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EDHEC Course Build
What you can expect today..
• What is really known about Idea Building
• Simple ways to generate more ideas
(P.S. More almost always leads to better..)
• Break
• Student Presentation / Link to today’s work
• Tips for you Sprints final presentation
• Work on Sprints with time for Q & A
Building Ideas
Questions on readings
What is a Spark Deck ?
Why Useful ?
Quick Recap
Increase your odds
of working on the
right things
Clarity to move
My Personal Views
• We dramatically overrate the value of ideas
• You shouldn’t worry about people stealing your ideas
• It is not the easiest step to outsource
• Alignment takes strategic insight
• Communication and checking usually requires domain expertise
• Systems thinking takes time
Idea Building is easy…. and the easiest to outsource
2 similar views
Steve Jobs Interview
It is the process of building
It is the execution that counts
It is not about what you have, but what you
make out of it
What we really know
about idea building…
“Inventions Are IdeasThat
Have Sex”
Some say everything has
already been invented.We
are just looking for new
MU =
Unique Ideas!
Drive out Fear
Explore Stimulus
Ways to build better
7 + 1 because you’re smart
Stimulus is critical
More Ideas
(Quantity & Quality)=
Where to go
on vacation?
Better = Associations
Spain + Foodie +
of a
Best = HARD Associations
“How could you do it
for free”
“How could you get
Insert MATT video
It is more impressive than you think
• Stride Gum
• Visa
• Samsonite
• Make a wish
• Plus speaking
€ 600-800 K / year
plus expenses
More stops than leading bands
Imagine this…
BMW has some of the best
designers in the world and
sells their designers by the
below cost
To build creativity…
The world’s biggest
ideas are built
around needs
Better ideas are about
1. Staying focused on consumer (customer) value
2. Being committed to better satisfy unmet
unarticulated needs
3. Working to build insights
Why?… Needs first, not ideas first !
rate *
* According to Strategyn research on outcome driven innovation…
5 - 10%Develop
a solution
a need
a market
a need
a solution
a market
It is more than
talking to
Mobile phone
It is about hard
You can't just ask consumers what they want
and then try to give that to them.
Sometimes (actually often)
they don’t know what they want.
It is often about “golden questions”.
Bad and / or unoriginal
ideas are as important
as good ideas
The big innovation Paradox
Whoever Makes the
Most Mistakes Wins
Richard Farson & Ralph Keyes
Ideas come
when you have time
to think…
Your new creativity office
The test, solve a difficult task while…
Reading emails or smoking
Test 1
Test 2
A few simple
ideas • Stop the email notifications
• No internal email Fridays
• 5,10,20% time like 3M,
• Get people to block (and
keep) time for creativity in
their agendas
Execution is often
more important than
the original idea
The danger of Internet
has done
it already
Look it
up on
a big
How many people
Apple invented the
50%of US consumers
More memory
More features
Better song management
More examples
Diversity Drives
 
20 agents
20 agents
The IQ View
Alpha Group
132 155
Diverse Group
121 84 111
105 135 95
The Toolbox View
Alpha Group
Diverse Group
“Bringing new members into the
organization, even if they’re less
experienced and less capable, actually
makes the group smarter simply
because what little the new members
do know is not redundant with what
everyone else knows.”
James Surowiecki
author Wisdom of crowds..
harder to get into
than Harvard MBA
The bigger surprise…
Average starting
salaries for MFAs are
now higher than
* MFA = Masters of Fine Arts
What you can do..
wise crowds
Why Persistence
• 80% of the big ideas are after day 1
• Ideas need time
• Ideas need to grow
• Quantity is the best predictor of quality
• Pottery / Photography / Ideation Examples
• Persistence is what makes less creative people usually better
idea builders
What is Persistence?
• Modify expectations short-cut to long haul
• Learn to love NO’s and failures
• Think in terms of progress not perfection
• Focused, relentless idea building
• Act until Echo
Then repeat
What do you think is the
biggest difference
between highly creative
people and others ?
