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Development Short Cases- Approach 
Ranjini S.Sivanesom 
Child Development 
Child development is a dynamic process 
Normal development is determined by a complex interplay between environmental factors, genetic factors and acquired pathology.
Warning Signs of Abnormal Development 
 Echolalia- repetitive imitation of speech- still present by 3 years. 
Absoulte failure to develop skills (eg multi- syllable babble with intonation- by 10 months) 
Motor asymmetry 
Developmental regression- loss/ plateauing of skills
The Developmental Examination 
History taking: family history, social and family environment, pre-, peri- and postnatal history. 
Enquire into the parents concerns and seek information from others who know the child (eg. teachers, health- care staff)
Observation and interactive assessment 
Suitable selection of toys should be made available before meeting the family and interacting with the child. 
Appropriate toys for the age of the child and the domains of development to be assessed.
Observation and interactive assessment 
Copying behaviour (bell) and understanding of cause and effect (pop- up animal toys) 
Definition by use (cup/ spoon, doll/ brush) and symbolic understanding (doll/ teddy/ tea set) 
Fine motor/ eye- hand (bricks, crayons/pencil/paper, soft ball, form boards, puzzles) 
Language and play (books with single pictures and stories, range of everyday toy objects, large and miniature toys)
Observation and interactive assessment 
‘Free Play’- the child’s inability to organize the environment and generate ideas on their own will be significant. 
Eg. May not be able to focus attention (flit from one object to another or repetitive play may be noted. 
Cardinal rule of DA: to look not only what the child does, but also how s/he does it. 
Quality of response should therefore be monitored as well as the actual achievement.
Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year 
Gross motor 
Fine motor 
Speech language communication 
Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year 
Motor Development 
Tone, movements and posture (eg head control, hands (open or fisted), spine curvature, legs posture, weight bearing) in supine, pull to sit, supported/ independent sitting and standing, ventral suspension and prone position (180* manoeuvre). 
Examine primary (Moro, grasp and ATNR) reflexes
Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year 
Significant Delay 
Fisting of hands 
> 3/12 
Poor head control 
Persistence of primitive reflexes 
> 6/12 
Persistence of flexor hypertonia in the LLs (popliteal angle < 150*) 
> 9/12 
Unable to sit independently with straight spine 
Not walking 
Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year 
Fine Motor Development 
Coordination of vision with head movement (6- 8 weeks) and hand movements - watches own hand (hand regard) or objects held in hands (3- 4 months) 
Two- handed reach replaced by single- handed reach (5- 6 months) 
Exploration with index finger (8- 9 months) 
Maturing grasp: improving apposition of tips of fingers with the tip of the thumb (palmar- 6/12, pincer (thumb- finger)- 9 to 10 months and finger tips (12 months) 
Release with open hands or with pressure (10 to 11 months); controlled release - puts one cube on top of another (13 months)
Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year 
Coordination of vision with head movement and hand movements - watches own hand (hand regard) or objects held in hands 
6- 8 weeks 
3- 4 months 
Two- handed reach replaced by single- handed reach 
5- 6 months 
Exploration with index finger 
8- 9 months 
Maturing grasp: improving apposition of tips of fingers with the tip of the thumb (palmar) 
- pincer (thumb- finger) 
- finger tips 
6 months 
9- 10 months 
12 months 
Release with open hands or with pressure - controlled release - puts one cube on top of another 
10- 11 months 
13 months
Development of Grasp: Cube
Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year 
Speech, language and communication 
Common objects or large toys eg a ball, cup, plate, spoon, car or doll
Developmental Examination: Birth to 
1 Year 
Observation of language development: Birth to 1 year
Developmental Examination: Birth to 
1 Year 
Observation of language development: Birth to 1 year
Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year 
Non- verbal communication 
Vocalisation- 3/12 
Pointing to ask - 9/12 
Pointing to show- (9- 12 months) 
Proto- imperative pointing (12 months) 
Proto- declarative pointing (16 months) 
Conventional gestures eg waving goodbye,blowing a kiss - (9- 12 months)
Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year 
Social Development 
Social responsiveness and anticipation 
Social smile (6- 8 weeks) 
Responds to social games eg peek-a-boo and shows anticipation (6 months) 
Developing joint attention 
Follows other's finger point to look at an object (8 months) 
Uses finger and eye pointing to direct others' attention to share interest (9- 12 months)
Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year 
Social Development 
Becoming stranger aware- reacting by withdrawing or crying (6 months) 
Social referencing - checking back by looking towards the caregiver in new situations (12 months)
Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year 
Cognitive Development 
Observation of infant's cognitive abilities are made during fine motor, communication, play and social interaction activities 
4 main structured tasks are used
Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year 
1. Physical rules and object relationships 
Offer 1 cube:reach, grasp, exploration, hand-to-hand transfer (reach out to grasp:5/12) 
Offer another cube: imitation of clicking of two cubes (6/12) 
Request for a cube back by putting open hand out- note release 
Put an open container and encourage releasing a cube into it and taking it out (9- 15 months) 
Inserting pegs into holes (15 months)
Inserting Pegs into Holes (15 months)
Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year 
2. Cause- and- effect understanding and goal directed actions 
Pop up or other action toys 
Place a toy out of reach and the connected string near the child. Check grasp of string and pulling the string to get the toy 
Shake a bell - 7/12, using cause-and-effect toys- 9/12, pulling a toy with a string- 9/12, moving a car- 12 months 
Significant delay: No cause-and-effect play by 12 months
Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year 
3. Object permanence: Finding a hidden toy (partially/ completely covered with a cloth) 
Look for a partially hidden object: 6- 8 months 
Search for a toy which has been completely hidden in their view: 9- 10 months
Object Permanence(9- 10 months)
Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year 
4. Categorisation 
Use common objects/ toys: a toy, car,cup,spoon, bell, telephone (on self/ doll/ mother) 
 10-12 months: infants use similar looking objects/ toys in the same way eg moving toys that look like a vehicle 
14 months: show 'definition by use' eg using a hair brush to brush their hair 
Significant delay: not defining objects by their use by 18 months
Categorisation: Common Toys
Non- verbal perceptual-cognitive development 
5. Drawing 
Scribble to and fro: 15- 18 months 
Circular scribble: 2 years 
Draw a man 
Copy shapes 
Grasp of crayon/ pencil: 3years (50%) - 
4 years (80%) 
Handedness: appears from 2- 4 years. 
Appearance before 12 months, prompt 
neurological examination
Developmental Examination: 1- 5 years 
1. Motor development 
2. Non- verbal perceptual- cognitive 
3. Speech, language and communication
Non- verbal perceptual-cognitive development 
1. Block (1- inch cube) construction tasks 
Imitate a model (child is shown how to do it) 
Copy a model (child is shown a completed model)
Non- verbal skills tasks,1- 5 years
Non- verbal perceptual-cognitive development 
2. Shape sorting/ jig-saw puzzles/ form boards 
30months: Match 3 basic geometric shapes (circle, triangle and square) even when the form board is reversed
Form board with basic geometric shapes (30 months)
Non- verbal perceptual-cognitive development 
3. Colour matching 
and naming 
30 months: 50% of children can match cubes/ cards by colour 42- 48 months: name 4 colours correctly
Non- verbal perceptual-cognitive development 
4. Sorting objects by size 
3years: point to big/ small cube/spoon/cup 
42- 54 months: point to a long/ short line drawn on a paper
Crayon or Pencil Grasp 
Palmar- Supinate Grasp 1- 11/2 years 
Digital- Pronate Grasp 2- 3 years 
Static Tripod Posture 
31/2 - 4 years 
Dynamic Tripod Posture 
41/2- 6 years
Goodenough Draw- A- Person Test 
Gross detail 
Head detail 
Hand detail 
Joints Proportion 
Motor Coordination 
Fine head detail 
Visual Behaviour, eye- hand coordination and problem solving 
Progressive coordination of maturing vision with head, body and fine motor movements can be observed through: manipulation and use of pellet, rings, bell, cubes, crayon/ pencil, form boards or puzzles. 
Achievement in this domain represent the precursor to later non- verbal problem solving abilities, correlate well with intellectual ability and may provide early markers for learning, psychological and psychiatric disorders.
