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Digital Graphic Narrative
Amy Horner
Shape Task
Shape Task
What did you like about your image?
In my images I like the way I have gotten some of the detail from the original
photo, and managed to show that in my shape task. On the first image I really
like the way I have gotten the ear shape perfect on both sides, as that is how
they both looked in the photo. On the second image, I like the different
colours I have used, as elephants do have different tones to their skin, and I
think that I have showed that.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I did this task again, I could improve my first image by adding more colour
tones to the dogs fur on the body. This is so it would actually look like fur
rather than it looking like one big black shape. On my second image, I would
have spent more time on it and I would have added more details into the ears
and the trunk, because elephants have a lot of different marks on them. This
would then make my image look more realistic.
What did you like about your image?
In my image I like the facial features as I think they are very close to the actual
picture of Cara, this then makes the image look more realistic. I also like the
two different colour tones for the hair, because it makes the hair look slightly
more textured, rather than looking cartoon like.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I re-did this image, I would improve it by using more colour tones in the
face, rather than it just being one tone. This is so the image would look even
more realistic, and would make the image look less 2D and more 3D. I would
also change the neck, as I think it looks quite manly, so I would make it look
thinner so there’s more definition between the neck and the rest of the body.
Film Quotes
What did you like about your image?
Something that I like about my image is that I think I have managed to visually create the film
quote perfectly. I have done this because the facial expression on the characters face fits
perfectly with the quote, and I did this by selecting a screenshot from the film and rotoscoping it
on Photoshop. This enabled me to make what I think is quite a realistic version of the screenshot
from the film.
Another thing that I like about my image is the way I’ve done the eyes. This is because on the
original image, the character has quite set back eyes with dark circles underneath, and I wanted
to re-create that. To do this I went onto ‘layer style’ and went onto ‘bevel and emboss’ and
selected contour. This gave it the effect I wanted to create, as it put a dark line underneath the
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I did this image again, one thing that I would improve is I would maybe add a background
rather than it just being white and blank. This would make my image look better and would
improve it because at the minute, some people might think that it looks slightly boring and dull
because there isn’t a lot going on in it. Another thing that I would improve if I were to do it again
is that I would add more tones into the face, because I think how it is now, it looks a bit plain and
2D. This would also make it even more realistic looking, which is what I want it to look like.
Text Based
Text Based
What did you like about your image?
I like all the different things you can do with the text, for example distorting it,
changing the spaces between the letters, the size and the colour. I really like
the one where you can put an image behind the text (on the second Text
Based slide) as I think it looks really interesting, and makes the text stand out.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I were to do this again, I would improve it by playing about with the
gradient colours more, and try and make something that looks new and
Comic Book
What did you like about your image?
I really like the different colours that I have used in the first image, as I think
that it makes the image really stand out, and it looks very comic book-like. In
the second image, I like the subtlety of the colours, and even though there
are no bright and stand out colours, it still looks like a comic book image.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I did these images again, I could maybe improve them by making the
contrast higher between the main colours in the first image, as that would
make them stand out even more and would make it look even more like an
image from a comic book. To improve the second image, I could make it
slightly brighter because his top gets lost in the background, as there is no
definition between the two.
Photo Story
What did you like about your image?
What I like about this image is the lay out of the images, because I think it
makes the photo story easy to follow. I also like how I’ve made the main focus
of the image in colour, and the rest of the image in black and white. This is
because it makes it stand out more, and shows clearly what the main focus is,
therefore making it even easier to follow.
What would you improve if you did it again?
To improve this image, I could add text and speech bubbles. I think this would
improve my image, because it would make it clear as to what the storyline is,
and again would make it a lot easier to follow.
What did you like about your image?
In this image, I like the fact that I was able to create multiple images of
whatever I wanted. I also like the amount of colour that I have used, as I
haven’t used too much as it would look quite overpowering. For example in
the image in the top left corner, I have only used a select amount of colour on
the lady, to make it pop and stand out.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I did this again, I would improve it by drawing some more images and try
and make them look as good as possible, as I don’t think that my illustrations
are too a high standard, because I’m not the best at drawing.
