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From Query Plan to Query
Supercharging your Spark Queries using the Spark UI
Max Thone - Resident Solutions Architect
Stefan van Wouw - Sr. Resident Solutions Architect
Introduction to Spark SQL Tab
The Most Common Components
of the Query Plan
Supercharge your spark queries
Introduction to Spark SQL Tab
Why should you know about the SQL Tab?
▪ Shows how the Spark query is executed
▪ Can be used to reason about query execution time.
What is a Query Plan?
▪ A Spark SQL/Dataframe/Dataset query goes through Spark Catalyst Optimizer before
being executed by the JVM
▪ With “Query plan” we mean the “Selected Physical Plan”, it is the output of Catalyst
Catalyst Optimizer
From the Databricks glossary (
Spark Job
Spark Job
Spark Job
Hierarchy: From Spark Dataframe to Spark task
One “dataframe action” can spawn multiple queries, which can spawn multiple jobs
A simple example (1)
# dfSalesSample is some cached dataframe
dfItemSales = (dfSalesSample
.filter(f.col("item_id") >= 600000)
# Trigger the query
(1) dataframe “action”
(2) Query (physical plan)
(3) Job
(4) Two Stages
(5) Nine tasks
A simple example (2)
# dfSalesSample is some cached dataframe
dfItemSales = (dfSalesSample
.filter(f.col("item_id") >= 600000)
# Trigger the query
== Physical Plan ==
OverwriteByExpression org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.noop.NoopTable$@dc93aa9, [AlwaysTrue()], org.apache.spark.sql.util.CaseInsensitiveStringMap@1f
+- *(2) HashAggregate(keys=[item_id#232L], functions=[finalmerge_sum(merge sum#1247L) AS sum(cast(sales#233 as bigint))#1210L], output=[item_id#232L, itemSales#1211L])
+- Exchange hashpartitioning(item_id#232L, 8), true, [id=#1268]
+- *(1) HashAggregate(keys=[item_id#232L], functions=[partial_sum(cast(sales#233 as bigint)) AS sum#1247L], output=[item_id#232L, sum#1247L])
+- *(1) Filter (isnotnull(item_id#232L) AND (item_id#232L >= 600000))
+- InMemoryTableScan [item_id#232L, sales#233], [isnotnull(item_id#232L), (item_id#232L >= 600000)]
A simple example (3)
== Physical Plan ==
OverwriteByExpression org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.noop.NoopTable$@dc93aa9, [AlwaysTrue()], org.apache.spark.sql.util.CaseInsensitiveStringMap@1f
+- *(2) HashAggregate(keys=[item_id#232L], functions=[finalmerge_sum(merge sum#1247L) AS sum(cast(sales#233 as bigint))#1210L], output=[item_id#232L, itemSales#1211L])
+- Exchange hashpartitioning(item_id#232L, 8), true, [id=#1268]
+- *(1) HashAggregate(keys=[item_id#232L], functions=[partial_sum(cast(sales#233 as bigint)) AS sum#1247L], output=[item_id#232L, sum#1247L])
+- *(1) Filter (isnotnull(item_id#232L) AND (item_id#232L >= 600000))
+- InMemoryTableScan [item_id#232L, sales#233], [isnotnull(item_id#232L), (item_id#232L >= 600000)]
▪ What more possible operators exist in Physical plan?
▪ How should we interpret the “details” in the SQL plan?
▪ How can we use above knowledge to optimise our Query?
An Overview of Common Components of the
Physical Plan
The physical plan under the hood
What is the physical plan represented by in the Spark Code?
▪ The physical plan is represented by SparkPlan class
▪ SparkPlan is a recursive data structure:
▪ It represents a physical operator in the physical plan, AND the whole plan itself (1)
▪ SparkPlan is the base class, or “blueprint” for these physical operators
▪ These physical operators are “chained” together
(1) From Jacek Laskowski’s Mastering Spark SQL (
Physical operators of SparkPlan
Extending SparkPlan
Query Input
Query Input
Physical operators of SparkPlan
Extending SparkPlan (152 subclasses)
Query Input
Query Input
▪ LeafExecNode (27 subclasses)
▪ All file sources, cache read, construction of dataframes from RDDs, range
generator, and reused exchanges & subqueries.
