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build your business.
Course Communicate/Check
Quick Recap
Increase your odds
of working on the
right things
Problem finding +
+ Diversity
Ideas / solutions
worth testing
Clarity to move
My personal views
• If you have done the alignment and build step right you should
already be on the right path
• Good alignment = about doing the right things (JTBD / BMI) and
• Good build = asking the right questions, then building ideas worth
Now you need to make sure
1. Do people understand what you’re offering
2. If they do, do they want it
3. And will they pay for it
How …
• Big Ideas
• Papertyping
• Storytyping
• Pretotyping
Want it
• Ask
• Test
• Look for
Will Pay
• Pricing
• Thoughtland
• Back of the
Kill or
• Shoot
• Stop riding
dead horses
• Big Ideas
• Papertyping
• Storytyping
• Pretotyping
Want it
• Ask
• Test
• Look for
Will Pay
• Pricing
• Thoughtland
• Back of the
Kill or continue
• Shoot
• Stop riding
dead horses
Products fail most often for 2 reasons
They are not offering a benefit anyone wants
Worse yet, are those offering the right benefit
but people don’t understand
Why is clarity critically important
• If you can’t explain something clearly, you don’t understand
what you’re selling
• If people can’t understand, they can’t give you feedback
• And it you happened to have things right
• You might get the wrong feedback and change a winner
• You won’t be able to sell your winner
Tappers received a list of twenty-five well-known songs,
such as “We will rock you” and “The Star Spangled
Banner.” and” Freres Jacques”
Each tapper was asked to pick a song and tap out the
rhythm to a listener (by knocking on a table). The listener’s
job was to guess the song, based on the rhythm being
tapped. (By the way, this experiment is fun to try at home if
there’s a good “listener” candidate nearby.)
Tappers Prediction 50%
Listener Results 2,5%
We are less clear
than we think
Can you guess the song
How to make ideas
clear …
One of the best business
books you’ll ever read
Doug Hall is a Fact Based
The Core of Clarity …
• Overt Benefit What’s in it for the customer? And
is the benefit overtly clear
• Real Reason to Believe Why should the
customer believe you will deliver on the promise
made above?
• Dramatic Difference How revolutionary and
new-to-the-world is your benefit/reason to
3 tests…
Clarity of communication Test
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
Redout Rust Stopper StepSafe Opti-roma
Grandma Fricker’s Jack Snack’s HearthGlow
StainSane Microwave Sentry Ventin’ Scents
Winner right (3 points) Winner right (3 points) Winner right (3 points)
Loser right (1 point) Loser right (1 point) Loser right (1 point)
Total Score
12 : Go into advertising
9-11: you're above average
0-8: you're average
Round 1
Redout Rust Stopper
Stops Rust Each Time You Flush Redout
Grandma Fricker’s Organic Meals for Kids
Kid's Meals Made From Organic Ingredients
StainSane An Instant
Stain and Spot Remover that Won’t Harm You or Your
Round 1
Over Benefit
What’s in it for the customer?
The concept of focusing on benefits instead of features has long
been known to be critical to success.
The new news is how overt you need to be in today’s cluttered
market place.
In order for customers to “get it” today, you must be direct.
Each Time You Flush” provides no doubt or mystery
about what is “in it for me,” the customer, when I
purchase Redout. StainSane offers the next
strongest Overt Benefit, followed by Grandma
Fricker’s Organic Meals for Kids. Grandma Fricker’s
promises “the advantages of organic foods,” but it
never defines what those advantages are. It is left to
the customers to draw their own conclusions of why
organic is important. In the busy marketplace, this
“extra work” results in less sales.
Round 1
Score 3 points if you named
Redout Rust Stopper as #1
Score 1 point if you named
Grandma Frickers as #3
A fun sideline
(confirmation bias)
Got it ???
Now try listening for
“It is fun to smoke marijuana”
StepSafe Ice and Snow Remover
Melts Ice and Snow on Walkways in Super-Low
Jack Snack’s Milwaukee Beach Snack Mix
A Tropical Party From Milwaukee?
Microwave Sentry
Monitors Your Microwave to Insure Your Family’s
Round 2
Reason Why
To convert the excitement generated by Overt Benefit into sales,
customers require that you provide persuasive credibility that you
will do as you promise.
