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Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
Baliospermum montanum is an important medicinal plant, found in southern-
western ghats of india. It is commonly known as danti. The plant is a stout
monoecious under shrub with many shoots from the base. The various parts of the
plant like roots, leaves and seeds are used traditionally for the treatment of various
ailments in Ayurveda, roots are used to cure jaundice, leucoderma, skin diseases,
wound and as an anthelmintic, leaves are found to be useful in asthma, bronchitis
and in treating abdominal tumor, seeds are used as purgative and gastric
complaints. Decoction of stem is used to get relief from toothache.
The literature revealed the presence of number of chemical
constituents like Glycoterpenoids, steroids, Flavonoids etc… the solvents and
aqueous extract of only roots have been studied and found to posses Anticancer,
Antimicrobial, free radical scavenging, immune-modulatory, hepato protective an
In Vedic literature no herbs is described in the name of danti.
It is considered as one among the bestVirechaka dravya.
Chitra of bhedaniya group is considered as danti by cakrapani.
According to Charaka:-
 Charaka considered danti as in virechaniya gana. The root only indicated for
the Virechana.
 He quoted it as the example of prabhava dravya. Aashukari, Vyavayi, Vikasi
are the prabhava of danti.
According to Susruta, the danti comes under the adhobhaga hara and shyamadi
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
In Ashtanga hrudaya one preparation mentioned for Kushta roga.
 Latinname- Baloispermum montanum muell.-Arg
Blio – dark, swarthy
Spermum – seeds
Montanum – mountainous
 Family -Eurphorbiaceae
Herbs, shurbs or small trees of various habit with milky juice, stem slender and
leafy or thick and fleshy and sometimes leafless or nearly so. Leaves opposite or
less commonly alternate.
Flowers monoecious, combined in an inflorescence of many male florets
surrounding a solitary female, arranged in a common 4-5 lobed perianth.
Like involucer with thick glands and the mouth, each gland often bearing a
petaloid spreading white or colored limb. Male flowers a stalked stamens
without floral envelope.
Female flowers, ovary 3 celled on an ultimately excerted stalk in the centre of
the involucer; ovule solitary in each cell, style 3 free or connate. Fruit is capsule
of 3-2 valved cocci, spreading elastically from a persistent axis and dehiscing
ventrally or both ventrally and dorsally.
Seeds albuminous, cotyledons broad, flat. The flower- heads in the genus have
all the appearance of a single 2 sexual flowers especially when the involucer
bears petal like appendages. Species 750 cheifly subtropical and warm
 The spurge family in common English sometime called
 It is a large family of flowering plant.
 A widely distributed family of herbs shrubs or trees [order germinate ]
with usually milky often poisions juice.
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
 Herbs shrubs or small tree of various habits with milky juice stem slender
and leafy or thick and fleshy and sometimes leafless or nearly so.
 Flower monoecious combined in an inflorence of many male florests
surrounding a solitary female.
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
 Kingdom - Plantae
(Unranked) - Angiosperms
(Unranked) - Eudicots
(Unranked) - Rosids
 Order - Malpighials
 Family - Euphorbiaceae
 Sub.Family - Crotonoideae
 Tribe - Codiaeae
 Genus - Baliospermum Blume
 Species - Baliospermum montanum
 Hindi –Danti, Hakum, Hakun
 Bengal - Danti, Hakum, Hakun
 Gujerat – Dantimul, Jamalgota
 Marathi – Danti
 Telugu – Ettadundiga, Kanakapata
 Tamil – Kattamaraku, Niradimutta
 Malayalam – Dantika, Katalavanakku, Nagadanti, Nirattimutta
 Oriya – Donti
 Lepcha – Poguntig
 English name – red physic nut, wild castor, wild crotonand wild sultan seed
 North-Western Provinces – Janglijamalgota
 Burma – Natcho
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
 Persia – Bedanjirekhatai
 Arabic – Habbussalatinebarri
 भावप्रकाश निघण्टू - गुडु च्यादि वगग
 धन्वन्तरी निघण्टू - गुडु च्यादि वगग
 आिशग निघण्टू - आमलक्यादि वगग
 राज निघण्टू - पिप्यल्यादि वगग
 मिििाल निघण्टू - अभयादि वगग
 पप्रय निघण्टू - शतिुष्िादि वगग
राज निघण्टू के अिुसार :-
दंती शीघ्रा श्येिघण्टा निकु म्भी िग्स्फ़ोता दंनतिी चपचचत्रा |
भद्रा रूक्षा रोचिी चिुकू ला नििःशल्या ||158||
मधुपुष्पैएयरंडफला भद्राण्येरंदपटरत्रत्रका |उदुम्बरदला चैव तरुणी चाणुरेवती|
ववशोधिी च कु म्भी च ज्ञेया चाग्ग्सिकरहाया ||159||
राज निघण्टू - पिप्यल्यादि वगग
धन्वन्तरी निघण्टू के अिुसार :-
“ दंती शशघ्रा निकुं म्भा ्याद उपचचत्रा मुकु लक |
तथोदुम्बर पणी चा ववशल्या च घुणविया “ ||219||
धन्वन्तरी निघण्टू - गुडु च्यादि वगग
मदिपाल निघण्टू के अिुसार
दंती गुणविया िागदंती शशघ्रािु कु लकिः|
उपचचत्रािुकु म्भी ्याद्ववशल्योंदुम्बरच्छदा ||111||
आखुपणी व्रशैरंडा द्रवन्ती सववरी मता |
मुषकाहा सुतश्रेणी ित्यक़श्रेणी च फत्रत्रका ||112||
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
मिििाल निघण्टू - अभयादि वगग
विय निघण्टू के अिुसार
दंनतदंतसमं मुलं ततो दंतीती कथ्यते |
मलं कषवनत गजवद बलादंती ततोअवप सिः ||18||
पप्रय निघण्टू - शतिुष्िादि वगग
Meaning of synonyms
 िंती- {दम्यनत गुदाड्कु राि, दम्यते वा कु ष्ठादयिः अिया इनत दंती} | “दमु
उपशमे’’ |
 उपचचत्रा – उपगतानि चचत्राणी बीजन्य्यािः|
 एरण्डफला – एरण्ड्येव फलान्य्यािः |
 घुणविया – घुणािां विया, तत्सित्कतवात |
 ववशल्या – ववगतं शल्यभूतम मलमिया |
 ववशोधिी – मालं ववशोघायानतती, रेचिीतयाथव |
 चीत्रा – चचत्रत्रतािी ववजन्य्यािः |
 *िांत [गज ] सद्न्श मूलम्या (जजसका मूल गजिांत की तरह हो)|
 *िाम्यनत (दमू उपशमे) ( अशग कु ष्ट आदि रोग जजससे िमि होते हो )
 *यह मल को हाथी के समाि बलिूवगक खीच कर बाहर निकलता है इस
कारण भी इसे िंती कहते है )
 निकु म्भ-{ कुं भूशम ववभावि’ कन्डुकु ष्ठाददरोगनिवारिेणइनत } यह कोढ़
खुजली आदि रोगो को िष्ट करके अवश्य ही िवीि त्वचा उत्ििय करती
है |
 मुकु लक – [मड््ते मण्डयनत वा (शरीरं कन्डुकु ष्ठाददरोगनिवारिेणइनत ]
कु ष्ट कं डू तथा रक्तपवकर आदि को िष्ट करके यह शरीर को सुंिर एवं
शुसोभभत बिा िेती है |
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
 उिुम्वरिणी- {उदुम्वर पणी िीव पणाविी अ्या इनत} |
 Danti - It will be cures the diseases like Arsha, Kushta etc…
 Udhumbaraparni - Its leaves resembles the shape of
 Earandaphala-Its seeds are similar to those of earanda or its seeds
acts as purgative just like earanda.
