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Why Upgrade to the Webtrends v10 Tag?
          John Clark, Principal Consultant, Webtrends
 Tony Gray, Director of Consulting Services, Webtrends
•    Webtrends v10 Tag Flexibility
•    Using Webtrends Transforms to Modify Data
•    “Touchless” Page Markup Event Tracking
•    Form Fill Tracking With Plugins
•    Quick & Easy 4 Step Tag Upgrade
Digital Measurement with Analytics 10

v8 & v9
                   v10 tag

                  modules to
Modify Tag to
 Customize        Tag never
                  ch a n g e s

V10 Tag Benefits
•    Scalable – Easily deployed against multiple sites
•    Maintainable – Selectors and plug-in are modular
•    Flexible – Modular architecture flexible tracking
•    Asynchronous – Runs in background thread
Anatomy of the V10 Tag
 V10 tag
               Transforms are used to modify the data
               collected or to change the behavior of the
               tracking code. In either case, they are called
  Transforms   just before the beacon request is generated.

               Selectors are a way to unobtrusively attach
               multiTrack calls to dom elements. This uses
  Selectors    the browser's CSS Selectors engine to find
               the elements.

               Plugins are modules that run in the
   Plugins     Webtrends namespace that can be used for
               almost anything.
Digital Measurement with Analytics 10

Transforms: Modifying Data Prior to Processing

•  Transforms are used to modify the data collected or
   to change the behavior of the tracking code

•  Transforms are used to change the data before its
   sent to Webtrends
Transforms: From A Caterpillar To A Butterfly

Transforms: Modifying Data Collected
Transform to modify the parameter z_call me, and if its
Caterpillar, transform it to Butterfly.

    function(dcsObject, multiTrackObject) {
        if (dcsObject.WT.z_callMe === “Caterpillar”)
        dcsObject.WT.z_callMe = “Butterfly”;

Digital Measurement with Analytics 10

Simple Application of A Transform
   Use a transform to set the content groups base on the path
   in a url. This way we don’t need to add META content to
   every page.
    function(dcsObject, multiTrackObject) {
        if (window.location.pathname.split('/')[1])
        dcsObject.WT.cg_n = window.location.pathname.split('/')[1];

Selectively Apply a Transform
•  all – Always transform the data
•  collect – only transform the data on collect
•  multitrack – Only transform the data on multitrack

        function(dcsObject, multiTrackObject) {
                  if (window.location.pathname.split('/')[1])

                             dcsObject.WT.cg_n = window.location.pathname.split('/')[1];

Practical uses
•  Create pseudo page names
•  Add data to a hit
•  Modify data from a hit
Digital Measurement with Analytics 10

•  Selectors allow us to add event tracking
   without changing the markup
•  Events such as:
     •    Link clicks
     •    Download clicks
     •    Input box clicks
     •    Image clicks
•  The Old Way:
 •  <a href="the_new_link" id=link_1 class="nav_links"
    Corporate Site',’WT.dl’,’99’,’WT.myPram’,’customParmValue’);">
    This is the first link</a>

•  The New Way:
 •  <a href="the_new_link" id=link_1 class="nav_links”> This is the first

•  Adding onclick events into the markup
   causes scalability and maintainability issues
   as the page markup is changed
The Webtrends Selector Way – w/CSS

Page Markup – No Changes
Add the tracking into the Webtrends file
        filter: function (dcsObject, o) {
             var e = o.element || {};
             if ( == “link_1”) return false;
                                                      Filter for   the target link
             else return true;
            transform: function (dcsObject, o) {
        o.argsa.push("DCS.dcssip", window.location.hostname,
                 "DCS.dcsuri", window.location.pathname,
                 "WT.ti", document.title,                                 Send our data
                 "WT.dl", “99”);
The Webtrends Selector Way – w/jQuery

If jQuery is loaded on the page you can use
jQuery as the selector:
       transform: function (dcsObject, o) {
         o.argsa.push("DCS.dcssip", window.location.hostname,
                       "DCS.dcsuri", window.location.pathname,
                       "WT.ti", document.title,
                       "WT.dl", “99”);
Digital Measurement with Analytics 10

•  Plugin are re-usable modules that can
   contain transforms and/or selectors, and/
   or custom code.