Of the round two concepts, Microwave Sentry
offers a clear description of how it works, as
well as a scientific pedigree explaining the
technology. StepSafe at least offers a special
formula; however, it and Jack Snack’s are
both significantly less credible.
Round 2
Score 3 points if you
named Microwave Sentry
as #1
Score 1 point if you named
Jack Snack’s as #3
A great example of reason why…
• “Buy our XYZ bed and you will get your best night’s sleep ever.”
Yawn. Boring.
• “If your mattress is ten years old, it weighs twice its original
weight due to the dust mites that accumulate over the years.”
Round 3
An Air Freshener That Lets You Choose From Three
A Quick-Lighting Fireplace Log of All-Natural Peat
Ventin’ Scents
Turns Your Room Vents Into an Air Freshening System
Round 3
Dramatic Difference
Sales and profits explode when an Overt Benefit and Real
Reason to Believe pair is offered with a Dramatic Difference.
Without uniqueness, you have a commodity that sells for
commodity-like profit margins.
The new news is that for the uniqueness to be effective, it must
be dramatic -ten times bigger than you think it needs to be—and
the drama must be focused directly on the Overt Benefit and
Real Reason to Believe.
In round three, Ventin’ Scents is the winner
as it offers the greatest Dramatic Difference
of the three. The benefit it offers cannot
easily be achieved in any other manner. Opti-
roma and HearthGlow offer decreasing levels
of uniqueness. HearthGlow provides many
features; however, the end benefit of it versus
competing logs is insignificant.
Round 3
Score 3 points if you
namedVentin’ Scents
as #1
Score 1 point if you
named HearthGlow
as #3
What makes an idea clear ?
• Overt Benefit What’s in it for the customer? And
is the benefit overtly clear
• Real Reason to Believe Why should the
customer believe you will deliver on the promise
made above?
• Dramatic Difference How revolutionary and
new-to-the-world is your benefit/reason to
Dramatic difference how
is their life different and
Reason why should they
believe you and dramatic
My son’s work
• Phoenix retreats
• Classic addiction treatment does not work.
Success 5-15% at a cost of $30,000 - $70,000
• No change in stimulus / response
• No change in connectivity
• No change in environment
• Psilocybin + therapy = 50- 70 % cure rates
• Iboga can help after by reducing cravings
• Research in collaboration with John Hopkins
• Support from the UN to treat prisoners and prostitutes
New: Psilocybin + Iboga
Replacement habits
Works with prisoners and
Putting the idea in practice
_____________________ (business name) is the
first to offer _________________ (Overt Benefit)
that’s because of _____________________ (Real
Reason to Believe)
What makes ______________________
(business name) dramatically different is that it’s
the only company to offer
______________________ (Dramatic Difference)
My company: ( company name )
Is developing ( a defined
offering/project )
To help ( a target audience )
( solve a problem )
with (unique benefit or RTB /secret
Let’s choose one of the following
One of your masters projects
Phoenix retreats
OR Smart-sprints
Paper is just the first
step …
If it is important…
you can (and should ) go further !
Big Idea Papertype StoryType PretoType ProtoType
Thought Land Action Land
The human mind is essentially
a high-powered story
According to research, a
message delivered in the form
of a story is twenty-two times
more memorable than a
simple fact.
AND we relate to stories
Context - Where did it all begin? What is your
Example: In a social experiment called the
Significant Objects Project a number of people
bought two hundred random objects in thrift shops
and garage sales for a total of 129 USD.
Action - What can you/or want to do? What is
the problem?
Example: Each object was sold on EBay with the
the addition of a fictional piece of writing relating
to the object. This wasn’t an attempt to fool buyers;
buyers; the stories clearly weren’t true.
Result – What Happened
Example: The random objects sold on EBay for a
for a total of over 8,000 USD confirming the
persuasive power of narrative.
Phoenix Retreats is the first to
offer safe replacement habits
with the use of Psilocybin and
Iboga with a 50-70% cure
rates, Research in
collaboration with John
Hopkins and the support of
Story work in groups
Context: 3rd Try
Action: I doubted, but I saw the work
they are doing with Prisoners and
Result: It really worked
If you don’t know what to do, give
Phoenix a try
The biggest challenge
with rationale research
People don’t think what they feel,
they don’t say what they think,
and they don’t do what they say.
(David Ogilvy)
ReadThis book !