▪ BinaryExecNode (8 subclasses)
▪ Operations with 2 dataframes as input (joins, unions, etc.)
▪ UnaryExecNode (82 subclasses)
▪ Operations with one dataframe as input. E.g. sort, aggregates, exchanges,
filters, projects, limits
▪ Other (32 traits/abstract/misc classes)
The Most Common Components of the Physical
▪ Common Narrow Transformations
▪ Distribution Requirements
▪ Common Wide Transformations
▪ Aggregates
▪ Joins
▪ Ordering Requirements (Sort)
▪ Adaptive Query Execution
▪ Streaming
▪ Datasource V2 specifics
▪ Command specifics (Hive metastore
▪ Dataset API specifics
▪ Caching / Reuse
▪ UDFs
Parts we will NOT cover.Parts we will cover.
Let’s start with the basics: Read/Write
Row-based Scan CSV and Write to Delta Lake
No dataframe transformations apart from read/write
.option("header", True)
Columnar Scan Delta Lake and Write to Delta Lake
High level
Parquet is Columnar, while Spark is
Anything in this box
supports codegen
Columnar Scan Delta Lake and Write to Delta Lake
Statistics on Columnar Parquet Scan
Columnar Scan Delta Lake and Write to Delta Lake
Statistics on WSCG + ColumnarToRow
Common Narrow Transformations
Common Narrow Transformations
Filter / Project
.filter(col("item_id") < 1000)
.withColumn("doubled_item_id", col("item_id")*2)
Filter → Filter
withColumn/select → Project
Common Narrow Transformations
Range / Sample / Union / Coalesce
df1 = spark.range(1000000)
df2 = spark.range(1000000)
spark.range → Range
sample → Sample
union → Union
coalesce → Coalesce
Special Case! Local Sorting
sortWithinPartitions / partitionBy → Sort
Result of
Partition X
33 33 33
Partition Y
34 4 4
66 8 8
4 34 34
8 66 66
Special Case! Global Sorting
Result of
Result of
Partition X New
Partition X
8 4 4
33 4 8 8
Partition Y New
Partition Y
66 66 33 33
4 33 34 34
8 34 66 66
orderBy → Sort (global=True)
Wide Transformations
What are wide transformations?
▪ Transformations for which re-distribution of data is required
▪ e.g: joins, global sorting, and aggregations
▪ These above requirements are captured through “distribution”
Distribution requirements
Each node in the physical plan can specify how it expects data to be distributed over the Spark cluster
Operator (e.g.
requiredChildDistribution (Default: UnspecifiedDistribution)
outputPartitioning (Default: UnknownPartitioning)
Required Distribution Satisfied by (roughly)
this Partitioning of
Example operator
All Scan
AllTuples All with 1 partition only Flatmap in Pandas
OrderedDistribution RangePartitioning Sort (global)
HashPartitioning HashAggregate /
BroadcastDistribution BroadcastPartitioning BroadcastHashJoin
Distribution requirements
Example for Local Sort (global=False)
requiredChildDistribution =
outputPartitioning = retain
Ensure the requirements Sort
outputPartitioning = retain
Distribution requirements
Example for Global Sort (global=True)
outputPartitioning =
requiredChildDistribution =
OrderedDistribution (ASC/DESC)
outputPartitioning = retain
Ensure the requirements
Shuffle Exchange
What are the metrics in the Shuffle exchange?
