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Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis
Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh
using Cluster Analysis
*Md. Siraj-Ud-Doulah1, Md. Nazmul Islam2
1,2Department of Statistics, Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur, Bangladesh.
Climate zones of Bangladesh are identified by using mathematical methodology of cluster
analysis. Monthly data from 34 climate stations for rainfall from 1991 to 2013 are used in the
cluster analysis. Five Agglomerative Hierarchical clustering measures based on mostly used six
proximity measures are chosen to perform the regionalization. Besides three popular measures:
K-means, Fuzzy and density based clustering techniques are applied initially to decide the most
suitable method for the identification of homogeneous region. Stability of the cluster is also tested
based on nine validity indices. It is decided that Ward method based on Euclidean distance, K-
means, Fuzzy are the most likely to yield acceptable results in this particular case, as is often the
case in climatological research. In this analysis we found seven different climate zones in
Keywords: Clustering Techniques, Validity Indices, Rainfalls, Climate Zones, Bangladesh.
Rainfall plays an important role in the agro-economy of
Bangladesh, located in tropical zone. Its climate is
characterized by large variations in seasonal rainfall with
moderately warm temperatures and high humidity. Due to
its geographic location and dense population, Bangladesh
has been identified as one of the most vulnerable countries
to climate change (Islam, 2009). The investigation has
been carried out using monthly records of important
climatic variable rainfall observed at 34 ground based
stations of Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD)
distributed over the country during the time period 1991-
2013 ( From the combined trend
of rainfall and maximum temperature intensity (determined
by GIS mapping), geographically Bangladesh is divided
into four regions such as; North-Eastern Region, South-
Eastern Region, South-Western Region and North-
Western Region. Another research show that the
information from each station have been studied and
analyzed, while grouping the stations in one of the eight
hydrological (planning) regions of Bangladesh. North East
(NE), North Central (NC), North West (NW), South East
(SE), South Central (SC), South West (SW), Eastern Hill
(EH) and River and Estuary (RE) which are defined in
qualitative terms, not quantitatively. This zone
classification has been used not only for differences in
climate but also for social and economic variables. Many
climatic studies have used a variety of data to define
climatic types and delineate zones of similar climate.
Several methods have also been applied for the detection
of homogeneous climate zone. In this study, cluster
analysis methodology has been used. Cluster analysis
applied to meteorological variables is a suitable approach
for identifying the climate zones, and its use is becoming
increasingly more common in atmospheric research (Erin,
1984; Kalkstein et al. 1987; Tayan et al. 1998). Choosing
appropriate data to cluster is an initial consideration in
cluster analysis. In climate classification, the variability of
long-term rainfall is the most readily available variables
(Linacre, 1992). In this study we intend to define spatially
homogeneous climate regions of Bangladesh by using a
mathematical methodology called cluster analysis.
*Corresponding Author: Md. Siraj-Ud-Doulah,
Department of Statistics, Begum Rokeya University,
Rangpur, Bangladesh. Email:
Research Article
Vol. 6(1), pp. 119-129, February, 2019. © ISSN: 2375-0499
International Journal of Statistics and Mathematics
Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis
Doulah and Islam. 120
Climate Data
The investigation has been carried out using daily records
of one important climatic variable, rainfall, observed at 34
ground based stations of Bangladesh Meteorological
Department (BMD) distributed over the country during the
time period 1991-2013 (
Although Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD)
has thirty-six (36) ground based stations, but only data of
thirty-four (34) stations has been taken in this research. At
initial stage, quality of rainfall data is checked by verifying
the following criteria (Erin, 1984; Masoodian, 2005)
(i) Non-existence of dates
(ii) Negative monthly rainfall
(iii) Monthly winter rainfall>100mm
(iv) Weather stations > 35% missing data
(v) Stations with gaps three or more years in between
If any of the above mentioned point is true for any dataset,
it is identified as erroneous data. So, two BMD stations are
discarded after following the preceding conditions
considering data period from 1991 to 2013. R-based
program is used to detect homogenous climate zones.
For clustering purposes there are two widely used
methods: the hierarchical and the non-hierarchical
(partitional). The hierarchical clustering process can be
categorized as divisive when a large data set is divided
into several small groups and, agglomerative when a small
data set are put together to create a larger cluster (Dyeret,
1975; Gan et al. 2007; Sarah et al. 2011). There are so
many descriptive statistics available in the literature
(Doulah, 2018) for evaluating the data that we have
applied the most frequently used measures in our analysis
first and then we have used the clustering techniques.
Agglomerative Algorithms
Some of the agglomerative algorithms are: single linkage,
complete linkage, average linkage, centroid and Ward’s
method. Several proximity measures like Euclidean
distance, Minkowski distance, Manhattan distance,
maximum distance, correlation based distance and
Canberra distance are used. The partitioned clustering
process is based on recover the natural grouping present
in the data thought a single partition. The partitioned
algorithms are divided as: K-means, Fuzzy and model
based clustering techniques (Hossen et al. 2015; Han &
Kamber, 2006; Johnson & Wichern, 1998).
Table 1: Some of the agglomerative algorithms
Methods Statistic Explanation
Linkage 12
min ( , )i j
i j
D d x y This is the distance between the closest members of the two clusters.
Linkage 12
max ( , )i j
i j
D d x y This is the distance between the members that are farthest apart (most
Linkage 12
1 1
( , )
k l
i j
i j
D d x y
kl  
 
This method involves looking at the distances between all pairs and
averages all of these distances. This is also called UPGMA-Un-
Weighted Pair Group Mean Averaging.
Method 12 ( , )D d x y This involves finding the mean vector location for each of the clusters
and taking the distance between the two centroids.
2. .
k l
D x y
k l
 