 Mukulaka-It makes the skin appear beautiful again as it treats al
skin diseases effectively.
 Sheeghra-Strong purgative or acts quickly.
 Virechani-Its root is the best virechaka dravya.
Synonyms chart
1 िाम भा॰ि॰नि रा॰ नि ध॰नि म॰प॰नि वि॰य॰
2 शीघ्रा _ + + + _ _ 3
3 निकुं भा _ + + + _ _ 3
4 उिचचत्रा _ + + + _ + 4
6 उिुम्वरिणी _ _ + + _ + 3
7 मुकु लक _ _ + + _ + 3
8 घुणपप्रया _ _ + + _ _ 2
9 पवशल्या _ + + + _ _ 3
10 िंती + + + + + + 6
11 आखुिणी _ _ _ + _ _ 1
12 मूषकह _ _ _ + _ _ 1
13 गुणपप्रया _ _ _ + _ _ 1
14 अिुकू म्भी _ _ _ + _ _ 1
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
15 व्र्षरंडा _ _ _ + _ _ 1
16 सुतश्रेणी _ _ _ + _ _ 1
17 िागिंती _ _ _ + _ _ 1
18 द्रवन्ती _ _ _ + _ _ 1
19 प्रत्यकश्रेणी _ _ _ + _ _ 1
20 भशघ्रािुकु लक _ _ _ + _ _ 1
21 उिुम्वरच््िा _ _ _ + _ _ 1
22 सवगरी _ _ _ + _ _ 1
23 श्येिघंडा _ + _ + _ _ 2
24 एरण्डफला _ + _ + _ _ 2
25 िम्यनत + _ _ + + _ 3
26 िागस्फोटा _ + _ _ _ _ 1
27 अिुकू ला _ + _ _ _ _ 1
28 वक्र्िंता _ + _ _ _ _ 1
29 भद्राणी _ + _ _ _ _ 1
30 अिुरेवती _ + _ _ _ _ 1
31 कु म्भी _ + _ _ _ _ 1
32 रूक्षा _ + _ _ _ _ 1
34 मधुिुस्िा _ + _ _ _ _ 1
35 तरुणी _ + _ _ _ _ 1
36 रोचिी _ + _ _ _ _ 1
37 पवशोधिी _ + _ _ _ _ 1
38 निशल्या _ + _ _ _ _ 1
39 भद्रा _ + _ _ _ _ 1
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
यह गुल्म जानत की विस्िनत 1 से 2 मी. उची होती है ।
 पिे – प्रायः अंजीर और गुलुर के आकार के होते है। िीचे वाले ित्ते 15 से
30 से. मी. लंबे अंजीर के ित्ते के समाि कटे ककिारे वाले 3से 5 भागो
मे पवभक्त तथा ककचचत िुकीले होते है ।
 फू ल – एकभलंगी गुच्छाकार हररतभ रंग के होते है
 बीज – भूरे बहाब्रद्चध से युक्त तथा एरंड से छोटे होते है
 जड़ – अगुली के बराबर मोती सीधी और कभी कभी टू टी हुई होती है
भा॰ि॰नि रा॰ नि ध॰नि म॰प॰नि वि॰य आ॰नि॰
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
भा॰ि॰नि रा॰ नि ध॰नि म॰प॰नि वि॰य आ॰नि॰
Ushna + + + + + +
भा॰ि॰नि रा॰ नि ध॰नि म॰प॰नि वि॰य आ॰नि॰
Teekshna + + + +
Katu + + + + + +
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
भा॰ि॰नि रा॰ नि ध॰नि म॰प॰नि वि॰य आ॰नि॰
Katu + + + + + +
According to Kayyadeva N. , Bhavaprakasha and Caraka the Danti is a
Kapha-pitta hara dravya.
According to Nighandu Adarsha, Danwantara N. ,Raja N. and Shsruta the
Danti is a Kapha-Vata hara dravya.
दंतीमूलं भवेदु्णम तीक्ष्िं मलववरेचि |
निहान्ते कफ वपिा्त्रशोधो दरगदक्रिमीि ||59||
पप्रय निघण्टू - शतिुष्िादि वगग
दन्ती तीक्ष्णोष्णकटु का कफवातोदराि ्जयेत ्|
अशोव्रणाश्मरीशूलाि ्हग्न्त दीपिशॊधिी ||220||
धन्वन्तरी निघण्टू - गुडु च्यादि वगग
दन्ती कटू ष्णा शूलामत्वग्सदॊषशमिी च सा |
अशोव्रणाश्मरीशल्यशॊधिी दीपिी परा ||160||
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
राज निघण्टू - पिप्यल्यादि वगग
दन्तीद्वयम ्सरं पाको रसे च कटु दीपिम ्|
गुदाड्.कु राश्मशूलाशव कण्डूकु ष्ट ववदाहिूत ्|
तीक्ष्णॊष्णं हग्न्त वपिास्रकफशॊफोदरक्रिमीि ्||
भावप्रकाश निघण्टू - गुडु च्यादि वगग
तीक्ष्णोष्णान्याशुिारीनि ववकाशीनि गुरूणण च /
ववलप्ययग्न्त दॊषौ द्वौ मारुतं कोपयग्न्त च //
चरक संदहता
दन्ती द्रवन्ती स्रोहाग््त्तकटु कषायािः अधोभागहर-
कृ शमकु ष्टकफानिलहर |(सु.सु)||
सुश्रुत्र संदहता
शलह्याद् दन्ती त्रत्रवॄत ्ब्राह्मीश्चूणणवतिः मधुसवपवषा /
कु ष्टमेह िसुमीिां परमं ्यािदौषधम ्||(अ हृ.चच)||
deZ & iz;ksx
izeq[; deZ& rh{.kfojspu
nksÔ deZ& कफ़पित्तशामक
dQ'kked & उष्ण वीयग होिे से पविाक-कटु रस-कटु गुण-तीक्ष्ण
fiRr'kked &गुरु-गुण {रेचि} प्रभावजन्य
संस्थानिक कमग – इसके मूल और बीज का लेि शोथहर और वेििा स्थािक है
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
 KayyadevaN. – Agnideepaka, Pachaka, Krumighna.
 NighanduAdarsha – Shoolamatwagdoshashamani, Deepana.
 RajaN. - Shoolamatwagdoshashamani, Agnideepaka Shodhani.
 Bhavaprakasha – Pachaka, Deepaka, Krumighna.
 Shalii-gramaN. – Kandughna, Kushtaghna, Krumighna.
 DanwantaraN. – Deepana,Shodhana.
 Caraka – Vikashini.
कमव भ॰ि॰नि रा.नि ध ॰नि कै ॰नि आ॰नि
दीपि + + + + +
पाचि + + + + +
कन्डूघ्ि _ _ _ _ +
कु ष्ठघ्ि _ _ _ _ +
िशमघ्ि + _ _ + _
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
 Susruta – Kapha-vata shamaka, Adhobhagahara.
वायु +अजनि
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
 Kayyadeva N. – Udara roga, Anaha, Shodha, Shoola, Arsha, Vidhaha, Kandu,
Kushta, Rakthavikara, Gulma, Pleeha, Ashmari, Krumi.
NghanduAdarsha– Arsha, Vrna, Ashmari, Shalyashodhani.
RajaN. – Arsha, Vrna, Ashmari, Shalyshodhani, Kushta.
रस कटु
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
Bhavaprakasha – Ashmari, Shoola, Kandu, Kushta, Krumi.
 Shalii-gramaN. – Kandu, Kushta, Krumi.
DanwantaraN. – Arsha, Vrna, Ashmari, Shoola.
Shusruta – Kumi, Kushta.
Caraka – Pandu, Udhara roga, Gulma, arsha, Prameha.
