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Part 3 Metabolism and Energy Balance

                         Energy Metabolism

 Life depends on energy from the sun.
 During photosynthesis, plants transform
 solar energy into chemical energy
 in the form of carbohydrates. During
 energy metabolism, we transform this
 chemical energy into ATP. Learn more
9.1 Metabolism: Chemical Reactions in
                                                                  the Body
                                                              9.2 ATP Production from Carbohydrates
                                                              9.3 ATP Production from Fats
                                                              9.4 Protein Metabolism
                                                              9.5 Alcohol Metabolism
                                                              9.6 Regulation of Energy Metabolism
                                                              9.7 Fasting and Feasting
                                                              Medical Perspective: Inborn Errors of

after studying this chapter, you will be able to

1. Explain the differences among metabolism,         5. Identify the conditions that lead to ketogenesis
   catabolism, and anabolism.                           and its importance in survival during fasting.
2. Describe aerobic and anaerobic metabolism of      6. Describe the process of gluconeogenesis.
   glucose.                                          7. Discuss how the body metabolizes alcohol.
3. Illustrate how energy is extracted from           8. Compare the fate of energy from
   glucose, fatty acids, amino acids, and alcohol       macronutrients during the fed and fasted
   using metabolic pathways, such as glycolysis,        states.
   beta-oxidation, the citric acid cycle, and the
   electron transport system.                        9. Describe common inborn errors of metabolism.

4. Describe the role that acetyl-CoA plays in cell

The macronutrients and alcohol are rich sources of energy; however, the energy they provide is
neither in the form that cells can use nor in the amount needed to carry out the thousands of chemical
reactions that occur every day in the human body. Thus, the body must have a process for breaking
down energy-yielding compounds to release and convert their chemical energy to a form the body can
use.1 That process is energy metabolism—an elaborate, multistep series of energy-transforming chemical
reactions. Energy metabolism occurs in all cells every moment of every day for your entire lifetime; it is
slowest when we are resting and fastest when we are physically active.
      Understanding energy metabolism clarifies how carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and alcohol
are interrelated and how they serve as fuel for body cells. In this chapter, you will see how the
macronutrients and alcohol are metabolized and discover why proteins can be converted to glucose
but most fatty acids cannot. Studying energy metabolism pathways in the cell also sets the stage for
examining the roles of vitamins and minerals. As you’ll see in this and subsequent chapters, many
micronutrients contribute to the enzyme activity that supports metabolic reactions in the cell.2 Thus,
both macronutrients and micronutrients are required for basic metabolic processes.

282 Part 3 Metabolism and Energy Balance

                                     Glycogen                   9.1 Metabolism: Chemical Reactions in the Body
Protein                              Triglycerides
Carbohydrate                          and other
Fat                                   lipids             Metabolism refers to the entire network of chemical processes involved in maintaining
     C                                                   life. It encompasses all the sequences of chemical reactions that occur in the body. Some
     A                                                   of these biochemical reactions enable us to release and use energy from carbohydrate,
     A                                                   fat, protein, and alcohol. They also permit us to synthesize 1 substance from another and
     B                                      A            prepare waste products for excretion.1 A group of biochemical reactions that occur in a
     O                                      N
     L                                      A            progression from beginning to end is called a metabolic pathway. Compounds formed
     I                                      B            in 1 of the many steps in a metabolic pathway are called intermediates.
     S                                      O
     M                                      L                    All of the pathways that take place within the body can be categorized as either ana-
                                            I            bolic or catabolic. Anabolic pathways use small, simpler compounds to build larger, more
                                            M            complex compounds (Fig. 9-1). The human body uses compounds, such as glucose, fatty
                                                         acids, cholesterol, and amino acids, as building blocks to synthesize new compounds,
       CO2                          Amino acids          such as glycogen, hormones, enzymes, and other proteins, to keep the body functioning
       H2O                          Sugars
                                    Fatty acids
                                                         and to support normal growth and development. For example, to make glycogen (a stor-
       NH3                          Glycerol             age form of carbohydrate), we link many units of the simple sugar glucose. Energy must
                                                         be expended for anabolic pathways to take place.
                                                                 Conversely, catabolic pathways break down compounds into small units. The gly-
Figure 9-1 Anabolism relies on catabolism                cogen molecule discussed in the anabolism example is broken down into many glucose
to provide the energy (ATP) required to build
                                                         molecules when blood levels of glucose drop. Later, the complete catabolism of this glu-
                                                         cose results in the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Energy is released
                                                         during catabolism: some is trapped for cell use and the rest is lost as heat.
                                                                 The body strives for a balance between anabolic and catabolic processes. However,
                                                         there are times when one is more prominent than the other. For example, during growth
                                                         there is a net anabolic state because more tissue is being synthesized than broken down.
                                                         However, during weight loss or a wasting disease, such as cancer, more tissue is being
                                                         broken down than synthesized.

                                                         Energy for the Cell
                                                            Cells use energy for the following purposes: building compounds, contracting muscles, con-
                                                            ducting nerve impulses, and pumping ions (e.g., across cell membranes).1 This energy comes
                                                            from catabolic reactions that break the chemical bonds between the atoms in carbohydrate,
                                                            fat, protein, and alcohol. This energy is originally produced during photosynthesis, when
                                                                                                       plants use solar energy to make glucose and other
                                                                                                       organic (carbon-containing) compounds (see
                                                                                                       Chapter 5). The chemical reactions in photosyn-
                         Proteins                Carbohydrates                     Lipids  Alcohol
Stage 1                                                                                                thesis form compounds that contain more energy
Digestion: breakdown                        1                                                          than the building blocks used—carbon dioxide
of complex molecules                                                                                   and water. Virtually all organisms use the sun—
to their component                                                                                     either indirectly, as we do, or directly—as their
                              Amino acids       Monosaccharides         Fatty acids,
building blocks
                                                                          glycerol                     source of energy.1
                                                                 ATP                                          As shown in Figure 9-2, the series of cata-
Stage 2                                          2
                                                                                                       bolic reactions that produce energy for body cells
Conversion of building
blocks to acetyl-CoA                                                                                   begins with digestion and continues when mono-
(or other simple                                    Acetyl-CoA                                         saccharides, amino acids, fatty acids, glycerol, and
intermediates)                                                                                         alcohol are sent through a series of metabolic path-
                                                                     3                                 ways, which finally trap a portion of the energy
Stage 3
                                                                                                       they contain into a compound called adenosine
Metabolism of
acetyl-CoA to CO2                                                             ATP                      triphosphate (ATP)—the main form of energy
                                                     Citric acid
and formation of ATP                                    cycle               CO2                        the body uses. Heat, carbon dioxide, and water
                                                   (and electron                                       also result from these catabolic pathways. The heat
                                                 transport chain)
                                                                                                       produced helps maintain body temperature. Plants
                                                                                                       can use the carbon dioxide and water to produce
Figure 9-2 Three stages of catabolism.                                                                 glucose and oxygen via photosynthesis.
chapter 9 Energy Metabolism 283

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
Only the energy in ATP and related compounds can be used directly by the cell.3 A molecule
of ATP consists of the organic compound adenosine (comprised of the nucleotide adenine
and the sugar ribose) bound to 3 phosphate groups (Fig. 9-3). The bonds between the phos-
phate groups contain energy and are called high-energy phosphate bonds. Hydrolysis of the
high-energy bonds releases this energy. To release the energy in ATP, cells break a high-energy
phosphate bond, which creates adenosine diphosphate (ADP) plus Pi, a free (inorganic)
phosphate group (Fig. 9-4). Hydrolysis of ADP results in the compound adenosine mono-
phosphate (AMP) in a reaction muscles are capable of performing during intense exercise
when ATP is in short supply (ADP + ADP → ATP + AMP). ATP can be regenerated by add-
ing the phosphates back to AMP and ADP.

                                                                                                        Figure 9-3 ATP is a storage form of energy
                        Adenine                                                                         for cell use because it contains high-energy
                                                                                                        bonds. Pi is the abbreviation for an inorganic
                                                                                                        phosphate group.
                             Ribose                 Pi             Pi             Pi

                          Adenosine                            High-energy

                                  High-energy bonds                                                     Figure 9-4 ATP stores and yields energy. ATP
                                                                                                        is the high-energy state; ADP is the lower-energy
                                          P ~P ~P        ATP                                            state. When ATP is broken down to ADP plus Pi   ,
                                                                                                        energy is released for cell use. When energy is
                                                                                                        trapped by ADP plus Pi   ATP can be formed.



                                            P ~P     ADP
                        Energy released                            Energy used
                        in catabolic                               in anabolic
                        pathways                                   pathways

        Every cell requires energy from ATP to synthesize new compounds (anabolic path-
ways), to contract muscles, to conduct nerve impulses, and to pump ions across membranes.
Catabolic pathways in cells release energy, which allows ADP to combine with Pi
and form ATP. Every cell has pathways to break down and resynthesize ATP. A

                                                                                                      A Biochemist , View
cell is constantly breaking down ATP in one site while rebuilding it in another.
This recycling of ATP is an important strategy because the body contains only
about 0.22 lb (100 g) of ATP at any given time, but a sedentary adult uses about                                   s
88 lb (40 kg) of ATP each day. The requirement increases even more during                                                            NH2
exercise—during 1 hour of strenuous exercise, an additional 66 lb (30 kg) of
ATP are used. In fact, the runner who currently holds the American record for                                                                      N
                                                                                                                     Adenine     N
the men’s marathon was estimated to use 132 lb (65 kg) to run the race.24
                                                                                                  phosphate bonds                                  N
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions: Key Processes
                                                                                                  O         O         O
in Energy Metabolism                                                                                                                      O
                                                                                                  P    O    P    O    P    O
The synthesis of ATP from ADP and Pi involves the transfer of energy from
energy-yielding compounds (carbohydrate, fat, protein, and alcohol). This pro-                    O�        O�        O�
cess uses oxidation-reduction reactions, in which electrons (along with hydrogen                                                     OH       OH
ions) are transferred in a series of reactions from energy-yielding compounds
eventually to oxygen. These reactions form water and release much energy,                                                             Ribose
which can be used to produce ATP.
284 Part 3 Metabolism and Energy Balance

    The mnemonic “LeO [loss of electrons is             A substance is oxidized when it loses 1 or more electrons. For example, copper is
oxidation] the lion says Ger [gain of electrons   oxidized when it loses an electron:
is reduction]” can help you differentiate                                             Cu+ ∆ Cu2+ + e-
between oxidation and reduction.                        A substance is reduced when it gains 1 or more electrons. For example, iron is re-
                                                  duced when it gains an electron:
                                                                                       Fe3+ + e- ∆ Fe2+
                  ,                                     The movement of electrons governs oxidation-reduction processes. If 1 substance loses
     A Biochemist s View                          electrons (is oxidized), another substance must gain electrons (is reduced). These processes
                                                  go together; one cannot occur without the other.2 In the previous examples, the electron lost
                                                  by copper can be gained by the iron, resulting in this overall reaction;:
                                                                                    Cu+ + Fe3+ → Cu2++ Fe2+
          H                   H                   Oxidation-reduction reactions involving organic (carbon-containing) compounds are
               H                                  somewhat more difficult to visualize. Two simple rules help identify whether these com-
               OH         H                       pounds are oxidized or reduced:
        HO                    OH                     If the compound gains oxygen or loses hydrogen, it has been oxidized.
               H         OH                          If it loses oxygen or gains hydrogen, the compound has been reduced.
                                                         Enzymes control oxidation-reduction reactions in the body. Dehydrogenases, one
                                                  class of these enzymes, remove hydrogens from energy-yielding compounds or their
               O                                  breakdown products. These hydrogens are eventually donated to oxygen to form water.
                                                  In the process, large amounts of energy are converted to ATP.1
               C     O�
                                                         Two B-vitamins, niacin and riboflavin, assist dehydrogenase enzymes and, in turn, play
                                                  a role in transferring the hydrogens from energy-yielding compounds to oxygen in the meta-
               C     O
                                                  bolic pathways of the cell.2 In the following reaction, niacin functions as the coenzyme nicoti-
               CH3                                namide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). NAD is found in cells in both its oxidized form (NAD)
                                                  and reduced form (NADH). During intense (anaerobic) exercise, the enzyme lactate dehy-
               Pyruvate                           drogenase helps reduce pyruvate (made from glucose) to form lactate. During reduction, 2
                                                  hydrogens, derived from NADH + H+, are gained. Lactate is oxidized back to pyruvate by
                                                  losing 2 hydrogens. NAD+ is the hydrogen acceptor. That is, the oxidized form of niacin
  coenzyme Compound that combines                 (NAD+) can accept 1 hydrogen ion and 2 electrons to become the reduced form NADH +
  with an inactive protein, called an             H+. (The plus [+] on NAD+ indicates it has 1 less electron than in its reduced form. The extra
  apoenzyme, to form a catalytically              hydrogen ion [H+] remains free in the cell.) By accepting 2 electrons and 1 hydrogen ion,
  active protein, called a holoenzyme. In         NAD+ becomes NADH + H+, with no net charge on the coenzyme.
  this manner, coenzymes aid in enzyme
                                                                                        NADH ϩ Hϩ            NADϩ
                                                                    O    O                                                         OH O
    The term antioxidant is typically used
                                                         CH3        C    C     OϪ                                          CH3     C     C     OϪ
to describe a compound that can donate
electrons to oxidized compounds, putting them                     Pyruvate
                                                                  (Oxidized)                                                       H
into a more reduced (stable) state. Oxidized                                            NADH ϩ Hϩ            NADϩ
compounds tend to be highly reactive; they                                                                                         Lactate
seek electrons from other compounds to
stabilize their chemical configuration. Dietary           Riboflavin plays a similar role. In its oxidized form, the coenzyme form is known as
antioxidants, such as vitamin E, donate           flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). When it is reduced (gains 2 hydrogens, equivalent to
electrons to these highly reactive compounds,     2 hydrogen ions and 2 electrons), it is known as FADH2.
in turn, putting these oxidized compounds into           The reduction of oxygen (O) to form water (H2O) is the ultimate driving force for life be-
a less reactive state (see Chapter 12).           cause it is vital to the way cells synthesize ATP. Thus, oxidation-reduction reactions are a key to life.

