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Testing batch and streaming
Spark applications
Software Engineer @PerformGroup
• Why to run aplication outside of a cluster?
• Spark in nutshell
• Unit and integration tests
• Tools
• Spark Streaming integration tests
• Best practices and pitfalls
Why to run application outside of a cluster?
Why we want to test?
Why we want to test?
• safety / regression
Why we want to test?
• safety / regression
• fast feedback
Why we want to test?
• safety / regression
• fast feedback
• communication
Why we want to test?
• safety / regression
• fast feedback
• communication
• best possible design
Spark in nutshell
Batch and streaming
Example – word count
WordCount maps (extracts) words from an input source and reduces
(summarizes) the results, returning a count of each word.
object App {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf()
.setAppName("Quality Excites")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
object App {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf()
.setAppName("Quality Excites")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val words = List("Ala ma kota", "Bolek i Lolek", "Ala ma psa")
val wordsRDD: RDD[String] = sc.parallelize(words)
object App {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf()
.setAppName("Quality Excites")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val words = List("Ala ma kota", "Bolek i Lolek", "Ala ma psa")
val wordsRDD: RDD[String] = sc.parallelize(words)
.flatMap((line: String) => line.split(" "))
.map((word: String) => (word, 1))
.reduceByKey((occurence1: Int, occurence2: Int) => {
occurence1 + occurence2
object App {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf()
.setAppName("Quality Excites")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val words = List("Ala ma kota", "Bolek i Lolek", "Ala ma psa")
val wordsRDD: RDD[String] = sc.parallelize(words)
.flatMap((line: String) => line.split(" "))
.map((word: String) => (word, 1))
.reduceByKey((occurence1: Int, occurence2: Int) => {
occurence1 + occurence2
object App {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf()
.setAppName("Quality Excites")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val words = List("Ala ma kota", "Bolek i Lolek", "Ala ma psa")
val wordsRDD: RDD[String] = sc.parallelize(words)
.flatMap((line: String) => line.split(" "))
.map((word: String) => (word, 1))
.reduceByKey((occurence1: Int, occurence2: Int) => {
occurence1 + occurence2
object App {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf()
.setAppName("Quality Excites")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val words = List("Ala ma kota", "Bolek i Lolek", "Ala ma psa")
val wordsRDD: RDD[String] = sc.parallelize(words)
.map((word: String) => (word, 1))
.reduceByKey((occurence1: Int, occurence2: Int) => {
occurence1 + occurence2
object WordsCount {
def extractWords(line: String): Array[String] = {
line.split(" ")
Example unit test
class S00_UnitTest extends FunSpec with Matchers {
it("should split a sentence into words") {
val line = "Ala ma kota"
val words: Array[String] = WordCount.extractWords(line = line)
val expected = Array("Ala", "ma", "kota")
words should be (expected)
Example unit test
class S00_UnitTest extends FunSpec with Matchers {
it("should split a sentence into words") {
val line = "Ala ma kota"
val words: Array[String] = WordCount.extractWords(line = line)
val expected = Array("Ala", "ma", "kota")
words should be (expected)
Example unit test
class BasicScalaTest extends FunSpec with Matchers{
Example unit test
class S00_UnitTest extends BasicScalaTest {
it("should split a sentence into words") {
val line = "Ala ma kota"
val words: Array[String] = WordCount.extractWords(line = line)
val expected = Array("Ala", "ma", "kota")
words should be (expected)
Things to note
• Extract anonymous functions so they will be testable
• what can be unit tested?
• Executor and driver code not related to Spark
• Udf functions
Production code vs test code
Production code vs test code
Production code
• distributed mode
Test code
• local mode
Production code vs test code
Production code
• distributed mode
• RDD from storage
Test code
• local mode
• RDD from resources/memory
Production code vs test code
Production code
• distributed mode
• RDD from storage
• Evaluate transformations on RDD
or DStream API.
Test code
• local mode
• RDD from resources/memory
• Evaluate transformations on RDD
or DStream API.
Production code vs test code
Production code
• distributed mode
• RDD from storage
• Evaluate transformations on RDD
or DStream API.
• Store outcomes
Test code
• local mode
• RDD from resources/memory
• Evaluate transformations on RDD
or DStream API.