Distribution of Danti
The deciduous and semi-evergreen forest all over most of India up to
1000 m altitude in Himalayas and 1800 m in the South Western Ghats.
A leafy stout usually monoecious under shrub 0.9-1.8 m height, with
herbaceous branches from the root, glabrous except the young shoots and
sometimes the leaves beneath.
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
Danti has been explored phytochemicaly by various researches and found to
possess number of chemical constituents. The phyto-chemical studies on the
root of B.montanum reveled presence of five phorbol esters, viz.
Montanin(C32H48O8), Baliospermin, 12-dehydroxyphrobol-13-palmitate, 12-
deoxy-16-dehydroxyphrobol-13-palmitate, and 12-deoxy-5β-hyroxyphrobol-13-
A preliminary phyto-chemical study on the roots showed the presence of
flavonoids, glycosides, sterols, and absence of alkaloids, saponins and
Studies based on seeds reported the presence of glycosides and terponids. A
non-vicinal dihydroxy mono-saturated acid was isolated from the seed oil and
characterized as 11,13-dihydroxy tetra costans-9-enoic acid designated as
axillarenic acid.
The leaves showed the presence of steroids, terpenoids, flavonoids
and absenceof alkaloids and saponins in the leaves of the plant. The flavonoids
are absent in the stem and root.
The thin layer chromatography(T.L.C) shows six spots, indicate there are six
different flavonoids present in the drug. Out of these one, correspondsto rat
input as a reference substance. Triterpence are found to be present in the root,
stem and leaf.
Young stem is green while old one is greenish brown to brown. Surface is
glabrous having small round or oval lenticles. Nodes are very close at the base
but quite apart towards the apex. Young stem is spirally twisted and slightly
angular. Fracture is fibrous except in pith which covers 1/2- 2/3 of the diameter
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
and is many times hollow. The drug has no specific odour and taste is slightly
Leaves are thin penninerved, glabrous except in some, lower is pubescent,
Apex is acute. Upper young leaves are small lanceolate and serrate, while lower
one is reach upto 15 to 30 cm length and 10 to 20 cm in bridth. They are oblong
lanceolate sinuate toothed. Base is rounded. Two glandular petiole, is 5 to 10
cm long, hairy and has groove on the upper surface.
Closely resembles the rootappearance and not thicker than root. Surface is
rough, having distinct nodes and buds in the axil of the scale leaf. Many rootlets
are coming out from the surface. Transversely smoothed surface shows distinct
but small pith in the centre. Cohile most of the tissue is composedofxylem.
Bark is very thin. Rootsurface is longitudinally striated having big transversely
elongated lenticels. Central part is composed ofsolid core of xylem.
Matured stem
In the matured stem, cork either suberized, or lignified consist of 4 to 10 layers.
Epidermis is still persistent on the old stem above the cork except at lenticles,
where the epidermis ruptures. Outer cortex is 3- 4 layered cholenchymatous, the
cells are flattened tangentlly. Inner cortex is perichymatous. Very few fibres are
present. Nearly Circular or slightly flattened non lignified to lignified striated
fibres are present in pericycle either isolated or in a group. Phloem moderately
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
big zone, consist of severe tissues and phloem parenchyma and a few phloem
fibres. Medullary rays are generally uniciliated.
Leaves sinuate-toothed, the upper small lanceolate, penninerved, the
lower large, reaching 15-30 cm long and often as broad, ovate, often palmately
3-5 lobed, base rounded or cuneate, 2-glandular, petioles 5-15 cm long, stipules
of 2 glands.
Male flowers:- Calyx globose, 2.5 mm long, 4-5 partite, glabrous or slightly
pubescent, segments sub-orbicular, concave imbricate, membranous, finely
mottled disc of 6 glands. Stamens about 20.
Female flower:- Sepals ovate-lanceolate, pubescent, not accrescent in fruit. Disk
2.5mm diameter, thin entire. Ovary hairy, stylesabout 1.5mm long, thick, 2-
partite, dull red the stigmatic surface is smooth, not fimbricate capsule 8-13 mm
long, obovoid, usually hairy of thre valved crustaceous cocci.
Seeds 8 by 5 mm. ellipsoid, quite smooth, mottled.
Leaf Lamina
One layer of palisade is present below the upper epidermis. Upper epidermal
cells are slightly bigger than those of lower epidermis. Cluster crystals of
calcium oxalate are distributed throughout the mesophyll. They are of two
types. Bigger ones are evenly distributed amongst the smaller ones. Bigger
clusters measure 34- 45 µ in diameter while smaller ones measure 15- 25µ in
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
diameter. Trichomes are slightly less on upper surface 127-225-315µ long and
17-26-35µ broad at the base. Stomata are of rubaceous typw. Sometimes
collapsed or half collapsed stomata are also foundStomatal index of upper
epidermis is 1-6, of lower epidermis is 10-13 and palisade ratio is 9 to 11.
Cork is composed of4-12 layers cells suberized or lignified and measure T-46-
76µ. Phelloderm is a big zone consist of outer 2-3 layers of flattened
collenchyma followed by a parenchymatous zone. Large number of fiber
present similar to those of rootstock. Phloem fibers are visible.
They resemble those of phelloderm. Xylem consistof fibers, vessels
and xylem parenchyma of the same type as those of root stock. Medullary rays
are mono-seriated rarely bi-seriate. Crystals are similar to those from root
stock, absent in xylem. Brown pigment is present in the cork but less in
phelloderm and phloem. The fibers deposited with pigment found in stem are
quiet uncommon in root.
Cell contents
Rosette, prisms and clusters of calcium oxalate crystals are present in the
stem clusters of calcium oxalate crystals are present in the leaf and root. Starch
grains are present in all parts.
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
All the five prohrobolesters viz. montanin, Baliospermin, 12-deoxy phrobol-
13-palmitate, 12-deoxy-16-hydroxy phrobol-13-palmitate and 12-deoxy-5β-
hydrophrobol-13-myristate isolated from rootof B.montanum were evacuated
for their invio anti-leukemic activity and the results of the studies showed
significant activity.
The result obtained also revealed ED 50 of 0.06-3.4 µ g/me against lymphocytic
leukemia p-388 in vitro for all five esters.
The crude enthanolic extract of leaves of B.montanum was evaluated for it
anti- microbial potential by disc diffusion method. The various concentration
(10,20&40 mg/me) of extract prepared in DMSO were screened using staphylo
coccus aureus, pseudomona aeurginosa, Escherichia coli and candida albicans.
Amphicilline tri-hydrate (1mg/ml) & fluconazole (0.5 mg/ml) served as
reference control for the study. The extract showed significant antibacterial
activity but found infective against fungal strain under in the study.
There exist some controversy on the identification of this plant.
 Danti/laghudanti- Baliospermum montanum
 Dravanti/brhatdanti- Jatropa curcus
Though there is controversy in the botanical source for Dravanti, new
problem arose with the consideration of jayapala as dantibeeja. Some scholars
have wrongly interpretd the ethmology of this synonym of jayapala as the seed
of danti. Actually the synonym dantibeeja indicates that the seed of jayapala
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
resemble that of danti. Hence jayapala may be Croton tiglium as accepted
Root, leaves and seed
 Bhavaprakasha,kayyadeva, caraka, raja nighandu are mentioned two verities of
 Danti/Laghudanti
 Dravanti/Brhatdant
 Accordingtocakrapani
Commented on this context that “dantyashyavani, dravanthyasthamrani” ie
Blackish root are for danti and redish color are for dravanti.
 Bhavaprakasha and caraka are mentioned about nagadanti.