•  They can be easily used across sites, rather
   then being put into the code.
Plugin Framework
•  The plugin framework is just a container for the
   functions you’d like to deploy
   (function(_window, _document) {

                 // put custom code here
                 // selectors
                 // transforms
                 // custom stuff

                 Webtrends.registerPlugin('yt', WTYT_loader);

   })(window, window.document);
Plugin Example
•  Form fill tracking can get complicated
   when you have to bind to all the form
   elements with onClick multi-track handlers
•  But with a quick plugin you can easily
   deploy a method to track form fills
Webtrends Markup
Plugin To Track Changes In INPUT
          Form Elements
(function (_window, _document) {

  if (!_window.Webtrends) return;

  FromTrack_loader = function (t, p) {
     var elems = document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT');
     for (var Tag = 0; Tag < elems.length; Tag++) {
        elems[Tag].onchange = function () {
           e = event.srcElement;
           if (e.getAttribute('data-si_n')) {
                   argsa: ["DCS.dcssip", window.location.hostname,
                     "DCS.dcsuri", window.location.pathname,
                     "WT.ti", document.title,
                                                                     Send data       Attach tracking
                     "WT.si_n", e.getAttribute('data-si_n'),
                                                                     if there is a   to all the Input
                     "WT.si_x", e.getAttribute('data-si_x'),
                     "WT.dl", '99']                                  data-si_n       boxes on the
           }                                                         attribute       page

  Webtrends.registerPlugin('FormTrack', FromTrack_loader);

})(window, window.document);
Form Tracking Scenario Funnel
Webtrends Async Tag
•  Why move to the async code base?
  –  Does not delay the page load like sync code
  –  Modular approach simplifies maintainability
  –  People are developing cool plugin’s
     •  Facebook, Video Tracking, Form Tracking,
        Heatmaps, Streams
•  As easy as 4 simple steps to upgrade!
Digital Measurement with Analytics 10

4 Steps to Converting to Async 10
0. Take opportunity to evaluate current
1.  Transform old config to new format
2.  Move over your customizations
3.  Replace the old code block with the new
    code block
4.  Test
It’s really simple

Async Basics
                                (function() {
  Async load line loads                var s = document.createElement('script'); s.async = true;s.type="text/javascript";
                                       s.src = '‘;
   webtrends code as                   var s2=document.getElementsByTagName("script")
  background process            [0];s2.parentNode.insertBefore(s,s2);

                                window.webtrendsAsyncInit = function() {
                                        var dcs=new Webtrends.dcs()
Once loaded, the code runs                        {domain="”,
‘webtrendsAsyncInit‘ to pick                      fpcdom="“,
      up configuration                            onsitedoms="“,

                                window.webtrendsAsyncLoad = function(_tag){

      Then code runs                  // static values that go on all of the pages
                             = document.location.hostname;
 ’webtrendsAsyncLoad’ to              _tag.WT.sitetype = 'B';
   install customizations             _tag.WT.t_B01 = 'Luxury.V1.R1';
                                     // END Static Values
Step 1: Transform Config
                 Old Config                                                                   New Config
this.downloadtypes="xls,doc,pdf,txt,csv,zip,docx,xlsx";   Remove ‘this.’     downloadtypes="xls,doc,pdf,txt,csv,zip,docx,xlsx“,
                                                          Replace ‘;’ with   navigationtag="div,table“,
this.trimoffsiteparams=true;                              ‘,’                trimoffsiteparams=true,
Put into init section
<!-- START OF SmartSource Data Collector TAG Copyright (c) 1996-2011 WebTrends Inc. All rights
reserved. -->
<!-- Version: 10.0.0 : Tag Builder Version: NA : Created: NA -->
<script type="text/javascript">
window.webtrendsAsyncInit = function() {
       var dcs=new Webtrends.dcs()
       })                                                            Don’t forget to
       .track();                                                      remove last
};                                                                      comma
Step 2: Move over customizations
              Old Config                                                                              New Config
                                                                                  <script type="text/javascript">
_tag.dcsCustom = function () {                                                    window.webtrendsAsyncLoad = function(_tag){
                                                                                         // extract info from to URL to see where we are
                                                                                        _tag.WT.t_B02 = document.URL.split('/')[3];
    // extract info from to URL to see where we are
    _tag.WT.t_B02 = document.URL.split('/')[3];                                          // pull the content group data from the URL string
                                                                                         if (document.URL.split('/').length > 5) {
    // pull the content group data from the URL string
                                                                                              if (document.URL.split('/')[5].indexOf('index') != -1) {
    if (document.URL.split('/').length > 5) {
        if (document.URL.split('/')[5].indexOf('index') != -1)
                                                                 Move                             _tag.WT.cg_n = document.URL.split('/')[4];
                                                                                              } else {
{                                                                customizations                 _tag.WT.cg_s = document.URL.split('/')[5].split('.')
         _tag.WT.cg_n = document.URL.split('/')[4];
      } else {                                                   into AsyncLoad   [0];
                                                                                              _tag.WT.cg_n = document.URL.split('/')[4];
         _tag.WT.cg_s = document.URL.split('/')
[5].split('.')[0];                                               method                     }
                                                                                          } else _tag.WT.cg_n = 'Home';
         _tag.WT.cg_n = document.URL.split('/')[4];
   } else _tag.WT.cg_n = 'Home';
                                                                                         _tag.WT.z_brand = XlateBrand(document.URL).Name;
                                                                                         // END URL extracted data
   _tag.WT.z_brand =
                                                                                          // static values that go on all of the pages
XlateBrand(document.URL).Name;                                                   = document.location.hostname;
  // END URL extracted data
                                                                                          _tag.WT.sitetype = 'B';
                                                                                          _tag.WT.t_B01 = 'Luxury.V1.R1';
    // static values that go on all of the pages
                                                                                         // END Static Values = document.location.hostname;
    _tag.WT.sitetype = 'B';                                                       </script>
    _tag.WT.t_B01 = 'Luxury.V1.R1';
    // END Static Values