                                                             Knowledge Check
                                                             1.   What is the main form of energy used by the body?
                                                             2.   What are catabolic and anabolic reactions?
                                                             3.   What is the difference between oxidation and reduction reactions?
                                                             4.   How do niacin and riboflavin play a role in metabolism?
CHaPtEr 9 Energy Metabolism 285

       9.2 ATP Production from Carbohydrates                                                                             A new tool for understanding how
                                                                                                                     individuals differ in the metabolic response
                                                                                                                     to nutrients may lie in the ability to track the
Cells release energy stored in food fuels and then trap as much of this energy as possible
                                                                                                                     actual metabolic intermediates made during
in the form of ATP. The body cannot afford to lose all energy immediately as heat, even
                                                                                                                     metabolism, such as how we respond to
though some heat is necessary for the maintenance of body temperature. This section ex-
                                                                                                                     exposure to different fatty acids. This approach,
amines how ATP is produced from carbohydrates. Subsequent sections will explore how
                                                                                                                     called metabolomics, should be more accurate
ATP is produced using the energy stored in fats, proteins, and alcohol. Along the way,
                                                                                                                     than looking for differences in DNA between
you will see how these energy-yielding processes are interconnected.
                                                                                                                     individuals to predict dietary responses.
       ATP is generated through cellular respiration. The process of cellular respira-
tion oxidizes (removes electrons) food molecules to obtain energy (ATP). Oxygen
is the final electron acceptor. As you know, humans inhale oxygen and exhale carbon
dioxide. When oxygen is readily available, cellular respiration may be aerobic. When
oxygen is not present, anaerobic pathways are used. Aerobic respiration is far more
efficient than anaerobic metabolism at producing ATP. As an example, the aerobic
respiration of a single molecule of glucose will result in a net gain of 30 to 32 ATP.
In contrast, the anaerobic metabolism of a single molecule of glucose is limited to a                                   aerobic Requiring oxygen.
net gain of 2 ATP.
       The 4 overall stages of aerobic cellular respiration of glucose are as follows                                   anaerobic Not requiring oxygen.
(Fig. 9-5).1, 4
                                                                                                                        cytosol Water-based phase of a cell’s
   Stage 1: Glycolysis. In this pathway, glucose (a 6-carbon compound) is oxidized and                                  cytoplasm; excludes organelles, such as
   forms 2 molecules of the 3-carbon compound pyruvate, produces NADH + H+, and                                         mitochondria.
   generates a net of 2 molecules of ATP. Glycolysis occurs in the cytosol of cells.

                                              Figure 9-5 The 4 phases of aerobic carbohydrate metabolism. Glycolysis in the cytoplasm produces
                                              pyruvate (stage 1 ), which enters mitochondria if oxygen is available. The transition reaction (stage 2 ), citric
                                              acid cycle (stage 3 ), and electron transport chain (stage 4 ) occur inside the mitochondria. The electron
                                              transport chain receives the electrons that were removed from glucose breakdown products during stages 1
                                              through 3. The result of aerobic glucose breakdown is 30 to 32 ATP depending on the particular cell.

                                         NADH �    H�
                                                                                                                               Electron transport chain
                                                                                                                   e�         3O2 � 12H�          6H2O
                                                                                                NADH � H�
                                                     e�              NADH � H�
                                                                                                and FADH2

                        Glycolysis                   reaction                                       3
                                                                 Acetyl-          Citric acid
              Glucose                2 Pyruvate                   CoA                cycle
                                                     2 CO2                                          2 CO2

                                                                                                                                      26 or
                           2 ADP                                                     2 ADP                                           28 ADP

                           2 ATP                                                     2 ATP                                             26 or
                                                                                                                                      28 ATP
286 Part 3 Metabolism and Energy Balance

                                                            Stage 2: Synthesis of acetyl-CoA. In this stage, pyruvate is further oxidized and joined
   mitochondria Main sites of energy                        with coenzyme A (CoA) to form acetyl-CoA. The transition reaction also produces
   production in a cell. They also contain                  NADH + H+ and releases carbon dioxide (CO2) as a waste product. The transition
   the pathway for oxidizing fat for fuel,                  reaction takes place in the mitochondria of cells.
   among other metabolic pathways.
                                                            Stage 3: Citric acid cycle. In this pathway, acetyl-CoA enters the citric acid cycle, result-
                                                            ing in the production of NADH + H+, FADH2, and ATP. Carbon dioxide is released
    A number of defects are related to                      as a waste product. Like the transition reaction, the citric acid cycle takes place within
the metabolic processes that take place                     the mitochondria of cells.
in mitochondria. A variety of medical
                                                            Stage 4: Electron transport chain. The NADH + H+ produced by stages 1 through 3
interventions, some of which use
                                                            of cellular respiration and FADH2 produced in stage 3 enter the electron transport
specific nutrients and related metabolic
                                                            chain, where NADH + H+ is oxidized to NAD+, and FADH2 is oxidized to FAD. At
intermediates, can be used to treat the
                                                            the end of the electron transport chain, oxygen is combined with hydrogen ions (H+)
muscle weakness and muscle destruction
                                                            and electrons to form water. The electron transport chain takes place within the mi-
typically arising from these disorders.
                                                            tochondria of cells. Most ATP is produced in the electron transport chain; thus, the
                                                            mitochondria are the cell’s major energy-producing organelles.

                            O                            Glycolysis
                                                         Because glucose is the main carbohydrate involved in cell metabolism, we will track its
               CoA – S
               CoA – S           CH 33
                                 CH                      step-by-step metabolism as an example of carbohydrate metabolism. Glucose metabolism
                                                         begins with glycolysis, which means “breaking down glucose.” Glycolysis has 2 roles:
   CoA is short for coenzyme A. The A stands for         to break down carbohydrates to generate energy and to provide building blocks for syn-
acetylation because CoA provides the 2-carbon            thesizing other needed compounds. During glycolysis, glucose passes through several
acetyl group to start the citric acid cycle.             steps, which convert it to 2 units of a 3-carbon compound called pyruvate. The details of
                                                         glycolysis can be found in Figure 9-6.

                                                         Synthesis of Acetyl-CoA
                                                         Pyruvate passes from the cytosol into the mitochondria, where the enzyme pyruvate
      Pyruvate                                           dehydrogenase converts pyruvate into the compound acetyl-CoA in a process called a tran-
                                                         sition reaction5 (Fig. 9-7). This overall reaction is irreversible, which has important met-
            NAD�                                         abolic consequences. Whereas glycolysis requires only the B-vitamin niacin as NAD, the
                                     CoA                 conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA requires coenzymes from 4 B-vitamins—thiamin,
                                                         riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid. In fact, CoA is made from the B-vitamin pantoth-
             NADH � H�                                   enic acid. For this reason, carbohydrate metabolism depends on an ample supply of these
                                   Acetyl-CoA            vitamins (see Chapter 13).2
                                                                The transition reaction oxidizes pyruvate and reduces NAD+. Each glucose yields
Figure 9-6 Pyruvate dehydrogenase assists                2 acetyl-CoA. As with the NADH + H+ produced by glycolysis, the 2 NADH + 2 H+
in the transition reaction where pyruvate is
metabolized to acetyl-CoA. It is acetyl-CoA that
                                                         produced by the transition reaction will eventually enter the electron transport chain.
actually enters the citric acid cycle. In the process,   Carbon dioxide is a waste product of the transition reaction and is eventually eliminated
NADH + H+ is produced and CO2 is lost.                   by way of the lungs.

                                                                  Knowledge Check
                                                                  1. What is the first step to bring glucose into the cell to start glycolysis?
                                                                  2. How many 3-carbon compounds are made from a 6-carbon glucose
                                                                  3. What is the end product of glycolysis?
                                                                  4. What nutrients are involved in the transition reaction?
chapter 9 Energy Metabolism 287

                        ATP         ~ ~                                             The first step of glycolysis is to activate the glucose molecule by attaching
                                                    1                       1
                          ADP        ~                                              a phosphate group to it. The attached phosphate group is supplied by
                                                                                    ATP, which means that energy is required for this step and that ADP is



                        ATP         ~ ~                                             The molecule is rearranged and a second phosphate group is added
                                                    2                       2
                          ADP        ~                                              using ATP, forming fructose 1,6-bisphosphate. Again, ATP provides the
                                                                                    phosphate, making this an energy-requiring step.
 1,6-bisphosphate                                                           3 Fructose 1,6-biphosphate is split in half to form two 3-carbon molecules,
                                                                              each of which has 1 phosphate—glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and
                                                                              dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Dihydroxyacetone phosphate is eventually
                                                                                       converted into glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. Thus, step 4 onward
 Glyceraldehyde                                                   Dihydroxyacetone occurs twice for each molecule of glucose that enters glycolysis.
 3-phosphate                                    3                 phosphate

                                            4                               4       A dehydrogenase enzyme oxidizes each of the two 3-carbon molecules.
                  NADH � H�                                                         NAD is reduced, forming 2NADH � 2H�. A phosphate molecule is
                                                                                    added to each 3-carbon molecule.
 glycerate                    ~
                  ADP         ~             5                               5       An enzyme transfers 1 phosphate from each of the 3-carbon molecules to
                                                                                    an ADP, forming 2 ATP. This is the first synthesis of the high-energy
               ATP       ~ ~                                                        compound ATP in the pathway.


                                            6                               6       Water is removed from each of the 3-carbon molecules, which produces
                              H2O                                                   two 3-carbon-phosphate molecules.


                  ADP         ~                                                     An enzyme transfers 1 phosphate from each of the 3-carbon molecules to
                                            7                               7
               ATP       ~ ~                                                        an ADP, thereby producing a total of 2 ATP.

 Pyruvate                                   8                               8       The last step in glycolysis is the formation of pyruvate. Generally, pyruvate
                                                                                    enters the mitochondria for further metabolism. A total of 2 pyruvates are
                                                                                    formed from each glucose that enters glycolysis.


                                                                                      Phosphate group


Figure 9-7 Glycolysis takes place in the cytosol portion of the cell. This process breaks glucose (a 6-carbon compound) into 2 units of a 3-carbon compound
called pyruvate. More details can be found in Appendix A.
288 Part 3 Metabolism and Energy Balance

                ,                                         Citric Acid Cycle
   A Biochemist s View                                    The acetyl-CoA molecules produced by the transition reaction enter the citric acid cycle,
                O       O                                 which also is known as the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle) and the Krebs cycle. The
                                                          citric acid cycle is a series of chemical reactions that cells use to convert the carbons of an
                C       C       O�                        acetyl group to carbon dioxide while harvesting energy to produce ATP.3
                            O                                    It takes 2 turns of the citric acid cycle to process 1 glucose molecule because glycolysis and
                                                          the transition reaction yield 2 acetyl-CoA. Each complete turn of the citric acid cycle produces
                CH2         C       O�                    2 molecules of CO2 and 1 potential ATP in the form of 1 molecule of guanosine triphosphate
                                                          (GTP), as well as 3 molecules of NADH + H+ and 1 molecule of FADH2. Oxygen does not
                                                          participate in any of the steps in the citric acid cycle; however, it does participate in the electron
                                                          transport chain. The details of the citric acid cycle can be found in Figure 9-8; further details are
                                                          in Appendix A.
                    CH2         C        O�

           HO       C       C        O�                                  Pyruvate
                                                                                     NAD�                   Transition step:
                    CH2         C        O�                                                                 Oxidation generates
                                                                   CoA               NADH � H�              NADH, CO2 is removed,
             Citrate (Citric Acid)                                                                          and coenzyme A is added.
                                                                                                 1 To begin the citric acid cycle, the 2-carbon compound acetyl-
                                                                        Acetyl-CoA                   CoA combines with a 4-carbon compound, oxaloacetate, to
                                                                                           CoA       form the 6-carbon compound citrate. In the process, the
                                                                                                     corresponding CoA molecule is released and can be reused.