• Validating market interest and actual use
of a potential innovation
• by simulating the core experience
• with the minimum investment of time
and resources
Fake it, before you make it
You’ll also see pretotyping in action
IBM speech to text example
XYZ Hypothesis: What you get when you apply
“say it with numbers” to the Market Engagement
The basic form for the XYZ Hypothesis is: “At least
X% of Y will Z,” where X% represents a percentage
of your target market, Y, and Z represents how that
percentage of the market will engage with your new
product idea.
Example - the XYZ Hypothesis for Second-Day
“At least 20% of packaged-sushi eaters will try
Second-Day Sushi if it’s half the price of regular
packaged sushi.”
xyz hypothesis: A small, specific, easily and
quickly testable hypothesis that is derived from, and
consistent with, a broader XYZ Hypothesis.
The process of going from a broad XYZ Hypothesis
to one or more xyz hypotheses is called
Example - a possible xyz hypothesis for Second-
Day Sushi is:
“At least 20% of students buying packaged sushi at
Coupa CafĂŠ today at lunch will choose Second-Day
Sushi if it’s half the price of regular packaged
But it is more than faking it.
It is about testing something
Will people continue to use
it? Do people pay for it?
Are people interested in it?
Do people use it as
Will it work as
How cheaply can we build
Can we build it?
How fast can we make it?
Source : Verhaert Innovation Day 2019
How to pretotype ?
to mimic XYZ
Time /
Your message
Your Target
You gotta put in the effort to simplify !
When you get it right… you’ll get
back to a big idea…
Overnight ? Send via Fedex
Safety important? Buy a Volvo
Think Different? Buy Apple
• Big Ideas
• Papertyping
• Storytyping
• Pretotyping
Want it
• Ask
• Test
• Look for
Will Pay
• Pricing
• Thoughtland
 actionland
• Back of the
Kill or continue
• Shoot
• Stop riding
dead horses
I'll believe it when I see it
I'll see it when I believe it -
You need insights
not confirmation
to drive your business forward
The 5 keys to good research
1. Understand your biases
2. Think about questions you need answered, before
looking for answers
3. Define success before you start
4. Stay focused on the big picture
5. Actively search for negatives
#1 Understand your biases
• Desire bias: SUGGING Selling under the guise of market research
• Cognitive bias: We see what we believe is true
• Confirmation bias (people will find the information that supports their opinion
(and ignore information that denies it), selective memory Ă  knowing this
impacts how questions are worded. Positively or negatively.. What are you
looking for? Prove yourself wrong or right?
An example: global warming
Hot summers
Warm winters
Evidence of global
Cold summers
Cold winters
Evidence of global
Clearly there is evidence of global warming ?!
#2 Identify the questions,
before looking for answers
• Richard Thaler (Nobel Laureate).. let me ask the questions and I
can lead you to any conclusion
• Just like in alignment
• Doing wrong things righter makes things wronger
• Positive answers to the wrong questions are a sure recipe for
It will always be hard to know what you don’t know… but you gotta try
The right questions will be hypothesis based and reflect your learning
#3 Define success before you
• Invest some time in market math what is reasonable/ what is
• Define metrics
• Commit to the metrics
• Keep it simple.. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
(Leonardo da Vinci)
# 4 Stay focused on
the big picture
Do they want it ?
Have they demonstrated they want it
Why ?
#5 Actively search
for negatives
(and really listen)
Advice from the Mom test
1. Talk about their life instead of your idea
2. Ask about specifics in the past instead of generics or opinions
about the future
3. Talk less and listen more
Target Deliverables
• A quick honest assessment – do you have something ?
• A list of key death threats
• Big Ideas
• Papertyping
• Storytyping
• Pretotyping
Want it
• Ask
• Test
• Look for
Will Pay
• Pricing
• Thoughtland
• Back of the
Kill or continue
• Shoot
• Stop riding
dead horses
Why WTP is important
• Quite simply, no margin = no mission
• WTP is the real end goal
Tools you should know about
• Van Westendorp pricing models (where expensive, where
cheap to identify a range of prices)
• Fermi Estimations / Chain calculations
• WTP modeling
• Lifetime value calculations
VAN WESTENDORP pricing analysis: how to gauge
the ‘perceived’ value  ask the customer !