Size of shuffle bytes written
Size of serialised data read from
“local” executor
Serialised size of data read from
“remote” executors
When is it used? Before any operation that requires the same keys on same partitions (e.g. groupBy +
aggregation, and for joins (sortMergeJoin)
Broadcast Exchange
Only output rows are a metric with
Size of broadcasted data (in memory)
# of rows in broadcasted data
time to build the broadcast table
time to build the broadcast table
time to collect all the data
When is it used? Before any operation in which copying the same data to all nodes is required. Usually:
BroadcastHashJoin, BroadcastNestedLoopJoin
Zooming in on Aggregates
groupBy/agg → HashAggregate
Distribution requirement Input (item_id,
Result of
Result of
HashAggregate 2
Partition X New Partition X
(A, 10) (A,10) (A, 13)
(B, 5) (A,3)
Partition Y New Partition Y
(A, 3) (B,1) (B, 9)
(B, 1) (B, 1)
(B, 1) (B, 1)
(B, 2) (B, 2)
Aggregate implementations
HashAggregateExec (Dataframe API)
- Based on HashTable structure.
- Supports codegen
- When hitting memory limits, spill to disk and start new
- Merge all HashTables using sort based aggregation
ObjectHashAggregateExec (Dataset API)
- Same as HashAggregateExec, but for JVM objects
- Does not support codegen
- Immediately falls back to sort based aggregation
method when hitting memory limits
- sort based aggregation
Aggregates Metrics
Only in case of fallback to sorting (too many distinct
keys to keep in memory)
Partial Aggregation
Extra HashAggregate
Input (item_id,
Result of
HashAggregate 1
Result of
Result of
HashAggregate 2
Partition X New Partition X
(A, 10) (A, 10) (A,10) (A, 13)
(B, 5) (B, 5) (A,3)
Partition Y New Partition Y
(A, 3) (A, 3) (B,5) (B, 9)
(B, 1) (B, 4) (B, 4)
(B, 1)
(B, 2)
Zooming in on Joins
# Basic aggregation + join
dfJoin = dfSalesSample.join(dfItemDim, "item_id")
Example “standard join” example (sort merge join)
▪ What kind of join algorithms exist?
▪ How does Spark choose what join algorithm to use?
▪ Where are the sorts and filters coming from?
▪ (We already know Exchanges come from
Join Implementations & Requirements
Different joins have different complexities
Join Type Required Child Distribution Required
Description Complexity
BroadcastHashJoinExec One Side:
Other: UnspecifiedDistribution
None Performs local hash join between
broadcast side and other side.
SortMergeJoinExec Both Sides:
Both Sides:
Ordered (asc)
by join keys
Compare keys of sorted data
sets and merges if match.
BroadcastNestedLoopJoinExec One Side:
Other: UnspecifiedDistribution
None For each row of [Left/Right]
dataset, compare all rows of
[Left/Right] data set.
O(n * m), small
CartesianProductExec None None Cartesian product/”cross join” +
O(n* m), bigger
Join Strategy
How does Catalyst choose what
One side small
One side small
inner join?
BroadcastNestedLoopJoinExec CartesianProductExec
Danger Zone (OOM)
Yes Yes
No No
Ordering requirements
Example for SortMergeJoinExec
, Inner)
outputOrdering =
[,] ASC
Sort ([],
, Inner)
requiredChildOrdering =
[,] (ASC)
outputOrdering = depends on
join type
Ensure the requirements
Sort ([],
Revisiting our join
# Basic aggregation + join
dfJoin = dfSalesSample.join(dfItemDim, "item_id")
Example “standard join” example (sort merge join)
equi-join? Yes
Broadcastable? No
RequiredChildDistribution -> Shuffle Exchange
RequiredChildOrdering-> Sort
} sortMergeJoin
Inner join -> Add isNotNull filter to join keys
(Logical plan, not physical plan step)
Supercharge your Spark Queries
Scenario 1: Filter + Union anti-pattern
E.g. apply different logic based on a category the data belongs to.