The tropical plant suited almost all soils. It can be cultivated either as pure
crop or inter crop. It is propagated vegitatively by cutting. About 15-20 cm long
rooted cuttings are using for planting. Pits of size 50 cm cube are to be taken at
3m spacing and filled with dried cowdugs , sand and top soil and formed into a
On these mounds, rooted cuttings are to be planted at 2 cuttings/mound. Cutting
establish within one month. Weeding is to be carried out at this time.
Application of organic manure after every six months is beneficial. Irrigation
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
during summer season is preferable. The plant is not attacked by any serious
pests or diseases.
Well grown dark coppery colored roots are collected and honey mixed with
powder of long peppar is smeared over it and it is subjected to “puta paka” then
it is dried and preserved.
Abhyantra uses
 Udara roga, Vibandha, Agnimandha, Yakrit vikaras, Arsha, Krumi,
Raktavikara, Sarvangha shodha, Svasa.
 Ashmari, Vibandhayukta jvara, Sarpa visha.
 Twakvikara
According toCarak
Arshas – Dantyarishta
Pandu – Dantighrta
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
Jaundice – Juice of Bilva leaves mixed and along with Trikatu should be
taken. It alleviates jaundice or danti paste 20mg mixed with double quantity of
Jaggeri should be taken with cold water.
Udara roga – In Sannipatika udara, in order to relieve pain, hardness and
constipation. Oil of danti-dravanti should be given along with curd-water, soup,
meat soup etc…
Arshas – leaves of Trivritt, Danti, Changeri and Chitraka fried in iol and
ghee(mixed) and added with fatty layer of curd should be given as vegetable.
As purgative – bifurcating longitudinally a sugar cane, its inner surface should
be cover with Danti paste and steamed. By taking it one is evacuated easily
According toShusruta:-
 Pandu – Danti 20gm should be boild in buffalo’s urine sixteen times,
remaining to 80 ml. it should be given as purgative.
 Udararoga – Danti oil should be given added with rock salt and ajamoda.
According toAstangaHrudaya:-
 Jaundice – one should take powder of danti 80 mg with cold water or that of
Dravanti mixed with honey along with Triphala decoction.
 Kushta – Danti, Trivrit and brahmi powder together should be taken with
honey and ghee. It is an excellent remedy for Kushta, Prameha and
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
 Cyst – Danti, chitraka(root bark), latex of Snuhi and arka, Jaggeri, Ballataka
nuts, Kasisa, this paste break even stones(let alone a cyst).
 Conjuctivitis mixed with honey is used as collyrium. It alleviates
inflammation of eyes.– juice of Betel, Sigru, Karaveera, Sirisha, Danti
etc… separately
Poisonous effect :- It cause irritation and drowsiness in excess dose.
 Treatment :- milk and ghee administered and Madhura Snigdha
substanceare to be given.
Moola choorna – 1 to 3 gm.
Beeja – 125 to 250 mg.
Beeja taila – 2 to 5 drops.
 Dantyadi Kashayam
 Dantibeejati gutika
 Danti-trivrttadi choornam
 Danti-haritaki leha
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
 Dantyarishtam
 Kumaryasavam
 Kanghayana gudika
 Danti-haritaki
 Danti grdha
 Dantimooladi lepa
 Dantyarishta
 Dantyadi lepa
 Kangayana gudika
 Danti grdham
 Danti-haritaki avaleha
 Dantyarishtam
 Dantyasava
Ingredients:- 25 fruits of Abhaya, Danti, Chitraka, Water, Guda, powder of
Trivrut, Taila, Kana, Shunti, Honey and Chaturjata.
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
Processes of drug making:- pack the 25 fruits of abhaya, get 1/35 gm each of the
roots danti and chitraka plants and boil them along with the pack of fruits of
abhaya in 12 liters of water until it is reduced up to 1/8th.
To this decoction add 1165 gm of guda, fruits of abhaya removed from pack
and fried along with the sesame oil measuring 190 ml. cook the recipe on mild
heat when the recipe is about to get completely cooked.
Add to it 190 gm of the powder of trivrut and 46 gm of the each kana and
Snuhi. Cook the preparation into a confection. allow the confection to cool
down. There after add 190gm honey and 12 gm each powder of the chaturjata
herbs to the confection and mix it well.
Ingredient:- danti root, Water, Moorchita cow ghrita, Cow’s milk, Root of
Bala, Grapes, Root of Sahadevi, Satavari, Saralakushta, Sariva, Syamalata, juice
of Vidharikanta, decoctionof Musali and decoctionof Kutaja’s bark.
Process of drug making:- take 5 kg measure of danti roots and decot in water
measuring 13 liters keep decocting the same until the original quantity is
reduced to 1/4th. Sieve the decoction obtain go-ghrita and cows milk both
measuring 750 ml each of prepare kalka of following meterials by pulverizing
them with water on a stone slab 187 gm. Each of roots of danti, bala, grapes,
roots of sahadevi, satavari, Saralakushta, sariva and shyamalata.
Collect in a big vessel, the above mentioned decoctions, cow’s milk, go-
ghrita and kalka along with 3 liters each of juice of vidharikanda, decoction of
musali and decoction of kutaja bark. Cook this preparation methodologically on
a slow heat to obtain medicinal ghritam.
Dosage:- 6-12 gm.
Ingredients:- danti, Chitraka, both the verity of panchamoola herbs, pulp of
Triphala herb, jaggeri and water.
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
Process of drug making:- obtain 50 gm of each of danti, chitraka and both the
verities of panchamoola herbs (500 mg of their combined weight) and 150 gm
of the pulp of Triphala herb and compound them together. Boil the mix in 13
litera of water till the quantity is reduced up to 1/ this 5 kg of jaggeri
should be added and kept in a jar smeared with gritham. Close the mouth with a
sarava sealed with mud smeared cloth. Place the pot in a lonely and undisturbed
space for 15 days, for the fermentation of sarava, arishta etc the jar should be
smeared with the powder of dhataki or Lodhra flowers. Dosage:- daily 30 gm.
Application of the kalka of root bark of danti and chitraka, milky latex
of Sudha and arka guda, fruit of ballataka, kasisa erodes even a stone(what to
speak of granthi).
Taking equal quantity of danti, trivrit, mahashyana, kampillaka, katuka,
abhaya, neelini, bhagada powders are mixing and using for Virechana.
Ayurvedic medicines with Danti Ingredient
Punarnavadi Guggulu – used in the treatment of gout, sciatica, low back ache
Dantyarishtam– used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, constipation, gastric,
intestine and spleen related diseases.
BahushalaGuda – It is mainly used in the treatment of piles, fistula, ascites,
anemia, liver diseases etc
Shiv Gutika –Itis used for a variety of diseases like liver and spleen disorders,
respiratory conditions, neuro-psychiatric conditions etc.
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
a. The seeds are purgative and are used externally applied as stimulant and
rubifacient. It is considered useful against snake bite.
b. The paste of root is applied to inflammation, painful lesions and conditions of
organs, piles, and similar other ailing conditions.
c. The oil obtained from the seed is useful as hydrogogue cathartic and applied
externally to rheumatism.
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}
Danti {Baliospermummontanum}

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Danti by preetesh

  • 1. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} Introduction Baliospermum montanum is an important medicinal plant, found in southern- western ghats of india. It is commonly known as danti. The plant is a stout monoecious under shrub with many shoots from the base. The various parts of the plant like roots, leaves and seeds are used traditionally for the treatment of various ailments in Ayurveda, roots are used to cure jaundice, leucoderma, skin diseases, wound and as an anthelmintic, leaves are found to be useful in asthma, bronchitis and in treating abdominal tumor, seeds are used as purgative and gastric complaints. Decoction of stem is used to get relief from toothache. The literature revealed the presence of number of chemical constituents like Glycoterpenoids, steroids, Flavonoids etc… the solvents and aqueous extract of only roots have been studied and found to posses Anticancer, Antimicrobial, free radical scavenging, immune-modulatory, hepato protective an anthelmintic HISTORY In Vedic literature no herbs is described in the name of danti. It is considered as one among the bestVirechaka dravya. Chitra of bhedaniya group is considered as danti by cakrapani. According to Charaka:-  Charaka considered danti as in virechaniya gana. The root only indicated for the Virechana.  He quoted it as the example of prabhava dravya. Aashukari, Vyavayi, Vikasi are the prabhava of danti. According to Susruta, the danti comes under the adhobhaga hara and shyamadi gana.