Step 3:
     Replace old code block with the new
<!-- START OF SmartSource Data Collector TAG -->
<!-- Copyright (c) 1996-2011 WebTrends Inc. All rights reserved. -->
<!-- Version: 9.3.0 -->
<!-- Tag Builder Version: 3.1 -->
<!-- Created: 1/14/2011 4:37:20 PM -->
<script src="/scripts/webtrends.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> Data Collector TAG Copyright (c) 1996-2011 WebTrends Inc. All rights reserved. -->
                                                      <!-- START OF SmartSource
<!-- Warning: The two script blocks below must remain inline.: Moving
                                                      <!-- Version: 10.0.0 Tag Builder Version: NA : Created: NA -->
them to an external -->                               <script type="text/javascript">
<!-- JavaScript include file can cause serious problems with cross- = function() {
domain tracking. -->                                              var dcs=new Webtrends.dcs()
<!-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
<script type="text/javascript">                                               domain="”,
//<![CDATA[                                                                   timezone=-8,
var _tag=new WebTrends();                                                     fpcdom="“,
_tag.dcsGetId();                                                              onsitedoms="“,
//]]>                                                                         downloadtypes="xls,doc,pdf,txt,csv,zip,docx,xlsx“,
</script>                                                                     navigationtag="div,table“,
<script type="text/javascript">                                               trackevents=true,
//<![CDATA[                                                                   trimoffsiteparams=true,
_tag.dcsCustom=function(){                                                    enabled=true,
// Add custom parameters here.                                                i18n=true,
//_tag.DCSext.param_name=param_value;                                         fpc="WT_FPC“,
}                                                                             paidsearchparams="gclid“,
_tag.dcsCollect();                                                            splitvalue="“
//]]>                                                             })
</script>                                                         .track();

                                              (function() {
                                                     var s = document.createElement('script'); s.async = true;s.type="text/javascript";
                                                      s.src = '‘;
                                                     var s2=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];s2.parentNode.insertBefore(s,s2);
                                              <script type="text/javascript">
                                              window.webtrendsAsyncLoad = function(_tag){
                                                // extract info from to URL to see where we are
                                                 _tag.WT.t_B02 = document.URL.split('/')[3];

                                                 // pull the content group data from the URL string
                                                 if (document.URL.split('/').length > 5) {
Step 4: Test
•  You should see a callback
•  And the data payload
Top Take-Aways
Conversion to v10 is easy and provides a
best practice digital analytics foundation.

“Must Have” benefits include:
  –  Scalability
  –  Ease of maintenance
  –  Extreme flexibility
  –  Asynchronous
Sessions You Must See
•  Wed @ 2:40 : Ad Hoc Analysis: An
   Answer for the Next Digital Marketing

•  Wed @ 3:40 : Implementing Facebook
Thank You
John Clark, Principal Consultant, Webtrends Consulting Services
      Tony Gray, Director, Webtrends Consulting Services


Engage 2013 - Why Upgrade to v10 Tag

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Engage 2013 - Why Upgrade to v10 Tag

