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                           Flexible Learning
                        Getting started with Flexible Learning and Blackboard
Before you begin
Before you begin

                   For many units the
                   planning process should
                   include consideration
                   for the various contexts
                   of delivery.

                   Design and develop the
                   unit once – make minor
                   tweaks to adjust.
Before you begin

                   After the
                   Comprehensive Course
                   Review process all new
                   units should reflect the
                   requirements of C2010.

                   Full details at

Before you begin

FLEXIBLE LEARNING POLICY SUMMARY            All units must also meet
                                            minimum requirements
 All units expected to have at least the
   minimum required online presence.        of the Flexible Learning
 Learning experiences should be
   comparable to face-to-face.
                                            Full details at
 Should incorporate universal design.

 Should involve collaboration and
   enriched learning experiences.           viewpolicy.cfm?id=9730a43c-0b66-
 Should provide access to administrative
   and academic learning support systems
Before you begin

                                               Blackboard is not the enemy –
                                               nor is it the total solution.

                                               Blackboard is perhaps best
                                               seen as the portal to learning

                                               Lots of help at

Before you begin

Lots of help at
Before you begin

Lots of help at
Planning your unit
Planning your unit

 Build upon the foundations:
  Remember that most students will
  have completed the common
  foundation unit “Engaging in the
  Humanities” and will be primed for
  socially engaged, collaborative,
  student-centred learning with
  expectations for online engagement
  (especially if they are fully external,
  OUA or remote/regional).

Planning your unit

       your own resilience;
       capacity for learning;
       ease with technology;
       subject knowledge;
       teaching approaches.

Collegial support:
     learning communities;
     shared concern;
     collaborative problem-solving.

Department/School/Faculty support:
    meeting time;
    resource access;
    school/faculty based web architects;
    training and professional development;
    HITS Help Desk                                 1

University-wide support:
     Office of Teaching and Learning site;
     Flexible Learning Community site;
                                             Key resources
Planning your unit

  Plan for reuse. Technology allows us to
    create resources that can be used over time
    and across contexts. Plan your teaching and
    learning resources to leverage your time and
    efficiency. Key concepts, seminal works, and
    common support materials – are all good
    starting points for reusable resources.

  Plan for learning engagement over content
    delivery. The emphasis should be on
    teaching and learning through collaborative
    and social engagement not guiding the
    individual through an online textbook. Let
    good pedagogy drive the student experience.
Planning your unit

  Plan and schedule for resource creation.
    There are many systems in the university
    to assist you create resources (see the
    Teaching and Learning Handbook).
    Priority is given to higher order, reusable
    resources rather than one-off instances of
    presentation and information delivery

  Factor in your own learning.
    Professional development, training
    workshops, personal technology skills and
    proficiencies all take time and need to be
    considered when you start developing a
    unit for online study.
Planning your unit

  Overestimate the time required
   when you first attempt to do
   this. When you start developing
   units for online or blended
   contexts you will find that you
   need to reconsider some of your
   approaches. Appropriate tool
   selection, identifying new
   resources, coming to terms with
   your own knowledge and skill all
   require a bit more time. As your
   proficiency and experience grows
   the time required is far less than
   you need now.              
Planning your unit

  Know your deadlines. Teaching periods are
    relatively immutable – first day of class is like
    opening night on Broadway – the show must
    go on. Use planning and management tools to
    ensure that you aren’t caught out.
  Be upfront about difficulties and obstacles.
    We all find that at some point in our working
    lives we face what seem to be insurmountable
    difficulties. When working with technology we
    need to assume that there will always be the
    potential for things to break. When you begin
    to struggle, or see a difficulty on the horizon,
    deal with it early and openly. Ensure the
    university is working to assist you with doing
    your job.
Pedagogy >>Andragogy >> Heutagogy
Pedagogy >> Andragogy >> Heutagogy

  Plan to shift from pedagogy
   to andragogy to heutagogy.
   Student needs shift from
   early engagement where
   pedagogy (teacher direction)
   is the norm, to andragogy
   where the role of the teacher
   shifts to facilitating student
   engagement in the processes
   of learning, to heutagogy
   where students define and
   organise their own learning
Pedagogy >> Andragogy >> Heutagogy

  Work in a social context (Connectivism).
   Many studies show that online learning is
   most effective when conducted in a social
   context. As the teacher its as much your
   responsibility to build community as it is to
   lecture and mark exams.

  Constructivist approaches engage the
   group and focus on creation. Working
   within a constructivist paradigm you will
   be asking students to work at the highest
   levels of scholarship. In order to create
   they will need to find, to analyse and to
Pedagogy >> Andragogy >> Heutagogy

  Learner-centredness is
   about addressing the needs
   of students. All learners have
   individual needs and
   strategies for learning. A key
   aspect of online learning is
   ensuring flexibility to
   accommodate student needs.
   Student-centred learning also
   acknowledges the
   responsibilities of students to

   ensure they are learning.
Pedagogy >> Andragogy >> Heutagogy

  Peer support and mentoring
    should be encouraged. In
    keeping with student-centred and
    social constructivism, students
    should be encouraged to support
    and mentor each other. Learning
    is deeper when you are required to
    teach others.
  Employ effective collaborative
    strategies. Think about how to
    structure learning activities that

    are based in collaborative and
    cooperative action. The ability to
    work with groups and function
    effectively in groups addresses
    some Graduate Attributes.
Developing your resources
Developing your resources

  Limit creation of text based and purely
    presentational items. Think about ways to
    create materials that drive high order
    engagement. Presentation and text have a place
    and where possible these should be created once
    and redeployed as required.