final_df = functools.reduce(DataFrame.union,
logic_cat_0(df.filter(F.col("category") == 0)),
logic_cat_1(df.filter(F.col("category") == 1)),
logic_cat_2(df.filter(F.col("category") == 2)),
logic_cat_3(df.filter(F.col("category") == 3))
def logic_cat_0(df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
return df.withColumn("output", F.col("sales") * 2)
Scenario 1: Filter + Union anti-pattern FIXED
Rewrite code with CASE WHEN :)
final_df = (
.filter((F.col("category") >= 0) & (F.col("category") <= 3))
F.when(F.col("category") == 0, logic_cat_0())
.when(F.col("category") == 1, logic_cat_1())
.when(F.col("category") == 2, logic_cat_2())
def logic_cat_0() -> Column:
return F.col("sales") * 2
One read!
Scenario 2: Partial Aggregations
Partial aggregations do not help with high-cardinality grouping keys
transaction_dim = 100000000 # 100 million transactions
item_dim = 90000000 # 90 million itemIDs
Query duration: 23 seconds
This doesn’t help!
Scenario 2: Partial Aggregations FIXED
Partial aggregations do not help with high-cardinality grouping keys
transaction_dim = 100000000 # 100 million transactions
item_dim = 90000000 # 90 million itemIDs
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.aggregate.partialaggregate.skip.enabled", True)
Query duration: 18 seconds (22% reduction)
PR for enabling partial aggregation skipping
Scenario 3: Join Strategy
ship_ports = dfPorts.alias("p").join(
(col("") >= col("p.min_lat")) &
(col("") <= col("p.max_lat")) &
(col("s.lon") >= col("p.min_lon")) &
(col("s.lon") <= col("p.max_lon")))
Query duration: 3.5 minutes
Compare coordinates to check if a ship is in a port
Scenario 3: Join Strategy FIXED
Use a geohash to convert to equi-join
ship_ports = dfPorts.alias("p").join(
(col("") >= col("p.min_lat")) &
(col("") <= col("p.max_lat")) &
(col("s.lon") >= col("p.min_lon")) &
(col("s.lon") <= col("p.max_lon")) &
(substring(col("s.geohash"),1,2) == substring(col("p.geohash"),1,2)))
Query duration: 6 seconds
In Summary
What we covered
The SQL Tab provides insights into how the Spark query is executed
We can use the SQL Tab to reason about query execution time.
We can answer important questions:
What part of my Spark query takes the most time?
Is my Spark query choosing the most efficient Spark operators for the task?
Want to practice / know more?
Mentally visualize what a physical plan might look like for a spark query, and then check the SQL tab if you are correct.
Check out the source code of SparkPlan
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and review the sessions.

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From Query Plan to Query Performance: Supercharging your Apache Spark Queries using the Spark UI SQL Tab

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  • 2. Agenda Introduction to Spark SQL Tab The Most Common Components of the Query Plan Supercharge your spark queries
  • 4. Why should you know about the SQL Tab? ▪ Shows how the Spark query is executed ▪ Can be used to reason about query execution time.
