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Essay On My Neighbourhood
Writing an essay on the topic "Essay On My Neighbourhood" may seem like a straightforward
task at first glance, but delving into the intricacies of one's surroundings can prove to be quite
challenging. The difficulty lies not in the lack of information or personal experiences, but in the
art of capturing the essence of a neighborhood in words.
To begin with, there is the challenge of striking a balance between providing vivid descriptions
and maintaining the reader's interest. A neighborhood is a dynamic entity with various elements
that contribute to its unique character—ranging from the diverse architecture to the diverse
community members. The task of portraying these nuances requires a careful selection of words
and a keen awareness of the overall narrative flow.
Additionally, writing about one's neighborhood involves not just presenting a physical landscape
but also delving into the intangible aspects that make it a home. This may include the sense of
community, the shared history, and the traditions that bind residents together. Conveying these
abstract concepts in a way that resonates with the reader can be a formidable task.
Furthermore, there is the challenge of avoiding clichГ©s and generic descriptions. Every
neighborhood essay runs the risk of sounding like a template if not approached with creativity
and originality. The writer must strive to capture the unique aspects that set their neighborhood
apart, steering clear of common stereotypes or overused phrases.
In conclusion, while the topic "Essay On My Neighbourhood" might seem deceptively simple,
the actual task of bringing the neighborhood to life through words requires a delicate balance of
creativity, attention to detail, and an understanding of the various elements that contribute to its
If you find yourself grappling with the complexities of such an essay or need assistance with
other writing tasks, consider exploring, where you can find support for
crafting various types of essays and much more. Their professional services can help you
navigate the challenges of essay writing and ensure that your ideas are effectively communicated.
Essay On My Neighbourhood Essay On My Neighbourhood
Analysis Of Anne Shirley In Anne Of Green Gables
A Mission to Change
Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables lived without parents for most of her life
and she wanted to change that. She yearned for loving parents, an education, and a
better life overall. Walt Masters in The King of Mazy May had a job to watch
Loren Hall s claim and he found out someone planned on jumping it. Despite being
just a boy, he knew it wasn t right, and he had to do something. Jenna Boller in
Rules of the Road is an average teenager who works at a shoe store, finds out the
owner s son is planning on taking over the business and change it for the worse. Jenna
worked at the shoe store for a long time and she knew she wasn t going to let the
shoe business give up its quality. All three of these people saw something... Show
more content on ...
This quote shows how determined he is to do the right thing. He was willing to do
anything to save Loren Hall s claim. He succeeded in his mission, earned a
nickname, and also earned the Men s respect. The text states, The men of the Yukon
have become very proud of him, and always speak of him now as the King of Mazy
May (London para 48). By doing the right thing Walt had earned the trust of the older
Men. Walt would do anything to do what he thought was right.
Jenna Boller is a teenager who works at a shoe store, but when she finds out the
business is going to change and lose its quality, she doesn t want to let that happen.
The text states, Selling well made, comfortable shoes is a noble profession[...]
benefit for people world over (Bauer para 10 and 1). This quote shows how
important selling shoes are to Jenna, and she wants shoes that are good for people.
She decides to help Mrs. Gladstone, the business owner, retain her shoe business
along with its quality. She doesn t completely succeed in her mission, but she was
able to confirm that the business doesn t lose its quality. Although she didn t
completely succeed in her mission, she had changed a lot from her journey. The text
states, I ve never been anywhere that changed me so much (Bauer para 17). This
quote shows how much she had learned and changed from the journey.
Not all of these characters accomplished their goals, but all of them learned, changed
something, or earned something from their
Sickle Cell Anaemia Research Paper
Sickle cell anaemia is due to inherited red blood cell disorder. People with this
disorder have sickle haemoglobin or haemoglobin S which is abnormal
haemoglobin in their red blood cell. Sickle cell anaemia occur when the people have
haemoglobin SS which is derived from two haemoglobin S genes, one from each
This disorder is caused by mutation at sequence of three nucleotides in DNA that
specifies a particular amino acid during protein synthesis (codon 6) of the ОІ globin
gene which caused the glutamic acid at position 6 in the normal protein is changed to
a valine in the defect protein. This alteration affected the haemoglobin that consists
two О± globin and two ОІ globin subunits. This will caused formation of blockage in
blood capillaries made by crystal derived from deoxygenated defect protein.
The mode of inheritance of sickle cell anaemia is autosomal recessive. This type of
inheritance means that the child will not get the disease if both of the parents does
not pass down the genes which are defect.
Acute splenic ... Show more content on ...
The skin of the people with the trait will be pale and become yellowish which is
also known as jaundice. There will be also the whites of the eye. The effect of this
trait to biliary tree is the formation of stones by stuck bilirubin in gallbladder.
Sickle cell intrahepatic cholestasis may occur in renal due to inadequate oxygen
supply to liver tissue because sickle red cell block the blood vessel to the liver
tissues. The avascular or aseptic necrosis is the pathological change in the bone
where lead to inadequate oxygen flow to the bones and result in damage of the bone.
The people will have pain in walking and other movement involving joint
William Pickton Anthropology
After reading the article in assignment one, complete the following questions. 1.
Analyse the behaviour of William Pickton using the three different social science
perspectives. Choose one theory from psychology, sociology, and anthropology.
Using each perspective, write a one page analysis of the behaviour of William
Pickton. Write a perspective for each social theory (three pages in total). 2. Write a
hypothesis to researcha serial murderer using the following social science theories:
Psychoanalysis, Functionalism, and Feminism. For example, a Marxist could look at
the economic inequalities as a means of promoting a feeling of helplessness. This
helpless feeling could promote feelings of anger against anyone who possesses any...
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The RCMP became involved in 2001.
The families also say police neglected the cases because many of the women were
prostitutes and drug addicts.
It wasn t until August of 2001 that Vancouver police began hinting that a serial killer
could be responsible for the disappearance of the missing women. At the time 31
women had vanished, but four had been accounted for and two of those were
confirmed dead.
Dr. Elliott Leyton, an anthropology professor at Memorial University in St. John s,
Newfoundland, who wrote a book on serial killers called Hunting Humans, says that
police are rightly reluctant to identify serial murders because public panic often
Responsible people have to be careful about making wild pronouncements about
possible serial killers, Leyton says. And when we are not sure if it is true, then it is
inappropriate to throw people into a state of panic. Prostitution is a very dangerous
profession and many of the people in it are wanderers and not well connected to
any conventional system of government controls or social services. So they can
drift away from the system without being noticed for a very long time, even when
nothing may have actually happened to them. 5. Leyton argues that it may be
irresponsible to assume that a serial killer may be at work in Vancouver. The RCMP
task force has repeatedly said that it cannot speak about the ongoing investigation and
only concedes that a serial killer may be
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The TV Series
1.Introduction Nowadays, English is spreading faster and faster throughout the
world. It is now available to everyone; it can be easily acquired whenever and
wherever anyone wishes. Acquiring the English language has only advantages.
Since it is an international language and the language of business, marketing,
sciences and the film industry, it opens up plenty of opportunities. Speaking
English makes people more employable, as it is essential nowadays to speak
foreign languages, especially English. There are numerous sources, through which
English is accessible, and one of the sources is the media. The media is everywhere
in our everyday lives. We watch television and listen to the radio every day and we
spend hours in front of the computer... Show more content on ...
Every material is authentic if it was originally produced by native speakers for native
speakers of a language. The present study intends to examine TV series as authentic
materials, or more precisely authentic videos. TalavГЎn (2007), Ianiro (2007) and
Wottipong (2014) all explore authentic materials in their research projects. In the
following their findings about authentic materials will be discussed. According to
TalavГЎn, the term authentic video includes TV series, films, and commercials that
are produced primarily for native speakers. Ianiro defines authentic materials in the
following way: Authentic materials are print, video, and audio materials students
encounter in their daily lives, such as change of address forms, job applications,
menus, voice mail messages, radio programs, and videos. Authentic materials are not
created specifically to be used in the classroom, but they make excellent learning tools
for students precisely because they are authentic.
Aol Case Study Essay
AOL Case Study
1. What accounting approach has AOL used in the past that it is now changing
(related to the $385 million)?
Prior to October 1, 1996, AOL accounted for the cost of direct response advertising
as Deferred Subscriber Acquisition Costs, i.e., it recognized (reported) the costs of
mailing out diskettes allowing you to sign on to AOL for 100 free minutes as an
asset on its Balance Sheet. In accounting, we say that the costs were capitalized,
meaning reported on the Balance Sheet as an asset. This is in contrast to the costs
being expensed, flowing to the Income Statement immediately as an expense.
The asset, Deferred Subscriber Acquisition Costs was amortized, beginning the month
after such costs were incurred, ... Show more content on ...
Thus the Current Ratio would decrease as a result of the write off. The Debt/Equity
ratio will increase as a result of the write off, since Retained Earnings will reflect the
expense. All profitability ratios, Return on Sales, Return on Assets, Return on Equity
and EPS, will decline as a result of the lower net income.
6. What was the cash impact of the charge?
As noted in the journal entry in (4) above, there is no cash impact of the charge.
(The cash was spent back when the mailing campaign was conducted a couple of
years ago.)
7. Why does Mr. Vohra, an analyst say that The earnings numbers were meaningless
they were a house of cards ?
Reporting subscriber acquisition costs as an asset allowed AOL s management lots
of discretion in determining net income because the amount capitalized and the level
of the amortization expense are both determined by managers. As a result, it was not
clear whether AOL s income number is a good measure of the economic performance
of the firm. Managers could have taken advantage of this situation, distorting the
income number in order to get some personal benefits (e.g., higher bonuses, a higher
stock price which would add to their personal wealth, etc.).
8. What was aggressive about AOL s accounting approach
Reporting subscriber acquisition costs as an asset rather than an expense is
aggressive (as opposed to conservative ). As noted above, capitalizing costs as
Why I Shouldn t Get Back Into The Apartment Essay
I wake with a tap against one of my boots. Dim streaks of light, grey and increasing,
are filtering through a nearby door. How did I get back into the apartment? For a
moment I stare at the ceiling trying to remember what happened last night, then
everything comes rushing back. My headache and how Avery found me.
I take a deep breath as I remember what had happened between Avery and me in the
alley. I shouldn t have done it. I shouldn t have touched her the way I did last night.
And I shouldn t be happy she touched me back the way she had. But am I. I close my
eyes, as I again feel the tingle of her fingers as she d brushed them against my arm. I
can t believe I d kept myself from kissing her, I d wanted to, that had been for sure. I
groan this is no way for a soldier to act.
Something thumps against my boot, and I sit up, ignoring the dull ache behind my
forehead. i m not the only one in the room. Sitting across from me is Adam, Avery s
friend, and one of his hands are full of small rocks. I glance down at my feet, to find
rocks scattered around them.
I look back at him my eyes narrowed.
Adam stare at me, whistling as he drops the remaining rocks on the ground beside
him. It s hard to believe that I could want to hurt who had been so sick just a short
time ago, but I do.
Nice collection you have there, he says.
Did I do something to you that I m unaware of? I demand. I sink my fingers into the
ground at my sides and squeeze the dirt. I don t know if you realize
Fauves Attributes In Art
The colour attributes could be separated into three parts: hue, saturation and
luminance. In the colour theory, the hue refers to the colour of images, while
saturation describes the intensity (purity) of the hue (Steven, 2013). The saturation is
thus identified as the intensity of colours in artworks which is ranged from pure
colour to grey. A single colour is purer as the saturation increases, while the saturation
decreases as the colour goes paler. The aim of this assignment is to describe and
analyse the Fauves paintings, an artistic genre which speaks highly of saturation more
than hue or luminance, as saturation could better express their personalities and
The Fauvism was founded in 1905 in France by twentieth century modern artists.
Unlike the others, the Fauvism could be absolutely deemed as a unique genre as it
does not have special theory and principle yet is promoted by large numbers of
artists in a short period (Freeman, 1990). This artistic style is in favour of creating a
strong effect of paintings through bright and colours by announcing emotional
expressionism. The Fauves absorbs the essence of Oriental and African arts, then
crease a unique simple and sparse prospect on purpose. One of the most famous
painting works named The Creole Dancer (as shown in Fig.1), painted by the
greatest artist of the Fauves, Henri Matisse, is presented below and is to develop a
demonstration of how saturation interferes differently (Roger, 2009).
Joseph Mengele and his Atrocities Essay
Three thousand twins entered Auschwitz between 1940 and 1944. Only two
hundred and fifty pairs of twins ever had the smell of freedom again. Why did this
unfortunate event occur? It occurred because the Nazis party was in control and
Adolf Hitler was the Fuhrer and he wanted a perfect race. Right, left , what kind of
a man could send people to their death with a flick of a cane, without one scent of
remorseor one inkling of guilt? his name was Josef Mengele. (Nazi304) Hitler gave
Mengele all the resources he could and this is the main reasonwhy he went to
Auschwitz, because the of the availabilityof the victims he could do his work on. The
stories and pictures of Auschwitz tell a gruesome tale of death and torture. Josef
Mengele... Show more content on ...
During his stay at Auschwitz he was nicknamed the Angel of Death. When the
trains arrived at Auschwitz they would sit i the cars for days before being herded
out like cattle. After this hellish journey, the first thing that people saw when they
left the cars was Josef Mengele, the Angel of Auschwitz standing in his immaculate
SS uniform, shining boots, perfectly brushed and pressed shirt and pants, and
glistening silver skulls.(Mengele156) He would perch there and would yell left! or
right! , left meaning a quick end as you headed to the gas chambers and right
meant you were placed on a starvation diet and had to work as a slave. During this
time in Auschwitz his first and only son, Rolf, was born on March 11, 1944. His
moment of happiness in Auschwitz (his perverse perception of happiness) was
short lived. In the middle of January in 1945 he fled Auschwitz and went to
Grossen Rosen camp. He then fled before the Russians liberated it on February 11,
1945. After fleeing Grossen Rosen he was captured as a prisoner of war and held
in a POW camp in Munich. He stole some papers from a fellow prisoner and the
American Army released him not realizing he was part of the SS. During his life on
the run he went under several aliases, these include;
The Pros and Cons of Peer Pressure Essay
Thoughts, behavior, fashion, and music often have a deep impact on our society.
People and teenagers in particular, tend to get influenced by the lifestyles of their
peer group. It is a person s tendency to do what the crowd does. Few individuals
have the courage to resist the peer pressure and be their own selves rather than
being one amongst a group. Parents play a vital role to during this phase of a
teenager s life and must exhibit extreme caution when dealing with their adolescents,
as they are most vulnerable to yield to peer pressureduring these critical years of their
lives. Teenagers must be taught to distinguish between the good and the bad; the right
and the wrong. They must also be guided to be considerate in life. Parents... Show
more content on ...
There s an understanding to their worries; they don t want their teens smoking,
drinking, stealing etc. It is unrealistic to tell your children not to succumb to peer
pressure when the most likely form of peer pressure teens experience is their
friends call of, C mon, dance! ( Parents try to keep their teens
safe, so they should just establish some concrete, reasonable rules. For example, if
their teen is going to drive somewhere, parents should insist on them wearing a
seatbelt, obey the traffic regulations, and not listen to loud music. Parents also must
trust their teen s common sense: if they have raised their teen well, then there is no
need to constantly lecture them on the damaging affects of drugs. This will leave
their teen filled with resentment which is the last thing parents want. The more
involved parents are in their child s life, the more likely it is that the child will
make better choices for his/herself. Many studies have backed this claim, (cited by so parents should stay interested and involved in what
their teen is doing and should continue to be aware of what he/she is up to.