                            NADH � H�               Oxaloacetate
                                                                                                 Citrate          NAD�               2 The 6-carbon citrate is oxidized
                                                                                                                                        (hydrogen removed), forming
                                                                                                                                        the 5-carbon compound alpha-
                                                5 The 4-carbon fumarate is                                             NADH � H�
                            NAD�                                                                                                        ketoglutarate, NADH � H�,
                                                    oxidized, forming the 4-carbon
                                                                                                                                        and CO2.
                                                    compound oxaloacetate—the
                                                    compound used to begin the
                                                    citric acid cycle (step 1)—and                                             CO2
                                                    NADH � H�.



                                                4 The 4-carbon succinate is                                             NAD�
                                                   oxidized to the 4-carbon
                                FADH2              compound fumarate.
                                                   FADH2 is formed.
                                                                                                                       NADH � H�
                                                                                                                               3 The 5-carbon alpha-ketoglutarate
                                         FAD                                                                     CO2              is oxidized, forming the 4-carbon
                                                      Succinate                                                                   compound succinate, NADH �
                                                                                                                                  H�, CO2, and guanosine
                                                                                                                                  triphosphate (GTP), which is
                                                                                     GDP         ~
                                                                                                                                  converted to ATP.

                                                                  GTP       ~ ~

Figure 9-8 How the citric acid cycle works. During                                                    ATP        ~ ~
1 complete turn of the citric acid cycle, the 6-carbon
citrate molecule is converted to a 4-carbon oxaloacetate
molecule. The cycle is now ready to begin again with the
regenerated oxaloacetate and another acetyl-CoA. See
Figure A-2 in Appendix A for a more detailed view of the
citric acid cycle.                                                                     ADP           ~
chaPter 9 Energy Metabolism 289

Electron Transport Chain                                                                                        Intermediates of the citric acid cycle, such
                                                                                                            as oxaloacetate, can leave the cycle and go
The final pathway of aerobic respiration is the electron transport chain located in the                     on to form other compounds, such as glucose.
mitochondria. The electron transport chain functions in most cells in the body. Cells                       Thus, the citric acid cycle should be viewed as a
that need a lot of ATP, such as muscle cells, have thousands of mitochondria, whereas                       traffic circle, rather than as a closed circle.
cells that need very little ATP, such as adipose cells, have fewer mitochondria. Almost
90% of the ATP produced from the catabolism of glucose is produced by the electron
transport chain.
       The electron transport chain involves the passage of electrons along a series of
electron carriers. As electrons are passed from one carrier to the next, small amounts                          How many ATP are produced by
of energy are released. NADH + H+ and FADH2, produced by glycolysis, the transi-                            1 molecule of glucose? The metabolism
tion reaction, and the citric acid cycle, supply both hydrogen ions and electrons to the                    of 1 glucose molecule yields
electron transport chain. The metabolic process, called oxidative phosphorylation,                          Glycolysis                  2 NADH and 2 ATP
is the way in which energy derived from the NADH + H+ and FADH2 is transferred
                                                                                                            Transition reaction         2 NADH
to ADP + Pi to form ATP (Fig. 9-9). Oxidative phosphorylation requires the minerals
copper and iron. Copper is a component of an enzyme, whereas iron is a component                            Citric acid cycle           6 NADH, 2 FADH2,
of cytochromes (electron-transfer compound) in the electron transport chain. In ad-                                                     and 2 GTP
dition to ATP production, hydrogen ions, electrons, and oxygen combine to form                              total                       10 NaDh,
water. The details of the electron transport chain are presented in Figure 9-10.                                                        2 FaDh2,
                                                                                                                                        2 GtP, and 2 atP

          High-energy                                  Low-energy
           molecule,                                 molecule, such as                                      The NADH and FADH2 generated undergo
        such as glucose                               CO2 and H2O
                                      H�                                                                    oxidative phosphorylation in the electron
                                                H�                                                          transport chain to yield
                                                                      NADH        � H�
                                           e�                                                                 2.5 ATP molecules per NADH
                                                                  or       FADH2                              1.5 ATP molecules per FADH2

                                       NAD�                                                                 Thus, 28 ATP molecules are synthesized in
                                                                                                            the electron transport chain.
                                      or         FAD                             e�                         total atP Produced from each Glucose
                                                                                      H�                    Molecule
                                                                                            e� H�

                                                                            Pi                      ATP      Glycolysis ATP                     2 ATP
                                                            ADP        �
                                                                                      2 2
                                                                                                             Citric acid cycle GTP              2 ATP
                                                                                                             Citric acid cycle ATP              28 ATP
                                                                                                             total                              32 atP
Figure 9-9 Simplified depiction of electron transfer in energy metabolism. High-energy compounds,
such as glucose, give up electrons and hydrogen ions to NAD and FAD. The NADH + H and FADH2 that are
                                                                  +                            +

formed transfer these electrons and hydrogen ions, using specialized electron carriers, to oxygen to form
water (H2O). The energy yielded by the entire process is used to generate ATP from ADP and Pi.

The Importance of Oxygen
NADH + H+ and FADH2 produced during the citric acid cycle can be regenerated into                              Coenzyme Q-10 is sold as a nutrient
NAD+ and FAD only by the eventual transfer of their electrons and hydrogen ions to                          supplement in health food stores (10 signifies
oxygen, as occurs in the electron transport chain. The citric acid cycle has no ability                     that it is the form found in humans). However,
to oxidize NADH + H+ and FADH2 back to NAD+ and FAD. This is ultimately why                                 when the mitochondria need coenzyme Q,
oxygen is essential to many life forms—it is a final acceptor of the electrons and hydro-                   they make it. Thus, to maintain overall health,
gen ions generated from the breakdown of energy-yielding nutrients. Without oxygen,                         coenzyme Q is not needed in the diet or as
most of our cells are unable to extract enough energy from energy-yielding nutrients                        a supplement. (Such use may be helpful,
to sustain life.1                                                                                           however, in people with heart failure.)
290 Part 3 Metabolism and Energy Balance



         Outer                       H�                                               H�             H�                H� ATP                               Carrier
         compartment                                           2 e�       2                                               synthase            ADP           molecule

         Inner                            I                     II              III          2 e�       IV

         compartment                                                   2 e�

                                                       2 e�                                                                              Pi � ADP
                              2 e�
                 NADH                H�       1   FADH2                               H�             H�
                                                                                                        2 e�
                                                                                                        2 H�         H�                               4
                            NAD�                                                           H2O          1                 3
                                                                                                        2 O2

        1                                                 2                                      3                                   4
            NADH � H� and FADH2 transfer                       Pairs of electrons are then           As hydrogen ions diffuse            One carrier molecule
            their hydrogen ions and electrons to               separated by coenzyme Q               back into the inner                 moves ADP into the inner
            the electron carriers located on the               (CoQ) and each electron is            compartment through                 compartment and a
            inner mitochondrial membrane.                      then passed along a group             special channels, ATP is            different carrier molecule
            Although NADH � H� and FADH2                       of iron-containing                    produced by the enzyme              moves phosphate (Pi) into
            transfer their hydrogens to the electron           cytochromes. At each                  ATP synthase. At the end of         the inner compartment. In
            transport chain, the hydrogen ions                 transfer from one                     the chain of cytochromes,           the inner compartment, the
            (H�), having been separated from                   cytochrome to the next,               the electrons, hydrogen             energy generated by the
            their electron (H H� � e�), are not                energy is released. Some              ions, and oxygen combine            electron transport chain
            carried down the chain with the                    of this energy is used to             to form water. Oxygen is            unites ADP to Pi to form
            electrons. Instead, the hydrogen ions              pump hydrogen ions into               the final electron acceptor         ATP. ATP is transported out
            are pumped into the outer                          the outer compartment. A              and is reduced to form              of the inner compartment
            compartment (located between the                   portion of the energy is              water.                              by a carrier protein
            inner and outer membrane of a                      eventually used to generate                                               molecule that exchanges
            mitochondrion). The NAD� and FAD                   ATP from ADP and Pi, but                                                  ATP for ADP.
            regenerated from the oxidation of the              much is simply released as
            NADH � H� and FADH2 are now                        heat.
            ready to function in glycolysis, the
            transition reaction, and the citric acid

Figure 9-10 The electron transport chain.

    In Figure 9-10, step 1, NADH + H+ donates
its chemical energy to an FAD-related                         Anaerobic Metabolism
compound called flavin mononucleotide
(FMN). In contrast, FADH2 donates its chemical                Some cells lack mitochondria and, so, are not capable of aerobic respiration. Other cells
energy at a later point in the electron transport             are capable of turning to anaerobic metabolism when oxygen is lacking. When oxygen is
chain. This different placement of FAD and                    absent, pyruvate that is produced through glycolysis is converted into lactate, or lactic acid.
NAD+ in the electron transport chain results in               Anaerobic metabolism is not nearly as efficient as aerobic respiration because it converts
a difference in ATP production. Each NADH + H+                only about 5% of the energy in a molecule of glucose to energy stored in the high-energy
in a mitochondrion releases enough energy to                  phosphate bonds of ATP.1
form the equivalent of 2.5 ATP, whereas each                        The anaerobic glycolysis pathway encompasses glycolysis and the conversion of
FADH2 releases enough energy to form the                      pyruvate to lactate (Fig. 9-11). The 1-step reaction, catalyzed by the enzyme pyruvate
equivalent of 1.5 ATP.1                                       dehydrogenase, involves a simple transfer of a hydrogen from NADH + H+ to pyruvate
chaPter 9 Energy Metabolism 291

                                         to form lactate and NAD+. The synthesis of lactate               In anaerobic environments, some
                                         regenerates the NAD+ required for the continued              microorganisms, such as yeast, produce
                                         function of glycolysis. The reaction can be sum-             ethanol, a type of alcohol, instead of lactate
                                         marized as                                                   from glucose. Other microorganisms produce
                                                                                                      various forms of short-chain fatty acids. All
                                            Pyruvate + NADH + H+ → Lactate + NAD+                     this anaerobic metabolism is referred to as
                                                  For cells that lack mitochondria, such as red
                                           blood cells, anaerobic glycolysis is the only meth-
                                           od for making ATP because they lack the electron
                                           transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation.                   Glucose
                                           Therefore, when red blood cells convert glucose
                                           to pyruvate, NADH + H+ builds up in the cell.           2 ATP
                                           Eventually, the NAD+ concentration falls too low
                                           to permit glycolysis to continue.5 The anaerobic        2 ADP
                                           glycolysis pathway produces lactate to regener-
                                           ate NAD+. The lactate produced by the red blood 2X                        P
                                                                                                  Glyceraldehyde 3–phosphate
                                           cell is then released into the bloodstream, picked
                                           up primarily by the liver, and used to synthesize
Quick bursts of activity rely on the
production of lactate to help meet the ATP
                                           pyruvate, glucose, or some other intermediate in                                  2 NAD�
energy demand.                             aerobic respiration.
                                                  Even though muscles cells contain mito-                                    2 NADH            �   H�
chondria, during intensive exercise they also produce lactate when NAD+ is depleted. By
regenerating NAD+, the production of lactate allows anaerobic glycolysis to continue.           2X      P~             P
Muscle cells can then make the ATP required for muscle contraction even if little oxygen
is present. However, as you will find out in Chapter 11, it becomes more difficult to con-
tract those muscles as the lactate concentration builds up.                                        2 ADP

                                                                                                        2 ATP

         Knowledge Check
          1.   How is citric acid in the citric acid cycle formed?                                         2X
          2.   How many NADH + H+ are formed in the citric acid cycle?
          3.   Why is the citric acid cycle called a cycle?
          4.   What is the purpose of the electron transport chain?
          5.   What are the end products of the electron transport chain?                                  2X

                                                                                                      Figure 9-11 Anaerobic glycolysis “frees”
                                                                                                      NAD+ and it returns to the glycolysis pathway to
                                                                                                      pick up more hydrogen ions and electrons.