  • 5. What is a Query Plan? ▪ A Spark SQL/Dataframe/Dataset query goes through Spark Catalyst Optimizer before being executed by the JVM ▪ With “Query plan” we mean the “Selected Physical Plan”, it is the output of Catalyst Catalyst Optimizer From the Databricks glossary (
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  • 7. A simple example (1) # dfSalesSample is some cached dataframe dfItemSales = (dfSalesSample .filter(f.col("item_id") >= 600000) .groupBy("item_id") .agg(f.sum(f.col("sales")).alias("itemSales"))) # Trigger the query dfItemSales.write.format("noop").mode("overwrite").save() (1) dataframe “action” (2) Query (physical plan) (3) Job (4) Two Stages (5) Nine tasks
  • 8. A simple example (2) # dfSalesSample is some cached dataframe dfItemSales = (dfSalesSample .filter(f.col("item_id") >= 600000) .groupBy("item_id") .agg(f.sum(f.col("sales")).alias("itemSales"))) # Trigger the query dfItemSales.write.format("noop").mode("overwrite").save() == Physical Plan == OverwriteByExpression org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.noop.NoopTable$@dc93aa9, [AlwaysTrue()], org.apache.spark.sql.util.CaseInsensitiveStringMap@1f +- *(2) HashAggregate(keys=[item_id#232L], functions=[finalmerge_sum(merge sum#1247L) AS sum(cast(sales#233 as bigint))#1210L], output=[item_id#232L, itemSales#1211L]) +- Exchange hashpartitioning(item_id#232L, 8), true, [id=#1268] +- *(1) HashAggregate(keys=[item_id#232L], functions=[partial_sum(cast(sales#233 as bigint)) AS sum#1247L], output=[item_id#232L, sum#1247L]) +- *(1) Filter (isnotnull(item_id#232L) AND (item_id#232L >= 600000)) +- InMemoryTableScan [item_id#232L, sales#233], [isnotnull(item_id#232L), (item_id#232L >= 600000)]
  • 9. A simple example (3) == Physical Plan == OverwriteByExpression org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.noop.NoopTable$@dc93aa9, [AlwaysTrue()], org.apache.spark.sql.util.CaseInsensitiveStringMap@1f +- *(2) HashAggregate(keys=[item_id#232L], functions=[finalmerge_sum(merge sum#1247L) AS sum(cast(sales#233 as bigint))#1210L], output=[item_id#232L, itemSales#1211L]) +- Exchange hashpartitioning(item_id#232L, 8), true, [id=#1268] +- *(1) HashAggregate(keys=[item_id#232L], functions=[partial_sum(cast(sales#233 as bigint)) AS sum#1247L], output=[item_id#232L, sum#1247L]) +- *(1) Filter (isnotnull(item_id#232L) AND (item_id#232L >= 600000)) +- InMemoryTableScan [item_id#232L, sales#233], [isnotnull(item_id#232L), (item_id#232L >= 600000)] ▪ What more possible operators exist in Physical plan? ▪ How should we interpret the “details” in the SQL plan? ▪ How can we use above knowledge to optimise our Query?
  • 10. An Overview of Common Components of the Physical Plan
  • 11. The physical plan under the hood What is the physical plan represented by in the Spark Code? ▪ The physical plan is represented by SparkPlan class ▪ SparkPlan is a recursive data structure: ▪ It represents a physical operator in the physical plan, AND the whole plan itself (1) ▪ SparkPlan is the base class, or “blueprint” for these physical operators ▪ These physical operators are “chained” together (1) From Jacek Laskowski’s Mastering Spark SQL (
  • 12. Physical operators of SparkPlan Extending SparkPlan Query Input (LeafExecNode) Output (UnaryExecNode) Binary Transformation (BinaryExecNode) Query Input (LeafExecNode) Unary Transformation (UnaryExecNode)
  • 13. Physical operators of SparkPlan Extending SparkPlan (152 subclasses) Query Input (LeafExecNode) Output (UnaryExecNode) Binary Transformation (BinaryExecNode) Query Input (LeafExecNode) Unary Transformation (UnaryExecNode) ▪ LeafExecNode (27 subclasses) ▪ All file sources, cache read, construction of dataframes from RDDs, range generator, and reused exchanges & subqueries. ▪ BinaryExecNode (8 subclasses) ▪ Operations with 2 dataframes as input (joins, unions, etc.) ▪ UnaryExecNode (82 subclasses) ▪ Operations with one dataframe as input. E.g. sort, aggregates, exchanges, filters, projects, limits ▪ Other (32 traits/abstract/misc classes)
  • 14. The Most Common Components of the Physical Plan ▪ Common Narrow Transformations ▪ Distribution Requirements (Exchange) ▪ Common Wide Transformations ▪ Aggregates ▪ Joins ▪ Ordering Requirements (Sort) ▪ Adaptive Query Execution ▪ Streaming ▪ Datasource V2 specifics ▪ Command specifics (Hive metastore related) ▪ Dataset API specifics ▪ Caching / Reuse ▪ UDFs Parts we will NOT cover.Parts we will cover.
