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Digital Graphic Narrative
Tom Brett
Shape Task
Shape Task
What did you like about your image?
I like the layers I used on the bears face in my image, I think it works really well
because it looks bold but still has a shading effect to it. I also like the trees I made
in the background because I used the warp tool to make the trees look wavy. One
of my favourite things about this image is how successful the gradient is in some
parts of the image like on the bears nose and the bears face, I like it because it
makes the image look a bit more realistic and shows where the light is.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I were to do this task again I think I probably would clean more around the
edges and add in more detail. I also think I would use more advanced techniques
to enhance my image and make it look more accurate. I would also focus more on
the background. Next time I will concentrate on smaller details like adding a glint
or reflection in the eyes and the leaves on the trees in the background and maybe
have some detail on the fur.
What did you like about your image?
I prefer this image much more than the previous image I did using shapes, I
think that this image is more accurate but looks more like a cartoon which is
what I was going for. I like the different coloured shading I did around the
bears head and the glint in the bear’s eye which is one thing I said I wanted to
improve on last time. I didn’t use any of the original image’s textures because
I thought that it would look too detailed and not look like a cartoon enough.
Overall I am impressed with this image and I prefer it to my shape task image
that I produced earlier.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I did retried doing this image I would probably focus on making some of the
edges of the shading less jagged even though some of the jagged edges look
really good with the image looking like a cartoon, others look too sharp and
over the top. Another thing I would improve on (like in the last image) is the
background because I feel like I can add in more detail in places, however I
was focused more on the bear which is the main part of the image.
Text Based
What did you like about your image?
I prefer the image on the right hand side because I used the
more advanced techniques on my text and the end product on
the top one with the Frisbee behind it looks professional but
yet its quite simple. I am glad I have learned these techniques
because I will probably need them later on in the course.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would probably spend more time on some of the texts like
the last one I did because I changed it into an image meaning
that I have lots of possibilities with what I can do to edit the
text and make it look as fit for purpose as I can.
Comic Book
Comic Book
Comic Book
What did you like about your image?
What I like about my images (especially the third one) is how cartoon-like
they look. The first photo has a more detailed look to it like something you
would find from a super hero comic for example. The second image is
different than the other two images because there are more people causing
more detail and shadows. The shadows and shading in image two have the
cartoon look to them but the main details still look realistic. The third photo is
my favourite, its more abstract than the two before it, I like the shading and
how simple the edges are but yet you can still make out who the person is.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I went back to do this again I would probably concentrate on improving
image one and a bit on image two. I feel like image one needs to look slightly
more like a cartoon, I also feel like I need to mess around with the overlay
more so that the original colours don’t come through as much and so that the
detail on the neck and face are less obvious.
Comic Book
Comic Book
Comic Book
What did you like about your image?
What I like about my images (especially the second one) is how improved
compared to the first set they look. The first photo is a bit more realistic than
the second one because the opacity on my threshold was higher so the
overlay made the final image more detailed. The second image is different
than the other two images because it looks more like a comic book cartoon.
This one is also different because I added text and then clipped and image
behind it. The third photo is different because its original image was a photo
that we took with a camera and not one we found on the internet, the
cartoon helps portray the lonely expressions its trying to show.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I went back to do this again I would probably concentrate on improving
image one and a bit on image two. I feel like image one needs to look slightly
more like a cartoon, I also feel like I need to mess around with the overlay
more so that the original colours don’t come through as much.
Sad Happy
Excited Lonely
What did you like about your image?
What I like about my images is that the emotions that
they are meant to portray are quite accurate especially
the Lonely photo. I also liked the Sad photo I took
because its quite different than the others because its not
showing any facial expressions, instead its using different
types of imagery to display the emotion.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I were to take these photos again I would probably
spend a bit of time planning before I went out to take the
photos, this will save time because I will know where to
take the image and what it should look like.
What did you like about your image?
What I like about my drawing of the oranges is the shadowing effect I
drew at the bottom of the image, I feel that this gives the drawing
more depth to it. I prefer the right orange compared to the left orange,
this is because the right orange looks more accurate because of the
shape and size of the segments and the overall shape of the orange.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I were to draw this again I would probably concentrate on detailing
the inside of the oranges more as I feel that there is a lack of detail
that could’ve been shown. I also feel like I can do more with shading,
especially on the skin of the oranges, I tried to do it but it does not
have the same effect as it should do.
