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Dr Tina Barsby

Plant Science into Practice

Genetics, Plant Breeding and
Dr Tina Barsby

Plant Science into Practice

NIAB, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, UK
Agriculture: the most important
event in human history
Matthew 7:18-7:20 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a
corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good
fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye
shall know them.
Agriculture is at the Center of Many of Society’s
Most Important Debates
• Global food security
•Enhanced productivity
•Increased yield
•Sustainable production

• Water availability
•Drought-tolerant crops

• Biofuels
•Yield technologies to help meet
demand for both food and fuel

• Global warming
•CO2 footprint
•Fertilizer use

Exciting time for Agriculture & Plant Breeding
Dr Tina Barsby

Plant Science into Practice

Meeting the challenges
Food security: From “How to Feed the World in 2050” (FAO World Food
Summit document, Nov 2009)
• By 2050 the world’s population will reach 9.1 billion, 34 % higher than
• In order to feed this larger, more urban and richer population, food
production (net of food used for biofuels) must increase by 70 %
Environmental Challenges: (Climate Change 2007: Synthesis report,
• Climate change/agriculture’s global warming contribution
- Agriculture and forestry account for 31% of global anthropogenic
greenhouse gas emissions
• Declining resources: Water, nutrients, natural habitats, biodiversity
- Agriculture is responsible for 70% of freshwater withdrawal
(United Nations Environment Programme)
Meeting the Demands of a Growing Global Market
























World population continues to increase
Per capita food consumption continues to rise
Consumers continue to demand improved taste, convenience, and nutrition
“To feed the eight billion people expected by 2025, the world will have to double food production…”
CSIS - Seven Revolutions

Source: FAO, WHO


The green revolution

Set Aside
Food Prices
Food Security


Subsidy and Surplus

Set aside, CAP changes
plant biodiversity



Agriculture, Land
Use & Society

Plants provide sustainable solutions
‘ultimate green & clean technology’
a solar energy source for manufacturing

today and tomorrow

plant biomass
fossil reserves




Dr Tina Barsby

Plant Science into Practice

‘Better seeds…better crops’
• Food crisis after WW1
• NIAB established by charitable
donations for ‘the improvement of
crops with higher genetic quality’

• Barriers to plant breeding, and to
access for growers to improved
varieties, were recognised barriers to
enhanced food production
Dr Tina Barsby

Plant Science into Practice

1931 Farmers leaflet

1932 Farmers leaflet

The First Farmers Leaflets
Genetic Software & Hardware
Feeding future populations means doubling the productivity of neglected but
nutritious crops such as yams and green bananas
• How’s my country doing? Is there an
Agriculture strategy?
– Availability
– Affordability
– Safety
– Choice
– Quality …
Dr Tina Barsby

Plant Science into Practice

•DuPont Food security index (there
are others)

Safety and Quality
Norman E. Borlaug
Growth rates due to early years of the
Green Revolution (1961-1980)

Other inputs

Latin America


Middle East

Growth rates due to late years of the
Green Revolution (1981-2000)
Other inputs

Latin America


Middle East

Genetic history: plant breeding.

Dwarfing genes
reduced the
weight of straw,
changing the
distribution of
resources and
Dwarfing genes
resulting in:
allow increased:

•Higher grain
•Nitrogen fertiliser
In addition,
Which increased
pleiotropic effects
susceptibility to
of the dwarfing
disease. But plants
gene include
were protected by
more developed:
newly grains per

What do plant breeders do?
How do they ‘introduce dwarfing genes’?
Where do these new genes come from?
Other questions?
Pedigree method
Participatory maize breeding in Africa
• Prioritize most important stresses
under farmers’ conditions
• Manage trials on experiment
station and evaluate large numbers
of cultivars,
• Select the best, and …
• Involve farmers
– Mother trials in center of farming
community grown under best-bet
input conditions
– Farmer-representative input
– Farmer-managed baby trials

• Partnership with extension, NGOs,
rural schools, and farmer

The Mother / Baby trial design
Collaborative, on-farm evaluation of maize cultivars

Performance under
farmers’ conditions
and farmers’
Holistic Research
“No matter how excellent the
research done in one scientific
discipline is, its application in
isolation will have little positive
effect on crop production. What
is needed are venturesome
scientists who can work across
disciplines to produce
appropriate technologies and
who have the courage to make
their case with political leaders
to bring these advances to
fruition. ”
Norman E. Borlaug
•Father of the Green revolution:
Norman Borlaug.
•Where did he find the dwarf geneDiversity! Japanese
accession..Gene Banks
•How did he make possible to grow
dwarf wheat in a variety of
Fundamental role of Diversity &

Reference: Michael Balter (2007) Seeking Agriculture’s Ancient Roots, Science 316, 1830-1835
Crop Biodiversity

The Seed Vault at Svalbard
Global Crop Diversity Trust
Sources of novel variation

International germplasm
Landrace, or traditional varieties
Wild relatives
Progenitor species
Maize has more molecular diversity than
humans and apes combined



Silent Diversity (Zhao PNAS 2000; Tenallion et al, PNAS 2001)
• Organisation and importance of Diversity
• Selection is a powerful tool but need to
understand & know what to select for.
Courtesy Tobert Rocheford and
Catherine Bermudez Kandianis

Keith Weller

Keith Weller

Scott Bauer

Doug Wilson
‘all life depends on sunlight
and a green leaf’

biology is the science of the
natural world & critical to the
future of agriculture.
Plant Breeding: Mining


SHW back-crossing by CIMMYT

Identified reduced group of
94 for back-crossing to Xi19 &
Paragon by diversity analysis


