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Digital Graphic Narrative
James Horbury
Shape Task 1
Shape Task 2
What did you like about your image?
For shape task 1 I like how I turned the image original into a image that might be
in a kids book, I also like how I used the shape tools very well to make it clearly
look like a panda.
For task 2 I was very proud of how quickly I was able to make the crab by just
simple using the ellipse shape tool to make the body, legs and crawls.
What would you improve if you did it again?
What I would want to improve for task one is to add more of a fur affect to the
pandas face and body, this might of made it look better or it could or made it
worse but I would of like to see how it would of looked.
For task 2 I would of liked to finish the image by adding the remaining clipping
masks to the crabs legs and arms and see how it looks with all the mask applied to
What did you like about your image?
What I like about this image is how I have done the colours
and how well they match the original image, also I like how
well the filter gallery has added the affect of the material of
the outfit.
What would you improve if you did it again?
Next time I would like to add a background to it so it
isn’t just a plain white background, but it could add a
meaning to why he is giving a trumps up.
Film Quotes
What did you like about your image?
What I like about my image is what it says about the quote
and also the film it is from, if you had watch the film you
would understand and if you haven't you would want to
find out.
What would you improve if you did it again?
What I would want to do next time is add more fetchers to
the swans like it eyes, mouth and it feathers, this is also
something that might not look good with what am trying to
say and sometimes being simple says more, but I would of
like to see how it looked.
Text Based
Text Based
Text Based
Text Based
What did you like about your image?
I based my design off the marvel logo but where
there’s is red my is coloured off the comic books
in the image.
What would you improve if you did it again?
What I would want to improve is the front of the
waiting and make it more comic book like.
Comic Book 1
Comic book 2
What did you like about your image?
For CB 1 I like how the cut out effect has made it look like a
water painting and that it fits really well with the image.
For CB 2 I like how out there it is and one of the reason I did this
effect was because I was looking around on filter galley and click
on a filter and it just did this effect.
What would you improve if you did it again?
For CB 1 I would of liked to get ride of some of the image that
didn't’t work with the filter so it would of looked better.
CB 2 I would like to look deeper into what I could do more with
this filter and other things I could of change or added to it.
Photo Story
What did you like about your image?
I like how my work has graphic comic feel to it with the dark
colours and has the effect of water colours. I also like how I have
set it out with the first pages on top left to right and the last
pages on the bottom left to right.
What would you improve if you did it again?
What I would improve is how dark I have made it, with some of
the images being to dark and finding it hard to tell what is going
on. What I would also improve is how I’ve made it look like a
comic book and I would like to change the layout to be more
comic book like.
Illustration 2
What did you like about your image?
What I like about my work is how I made it up as I was
drawing it, and I didn’t really have something I based it
off I just started drawing it and I ended up with this.
What I like about illustration 2 is how I’ve done the
colours, mixing the red and the black outline.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I had more time and colouring pencils I would of liked
to colour it in, and if I did it again I would of used boxes to
help me angle it and shape it.
What I would like to improve next time is to make the
black outline better and fit well to the DD.
Narrative Environment
What did you like about your image?
What I like most about my work is how I've have
made it look with the way I have choice to do
my work by sticking to one colour per shape.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would add more detail to the pyramids and
add more sky effects to the background.
Initial Ideas
Idea Generation
Idea Generation
Mood board of chosen idea
Mood board of chosen idea
(number of pages and page size) 12 pages long with the page size being 13.3 cm wide
14.4 cm tall.
Story Overview
(Provide an outline of your story)
In china a emperor held a race to see which animal would be in what order for the
years from that point onwards. Some of the other animals who were not invited to the
race were jealous and angry so they held they own race to see who would win and
here is they story.
Export Format
Advantages: easily made (save as, PDF) and Compress large files.
Disadvantages: hard to edit after (edit as PDF) and limited OS support only supports
windows and mac operating systems.
(Think about who you are targeting as your audience. Consider age, gender, class,
location and other characteristics which could define your audience.) The age
audience for my book is kids aged 3 to 10 the reason I am doing this is because for
the kids who are younger they parents can read it to them and explain things to
them, and for the older kids they can read it themselves and understand it. They
isn’t really a gender or class my work is aimed at children who like to read so you
could call that a class but also like to have they parents read it to them. The
backstory of my book is a well known story around the world so the location could
be anyway that reads and speaks English.