Initial Ideas
Idea Generation
Mood board of inspiration
The page size will be about 17.5 X 2 X 13.1 cm and there will be about 20 pages, maybe
Story Overview
A girl is walking through the woods and notices a house, she walks in and tries some porridge that
is there, sits on some chairs and breaks one, then she goes and sleeps in a bed before trying out
two before hand. Whilst she is sleeping 3 bears walk in as it is their home, they realise that their
porridge has been eaten, their chairs have been sat in, and their beds have been laid in. They find
the girl (Goldilocks) sleeping in the child bears bed, when she wakes up and notices the bears she
screams and runs away.
Export Format
Advantages: Its fast and simple to create and its extremely portable because it does
not rely on any hardware or operating systems. PDF also has the ability to easily
compress large files.
Disadvantages: PDF is only supported on Windows and Mac operating systems not
Linux operating systems. PDF files can sometimes prove to be difficult to read on a
computer screen.
The 18th of December 2014
My target audience will be quite young, probably children between the ages of 2-5
years old, it does not matter what gender they are because the original story does
not push itself into any gender. It also does not matter what class the audience are,
the book is suitable for anyone especially if they are in the target age. The target
location is in any English speaking locations like the UK, USA and Australia etc. The
book needs to appeal to the parents as well so they buy it to read to their children,
so I want the book to look child friendly but be affordable so anyone can buy it.
Production Methods
For the images I am going to roto scope some pictures I have taken or found on the
internet I think that roto scoped images have a detailed but cartoon like look to
them, I also enjoyed roto scoping in previous work. The images will take up a whole
page, on the other page next to it will be the text which will be in a large, easy to
read font. I don’t want to have too much text on a page because it wouldn’t be
suitable for my target audience.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
Good amount of detail in the story overview and a
fair few solid advantages and disadvantages for the
use of PDF exporting.
Also you have shown that you’ve thought a decent
amount about your target audience lad, your
production methods have been well planned out
and you’ve covered all the bases that you’ve
needed to cover so fair play to you on that front.
There isn't much that you need to improve on, so
just check that your spelling is 100% as I have
spotted a few extra letters hiding in your production
methods and one incorrect spelling in your
audience work.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
Very structured mood board, with annotations to go
along with your images which explain why you have
chosen those images so good on you there!
Personally I found your mind map difficult to read
but that’s my only gripe in that category, top work
Tom keep it up laddo!
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
Good explanation of the storyline, as well as good
detail and explanation for the methods you will be
A lot of detail has been used when describing your
target audience, with clear age groups, locations,
as well as information on the gender and class.
I think your proposal is good as it is, with great
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
Good mind map, showing the thought process in
detail, as well as a in depth mood board.
The annotations for your mood board have great
detail, and show how well you have thought all
aspects thoroughly.
Your mind map is a little hard to read as it is on a
angle, so maybe you could take another photo, or
scan it using a scanner. And maybe make your
writing in your mood board bigger slightly, or break
it up into sections to make it easier to read
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
Good realisation of the advantages and
disadvantages of a PDF file. Sounds like the final
production will be suitable for the target age.
Could mention what class of people would buy the
book if you are trying to get the child's parents to
buy it.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
Great story, text and illustration ideas. A lot of
thought went into it.
Fonts are suitable for the story. Nice images, of
which most stick the theme and show that the book
is going to be simple and suitable for the target
Nice production techniques that show an
understanding of how to make a good children's
Could have really specified more on the story
overview. For example, explain some of the
settings and give us a better idea of the characters
and what they are like.
Feedback Summary
Sum up your feedback.
The feedback said that my proposal was generally alright, especially when talking about
the advantages and disadvantages of the export format. However it also states about
how my mind map is difficult to read but that is easily fixable.
Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?
After reading my feedback I agree with the statements that talk about how I have talked
about my export format in good detail. I also agree with the statements that say how its
difficult to read my mind map because of my hand writing and the angle the photo was
taken at.
Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?