Develop UK adapted synthetic
backcross derived lines
(SHW-D) approx. 6,000 lines


SHW back-crossing by NIAB

Genotypic and phenotypic
assessment of 440 CIMMYT
primary SHW

Assess agronomic
characteristics of SHW-D
including pest & disease
resistance, yield components,
drought tolerance and
nitrogen use efficiency
Paragon x SHW BC1F2 selections

Delayed senescence

Increased grain sites
Drought in Africa between now and 2090

Red, Orange =
More prone to

Blue =
Wetter and less
prone to

Hadley Centre, Met Office, UK
Evaluation of drought
High spike photosynthesis

Stem reserves
High preanthesis biomass

Cellular traits: osmotic adjustment, heat tolerance, etc.
Leaf traits: wax, rolling,
thickness, etc.
Early ground cover

Long coleoptile
Large seed
Water relations:
stomatal conductance,
Drought assessment at

Drought trials at Obregon, N. Mexico

Tractor-mounted Giddings soil corer
Conventional pedigree selection

Reproduced from Koebner & Summers 2003
Marker- Aided Selection
• Locating
tagging the
• Genes??
Genes (Every organism carries inside
itself what are known as genes)
• DNA is divided into
sections called
• Each gene codes
for a protein
• Each protein has a
DNA - the code for life
• The DNA code consists
of just 4 building
– A, C, T and G.



Source: Microsoft Encarta

• Whether we are
bacteria, fungi
earthworms, mushrooms
or humans our DNA has
the same building
blocks, just in a
different order.
Source: Microsoft Encarta
Chromosome changes: mutations
• A new characteristic is the result of a gene
• Genes can be amplified and ‘seen’ as
molecular markers.
• Breeders are choosing genes or
combinations of genes which give the
characters the farmer needs
Vavilov 1887-1943
•Soviet botanist & geneticist
•Discovered and identified
centres of origin of cultivated
•Criticised the nonMendelian concepts of
•Arrested in 1940, died of
malnutrition in prison in
Many plant species have
been domesticated
around the world

All of the principal crops we
rely on today come from
domesticated species
Domestication: the first plant

The practice of artificial selection has been practiced by
farmers for thousands of years and has transformed
wild plants into the crops we depend on today through
this process of domestication
Crop origins and diversification: multiple births

Science 316, 1830-1835
ESEB Congress, Uppsala,
Sweden, August 2007
traits: traits that
distinguish seed &
fruit crops from
their progenitors
Little overlap between centres of origin & today’s
productive agriculture.

Nature Vol 418, 700-707
ESEB Congress, Uppsala,
Sweden, August 2007
• Genetics: the science underlying plant

•Heredity is the
passing of traits
to offspring
(from its parent
or ancestors).
Offspring resemble their parents more than they
resemble unrelated individuals (why is this so?)
Charles Darwin

Evolution is driven by natural selection
Darwin’s mentor

Great Teachers often feature in the development of Great People!
Dr Tina Barsby

Plant Science into Practice

•Agriculture depends on plant
breeding, choosing the best, crossing
the best with the best and hoping for
the best…
•With a little guidance from genetics!
•And the blessing of good soil and
Sexual reproduction in plants
F1 Hybrids

ESEB Congress, Uppsala,
Sweden, August 2007
USA: Historic Maize Yields



To put your footer here go to View > Header and Footer


Hybrid vrs Open pollinated maize
On the left, a
local landrace

On the right a
new, hybrid
maize variety
developed by
with PASS
Concepts of Hybrid Production - Hybrid Vigour (Heterosis)
Hybrid Vigour is the superiority of progeny (offspring) (F1)
over the mean of its two parents (P)


inbreeding depression


History of Hybrids in Sorghum

United States



Inbred Varieties


Hybrid Cultivars





















Yield (kg/ha)

Hybrid Seed Production
– Getting the cross
• Hybrids are produced by hand emasculation
in corn.
• In wheat, chemicals are used to sterilize the
• Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is used for
hybrid seed production in sorghum and
pearl millet.
Training of Seed Growers in Hybrid Production

Crossing A and B lines

Heat sterilization of pollen using polythene bag

Identifying the different parts of the sorghum plant
Gregor Johann Mendel,
(b. 22 July 1822; d. 6 January 1884)
Moravia, Austro-Hungarian Empire

Brno (Czech Rep.)
Experimemts, 1856-1870
Originator of the concept of the gene
(autosomal inheritance)

Birthplace of Modern Genetic Analysis
Augustinian monastry garden, St. Thomas,
Brünn, Austria
Mendel’s Laws
• Law of equal segregation (First Law)
The two members of a gene pair
segregate from each other into the
gametes; so that half the gametes carry
one member of the pair and the other
half of the gametes carry the other
member of the pair.
• Law of Independent Assortment (Second Law)
- different gene pairs assort
independently during gamete
Reasons for choosing to study garden pea
• Can be grown in a small area
• Produce lots of offspring
• Easily identifiable traits
• Can be artificially crosspollinated
A pea flower with the keel cut and opened
to expose the reproductive parts
Artificial cross pollination
Genes (The genes are codes or messages. They carry
information. The information they carry is used to tell
the organism what chemicals it needs to make in order
to survive, grow or reproduce )

• Genes make us who
we are
• We receive our
genes from our
• The same is true for
all animals, plants
and microbes
The seven character differences studied by Mendel
purple-flowered (f) x white flowered (m)
Summary and conclusions of Mendel’s experiments
•After crossing pure parental strains, the
F1 produced 100% of one character.