  Use iLecture when you can. iLecture is a multi-
    purpose system. You can record face-to-face
    lectures, you can record desktop captures, you
    can create podcasts, narrated slideshows and
    vodcasts to be delivered via the iLecture
    infrastructure. Howard Rheingold says “Lectures
    are about explaining concepts that are so poorly
    written about they need to be explained.” Short,
    sharp and engaging are the key to creating
    multimedia resources.
Developing your resources

                                              ECHO 360

                                              This little tool allows any staff
                                              member to create quick video
                                              content – including desktop

                                              Great for clarifying a point,
                                              introducing a difficult concept,
                                              adding to your staff profile in Bb,

Available free to all staff from:
Developing your resources

  Know the best tool for the job. Discussion
    boards and forums are the public sphere of the
    internet – everyone gets to voice their opinion.
    Blogs are generally a single viewpoint with the
    opportunity to respond, and wikis are sites for
    collaborative construction. Other tools include
    Voicethread, Twitter, real-time             

    conference/chat. Also know what software and
    hardware is available to you via the university.
  Get to know what tools are being used
    around the world and how they are being
    implemented. The range of web based
    technologies changes on a daily basis; knowing
    what’s on the horizon and how to leverage
    these shifts to engage learners is to be
Developing your resources

  Use / reuse existing resources. Find ways to
    implement the use of existing resources, both
    those created by you and those from third
    parties. Sites like YouTube, Slideshare,,
    and others can be used to great effect.
  Remember that weblinks, online journals,
    libraries and other sources are all part of your
    toolkit. Encourage students to learn to use
    these to develop their own learning. Teach
    scholarship as much as content.

  eBooks. Electronic texts are available in many
    subject areas and can often cut through issues
    of access, especially when students are in
    remote locations or overseas.             
Developing your resources

  Know the people and departments who
   can support you. The Teaching and
   Learning Handbook lists many services to
   support teaching and learning.

  Know what’s possible under Creative
   Commons, copyright and IP regulations.
   Know how you can legally use existing
   works, images, video and text.

Look and feel of your unit
Look and feel of your unit

  Navigation and location. One of the chief
    concerns of planning an online space is the
    ability to work out where you are, where
    you’ve been and where you’re going. Plan to
    include these elements in your site design.
    Banners, menus, maps and inventories
    accompanied by clear directions and
    instructions all assist students (and staff)
    finding their way around the unit.

  Instructions and guides should be clearly
    evident. Just as road signs around the world
    have some standard conventions, you can
    ensure that your design choices make
    instructions and guides very visible.
Look and feel of your unit

  Audio-visual enhancements can make
   your unit a pleasant and engaging space.
   Images and sounds can be used to deliver
   information, provide context, to add
   atmosphere and to reflect an aesthetic.
   Their metaphorical potential can aid with
   higher order processing of ideas.  

  Provide overviews of structure and
   content. When you create materials
   ensure you think about summaries and
   overviews, these can serve as advance
   organisers and double as review materials.
Look and feel of your unit

  The look and feel of a site can be part of
   the learning experience. It is perfectly
   reasonable to layer meaning into the look
   and feel of your unit.

  The tone you adopt will influence
   student engagement. Writing for an 

   online community is different to other
   forms of writing. Where appropriate keep
   the tone personal, conversational, social
   and engaging. Ask more than you tell.
   Read for understanding not just for
   assessing and evaluating.          
Coordinating your unit
Coordinating your unit

  Get to know the software you intend to use
   and will be asking staff and students to use.
   Know where to source the applications, where
   to find help and what support is available.
   Know some alternatives and keep abreast of
   developments and new releases.          

  Online Support Materials. Many resources to
   assist staff and students can be common
   across departments/schools/faculties – where
   possible draw on existing packages and
   resources. If you create something great add it
   to the pool so others can benefit.
Coordinating your unit

  Know about your hardware, and the
    hardware you have access to. It helps you to
    know what physical technologies are available
    for you to use. This can include scanners,
    cameras, recording devices, and anything else
    you might need. Insist on your
    dept/school/faculty being able to provide
    timely and reliable information in this respect. 