One part of my feedback mentions about how I have not mentioned that much about
class or parents, I disagree with this because I know I have wrote a little bit about it in
my audience section but its not too much of a big deal. Other than that I do not have
anything else to disagree with.
This frame would
go at the very start
of the book
because it shows
how Goldilocks
found the house.
This would be the
fourth frame
because it shows
how Goldilocks
found the food
after entering the
This would be the
eighth frame
because it shows
how goldilocks
transitions from
the food to the
This would be the twelfth frame because it shows the
chair breaking before Goldilocks goes to sleep in the
I have made these frames to improve my story and
make it as accurate and detailed to the original fairy
tale as I can whilst still having my twist to it and
keeping it suitable for my target audience.
Original Script
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks. She went for a walk in the
forest. Pretty soon, she came upon a house. She knocked and, when no one answered, she walked
right in.
At the table in the kitchen, there were three bowls of porridge. Goldilocks was hungry. She tasted
the porridge from the first bowl.
"This porridge is too hot!" she exclaimed.
So, she tasted the porridge from the second bowl.
"This porridge is too cold," she said
So, she tasted the last bowl of porridge.
"Ahhh, this porridge is just right," she said happily and she ate it all up.
After she'd eaten the three bears' breakfasts she decided she was feeling a little tired. So, she
walked into the living room where she saw three chairs. Goldilocks sat in the first chair to rest her
"This chair is too big!" she exclaimed.
So she sat in the second chair.
"This chair is too big, too!" she whined.
So she tried the last and smallest chair.
"Ahhh, this chair is just right," she sighed. But just as she settled down into the chair to rest, it
broke into pieces!
Goldilocks was very tired by this time, so she went upstairs to the bedroom. She lay down in the
first bed, but it was too hard. Then she lay in the second bed, but it was too soft. Then she lay
down in the third bed and it was just right. Goldilocks fell asleep.
Original Script
As she was sleeping, the three bears came home.
"Someone's been eating my porridge," growled the Papa bear.
"Someone's been eating my porridge," said the Mama bear.
"Someone's been eating my porridge and they ate it all up!" cried the Baby bear.
"Someone's been sitting in my chair," growled the Papa bear.
"Someone's been sitting in my chair," said the Mama bear.
"Someone's been sitting in my chair and they've broken it all to pieces," cried the Baby
They decided to look around some more and when they got upstairs to the bedroom,
Papa bear growled, "Someone's been sleeping in my bed,"
"Someone's been sleeping in my bed, too" said the Mama bear
"Someone's been sleeping in my bed and she's still there!" exclaimed Baby bear.
Just then, Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears. She screamed, "Help!" And she
jumped up and ran out of the room. Goldilocks ran down the stairs, opened the door,
and ran away into the forest. And she never returned to the home of the three bears.
Story from:
Final Script
Scene 1: One day Goldilocks was walking through a forest but she was lost,
After hours of walking there was a house that she came across.
Scene 2: Goldilocks walked towards the house,
And crept towards it as quiet as a mouse.
Scene 3: She looked inside and opened the door,
In hope she will walk in and find more.
Scene 4: Goldilocks was hungry and her stomach wasn’t stable,
But after searching for some food she found three bowls on the table.
Scene 5: She tried some food but all she got,
Was a BIG bowl of porridge that was way too hot.
Scene 6: She came across more food but she still wasn’t sold,
It was a medium sized bowl of porridge that was way too cold.
Scene 7: Finally she found a perfectly sized bowl,
The porridge wasn’t too hot but it wasn’t too cold.
Scene 8: After having something to eat,
She looked around to find a seat.
Scene 9: She sat on a chair but it was way too big,
She said “The owner of this chair must eat like a pig.”
Scene 10: The second chair she sat on was too big still,
She said “I feel like I’m sitting on top of a hill.”
Scene 11: She found a chair that was the perfect size,
She said “This chair is great but I need to rest my eyes.”
Scene 12: But Goldilocks' weight was more than the chair could take.
So when she jumped off, the chair just happened to break.
Scene 13: She tried to sleep in beds that were too hard and too soft,
But she found a perfect bed to sleep on placed in the loft.
Scene 14: Whilst she was sleeping three bears came inside,
“Someone's eaten our food and sat on our chairs” they cried.