• Assert outcomes
What to test in integration tests?
What to test in integration tests?
val words = List("Ala ma kota", "Bolek i Lolek", "Ala ma psa")
val wordsRDD: RDD[String] = sc.parallelize(words)
.flatMap((line: String) => line.split(" "))
.map((word: String) => (word, 1))
.reduceByKey((occurence1: Int, occurence2: Int) => {
occurence1 + occurence2
What to test in integration tests?
val words = List("Ala ma kota", "Bolek i Lolek", "Ala ma psa")
val wordsRDD: RDD[String] = sc.parallelize(words)
.flatMap((line: String) => line.split(" "))
.map((word: String) => (word, 1))
.reduceByKey((occurence1: Int, occurence2: Int) => {
occurence1 + occurence2
Integration test
def extractAndCountWords(wordsRDD: RDD[String]): RDD[(String, Int)]
= {
.map((word: String) => (word, 1))
.reduceByKey((occurence1: Int, occurence2: Int) => {
occurence1 + occurence2
Integration test - RDD
class S01_IntegrationTest extends SparkSessionBase {
it("should count words occurence in all lines") {
Given("RDD of sentences")
val linesRdd: RDD[String] = ss.sparkContext.parallelize(List("Ala ma kota", "Bolek i
Lolek", "Ala ma psa"))
When("extract and count words")
val wordsCountRdd: RDD[(String, Int)] = WordsCount.extractAndCountWords(linesRdd)
val actual: Map[String, Int] = wordsCountRdd.collectAsMap()
Then("words should be counted")
val expected = Map(
"Ala" -> 2,
"ma" -> 2,
"kota" -> 1,
actual should be(expected)
class S01_IntegrationTest extends SparkSessionBase {
it("should count words occurence in all lines") {
Given("RDD of sentences")
val linesRdd: RDD[String] = ss.sparkContext.parallelize(List("Ala ma kota", "Bolek i
Lolek", "Ala ma psa"))
When("extract and count words")
val wordsCountRdd: RDD[(String, Int)] = WordsCount.extractAndCountWords(linesRdd)
val actual: Map[String, Int] = wordsCountRdd.collectAsMap()
Then("words should be counted")
val expected = Map(
"Ala" -> 2,
"ma" -> 2,
"kota" -> 1,
actual should be(expected)
class SparkSessionBase extends FunSpec with BeforeAndAfterAll with Matchers with
GivenWhenThen {
var ss: SparkSession = _
override def beforeAll() {
val conf = new SparkConf()
ss = SparkSession.builder()
.appName("TestApp" + System.currentTimeMillis())
override def afterAll() {
ss = null
class S01_IntegrationTest extends SparkSessionBase {
it("should count words occurence in all lines") {
Given("RDD of sentences")
val linesRdd: RDD[String] = ss.sparkContext.parallelize(List("Ala ma kota", "Bolek i
Lolek", "Ala ma psa"))
When("extract and count words")
val wordsCountRdd: RDD[(String, Int)] = WordsCount.extractAndCountWords(linesRdd)
val actual: Map[String, Int] = wordsCountRdd.collectAsMap()
Then("words should be counted")
val expected = Map(
"Ala" -> 2,
"ma" -> 2,
"kota" -> 1,
actual should equal(expected)
Integration test – DataFrame
def extractFilterAndCountWords(wordsDf: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
val words: Column = explode(split(col("line"), " ")).as("word")
it("should count words occurence in all lines") {
Given("few lines of sentences")
val schema = StructType(List(
StructField("line", StringType, true)
val linesDf: DataFrame ="/text.json"))
When("extract and count words")
val wordsCountDf: DataFrame = WordCount.extractFilterAndCountWords(linesDf)
val wordCount: Array[Row] = wordsCountDf.collect()
Then("filtered words should be counted")
val actualWordCount = wordCount
.map((row: Row) =>Tuple2(row.getAs[String]("word"), row.getAs[Long]("count")))
val expectedWordCount = Map("Ala" -> 2,"Bolek" -> 1)
actualWordCount should be(expectedWordCount)
it("should count words occurence in all lines") {
Given("few lines of sentences")
val schema = StructType(List(
StructField("line", StringType, true)
val linesDf: DataFrame ="/text.json"))
When("extract and count words")
val wordsCountDf: DataFrame = WordCount.extractFilterAndCountWords(linesDf)
val wordCount: Array[Row] = wordsCountDf.collect()
Then("filtered words should be counted")
val actualWordCount = wordCount
.map((row: Row) =>Tuple2(row.getAs[String]("word"), row.getAs[Long]("count")))
val expectedWordCount = Map("Ala" -> 2,"Bolek" -> 1)
actualWordCount should be(expectedWordCount)
Integration test – Dataset
def extractFilterAndCountWordsDataset(wordsDs: Dataset[Line]):
Dataset[WordCount] = {
import wordsDs.sparkSession.implicits._