  Web 2.0 isn’t the enemy. The ubiquity of
    many Web 2.0 resources means they can
    become readily available extensions and fall
    backs to other technologies. The networking
    affordances alone can be leveraged to help
    foster student and professional networks that
    can extend beyond FLECS-Bb, beyond campus
    and beyond graduation.            
Coordinating your unit

  Images and graphics. Know where you can
    have graphics and images made for you, learn
    how to make your own and learn where to
    source ready made images and photographs.
  Video production facilities are available.
    There is a range of video production facilities
    available to you. The higher the production
    value you want the greater the expectation of
    the university that the product will be
    operating beyond mere presentation and
    information delivery. iLecture 360 Desktop
    Capture tool is freely available to all staff.
Coordinating your unit

  Staff development is part of the
   responsibility. Its worth
   remembering that as your staff get
   better at working effectively and
   efficiently in online contexts you will

  eVALUate. You should see increased
   satisfaction being reported though
   these reports and that should be
   incentive to keep getting better at
   the whole game.
Coordinating your unit

  Look at your unit through students’
    eyes. Before you release your unit to
    students ensure you go through it in
    student perspective. Make certain that
    all the requisite clarity and guidance will
    be obvious to students, look for things
    that don’t make sense, or are
    unnecessarily complicated.

  Factor in user experience testing.
    Ensure you have strategies in place for
    testing the operation of your unit. Does
    it work on all browsers and all platforms?
    Will you need to stipulate
    technology/software required? Does
    everything work the way you intended?
Coordinating your unit

  Self-evaluate the unit. Use established
    rubrics and evaluation criteria to
    determine the quality and efficacy of
    your unit. Notice the strengths in your
    work and identify areas for

  Administrative workflows. Be clear
    about what work is required and who will
    complete it. Where necessary create
    clearly articulated workflows to guide
    staff (and students) through required
    tasks. Ensure you have the necessary
    administrative support form your
Coordinating your unit

  Remember the university has the ability to
    provide support through a range of Offices
    and Units. Staff should make sure they are
    aware of the support opportunities:

     Office of Research and Development
     Organisational Development Unit
     UniEnglish
     Central AV Support
     Office of Teaching and Learning
     Library
     CITS
     Curtin University Bookshop
     START (Student Transition and Retention
Learning and assessment activities
Learning and assessment activities

  Be realistic about the time required.
    Students are expected to invest up to 10
    hours per week to complete a unit of
    study – that gives you about 100-120
    hours of time over a study period. Be
    realistic about what can be achieved in
    that time frame and plan activities that
    allow students to best utilise their time.

  Scaffold learning activities. Ensure that
    students are given appropriate support
    and guidance as required; and as much as
    possible try to link student participation
    to assessment. Creative assessment tasks
    will ensure participation is required
    without resorting to directly grading
Learning and assessment activities

  Provide opportunities for students to
    practice and rehearse the sorts of
    activities they’ll be assessed on. The
    online context is a great place to
    provide examples of practice and
    opportunities for rehearsal – virtuality
    may serve this in some practical areas.
  Provide opportunities for students to
    engage in interdisciplinary and cross-
    disciplinary activities. Students benefit
    from a rich contextualisation of the
    fields of knowledge and practice they
    are entering into – a single focus
    vocational perspective limits capacity
    for growth.
Learning and assessment activities

  Use methods that are appropriate to
   the context. Students should be
   encouraged to participate in
   meaningful ways and not in arbitrary or
   contrived ways. Your flexibility,
   creativity and familiarity with the
   context can ensure that the student’s

   experience is optimised.

  Incorporate skills development, how-
   to-learn strategies and graduate
   attributes in active engagement with
   core content. Integrate the full
   spectrum of learning in the activities
   you ask students to undertake.
Learning and assessment activities

  Learn how to weave together the social,
    academic, professional and personal
    components of online engagement.
    You’ll discover that many students have a
    diverse range of skills and knowledge
    about the technologies they use; your
    learning activities can help them map and
    repurpose skills into new contexts.

  Incorporate opportunities for peer
    teaching, peer assessment and self-
    assessment. Concentrate on addressing
    interest, relevance, currency,
    engagement, chunking up, chunking
    down, social engagement and active
    participation as you connect students
    with each other, current practice and
Communicating and engaging
Communicating and engaging

  Make yourself known in the teaching
    space. The teacher is the most
    recognisable person in most
    classrooms. In the online context you
    need to develop a pervasive online
    presence. Photos, video, messages,
    and information – they all paint a
    picture of you as the teacher. Use the
    available tools to ensure students feel
    they have a connection with you.
  Ensure all instructions are clear and
    reiterated. Redundancy can be a good
    thing in certain aspects of teaching
    online. Students should be able to
    clearly identify and interpret
Communicating and engaging

  Provide checklists for students – have
    they completed all required activities
    for the week? Simple methods of
    ensuring students are all aware of
    what’s required.

  Navigation guides, site maps and
    inventories assist teachers and
    learners alike. Site organisation is an
    important component in helping
    everyone find what they’re supposed to
    find. Site maps (textual or graphical)
    can assist and minimise the need for
    students to bother you with emails
    about navigation.
Communicating and engaging

  The type of question you ask will
    influence the student experience.
    Asking effective questions in discussion
    boards will ensure that students engage
    the way you intended. Questions are
    also an effective way of guiding
    students to engage with subject matter.