Problem finding
instead of solution
Different Mindsets
Average Idea builders
• Let’s get started
• Where have I seen similar
• What solutions come to mind
Pattern Seekers
Solution Addicts
Source: Csikszentmihalyi and Getzel
Different Mindsets
Average Idea builders
• Let’s get started
• Where have I seen similar
• What solutions come to mind
Pattern Seekers
Solution Addicts
Expert Idea builders
• Why is this a problem?
• Do we understand this issue
• Are there other ways of
looking at it?
Pattern Breakers
Problem Finders
Source: Csikszentmihalyi and Getzel
Facts to
7 Steps
1. Familiarize yourself with the
objectives and challenge
2. Challenge the problem
3. Effectuation
4. Stimulus Mining
5. Individual brain writing
6. Group Work
7. Re-work
Familiarize yourself with
the Objectives
and the
Start with a few questions..
Why do people really dislike standing ? (See text)
Questions to ask someone else
• What do you do when you can’t find a seat ?
• When you’re standing and see someone sitting what do you
think ?
• What would it take to get you another train if you knew no seats
would be available ?
Sutherland, Rory. Alchemy (Kindle Locations 732-757). William Morrow. Kindle Edition.
Why don’t people like being made to stand on overcrowded trains?
I once asked this question in a meeting with a rail company. Everyone looked nonplussed; I mean, it’s
obvious that standing has to be worse than sitting, right? Maybe so. But why? And if standing is always
worse than sitting, why do people standing on trains regularly continue to stand after seats become
There could be a whole variety of reasons but, fascinatingly, passengers themselves do not really know,
even if they are able to supply plausible post-rationalisations. But asking this question more broadly might
lead to interesting new railway carriage designs that nobody has yet thought of, or it might be solved by
differential pricing. We don’t know yet.
So let’s ask again – why might people hate standing on trains? Is it about feeling cheated? After all, you’ve
paid for a seat on the train, and the rail company has taken your money and not given you a seat. Is that it?
In which case, might you try offering standing-only carriages for shorter rail and tube journeys? People
using them could be refunded part of their fare, or rewarded with points towards free journeys. Would they
feel happy then? We could find out. Or perhaps it’s because it is tiring; it’s not just about having to stand,
it’s also about having to keep your balance. Or that, once you have to hold on to a pole to stay upright, you
can no longer use a mobile phone, read a book or newspaper or drink a coffee, so the journey becomes
If these are the reasons, then a series of bum-rests might help. Perhaps it’s because they have nowhere to
put their bags or they are paranoid about people stealing from their backpack. Maybe though, it’s more a
question of status; the people who have a seat have a view, control of their personal space and space for
their bags – while the people who stand get nothing. There is no story they can tell themselves about their
predicament that puts it in a better light. But this raises an interesting question: what if there were some
benefits to standing? In other words, is there a role for alchemy?
Imagine if commuter rail carriages were designed with the seats down the middle, with places for
passengers to stand down each side, next to the windows. People sitting might have cup-holders but
nothing else; people standing would have a view out of the window, a cushion to rest against and a shelf
for a bag or a laptop, with two USB charging sockets.
Now there would be some clear advantages to standing over sitting, to a point where standing could be
perceived – by others and by oneself – as a choice rather than a compromise. Plans such as this only
emerge when people ask a dumb question with an open mind. The commuter knows he hates standing,
but he does not really know why; if you ask him, he will demand more seats, but the only way to provide
them is through the huge expense of running more trains. The reason we do not ask basic questions is
because, once our brain provides a logical answer, we stop looking for better ones; with a little alchemy,
better answers can be found.