4 questions
1. At what price would you say the
product is INEXPENSIVE
(a bargain)
2. At what price would you say the
product is EXPENSIVE but worth
3. At what price would you say the
product is TOO EXPENSIVE to
4. At what price would you say the
product is TOO CHEAP to be of
OPTIMAL price point is at the crossing
Lifetime value
Cost of client acquisition
+ Purchase #1 profits
+ Lifetime profits
Profit per customer * market size = Profit potential
Present this with reasonable proof
you can deliver (or will be able to deliver soon)
If you want to be taken
seriously never do
top-down financials
Top down versus bottom up
• Top down
If every child in China sent me 1€
• Bottom up
I got one child to send me 1€ and this is how much it
SPRINT - A cost per lead model that might be useful to you
Questions to think about: Price elasticity, ways to staffing events, ongoing revenues
A very simple model
Investment % Cumulative Cost to
Number Unit Investment Convert Net Invest next Stage
Total Market 2,500 2 5,000 10% 250.00 5,000 20
Aware 250 50 12,500 10% 25.00 17,500 700
Interested 25 500 12,500 25% 6.25 30,000 4,800
Desire 6.25 1500 3,125 50% 3.13 33,125 10,600
Act 3.13 5000 15,625 50% 1.56 48,750
Cost per Client 31,200
Sprint Sale price 85,000 Days # people € Day rate
Cost of people 73,500 70 1.5 700
Cost of event space 10,500 Cumulative 70 150
Margin 11,500 -19,700
Add-on sales
Revenue 50,000
Cost 30,000 Cumulative
Investment/costs Conversion
Thecostof 4-5emails %webelievewoulddo a shortassessment
Costsof content 10mailingswitha 1.5%responserate
Costof call 25%isreasonableaswebroughtthemto thisstage
Costof 2meetings+follow-up Currentconversion
4Daysfora finaloffer 5%lostinsetup
Numberthatcouldhelp DayrateEUR
Localconsultantcost 700
Bryan+Dom 1100
Int'lconsultantscosts 1200
EventLocationif off site 150
LowCostInt'lconsultants 200
• Big Ideas
• Papertyping
• Storytyping
• Pretotyping
Want it
• Ask
• Test
• Look for
Will Pay
• Pricing
• Thoughtland
• Back of the
Kill or
• Shoot
• Stop riding
dead horses
The biggest 3 mistakes of
1. Investing in the wrong business
2. People don’t buy your product or service because they don’t
understand why they should…
3. Staying too long in the wrong business.. (after you should
know it is time to change…)
The most expensive mistake (by far) is #3
“Dakota tribal wisdom says that when you're on a dead
horse, the best strategy is to dismount.
Of course, there are other strategies. You can change
riders. You can get a committee to study the dead horse.
You can benchmark how other companies ride dead
horses. You can declare that it's cheaper to feed a dead
horse. You can harness several dead horses together.
But after you've tried all these things, you're still going to
have to dismount.”
• Talk to 20 people (that are not
your friends)
• If no one hates the idea, be
• Ask people “if this fails” why
would it fail (you’ll get a lot
more information than asking
what they think of the idea !)
• Keep it simple …
• Evidence people want it
• Evidence people will pay
• Evidence they will pay enough
My strongest advice
If you want to be a successful
entrepreneur learn to kill your own
Top 20% performers kill 9
times more projects before
detailed design starts (HBR 2017)
“They eliminate the
walking dead to save the
living “
It is easy to kill bad ideas,
great companies kill good
ideas (early)
Jack Welch
Read this
book someday
it is short and
well worth your
Class Case
A productizable
Innovation product
Built on things people already
5-Day sprints
A 5-Day Sprint will not change habits and will not be very
5-Day sprints
+ Alignment
+ Habit building
Innovation Mgrs
Sell Sprint
Innovation Mgrs
+ all
+ Assessment
+ ABCs
+ software
Sell Sprint
+ 1 year activities
+ ongoing SW
1. Habits are interesting but not compelling
2. People like the idea of sprints but prefer a tailormade solution
3. Big and small companies have different budgets and different
4. A sprint based on individual interests is likely to be more
successful and more motivating
5. Starting small in a ‘safe’ environment is appealing
6. Frustration innovation consultants: A few good recipes but I
didn’t learn to cook
7. Too many “experts” , who should I trust and why
Idea #1
Sprint Sherpas
4 Ps Problem / Pain Projects done now and habits to deliver future projects
Promise (Make a SPECIFIC promise
to SOLVE this problem.)