Narrative Environment
What did you like about your image?
I like quite a lot of things in my image as I think that it looks a lot like the
original, and looks fairly realistic. One of the things I really like about my
image is the different colour tones because I think it looks more textured and
3D rather than it just looking 2D. I also like the way the image draws you in
because of the perspective that the image is at.
What would you improve if you did it again?
To improve my image if I were to do it again, I would add some more plants
and use different shades of green to make it look even more realistic, because
not all plants are the same colour, so I could show some more differentiation
between the plants.
Initial Ideas
Idea Generation
Mood board of chosen idea
The amount of pages I am aiming to create for my children’s book is between 8 and 12. This is so there isn’t too
much for the children to read so they don’t get bored.
The page size I’m going for is around 10 x 20cm this is because I think that it’s a perfect size for a children’s
Story Overview
My story is based on Goldilocks And The Three Bears, however it is set in space.
A family of three bears (a mum, dad and a baby bear) live on a planet in space in a large spaceship, but one day
they go out and leave the spaceship door open. Then all of sudden a little girl shows up at the door and just
walks in. She then finds lots of different things like space food that the bears had left out, and she eats the first
one but that’s too hot, she then eats the second one, but that’s too salty and finally she eats the last one which
is just right. She goes around the house trying on all of the bears spacesuits and gets into their beds. Then the
family of bears arrive home to find that the house is a mess and that someone had been inside it. They search
everywhere for the intruder, and they eventually find her looking at herself in the mirror wearing the baby
bears spacesuit. The bears take her downstairs and throw her out of the spaceship. Goldilocks never returned to
the spaceship again.
Export Format
Advantages: An advantage of using a JPEG format is that it saves a lot of space, as the file size is quite small.
Another advantage is that the picture quality is very high because of the small degree of compression.
Disadvantages: A disadvantage of using a JPEG format is that it is less suitable for text or monochrome graphics
with clear boundaries. Another disadvantage is that it doesn’t support transparency.
The age range which I am targeting my children’s book at is 3-5. This is because the book is
going to be fairly simple and easy to understand, which is perfect for that age range. This is
also because I think children around that age would be interested in my book, because of the
graphics I am planning on making and the colours I’m going to use will be appealing to children
of that age. There is no specific gender that my book is targeted towards, however I think that
boys would maybe be more appealed to my book due to the space aspect of it, but girls will
still be appealed to it because the main character is a little girl. The location of my audience
will primarily be England as this book will be in English. However, my book could also be
released in other English speaking countries like Australia, America and Canada.
The class of my audience would mostly be middle class, but there may also be some lower and
upper class people in my audience.
Production Methods
In order to produce my pages, I’m going to be primarily using Adobe Photoshop in order to use
the shape tool to create my graphics. This is the main way I am going to create my
graphics/pages, as I think this will be a good way to create them because it’s the kind of style I
will be going for. Another method I will be using is rotoscope, because I will be taking images
and making them my own by rotoscoping them. I plan to do this for the background as I think
it will be an effective way to create a good looking, interesting background which is fairly
realistic, as this is the look I’m going for in my children’s book. I will also be using this method
to create the bears. I will do this by taking an existing image of a bear and then rotoscoping it
so it looks more cartoon like, but still quite realistic.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
Very detailed for your overview of the story, talking
about the setting, characters and other aspects.
You know the exact measurements for the amount
of pages and the page itself, which is very good as
you have planed your story to fit the out lines that
you have set your self.
Lots of information on your audience
Your work on the JPEG information could use some
more points and information.
Could discuss about the other viewers that could be
used for the book especially for people with reading
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
Good use of bright colours in mood board
Lots of images in mood board covering what type of
look you want in your story and the characters that
you will have in it
Add in more images regarding settings and time
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
• The proposal is written well and in detail it covers all the
points of the question; it’s easy to understand and gives
extra information about the product.