•After self-pollinating the F1, both
characters showed up in a 3:1 ratio.
•Because the same types of ratio kept
coming up, Mendel believed that there
must be some mathematical formula or
explanation for the observed data
•The first assumption made by Mendel
was that there must be a ”pair of factors”
that controls the trait in pea plant. This
“pair of factors” idea helped him
formulate his principles
Dominant and recessive traits
Mendel’s Laws
• Law of equal segregation (First Law)
The two members of a gene pair
segregate from each other into the
gametes; so that half the gametes carry
one member of the pair and the other
half of the gametes carry the other
member of the pair.
• Law of Independent Assortment (Second Law)
different gene pairs assort
independently during gamete
Information from genes.
Serendipity: Natural Hybridisation
 Many modern crop species are the result of ancient (or
recent) hybridisation events.

Oilseed Rape

Wheat a classic allo-hexaploid

Science Vol 316, 1862-1866

ESEB Congress, Uppsala,
Sweden, August 2007
The New Rice for Africa

Monty Jones
Selective breeding is a powerful tool

ESEB Congress, Uppsala,
Sweden, August 2007
‘Doubly Green Revolution’
Sir Gordon Conway

• The aim
•repeat the success of the Green
•on a global scale to include Africa
•in many diverse localities
• and be
•and environmentally friendly
Daily calorie intake in developing world












Sweet potato








US maize yields still rising –



Source: Defra & USDA













“The Three Pillars of Yield”




Strategically breed plants
to create new, more robust
seeds that perform better –
and longer – in the field.

Use precision ag, planting density,
plant health protection, and
conservation tillage to make acres
more productive.

Supplement breeding
advancements by adding
special beneficial genes
to the plant.

The Importance of Genetics

Germplasm Development
Traditional &
Molecular Breeding

Genetic diversity
Analytical Screens

Variety Development
Yield Trials
Product Testing

Molecular Genetics

Market Identification
by Trait, Crop,

Transgenic Plant
Cell Culture
Molecular Biology

Gene Discovery
Plant Biology

• 24 ABI 377 Automated sequencers
• 20,000 Lane per week capacity

and ‘Omics

The Life sciences revolution
Unlocking the genetic potential
of the biosphere
Exciting time

Molecular biology

Computer science


Sustainable food
Contemporary Science


DNA – a common language across living organisms in the biosphere

genome programmes link understanding of biology to agriculture

implications for:
- livestock
- arable

- forestry
- aquaculture
Democratisation of genomics

Roche 454: Metagenomics,
amplicon sequencing, BAC

Illumina: HiScanSQ for genomes, transcriptomes or GBS / MiSeq for
amplicons, small genomes, focused GBS and pilot experiments

Ion Torrent: PGM for metagenomics, small genomes, BACS / Proton (due Sep ‘12!) for genomes, transcriptomes
Genes provide the foundation of new products for



tolerance to drought?
flowering time?


biomass utility?
improved agronomy?
tolerance to cold?

In Era of Gene-Based Breeding, Amount of Data Explodes, Accelerating
Ability to Realize Step-Change Improvements


Genome for
every yield plot
genomes for
each crop

•Phenotypic & metabolic

targeted for
specific traits

•Evolution breeding
competitive ability
•Intra & intergenotypic

• Gene prediction knowledge will grow exponentially
• Unlocks the opportunity for gene-based breeding

Crop & Root
Water utilisation
Pau Euralis

Ag Chem & Seed Industry May 2000

July 1996
100% Equity

August 1996
100% Equity

Payco Payco
GarstSeed Co.

Mendel Biotech


The Netherlands

August 1996
100% Equity

June 1997
$78 M 100% Equit y

United Kingdom

Mogen International NV

Paradigm Genetics

ExSeedGenetics LLC

December 1997

July 1998
$1.4 Best
( )

April 1996
$30 M 50% Equity
November 1996
$50 M 5% Equit y
May 1997
$242 M 45% Equit y
Total cost $322 Million

Plant Breeding
Cambridge, .

July 1998
$525 M 100% Equity


United Kingdom
June 1998

First Line Seeds, .

Novartis AG

November 1998
50% Equit y

August 1998
100% Equity



Wilson Seeds, Inc.

100% Equity

July 1999
100% Equity
December 1998
40% Equit y


Asgrow Seed
Company LLC
DeKalb Genetics


July 1997




November 1996
$240 M 100% Equity

Custom Farm Seed

July 1999
20% Equit y

U.S. Cooperative
Genetics, FFR,

March 1996
$1.2 B 40% Equit y
May 1998
$2.5 B 100% Equity
Total cost $3.7 Billion

Jacob Hartz
Seed Co., Inc.



July 1999
80% Equit y


November 1997
JV wit h FT

Corn States Hybrid Service, Inc.
Corn States International .


Land O’ Lakes
November 1998
50% Equit y

January 1997
$1.02 B 100% Equit y


April 1998
100% Equity

Sturdy Grow Hybrids, Inc.

100% Equity


Syngenta AG

Diversa Corp.

, etc.

May 1998
$100 M 50% Equit y
Joint Venture

Cargill’s International
Seed Division

$150 M 100% Equity
April 1996

Calgene Inc.

20% Equit y

The Netherlands


Hybrids, Inc.

May 1998
$100 M 50% Equit y
Joint Venture

Other Companies

Advanta BV
Advanta BV

Cargill Inc.


Agracetus Inc.


August 1996
50% Equit y
August 1996

Int’l., Inc. 100% Equity

November 1997
$150 M 100% Equity

Joint Ventures

RoyalVanderHave Equit y
The Netherlands



Seed Companies

The Netherlands
100% Equity

Cargill Hybrid Seeds
North America

Europe SA
February 1996
90% Equit y

Sementes Agroceres

Life Science Companies

Cooperatie CosunUA

February 1996
10% Equit y

AgriPro Seed
Wheat Division




Pioneer Hi-Bred
International, Inc.