A double-dip
Projects done now, faster than ever before
Plus a way to turn these methods into habits
Proof (Reason to believe)
Based on the proven Google Sprint Methodogy
and the latest science on building habits
With powerful alignment to focus on the right things
Training to build skills
And support to build long-term habits
Payoff (Dramatic Difference) Work done + habits Built
A low price for Sprints (the thing easy to compare)
250 , 100 and 50 K packages for big, medium, small
Profit (How will this make money)
Day rates higher than average
A program that could be run with other consultants
SPRINT Sherpas
One Sprint
Inspirations Days
Sprint Markets
2 Sprint per year
Behaviour to
Coaching +
Train the trainer
The right
Seeds for
The future
What is a sprint
Check & Comm
Cross-companyMultiple Sprints
1. The alignment up-front will ensure you are working on the
right projects
2. Built on a proven method that generates results fast
3. Training first will help ensure success in the Sprint and build
long-term skills
4. Working first individually then as a company will build
expertise across the company and experience working
5. The long-term reinforcement program will change behaviours
into habits
Budget (k EUR) 250 100 50
Working Days 152 52 28
Fee per day (k EUR) 1,6 1,9 1,8
3 levels of Service
+ ongoing income (software for driving and tracking Sprint Market)
• Too Expensive (without details shown)
• Not enough clarity on what after
• Focus too large
• Like the idea of solving things while learning (double dip =
1. Family companies are the type of company I like working with
Focus = credibility
2. Any problem == > Business model innovation = more clear
and credible
3. Don’t divide by company size, but by company needs
4. More clarity on the next steps
Name Smart Sprints Smart Sprints
Headline A brighter future for your family business A brighter future for your family business
Who CEOs of Family owned companies
Advisors to family owned companies without an
innovation service
Problem / Pain How to make their business future proof
How to better help their best clients with their long-
term challenges
Promise (Make a SPECIFIC promise
to SOLVE this problem.)
Personalized solutions for your company
1. Identify the strengths and area’s to work on as
building blocks for the right business model,
2. Fuel your organization with a can-do attitude,
3. Develop and attract an engaged workforce.
Personalized solutions for your company
1. Identify the strengths and area’s to work on as
building blocks for the right business model,
2. Fuel your organization with a can-do attitude,
3. Develop and attract an engaged workforce.
Proof (Reason to believe)
A smart methodology combining BMI from St. Gallens,
Google Sprints and Long-term habit building program
based on the ABCs taught at leading MBA programs
Brought to you by experienced people: Bryan a
successful entrepreneur, Dominique CFO and family
business expert and your trusted advisors
A smart methodology combining BMI from St. Gallens,
Google Sprints and Long-term habit building program
based on the ABCs taught at leading MBA programs
Brought to you by experienced people: Bryan a
successful entrepreneur, Dominique CFO and family
business expert and your trusted advisors
Payoff (Dramatic Difference) Fast Results + habits Built
Better service for you most important clients
New fees
Learn by doing- building expertise for the future
Pricing 25, 40 and 72K 25, 40 and 72K less 20%
Profit (How will this make money)
Day rates higher than average
A program that could be run with other consultants
Day rates higher than average
A program that could be run with other consultants
Problems (Death Threats to test)
How to take away the "academic" feel
20% is too high for us and maybe too low for them
and not much room to price up
Actions Focus more on the doing See if 20% is enough
Problems (Death Threats to test) Too complicated Too complicated
Actions Simplify Simplify
Problems (Death Threats to test) Where is the urgency to act Why should I trust these people
Actions Target transistions An intro program
PRE-SPRINT SPRINT: All of a google sprint + training POST-SPRINT