Co-ordinated eye movements and eye-head co-ordination 
Earliest developmental sequence starts with fixing gaze on the mother’s face  following a face with eyes only co- ordinate eye- head movements to turn head to follow visually 
Any abnormality of early visual behaviour should prompt referral for ophthalmological assessment
Eye- head co-ordinated milestones 
Developmental milestones Mean age Limit age 
(months) (months) 
Visually alert, orients to face 1 Any delay 
Visually follows face 2 Any delay 
Co-ordinates eye movements with 3 Any delay 
head turning
Eye- hand co-ordination 
The infant shows visual awareness of hands and becomes increasingly refined in combining vision with hand movements for reaching, grasping, exploring and releasing objects.
Eye- hand co-ordination milestones 
Developmental milestones Mean age (months) 
Holds objects briefly when placed in hands 3 
without visual regard 
Visually examines own hand 4 
Reaches out with a two- handed scoop 5 
Reaches out and grasps objects on table surface with a 6 
raking grasp 
Transfers from hand to hand 6 
Explores with index finger 6 
Picks up a pellet/ raisin between thumb and finger 9
Eye- hand co-ordination milestones 
Developmental milestones Mean age (months) 
Picks up a string between thumb and finger 10 
Can release in a container 10 
Has mature grasp 12 
Has precise release- without pressing on surface 13 
Builds tower of 2 cubes 13 
Builds tower of 3 cubes 16 
Turns pages of book one page at a time 24
Language and communication milestones 
Developmental milestone Mean age Range 
(months) (months) 
Comprehension/ receptive language 
Understands ‘no’/’bye’ 7 6- 9 
Recognizes own name 8 6- 10 
Understands familiar names 12 10- 15 
Definition by use: using objects by 15 
Giving objects on request by 15 
Points to body parts on self/ carer 15 12- 18 
Points to body parts on doll 18 15- 21 
Identifying objects on naming by 24 
Follows a 2- step command 24 18- 27 
Understands preposition (in/on) 24 18- 33 
Understands preposition (under) 30 24- 39 
Understands action words by 36 
(eg. eating/ sleeping) 
Understands simple negatives 36 30- 42 
Understands comparative 42 36- 48 
Follows 2 instructions 42 36- 48 
Understands complex negatives 48 42- 60 
Follows 3 instructions 54 48- 66
Language and communication milestones 
Developmental milestone Mean age Range 
(months) (months) 
Expressive language and non- verbal communication 
Jargon 12 10 – 15 
Syllabic and tuneful babble 8 6- 9 
Pointing to demand 9 
Pointing to share interest 10 9- 14 
One word 12 10 – 18 
2- 6 words 15 12- 21 
7- 20 words 21 18- 24 
50+ words 24 18 – 27 
2 words joining 24 18- 30 
200+ words 30 24- 36 
3- 4 words joining 30 25- 36 
Pronouns 42 36- 48 
Uses conjunctions (and, but) 48 36- 54 
Sentences of 5+ words 48 36- 54 
Complex explanations and sequences 54 48- 66
Speech, language and communication 
1. Comprehension 
2. Expression 
3. Speech sound and fluency: intelligible 
speech 2 years (50%), fully intelligible by 4 
4. Pragmatics:21/2 - 3 years take turns in 
conversation, 4 years hold conversation skilfully
Speech, language and communication 
Place some toys/ 
objects (eg a cup, 
spoon, plate, 1 
inch cubes, key, 
fork, pencil, car, 
miniature toys and 
pictures for 24 
months and 
above) near the child 
and ask questions
Step 1 
Object labels (15- 18 months): 'look at the....', 'where is the....', 'give me the...." 
Identify by use (24- 30 months): 
'which one do we eat with/ drink with/ sleep in?' (avoid pointing by finger or looking at the objects while asking) 
Object labels (18- 20 months): 'What is this one', 'this is a ...."