• The dimensions chosen for the children’s book are
appropriate; there is a guidance given for the amount of
pages used which means there is room to have more or
less pages.
• The chosen methods for creating the book are ones in
which are appropriate for the style of book being
created and ones in which will look good.
• The JPEG advantages and disadvantages could include
a bit more description; about how they are an advantage
of disadvantage referring to the product in which you are
• You could identify the audience in more detail discussing
the parents/adults who will be targeted for the book. As
they will be the ones purchasing and reading the book to
the children.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
• In the mood board there is a lot of images which are
fitting to the story and images in the particular style
• There is at least one image of each character and
aspect of the story which is going to be created.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
There is a lot of detail within your proposal. It is
very clear as to what you are trying to make and
you have an obvious understanding of file formats
and how it could affect the quality of your work. I
think that you have identified your audience really
You could provide more detail to the pros and cons
of the JPEG file format.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
The aspects of you planning reflect the
requirements of the brief. I think that the way you
have taken inspiration from an existing children’s
book that is quite well-known was a good idea
because audiences are more likely to want to read
your book if it is based off a popular title i.e. upon
finding a story that is very similar to one they are
familiar with,
The mood board could benefit from additional
images and you could add more detail to the mind
map to achieve a higher grade.
Feedback Summary
Sum up your feedback.
The feedback that I received was mostly very positive, as there were more strengths than weaknesses.
Nearly all of the strengths that I received about my proposal was that it was very detailed and that I
covered a lot of the key points. They also said that it was clear what kind of product I am planning on
making and that I have identified my audience really well. However, they all said that I should include
some more detail on the advantages and disadvantages of using the JPEG file format.
The feedback that I received was also very constructive and helpful, as they brought up points that I hadn’t
thought of, like the one that said about how am I going to accommodate people with learning difficulties
so they can still read my book.
Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?
I agree that I need to add more advantages and disadvantages about the JPEG format part of my proposal
because I have only put two for each and haven’t gone into a lot of detail about either of them.
Another thing I agree with is that I have covered my audience really well because I think I have gone into a
lot of detail about it.
Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?
One part of my feedback that I don’t agree with is that someone said I need to add more images to my
mood board. However, I think that it looks perfectly fine because it covers all of the things I wanted to
cover like characters, setting and other aspects of my story.
Original Script
Story Breakdown
1. A family of three bears (a mum, dad and a baby bear) live on a planet in space in a large
spaceship, but one day they go out and leave the spaceship door open.
2. Then all of sudden a little girl shows up at the door and just walks in.
3. She then finds lots of different things like space food that the bears had left out, and she
eats the first one but that’s too hot, she then eats the second one, but that’s too salty and
finally she eats the last one which is just right.
4. She goes around the house trying on all of the bears spacesuits and gets into their beds.
5. Then the family of bears arrive home to find that the house is a mess and that someone had
been inside it.
6. They search everywhere for the intruder, and they eventually find her looking at herself in
the mirror wearing the baby bears spacesuit.
7. The bears take her downstairs and throw her out of the spaceship.
8. Goldilocks never returned to the spaceship again.
Draft Script
1. On a planet far, far away from earth lived a little girl called Goldilocks. She was spacewalking around the
planet when she came across a large spaceship. ‘ maybe I should go and have a look’ Goldilocks thought to
herself. And with that, she settled down next the spaceship, but she noticed the door was open
