • Impeachment trials and removal from office • Proposition of constitutional amendments By Legislature
  • 34. Checks on Executive • Amend/Delay/Reject legislation • Veto Override • Power of the Purse • Declaration of War • Ratification of Treaties • Confirmation of Appointments • Congressional Committee Investigations • Impeachment By Legislature • Judicial Review By Judiciary
  • 35. Checks and Balances Examples • Supreme Court Appointments – Robert Bork (1987) [FAILED] – John Roberts (2005) – Sonia Sotomayor (2009) • Amendments – Education Reform Bill 2001 – Heavily Amended • Legislative Blocking – Clinton’s Healthcare programme 1993-94 – Increasing Minimum Wage
  • 36. Federalism A theory by which political power is divided between a national and state government, each having their own jurisdiction It focuses around decentralisation
  • 37. Federalism & The Constitution Shown through implied powers also
  • 38. Dual Federalism 1780-1920 • Associated with a collection of ‘unknown presidents’ Large Focus on States Rights • Federal Government limited to Money, War and Peace Layer Cake Federalism • Divisions in Political Power are Clear Cut
  • 39. Cooperative Federalism 1930s – 1960s • Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson • Majority of the Presidents were Democrats New Departments • Defence (1949), Health, Education, & Welfare (1953), Transportation (1966) Large Increase in Categorical Grants • Grants allocated to states by Federal Government for specific projects Marble Cake • Division in Political Power are less clear cut
  • 40. New Federalism 1970s-2000 • Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush and Clinton • Majority of the Presidents were Republicans Shift back to State Power • The Federal Government did not create the States; the States created the Federal Government Large Increase in Block Grants • Grants allocated to states by Federal Government for non specific purposes or general areas
  • 41. An Ever Changing Concept • Westward Expansion – From 13 colonies to 50 • Growth in Population – 4million in 1790 to 275million in 2000 • Industrialisation – Need for Government Regulation • Communication – As the nation grew, it shrank • Events – The Great Depression
  • 42. An Ever Changing Concept • Foreign Policy – Second World War caused the need for centralised planning • Supreme Court Decisions – Decisions on the meaning of the constitution alter the role of the Federal Government • Constitutional Amendments – These can alter the powers of States or Federal Government
  • 43. Federalism Under Bush Government spending increased by 33% in 01-05 – Iraq War – Homeland Security – Expansions of Medicare & Education • No Child Left behind – Wall Street and Banking Collapse
  • 44. Federalism Under Obama Expansion of Federal Government Role • Obama Care • GM Bailouts BUT: Willing to allow states to pursue goals – pollution permits in California However: Only does this when it suits him to do so!
  • 45. Federalism Pros Cons Permits Diversity Can hide economic and social inequalities Pluralistic Frustrates the national will, making solutions to problems harder Increased protection of individual rights Constant source of conflict between states and government States becomes ‘policy labs’ e.g. Pollution permits in California Overly bureaucratic, therefore creating a costly system that is resistant to change Well suited to geographically large nation
  • 46. Constitution Synoptic Links UK Constitution is uncodified Unitary system of government Fusion of Powers Parliamentary Lower levels of democratic participation UK becoming somewhat more Federalised with the EU
  • 47. Session 2 The Judicial Branch of the US
  • 48. The Judicial Branch Constitutional Role Power of Judicial Review Appointments Political Significance Protection of Citizen’s Rights Relationship with Other Branches
  • 49. Supreme Court & The Constitution Judicial Branch is Article Three Section 1 sets the Supreme Court out as the only Judicial Power No provision for number of Supreme Court justicesNo mention of Judicial Activism Congress can ‘ordain and establish’ new courts Judges shall hold their office for life in ‘good behaviour’