A few facts on standing inTrains
1. Less than 20% of commuters have to stand, but it is
almost always the same commuters (people at the
last stations)
2. 2/10 people will volunteer to give up their seat to an
elderly or handicapped person. If asked, 6/10 people
will give up their seat
3. For a typical commuter, the cost of traveling by car
is 40% higher and 50% longer
4. People complain, but don’t change their actions
(see actions in India , Japan , China where there is
severe over-crowding)
5. Standing is only required at peak times
6. At present, less that ,1% of train journeys are too
crowded to get one
TRUE Truly Simple Fix the standing issue
Narrative. Why it is
important (the story)
If we don’t change something, more people standing will get
more and more frustrated. This will lead people to choose other
methods of travel and increase road traffic.
O Objectives
How to reduce
1. standing issues and / or
2. negative feelings associated with standing on the train
Restrictions: We are not
interested in
Something that will take more than 2 years to implement
T Tactical Constraints: No new capacity (already full)
H Here is the place to start
Load Management via pricing / other techniques
New train design
Make standing more attractive
Make it easier for people that really want to sit to sit
3 ideas
Challenge the problem
Elevator Example
A big NYC apartment building with
slow elevators. People complaining.
1. New faster elevator
2. Second set of elevators
3. Ask people to take the stairs
A psychologist found another
solution by re-framing the
How ?
How to reduce
1. Standing issues
and / or
2. Negative feelings associated
with standing on the train
1. Change the desirability of standing (make
standing better in some ways)
2. Change perceptions (are people really
standing as much as they think they are?)
How to reduce
1. Standing issue
and / or
2. Negative feelings
associated with
standing on the train
Accumulate means necessary to achieve a
pre-determined goal.
Imagine many possible new ends using a given
set of means.
Making a meal
• Who is coming
• What will they like
• Plan a menu
• Go Shopping
• Make the meal
• Enjoy
• What is in the Fridge ?
• What can we do with that
• Guess what is for dinner ?
• Enjoy ?
4 Concepts of Effectuation
• Bird in the Hand: What’s in the fridge
• Make Lemonade: So pickles and peanut butter
doesn’t work, but sour and sweet seems to work
• Affordable loss: Starting within budget (knowing you
can do it several times)
• Crazy quilt: I have got a few friends downstairs
maybe they can help
What can we do better
without any investments?
Stimulus Mining
Idea Starters
1. Would an early bird
ticket be enough ?
2. Could they also
increase motivation ?
Rail overcrowding has become endemic for many major cities. Solutions
are problematic because they require substantial funding and years to
implement. A new approach implemented in Melbourne,Australia, called
the early bird ticket, offers passengers free rail travel if trips are completed
before 7:00 a.m.The program costs 6 million Australian dollars (US5.64
million; AU1 = US.94, 2010) per annum in lost fare revenues.
Approximately 8,000 to 9,000 passengers use the ticket each weekday.
Some 23% of these passengers have shifted the time of travel (2,000-
2,600 passengers) by an average of 42 min.This shift has reduced demand
during peak time between 1.2% and 1.5% from previous levels and is the
equivalent of a maximum of five average train loads (or 3% of total peak
trains). Demand growth during this period has far outweighed this effect;
overloading increased after the early bird program was introduced. Its
effect was to reduce the scale of increased overloading.Overall, it is
unclear to what degree the early bird ticket program has acted to reduce
overloading. Peak travel during the less critical 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. peak time
has been reduced; however, its effect during the critical 8:00 to 9:00 a.m.
peak time is low. Regardless, the program pays for itself by providing relief
equivalent to 2.5 to five peak train loads. Economic benefits are likely to be
higher.When considering the alternatives, there is no equivalent measure
that could be implemented at such cost so quickly.
Idea StartersFlexible chairs => 30% more space
1. Better seats
2. Better train design
3. But why haven’t they
done it ?
Idea Starters
1. Could a good PR
campaign be enough ?
2. It is really a problem
that needs to solved ?
It is not that bad in Belgium
Idea Starters
1. How can we make the
train journey ‘fun’?