( We are all influenced by our peers, both negatively and
positively. It helps define who we are and how we feel about subjects in our lives. It
is how we choose to react to peer pressure that
Essay on Imperialism
Imperialism is often excused as a way of liberating people from tyrannical rule or by
introducing the policies of a better way of life. It is based on the ground of a variety
of causes running the gamut of economic pressures, greed, security, power, prestige,
religion, and many other effective measures that can be taken given the
circumstances. Arguments about the roots and virtue of imperialismcan be put into
four basic groups. The first is whether or not imperialism is economically beneficial.
The second relates to the social aspect of imperialism and the natural desire to rule
others. The third is protection and security, building up military powers around the
world in order to help the main country when trouble erupts. Finally, the... Show more
content on ...
Britain had feared that they would be cut off and India would be taken from them.
Keeping India was essential to Britain s survival as an empire, without which they
would be just another European nation. To solve this problem, Britain gained control
of the Suez Canal, then eventually the entirety of Egypt.
Another country needed in order to protect India was South Africa. Its port at Cape
Town was an essential stop for all people en route to India. When gold and diamonds
were later discovered in other parts of South Africa, Britain fought and annexed all of
South Africa. At this time, neither Germany nor Italy was unified and France was
busy fighting with Prussia. The European powers really had no interest in external
affairs for the time. 1871 changed everything. Germany and Italy were unified and
France had just lost the Alsace Lorraine to the Germans.
The French were the first to begin the annexation of Africa, mostly because they
wanted to restore their lost sense of national pride. Because both Germany and
France went for Africa, the English were suddenly faced with the fear of
competition. An economic slump in Europe in the 1880s caused markets to become
even scarcer than they were to begin with. In a futile attempt to right themselves as
an empire, Britain began taking over land in Africa. After all, land in Africa was
quite cheap. It was slightly afterwards that all the European powers realized what
they had bought into, and had to face the fact
Glg Lab Report
Axia College Material
Appendix F
Week Three Lab Report: Earthquakes
Answer the lab questions for this week and summarize the lab experience using this
|Full Name | |
|Date | |
Carefully read pages 156 170 of Geoscience Laboratory.
Complete this week s lab by filling in your responses to the questions from
Geoscience Laboratory. Select answers are provided for you in red font to assist you
with your lab work. Although you are only required to respond to the questions in
this worksheet, you are encouraged to answer others from the text on your own.
Lab Questions
9.1.Judging from the ... Show more content on ...
The 2002 Afghanistan earthquake measured 5.9 on the Richter scale and killed 1,800
people. The 2001 western Washington earthquake measured 6.8 on the Richter scale
and killed only one person. Can you imagine why the huge difference in the numbers
of deaths? Hint: It has to do with construction materials.
The mud walls used in construction of Afghan homes could not withstand the shaking
from the earthquakes whereas construction in the United States tends to be better
9.17.Where is the location of that June 19 quake (to the nearest tenth of a degree
latitude and longitude)? Follow the steps 1 through 4 to complete the table below
(see lab book pp. 164 165).
| |P arrival time |S arrival time |Difference in P S |
|LTN |3:46:45.7 |3:46:50.0 |4.3 |35.6 |
|GOIL |3:46:0.9 |3:47:17.2 |16.3 |137 |
Power In Antigone And The Bacchae
Greek dramas often contained a singular view on historical ideas or people. This is
demonstrated in the two Greek tragedies, Antigone by Sophocles and the Bacchae by
Euripides V. The tragedy Antigone, critiques a Kreon who rules with fear and pride
and suffers a tremendous tragedy, while the Bacchae praises Pentheus for attempting
to regain control over his chaotic city yet still suffer an undesirable fate. Both
tragedies focus on different aspects of political power. The fashion, in which both
Kreon and Pentheus achieve their title as king, demonstrates the extent of power they
both believe they contain. In Antigone, Kreon manages to claim the throne, amongst
the chaos from a rebel attack. Kreon s succession of the throne through... Show more
content on ...
With Kreon refusing to provide polyneikes with the proper burial, Kreon refused to
provide Hades of his rightful property. Antigone warns Kreon that his decision of
refusing to provide the burial will result in punishment, Since you, a mere man,
imposed them have the force to trample on the gods unwritten laws (Antigone 490
493). Antigone accuses Kreon, a mere man, of dishonoring the laws written by the
gods. As a result of denying Hades of his rights, Kreon suffers a fate worse than
death. As a payment of withholding the body, Kreon must witness the death of his
only son Haimon and accept the death of Eurydike, his wife. Kreon attempting to
protect his honor from Antigone, results in Kreon losing everything he considers
important in his heart. However, Kreon s lost results in the humbling of his
personality. At the end of Antigone, he admits, A foolish impulsive man who killed
you, my son, mindlessly killed you as well, my wife (Antigone 1500 1502). The
gods punishes those who prevent them of their proper rites, and those who allow
their pride to blind their moral judgment. Although Pentheus did not have to
experience the death of everyone he loves, his family ultimately paid a high price for
Catcher In The Rye Analysis
An Alternate View In the novel the Catcher in the Rye, author J.D. Salinger writes
about the life of a 17 year old boy who drastically differs from the rest of the
teenager population because of his alternate point of view on life. This non typical
teenager with the name of Holden Caulfield has a negative perspective on
everything he and others do, and does not attempt to find the light in certain
situations. While teenagers may not attempt to find the best in a certain outcome,
they tend to have a positive outlook on specific things in their life. Holden appears
to only switch between 3 emotions throughout the book, and never gives anything
his all, or consideration. As a result of this, he does not act like a typical teenager
would. However, Holden does have a limited amount of traits that classify him as a
typical teenager: his need for connections to others and learning to be independent
on his own. He also has distinct traits that isolate him from the others, making him
out to be this negative, apathetic character. A typical teenager is someone who
conforms to what others are doing, but Salinger creates Holden to be a non typical
teenager who sees everything differently and executes what has to be done in his
own unique way. In the beginning of the book, Salinger writes Holden to be looking
down at the football game while he stands on the top of Thomsen Hill, watching and
taking pity on those who are attending the game. Holden observes, But you could hear
them all
A Research Report On Identity Theft
Presented To
Dr. Patricia LaRosa
Professor of Business Communication
Prepared By
Inez Frias
BA 105W Student
May 17, 2017
DATE: 5/14/17
TO: Dr. LaRosa Professor of Business Communication
FROM: Inez Frias Castro BA 105W Student
SUBJECT: Transmittal Identity TheftReport
Enclosed is the research report on Identity Theft that you requested I turn in to you on
Wednesday, May 17, 2017. To prepare this report, I limited my research to six criteria:
Crime of Identity Theft, Prevalence of Identity Theft, Costs Associated with Identity
Theft, Popular Identity Theft Scams, Penalties Waged Against Perpetrators, and
Preventative/Protective measures one should take. I used the research resources
found in ... Show more content on ...
Scope of the Report The scope of this report examines a) Crime of Identity Theft, b)
Prevalence of Identity Theft, c) Costs Associated with Identity Theft, d) Popular
Identity Theft Scams, e) Penalties Wages Against Perpetrators, and f) Preventative
/Protective measures One Should Take.
Data Collection Methods
Secondary research was used to collect the information included in this report. The
researcher used the Henry Madden Library databases to access journals and news
articles. Additionally, the researcher used Internet websites to gather articles and
statistics about the topic.
There were three major limitations that affected the quality of this report. First, the
researcher has never written a formal business report before. Second, the researcher
has limited experience using the APA citation style. Lastly, the researcher has limited
time due to other course, employment, and home obligations.
Definitions Utilizing these definitions will help the reader effectively understand this
1. Credit freeze
A credit freeze is when the credit holder freezes their credit report so that it cannot be
accessed without their permission.
2. Account takeover
An account takeover means that a fraudster has stolen a victim s account password
using a scam and has taken control of their account.
3. New account fraud
New account fraud is when a criminal uses a victim s personal information to open a
new account
Christian Ethics Are Too Rigid for Moral Decision Making....
It can be argued, that when referring to the Bible, teachings within it are too rigid for
moral decision making. There are many reasons for this, some which are very
evident, particularly when looking at certain teachings. On the other hand, some
argue that most religious ethics are the right way to approach moral decision making
as these contain the teachings and word of Godso must be correct.
Some of St. Paul s teachings are heavily criticised for being too rigid. For example
if a Christian were to be offered a promotion in a career, but it meant that they were
to take someone else s job and leave them without one, such teachings as, Let your
conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He
Himself has ... Show more content on ...
Therefore these ethics can be seen as too rigid to apply to modern day moral
decisions. In particular many of St. Paul s teachings are arguably sexist. For
instance St. Paul preached that women should not be able to work, and yet today
work between men and women is very equal with certain acts making this possible.
Therefore as previously mentioned, it can be argued that St. Paul s teachings are too
rigid for moral decisions, as they do not take account for the modern day.
Despite this, many argue that some Christian ethics are not too rigid for moral
decision making e.g. situation ethics. It is seen that situation ethics offers moral
maturity and particularly conscience and prayer allows the Christian to have
autonomy. Many Christians today take a liberal approach to moral decision making,
as they are able to adapt the scripture for the particular situation that they are in and
believe that this will achieve the best outcome. However Fundamentalist Christians
will argue that if Christian ethics are too flexible then this could result with no ethics
or guidance in what to do, and Christians will make the wrong moral decisions.
In conclusion, Fundamentalist and Liberal Christians take different approaches to
moral decision making using religious ethics. Fundamentalist Christians will take a
strict legalism approach and abide by rules from God such as the Ten
Commandments, and only act by the
Literature Review On Biological Neural Network
Chapter 2: Literature Review In this chapter, we discuss a brief introduction of
neural network and biometrics . Traditionally, the term neural network had been
used to refer to a network or circuit of biological neurons. Neural networks are
inspired by our brains. The modern usage of the term often refers to artificial neural
networks, which are composed of artificial neurons or nodes. Thus, the term has two
distinct usages:
2.1 Biological Neural Network generally, a biological neural network is consists of a
set or sets of chemically linked or functionally linked neurons. The human brain owns
about 1014 synapses and 1011 neurons. A neuronconsisting of a soma (cell
body),dendrites (receive signal) and axons (send signal). A synapses... Show more
content on ...
(See Figure (2 5)) .
Figure( 2 5): Supervised Learning Rule [1]
2.Unsupervised learning Network works to calculate the output without a previous
expectation, Where we offer network only inputs and it is find target And working
on a self organizing data Where it competes neurons to get a signal and the neuron
Winner we get it on the output and this is called self regulation of the network
neurons . (See Figure (2 6)). Figure(2 6):Unsupervised Learning Rule [1]
2.3.3. Transfer Function In behavior of an ANN depends in each of the weights and
the input output function (transfer function) that is selected for the units. This
function usually located into one of three types[10]: Linear (or slope): The output
activity is commensurate to the total weighted output (see Figure (2 7)).
F(X)=X ; for all x
Figure( 2 7): Linear activation function Threshold: The output is appoint at one of
two levels, depending on whether the total input is less or greater than than some
Sample Letter For An Application Letter
I express my gratitude and deep regards to my teacher for the subject Mr. Manwendra
Kumar Tiwari for giving me such a challenging topic and also for his exemplary
guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the course of this
I also take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude to my seniors in the
college for their cordial support, valuable information and guidance, which helped me
in completing this task through various stages.
I am obliged to the staff members of the Madhu Limaye Library, for the timely and
valuable information provided by them in their respective fields. I am grateful for
their cooperation during the period of my assignment.
Lastly, I thank almighty, my family and friends for their constant encouragement
without which this assignment would not have been possible.
Abhay Singh Rajput
A trend very much in vogue to day in all democratic countries is that only a relatively
small part of the total legislative output emanates directly from the legislature. The
bulk of the legislation is promulgated by the executive and is known as Delegated
So a simple definition of Delegated Legislation is that its a type of law which can be
made quickly and is not made by Parliament or a law made by a person or a body to
whom the
Pereboom Encounter
Now that it is clear what phenomena is to be investigated, I will turn to sufficient
conditions for the existence of MR. I will be focusing on two accounts of sufficient
conditions. The first being Pereboom s account of MR as ultimate origination or
self determination and the second being Baker s reflective endorsement view.
Pereboom suggests that an agent is morally responsible for an outcome if and only if
that agent was the ultimate cause of that outcome. Worded another way, a person is
not answerable for an action unless they made a free decision at some point in the
causal history of that decision. Fleshing out this point a bit further, it would also be
necessary that the agent, at time of making that free decision, knew or should have...
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Before I suggest a scenario where I think the conditions are met, but MR not
found, I should recognise a condition implicit to the four already set out. Baker
requires that in meeting each of the conditions, the agent has a first person
perspective . under first person perspective, it is not enough that, say, agent A
wants B to be hurt, and through manipulation of her arm by another, A hits B. As
Baker puts it, it is not enough that and agent wants someone who is in fact herself
to do an act, she must want it to be herself who punches B. One of the claims Baker
Makes is that a mad scientist could not manipulate another agent into having a first
person perspective. While I disagree, this essay does not have the scope to tackle
that question so I will try to evade a situation where a first person perspective is
implanted .

The situation I would suggest is one where a virus, or even a
peculiarly radioactive rock has lodged itself in Agent A s brain. This object affects
the emotional state of A but does not effect reason, memory, or identity. Under the
influence from this object, and through no other reason agent A becomes incredibly
angry and in this state punches a person B who accidentally bumped into A. A
wanted to punch B and did so because A wanted to want to punch B, and if A had
known that they were under the influence of the object, that would have still been
the case due to the highly emotional state of A at the time. It is important to
remember that the reasoning capacity of A was not removed, merely overridden by
the emotional response. While I am confident that A both meets Baker s conditions
and would not be seen as answerable, due to the justification that she couldn t help it
and that was caused by an abnormality, I will cover three possible

The first obvious response is that we would see A as answerable
to her action in a case like
Londonwide Local Medical Committees (LMC)
I work for an organisation called Londonwide Local Medical Committees (LLMC).
LLMC is the clinically led independent voice of GPs in the capital . We aim to
support all general practice (GPs) in London; LLMC s mission statement is Securing
the future of general practice ; this is achieved through the work we do with our
partners in the Healthand Social Care sector. There are over 7,000 GPs and over
1,300 practices in London that we support and represent through our 27 locally
elected committees (LMC). LMC are a part of the NHS landscape and are
recognised in statute which makes them qualified to provide advice, guidance and
support on a range of issues that affect general practice. LMC are the only
independent, elected and representative body for local GPs. Here at Londonwide, a
central team provides London GPs and their practices with support on three... Show
more content on ...
On the first level, we here at Londonwide ensure that all GPs and practices have
access to the correct information and support they need in order for them to provide
the best possible service for their patients. On the second level, we negotiate at local
and pan London level, in order to come to agreements that will help practices and
primary care management organisations work together to improve patient care.