Production Methods
(Explain the methods you are going to use to produce your pages. Show us the
thinking behind your decisions for a more detail response) I plan on doing my pages
landscape with some of the pages being one hole page, I did this because I plan on
having a lot of characters and will need to have them all on the same page for most
of the book, also I am going to need to have writing to explain the backstory and
what is going on so I need to fit that in with the pictures and art.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
The strengths of your proposal are that you have
chosen a unique idea which separates your book
from others. I also like the idea of using one whole
page for your illustration to go across.
Also, I like the way you have chosen your story and
then chosen the landscape styling afterwards in
order to suit your large amount of characters.
I think that the story overview section could do with
abit more work, this is because at the moment it
looks like a short synopsis, rather than an overview
of the whole story.
You could also add into the production methods the
techniques you will use to create your illustrations.
Or even the text that you could manipulate and
change in Photoshop?
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
The strengths of this idea generation are that you
have thought out the mind map very well and have
tried a range of ideas. You have also chosen
images for your mood board which are very
relevant to your story.
You could improve this by adding some notes
underneath your mind maps and mood boards. For
example, your opinions on the images in the mood
board and if you think they would be a suitable
template for your own illustrations.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
The proposal includes lots of information on the
story and how you are going to do it which is good.
Spelling errors.
Say how you are going to create the graphics for
the book.
Could add further detail to the story outline on how
the race will go e.g. who starts of winning etc…
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
Good wide range of ideas. As well as elaborating
on your chosen one as it is clear on what you
intend to create.
For the first part of the idea generation you could
elaborate more on the ideas as some are quite
vague on what you would do if you were to have
chosen another main idea.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
The proposal is in a lot of detail, as the idea you’ve
chosen not many people know about. Also in the
proposal you include a lot of detail on the audience
and who will read the book.
For the production methods in the proposal you
could explain how you plan on making the
illustrations for example rotoscoping or comic book
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
The idea generation is also in a lot of detail as there
is a specific mind map for your chosen idea as well
as having detailed ideas for each of the 5 original
ideas. The mood boards also include lots of specific
details on areas of the storyline.
To improve the idea generation you could include
more specific details about the characters in your
story, for example giving them names in the idea
generation stage, and details about the characters
Feedback Summary
Sum up your feedback.
To sum up my feedback is that I have chosen and story that not many people would
think to choose, also that I have gone into detail about my main idea on the mind map
and have done my mood board for my main idea and it shows what I am looking for. The
feedback on what I could improve is to add what method of editing I will do to make my
Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?
I agree with the feedback of that I have chosen a idea that not a lot of people would
think to use. I also agree with that I should of done more detail on the methods of how I
will make my work and will add later what I plan to use to make my work, and one more
I agree with is the feedback of that I need to add more detail to my ideas mind map and
go into more detail on my other ideas.
Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?
What part I disagree with is that I need to add more detail to my story outline because
at this point of product I do not have a clear idea of who will win and how the race will
Original Script
Original Script goes here with link to where it came from
Original Script
Original Script goes here with link to where it came from
Story Breakdown
It starts off with the emperor of china who needed a way of measuring time
so he told the animals of the world that he would be holding a swimming race and the first twelve animals would
get years named after.
The cat and the rat knew they couldn’t swim well so they ask the kind ox if they could ride on his back in the
race and being kind the ox said yes.
All the animal line up on the starting line and the race starts and the ox takes the lead.
As the race is going on the ox is nearing the finish line in first
but before he could reach it the rat pushed the cat into the river and the ox turned around to look what
As he turned around the rat jumped off his head and won the race.
The rat came first, the ox came second, the tiger came third, the rabbit came fourth, the dragon came firth, the
snake come sixth, the horse came seventh, goat came eighth, the monkey came ninth, the rooster came tenth,
the dog came eleventh and the boar took last place.
Finally the cat got out of the water but missed the chance to be named after a year
Angry with the rat he told himself that he would never be friends with the rat aging this is why the cat and the rat
hate each other to this day.
Draft Script
start off with a page telling the story of the original story and who won.
Then we go to a group of 12 animals after the race, who were not invited to race talking about how they
will have they own race and see who would win out of them.
So they find the river where the race was held and all line up but before they set off a rat ask if he can
join the race and all the animal say yes as they do not know that the rat was in the first race and won,
but the crocodile did know he was in the race and that he had cheated.