April 1998
100% Equity


March 1999
100% Equity



Dois Marcos
October 1999
100% Equity

August 1997
50% Equit y



Nidera Semillas



February 1999
100% Equity

Sementes Ribeiral Ltda
Sementes Fartura Ltda
Mitla Pesquisa Agricola Ltda

December 1999
24% Equit y


Aventis CropScience

December 1999
76% Equit y

March 1998
50% Equit y

95% Equit y






15% Equit y




Protein Technologies


25% Equit y

Morgan Seeds

United Kingdom

March 1994
100% Equity

October 1990
100% Equity

October 1993
80% Equit y

September 1996
$34.6 M
100% Equity

Akin Seed Co.


Productos Agricolas Ltda


1997 55% Equit y

July 1994
85% Equit y


Pau Euralis

March 1998
50% Equit y


Callahan Seeds

June 1994
100% Equity


December 1997
$1.5 B 100% Equity

Mais Angevin

International, Inc./
LG Seeds

April 1998
$32 M
100% Equity

Holding SA

December 1996
$9.4 M 18.75%

March 1999
$15 M
25% Equit y



Plantec Biotechnologie
Great Lakes
Hybrids, Inc.

Illinois Foundation Seed, Inc. Equit y


July 1999
100% Equity

1993 80% Equit y

March 1999
16.4% Equit y

August 1997
50% Equit y

March 1999

12% Equit y

KWS Saat


Up to 25% Equit y

August 1996
75% Equit y- $550M


Aventis SA



Plant Genetic Systems
International (PGS)

E.I. DuPont de
Nemours & Co.

Optimum Quality
Grains, LLC


October 1998
$322 M 100% Equity



September 1998
100% Equity



February 1996
$72 M
100% Equity

Hibridos Colorado Ltda

FT Biogeneticsde Milho Ltda

United AgriseedsInc.


Large Scale Biology (BioSource)
Distribution of Miscanthus Species

N 55°

N 24°

S 9°

after Hodkinson & Renvoize et al. 2001
IGER’s hunt for Asian elephant grass


• Hybridisation Strategy
• 2n M. sinensis x 2n M.
sinensis from wide
geographical origins
• 4n M. sacchariflorus x
2n M. sinensis to
produce 3n M. x
giganteus types





Waxy & Starch Synthase – Tetra-ARMs

400 bp
300 bp

200 bp

100 bp

Negative Control

Riso 16

YMK + Tipple





Tipple x YMK F1

Tipple x YMK F1

Tipple x YMK F1

Tipple x YMK F1

Tipple x YMK F1

Tipple x YMK F1

•Tetra-ARMs PCR applied to both these genes.
•Example below is a gel of the waxy amplicons

external fragment
(PCR positive control)
wild type amplicon
mutant specific amplicon

Sources: Development Outreach,
October, 08;Coulombe & Wodon,
World Bank; Irish Hunger Report

• MDG 1 achieved
• Malnourished - 5.8m in
1993 to 2.7 m in 2003.
• Declines in %
underweight children
and mortality
• Strong agricultural
growth since 80s
• 25% increase due to
area expansion
• Maize yield up by 36%,
cassava by 50%
• New maize, yam, rice
and cassava varieties
• A pest resistant cassava.
• Strong growth in
smallholder cocoa &
• Market liberalisation
• New rural infrastructure
All this is threatened by
Climate Change
• Higher
• Greater & more
intense rainfall
• Greater droughts
• River bank erosion
• Rising sea levels
• More intense
• Salt water
The biosphere – nature’s solutions
Next steps ?
Analytical Technology
Transgenic Traits
Molecular Engineering
(Higher Sustainable Yields)

Germplasm Improvement

Breeding: major technology platform for
food, water & energy security

Winter Nurseries
Computer Technology
Plot Mechanisation
Quantitative Genetics
Pedigree Breeding

Open Pollinated Selection

New Opportunities for Agriculture

Plant Breeders use any
combination of these technologies
to develop enhanced products for
customers, and continue to
explore technologies to enhance
this process
Dr Tina Barsby

Plant Science into Practice

•Developing an industry-wide resource, showcasing new
technology and innovation in plant genetic development
for the agriculture and horticulture sectors, on themes of:

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B4FA 2012 Uganda: Genetics, plant breeding and agriculture - Tina Barsby