2. Goldilocks didn’t even knock, she went straight in and up the stairs
3. She reached the kitchen and saw some space food ‘I don’t think they would mind if I had some’ Goldilocks
thought to herself
4. She tucked into the first bowl ‘OUCH! It’s too hot’ she shouted out loud
5. She tucked into the second bowl ‘EW! It’s too salty’ she shouted
6. She finally tucked into the last bowl ‘Hmm, just right’ she said to herself
7. She then went up the next flight of stairs and found a bedroom. ‘There’s hair everywhere, who lives here?!’
she thought to herself
8. She then began to try on some space suits she found in a wardrobe. They were too big for her! ‘They must be
big people’ she thought to herself as she stood looking at herself in the mirror
9. Goldilocks then began to jump about on the bed, and playing about just like every little girl does. Then all of a
sudden there was a loud noise from downstairs. ‘WHO HAS BEEN IN MY HOUSE’ growled an angry bear
10. A daddy bear came running up the stairs, closely followed by a mummy and baby bear. ‘GET OUT OF MY
HOUSE’ the daddy growled at Goldilocks
11. The daddy bear threw Goldilocks out the door and shouted ‘NEVER COME BACK HERE AGAIN!’ and the
mummy bear added ‘If you would have just waited and asked us if you could visit us, we would’ve let you, but
you never just walk into a strangers home!’
12. Goldilocks floated back home, and never walked into a strangers home again.
Final Script
1. Once upon a time, on a planet far, far away lived a little girl named Goldilocks. One day she was playing out on
the planet when she came across a large spaceship with the door open.
2. Goldilocks settled down next to the spaceship, and with that she entered the strangers spaceship
3. When she entered she walked up some stairs to find a kitchen with three bowls of space food, and Goldilocks
was very hungry after all of the space walking she had done that morning. ‘They won’t mind if I help myself,
would they?’ She asked herself
4. She pulled out a chair at the table and tucked into the first bowl of space food. ‘OUCH! It’s too hot!’ Goldilocks
5. She then tried the second bowl full. ‘EW! It’s too salty’ she said to herself
6. Then she tucked into the third bowl ‘YUM! This one is just right’
7. Goldilocks then found another flight of stairs which led her to the bedroom, in which she found a wardrobe full
of spacesuits covered in brown fur
8. She tried one of them on ‘this is huge, there is no way this is for a human’ she said to herself
9. Goldilocks then ran and jumped onto the bed and played on it just like any little girl would do, until she heard a
loud noise and growl from downstairs. ‘WHO HAS BEEN IN MY SPACESHIP?’ growled a voice from downstairs
10. With that, a daddy bear closely followed by a mummy and baby bear came running up the stairs. ‘GET OUT OF
MY SPACESHIP’ shouted the daddy bear as he grabbed Goldilocks
11. ‘you never just walk into a strangers spaceship, you should’ve knocked and waited for us’ said the mummy bear
to Goldilocks
12. Daddy bear threw Goldilocks out of the spaceship and warned her that if she did it again, he would call the
space police. Goldilocks never went into another strangers spaceship again, and space walked back to her
Digital Flat Plans
Once upon a time, on a planet far, far away lived
a little girl named Goldilocks.
Goldilocks was playing out on a different planet,
when she came across a strangers spaceship. The
door was open, so she decided to walk in.
When she entered she walked up some stairs to
find a kitchen with three bowls of space food,
and Goldilocks was very hungry after all of the
playing she had done that morning.
‘They won’t
mind if I help
myself, would
She pulled out a chair at the table and tucked into
the first bowl of space food.
‘OUCH! It’s
too hot!’
‘EW! It’s
too salty’
She then tried the second bowl full…
‘YUM! This
one is just
She then finally tucked into the third bowl…
Digital Flat Plans
Goldilocks then found another flight of stairs
which led her to the bedroom, in which she
found a wardrobe full of spacesuits covered in
brown fur.
‘this is huge,
there is no
way this is for
a human’
Goldilocks started to try on the space suits she found…
Goldilocks then ran and jumped onto the bed and
played on it just like any little girl would do, until she
heard a loud noise and growl from downstairs.
‘WHO HAS BEEN IN MY SPACESHIP?’ growled a voice
from downstairs
With that, a daddy bear closely followed by a
mummy and baby bear came running up the
stairs. ‘GET OUT OF MY SPACESHIP’ shouted the
daddy bear as he grabbed Goldilocks
‘you never just walk
into a strangers
spaceship, you
should’ve knocked and
waited for us’
Daddy bear threw Goldilocks out of the spaceship and
warned her that if she did it again, he would call the space
police. Goldilocks never went into another strangers
spaceship again, and space walked back to her spaceship.