  Respond to general themes first. In
    discussion forums you run the risk of
    addressing the same concerns over and
    over again. Better to assess the main
    concerns of students and deal with
    them in a well-considered post that
    everyone can read. Encourage peer
    guidance before engaging in individual
Communicating and engaging

  Encourage peer-to-peer interaction.
    Use groups and peer engagement
    strategically and pedagogically. This
    will improve your time management in
    the long run. Assume the hive will be
    proactive in sharing insights.
  Use simple compulsory activities that
    scaffold learning the interface and
    practices required for successful
    online learning – fun, game-like,
    pseudo-competitive, collaborative.
    This establishes a tone for the class,
    fosters effective participation and
    guides students through the skills and
    practices required for successful
Communicating and engaging

  Understand the technologies and
   best applications – blogs,
   discussion boards, wiki, email,
   announcement, messages, real
   time chat, voice chat,
   conferencing, etc. Each
   technology has its strengths – use
   them to support your teaching.

Managing your time
Managing your time

  Lock out time on your calendar to
   work on unit development. Ensure
   you realistically assign time to
   complete the tasks required to
   develop your unit.             

  Lock out time on your calendar to
   engage online. When you are
   teaching your unit fully online you’ll
   need 30-45 minutes per day. Make
   this known widely inside your unit
   and across your department.
Managing your time

  Use group responses over individual
    responses where appropriate. There
    are few situations where students will
    need to contact you individually – most
    of the time you will be better served by
    addressing the collective. Specific
    personal issues and interactions  
    relating to individual achievement may
    require individual attention.
  Take time for collegial discussion.
    Create a staff group within your unit for
    asynchronous discussion. Also ensure
    you have adequate opportunity to meet
    face-to-face for support and
Managing your time

  Develop proficiency with a range
   of technology tools.Your
   knowledge, skill and understanding
   of a wide range of technologies will
   ensure you become more efficient
   and effective in the online context.
   New technologies are released daily
   and will be continually added to
   teaching and learning repertoire.
   Assume constant change is normal
   and learn to be comfortable with
   adapting your practices to new

   forms and structures.
Managing your time

  Recognise where time invested now will

    reward you with free time later.
    Conscious incompetence becomes
    conscious competence becomes
    unconscious competence. Speed and
    efficiency are the pay off for all learning.
    Be realistic about this – you will get better
    at it and it will become easier and quicker.
    You’ll also be better able to articulate your
    technology needs.

  Calendars can be used as part of the
    teaching and learning environment –
    clear and timely communication will
    ensure your time isn’t spent reiterating
    what’s been said ten times before. The
    technology can be set to release materials
    when you are absent.
Electronic marking
Electronic marking

  Online marking can be a far more
   efficient process than making hard
   copy materials, but it does mean
   being organised. Know how to
   organise folders, filter emails, and
   navigate through Bb grading

  Know the affordances of FLECS-
   Bb. Learn to use quizzes and tests,
   surveys, automated marking, the
   Grade Centre, Assignment and Drop
   Box to ensure your time is
Electronic marking
  Know where to turn for guidance. The
    university provides many avenues for support
    and you should be familiar with these
     Online Skills Training pages on the OTL site
     FLC website resources

  Develop proficiency with the software you
    have at your disposal. Know what you can do
    with Word, Adobe Acrobat Professional, Excel,
    etc. For example:
       Use Track Changes in Word
       Templates for grading rubrics
       Use annotations in PDF documents
       Formulas in Excel spreadsheets
       FLECS-Bb grade centre
Electronic marking

  Adopt effective screen strategies. Use
    two monitors if available, arrange
    windows to optimise onscreen actions,
    use rubric documents (automated or
    templates). Change resolution if  
    necessary to generate greater screen        1

    real estate.

  File management. Effective file
    management can help make the
    process more organised and time
    efficient. Learn to use filters, tags and
    other tools to ease your workload.
    Automate where possible.
Electronic marking

  Encourage students to use
   Turnitin. Turnitin can help students
   better understand their obligations
   when it comes to Academic
   Integrity. By taking responsibility
   for assessing their own work they
   develop a better appreciation of
   how original work can be
   represented and how identifying
   sources of influence can be
Common pitfalls
Common pitfalls

 Plan without considering the online
  limitations and affordances. It is in
  your interests and the interests of your
  students to ensure that you consider
  your best options when teaching online.
  Select activities and technologies that
  work well within the context of the unit,
   its appropriate in a unit for preservice
      teachers to incorporate technologies
      that might be used in K -12 teaching
   it’s appropriate to use collaborative
      documents for group work;
   its appropriate to use online animation
      software in a media unit.