  • 1. Dr Tina Barsby Plant Science into Practice Genetics, Plant Breeding and Agriculture
  • 2. Dr Tina Barsby Plant Science into Practice NIAB, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, UK
  • 3. Agriculture: the most important event in human history
  • 4. Matthew 7:18-7:20 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
  • 5.
  • 6. Agriculture is at the Center of Many of Society’s Most Important Debates • Global food security •Enhanced productivity •Increased yield •Sustainable production • Water availability •Drought-tolerant crops • Biofuels •Yield technologies to help meet demand for both food and fuel • Global warming •CO2 footprint •Fertilizer use Exciting time for Agriculture & Plant Breeding
  • 7. Dr Tina Barsby Plant Science into Practice Meeting the challenges Food security: From “How to Feed the World in 2050” (FAO World Food Summit document, Nov 2009) • By 2050 the world’s population will reach 9.1 billion, 34 % higher than today • In order to feed this larger, more urban and richer population, food production (net of food used for biofuels) must increase by 70 % Environmental Challenges: (Climate Change 2007: Synthesis report, IPCC) • Climate change/agriculture’s global warming contribution - Agriculture and forestry account for 31% of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions • Declining resources: Water, nutrients, natural habitats, biodiversity - Agriculture is responsible for 70% of freshwater withdrawal (United Nations Environment Programme)
  • 8. Meeting the Demands of a Growing Global Market GROWING WORLD POPULATION (B) 9 RISING CEREAL DEMAND (MMT) 3000 8 2500 7 6 2000 5 1500 4 3 1000 2 500 1 1981 1999 2015 TRANSITION NATIONS • • • 2030 1981 DEVELOPED NATIONS 1999 2015 2030 DEVELOPING NATIONS World population continues to increase Per capita food consumption continues to rise Consumers continue to demand improved taste, convenience, and nutrition “To feed the eight billion people expected by 2025, the world will have to double food production…” CSIS - Seven Revolutions Source: FAO, WHO
  • 9. Scarcity Security The green revolution Set Aside Biofuels Food Prices Food Security 9 Subsidy and Surplus Set aside, CAP changes
  • 10. plant biodiversity sunlight science plants Agriculture, Land Use & Society Plants provide sustainable solutions ‘ultimate green & clean technology’
  • 11. a solar energy source for manufacturing sunlight yesterday today and tomorrow plant biomass fossil reserves oil...refineries CHEMICALS biorenewables bio...refineries MATERIALS FUELS
  • 12. Dr Tina Barsby Plant Science into Practice ‘Better seeds…better crops’ • Food crisis after WW1 • NIAB established by charitable donations for ‘the improvement of crops with higher genetic quality’ • Barriers to plant breeding, and to access for growers to improved varieties, were recognised barriers to enhanced food production
  • 13. Dr Tina Barsby Plant Science into Practice 1931 Farmers leaflet 1932 Farmers leaflet The First Farmers Leaflets
  • 14. Genetic Software & Hardware
  • 15. Feeding future populations means doubling the productivity of neglected but nutritious crops such as yams and green bananas
  • 16. • How’s my country doing? Is there an Agriculture strategy? – Availability – Affordability – Safety – Choice – Quality …
  • 17. Dr Tina Barsby Plant Science into Practice •DuPont Food security index (there are others) • Availability Affordability Safety and Quality
  • 19. Growth rates due to early years of the Green Revolution (1961-1980) 3.5 3 2.5 2 Other inputs Cultivars 1.5 1 0.5 0 Latin America Asia Middle East Africa
  • 20. Growth rates due to late years of the Green Revolution (1981-2000) 2.5 2 1.5 Other inputs Cultivars 1 0.5 0 -0.5 Latin America Asia Middle East Africa
  • 21.
  • 22. Wheat Genetic history: plant breeding. Dwarfing genes reduced the weight of straw, changing the distribution of resources and Dwarfing genes resulting in: allow increased: •Higher grain •Nitrogen fertiliser yields. levels. In addition, Which increased pleiotropic effects susceptibility to of the dwarfing disease. But plants gene include were protected by more developed: newly grains per ear. •Fungicide
  • 23. • • • • What do plant breeders do? How do they ‘introduce dwarfing genes’? Where do these new genes come from? Other questions?
  • 25. Participatory maize breeding in Africa • Prioritize most important stresses under farmers’ conditions • Manage trials on experiment station and evaluate large numbers of cultivars, • Select the best, and … • Involve farmers – Mother trials in center of farming community grown under best-bet input conditions – Farmer-representative input conditions – Farmer-managed baby trials • Partnership with extension, NGOs, rural schools, and farmer associations The Mother / Baby trial design Collaborative, on-farm evaluation of maize cultivars Performance under farmers’ conditions and farmers’ acceptance
  • 26. Holistic Research “No matter how excellent the research done in one scientific discipline is, its application in isolation will have little positive effect on crop production. What is needed are venturesome scientists who can work across disciplines to produce appropriate technologies and who have the courage to make their case with political leaders to bring these advances to fruition. ” Norman E. Borlaug
  • 27. •Father of the Green revolution: Norman Borlaug. •Where did he find the dwarf geneDiversity! Japanese accession..Gene Banks •How did he make possible to grow dwarf wheat in a variety of environments?
  • 28. Fundamental role of Diversity & Selection Reference: Michael Balter (2007) Seeking Agriculture’s Ancient Roots, Science 316, 1830-1835
  • 29. Crop Biodiversity The Seed Vault at Svalbard Global Crop Diversity Trust
  • 30. Sources of novel variation • • • • International germplasm Landrace, or traditional varieties Wild relatives Progenitor species
  • 31.