                    Melissa is a 45-year-old woman who is obese.         ketones. In the book, the author states that anyone going on this
                    At her last physical, her doctor told her that she   diet should purchase ketone strips to dip in his or her urine for the
                    needs to lose weight. Melissa purchased a low-       detection of ketones. The author strongly suggests these tests,
                    carbohydrate, high-protein diet book and has read    especially during the extremely low-carbohydrate part of the
                    it and is now ready to try the diet. She knows it    diet. Melissa wonders if she should be considering this diet if the
                    will be difficult to follow because many of the       author is telling her to check something and she wonders what
                    foods Melissa likes are rich in carbohydrates, and   ketones are.
                    the first 2 weeks of the diet eliminates almost            What are ketones and why does a very-low-carbohydrate diet
                    all carbohydrates from her diet. Although she        produce an increase in ketones in both the blood and the urine? Can
  is ready to try the diet, she is confused about certain phases of      you speculate at this time why low carbohydrates cause ketones? Why
  the program, especially the part where the author talks about          do some fad diets produce ketones?
292 Part 3 Metabolism and Energy Balance

                                                             9.3 ATP Production from Fats
    Carnitine is a popular nutritional                Just as cells release the energy in carbohydrates and trap it as ATP, they also release and
supplement. In healthy people, cells                  trap energy in triglyceride molecules. This process begins with lipolysis, the breaking
produce the carnitine needed, and carnitine           down of triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol. The further breakdown of fatty ac-
supplements provide no benefit. In patients            ids for energy production is called fatty acid oxidation because the donation of electrons
hospitalized with acute illnesses, however,           from fatty acids to oxygen is the net reaction in the ATP-yielding process. This process
carnitine synthesis may be inadequate. These          takes place in the mitochondria.
patients may need to have carnitine added                    Fatty acids for oxidation can come from either dietary fat or fat stored in the body
to their intravenous feeding (total parenteral        as adipose tissue. Following high-fat meals, the body stores excess fat in adipose tissue.
nutrition) solutions.                                 However, during periods of low calorie intake or fasting, triglycerides from fat cells are
                                                      broken down into fatty acids by an enzyme called hormone-sensitive lipase and released in
                                                      the blood. The activity of this enzyme is increased by hormones such as glucagon, growth
                                                      hormone, and epinephrine and is decreased by the hormone insulin. The fatty acids are
                                                      taken up from the bloodstream by cells throughout the body and are shuttled from the cell
                                                      cytosol into the mitochondria using a carrier called carnitine (Fig. 9-12).6

Figure 9-12 Lipolysis. Because of the action                   GI Tract
of hormone-sensitive lipase, fatty acids are
released from triglycerides in adipose cells and                Dietary
enter the bloodstream. The fatty acids are taken                  fat
up from the bloodstream by various cells and
shuttled by carnitine into the inner portion of the
cell mitochondria. The fatty acid then undergoes
beta-oxidation, which yields acetate molecules           Glycerol     Fatty acids
equal in number to half of the carbons in the
fatty acid.

                                                           Adipose tissue


                                                        Hormone-                                                                 Beta-oxidation
                                                        sensitive                                                                                  Acetyl
                                                                                       Fatty acids Carnitine       Fatty acids
                                                        lipase                                                                                    molecules

                                                         Glycerol     Fatty acids                         Mitochondria



                                                      ATP Production from Fatty Acids
                                                      Almost all fatty acids in nature are composed of an even number of carbons, ranging from
                                                      2 to 26. The first step in transferring the energy in such a fatty acid to ATP is to cleave the
                                                      carbons, 2 at a time, and convert the 2-carbon fragments to acetyl-CoA. The process of
                                                      converting a free fatty acid to multiple acetyl-CoA molecules is called beta-oxidation be-
                                                      cause it begins with the beta carbon, the second carbon on a fatty acid (counting after the
                                                      carboxyl [acid] end).1 (See Chapter 6.) During beta-oxidation, NADH + H+ and FADH2
                                                      are produced (Fig. 9-13). Thus, as with glucose, a fatty acid is eventually degraded into a
                                                      number of the 2-carbon compound acetyl-CoA (the exact number produced depends on
                                                      the number of carbons in the fatty acid). Some of the chemical energy contained in the fatty
                                                      acid is transferred to NADH + H+ and FADH2.
chapter 9 Energy Metabolism 293

                                                                                                         Figure 9-13 In beta-oxidation, each 2-carbon
                                     H       H       H   H    H     H                  O
                                                                                                         fragment cleaved from a fatty acid (acetyl group)
                                                                                                         yields electrons and hydrogen ions to form NADH
                             H       C       C       C   C   C      C           C      C   OH            + H+ and FADH2 as the fragments are split off the
                                                                                                         parent fatty acid. The 2-carbon acetyl molecule
                                     H       H       H   H    H     H           H                        then typically enters the citric acid cycle (as
                                                                        NADH    � H�       Beta-carbon


                         H       H       H       H           H      H           H      O

                 H       C       C       C       C           C      C           C      C   OH

                         H       H       H       H           H      H           H

                                                     NADH    � H�       NADH    � H�

                                                     FADH2              FADH2

             H       H                   H       H           H      H           H      O

        H    C       C                   C       C           C      C           C      C   OH

             H       H                   H       H           H      H           H

                         NADH        � H�            NADH    � H�       NADH    � H�
                         FADH2                       FADH2              FADH2


       The acetyl-CoA enters the citric acid cycle, and 2 carbon dioxides are re-                                 Phosphoenolpyruvate
leased, just as with the acetyl-CoA produced from glucose. Thus, the breakdown
product of both glucose and fatty acids—acetyl-CoA—enter the citric acid cy-
cle. One big difference, however, is that a 16-carbon fatty acid yields 104 ATP,
whereas the 6-carbon glucose yields only 30 to 32 ATP. The difference in ATP
production occurs because each 2-carbon segment in the fatty acid goes around                                            Pyruvate
                                                                                                                                       Fatty acids
the citric acid cycle; thus, a 16-carbon fatty acid goes around the citric acid cycle                                                  from beta-
8 times. Additionally, each fatty acid carbon results in about 7 ATP, whereas about
5 ATP per carbon result from glucose oxidation. This is because fatty acids have
more carbon-hydrogen bonds and fewer carbon-oxygen atoms than glucose. The
carbons of glucose exist in a more oxidized state than fat; as a result, fats yield more                                         Acetyl-CoA
energy than carbohydrates (9 kcal/g versus 4 kcal/g).1
       Occasionally, a fatty acid has an odd number of carbons, so the cell forms a 3-car-
bon compound (propionyl-CoA) in addition to the acetyl-CoA. The propionyl-CoA en-
ters the citric acid cycle directly, bypassing acetyl-CoA. It can then go on to yield NADH
                                                                                                         Oxaloacetate                      Citrate
+ H+ and FADH2, CO2, and even other products, such as glucose (see Section 9.4).
                                                                                                                        Citric acid

Carbohydrate Aids Fat Metabolism
In addition to its role in energy production, the citric acid cycle provides compounds
that leave the cycle and enter biosynthetic pathways. This results in a slowing of the
cycle, as eventually not enough oxaloacetate is formed to combine with the acetyl-                       Figure 9-14 As acetyl-CoA concentrations
                                                                                                         increase due to beta-oxidation, oxaloacetate
CoA entering the cycle. Cells are able to compensate for this by synthesizing addi-                      levels are maintained by pyruvate from
tional oxaloacetate. One potential source of this additional oxaloacetate is pyruvate                    carbohydrate metabolism. In this way,
(Fig. 9-14). Thus, as fatty acids create acetyl-CoA, carbohydrates (e.g., glucose) are                   carbohydrates help oxidize fatty acids.
294 Part 3 Metabolism and Energy Balance

                ,                                     needed to keep the concentration of pyruvate high enough to resupply oxaloacetate
   A Biochemist s View                                to the citric acid cycle. Overall, the entire pathway for fatty acid oxidation works
                                                      better when carbohydrate is available.
                       O        O

              CH3      C        C    O�               Ketogenesis
                     Pyruvate                         Ketone bodies are products of incomplete fatty acid oxidation.7 This occurs mainly
                 CO2                                  with hormonal imbalances—chiefly, inadequate insulin production to balance glucagon
                                                      action in the body. These imbalances lead to a significant production of ketone bodies
                                                      and a condition called ketosis. The key steps in the development of ketosis are shown
                 O      O                             in Figure 9-15.
                                                             Most ketone bodies are subsequently converted back into acetyl-CoA in other body
                 C      C       O�                    cells, where they then enter the citric acid cycle and can be used for fuel. One of the ketone
                            O                         bodies formed (acetone) leaves the body via the lungs, giving the breath of a person in
                                                      ketosis a characteristic, fruity smell.
                 CH2        C       O�

                                                      Ketosis in Diabetes
                                                      In type 1 diabetes, little to no insulin is produced. This lack of insulin does not allow for
   ketone bodies  Incomplete breakdown                normal carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Without sufficient insulin, cells cannot readily
   products of fat, containing 3 or 4                 utilize glucose, resulting in rapid lipolysis and the excess production of ketone bodies.8
   carbons. Most contain a chemical                   If the concentration of ketone bodies rises too high in the blood, the excess spills into
   group called a ketone. An example is               the urine, pulling the electrolytes sodium and potassium with it. Eventually, severe ion
   acetoacetic acid.                                  imbalances occur in the body. The blood also becomes more acidic because 2 of the 3
   ketosis  Condition of having a high
   concentration of ketone bodies and
   related breakdown products in the                                                                             Stage 1
   bloodstream and tissues.
                                                      1            Insufficient insulin production               Blood insulin drops, usually as a result of
                                                                                                                 type 1 diabetes or low carbohydrate

                                                                                                                 Stage 2
                                                                    Large amounts of fatty acids
                                                      2               released by adipose cells                  A fall in blood insulin promotes lipolysis,
                                                                                                                 which causes fatty acids stored in adipose
                                                                                                                 cells to be released rapidly into the
                                                              Fatty acids flood into the liver and are
                                                      3           broken down into acetyl-CoA.                   Stage 3
                                                                                                                 Most of the fatty acids in the blood are
                                                                                                                 taken up by the liver.

                                                                                                                 Stage 4

                                                             Acetyl-CoA                 Ketone bodies            As the liver oxidizes the fatty acids to
                                                                                                                 acetyl-CoA, the capacity of the citric acid
                                                                                        O               O        cycle to process the acetyl-CoA molecules
                                                                                                                 decreases. This is mostly because the
                                                                                                                 metabolism of fatty acids to acetyl-CoA
                                                                              5 CH3     C    CH2        C   OH   yields many ATP. When the cells have
                                                            Citric acid                                          plenty of ATP, there is no need to use the
                                                               cycle             High amounts of acetyl-         citric acid cycle to produce more.
                                                                                 CoA unite in pairs to form
                                                      4                          ketone bodies, such as          Stage 5
                                                                                 acetoacetic acid.
                                                      High amounts of ATP                                        These metabolic changes encourage liver
                                                      slow the processing                                        cells to combine a 2 acetyl-CoA molecules
                                                      of acetyl-CoA to ATP.                                      to form a 4-carbon compound. This
                                                                                                                 compound is further metabolized and
                                                                                                                 eventually secreted into the bloodstream
Figure 9-15 Key steps in ketosis. Any                                                                            as ketone bodies (acetoacetic acid and
condition that limits insulin availability to cells                                                              the related compounds, beta-
results in some ketone body production.                                                                          hydroxybutyric acid and acetone).
chaPter 9 Energy Metabolism 295

forms of ketone bodies contain acid groups. The resulting condition, known as diabetic
ketoacidosis, can induce coma or death if not treated immediately, such as with insulin,               CRITICAL THINKING
electrolytes, and fluids (see Chapter 5). Ketoacidosis usually occurs only in ketosis caused
                                                                                                     The use of a very low carbohydrate
by uncontrolled type 1 diabetes; in fasting, blood concentrations of ketone bodies typi-
                                                                                                     diet to induce ketosis for weight loss is
cally do not rise high enough to cause the problem.
                                                                                                     covered in Chapter 10. Why is careful
                                                                                                     physician monitoring needed if this type
                                                                                                     of diet is followed?
Ketosis in Semistarvation or Fasting
When a person is in a state of semistarvation or fasting, the amount of glucose in the body
falls, so insulin production falls. This fall in blood insulin then causes fatty acids to flood
into the bloodstream and eventually form ketone bodies in the liver. The heart, muscles,
and some parts of the kidneys then use ketone bodies for fuel. After a few days of ketosis,
the brain also begins to metabolize ketone bodies for energy.
        This adaptive response is important to semistarvation or fasting. As more body cells
begin to use ketone bodies for fuel, the need for glucose as a body fuel diminishes. This
then reduces the need for the liver and kidneys to produce glucose from amino acids
(and from the glycerol released from lipolysis), sparing much body protein from being
used as a fuel source (see Section 9.4). The maintenance of body protein mass is a key to
survival in semistarvation or fasting—death occurs when about half of the body protein
is depleted, usually after about 50 to 70 days of total fasting.9

          Knowledge Check
          1.   What is anaerobic glycolysis?
          2.   What cells use anaerobic glycolysis?
          3.   How do fatty acids enter the citric acid cycle?
          4.   What conditions must exist in the body to promote the formation of

       9.4 Protein Metabolism
The metabolism of protein (i.e., amino acids) takes place primarily in the liver. Only
branched-chain amino acids—leucine, isoleucine, and valine—are metabolized mostly at
other sites—in this case, the muscles.2
                                                                                                  Metabolism is part of everyday life; metabolic
      Protein metabolism begins after proteins are degraded into amino acids. To use              activity increases when we increase physical activity
an amino acid for fuel, cells must first deaminate them (remove the amino group) (see             and slows during fasting and semi-starvation.
Chapter 7). These pathways often require vitamin B-6 to function. Removal of the amino
group produces carbon skeletons, most of which enter the citric acid cycle. Some carbon
skeletons also yield acetyl-CoA or pyruvate.5
      Some carbon skeletons enter the citric acid cycle as acetyl-CoA, whereas others
form intermediates of the citric acid cycle or glycolysis (Fig. 9-16). Any part of the carbon
skeleton that can form pyruvate (i.e., alanine, glycine, cysteine, serine, and threonine)
or bypass acetyl-CoA and enter the citric acid cycle directly (such amino acids include
asparagine, arginine, aspartic acid, histidine, glutamic acid, glutamine, isoleucine, me-
thionine, proline, valine, and phenylalanine) are called glucogenic amino acids because
these carbons can become the carbons of glucose. Any parts of carbon skeletons that
become acetyl-CoA (leucine and lysine, as well as parts of isoleucine, phenylalanine, tryp-          Branched-chain amino acids are added to
tophan, and tyrosine) are called ketogenic amino acids because these carbons cannot               some liquid meal replacement supplements
become parts of glucose molecules. The factor that determines whether an amino acid is            given to hospitalized patients. Some fluid
glucogenic or ketogenic is whether part or all of the carbon skeleton of the amino acid           replacement formulas marketed to athletes
can yield a “new” oxaloacetate molecule during metabolism, 2 of which are needed to               also contain branched-chain amino acids (see
form glucose.                                                                                     Chapter 11).
296 Part 3 Metabolism and Energy Balance

Figure 9-16 Gluconeogenesis. Amino acids
that can yield glucose can be converted to                                               Glucose
pyruvate 1 , directly enter the citric acid cycle 3 ,
or be converted directly to oxaloacetate                                      2X         2X
 4 . Amino acids that cannot yield glucose are
converted to acetyl Co-A and are metabolized in
the citric acid cycle 2 . The glycerol portion of                                     Glyceraldehyde        Glycerol        5
triglycerides 5 can be converted to glucose. All                                       3-phosphate
amino acids except ketogenic amino acids can be
used to make glucose. Fatty acids with an even
number of carbons and ketogenic amino acids
cannot become glucose 2 .