Scene 15: The bears were tired so they went to bed,
But they found Goldilocks laid there instead.
Scene 16: She jumped out of bed and ran away,
And has made no return since that day.
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Development pro forma

  • 4. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like the layers I used on the bears face in my image, I think it works really well because it looks bold but still has a shading effect to it. I also like the trees I made in the background because I used the warp tool to make the trees look wavy. One of my favourite things about this image is how successful the gradient is in some parts of the image like on the bears nose and the bears face, I like it because it makes the image look a bit more realistic and shows where the light is. What would you improve if you did it again? If I were to do this task again I think I probably would clean more around the edges and add in more detail. I also think I would use more advanced techniques to enhance my image and make it look more accurate. I would also focus more on the background. Next time I will concentrate on smaller details like adding a glint or reflection in the eyes and the leaves on the trees in the background and maybe have some detail on the fur.
  • 6. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I prefer this image much more than the previous image I did using shapes, I think that this image is more accurate but looks more like a cartoon which is what I was going for. I like the different coloured shading I did around the bears head and the glint in the bear’s eye which is one thing I said I wanted to improve on last time. I didn’t use any of the original image’s textures because I thought that it would look too detailed and not look like a cartoon enough. Overall I am impressed with this image and I prefer it to my shape task image that I produced earlier. What would you improve if you did it again? If I did retried doing this image I would probably focus on making some of the edges of the shading less jagged even though some of the jagged edges look really good with the image looking like a cartoon, others look too sharp and over the top. Another thing I would improve on (like in the last image) is the background because I feel like I can add in more detail in places, however I was focused more on the bear which is the main part of the image.
  • 8. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I prefer the image on the right hand side because I used the more advanced techniques on my text and the end product on the top one with the Frisbee behind it looks professional but yet its quite simple. I am glad I have learned these techniques because I will probably need them later on in the course. What would you improve if you did it again? I would probably spend more time on some of the texts like the last one I did because I changed it into an image meaning that I have lots of possibilities with what I can do to edit the text and make it look as fit for purpose as I can.
  • 12. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What I like about my images (especially the third one) is how cartoon-like they look. The first photo has a more detailed look to it like something you would find from a super hero comic for example. The second image is different than the other two images because there are more people causing more detail and shadows. The shadows and shading in image two have the cartoon look to them but the main details still look realistic. The third photo is my favourite, its more abstract than the two before it, I like the shading and how simple the edges are but yet you can still make out who the person is. What would you improve if you did it again? If I went back to do this again I would probably concentrate on improving image one and a bit on image two. I feel like image one needs to look slightly more like a cartoon, I also feel like I need to mess around with the overlay more so that the original colours don’t come through as much and so that the detail on the neck and face are less obvious.
  • 16. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What I like about my images (especially the second one) is how improved compared to the first set they look. The first photo is a bit more realistic than the second one because the opacity on my threshold was higher so the overlay made the final image more detailed. The second image is different than the other two images because it looks more like a comic book cartoon. This one is also different because I added text and then clipped and image behind it. The third photo is different because its original image was a photo that we took with a camera and not one we found on the internet, the cartoon helps portray the lonely expressions its trying to show. What would you improve if you did it again? If I went back to do this again I would probably concentrate on improving image one and a bit on image two. I feel like image one needs to look slightly more like a cartoon, I also feel like I need to mess around with the overlay more so that the original colours don’t come through as much.
  • 18. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What I like about my images is that the emotions that they are meant to portray are quite accurate especially the Lonely photo. I also liked the Sad photo I took because its quite different than the others because its not showing any facial expressions, instead its using different types of imagery to display the emotion. What would you improve if you did it again? If I were to take these photos again I would probably spend a bit of time planning before I went out to take the photos, this will save time because I will know where to take the image and what it should look like.
  • 20. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What I like about my drawing of the oranges is the shadowing effect I drew at the bottom of the image, I feel that this gives the drawing more depth to it. I prefer the right orange compared to the left orange, this is because the right orange looks more accurate because of the shape and size of the segments and the overall shape of the orange. What would you improve if you did it again? If I were to draw this again I would probably concentrate on detailing the inside of the oranges more as I feel that there is a lack of detail that could’ve been shown. I also feel like I can do more with shading, especially on the skin of the oranges, I tried to do it but it does not have the same effect as it should do.