This method minimizes the total within-cluster variance. Those clusters
are combined whose merger results in minimum information loss (ESS
Distance Measures
The distances are normally used to measure the similarity
or dissimilarity between two data objects. Though there
are various distance measure available in the literature
(Hossen & Doulah, 2016; Meila, 2007; Yashwantl &
Sananse, 2015), commonly used six distance measures
are considered here. A simple description of distance
measures are given below:
Non-hierarchical Algorithms
K-means clustering
K-means clustering intends to partition n objects into k
clusters in which each object belongs to the cluster with
the nearest mean. K-Means is relatively an efficient
method (Gong & Richman, 1995; Nathan & McMahon,
1990). However, we need to specify the number of
clusters, in advance and the final results are sensitive to
initialization and often terminates at a local optimum.
Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis
Int. J. Stat. Math. 121
Table 2: Some of the distance measures
Distance Statistic
Euclidean 2
( , ) ( )i id x y x y 
( , )
i i
d x y x y
 
Minkowski 1/
( , )
i i
d x y x y
 
  
  
Maximum ( , ) max i id x y x y 
2 2
1 1
( )( )
( , ) 1
( ) ( )
i i
cor p n
i i
i i
x x y y
d x y
x x y y
 
 
 
 
 
( , )
i i
i i i
x y
d x y
x y
1. Clusters the data into k groups where k is predefined.
2. Select k points at random as cluster centers.
3. Assign objects to their closest cluster center according
to the Euclidean distance function.
4. Calculate the centroid or mean of all objects in each
5. Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4 until the same points are
assigned to each cluster in consecutive rounds.
Fuzzy clustering
The Fuzzy clustering is a clustering algorithm developed
by Dunn, and later on improved by Bezdek (Luxburg,
2010). It is useful when the required numbers of clusters
are pre-determined; thus, the algorithm tries to put each of
the data points to one of the clusters. What makes FCM
different is that it does not decide the absolute membership
of a data point to a given cluster; instead, it calculates the
likelihood (the degree of membership) that a data point will
belong to that cluster. Hence, depending on the accuracy
of the clustering that is required in practice, appropriate
tolerance measures can be put in place. Since the
absolute membership is not calculated, FCM can be
extremely fast because the number of iterations required
to achieve a specific clustering exercise corresponds to
the required accuracy.
Model-Based clustering
The model-based clustering framework consists of three
major steps (Baldwin & Lakshmivarahan, 2002; Everitt,
(a) Initialize the EM algorithm using the partitions from
model-based agglomerative hierarchical clustering.
(b) Estimate the parameters using the EM algorithm;
(c) Choose the model and the number of clusters
according to the BIC.
In this method, a model is hypothesized for each cluster to
find the best fit of data for a given model. Also, this method
locates the clusters by clustering the density function.
Thus, it reflects the spatial distribution of the data points.
This method also provides a way to determine the number
of clusters. That was based on standard statistics, taking
outlier or noise into account. It, therefore, yields robust
clustering methods.
Validity Indices
In the literature of data clustering, a lot of clustering
algorithms have been proposed for different applications
and different sizes of data. But clustering a dataset is an
unsupervised process; there are no predefined classes
and no examples that can show that the clusters found by
the clustering algorithms are valid (Hardy, 1996; Luxburg,
2010). To compare the clustering results of difference
clustering algorithms, it is necessary to develop some
validity criteria. Also, if the number of clusters is not given
in the clustering algorithms, it is a highly nontrivial task to
find the optimal number of clusters in the data set. To do
this, we need some cluster validity methods. The notation
& meaning of the validity indices are: n = number of
observations, p= number of variables, q= number of
clusters, X = ijx , 1,2,......,i n ; 1,2,.....,j p ; =
n p data matrix of p variables measured on n
independent observations, x = centroid of data matrix X
, kn = number of objects in cluster kC ,
ix = p -dimensional vector of observations of the
i object
in cluster kC ,
qW =
( )( )
i k i k
k i c
x c x c
 