  • 15. Let’s start with the basics: Read/Write
  • 16. Row-based Scan CSV and Write to Delta Lake No dataframe transformations apart from read/write spark .read .format("csv") .option("header", True) .load("/databricks-datasets/airlines") .write .format("delta") .save("/tmp/airlines_delta") Q1 Q2 1 2 3 4
  • 17. Columnar Scan Delta Lake and Write to Delta Lake High level spark .read .format("delta") .load("...path...") .write .format("delta") .save("/tmp/..._delta") Q1 Q2 Parquet is Columnar, while Spark is row-based Anything in this box supports codegen
  • 18. Columnar Scan Delta Lake and Write to Delta Lake Statistics on Columnar Parquet Scan spark .read .format("delta") .load("...path...") .write .format("delta") .save("/tmp/..._delta") Q2 1
  • 19. Columnar Scan Delta Lake and Write to Delta Lake Statistics on WSCG + ColumnarToRow spark .read .format("delta") .load("...path...") .write .format("delta") .save("/tmp/..._delta") Q2 1 2 3
  • 21. Common Narrow Transformations Filter / Project spark .read .format("delta") .load("...path...") .filter(col("item_id") < 1000) .withColumn("doubled_item_id", col("item_id")*2) .write .format("delta") .save("/tmp/..._delta") Filter → Filter withColumn/select → Project
  • 22. Common Narrow Transformations Range / Sample / Union / Coalesce df1 = spark.range(1000000) df2 = spark.range(1000000) df1 .sample(0.1) .union(df2) .coalesce(1) .write .format("delta") .save("/tmp/..._delta") spark.range → Range sample → Sample union → Union coalesce → Coalesce
  • 23. Special Case! Local Sorting sortWithinPartitions df.sortWithinPartitions("item_id") sortWithinPartitions / partitionBy → Sort (global=False) 1 Input (item_id) Result of Sort Global result (unsorted! ) Partition X 33 33 33 Partition Y 34 4 4 66 8 8 4 34 34 8 66 66
  • 24. Special Case! Global Sorting orderBy df.orderBy("item_id") Input (item_id) Result of Exchange (example) Result of Sort Global result (sorted!) Partition X New Partition X 8 4 4 33 4 8 8 Partition Y New Partition Y 34 66 66 33 33 4 33 34 34 8 34 66 66 orderBy → Sort (global=True)
  • 26. What are wide transformations? ▪ Transformations for which re-distribution of data is required ▪ e.g: joins, global sorting, and aggregations ▪ These above requirements are captured through “distribution” requirements
  • 27. Distribution requirements Each node in the physical plan can specify how it expects data to be distributed over the Spark cluster SparkPlan Operator (e.g. Filter) requiredChildDistribution (Default: UnspecifiedDistribution) outputPartitioning (Default: UnknownPartitioning) Required Distribution Satisfied by (roughly) this Partitioning of child Example operator UnspecifiedDistributio n All Scan AllTuples All with 1 partition only Flatmap in Pandas OrderedDistribution RangePartitioning Sort (global) (Hash)ClusteredDistrib ution HashPartitioning HashAggregate / SortMergeJoin BroadcastDistribution BroadcastPartitioning BroadcastHashJoin
  • 28. Distribution requirements Example for Local Sort (global=False) Sort (global=False) requiredChildDistribution = UnspecifiedDistribution outputPartitioning = retain child’s Ensure the requirements Sort (global=False) outputPartitioning = retain child’s
  • 29. Distribution requirements Example for Global Sort (global=True) Sort (global=True) outputPartitioning = RangePartitioning Exchange (rangepartition ing) Sort (global=True) requiredChildDistribution = OrderedDistribution (ASC/DESC) outputPartitioning = retain child’s Ensure the requirements