  • 1. Why Upgrade to the Webtrends v10 Tag? John Clark, Principal Consultant, Webtrends Tony Gray, Director of Consulting Services, Webtrends
  • 2. Agenda •  Webtrends v10 Tag Flexibility •  Using Webtrends Transforms to Modify Data •  “Touchless” Page Markup Event Tracking •  Form Fill Tracking With Plugins •  Quick & Easy 4 Step Tag Upgrade
  • 3. Digital Measurement with Analytics 10 V9 VS V10 TAGS
  • 4. v8 & v9 v10 tag Tags Add-in modules to customize Modify Tag to Customize Tag never ch a n g e s Synchronous Asynchronous
  • 5. V10 Tag Benefits •  Scalable – Easily deployed against multiple sites •  Maintainable – Selectors and plug-in are modular •  Flexible – Modular architecture flexible tracking •  Asynchronous – Runs in background thread
  • 6. Anatomy of the V10 Tag V10 tag Library webtrends.js Transforms are used to modify the data collected or to change the behavior of the tracking code. In either case, they are called Transforms just before the beacon request is generated. Selectors are a way to unobtrusively attach multiTrack calls to dom elements. This uses Selectors the browser's CSS Selectors engine to find the elements. Plugins are modules that run in the Plugins Webtrends namespace that can be used for almost anything.
  • 7. Digital Measurement with Analytics 10 TRANSFORMS
  • 8. Transforms: Modifying Data Prior to Processing •  Transforms are used to modify the data collected or to change the behavior of the tracking code •  Transforms are used to change the data before its sent to Webtrends
  • 9. Transforms: From A Caterpillar To A Butterfly Transform
  • 10. Transforms: Modifying Data Collected Transform to modify the parameter z_call me, and if its Caterpillar, transform it to Butterfly. dcs.addTransform( function(dcsObject, multiTrackObject) { if (dcsObject.WT.z_callMe === “Caterpillar”) dcsObject.WT.z_callMe = “Butterfly”; )}, "all”);
  • 11. Digital Measurement with Analytics 10 A MORE PRACTICAL EXAMPLE
  • 12. Simple Application of A Transform Use a transform to set the content groups base on the path in a url. This way we don’t need to add META content to every page. dcs.addTransform( function(dcsObject, multiTrackObject) { if (window.location.pathname.split('/')[1]) dcsObject.WT.cg_n = window.location.pathname.split('/')[1]; )}, "all);
  • 13. Selectively Apply a Transform •  all – Always transform the data •  collect – only transform the data on collect •  multitrack – Only transform the data on multitrack dcs.addTransform( function(dcsObject, multiTrackObject) { if (window.location.pathname.split('/')[1]) dcsObject.WT.cg_n = window.location.pathname.split('/')[1]; )}, “collect”);
  • 14. Practical uses •  Create pseudo page names •  Add data to a hit •  Modify data from a hit
  • 15. Digital Measurement with Analytics 10 OK, HERE COMES THE COOL STUFF!
  • 16. Selectors •  Selectors allow us to add event tracking without changing the markup •  Events such as: •  Link clicks •  Download clicks •  Input box clicks •  Image clicks
  • 17. Selectors •  The Old Way: •  <a href="the_new_link" id=link_1 class="nav_links" onclick="dcsMultiTrack('DCS.dcsuri','/Corporate','WT.ti','The Corporate Site',’WT.dl’,’99’,’WT.myPram’,’customParmValue’);"> This is the first link</a> •  The New Way: •  <a href="the_new_link" id=link_1 class="nav_links”> This is the first link</a> •  Adding onclick events into the markup causes scalability and maintainability issues as the page markup is changed
  • 18. The Webtrends Selector Way – w/CSS Page Markup – No Changes Add the tracking into the Webtrends file dcs.addSelector(‘A’, filter: function (dcsObject, o) { var e = o.element || {}; if ( == “link_1”) return false; Filter for the target link else return true; }, transform: function (dcsObject, o) { o.argsa.push("DCS.dcssip", window.location.hostname, "DCS.dcsuri", window.location.pathname, "WT.ti", document.title, Send our data "WT.dl", “99”); } });
  • 19. The Webtrends Selector Way – w/jQuery If jQuery is loaded on the page you can use jQuery as the selector: dcs.addSelector(‘A#link_1’, transform: function (dcsObject, o) { o.argsa.push("DCS.dcssip", window.location.hostname, "DCS.dcsuri", window.location.pathname, "WT.ti", document.title, "WT.dl", “99”); } });