Common pitfalls

 “Shovel ware” – generating great
  volumes of text based content and
  trying to squeeze it into a
  Learning Management System.
  The preferred approach is to
  generate engaging reusable
  materials that focus on teaching

  and learning rather than dumping
  tonnes of content. Information is
  everywhere – learning to find,
  encounter, analyse and critique
  information is a better goal.
Common pitfalls

✗ Try to individually attend to every
  student question and enquiry.
  Approach discussion boards as public
  space – make public responses where
  appropriate. Survey the forums and
  determine key elements to be
  addressed and address it once.
  Discourage general email usage.

✗ Forget to allow the learning
  community to be self-sustaining.
  Classes do need facilitation - mainly
  with the intent of creating a learning
  community that operates more and
  more through social engagement.
Common pitfalls

 Omit early activities that teach online
  skills and practices while engaging and
  developing community cohesion.
  Classes need some scaffolding at various
  stages. Remember your responsibility as
  an educator to provide scaffolded
  opportunities for students to learn a
  range of effective strategies for working

 Try to do it without adding your own
  learning into the equation. At every
  stage of teaching online, especially in the
  very beginning, you will find that you
  need to learn new skills, new beliefs, new
  ways of working, and that takes time even
  when embedded in practice.
Common pitfalls

 Believe that technology will do it
  all for you. Quite simply the                               

  technology will do none of the
  teaching and learning but it can help
  you make your teaching more
  appropriate to the 21st century.