AM PM Closing Project Kick-off
Bright Spots Assessments Monday Alignment Map , Sketch Challenge discussion Weekly Project Updates
Tuesday Vote on Focus , Build Story-boarding Group feedback
BMI Workshop Wednesday Communicate and Check Prototype + First Feedback Idea Building Optional
Thursday Prototype Prototype Testing discussion Master Classes
Friday Test Systems What next
Bright Spot Identification Alignment on the challenges Follow-up to ensure habits started continue
Areas for improvment System analysis and work on at least 2 challenges (Who, What, How or Value extraction) Help with testing and executing ideas
Decisions on the areas to work Actionland experiments and testing
on during the Sprint Real market feedback
Agreement what next
Learning by Doing Learning by Doing Changing by Doing
How to make this simpler
Details – Follow-up
Project Kickoff Meeting
90 Minutes to Launch an Innovation Project
Project into Cycles of Learning
10:00 Review Team Roles & Responsibilities
20:00 Review Idea for Clarity
30:00 Key Risks Analysis
20:00 Build Learning Plan
10:00 Review Next Meeting's Agenda
Project Update Meeting
45 Minutes to Update Management on
Learnings related to your Innovation Project
5 OR 10 Follow-up workshops
Title Title
ment /
Ready, Willing And Able: A Habit Building Approach
To Make Innovation Happen ! a a a
Select 4 OR9 of the following
1 8 WaysTo Do Better Mentoring a
2 A SystemsView Of Change Management a a a
3 Building A Culture For Innovation Success a a a
4 BusinessModel Innovation a a
5 Buzz Marketing - Using Social Media Effectively a a
6 Co-Creation- Building Value Together a a a
7 Customer Focused Innovation Research a a
8 Execution - Getting ThingsDone a a a
9 Forecasting And BusinessPlanning a
10 Innovation EcosystemDevelopment a a a
11 Innovation Portfolios a a a
12 Investing In Innovation a a a
13 Market Timing- When To Be First Or Second a a
14 People And TeamsFor Innovation Success a
15 Pitch Workshop a a a
16 Pricing For Value And Profits a a
17 Rethinking Market Research a a
18 Speed - New ThoughtsOn An Old Idea a a a
19 Strategic Thinking For New Products a a a
20 The Power Of Theory a a a
21 The Science Of Innovation- FactsAnd Best Practices a a a
22 Up to 1 new workshop tailored to your organization
Our offer
• We offer 3 different programs, you decide what fits best your needs
Alignment workshop on
business model
1 day 1 day 1 day
Sprint 1 sprint
5 days
1 sprint
5 days
2 sprints
2 x 5 days
Execution mentorship
1 hour / week
10 weeks
10x virtual
1 hour / week
10 weeks
5x virtual + 5x F2F
2 hours / week
20 weeks
20 x F2F
Smart Mastermind
Round Table
Included Included Included
‘How to’ masterclasses
3 hours / bi-weekly
5 masterclasses
3 hours / bi-weekly
10 masterclasses
25k 72k40kSMART SPRINT
How would you rate this idea ?
2 Golden rules
If Clarity < 7
 Write it again
If [(Meaningful * .6 )
+ (Unique * .4 )] < 6
 You probably got a loser
One Suggestion
What is the riskiest
assumption ?
How could this be
pretotyped for less than
€1000 in 5 days?
Clarification note
Assignment Communicate and Check
Assignment objectives
• To learn individually how to make an idea clear enough that you
can get feedback
• To see how when you start working as an individual then work
in a group your group work will be more effectively
• To be able to create a clear, compelling 4Ps for your idea
• To create some simple back of the envelope number for your
Assignment for the next class
As a Group
Build your ideas as a group (note: start with individual
Go from thoughtland to actionland… see how far you
can get with real potential buyers (I would love to see
a video of an interview)
Deliverable: 1 presentation
1. On maximum 3 slides. 1. what you tested 2. what
you learned (issues, death threats, strategic
updates) 3. Back of the envelope number 4. your
new 4PS
2. AND Embedded copies of the videos of the people
in your group and key test results (Suggested
format Video 1, Video 2, Key learnings)
• At least 2 30-60 second
videos with your group
• Weekly Journal
Deadline : 14/1
2 days before the next class
• We didn’t cover back of the envelope calculations in class, but it
is something I think you can do.