                                                                                                            Glucogenic amino acids, such as
                                                                                                            alanine, glycine, cysteine, serine, and
                                                                                                            threonine                                  1

                                                                                                             Fatty acids


                                                                                        Acetyl-CoA          Ketogenic amino acids, such as leucine
                                                                  4                                         and lysine, and parts of isoleucine,       2
                                                                                                            phenylalanine, tryptophan, and tyrosine

                                                                                        Citric acid
                                                                                           cycle            Glucogenic amino acids, such as
                                                                                                            asparagine, arginine, aspartic acid,
                                                                                                            histidine, glutamic acid, glutamine,       3
   gluconeogenesis  Generation (genesis)                                                                    isoleucine, methionine, proline, valine,
   of new (neo) glucose from certain                                                                        and phenylalanine
   (glucogenic) amino acids.                             Glucogenic amino acids,
                                                         such as alanine,
                                                         isoleucine, phenylalanine,
                                                         threonine, methionine,
                                                         tyrosine, and aspartate

        A Biochemist s View
                               NH3                      Gluconeogenesis: Producing Glucose from Glucogenic Amino
        CH3       CH           O                        Acids and Other Compounds
                               C       OH               The pathway to produce glucose from certain amino acids—gluconeogenesis—is pres-
                 Alanine                                ent only in liver cells and certain kidney cells. The liver is the primary gluconeogenic or-
                                                        gan. A typical starting material for this process is oxaloacetate, which is derived primarily
                                                        from the carbon skeletons of some amino acids, usually the amino acid alanine. Pyruvate
                                                        also can be converted to oxaloacetate (see Fig. 9-14).
                                                              Gluconeogenesis begins in the mitochondria with the production of oxaloacetate.
                                                        The 4-carbon oxaloacetate eventually returns to the cytosol, where it loses 1 carbon di-
            O     O                O                    oxide, forming the 3-carbon compound phosphoenolpyruvate, which then reverses the
                                                        path back through glycolysis to glucose. It takes 2 of this 3-carbon compound to produce
   �O       C     C      CH2       C        O�
                                                        the 6-carbon glucose. This entire process requires ATP, as well as coenzyme forms of the
                Oxaloacetate                            B-vitamins biotin, riboflavin, niacin, and B-6.5
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Energy metabolism
Energy metabolism
Energy metabolism
Energy metabolism
Energy metabolism
Energy metabolism
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Energy metabolism
Energy metabolism
Energy metabolism
Energy metabolism
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Energy metabolism