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  • 33.
  • 34. Maize has more molecular diversity than humans and apes combined 1.34% 0.09% 1.42% Silent Diversity (Zhao PNAS 2000; Tenallion et al, PNAS 2001)
  • 35. • Organisation and importance of Diversity • Selection is a powerful tool but need to understand & know what to select for.
  • 36. Courtesy Tobert Rocheford and Catherine Bermudez Kandianis Keith Weller Keith Weller Scott Bauer Doug Wilson
  • 37. ‘all life depends on sunlight and a green leaf’ biology is the science of the natural world & critical to the future of agriculture.
  • 38.
  • 39. Plant Breeding: Mining Diversity • • SHW back-crossing by CIMMYT Identified reduced group of 94 for back-crossing to Xi19 & Paragon by diversity analysis • Develop UK adapted synthetic backcross derived lines (SHW-D) approx. 6,000 lines • SHW back-crossing by NIAB Genotypic and phenotypic assessment of 440 CIMMYT primary SHW Assess agronomic characteristics of SHW-D including pest & disease resistance, yield components, drought tolerance and nitrogen use efficiency
  • 40. Paragon x SHW BC1F2 selections Delayed senescence Increased grain sites
  • 41. Drought in Africa between now and 2090 Red, Orange = More prone to drought Blue = Wetter and less prone to drought Hadley Centre, Met Office, UK
  • 42. Evaluation of drought tolerance High spike photosynthesis Stem reserves High preanthesis biomass Cellular traits: osmotic adjustment, heat tolerance, etc. Leaf traits: wax, rolling, thickness, etc. Early ground cover Long coleoptile Large seed Water relations: stomatal conductance, etc.
  • 43. Drought assessment at CIMMYT Mexico Drought trials at Obregon, N. Mexico Tractor-mounted Giddings soil corer
  • 44. Conventional pedigree selection Reproduced from Koebner & Summers 2003
  • 45. Marker- Aided Selection • Locating and tagging the genes • Genes??
  • 46. Genes (Every organism carries inside itself what are known as genes) • DNA is divided into sections called genes. • Each gene codes for a protein • Each protein has a function
  • 47. DNA - the code for life • The DNA code consists of just 4 building blocks: – A, C, T and G. A C T G ...GCCTTACG… ....ACTGCCTGGAAC…. ….TGACGGACCTTG…. Source: Microsoft Encarta • Whether we are bacteria, fungi earthworms, mushrooms or humans our DNA has the same building blocks, just in a different order. Source: Microsoft Encarta
  • 49. • A new characteristic is the result of a gene mutation • Genes can be amplified and ‘seen’ as molecular markers. • Breeders are choosing genes or combinations of genes which give the characters the farmer needs
  • 50.
  • 51. Vavilov 1887-1943 •Soviet botanist & geneticist •Discovered and identified centres of origin of cultivated plants •Criticised the nonMendelian concepts of Lysenko •Arrested in 1940, died of malnutrition in prison in 1943.
  • 52. Many plant species have been domesticated around the world All of the principal crops we rely on today come from domesticated species
  • 53. Domestication: the first plant breeders The practice of artificial selection has been practiced by farmers for thousands of years and has transformed wild plants into the crops we depend on today through this process of domestication
  • 54. Crop origins and diversification: multiple births Science 316, 1830-1835 ESEB Congress, Uppsala, Sweden, August 2007
  • 55. Domestication traits: traits that distinguish seed & fruit crops from their progenitors
  • 56. Little overlap between centres of origin & today’s productive agriculture. Nature Vol 418, 700-707 ESEB Congress, Uppsala, Sweden, August 2007
  • 57. • Genetics: the science underlying plant breeding.
  • 58. Heredity •Heredity is the passing of traits to offspring (from its parent or ancestors). Offspring resemble their parents more than they resemble unrelated individuals (why is this so?)
  • 59. Charles Darwin Evolution is driven by natural selection
  • 60. Darwin’s mentor Great Teachers often feature in the development of Great People!
  • 61. Dr Tina Barsby Plant Science into Practice •Agriculture depends on plant breeding, choosing the best, crossing the best with the best and hoping for the best… •With a little guidance from genetics! •And the blessing of good soil and rainfall.
  • 63.
  • 64. F1 Hybrids ESEB Congress, Uppsala, Sweden, August 2007
  • 65. USA: Historic Maize Yields 6 5 Yield (tonnes/ha) 4 3 2 1 0 1875 To put your footer here go to View > Header and Footer 1925 1975 65
  • 66. Hybrid vrs Open pollinated maize On the left, a local landrace variety On the right a new, hybrid maize variety developed by CIMMYT with PASS funding.
  • 67. Concepts of Hybrid Production - Hybrid Vigour (Heterosis) Hybrid Vigour is the superiority of progeny (offspring) (F1) over the mean of its two parents (P) heterozygous heterosis inbreeding depression homozygous selfing
  • 68. History of Hybrids in Sorghum 5000 United States 4500 3500 3000 2500 2000 Inbred Varieties 1500 Hybrid Cultivars 1000 500 Year 1997 1993 1989 1985 1981 1977 1973 1969 1965 1961 1957 1953 1949 1945 1941 1937 1933 0 1929 Yield (kg/ha) 4000
  • 69. Hybrid Seed Production – Getting the cross • Hybrids are produced by hand emasculation in corn. • In wheat, chemicals are used to sterilize the pollen. • Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is used for hybrid seed production in sorghum and pearl millet.
  • 70. Training of Seed Growers in Hybrid Production Crossing A and B lines Heat sterilization of pollen using polythene bag Identifying the different parts of the sorghum plant
  • 71.
  • 72. Gregor Johann Mendel, (b. 22 July 1822; d. 6 January 1884) Moravia, Austro-Hungarian Empire Brno (Czech Rep.) Experimemts, 1856-1870 Originator of the concept of the gene (autosomal inheritance) Birthplace of Modern Genetic Analysis Augustinian monastry garden, St. Thomas, Brünn, Austria