  • 50. Structure of Federal Courts Supreme Court sits at the top of the Federal Court system Court rejects 96% of the Cases brought to it Lower courts hear majority of cases United States Supreme Court US Court of Appeals US Court of Appeals 1 Court – 9 Justices 1 in each of 11 circuits 1 in DC 1 Federal Circuit 1 in each 94 districts
  • 51. Membership of the Supreme Court 8 Associate Justices 1 Chief Justice All have an ideological stance Number is set by Congress FDR threatened to ‘pack the court’ when they continually struck down New Deal legislation Life tenure in good behaviour
  • 52. Justice Date Appointed Sitting President Ideological Balance Chief Justice John Roberts 2005 George W Bush (R) Right Leaning Associate Justices Antonin Scalia 1986 Ronald Reagan (R) Right Leaning Anthony Kennedy 1988 Ronald Reagan (R) Swing Vote Clarence Thomas 1991 George H W Bush (R) Right Leaning Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1993 William J Clinton (D) Left Leaning Stephen Breyer 1994 William J Clinton (D) Left Leaning Samuel Alito 2005 George W Bush (R) Right Leaning Sonia Sotomayor 2009 Barack H Obama (D) Left Leaning Elena Kagan 2010 Barack H Obama (D) Left Leaning Membership of the Supreme Court
  • 53. The Roberts Court John Roberts Antonin Scalia Anthony Kennedy Clarence Thomas Ruth Bader Ginsburg Stephen Breyer Samuel Alito Sonia Sotomayor Elena Kagan
  • 54. Left Right The Ideology of the Roberts Court John Roberts Antonin Scalia Anthony Kennedy Clarence Thomas Ruth Bader Ginsburg Stephen Breyer Samuel Alito Sonia Sotomayor Elena Kagan SWING VOTE
  • 55. Judicial Philosophy President’s often want to appoint Justices that fit their own ideological image Reagan: Bork, Scalia Obama: Sotomayor, Kagan Justices are often seen as ‘conservatives’ or ‘liberals’ There are more classifications
  • 56. Constructionist Strict Constructionist Interprets the Constitution in a literal or ‘strict’ way, look at the original intent of the Founding Fathers. Favour States rights over Federal Government. Tend to be labelled as ‘conservatives’ Loose Constructionist Interprets the Constitution in a loose way, in which they ‘read between the lines’. They look at the context of the issue and the constitution. Favour federal government power over that of states power and rights. Tend be labelled as ‘liberals’
  • 57. Activism and Restraint Judicial Activism Justices should use their position to promote desirable social ends. Activist courts have a large docket Judicial Restraint Justices should not ‘legislate’ from the bench, leaving this to the legislature and executive. Greater stress should be placed upon the precedent set by previous courts. Restrained courts have a smaller docket
  • 58. Appointments Process Vacancy Occurs Search is Instigated FBI Background Checks Senate hearings and confirmation Death, Retirement or Impeachment Advice sought from: • Advisors • Congress • Professional Bodies Nominees can come from: • Lower Courts • Executive Branch Legislative Branch • Academia FBI Checks and interview with the President. ABA gives an informal rating Clarence Thomas is the last nominee to receive lower than perfect SJC holds hearings for the candidate Sometimes candidates withdraw if hearing is bad Vote on the floor. If committee rules against, Senate typically will
  • 59. Notable Appointments Earl Warren Appointed by Eisenhower who said it was the biggest god dam mistake of his life Robert Bork Reagan’s controversial nomination, the subject of a negative ad campaign. Failed to confirm David Souter Appointed by George H W Bush he has turned out to be one of the most liberal members of the Court
  • 60. Why is this important? Presidents seek to leave a legacy in the court One of their ideological persuasion The Court will outlive the Presidency Examples: Reagan & George H W Bush placed right leaning judges on the Court – Bush v Gore 2000?