.flatMap((line: Line) => line.text.split(" "))
.filter((word: String) => word == "Ala" || word == "Bolek")
it("should return total count of Ala and Bolek words in all lines of text") {
Given("few sentences")
implicit val lineEncoder = product[Line]
val lines = List(
Line(text = "Ala ma kota"),
Line(text = "Bolek i Lolek"),
Line(text = "Ala ma psa"))
val linesDs: Dataset[Line] = ss.createDataset(lines)
When("extract and count words")
val wordsCountDs: Dataset[WordCount] = WordsCount
val actualWordCount: Array[WordCount] = wordsCountDs.collect()
Then("filtered words should be counted")
val expectedWordCount = Array(WordCount("Ala", 2),WordCount("Bolek", 1))
actualWordCount should contain theSameElementsAs expectedWordCount
it("should return total count of Ala and Bolek words in all lines of text") {
import spark.implicits._
Given("few sentences")
implicit val lineEncoder = product[Line]
val linesDs: Dataset[Lines] = List(
Line(text = "Ala ma kota"),
Line(text = "Bolek i Lolek"),
Line(text = "Ala ma psa")).toDS()
When("extract and count words")
val wordsCountDs: Dataset[WordCount] = WordsCount
val actualWordCount: Array[WordCount] = wordsCountDs.collect()
Then("filtered words should be counted")
val expectedWordCount = Array(WordCount("Ala", 2),WordCount("Bolek", 1))
actualWordCount should contain theSameElementsAs expectedWordCount
Things to note
• What can be tested in integration tests?
• Single transformation on Spark abstractions
• Chain of transformations
• Integration with external services e.g. Kafka, HDFS, YARN
• Embedded instances
• Docker environment
• Prefer Datasets over RDDs or DataFrames
class S04_IntegrationDatasetFastTest extends SparkSessionBase with DatasetComparer {
it("should return total count of Ala and Bolek words in all lines of text ") {
Given("few lines of sentences")
implicit val lineEncoder = product[Line]
implicit val wordEncoder = product[WordCount]
val lines = List(Line(text = "Ala ma kota"),Line(text = "Bolek i Lolek"),Line(text = "Ala ma
val linesDs: Dataset[Line] = ss.createDataset(lines)
When("extract and count words")
val wordsCountDs: Dataset[WordCount] = WordsCount
Then("filtered words should be counted")
val expectedDs = ss.createDataset(Array(WordCount("Ala", 2),WordCount("Bolek", 1)))
assertSmallDatasetEquality(wordsCountDs, expectedDs, orderedComparison = false)
spark-fast-tests – nice failure messages
Different values
Spark Testing Base
class S06_01_IntegrationDatasetSparkTestingBaseTest extends FunSpec with DatasetSuiteBase with
GivenWhenThen {
it("counting word occurences on few lines of text should return count Ala and Bolek words in this
text") {
Given("few lines of sentences")
implicit val lineEncoder = product[Line]
implicit val wordEncoder = product[WordCount]
val lines = List(Line(text = "Ala ma kota"), Line(text = "Bolek i Lolek"), Line(text = "Ala ma psa"))
val linesDs: Dataset[Line] = spark.createDataset(lines)
When("extract and count words")
val wordsCountDs: Dataset[WordCount] = WordsCount.extractFilterAndCountWordsDataset(linesDs)
Then("filtered words should be counted")
val expectedDs: Dataset[WordCount] = spark.createDataset(Seq(WordCount("Bolek",
1),WordCount("Ala", 2)))
assertDatasetEquals(expected = expectedDs, result = wordsCountDs)
Spark Testing Base – not so nice failure
• Different length
1 did not equal 2 Length not EqualScalaTestFailureLocation:
com.holdenkarau.spark.testing.TestSuite$class at
• Different order of elements
(1,(WordCount(Bolek,1),WordCount(Ala,2)))) was not empty
• Differente values
Tuple2;((0,(WordCount(Bole,1),WordCount(Bolek,1)))) was not empty
spark-fast-test vs spark-testing-base
Other tools
Spark streaming - inifinite flow of data
DStream transformations
Streaming – spark testing base
class S06_02_StreamingTest_SparkTestingBase extends FunSuite with
StreamingSuiteBase {
test("count words") {
val input = List(List("a b"))
val expected = List(List(("a", 1), ("b", 1)))
testOperation[String, (String, Int)](input, count _, expected, ordered = false)
// This is the sample operation we are testing
def count(lines: DStream[String]): DStream[(String, Int)] = {
lines.flatMap(_.split(" "))
.map(word => (word, 1))
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
How to design easy testable Spark code?