2. How to make the train
journey a place to meet
new people and start
unique friendships?
people pay a lot of money to
stand for hours at their
favourite music festival
Individual Brain Writing
(there are hundreds of ideas)
Write your
Share with
A team
Group Work
Dramatic difference
how is their life
and better
Reason why should they
believe you and
dramatic difference
Get feedback
2 Golden rules
If Clarity < 7
 Write it again
If [(Meaningful * .6 )
+ (Unique * .4 )] < 6
 You probably got a loser
One Suggestion
Don’t ask to get confirmation
Ask to get information (and ask often)
That’s great
Please tell me:
If this business failed
Why did it fail
3 ideas for
Hey mom
what do
you think
Summary by
Arthur B VanGundy
Bonus : how to run an
idea building event
How to run an event
1. Prepare
1. Alignment (What and why)
2. Problem statement
3. Spark Deck
2. Audience Immersion
1. Your challenge
2. 15 minute introduction maybe a few sparks
3. Question the questions
3. Individual Brain dumps
4. Work in groups
1. 1 or 2 - 30 minute ideation cycles
2. Feedback
3. Re-work (maybe ideation cycles)
5. Communicate
1. Present / Vote
2. Death Threats
6. Personal reflections
80% of the work is preparation
The best are several day events
Interim period
Build ideas +Test if possible
Day 2
1. Audience Immersion
1. Key Learnings
2. Key challenges
2. Individual reflection
3. Question the questions
4. Work in groups
5. Communicate
6. Personal reflections
Then as they say.. Rinse, repeat

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5 Cycles Remote Innovation - Systems
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Bryan Cassady
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Bryan Cassady
3 Cycles Remote Innovation - Build
3  Cycles Remote Innovation - Build 3  Cycles Remote Innovation - Build
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2  Cycles Remote Innovation -  Alignment2  Cycles Remote Innovation -  Alignment
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CYCLES Course (3): Build

  • 1. Cycles The simplest, proven way to build your business. EDHEC Course Build
  • 2. What you can expect today.. • What is really known about Idea Building • Simple ways to generate more ideas (P.S. More almost always leads to better..) • Break • Student Presentation / Link to today’s work • Tips for you Sprints final presentation • Work on Sprints with time for Q & A Theory Coffee Case
  • 4. Questions on readings What is a Spark Deck ? Why Useful ?
  • 5. Quick Recap Increase your odds of working on the right things Clarity to move forward
  • 6. My Personal Views • We dramatically overrate the value of ideas • You shouldn’t worry about people stealing your ideas • It is not the easiest step to outsource • Alignment takes strategic insight • Communication and checking usually requires domain expertise • Systems thinking takes time Idea Building is easy…. and the easiest to outsource
  • 7. 2 similar views Steve Jobs Interview It is the process of building It is the execution that counts It is not about what you have, but what you make out of it
  • 8. What we really know about idea building…
  • 9. 9 “Inventions Are IdeasThat Have Sex” Some say everything has already been invented.We are just looking for new combinations
  • 11. 11 Ways to build better ideas 7 + 1 because you’re smart
  • 13. More Stimulus More Ideas (Quantity & Quality)= Where to go on vacation?
  • 14. Better = Associations Spain + Foodie + Budget of a student
  • 15. Best = HARD Associations “How could you do it for free” “How could you get paid”
  • 17. It is more impressive than you think • Stride Gum • Visa • Samsonite • Make a wish foundation • Plus speaking Estimates: € 600-800 K / year plus expenses More stops than leading bands
  • 18. 18 Imagine this… BMW has some of the best designers in the world and sells their designers by the day below cost Why? To build creativity…
  • 19. 19 The world’s biggest ideas are built around needs
  • 20. Better ideas are about 1. Staying focused on consumer (customer) value 2. Being committed to better satisfy unmet unarticulated needs 3. Working to build insights
  • 21. Why?… Needs first, not ideas first ! Success rate * * According to Strategyn research on outcome driven innovation… 5 - 10%Develop a solution Find a need Find a market IDEAS first 70% Find a need Develop a solution Find a market NEEDS first
  • 22.