Step 2 
Comprehension (30 months) 
Ask without pointing: 'show me who is eating/ sleeping/ running' 
Expression (30- 36 months) 
Ask while pointing at a picture: 'What is the boy/ girl doing)'
Step 3 
Preposition (24- 36 months) 
Colour (identify or name 2 colours by 36 months and four by 48 months) 
Size: identify size (bigger/ smaller) of an object or picture (36 months), a longer line (42 months), the weight (heavier of cubes, 48 months) 
Numbers: rote counting as a nursery rhyme (3 years), 31/2 - 4 years - count four to six cubes/ objects correctly, 4- 41/2 years- can follow direction to 'put three cubes in the cup' 
4+ keyword sentences (42 months): give direction in a single sentence eg 'put the big cube and the spoon in the box' 
Joined up sentences (48 months):'Put the spoon in the box and the pencil on the plate'
Step 3 
Have a conversation with the child: school/ playtime 
Look at the picture and tell me what is happening (describing narrative: 41/2- 5 years) 
Describe common objects/ concepts:'What is a key/ friend?' (defining words: 52 months)
Play and social behaviour 
Observation of play offers a unique opportunity to look at a number of developmental sequences as they come together to create an increasingly complex tapestry of play.
Developmental sequences involved in play 
Cognitive play sequence 
9 months Object oriented exploration play (maturing eye- hand co- ordination and object concepts) 
18 months 
Functional use of real objects on self and others (eg. spoon, brush) 
24- 30 months Symbolic use of toys (eg. Toy, tea set, doll) 
3- 4 years Pretend or imaginative play
Developmental sequences involved in play 
Social play sequence 
4- 5 weeks 
Social smile 
(90% by 6 weeks) 
6- 12 months 
Social anticipation 
Lap games 
(eg. peek- a- boo, pat- a cake) 
10- 15 months Joint attention Points to show 
3- 3.5 years 
Social imitative play 
(eg. role play)
Classification of Play Actions into the Five Stages 
Stage I 
Stage 2 
Relational Play 
Stage 3 
Stage 4 
Stage 5 
By physical By usage 
Doll+ object Doll 
Same action Theme 
Banging two Spoon 
Objects in cup 
Feeds self with spoon/cup 
Feeds doll with Hugs spoon/ cup doll 
Feeds doll Sleep 
-self sequence 
Shaking/ Hitting 
Placing objects Pillow 
into another on bed 
Combs hair 
Combs doll’s Kisses 
Hair doll 
on bed 
Doll on 
bed – 
head on 
Placing objects ‘Sheet on’ bed/ 
on top of table 
Washes self 
Washes doll Walks 
Combs doll Covers 
-self doll 
-adult with 
Dropping/ Throwing 
Chair to table 
Sleeps on doll’s bed or 
Lies doll Makes 
on pillow/ doll 
Bed jump 
Feeling/ Rubbing 
Sits on doll’s chair 
Dresses self with 
doll’s clothes 
Sits doll on -dance 
Chair -somersault 
Dresses/ undresses 
Puts doll Feeding 
on bed Bathing 
Child ‘sleeps’ 
Gestures adult to sleep
Minitiature toys: Wood table, small spoon (spoon of different sizes), doll, bathtub, 1 aeroplane (small red one), 1 teapot with cover, 1 jug, 1 bowl, 1 small dog/ cat/ cow, 1 car, 2 cups and 2 saucers, 2 chairs (different colours eg white and red of same size). 
1 plastic cup, teaspoon, brush, comb, shoe, sock ( 5 items to check on language) 
Dangling ball (wooly 12.5cm, plastic 6.25cm) 
Small targets (cube 2.25cm, smartie 1.25cm, HT 1.25mm)
Gross motor 
Delay in achievement of the gross motor milestones may be an indicator of neurological abnormalities and is sometimes associated with a global developmental delay.
Development of attention 
Stage I- extreme distractibility. Attention shifts from one object/ person/ event to another. Their attention is held momentarily by whatever is the dominant stimulus (Year 1) 
Stage 2- children can concentrate on a task of their own choice. They are v. resistant to interference by an adult (Year 2) 
Stage 3- can shift their full attention to speaker and back to task with adult support. (Year 3: ‘single- chained attention’)
Development of attention 
Stage 4- Children begin to become able to control focus of attention. Looks at an adult only when the directions become difficult to understand (Year 4: early ‘integrated attention’) 
Stage 5- Can integrate verbal commands related to a task. Attention span still short. (Year 5: mature ‘integrated attention’)
Development of attention 
Stage 6- Fully integrated attention. Auditory, visual and physical channels are integrated. Attention is well established.(5- 6 years)
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Development short cases approach

  • 1. Development Short Cases- Approach Ranjini S.Sivanesom IPHKL 30.08.14
  • 2. Child Development Child development is a dynamic process Normal development is determined by a complex interplay between environmental factors, genetic factors and acquired pathology.