Our Local Medical Committees are split into three different sectors; North West
London, which includes Brent, Ealing, Hammersmith and Hounslow, Harrow,
Hillingdon, Kensington, Chelsea and Westminster. The North East and North Central
sector, which includes Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey, Islington, City and
Hackney, Newham, Redbridge, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest. Finally the South
Sector which includes
Every Little Stitch Essay
As the founder of Every Little Stitch I quickly learned leadership skills. My goal
was to create a successful business that would be a blessing to those around me.
First, I sought advice on how to manage money and how to create business forms
such as invoices, package slips, and business cards. After ample advertisement I
successfully established a deal with the American Eagle Foundation. The Crochet
Keepsakes made their way into the Eagle Nest store in DollyWood. Now that I was
establishing a large cliental the businesswas becoming well distinguished. Word of
mouth also greatly contributed to the recognition of Every Little Stitch. I attained
assistance from several family members who were well acquainted with crochet to
complete numerous... Show more content on ...
While sitting in the halls of the hospital during one of the operations I realized for
the first time how many lives are affected by misfortunes every day. Sitting there I
knew that I wanted to help save lives and currently am preparing to attend pre med
this fall. My goal is to become the best pediatric neurosurgeon I can be. As an
Entrepreneur I am greatly encouraged to continue making a difference in not only
my community but all around the world. Although I have achieved a successful
business and am determined to make even a greater difference one day I would
love to extend Every Little Stitch to those in foreign countries. Harriet Tubman once
said, Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within
you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the
world. It takes one person with many visions and tons of determination to create
something successful and great that will change lives forever. Although others
around me have created large and successful corporations I am not looking to
become the richest person out there I only want to help make a difference in other s
lives. Even though I have not participated in sports and drama plays and do not have
many achievements to choose from I have the determination to run a successful
business and the vision to impact lives around the
Installation Art And Its Impact On Art
Installation art is living art which makes it relevant in our daily lives. It can be seen
on display in communities, in business, in architecture, and in education.
Additionally, it is pivotal in making a political statement as well as entertainment
inclusively film installations, film and television productions. Installation Art did for
art, what film did for photography, bringing life and movement into what would
otherwise be still. Business use of installation art and the excitement it brings can be
beneficial to the arts community while adding value to businesses that are inspired
by, and those that inspire installation art. For example, an extensive company in
Canada, Bell Media, was one of the major sponsors of the ... Show more content on ...
Their work withspires creativity, vision, and unlimited possibilities. Because of
Christo and Jeanne Claude s work, The Floating Pier thousands of people can say
they have had the experience of walking on the water. Yayoi Kusama provoked
unique experiences and personal vision with her installation, while James Terrell
challenges the natural connection with art and science. Each of their installations
could be used in, and to inspire film production in unlimited ways.
Christo and Jeanne Claude, known as the Wrap artist are unique in their architectural
scaled installations. They see art as an experience and empirical knowledge and have
triggered a few documentaries. Therefore, film can be commissioned as installation
art, as video installations are.
Christo Vladimirov Javacheff was on June 13, 1935 born in Gabrovo, Bulgaria and
his teenage was spent under communist precedence. Christo passed Art Academies
in Vienna and Sofia. Significantly, Jeanne Claude Marie de Guillebon (1935 2009)
was born in Casablanca Morocco of French Parents. Uniquely, Jeanne Claude was
born the same day, month and year with Christo (June 13, 1935). Jeanne settled with
her family in Paris after growing up in Paris, Switzerland, Bern, Gabes and Tunisia.
Christo in 1957, vacated Eastern Europe and moved to the west. At that time, he was
using disparate materials to wrap objects. He sustained himself by making portraits.
Christo met Jeanne in Paris, when he was creating portraits for
A Little Background Information About The Saw Movies
A little background information about the Saw movies is the first Saw movie was
released October 29 2004, along with the newly created series, the second Saw movie
was released October 28 2005, almost a year after the first movie of the series was
released. The Saw movies are an established movie franchise. These movies are very
dark as well as gory, which appeal to those who are fond of graphic horror. The first
Sawmovies was directed and written by James Wan, the second Sawmovie was
directed by Darren Lynn Bousman. When watching the two Saw movies, the
audience can spot the differences between them. Each movie has a few similar
characters. The main characters in Saw I as well as Saw IIare as follows: Tobin Bell,
as John Kramer/Jigsaw, Dina Meyer, Detective Allison Kerry, and Shawnee Smith,
Amanda Young. These characters were constant between the first two Saw movies.
The Saw series is known as movies that over uses gore for some parts of the movie;
nonetheless, the use of the gore causes the movie to be more intense for the audience
In the first Saw movie, the movie starts, the audience is looking at a dark screen.
They notice a man under water,opening his eyes and rises from the water and
screams. The audience then finds out that there is another man in the room, but they
do not know who either of these men are. As the movie goes on, the audience
acquires some background information about both men. They learn the man in the tub
is Adam, he is a
Safety And Standards Of The National Association For
Do people have to die for things to be changed? In NASCAR they are always looking
at safety and standards that are always changing. NASCAR stands for the National
Association for Stock Car Racing. NASCAR has been a big part of my life since I
was a child. When I was young not only did I watch the races on TV with my
family, I would be at the track every week with my racing family, watching at a
NASCARsanctioned track. Racing had become a drastic part of my life at an early
age because my mother had passed away. My father wanted to bring the family
together at least once a week and do something together. Not only did my family
watch racing in TV or on the track we raced ourselves my brother, sister and I raced
while my father worked on... Show more content on ...
What can NASCAR do to create a safer environment for the drivers in the car you
may ask. The responsibility of safety is not only in the hands of the driver or the
track they all have to work together to create a safer environment for racing.
NASCAR sanctions tracks throughout the United States. At the beginning of
every year they send out their rule book to the tracks and some rules such as seat
belts. neck restraints. and rules on getting out of your car on the track are
required. On the other hand the other rules are just guidelines. The tracks can pick
or choose which rules that they want to follow or they can change the rules
slightly. It is up to the track officials to choose the safest rules to follow to have a
safe and controlled racing experience (DeRidder). Not only are varying rules an
issue in keeping the drivers safe. At NASCAR s level the cars are inspected on a
weekly basis to make sure that everything is up to NASCAR s standards and rules.
At the smaller tracks that are sanctioned by NASCAR they don t have the
manpower to check every car every week to make sure that the driver or crew didn
t change anything or just not have the right equipment. Also, at the NASCAR level
they have a new car almost every week unlike at the smaller tracks where racing
crews don t have the money to have new cars every week. In the lower classes cars
can be driven as long as it passes inspection at the beginning of the
The Cultural Identity Of The Strong Black Woman
I hang my head from sorrow/ State of humanity/ I wear it on my shoulders/ Gotta
find the strength in me/ Cause I am a Superwoman/ Yes I am, yes she is/ Still when
I m a mess, I still put on a vest/ With a S on my chest/ Oh yes, I m a Superwoman
Alicia Keys, Superwoman Alicia Keys is reiterating an identity that is universally
accepted by most African American women (Harris Perry 184). This is the
cultural identity of the Strong Black Woman (SBW): self reliant, tough, and
hardworking. Stuart Hall defines cultural identities as, [A] sort of collective one
true self , hiding inside the many other, more superficial or artificially imposed
selves , which many people shared history and ancestry hold in common (Hall
223). SBW is a self construction manifested by black women in the Americas. It is
used a coping mechanism in response to pervasive sexism and racism. The SBW
construct dates back to slavery because the image projects traits of all three
stereotypes established during the era of slavery: She looks like the Mammy but is
loyal to the black community; She does not require physical and emotional security
from men, thus, she resembles the Jezebel; She is angry, just like the Sapphire
(Harris Perry 187). This paper unveils the unfavorable impact of the Strong Black
Woman (SBW) cultural identity in the Americas. The argument is centered on the
effect of this cultural image on the private sphere, public sphere, and the health of
black women. The paper also proposes
Extraordinary Aqounty Aquaculture Analysis
Hi Quoida,
I can certainly understand the struggles that you have. I have to take of a resident
who has lactose allergy and we have to make sure that she does not received dairy
products. Our aquaculture industry has been farming fish in lieu of its wild
counterpart for people s consumption. We can buy farmed tilapia or haddock in one s
local grocery store. Salmon, especially coming from Washington and Alaska, are
labeled wild to distinguished from the farmed counterparts (Grossman, 2016). The
wild salmons have to migrate inland in order to spawn for the new generations.
However, due to man made dams and drought causing some rivers to disappear, some
salmons could not find their birthplace anymore. The AquaBounty AquAdvantge
salmon is the
The Federal Government
The checks and balances system provides equal rights and power to various
different levels of governments. With that, this ultimately balances out all the rights
and justices for each of the branches to prevent any dictatorship. The Federal
Government consists of three branches; the Executive (President), the Legislative
(Congress), and the Judicial (Supreme Court) branch. The Executive has the power
to assign new judges that are later checked by the Senate (Congress). The
Executive can veto any laws the Legislative creates. However, if 2/3 of the majority
disagrees with the President s denial, the Legislative branch is capable of overriding
it. The Legislative checks and clarifies every treaty and fund the Executive proposes.
The... Show more content on ...
President Obama appoints Jennifer May Parker as the federal judge of the Eastern
District of North Carolina. Though Parker has all the requirements and qualifications
of being an arbiter, the Senate Judiciary Committee nullifies the request. This
nullification is due to accepting an over amount of judges and the state s senate
wishes for the next Republican president to appoint new positions. The senator of the
state s Congress, Richard Burr, also displays a crucial Senate tradition, called the Blue
Slip, which prevents the nominees from entering the Senate Judiciary Committee.
That tradition, known as the blue slip, gives senators the ability to block any judicial
nomination in their state, no explanation necessary, before it even reaches the stage
of a committee hearing , (The Editorial Board). Vermont s Democrat and chairman of
the committee, Senator Patrick Leahy, strongly follows the blue slip tradition, thus
resulting in objecting Obama s request. In order to sustain some order, only a couple
of judges from their own state are elected by the administration. Unfortunately, there
are still many courts that are not filled with judicial positions, including places like
North Carolina.
The State Republicans of the Senate decline the Federal s Executive s delegates,
which represents a conflict within the checks and balances system. It is authentic and
constitutional that the Legislative has the right
Feminist Ultrasound
Although it has been proven that ultrasound is a safe modality there are still issues
that sonographers encounter on the daily basis. There is the need for a chaperone
for certain procedures and especially if it is done by a male sonographer. According
to goggle dictionary a chaperone is a person who accompanies and looks after another
person or group of people. DMHC (Dartmouth Hitchcock medical center hospital)
Department of Radiology states on their policy that intracavitary, transperineal and
breast ultrasoundexaminations done to female patients may be performed by a male
sonographeronly in the presence of a female chaperone.
The free defined the term intracavitary as within an organ or a cavity.
Various procedures require... Show more content on ...
In addition, some patients may have a clear preference for a health care of
provider of a specific gender due to their ethnic, religious or cultural background,
because of previous experiences or in view of their age. When possible such
individual needs and preferences should be taken into consideration, such as in the
case of breast ultrasounds. When conducting an intimate and/or invasive
examination, the male sonographer should request a chaperone to assist during
the entire procedure. Chaperones should normally be members of the clinical
team who are sufficiently familiar with the ultrasound examination being carried
out. This is to ensure they are able to reliably judge whether the sonographer s
actions are professionally appropriate and justifiable. After asking some male
sonographers if they perform breast ultrasounds, I was told that the hospital prefers
female sonographers to perform this type of exams. Only in the case where there
is a need for the male sonographer a chaperone needs to be present during the
whole procedure. Hospitals have the responsibility to provide their employees with
a chaperone. DHMC have established that the responsibility for securing chaperone
services must be 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. Yet there are no cases
reported in which male sonographers have been accused of invading patient privacy
or behaving unprofessionally while performing a breast
The Wild By Jon Krakauer
Psychology serves a Role Kids who have been a victim of maltreatment are often
times hindered in development as the rest of their life plays out. No matter the
starting age, a family neglect can create in kids an odd and unpleasant feeling. The
constant exposure to depressors and bring me downs that effected kids see really
puts them into a terrible cycle. Some cases of maltreatment lead to extraordinary
stories and even more impressive characters. In Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer, we
can observe that Chris McCandless fell into this vicious cycle, and was effected by it
throughout his adventurous life. Some of McCandless experiences later in life can
be directly correlated with his childhood difficulties. But, in order of make sense...
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The way kids are raised by their parents effects their decision making and their
values, beliefs and self image until the day they die. If a kid grows up figuring
things out herself or is neglected etc., that kid is forced to do what is necessary to
develop as fully as possible. Hamama and Arazi describe family relationships as
being crucial in the development of the child. The article specifies that two direct
ways that kids are hurt is through family cohesion and subjective well being. Family
cohesion, in this article, is defined as the connections between family members that
each family has, while subjective well being talks about people s understanding of
the life they live and how they react to everyday situations and how all that effects
their emotional and cognitive mind. These two factors have shown to be directly
correlated to children acting aggressively or unpleasant, according to Hamama and
Arazi. Children s aggression behavior includes three parts, according to Hamama and
Arazi. 1. A cognitive dimension hostility; emotional dimension anger; and 3. A
behavioral dimension physical and verbal violence is how they defined aggressive
behavior. Those two factors are largely what influences children and their
development, in Hamama and Arazi s eyes(Hamama and Arazi). This article lays a
great foundation for the explanation of Into the Wild. Into the Wild is the non fiction
story of how Chris McCandless, a normal guy in his later
Milk and Dairy Products
Consumer behaviour in dairy products in Kosovo 311 ANALYSIS OF
Bytyqi Hysen*, Vegara Mensur**, Gjonbalaj Muje, Mehmeti Hajrip, Gjergjizi
Halim, Miftari Iliriana and Bytyqi Njazi* ABSTRACT Consumer behaviour in
Kosovo in respect of dairy products (white cheese, yoghurt, fruit yoghurt, Sharri
cheese, curd and caciocavalo) was studied during 2007 using different socio
economic variables assessed by so called evaluation criteria 1 5. The objective of
study was to possibly identify effect of different variables on consumer decision
upon purchase of dairy products. Dairy products were perceived differently at
various types of purchasing places. The most important socio economic variables...
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About two third of total milk and milk products produced in Kosovo is considered
to be used for family consumption or sold in green market , while one third is
imported (3). Last year history in Kosovo is characterized with transition process of
centralized economy to oriented open and free market approach. Many economies of
developing countries do not pay attention and undervalue the consumer behaviours.
Kapsdorferova and Nagyova (6) present the consumer as a last component but most
important one in food chain. About consumer behaviours on milk products, different
studies (8,9) show existence of significant differences between consumer behaviours
in different countries. J. Agric. Res., 2008, 46(3) Consumer behaviour in dairy
products in Kosovo 313 Study of consumers behaviours has multi plural value like:
studying the relation between needs for food products and daily ration taken,
especially analyzing different socio economic group; of high importance,
investigation of different effects of marketing (i,e. advertisements, leaflets, etc.)
socioeconomic characteristics upon consumer decision for milk and milk products
supply, etc. (5, 7). The objective of study was to identify consumer behaviours in
regard to dairy products (white cheese, yoghurt, fruit yoghurt, Sharri cheese, curd, and
Essay on Macbeth
Thesis: Macbeth s changing character over the course of the play can be seen in his
roles a general, husband and a king.