  • 2. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} In Ashtanga hrudaya one preparation mentioned for Kushta roga. Danti  Latinname- Baloispermum montanum muell.-Arg Blio – dark, swarthy Spermum – seeds Montanum – mountainous  Family -Eurphorbiaceae Meaningofeuphorbiaceae Herbs, shurbs or small trees of various habit with milky juice, stem slender and leafy or thick and fleshy and sometimes leafless or nearly so. Leaves opposite or less commonly alternate. Flowers monoecious, combined in an inflorescence of many male florets surrounding a solitary female, arranged in a common 4-5 lobed perianth. Like involucer with thick glands and the mouth, each gland often bearing a petaloid spreading white or colored limb. Male flowers a stalked stamens without floral envelope. Female flowers, ovary 3 celled on an ultimately excerted stalk in the centre of the involucer; ovule solitary in each cell, style 3 free or connate. Fruit is capsule of 3-2 valved cocci, spreading elastically from a persistent axis and dehiscing ventrally or both ventrally and dorsally. Seeds albuminous, cotyledons broad, flat. The flower- heads in the genus have all the appearance of a single 2 sexual flowers especially when the involucer bears petal like appendages. Species 750 cheifly subtropical and warm temperature.  The spurge family in common English sometime called euphorions[genus]  It is a large family of flowering plant.  A widely distributed family of herbs shrubs or trees [order germinate ] with usually milky often poisions juice.
  • 3. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} Charactersticsofeuphorbiceae.  Herbs shrubs or small tree of various habits with milky juice stem slender and leafy or thick and fleshy and sometimes leafless or nearly so.  Flower monoecious combined in an inflorence of many male florests surrounding a solitary female.
  • 4. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} NOMENCLATURE  Kingdom - Plantae (Unranked) - Angiosperms (Unranked) - Eudicots (Unranked) - Rosids  Order - Malpighials  Family - Euphorbiaceae  Sub.Family - Crotonoideae  Tribe - Codiaeae  Genus - Baliospermum Blume  Species - Baliospermum montanum VERNACULAR NAMES  Hindi –Danti, Hakum, Hakun  Bengal - Danti, Hakum, Hakun  Gujerat – Dantimul, Jamalgota  Marathi – Danti  Telugu – Ettadundiga, Kanakapata  Tamil – Kattamaraku, Niradimutta  Malayalam – Dantika, Katalavanakku, Nagadanti, Nirattimutta  Oriya – Donti  Lepcha – Poguntig  English name – red physic nut, wild castor, wild crotonand wild sultan seed  North-Western Provinces – Janglijamalgota  Burma – Natcho
  • 5. Danti {Baliospermummontanum}  Persia – Bedanjirekhatai  Arabic – Habbussalatinebarri oxZ  भावप्रकाश निघण्टू - गुडु च्यादि वगग  धन्वन्तरी निघण्टू - गुडु च्यादि वगग  आिशग निघण्टू - आमलक्यादि वगग  राज निघण्टू - पिप्यल्यादि वगग  मिििाल निघण्टू - अभयादि वगग  पप्रय निघण्टू - शतिुष्िादि वगग Ik;kZ; राज निघण्टू के अिुसार :- दंती शीघ्रा श्येिघण्टा निकु म्भी िग्स्फ़ोता दंनतिी चपचचत्रा | भद्रा रूक्षा रोचिी चिुकू ला नििःशल्या ||158|| मधुपुष्पैएयरंडफला भद्राण्येरंदपटरत्रत्रका |उदुम्बरदला चैव तरुणी चाणुरेवती| ववशोधिी च कु म्भी च ज्ञेया चाग्ग्सिकरहाया ||159|| राज निघण्टू - पिप्यल्यादि वगग धन्वन्तरी निघण्टू के अिुसार :- “ दंती शशघ्रा निकुं म्भा ्याद उपचचत्रा मुकु लक | तथोदुम्बर पणी चा ववशल्या च घुणविया “ ||219|| धन्वन्तरी निघण्टू - गुडु च्यादि वगग मदिपाल निघण्टू के अिुसार दंती गुणविया िागदंती शशघ्रािु कु लकिः| उपचचत्रािुकु म्भी ्याद्ववशल्योंदुम्बरच्छदा ||111|| आखुपणी व्रशैरंडा द्रवन्ती सववरी मता | मुषकाहा सुतश्रेणी ित्यक़श्रेणी च फत्रत्रका ||112||
  • 6. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} मिििाल निघण्टू - अभयादि वगग विय निघण्टू के अिुसार दंनतदंतसमं मुलं ततो दंतीती कथ्यते | मलं कषवनत गजवद बलादंती ततोअवप सिः ||18|| पप्रय निघण्टू - शतिुष्िादि वगग Meaning of synonyms  िंती- {दम्यनत गुदाड्कु राि, दम्यते वा कु ष्ठादयिः अिया इनत दंती} | “दमु उपशमे’’ |  उपचचत्रा – उपगतानि चचत्राणी बीजन्य्यािः|  एरण्डफला – एरण्ड्येव फलान्य्यािः |  घुणविया – घुणािां विया, तत्सित्कतवात |  ववशल्या – ववगतं शल्यभूतम मलमिया |  ववशोधिी – मालं ववशोघायानतती, रेचिीतयाथव |  चीत्रा – चचत्रत्रतािी ववजन्य्यािः |  *िांत [गज ] सद्न्श मूलम्या (जजसका मूल गजिांत की तरह हो)|  *िाम्यनत (दमू उपशमे) ( अशग कु ष्ट आदि रोग जजससे िमि होते हो )  *यह मल को हाथी के समाि बलिूवगक खीच कर बाहर निकलता है इस कारण भी इसे िंती कहते है )  निकु म्भ-{ कुं भूशम ववभावि’ कन्डुकु ष्ठाददरोगनिवारिेणइनत } यह कोढ़ खुजली आदि रोगो को िष्ट करके अवश्य ही िवीि त्वचा उत्ििय करती है |  मुकु लक – [मड््ते मण्डयनत वा (शरीरं कन्डुकु ष्ठाददरोगनिवारिेणइनत ] कु ष्ट कं डू तथा रक्तपवकर आदि को िष्ट करके यह शरीर को सुंिर एवं शुसोभभत बिा िेती है |
  • 7. Danti {Baliospermummontanum}  उिुम्वरिणी- {उदुम्वर पणी िीव पणाविी अ्या इनत} |  Danti - It will be cures the diseases like Arsha, Kushta etc…  Udhumbaraparni - Its leaves resembles the shape of udhumbara(F.glomerata).  Earandaphala-Its seeds are similar to those of earanda or its seeds acts as purgative just like earanda.  Mukulaka-It makes the skin appear beautiful again as it treats al skin diseases effectively.  Sheeghra-Strong purgative or acts quickly.  Virechani-Its root is the best virechaka dravya. Synonyms chart 1 िाम भा॰ि॰नि रा॰ नि ध॰नि म॰प॰नि वि॰य॰ नि आ॰ नि Remark 2 शीघ्रा _ + + + _ _ 3 3 निकुं भा _ + + + _ _ 3 4 उिचचत्रा _ + + + _ + 4 6 उिुम्वरिणी _ _ + + _ + 3 7 मुकु लक _ _ + + _ + 3 8 घुणपप्रया _ _ + + _ _ 2 9 पवशल्या _ + + + _ _ 3 10 िंती + + + + + + 6 11 आखुिणी _ _ _ + _ _ 1 12 मूषकह _ _ _ + _ _ 1 13 गुणपप्रया _ _ _ + _ _ 1 14 अिुकू म्भी _ _ _ + _ _ 1