• The basics in this case are to estimate the cost of client
acquisition and then check if a price that would be willing to pay
might be profitable. On the next page is a sample set of number
of an Build Innovation habits service
This is part of your next assignment
SPRINT - A cost per lead model that might be useful to you
Questions to think about: Price elasticity, ways to staffing events, ongoing revenues
A very simple model
Investment % Cumulative Cost to
Number Unit Investment Convert Net Invest next Stage
Total Market 2,500 2 5,000 10% 250.00 5,000 20
Aware 250 50 12,500 10% 25.00 17,500 700
Interested 25 500 12,500 25% 6.25 30,000 4,800
Desire 6.25 1500 3,125 50% 3.13 33,125 10,600
Act 3.13 5000 15,625 50% 1.56 48,750
Cost per Client 31,200
Sprint Sale price 85,000 Days # people € Day rate
Cost of people 73,500 70 1.5 700
Cost of event space 10,500 Cumulative 70 150
Margin 11,500 -19,700
Add-on sales
Revenue 50,000
Cost 30,000 Cumulative
Investment/costs Conversion
Thecostof 4-5emails %webelievewoulddo a shortassessment
Costsof content 10mailingswitha 1.5%responserate
Costof call 25%isreasonableaswebroughtthemto thisstage
Costof 2meetings+follow-up Currentconversion
4Daysfora finaloffer 5%lostinsetup
Numberthatcouldhelp DayrateEUR
Localconsultantcost 700
Bryan+Dom 1100
Int'lconsultantscosts 1200
EventLocationif off site 150
LowCostInt'lconsultants 200
Suggested process
• Do you agree on your TRUE NORTH ? / IDEA
• Note: it probably makes sense to at least test your 4Ps in your
group and with a few people before make individual videos
• Work first as individuals
• Key questions (see attached). Goal: think harder about the challenges
• Your 30-60 videos
• Get feedback (meaningful, unique, death threats)
• Then work as a group
• What you tested
• What you learned
• Your new version
Sample videos and a
completed assignment
Here are 2 links to the same file
Google Drive:
A note for the groups presenting
(Groups 3 and 4)
• I would like your presentation to highlight the value of getting
feedback. My suggested format for your presentation is the
1. What you tested (elevator pitch or 4P)
2. How you tested things
3. What did you learn
4. What is your new best idea going forward ?
1. Did feedback change your strategy ? (your TRUE NORTH)
2. What is your updated idea
Suggestions on how to
get feedback
Check your ideas
2 Golden rules
If Clarity < 7
 Write it again
If [(Meaningful * .6 )
+ (Unique * .4 )] < 6
 You probably got a loser
One Suggestion
Advice from the Mom test
1. Talk about their life instead of your idea
2. Ask about specifics in the past instead of generics or opinions
about the future
3. Talk less and listen more
Questions to ask as you
develop your 4Ps
The types of questions to ask (1)
• Why is this a problem?
• Is the problem really worth solving?
• Can the problem be described in a completely different way?
Try to come up with at least 3–4 different ways of describing or
interpreting the problem.
• Who is it a problem for? Who is it not a problem for?
• Who are the other stakeholders?
• How does each stakeholder view the problem? (Go and ask
them if possible)
• How do the stakeholders currently solve (or deal with) the
The types of questions to ask (2)
• Could we be wrong about the problem? Could we be looking at a symptom
of a deeper problem?
• How exactly does the problem occur, step by step? What actually
happens? What does it look like if we film it with a video camera?
• Which observations is our current diagnosis of the problem based on? Are
the observations correct? Can they be interpreted in a different way?
• Are there cases where the problem does not occur? What is special about
these cases?
• If any solutions have been attempted in the past, why did these fail? Was it
only a matter of poor execution, or did the attempted solution address the
wrong problem?
• If any new solutions have been proposed, what do these solutions assume
about the problem? Is there any evidence that those assumptions are

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  • 2. Quick Recap Increase your odds of working on the right things Problem finding + Stimulus + Diversity +Work Ideas / solutions worth testing Clarity to move forward
  • 3. My personal views • If you have done the alignment and build step right you should already be on the right path • Good alignment = about doing the right things (JTBD / BMI) and purpose • Good build = asking the right questions, then building ideas worth testing Now you need to make sure 1. Do people understand what you’re offering 2. If they do, do they want it 3. And will they pay for it
  • 5. How … Clarity • Big Ideas • Papertyping • Storytyping • Pretotyping Want it • Ask • Test • Look for negatives Will Pay • Pricing • Thoughtland  actionland • Back of the envelope Kill or continue • Shoot puppies • Stop riding dead horses
  • 6. Clarity • Big Ideas • Papertyping • Storytyping • Pretotyping Want it • Ask • Test • Look for negatives Will Pay • Pricing • Thoughtland  actionland • Back of the envelope Kill or continue • Shoot puppies • Stop riding dead horses
  • 7. Products fail most often for 2 reasons They are not offering a benefit anyone wants Worse yet, are those offering the right benefit but people don’t understand  
  • 8. Why is clarity critically important • If you can’t explain something clearly, you don’t understand what you’re selling • If people can’t understand, they can’t give you feedback • And it you happened to have things right • You might get the wrong feedback and change a winner • You won’t be able to sell your winner
  • 9. 9 Tappers received a list of twenty-five well-known songs, such as “We will rock you” and “The Star Spangled Banner.” and” Freres Jacques” Each tapper was asked to pick a song and tap out the rhythm to a listener (by knocking on a table). The listener’s job was to guess the song, based on the rhythm being tapped. (By the way, this experiment is fun to try at home if there’s a good “listener” candidate nearby.) Tappers Prediction 50% Listener Results 2,5% We are less clear than we think
  • 10. Can you guess the song ?