  • 3. Warning Signs of Abnormal Development  Echolalia- repetitive imitation of speech- still present by 3 years. Absoulte failure to develop skills (eg multi- syllable babble with intonation- by 10 months) Motor asymmetry Developmental regression- loss/ plateauing of skills
  • 4. The Developmental Examination History taking: family history, social and family environment, pre-, peri- and postnatal history. Enquire into the parents concerns and seek information from others who know the child (eg. teachers, health- care staff)
  • 5. Observation and interactive assessment Suitable selection of toys should be made available before meeting the family and interacting with the child. Appropriate toys for the age of the child and the domains of development to be assessed.
  • 6. Observation and interactive assessment Examples: Copying behaviour (bell) and understanding of cause and effect (pop- up animal toys) Definition by use (cup/ spoon, doll/ brush) and symbolic understanding (doll/ teddy/ tea set) Fine motor/ eye- hand (bricks, crayons/pencil/paper, soft ball, form boards, puzzles) Language and play (books with single pictures and stories, range of everyday toy objects, large and miniature toys)
  • 7. Observation and interactive assessment ‘Free Play’- the child’s inability to organize the environment and generate ideas on their own will be significant. Eg. May not be able to focus attention (flit from one object to another or repetitive play may be noted. Cardinal rule of DA: to look not only what the child does, but also how s/he does it. Quality of response should therefore be monitored as well as the actual achievement.
  • 9. 2014/9/5 Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year Gross motor Fine motor Speech language communication Social Cognitive
  • 10. 2014/9/5 Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year Motor Development Tone, movements and posture (eg head control, hands (open or fisted), spine curvature, legs posture, weight bearing) in supine, pull to sit, supported/ independent sitting and standing, ventral suspension and prone position (180* manoeuvre). Examine primary (Moro, grasp and ATNR) reflexes
  • 11. 2014/9/5 Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year Significant Delay Age Fisting of hands > 3/12 Poor head control 4/12 Persistence of primitive reflexes > 6/12 Persistence of flexor hypertonia in the LLs (popliteal angle < 150*) > 9/12 Unable to sit independently with straight spine 10/12 Not walking 18/12
  • 12. 2014/9/5 Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year Fine Motor Development Coordination of vision with head movement (6- 8 weeks) and hand movements - watches own hand (hand regard) or objects held in hands (3- 4 months) Two- handed reach replaced by single- handed reach (5- 6 months) Exploration with index finger (8- 9 months) Maturing grasp: improving apposition of tips of fingers with the tip of the thumb (palmar- 6/12, pincer (thumb- finger)- 9 to 10 months and finger tips (12 months) Release with open hands or with pressure (10 to 11 months); controlled release - puts one cube on top of another (13 months)
  • 13. 2014/9/5 Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year FINE MOTOR DEVELOPMENT Coordination of vision with head movement and hand movements - watches own hand (hand regard) or objects held in hands 6- 8 weeks 3- 4 months Two- handed reach replaced by single- handed reach 5- 6 months Exploration with index finger 8- 9 months Maturing grasp: improving apposition of tips of fingers with the tip of the thumb (palmar) - pincer (thumb- finger) - finger tips 6 months 9- 10 months 12 months Release with open hands or with pressure - controlled release - puts one cube on top of another 10- 11 months 13 months
  • 14. 2014/9/5 Development of Grasp: Cube
  • 15. 2014/9/5 Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year Speech, language and communication Common objects or large toys eg a ball, cup, plate, spoon, car or doll
  • 16. 2014/9/5 Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year Observation of language development: Birth to 1 year
  • 17. 2014/9/5 Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year Observation of language development: Birth to 1 year
  • 18. 2014/9/5 Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year Non- verbal communication Vocalisation- 3/12 Pointing to ask - 9/12 Pointing to show- (9- 12 months) Proto- imperative pointing (12 months) Proto- declarative pointing (16 months) Conventional gestures eg waving goodbye,blowing a kiss - (9- 12 months)