  is the within-group
dispersion matrix for data clustered into q clusters,
qB =
( )( )
k k k
n c x c x
  is the between-group
dispersion matrix for data clustered into q clusters,
T =Total Sum of Squares,
S =
1 p
j j
p TSS
 ,
( )
jk kj
n c x
 and
jTSS =
( )
x x
 . The following cluster validity
methods are given in Table 3 below:
Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis
Doulah and Islam. 122
Table 3: Some of the validity indices
Validity Index Statistic Criteria for selection
Krzanowski and Lai ( )
KL q
Maximum value of the index
Calinski and Harabasz
( ) / ( 1)
( )
( ) / ( )
trace B q
CH q
trace W n q
Maximum value of the index
Scott and Symons
det( )
cot log
det( )q
S t n
 Maximum difference Between hierarchy levels of the index
det( )qMarriot q W Max. value of second differences between levels of the index
TrCovW cov (cov( ))qTr W trace W Maximum difference between hierarchy levels of the index
TraceW ( )qTraceW trace W Maximum value of absolute second differences between
levels of the index
Friedman and Rubin
( )q qFriedman trace W B
 Maximum difference between hierarchy levels of the index
det( )
det( )q
 Max. value of second differences between levels of the index
Ratkowsky 1/2
 Maximum value of the index
To settle the cluster number is a difficult task since there is
not a specific method for this purpose and the number is
the result of the assignation of training clusters until the
optimal value is found. Some of the indexes to be used for
establishing the number of clusters can also be employed
to validate cluster quality.
The statistical analysis for the monthly rainfall data of 34
meteorological stations are summarized in Table 4, where
the mean, standard deviation (SD), coefficient of variation
(CV), skewness (S) and kurtosis (K) are given.
Chuadanga, Rajshahi and Ishurdi stations were less
monthly rainfall affected station.
Table 4: Descriptive statistics of selected meteorological stations
S/No Stations Mean Standard Deviation (SD) Coefficient of Variation (CV)Skewness (S) Kurtosis (K)
1 Barisal 170.14130 182.63744 107.3445632 1.231543 1.694753
2 Bhola 180.69565 196.6325455 108.8197437 1.174785 1.173446
3 Bogra 141.34782 160.1997005 113.3372227 1.254129 1.168203
4 Chandpur 165.47463 175.7854562 106.2310567 1.238886 1.718038
5 Chittagong 245.56521 289.6960779 117.9711365 1.42098 1.660857
6 chuadanga 125.63768 144.921468 115.3487287 1.599033 3.050739
7 Comilla 172.57608 181.6644199 105.2662759 1.246822 1.446507
8 Cox's Bazar 315.66666 366.0148796 115.9498035 1.103031 0.226135
9 Dhaka 167.45652 175.4360228 104.7651181 1.126478 0.823015
10 Dinajpur 163.86231 196.6004048 119.9790203 1.25614 1.160553
11 Faridpur 143.28623 148.4809432 103.6254086 1.104658 0.958157
12 Feni 240.85869 258.866027 107.4763053 0.956138 -0.03495
13 Hatiya 260.87681 300.1593141 115.0578744 1.076978 0.453877
14 Ishurdi 120.08333 132.3241074 110.1935662 1.314394 1.715892
15 Jessore 139.82608 152.5011076 109.0648469 1.352668 2.405591
16 Khepupara 238.42029 258.0383992 108.2283724 0.921879 -0.10036
17 Khulna 148.85144 156.7208394 105.2867407 1.140018 1.149058
18 Kutubdia 260.01087 319.3049666 122.8044686 1.661191 3.375483
19 M.court 248.76449 265.0863303 106.5611605 0.928332 -0.07512
20 Madaripur 157.97826 166.8337209 105.6054928 1.15376 1.174079
Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis
Int. J. Stat. Math. 123
Table 4 Continue: Descriptive statistics of selected meteorological stations
S/No Stations Mean Standard Deviation (SD) Coefficient of Variation (CV)Skewness (S) Kurtosis (K)
21 Mongla 160.46739 169.7316889 105.773321 1.075138 1.189396
22 Mymensingh 182.43840 195.008102 106.8898301 1.055405 0.518139
23 Patuakhali 214.17391 241.5987481 112.8049372 1.15553 0.703598
24 Rajshahi 116.77898 134.3791315 115.0713297 1.416645 2.283301
25 Rangamati 213.88043 234.8292769 109.794651 1.337556 1.671646
26 Rangpur 183.99275 203.9673948 110.8562108 1.044524 0.442857
27 Sandwip 301.01087 383.7351879 127.4821698 2.278171 9.364013
28 Satkhira 145.73550 147.8694718 101.4642722 0.877968 -0.13951
29 Sitakunda 260.95289 291.0339461 111.5273859 1.218129 0.953242
30 Srimangal 193.93115 192.6867235 99.3583105 1.050778 0.752041
31 sydpur 178.93478 215.9816055 120.7040925 1.271583 0.923776
32 Sylhet 323.86594 324.7227743 100.2645639 0.85881 -0.05229
33 Tangail 151.64855 157.5703353 103.9049398 1.076241 0.772751
34 Teknaf 367.02173 454.7473299 123.9020149 1.213534 0.588181
Hierarchical Clustering methods
Now we mentioned below the dendrogram of several linkage methods based on different distance measures for the
monthly rainfall data of 34 meteorological stations.
Single Linkage
Euclidean Distance Minkowski Distance Manhattan Distance
Correlation method Maximum Canbera
Figure 1: Dendrogram of Single linkage for selected rainfall station for different distance measure
Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis
Doulah and Islam. 124
Complete Linkage
Euclidean Distance Minkowski Distance Manhattan Distance
Correlation method Maximum Canbera
Figure 2: Dendrogram of Complete linkage for selected rainfall station for different distance measure
Average Linkage
Euclidean Distance Minkowski Distance Manhattan Distance
Correlation method Maximum Canbera
Figure 3: Dendrogram of Average linkage for selected rainfall station for different distance measure
Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis
Int. J. Stat. Math. 125
Euclidean Distance Minkowski Distance Manhattan Distance
Correlation method Maximum Canbera
Figure 4: Dendrogram of Ward linkage for selected rainfall station for different distance measure
Euclidean Distance Minkowski Distance Manhattan Distance
Correlation method Maximum Canbera
Figure 5: Dendrogram of Centroid linkage for selected rainfall station for different distance measure
To sum up the afore-depicted dendrogram from Figure 1-
5 of all agglomerative hierarchical clustering (single
linkage, complete linkage, average linkage, ward and
centroid) based on the proximity measures (Euclidean
distance, Minkowski distance, Manhattan distance,
correlation method, maximum distance and Canberra
distance) have identified homogeneous climate zones in
Bangladesh. Here, we have got the patent homogeneous
climate zones in Bangladesh based on Ward method with
proximity measures. Therefore, we conclude that Ward
method is the best in this perspective.
Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis
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The seven homogeneous climate zones in Bangladesh are
shown below:
Cluster 1: Rangpur, Sydpur, Dinajpur
Cluster 2: Satkhira, Khulna, Mongla, Ishurdi, chuadanga,
Rajshahi, Jessore
Cluster 3: Barisal, Bhola, Chandpur, Madaripur,
Srimangal, Comilla, Dhaka, Faridpur,
Mymensingh, Bogra, Tangail,
Cluster 4: Sandwip, Cox’s bazar, Teknaf
Cluster 5: Sylhet
Cluster 6: Hatiya, Khepupara, Patuakhali, Feni, M.court
Cluster 7: Kutubdia, Rangamati, Chittagong, Sitakunda
Nonhierarchical Clustering methods
The results of Nonhierarchical methods for the monthly
rainfall data of 34 meteorological stations are shown
Figure 6: K-means clustering
Figure 7: Fuzzy clustering
Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis
Int. J. Stat. Math. 127
Figure 8: Model based clustering
Reviewing the weather stations in the seven clusters, it is
apparent that from Figure 6-8, k-means, Fuzzy and Model
based clustering methods gave results generally
consistent with the linkage hierarchical methods. Weather
stations with common or compatible geographical
locations cluster. They also depicted the seven
homogeneous climate zones in Bangladesh.
Validity Indices
Many clustering algorithms have been designed, and thus
it is important to decide how to choose a good clustering
algorithm for a given data set and how to evaluate a
clustering method. In these circumstances, one of the
techniques, validity indices may help to check the perfect
selection of cluster size. Validity Indices can be used for
defining the number of clusters for 34 meteorological
stations of rainfall. The following validity indices results are
shown in the given below:
Table 5: Different validity indices values for selecting the number of cluster
No of Cluster
Index Name 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
krzanowski and Lai 2.53 1.40 1.5065 0.9954 0.0126 213.7057 0.8814 0.9856 1.1411
Calinski and Harabasz 23.15 12.68 8.9764 7.1303 5.8794 77.3498 67.5873 60.2785 54.5556
Scott and Symons 181.4 312.26 466.4679 726.1218 896.2206 1367.598 1520.601 1645.157 1755.115
Marriot 0 -4.6E+54 -6.7E+54 4.2E+54 -3.7E+54 5.5E+54 2.0E+53 8.7E+52 0.0E+00
TrCovW 0 777.564 365.859 376.821 170.214 789.408 143.292 502.706 155.105
TraceW 0 0 18.684 0.504 20.313 4973.39 4951.4 0.6 2.543
Friedman and Rubin 0 3.0336 2.4694 3.1761 2.2267 218.1186 5.7366 4.9847 4.2741
Rubin 0 0 -0.0023 0.0001 -0.0025 1.6127 -1.5764 0.0008 -0.001
Ratkowsky 0.19 0.1622 0.1447 0.1328 0.1233 0.3005 0.2823 0.2673 0.2545
Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis
Doulah and Islam. 128
Figure 9: Bar plot of different validity indices values
Here we checked the validity of the cluster of climate
variable, rainfall, by using well-recognized nine validity
indices. In this paper from Table 5 & Figure 9 we found that
there are seven clusters in our dataset. Therefore, it is to
be concluded that there are seven homogenous climate
zones in Bangladesh.
Cluster Analysis is an unsupervised machine learning
method. It offers a way to partition a dataset into subsets
that share common patterns. Notably, there are many
cluster analysis algorithms to choose from, each making
certain assumptions about the data and about how cluster
should be formed. In this study, we applied 5-
agglomerative hierarchical clustering technique based on
6-proximity measure and other popular 3-clustering
technique, 9- cluster validity index. Although many of the
previous studies did not use objective validation methods
that are well-justified or did not use validation methods at
all, previous studies on the subtyping of weather stations,
all employed a single clustering method. Here, formal
methods of cluster validation examine how well a cluster
fits a dataset. The goal of this study is to identify the similar
weather station from a group of weather stations with
rainfall data by using cluster analysis. To sum up the whole
discussion we conclude that ward method, K-means and
Fuzzy clustering methods are the best methods among all
other methods and Bangladesh has seven homogenous
climate zones for analyzing rainfall data.
The author would like to thank the anonymous reviewers
for their helpful comments to enhance the quality of this
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Accepted 2 January 2019
Citation: Doulah S, Islam N (2019). Defining Homogenous
Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis.
International Journal of Statistics and Mathematics, 6(1):
Copyright: © 2019 Doulah and Islam. This is an open-
access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original author and source are cited.