• Extract functions so they will be reusable and testable
• Single transformation should do one thing
• Compose transformations using „transform” function
• Prefer Column based functions over UDFs
• Column based functions
• Dataset operators
• UDF functions
Quality Excites
Quality Excites
Name Greeting
Quality Excites Hello!!
Column based function
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
object HelloWorld {
def withGreeting()(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
df.withColumn("greeting", lit(”Hello!!"))
//def lit(literal: Any): Column
it("appends a greeting column to a Dataframe") {
Given("Source dataframe")
val sourceDF = Seq(
("Quality Excites")
When("adding greeting column")
val actualDF = sourceDF
Then("new data frame contains column greeting")
val expectedSchema = List(StructField("name", StringType, true),StructField("greeting",
StringType, false))
val expectedData = Seq(Row("Quality Excites", ”Hello!!"))
val expectedDF =
assertSmallDatasetEquality(actualDF, expectedDF, orderedComparison = false)
it("appends a greeting column to a Dataframe") {
Given("Source dataframe")
val sourceDF = Seq(
("Quality Excites")
When("adding greeting column")
val actualDF = sourceDF
object HelloWorld {
def withGreeting()(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
df.withColumn("greeting", lit("Hello!!"))
val litFunction: () => String = () => "Hello!!"
val udfLit = udf(litFunction)
def withGreetingUdf()(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
df.withColumn("greetingUdf", udfLit())
Pitfalls you should look out
• cannot refer to one RDD inside another RDD
• processing batch of data, not single message or domain entity
• case classes defined in test class body - throws SerializationException
• Spark reads json based on specification
Costly false positive
Thank you

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Testing batch and streaming Spark applications

  • 1. Testing batch and streaming Spark applications @lukaszgawron Software Engineer @PerformGroup
  • 2. Overview • Why to run aplication outside of a cluster? • Spark in nutshell • Unit and integration tests • Tools • Spark Streaming integration tests • Best practices and pitfalls
  • 3. Why to run application outside of a cluster?
  • 4. Why we want to test?
  • 5. Why we want to test? • safety / regression
  • 6. Why we want to test? • safety / regression • fast feedback
  • 7. Why we want to test? • safety / regression • fast feedback • communication
  • 8. Why we want to test? • safety / regression • fast feedback • communication • best possible design
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 16.
  • 17. Example – word count WordCount maps (extracts) words from an input source and reduces (summarizes) the results, returning a count of each word.
