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Cesarean Scar Defects 
2014 2
Other nomenclature 
Uterine diverticulum 
Uterine pouch 
CS Scar defect 
(Niche or isthmocele)
Hysterectomy Specimens isthmocele 
Hysterectomy Specimens
{Intact myom 
Remaining myom > 
C…..=remaining myometrium…D=Intact myometrium 
Measurement of the Niche
Residual myometrium 
R .Myometrium
Transabdominal sonography in 1982 
(Burge et al., 1982)
With transvaginal ultrasound in 1990 
(Chen et al., 1990) 
2014 3D isthmocele ,in one woman in this study
3D one woman in this study two CS scars ARE seen 
1 2 
Endocervical canal 
2C S Scar defects one is high,other 
3D 2014
3D with zooming in 
Hysteroscopy and MRI 
Niche By MRI 
Residual myometrium 
Mouth of the Niche (Hysteroscopy)
Sound in ut 
Niche as seen by Lap 
Old blood 
semicircular triangular 
Inclusion cyst 
Various Shapes of Niche
Gynecologic impact of isthmocel 
*Asymptomatic in most of the cases 
*Abnormal uterine bleeding 
*Pelvic pain 
*Scar ectopic pregnancy 
Gynecologic impact of isthmocele 
* Misdiagnosis as fibroid or bladder mass, adenomyosis . 
* Difficulties during IUCD insertion, hystroscopy,D&C. 
* There are some reported cases of c s scar infection 
with abscess formation
C S scar defect is proposed to be a cause of infertility 
in some cases(31% in our study), (Al.sheemy 2012),by 
the following mechanisms: 
1- Distortion of the uterine cavity(endometrial line). 
2- Myofibrils incoordination. 
3- Interfere with sperm ascending motility. 
4- Interfere with implantation.
Distortion of end line
A histopathological study of hysterectomy 
specimens with Cesarean section scars proposed 
three possible mechanisms underlying the patho-genesis 
of these symptoms. 
2014 ,Al.Sheemy &Samia Eid, MSc . thesis
Lymphocytic Infiltration 
2014 Al.Sheemy@Samia Eid MSc thesis
Scar Adenomyosis 
2014 Al.Sheemy@Samia Eid MSc thesis
Firstly, menorrhagia and abnormnal uterine 
bleeding may be explained by presence of a 
congested endometrial fold and small polyps in the 
scar recess 
2014 ,Al.Sheemy &Samia Eid, MSc . 
Secondly , Chronic pelvic pain and 
dyspareunia may be explained by lymphocytic 
infiltration and distortion of the lower uterine 
2014 ,Al.Sheemy &Samia Eid, MSc . 
Thirdly , iatrogenic adenomyosis confined to 
the scar could account for dysmenorrhea. . 
2014 Al.Sheemy@Samia Eid MSc 
Treatment of patients with symptomatic niche. 
 There is no definite guideline for treatment till now 
 Oral hormonal contraceptive pills can be used for 
short term treatment for patients with CS defect and 
suffering from PAUB ,but most authors reported that 
oral contraceptives and progestin therapy failed to 
eliminate the problem . (Klinim et al 2005)
Treatment of patients with symptomatic niche. 
* Resectoscopic repair of the defect as a therapy was 
tried in small series with variable results, 40% of this 
group still retained the symptoms in 
(Wang et al series 2011). 
* Hysteroscopic treatment depends on electro cautery of 
dilated blood vessels, endometrial like tissues ,with 
removal of fibrotic scar and debris in the roof of the 
pouch as it is impossible to take stitches by 
hysteroscope.(Gubbin et al 2010).
Treatment of patients with symptomatic niche. 
Donnez et al 2007 described only 3 cases of 
laparoscopic repair . 
Mauricio et al 2012,described one case of 
laparoscopic robotic repair of niche. 
However, the studied cases are limited in number , 
and need a special skill with much expense, in well 
occupied centers.
Vaginal Repair 
* Trial for transvaginal repair is started only recently, 
aiming to providing a more simple method for repair 
* There are only one trial for using laparoscopic guided 
vaginal repair of niche in 5 cases.(Klemin et al 2005) 
*Also there is one trial for vaginal repair is recently 
described in 2012 by Lulu et al in 42 cases with 
symptomatic relief and anatomical correction in 92% 
of cases ,with nigh pregnancy rate
Laparoscopic Repair 
Abdominal Repair of niche 
Donnez et al 2012
Laparoscopic repair 
Moricio 2012
In 2 011 we started to undergoes a series of studies in our 
department . 
The first was 
To study the prevalence of C S scar defects and, its patterns 
in relation to symptoms, {MSc thesis published in 2012} 
The second was 
To evaluate the novel operation of transvaginal uterine artery 
ligation in treatment of associated menorrhagia. Published In 
2013.17 Ain Shams inter confer and M D thesis. 
The third is 
What we discuss now which is transvaginal repair of CSSD 
in 2014 under publication. 
The aims of the first study was to describe the 
incidence of various clinical symptoms in 
patients with cesarean section scar to determine 
the association between the pattern of the scar 
and clinical symptoms in women with previous 
history of CS 
{M D thesis a approved 2012) 
First study
 A cross sectional randomized study conducted in 
Ultrasound Unit of Obstetrics and Gynecology 
Dep. at Al Azhar University hospital ( Domiat ). 
 100 non-pregnant women were recruited for this 
study from outpatient clinic who attended for 
transvaginal ultrasound examination. 
frequency of scar defect in studied cases, it was reported in 22 
cases out of 100 cases (22.0%). 
Relation between scar defect cases and 
clinical symptoms 
Clinical symptoms Number of cases % 
Abnormal uterine 
9 40% 
Dysmenorrhea 5 22% 
Chronic pelvic pain 4 18% 
Infertility 7 31% 
High scar is usually symptomatic 
High niche
Niche Height Ratio ab. 
a = distance between fundus of uterus and the defect. 
b = distance between fundus of uterus and the internal os . 
Intact scar Scar defect 
Mean height ratio 0.8 0.61 
The mean height ratio in cases with intact scar was 0.8 and in symptomatic 
cases with scar defect was 0.61 that means high defects are associated with 
more clinical symptoms. 
Results in short 
 Scar defects were reported in a high 
frequency among women with higher rate of 
parity, who had higher number of previous CS 
more common with RVF uterus. 
 Women with scar defects had higher 
abnormal uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhea 
and chronic pelvic pain. infertility in 30%. 
 The most frequent clinical symptom related 
to the scar defect is postmenstrual spotting. 
Recommendation of the first study 
Screening for all women with CS scar is 
mandatory to correlate the scar pattern with the 
clinical presentation as abnormal uterine 
bleeding pelvic pain dysmenorrhea infertility 
and dyspareunia. 
The aim of second study was to evaluate a 
new operation of vaginal uterine artery 
ligation in treatment of abnormal bleeding 
related to the scar and this is presented in 17 
Ain shams conference 2013 
2013.17 AinShams 
The second study
There is only 2 previous trial for VBUAL but in 
treating fibroid rather than menorrhagia related to 
cs scar/ in Nigeria 2010 by Akinola the other in 
small series by Pelosi 2006. 
However ,there is one trial to use it to control 
postpartum hemorrhage in 2002 
By Gundula etal 
2014 52
Idea of Vaginal ligation of the uterine artery is to 
ligate the artery in continuity close to the cervix, 
the cervical tissues are included in the suture so the 
edges of the CS scar defect is included in the 
sutures laterally. Ligation Of the uterine artery has 
its own benefit of controlling menorrhagia 
Idea of Vaginal ligation of 
the uterine artery 
Alsheemy &Samia E 2014 MD thesis
Site of vaginal ligation 
of U A 
Results Of Sonographic And Color Doppler 
Study During The First Year Of Operation. 
Decrease in the mean uterine volume. 18 cases 35.5 % 
Mean niche diameters. 8 cases 70.1% 
Peak systolic velocity in intra myometrial arteries 18 cases 32 cm/s 
Pregnancy in infertile group 12 cases 75% 
* R I : Resistance Index. 
suture in place 
lt side 
Why the niche treated with 
U A ligation 
05/15/13 A1SHEEMY 57
Why the defect diameters improved 
after vaginal ligation ? 
The decrease in the niche diameter after VBUAL can 
be attributed to approximation of the lateral flaps of 
the old incision during suturing the arteries as the 
cervix and isthmus are included in the ligature.
• No specia1 complications occurred except a small 
non progressing vault hematoma in 3 cases 
• Excessive operative bleeding in 2casase which 
rapidly stopped after ligation.
After 3 month after VBUAL
Scar Dimension Before and 3 m 
After Operation 
Mean width 
±SD (mm) 7.2±2.2 2.3±7.7 70.2% 
Mean depth ± 
SD (mm) 
7.4±3.2 1.8±1.4 78.6% 
• Less time consuming. 
• No abdominal scar. 
• Simple to learn 
• Can be performed during diagnostic D&C for 
abnormal uterine bleeding as an office procedure . 
• Low complication 
• more safe and less coasty 62
Recommendation of the Second Study 
• The study recommend VBUAL in case of 
refractory menorrhagia it can be performed 
during diagnostic D&C . 
• VBUAL seems to be more indicated when no 
uterine lesion is found or small fibroids are 
starting in young women infertile, and in CS 
scar related abnormal bleeding. 
2014 A!lsheemy 63
The third study is to assess the neo vaginal repair 
of the scar defect ,without ligating the uterine 
arteries except in cases which presented with 
The third study
22 infertile cases were included in the study with at 
least one c s the last one was at least 3 ys ago 
Inclusion criteria 
All with symptomatic c s scar defect 
All were infertile, with associated symptoms in form of 
bleeding………………. 11 case(group1) 
Pelvic pain……………..11 cases.(group2) 
The dimension of c s scar should be 5mm at base and 6 
mm in length or more. 
The cases selected among cases attending the 
El-Sheemy Clinic for period March 2012 to April 
In February 2013,Our Department in AL-Azhar 
university hosp started a new series in a wider scale 
0250/1145/13 66
The endometrial surface is not 
included , it only refreshed 
One cm 
Curette thiss urface
Idea of Transvaginal Repair operation 
1.Curette the endometrial surface of the niche to 
remove necrotic tissues and bring a fresh raw area , to 
avoid suturing the endometrial side a step that avoided 
to decrease a theoretical possibility of local ischemia or 
2.The healthy residual myometrium is not incised. 
3.Only one cm is the depth of the needle during 
stitching 2014 
the defect.
Anatomicallythe isthmus is the 4 
mm above the I Os 
Traction of cx downwards, the supravaginal cx 
Felt through the covering vaginal wall. 
0250/1145/13 A1sheemy/-/-/-/-eid 70
D&C is performed as usual .but, 
with curetting of the floor of the 
niche near the isthmus to create a 
row surface which we think that it 
help in the healing of the 
The bladder 
is separated 
from the cx 
and reflected 
upward for 3 
05/15/13 A1SHEEMY72 
Traction, of, cx, to, 
Side, to, feel, the, 
supravaginal, cx 
2014 05/15/13 A1SHEEMY 73
Push bladder up 
T V l of UA in cases 
with AU B 
The vessels twice 
02W50/1145e/1d3nesday, May 15, 2013 76
suture in place 
Rt side 
2014 05/15/13 A1SHEEMY 77
Was then done 
Only in the first 
5case to be sure 
The ureters 
Are intact 
05/15/13 86
In case of vaginal uterine artery ligation cystoscopy 
is performed at end of operation with ureteric 
catheterization in the first10 cases to detect any 
ureteric in jury a step which is not needed after 
the first 5cases, as we gained the experience of 
entering the correct plain.
Ureteric catheter shows intact 
Ureter after the VBUAL operation 
Serial post operative follow up every 2 months 
then applied for 3 years to record the response to 
the operation as regard bleeding cycles regularity 
degree of pain with vaginal sonogaphy CD 
,pregnancy rate with its outcome and uterine 
volume measurement. 
After 2 hours of 
vaginal repair TAS
Before Repair 
One woman with niche with 2 small 
interstitial fibroid before v. repair
One hour after vaginal repair 
The same patient 
after v. repair
2 weeks after vaginal 
2 week after vaginal repair 
After 6 months of vaginal repair 
Results of V repair 
• Bleeding Control: All cases show decrease in the 
amount and duration However 6 cases reported a 
heavy menses for only 2 months. 
• Pain control: Most of the women complaining of 
pelvic pain before the operation recoded an 
improvement(8 out of12) 
• There is anatomical and symptomatic correction 
of the problem.
Results of V repair 
 16 cases became pregnant out of 22 cases (72.7%) 
 2 cases aborted ,the other completed an unremarkable 
 All the 14 cases were delivered by CS at 37W during 
operation the scar is not thin and even difficult to 
differentiate from surrounding myometrium ,no 
myoma or bulky uterus were present in cases 
presented with uterine pathology.
We agree with Marotta et al 2013 that if the 
residual myometrium is 3mm or less 
hystroscopic repair should be avoided 
although of the limited number studied this 
v repair provides a simple alternative to both 
hystroscopic and laparoscopic repair 
• The operative time without 
cystoscopy was 22 minutes. 
• The mean hospital stay time was 
05/15/13 99
Early pregnancy 3 months after v repair 
Pregnancy after vaginal repair
Pregnancy after vaginal repair
After 3 years of follow up most of the 
patients are still satisfied with the 
operation results especially as regard the 
bleeding control, pain improvement and 
pregnancy outcome
• VBUAL and Vaginal repair are simple safe, 
minimally invasive and not time consuming uterine 
preservative operations. 
• Clinical and sonographic results of both are 
promising specially as regard patient satisfaction. 
• Our primary results indicate that unremarkable 
pregnancy can occur with good pregnancy outcome . 
Conclusion of three studies
All staff members in department 
,my family members ..
For your attention

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Fairmonte 2014 treatment of niche asogic

  • 1.
  • 3. Other nomenclature Niche Isthmocele Uterine diverticulum Uterine pouch 2014
  • 4. 2014 CS Scar defect (Niche or isthmocele)
  • 7. 2014 endometrium {Intact myom Niche Remaining myom > C…..=remaining myometrium…D=Intact myometrium Measurement of the Niche
  • 8. Residual myometrium measurement 2014 R .Myometrium
  • 10. 2014 niche Transabdominal sonography in 1982 (Burge et al., 1982)
  • 11. With transvaginal ultrasound in 1990 (Chen et al., 1990) 2014
  • 12. 3D 2014 3D isthmocele ,in one woman in this study
  • 13. 3D one woman in this study two CS scars ARE seen 1 2 Endocervical canal 2 2C S Scar defects one is high,other is low 3D 2014
  • 14. 3D with zooming in 2014
  • 15. Hysteroscopy and MRI 2014 isthmocele
  • 16. Niche By MRI Residual myometrium 2014
  • 17. 2014 Mouth of the Niche (Hysteroscopy)
  • 18. Sound in ut Niche as seen by Lap 2014 Old blood Adenomyosis
  • 19. 2014 semicircular triangular Droplet Inclusion cyst Various Shapes of Niche
  • 20. Gynecologic impact of isthmocel *Asymptomatic in most of the cases *Abnormal uterine bleeding *Pelvic pain *Dyspareunia *Dysmenorrhea *Infertility *Scar ectopic pregnancy 2014
  • 21. Gynecologic impact of isthmocele * Misdiagnosis as fibroid or bladder mass, adenomyosis . * Difficulties during IUCD insertion, hystroscopy,D&C. * There are some reported cases of c s scar infection with abscess formation
  • 22. Infertility C S scar defect is proposed to be a cause of infertility in some cases(31% in our study), (Al.sheemy 2012),by the following mechanisms: 1- Distortion of the uterine cavity(endometrial line). 2- Myofibrils incoordination. 3- Interfere with sperm ascending motility. 4- Interfere with implantation.
  • 23. 2014 Distortion of end line
  • 24. Pathophysiology A histopathological study of hysterectomy specimens with Cesarean section scars proposed three possible mechanisms underlying the patho-genesis of these symptoms. 2014 ,Al.Sheemy &Samia Eid, MSc . thesis
  • 25. Lymphocytic Infiltration 2014 Al.Sheemy@Samia Eid MSc thesis
  • 26. Scar Adenomyosis 2014 Al.Sheemy@Samia Eid MSc thesis
  • 27. Firstly, menorrhagia and abnormnal uterine bleeding may be explained by presence of a congested endometrial fold and small polyps in the scar recess 2014 Pathophysiology 2014 ,Al.Sheemy &Samia Eid, MSc . thesis
  • 28. Secondly , Chronic pelvic pain and dyspareunia may be explained by lymphocytic infiltration and distortion of the lower uterine segment 2014 Pathophysiology 2014 ,Al.Sheemy &Samia Eid, MSc . thesis
  • 29. Thirdly , iatrogenic adenomyosis confined to the scar could account for dysmenorrhea. . 2014 Pathophysiology 2014 Al.Sheemy@Samia Eid MSc thesis
  • 30. Treatment of patients with symptomatic niche.  There is no definite guideline for treatment till now  Oral hormonal contraceptive pills can be used for short term treatment for patients with CS defect and suffering from PAUB ,but most authors reported that oral contraceptives and progestin therapy failed to eliminate the problem . (Klinim et al 2005)
  • 31. Treatment of patients with symptomatic niche. * Resectoscopic repair of the defect as a therapy was tried in small series with variable results, 40% of this group still retained the symptoms in (Wang et al series 2011). * Hysteroscopic treatment depends on electro cautery of dilated blood vessels, endometrial like tissues ,with removal of fibrotic scar and debris in the roof of the pouch as it is impossible to take stitches by hysteroscope.(Gubbin et al 2010).
  • 32. Treatment of patients with symptomatic niche. LaparoscopicTreatment Donnez et al 2007 described only 3 cases of laparoscopic repair . Mauricio et al 2012,described one case of laparoscopic robotic repair of niche. However, the studied cases are limited in number , and need a special skill with much expense, in well occupied centers.
  • 33. Vaginal Repair * Trial for transvaginal repair is started only recently, aiming to providing a more simple method for repair * There are only one trial for using laparoscopic guided vaginal repair of niche in 5 cases.(Klemin et al 2005) *Also there is one trial for vaginal repair is recently described in 2012 by Lulu et al in 42 cases with symptomatic relief and anatomical correction in 92% of cases ,with nigh pregnancy rate
  • 34. Laparoscopic Repair Abdominal Repair of niche Donnez et al 2012
  • 35. 2014 Laparoscopic repair Moricio 2012
  • 36. In 2 011 we started to undergoes a series of studies in our department . The first was To study the prevalence of C S scar defects and, its patterns in relation to symptoms, {MSc thesis published in 2012} The second was To evaluate the novel operation of transvaginal uterine artery ligation in treatment of associated menorrhagia. Published In 2013.17 Ain Shams inter confer and M D thesis. The third is What we discuss now which is transvaginal repair of CSSD in 2014 under publication. 2014
  • 37. The aims of the first study was to describe the incidence of various clinical symptoms in patients with cesarean section scar to determine the association between the pattern of the scar and clinical symptoms in women with previous history of CS Al.sheemy&Alsaawy {M D thesis a approved 2012) 2014 First study
  • 38.  A cross sectional randomized study conducted in Ultrasound Unit of Obstetrics and Gynecology Dep. at Al Azhar University hospital ( Domiat ).  100 non-pregnant women were recruited for this study from outpatient clinic who attended for transvaginal ultrasound examination. 2014
  • 39. frequency of scar defect in studied cases, it was reported in 22 cases out of 100 cases (22.0%). Intact Defect 22% 78% 2014
  • 40. Relation between scar defect cases and clinical symptoms Clinical symptoms Number of cases % Abnormal uterine bleeding 9 40% Dysmenorrhea 5 22% Chronic pelvic pain 4 18% Infertility 7 31% 2014
  • 41. High scar is usually symptomatic 2014 High niche
  • 42. Niche Height Ratio ab. a = distance between fundus of uterus and the defect. b = distance between fundus of uterus and the internal os . Intact scar Scar defect Mean height ratio 0.8 0.61 The mean height ratio in cases with intact scar was 0.8 and in symptomatic cases with scar defect was 0.61 that means high defects are associated with more clinical symptoms. 2014
  • 43. Results in short  Scar defects were reported in a high frequency among women with higher rate of parity, who had higher number of previous CS more common with RVF uterus.  Women with scar defects had higher abnormal uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhea and chronic pelvic pain. infertility in 30%.  The most frequent clinical symptom related to the scar defect is postmenstrual spotting. 2014
  • 44. Recommendation of the first study Screening for all women with CS scar is mandatory to correlate the scar pattern with the clinical presentation as abnormal uterine bleeding pelvic pain dysmenorrhea infertility and dyspareunia. 2014
  • 45. The aim of second study was to evaluate a new operation of vaginal uterine artery ligation in treatment of abnormal bleeding related to the scar and this is presented in 17 Ain shams conference 2013 2014 (ALSHEEMYconf 2013.17 AinShams The second study
  • 47. Review There is only 2 previous trial for VBUAL but in treating fibroid rather than menorrhagia related to cs scar/ in Nigeria 2010 by Akinola the other in small series by Pelosi 2006. However ,there is one trial to use it to control postpartum hemorrhage in 2002 By Gundula etal 2014 52
  • 48. Idea of Vaginal ligation of the uterine artery is to ligate the artery in continuity close to the cervix, the cervical tissues are included in the suture so the edges of the CS scar defect is included in the sutures laterally. Ligation Of the uterine artery has its own benefit of controlling menorrhagia 2014 Idea of Vaginal ligation of the uterine artery Alsheemy &Samia E 2014 MD thesis
  • 49. 2014
  • 50. Site of vaginal ligation of U A <
  • 51. Results Of Sonographic And Color Doppler Study During The First Year Of Operation. Item N Studied Decrease in the mean uterine volume. 18 cases 35.5 % Mean niche diameters. 8 cases 70.1% Peak systolic velocity in intra myometrial arteries 18 cases 32 cm/s Pregnancy in infertile group 12 cases 75% * R I : Resistance Index. Results 56
  • 52. suture in place lt side Why the niche treated with Vag U A ligation 05/15/13 A1SHEEMY 57
  • 53. Why the defect diameters improved after vaginal ligation ? The decrease in the niche diameter after VBUAL can be attributed to approximation of the lateral flaps of the old incision during suturing the arteries as the cervix and isthmus are included in the ligature.
  • 54. Results Complications • No specia1 complications occurred except a small 59 non progressing vault hematoma in 3 cases • Excessive operative bleeding in 2casase which rapidly stopped after ligation.
  • 55. 2014 After 3 month after VBUAL
  • 56. Scar Dimension Before and 3 m Scar Dimension After Operation Before Operation After Operation % Mean width ±SD (mm) 7.2±2.2 2.3±7.7 70.2% Mean depth ± SD (mm) 7.4±3.2 1.8±1.4 78.6% 2014
  • 57. • Less time consuming. • No abdominal scar. • Simple to learn • Can be performed during diagnostic D&C for abnormal uterine bleeding as an office procedure . • Low complication • more safe and less coasty 62
  • 58. Recommendation of the Second Study • The study recommend VBUAL in case of refractory menorrhagia it can be performed during diagnostic D&C . • VBUAL seems to be more indicated when no uterine lesion is found or small fibroids are starting in young women infertile, and in CS scar related abnormal bleeding. 2014 A!lsheemy 63
  • 59. The third study is to assess the neo vaginal repair of the scar defect ,without ligating the uterine arteries except in cases which presented with bleeding. 2014 The third study
  • 60. 22 infertile cases were included in the study with at least one c s the last one was at least 3 ys ago Inclusion criteria All with symptomatic c s scar defect All were infertile, with associated symptoms in form of bleeding………………. 11 case(group1) Pelvic pain……………..11 cases.(group2) The dimension of c s scar should be 5mm at base and 6 mm in length or more. 2014
  • 61. The cases selected among cases attending the El-Sheemy Clinic for period March 2012 to April 2014. In February 2013,Our Department in AL-Azhar university hosp started a new series in a wider scale 0250/1145/13 66
  • 62. 2014 The endometrial surface is not included , it only refreshed One cm Curette thiss urface
  • 63. Idea of Transvaginal Repair operation 1.Curette the endometrial surface of the niche to remove necrotic tissues and bring a fresh raw area , to avoid suturing the endometrial side a step that avoided to decrease a theoretical possibility of local ischemia or adhesions. 2.The healthy residual myometrium is not incised. 3.Only one cm is the depth of the needle during stitching 2014 the defect.
  • 64. Anatomicallythe isthmus is the 4 mm above the I Os 2014
  • 65. Traction of cx downwards, the supravaginal cx Felt through the covering vaginal wall. 0250/1145/13 A1sheemy/-/-/-/-eid 70
  • 66. D&C D&C is performed as usual .but, with curetting of the floor of the niche near the isthmus to create a row surface which we think that it help in the healing of the defect 2014
  • 67. The bladder is separated from the cx and reflected upward for 3 cm 05/15/13 A1SHEEMY72 5/15/2013 2014
  • 68. Traction, of, cx, to, opposite Side, to, feel, the, supravaginal, cx 2014 05/15/13 A1SHEEMY 73
  • 70. 2014
  • 71. Push bladder up Encircle T V l of UA in cases with AU B The vessels twice 02W50/1145e/1d3nesday, May 15, 2013 76
  • 72. suture in place Rt side 2014 05/15/13 A1SHEEMY 77
  • 73. 2014
  • 81. Cystoscopy Was then done Only in the first 5case to be sure that The ureters Are intact 2014 05/15/13 86
  • 82. Cystoscopy In case of vaginal uterine artery ligation cystoscopy is performed at end of operation with ureteric catheterization in the first10 cases to detect any ureteric in jury a step which is not needed after the first 5cases, as we gained the experience of entering the correct plain.
  • 83. cystoscopy Ureteric catheter shows intact Ureter after the VBUAL operation 88
  • 84. Serial post operative follow up every 2 months then applied for 3 years to record the response to the operation as regard bleeding cycles regularity degree of pain with vaginal sonogaphy CD ,pregnancy rate with its outcome and uterine volume measurement. 89
  • 85. After 2 hours of vaginal repair TAS
  • 86. 2014 Before Repair One woman with niche with 2 small interstitial fibroid before v. repair
  • 87. One hour after vaginal repair The same patient after v. repair
  • 88. 2014 2 weeks after vaginal repair
  • 89. 2014 2 week after vaginal repair Endometrial side B CX
  • 90. After 6 months of vaginal repair 2014 05/15/13
  • 91. Results of V repair • Bleeding Control: All cases show decrease in the amount and duration However 6 cases reported a heavy menses for only 2 months. • Pain control: Most of the women complaining of pelvic pain before the operation recoded an improvement(8 out of12) • There is anatomical and symptomatic correction of the problem.
  • 92. Results of V repair  16 cases became pregnant out of 22 cases (72.7%)  2 cases aborted ,the other completed an unremarkable pregnancy.  All the 14 cases were delivered by CS at 37W during operation the scar is not thin and even difficult to differentiate from surrounding myometrium ,no myoma or bulky uterus were present in cases presented with uterine pathology.
  • 93. Conclusion We agree with Marotta et al 2013 that if the residual myometrium is 3mm or less hystroscopic repair should be avoided although of the limited number studied this v repair provides a simple alternative to both hystroscopic and laparoscopic repair 2014
  • 94. Results • The operative time without cystoscopy was 22 minutes. • The mean hospital stay time was 3hours. 2014 05/15/13 99
  • 95. Early pregnancy 3 months after v repair 2014
  • 96. 2014 Pregnancy after vaginal repair
  • 97. 2014 Pregnancy after vaginal repair
  • 98. After 3 years of follow up most of the patients are still satisfied with the operation results especially as regard the bleeding control, pain improvement and pregnancy outcome
  • 99. • VBUAL and Vaginal repair are simple safe, minimally invasive and not time consuming uterine preservative operations. • Clinical and sonographic results of both are promising specially as regard patient satisfaction. • Our primary results indicate that unremarkable pregnancy can occur with good pregnancy outcome . 104 Conclusion of three studies
  • 100. Acknowledgment 2014 All staff members in department ,my family members ..