  • 61. Judicial Review No constitutional basis for this power Found in Marbury v Madison 1803 Allowed the Court to rule: • Acts of Congress • Executive Actions • State Law UNCOSTITUTIONAL
  • 62. The Courts you Need to Know Year Court Year Court Year Court Year Court 1953 Warren Court 1968 Warren Court 1983 Burger Court 1998 Rehnquist Court 1954 1969 1984 1999 1955 1970 Burger Court 1985 2000 1956 1971 1986 Rehnquist Court 2001 1957 1972 1987 2002 1958 1973 1988 2003 1959 1974 1989 2004 1960 1975 1990 2005 Roberts Court 1961 1976 1991 2006 1962 1977 1992 2007 1963 1978 1993 2008 1964 1979 1994 2009 1965 1980 1995 2010 1966 1981 1996 2011 1967 1982 1997 2012
  • 63. Plessy v Ferguson 1856 Upheld segregation as constitutional with the reference to separate but equal Arose from the Louisiana Separate Car Act for Rail carriages
  • 64. Brown v Board of Education 1953 This case overturns Plessy v Ferguson 1896 Established that separate was inherently unequal in the provision of facilities Paved the way for integration Ruled on through the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment WARREN
  • 65. Mapp v Ohio 1961 Ruled that evidence obtained in the violation of the Fourth Amendment cannot be used in court Arose from a dispute in Ohio which police didn’t have a warrant and found large amounts of pornography WARREN
  • 66. Engel v Vitale 1962 Ruled that it is unconstitutional for school prayers in public schools This violates the First Amendment This was the basis for more cases such as Wallace v Jaffree which banned meditation in Alabama WARREN
  • 67. Gideon v Wainwright 1963 Under the Sixth Amendment right to counsel is a fundamental right States must provide defence counsel should the defendant be unable to afford it WARREN
  • 68. Griswold v Connecticut 1965 Protected the right to Privacy Connecticut law prohibited the use of contraception Supreme court ruled that it violated the right to marital privacy Does the constitution provide for a right to privacy specifically? WARREN
  • 69. Miranda v Arizona 1966 Ruled that the accused must be read their legal rights prior to questioning by the police Basis is the fifth amendment which protects against Self Incrimination WARREN
  • 70. Roe v Wade 1973 Ruled that abortion was legal in the first trimester Found on the right to Privacy under the due process clause of the 14th Amendment Texas law made it illegal to assist a woman to get an abortion Is this legislating from the Bench? BURGER
  • 71. United States v Nixon 1974 Ruled that no person not even the President is completely above the law Also ruled that the President cannot use executive privilege as an excuse to withhold evidence in criminal trials Started the ball rolling on Nixon Impeachment BURGER
  • 72. Planned Parenthood v Casey 1992 Rules on abortion in Pennsylvania were challenged The court upheld the right to an abortion but ruled that 1 out of 5 restrictions was unconstitutional Pennsylvania State made patients go through many ‘hoops’ before an abortion REHNQUIST
  • 73. Clinton v City of New York 1998 Ruled that the Line Item Veto from the Line Item Veto Act of 1996 was unconstitutional as it gave the President power to amend legislation duly passed by Congress 43 States give Governors the power of Line Item Veto Line Item Bill appeared in the House in Feb 2012 REHNQUIST
  • 74. George W Bush v Albert Gore 2000 Votes in Florida were close Supreme Court ruled that manually recounting a precinct was wrong and the entire state must be recounted Proper recounting by deadline of Dec 12 would be unconstitutional Decision handed down on Dec 11 REHNQUIST
  • 75. Gonzales v Carhart 2007 Court upheld the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban of 2003 It did not impose a burden on the ability to have an abortion as presented under Roe V Wade and Planned Parenthood v Casey Shown as a turning in the conservatism of the Roberts Court ROBERTS
  • 76. National Federation of Independent Business v Sebelius 2012 Court upheld Affordable Care Act requiring Americans to purchase Health Insurance by 2014 Roberts ruled that a mandate to buy insurance was an exercise of Congress’ power to collect taxes ROBERTS
  • 77. Case Visualisation Year Case Year Case Year Case Year Case 1953 Brown v BoE 1968 1983 1998 Clinton v NY 1954 1969 1984 1999 1955 1970 1985 2000 Bush V Gore 1956 1971 1986 2001 1957 1972 1987 2002 1958 1973 Roe v Wade 1988 2003 1959 1974 US v Nixon 1989 2004 1960 1975 1990 2005 1961 Mapp v Ohio 1976 1991 2006 1962 Engel v Vitale 1977 1992 PP v Casey 2007 Gonzales v Car 1963 Gideon v Wain 1978 1993 2008 1964 1979 1994 2009 1965 Griswold v CT 1980 1995 2010 1966 Miranda v AZ 1981 1996 2011 1967 1982 1997 2012 NFIB v Sebelius