  • 18. object App { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val conf = new SparkConf() .setMaster("local[4]") .setAppName("Quality Excites") val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
  • 19. object App { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val conf = new SparkConf() .setMaster("local[4]") .setAppName("Quality Excites") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) val words = List("Ala ma kota", "Bolek i Lolek", "Ala ma psa") val wordsRDD: RDD[String] = sc.parallelize(words)
  • 20. object App { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val conf = new SparkConf() .setMaster("local[4]") .setAppName("Quality Excites") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) val words = List("Ala ma kota", "Bolek i Lolek", "Ala ma psa") val wordsRDD: RDD[String] = sc.parallelize(words) wordsRDD .flatMap((line: String) => line.split(" ")) .map((word: String) => (word, 1)) .reduceByKey((occurence1: Int, occurence2: Int) => { occurence1 + occurence2 })
  • 21. object App { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val conf = new SparkConf() .setMaster("local[4]") .setAppName("Quality Excites") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) val words = List("Ala ma kota", "Bolek i Lolek", "Ala ma psa") val wordsRDD: RDD[String] = sc.parallelize(words) wordsRDD .flatMap((line: String) => line.split(" ")) .map((word: String) => (word, 1)) .reduceByKey((occurence1: Int, occurence2: Int) => { occurence1 + occurence2 }).saveAsTextFile("/tmp/output")
  • 22. object App { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val conf = new SparkConf() .setMaster("local[4]") .setAppName("Quality Excites") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) val words = List("Ala ma kota", "Bolek i Lolek", "Ala ma psa") val wordsRDD: RDD[String] = sc.parallelize(words) wordsRDD .flatMap((line: String) => line.split(" ")) .map((word: String) => (word, 1)) .reduceByKey((occurence1: Int, occurence2: Int) => { occurence1 + occurence2 }).saveAsTextFile("/tmp/output")
  • 23. object App { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val conf = new SparkConf() .setMaster("local[4]") .setAppName("Quality Excites") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) val words = List("Ala ma kota", "Bolek i Lolek", "Ala ma psa") val wordsRDD: RDD[String] = sc.parallelize(words) wordsRDD .flatMap(WordsCount.extractWords) .map((word: String) => (word, 1)) .reduceByKey((occurence1: Int, occurence2: Int) => { occurence1 + occurence2 }).saveAsTextFile("/tmp/output")
  • 24. object WordsCount { def extractWords(line: String): Array[String] = { line.split(" ") } }
  • 25. Example unit test class S00_UnitTest extends FunSpec with Matchers { it("should split a sentence into words") { val line = "Ala ma kota" val words: Array[String] = WordCount.extractWords(line = line) val expected = Array("Ala", "ma", "kota") words should be (expected) } }
  • 26. Example unit test class S00_UnitTest extends FunSpec with Matchers { it("should split a sentence into words") { val line = "Ala ma kota" val words: Array[String] = WordCount.extractWords(line = line) val expected = Array("Ala", "ma", "kota") words should be (expected) } }
  • 27. Example unit test class BasicScalaTest extends FunSpec with Matchers{ }
  • 28. Example unit test class S00_UnitTest extends BasicScalaTest { it("should split a sentence into words") { val line = "Ala ma kota" val words: Array[String] = WordCount.extractWords(line = line) val expected = Array("Ala", "ma", "kota") words should be (expected) } }
  • 29. Things to note • Extract anonymous functions so they will be testable • what can be unit tested? • Executor and driver code not related to Spark • Udf functions
  • 30. Production code vs test code
  • 31. Production code vs test code Production code • distributed mode Test code • local mode
  • 32. Production code vs test code Production code • distributed mode • RDD from storage Test code • local mode • RDD from resources/memory
  • 33. Production code vs test code Production code • distributed mode • RDD from storage • Evaluate transformations on RDD or DStream API. Test code • local mode • RDD from resources/memory • Evaluate transformations on RDD or DStream API.
  • 34. Production code vs test code Production code • distributed mode • RDD from storage • Evaluate transformations on RDD or DStream API. • Store outcomes Test code • local mode • RDD from resources/memory • Evaluate transformations on RDD or DStream API. • Assert outcomes
  • 35. What to test in integration tests?