I. General
A. Early in the play he is brave
1. Captain reports
2. Duncan conversation
B. Late in the play he is ineffective
1. Fearful
2. Cornered
II. Husband
A. Initially close to wife
1. Confides in her via letter
2. Has pet name
B. Later becomes distant/cold
1. Tells doctor to cure Lady Macbeth
2. Feels resignation, not anguish at her death
III. King
A. At first is powerful
1. Malcolm and Donaldbain free Scotland
2. He succeeds in killing Banquo
B. At end is powerless
1. Fleance escapes
2. Malcolm conquers Scotland
The story of Macbeth is one of power at the expense of everything. The main
character, Macbeth ... Show more content on ...
He becomes fearful at the sight of Banquo s ghost. He pretends to appear brave by
saying, quot;Thou canst say I did it. Never shake thy gory locks at me, quot; (3.4.61
62) Macbeth is showing paranoia, a truly fearless General would not have fearful
visions of those they have murdered. Macbeth s sinful deeds not only lead him to be
fearful but cornered as well. Siward, Malcolm and Macduff reveal Macbeth s secret
murders. Now that Macbeth s secrets are out and he has no where to hide, he has to
face MacDuff and meet his destiny. (5.8)
Macbeth s changing character is evident not only in his role as a general, but also
in his role as a husband. Macbeth tells his wife everything and confides in her via
letter. (1.5.1 14) He shares his most intimate feelings and secret plans. Macbeth
even calls his wife quot;my dearest partner of greatness quot;. (1.5.11) This proves
the affection and trust he has in Lady Macbeth. When Macbeth really needs
someone to turn to, near the end of the play, he grows distant to his wife. Macbeth
does not continue to go to her for advice. He even tells the doctor to cure her of her
mental illness, and makes no effort himself to help cure her. (5.3.49 55) When Lady
Macbeth dies, Macbeth states, quot; She should have died hereafter. There would
have been time for such a word. quot; He hears the news of his wife s death, and
reacts nonchalant and unemotional.
Finally, Macbeth s changing
Why Was Italy Not Unified After the Congress of Vienna...
Before the Congress of Vienna the French occupation had far reaching affects on
Italy. The power of the Church and the Pope was reduced, changes were made in
landownership and land was redistributed. A new middle class began to appear.
Agriculture was improved and the peasants were freed from their old feudal ties and
obligations. Then when Napoleon was defeated and the restoration of the old regime
and monarchs was started, Italyagain became a country divided into eleven
independent states, excluding the tiny principalities and the Republic of San Marino.
So Italy was not unified after the Congress of Vienna due to a number of reasons,
such as the foreign influence of the Central European Powers, parochialism within the
states, the lack... Show more content on ...
The lay people had no part in government, apart from a few lay members of
advisory bodies called В‘congregations . Politically, Italy was fragmented. Further,
half the states were governed by kings or dukes who already occupied or hoped soon
to inherit the thrones of the non Italian countries. Venice and Piedmont had
dominions outside Italy. The Papacy had worldwide ecclesiastal concerns. The
peninsula was not merely divided; the boundaries and interests of its states ignored its
natural frontiers. Equally, there still survived three ancient republics of importance:
Venice, ruling a considerable empire on the eastern shores of the Adriatic and a large
territory, known as the Veneto, on the mainland of Italy; Genoa, which until 1768
governed the island of Corsica; and Lucca. After the Papal States there were five
significant duchies. Of these members of the Austrian royal House of Habsburg,
Milan direct from Vienna, and Tuscany, ruled the two most important separately.
The Duchy of Parma and Piacenza was under a Spanish Bourbon, but could not be
united either with Spain or with Naples and Sicily. The Duke of Modena and the
Duchess of Massa and Carrara represented Italian dynasties. So the foreign influence
of the Central European Powers both before and after the congress of Vienna was
major a factor in Italy s remaining as eleven independent states rather than becoming
Foreign influence was not the only reason that Italy was not united by 1815,
Pregnant Woman Research Paper
Many people heard that a pregnant woman can somewhat overeat because they are
eating for two now. However, pregnant woman need to understand the importance
of good nutrition. Well stated by Rope, If healthy eating hasn t been a habit, don t
worry. Now is the perfect time to make a change you (and your family) will benefit
from for decades. The video indicates a diet high in nutrients to include whole
grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy lean protein is a great plan for anyone but
especially a pregnant woman. Once source of protein that was heavily discussed in
the video was fish. The perception is that fish is high in mercury; therefore, pregnant
woman should avoid high levels of mercury. However, not all fish is high in mercury,
Louis Xiv s Influence On The World War II
Karl Johnson A Block, History Lisa Feirtag The Sun God Louis XIV is known for
his powerful approach to rule. For example, within foreign policy, pressing the
invasion of the Spanish Netherlands in 1667, boldly deeming it his wife s rightful
inheritance. The conflict was named, The War of Devolution, and lasted a year.
France lost, although Louis XIV did not give up, and engaged in the great Franco
Dutch War from 1672 to 1678. During the war, France managed to acquire more
land and the victory promoted France to the status of a dominant power. After all,
Louis XIV was known to France as the Sun King, the most powerful and god like
being on earth, he couldn t stand for defeat. This new dominant status, coupled
with Louis XIV s audacious campaigns to constantly expand territory through the
use of military force, positioned France as an immediate threat to other European
nations, and positioned Louis XIV as a looming figure over all of Europe. Louis
XIV thought of war as the sport of Kings, and he put a lot into his favorite pastime.
Louis XIV was born September 5, 1638 in Saint Germaine en Laye, France. He
became king and official leader of 19 million French in 1643 at the age of four
years old. Rather than a scholarly education, Louis XIV was educated in practicality
and logic. Louis s first goal as king was to centralize and rein in total control of
France. He did this by establishing reforms that cut France s deficit, promoted
industrial growth, created an organized
The Composition Of Felony Criminal Trials For The
During my time interning at the Public Defender s Office, I have observed that time
is one of the biggest issues. It has been shown that is quicker for an indigent
individual to plead guilty than it is for them to receive adequate legal representation.
After obtaining an attorney, it is a lengthy process when going through the different
hearings and trials. Often taking several months for cases to be fully resolved. The
composition of felony criminal trials in Lowndes County is very complex. There are
several various steps within the trialprocess. The first official step before conducting
a trial is making an arrest. An arrest can be made with or without a warrant;
however, probable cause must be present in both cases. Upon making an arrest, the
detaining officer has forty eight hours to appear before a judge with probable cause
for the arrest, which is the sufficient reason based on the facts that a crimehas been
committed. Subsequently, after being arraigned, if the individual cannot afford an
attorney one is appointed to them from the Public Defender s office. Next occurs the
indictment. The District Attorney s office receives the arrest warrant and then
reviews the case, by dropping and adding charges if necessary. They also have the
discovery, which is the evidence the state has against the defendant. The case then
goes before a Grand Juryto determine if an indictment is ready. The following month
the first hearing to occur after a defendant is indicted is the
Examples Of Stereotyping And Prejudice
About Stereotyping and Prejudice
Prejudice of any kind implies that you are identified with the thinking mind. It means
you don t see the other human being anymore, but only your own concept of that
human being.
To reduce the aliveness of another human being to a concept is already a form of
― Eckhart Tolle, Stillness Speaks (pp. 20)
According to wikipedia Social cognition is the encoding, storage, retrieval, and
processing, of information about conspecifics (members of the same species) in the
social psychology field this is seen as the study on how people make deductions from
the stimulus they perceive from the social environment, and how those external clues
shape our social interaction with others.
Historical origins of social cognition lie on the contrast between ... Show more
content on ...
Homophobic jokes are an example of this.
When and why we in stereotype?
In the first article that I decided to review (Staple Noordewier, 2011) they went
through a series of correlation and experimental studies concluded that system
justification motives result in stereotyping and the motive behind it is the need for
structure. They also mention the fact that people who feel part of unjust systems are
also more likely to engage in stereotyping and the impact of system justification threat
on stereotyping disappears when the desire to justify the system is satisfied through
an alternative route.
The system justification theory, described in this article, proposes that when people
stereotype they aren t just healing or preserving their selves but are instead providing
justifications for the social structure they belong to, and their believes that the world
is just and legitimate. But why this need for a justification? Simply because systems
provide structure and humans need that
The Impact Of Hitler On The Weimar Republic
Everyone knows Hitler as an evil dictator who ruins lives, but do people really know
the impact Hitler made on the Weimar Republic? Throughout this piece it will be
discussing the way Hitler impacted the Weimar Republic. With the events he
participated in such as the Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations, and World War II.
World War I
World War I happened during the years of 1914 1918 this war was caused when
Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austria and his wife were assassinated by
Gavrilo Princip who was a Serbian Nationalist. After they found out about his death
Austria wanted war with Serbia for what Princip had caused, then Germany
declares war on Russia for the tsar negotiation. This war was called the Battle of
Tannenberg which Germany won. In 1917 the United States declared war with
Germany, however the U.S. had over a million soldiers fighting against Germany.
Eventually Germany surrendered and By the fall many of the countries that were
involved in the war asked for peace (Santos, 2017) so Germany signed an armistice,
after the Treaty of Versailleswas created for the fairness after World War I.
Hitler During the War
Hitler was 25 years old when he entered the army during World War I, he was made
the Corporal at the time for showing what a fearless soldier he was. In 1918 his
camp site was hit by a gas bomb, he was near the site at the time when he also got
hurt, he became partially blind from the gas nevertheless he recovered from it.Telling
the story of how he
Farm Subsidies Essay
Agricultural subsidies is a very complex and controversial economic topic today. It
will continue to be a hot topic as government continues it. It is largely debated in the
United States as well as in other countries. The reason it is so largely debated is
because it literally have an effect on the entire world market. Not to mention that the
farmhas been booming the last 5 to 10 years. This topic also tends to draw strong
opinions in our area in particular due to the large agricultural community in our
region. However, even within different states there are many supporters as well as
opponents to these government subsidies. To really begin to understand this complex
topic a person really needs to understand the basics of... Show more content on ...
In 2002 wheat was $3.80 a bushel so farmer s received $.06 for the difference in the
guaranteed price and $.52 for every bushel of wheat they sold ( Farm bill resources,
2008 ). The idea behind the government subsidizing of agriculture is a good idea in
theory. However, it is controversial because there are many people who oppose this
policy for different reasons. There are many reasons why it is controversial but
there are a few in particular that cause the most debate. One reason that people do
not support the subsidizing is because of the sheer cost. In 2009, the U.S.
government paid over 12 billion dollars to the agricultural sector (Vogel, 2001).
When you consider that fact that the payments are being made with taxpayer
dollars it explains why some people immediately oppose it. There have been past
years where the government has actually paid double that. These payments do
consume a fair portion of our governments budget. Although it is not a confirmed
fact, a Canadian report said that for every dollar earned by a U.S. farmer, 62 cents
comes from some form of government payment (Wikipedia). Basically some people
view this as nothing more than transferring income from the general tax payers to
farm owners. In fact, farm subsidies is actually the United States largest corporate
welfare program. People also blame these subsidies for increasing poverty in some
Walt Disney Case
The Walt Disney Company: The Entertainment King I only hope that we never
lose sight of one thing that it was all started by a mouse. Walt Disney The Walt
Disney Company s rebirth under Michael Eisner was widely considered to be one
of the th great turnaround stories of the late 20 century. When Eisner arrived in
1984, Disney was languishing and had narrowly avoided takeover and
dismemberment. By the end of 2000, however, revenues had climbed from $1.65
billion to $25 billion under Eisner, while net earnings had risen from $0.1 billion to
$1.2 billion (see Exhibit 1). During Eisner s first 15 years, Disney generated a 27%
annual total 1 return to... Show more content on ...
The result was Mickey Mouse. When Mickey failed to elicit much interest, Walt
tried to attract a distributor by adding synchronized sound something that had 8,9
never been attempted in a cartoon. His gamble paid off handsomely with the
release of Steamboat 10 Willie in 1928. Overnight, Mickey Mouse became an
international sensation known variously as Topolino (Italy), Raton Mickey
(Spain), and Musse Pigg (Sweden). However, the company was still strapped for
cash, so it licensed Mickey Mouse for the cover of a pencil tablet the first of many
such licensing agreements. Over time, as short term cash problems subsided, Disney
began to worry 11 about brand equity and thus licensed its name only to the best
companies. The Disney brothers ran their company as a flat, non hierarchical
organization, in which everyone, including Walt, used their first names and no one
had titles. You don t have to have a title, said 12 Walt. If you re important to the
company, you ll know it. Although a taskmaster driven to achieve creativity and
quality, Walt emphasized teamwork, communication, and cooperation. He pushed 13
himself and his staff so hard that he suffered a nervous breakdown in 1931.
However, many workers were fiercely committed to the company. Despite winning
six Academy Awards and successfully introducing new characters such as Goofy and
Donald Duck, Walt realized
graded assignments Essay
Introduction to Programming
Graded Assignment Requirements
This document includes all of the assignment requirements for the graded
assignments in this course. Your instructor will provide the details about when each
assignment is due.
Unit 1 Assignment 1: Homework
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Describe the role of software for computers.
Identify the hardware associated with a computer.
Describe how computers store data.
Explain how programs work.
Differentiate among machine language, assembly language, and high level languages.
Differentiate between compilers and interpreters.
Identify the different types of ... Show more content on ...
Use compound logical conditions.
Assignment Requirements
Do the following problems:
Algorithm Workbench Review Questions 6 10, starting on page 159
Programming Exercises 5 and 8, starting on page 160
Required Resources
Submission Requirements
Submit your written answers to your instructor at the beginning of Unit 7.
Unit 7 Assignment 1: Homework
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Use pseudocode/flowcharts to represent repetition structures.
Create While, Do While, and Do Until conditional loops.
Describe the implications of an infinite loop.
Assignment Requirements
Short Answer Review Questions 1 5, starting on page 213
Algorithm Workbench Review Questions 1, 2, 7, and 8, starting on page 213
Programming Exercises 1, 3, and 4, starting on page 214
Required Resources
Submission Requirements
Submit your written answers to your instructor at the beginning of Unit 8.
Unit 8 Assignment 1: Homework
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Use pseudocode/flowcharts to represent repetition structures.
Evaluate counter controlled For loops.
Use sentinel values in creating computer programs.
Use nested loops in a program.
Assignment Requirements
Short Answer Review Questions 6 10, starting on page 213
Algorithm Workbench Review Questions 3, 4, 9, and 10, starting on page 213
Programming Exercises 7, 9, and 10 starting on page 215
Required Resources
Filial Piety In The Good Earth By Pearl S. Buck
In this day and age, if you were abused as a child by your family members it is
more socially acceptable to leave your family entirely behind as soon as you turn
eighteen, or even before that point. Back in China during and before the time of the
Chinese Revolution, this was not the case. In The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck,
Buck demonstrates the bind of filial pietythrough the depiction of Wang Lung and his
uncle. Since the time of the Chinese Revolution, the dynamics of a familyhave
changed in a positive way because people are beginning to not be bonded to their
family on the basis of filial piety.