  • 8. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} 15 व्र्षरंडा _ _ _ + _ _ 1 16 सुतश्रेणी _ _ _ + _ _ 1 17 िागिंती _ _ _ + _ _ 1 18 द्रवन्ती _ _ _ + _ _ 1 19 प्रत्यकश्रेणी _ _ _ + _ _ 1 20 भशघ्रािुकु लक _ _ _ + _ _ 1 21 उिुम्वरच््िा _ _ _ + _ _ 1 22 सवगरी _ _ _ + _ _ 1 23 श्येिघंडा _ + _ + _ _ 2 24 एरण्डफला _ + _ + _ _ 2 25 िम्यनत + _ _ + + _ 3 26 िागस्फोटा _ + _ _ _ _ 1 27 अिुकू ला _ + _ _ _ _ 1 28 वक्र्िंता _ + _ _ _ _ 1 29 भद्राणी _ + _ _ _ _ 1 30 अिुरेवती _ + _ _ _ _ 1 31 कु म्भी _ + _ _ _ _ 1 32 रूक्षा _ + _ _ _ _ 1 34 मधुिुस्िा _ + _ _ _ _ 1 35 तरुणी _ + _ _ _ _ 1 36 रोचिी _ + _ _ _ _ 1 37 पवशोधिी _ + _ _ _ _ 1 38 निशल्या _ + _ _ _ _ 1 39 भद्रा _ + _ _ _ _ 1 Leavesofdanti
  • 9. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} Lo:Ik यह गुल्म जानत की विस्िनत 1 से 2 मी. उची होती है ।  पिे – प्रायः अंजीर और गुलुर के आकार के होते है। िीचे वाले ित्ते 15 से 30 से. मी. लंबे अंजीर के ित्ते के समाि कटे ककिारे वाले 3से 5 भागो मे पवभक्त तथा ककचचत िुकीले होते है ।  फू ल – एकभलंगी गुच्छाकार हररतभ रंग के होते है  बीज – भूरे बहाब्रद्चध से युक्त तथा एरंड से छोटे होते है  जड़ – अगुली के बराबर मोती सीधी और कभी कभी टू टी हुई होती है PROPERTIES RASA भा॰ि॰नि रा॰ नि ध॰नि म॰प॰नि वि॰य आ॰नि॰ Madhura Amla Lavana
  • 10. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} RASA VEERYA VEERYA भा॰ि॰नि रा॰ नि ध॰नि म॰प॰नि वि॰य आ॰नि॰ Ushna + + + + + + Seetha GUNA GUNA भा॰ि॰नि रा॰ नि ध॰नि म॰प॰नि वि॰य आ॰नि॰ Teekshna + + + + Laghu Guru Katu + + + + + + Tiktha Kashaya
  • 11. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} VIPAKA VIPAKA भा॰ि॰नि रा॰ नि ध॰नि म॰प॰नि वि॰य आ॰नि॰ Madhura Amla Katu + + + + + + ACTION ON DOSHA According to Kayyadeva N. , Bhavaprakasha and Caraka the Danti is a Kapha-pitta hara dravya. According to Nighandu Adarsha, Danwantara N. ,Raja N. and Shsruta the Danti is a Kapha-Vata hara dravya. jliapd दंतीमूलं भवेदु्णम तीक्ष्िं मलववरेचि | निहान्ते कफ वपिा्त्रशोधो दरगदक्रिमीि ||59|| पप्रय निघण्टू - शतिुष्िादि वगग दन्ती तीक्ष्णोष्णकटु का कफवातोदराि ्जयेत ्| अशोव्रणाश्मरीशूलाि ्हग्न्त दीपिशॊधिी ||220|| धन्वन्तरी निघण्टू - गुडु च्यादि वगग दन्ती कटू ष्णा शूलामत्वग्सदॊषशमिी च सा | अशोव्रणाश्मरीशल्यशॊधिी दीपिी परा ||160||
  • 12. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} राज निघण्टू - पिप्यल्यादि वगग दन्तीद्वयम ्सरं पाको रसे च कटु दीपिम ्| गुदाड्.कु राश्मशूलाशव कण्डूकु ष्ट ववदाहिूत ्| तीक्ष्णॊष्णं हग्न्त वपिास्रकफशॊफोदरक्रिमीि ्|| भावप्रकाश निघण्टू - गुडु च्यादि वगग तीक्ष्णोष्णान्याशुिारीनि ववकाशीनि गुरूणण च / ववलप्ययग्न्त दॊषौ द्वौ मारुतं कोपयग्न्त च // चरक संदहता दन्ती द्रवन्ती स्रोहाग््त्तकटु कषायािः अधोभागहर- कृ शमकु ष्टकफानिलहर |(सु.सु)|| सुश्रुत्र संदहता शलह्याद् दन्ती त्रत्रवॄत ्ब्राह्मीश्चूणणवतिः मधुसवपवषा / कु ष्टमेह िसुमीिां परमं ्यािदौषधम ्||(अ हृ.चच)|| अष्टन््दयम deZ & iz;ksx izeq[; deZ& rh{.kfojspu nksÔ deZ& कफ़पित्तशामक dQ'kked & उष्ण वीयग होिे से पविाक-कटु रस-कटु गुण-तीक्ष्ण fiRr'kked &गुरु-गुण {रेचि} प्रभावजन्य संस्थानिक कमग – इसके मूल और बीज का लेि शोथहर और वेििा स्थािक है
  • 13. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} KARMA Accordingto:-  KayyadevaN. – Agnideepaka, Pachaka, Krumighna.  NighanduAdarsha – Shoolamatwagdoshashamani, Deepana.  RajaN. - Shoolamatwagdoshashamani, Agnideepaka Shodhani.  Bhavaprakasha – Pachaka, Deepaka, Krumighna.  Shalii-gramaN. – Kandughna, Kushtaghna, Krumighna.  DanwantaraN. – Deepana,Shodhana.  Caraka – Vikashini. कमव भ॰ि॰नि रा.नि ध ॰नि कै ॰नि आ॰नि दीपि + + + + + पाचि + + + + + कन्डूघ्ि _ _ _ _ + कु ष्ठघ्ि _ _ _ _ + िशमघ्ि + _ _ + _
  • 14. Danti {Baliospermummontanum}  Susruta – Kapha-vata shamaka, Adhobhagahara. रस कटु वायु +अजनि गुण तीक्ष्ण अजनि वीयग उष्ण अजनि पविाक कटु वायु िाचि वीयग उष्ण रस कटु अजनि +वायु पविाक कटु दीपि
  • 15. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} ROGAGHNA KARMA Accordingto:-  Kayyadeva N. – Udara roga, Anaha, Shodha, Shoola, Arsha, Vidhaha, Kandu, Kushta, Rakthavikara, Gulma, Pleeha, Ashmari, Krumi. NghanduAdarsha– Arsha, Vrna, Ashmari, Shalyashodhani. RajaN. – Arsha, Vrna, Ashmari, Shalyshodhani, Kushta. कन्डूघ्ि अजनि +वायु कफ िाश पविाक कटु अजनि +वायु िशमघ्ि वीयग उष्ण रस कटु अजनि +वायु
  • 16. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} Bhavaprakasha – Ashmari, Shoola, Kandu, Kushta, Krumi.  Shalii-gramaN. – Kandu, Kushta, Krumi. DanwantaraN. – Arsha, Vrna, Ashmari, Shoola. Shusruta – Kumi, Kushta. Caraka – Pandu, Udhara roga, Gulma, arsha, Prameha. Distribution of Danti HABITAT The deciduous and semi-evergreen forest all over most of India up to 1000 m altitude in Himalayas and 1800 m in the South Western Ghats. HABIT A leafy stout usually monoecious under shrub 0.9-1.8 m height, with herbaceous branches from the root, glabrous except the young shoots and sometimes the leaves beneath.