  • 1. Part 3 Metabolism and Energy Balance Energy Metabolism Life depends on energy from the sun. During photosynthesis, plants transform solar energy into chemical energy in the form of carbohydrates. During energy metabolism, we transform this chemical energy into ATP. Learn more at
  • 2. 9.1 Metabolism: Chemical Reactions in the Body 9.2 ATP Production from Carbohydrates 9.3 ATP Production from Fats 9.4 Protein Metabolism 9.5 Alcohol Metabolism 9.6 Regulation of Energy Metabolism 9.7 Fasting and Feasting Medical Perspective: Inborn Errors of Metabolism STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES after studying this chapter, you will be able to 1. Explain the differences among metabolism, 5. Identify the conditions that lead to ketogenesis catabolism, and anabolism. and its importance in survival during fasting. 2. Describe aerobic and anaerobic metabolism of 6. Describe the process of gluconeogenesis. glucose. 7. Discuss how the body metabolizes alcohol. 3. Illustrate how energy is extracted from 8. Compare the fate of energy from glucose, fatty acids, amino acids, and alcohol macronutrients during the fed and fasted using metabolic pathways, such as glycolysis, states. beta-oxidation, the citric acid cycle, and the electron transport system. 9. Describe common inborn errors of metabolism. 4. Describe the role that acetyl-CoA plays in cell metabolism. The macronutrients and alcohol are rich sources of energy; however, the energy they provide is neither in the form that cells can use nor in the amount needed to carry out the thousands of chemical reactions that occur every day in the human body. Thus, the body must have a process for breaking down energy-yielding compounds to release and convert their chemical energy to a form the body can use.1 That process is energy metabolism—an elaborate, multistep series of energy-transforming chemical reactions. Energy metabolism occurs in all cells every moment of every day for your entire lifetime; it is slowest when we are resting and fastest when we are physically active. Understanding energy metabolism clarifies how carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and alcohol are interrelated and how they serve as fuel for body cells. In this chapter, you will see how the macronutrients and alcohol are metabolized and discover why proteins can be converted to glucose but most fatty acids cannot. Studying energy metabolism pathways in the cell also sets the stage for examining the roles of vitamins and minerals. As you’ll see in this and subsequent chapters, many micronutrients contribute to the enzyme activity that supports metabolic reactions in the cell.2 Thus, both macronutrients and micronutrients are required for basic metabolic processes. 281
  • 3. 282 Part 3 Metabolism and Energy Balance Proteins Glycogen 9.1 Metabolism: Chemical Reactions in the Body Protein Triglycerides Carbohydrate and other Fat lipids Metabolism refers to the entire network of chemical processes involved in maintaining C life. It encompasses all the sequences of chemical reactions that occur in the body. Some A of these biochemical reactions enable us to release and use energy from carbohydrate, T A fat, protein, and alcohol. They also permit us to synthesize 1 substance from another and B A prepare waste products for excretion.1 A group of biochemical reactions that occur in a O N L A progression from beginning to end is called a metabolic pathway. Compounds formed I B in 1 of the many steps in a metabolic pathway are called intermediates. S O M L All of the pathways that take place within the body can be categorized as either ana- I bolic or catabolic. Anabolic pathways use small, simpler compounds to build larger, more S M complex compounds (Fig. 9-1). The human body uses compounds, such as glucose, fatty acids, cholesterol, and amino acids, as building blocks to synthesize new compounds, CO2 Amino acids such as glycogen, hormones, enzymes, and other proteins, to keep the body functioning H2O Sugars Fatty acids and to support normal growth and development. For example, to make glycogen (a stor- NH3 Glycerol age form of carbohydrate), we link many units of the simple sugar glucose. Energy must be expended for anabolic pathways to take place. Conversely, catabolic pathways break down compounds into small units. The gly- Figure 9-1 Anabolism relies on catabolism cogen molecule discussed in the anabolism example is broken down into many glucose to provide the energy (ATP) required to build compounds. molecules when blood levels of glucose drop. Later, the complete catabolism of this glu- cose results in the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Energy is released during catabolism: some is trapped for cell use and the rest is lost as heat. The body strives for a balance between anabolic and catabolic processes. However, there are times when one is more prominent than the other. For example, during growth there is a net anabolic state because more tissue is being synthesized than broken down. However, during weight loss or a wasting disease, such as cancer, more tissue is being broken down than synthesized. Energy for the Cell Cells use energy for the following purposes: building compounds, contracting muscles, con- ducting nerve impulses, and pumping ions (e.g., across cell membranes).1 This energy comes from catabolic reactions that break the chemical bonds between the atoms in carbohydrate, fat, protein, and alcohol. This energy is originally produced during photosynthesis, when plants use solar energy to make glucose and other Catabolism organic (carbon-containing) compounds (see Chapter 5). The chemical reactions in photosyn- Proteins Carbohydrates Lipids Alcohol Stage 1 thesis form compounds that contain more energy Digestion: breakdown 1 than the building blocks used—carbon dioxide of complex molecules and water. Virtually all organisms use the sun— to their component either indirectly, as we do, or directly—as their Amino acids Monosaccharides Fatty acids, building blocks glycerol source of energy.1 ATP As shown in Figure 9-2, the series of cata- Stage 2 2 CO2 bolic reactions that produce energy for body cells Conversion of building blocks to acetyl-CoA begins with digestion and continues when mono- (or other simple Acetyl-CoA saccharides, amino acids, fatty acids, glycerol, and intermediates) alcohol are sent through a series of metabolic path- 3 ways, which finally trap a portion of the energy Stage 3 they contain into a compound called adenosine Metabolism of acetyl-CoA to CO2 ATP triphosphate (ATP)—the main form of energy Citric acid and formation of ATP cycle CO2 the body uses. Heat, carbon dioxide, and water (and electron also result from these catabolic pathways. The heat transport chain) produced helps maintain body temperature. Plants can use the carbon dioxide and water to produce Figure 9-2 Three stages of catabolism. glucose and oxygen via photosynthesis.
  • 4. chapter 9 Energy Metabolism 283 Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Only the energy in ATP and related compounds can be used directly by the cell.3 A molecule of ATP consists of the organic compound adenosine (comprised of the nucleotide adenine and the sugar ribose) bound to 3 phosphate groups (Fig. 9-3). The bonds between the phos- phate groups contain energy and are called high-energy phosphate bonds. Hydrolysis of the high-energy bonds releases this energy. To release the energy in ATP, cells break a high-energy phosphate bond, which creates adenosine diphosphate (ADP) plus Pi, a free (inorganic) phosphate group (Fig. 9-4). Hydrolysis of ADP results in the compound adenosine mono- phosphate (AMP) in a reaction muscles are capable of performing during intense exercise when ATP is in short supply (ADP + ADP → ATP + AMP). ATP can be regenerated by add- ing the phosphates back to AMP and ADP. Figure 9-3 ATP is a storage form of energy Adenine for cell use because it contains high-energy bonds. Pi is the abbreviation for an inorganic phosphate group. Ribose Pi Pi Pi Adenosine High-energy bonds High-energy bonds Figure 9-4 ATP stores and yields energy. ATP is the high-energy state; ADP is the lower-energy P ~P ~P ATP state. When ATP is broken down to ADP plus Pi   , energy is released for cell use. When energy is trapped by ADP plus Pi   ATP can be formed. , Pi Pi P ~P ADP Energy released Energy used in catabolic in anabolic pathways pathways Every cell requires energy from ATP to synthesize new compounds (anabolic path- ways), to contract muscles, to conduct nerve impulses, and to pump ions across membranes. Catabolic pathways in cells release energy, which allows ADP to combine with Pi and form ATP. Every cell has pathways to break down and resynthesize ATP. A A Biochemist , View cell is constantly breaking down ATP in one site while rebuilding it in another. This recycling of ATP is an important strategy because the body contains only about 0.22 lb (100 g) of ATP at any given time, but a sedentary adult uses about s 88 lb (40 kg) of ATP each day. The requirement increases even more during NH2 exercise—during 1 hour of strenuous exercise, an additional 66 lb (30 kg) of ATP are used. In fact, the runner who currently holds the American record for N Adenine N the men’s marathon was estimated to use 132 lb (65 kg) to run the race.24 High-energy phosphate bonds N N Oxidation-Reduction Reactions: Key Processes O O O in Energy Metabolism O �O P O P O P O The synthesis of ATP from ADP and Pi involves the transfer of energy from energy-yielding compounds (carbohydrate, fat, protein, and alcohol). This pro- O� O� O� cess uses oxidation-reduction reactions, in which electrons (along with hydrogen OH OH ions) are transferred in a series of reactions from energy-yielding compounds eventually to oxygen. These reactions form water and release much energy, Ribose which can be used to produce ATP.
  • 5. 284 Part 3 Metabolism and Energy Balance The mnemonic “LeO [loss of electrons is A substance is oxidized when it loses 1 or more electrons. For example, copper is oxidation] the lion says Ger [gain of electrons oxidized when it loses an electron: is reduction]” can help you differentiate Cu+ ∆ Cu2+ + e- between oxidation and reduction. A substance is reduced when it gains 1 or more electrons. For example, iron is re- duced when it gains an electron: Fe3+ + e- ∆ Fe2+ , The movement of electrons governs oxidation-reduction processes. If 1 substance loses A Biochemist s View electrons (is oxidized), another substance must gain electrons (is reduced). These processes go together; one cannot occur without the other.2 In the previous examples, the electron lost CH2OH by copper can be gained by the iron, resulting in this overall reaction;: Cu+ + Fe3+ → Cu2++ Fe2+ O H H Oxidation-reduction reactions involving organic (carbon-containing) compounds are H somewhat more difficult to visualize. Two simple rules help identify whether these com- OH H pounds are oxidized or reduced: HO OH If the compound gains oxygen or loses hydrogen, it has been oxidized. H OH If it loses oxygen or gains hydrogen, the compound has been reduced. Enzymes control oxidation-reduction reactions in the body. Dehydrogenases, one Glucose class of these enzymes, remove hydrogens from energy-yielding compounds or their O breakdown products. These hydrogens are eventually donated to oxygen to form water. In the process, large amounts of energy are converted to ATP.1 C O� Two B-vitamins, niacin and riboflavin, assist dehydrogenase enzymes and, in turn, play a role in transferring the hydrogens from energy-yielding compounds to oxygen in the meta- C O bolic pathways of the cell.2 In the following reaction, niacin functions as the coenzyme nicoti- CH3 namide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). NAD is found in cells in both its oxidized form (NAD) and reduced form (NADH). During intense (anaerobic) exercise, the enzyme lactate dehy- Pyruvate drogenase helps reduce pyruvate (made from glucose) to form lactate. During reduction, 2 hydrogens, derived from NADH + H+, are gained. Lactate is oxidized back to pyruvate by losing 2 hydrogens. NAD+ is the hydrogen acceptor. That is, the oxidized form of niacin coenzyme Compound that combines (NAD+) can accept 1 hydrogen ion and 2 electrons to become the reduced form NADH + with an inactive protein, called an H+. (The plus [+] on NAD+ indicates it has 1 less electron than in its reduced form. The extra apoenzyme, to form a catalytically hydrogen ion [H+] remains free in the cell.) By accepting 2 electrons and 1 hydrogen ion, active protein, called a holoenzyme. In NAD+ becomes NADH + H+, with no net charge on the coenzyme. this manner, coenzymes aid in enzyme function. NADH ϩ Hϩ NADϩ O O OH O The term antioxidant is typically used CH3 C C OϪ CH3 C C OϪ to describe a compound that can donate electrons to oxidized compounds, putting them Pyruvate (Oxidized) H into a more reduced (stable) state. Oxidized NADH ϩ Hϩ NADϩ compounds tend to be highly reactive; they Lactate (Reduced) seek electrons from other compounds to stabilize their chemical configuration. Dietary Riboflavin plays a similar role. In its oxidized form, the coenzyme form is known as antioxidants, such as vitamin E, donate flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). When it is reduced (gains 2 hydrogens, equivalent to electrons to these highly reactive compounds, 2 hydrogen ions and 2 electrons), it is known as FADH2. in turn, putting these oxidized compounds into The reduction of oxygen (O) to form water (H2O) is the ultimate driving force for life be- a less reactive state (see Chapter 12). cause it is vital to the way cells synthesize ATP. Thus, oxidation-reduction reactions are a key to life. Knowledge Check 1. What is the main form of energy used by the body? 2. What are catabolic and anabolic reactions? 3. What is the difference between oxidation and reduction reactions? 4. How do niacin and riboflavin play a role in metabolism?
  • 6. CHaPtEr 9 Energy Metabolism 285 9.2 ATP Production from Carbohydrates A new tool for understanding how individuals differ in the metabolic response to nutrients may lie in the ability to track the Cells release energy stored in food fuels and then trap as much of this energy as possible actual metabolic intermediates made during in the form of ATP. The body cannot afford to lose all energy immediately as heat, even metabolism, such as how we respond to though some heat is necessary for the maintenance of body temperature. This section ex- exposure to different fatty acids. This approach, amines how ATP is produced from carbohydrates. Subsequent sections will explore how called metabolomics, should be more accurate ATP is produced using the energy stored in fats, proteins, and alcohol. Along the way, than looking for differences in DNA between you will see how these energy-yielding processes are interconnected. individuals to predict dietary responses. ATP is generated through cellular respiration. The process of cellular respira- tion oxidizes (removes electrons) food molecules to obtain energy (ATP). Oxygen is the final electron acceptor. As you know, humans inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. When oxygen is readily available, cellular respiration may be aerobic. When oxygen is not present, anaerobic pathways are used. Aerobic respiration is far more efficient than anaerobic metabolism at producing ATP. As an example, the aerobic respiration of a single molecule of glucose will result in a net gain of 30 to 32 ATP. In contrast, the anaerobic metabolism of a single molecule of glucose is limited to a aerobic Requiring oxygen. net gain of 2 ATP. The 4 overall stages of aerobic cellular respiration of glucose are as follows anaerobic Not requiring oxygen. (Fig. 9-5).1, 4 cytosol Water-based phase of a cell’s Stage 1: Glycolysis. In this pathway, glucose (a 6-carbon compound) is oxidized and cytoplasm; excludes organelles, such as forms 2 molecules of the 3-carbon compound pyruvate, produces NADH + H+, and mitochondria. generates a net of 2 molecules of ATP. Glycolysis occurs in the cytosol of cells. Figure 9-5 The 4 phases of aerobic carbohydrate metabolism. Glycolysis in the cytoplasm produces pyruvate (stage 1 ), which enters mitochondria if oxygen is available. The transition reaction (stage 2 ), citric acid cycle (stage 3 ), and electron transport chain (stage 4 ) occur inside the mitochondria. The electron transport chain receives the electrons that were removed from glucose breakdown products during stages 1 through 3. The result of aerobic glucose breakdown is 30 to 32 ATP depending on the particular cell. , e� 4 NADH � H� Electron transport chain e� 3O2 � 12H� 6H2O NADH � H� e� NADH � H� and FADH2 1 2 Transition Glycolysis reaction 3 Acetyl- Citric acid Glucose 2 Pyruvate CoA cycle 2 CO2 2 CO2 26 or 2 ADP 2 ADP 28 ADP 2 ATP 2 ATP 26 or 28 ATP