In The Good Earth, main character Wang Lung is bound to his uncle because of
filial piety. Wang Lung s uncle is a lazy and imposed upon Wang Lung and his
family throughout the novel, continuously using Wang Lung s duty of filial piety to
silence him. This passage from the novel sums up Wang Lung s experience with his
uncle. Wang Lung s Uncle began at this time to become the trouble which Wang
Lung had surmised from the beginning that he might be. This uncle was the younger
brother of Wang Lung s father, and by all the claims of relationship he might depend
upon Wang Lung if he had not enough for himself and his family (59). As his father s
brother, and his elder, Wang Lung must respect his uncle and listen to his wishes.
Wang Lung s obligation to respect the older generation leads to his uncle
continuously exploiting him, in his poverty and his wealth. Wang Lung s uncle is

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  • 1. Essay On My Neighbourhood Writing an essay on the topic "Essay On My Neighbourhood" may seem like a straightforward task at first glance, but delving into the intricacies of one's surroundings can prove to be quite challenging. The difficulty lies not in the lack of information or personal experiences, but in the art of capturing the essence of a neighborhood in words. To begin with, there is the challenge of striking a balance between providing vivid descriptions and maintaining the reader's interest. A neighborhood is a dynamic entity with various elements that contribute to its unique character—ranging from the diverse architecture to the diverse community members. The task of portraying these nuances requires a careful selection of words and a keen awareness of the overall narrative flow. Additionally, writing about one's neighborhood involves not just presenting a physical landscape but also delving into the intangible aspects that make it a home. This may include the sense of community, the shared history, and the traditions that bind residents together. Conveying these abstract concepts in a way that resonates with the reader can be a formidable task. Furthermore, there is the challenge of avoiding clichГ©s and generic descriptions. Every neighborhood essay runs the risk of sounding like a template if not approached with creativity and originality. The writer must strive to capture the unique aspects that set their neighborhood apart, steering clear of common stereotypes or overused phrases. In conclusion, while the topic "Essay On My Neighbourhood" might seem deceptively simple, the actual task of bringing the neighborhood to life through words requires a delicate balance of creativity, attention to detail, and an understanding of the various elements that contribute to its identity. If you find yourself grappling with the complexities of such an essay or need assistance with other writing tasks, consider exploring, where you can find support for crafting various types of essays and much more. Their professional services can help you navigate the challenges of essay writing and ensure that your ideas are effectively communicated. Essay On My Neighbourhood Essay On My Neighbourhood
  • 2. Analysis Of Anne Shirley In Anne Of Green Gables A Mission to Change Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables lived without parents for most of her life and she wanted to change that. She yearned for loving parents, an education, and a better life overall. Walt Masters in The King of Mazy May had a job to watch Loren Hall s claim and he found out someone planned on jumping it. Despite being just a boy, he knew it wasn t right, and he had to do something. Jenna Boller in Rules of the Road is an average teenager who works at a shoe store, finds out the owner s son is planning on taking over the business and change it for the worse. Jenna worked at the shoe store for a long time and she knew she wasn t going to let the shoe business give up its quality. All three of these people saw something... Show more content on ... This quote shows how determined he is to do the right thing. He was willing to do anything to save Loren Hall s claim. He succeeded in his mission, earned a nickname, and also earned the Men s respect. The text states, The men of the Yukon have become very proud of him, and always speak of him now as the King of Mazy May (London para 48). By doing the right thing Walt had earned the trust of the older Men. Walt would do anything to do what he thought was right. Jenna Boller is a teenager who works at a shoe store, but when she finds out the business is going to change and lose its quality, she doesn t want to let that happen. The text states, Selling well made, comfortable shoes is a noble profession[...] benefit for people world over (Bauer para 10 and 1). This quote shows how important selling shoes are to Jenna, and she wants shoes that are good for people. She decides to help Mrs. Gladstone, the business owner, retain her shoe business along with its quality. She doesn t completely succeed in her mission, but she was able to confirm that the business doesn t lose its quality. Although she didn t completely succeed in her mission, she had changed a lot from her journey. The text states, I ve never been anywhere that changed me so much (Bauer para 17). This quote shows how much she had learned and changed from the journey. Not all of these characters accomplished their goals, but all of them learned, changed something, or earned something from their
  • 3. Sickle Cell Anaemia Research Paper SICKLE CELL ANAEMIA ABOUT SICKLE CELL ANAEMIA: Sickle cell anaemia is due to inherited red blood cell disorder. People with this disorder have sickle haemoglobin or haemoglobin S which is abnormal haemoglobin in their red blood cell. Sickle cell anaemia occur when the people have haemoglobin SS which is derived from two haemoglobin S genes, one from each parents CAUSE OF SICKLE CELL ANAEMIA: This disorder is caused by mutation at sequence of three nucleotides in DNA that specifies a particular amino acid during protein synthesis (codon 6) of the ОІ globin gene which caused the glutamic acid at position 6 in the normal protein is changed to a valine in the defect protein. This alteration affected the haemoglobin that consists two О± globin and two ОІ globin subunits. This will caused formation of blockage in blood capillaries made by crystal derived from deoxygenated defect protein. MODE OF INHERITANCE OF SICKLE CELL ANAEMIA: The mode of inheritance of sickle cell anaemia is autosomal recessive. This type of inheritance means that the child will not get the disease if both of the parents does not pass down the genes which are defect. ASSOCIATION WITH ACUTE SPLENIC SEQUESTRATION CRISIS: Acute splenic ... Show more content on ... The skin of the people with the trait will be pale and become yellowish which is also known as jaundice. There will be also the whites of the eye. The effect of this trait to biliary tree is the formation of stones by stuck bilirubin in gallbladder. Sickle cell intrahepatic cholestasis may occur in renal due to inadequate oxygen supply to liver tissue because sickle red cell block the blood vessel to the liver tissues. The avascular or aseptic necrosis is the pathological change in the bone where lead to inadequate oxygen flow to the bones and result in damage of the bone. The people will have pain in walking and other movement involving joint
  • 4. William Pickton Anthropology After reading the article in assignment one, complete the following questions. 1. Analyse the behaviour of William Pickton using the three different social science perspectives. Choose one theory from psychology, sociology, and anthropology. Using each perspective, write a one page analysis of the behaviour of William Pickton. Write a perspective for each social theory (three pages in total). 2. Write a hypothesis to researcha serial murderer using the following social science theories: Psychoanalysis, Functionalism, and Feminism. For example, a Marxist could look at the economic inequalities as a means of promoting a feeling of helplessness. This helpless feeling could promote feelings of anger against anyone who possesses any... Show more content on ... The RCMP became involved in 2001. The families also say police neglected the cases because many of the women were prostitutes and drug addicts. It wasn t until August of 2001 that Vancouver police began hinting that a serial killer could be responsible for the disappearance of the missing women. At the time 31 women had vanished, but four had been accounted for and two of those were confirmed dead. Dr. Elliott Leyton, an anthropology professor at Memorial University in St. John s, Newfoundland, who wrote a book on serial killers called Hunting Humans, says that police are rightly reluctant to identify serial murders because public panic often follows. Responsible people have to be careful about making wild pronouncements about possible serial killers, Leyton says. And when we are not sure if it is true, then it is inappropriate to throw people into a state of panic. Prostitution is a very dangerous profession and many of the people in it are wanderers and not well connected to any conventional system of government controls or social services. So they can drift away from the system without being noticed for a very long time, even when nothing may have actually happened to them. 5. Leyton argues that it may be irresponsible to assume that a serial killer may be at work in Vancouver. The RCMP task force has repeatedly said that it cannot speak about the ongoing investigation and only concedes that a serial killer may be
  • 5. The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The TV Series 1.Introduction Nowadays, English is spreading faster and faster throughout the world. It is now available to everyone; it can be easily acquired whenever and wherever anyone wishes. Acquiring the English language has only advantages. Since it is an international language and the language of business, marketing, sciences and the film industry, it opens up plenty of opportunities. Speaking English makes people more employable, as it is essential nowadays to speak foreign languages, especially English. There are numerous sources, through which English is accessible, and one of the sources is the media. The media is everywhere in our everyday lives. We watch television and listen to the radio every day and we spend hours in front of the computer... Show more content on ... Every material is authentic if it was originally produced by native speakers for native speakers of a language. The present study intends to examine TV series as authentic materials, or more precisely authentic videos. TalavГЎn (2007), Ianiro (2007) and Wottipong (2014) all explore authentic materials in their research projects. In the following their findings about authentic materials will be discussed. According to TalavГЎn, the term authentic video includes TV series, films, and commercials that are produced primarily for native speakers. Ianiro defines authentic materials in the following way: Authentic materials are print, video, and audio materials students encounter in their daily lives, such as change of address forms, job applications, menus, voice mail messages, radio programs, and videos. Authentic materials are not created specifically to be used in the classroom, but they make excellent learning tools for students precisely because they are authentic.
  • 6. Aol Case Study Essay AOL Case Study 1. What accounting approach has AOL used in the past that it is now changing (related to the $385 million)? Prior to October 1, 1996, AOL accounted for the cost of direct response advertising as Deferred Subscriber Acquisition Costs, i.e., it recognized (reported) the costs of mailing out diskettes allowing you to sign on to AOL for 100 free minutes as an asset on its Balance Sheet. In accounting, we say that the costs were capitalized, meaning reported on the Balance Sheet as an asset. This is in contrast to the costs being expensed, flowing to the Income Statement immediately as an expense. The asset, Deferred Subscriber Acquisition Costs was amortized, beginning the month after such costs were incurred, ... Show more content on ... Thus the Current Ratio would decrease as a result of the write off. The Debt/Equity ratio will increase as a result of the write off, since Retained Earnings will reflect the expense. All profitability ratios, Return on Sales, Return on Assets, Return on Equity and EPS, will decline as a result of the lower net income. 6. What was the cash impact of the charge? As noted in the journal entry in (4) above, there is no cash impact of the charge. (The cash was spent back when the mailing campaign was conducted a couple of years ago.) 7. Why does Mr. Vohra, an analyst say that The earnings numbers were meaningless they were a house of cards ? Reporting subscriber acquisition costs as an asset allowed AOL s management lots of discretion in determining net income because the amount capitalized and the level of the amortization expense are both determined by managers. As a result, it was not clear whether AOL s income number is a good measure of the economic performance of the firm. Managers could have taken advantage of this situation, distorting the income number in order to get some personal benefits (e.g., higher bonuses, a higher stock price which would add to their personal wealth, etc.). 8. What was aggressive about AOL s accounting approach Reporting subscriber acquisition costs as an asset rather than an expense is aggressive (as opposed to conservative ). As noted above, capitalizing costs as
  • 7. Why I Shouldn t Get Back Into The Apartment Essay I wake with a tap against one of my boots. Dim streaks of light, grey and increasing, are filtering through a nearby door. How did I get back into the apartment? For a moment I stare at the ceiling trying to remember what happened last night, then everything comes rushing back. My headache and how Avery found me. I take a deep breath as I remember what had happened between Avery and me in the alley. I shouldn t have done it. I shouldn t have touched her the way I did last night. And I shouldn t be happy she touched me back the way she had. But am I. I close my eyes, as I again feel the tingle of her fingers as she d brushed them against my arm. I can t believe I d kept myself from kissing her, I d wanted to, that had been for sure. I groan this is no way for a soldier to act. Something thumps against my boot, and I sit up, ignoring the dull ache behind my forehead. i m not the only one in the room. Sitting across from me is Adam, Avery s friend, and one of his hands are full of small rocks. I glance down at my feet, to find rocks scattered around them. I look back at him my eyes narrowed. Adam stare at me, whistling as he drops the remaining rocks on the ground beside him. It s hard to believe that I could want to hurt who had been so sick just a short time ago, but I do. Nice collection you have there, he says. Did I do something to you that I m unaware of? I demand. I sink my fingers into the ground at my sides and squeeze the dirt. I don t know if you realize
  • 8. Fauves Attributes In Art Introduction The colour attributes could be separated into three parts: hue, saturation and luminance. In the colour theory, the hue refers to the colour of images, while saturation describes the intensity (purity) of the hue (Steven, 2013). The saturation is thus identified as the intensity of colours in artworks which is ranged from pure colour to grey. A single colour is purer as the saturation increases, while the saturation decreases as the colour goes paler. The aim of this assignment is to describe and analyse the Fauves paintings, an artistic genre which speaks highly of saturation more than hue or luminance, as saturation could better express their personalities and feelings. The Fauvism was founded in 1905 in France by twentieth century modern artists. Unlike the others, the Fauvism could be absolutely deemed as a unique genre as it does not have special theory and principle yet is promoted by large numbers of artists in a short period (Freeman, 1990). This artistic style is in favour of creating a strong effect of paintings through bright and colours by announcing emotional expressionism. The Fauves absorbs the essence of Oriental and African arts, then crease a unique simple and sparse prospect on purpose. One of the most famous painting works named The Creole Dancer (as shown in Fig.1), painted by the greatest artist of the Fauves, Henri Matisse, is presented below and is to develop a demonstration of how saturation interferes differently (Roger, 2009).