  • 17. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} PHYTOCHEMISTRY Danti has been explored phytochemicaly by various researches and found to possess number of chemical constituents. The phyto-chemical studies on the root of B.montanum reveled presence of five phorbol esters, viz. Montanin(C32H48O8), Baliospermin, 12-dehydroxyphrobol-13-palmitate, 12- deoxy-16-dehydroxyphrobol-13-palmitate, and 12-deoxy-5β-hyroxyphrobol-13- myristate. A preliminary phyto-chemical study on the roots showed the presence of flavonoids, glycosides, sterols, and absence of alkaloids, saponins and terpenoids. Studies based on seeds reported the presence of glycosides and terponids. A non-vicinal dihydroxy mono-saturated acid was isolated from the seed oil and characterized as 11,13-dihydroxy tetra costans-9-enoic acid designated as axillarenic acid. The leaves showed the presence of steroids, terpenoids, flavonoids and absenceof alkaloids and saponins in the leaves of the plant. The flavonoids are absent in the stem and root. The thin layer chromatography(T.L.C) shows six spots, indicate there are six different flavonoids present in the drug. Out of these one, correspondsto rat input as a reference substance. Triterpence are found to be present in the root, stem and leaf. PHARMACOGNOSY MACROSCOPICALCHARACTERS Stem Young stem is green while old one is greenish brown to brown. Surface is glabrous having small round or oval lenticles. Nodes are very close at the base but quite apart towards the apex. Young stem is spirally twisted and slightly angular. Fracture is fibrous except in pith which covers 1/2- 2/3 of the diameter
  • 18. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} and is many times hollow. The drug has no specific odour and taste is slightly astringent. Leaves Leaves are thin penninerved, glabrous except in some, lower is pubescent, Apex is acute. Upper young leaves are small lanceolate and serrate, while lower one is reach upto 15 to 30 cm length and 10 to 20 cm in bridth. They are oblong lanceolate sinuate toothed. Base is rounded. Two glandular petiole, is 5 to 10 cm long, hairy and has groove on the upper surface. Root-stock Closely resembles the rootappearance and not thicker than root. Surface is rough, having distinct nodes and buds in the axil of the scale leaf. Many rootlets are coming out from the surface. Transversely smoothed surface shows distinct but small pith in the centre. Cohile most of the tissue is composedofxylem. Bark is very thin. Rootsurface is longitudinally striated having big transversely elongated lenticels. Central part is composed ofsolid core of xylem. montanum.htm MICROSCOPICALCHARACTERS Matured stem In the matured stem, cork either suberized, or lignified consist of 4 to 10 layers. Epidermis is still persistent on the old stem above the cork except at lenticles, where the epidermis ruptures. Outer cortex is 3- 4 layered cholenchymatous, the cells are flattened tangentlly. Inner cortex is perichymatous. Very few fibres are present. Nearly Circular or slightly flattened non lignified to lignified striated fibres are present in pericycle either isolated or in a group. Phloem moderately
  • 19. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} big zone, consist of severe tissues and phloem parenchyma and a few phloem fibres. Medullary rays are generally uniciliated. Leaves Leaves sinuate-toothed, the upper small lanceolate, penninerved, the lower large, reaching 15-30 cm long and often as broad, ovate, often palmately 3-5 lobed, base rounded or cuneate, 2-glandular, petioles 5-15 cm long, stipules of 2 glands. Flower Male flowers:- Calyx globose, 2.5 mm long, 4-5 partite, glabrous or slightly pubescent, segments sub-orbicular, concave imbricate, membranous, finely mottled disc of 6 glands. Stamens about 20. Female flower:- Sepals ovate-lanceolate, pubescent, not accrescent in fruit. Disk 2.5mm diameter, thin entire. Ovary hairy, stylesabout 1.5mm long, thick, 2- partite, dull red the stigmatic surface is smooth, not fimbricate capsule 8-13 mm long, obovoid, usually hairy of thre valved crustaceous cocci. Seed Seeds 8 by 5 mm. ellipsoid, quite smooth, mottled. montanum.htm Leaf Lamina One layer of palisade is present below the upper epidermis. Upper epidermal cells are slightly bigger than those of lower epidermis. Cluster crystals of calcium oxalate are distributed throughout the mesophyll. They are of two types. Bigger ones are evenly distributed amongst the smaller ones. Bigger clusters measure 34- 45 µ in diameter while smaller ones measure 15- 25µ in
  • 20. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} diameter. Trichomes are slightly less on upper surface 127-225-315µ long and 17-26-35µ broad at the base. Stomata are of rubaceous typw. Sometimes collapsed or half collapsed stomata are also foundStomatal index of upper epidermis is 1-6, of lower epidermis is 10-13 and palisade ratio is 9 to 11. Root Cork is composed of4-12 layers cells suberized or lignified and measure T-46- 76µ. Phelloderm is a big zone consist of outer 2-3 layers of flattened collenchyma followed by a parenchymatous zone. Large number of fiber present similar to those of rootstock. Phloem fibers are visible. They resemble those of phelloderm. Xylem consistof fibers, vessels and xylem parenchyma of the same type as those of root stock. Medullary rays are mono-seriated rarely bi-seriate. Crystals are similar to those from root stock, absent in xylem. Brown pigment is present in the cork but less in phelloderm and phloem. The fibers deposited with pigment found in stem are quiet uncommon in root. Cell contents Rosette, prisms and clusters of calcium oxalate crystals are present in the stem clusters of calcium oxalate crystals are present in the leaf and root. Starch grains are present in all parts. PHARMACOLOGY Anti-canceractivity
  • 21. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} All the five prohrobolesters viz. montanin, Baliospermin, 12-deoxy phrobol- 13-palmitate, 12-deoxy-16-hydroxy phrobol-13-palmitate and 12-deoxy-5β- hydrophrobol-13-myristate isolated from rootof B.montanum were evacuated for their invio anti-leukemic activity and the results of the studies showed significant activity. The result obtained also revealed ED 50 of 0.06-3.4 µ g/me against lymphocytic leukemia p-388 in vitro for all five esters. Anti-microbialactivity The crude enthanolic extract of leaves of B.montanum was evaluated for it anti- microbial potential by disc diffusion method. The various concentration (10,20&40 mg/me) of extract prepared in DMSO were screened using staphylo coccus aureus, pseudomona aeurginosa, Escherichia coli and candida albicans. Amphicilline tri-hydrate (1mg/ml) & fluconazole (0.5 mg/ml) served as reference control for the study. The extract showed significant antibacterial activity but found infective against fungal strain under in the study. CONTROVERSIES There exist some controversy on the identification of this plant.  Danti/laghudanti- Baliospermum montanum  Dravanti/brhatdanti- Jatropa curcus Though there is controversy in the botanical source for Dravanti, new problem arose with the consideration of jayapala as dantibeeja. Some scholars have wrongly interpretd the ethmology of this synonym of jayapala as the seed of danti. Actually the synonym dantibeeja indicates that the seed of jayapala