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Development pro forma(3)

  • 4. Evaluation What did you like about your image? In my images I like the way I have gotten some of the detail from the original photo, and managed to show that in my shape task. On the first image I really like the way I have gotten the ear shape perfect on both sides, as that is how they both looked in the photo. On the second image, I like the different colours I have used, as elephants do have different tones to their skin, and I think that I have showed that. What would you improve if you did it again? If I did this task again, I could improve my first image by adding more colour tones to the dogs fur on the body. This is so it would actually look like fur rather than it looking like one big black shape. On my second image, I would have spent more time on it and I would have added more details into the ears and the trunk, because elephants have a lot of different marks on them. This would then make my image look more realistic.
  • 6. Evaluation What did you like about your image? In my image I like the facial features as I think they are very close to the actual picture of Cara, this then makes the image look more realistic. I also like the two different colour tones for the hair, because it makes the hair look slightly more textured, rather than looking cartoon like. What would you improve if you did it again? If I re-did this image, I would improve it by using more colour tones in the face, rather than it just being one tone. This is so the image would look even more realistic, and would make the image look less 2D and more 3D. I would also change the neck, as I think it looks quite manly, so I would make it look thinner so there’s more definition between the neck and the rest of the body.
  • 8. Evaluation What did you like about your image? Something that I like about my image is that I think I have managed to visually create the film quote perfectly. I have done this because the facial expression on the characters face fits perfectly with the quote, and I did this by selecting a screenshot from the film and rotoscoping it on Photoshop. This enabled me to make what I think is quite a realistic version of the screenshot from the film. Another thing that I like about my image is the way I’ve done the eyes. This is because on the original image, the character has quite set back eyes with dark circles underneath, and I wanted to re-create that. To do this I went onto ‘layer style’ and went onto ‘bevel and emboss’ and selected contour. This gave it the effect I wanted to create, as it put a dark line underneath the eye. What would you improve if you did it again? If I did this image again, one thing that I would improve is I would maybe add a background rather than it just being white and blank. This would make my image look better and would improve it because at the minute, some people might think that it looks slightly boring and dull because there isn’t a lot going on in it. Another thing that I would improve if I were to do it again is that I would add more tones into the face, because I think how it is now, it looks a bit plain and 2D. This would also make it even more realistic looking, which is what I want it to look like.
  • 11. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like all the different things you can do with the text, for example distorting it, changing the spaces between the letters, the size and the colour. I really like the one where you can put an image behind the text (on the second Text Based slide) as I think it looks really interesting, and makes the text stand out. What would you improve if you did it again? If I were to do this again, I would improve it by playing about with the gradient colours more, and try and make something that looks new and original.
  • 13. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I really like the different colours that I have used in the first image, as I think that it makes the image really stand out, and it looks very comic book-like. In the second image, I like the subtlety of the colours, and even though there are no bright and stand out colours, it still looks like a comic book image. What would you improve if you did it again? If I did these images again, I could maybe improve them by making the contrast higher between the main colours in the first image, as that would make them stand out even more and would make it look even more like an image from a comic book. To improve the second image, I could make it slightly brighter because his top gets lost in the background, as there is no definition between the two.
  • 15. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What I like about this image is the lay out of the images, because I think it makes the photo story easy to follow. I also like how I’ve made the main focus of the image in colour, and the rest of the image in black and white. This is because it makes it stand out more, and shows clearly what the main focus is, therefore making it even easier to follow. What would you improve if you did it again? To improve this image, I could add text and speech bubbles. I think this would improve my image, because it would make it clear as to what the storyline is, and again would make it a lot easier to follow.
  • 17. Evaluation What did you like about your image? In this image, I like the fact that I was able to create multiple images of whatever I wanted. I also like the amount of colour that I have used, as I haven’t used too much as it would look quite overpowering. For example in the image in the top left corner, I have only used a select amount of colour on the lady, to make it pop and stand out. What would you improve if you did it again? If I did this again, I would improve it by drawing some more images and try and make them look as good as possible, as I don’t think that my illustrations are too a high standard, because I’m not the best at drawing.