  • 9. Joseph Mengele and his Atrocities Essay Three thousand twins entered Auschwitz between 1940 and 1944. Only two hundred and fifty pairs of twins ever had the smell of freedom again. Why did this unfortunate event occur? It occurred because the Nazis party was in control and Adolf Hitler was the Fuhrer and he wanted a perfect race. Right, left , what kind of a man could send people to their death with a flick of a cane, without one scent of remorseor one inkling of guilt? his name was Josef Mengele. (Nazi304) Hitler gave Mengele all the resources he could and this is the main reasonwhy he went to Auschwitz, because the of the availabilityof the victims he could do his work on. The stories and pictures of Auschwitz tell a gruesome tale of death and torture. Josef Mengele... Show more content on ... During his stay at Auschwitz he was nicknamed the Angel of Death. When the trains arrived at Auschwitz they would sit i the cars for days before being herded out like cattle. After this hellish journey, the first thing that people saw when they left the cars was Josef Mengele, the Angel of Auschwitz standing in his immaculate SS uniform, shining boots, perfectly brushed and pressed shirt and pants, and glistening silver skulls.(Mengele156) He would perch there and would yell left! or right! , left meaning a quick end as you headed to the gas chambers and right meant you were placed on a starvation diet and had to work as a slave. During this time in Auschwitz his first and only son, Rolf, was born on March 11, 1944. His moment of happiness in Auschwitz (his perverse perception of happiness) was short lived. In the middle of January in 1945 he fled Auschwitz and went to Grossen Rosen camp. He then fled before the Russians liberated it on February 11, 1945. After fleeing Grossen Rosen he was captured as a prisoner of war and held in a POW camp in Munich. He stole some papers from a fellow prisoner and the American Army released him not realizing he was part of the SS. During his life on the run he went under several aliases, these include;
  • 10. The Pros and Cons of Peer Pressure Essay Thoughts, behavior, fashion, and music often have a deep impact on our society. People and teenagers in particular, tend to get influenced by the lifestyles of their peer group. It is a person s tendency to do what the crowd does. Few individuals have the courage to resist the peer pressure and be their own selves rather than being one amongst a group. Parents play a vital role to during this phase of a teenager s life and must exhibit extreme caution when dealing with their adolescents, as they are most vulnerable to yield to peer pressureduring these critical years of their lives. Teenagers must be taught to distinguish between the good and the bad; the right and the wrong. They must also be guided to be considerate in life. Parents... Show more content on ... There s an understanding to their worries; they don t want their teens smoking, drinking, stealing etc. It is unrealistic to tell your children not to succumb to peer pressure when the most likely form of peer pressure teens experience is their friends call of, C mon, dance! ( Parents try to keep their teens safe, so they should just establish some concrete, reasonable rules. For example, if their teen is going to drive somewhere, parents should insist on them wearing a seatbelt, obey the traffic regulations, and not listen to loud music. Parents also must trust their teen s common sense: if they have raised their teen well, then there is no need to constantly lecture them on the damaging affects of drugs. This will leave their teen filled with resentment which is the last thing parents want. The more involved parents are in their child s life, the more likely it is that the child will make better choices for his/herself. Many studies have backed this claim, (cited by so parents should stay interested and involved in what their teen is doing and should continue to be aware of what he/she is up to. ( We are all influenced by our peers, both negatively and positively. It helps define who we are and how we feel about subjects in our lives. It is how we choose to react to peer pressure that
  • 11. Essay on Imperialism Imperialism is often excused as a way of liberating people from tyrannical rule or by introducing the policies of a better way of life. It is based on the ground of a variety of causes running the gamut of economic pressures, greed, security, power, prestige, religion, and many other effective measures that can be taken given the circumstances. Arguments about the roots and virtue of imperialismcan be put into four basic groups. The first is whether or not imperialism is economically beneficial. The second relates to the social aspect of imperialism and the natural desire to rule others. The third is protection and security, building up military powers around the world in order to help the main country when trouble erupts. Finally, the... Show more content on ... Britain had feared that they would be cut off and India would be taken from them. Keeping India was essential to Britain s survival as an empire, without which they would be just another European nation. To solve this problem, Britain gained control of the Suez Canal, then eventually the entirety of Egypt. Another country needed in order to protect India was South Africa. Its port at Cape Town was an essential stop for all people en route to India. When gold and diamonds were later discovered in other parts of South Africa, Britain fought and annexed all of South Africa. At this time, neither Germany nor Italy was unified and France was busy fighting with Prussia. The European powers really had no interest in external affairs for the time. 1871 changed everything. Germany and Italy were unified and France had just lost the Alsace Lorraine to the Germans. The French were the first to begin the annexation of Africa, mostly because they wanted to restore their lost sense of national pride. Because both Germany and France went for Africa, the English were suddenly faced with the fear of competition. An economic slump in Europe in the 1880s caused markets to become even scarcer than they were to begin with. In a futile attempt to right themselves as an empire, Britain began taking over land in Africa. After all, land in Africa was quite cheap. It was slightly afterwards that all the European powers realized what they had bought into, and had to face the fact
  • 12. Glg Lab Report Axia College Material Appendix F Week Three Lab Report: Earthquakes Answer the lab questions for this week and summarize the lab experience using this form. |Full Name | | |Date | | Carefully read pages 156 170 of Geoscience Laboratory. Complete this week s lab by filling in your responses to the questions from Geoscience Laboratory. Select answers are provided for you in red font to assist you with your lab work. Although you are only required to respond to the questions in this worksheet, you are encouraged to answer others from the text on your own. Lab Questions 9.1.Judging from the ... Show more content on ... The 2002 Afghanistan earthquake measured 5.9 on the Richter scale and killed 1,800 people. The 2001 western Washington earthquake measured 6.8 on the Richter scale and killed only one person. Can you imagine why the huge difference in the numbers of deaths? Hint: It has to do with construction materials. The mud walls used in construction of Afghan homes could not withstand the shaking from the earthquakes whereas construction in the United States tends to be better reinforced. 9.17.Where is the location of that June 19 quake (to the nearest tenth of a degree latitude and longitude)? Follow the steps 1 through 4 to complete the table below (see lab book pp. 164 165). | |P arrival time |S arrival time |Difference in P S | |LTN |3:46:45.7 |3:46:50.0 |4.3 |35.6 | |GOIL |3:46:0.9 |3:47:17.2 |16.3 |137 |
  • 13. Power In Antigone And The Bacchae Greek dramas often contained a singular view on historical ideas or people. This is demonstrated in the two Greek tragedies, Antigone by Sophocles and the Bacchae by Euripides V. The tragedy Antigone, critiques a Kreon who rules with fear and pride and suffers a tremendous tragedy, while the Bacchae praises Pentheus for attempting to regain control over his chaotic city yet still suffer an undesirable fate. Both tragedies focus on different aspects of political power. The fashion, in which both Kreon and Pentheus achieve their title as king, demonstrates the extent of power they both believe they contain. In Antigone, Kreon manages to claim the throne, amongst the chaos from a rebel attack. Kreon s succession of the throne through... Show more content on ... With Kreon refusing to provide polyneikes with the proper burial, Kreon refused to provide Hades of his rightful property. Antigone warns Kreon that his decision of refusing to provide the burial will result in punishment, Since you, a mere man, imposed them have the force to trample on the gods unwritten laws (Antigone 490 493). Antigone accuses Kreon, a mere man, of dishonoring the laws written by the gods. As a result of denying Hades of his rights, Kreon suffers a fate worse than death. As a payment of withholding the body, Kreon must witness the death of his only son Haimon and accept the death of Eurydike, his wife. Kreon attempting to protect his honor from Antigone, results in Kreon losing everything he considers important in his heart. However, Kreon s lost results in the humbling of his personality. At the end of Antigone, he admits, A foolish impulsive man who killed you, my son, mindlessly killed you as well, my wife (Antigone 1500 1502). The gods punishes those who prevent them of their proper rites, and those who allow their pride to blind their moral judgment. Although Pentheus did not have to experience the death of everyone he loves, his family ultimately paid a high price for his
  • 14. Catcher In The Rye Analysis An Alternate View In the novel the Catcher in the Rye, author J.D. Salinger writes about the life of a 17 year old boy who drastically differs from the rest of the teenager population because of his alternate point of view on life. This non typical teenager with the name of Holden Caulfield has a negative perspective on everything he and others do, and does not attempt to find the light in certain situations. While teenagers may not attempt to find the best in a certain outcome, they tend to have a positive outlook on specific things in their life. Holden appears to only switch between 3 emotions throughout the book, and never gives anything his all, or consideration. As a result of this, he does not act like a typical teenager would. However, Holden does have a limited amount of traits that classify him as a typical teenager: his need for connections to others and learning to be independent on his own. He also has distinct traits that isolate him from the others, making him out to be this negative, apathetic character. A typical teenager is someone who conforms to what others are doing, but Salinger creates Holden to be a non typical teenager who sees everything differently and executes what has to be done in his own unique way. In the beginning of the book, Salinger writes Holden to be looking down at the football game while he stands on the top of Thomsen Hill, watching and taking pity on those who are attending the game. Holden observes, But you could hear them all
  • 15. A Research Report On Identity Theft IDENTITY THEFT Presented To Dr. Patricia LaRosa Professor of Business Communication Prepared By Inez Frias BA 105W Student May 17, 2017 iii DATE: 5/14/17 TO: Dr. LaRosa Professor of Business Communication FROM: Inez Frias Castro BA 105W Student SUBJECT: Transmittal Identity TheftReport Enclosed is the research report on Identity Theft that you requested I turn in to you on Wednesday, May 17, 2017. To prepare this report, I limited my research to six criteria: Crime of Identity Theft, Prevalence of Identity Theft, Costs Associated with Identity Theft, Popular Identity Theft Scams, Penalties Waged Against Perpetrators, and Preventative/Protective measures one should take. I used the research resources found in ... Show more content on ... Scope of the Report The scope of this report examines a) Crime of Identity Theft, b) Prevalence of Identity Theft, c) Costs Associated with Identity Theft, d) Popular Identity Theft Scams, e) Penalties Wages Against Perpetrators, and f) Preventative /Protective measures One Should Take. Data Collection Methods Secondary research was used to collect the information included in this report. The researcher used the Henry Madden Library databases to access journals and news articles. Additionally, the researcher used Internet websites to gather articles and statistics about the topic. Limitations There were three major limitations that affected the quality of this report. First, the researcher has never written a formal business report before. Second, the researcher has limited experience using the APA citation style. Lastly, the researcher has limited time due to other course, employment, and home obligations. Definitions Utilizing these definitions will help the reader effectively understand this report.
  • 16. 1. Credit freeze A credit freeze is when the credit holder freezes their credit report so that it cannot be accessed without their permission. 2. Account takeover An account takeover means that a fraudster has stolen a victim s account password using a scam and has taken control of their account. 3. New account fraud New account fraud is when a criminal uses a victim s personal information to open a new account
  • 17. Christian Ethics Are Too Rigid for Moral Decision Making.... It can be argued, that when referring to the Bible, teachings within it are too rigid for moral decision making. There are many reasons for this, some which are very evident, particularly when looking at certain teachings. On the other hand, some argue that most religious ethics are the right way to approach moral decision making as these contain the teachings and word of Godso must be correct. Some of St. Paul s teachings are heavily criticised for being too rigid. For example if a Christian were to be offered a promotion in a career, but it meant that they were to take someone else s job and leave them without one, such teachings as, Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has ... Show more content on ... Therefore these ethics can be seen as too rigid to apply to modern day moral decisions. In particular many of St. Paul s teachings are arguably sexist. For instance St. Paul preached that women should not be able to work, and yet today work between men and women is very equal with certain acts making this possible. Therefore as previously mentioned, it can be argued that St. Paul s teachings are too rigid for moral decisions, as they do not take account for the modern day. Despite this, many argue that some Christian ethics are not too rigid for moral decision making e.g. situation ethics. It is seen that situation ethics offers moral maturity and particularly conscience and prayer allows the Christian to have autonomy. Many Christians today take a liberal approach to moral decision making, as they are able to adapt the scripture for the particular situation that they are in and believe that this will achieve the best outcome. However Fundamentalist Christians will argue that if Christian ethics are too flexible then this could result with no ethics or guidance in what to do, and Christians will make the wrong moral decisions. In conclusion, Fundamentalist and Liberal Christians take different approaches to moral decision making using religious ethics. Fundamentalist Christians will take a strict legalism approach and abide by rules from God such as the Ten Commandments, and only act by the
  • 18. Literature Review On Biological Neural Network Chapter 2: Literature Review In this chapter, we discuss a brief introduction of neural network and biometrics . Traditionally, the term neural network had been used to refer to a network or circuit of biological neurons. Neural networks are inspired by our brains. The modern usage of the term often refers to artificial neural networks, which are composed of artificial neurons or nodes. Thus, the term has two distinct usages: 2.1 Biological Neural Network generally, a biological neural network is consists of a set or sets of chemically linked or functionally linked neurons. The human brain owns about 1014 synapses and 1011 neurons. A neuronconsisting of a soma (cell body),dendrites (receive signal) and axons (send signal). A synapses... Show more content on ... (See Figure (2 5)) . Figure( 2 5): Supervised Learning Rule [1] 2.Unsupervised learning Network works to calculate the output without a previous expectation, Where we offer network only inputs and it is find target And working on a self organizing data Where it competes neurons to get a signal and the neuron Winner we get it on the output and this is called self regulation of the network neurons . (See Figure (2 6)). Figure(2 6):Unsupervised Learning Rule [1] 2.3.3. Transfer Function In behavior of an ANN depends in each of the weights and the input output function (transfer function) that is selected for the units. This function usually located into one of three types[10]: Linear (or slope): The output activity is commensurate to the total weighted output (see Figure (2 7)). F(X)=X ; for all x Figure( 2 7): Linear activation function Threshold: The output is appoint at one of two levels, depending on whether the total input is less or greater than than some threshold
  • 19. Sample Letter For An Application Letter ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I express my gratitude and deep regards to my teacher for the subject Mr. Manwendra Kumar Tiwari for giving me such a challenging topic and also for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the course of this thesis. I also take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude to my seniors in the college for their cordial support, valuable information and guidance, which helped me in completing this task through various stages. I am obliged to the staff members of the Madhu Limaye Library, for the timely and valuable information provided by them in their respective fields. I am grateful for their cooperation during the period of my assignment. Lastly, I thank almighty, my family and friends for their constant encouragement without which this assignment would not have been possible. Abhay Singh Rajput INTRODUCTION A trend very much in vogue to day in all democratic countries is that only a relatively small part of the total legislative output emanates directly from the legislature. The bulk of the legislation is promulgated by the executive and is known as Delegated Legislation. So a simple definition of Delegated Legislation is that its a type of law which can be made quickly and is not made by Parliament or a law made by a person or a body to whom the
  • 20. Pereboom Encounter Now that it is clear what phenomena is to be investigated, I will turn to sufficient conditions for the existence of MR. I will be focusing on two accounts of sufficient conditions. The first being Pereboom s account of MR as ultimate origination or self determination and the second being Baker s reflective endorsement view. Pereboom suggests that an agent is morally responsible for an outcome if and only if that agent was the ultimate cause of that outcome. Worded another way, a person is not answerable for an action unless they made a free decision at some point in the causal history of that decision. Fleshing out this point a bit further, it would also be necessary that the agent, at time of making that free decision, knew or should have... Show more content on ... Before I suggest a scenario where I think the conditions are met, but MR not found, I should recognise a condition implicit to the four already set out. Baker requires that in meeting each of the conditions, the agent has a first person perspective . under first person perspective, it is not enough that, say, agent A wants B to be hurt, and through manipulation of her arm by another, A hits B. As Baker puts it, it is not enough that and agent wants someone who is in fact herself to do an act, she must want it to be herself who punches B. One of the claims Baker Makes is that a mad scientist could not manipulate another agent into having a first person perspective. While I disagree, this essay does not have the scope to tackle that question so I will try to evade a situation where a first person perspective is implanted .

The situation I would suggest is one where a virus, or even a peculiarly radioactive rock has lodged itself in Agent A s brain. This object affects the emotional state of A but does not effect reason, memory, or identity. Under the influence from this object, and through no other reason agent A becomes incredibly angry and in this state punches a person B who accidentally bumped into A. A wanted to punch B and did so because A wanted to want to punch B, and if A had known that they were under the influence of the object, that would have still been the case due to the highly emotional state of A at the time. It is important to remember that the reasoning capacity of A was not removed, merely overridden by the emotional response. While I am confident that A both meets Baker s conditions and would not be seen as answerable, due to the justification that she couldn t help it and that was caused by an abnormality, I will cover three possible responses.