  • 73. Mendel’s Laws • Law of equal segregation (First Law) The two members of a gene pair segregate from each other into the gametes; so that half the gametes carry one member of the pair and the other half of the gametes carry the other member of the pair. • Law of Independent Assortment (Second Law) - different gene pairs assort independently during gamete formation
  • 74. Reasons for choosing to study garden pea • Can be grown in a small area • Produce lots of offspring • Easily identifiable traits • Can be artificially crosspollinated
  • 75. A pea flower with the keel cut and opened to expose the reproductive parts
  • 77. Genes (The genes are codes or messages. They carry information. The information they carry is used to tell the organism what chemicals it needs to make in order to survive, grow or reproduce ) • Genes make us who we are • We receive our genes from our parents • The same is true for all animals, plants and microbes
  • 78. The seven character differences studied by Mendel
  • 79. purple-flowered (f) x white flowered (m)
  • 80. Summary and conclusions of Mendel’s experiments •After crossing pure parental strains, the F1 produced 100% of one character. •After self-pollinating the F1, both characters showed up in a 3:1 ratio. •Because the same types of ratio kept coming up, Mendel believed that there must be some mathematical formula or explanation for the observed data •The first assumption made by Mendel was that there must be a ”pair of factors” that controls the trait in pea plant. This “pair of factors” idea helped him formulate his principles
  • 82.
  • 83. Mendel’s Laws • Law of equal segregation (First Law) The two members of a gene pair segregate from each other into the gametes; so that half the gametes carry one member of the pair and the other half of the gametes carry the other member of the pair. • Law of Independent Assortment (Second Law) different gene pairs assort independently during gamete formation
  • 85.
  • 86. Serendipity: Natural Hybridisation  Many modern crop species are the result of ancient (or recent) hybridisation events. Oilseed Rape Cotton Wheat Maize
  • 87. Wheat a classic allo-hexaploid Science Vol 316, 1862-1866 ESEB Congress, Uppsala, Sweden, August 2007
  • 88.
  • 89. The New Rice for Africa Monty Jones 2004
  • 90. Selective breeding is a powerful tool ESEB Congress, Uppsala, Sweden, August 2007
  • 91. ‘Doubly Green Revolution’ Sir Gordon Conway • The aim •repeat the success of the Green Revolution •on a global scale to include Africa •in many diverse localities • and be •equitable •sustainable •and environmentally friendly
  • 92. Daily calorie intake in developing world Rice 45% Wheat 29% Maize 11% Cassava 3% Sorghum 2% Potato 2% Sweet potato 2% Millet 2% Soybean 2% Bean 1%
  • 93. t/ha US maize yields still rising – why? 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 -1.0 Source: Defra & USDA 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 1988 -0.5 1986 0.0
  • 94. “The Three Pillars of Yield” BREEDING AGRONOMICS BIOTECHNOLOGY Strategically breed plants to create new, more robust seeds that perform better – and longer – in the field. Use precision ag, planting density, plant health protection, and conservation tillage to make acres more productive. Supplement breeding advancements by adding special beneficial genes to the plant. ALL THREE ARE CRITICAL IN DELIVERING YIELD TODAY – AND TOMORROW
  • 95. The Importance of Genetics Products Germplasm Development Traditional & Molecular Breeding Genetics Genetic diversity Analytical Screens Biochemistry Variety Development Yield Trials Product Testing Molecular Genetics Market Identification by Trait, Crop, species Transgenic Plant Development Cell Culture Molecular Biology Genetics Gene Discovery Plant Biology Genomics • 24 ABI 377 Automated sequencers • 20,000 Lane per week capacity
  • 97. The Life sciences revolution Unlocking the genetic potential of the biosphere Exciting time Molecular biology Computer science Plant Breeding Mathematics Sustainable food production
  • 99. Democratisation of genomics Roche 454: Metagenomics, amplicon sequencing, BAC sequencing Illumina: HiScanSQ for genomes, transcriptomes or GBS / MiSeq for amplicons, small genomes, focused GBS and pilot experiments Ion Torrent: PGM for metagenomics, small genomes, BACS / Proton (due Sep ‘12!) for genomes, transcriptomes
  • 100. Genes provide the foundation of new products for farmers Genes Protein yield? tolerance to drought? flowering time? Trait biomass utility? improved agronomy? tolerance to cold? Product
  • 101. In Era of Gene-Based Breeding, Amount of Data Explodes, Accelerating Ability to Realize Step-Change Improvements Traits GENOMES/YEAR Genome for every yield plot Reference genomes for each crop •Heterosis •Phenotypic & metabolic plasticity •Perenniality Genomes targeted for specific traits (disease) •Evolution breeding systems •Ecological competitive ability •Intra & intergenotypic Competition PREDICTION POWER ACCELERATING • Gene prediction knowledge will grow exponentially • Unlocks the opportunity for gene-based breeding •Nutrient mobilisation Crop & Root ideotypes Water utilisation