  • 7. 286 Part 3 Metabolism and Energy Balance Stage 2: Synthesis of acetyl-CoA. In this stage, pyruvate is further oxidized and joined mitochondria Main sites of energy with coenzyme A (CoA) to form acetyl-CoA. The transition reaction also produces production in a cell. They also contain NADH + H+ and releases carbon dioxide (CO2) as a waste product. The transition the pathway for oxidizing fat for fuel, reaction takes place in the mitochondria of cells. among other metabolic pathways. Stage 3: Citric acid cycle. In this pathway, acetyl-CoA enters the citric acid cycle, result- ing in the production of NADH + H+, FADH2, and ATP. Carbon dioxide is released A number of defects are related to as a waste product. Like the transition reaction, the citric acid cycle takes place within the metabolic processes that take place the mitochondria of cells. in mitochondria. A variety of medical Stage 4: Electron transport chain. The NADH + H+ produced by stages 1 through 3 interventions, some of which use of cellular respiration and FADH2 produced in stage 3 enter the electron transport specific nutrients and related metabolic chain, where NADH + H+ is oxidized to NAD+, and FADH2 is oxidized to FAD. At intermediates, can be used to treat the the end of the electron transport chain, oxygen is combined with hydrogen ions (H+) muscle weakness and muscle destruction and electrons to form water. The electron transport chain takes place within the mi- typically arising from these disorders. tochondria of cells. Most ATP is produced in the electron transport chain; thus, the mitochondria are the cell’s major energy-producing organelles. acetyl-coa O O Glycolysis Because glucose is the main carbohydrate involved in cell metabolism, we will track its CoA – S CoA – S CH 33 CH step-by-step metabolism as an example of carbohydrate metabolism. Glucose metabolism begins with glycolysis, which means “breaking down glucose.” Glycolysis has 2 roles: CoA is short for coenzyme A. The A stands for to break down carbohydrates to generate energy and to provide building blocks for syn- acetylation because CoA provides the 2-carbon thesizing other needed compounds. During glycolysis, glucose passes through several acetyl group to start the citric acid cycle. steps, which convert it to 2 units of a 3-carbon compound called pyruvate. The details of glycolysis can be found in Figure 9-6. Synthesis of Acetyl-CoA Pyruvate passes from the cytosol into the mitochondria, where the enzyme pyruvate Pyruvate dehydrogenase converts pyruvate into the compound acetyl-CoA in a process called a tran- CO2 sition reaction5 (Fig. 9-7). This overall reaction is irreversible, which has important met- NAD� abolic consequences. Whereas glycolysis requires only the B-vitamin niacin as NAD, the CoA conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA requires coenzymes from 4 B-vitamins—thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid. In fact, CoA is made from the B-vitamin pantoth- NADH � H� enic acid. For this reason, carbohydrate metabolism depends on an ample supply of these Acetyl-CoA vitamins (see Chapter 13).2 The transition reaction oxidizes pyruvate and reduces NAD+. Each glucose yields Figure 9-6 Pyruvate dehydrogenase assists 2 acetyl-CoA. As with the NADH + H+ produced by glycolysis, the 2 NADH + 2 H+ in the transition reaction where pyruvate is metabolized to acetyl-CoA. It is acetyl-CoA that produced by the transition reaction will eventually enter the electron transport chain. actually enters the citric acid cycle. In the process, Carbon dioxide is a waste product of the transition reaction and is eventually eliminated NADH + H+ is produced and CO2 is lost. by way of the lungs. Knowledge Check 1. What is the first step to bring glucose into the cell to start glycolysis? 2. How many 3-carbon compounds are made from a 6-carbon glucose molecule? 3. What is the end product of glycolysis? 4. What nutrients are involved in the transition reaction?
  • 8. chapter 9 Energy Metabolism 287 Glucose ATP ~ ~ The first step of glycolysis is to activate the glucose molecule by attaching 1 1 ADP ~ a phosphate group to it. The attached phosphate group is supplied by ATP, which means that energy is required for this step and that ADP is formed. Glucose 6-phosphate Fructose 6-phosphate ATP ~ ~ The molecule is rearranged and a second phosphate group is added 2 2 ADP ~ using ATP, forming fructose 1,6-bisphosphate. Again, ATP provides the phosphate, making this an energy-requiring step. Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate 3 Fructose 1,6-biphosphate is split in half to form two 3-carbon molecules, each of which has 1 phosphate—glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Dihydroxyacetone phosphate is eventually converted into glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. Thus, step 4 onward Glyceraldehyde Dihydroxyacetone occurs twice for each molecule of glucose that enters glycolysis. 3-phosphate 3 phosphate NAD� 4 4 A dehydrogenase enzyme oxidizes each of the two 3-carbon molecules. NADH � H� NAD is reduced, forming 2NADH � 2H�. A phosphate molecule is added to each 3-carbon molecule. 1,3-bisphospho- glycerate ~ ADP ~ 5 5 An enzyme transfers 1 phosphate from each of the 3-carbon molecules to an ADP, forming 2 ATP. This is the first synthesis of the high-energy ATP ~ ~ compound ATP in the pathway. 3-phospho- glycerate 6 6 Water is removed from each of the 3-carbon molecules, which produces H2O two 3-carbon-phosphate molecules. Phospho- ~ enolpyruvate ADP ~ An enzyme transfers 1 phosphate from each of the 3-carbon molecules to 7 7 ATP ~ ~ an ADP, thereby producing a total of 2 ATP. Pyruvate 8 8 The last step in glycolysis is the formation of pyruvate. Generally, pyruvate enters the mitochondria for further metabolism. A total of 2 pyruvates are formed from each glucose that enters glycolysis. Carbon Phosphate group Adenosine Figure 9-7 Glycolysis takes place in the cytosol portion of the cell. This process breaks glucose (a 6-carbon compound) into 2 units of a 3-carbon compound called pyruvate. More details can be found in Appendix A.
  • 9. 288 Part 3 Metabolism and Energy Balance , Citric Acid Cycle A Biochemist s View The acetyl-CoA molecules produced by the transition reaction enter the citric acid cycle, O O which also is known as the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle) and the Krebs cycle. The citric acid cycle is a series of chemical reactions that cells use to convert the carbons of an C C O� acetyl group to carbon dioxide while harvesting energy to produce ATP.3 O It takes 2 turns of the citric acid cycle to process 1 glucose molecule because glycolysis and the transition reaction yield 2 acetyl-CoA. Each complete turn of the citric acid cycle produces CH2 C O� 2 molecules of CO2 and 1 potential ATP in the form of 1 molecule of guanosine triphosphate Oxaloacetate (GTP), as well as 3 molecules of NADH + H+ and 1 molecule of FADH2. Oxygen does not participate in any of the steps in the citric acid cycle; however, it does participate in the electron O transport chain. The details of the citric acid cycle can be found in Figure 9-8; further details are in Appendix A. CH2 C O� O HO C C O� Pyruvate O NAD� Transition step: CH2 C O� Oxidation generates CoA NADH � H� NADH, CO2 is removed, Citrate (Citric Acid) and coenzyme A is added. CO2 1 To begin the citric acid cycle, the 2-carbon compound acetyl- Acetyl-CoA CoA combines with a 4-carbon compound, oxaloacetate, to CoA form the 6-carbon compound citrate. In the process, the corresponding CoA molecule is released and can be reused. NADH � H� Oxaloacetate Citrate NAD� 2 The 6-carbon citrate is oxidized (hydrogen removed), forming the 5-carbon compound alpha- 5 The 4-carbon fumarate is NADH � H� NAD� ketoglutarate, NADH � H�, oxidized, forming the 4-carbon and CO2. compound oxaloacetate—the compound used to begin the citric acid cycle (step 1)—and CO2 NADH � H�. H2O �-ketoglutarate Fumarate 4 The 4-carbon succinate is NAD� oxidized to the 4-carbon FADH2 compound fumarate. FADH2 is formed. NADH � H� 3 The 5-carbon alpha-ketoglutarate FAD CO2 is oxidized, forming the 4-carbon Succinate compound succinate, NADH � H�, CO2, and guanosine triphosphate (GTP), which is GDP ~ converted to ATP. GTP ~ ~ Figure 9-8 How the citric acid cycle works. During ATP ~ ~ 1 complete turn of the citric acid cycle, the 6-carbon citrate molecule is converted to a 4-carbon oxaloacetate molecule. The cycle is now ready to begin again with the regenerated oxaloacetate and another acetyl-CoA. See Figure A-2 in Appendix A for a more detailed view of the citric acid cycle. ADP ~
  • 10. chaPter 9 Energy Metabolism 289 Electron Transport Chain Intermediates of the citric acid cycle, such as oxaloacetate, can leave the cycle and go The final pathway of aerobic respiration is the electron transport chain located in the on to form other compounds, such as glucose. mitochondria. The electron transport chain functions in most cells in the body. Cells Thus, the citric acid cycle should be viewed as a that need a lot of ATP, such as muscle cells, have thousands of mitochondria, whereas traffic circle, rather than as a closed circle. cells that need very little ATP, such as adipose cells, have fewer mitochondria. Almost 90% of the ATP produced from the catabolism of glucose is produced by the electron transport chain. The electron transport chain involves the passage of electrons along a series of electron carriers. As electrons are passed from one carrier to the next, small amounts How many ATP are produced by of energy are released. NADH + H+ and FADH2, produced by glycolysis, the transi- 1 molecule of glucose? The metabolism tion reaction, and the citric acid cycle, supply both hydrogen ions and electrons to the of 1 glucose molecule yields electron transport chain. The metabolic process, called oxidative phosphorylation, Glycolysis 2 NADH and 2 ATP is the way in which energy derived from the NADH + H+ and FADH2 is transferred Transition reaction 2 NADH to ADP + Pi to form ATP (Fig. 9-9). Oxidative phosphorylation requires the minerals copper and iron. Copper is a component of an enzyme, whereas iron is a component Citric acid cycle 6 NADH, 2 FADH2, of cytochromes (electron-transfer compound) in the electron transport chain. In ad- and 2 GTP dition to ATP production, hydrogen ions, electrons, and oxygen combine to form total 10 NaDh, water. The details of the electron transport chain are presented in Figure 9-10. 2 FaDh2, 2 GtP, and 2 atP High-energy Low-energy molecule, molecule, such as The NADH and FADH2 generated undergo such as glucose CO2 and H2O H� oxidative phosphorylation in the electron H� transport chain to yield e� NADH � H� e� 2.5 ATP molecules per NADH or FADH2 1.5 ATP molecules per FADH2 NAD� Thus, 28 ATP molecules are synthesized in the electron transport chain. or FAD e� total atP Produced from each Glucose H� Molecule e� H� Pi ATP Glycolysis ATP 2 ATP ADP � 1 —O 2 2 Citric acid cycle GTP 2 ATP H2O Citric acid cycle ATP 28 ATP total 32 atP Figure 9-9 Simplified depiction of electron transfer in energy metabolism. High-energy compounds, such as glucose, give up electrons and hydrogen ions to NAD and FAD. The NADH + H and FADH2 that are + + formed transfer these electrons and hydrogen ions, using specialized electron carriers, to oxygen to form water (H2O). The energy yielded by the entire process is used to generate ATP from ADP and Pi. The Importance of Oxygen NADH + H+ and FADH2 produced during the citric acid cycle can be regenerated into Coenzyme Q-10 is sold as a nutrient NAD+ and FAD only by the eventual transfer of their electrons and hydrogen ions to supplement in health food stores (10 signifies oxygen, as occurs in the electron transport chain. The citric acid cycle has no ability that it is the form found in humans). However, to oxidize NADH + H+ and FADH2 back to NAD+ and FAD. This is ultimately why when the mitochondria need coenzyme Q, oxygen is essential to many life forms—it is a final acceptor of the electrons and hydro- they make it. Thus, to maintain overall health, gen ions generated from the breakdown of energy-yielding nutrients. Without oxygen, coenzyme Q is not needed in the diet or as most of our cells are unable to extract enough energy from energy-yielding nutrients a supplement. (Such use may be helpful, to sustain life.1 however, in people with heart failure.)
  • 11. 290 Part 3 Metabolism and Energy Balance Cytosol Outer membrane ATP Outer H� H� H� H� ATP Carrier compartment 2 e� 2 synthase ADP molecule Pi Inner I II III 2 e� IV membrane Inner compartment 2 e� 2 e� Pi � ADP 2 e� NADH H� 1 FADH2 H� H� ATP 2 e� 2 H� H� 4 NAD� H2O 1 3 2 O2 1 2 3 4 NADH � H� and FADH2 transfer Pairs of electrons are then As hydrogen ions diffuse One carrier molecule their hydrogen ions and electrons to separated by coenzyme Q back into the inner moves ADP into the inner the electron carriers located on the (CoQ) and each electron is compartment through compartment and a inner mitochondrial membrane. then passed along a group special channels, ATP is different carrier molecule Although NADH � H� and FADH2 of iron-containing produced by the enzyme moves phosphate (Pi) into transfer their hydrogens to the electron cytochromes. At each ATP synthase. At the end of the inner compartment. In transport chain, the hydrogen ions transfer from one the chain of cytochromes, the inner compartment, the (H�), having been separated from cytochrome to the next, the electrons, hydrogen energy generated by the their electron (H H� � e�), are not energy is released. Some ions, and oxygen combine electron transport chain carried down the chain with the of this energy is used to to form water. Oxygen is unites ADP to Pi to form electrons. Instead, the hydrogen ions pump hydrogen ions into the final electron acceptor ATP. ATP is transported out are pumped into the outer the outer compartment. A and is reduced to form of the inner compartment compartment (located between the portion of the energy is water. by a carrier protein inner and outer membrane of a eventually used to generate molecule that exchanges mitochondrion). The NAD� and FAD ATP from ADP and Pi, but ATP for ADP. regenerated from the oxidation of the much is simply released as NADH � H� and FADH2 are now heat. ready to function in glycolysis, the transition reaction, and the citric acid cycle. Figure 9-10 The electron transport chain. In Figure 9-10, step 1, NADH + H+ donates its chemical energy to an FAD-related Anaerobic Metabolism compound called flavin mononucleotide (FMN). In contrast, FADH2 donates its chemical Some cells lack mitochondria and, so, are not capable of aerobic respiration. Other cells energy at a later point in the electron transport are capable of turning to anaerobic metabolism when oxygen is lacking. When oxygen is chain. This different placement of FAD and absent, pyruvate that is produced through glycolysis is converted into lactate, or lactic acid. NAD+ in the electron transport chain results in Anaerobic metabolism is not nearly as efficient as aerobic respiration because it converts a difference in ATP production. Each NADH + H+ only about 5% of the energy in a molecule of glucose to energy stored in the high-energy in a mitochondrion releases enough energy to phosphate bonds of ATP.1 form the equivalent of 2.5 ATP, whereas each The anaerobic glycolysis pathway encompasses glycolysis and the conversion of FADH2 releases enough energy to form the pyruvate to lactate (Fig. 9-11). The 1-step reaction, catalyzed by the enzyme pyruvate equivalent of 1.5 ATP.1 dehydrogenase, involves a simple transfer of a hydrogen from NADH + H+ to pyruvate
  • 12. chaPter 9 Energy Metabolism 291 to form lactate and NAD+. The synthesis of lactate In anaerobic environments, some regenerates the NAD+ required for the continued microorganisms, such as yeast, produce function of glycolysis. The reaction can be sum- ethanol, a type of alcohol, instead of lactate marized as from glucose. Other microorganisms produce various forms of short-chain fatty acids. All Pyruvate + NADH + H+ → Lactate + NAD+ this anaerobic metabolism is referred to as fermentation. For cells that lack mitochondria, such as red blood cells, anaerobic glycolysis is the only meth- od for making ATP because they lack the electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation. Glucose Therefore, when red blood cells convert glucose to pyruvate, NADH + H+ builds up in the cell. 2 ATP Eventually, the NAD+ concentration falls too low to permit glycolysis to continue.5 The anaerobic 2 ADP glycolysis pathway produces lactate to regener- ate NAD+. The lactate produced by the red blood 2X P Glyceraldehyde 3–phosphate cell is then released into the bloodstream, picked up primarily by the liver, and used to synthesize Quick bursts of activity rely on the production of lactate to help meet the ATP pyruvate, glucose, or some other intermediate in 2 NAD� energy demand. aerobic respiration. Even though muscles cells contain mito- 2 NADH � H� chondria, during intensive exercise they also produce lactate when NAD+ is depleted. By regenerating NAD+, the production of lactate allows anaerobic glycolysis to continue. 2X P~ P 1,3–bisphosphoglycerate Muscle cells can then make the ATP required for muscle contraction even if little oxygen is present. However, as you will find out in Chapter 11, it becomes more difficult to con- tract those muscles as the lactate concentration builds up. 2 ADP 2 ATP Knowledge Check 1. How is citric acid in the citric acid cycle formed? 2X Pyruvate 2. How many NADH + H+ are formed in the citric acid cycle? 3. Why is the citric acid cycle called a cycle? 4. What is the purpose of the electron transport chain? 5. What are the end products of the electron transport chain? 2X Lactate Figure 9-11 Anaerobic glycolysis “frees” NAD+ and it returns to the glycolysis pathway to pick up more hydrogen ions and electrons. C A S E ST U DY Melissa is a 45-year-old woman who is obese. ketones. In the book, the author states that anyone going on this At her last physical, her doctor told her that she diet should purchase ketone strips to dip in his or her urine for the needs to lose weight. Melissa purchased a low- detection of ketones. The author strongly suggests these tests, carbohydrate, high-protein diet book and has read especially during the extremely low-carbohydrate part of the it and is now ready to try the diet. She knows it diet. Melissa wonders if she should be considering this diet if the will be difficult to follow because many of the author is telling her to check something and she wonders what foods Melissa likes are rich in carbohydrates, and ketones are. the first 2 weeks of the diet eliminates almost What are ketones and why does a very-low-carbohydrate diet all carbohydrates from her diet. Although she produce an increase in ketones in both the blood and the urine? Can is ready to try the diet, she is confused about certain phases of you speculate at this time why low carbohydrates cause ketones? Why the program, especially the part where the author talks about do some fad diets produce ketones?