  • 23. It is more than talking to consumers today’s business Mobile phone Computers Internet…
  • 24. It is about hard questioning… You can't just ask consumers what they want and then try to give that to them. Sometimes (actually often) they don’t know what they want. It is often about “golden questions”.
  • 25.
  • 26. 26 Bad and / or unoriginal ideas are as important as good ideas
  • 27. The big innovation Paradox Whoever Makes the Most Mistakes Wins Richard Farson & Ralph Keyes
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 31. 31 Ideas come when you have time to think…
  • 32.
  • 34. The test, solve a difficult task while… Reading emails or smoking marijuana… Test 1 Test 2
  • 35. A few simple ideas • Stop the email notifications • No internal email Fridays • 5,10,20% time like 3M, Google • Get people to block (and keep) time for creativity in their agendas
  • 36. 36 Execution is often more important than the original idea
  • 37. The danger of Internet Someone has done it already Look it up on the Internet a big IDEA
  • 38. How many people think Apple invented the MP3 player? almost 50%of US consumers
  • 39. More memory More features Better song management Simplicity and coolness
  • 43. The IQ View Alpha Group 121 132 155 139 135 137 Diverse Group 121 84 111 105 135 95
  • 44. The Toolbox View Alpha Group ABD ADE BCD ABC BCD ACD Diverse Group AHK FD AEG EZ BCD IL
  • 45. “Bringing new members into the organization, even if they’re less experienced and less capable, actually makes the group smarter simply because what little the new members do know is not redundant with what everyone else knows.” James Surowiecki author Wisdom of crowds..
  • 46. A UCLA MFA 3 X harder to get into than Harvard MBA The bigger surprise… Average starting salaries for MFAs are now higher than MBAs * MFA = Masters of Fine Arts
  • 49. Why Persistence • 80% of the big ideas are after day 1 • Ideas need time • Ideas need to grow • Quantity is the best predictor of quality • Pottery / Photography / Ideation Examples • Persistence is what makes less creative people usually better idea builders
  • 50. What is Persistence? • Modify expectations short-cut to long haul • Learn to love NO’s and failures • Think in terms of progress not perfection • Focused, relentless idea building • Act until Echo Then repeat
  • 51. What do you think is the biggest difference between highly creative people and others ? 51
  • 52. 52 Problem finding instead of solution finding…
  • 53. Different Mindsets Average Idea builders • Let’s get started • Where have I seen similar problems • What solutions come to mind Pattern Seekers Solution Addicts Source: Csikszentmihalyi and Getzel
  • 54. Different Mindsets Average Idea builders • Let’s get started • Where have I seen similar problems • What solutions come to mind Pattern Seekers Solution Addicts Expert Idea builders • Why is this a problem? • Do we understand this issue correctly? • Are there other ways of looking at it? Pattern Breakers Problem Finders Source: Csikszentmihalyi and Getzel
  • 55. Facts to Practice 7 Steps 1. Familiarize yourself with the objectives and challenge 2. Challenge the problem definition 3. Effectuation 4. Stimulus Mining 5. Individual brain writing 6. Group Work 7. Re-work
  • 56. Familiarize yourself with the Objectives and the Challenge
  • 57. Start with a few questions.. Why do people really dislike standing ? (See text) Questions to ask someone else • What do you do when you can’t find a seat ? • When you’re standing and see someone sitting what do you think ? • What would it take to get you another train if you knew no seats would be available ?