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Flexible learning

  • 1. FACULTY OF HUMANITIES Flexible Learning Getting started with Flexible Learning and Blackboard
  • 3. Before you begin For many units the planning process should include consideration for the various contexts of delivery. Design and develop the unit once – make minor tweaks to adjust.
  • 4. Before you begin After the Comprehensive Course Review process all new units should reflect the requirements of C2010. Full details at
  • 5. Before you begin FLEXIBLE LEARNING POLICY SUMMARY All units must also meet minimum requirements  All units expected to have at least the minimum required online presence. of the Flexible Learning Policy  Learning experiences should be comparable to face-to-face. Full details at  Should incorporate universal design.  Should involve collaboration and enriched learning experiences. viewpolicy.cfm?id=9730a43c-0b66- 11dd-8e22-b34a37284ebf  Should provide access to administrative and academic learning support systems
  • 6. Before you begin Blackboard is not the enemy – nor is it the total solution. Blackboard is perhaps best seen as the portal to learning experiences. Lots of help at 8
  • 7. Before you begin Lots of help at
  • 8. Before you begin Lots of help at
  • 10. Planning your unit  Build upon the foundations: Remember that most students will have completed the common foundation unit “Engaging in the Humanities” and will be primed for socially engaged, collaborative, student-centred learning with expectations for online engagement (especially if they are fully external, OUA or remote/regional).
  • 11. Planning your unit You: your own resilience; capacity for learning; ease with technology; subject knowledge; teaching approaches. Collegial support: learning communities; shared concern; collaborative problem-solving. Department/School/Faculty support: meeting time; resource access; school/faculty based web architects; training and professional development; HITS Help Desk 1 University-wide support: Office of Teaching and Learning site; Flexible Learning Community site; Key resources
  • 12. Planning your unit  Plan for reuse. Technology allows us to create resources that can be used over time and across contexts. Plan your teaching and learning resources to leverage your time and efficiency. Key concepts, seminal works, and common support materials – are all good starting points for reusable resources.  Plan for learning engagement over content delivery. The emphasis should be on teaching and learning through collaborative and social engagement not guiding the individual through an online textbook. Let good pedagogy drive the student experience. 3
  • 13. Planning your unit  Plan and schedule for resource creation. There are many systems in the university to assist you create resources (see the Teaching and Learning Handbook). Priority is given to higher order, reusable resources rather than one-off instances of presentation and information delivery  Factor in your own learning. Professional development, training workshops, personal technology skills and proficiencies all take time and need to be considered when you start developing a unit for online study.
  • 14. Planning your unit  Overestimate the time required when you first attempt to do this. When you start developing units for online or blended contexts you will find that you need to reconsider some of your approaches. Appropriate tool selection, identifying new resources, coming to terms with your own knowledge and skill all require a bit more time. As your proficiency and experience grows the time required is far less than you need now. 1
  • 15. Planning your unit  Know your deadlines. Teaching periods are relatively immutable – first day of class is like opening night on Broadway – the show must go on. Use planning and management tools to ensure that you aren’t caught out.  Be upfront about difficulties and obstacles. We all find that at some point in our working lives we face what seem to be insurmountable difficulties. When working with technology we need to assume that there will always be the potential for things to break. When you begin to struggle, or see a difficulty on the horizon, deal with it early and openly. Ensure the university is working to assist you with doing your job. 6
  • 17. Pedagogy >> Andragogy >> Heutagogy  Plan to shift from pedagogy to andragogy to heutagogy. Student needs shift from early engagement where pedagogy (teacher direction) is the norm, to andragogy where the role of the teacher shifts to facilitating student engagement in the processes of learning, to heutagogy where students define and organise their own learning requirements.
  • 18. Pedagogy >> Andragogy >> Heutagogy  Work in a social context (Connectivism). Many studies show that online learning is most effective when conducted in a social context. As the teacher its as much your responsibility to build community as it is to lecture and mark exams.  Constructivist approaches engage the group and focus on creation. Working within a constructivist paradigm you will be asking students to work at the highest levels of scholarship. In order to create they will need to find, to analyse and to synthesise.
  • 19. Pedagogy >> Andragogy >> Heutagogy  Learner-centredness is about addressing the needs of students. All learners have individual needs and strategies for learning. A key aspect of online learning is ensuring flexibility to accommodate student needs. Student-centred learning also acknowledges the responsibilities of students to ensure they are learning.
  • 20. Pedagogy >> Andragogy >> Heutagogy  Peer support and mentoring should be encouraged. In keeping with student-centred and social constructivism, students should be encouraged to support and mentor each other. Learning is deeper when you are required to teach others.  Employ effective collaborative strategies. Think about how to structure learning activities that are based in collaborative and cooperative action. The ability to work with groups and function effectively in groups addresses some Graduate Attributes.
  • 22. Developing your resources  Limit creation of text based and purely presentational items. Think about ways to create materials that drive high order engagement. Presentation and text have a place and where possible these should be created once and redeployed as required.  Use iLecture when you can. iLecture is a multi- purpose system. You can record face-to-face lectures, you can record desktop captures, you can create podcasts, narrated slideshows and vodcasts to be delivered via the iLecture infrastructure. Howard Rheingold says “Lectures are about explaining concepts that are so poorly written about they need to be explained.” Short, sharp and engaging are the key to creating multimedia resources.
  • 23. Developing your resources ECHO 360 This little tool allows any staff member to create quick video content – including desktop capture. Great for clarifying a point, introducing a difficult concept, adding to your staff profile in Bb, etc Available free to all staff from:
  • 24. Developing your resources  Know the best tool for the job. Discussion boards and forums are the public sphere of the internet – everyone gets to voice their opinion. Blogs are generally a single viewpoint with the opportunity to respond, and wikis are sites for collaborative construction. Other tools include Voicethread, Twitter, real-time conference/chat. Also know what software and hardware is available to you via the university.  Get to know what tools are being used around the world and how they are being implemented. The range of web based technologies changes on a daily basis; knowing what’s on the horizon and how to leverage these shifts to engage learners is to be encouraged.
  • 25. Developing your resources  Use / reuse existing resources. Find ways to implement the use of existing resources, both those created by you and those from third parties. Sites like YouTube, Slideshare,, and others can be used to great effect.  Remember that weblinks, online journals, libraries and other sources are all part of your toolkit. Encourage students to learn to use these to develop their own learning. Teach scholarship as much as content.  eBooks. Electronic texts are available in many subject areas and can often cut through issues of access, especially when students are in remote locations or overseas.