  • 78. Hollingsworth v Perry 2013 California’s Prop 8 Case: CSC ruled Same Sex Marriage legal in 2008 Prop 8 Banned them Opponents are seeking a court ordered expansion of traditional marriage Case is on-going – May appear before the Court ROBERTS
  • 79. Judicial Synoptic Links  UK Judiciary are far less partisan and far less powerful  Appointments go through Judicial Appointments Commission rather than Senate or Parliamentary Hearings  Parliamentary Sovereignty undermines UKs judicial power  Can’t rule on constitutionality but only make a declaration of incompatibility  Judges must retire at aged 70
  • 80. Session 3 The Legislative Branch of the US
  • 81. The Legislative Branch Constitutional Role Composition Differences between Houses Importance of the Parties Roles of Congress Relationship with Government and Supreme Court
  • 82. Congress & The Constitution Congress is Article One Powers outlined in this are known as Enumerated powers Section 8 – Final Clause Elastic Clause If Article One references Congress surely it is the most important branch? Divides Congress into two House of Representatives Senate Bicameral System is known as the Connecticut CompromiseHouse Elected via Popular Vote Senate indirect elected until 1914
  • 83. Concurrent Powers of Congress Equal Legislative Power Override Presidential Veto Initiate Constitutional Amendments Declarations of War Confirm appointed Vice Presidents
  • 85. Elastic Clause “to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested in this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof” Article 1, Section 8, Final Clause
  • 87. Make up of the House 435 Seats 200 Democrats 232 Republicans 3 Vacant Each member represents a ‘Congressional District’ States are given a number of districts in proportion to their population House is presided over by the Speaker of the House
  • 88. Key Demographics Gender Balance: Male 82% Female 28% Ethnicity: African American 41 Asian 7 Caucasian 336 Hispanic 27 Not Stated 22 Other 5
  • 89. Powers of the House Known as Exclusive Powers • Initiate Money Bills – Power of the Purse • Impeachment – Voted to impeach Clinton in 1998 • Elect a President should the Electoral College Deadlock – John Quincy Adams elected President in Deadlock
  • 90. Speaker of the House • Presiding Officer of the House • Second in Presidential Succession • Leader of Majority party in the House normally becomes Speaker through ballot • No requirement that the Speaker be a member of the House John Boehner (R) Ohio 8th District
  • 91. Role of the Speaker Notably Partisan Role Speaker doesn’t typically debate or vote unless it’s close Responsible for the passage o legislation and which will make it to the floor Speaker normally designates to someone else to preside over the proceedings in the House Responsible for maintaining decorum in the House
  • 92. House Leadership John Boehner (R) Ohio 8th District Eric Cantor (R) Virginia 7th District Nancy Pelosi (D) California 12th District Speaker Majority Leader Minority Leader
  • 93. Majority & Minority Leaders • Elected via closed door party caucus every Congress • Represent the Party • Liaison between Congress and White House • Day to Day director of Operations on the House Floor Leaders More Important in The Senate
  • 94. Running for the House Elections are every 2 years (all elected) US Citizens for 7 years Must be a resident in representative state Candidates must be at least 25 years old Some states may impose a locality rule You need to first secure the nomination from your Party You may need to win a Primary Election You May be challenged as an incumbent
  • 95. Congressional Districts The House has 435 Seats These are given to states depending on population, roughly 700,000 people in each district Every 10 years after a census the number is changed per state
  • 97. Gerrymandering • Gerrymandering is a form of redistricting in which electoral districts boundaries are deliberately modified for electoral purposes, thereby producing a contorted or unusual shape. CGP Grey Explains: •Gerrymandering
  • 98. Gerrymandering Negative: when used to allege that a party is gaining disproportionate power – packing districts with hardcore support form one party, creating wasted votes. Positive: producing a proportion of constituencies with an African-American or other minority in the majority (these are then called "minority-majority districts").