  • 36. What to test in integration tests? val words = List("Ala ma kota", "Bolek i Lolek", "Ala ma psa") val wordsRDD: RDD[String] = sc.parallelize(words) wordsRDD .flatMap((line: String) => line.split(" ")) .map((word: String) => (word, 1)) .reduceByKey((occurence1: Int, occurence2: Int) => { occurence1 + occurence2 }).saveAsTextFile("/tmp/output")
  • 37. What to test in integration tests? val words = List("Ala ma kota", "Bolek i Lolek", "Ala ma psa") val wordsRDD: RDD[String] = sc.parallelize(words) wordsRDD .flatMap((line: String) => line.split(" ")) .map((word: String) => (word, 1)) .reduceByKey((occurence1: Int, occurence2: Int) => { occurence1 + occurence2 }).saveAsTextFile("/tmp/output")
  • 38. Integration test def extractAndCountWords(wordsRDD: RDD[String]): RDD[(String, Int)] = { wordsRDD .flatMap(WordCount.extractWords) .map((word: String) => (word, 1)) .reduceByKey((occurence1: Int, occurence2: Int) => { occurence1 + occurence2 }) }
  • 40. class S01_IntegrationTest extends SparkSessionBase { it("should count words occurence in all lines") { Given("RDD of sentences") val linesRdd: RDD[String] = ss.sparkContext.parallelize(List("Ala ma kota", "Bolek i Lolek", "Ala ma psa")) When("extract and count words") val wordsCountRdd: RDD[(String, Int)] = WordsCount.extractAndCountWords(linesRdd) val actual: Map[String, Int] = wordsCountRdd.collectAsMap() Then("words should be counted") val expected = Map( "Ala" -> 2, "ma" -> 2, "kota" -> 1, ................ ) actual should be(expected)
  • 41. class S01_IntegrationTest extends SparkSessionBase { it("should count words occurence in all lines") { Given("RDD of sentences") val linesRdd: RDD[String] = ss.sparkContext.parallelize(List("Ala ma kota", "Bolek i Lolek", "Ala ma psa")) When("extract and count words") val wordsCountRdd: RDD[(String, Int)] = WordsCount.extractAndCountWords(linesRdd) val actual: Map[String, Int] = wordsCountRdd.collectAsMap() Then("words should be counted") val expected = Map( "Ala" -> 2, "ma" -> 2, "kota" -> 1, ................ ) actual should be(expected)
  • 42. class SparkSessionBase extends FunSpec with BeforeAndAfterAll with Matchers with GivenWhenThen { var ss: SparkSession = _ override def beforeAll() { val conf = new SparkConf() .setMaster("local[4]") ss = SparkSession.builder() .appName("TestApp" + System.currentTimeMillis()) .config(conf) .getOrCreate() } override def afterAll() { ss.stop() ss = null }
  • 43. class S01_IntegrationTest extends SparkSessionBase { it("should count words occurence in all lines") { Given("RDD of sentences") val linesRdd: RDD[String] = ss.sparkContext.parallelize(List("Ala ma kota", "Bolek i Lolek", "Ala ma psa")) When("extract and count words") val wordsCountRdd: RDD[(String, Int)] = WordsCount.extractAndCountWords(linesRdd) val actual: Map[String, Int] = wordsCountRdd.collectAsMap() Then("words should be counted") val expected = Map( "Ala" -> 2, "ma" -> 2, "kota" -> 1, ................ ) actual should equal(expected)
  • 44. Integration test – DataFrame def extractFilterAndCountWords(wordsDf: DataFrame): DataFrame = { val words: Column = explode(split(col("line"), " ")).as("word") wordsDf .select(words) .where( col("word").equalTo("Ala").or(col("word").equalTo("Bolek"))) .groupBy("word") .count() }
  • 45. it("should count words occurence in all lines") { Given("few lines of sentences") val schema = StructType(List( StructField("line", StringType, true) )) val linesDf: DataFrame ="/text.json")) When("extract and count words") val wordsCountDf: DataFrame = WordCount.extractFilterAndCountWords(linesDf) val wordCount: Array[Row] = wordsCountDf.collect() Then("filtered words should be counted") val actualWordCount = wordCount .map((row: Row) =>Tuple2(row.getAs[String]("word"), row.getAs[Long]("count"))) .toMap val expectedWordCount = Map("Ala" -> 2,"Bolek" -> 1) actualWordCount should be(expectedWordCount) }