  • 19. 2014/9/5 Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year Social Development Social responsiveness and anticipation Social smile (6- 8 weeks) Responds to social games eg peek-a-boo and shows anticipation (6 months) Developing joint attention Follows other's finger point to look at an object (8 months) Uses finger and eye pointing to direct others' attention to share interest (9- 12 months)
  • 20. 2014/9/5 Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year Social Development Becoming stranger aware- reacting by withdrawing or crying (6 months) Social referencing - checking back by looking towards the caregiver in new situations (12 months)
  • 21. 2014/9/5 Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year Cognitive Development Observation of infant's cognitive abilities are made during fine motor, communication, play and social interaction activities 4 main structured tasks are used
  • 22. 2014/9/5 Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year 1. Physical rules and object relationships Offer 1 cube:reach, grasp, exploration, hand-to-hand transfer (reach out to grasp:5/12) Offer another cube: imitation of clicking of two cubes (6/12) Request for a cube back by putting open hand out- note release Put an open container and encourage releasing a cube into it and taking it out (9- 15 months) Inserting pegs into holes (15 months)
  • 23. 2014/9/5 Inserting Pegs into Holes (15 months)
  • 24. 2014/9/5 Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year 2. Cause- and- effect understanding and goal directed actions Pop up or other action toys Place a toy out of reach and the connected string near the child. Check grasp of string and pulling the string to get the toy Shake a bell - 7/12, using cause-and-effect toys- 9/12, pulling a toy with a string- 9/12, moving a car- 12 months Significant delay: No cause-and-effect play by 12 months
  • 26. 2014/9/5 Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year 3. Object permanence: Finding a hidden toy (partially/ completely covered with a cloth) Look for a partially hidden object: 6- 8 months Search for a toy which has been completely hidden in their view: 9- 10 months
  • 28. 2014/9/5 Developmental Examination: Birth to 1 Year 4. Categorisation Use common objects/ toys: a toy, car,cup,spoon, bell, telephone (on self/ doll/ mother)  10-12 months: infants use similar looking objects/ toys in the same way eg moving toys that look like a vehicle 14 months: show 'definition by use' eg using a hair brush to brush their hair Significant delay: not defining objects by their use by 18 months
  • 30. 2014/9/5 Non- verbal perceptual-cognitive development 5. Drawing Scribble to and fro: 15- 18 months Circular scribble: 2 years Draw a man Copy shapes Grasp of crayon/ pencil: 3years (50%) - 4 years (80%) Handedness: appears from 2- 4 years. Appearance before 12 months, prompt neurological examination
  • 31. 2014/9/5 Developmental Examination: 1- 5 years 1. Motor development 2. Non- verbal perceptual- cognitive development 3. Speech, language and communication
  • 32. 2014/9/5 Non- verbal perceptual-cognitive development 1. Block (1- inch cube) construction tasks Imitate a model (child is shown how to do it) Copy a model (child is shown a completed model)
  • 33. 2014/9/5 Non- verbal skills tasks,1- 5 years
  • 34. 2014/9/5 Non- verbal perceptual-cognitive development 2. Shape sorting/ jig-saw puzzles/ form boards 30months: Match 3 basic geometric shapes (circle, triangle and square) even when the form board is reversed
  • 35. 2014/9/5 Form board with basic geometric shapes (30 months)
  • 36. 2014/9/5 Non- verbal perceptual-cognitive development 3. Colour matching and naming 30 months: 50% of children can match cubes/ cards by colour 42- 48 months: name 4 colours correctly
  • 37. 2014/9/5 Non- verbal perceptual-cognitive development 4. Sorting objects by size 3years: point to big/ small cube/spoon/cup 42- 54 months: point to a long/ short line drawn on a paper
  • 38. 2014/9/5 Crayon or Pencil Grasp Palmar- Supinate Grasp 1- 11/2 years Digital- Pronate Grasp 2- 3 years Static Tripod Posture 31/2 - 4 years Dynamic Tripod Posture 41/2- 6 years
  • 39. 2014/9/5 Goodenough Draw- A- Person Test Gross detail Attachments Head detail Clothing Hand detail Joints Proportion Motor Coordination Fine head detail Profile
  • 40. Visual Behaviour, eye- hand coordination and problem solving Progressive coordination of maturing vision with head, body and fine motor movements can be observed through: manipulation and use of pellet, rings, bell, cubes, crayon/ pencil, form boards or puzzles. Achievement in this domain represent the precursor to later non- verbal problem solving abilities, correlate well with intellectual ability and may provide early markers for learning, psychological and psychiatric disorders.