  • 20. Digital Measurement with Analytics 10 PLUGINS – A MODULAR APPROACH
  • 21. Plugins •  Plugin are re-usable modules that can contain transforms and/or selectors, and/ or custom code. •  They can be easily used across sites, rather then being put into the code.
  • 22. Plugin Framework •  The plugin framework is just a container for the functions you’d like to deploy (function(_window, _document) { // // put custom code here // selectors // transforms // custom stuff // Webtrends.registerPlugin('yt', WTYT_loader); })(window, window.document);
  • 23. Plugin Example •  Form fill tracking can get complicated when you have to bind to all the form elements with onClick multi-track handlers •  But with a quick plugin you can easily deploy a method to track form fills
  • 25. Plugin To Track Changes In INPUT Form Elements (function (_window, _document) { if (!_window.Webtrends) return; FromTrack_loader = function (t, p) { var elems = document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'); for (var Tag = 0; Tag < elems.length; Tag++) { elems[Tag].onchange = function () { e = event.srcElement; if (e.getAttribute('data-si_n')) { Webtrends.multiTrack({ argsa: ["DCS.dcssip", window.location.hostname, "DCS.dcsuri", window.location.pathname, "WT.ti", document.title, Send data Attach tracking "WT.event_nam",, "WT.si_n", e.getAttribute('data-si_n'), if there is a to all the Input "WT.si_x", e.getAttribute('data-si_x'), "WT.dl", '99'] data-si_n boxes on the }); } attribute page } } }; Webtrends.registerPlugin('FormTrack', FromTrack_loader); })(window, window.document);
  • 27. Webtrends Async Tag •  Why move to the async code base? –  Does not delay the page load like sync code does –  Modular approach simplifies maintainability –  People are developing cool plugin’s •  Facebook, Video Tracking, Form Tracking, Heatmaps, Streams •  As easy as 4 simple steps to upgrade!
  • 28. Digital Measurement with Analytics 10 FOUR EASY STEPS TO ASYNC
  • 29. 4 Steps to Converting to Async 10 0. Take opportunity to evaluate current tagging 1.  Transform old config to new format 2.  Move over your customizations 3.  Replace the old code block with the new code block 4.  Test
  • 31. Async Basics (function() { Async load line loads var s = document.createElement('script'); s.async = true;s.type="text/javascript"; s.src = '‘; webtrends code as var s2=document.getElementsByTagName("script") background process [0];s2.parentNode.insertBefore(s,s2); }()); window.webtrendsAsyncInit = function() { var dcs=new Webtrends.dcs() .init( Once loaded, the code runs {domain="”, timezone=-8, ‘webtrendsAsyncInit‘ to pick fpcdom="“, up configuration onsitedoms="“, }) .track(); }; window.webtrendsAsyncLoad = function(_tag){ Then code runs // static values that go on all of the pages = document.location.hostname; ’webtrendsAsyncLoad’ to _tag.WT.sitetype = 'B'; install customizations _tag.WT.t_B01 = 'Luxury.V1.R1'; // END Static Values };
  • 32. Step 1: Transform Config Old Config New Config this.domain=""; domain="”, this.timezone=-8; timezone=-8, this.fpcdom=""; fpcdom="“, this.onsitedoms=""; onsitedoms="“, this.downloadtypes="xls,doc,pdf,txt,csv,zip,docx,xlsx"; Remove ‘this.’ downloadtypes="xls,doc,pdf,txt,csv,zip,docx,xlsx“, this.navigationtag="div,table"; this.trackevents=true; Replace ‘;’ with navigationtag="div,table“, trackevents=true, this.trimoffsiteparams=true; ‘,’ trimoffsiteparams=true, this.enabled=true; enabled=true, this.i18n=true; i18n=true, this.fpc="WT_FPC"; fpc="WT_FPC“, this.paidsearchparams="gclid"; paidsearchparams="gclid“, this.splitvalue=""; splitvalue="“
  • 33. Put into init section <!-- START OF SmartSource Data Collector TAG Copyright (c) 1996-2011 WebTrends Inc. All rights reserved. --> <!-- Version: 10.0.0 : Tag Builder Version: NA : Created: NA --> <script type="text/javascript"> window.webtrendsAsyncInit = function() { var dcs=new Webtrends.dcs() .init( {domain="”, timezone=-8, fpcdom="“, onsitedoms="“, downloadtypes="xls,doc,pdf,txt,csv,zip,docx,xlsx“, navigationtag="div,table“, trackevents=true, trimoffsiteparams=true, enabled=true, i18n=true, fpc="WT_FPC“, paidsearchparams="gclid“, splitvalue="“ }) Don’t forget to .track(); remove last }; comma