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Lec_4_Key Propertires of Spatial DataLec_4_Key Propertires of Spatial Data
Lec_4_Key Propertires of Spatial Data
Atiqa khan
Analysis of green’s function and surface current density for rectangular micr...
Analysis of green’s function and surface current density for rectangular micr...Analysis of green’s function and surface current density for rectangular micr...
Analysis of green’s function and surface current density for rectangular micr...
eSAT Journals
Analysis of green’s function and surface current density for rectangular micr...
Analysis of green’s function and surface current density for rectangular micr...Analysis of green’s function and surface current density for rectangular micr...
Analysis of green’s function and surface current density for rectangular micr...
eSAT Publishing House
Método Topsis - multiple decision makers
Método Topsis  - multiple decision makersMétodo Topsis  - multiple decision makers
Método Topsis - multiple decision makers
IJERA Editor
IJERA Editor

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Artificial Neural Network based computing model for wind speed prediction: A ...
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Gravitational search algorithm with chaotic map (gsa cm) for solving optimiza...
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Lec_4_Key Propertires of Spatial Data
Lec_4_Key Propertires of Spatial DataLec_4_Key Propertires of Spatial Data
Lec_4_Key Propertires of Spatial Data
Analysis of green’s function and surface current density for rectangular micr...
Analysis of green’s function and surface current density for rectangular micr...Analysis of green’s function and surface current density for rectangular micr...
Analysis of green’s function and surface current density for rectangular micr...
Analysis of green’s function and surface current density for rectangular micr...
Analysis of green’s function and surface current density for rectangular micr...Analysis of green’s function and surface current density for rectangular micr...
Analysis of green’s function and surface current density for rectangular micr...
Método Topsis - multiple decision makers
Método Topsis  - multiple decision makersMétodo Topsis  - multiple decision makers
Método Topsis - multiple decision makers