  • 101. Make up of the Senate 100 Seats 53 Democrats 45 Republicans 2 Independents Each member represents a State States are allocated 2 Senators each The two Independents caucus with the Democrats, thus bringing Democrat majority to 55
  • 102. Key Demographics Gender Balance: Male 80% Female 20% Ethnicity: African American 2 Asian 1 Caucasian 93 Hispanic 2 Not Stated 2
  • 103. Voting in the States 1 from each Party Both Democrats Both Republicans
  • 104. Running for the Senate Elections are every 2 years (1/3 of Senate) US Citizens for 9 years Must be a resident in representative state Candidates must be at least 30 years old You need to first secure the nomination from your Party You may need to win a Primary Election You May be challenged as an incumbent
  • 105. Powers of the Senate Exclusive Powers Confirm Appointments – Supreme Court Nominees, Executive Appointments Ratify Treaties – Failed to ratify 1919 Treaty of Versailles Try in Cases of Impeachment – 1998 Bill Clinton Elect VP in Case of Electoral College Deadlock
  • 106. Senate Leadership Patrick Leahy (D) Vermont Harry Reid (D) Nevada Mitch McConnell (R) Kentucky President Pro Tempore Majority Leader Minority Leader
  • 107. Filibuster A device by which a Senator or Group of Senators can attempt to talk a bill to death by using delaying tactics. Strom Thurmond 1957 Filibustered a Civil Rights Bill for 24hrs 18mins Rand Paul 2013 Attempted to stop John Brennen’s appointment as CIA Director: 12hrs 52mins Power is derived from a Senator’s right to unlimited debate If 3/5 of the House vote to end a filibuster it is known as a Cloture Motion
  • 108. Which is Better? Senate • Longer terms • Represent entire state • Easier to achieve more public recognition • More powers • Trying the accused • More committee places • Projection to a Presidency • Vote is worth more so bargaining more common • More likely to get a piece of the action BUT! • House Controls money bills ‘Power of the Purse’ • Equal pay • Equal legislative power DEMOCRATS Last 15 Vice Presidential Nominations: 14 were Senators
  • 109. Passage of a Bill in Congress • Concurrent Passage through Congress – Through both House and Senate Problems: • Concurrent Passage means there will be differences
  • 110. First Reading A formality – There is no debate and no vote Typically thousands of bills are introduced
  • 111. Committee Stage Congressional Standing Committees decide on which bills they are going to ‘hear’ Many bills will not get a hearing and are said to be ‘pigeon holed’ Pork Barrelling happens in this stage Committees are normally filled with experts or specialists Bills may die if they can’t get reported out such as Clinton’s Healthcare Reforms
  • 112. Timetabling House of Representatives The House Rules Committee makes the decisions on which Bills make it to the floor and how long they will be debated for. Senate This is done by Unanimous Consent Agreement Meaning Senate Leadership agree on which bills will make it to the floor
  • 113. Second Reading House of Representatives Members debate and vote on the bill in the form that comes from the committee Senate Members debate and vote on the bill in the form that comes from the committee Here a bill may end up being filibustered
  • 114. Third Reading House of Representatives Final opportunity to debate the bill. Debate would tend to small before the vote Senate Final opportunity to debate the bill. Debate would tend to small before the vote
  • 115. Conference Committee Due to concurrent passage of the bills different bills will be produced. A conference committee was typically used to reconcile the two bills. Typically only 10% of bills go this route now Congressional Leadership now typically reconcile the bill.