The first obvious response is that we would see A as answerable to her action in a case like
  • 21. Londonwide Local Medical Committees (LMC) I work for an organisation called Londonwide Local Medical Committees (LLMC). LLMC is the clinically led independent voice of GPs in the capital . We aim to support all general practice (GPs) in London; LLMC s mission statement is Securing the future of general practice ; this is achieved through the work we do with our partners in the Healthand Social Care sector. There are over 7,000 GPs and over 1,300 practices in London that we support and represent through our 27 locally elected committees (LMC). LMC are a part of the NHS landscape and are recognised in statute which makes them qualified to provide advice, guidance and support on a range of issues that affect general practice. LMC are the only independent, elected and representative body for local GPs. Here at Londonwide, a central team provides London GPs and their practices with support on three... Show more content on ... On the first level, we here at Londonwide ensure that all GPs and practices have access to the correct information and support they need in order for them to provide the best possible service for their patients. On the second level, we negotiate at local and pan London level, in order to come to agreements that will help practices and primary care management organisations work together to improve patient care. Our Local Medical Committees are split into three different sectors; North West London, which includes Brent, Ealing, Hammersmith and Hounslow, Harrow, Hillingdon, Kensington, Chelsea and Westminster. The North East and North Central sector, which includes Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey, Islington, City and Hackney, Newham, Redbridge, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest. Finally the South Sector which includes
  • 22. Every Little Stitch Essay As the founder of Every Little Stitch I quickly learned leadership skills. My goal was to create a successful business that would be a blessing to those around me. First, I sought advice on how to manage money and how to create business forms such as invoices, package slips, and business cards. After ample advertisement I successfully established a deal with the American Eagle Foundation. The Crochet Keepsakes made their way into the Eagle Nest store in DollyWood. Now that I was establishing a large cliental the businesswas becoming well distinguished. Word of mouth also greatly contributed to the recognition of Every Little Stitch. I attained assistance from several family members who were well acquainted with crochet to complete numerous... Show more content on ... While sitting in the halls of the hospital during one of the operations I realized for the first time how many lives are affected by misfortunes every day. Sitting there I knew that I wanted to help save lives and currently am preparing to attend pre med this fall. My goal is to become the best pediatric neurosurgeon I can be. As an Entrepreneur I am greatly encouraged to continue making a difference in not only my community but all around the world. Although I have achieved a successful business and am determined to make even a greater difference one day I would love to extend Every Little Stitch to those in foreign countries. Harriet Tubman once said, Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. It takes one person with many visions and tons of determination to create something successful and great that will change lives forever. Although others around me have created large and successful corporations I am not looking to become the richest person out there I only want to help make a difference in other s lives. Even though I have not participated in sports and drama plays and do not have many achievements to choose from I have the determination to run a successful business and the vision to impact lives around the
  • 23. Installation Art And Its Impact On Art INSTALLATION ART Installation art is living art which makes it relevant in our daily lives. It can be seen on display in communities, in business, in architecture, and in education. Additionally, it is pivotal in making a political statement as well as entertainment inclusively film installations, film and television productions. Installation Art did for art, what film did for photography, bringing life and movement into what would otherwise be still. Business use of installation art and the excitement it brings can be beneficial to the arts community while adding value to businesses that are inspired by, and those that inspire installation art. For example, an extensive company in Canada, Bell Media, was one of the major sponsors of the ... Show more content on ... Their work withspires creativity, vision, and unlimited possibilities. Because of Christo and Jeanne Claude s work, The Floating Pier thousands of people can say they have had the experience of walking on the water. Yayoi Kusama provoked unique experiences and personal vision with her installation, while James Terrell challenges the natural connection with art and science. Each of their installations could be used in, and to inspire film production in unlimited ways. Christo and Jeanne Claude, known as the Wrap artist are unique in their architectural scaled installations. They see art as an experience and empirical knowledge and have triggered a few documentaries. Therefore, film can be commissioned as installation art, as video installations are. Christo Vladimirov Javacheff was on June 13, 1935 born in Gabrovo, Bulgaria and his teenage was spent under communist precedence. Christo passed Art Academies in Vienna and Sofia. Significantly, Jeanne Claude Marie de Guillebon (1935 2009) was born in Casablanca Morocco of French Parents. Uniquely, Jeanne Claude was born the same day, month and year with Christo (June 13, 1935). Jeanne settled with her family in Paris after growing up in Paris, Switzerland, Bern, Gabes and Tunisia. Christo in 1957, vacated Eastern Europe and moved to the west. At that time, he was using disparate materials to wrap objects. He sustained himself by making portraits. Christo met Jeanne in Paris, when he was creating portraits for
  • 24. A Little Background Information About The Saw Movies A little background information about the Saw movies is the first Saw movie was released October 29 2004, along with the newly created series, the second Saw movie was released October 28 2005, almost a year after the first movie of the series was released. The Saw movies are an established movie franchise. These movies are very dark as well as gory, which appeal to those who are fond of graphic horror. The first Sawmovies was directed and written by James Wan, the second Sawmovie was directed by Darren Lynn Bousman. When watching the two Saw movies, the audience can spot the differences between them. Each movie has a few similar characters. The main characters in Saw I as well as Saw IIare as follows: Tobin Bell, as John Kramer/Jigsaw, Dina Meyer, Detective Allison Kerry, and Shawnee Smith, Amanda Young. These characters were constant between the first two Saw movies. The Saw series is known as movies that over uses gore for some parts of the movie; nonetheless, the use of the gore causes the movie to be more intense for the audience watching. In the first Saw movie, the movie starts, the audience is looking at a dark screen. They notice a man under water,opening his eyes and rises from the water and screams. The audience then finds out that there is another man in the room, but they do not know who either of these men are. As the movie goes on, the audience acquires some background information about both men. They learn the man in the tub is Adam, he is a
  • 25. Safety And Standards Of The National Association For Stock... Do people have to die for things to be changed? In NASCAR they are always looking at safety and standards that are always changing. NASCAR stands for the National Association for Stock Car Racing. NASCAR has been a big part of my life since I was a child. When I was young not only did I watch the races on TV with my family, I would be at the track every week with my racing family, watching at a NASCARsanctioned track. Racing had become a drastic part of my life at an early age because my mother had passed away. My father wanted to bring the family together at least once a week and do something together. Not only did my family watch racing in TV or on the track we raced ourselves my brother, sister and I raced while my father worked on... Show more content on ... What can NASCAR do to create a safer environment for the drivers in the car you may ask. The responsibility of safety is not only in the hands of the driver or the track they all have to work together to create a safer environment for racing. NASCAR sanctions tracks throughout the United States. At the beginning of every year they send out their rule book to the tracks and some rules such as seat belts. neck restraints. and rules on getting out of your car on the track are required. On the other hand the other rules are just guidelines. The tracks can pick or choose which rules that they want to follow or they can change the rules slightly. It is up to the track officials to choose the safest rules to follow to have a safe and controlled racing experience (DeRidder). Not only are varying rules an issue in keeping the drivers safe. At NASCAR s level the cars are inspected on a weekly basis to make sure that everything is up to NASCAR s standards and rules. At the smaller tracks that are sanctioned by NASCAR they don t have the manpower to check every car every week to make sure that the driver or crew didn t change anything or just not have the right equipment. Also, at the NASCAR level they have a new car almost every week unlike at the smaller tracks where racing crews don t have the money to have new cars every week. In the lower classes cars can be driven as long as it passes inspection at the beginning of the
  • 26. The Cultural Identity Of The Strong Black Woman I hang my head from sorrow/ State of humanity/ I wear it on my shoulders/ Gotta find the strength in me/ Cause I am a Superwoman/ Yes I am, yes she is/ Still when I m a mess, I still put on a vest/ With a S on my chest/ Oh yes, I m a Superwoman Alicia Keys, Superwoman Alicia Keys is reiterating an identity that is universally accepted by most African American women (Harris Perry 184). This is the cultural identity of the Strong Black Woman (SBW): self reliant, tough, and hardworking. Stuart Hall defines cultural identities as, [A] sort of collective one true self , hiding inside the many other, more superficial or artificially imposed selves , which many people shared history and ancestry hold in common (Hall 223). SBW is a self construction manifested by black women in the Americas. It is used a coping mechanism in response to pervasive sexism and racism. The SBW construct dates back to slavery because the image projects traits of all three stereotypes established during the era of slavery: She looks like the Mammy but is loyal to the black community; She does not require physical and emotional security from men, thus, she resembles the Jezebel; She is angry, just like the Sapphire (Harris Perry 187). This paper unveils the unfavorable impact of the Strong Black Woman (SBW) cultural identity in the Americas. The argument is centered on the effect of this cultural image on the private sphere, public sphere, and the health of black women. The paper also proposes
  • 27. Extraordinary Aqounty Aquaculture Analysis Hi Quoida, I can certainly understand the struggles that you have. I have to take of a resident who has lactose allergy and we have to make sure that she does not received dairy products. Our aquaculture industry has been farming fish in lieu of its wild counterpart for people s consumption. We can buy farmed tilapia or haddock in one s local grocery store. Salmon, especially coming from Washington and Alaska, are labeled wild to distinguished from the farmed counterparts (Grossman, 2016). The wild salmons have to migrate inland in order to spawn for the new generations. However, due to man made dams and drought causing some rivers to disappear, some salmons could not find their birthplace anymore. The AquaBounty AquAdvantge salmon is the
  • 28. The Federal Government The checks and balances system provides equal rights and power to various different levels of governments. With that, this ultimately balances out all the rights and justices for each of the branches to prevent any dictatorship. The Federal Government consists of three branches; the Executive (President), the Legislative (Congress), and the Judicial (Supreme Court) branch. The Executive has the power to assign new judges that are later checked by the Senate (Congress). The Executive can veto any laws the Legislative creates. However, if 2/3 of the majority disagrees with the President s denial, the Legislative branch is capable of overriding it. The Legislative checks and clarifies every treaty and fund the Executive proposes. The... Show more content on ... President Obama appoints Jennifer May Parker as the federal judge of the Eastern District of North Carolina. Though Parker has all the requirements and qualifications of being an arbiter, the Senate Judiciary Committee nullifies the request. This nullification is due to accepting an over amount of judges and the state s senate wishes for the next Republican president to appoint new positions. The senator of the state s Congress, Richard Burr, also displays a crucial Senate tradition, called the Blue Slip, which prevents the nominees from entering the Senate Judiciary Committee. That tradition, known as the blue slip, gives senators the ability to block any judicial nomination in their state, no explanation necessary, before it even reaches the stage of a committee hearing , (The Editorial Board). Vermont s Democrat and chairman of the committee, Senator Patrick Leahy, strongly follows the blue slip tradition, thus resulting in objecting Obama s request. In order to sustain some order, only a couple of judges from their own state are elected by the administration. Unfortunately, there are still many courts that are not filled with judicial positions, including places like North Carolina. The State Republicans of the Senate decline the Federal s Executive s delegates, which represents a conflict within the checks and balances system. It is authentic and constitutional that the Legislative has the right
  • 29. Feminist Ultrasound Although it has been proven that ultrasound is a safe modality there are still issues that sonographers encounter on the daily basis. There is the need for a chaperone for certain procedures and especially if it is done by a male sonographer. According to goggle dictionary a chaperone is a person who accompanies and looks after another person or group of people. DMHC (Dartmouth Hitchcock medical center hospital) Department of Radiology states on their policy that intracavitary, transperineal and breast ultrasoundexaminations done to female patients may be performed by a male sonographeronly in the presence of a female chaperone. The free defined the term intracavitary as within an organ or a cavity. Various procedures require... Show more content on ... In addition, some patients may have a clear preference for a health care of provider of a specific gender due to their ethnic, religious or cultural background, because of previous experiences or in view of their age. When possible such individual needs and preferences should be taken into consideration, such as in the case of breast ultrasounds. When conducting an intimate and/or invasive examination, the male sonographer should request a chaperone to assist during the entire procedure. Chaperones should normally be members of the clinical team who are sufficiently familiar with the ultrasound examination being carried out. This is to ensure they are able to reliably judge whether the sonographer s actions are professionally appropriate and justifiable. After asking some male sonographers if they perform breast ultrasounds, I was told that the hospital prefers female sonographers to perform this type of exams. Only in the case where there is a need for the male sonographer a chaperone needs to be present during the whole procedure. Hospitals have the responsibility to provide their employees with a chaperone. DHMC have established that the responsibility for securing chaperone services must be 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. Yet there are no cases reported in which male sonographers have been accused of invading patient privacy or behaving unprofessionally while performing a breast
  • 30. The Wild By Jon Krakauer Psychology serves a Role Kids who have been a victim of maltreatment are often times hindered in development as the rest of their life plays out. No matter the starting age, a family neglect can create in kids an odd and unpleasant feeling. The constant exposure to depressors and bring me downs that effected kids see really puts them into a terrible cycle. Some cases of maltreatment lead to extraordinary stories and even more impressive characters. In Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer, we can observe that Chris McCandless fell into this vicious cycle, and was effected by it throughout his adventurous life. Some of McCandless experiences later in life can be directly correlated with his childhood difficulties. But, in order of make sense... Show more content on ... The way kids are raised by their parents effects their decision making and their values, beliefs and self image until the day they die. If a kid grows up figuring things out herself or is neglected etc., that kid is forced to do what is necessary to develop as fully as possible. Hamama and Arazi describe family relationships as being crucial in the development of the child. The article specifies that two direct ways that kids are hurt is through family cohesion and subjective well being. Family cohesion, in this article, is defined as the connections between family members that each family has, while subjective well being talks about people s understanding of the life they live and how they react to everyday situations and how all that effects their emotional and cognitive mind. These two factors have shown to be directly correlated to children acting aggressively or unpleasant, according to Hamama and Arazi. Children s aggression behavior includes three parts, according to Hamama and Arazi. 1. A cognitive dimension hostility; emotional dimension anger; and 3. A behavioral dimension physical and verbal violence is how they defined aggressive behavior. Those two factors are largely what influences children and their development, in Hamama and Arazi s eyes(Hamama and Arazi). This article lays a great foundation for the explanation of Into the Wild. Into the Wild is the non fiction story of how Chris McCandless, a normal guy in his later
  • 31. Milk and Dairy Products Consumer behaviour in dairy products in Kosovo 311 ANALYSIS OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR IN REGARD TO DAIRY PRODUCTS IN KOSOVO Bytyqi Hysen*, Vegara Mensur**, Gjonbalaj Muje, Mehmeti Hajrip, Gjergjizi Halim, Miftari Iliriana and Bytyqi Njazi* ABSTRACT Consumer behaviour in Kosovo in respect of dairy products (white cheese, yoghurt, fruit yoghurt, Sharri cheese, curd and caciocavalo) was studied during 2007 using different socio economic variables assessed by so called evaluation criteria 1 5. The objective of study was to possibly identify effect of different variables on consumer decision upon purchase of dairy products. Dairy products were perceived differently at various types of purchasing places. The most important socio economic variables... Show more content on ... About two third of total milk and milk products produced in Kosovo is considered to be used for family consumption or sold in green market , while one third is imported (3). Last year history in Kosovo is characterized with transition process of centralized economy to oriented open and free market approach. Many economies of developing countries do not pay attention and undervalue the consumer behaviours. Kapsdorferova and Nagyova (6) present the consumer as a last component but most important one in food chain. About consumer behaviours on milk products, different studies (8,9) show existence of significant differences between consumer behaviours in different countries. J. Agric. Res., 2008, 46(3) Consumer behaviour in dairy products in Kosovo 313 Study of consumers behaviours has multi plural value like: studying the relation between needs for food products and daily ration taken, especially analyzing different socio economic group; of high importance, investigation of different effects of marketing (i,e. advertisements, leaflets, etc.) socioeconomic characteristics upon consumer decision for milk and milk products supply, etc. (5, 7). The objective of study was to identify consumer behaviours in regard to dairy products (white cheese, yoghurt, fruit yoghurt, Sharri cheese, curd, and