  • 26. Developing your resources  Know the people and departments who can support you. The Teaching and Learning Handbook lists many services to support teaching and learning.  Know what’s possible under Creative Commons, copyright and IP regulations. Know how you can legally use existing works, images, video and text.
  • 27. Look and feel of your unit
  • 28. Look and feel of your unit  Navigation and location. One of the chief concerns of planning an online space is the ability to work out where you are, where you’ve been and where you’re going. Plan to include these elements in your site design. Banners, menus, maps and inventories accompanied by clear directions and instructions all assist students (and staff) finding their way around the unit.  Instructions and guides should be clearly evident. Just as road signs around the world have some standard conventions, you can ensure that your design choices make instructions and guides very visible.
  • 29. Look and feel of your unit  Audio-visual enhancements can make your unit a pleasant and engaging space. Images and sounds can be used to deliver information, provide context, to add atmosphere and to reflect an aesthetic. Their metaphorical potential can aid with higher order processing of ideas.  Provide overviews of structure and content. When you create materials ensure you think about summaries and overviews, these can serve as advance organisers and double as review materials.
  • 30. Look and feel of your unit  The look and feel of a site can be part of the learning experience. It is perfectly reasonable to layer meaning into the look and feel of your unit.  The tone you adopt will influence student engagement. Writing for an online community is different to other forms of writing. Where appropriate keep the tone personal, conversational, social and engaging. Ask more than you tell. Read for understanding not just for assessing and evaluating.
  • 32. Coordinating your unit  Get to know the software you intend to use and will be asking staff and students to use. Know where to source the applications, where to find help and what support is available. Know some alternatives and keep abreast of developments and new releases. 2  Online Support Materials. Many resources to assist staff and students can be common across departments/schools/faculties – where possible draw on existing packages and resources. If you create something great add it to the pool so others can benefit.
  • 33. Coordinating your unit  Know about your hardware, and the hardware you have access to. It helps you to know what physical technologies are available for you to use. This can include scanners, cameras, recording devices, and anything else you might need. Insist on your dept/school/faculty being able to provide timely and reliable information in this respect. 2  Web 2.0 isn’t the enemy. The ubiquity of many Web 2.0 resources means they can become readily available extensions and fall backs to other technologies. The networking affordances alone can be leveraged to help foster student and professional networks that can extend beyond FLECS-Bb, beyond campus and beyond graduation.
  • 34. Coordinating your unit  Images and graphics. Know where you can have graphics and images made for you, learn how to make your own and learn where to source ready made images and photographs.  Video production facilities are available. There is a range of video production facilities available to you. The higher the production value you want the greater the expectation of the university that the product will be operating beyond mere presentation and information delivery. iLecture 360 Desktop Capture tool is freely available to all staff.
  • 35. Coordinating your unit  Staff development is part of the responsibility. Its worth remembering that as your staff get better at working effectively and efficiently in online contexts you will benefit.  eVALUate. You should see increased satisfaction being reported though these reports and that should be incentive to keep getting better at the whole game.
  • 36. Coordinating your unit  Look at your unit through students’ eyes. Before you release your unit to students ensure you go through it in student perspective. Make certain that all the requisite clarity and guidance will be obvious to students, look for things that don’t make sense, or are unnecessarily complicated.  Factor in user experience testing. Ensure you have strategies in place for testing the operation of your unit. Does it work on all browsers and all platforms? Will you need to stipulate technology/software required? Does everything work the way you intended?
  • 37. Coordinating your unit  Self-evaluate the unit. Use established rubrics and evaluation criteria to determine the quality and efficacy of your unit. Notice the strengths in your work and identify areas for improvement.  Administrative workflows. Be clear about what work is required and who will complete it. Where necessary create clearly articulated workflows to guide staff (and students) through required tasks. Ensure you have the necessary administrative support form your department/school/faculty.
  • 38. Coordinating your unit  Remember the university has the ability to provide support through a range of Offices and Units. Staff should make sure they are aware of the support opportunities:  Office of Research and Development  Organisational Development Unit  UniEnglish  Central AV Support  Office of Teaching and Learning  Library  CITS  Curtin University Bookshop  START (Student Transition and Retention Team)
  • 40. Learning and assessment activities  Be realistic about the time required. Students are expected to invest up to 10 hours per week to complete a unit of study – that gives you about 100-120 hours of time over a study period. Be realistic about what can be achieved in that time frame and plan activities that allow students to best utilise their time.  Scaffold learning activities. Ensure that students are given appropriate support and guidance as required; and as much as possible try to link student participation to assessment. Creative assessment tasks will ensure participation is required without resorting to directly grading attendance.
  • 41. Learning and assessment activities  Provide opportunities for students to practice and rehearse the sorts of activities they’ll be assessed on. The online context is a great place to provide examples of practice and opportunities for rehearsal – virtuality may serve this in some practical areas.  Provide opportunities for students to engage in interdisciplinary and cross- disciplinary activities. Students benefit from a rich contextualisation of the fields of knowledge and practice they are entering into – a single focus vocational perspective limits capacity for growth.
  • 42. Learning and assessment activities  Use methods that are appropriate to the context. Students should be encouraged to participate in meaningful ways and not in arbitrary or contrived ways. Your flexibility, creativity and familiarity with the context can ensure that the student’s experience is optimised.  Incorporate skills development, how- to-learn strategies and graduate attributes in active engagement with core content. Integrate the full spectrum of learning in the activities you ask students to undertake.
  • 43. Learning and assessment activities  Learn how to weave together the social, academic, professional and personal components of online engagement. You’ll discover that many students have a diverse range of skills and knowledge about the technologies they use; your learning activities can help them map and repurpose skills into new contexts.  Incorporate opportunities for peer teaching, peer assessment and self- assessment. Concentrate on addressing interest, relevance, currency, engagement, chunking up, chunking down, social engagement and active participation as you connect students with each other, current practice and practitioners.