  • 19. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like quite a lot of things in my image as I think that it looks a lot like the original, and looks fairly realistic. One of the things I really like about my image is the different colour tones because I think it looks more textured and 3D rather than it just looking 2D. I also like the way the image draws you in because of the perspective that the image is at. What would you improve if you did it again? To improve my image if I were to do it again, I would add some more plants and use different shades of green to make it look even more realistic, because not all plants are the same colour, so I could show some more differentiation between the plants.
  • 22. Mood board of chosen idea
  • 23. Proposal Dimensions The amount of pages I am aiming to create for my children’s book is between 8 and 12. This is so there isn’t too much for the children to read so they don’t get bored. The page size I’m going for is around 10 x 20cm this is because I think that it’s a perfect size for a children’s book. Story Overview My story is based on Goldilocks And The Three Bears, however it is set in space. A family of three bears (a mum, dad and a baby bear) live on a planet in space in a large spaceship, but one day they go out and leave the spaceship door open. Then all of sudden a little girl shows up at the door and just walks in. She then finds lots of different things like space food that the bears had left out, and she eats the first one but that’s too hot, she then eats the second one, but that’s too salty and finally she eats the last one which is just right. She goes around the house trying on all of the bears spacesuits and gets into their beds. Then the family of bears arrive home to find that the house is a mess and that someone had been inside it. They search everywhere for the intruder, and they eventually find her looking at herself in the mirror wearing the baby bears spacesuit. The bears take her downstairs and throw her out of the spaceship. Goldilocks never returned to the spaceship again. Export Format JPEG Advantages: An advantage of using a JPEG format is that it saves a lot of space, as the file size is quite small. Another advantage is that the picture quality is very high because of the small degree of compression. Disadvantages: A disadvantage of using a JPEG format is that it is less suitable for text or monochrome graphics with clear boundaries. Another disadvantage is that it doesn’t support transparency.
  • 24. Deadline 15/06/2016 Audience The age range which I am targeting my children’s book at is 3-5. This is because the book is going to be fairly simple and easy to understand, which is perfect for that age range. This is also because I think children around that age would be interested in my book, because of the graphics I am planning on making and the colours I’m going to use will be appealing to children of that age. There is no specific gender that my book is targeted towards, however I think that boys would maybe be more appealed to my book due to the space aspect of it, but girls will still be appealed to it because the main character is a little girl. The location of my audience will primarily be England as this book will be in English. However, my book could also be released in other English speaking countries like Australia, America and Canada. The class of my audience would mostly be middle class, but there may also be some lower and upper class people in my audience. Production Methods In order to produce my pages, I’m going to be primarily using Adobe Photoshop in order to use the shape tool to create my graphics. This is the main way I am going to create my graphics/pages, as I think this will be a good way to create them because it’s the kind of style I will be going for. Another method I will be using is rotoscope, because I will be taking images and making them my own by rotoscoping them. I plan to do this for the background as I think it will be an effective way to create a good looking, interesting background which is fairly realistic, as this is the look I’m going for in my children’s book. I will also be using this method to create the bears. I will do this by taking an existing image of a bear and then rotoscoping it so it looks more cartoon like, but still quite realistic.
  • 25. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? Very detailed for your overview of the story, talking about the setting, characters and other aspects. You know the exact measurements for the amount of pages and the page itself, which is very good as you have planed your story to fit the out lines that you have set your self. Lots of information on your audience Your work on the JPEG information could use some more points and information. Could discuss about the other viewers that could be used for the book especially for people with reading difficulties What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? Good use of bright colours in mood board Lots of images in mood board covering what type of look you want in your story and the characters that you will have in it Add in more images regarding settings and time periods
  • 26. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? • The proposal is written well and in detail it covers all the points of the question; it’s easy to understand and gives extra information about the product. • The dimensions chosen for the children’s book are appropriate; there is a guidance given for the amount of pages used which means there is room to have more or less pages. • The chosen methods for creating the book are ones in which are appropriate for the style of book being created and ones in which will look good. • The JPEG advantages and disadvantages could include a bit more description; about how they are an advantage of disadvantage referring to the product in which you are making. • You could identify the audience in more detail discussing the parents/adults who will be targeted for the book. As they will be the ones purchasing and reading the book to the children. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? • In the mood board there is a lot of images which are fitting to the story and images in the particular style (cartoon). • There is at least one image of each character and aspect of the story which is going to be created.
  • 27. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? There is a lot of detail within your proposal. It is very clear as to what you are trying to make and you have an obvious understanding of file formats and how it could affect the quality of your work. I think that you have identified your audience really well. You could provide more detail to the pros and cons of the JPEG file format. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? The aspects of you planning reflect the requirements of the brief. I think that the way you have taken inspiration from an existing children’s book that is quite well-known was a good idea because audiences are more likely to want to read your book if it is based off a popular title i.e. upon finding a story that is very similar to one they are familiar with, The mood board could benefit from additional images and you could add more detail to the mind map to achieve a higher grade.
  • 28. Feedback Summary Sum up your feedback. The feedback that I received was mostly very positive, as there were more strengths than weaknesses. Nearly all of the strengths that I received about my proposal was that it was very detailed and that I covered a lot of the key points. They also said that it was clear what kind of product I am planning on making and that I have identified my audience really well. However, they all said that I should include some more detail on the advantages and disadvantages of using the JPEG file format. The feedback that I received was also very constructive and helpful, as they brought up points that I hadn’t thought of, like the one that said about how am I going to accommodate people with learning difficulties so they can still read my book. Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why? I agree that I need to add more advantages and disadvantages about the JPEG format part of my proposal because I have only put two for each and haven’t gone into a lot of detail about either of them. Another thing I agree with is that I have covered my audience really well because I think I have gone into a lot of detail about it. Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why? One part of my feedback that I don’t agree with is that someone said I need to add more images to my mood board. However, I think that it looks perfectly fine because it covers all of the things I wanted to cover like characters, setting and other aspects of my story.
  • 30. Story Breakdown 1. A family of three bears (a mum, dad and a baby bear) live on a planet in space in a large spaceship, but one day they go out and leave the spaceship door open. 2. Then all of sudden a little girl shows up at the door and just walks in. 3. She then finds lots of different things like space food that the bears had left out, and she eats the first one but that’s too hot, she then eats the second one, but that’s too salty and finally she eats the last one which is just right. 4. She goes around the house trying on all of the bears spacesuits and gets into their beds. 5. Then the family of bears arrive home to find that the house is a mess and that someone had been inside it. 6. They search everywhere for the intruder, and they eventually find her looking at herself in the mirror wearing the baby bears spacesuit. 7. The bears take her downstairs and throw her out of the spaceship. 8. Goldilocks never returned to the spaceship again.
  • 31. Draft Script 1. On a planet far, far away from earth lived a little girl called Goldilocks. She was spacewalking around the planet when she came across a large spaceship. ‘ maybe I should go and have a look’ Goldilocks thought to herself. And with that, she settled down next the spaceship, but she noticed the door was open 2. Goldilocks didn’t even knock, she went straight in and up the stairs 3. She reached the kitchen and saw some space food ‘I don’t think they would mind if I had some’ Goldilocks thought to herself 4. She tucked into the first bowl ‘OUCH! It’s too hot’ she shouted out loud 5. She tucked into the second bowl ‘EW! It’s too salty’ she shouted 6. She finally tucked into the last bowl ‘Hmm, just right’ she said to herself 7. She then went up the next flight of stairs and found a bedroom. ‘There’s hair everywhere, who lives here?!’ she thought to herself 8. She then began to try on some space suits she found in a wardrobe. They were too big for her! ‘They must be big people’ she thought to herself as she stood looking at herself in the mirror 9. Goldilocks then began to jump about on the bed, and playing about just like every little girl does. Then all of a sudden there was a loud noise from downstairs. ‘WHO HAS BEEN IN MY HOUSE’ growled an angry bear 10. A daddy bear came running up the stairs, closely followed by a mummy and baby bear. ‘GET OUT OF MY HOUSE’ the daddy growled at Goldilocks 11. The daddy bear threw Goldilocks out the door and shouted ‘NEVER COME BACK HERE AGAIN!’ and the mummy bear added ‘If you would have just waited and asked us if you could visit us, we would’ve let you, but you never just walk into a strangers home!’ 12. Goldilocks floated back home, and never walked into a strangers home again.
  • 32. Final Script 1. Once upon a time, on a planet far, far away lived a little girl named Goldilocks. One day she was playing out on the planet when she came across a large spaceship with the door open. 2. Goldilocks settled down next to the spaceship, and with that she entered the strangers spaceship 3. When she entered she walked up some stairs to find a kitchen with three bowls of space food, and Goldilocks was very hungry after all of the space walking she had done that morning. ‘They won’t mind if I help myself, would they?’ She asked herself 4. She pulled out a chair at the table and tucked into the first bowl of space food. ‘OUCH! It’s too hot!’ Goldilocks shouted 5. She then tried the second bowl full. ‘EW! It’s too salty’ she said to herself 6. Then she tucked into the third bowl ‘YUM! This one is just right’ 7. Goldilocks then found another flight of stairs which led her to the bedroom, in which she found a wardrobe full of spacesuits covered in brown fur 8. She tried one of them on ‘this is huge, there is no way this is for a human’ she said to herself 9. Goldilocks then ran and jumped onto the bed and played on it just like any little girl would do, until she heard a loud noise and growl from downstairs. ‘WHO HAS BEEN IN MY SPACESHIP?’ growled a voice from downstairs 10. With that, a daddy bear closely followed by a mummy and baby bear came running up the stairs. ‘GET OUT OF MY SPACESHIP’ shouted the daddy bear as he grabbed Goldilocks 11. ‘you never just walk into a strangers spaceship, you should’ve knocked and waited for us’ said the mummy bear to Goldilocks 12. Daddy bear threw Goldilocks out of the spaceship and warned her that if she did it again, he would call the space police. Goldilocks never went into another strangers spaceship again, and space walked back to her spaceship.
  • 33. Digital Flat Plans Once upon a time, on a planet far, far away lived a little girl named Goldilocks. Goldilocks was playing out on a different planet, when she came across a strangers spaceship. The door was open, so she decided to walk in. When she entered she walked up some stairs to find a kitchen with three bowls of space food, and Goldilocks was very hungry after all of the playing she had done that morning. ‘They won’t mind if I help myself, would they?’ She pulled out a chair at the table and tucked into the first bowl of space food. ‘OUCH! It’s too hot!’ ‘EW! It’s too salty’ She then tried the second bowl full… ‘YUM! This one is just right’ She then finally tucked into the third bowl…
  • 34. Digital Flat Plans Goldilocks then found another flight of stairs which led her to the bedroom, in which she found a wardrobe full of spacesuits covered in brown fur. ‘this is huge, there is no way this is for a human’ Goldilocks started to try on the space suits she found… Goldilocks then ran and jumped onto the bed and played on it just like any little girl would do, until she heard a loud noise and growl from downstairs. ‘WHO HAS BEEN IN MY SPACESHIP?’ growled a voice from downstairs With that, a daddy bear closely followed by a mummy and baby bear came running up the stairs. ‘GET OUT OF MY SPACESHIP’ shouted the daddy bear as he grabbed Goldilocks ‘you never just walk into a strangers spaceship, you should’ve knocked and waited for us’ Daddy bear threw Goldilocks out of the spaceship and warned her that if she did it again, he would call the space police. Goldilocks never went into another strangers spaceship again, and space walked back to her spaceship.