  • 58. Sutherland, Rory. Alchemy (Kindle Locations 732-757). William Morrow. Kindle Edition. Why don’t people like being made to stand on overcrowded trains? I once asked this question in a meeting with a rail company. Everyone looked nonplussed; I mean, it’s obvious that standing has to be worse than sitting, right? Maybe so. But why? And if standing is always worse than sitting, why do people standing on trains regularly continue to stand after seats become available? There could be a whole variety of reasons but, fascinatingly, passengers themselves do not really know, even if they are able to supply plausible post-rationalisations. But asking this question more broadly might lead to interesting new railway carriage designs that nobody has yet thought of, or it might be solved by differential pricing. We don’t know yet. So let’s ask again – why might people hate standing on trains? Is it about feeling cheated? After all, you’ve paid for a seat on the train, and the rail company has taken your money and not given you a seat. Is that it? In which case, might you try offering standing-only carriages for shorter rail and tube journeys? People using them could be refunded part of their fare, or rewarded with points towards free journeys. Would they feel happy then? We could find out. Or perhaps it’s because it is tiring; it’s not just about having to stand, it’s also about having to keep your balance. Or that, once you have to hold on to a pole to stay upright, you can no longer use a mobile phone, read a book or newspaper or drink a coffee, so the journey becomes boring. If these are the reasons, then a series of bum-rests might help. Perhaps it’s because they have nowhere to put their bags or they are paranoid about people stealing from their backpack. Maybe though, it’s more a question of status; the people who have a seat have a view, control of their personal space and space for their bags – while the people who stand get nothing. There is no story they can tell themselves about their predicament that puts it in a better light. But this raises an interesting question: what if there were some benefits to standing? In other words, is there a role for alchemy? Imagine if commuter rail carriages were designed with the seats down the middle, with places for passengers to stand down each side, next to the windows. People sitting might have cup-holders but nothing else; people standing would have a view out of the window, a cushion to rest against and a shelf for a bag or a laptop, with two USB charging sockets. Now there would be some clear advantages to standing over sitting, to a point where standing could be perceived – by others and by oneself – as a choice rather than a compromise. Plans such as this only emerge when people ask a dumb question with an open mind. The commuter knows he hates standing, but he does not really know why; if you ask him, he will demand more seats, but the only way to provide them is through the huge expense of running more trains. The reason we do not ask basic questions is because, once our brain provides a logical answer, we stop looking for better ones; with a little alchemy, better answers can be found. A few facts on standing inTrains 1. Less than 20% of commuters have to stand, but it is almost always the same commuters (people at the last stations) 2. 2/10 people will volunteer to give up their seat to an elderly or handicapped person. If asked, 6/10 people will give up their seat 3. For a typical commuter, the cost of traveling by car is 40% higher and 50% longer 4. People complain, but don’t change their actions (see actions in India , Japan , China where there is severe over-crowding) 5. Standing is only required at peak times 6. At present, less that ,1% of train journeys are too crowded to get one
  • 59.
  • 60. TRUE Truly Simple Fix the standing issue N Narrative. Why it is important (the story) If we don’t change something, more people standing will get more and more frustrated. This will lead people to choose other methods of travel and increase road traffic. O Objectives How to reduce 1. standing issues and / or 2. negative feelings associated with standing on the train R Restrictions: We are not interested in Something that will take more than 2 years to implement T Tactical Constraints: No new capacity (already full) H Here is the place to start Load Management via pricing / other techniques New train design Make standing more attractive Make it easier for people that really want to sit to sit Product objective
  • 63. Elevator Example A big NYC apartment building with slow elevators. People complaining. Solutions 1. New faster elevator 2. Second set of elevators 3. Ask people to take the stairs A psychologist found another solution by re-framing the problem How ?
  • 64. How to reduce 1. Standing issues and / or 2. Negative feelings associated with standing on the train
  • 65. 1. Change the desirability of standing (make standing better in some ways) 2. Change perceptions (are people really standing as much as they think they are?) How to reduce 1. Standing issue and / or 2. Negative feelings associated with standing on the train
  • 67. CAUSAL vs EFFECTUAL REASONING FIRST FIRST GIVEN GOAL GIVEN MEANS M1 M2 M5M4M3 M1 M2 M5 M4 M3 MANAGERIAL THINKING (causal) Accumulate means necessary to achieve a pre-determined goal. THEN ACCUMULATE MEANS ENTREPRENEURAL THINKING (effectual) Imagine many possible new ends using a given set of means. THEN IMAGINE ENDS CAUSAL vs EFFECTUAL REASONING
  • 68. Making a meal Traditional • Who is coming • What will they like • Plan a menu • Go Shopping • Make the meal • Enjoy Effectual • What is in the Fridge ? • What can we do with that • Guess what is for dinner ? • Enjoy ?