  • 41. Co-ordinated eye movements and eye-head co-ordination Earliest developmental sequence starts with fixing gaze on the mother’s face  following a face with eyes only co- ordinate eye- head movements to turn head to follow visually Any abnormality of early visual behaviour should prompt referral for ophthalmological assessment
  • 42. Eye- head co-ordinated milestones Developmental milestones Mean age Limit age (months) (months) Visually alert, orients to face 1 Any delay Visually follows face 2 Any delay Co-ordinates eye movements with 3 Any delay head turning
  • 43. Eye- hand co-ordination The infant shows visual awareness of hands and becomes increasingly refined in combining vision with hand movements for reaching, grasping, exploring and releasing objects.
  • 44. Eye- hand co-ordination milestones Developmental milestones Mean age (months) Holds objects briefly when placed in hands 3 without visual regard Visually examines own hand 4 Reaches out with a two- handed scoop 5 Reaches out and grasps objects on table surface with a 6 raking grasp Transfers from hand to hand 6 Explores with index finger 6 Picks up a pellet/ raisin between thumb and finger 9
  • 45. Eye- hand co-ordination milestones Developmental milestones Mean age (months) Picks up a string between thumb and finger 10 Can release in a container 10 Has mature grasp 12 Has precise release- without pressing on surface 13 Builds tower of 2 cubes 13 Builds tower of 3 cubes 16 Turns pages of book one page at a time 24
  • 46. Language and communication milestones Developmental milestone Mean age Range (months) (months) Comprehension/ receptive language Understands ‘no’/’bye’ 7 6- 9 Recognizes own name 8 6- 10 Understands familiar names 12 10- 15 Definition by use: using objects by 15 Giving objects on request by 15 Points to body parts on self/ carer 15 12- 18 Points to body parts on doll 18 15- 21 Identifying objects on naming by 24 Follows a 2- step command 24 18- 27 Understands preposition (in/on) 24 18- 33 Understands preposition (under) 30 24- 39 Understands action words by 36 (eg. eating/ sleeping) Understands simple negatives 36 30- 42 Understands comparative 42 36- 48 Follows 2 instructions 42 36- 48 Understands complex negatives 48 42- 60 Follows 3 instructions 54 48- 66
  • 47. Language and communication milestones Developmental milestone Mean age Range (months) (months) Expressive language and non- verbal communication Jargon 12 10 – 15 Syllabic and tuneful babble 8 6- 9 Pointing to demand 9 Pointing to share interest 10 9- 14 One word 12 10 – 18 2- 6 words 15 12- 21 7- 20 words 21 18- 24 50+ words 24 18 – 27 2 words joining 24 18- 30 200+ words 30 24- 36 3- 4 words joining 30 25- 36 Pronouns 42 36- 48 Uses conjunctions (and, but) 48 36- 54 Sentences of 5+ words 48 36- 54 Complex explanations and sequences 54 48- 66
  • 48. 2014/9/5 Speech, language and communication 1. Comprehension 2. Expression 3. Speech sound and fluency: intelligible speech 2 years (50%), fully intelligible by 4 years 4. Pragmatics:21/2 - 3 years take turns in conversation, 4 years hold conversation skilfully
  • 49. 2014/9/5 Speech, language and communication Place some toys/ objects (eg a cup, spoon, plate, 1 inch cubes, key, fork, pencil, car, miniature toys and pictures for 24 months and above) near the child and ask questions
  • 50. 2014/9/5 Step 1 Comprehension Object labels (15- 18 months): 'look at the....', 'where is the....', 'give me the...." Identify by use (24- 30 months): 'which one do we eat with/ drink with/ sleep in?' (avoid pointing by finger or looking at the objects while asking) Expression Object labels (18- 20 months): 'What is this one', 'this is a ...."