  • 46. it("should count words occurence in all lines") { Given("few lines of sentences") val schema = StructType(List( StructField("line", StringType, true) )) val linesDf: DataFrame ="/text.json")) When("extract and count words") val wordsCountDf: DataFrame = WordCount.extractFilterAndCountWords(linesDf) val wordCount: Array[Row] = wordsCountDf.collect() Then("filtered words should be counted") val actualWordCount = wordCount .map((row: Row) =>Tuple2(row.getAs[String]("word"), row.getAs[Long]("count"))) .toMap val expectedWordCount = Map("Ala" -> 2,"Bolek" -> 1) actualWordCount should be(expectedWordCount) }
  • 47. Integration test – Dataset def extractFilterAndCountWordsDataset(wordsDs: Dataset[Line]): Dataset[WordCount] = { import wordsDs.sparkSession.implicits._ wordsDs .flatMap((line: Line) => line.text.split(" ")) .filter((word: String) => word == "Ala" || word == "Bolek") .groupBy(col("word")) .agg(count("word").as("count")) .as[WordCount] }
  • 48. it("should return total count of Ala and Bolek words in all lines of text") { Given("few sentences") implicit val lineEncoder = product[Line] val lines = List( Line(text = "Ala ma kota"), Line(text = "Bolek i Lolek"), Line(text = "Ala ma psa")) val linesDs: Dataset[Line] = ss.createDataset(lines) When("extract and count words") val wordsCountDs: Dataset[WordCount] = WordsCount .extractFilterAndCountWordsDataset(linesDs) val actualWordCount: Array[WordCount] = wordsCountDs.collect() Then("filtered words should be counted") val expectedWordCount = Array(WordCount("Ala", 2),WordCount("Bolek", 1)) actualWordCount should contain theSameElementsAs expectedWordCount }
  • 49. it("should return total count of Ala and Bolek words in all lines of text") { import spark.implicits._ Given("few sentences") implicit val lineEncoder = product[Line] val linesDs: Dataset[Lines] = List( Line(text = "Ala ma kota"), Line(text = "Bolek i Lolek"), Line(text = "Ala ma psa")).toDS() When("extract and count words") val wordsCountDs: Dataset[WordCount] = WordsCount .extractFilterAndCountWordsDataset(linesDs) val actualWordCount: Array[WordCount] = wordsCountDs.collect() Then("filtered words should be counted") val expectedWordCount = Array(WordCount("Ala", 2),WordCount("Bolek", 1)) actualWordCount should contain theSameElementsAs expectedWordCount }
  • 50. Things to note • What can be tested in integration tests? • Single transformation on Spark abstractions • Chain of transformations • Integration with external services e.g. Kafka, HDFS, YARN • Embedded instances • Docker environment • Prefer Datasets over RDDs or DataFrames
  • 51. Tools
  • 52. spark-fast-tests class S04_IntegrationDatasetFastTest extends SparkSessionBase with DatasetComparer { it("should return total count of Ala and Bolek words in all lines of text ") { Given("few lines of sentences") implicit val lineEncoder = product[Line] implicit val wordEncoder = product[WordCount] val lines = List(Line(text = "Ala ma kota"),Line(text = "Bolek i Lolek"),Line(text = "Ala ma psa")) val linesDs: Dataset[Line] = ss.createDataset(lines) When("extract and count words") val wordsCountDs: Dataset[WordCount] = WordsCount .extractFilterAndCountWordsDataset(linesDs) Then("filtered words should be counted") val expectedDs = ss.createDataset(Array(WordCount("Ala", 2),WordCount("Bolek", 1))) assertSmallDatasetEquality(wordsCountDs, expectedDs, orderedComparison = false)
  • 53. spark-fast-tests – nice failure messages Different values
  • 54. Spark Testing Base class S06_01_IntegrationDatasetSparkTestingBaseTest extends FunSpec with DatasetSuiteBase with GivenWhenThen { it("counting word occurences on few lines of text should return count Ala and Bolek words in this text") { Given("few lines of sentences") implicit val lineEncoder = product[Line] implicit val wordEncoder = product[WordCount] val lines = List(Line(text = "Ala ma kota"), Line(text = "Bolek i Lolek"), Line(text = "Ala ma psa")) val linesDs: Dataset[Line] = spark.createDataset(lines) When("extract and count words") val wordsCountDs: Dataset[WordCount] = WordsCount.extractFilterAndCountWordsDataset(linesDs) Then("filtered words should be counted") val expectedDs: Dataset[WordCount] = spark.createDataset(Seq(WordCount("Bolek", 1),WordCount("Ala", 2))) assertDatasetEquals(expected = expectedDs, result = wordsCountDs)