  • 13. 292 Part 3 Metabolism and Energy Balance 9.3 ATP Production from Fats Carnitine is a popular nutritional Just as cells release the energy in carbohydrates and trap it as ATP, they also release and supplement. In healthy people, cells trap energy in triglyceride molecules. This process begins with lipolysis, the breaking produce the carnitine needed, and carnitine down of triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol. The further breakdown of fatty ac- supplements provide no benefit. In patients ids for energy production is called fatty acid oxidation because the donation of electrons hospitalized with acute illnesses, however, from fatty acids to oxygen is the net reaction in the ATP-yielding process. This process carnitine synthesis may be inadequate. These takes place in the mitochondria. patients may need to have carnitine added Fatty acids for oxidation can come from either dietary fat or fat stored in the body to their intravenous feeding (total parenteral as adipose tissue. Following high-fat meals, the body stores excess fat in adipose tissue. nutrition) solutions. However, during periods of low calorie intake or fasting, triglycerides from fat cells are broken down into fatty acids by an enzyme called hormone-sensitive lipase and released in the blood. The activity of this enzyme is increased by hormones such as glucagon, growth hormone, and epinephrine and is decreased by the hormone insulin. The fatty acids are taken up from the bloodstream by cells throughout the body and are shuttled from the cell cytosol into the mitochondria using a carrier called carnitine (Fig. 9-12).6 Figure 9-12 Lipolysis. Because of the action GI Tract of hormone-sensitive lipase, fatty acids are released from triglycerides in adipose cells and Dietary enter the bloodstream. The fatty acids are taken fat up from the bloodstream by various cells and shuttled by carnitine into the inner portion of the cell mitochondria. The fatty acid then undergoes beta-oxidation, which yields acetate molecules Glycerol Fatty acids equal in number to half of the carbons in the fatty acid. Adipose tissue Cell Triglycerides Hormone- Beta-oxidation sensitive Acetyl Fatty acids Carnitine Fatty acids lipase molecules Glycerol Fatty acids Mitochondria Cytosol Bloodstream ATP Production from Fatty Acids Almost all fatty acids in nature are composed of an even number of carbons, ranging from 2 to 26. The first step in transferring the energy in such a fatty acid to ATP is to cleave the carbons, 2 at a time, and convert the 2-carbon fragments to acetyl-CoA. The process of converting a free fatty acid to multiple acetyl-CoA molecules is called beta-oxidation be- cause it begins with the beta carbon, the second carbon on a fatty acid (counting after the carboxyl [acid] end).1 (See Chapter 6.) During beta-oxidation, NADH + H+ and FADH2 are produced (Fig. 9-13). Thus, as with glucose, a fatty acid is eventually degraded into a number of the 2-carbon compound acetyl-CoA (the exact number produced depends on the number of carbons in the fatty acid). Some of the chemical energy contained in the fatty acid is transferred to NADH + H+ and FADH2.
  • 14. chapter 9 Energy Metabolism 293 H Figure 9-13 In beta-oxidation, each 2-carbon H H H H H H O fragment cleaved from a fatty acid (acetyl group) yields electrons and hydrogen ions to form NADH H C C C C C C C C OH + H+ and FADH2 as the fragments are split off the parent fatty acid. The 2-carbon acetyl molecule H H H H H H H then typically enters the citric acid cycle (as acetyl-CoA). NADH � H� Beta-carbon FADH2 H H H H H H H O H C C C C C C C C OH H H H H H H H NADH � H� NADH � H� FADH2 FADH2 H H H H H H H O H C C C C C C C C OH H H H H H H H NADH � H� NADH � H� NADH � H� Glucose FADH2 FADH2 FADH2 P ~ The acetyl-CoA enters the citric acid cycle, and 2 carbon dioxides are re- Phosphoenolpyruvate leased, just as with the acetyl-CoA produced from glucose. Thus, the breakdown product of both glucose and fatty acids—acetyl-CoA—enter the citric acid cy- cle. One big difference, however, is that a 16-carbon fatty acid yields 104 ATP, whereas the 6-carbon glucose yields only 30 to 32 ATP. The difference in ATP production occurs because each 2-carbon segment in the fatty acid goes around Pyruvate Fatty acids the citric acid cycle; thus, a 16-carbon fatty acid goes around the citric acid cycle from beta- oxidation 8 times. Additionally, each fatty acid carbon results in about 7 ATP, whereas about 5 ATP per carbon result from glucose oxidation. This is because fatty acids have CoA ~ more carbon-hydrogen bonds and fewer carbon-oxygen atoms than glucose. The carbons of glucose exist in a more oxidized state than fat; as a result, fats yield more Acetyl-CoA energy than carbohydrates (9 kcal/g versus 4 kcal/g).1 Occasionally, a fatty acid has an odd number of carbons, so the cell forms a 3-car- bon compound (propionyl-CoA) in addition to the acetyl-CoA. The propionyl-CoA en- ters the citric acid cycle directly, bypassing acetyl-CoA. It can then go on to yield NADH Oxaloacetate Citrate + H+ and FADH2, CO2, and even other products, such as glucose (see Section 9.4). Citric acid cycle Carbohydrate Aids Fat Metabolism In addition to its role in energy production, the citric acid cycle provides compounds that leave the cycle and enter biosynthetic pathways. This results in a slowing of the cycle, as eventually not enough oxaloacetate is formed to combine with the acetyl- Figure 9-14 As acetyl-CoA concentrations increase due to beta-oxidation, oxaloacetate CoA entering the cycle. Cells are able to compensate for this by synthesizing addi- levels are maintained by pyruvate from tional oxaloacetate. One potential source of this additional oxaloacetate is pyruvate carbohydrate metabolism. In this way, (Fig. 9-14). Thus, as fatty acids create acetyl-CoA, carbohydrates (e.g., glucose) are carbohydrates help oxidize fatty acids.
  • 15. 294 Part 3 Metabolism and Energy Balance , needed to keep the concentration of pyruvate high enough to resupply oxaloacetate A Biochemist s View to the citric acid cycle. Overall, the entire pathway for fatty acid oxidation works better when carbohydrate is available. O O CH3 C C O� Ketogenesis Pyruvate Ketone bodies are products of incomplete fatty acid oxidation.7 This occurs mainly CO2 with hormonal imbalances—chiefly, inadequate insulin production to balance glucagon action in the body. These imbalances lead to a significant production of ketone bodies and a condition called ketosis. The key steps in the development of ketosis are shown O O in Figure 9-15. Most ketone bodies are subsequently converted back into acetyl-CoA in other body C C O� cells, where they then enter the citric acid cycle and can be used for fuel. One of the ketone O bodies formed (acetone) leaves the body via the lungs, giving the breath of a person in ketosis a characteristic, fruity smell. CH2 C O� Oxaloacetate Ketosis in Diabetes In type 1 diabetes, little to no insulin is produced. This lack of insulin does not allow for ketone bodies  Incomplete breakdown normal carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Without sufficient insulin, cells cannot readily products of fat, containing 3 or 4 utilize glucose, resulting in rapid lipolysis and the excess production of ketone bodies.8 carbons. Most contain a chemical If the concentration of ketone bodies rises too high in the blood, the excess spills into group called a ketone. An example is the urine, pulling the electrolytes sodium and potassium with it. Eventually, severe ion acetoacetic acid. imbalances occur in the body. The blood also becomes more acidic because 2 of the 3 ketosis  Condition of having a high concentration of ketone bodies and related breakdown products in the Stage 1 bloodstream and tissues. 1 Insufficient insulin production Blood insulin drops, usually as a result of type 1 diabetes or low carbohydrate intake. Stage 2 Large amounts of fatty acids 2 released by adipose cells A fall in blood insulin promotes lipolysis, which causes fatty acids stored in adipose cells to be released rapidly into the bloodstream. Fatty acids flood into the liver and are 3 broken down into acetyl-CoA. Stage 3 Most of the fatty acids in the blood are taken up by the liver. Stage 4 Acetyl-CoA Ketone bodies As the liver oxidizes the fatty acids to acetyl-CoA, the capacity of the citric acid O O cycle to process the acetyl-CoA molecules decreases. This is mostly because the metabolism of fatty acids to acetyl-CoA 5 CH3 C CH2 C OH yields many ATP. When the cells have Citric acid plenty of ATP, there is no need to use the cycle High amounts of acetyl- citric acid cycle to produce more. CoA unite in pairs to form 4 ketone bodies, such as Stage 5 acetoacetic acid. High amounts of ATP These metabolic changes encourage liver slow the processing cells to combine a 2 acetyl-CoA molecules of acetyl-CoA to ATP. to form a 4-carbon compound. This compound is further metabolized and eventually secreted into the bloodstream Figure 9-15 Key steps in ketosis. Any as ketone bodies (acetoacetic acid and condition that limits insulin availability to cells the related compounds, beta- results in some ketone body production. hydroxybutyric acid and acetone).
  • 16. chaPter 9 Energy Metabolism 295 forms of ketone bodies contain acid groups. The resulting condition, known as diabetic ketoacidosis, can induce coma or death if not treated immediately, such as with insulin, CRITICAL THINKING electrolytes, and fluids (see Chapter 5). Ketoacidosis usually occurs only in ketosis caused The use of a very low carbohydrate by uncontrolled type 1 diabetes; in fasting, blood concentrations of ketone bodies typi- diet to induce ketosis for weight loss is cally do not rise high enough to cause the problem. covered in Chapter 10. Why is careful physician monitoring needed if this type of diet is followed? Ketosis in Semistarvation or Fasting When a person is in a state of semistarvation or fasting, the amount of glucose in the body falls, so insulin production falls. This fall in blood insulin then causes fatty acids to flood into the bloodstream and eventually form ketone bodies in the liver. The heart, muscles, and some parts of the kidneys then use ketone bodies for fuel. After a few days of ketosis, the brain also begins to metabolize ketone bodies for energy. This adaptive response is important to semistarvation or fasting. As more body cells begin to use ketone bodies for fuel, the need for glucose as a body fuel diminishes. This then reduces the need for the liver and kidneys to produce glucose from amino acids (and from the glycerol released from lipolysis), sparing much body protein from being used as a fuel source (see Section 9.4). The maintenance of body protein mass is a key to survival in semistarvation or fasting—death occurs when about half of the body protein is depleted, usually after about 50 to 70 days of total fasting.9 Knowledge Check 1. What is anaerobic glycolysis? 2. What cells use anaerobic glycolysis? 3. How do fatty acids enter the citric acid cycle? 4. What conditions must exist in the body to promote the formation of ketones? 9.4 Protein Metabolism The metabolism of protein (i.e., amino acids) takes place primarily in the liver. Only branched-chain amino acids—leucine, isoleucine, and valine—are metabolized mostly at other sites—in this case, the muscles.2 Metabolism is part of everyday life; metabolic Protein metabolism begins after proteins are degraded into amino acids. To use activity increases when we increase physical activity an amino acid for fuel, cells must first deaminate them (remove the amino group) (see and slows during fasting and semi-starvation. Chapter 7). These pathways often require vitamin B-6 to function. Removal of the amino group produces carbon skeletons, most of which enter the citric acid cycle. Some carbon skeletons also yield acetyl-CoA or pyruvate.5 Some carbon skeletons enter the citric acid cycle as acetyl-CoA, whereas others form intermediates of the citric acid cycle or glycolysis (Fig. 9-16). Any part of the carbon skeleton that can form pyruvate (i.e., alanine, glycine, cysteine, serine, and threonine) or bypass acetyl-CoA and enter the citric acid cycle directly (such amino acids include asparagine, arginine, aspartic acid, histidine, glutamic acid, glutamine, isoleucine, me- thionine, proline, valine, and phenylalanine) are called glucogenic amino acids because these carbons can become the carbons of glucose. Any parts of carbon skeletons that become acetyl-CoA (leucine and lysine, as well as parts of isoleucine, phenylalanine, tryp- Branched-chain amino acids are added to tophan, and tyrosine) are called ketogenic amino acids because these carbons cannot some liquid meal replacement supplements become parts of glucose molecules. The factor that determines whether an amino acid is given to hospitalized patients. Some fluid glucogenic or ketogenic is whether part or all of the carbon skeleton of the amino acid replacement formulas marketed to athletes can yield a “new” oxaloacetate molecule during metabolism, 2 of which are needed to also contain branched-chain amino acids (see form glucose. Chapter 11).
  • 17. 296 Part 3 Metabolism and Energy Balance Figure 9-16 Gluconeogenesis. Amino acids that can yield glucose can be converted to Glucose pyruvate 1 , directly enter the citric acid cycle 3 , or be converted directly to oxaloacetate 2X 2X 4 . Amino acids that cannot yield glucose are converted to acetyl Co-A and are metabolized in the citric acid cycle 2 . The glycerol portion of Glyceraldehyde Glycerol 5 triglycerides 5 can be converted to glucose. All 3-phosphate amino acids except ketogenic amino acids can be used to make glucose. Fatty acids with an even number of carbons and ketogenic amino acids cannot become glucose 2 . ~ Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) Glucogenic amino acids, such as alanine, glycine, cysteine, serine, and threonine 1 Pyruvate Fatty acids CoA ~ Acetyl-CoA Ketogenic amino acids, such as leucine 4 and lysine, and parts of isoleucine, 2 phenylalanine, tryptophan, and tyrosine Oxaloacetate Citric acid cycle Glucogenic amino acids, such as asparagine, arginine, aspartic acid, histidine, glutamic acid, glutamine, 3 gluconeogenesis  Generation (genesis) isoleucine, methionine, proline, valine, of new (neo) glucose from certain and phenylalanine (glucogenic) amino acids. Glucogenic amino acids, such as alanine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, threonine, methionine, tyrosine, and aspartate , A Biochemist s View NH3 Gluconeogenesis: Producing Glucose from Glucogenic Amino CH3 CH O Acids and Other Compounds C OH The pathway to produce glucose from certain amino acids—gluconeogenesis—is pres- Alanine ent only in liver cells and certain kidney cells. The liver is the primary gluconeogenic or- gan. A typical starting material for this process is oxaloacetate, which is derived primarily CO2 from the carbon skeletons of some amino acids, usually the amino acid alanine. Pyruvate NH3 also can be converted to oxaloacetate (see Fig. 9-14). Gluconeogenesis begins in the mitochondria with the production of oxaloacetate. The 4-carbon oxaloacetate eventually returns to the cytosol, where it loses 1 carbon di- O O O oxide, forming the 3-carbon compound phosphoenolpyruvate, which then reverses the path back through glycolysis to glucose. It takes 2 of this 3-carbon compound to produce �O C C CH2 C O� the 6-carbon glucose. This entire process requires ATP, as well as coenzyme forms of the Oxaloacetate B-vitamins biotin, riboflavin, niacin, and B-6.5