  • 116. Presidential Action 3 Options Sign Bill in to Law Leave it on the Desk – Becomes law after 10 days Veto – Sent it back to Congress Pocket Veto – within the last 10 days of Congress an unsigned bill will die
  • 117. Congressional Committees Most important part of the Legislative Process Members of Congress will seek assignment to committees so they can get pork projects for their constituents Washington State members will seek Defense Committee seats Unlike the UK the committee stage is before the 2nd Reading
  • 118. Functions of Committees Branch of Congress Function Senate & House Conduct the Committee Stage in the passage of a bill E.g. 1993 Bill Clinton’s Healthcare reform Senate & House Conduct investigations into the area of that committee E.g. Senate Foreign Relations Committee – NATO Enlargement Senate ONLY Confirm some appointments such as Supreme Court Judges, Cabinet Posts E.g. Robert Bork or Clarence Thomas
  • 119. House Rules Committee The Traffic Cop of the House It’s job is prioritising the bills for votes on the floor of the House It can attach time limits and rules to the debates of a bill 13 Members 9 Majority Party 4 Minority Party Pete Sessions TX (R)
  • 120. Select Committees Known as ‘Special’ or ‘Investigative’ Formed on an ad hoc basis for a particular issue Tend to investigate an issue that would either: a) Take up too much time in standing committee b) Come under many different committees Iran-Contra or 9/11 are notable examples
  • 121. Committee Chairs Always come from the Majority Party Used to be done by Seniority Rule Now elected through secret ballots 6 year term limits imposed by Republicans in the 1990s Seniority Rule: Chairs of congressional standing committees will be from the majority party and be the longest continuous service on that committee
  • 122. Why is Party Discipline so weak? “Lack of Tasty Carrots and Sizeable Sticks” On Capitol Hill the Lobbyists and Electorate rule Congressmen generally pay a lot of attention to what the folks back home say, they are very concerned with getting themselves re-elected Interest Groups play a massive part in this
  • 123. Legislative Synoptic Links UK is an unbalanced bi-cameral system Parties are far more dominant (whipping) Members of the Executive are in the Legislature Legislative process is slightly different
  • 124. Session 4 The Executive Branch of the US
  • 125. The Executive Branch Constitution & Executive Branch Presidential Power Limitations & Constraints Power and Influence: Cabinet EXOP Federal Bureaucracy & Federal Agencies
  • 126. Executive & The Constitution Found in Article 2 All executive power is vested in one President Commander in Chief Cabinet not a requirement Electoral College outlined Term limits added via amendments
  • 127. Some Key Presidents George Washington • First President • Bill of Rights • Two term convention Abraham Lincoln • Abolished Slavery • President during Civil War Franklin D Roosevelt • Longest serving 12 years • The New Deal Richard M Nixon • Watergate • New Federalism Ronald Reagan • Iran-Contra Affair • Robert Bork – SC Nominee Bill J Clinton • Failed Impeachment • Failed Healthcare Reform
  • 128. Some Key Presidents • 9/11 • Anti terror legislation • Education & AIDS • War on Terror • 2008 Financial Crisis George W Bush • Obamacare • Gun Control • Immigration Reform • Osama Bin Laden • Bailouts Barack H Obama
  • 129. Role of the President Head of State Chief Diplomat Chief Legislator Commander in Chief Chief Executive
  • 130. Increasing Role of the President Only national political institution that can act quickly and decisively in times of crisis Only nationally elected politician – claim a mandate EBBS AND FLOWS Crisis – Flows towards POTUS Peace – Congress Reasserts itself
  • 131. Powers of the President • Propose Legislation – Bush – No Child Left Behind • Submit the Annual Budget • Sign Legislation • Veto Legislation – Bush Stem Cell Research • Act as Chief Executive • Nominations Chief • Commander in Chief • Negotiate Treaties • Pardon
  • 132. Power of Veto Presidents can veto legislation, i.e. not make it law Standard Veto Sends it back to Congress Pocket Veto Doesn’t sign within last 10 days of Congress Line Item Veto Power to veto certain parts of legislation, ruled unconstitutional by Clinton v New York 1998
  • 133. The Power to Persuade Why only persuade: Cabinet is not a reward to Congress due to the separation of powers Lack of an honours system in the US unlike the UK Can’t remove the whip Who Persuades:  VP  EXOP (Office of Legislative Affairs)  Party Leadership  Interest Groups Neustadt: Presidential Power is the Power to Persuade
  • 134. The President Persuades Sometimes the Presidents wades into the persuasion personally Phone Calls Budget Vote 1993 Clinton rang Marjorie Margolies Mezvinsky to get her to cast her vote Support Legislation Campaign in District Only if Popular!!!!
  • 135. Vice President of the United States
  • 136. Vice President First Vice President’s were the people who came second in a Presidential Race The role as moved on since its formation in the early days
  • 137. Modern VP Candidates VPs chosen through a Joint Ticket System A balance ticket is often crucial in elections Balance can be in the form of Experience, Ideology, Age, Region. Are race and gender now important as well?