Similar to Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis

Clustering and Classification in Support of Climatology to mine Weather Data ...
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An exploratory analysis on half hourly electricity load patterns leading to h...
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An exploratory analysis on half hourly electricity load patterns leading to h...
An exploratory analysis on half hourly electricity load patterns leading to h...An exploratory analysis on half hourly electricity load patterns leading to h...
An exploratory analysis on half hourly electricity load patterns leading to h...
Time Series Analysis
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International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention (IJESI)
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International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention (IJESI)
Forecasting of electric consumption in a semiconductor plant using time serie...
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Alexander Decker
Introduction of Lateral Decision Conveying Approach Based Multi Criteria Asse...
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eSAT Publishing House
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eSAT Journals
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Steyn Heskes
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An improvement in k mean clustering algorithm using better time and accuracy
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Global Sensitivity Analysis for the Calibration of a Fully-distributed Hydrol...
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IAEME Publication
IJERA Editor

Similar to Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis (20)

Clustering and Classification in Support of Climatology to mine Weather Data ...
Clustering and Classification in Support of Climatology to mine Weather Data ...Clustering and Classification in Support of Climatology to mine Weather Data ...
Clustering and Classification in Support of Climatology to mine Weather Data ...
An exploratory analysis on half hourly electricity load patterns leading to h...
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Time Series Data Analysis for Forecasting – A Literature Review
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International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention (IJESI)
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International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention (IJESI)
Forecasting of electric consumption in a semiconductor plant using time serie...
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Introduction of Lateral Decision Conveying Approach Based Multi Criteria Asse...
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Introduction of Lateral Decision Conveying Approach Based Multi Criteria Asse...
A study of region based segmentation methods for
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A study of region based segmentation methods for mammograms
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hb2s5_BSc scriptie Steyn Heskes
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hb2s5_BSc scriptie Steyn Heskes
A hybrid approach for analysis of dynamic changes in spatial data
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A hybrid approach for analysis of dynamic changes in spatial data
An improvement in k mean clustering algorithm using better time and accuracy
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An improvement in k mean clustering algorithm using better time and accuracy
Global Sensitivity Analysis for the Calibration of a Fully-distributed Hydrol...
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Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis

  • 1. Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis *Md. Siraj-Ud-Doulah1, Md. Nazmul Islam2 1,2Department of Statistics, Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur, Bangladesh. Climate zones of Bangladesh are identified by using mathematical methodology of cluster analysis. Monthly data from 34 climate stations for rainfall from 1991 to 2013 are used in the cluster analysis. Five Agglomerative Hierarchical clustering measures based on mostly used six proximity measures are chosen to perform the regionalization. Besides three popular measures: K-means, Fuzzy and density based clustering techniques are applied initially to decide the most suitable method for the identification of homogeneous region. Stability of the cluster is also tested based on nine validity indices. It is decided that Ward method based on Euclidean distance, K- means, Fuzzy are the most likely to yield acceptable results in this particular case, as is often the case in climatological research. In this analysis we found seven different climate zones in Bangladesh. Keywords: Clustering Techniques, Validity Indices, Rainfalls, Climate Zones, Bangladesh. INTRODUCTION Rainfall plays an important role in the agro-economy of Bangladesh, located in tropical zone. Its climate is characterized by large variations in seasonal rainfall with moderately warm temperatures and high humidity. Due to its geographic location and dense population, Bangladesh has been identified as one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change (Islam, 2009). The investigation has been carried out using monthly records of important climatic variable rainfall observed at 34 ground based stations of Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) distributed over the country during the time period 1991- 2013 ( From the combined trend of rainfall and maximum temperature intensity (determined by GIS mapping), geographically Bangladesh is divided into four regions such as; North-Eastern Region, South- Eastern Region, South-Western Region and North- Western Region. Another research show that the information from each station have been studied and analyzed, while grouping the stations in one of the eight hydrological (planning) regions of Bangladesh. North East (NE), North Central (NC), North West (NW), South East (SE), South Central (SC), South West (SW), Eastern Hill (EH) and River and Estuary (RE) which are defined in qualitative terms, not quantitatively. This zone classification has been used not only for differences in climate but also for social and economic variables. Many climatic studies have used a variety of data to define climatic types and delineate zones of similar climate. Several methods have also been applied for the detection of homogeneous climate zone. In this study, cluster analysis methodology has been used. Cluster analysis applied to meteorological variables is a suitable approach for identifying the climate zones, and its use is becoming increasingly more common in atmospheric research (Erin, 1984; Kalkstein et al. 1987; Tayan et al. 1998). Choosing appropriate data to cluster is an initial consideration in cluster analysis. In climate classification, the variability of long-term rainfall is the most readily available variables (Linacre, 1992). In this study we intend to define spatially homogeneous climate regions of Bangladesh by using a mathematical methodology called cluster analysis. *Corresponding Author: Md. Siraj-Ud-Doulah, Department of Statistics, Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur, Bangladesh. Email: Research Article Vol. 6(1), pp. 119-129, February, 2019. © ISSN: 2375-0499 International Journal of Statistics and Mathematics
  • 2. Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis Doulah and Islam. 120 Climate Data The investigation has been carried out using daily records of one important climatic variable, rainfall, observed at 34 ground based stations of Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) distributed over the country during the time period 1991-2013 ( Although Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) has thirty-six (36) ground based stations, but only data of thirty-four (34) stations has been taken in this research. At initial stage, quality of rainfall data is checked by verifying the following criteria (Erin, 1984; Masoodian, 2005) (i) Non-existence of dates (ii) Negative monthly rainfall (iii) Monthly winter rainfall>100mm (iv) Weather stations > 35% missing data (v) Stations with gaps three or more years in between series If any of the above mentioned point is true for any dataset, it is identified as erroneous data. So, two BMD stations are discarded after following the preceding conditions considering data period from 1991 to 2013. R-based program is used to detect homogenous climate zones. METHODOLOGY For clustering purposes there are two widely used methods: the hierarchical and the non-hierarchical (partitional). The hierarchical clustering process can be categorized as divisive when a large data set is divided into several small groups and, agglomerative when a small data set are put together to create a larger cluster (Dyeret, 1975; Gan et al. 2007; Sarah et al. 2011). There are so many descriptive statistics available in the literature (Doulah, 2018) for evaluating the data that we have applied the most frequently used measures in our analysis first and then we have used the clustering techniques. Agglomerative Algorithms Some of the agglomerative algorithms are: single linkage, complete linkage, average linkage, centroid and Ward’s method. Several proximity measures like Euclidean distance, Minkowski distance, Manhattan distance, maximum distance, correlation based distance and Canberra distance are used. The partitioned clustering process is based on recover the natural grouping present in the data thought a single partition. The partitioned algorithms are divided as: K-means, Fuzzy and model based clustering techniques (Hossen et al. 2015; Han & Kamber, 2006; Johnson & Wichern, 1998). Table 1: Some of the agglomerative algorithms Methods Statistic Explanation Single Linkage 12 , min ( , )i j i j D d x y This is the distance between the closest members of the two clusters. Complete Linkage 12 , max ( , )i j i j D d x y This is the distance between the members that are farthest apart (most dissimilar) Average Linkage 12 1 1 1 ( , ) k l i j i j D d x y kl     This method involves looking at the distances between all pairs and averages all of these distances. This is also called UPGMA-Un- Weighted Pair Group Mean Averaging. Centroid Method 12 ( , )D d x y This involves finding the mean vector location for each of the clusters and taking the distance between the two centroids. Ward Method 12 2. . . k l D x y k l    This method minimizes the total within-cluster variance. Those clusters are combined whose merger results in minimum information loss (ESS criterion) Distance Measures The distances are normally used to measure the similarity or dissimilarity between two data objects. Though there are various distance measure available in the literature (Hossen & Doulah, 2016; Meila, 2007; Yashwantl & Sananse, 2015), commonly used six distance measures are considered here. A simple description of distance measures are given below: Non-hierarchical Algorithms K-means clustering K-means clustering intends to partition n objects into k clusters in which each object belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean. K-Means is relatively an efficient method (Gong & Richman, 1995; Nathan & McMahon, 1990). However, we need to specify the number of clusters, in advance and the final results are sensitive to initialization and often terminates at a local optimum.
  • 3. Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis Int. J. Stat. Math. 121 Table 2: Some of the distance measures Distance Statistic Euclidean 2 ( , ) ( )i id x y x y  Manhattan 1 ( , ) p i i i d x y x y    Minkowski 1/ 1 ( , ) mmp i i i d x y x y           Maximum ( , ) max i id x y x y  Correlation 1 2 2 1 1 ( )( ) ( , ) 1 ( ) ( ) p i i i cor p n i i i i x x y y d x y x x y y             Canberra 1 ( , ) p i i i i i x y d x y x y     Algorithm 1. Clusters the data into k groups where k is predefined. 2. Select k points at random as cluster centers. 3. Assign objects to their closest cluster center according to the Euclidean distance function. 4. Calculate the centroid or mean of all objects in each cluster. 5. Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4 until the same points are assigned to each cluster in consecutive rounds. Fuzzy clustering The Fuzzy clustering is a clustering algorithm developed by Dunn, and later on improved by Bezdek (Luxburg, 2010). It is useful when the required numbers of clusters are pre-determined; thus, the algorithm tries to put each of the data points to one of the clusters. What makes FCM different is that it does not decide the absolute membership of a data point to a given cluster; instead, it calculates the likelihood (the degree of membership) that a data point will belong to that cluster. Hence, depending on the accuracy of the clustering that is required in practice, appropriate tolerance measures can be put in place. Since the absolute membership is not calculated, FCM can be extremely fast because the number of iterations required to achieve a specific clustering exercise corresponds to the required accuracy. Model-Based clustering The model-based clustering framework consists of three major steps (Baldwin & Lakshmivarahan, 2002; Everitt, 1993): (a) Initialize the EM algorithm using the partitions from model-based agglomerative hierarchical clustering. (b) Estimate the parameters using the EM algorithm; (c) Choose the model and the number of clusters according to the BIC. In this method, a model is hypothesized for each cluster to find the best fit of data for a given model. Also, this method locates the clusters by clustering the density function. Thus, it reflects the spatial distribution of the data points. This method also provides a way to determine the number of clusters. That was based on standard statistics, taking outlier or noise into account. It, therefore, yields robust clustering methods. Validity Indices In the literature of data clustering, a lot of clustering algorithms have been proposed for different applications and different sizes of data. But clustering a dataset is an unsupervised process; there are no predefined classes and no examples that can show that the clusters found by the clustering algorithms are valid (Hardy, 1996; Luxburg, 2010). To compare the clustering results of difference clustering algorithms, it is necessary to develop some validity criteria. Also, if the number of clusters is not given in the clustering algorithms, it is a highly nontrivial task to find the optimal number of clusters in the data set. To do this, we need some cluster validity methods. The notation & meaning of the validity indices are: n = number of observations, p= number of variables, q= number of clusters, X = ijx , 1,2,......,i n ; 1,2,.....,j p ; = n p data matrix of p variables measured on n independent observations, x = centroid of data matrix X , kn = number of objects in cluster kC , ix = p -dimensional vector of observations of the th i object in cluster kC , qW = 1 ( )( ) k q T i k i k k i c x c x c     is the within-group dispersion matrix for data clustered into q clusters, qB = 1 ( )( ) p T k k k k n c x c x    is the between-group dispersion matrix for data clustered into q clusters, T =Total Sum of Squares, 2 S = 1 1 p j j j BGSS p TSS  , jBGSS = 2 1 ( ) p jk kj k n c x   and jTSS = 2 1 ( ) p jij i x x   . The following cluster validity methods are given in Table 3 below:
  • 4. Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis Doulah and Islam. 122 Table 3: Some of the validity indices Validity Index Statistic Criteria for selection Krzanowski and Lai ( ) 1 q q DIFF KL q DIFF   Maximum value of the index Calinski and Harabasz ( ) / ( 1) ( ) ( ) / ( ) q q trace B q CH q trace W n q    Maximum value of the index Scott and Symons det( ) cot log det( )q T S t n W  Maximum difference Between hierarchy levels of the index Marriot 2 det( )qMarriot q W Max. value of second differences between levels of the index TrCovW cov (cov( ))qTr W trace W Maximum difference between hierarchy levels of the index TraceW ( )qTraceW trace W Maximum value of absolute second differences between levels of the index Friedman and Rubin 1 ( )q qFriedman trace W B  Maximum difference between hierarchy levels of the index Rubin det( ) det( )q T Rubin W  Max. value of second differences between levels of the index Ratkowsky 1/2 S Ratkowsky q  Maximum value of the index To settle the cluster number is a difficult task since there is not a specific method for this purpose and the number is the result of the assignation of training clusters until the optimal value is found. Some of the indexes to be used for establishing the number of clusters can also be employed to validate cluster quality. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The statistical analysis for the monthly rainfall data of 34 meteorological stations are summarized in Table 4, where the mean, standard deviation (SD), coefficient of variation (CV), skewness (S) and kurtosis (K) are given. Chuadanga, Rajshahi and Ishurdi stations were less monthly rainfall affected station. Table 4: Descriptive statistics of selected meteorological stations S/No Stations Mean Standard Deviation (SD) Coefficient of Variation (CV)Skewness (S) Kurtosis (K) 1 Barisal 170.14130 182.63744 107.3445632 1.231543 1.694753 2 Bhola 180.69565 196.6325455 108.8197437 1.174785 1.173446 3 Bogra 141.34782 160.1997005 113.3372227 1.254129 1.168203 4 Chandpur 165.47463 175.7854562 106.2310567 1.238886 1.718038 5 Chittagong 245.56521 289.6960779 117.9711365 1.42098 1.660857 6 chuadanga 125.63768 144.921468 115.3487287 1.599033 3.050739 7 Comilla 172.57608 181.6644199 105.2662759 1.246822 1.446507 8 Cox's Bazar 315.66666 366.0148796 115.9498035 1.103031 0.226135 9 Dhaka 167.45652 175.4360228 104.7651181 1.126478 0.823015 10 Dinajpur 163.86231 196.6004048 119.9790203 1.25614 1.160553 11 Faridpur 143.28623 148.4809432 103.6254086 1.104658 0.958157 12 Feni 240.85869 258.866027 107.4763053 0.956138 -0.03495 13 Hatiya 260.87681 300.1593141 115.0578744 1.076978 0.453877 14 Ishurdi 120.08333 132.3241074 110.1935662 1.314394 1.715892 15 Jessore 139.82608 152.5011076 109.0648469 1.352668 2.405591 16 Khepupara 238.42029 258.0383992 108.2283724 0.921879 -0.10036 17 Khulna 148.85144 156.7208394 105.2867407 1.140018 1.149058 18 Kutubdia 260.01087 319.3049666 122.8044686 1.661191 3.375483 19 M.court 248.76449 265.0863303 106.5611605 0.928332 -0.07512 20 Madaripur 157.97826 166.8337209 105.6054928 1.15376 1.174079
  • 5. Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis Int. J. Stat. Math. 123 Table 4 Continue: Descriptive statistics of selected meteorological stations S/No Stations Mean Standard Deviation (SD) Coefficient of Variation (CV)Skewness (S) Kurtosis (K) 21 Mongla 160.46739 169.7316889 105.773321 1.075138 1.189396 22 Mymensingh 182.43840 195.008102 106.8898301 1.055405 0.518139 23 Patuakhali 214.17391 241.5987481 112.8049372 1.15553 0.703598 24 Rajshahi 116.77898 134.3791315 115.0713297 1.416645 2.283301 25 Rangamati 213.88043 234.8292769 109.794651 1.337556 1.671646 26 Rangpur 183.99275 203.9673948 110.8562108 1.044524 0.442857 27 Sandwip 301.01087 383.7351879 127.4821698 2.278171 9.364013 28 Satkhira 145.73550 147.8694718 101.4642722 0.877968 -0.13951 29 Sitakunda 260.95289 291.0339461 111.5273859 1.218129 0.953242 30 Srimangal 193.93115 192.6867235 99.3583105 1.050778 0.752041 31 sydpur 178.93478 215.9816055 120.7040925 1.271583 0.923776 32 Sylhet 323.86594 324.7227743 100.2645639 0.85881 -0.05229 33 Tangail 151.64855 157.5703353 103.9049398 1.076241 0.772751 34 Teknaf 367.02173 454.7473299 123.9020149 1.213534 0.588181 Hierarchical Clustering methods Now we mentioned below the dendrogram of several linkage methods based on different distance measures for the monthly rainfall data of 34 meteorological stations. Single Linkage Euclidean Distance Minkowski Distance Manhattan Distance Correlation method Maximum Canbera Figure 1: Dendrogram of Single linkage for selected rainfall station for different distance measure
  • 6. Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis Doulah and Islam. 124 Complete Linkage Euclidean Distance Minkowski Distance Manhattan Distance Correlation method Maximum Canbera Figure 2: Dendrogram of Complete linkage for selected rainfall station for different distance measure Average Linkage Euclidean Distance Minkowski Distance Manhattan Distance Correlation method Maximum Canbera Figure 3: Dendrogram of Average linkage for selected rainfall station for different distance measure
  • 7. Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis Int. J. Stat. Math. 125 Ward.D Euclidean Distance Minkowski Distance Manhattan Distance Correlation method Maximum Canbera Figure 4: Dendrogram of Ward linkage for selected rainfall station for different distance measure Centroid Euclidean Distance Minkowski Distance Manhattan Distance Correlation method Maximum Canbera Figure 5: Dendrogram of Centroid linkage for selected rainfall station for different distance measure To sum up the afore-depicted dendrogram from Figure 1- 5 of all agglomerative hierarchical clustering (single linkage, complete linkage, average linkage, ward and centroid) based on the proximity measures (Euclidean distance, Minkowski distance, Manhattan distance, correlation method, maximum distance and Canberra distance) have identified homogeneous climate zones in Bangladesh. Here, we have got the patent homogeneous climate zones in Bangladesh based on Ward method with proximity measures. Therefore, we conclude that Ward method is the best in this perspective.
  • 8. Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis Doulah and Islam. 126 The seven homogeneous climate zones in Bangladesh are shown below: Cluster 1: Rangpur, Sydpur, Dinajpur Cluster 2: Satkhira, Khulna, Mongla, Ishurdi, chuadanga, Rajshahi, Jessore Cluster 3: Barisal, Bhola, Chandpur, Madaripur, Srimangal, Comilla, Dhaka, Faridpur, Mymensingh, Bogra, Tangail, Cluster 4: Sandwip, Cox’s bazar, Teknaf Cluster 5: Sylhet Cluster 6: Hatiya, Khepupara, Patuakhali, Feni, M.court Cluster 7: Kutubdia, Rangamati, Chittagong, Sitakunda Nonhierarchical Clustering methods The results of Nonhierarchical methods for the monthly rainfall data of 34 meteorological stations are shown below: Figure 6: K-means clustering Figure 7: Fuzzy clustering
  • 9. Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis Int. J. Stat. Math. 127 Figure 8: Model based clustering Reviewing the weather stations in the seven clusters, it is apparent that from Figure 6-8, k-means, Fuzzy and Model based clustering methods gave results generally consistent with the linkage hierarchical methods. Weather stations with common or compatible geographical locations cluster. They also depicted the seven homogeneous climate zones in Bangladesh. Validity Indices Many clustering algorithms have been designed, and thus it is important to decide how to choose a good clustering algorithm for a given data set and how to evaluate a clustering method. In these circumstances, one of the techniques, validity indices may help to check the perfect selection of cluster size. Validity Indices can be used for defining the number of clusters for 34 meteorological stations of rainfall. The following validity indices results are shown in the given below: Table 5: Different validity indices values for selecting the number of cluster No of Cluster Index Name 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 krzanowski and Lai 2.53 1.40 1.5065 0.9954 0.0126 213.7057 0.8814 0.9856 1.1411 Calinski and Harabasz 23.15 12.68 8.9764 7.1303 5.8794 77.3498 67.5873 60.2785 54.5556 Scott and Symons 181.4 312.26 466.4679 726.1218 896.2206 1367.598 1520.601 1645.157 1755.115 Marriot 0 -4.6E+54 -6.7E+54 4.2E+54 -3.7E+54 5.5E+54 2.0E+53 8.7E+52 0.0E+00 TrCovW 0 777.564 365.859 376.821 170.214 789.408 143.292 502.706 155.105 TraceW 0 0 18.684 0.504 20.313 4973.39 4951.4 0.6 2.543 Friedman and Rubin 0 3.0336 2.4694 3.1761 2.2267 218.1186 5.7366 4.9847 4.2741 Rubin 0 0 -0.0023 0.0001 -0.0025 1.6127 -1.5764 0.0008 -0.001 Ratkowsky 0.19 0.1622 0.1447 0.1328 0.1233 0.3005 0.2823 0.2673 0.2545
  • 10. Defining Homogenous Climate zones of Bangladesh using Cluster Analysis Doulah and Islam. 128 Figure 9: Bar plot of different validity indices values Here we checked the validity of the cluster of climate variable, rainfall, by using well-recognized nine validity indices. In this paper from Table 5 & Figure 9 we found that there are seven clusters in our dataset. Therefore, it is to be concluded that there are seven homogenous climate zones in Bangladesh. CONCLUSION Cluster Analysis is an unsupervised machine learning method. It offers a way to partition a dataset into subsets that share common patterns. Notably, there are many cluster analysis algorithms to choose from, each making certain assumptions about the data and about how cluster should be formed. In this study, we applied 5- agglomerative hierarchical clustering technique based on 6-proximity measure and other popular 3-clustering technique, 9- cluster validity index. Although many of the previous studies did not use objective validation methods that are well-justified or did not use validation methods at all, previous studies on the subtyping of weather stations, all employed a single clustering method. Here, formal methods of cluster validation examine how well a cluster fits a dataset. The goal of this study is to identify the similar weather station from a group of weather stations with rainfall data by using cluster analysis. To sum up the whole discussion we conclude that ward method, K-means and Fuzzy clustering methods are the best methods among all other methods and Bangladesh has seven homogenous climate zones for analyzing rainfall data. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments to enhance the quality of this paper. REFERENCES Baldwin ME, Lakshmivarahan S. (2002). Rainfall classification using histogram analysis an example of data mining in meteorology, Technical Report, 4:342- 357. Dyeret TGJ. (1975). Assignment of stations into homogeneous group, Quarterly Journal of Meteorological Society, 101:1005-1012. Doulah MSU. (2018). Alternative Measures of Standard Deviation Coefficient of Variation and Standard Error, International Journal of Statistics and Applications, 8(6):309-315. Erin S (1984). Climatology and its methods. 3rd edn. Istanbul. Everitt BS (1993). Cluster analysis. Edward Arnold, London.
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