  • 22. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} resemble that of danti. Hence jayapala may be Croton tiglium as accepted generally. PART USED Root, leaves and seed VARIETIES  Bhavaprakasha,kayyadeva, caraka, raja nighandu are mentioned two verities of danti  Danti/Laghudanti  Dravanti/Brhatdant  Accordingtocakrapani Commented on this context that “dantyashyavani, dravanthyasthamrani” ie Blackish root are for danti and redish color are for dravanti.  Bhavaprakasha and caraka are mentioned about nagadanti. CULTIVATION The tropical plant suited almost all soils. It can be cultivated either as pure crop or inter crop. It is propagated vegitatively by cutting. About 15-20 cm long rooted cuttings are using for planting. Pits of size 50 cm cube are to be taken at 3m spacing and filled with dried cowdugs , sand and top soil and formed into a mound. On these mounds, rooted cuttings are to be planted at 2 cuttings/mound. Cutting establish within one month. Weeding is to be carried out at this time. Application of organic manure after every six months is beneficial. Irrigation
  • 23. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} during summer season is preferable. The plant is not attacked by any serious pests or diseases. COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION Well grown dark coppery colored roots are collected and honey mixed with powder of long peppar is smeared over it and it is subjected to “puta paka” then it is dried and preserved. THERAPEUTIC USES Abhyantra uses Leaves-  Udara roga, Vibandha, Agnimandha, Yakrit vikaras, Arsha, Krumi, Raktavikara, Sarvangha shodha, Svasa. Root-  Ashmari, Vibandhayukta jvara, Sarpa visha. Seeds-  Twakvikara According toCarak Arshas – Dantyarishta Pandu – Dantighrta
  • 24. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} Jaundice – Juice of Bilva leaves mixed and along with Trikatu should be taken. It alleviates jaundice or danti paste 20mg mixed with double quantity of Jaggeri should be taken with cold water. Udara roga – In Sannipatika udara, in order to relieve pain, hardness and constipation. Oil of danti-dravanti should be given along with curd-water, soup, meat soup etc… Arshas – leaves of Trivritt, Danti, Changeri and Chitraka fried in iol and ghee(mixed) and added with fatty layer of curd should be given as vegetable. As purgative – bifurcating longitudinally a sugar cane, its inner surface should be cover with Danti paste and steamed. By taking it one is evacuated easily According toShusruta:-  Pandu – Danti 20gm should be boild in buffalo’s urine sixteen times, remaining to 80 ml. it should be given as purgative.  Udararoga – Danti oil should be given added with rock salt and ajamoda. According toAstangaHrudaya:-  Jaundice – one should take powder of danti 80 mg with cold water or that of Dravanti mixed with honey along with Triphala decoction.  Kushta – Danti, Trivrit and brahmi powder together should be taken with honey and ghee. It is an excellent remedy for Kushta, Prameha and numbness.
  • 25. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} AccordingtoVriddamadhava:-  Cyst – Danti, chitraka(root bark), latex of Snuhi and arka, Jaggeri, Ballataka nuts, Kasisa, this paste break even stones(let alone a cyst). AccordingtoGadanigraha:-  Conjuctivitis mixed with honey is used as collyrium. It alleviates inflammation of eyes.– juice of Betel, Sigru, Karaveera, Sirisha, Danti etc… separately Poisonous effect :- It cause irritation and drowsiness in excess dose.  Treatment :- milk and ghee administered and Madhura Snigdha substanceare to be given. POSOLOGY Moola choorna – 1 to 3 gm. Beeja – 125 to 250 mg. Beeja taila – 2 to 5 drops. PREPARATIONS SAHASRAYOGA  Dantyadi Kashayam  Dantibeejati gutika  Danti-trivrttadi choornam  Danti-haritaki leha
  • 26. Danti {Baliospermummontanum}  Dantyarishtam  Kumaryasavam  Kanghayana gudika BHAISHAJYARATNAVALI  Danti-haritaki  Danti grdha  Dantimooladi lepa  Dantyarishta SHARANGADHARASAMHITA  Dantyadi lepa  Kangayana gudika CARAKA  Danti grdham  Danti-haritaki avaleha  Dantyarishtam  Dantyasava DANTI-HARITAKI Ingredients:- 25 fruits of Abhaya, Danti, Chitraka, Water, Guda, powder of Trivrut, Taila, Kana, Shunti, Honey and Chaturjata.
  • 27. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} Processes of drug making:- pack the 25 fruits of abhaya, get 1/35 gm each of the roots danti and chitraka plants and boil them along with the pack of fruits of abhaya in 12 liters of water until it is reduced up to 1/8th. To this decoction add 1165 gm of guda, fruits of abhaya removed from pack and fried along with the sesame oil measuring 190 ml. cook the recipe on mild heat when the recipe is about to get completely cooked. Add to it 190 gm of the powder of trivrut and 46 gm of the each kana and Snuhi. Cook the preparation into a confection. allow the confection to cool down. There after add 190gm honey and 12 gm each powder of the chaturjata herbs to the confection and mix it well. DANTIGHRITA Ingredient:- danti root, Water, Moorchita cow ghrita, Cow’s milk, Root of Bala, Grapes, Root of Sahadevi, Satavari, Saralakushta, Sariva, Syamalata, juice of Vidharikanta, decoctionof Musali and decoctionof Kutaja’s bark. Process of drug making:- take 5 kg measure of danti roots and decot in water measuring 13 liters keep decocting the same until the original quantity is reduced to 1/4th. Sieve the decoction obtain go-ghrita and cows milk both measuring 750 ml each of prepare kalka of following meterials by pulverizing them with water on a stone slab 187 gm. Each of roots of danti, bala, grapes, roots of sahadevi, satavari, Saralakushta, sariva and shyamalata. Collect in a big vessel, the above mentioned decoctions, cow’s milk, go- ghrita and kalka along with 3 liters each of juice of vidharikanda, decoction of musali and decoction of kutaja bark. Cook this preparation methodologically on a slow heat to obtain medicinal ghritam. Dosage:- 6-12 gm. DANTYARISHTA Ingredients:- danti, Chitraka, both the verity of panchamoola herbs, pulp of Triphala herb, jaggeri and water.
  • 28. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} Process of drug making:- obtain 50 gm of each of danti, chitraka and both the verities of panchamoola herbs (500 mg of their combined weight) and 150 gm of the pulp of Triphala herb and compound them together. Boil the mix in 13 litera of water till the quantity is reduced up to 1/ this 5 kg of jaggeri should be added and kept in a jar smeared with gritham. Close the mouth with a sarava sealed with mud smeared cloth. Place the pot in a lonely and undisturbed space for 15 days, for the fermentation of sarava, arishta etc the jar should be smeared with the powder of dhataki or Lodhra flowers. Dosage:- daily 30 gm. DANTIMOOLADILEPA Application of the kalka of root bark of danti and chitraka, milky latex of Sudha and arka guda, fruit of ballataka, kasisa erodes even a stone(what to speak of granthi). DANTI TRIVRITHADI CHOORNA Taking equal quantity of danti, trivrit, mahashyana, kampillaka, katuka, abhaya, neelini, bhagada powders are mixing and using for Virechana. Ayurvedic medicines with Danti Ingredient Punarnavadi Guggulu – used in the treatment of gout, sciatica, low back ache etc. Dantyarishtam– used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, constipation, gastric, intestine and spleen related diseases. BahushalaGuda – It is mainly used in the treatment of piles, fistula, ascites, anemia, liver diseases etc Shiv Gutika –Itis used for a variety of diseases like liver and spleen disorders, respiratory conditions, neuro-psychiatric conditions etc.
  • 29. Danti {Baliospermummontanum} USES IN OTHER SYSTEMS Infolkmedicine a. The seeds are purgative and are used externally applied as stimulant and rubifacient. It is considered useful against snake bite. b. The paste of root is applied to inflammation, painful lesions and conditions of organs, piles, and similar other ailing conditions. c. The oil obtained from the seed is useful as hydrogogue cathartic and applied externally to rheumatism.