As they are getting ready to start the race aging the rat ask the crocodile if he can ride on his back, the
rat hoping if he can cheat the same way he did in the first, the crocodile knowing what the rat did in the
first race hatched a plan and said the rat may ride on his back but that the rat would be safer on the
crocodiles mouth.
The race starts and the crocodiles takes the lined and leaves the other animals behind, the rat who is
standing on the crocodile mouth is slowing moving up the mouth to the front of the mouth to jump off and
win, the crocodile knowing this opens his mouth very quickly sending the rat flying in the air backwoods
to the back of the race and in last place.
The crocodiles who came in first is getting congrats from other animals on his win, the rat who has come
in last place and is coved in water and mud and is very angry and goes to shout at the crocodile but
thinks twice about it and leaves.
All the other animal are celebrity and are happy with the outcome and are no longer upset about not
getting invited to the first race.
Final Script
Page one: Long ago a race was held to decide what years would be named after which
animals the first 12 animals would be named after years going on from that point. In the
race the rat won but did this by cheating, he cheated by riding on the back of the ox and
jumping off just before the finish line.
Page two: A few days after the race a group of 11 animals came together because they
were upset that they were not inviter to the race. Then they came up with a idea, the idea
was that they would hold they own race.
Page three: Just before the race was about to start the cheating Rat ask if he could join the
race, the animals not knowing that the Rat was in the first race and had cheated to win
said that he could join the race.
Page four: One of the animal “the Crocodile” knew that the Rat was in the first race and
had heard how he trick the Ox to win, so the Crocodile hatched a plan and let the Rat entry
the race.
Page five: As the animals were getting ready to start the race again the Rat ask the
Crocodile if he could ride on his back because he couldn't swim, the Crocodile knew the
Rat was going to ask him because he knew he was best swimmer out of the animals.
Page six: So the Crocodile said yes and the Rat jump on to the crocodile back, but the
Crocodile said that the Rat would be much safer on top of the Crocodiles month, the Rat
agreed but was thinking that it would make it easier for him to jump off and win.
Final Script
Pages seven and eight: The race started and the Crocodile zoomed ahead into first place
with the rat on his mouth, and all the other animal were behind him, all trying different ways
of swimming across the river.
Page nine: As the Crocodile was nearing the finish line the rat had be moving up the
Crocodiles mouth to the front getting ready to jump off and win, and just before he was
about to jump off, suddenly!!
Page ten: The Crocodile knowing what the Rat was going to do opened his month just as
the Rat was about to jump, sending the cheating Rat flying backwoods to last place.
Page eleven: At the end of the race the Crocodile had won the race, the Dragonfly had
come second by just simply flying over the water, the Turtle who is used to the water,
swimmer under water and came in third, the Turtle had not realised that the Snail had
falling asleep on his back and had helped the Snail come in fourth, after them the Cobra
came in firth by brainwashing the Hippopotamus to carry him, the Hippopotamus came
sixth, after them the Wolf came in at seventh he was a good swimmer but not a fast one, in
eighth was the Fox who had be chatting with the Honey Badger and had kindly let the
Meerkat ride on his back and had let the Meerkat come in ninth place with the Honey
Badge coming in tenth, shortly behind them was the lazy Sloth who didn’t really want to
swim and had decided to lay on his back and let the water take him to the end and had co
me in eleventh, very long after that the cheating Rat came in twelfth cover in mud and
water and was not very happy.
Final Script
Page twelve: All the animals congratulated the crocodile for winning, other then
the Rat who stormed off in anger, all the animal were happy again and forgot
about the first race.
The End
Final script 2
Page one: Long ago all the animals held a race to see which of them would get the years
named after them. The first twelve animals would each take a turn to have a year. The rat
won but he cheated and used the ox to ride on and jumped over the finish line.
Page two: A few days after the race a group of 11 animals came together because they
were upset that they were not invited to the race. Then they came up with an idea, the idea
was that they would hold they own race.
Page three: Just before the race was about to start the cheating Rat asked if he could join
the race. The animals did not know that the rat had joined in the first race and cheated so
they let him join them.
Page four: One of the animals, the Crocodile, knew that the Rat had cheated in the first
race. So the Crocodile made up his own plan.
Page five: The animals were getting ready to start the race when the Rat went to the
“Can I ride on your back?” Rat asked. “I can’t swim, and you are the best swimmer here.”
Page six: “Yes,” said Crocodile, “but you should sit on my mouth, It will be safer.” So Rat
jumped onto Crocodile’s mouth. He was happy that he would be able to jump off and win
Page 7&8: When the race started Crocodile sped off. He was in first place and Rat was
safely on his mouth.