  • 102. Pau Euralis Ag Chem & Seed Industry May 2000 July 1996 100% Equity August 1996 100% Equity Interstate Payco Payco Interstate GarstSeed Co. Seed Garst Mendel Biotech AstraZeneca PLC The Netherlands August 1996 100% Equity June 1997 $78 M 100% Equit y United Kingdom Mogen International NV Paradigm Genetics ExSeedGenetics LLC December 1997 July 1998 $1.4 Best ( ) April 1996 $30 M 50% Equity November 1996 $50 M 5% Equit y May 1997 $242 M 45% Equit y Total cost $322 Million Plant Breeding International Cambridge, . Ltd. Ltd July 1998 $525 M 100% Equity Monsanto/ Pharmacia United Kingdom June 1998 First Line Seeds, . Ltd. Ltd Canada Novartis AG November 1998 50% Equit y August 1998 100% Equity Agritrading Italy (Syngenta AG) Wilson Seeds, Inc. 1998 100% Equity July 1999 100% Equity December 1998 40% Equit y Brazil Asgrow Seed Company LLC DeKalb Genetics Corporation France July 1997 Affymetrix CuraGen Koipesol /Agrosem /Agra Spain November 1996 $240 M 100% Equity Custom Farm Seed July 1999 20% Equit y U.S. Cooperative System: Croplan Genetics, FFR, March 1996 $1.2 B 40% Equit y May 1998 $2.5 B 100% Equity Total cost $3.7 Billion Jacob Hartz Seed Co., Inc. Monsoy France July 1999 80% Equit y Switzerland November 1997 JV wit h FT Sementes Corn States Hybrid Service, Inc. Sarl. Corn States International . Sarl Eridania Beghin -Say Land O’ Lakes November 1998 50% Equit y January 1997 $1.02 B 100% Equit y Holden’s Foundation Seeds April 1998 100% Equity Sturdy Grow Hybrids, Inc. 1983 100% Equity Cereon Syngenta AG Diversa Corp. GrowMark , etc. May 1998 $100 M 50% Equit y Joint Venture Cargill’s International Seed Division $150 M 100% Equity April 1996 Calgene, , Calgene Inc. 20% Equit y The Netherlands France Zimmerman Hybrids, Inc. May 1998 $100 M 50% Equit y Joint Venture Other Companies Advanta BV Advanta BV Cargill Inc. , Renessen Agracetus Inc. , Cooperatives August 1996 50% Equit y August 1996 HybriTechSeed HybriTechSeed Int’l., Inc. 100% Equity 1982 November 1997 $150 M 100% Equity Joint Ventures 50% RoyalVanderHave Equit y The Netherlands France Brazil Seed Companies The Netherlands 100% Equity Cargill Hybrid Seeds North America HybriTech Europe SA February 1996 90% Equit y SA Sementes Agroceres Life Science Companies Cooperatie CosunUA UA France February 1996 10% Equit y AgriPro Seed Wheat Division Italy Maisadour Semences SA OGS Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. Maxygen April 1998 100% Equity BASF March 1999 100% Equity HybrinovaSA HybrinovaSA Lynx Dois Marcos October 1999 100% Equity August 1997 50% Equit y Brazil Lexicon Incyte Nidera Semillas ScheringAG India February 1999 100% Equity Sementes Ribeiral Ltda . Sementes Fartura Ltda Mitla Pesquisa Agricola Ltda Brazil December 1999 24% Equit y Germany Aventis CropScience December 1999 76% Equit y March 1998 50% Equit y 1996 95% Equit y Germany Canada Agritope/Agrinomics RhoBio France Diversa 15% Equit y Canada France France Protein Technologies Brazil 1997 25% Equit y Morgan Seeds Argentina Nickerson Seeds United Kingdom March 1994 100% Equity 99% Equity France October 1990 100% Equity October 1993 80% Equit y September 1996 $34.6 M 100% Equity Akin Seed Co. Groupe Limagrain Dinamilho Carol Productos Agricolas Ltda International 1997 55% Equit y July 1994 85% Equit y KingAgroInc. Pau Euralis March 1998 50% Equit y Biogemma Callahan Seeds June 1994 100% Equity Lynx December 1997 $1.5 B 100% Equity Mais Angevin France Biotechnica International, Inc./ LG Seeds April 1998 $32 M 100% Equity Verneuil Holding SA France December 1996 $9.4 M 18.75% Equity March 1999 $15 M 25% Equit y France France Plantec Biotechnologie Great Lakes Hybrids, Inc. 83.6% Illinois Foundation Seed, Inc. Equit y AgrEvo July 1999 100% Equity 1993 80% Equit y Advanced AgriTraits March 1999 16.4% Equit y August 1997 50% Equit y March 1999 12% Equit y KWS Saat Exelixis Pending Up to 25% Equit y August 1996 75% Equit y- $550M ProagroGroup Aventis SA Argentina Germany Plant Genetic Systems International (PGS) E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. Optimum Quality Grains, LLC Dow Agrosciences October 1998 $322 M 100% Equity Diversa Diversa) Mycogen Corporation September 1998 100% Equity Paradigm Incyte LION Exelixis Bayer February 1996 $72 M 100% Equity Hibridos Colorado Ltda deMilho FT Biogeneticsde Milho Ltda United AgriseedsInc. , Brazil Large Scale Biology (BioSource)
  • 103.
  • 104.
  • 105. Distribution of Miscanthus Species N 55° N 24° S 9° after Hodkinson & Renvoize et al. 2001
  • 106. IGER’s hunt for Asian elephant grass China Taiwan Japan
  • 107. Crossing • Hybridisation Strategy • 2n M. sinensis x 2n M. sinensis from wide geographical origins • 4n M. sacchariflorus x 2n M. sinensis to produce 3n M. x giganteus types
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  • 114. Waxy & Starch Synthase – Tetra-ARMs 400 bp 300 bp 200 bp 100 bp Negative Control Riso 16 YMK + Tipple YMK Tipple Tipple Tipple Tipple x YMK F1 Tipple x YMK F1 Tipple x YMK F1 Tipple x YMK F1 Tipple x YMK F1 Tipple x YMK F1 •Tetra-ARMs PCR applied to both these genes. •Example below is a gel of the waxy amplicons external fragment (PCR positive control) wild type amplicon mutant specific amplicon
  • 115.
  • 116. Ghana’s Success Story Sources: Development Outreach, October, 08;Coulombe & Wodon, World Bank; Irish Hunger Report • MDG 1 achieved • Malnourished - 5.8m in 1993 to 2.7 m in 2003. • Declines in % underweight children and mortality • Strong agricultural growth since 80s • 25% increase due to area expansion • Maize yield up by 36%, cassava by 50% • New maize, yam, rice and cassava varieties • A pest resistant cassava. • Strong growth in smallholder cocoa & pineapples • Market liberalisation • New rural infrastructure
  • 117. All this is threatened by Climate Change • Higher temperatures • Greater & more intense rainfall • Greater droughts • River bank erosion • Rising sea levels • More intense cyclones • Salt water incursions
  • 118. The biosphere – nature’s solutions
  • 119. Next steps ? Proteomics Genomics Analytical Technology Transgenic Traits Molecular Engineering (Higher Sustainable Yields) Germplasm Improvement Breeding: major technology platform for food, water & energy security Winter Nurseries Computer Technology Plot Mechanisation Quantitative Genetics Statistics Pedigree Breeding Hybridisation Open Pollinated Selection Time New Opportunities for Agriculture Plant Breeders use any combination of these technologies to develop enhanced products for customers, and continue to explore technologies to enhance this process
  • 120. Dr Tina Barsby Plant Science into Practice •Developing an industry-wide resource, showcasing new technology and innovation in plant genetic development for the agriculture and horticulture sectors, on themes of: