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role of uterine artery embolizati 
on in gynecology practice
Apollo Medicine 2012 September 
Volume 9, Number 3; pp. 206e211 Review Article 
The role of uterine artery embolization in gynecology practice 
S. Kheda Amitha Vikramaa,*, Ramamurthy Chitrab 
Uterine artery embolization (UAE) is a minimally invasive interventional radiological procedure to occlude the arterial 
supply to the uterus. UAE has been very useful for controlling hemorrhage following delivery/abortion, in ectopic or 
cervical pregnancy, gestational trophoblastic disease or carcinoma cervix. Currently it is being mostly used for 
treating uterine fibroids. It requires a shorter hospital stay with early resumption to normal activity. This review briefly 
summarizes the role of this relatively new technique in gynecologic practice. 
Copyright © 2012, Indraprastha Medical Corporation Ltd. All rights reserved. 
Keyword: Uterine artery embolization, Hemorrhage, Interventional Radiology 
Uterine artery embolization (UAE) is a relatively new, mini-mally 
invasive interventional radiological technique to 
occlude the arterial supply to the uterus. UAE has been prac-ticed 
over more than 20 years for controlling hemorrhage 
following delivery/abortion, in ectopic or cervical preg-nancy, 
gestational trophoblastic disease or carcinoma cervix. 
Currently, UAE is being used mostly for treating uterine 
fibroids. UAE is recommended to women with symptom-atic 
fibroids who wish to retain their uteruses and avoid 
surgery. It selectively blocks the feeding arteries that supply 
blood to the fibroids and causes ischemic necrosis and 
subsequent absorption or expulsion of leiomyoma.1 
Worldwide technical success rates reported for UAE are 
98%e100%.2e4 The decrease in fibroid and uterine size is 
around 50% by the end of the first year post procedure. The 
majority of patients have reported significant symptom 
improvement and improvement in the overall quality of 
life following UAE. Pregnancies have been reported after 
the procedure. However, pregnancy outcome was worse 
when compared with that of the general population. Miscar-riage 
rates are higher; the risk for abnormal placentation is 
increased; and an increased incidence of preterm delivery 
and postpartum hemorrhage has been reported. 
UAE was first reported in 1995, by Ravina et al.5 They 
noted that several women with symptomatic leiomyomata 
who underwent UAE as a pre-hysterectomy treatment had 
significant clinical improvement to an extent that hysterec-tomy 
was no longer required. 
Few randomized controlled trials have compared UAE with 
surgical management. The EMMY trial (EMbolization 
versus hysterectoMY) reported similar symptom improve-ment 
rates between the two groups, and 76.5% of patients 
randomized to UAE were able to avoid surgery.6 The trial 
by Mara and colleagues compared myomectomy with 
UAE. Although symptom improvement was similar 
between the two approaches, reproductive outcome was 
superior in the myomectomy group.7 
Uterine fibroid embolization has several advantages over 
conventional hormone suppression (progestogens andGnRH 
analogs) and surgical procedures (myomectomy, hysterec-tomy), 
including avoidance of the side effects of drug therapy 
and postoperative complications resulting from surgery.8 
aConsultant Vascular and Interventional Radiology, bSenior consultant, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Apollo Hospitals, Banner-ghatta 
Road, Bangalore 560076, India. 
* Corresponding author. email: 
Received:30.3.2012; Accepted: 29.6.2012; Available online: 5.7.2012 
Copyright  2012, Indraprastha Medical Corporation Ltd. All rights reserved.
The role of uterine artery embolization Review Article 207 
The advantages of UAE compared with hysterectomy 
include avoidance of surgical risks, shorter hospitalization, 
and the potential for maintaining fertility. However, one 
must remember that, unlike hysterectomy, UAE is palliative 
rather than curative. 
UAE patients can expect excellent short-term and mid-term 
results with regards to menorrhagia, pelvic pain, 
bulk-related symptoms, and reductions in uterine volume. 
Longer term results are not known. 
Recovery is shorter than recovery from hysterectomy or 
open myomectomy (7e10 days versus 6 weeks).3,9 
Symptomatic fibroids, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, 
adenomyosis; excessive bleeding due to uterine artery pseu-doaneurysm, 
arterio-venous malformations, trauma and 
post curettage. 
Postpartum hemorrhage remains a major cause of maternal 
mortality throughout the world.10 Rapid identification of 
the source and control of bleeding are necessary because 
the situation is potentially life threatening. In most cases, 
primary postpartum hemorrhage can be managed with 
conservative treatment involving vaginal packing and admin-istration 
of uterotonic drugs. With persistent bleeding, 
vascular ligation or hysterectomy may be needed.11 Surgical 
treatment, however, sometimes may be technically difficult 
to perform and may fail to control hemorrhage. For these 
reasons, transcatheter embolization of the uterine arteries 
may represent an interesting alternate technique in the treat-ment 
of intractable bleeding, preserving future fertility. 
Major causes of bleeding include uterine atony, lower 
genital tract lacerations or hematoma, retained placental 
tissue, placenta accreta or percreta, rupture or inversion of 
the uterus and coagulopathy. Secondary postpartum hemor-rhage 
occurring more than 24 h after delivery is mainly 
related to retained gestational products. In a study involving 
27 cases of primary postpartum hemorrhage, Pelage et al12 
reported that selective arterial embolization was successful 
in 25 cases after failure of medical management. Emboliza-tion 
failed in one of the patients with palcenta accreta who 
later underwent hysterectomy. 
Placenta accreta is one of the major causes of hysterec-tomy 
after embolization because of persistent bleeding.13 
Failures are also likely to occur with unilateral treatment 
and in patients who have undergone bilateral ligation of 
the hypogastric artery before embolization. 
Absolute contraindications include active infection and 
pregnancy. Relative contraindications include coagulop-athy, 
severe allergy to iodinated contrast, renal insuffi-ciency, 
prior pelvic irradiation and prior bilateral ligation 
of iliac arteries. It is also not advisable in women desirous 
of future pregnancy. 
A complete history and physical examination is necessary, 
as well as ultrasonographic or magnetic resonance imaging 
(MRI) of pelvis to allow proper treatment. Uterine and 
fibroid volume measurements provide a baseline for deter-mining 
the degree of postprocedural reduction in fibroid 
and uterine volume. 
In a preliminary report, Jha et al attached prognostic 
significance to both the location and vascularity of fibroids 
on MR imaging.14 Mizukami et al also have reported 
a possible prognostic value for preprocedural MRI by 
demonstrating better response to embolization in patients 
with intermediate or high-signal intensity within their 
fibroids on T2-weighted images (Fig. 7).15 
Laboratory studies include hematocrit, coagulation 
profile and serum creatinine. 
Withhold GnRH agonist therapy at least 12 weeks prior to 
the procedure. Premedication is usually with prophylactic 
antibiotics, corticosteroids, antiemetics, and analgesics. 
UAE is usually performed under conscious sedation. Corti-costeroids 
are well documented to reduce the incidence of 
postembolization syndrome after embolization of solid 
tumors. John J. Bissler et al16 reported that the use of 
a short-term tapering dose of corticosteroid was successful 
in reducing postembolization syndrome as compared with 
the reported literature and also improved patient comfort. 
The procedure time is 45e135 min with 90% of the proce-dures 
lasting from 50 to 75 min. There is an average proce-dural 
exposure of 20 rad to the ovaries. Most patients are 
discharged within 24 h; however, hospitalization for up to 
48 h is sometimes required for the management of postop-erative 
pain. The majority of patients return to normal activ-ities 
within 1 week.17 
Common femoral artery is punctured using an 18G 
puncture needle and access secured by a 5F sheath. Usually 
the right common femoral artery is punctured and rarely 
bilateral punctures may be required. A pigtail catheter is 
positioned at the lower abdominal aorta and a flush
208 Apollo Medicine 2012 September; Vol. 9, No. 3 Amitha Vikrama and Chitra 
angiogram is obtained to identify the right and left uterine 
arteries; ovarian, lumbar, or other collateral parasitic 
supplies to a large myomatous uterus may be seen. Uterine 
arteries are the predominant feeders in most of the cases 
(Figs. 1, 3 and 5). They are selectively cannulated using 
a 5F catheter or a microcatheter and embolized using 
300e500 or 500e700 micron poly-vinyl-alcohol (PVA) 
particles, sparing the cervico-vaginal branch (Figs. 2, 4 
and 6). 
Histologically, PVA particles adhere to the vessel wall, 
causing slow flow within that vessel. The result is intralu-minal 
thrombus formation, inflammatory reaction, 
foreign-body reaction, and focal angionecrosis of the vessel 
wall. The foreign-body reaction induced by PVA is re-ported 
to persist up to 28 months after embolization. 
Most patients will have postembolization syndrome which 
is similar to solid tumor postembolization syndrome and 
typically lasts a week. Signs and symptoms may include 
pelvic pain, cramping, nausea, vomiting, low-grade fever 
and general malaise. 
Postembolization pain is controlled by oral, IV, epidural, 
and/or patient-controlled analgesia in both an inpatient and 
outpatient setting. Opioid, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory 
drugs and antinausea medications are routinely used. 
Fig. 1 Right uterine artery angiogram showing tortuous spiral 
arteries supplying the fibroid. 
Fig. 2 Postembolization check angiogram showing non-opa-cification 
of the uterine artery and opacification of the cervico-vaginal 
branch which is not embolized. 
Fig. 3 Left uterine artery angiogram showing tortuous spiral 
arteries supplying the fibroid.
The role of uterine artery embolization Review Article 209 
Fig. 4 Postembolization check angiogram showing non-opa-cification 
of the distal left uterine artery and contrast stasis 
Infection (pyometrium with acute endometritis), pervaginal 
expulsion of pedunculated submucosal fibroids, premature 
ovarian failure and pulmonary embolism. 
Complications due to inadvertent embolization of non-target 
arteries include sexual dysfunction due to emboliza-tion 
of the cervical vaginal branch, damage to the rectum, 
bladder, buttocks, and sciatic nerve. 
Technical failure in UAE can be defined as an inability 
to successfully catheterize and embolize both the right and 
the left uterine arteries. 
Two deaths have been reportededue to sepsis and multi-organ 
failure and pulmonary embolism.18,19 
Finally, complications related to angiography are rare 
and include 0.2% hematoma, 0.2%e0.4% arterial throm-bosis, 
and 0.05% false aneurysm.5 
Fig. 5 Left uterine angiogram showing hypertrophied and 
tortuous vessels supplying the uterine arterio-venous 
Fig. 6 Postembolization check angiogram in uterine AVM 
showing non-opacification of the left uterine artery and opa-cification 
of the other internal iliac branches.
210 Apollo Medicine 2012 September; Vol. 9, No. 3 Amitha Vikrama and Chitra 
Although there is growing literature demonstrating that preg-nancy 
after UAE is possible, there is not sufficient evidence 
that this treatment modality offers advantages over the 
conventional treatments. Whether UAE is safe for patients 
who wish to retain future fertility is controversial. In fact, 
ACOG Committee Opinion from 2004 states: “.There is 
insufficient evidence to ensure its (UAE) safety in women 
desiring to retain their fertility, and pregnancy-related 
outcomes remain understudied. The ACOG considers this 
procedure investigational or relatively contra-indicated in 
women wishing to retain fertility.”. Myomectomy remains 
the standard of care in patients who wish to retain their 
fertility. UAE’s effect on fertility and pregnancy needs to 
be studied further. Meanwhile, this technique should only 
be used in patients desiring to remain fertile for whom there 
are no other feasible options.20 
Several pregnancy complications have been reported 
after UAE. In one survey involving 50 published articles 
on successful pregnancies following UAE, these complica-tions 
were reported; malpresentations (17%), SGA (7%), 
cesarean section (56%), preterm delivery (28%), and post-partum 
hemorrhage (13%).21 The rates of abortions, 
preterm delivery, malpresentations and postpartum 
hemorrhage are significantly higher in patients treated 
with UAE compared to myomectomy group.22 
Uterine artery embolization is a safe and effective treatment 
for haemorrhagic uterine disorders including fibroid 
disease. It requires a shorter hospital stay with early 
resumption of normal activities. However, unlike hysterec-tomy, 
UAE is palliative rather than curative. 
All authors have none to declare. 
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The role of uterine artery embolization Review Article 211 
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20. Committee on Gynecologic Practice. American College of 
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22. Goldberg J, Pereira L, Berghella V. Pregnancy outcomes after 
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The role of uterine artery embolization in gynecology practice

  • 1. The role of uterine artery embolizati on in gynecology practice
  • 2. Apollo Medicine 2012 September Volume 9, Number 3; pp. 206e211 Review Article The role of uterine artery embolization in gynecology practice S. Kheda Amitha Vikramaa,*, Ramamurthy Chitrab ABSTRACT Uterine artery embolization (UAE) is a minimally invasive interventional radiological procedure to occlude the arterial supply to the uterus. UAE has been very useful for controlling hemorrhage following delivery/abortion, in ectopic or cervical pregnancy, gestational trophoblastic disease or carcinoma cervix. Currently it is being mostly used for treating uterine fibroids. It requires a shorter hospital stay with early resumption to normal activity. This review briefly summarizes the role of this relatively new technique in gynecologic practice. Copyright © 2012, Indraprastha Medical Corporation Ltd. All rights reserved. Keyword: Uterine artery embolization, Hemorrhage, Interventional Radiology INTRODUCTION Uterine artery embolization (UAE) is a relatively new, mini-mally invasive interventional radiological technique to occlude the arterial supply to the uterus. UAE has been prac-ticed over more than 20 years for controlling hemorrhage following delivery/abortion, in ectopic or cervical preg-nancy, gestational trophoblastic disease or carcinoma cervix. Currently, UAE is being used mostly for treating uterine fibroids. UAE is recommended to women with symptom-atic fibroids who wish to retain their uteruses and avoid surgery. It selectively blocks the feeding arteries that supply blood to the fibroids and causes ischemic necrosis and subsequent absorption or expulsion of leiomyoma.1 Worldwide technical success rates reported for UAE are 98%e100%.2e4 The decrease in fibroid and uterine size is around 50% by the end of the first year post procedure. The majority of patients have reported significant symptom improvement and improvement in the overall quality of life following UAE. Pregnancies have been reported after the procedure. However, pregnancy outcome was worse when compared with that of the general population. Miscar-riage rates are higher; the risk for abnormal placentation is increased; and an increased incidence of preterm delivery and postpartum hemorrhage has been reported. HISTORICAL ASPECTS UAE was first reported in 1995, by Ravina et al.5 They noted that several women with symptomatic leiomyomata who underwent UAE as a pre-hysterectomy treatment had significant clinical improvement to an extent that hysterec-tomy was no longer required. SURGERY VERSUS EMBOLIZATION Few randomized controlled trials have compared UAE with surgical management. The EMMY trial (EMbolization versus hysterectoMY) reported similar symptom improve-ment rates between the two groups, and 76.5% of patients randomized to UAE were able to avoid surgery.6 The trial by Mara and colleagues compared myomectomy with UAE. Although symptom improvement was similar between the two approaches, reproductive outcome was superior in the myomectomy group.7 Uterine fibroid embolization has several advantages over conventional hormone suppression (progestogens andGnRH analogs) and surgical procedures (myomectomy, hysterec-tomy), including avoidance of the side effects of drug therapy and postoperative complications resulting from surgery.8 aConsultant Vascular and Interventional Radiology, bSenior consultant, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Apollo Hospitals, Banner-ghatta Road, Bangalore 560076, India. * Corresponding author. email: Received:30.3.2012; Accepted: 29.6.2012; Available online: 5.7.2012 Copyright 2012, Indraprastha Medical Corporation Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 3. The role of uterine artery embolization Review Article 207 The advantages of UAE compared with hysterectomy include avoidance of surgical risks, shorter hospitalization, and the potential for maintaining fertility. However, one must remember that, unlike hysterectomy, UAE is palliative rather than curative. UAE patients can expect excellent short-term and mid-term results with regards to menorrhagia, pelvic pain, bulk-related symptoms, and reductions in uterine volume. Longer term results are not known. Recovery is shorter than recovery from hysterectomy or open myomectomy (7e10 days versus 6 weeks).3,9 INDICATIONS Symptomatic fibroids, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, adenomyosis; excessive bleeding due to uterine artery pseu-doaneurysm, arterio-venous malformations, trauma and post curettage. EMBOLIZATION IN POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE Postpartum hemorrhage remains a major cause of maternal mortality throughout the world.10 Rapid identification of the source and control of bleeding are necessary because the situation is potentially life threatening. In most cases, primary postpartum hemorrhage can be managed with conservative treatment involving vaginal packing and admin-istration of uterotonic drugs. With persistent bleeding, vascular ligation or hysterectomy may be needed.11 Surgical treatment, however, sometimes may be technically difficult to perform and may fail to control hemorrhage. For these reasons, transcatheter embolization of the uterine arteries may represent an interesting alternate technique in the treat-ment of intractable bleeding, preserving future fertility. Major causes of bleeding include uterine atony, lower genital tract lacerations or hematoma, retained placental tissue, placenta accreta or percreta, rupture or inversion of the uterus and coagulopathy. Secondary postpartum hemor-rhage occurring more than 24 h after delivery is mainly related to retained gestational products. In a study involving 27 cases of primary postpartum hemorrhage, Pelage et al12 reported that selective arterial embolization was successful in 25 cases after failure of medical management. Emboliza-tion failed in one of the patients with palcenta accreta who later underwent hysterectomy. Placenta accreta is one of the major causes of hysterec-tomy after embolization because of persistent bleeding.13 Failures are also likely to occur with unilateral treatment and in patients who have undergone bilateral ligation of the hypogastric artery before embolization. CONTRAINDICATIONS Absolute contraindications include active infection and pregnancy. Relative contraindications include coagulop-athy, severe allergy to iodinated contrast, renal insuffi-ciency, prior pelvic irradiation and prior bilateral ligation of iliac arteries. It is also not advisable in women desirous of future pregnancy. PRE-PROCEDURE EVALUATION A complete history and physical examination is necessary, as well as ultrasonographic or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of pelvis to allow proper treatment. Uterine and fibroid volume measurements provide a baseline for deter-mining the degree of postprocedural reduction in fibroid and uterine volume. In a preliminary report, Jha et al attached prognostic significance to both the location and vascularity of fibroids on MR imaging.14 Mizukami et al also have reported a possible prognostic value for preprocedural MRI by demonstrating better response to embolization in patients with intermediate or high-signal intensity within their fibroids on T2-weighted images (Fig. 7).15 Laboratory studies include hematocrit, coagulation profile and serum creatinine. Withhold GnRH agonist therapy at least 12 weeks prior to the procedure. Premedication is usually with prophylactic antibiotics, corticosteroids, antiemetics, and analgesics. UAE is usually performed under conscious sedation. Corti-costeroids are well documented to reduce the incidence of postembolization syndrome after embolization of solid tumors. John J. Bissler et al16 reported that the use of a short-term tapering dose of corticosteroid was successful in reducing postembolization syndrome as compared with the reported literature and also improved patient comfort. PROCEDURE The procedure time is 45e135 min with 90% of the proce-dures lasting from 50 to 75 min. There is an average proce-dural exposure of 20 rad to the ovaries. Most patients are discharged within 24 h; however, hospitalization for up to 48 h is sometimes required for the management of postop-erative pain. The majority of patients return to normal activ-ities within 1 week.17 Common femoral artery is punctured using an 18G puncture needle and access secured by a 5F sheath. Usually the right common femoral artery is punctured and rarely bilateral punctures may be required. A pigtail catheter is positioned at the lower abdominal aorta and a flush
  • 4. 208 Apollo Medicine 2012 September; Vol. 9, No. 3 Amitha Vikrama and Chitra angiogram is obtained to identify the right and left uterine arteries; ovarian, lumbar, or other collateral parasitic supplies to a large myomatous uterus may be seen. Uterine arteries are the predominant feeders in most of the cases (Figs. 1, 3 and 5). They are selectively cannulated using a 5F catheter or a microcatheter and embolized using 300e500 or 500e700 micron poly-vinyl-alcohol (PVA) particles, sparing the cervico-vaginal branch (Figs. 2, 4 and 6). Histologically, PVA particles adhere to the vessel wall, causing slow flow within that vessel. The result is intralu-minal thrombus formation, inflammatory reaction, foreign-body reaction, and focal angionecrosis of the vessel wall. The foreign-body reaction induced by PVA is re-ported to persist up to 28 months after embolization. RECOVERY Most patients will have postembolization syndrome which is similar to solid tumor postembolization syndrome and typically lasts a week. Signs and symptoms may include pelvic pain, cramping, nausea, vomiting, low-grade fever and general malaise. Postembolization pain is controlled by oral, IV, epidural, and/or patient-controlled analgesia in both an inpatient and outpatient setting. Opioid, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antinausea medications are routinely used. Fig. 1 Right uterine artery angiogram showing tortuous spiral arteries supplying the fibroid. Fig. 2 Postembolization check angiogram showing non-opa-cification of the uterine artery and opacification of the cervico-vaginal branch which is not embolized. Fig. 3 Left uterine artery angiogram showing tortuous spiral arteries supplying the fibroid.
  • 5. The role of uterine artery embolization Review Article 209 Fig. 4 Postembolization check angiogram showing non-opa-cification of the distal left uterine artery and contrast stasis proximally. COMPLICATIONS Infection (pyometrium with acute endometritis), pervaginal expulsion of pedunculated submucosal fibroids, premature ovarian failure and pulmonary embolism. Complications due to inadvertent embolization of non-target arteries include sexual dysfunction due to emboliza-tion of the cervical vaginal branch, damage to the rectum, bladder, buttocks, and sciatic nerve. Technical failure in UAE can be defined as an inability to successfully catheterize and embolize both the right and the left uterine arteries. Two deaths have been reportededue to sepsis and multi-organ failure and pulmonary embolism.18,19 Finally, complications related to angiography are rare and include 0.2% hematoma, 0.2%e0.4% arterial throm-bosis, and 0.05% false aneurysm.5 Fig. 5 Left uterine angiogram showing hypertrophied and tortuous vessels supplying the uterine arterio-venous malformation. Fig. 6 Postembolization check angiogram in uterine AVM showing non-opacification of the left uterine artery and opa-cification of the other internal iliac branches.
  • 6. 210 Apollo Medicine 2012 September; Vol. 9, No. 3 Amitha Vikrama and Chitra FERTILITY FOLLOWING EMBOLIZATION Although there is growing literature demonstrating that preg-nancy after UAE is possible, there is not sufficient evidence that this treatment modality offers advantages over the conventional treatments. Whether UAE is safe for patients who wish to retain future fertility is controversial. In fact, ACOG Committee Opinion from 2004 states: “.There is insufficient evidence to ensure its (UAE) safety in women desiring to retain their fertility, and pregnancy-related outcomes remain understudied. The ACOG considers this procedure investigational or relatively contra-indicated in women wishing to retain fertility.”. Myomectomy remains the standard of care in patients who wish to retain their fertility. UAE’s effect on fertility and pregnancy needs to be studied further. Meanwhile, this technique should only be used in patients desiring to remain fertile for whom there are no other feasible options.20 Several pregnancy complications have been reported after UAE. In one survey involving 50 published articles on successful pregnancies following UAE, these complica-tions were reported; malpresentations (17%), SGA (7%), cesarean section (56%), preterm delivery (28%), and post-partum hemorrhage (13%).21 The rates of abortions, preterm delivery, malpresentations and postpartum hemorrhage are significantly higher in patients treated with UAE compared to myomectomy group.22 SUMMARY Uterine artery embolization is a safe and effective treatment for haemorrhagic uterine disorders including fibroid disease. It requires a shorter hospital stay with early resumption of normal activities. However, unlike hysterec-tomy, UAE is palliative rather than curative. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST All authors have none to declare. REFERENCES 1. Franz F, Nicolai H, Robert LZ. Histologic features of uterine leiomyomata treated with microsphere embolization. Obstet Gynecol. 2003;102:600602. 2. Goodwin SC, Vedantham S, McLucas B, et al. Preliminary experience with uterine artery embolization for uterine fibroids. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 1996;8:517e526. 3. Worthington-Kirsch RL, Popky GL, Hutchins FL. Uterine arterial embolization for the management of leiomyomas: quality-of life assessment and clinical response. Radiology. 1998;208:625e629. 4. Bradley EA, Reidy JF, Forman RG, et al. Transcatheter uterine artery embolisation to treat large uterine fibroids. Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 1998;105:235e240. 5. Ravina JH, Herbreteau D, Ciraru-Vigneron N. Arterial embo-lisation to treat uterine myomata. Lancet. 1995;346:671e672. 6. Hehenkamp WJ, Volkers NA, Birnie E, Reekers JA, Ankum WM. Symptomatic uterine fibroids: treatment with uterine artery embolization or hysterectomyeresults from the randomized clinical Embolisation versus Hysterectomy (EMMY) Trial. Radiology. Mar 2008;246(3):823e832. 7. Mara M, Maskova J, Fucikova Z, Kuzel D, Belsan T, Sosna O. Midterm clinical and first reproductive results of a randomized controlled trial comparing uterine fibroid embolization and myomectomy. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. JaneFeb 2008;31(1):73e85. 8. Pelage JP, Le Dref O, Soyer P, et al. Fibroid related menor-rhagia: treatment with superselective embolization of the uterine arteries and mid-term follow up. Radiology. 2000;215(2):428e431. 9. Greenberg MD, Kazamel TI. Medical and socioeconomic impact of uterine fibroids. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. 1995;22:625e636. Fig. 7 Sagittal T2W MR image of the pelvis showing a large intramural fundal fibroid with bright signals within.
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