  • 30. Shuffle Exchange What are the metrics in the Shuffle exchange? Size of shuffle bytes written Size of serialised data read from “local” executor Serialised size of data read from “remote” executors When is it used? Before any operation that requires the same keys on same partitions (e.g. groupBy + aggregation, and for joins (sortMergeJoin)
  • 31. Broadcast Exchange Only output rows are a metric with broadcasts Size of broadcasted data (in memory) # of rows in broadcasted data time to build the broadcast table time to build the broadcast table time to collect all the data When is it used? Before any operation in which copying the same data to all nodes is required. Usually: BroadcastHashJoin, BroadcastNestedLoopJoin
  • 32. Zooming in on Aggregates
  • 33. Aggregates groupBy/agg → HashAggregate Distribution requirement Input (item_id, sales) Result of Exchange Result of HashAggregate 2 Partition X New Partition X (A, 10) (A,10) (A, 13) (B, 5) (A,3) Partition Y New Partition Y (A, 3) (B,1) (B, 9) (B, 1) (B, 1) (B, 1) (B, 1) (B, 2) (B, 2) df .groupBy("item_id") .agg(F.sum("sales"))
  • 34. Aggregate implementations df .groupBy("item_id") .agg(F.sum("sales")) HashAggregateExec (Dataframe API) - Based on HashTable structure. - Supports codegen - When hitting memory limits, spill to disk and start new HashTable - Merge all HashTables using sort based aggregation method. ObjectHashAggregateExec (Dataset API) - Same as HashAggregateExec, but for JVM objects - Does not support codegen - Immediately falls back to sort based aggregation method when hitting memory limits SortAggregateExec - sort based aggregation
  • 35. Aggregates Metrics Only in case of fallback to sorting (too many distinct keys to keep in memory)
  • 36. Partial Aggregation Extra HashAggregate Input (item_id, sales) Result of HashAggregate 1 Result of Exchange Result of HashAggregate 2 Partition X New Partition X (A, 10) (A, 10) (A,10) (A, 13) (B, 5) (B, 5) (A,3) Partition Y New Partition Y (A, 3) (A, 3) (B,5) (B, 9) (B, 1) (B, 4) (B, 4) (B, 1) (B, 2)
  • 37. Zooming in on Joins
  • 38. Joins # Basic aggregation + join dfJoin = dfSalesSample.join(dfItemDim, "item_id") Example “standard join” example (sort merge join) ▪ What kind of join algorithms exist? ▪ How does Spark choose what join algorithm to use? ▪ Where are the sorts and filters coming from? ▪ (We already know Exchanges come from requiredChildDistribution)
  • 39. Join Implementations & Requirements Different joins have different complexities Join Type Required Child Distribution Required Child Ordering Description Complexity (ballpark) BroadcastHashJoinExec One Side: BroadcastDistribution Other: UnspecifiedDistribution None Performs local hash join between broadcast side and other side. O(n) SortMergeJoinExec Both Sides: HashClusteredDistribution Both Sides: Ordered (asc) by join keys Compare keys of sorted data sets and merges if match. O(nlogn) BroadcastNestedLoopJoinExec One Side: BroadcastDistribution Other: UnspecifiedDistribution None For each row of [Left/Right] dataset, compare all rows of [Left/Right] data set. O(n * m), small m CartesianProductExec None None Cartesian product/”cross join” + filter O(n* m), bigger m
  • 40. Join Strategy How does Catalyst choose what join? equiJoin? One side small enough? One side small enough? inner join? BroadcastHashJoinExec SortMergeJoinExec BroadcastNestedLoopJoinExec CartesianProductExec BroadcastNested LoopJoinExec Danger Zone (OOM) No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