  • 69. 4 Concepts of Effectuation • Bird in the Hand: What’s in the fridge • Make Lemonade: So pickles and peanut butter doesn’t work, but sour and sweet seems to work together.. • Affordable loss: Starting within budget (knowing you can do it several times) • Crazy quilt: I have got a few friends downstairs maybe they can help
  • 70. What can we do better without any investments?
  • 72. Idea Starters 1. Would an early bird ticket be enough ? 2. Could they also increase motivation ? Rail overcrowding has become endemic for many major cities. Solutions are problematic because they require substantial funding and years to implement. A new approach implemented in Melbourne,Australia, called the early bird ticket, offers passengers free rail travel if trips are completed before 7:00 a.m.The program costs 6 million Australian dollars (US5.64 million; AU1 = US.94, 2010) per annum in lost fare revenues. Approximately 8,000 to 9,000 passengers use the ticket each weekday. Some 23% of these passengers have shifted the time of travel (2,000- 2,600 passengers) by an average of 42 min.This shift has reduced demand during peak time between 1.2% and 1.5% from previous levels and is the equivalent of a maximum of five average train loads (or 3% of total peak trains). Demand growth during this period has far outweighed this effect; overloading increased after the early bird program was introduced. Its effect was to reduce the scale of increased overloading.Overall, it is unclear to what degree the early bird ticket program has acted to reduce overloading. Peak travel during the less critical 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. peak time has been reduced; however, its effect during the critical 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. peak time is low. Regardless, the program pays for itself by providing relief equivalent to 2.5 to five peak train loads. Economic benefits are likely to be higher.When considering the alternatives, there is no equivalent measure that could be implemented at such cost so quickly.
  • 73. Idea StartersFlexible chairs => 30% more space 1. Better seats 2. Better train design 3. But why haven’t they done it ?
  • 74. Idea Starters 1. Could a good PR campaign be enough ? 2. It is really a problem that needs to solved ? It is not that bad in Belgium
  • 75. Idea Starters 1. How can we make the train journey ‘fun’? 2. How to make the train journey a place to meet new people and start unique friendships? FUN and EXPERIENCE make people pay a lot of money to stand for hours at their favourite music festival TOMORROWLAND
  • 76. Individual Brain Writing (there are hundreds of ideas)
  • 79.
  • 80. Cycles Payoff Dramatic difference how is their life and better Proof Reason why should they believe you and dramatic difference
  • 81. Get feedback Clarity Meaningful Unique 2 Golden rules If Clarity < 7  Write it again If [(Meaningful * .6 ) + (Unique * .4 )] < 6  You probably got a loser One Suggestion
  • 82. Don’t ask to get confirmation Ask to get information (and ask often) That’s great son… Please tell me: If this business failed Why did it fail 3 ideas for improvement Hey mom what do you think ?
  • 84.
  • 85. Bonus : how to run an idea building event
  • 86. How to run an event 1. Prepare 1. Alignment (What and why) 2. Problem statement 3. Spark Deck 2. Audience Immersion 1. Your challenge 2. 15 minute introduction maybe a few sparks 3. Question the questions 3. Individual Brain dumps 4. Work in groups 1. 1 or 2 - 30 minute ideation cycles 2. Feedback 3. Re-work (maybe ideation cycles) 5. Communicate 1. Present / Vote 2. Death Threats 6. Personal reflections 80% of the work is preparation The best are several day events Interim period Build ideas +Test if possible Day 2 1. Audience Immersion 1. Key Learnings 2. Key challenges 2. Individual reflection 3. Question the questions 4. Work in groups 5. Communicate 6. Personal reflections Then as they say.. Rinse, repeat