  • 55. Spark Testing Base – not so nice failure messages • Different length 1 did not equal 2 Length not EqualScalaTestFailureLocation: com.holdenkarau.spark.testing.TestSuite$class at • Different order of elements Tuple2;((0,(WordCount(Ala,2),WordCount(Bolek,1))), (1,(WordCount(Bolek,1),WordCount(Ala,2)))) was not empty • Differente values Tuple2;((0,(WordCount(Bole,1),WordCount(Bolek,1)))) was not empty
  • 57. Other tools • • •
  • 58. Spark streaming - inifinite flow of data
  • 61. Streaming – spark testing base class S06_02_StreamingTest_SparkTestingBase extends FunSuite with StreamingSuiteBase { test("count words") { val input = List(List("a b")) val expected = List(List(("a", 1), ("b", 1))) testOperation[String, (String, Int)](input, count _, expected, ordered = false) } // This is the sample operation we are testing def count(lines: DStream[String]): DStream[(String, Int)] = { lines.flatMap(_.split(" ")) .map(word => (word, 1)) .reduceByKey(_ + _) } }
  • 62. How to design easy testable Spark code? • Extract functions so they will be reusable and testable • Single transformation should do one thing • Compose transformations using „transform” function • Prefer Column based functions over UDFs • Column based functions • Dataset operators • UDF functions
  • 65. Column based function import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ object HelloWorld { def withGreeting()(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = { df.withColumn("greeting", lit(”Hello!!")) } } //def lit(literal: Any): Column
  • 66. it("appends a greeting column to a Dataframe") { Given("Source dataframe") val sourceDF = Seq( ("Quality Excites") ).toDF("name") When("adding greeting column") val actualDF = sourceDF .transform(HelloWorld.withGreeting()) Then("new data frame contains column greeting") val expectedSchema = List(StructField("name", StringType, true),StructField("greeting", StringType, false)) val expectedData = Seq(Row("Quality Excites", ”Hello!!")) val expectedDF = ss.createDataFrame(ss.sparkContext.parallelize(expectedData),StructType(expectedSchema)) assertSmallDatasetEquality(actualDF, expectedDF, orderedComparison = false) }
  • 67. it("appends a greeting column to a Dataframe") { Given("Source dataframe") val sourceDF = Seq( ("Quality Excites") ).toDF("name") When("adding greeting column") val actualDF = sourceDF .transform(HelloWorld.withGreeting()) .transform(HelloWorld.withGreetingUdf())
  • 68. object HelloWorld { def withGreeting()(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = { df.withColumn("greeting", lit("Hello!!")) } val litFunction: () => String = () => "Hello!!" val udfLit = udf(litFunction) def withGreetingUdf()(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = { df.withColumn("greetingUdf", udfLit()) } }
  • 69. Pitfalls you should look out • cannot refer to one RDD inside another RDD • processing batch of data, not single message or domain entity • case classes defined in test class body - throws SerializationException • Spark reads json based on specification
  • 71. Q&A
  • 73. References • • df0755ef00a4 • 8c590d3215fa • • • • blackbox.html

Editor's Notes

  1. ile osob uzywalo Sparka? ile osob testowalo Sparka? ile osob przyszlo tutaj z ciekawosci? pytania zeby zadawali od razu
  3. Driver program - runs user main function and executes various parallel operations on a cluster RDDs - colleciton of elements partitioned across nodes of the cluster that can be operated in paralllel Worker - manages resources on cluster node Executor - JVM process which stores and executes tasks Tasks - Executes RDD operations
  4. jak sie nazywa taka suma przsuwajaca?
  5. ScalaTest
  6. ScalaTest
  7. zmienic kolejnosc slajdsow jsona, bo pokazany jest json a nie bylo zadenj shiosritu z nim zwiazanje,
  8. zmienic kolejnosc slajdsow jsona, bo pokazany jest json a nie bylo zadenj shiosritu z nim zwiazanje,