Final script 2
Page nine: As the Crocodile was nearing the finish line the rat had be moving up
the Crocodiles mouth to the front getting ready to jump off and win. Just before
Rat was about to jump off, Crocodile suddenly went…
Page ten: SNAP!
Page eleven: And the cheating Rat went flying back to the starting line. All the
way to last place.
Page twelve: Crocodile had won the race and was awarded a gold medal,
Dragonfly hold came second, and turtle was third.
Page thirteen: all the other animals cheered for them, and they cheered for all
the other animals. Everyone had tried their very best!
Page Fourteen: All but the cheating Rat went to celebrate. Rat pulled himself out
of the river and stormed off all alone. No one likes a cheater.
Final script 3
Page one: A long time ago all the animals decided that they would hold a race every year
to see who was the fastest out of them, and this year they decided this year the race
would be a swimming race.
Page two: Just before the race was about to start Rat asked if he could join the race. A lot
of the animals did not know that the Rat had cheated in all the other races, so they let him
Page three: But one of the animals, Crocodile, knew that Rat was a cheater. So Crocodile
hatched a plan.
Half of page four: As the animals were lining up on the starting line, Rat went to Crocodile.
“Can I ride on your back?” Rat asked. “I can’t swim, and you are the best swimmer here.”
Other half of page four: “Yes,” said crocodile, “but you should sit on my mouth, It will be
safer.” So Rat jumped onto Crocodile’s mouth. He was happy that he would be able to
jump off and win more easily.
Page 5&6: When the race started, Crocodile sped off. He was in first place and Rat was
safely on his mouth.
Final script 3
Page seven: As Crocodile was nearing the finish line Rat had been moving up
Crocodiles mouth to the front getting ready to jump off and win. Just before Rat
was about to jump off, Crocodile suddenly went…
Page eight: SNAP!
And Rat went flying back to the starting line. All the way to last place.
Page Nine: Crocodile had won the race and was awarded a gold medal,
Dragonfly had come second, and the turtle was third.
All the other animals cheered for them, and they cheered for all the other
animals. Everyone had tried their very best!
Page ten: All but Rat went to celebrate. Rat pulled himself out of the river and
stormed off all alone. No one likes a cheater.
Digital Flat Plans
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Digital Flat Plans
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Digital Flat Plans
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Digital Flat Plans
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Digital Flat Plans
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Digital Flat Plans
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Digital Flat Plans
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Development pro forma by james horbury

  • 4. Evaluation What did you like about your image? For shape task 1 I like how I turned the image original into a image that might be in a kids book, I also like how I used the shape tools very well to make it clearly look like a panda. For task 2 I was very proud of how quickly I was able to make the crab by just simple using the ellipse shape tool to make the body, legs and crawls. What would you improve if you did it again? What I would want to improve for task one is to add more of a fur affect to the pandas face and body, this might of made it look better or it could or made it worse but I would of like to see how it would of looked. For task 2 I would of liked to finish the image by adding the remaining clipping masks to the crabs legs and arms and see how it looks with all the mask applied to it.
  • 6. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What I like about this image is how I have done the colours and how well they match the original image, also I like how well the filter gallery has added the affect of the material of the outfit. What would you improve if you did it again? Next time I would like to add a background to it so it isn’t just a plain white background, but it could add a meaning to why he is giving a trumps up.
  • 8. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What I like about my image is what it says about the quote and also the film it is from, if you had watch the film you would understand and if you haven't you would want to find out. What would you improve if you did it again? What I would want to do next time is add more fetchers to the swans like it eyes, mouth and it feathers, this is also something that might not look good with what am trying to say and sometimes being simple says more, but I would of like to see how it looked.
  • 13. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I based my design off the marvel logo but where there’s is red my is coloured off the comic books in the image. What would you improve if you did it again? What I would want to improve is the front of the waiting and make it more comic book like.
  • 16. Evaluation What did you like about your image? For CB 1 I like how the cut out effect has made it look like a water painting and that it fits really well with the image. For CB 2 I like how out there it is and one of the reason I did this effect was because I was looking around on filter galley and click on a filter and it just did this effect. What would you improve if you did it again? For CB 1 I would of liked to get ride of some of the image that didn't’t work with the filter so it would of looked better. CB 2 I would like to look deeper into what I could do more with this filter and other things I could of change or added to it.