  • 138. Enumerated Powers of the VP Presiding Officer of the Senate • Votes in Senate Deadlocks • Cheney voted to protect Bush's $1.6bn tax cut Announces Electoral College Votes • January 2001 – Al Gore announces his own defeat First in line of Succession • If President dies, resigns or is removed from office • Has happened a total of 9 times Acting President • 25th Amendment: Cheney was President for 2 hours whilst Bush was sedated
  • 139. However... Powers have Increased Since Eisenhower the Vice Presidency has been a breeding ground for Presidents Many distinguished politicians battle for the role – Bush Senior, Joe Biden Presidents give VP more responsibility and some become advisors VPs now see daily intelligence briefings and all have an office in the West Wing
  • 140. Additional Powers VPs are now a major spokesperson for the administration – Gore: Environment – Cheney: Foreign Policy The VP is a major fundraiser VPs can play the ‘Washington Insider’ guiding POTUS
  • 141. Cheney as Vice President Portfolio Contained the Iron Issues  Economic Issues  Security Issues  Energy Issues  Party Caucus The Most Powerful Vice President in History The President and I have a different understanding
  • 142. Biden as Vice President Less powerful relatively than Cheney Focus on Foreign Policy Washington Insider  Senate Judiciary Committee  36 years as a Senator He was the Second poorest member of Congress
  • 143. The US Cabinet 15 Heads of Department + Vice President + Director of OMB No constitutional requirement State John Kerry Treasury Jack Lew Defense Chuck Hagel Attorney General Eric Holder The advisory group selected by the President to aid him in making decisions and coordinating the work of the Federal Government. Membership is at the pleasure of the President
  • 144. Frequency of Meetings Varies between President to President. Reagan in his first year held 36 Meetings Meeting number tends to decline towards an election year as election demands eat into his time George W Bush’s Meetings Year Frequency 2001 9 2002 5 2003 8 2004 6 2005 5 2006 6 2007 4 2008 5 2009 1
  • 145. Functions of the Cabinet For the President Team Spirit Consensual Information Gathering Debate Big Picture See all Departments
  • 146. Functions of the Cabinet For the Cabinet Get to know Resolve Disputes Contact Points Catch the President Increased Standing
  • 147. Cabinet Synoptic Links UK: Cabinet members sit in the legislature Cabinet posts are part of the PM’s powers of Patronage MPs want to be in Cabinet Collective Ministerial Responsibility USA: Cabinet members must only be in the executive Not a reward, more of a final posting before retirement No Collective Ministerial Responsibility
  • 148. Federal Bureaucracy Similar to the UK Civil Service the Federal Bureaucracy is the back bone of the US Government. They carry out policy and work out the finer details of the bills passed by Congress 2.7million employees $13.8 billion payroll 11% of employees in DC Roughly 900 Departments Unelected, Administrative Body in the Executive Branch, set out into departments agencies and commissions. They carry out policy on a day to day basis.
  • 149. Federal Bureaucracy Executive Departments Department of the Treasury Executive Agencies Federal Bureau of Investigation Independent Regulatory Commissions Federal Election Commission Government Corporations United States Postal Service
  • 150. Problems with the Bureaucracy Clientelism • Agencies serve the interests of those the are supposed to be overseeing • Lap Dogs rather than Watchdogs Imperialism • Agencies seek to expand their own power at the expense of other agencies • Turf Battles Incrementalism • Agencies may act slowly and cautiously, with a nature to resist change • Argument very similar to the UK Civil Service
  • 151. Iron Triangles Strong relationship between three political bodies • Interest Groups • Congressional Committees • Agency Generally considered as having a negative impact on policy
  • 152. Iron Triangles Example Department of Defense Defense Committees Defense Contractor Favours and Less Regulation Support Dept.