  • 45. Communicating and engaging  Make yourself known in the teaching space. The teacher is the most recognisable person in most classrooms. In the online context you need to develop a pervasive online presence. Photos, video, messages, and information – they all paint a picture of you as the teacher. Use the available tools to ensure students feel they have a connection with you.  Ensure all instructions are clear and reiterated. Redundancy can be a good thing in certain aspects of teaching online. Students should be able to clearly identify and interpret instructions.
  • 46. Communicating and engaging  Provide checklists for students – have they completed all required activities for the week? Simple methods of ensuring students are all aware of what’s required. 1  Navigation guides, site maps and inventories assist teachers and learners alike. Site organisation is an important component in helping everyone find what they’re supposed to find. Site maps (textual or graphical) can assist and minimise the need for students to bother you with emails about navigation.
  • 47. Communicating and engaging  The type of question you ask will influence the student experience. Asking effective questions in discussion boards will ensure that students engage the way you intended. Questions are also an effective way of guiding students to engage with subject matter.  Respond to general themes first. In discussion forums you run the risk of addressing the same concerns over and over again. Better to assess the main concerns of students and deal with them in a well-considered post that everyone can read. Encourage peer guidance before engaging in individual responses.
  • 48. Communicating and engaging  Encourage peer-to-peer interaction. Use groups and peer engagement strategically and pedagogically. This will improve your time management in the long run. Assume the hive will be proactive in sharing insights.  Use simple compulsory activities that scaffold learning the interface and practices required for successful online learning – fun, game-like, pseudo-competitive, collaborative. This establishes a tone for the class, fosters effective participation and guides students through the skills and practices required for successful participation.
  • 49. Communicating and engaging  Understand the technologies and best applications – blogs, discussion boards, wiki, email, announcement, messages, real time chat, voice chat, conferencing, etc. Each technology has its strengths – use them to support your teaching.
  • 51. Managing your time  Lock out time on your calendar to work on unit development. Ensure you realistically assign time to complete the tasks required to develop your unit.  Lock out time on your calendar to engage online. When you are teaching your unit fully online you’ll need 30-45 minutes per day. Make this known widely inside your unit and across your department.
  • 52. Managing your time  Use group responses over individual responses where appropriate. There are few situations where students will need to contact you individually – most of the time you will be better served by addressing the collective. Specific personal issues and interactions relating to individual achievement may require individual attention.  Take time for collegial discussion. Create a staff group within your unit for asynchronous discussion. Also ensure you have adequate opportunity to meet face-to-face for support and administration.
  • 53. Managing your time  Develop proficiency with a range of technology tools.Your knowledge, skill and understanding of a wide range of technologies will ensure you become more efficient and effective in the online context. New technologies are released daily and will be continually added to teaching and learning repertoire. Assume constant change is normal and learn to be comfortable with adapting your practices to new forms and structures.
  • 54. Managing your time  Recognise where time invested now will reward you with free time later. Conscious incompetence becomes conscious competence becomes unconscious competence. Speed and efficiency are the pay off for all learning. Be realistic about this – you will get better at it and it will become easier and quicker. You’ll also be better able to articulate your technology needs.  Calendars can be used as part of the teaching and learning environment – clear and timely communication will ensure your time isn’t spent reiterating what’s been said ten times before. The technology can be set to release materials when you are absent.
  • 56. Electronic marking  Online marking can be a far more efficient process than making hard copy materials, but it does mean being organised. Know how to organise folders, filter emails, and navigate through Bb grading resources.  Know the affordances of FLECS- Bb. Learn to use quizzes and tests, surveys, automated marking, the Grade Centre, Assignment and Drop Box to ensure your time is preserved.
  • 57. Electronic marking  Know where to turn for guidance. The university provides many avenues for support and you should be familiar with these resources  Online Skills Training pages on the OTL site  FLC website resources  Develop proficiency with the software you have at your disposal. Know what you can do with Word, Adobe Acrobat Professional, Excel, etc. For example:  Use Track Changes in Word  Templates for grading rubrics  Use annotations in PDF documents  Formulas in Excel spreadsheets  FLECS-Bb grade centre
  • 58. Electronic marking  Adopt effective screen strategies. Use two monitors if available, arrange windows to optimise onscreen actions, use rubric documents (automated or templates). Change resolution if necessary to generate greater screen 1 real estate.  File management. Effective file management can help make the process more organised and time efficient. Learn to use filters, tags and other tools to ease your workload. Automate where possible.
  • 59. Electronic marking  Encourage students to use Turnitin. Turnitin can help students better understand their obligations when it comes to Academic Integrity. By taking responsibility for assessing their own work they develop a better appreciation of how original work can be represented and how identifying sources of influence can be important.
  • 61. Common pitfalls Plan without considering the online limitations and affordances. It is in your interests and the interests of your students to ensure that you consider your best options when teaching online. Select activities and technologies that work well within the context of the unit, eg.  its appropriate in a unit for preservice teachers to incorporate technologies that might be used in K -12 teaching contexts;  it’s appropriate to use collaborative documents for group work;  its appropriate to use online animation software in a media unit.
  • 62. Common pitfalls “Shovel ware” – generating great volumes of text based content and trying to squeeze it into a Learning Management System. The preferred approach is to generate engaging reusable materials that focus on teaching and learning rather than dumping tonnes of content. Information is everywhere – learning to find, encounter, analyse and critique information is a better goal.
  • 63. Common pitfalls ✗ Try to individually attend to every student question and enquiry. Approach discussion boards as public space – make public responses where appropriate. Survey the forums and determine key elements to be addressed and address it once. Discourage general email usage. ✗ Forget to allow the learning community to be self-sustaining. Classes do need facilitation - mainly with the intent of creating a learning community that operates more and more through social engagement.
  • 64. Common pitfalls Omit early activities that teach online skills and practices while engaging and developing community cohesion. Classes need some scaffolding at various stages. Remember your responsibility as an educator to provide scaffolded opportunities for students to learn a range of effective strategies for working online. Try to do it without adding your own learning into the equation. At every stage of teaching online, especially in the very beginning, you will find that you need to learn new skills, new beliefs, new ways of working, and that takes time even when embedded in practice.
  • 65. Common pitfalls Believe that technology will do it all for you. Quite simply the technology will do none of the teaching and learning but it can help you make your teaching more appropriate to the 21st century. 1