  • 51. 2014/9/5 Step 2 Comprehension (30 months) Ask without pointing: 'show me who is eating/ sleeping/ running' Expression (30- 36 months) Ask while pointing at a picture: 'What is the boy/ girl doing)'
  • 52. 2014/9/5 Step 3 Comprehension Preposition (24- 36 months) Colour (identify or name 2 colours by 36 months and four by 48 months) Size: identify size (bigger/ smaller) of an object or picture (36 months), a longer line (42 months), the weight (heavier of cubes, 48 months) Numbers: rote counting as a nursery rhyme (3 years), 31/2 - 4 years - count four to six cubes/ objects correctly, 4- 41/2 years- can follow direction to 'put three cubes in the cup' 4+ keyword sentences (42 months): give direction in a single sentence eg 'put the big cube and the spoon in the box' Joined up sentences (48 months):'Put the spoon in the box and the pencil on the plate'
  • 53. 2014/9/5 Step 3 Expression Have a conversation with the child: school/ playtime Look at the picture and tell me what is happening (describing narrative: 41/2- 5 years) Describe common objects/ concepts:'What is a key/ friend?' (defining words: 52 months)
  • 54. Play and social behaviour Observation of play offers a unique opportunity to look at a number of developmental sequences as they come together to create an increasingly complex tapestry of play.
  • 55. Developmental sequences involved in play Cognitive play sequence 9 months Object oriented exploration play (maturing eye- hand co- ordination and object concepts) 18 months Functional use of real objects on self and others (eg. spoon, brush) 24- 30 months Symbolic use of toys (eg. Toy, tea set, doll) 3- 4 years Pretend or imaginative play
  • 56. Developmental sequences involved in play Social play sequence 4- 5 weeks Social smile (90% by 6 weeks) 6- 12 months Social anticipation Lap games (eg. peek- a- boo, pat- a cake) 10- 15 months Joint attention Points to show 3- 3.5 years Social imitative play (eg. role play)
  • 57. Classification of Play Actions into the Five Stages Stage I Exploratory Play Stage 2 Relational Play Stage 3 Self Pretending Stage 4 Decentered Pretending Stage 5 Sequence Pretending By physical By usage Properties Doll+ object Doll alone Same action Theme Mouthing Banging two Spoon Objects in cup Feeds self with spoon/cup Feeds doll with Hugs spoon/ cup doll Feeds doll Sleep -self sequence -adult Shaking/ Hitting Placing objects Pillow into another on bed Combs hair Combs doll’s Kisses Hair doll Pillow on bed Doll on bed – head on pillow Examining Placing objects ‘Sheet on’ bed/ on top of table another Washes self Washes doll Walks doll Combs doll Covers -self doll -adult with sheet Dropping/ Throwing Chair to table Sleeps on doll’s bed or pillow Lies doll Makes on pillow/ doll Bed jump Feeling/ Rubbing Sits on doll’s chair Dresses self with doll’s clothes Sits doll on -dance Chair -somersault Dresses/ undresses doll Puts doll Feeding on bed Bathing Child ‘sleeps’ Gestures adult to sleep
  • 58. Tools Minitiature toys: Wood table, small spoon (spoon of different sizes), doll, bathtub, 1 aeroplane (small red one), 1 teapot with cover, 1 jug, 1 bowl, 1 small dog/ cat/ cow, 1 car, 2 cups and 2 saucers, 2 chairs (different colours eg white and red of same size). 1 plastic cup, teaspoon, brush, comb, shoe, sock ( 5 items to check on language) Dangling ball (wooly 12.5cm, plastic 6.25cm) Small targets (cube 2.25cm, smartie 1.25cm, HT 1.25mm)
  • 59. Gross motor Delay in achievement of the gross motor milestones may be an indicator of neurological abnormalities and is sometimes associated with a global developmental delay.
  • 60. Development of attention Stage I- extreme distractibility. Attention shifts from one object/ person/ event to another. Their attention is held momentarily by whatever is the dominant stimulus (Year 1) Stage 2- children can concentrate on a task of their own choice. They are v. resistant to interference by an adult (Year 2) Stage 3- can shift their full attention to speaker and back to task with adult support. (Year 3: ‘single- chained attention’)
  • 61. Development of attention Stage 4- Children begin to become able to control focus of attention. Looks at an adult only when the directions become difficult to understand (Year 4: early ‘integrated attention’) Stage 5- Can integrate verbal commands related to a task. Attention span still short. (Year 5: mature ‘integrated attention’)
  • 62. Development of attention Stage 6- Fully integrated attention. Auditory, visual and physical channels are integrated. Attention is well established.(5- 6 years)