  • 153. Executive Office of the President
  • 154. Executive Office of the President Formed in 1939 as a result of the Brownlow Committee “The President Needs Help” Expansion of Federal Government Top staff agencies in the White House that give the president advice and support in his role. It focuses on coordination, personnel management and advice giving
  • 155. Executive Office of the President Office of Management and Budget National Security Council White House Office (The West Wing)
  • 156. White House Office Most trusted advisors and aides Chief of Staff Press Secretary Director of Communications Cabinet Secretary
  • 157. White House Office  Liaison between President and Federal Bureaucracy and Cabinet  Liaison between President and Congress  Screening of Telephone calls  Screening of Documents  Advisory Role  Draw up Presidential Schedule  ‘Lightening Conductors’
  • 158. Remember this is just the Public Schedule, WHO will create a more private one
  • 159. White House Office Staff President chooses them ‘Honest Brokers’ Staff should be following the Presidents Agenda, Not their own, like Sununu may have been Should not be in the media spotlight
  • 160. The Chief of Staff Head of EXOP Most Crucial Role ‘Deputy President’ Gate Keeper to the Oval Protect the interests of the President and advise him accordingly A Chief of Staff’s power is will depend on how strong they are Denis McDonough
  • 161. The Chief of Staff Bob Halderman • Richard Nixon John Sununu • George H W Bush Mack Mclarty • William J Clinton Leon Panetta • William J Clinton Andrew Card • George W Bush Rahm Emanuel • Barack Obama
  • 162. Office of Management and Budget Created by Nixon in 1970 Oversees the spending by all Federal departments and agencies Advises the President on the allocation of Federal Funds Director is the only Senate confirmed position within EXOP.
  • 163. National Security Council Headed by National Security Advisor Nixon politicised the way in which worked, running Foreign Policy through Kissinger from the West Wing Clinton returned it to its honest broker role
  • 164. EXOP v Cabinet From EXOP Perspective  Regard Cabinet as too distant and disloyal from the President From Cabinet Perspective  See EXOP as too close and too loyal to the President Large rivalries existed during the Nixon Years as EXOP ran Foreign Policy with Henry Kissinger as National Security Advisor instead of the State Department
  • 165. Why?
  • 166. Why? US State Department White House 1.7 Mile Journey between the two NSA – 30 seconds from the Oval
  • 167. An Imperial President? Term Originates from the 1970s by Schlesinger Focuses on abuse of power by Johnson and Nixon EXOP becomes the Court of an Emperor
  • 168. Why? Executive branch dominates over the other branches Presidents craft Foreign Policy as Commander in Chief and use the vagueness of the Constitution to go to War Johnson and Nixon personified this
  • 169. Evidence 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution giving Johnson a ‘blank cheque’ for Vietnam War Nixon – Wire tapping, bombing of Laos and Cambodia, executive privilege claims
  • 170. Imperilled Presidency However it can be imperilled President Ford is a good example • Lack of Party leadership in Congress • Unable to control Federal Bureaucracy A principal weakness in the presidency is the inability of the White House to maintain control over the large federal bureaucracy. G . Ford
  • 171. ‘Bifurcated’ presidency It can be argued that the presidency is almost like two separate roles, with different levels of power: • Foreign policy – almost unchecked power • Domestic policy – hugely constrained by Congress • So is Congress ‘too effective’ a check and balance domestically, yet too weak on foreign issues? Clinton was easily able to send troops to Bosnia and Kosovo, whilst he couldn’t pass his healthcare bill
  • 172. However! There are contrasting examples too; • Foreign policy – Congress dried up funds for the Vietnam conflict under Ford (power of the purse) • Domestic policy – FDR was able to pass much legislation in the 1930s (New Deal), as was Johnson (Great Society)
  • 173. George W Bush Yes No Presidential Authority – Only response in War on Terror Congress refuses to extend Patriot Act Many in Administration saw Congress as below the White House in National Defence Passing of Anti Terror Legislation (Patriot Act)
  • 174. Executive Synoptic Links UK Fusion of Powers vs US Separation of Powers Importance of Cabinet UK PM stronger domestically than US President US President stronger on foreign policy than UK PM UK PM has bigger sticks and tastier carrots US Term limits vs no limits on PM tenure UK PMs can be presidential whereas US President’s can be imperial
  • 175. Exam success is not a lottery! Know your terms Know the Articles Know the Examples
  • 176. Answer the question, the whole question and nothing but the question
  • 177. Good Luck Monday 10th June 09:00

Editor's Notes

  1. Welcome
  2. UK Constitution