  • 32. Essay on Macbeth Thesis: Macbeth s changing character over the course of the play can be seen in his roles a general, husband and a king. I. General A. Early in the play he is brave 1. Captain reports 2. Duncan conversation B. Late in the play he is ineffective 1. Fearful 2. Cornered II. Husband A. Initially close to wife 1. Confides in her via letter 2. Has pet name B. Later becomes distant/cold 1. Tells doctor to cure Lady Macbeth 2. Feels resignation, not anguish at her death III. King A. At first is powerful 1. Malcolm and Donaldbain free Scotland 2. He succeeds in killing Banquo B. At end is powerless 1. Fleance escapes 2. Malcolm conquers Scotland The story of Macbeth is one of power at the expense of everything. The main character, Macbeth ... Show more content on ... He becomes fearful at the sight of Banquo s ghost. He pretends to appear brave by saying, quot;Thou canst say I did it. Never shake thy gory locks at me, quot; (3.4.61 62) Macbeth is showing paranoia, a truly fearless General would not have fearful visions of those they have murdered. Macbeth s sinful deeds not only lead him to be fearful but cornered as well. Siward, Malcolm and Macduff reveal Macbeth s secret murders. Now that Macbeth s secrets are out and he has no where to hide, he has to face MacDuff and meet his destiny. (5.8) Macbeth s changing character is evident not only in his role as a general, but also in his role as a husband. Macbeth tells his wife everything and confides in her via letter. (1.5.1 14) He shares his most intimate feelings and secret plans. Macbeth even calls his wife quot;my dearest partner of greatness quot;. (1.5.11) This proves the affection and trust he has in Lady Macbeth. When Macbeth really needs someone to turn to, near the end of the play, he grows distant to his wife. Macbeth does not continue to go to her for advice. He even tells the doctor to cure her of her mental illness, and makes no effort himself to help cure her. (5.3.49 55) When Lady Macbeth dies, Macbeth states, quot; She should have died hereafter. There would
  • 33. have been time for such a word. quot; He hears the news of his wife s death, and reacts nonchalant and unemotional. Finally, Macbeth s changing
  • 34. Why Was Italy Not Unified After the Congress of Vienna... Before the Congress of Vienna the French occupation had far reaching affects on Italy. The power of the Church and the Pope was reduced, changes were made in landownership and land was redistributed. A new middle class began to appear. Agriculture was improved and the peasants were freed from their old feudal ties and obligations. Then when Napoleon was defeated and the restoration of the old regime and monarchs was started, Italyagain became a country divided into eleven independent states, excluding the tiny principalities and the Republic of San Marino. So Italy was not unified after the Congress of Vienna due to a number of reasons, such as the foreign influence of the Central European Powers, parochialism within the states, the lack... Show more content on ... The lay people had no part in government, apart from a few lay members of advisory bodies called В‘congregations . Politically, Italy was fragmented. Further, half the states were governed by kings or dukes who already occupied or hoped soon to inherit the thrones of the non Italian countries. Venice and Piedmont had dominions outside Italy. The Papacy had worldwide ecclesiastal concerns. The peninsula was not merely divided; the boundaries and interests of its states ignored its natural frontiers. Equally, there still survived three ancient republics of importance: Venice, ruling a considerable empire on the eastern shores of the Adriatic and a large territory, known as the Veneto, on the mainland of Italy; Genoa, which until 1768 governed the island of Corsica; and Lucca. After the Papal States there were five significant duchies. Of these members of the Austrian royal House of Habsburg, Milan direct from Vienna, and Tuscany, ruled the two most important separately. The Duchy of Parma and Piacenza was under a Spanish Bourbon, but could not be united either with Spain or with Naples and Sicily. The Duke of Modena and the Duchess of Massa and Carrara represented Italian dynasties. So the foreign influence of the Central European Powers both before and after the congress of Vienna was major a factor in Italy s remaining as eleven independent states rather than becoming united. Foreign influence was not the only reason that Italy was not united by 1815,
  • 35. Pregnant Woman Research Paper Many people heard that a pregnant woman can somewhat overeat because they are eating for two now. However, pregnant woman need to understand the importance of good nutrition. Well stated by Rope, If healthy eating hasn t been a habit, don t worry. Now is the perfect time to make a change you (and your family) will benefit from for decades. The video indicates a diet high in nutrients to include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy lean protein is a great plan for anyone but especially a pregnant woman. Once source of protein that was heavily discussed in the video was fish. The perception is that fish is high in mercury; therefore, pregnant woman should avoid high levels of mercury. However, not all fish is high in mercury, some
  • 36. Louis Xiv s Influence On The World War II Karl Johnson A Block, History Lisa Feirtag The Sun God Louis XIV is known for his powerful approach to rule. For example, within foreign policy, pressing the invasion of the Spanish Netherlands in 1667, boldly deeming it his wife s rightful inheritance. The conflict was named, The War of Devolution, and lasted a year. France lost, although Louis XIV did not give up, and engaged in the great Franco Dutch War from 1672 to 1678. During the war, France managed to acquire more land and the victory promoted France to the status of a dominant power. After all, Louis XIV was known to France as the Sun King, the most powerful and god like being on earth, he couldn t stand for defeat. This new dominant status, coupled with Louis XIV s audacious campaigns to constantly expand territory through the use of military force, positioned France as an immediate threat to other European nations, and positioned Louis XIV as a looming figure over all of Europe. Louis XIV thought of war as the sport of Kings, and he put a lot into his favorite pastime. Louis XIV was born September 5, 1638 in Saint Germaine en Laye, France. He became king and official leader of 19 million French in 1643 at the age of four years old. Rather than a scholarly education, Louis XIV was educated in practicality and logic. Louis s first goal as king was to centralize and rein in total control of France. He did this by establishing reforms that cut France s deficit, promoted industrial growth, created an organized
  • 37. The Composition Of Felony Criminal Trials For The Public... During my time interning at the Public Defender s Office, I have observed that time is one of the biggest issues. It has been shown that is quicker for an indigent individual to plead guilty than it is for them to receive adequate legal representation. After obtaining an attorney, it is a lengthy process when going through the different hearings and trials. Often taking several months for cases to be fully resolved. The composition of felony criminal trials in Lowndes County is very complex. There are several various steps within the trialprocess. The first official step before conducting a trial is making an arrest. An arrest can be made with or without a warrant; however, probable cause must be present in both cases. Upon making an arrest, the detaining officer has forty eight hours to appear before a judge with probable cause for the arrest, which is the sufficient reason based on the facts that a crimehas been committed. Subsequently, after being arraigned, if the individual cannot afford an attorney one is appointed to them from the Public Defender s office. Next occurs the indictment. The District Attorney s office receives the arrest warrant and then reviews the case, by dropping and adding charges if necessary. They also have the discovery, which is the evidence the state has against the defendant. The case then goes before a Grand Juryto determine if an indictment is ready. The following month the first hearing to occur after a defendant is indicted is the
  • 38. Examples Of Stereotyping And Prejudice About Stereotyping and Prejudice Prejudice of any kind implies that you are identified with the thinking mind. It means you don t see the other human being anymore, but only your own concept of that human being. To reduce the aliveness of another human being to a concept is already a form of violence. ― Eckhart Tolle, Stillness Speaks (pp. 20) According to wikipedia Social cognition is the encoding, storage, retrieval, and processing, of information about conspecifics (members of the same species) in the social psychology field this is seen as the study on how people make deductions from the stimulus they perceive from the social environment, and how those external clues shape our social interaction with others. Historical origins of social cognition lie on the contrast between ... Show more content on ... Homophobic jokes are an example of this. When and why we in stereotype? In the first article that I decided to review (Staple Noordewier, 2011) they went through a series of correlation and experimental studies concluded that system justification motives result in stereotyping and the motive behind it is the need for structure. They also mention the fact that people who feel part of unjust systems are also more likely to engage in stereotyping and the impact of system justification threat on stereotyping disappears when the desire to justify the system is satisfied through an alternative route. The system justification theory, described in this article, proposes that when people stereotype they aren t just healing or preserving their selves but are instead providing justifications for the social structure they belong to, and their believes that the world is just and legitimate. But why this need for a justification? Simply because systems provide structure and humans need that
  • 39. The Impact Of Hitler On The Weimar Republic Everyone knows Hitler as an evil dictator who ruins lives, but do people really know the impact Hitler made on the Weimar Republic? Throughout this piece it will be discussing the way Hitler impacted the Weimar Republic. With the events he participated in such as the Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations, and World War II. World War I World War I happened during the years of 1914 1918 this war was caused when Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austria and his wife were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip who was a Serbian Nationalist. After they found out about his death Austria wanted war with Serbia for what Princip had caused, then Germany declares war on Russia for the tsar negotiation. This war was called the Battle of Tannenberg which Germany won. In 1917 the United States declared war with Germany, however the U.S. had over a million soldiers fighting against Germany. Eventually Germany surrendered and By the fall many of the countries that were involved in the war asked for peace (Santos, 2017) so Germany signed an armistice, after the Treaty of Versailleswas created for the fairness after World War I. Hitler During the War Hitler was 25 years old when he entered the army during World War I, he was made the Corporal at the time for showing what a fearless soldier he was. In 1918 his camp site was hit by a gas bomb, he was near the site at the time when he also got hurt, he became partially blind from the gas nevertheless he recovered from it.Telling the story of how he
  • 40. Farm Subsidies Essay Agricultural subsidies is a very complex and controversial economic topic today. It will continue to be a hot topic as government continues it. It is largely debated in the United States as well as in other countries. The reason it is so largely debated is because it literally have an effect on the entire world market. Not to mention that the farmhas been booming the last 5 to 10 years. This topic also tends to draw strong opinions in our area in particular due to the large agricultural community in our region. However, even within different states there are many supporters as well as opponents to these government subsidies. To really begin to understand this complex topic a person really needs to understand the basics of... Show more content on ... In 2002 wheat was $3.80 a bushel so farmer s received $.06 for the difference in the guaranteed price and $.52 for every bushel of wheat they sold ( Farm bill resources, 2008 ). The idea behind the government subsidizing of agriculture is a good idea in theory. However, it is controversial because there are many people who oppose this policy for different reasons. There are many reasons why it is controversial but there are a few in particular that cause the most debate. One reason that people do not support the subsidizing is because of the sheer cost. In 2009, the U.S. government paid over 12 billion dollars to the agricultural sector (Vogel, 2001). When you consider that fact that the payments are being made with taxpayer dollars it explains why some people immediately oppose it. There have been past years where the government has actually paid double that. These payments do consume a fair portion of our governments budget. Although it is not a confirmed fact, a Canadian report said that for every dollar earned by a U.S. farmer, 62 cents comes from some form of government payment (Wikipedia). Basically some people view this as nothing more than transferring income from the general tax payers to farm owners. In fact, farm subsidies is actually the United States largest corporate welfare program. People also blame these subsidies for increasing poverty in some
  • 41. Walt Disney Case 9 701 035 REV: JULY 25, 2001 D MICHAEL G. RUKSTAD DAVID COLLIS O The Walt Disney Company: The Entertainment King I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing that it was all started by a mouse. Walt Disney The Walt Disney Company s rebirth under Michael Eisner was widely considered to be one of the th great turnaround stories of the late 20 century. When Eisner arrived in 1984, Disney was languishing and had narrowly avoided takeover and dismemberment. By the end of 2000, however, revenues had climbed from $1.65 billion to $25 billion under Eisner, while net earnings had risen from $0.1 billion to $1.2 billion (see Exhibit 1). During Eisner s first 15 years, Disney generated a 27% annual total 1 return to... Show more content on ... The result was Mickey Mouse. When Mickey failed to elicit much interest, Walt tried to attract a distributor by adding synchronized sound something that had 8,9 never been attempted in a cartoon. His gamble paid off handsomely with the release of Steamboat 10 Willie in 1928. Overnight, Mickey Mouse became an international sensation known variously as Topolino (Italy), Raton Mickey (Spain), and Musse Pigg (Sweden). However, the company was still strapped for cash, so it licensed Mickey Mouse for the cover of a pencil tablet the first of many such licensing agreements. Over time, as short term cash problems subsided, Disney began to worry 11 about brand equity and thus licensed its name only to the best companies. The Disney brothers ran their company as a flat, non hierarchical organization, in which everyone, including Walt, used their first names and no one had titles. You don t have to have a title, said 12 Walt. If you re important to the company, you ll know it. Although a taskmaster driven to achieve creativity and quality, Walt emphasized teamwork, communication, and cooperation. He pushed 13 himself and his staff so hard that he suffered a nervous breakdown in 1931. However, many workers were fiercely committed to the company. Despite winning six Academy Awards and successfully introducing new characters such as Goofy and Donald Duck, Walt realized
  • 42. graded assignments Essay PT1420 Introduction to Programming GRADED ASSIGNMENTS Graded Assignment Requirements This document includes all of the assignment requirements for the graded assignments in this course. Your instructor will provide the details about when each assignment is due. Unit 1 Assignment 1: Homework Learning Objectives and Outcomes Describe the role of software for computers. Identify the hardware associated with a computer. Describe how computers store data. Explain how programs work. Differentiate among machine language, assembly language, and high level languages. Differentiate between compilers and interpreters. Identify the different types of ... Show more content on ... Use compound logical conditions. Assignment Requirements Do the following problems: Algorithm Workbench Review Questions 6 10, starting on page 159 Programming Exercises 5 and 8, starting on page 160 Required Resources Textbook Submission Requirements Submit your written answers to your instructor at the beginning of Unit 7. Unit 7 Assignment 1: Homework Learning Objectives and Outcomes Use pseudocode/flowcharts to represent repetition structures. Create While, Do While, and Do Until conditional loops. Describe the implications of an infinite loop. Assignment Requirements Answer: Short Answer Review Questions 1 5, starting on page 213 Algorithm Workbench Review Questions 1, 2, 7, and 8, starting on page 213 Programming Exercises 1, 3, and 4, starting on page 214
  • 43. Required Resources Textbook Submission Requirements Submit your written answers to your instructor at the beginning of Unit 8. Unit 8 Assignment 1: Homework Learning Objectives and Outcomes Use pseudocode/flowcharts to represent repetition structures. Evaluate counter controlled For loops. Use sentinel values in creating computer programs. Use nested loops in a program. Assignment Requirements Answer: Short Answer Review Questions 6 10, starting on page 213 Algorithm Workbench Review Questions 3, 4, 9, and 10, starting on page 213 Programming Exercises 7, 9, and 10 starting on page 215 Required Resources Textbook Submission
  • 44. Filial Piety In The Good Earth By Pearl S. Buck In this day and age, if you were abused as a child by your family members it is more socially acceptable to leave your family entirely behind as soon as you turn eighteen, or even before that point. Back in China during and before the time of the Chinese Revolution, this was not the case. In The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck, Buck demonstrates the bind of filial pietythrough the depiction of Wang Lung and his uncle. Since the time of the Chinese Revolution, the dynamics of a familyhave changed in a positive way because people are beginning to not be bonded to their family on the basis of filial piety. In The Good Earth, main character Wang Lung is bound to his uncle because of filial piety. Wang Lung s uncle is a lazy and imposed upon Wang Lung and his family throughout the novel, continuously using Wang Lung s duty of filial piety to silence him. This passage from the novel sums up Wang Lung s experience with his uncle. Wang Lung s Uncle began at this time to become the trouble which Wang Lung had surmised from the beginning that he might be. This uncle was the younger brother of Wang Lung s father, and by all the claims of relationship he might depend upon Wang Lung if he had not enough for himself and his family (59). As his father s brother, and his elder, Wang Lung must respect his uncle and listen to his wishes. Wang Lung s obligation to respect the older generation leads to his uncle continuously exploiting him, in his poverty and his wealth. Wang Lung s uncle is