  • 18. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like how my work has graphic comic feel to it with the dark colours and has the effect of water colours. I also like how I have set it out with the first pages on top left to right and the last pages on the bottom left to right. What would you improve if you did it again? What I would improve is how dark I have made it, with some of the images being to dark and finding it hard to tell what is going on. What I would also improve is how I’ve made it look like a comic book and I would like to change the layout to be more comic book like.
  • 21. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What I like about my work is how I made it up as I was drawing it, and I didn’t really have something I based it off I just started drawing it and I ended up with this. What I like about illustration 2 is how I’ve done the colours, mixing the red and the black outline. What would you improve if you did it again? If I had more time and colouring pencils I would of liked to colour it in, and if I did it again I would of used boxes to help me angle it and shape it. What I would like to improve next time is to make the black outline better and fit well to the DD.
  • 23. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What I like most about my work is how I've have made it look with the way I have choice to do my work by sticking to one colour per shape. What would you improve if you did it again? I would add more detail to the pyramids and add more sky effects to the background.
  • 27. Mood board of chosen idea
  • 28. Mood board of chosen idea
  • 29. Proposal Dimensions (number of pages and page size) 12 pages long with the page size being 13.3 cm wide 14.4 cm tall. Story Overview (Provide an outline of your story) In china a emperor held a race to see which animal would be in what order for the years from that point onwards. Some of the other animals who were not invited to the race were jealous and angry so they held they own race to see who would win and here is they story. Export Format PDF Advantages: easily made (save as, PDF) and Compress large files. Disadvantages: hard to edit after (edit as PDF) and limited OS support only supports windows and mac operating systems.
  • 30. Deadline 22/4/16 Audience (Think about who you are targeting as your audience. Consider age, gender, class, location and other characteristics which could define your audience.) The age audience for my book is kids aged 3 to 10 the reason I am doing this is because for the kids who are younger they parents can read it to them and explain things to them, and for the older kids they can read it themselves and understand it. They isn’t really a gender or class my work is aimed at children who like to read so you could call that a class but also like to have they parents read it to them. The backstory of my book is a well known story around the world so the location could be anyway that reads and speaks English. Production Methods (Explain the methods you are going to use to produce your pages. Show us the thinking behind your decisions for a more detail response) I plan on doing my pages landscape with some of the pages being one hole page, I did this because I plan on having a lot of characters and will need to have them all on the same page for most of the book, also I am going to need to have writing to explain the backstory and what is going on so I need to fit that in with the pictures and art.
  • 31. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? The strengths of your proposal are that you have chosen a unique idea which separates your book from others. I also like the idea of using one whole page for your illustration to go across. Also, I like the way you have chosen your story and then chosen the landscape styling afterwards in order to suit your large amount of characters. I think that the story overview section could do with abit more work, this is because at the moment it looks like a short synopsis, rather than an overview of the whole story. You could also add into the production methods the techniques you will use to create your illustrations. Or even the text that you could manipulate and change in Photoshop? What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? The strengths of this idea generation are that you have thought out the mind map very well and have tried a range of ideas. You have also chosen images for your mood board which are very relevant to your story. You could improve this by adding some notes underneath your mind maps and mood boards. For example, your opinions on the images in the mood board and if you think they would be a suitable template for your own illustrations.
  • 32. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? The proposal includes lots of information on the story and how you are going to do it which is good. Spelling errors. Say how you are going to create the graphics for the book. Could add further detail to the story outline on how the race will go e.g. who starts of winning etc… What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? Good wide range of ideas. As well as elaborating on your chosen one as it is clear on what you intend to create. For the first part of the idea generation you could elaborate more on the ideas as some are quite vague on what you would do if you were to have chosen another main idea.
  • 33. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? The proposal is in a lot of detail, as the idea you’ve chosen not many people know about. Also in the proposal you include a lot of detail on the audience and who will read the book. For the production methods in the proposal you could explain how you plan on making the illustrations for example rotoscoping or comic book style. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? The idea generation is also in a lot of detail as there is a specific mind map for your chosen idea as well as having detailed ideas for each of the 5 original ideas. The mood boards also include lots of specific details on areas of the storyline. To improve the idea generation you could include more specific details about the characters in your story, for example giving them names in the idea generation stage, and details about the characters looks.
  • 34. Feedback Summary Sum up your feedback. To sum up my feedback is that I have chosen and story that not many people would think to choose, also that I have gone into detail about my main idea on the mind map and have done my mood board for my main idea and it shows what I am looking for. The feedback on what I could improve is to add what method of editing I will do to make my work. Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why? I agree with the feedback of that I have chosen a idea that not a lot of people would think to use. I also agree with that I should of done more detail on the methods of how I will make my work and will add later what I plan to use to make my work, and one more I agree with is the feedback of that I need to add more detail to my ideas mind map and go into more detail on my other ideas. Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why? What part I disagree with is that I need to add more detail to my story outline because at this point of product I do not have a clear idea of who will win and how the race will go.
  • 35. Original Script Original Script goes here with link to where it came from
  • 36. Original Script Original Script goes here with link to where it came from ZodiacStory.aspx
  • 37. Story Breakdown It starts off with the emperor of china who needed a way of measuring time so he told the animals of the world that he would be holding a swimming race and the first twelve animals would get years named after. The cat and the rat knew they couldn’t swim well so they ask the kind ox if they could ride on his back in the race and being kind the ox said yes. All the animal line up on the starting line and the race starts and the ox takes the lead. As the race is going on the ox is nearing the finish line in first but before he could reach it the rat pushed the cat into the river and the ox turned around to look what happened As he turned around the rat jumped off his head and won the race. The rat came first, the ox came second, the tiger came third, the rabbit came fourth, the dragon came firth, the snake come sixth, the horse came seventh, goat came eighth, the monkey came ninth, the rooster came tenth, the dog came eleventh and the boar took last place. Finally the cat got out of the water but missed the chance to be named after a year Angry with the rat he told himself that he would never be friends with the rat aging this is why the cat and the rat hate each other to this day.
  • 38. Draft Script start off with a page telling the story of the original story and who won. Then we go to a group of 12 animals after the race, who were not invited to race talking about how they will have they own race and see who would win out of them. So they find the river where the race was held and all line up but before they set off a rat ask if he can join the race and all the animal say yes as they do not know that the rat was in the first race and won, but the crocodile did know he was in the race and that he had cheated. As they are getting ready to start the race aging the rat ask the crocodile if he can ride on his back, the rat hoping if he can cheat the same way he did in the first, the crocodile knowing what the rat did in the first race hatched a plan and said the rat may ride on his back but that the rat would be safer on the crocodiles mouth. The race starts and the crocodiles takes the lined and leaves the other animals behind, the rat who is standing on the crocodile mouth is slowing moving up the mouth to the front of the mouth to jump off and win, the crocodile knowing this opens his mouth very quickly sending the rat flying in the air backwoods to the back of the race and in last place. The crocodiles who came in first is getting congrats from other animals on his win, the rat who has come in last place and is coved in water and mud and is very angry and goes to shout at the crocodile but thinks twice about it and leaves. All the other animal are celebrity and are happy with the outcome and are no longer upset about not getting invited to the first race.
  • 39. Final Script Page one: Long ago a race was held to decide what years would be named after which animals the first 12 animals would be named after years going on from that point. In the race the rat won but did this by cheating, he cheated by riding on the back of the ox and jumping off just before the finish line. Page two: A few days after the race a group of 11 animals came together because they were upset that they were not inviter to the race. Then they came up with a idea, the idea was that they would hold they own race. Page three: Just before the race was about to start the cheating Rat ask if he could join the race, the animals not knowing that the Rat was in the first race and had cheated to win said that he could join the race. Page four: One of the animal “the Crocodile” knew that the Rat was in the first race and had heard how he trick the Ox to win, so the Crocodile hatched a plan and let the Rat entry the race. Page five: As the animals were getting ready to start the race again the Rat ask the Crocodile if he could ride on his back because he couldn't swim, the Crocodile knew the Rat was going to ask him because he knew he was best swimmer out of the animals. Page six: So the Crocodile said yes and the Rat jump on to the crocodile back, but the Crocodile said that the Rat would be much safer on top of the Crocodiles month, the Rat agreed but was thinking that it would make it easier for him to jump off and win.
  • 40. Final Script Pages seven and eight: The race started and the Crocodile zoomed ahead into first place with the rat on his mouth, and all the other animal were behind him, all trying different ways of swimming across the river. Page nine: As the Crocodile was nearing the finish line the rat had be moving up the Crocodiles mouth to the front getting ready to jump off and win, and just before he was about to jump off, suddenly!! Page ten: The Crocodile knowing what the Rat was going to do opened his month just as the Rat was about to jump, sending the cheating Rat flying backwoods to last place. Page eleven: At the end of the race the Crocodile had won the race, the Dragonfly had come second by just simply flying over the water, the Turtle who is used to the water, swimmer under water and came in third, the Turtle had not realised that the Snail had falling asleep on his back and had helped the Snail come in fourth, after them the Cobra came in firth by brainwashing the Hippopotamus to carry him, the Hippopotamus came sixth, after them the Wolf came in at seventh he was a good swimmer but not a fast one, in eighth was the Fox who had be chatting with the Honey Badger and had kindly let the Meerkat ride on his back and had let the Meerkat come in ninth place with the Honey Badge coming in tenth, shortly behind them was the lazy Sloth who didn’t really want to swim and had decided to lay on his back and let the water take him to the end and had co me in eleventh, very long after that the cheating Rat came in twelfth cover in mud and water and was not very happy.
  • 41. Final Script Page twelve: All the animals congratulated the crocodile for winning, other then the Rat who stormed off in anger, all the animal were happy again and forgot about the first race. The End Title:
  • 42. Final script 2 Page one: Long ago all the animals held a race to see which of them would get the years named after them. The first twelve animals would each take a turn to have a year. The rat won but he cheated and used the ox to ride on and jumped over the finish line. Page two: A few days after the race a group of 11 animals came together because they were upset that they were not invited to the race. Then they came up with an idea, the idea was that they would hold they own race. Page three: Just before the race was about to start the cheating Rat asked if he could join the race. The animals did not know that the rat had joined in the first race and cheated so they let him join them. Page four: One of the animals, the Crocodile, knew that the Rat had cheated in the first race. So the Crocodile made up his own plan. Page five: The animals were getting ready to start the race when the Rat went to the Crocodile. “Can I ride on your back?” Rat asked. “I can’t swim, and you are the best swimmer here.” Page six: “Yes,” said Crocodile, “but you should sit on my mouth, It will be safer.” So Rat jumped onto Crocodile’s mouth. He was happy that he would be able to jump off and win easier. Page 7&8: When the race started Crocodile sped off. He was in first place and Rat was safely on his mouth.
  • 43. Final script 2 Page nine: As the Crocodile was nearing the finish line the rat had be moving up the Crocodiles mouth to the front getting ready to jump off and win. Just before Rat was about to jump off, Crocodile suddenly went… Page ten: SNAP! Page eleven: And the cheating Rat went flying back to the starting line. All the way to last place. Page twelve: Crocodile had won the race and was awarded a gold medal, Dragonfly hold came second, and turtle was third. Page thirteen: all the other animals cheered for them, and they cheered for all the other animals. Everyone had tried their very best! Page Fourteen: All but the cheating Rat went to celebrate. Rat pulled himself out of the river and stormed off all alone. No one likes a cheater.
  • 44. Final script 3 Page one: A long time ago all the animals decided that they would hold a race every year to see who was the fastest out of them, and this year they decided this year the race would be a swimming race. Page two: Just before the race was about to start Rat asked if he could join the race. A lot of the animals did not know that the Rat had cheated in all the other races, so they let him join. Page three: But one of the animals, Crocodile, knew that Rat was a cheater. So Crocodile hatched a plan. Half of page four: As the animals were lining up on the starting line, Rat went to Crocodile. “Can I ride on your back?” Rat asked. “I can’t swim, and you are the best swimmer here.” Other half of page four: “Yes,” said crocodile, “but you should sit on my mouth, It will be safer.” So Rat jumped onto Crocodile’s mouth. He was happy that he would be able to jump off and win more easily. Page 5&6: When the race started, Crocodile sped off. He was in first place and Rat was safely on his mouth.
  • 45. Final script 3 Page seven: As Crocodile was nearing the finish line Rat had been moving up Crocodiles mouth to the front getting ready to jump off and win. Just before Rat was about to jump off, Crocodile suddenly went… Page eight: SNAP! And Rat went flying back to the starting line. All the way to last place. Page Nine: Crocodile had won the race and was awarded a gold medal, Dragonfly had come second, and the turtle was third. All the other animals cheered for them, and they cheered for all the other animals. Everyone had tried their very best! Page ten: All but Rat went to celebrate. Rat pulled himself out of the river and stormed off all alone. No one likes a cheater.
  • 50. Digital Flat Plans Page five Page six