  • 23.
  • 24. Mood board of inspiration
  • 25. Proposal Dimensions The page size will be about 17.5 X 2 X 13.1 cm and there will be about 20 pages, maybe more. Story Overview A girl is walking through the woods and notices a house, she walks in and tries some porridge that is there, sits on some chairs and breaks one, then she goes and sleeps in a bed before trying out two before hand. Whilst she is sleeping 3 bears walk in as it is their home, they realise that their porridge has been eaten, their chairs have been sat in, and their beds have been laid in. They find the girl (Goldilocks) sleeping in the child bears bed, when she wakes up and notices the bears she screams and runs away. Export Format PDF Advantages: Its fast and simple to create and its extremely portable because it does not rely on any hardware or operating systems. PDF also has the ability to easily compress large files. Disadvantages: PDF is only supported on Windows and Mac operating systems not Linux operating systems. PDF files can sometimes prove to be difficult to read on a computer screen.
  • 26. Deadline The 18th of December 2014 Audience My target audience will be quite young, probably children between the ages of 2-5 years old, it does not matter what gender they are because the original story does not push itself into any gender. It also does not matter what class the audience are, the book is suitable for anyone especially if they are in the target age. The target location is in any English speaking locations like the UK, USA and Australia etc. The book needs to appeal to the parents as well so they buy it to read to their children, so I want the book to look child friendly but be affordable so anyone can buy it. Production Methods For the images I am going to roto scope some pictures I have taken or found on the internet I think that roto scoped images have a detailed but cartoon like look to them, I also enjoyed roto scoping in previous work. The images will take up a whole page, on the other page next to it will be the text which will be in a large, easy to read font. I don’t want to have too much text on a page because it wouldn’t be suitable for my target audience.
  • 27. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? Good amount of detail in the story overview and a fair few solid advantages and disadvantages for the use of PDF exporting. Also you have shown that you’ve thought a decent amount about your target audience lad, your production methods have been well planned out and you’ve covered all the bases that you’ve needed to cover so fair play to you on that front. There isn't much that you need to improve on, so just check that your spelling is 100% as I have spotted a few extra letters hiding in your production methods and one incorrect spelling in your audience work. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? Very structured mood board, with annotations to go along with your images which explain why you have chosen those images so good on you there! Personally I found your mind map difficult to read but that’s my only gripe in that category, top work Tom keep it up laddo!
  • 28. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? Good explanation of the storyline, as well as good detail and explanation for the methods you will be using. A lot of detail has been used when describing your target audience, with clear age groups, locations, as well as information on the gender and class. I think your proposal is good as it is, with great detail What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? Good mind map, showing the thought process in detail, as well as a in depth mood board. The annotations for your mood board have great detail, and show how well you have thought all aspects thoroughly. Your mind map is a little hard to read as it is on a angle, so maybe you could take another photo, or scan it using a scanner. And maybe make your writing in your mood board bigger slightly, or break it up into sections to make it easier to read
  • 29. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? Good realisation of the advantages and disadvantages of a PDF file. Sounds like the final production will be suitable for the target age. Could mention what class of people would buy the book if you are trying to get the child's parents to buy it. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? Great story, text and illustration ideas. A lot of thought went into it. Fonts are suitable for the story. Nice images, of which most stick the theme and show that the book is going to be simple and suitable for the target audience. Nice production techniques that show an understanding of how to make a good children's book. Could have really specified more on the story overview. For example, explain some of the settings and give us a better idea of the characters and what they are like.
  • 30. Feedback Summary Sum up your feedback. The feedback said that my proposal was generally alright, especially when talking about the advantages and disadvantages of the export format. However it also states about how my mind map is difficult to read but that is easily fixable. Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why? After reading my feedback I agree with the statements that talk about how I have talked about my export format in good detail. I also agree with the statements that say how its difficult to read my mind map because of my hand writing and the angle the photo was taken at. Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why? One part of my feedback mentions about how I have not mentioned that much about class or parents, I disagree with this because I know I have wrote a little bit about it in my audience section but its not too much of a big deal. Other than that I do not have anything else to disagree with.
  • 35. This frame would go at the very start of the book because it shows how Goldilocks found the house. This would be the fourth frame because it shows how Goldilocks found the food after entering the house. This would be the eighth frame because it shows how goldilocks transitions from the food to the chairs.
  • 36. This would be the twelfth frame because it shows the chair breaking before Goldilocks goes to sleep in the beds. I have made these frames to improve my story and make it as accurate and detailed to the original fairy tale as I can whilst still having my twist to it and keeping it suitable for my target audience.
  • 37. Original Script Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks. She went for a walk in the forest. Pretty soon, she came upon a house. She knocked and, when no one answered, she walked right in. At the table in the kitchen, there were three bowls of porridge. Goldilocks was hungry. She tasted the porridge from the first bowl. "This porridge is too hot!" she exclaimed. So, she tasted the porridge from the second bowl. "This porridge is too cold," she said So, she tasted the last bowl of porridge. "Ahhh, this porridge is just right," she said happily and she ate it all up. After she'd eaten the three bears' breakfasts she decided she was feeling a little tired. So, she walked into the living room where she saw three chairs. Goldilocks sat in the first chair to rest her feet. "This chair is too big!" she exclaimed. So she sat in the second chair. "This chair is too big, too!" she whined. So she tried the last and smallest chair. "Ahhh, this chair is just right," she sighed. But just as she settled down into the chair to rest, it broke into pieces! Goldilocks was very tired by this time, so she went upstairs to the bedroom. She lay down in the first bed, but it was too hard. Then she lay in the second bed, but it was too soft. Then she lay down in the third bed and it was just right. Goldilocks fell asleep.
  • 38. Original Script As she was sleeping, the three bears came home. "Someone's been eating my porridge," growled the Papa bear. "Someone's been eating my porridge," said the Mama bear. "Someone's been eating my porridge and they ate it all up!" cried the Baby bear. "Someone's been sitting in my chair," growled the Papa bear. "Someone's been sitting in my chair," said the Mama bear. "Someone's been sitting in my chair and they've broken it all to pieces," cried the Baby bear. They decided to look around some more and when they got upstairs to the bedroom, Papa bear growled, "Someone's been sleeping in my bed," "Someone's been sleeping in my bed, too" said the Mama bear "Someone's been sleeping in my bed and she's still there!" exclaimed Baby bear. Just then, Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears. She screamed, "Help!" And she jumped up and ran out of the room. Goldilocks ran down the stairs, opened the door, and ran away into the forest. And she never returned to the home of the three bears. THE END Story from:
  • 39. Final Script Scene 1: One day Goldilocks was walking through a forest but she was lost, After hours of walking there was a house that she came across. Scene 2: Goldilocks walked towards the house, And crept towards it as quiet as a mouse. Scene 3: She looked inside and opened the door, In hope she will walk in and find more. Scene 4: Goldilocks was hungry and her stomach wasn’t stable, But after searching for some food she found three bowls on the table. Scene 5: She tried some food but all she got, Was a BIG bowl of porridge that was way too hot. Scene 6: She came across more food but she still wasn’t sold, It was a medium sized bowl of porridge that was way too cold. Scene 7: Finally she found a perfectly sized bowl, The porridge wasn’t too hot but it wasn’t too cold. Scene 8: After having something to eat, She looked around to find a seat. Scene 9: She sat on a chair but it was way too big, She said “The owner of this chair must eat like a pig.” Scene 10: The second chair she sat on was too big still, She said “I feel like I’m sitting on top of a hill.” Scene 11: She found a chair that was the perfect size, She said “This chair is great but I need to rest my eyes.” Scene 12: But Goldilocks' weight was more than the chair could take. So when she jumped off, the chair just happened to break. Scene 13: She tried to sleep in beds that were too hard and too soft, But she found a perfect bed to sleep on placed in the loft. Scene 14: Whilst she was sleeping three bears came inside, “Someone's eaten our food and sat on our chairs” they cried. Scene 15: The bears were tired so they went to bed, But they found Goldilocks laid there instead. Scene 16: She jumped out of bed and ran away, And has made no return since that day.