  • 34. Step 2: Move over customizations Old Config New Config <script type="text/javascript"> _tag.dcsCustom = function () { window.webtrendsAsyncLoad = function(_tag){ // extract info from to URL to see where we are _tag.WT.t_B02 = document.URL.split('/')[3]; // extract info from to URL to see where we are _tag.WT.t_B02 = document.URL.split('/')[3]; // pull the content group data from the URL string if (document.URL.split('/').length > 5) { // pull the content group data from the URL string if (document.URL.split('/')[5].indexOf('index') != -1) { if (document.URL.split('/').length > 5) { if (document.URL.split('/')[5].indexOf('index') != -1) Move _tag.WT.cg_n = document.URL.split('/')[4]; } else { { customizations _tag.WT.cg_s = document.URL.split('/')[5].split('.') _tag.WT.cg_n = document.URL.split('/')[4]; } else { into AsyncLoad [0]; _tag.WT.cg_n = document.URL.split('/')[4]; _tag.WT.cg_s = document.URL.split('/') [5].split('.')[0]; method } } else _tag.WT.cg_n = 'Home'; _tag.WT.cg_n = document.URL.split('/')[4]; } } else _tag.WT.cg_n = 'Home'; _tag.WT.z_brand = XlateBrand(document.URL).Name; // END URL extracted data _tag.WT.z_brand = // static values that go on all of the pages XlateBrand(document.URL).Name; = document.location.hostname; // END URL extracted data _tag.WT.sitetype = 'B'; _tag.WT.t_B01 = 'Luxury.V1.R1'; // static values that go on all of the pages // END Static Values = document.location.hostname; }; _tag.WT.sitetype = 'B'; </script> _tag.WT.t_B01 = 'Luxury.V1.R1'; // END Static Values }
  • 35. Step 3: Replace old code block with the new <!-- START OF SmartSource Data Collector TAG --> <!-- Copyright (c) 1996-2011 WebTrends Inc. All rights reserved. --> <!-- Version: 9.3.0 --> <!-- Tag Builder Version: 3.1 --> <!-- Created: 1/14/2011 4:37:20 PM --> <script src="/scripts/webtrends.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> Data Collector TAG Copyright (c) 1996-2011 WebTrends Inc. All rights reserved. --> <!-- START OF SmartSource <!-- Warning: The two script blocks below must remain inline.: Moving <!-- Version: 10.0.0 Tag Builder Version: NA : Created: NA --> them to an external --> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- JavaScript include file can cause serious problems with cross- = function() { window.webtrendsAsyncInit domain tracking. --> var dcs=new Webtrends.dcs() <!-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> .init({ <script type="text/javascript"> domain="”, //<![CDATA[ timezone=-8, var _tag=new WebTrends(); fpcdom="“, _tag.dcsGetId(); onsitedoms="“, //]]> downloadtypes="xls,doc,pdf,txt,csv,zip,docx,xlsx“, </script> navigationtag="div,table“, <script type="text/javascript"> trackevents=true, //<![CDATA[ trimoffsiteparams=true, _tag.dcsCustom=function(){ enabled=true, // Add custom parameters here. i18n=true, //_tag.DCSext.param_name=param_value; fpc="WT_FPC“, } paidsearchparams="gclid“, _tag.dcsCollect(); splitvalue="“ //]]> }) </script> .track(); }; (function() { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.async = true;s.type="text/javascript"; s.src = '‘; var s2=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];s2.parentNode.insertBefore(s,s2); }()); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> window.webtrendsAsyncLoad = function(_tag){ // extract info from to URL to see where we are _tag.WT.t_B02 = document.URL.split('/')[3]; // pull the content group data from the URL string if (document.URL.split('/').length > 5) {
  • 36. Step 4: Test •  You should see a callback •  And the data payload
  • 37. Top Take-Aways Conversion to v10 is easy and provides a best practice digital analytics foundation. “Must Have” benefits include: –  Scalability –  Ease of maintenance –  Extreme flexibility –  Asynchronous
  • 38. Sessions You Must See •  Wed @ 2:40 : Ad Hoc Analysis: An Answer for the Next Digital Marketing Question •  Wed @ 3:40 : Implementing Facebook Measurement
  • 39. Rate Session & Speakers/ Panelists
  • 40. Thank You John Clark, Principal Consultant, Webtrends Consulting Services Tony Gray, Director, Webtrends Consulting Services