  • 41. Ordering requirements Example for SortMergeJoinExec SortMergeJoin ( , Inner) outputOrdering = [,] ASC Sort ([], ASC) SortMergeJoin ( , Inner) requiredChildOrdering = [,] (ASC) outputOrdering = depends on join type Ensure the requirements Sort ([], ASC)
  • 42. Revisiting our join # Basic aggregation + join dfJoin = dfSalesSample.join(dfItemDim, "item_id") Example “standard join” example (sort merge join) equi-join? Yes Broadcastable? No RequiredChildDistribution -> Shuffle Exchange RequiredChildOrdering-> Sort } sortMergeJoin Inner join -> Add isNotNull filter to join keys (Logical plan, not physical plan step)
  • 44. Scenario 1: Filter + Union anti-pattern E.g. apply different logic based on a category the data belongs to. final_df = functools.reduce(DataFrame.union, [ logic_cat_0(df.filter(F.col("category") == 0)), logic_cat_1(df.filter(F.col("category") == 1)), logic_cat_2(df.filter(F.col("category") == 2)), logic_cat_3(df.filter(F.col("category") == 3)) ] ) … def logic_cat_0(df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame: return df.withColumn("output", F.col("sales") * 2) … Repeated ReadsofData!
  • 45. Scenario 1: Filter + Union anti-pattern FIXED Rewrite code with CASE WHEN :) final_df = ( df .filter((F.col("category") >= 0) & (F.col("category") <= 3)) .withColumn("output", F.when(F.col("category") == 0, logic_cat_0()) .when(F.col("category") == 1, logic_cat_1()) .when(F.col("category") == 2, logic_cat_2()) .otherwise(logic_cat_3()) ) ) def logic_cat_0() -> Column: return F.col("sales") * 2 One read!
  • 46. Scenario 2: Partial Aggregations Partial aggregations do not help with high-cardinality grouping keys transaction_dim = 100000000 # 100 million transactions item_dim = 90000000 # 90 million itemIDs itemDF.groupBy("itemID").agg(sum(col("sales")).alias("sales")) Query duration: 23 seconds This doesn’t help!
  • 47. Scenario 2: Partial Aggregations FIXED Partial aggregations do not help with high-cardinality grouping keys transaction_dim = 100000000 # 100 million transactions item_dim = 90000000 # 90 million itemIDs spark.conf.set("spark.sql.aggregate.partialaggregate.skip.enabled", True) itemDF.groupBy("itemID").agg(sum(col("sales")).alias("sales")) Query duration: 18 seconds (22% reduction) PR for enabling partial aggregation skipping
  • 48. Scenario 3: Join Strategy ship_ports = dfPorts.alias("p").join( dfShips.alias("s"), (col("") >= col("p.min_lat")) & (col("") <= col("p.max_lat")) & (col("s.lon") >= col("p.min_lon")) & (col("s.lon") <= col("p.max_lon"))) Query duration: 3.5 minutes Compare coordinates to check if a ship is in a port slow!
  • 49. Scenario 3: Join Strategy FIXED Use a geohash to convert to equi-join ship_ports = dfPorts.alias("p").join( dfShips.alias("s"), (col("") >= col("p.min_lat")) & (col("") <= col("p.max_lat")) & (col("s.lon") >= col("p.min_lon")) & (col("s.lon") <= col("p.max_lon")) & (substring(col("s.geohash"),1,2) == substring(col("p.geohash"),1,2))) Query duration: 6 seconds Fast!
  • 51. What we covered The SQL Tab provides insights into how the Spark query is executed We can use the SQL Tab to reason about query execution time. We can answer important questions: What part of my Spark query takes the most time? Is my Spark query choosing the most efficient Spark operators for the task? Want to practice / know more? Mentally visualize what a physical plan might look like for a spark query, and then check the SQL tab if you are correct. Check out the source code of SparkPlan
  • 52. Feedback Your feedback is important to us. Don’t forget to rate and review the sessions.