  • 11.
  • 12. How to make ideas clear … One of the best business books you’ll ever read Doug Hall is a Fact Based Guru 12
  • 13. The Core of Clarity … • Overt Benefit What’s in it for the customer? And is the benefit overtly clear • Real Reason to Believe Why should the customer believe you will deliver on the promise made above? • Dramatic Difference How revolutionary and new-to-the-world is your benefit/reason to believe.
  • 15. Clarity of communication Test Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Redout Rust Stopper StepSafe Opti-roma Grandma Fricker’s Jack Snack’s HearthGlow StainSane Microwave Sentry Ventin’ Scents Scoring Winner right (3 points) Winner right (3 points) Winner right (3 points) Loser right (1 point) Loser right (1 point) Loser right (1 point) Total Score Evaluation 12 : Go into advertising 9-11: you're above average 0-8: you're average
  • 17. Redout Rust Stopper Stops Rust Each Time You Flush Redout
  • 18. Grandma Fricker’s Organic Meals for Kids Kid's Meals Made From Organic Ingredients
  • 19. StainSane An Instant Stain and Spot Remover that Won’t Harm You or Your Fabrics
  • 20. Round 1 Over Benefit What’s in it for the customer? The concept of focusing on benefits instead of features has long been known to be critical to success. The new news is how overt you need to be in today’s cluttered market place. In order for customers to “get it” today, you must be direct.
  • 21. Each Time You Flush” provides no doubt or mystery about what is “in it for me,” the customer, when I purchase Redout. StainSane offers the next strongest Overt Benefit, followed by Grandma Fricker’s Organic Meals for Kids. Grandma Fricker’s promises “the advantages of organic foods,” but it never defines what those advantages are. It is left to the customers to draw their own conclusions of why organic is important. In the busy marketplace, this “extra work” results in less sales. Round 1 Score 3 points if you named Redout Rust Stopper as #1 Score 1 point if you named Grandma Frickers as #3
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25. Got it ??? Now try listening for “It is fun to smoke marijuana”
  • 26.
  • 28. StepSafe Ice and Snow Remover Melts Ice and Snow on Walkways in Super-Low Temperatures
  • 29. Jack Snack’s Milwaukee Beach Snack Mix A Tropical Party From Milwaukee?
  • 30. Microwave Sentry Monitors Your Microwave to Insure Your Family’s Safety
  • 31. Round 2 Reason Why To convert the excitement generated by Overt Benefit into sales, customers require that you provide persuasive credibility that you will do as you promise.
  • 32. Of the round two concepts, Microwave Sentry offers a clear description of how it works, as well as a scientific pedigree explaining the technology. StepSafe at least offers a special formula; however, it and Jack Snack’s are both significantly less credible. Round 2 Score 3 points if you named Microwave Sentry as #1 Score 1 point if you named Jack Snack’s as #3
  • 33. A great example of reason why… • “Buy our XYZ bed and you will get your best night’s sleep ever.” Yawn. Boring. • “If your mattress is ten years old, it weighs twice its original weight due to the dust mites that accumulate over the years.”
  • 35. Opti-roma An Air Freshener That Lets You Choose From Three Fragrances
  • 36. HearthGlow A Quick-Lighting Fireplace Log of All-Natural Peat
  • 37. Ventin’ Scents Turns Your Room Vents Into an Air Freshening System
  • 38. Round 3 Dramatic Difference Sales and profits explode when an Overt Benefit and Real Reason to Believe pair is offered with a Dramatic Difference. Without uniqueness, you have a commodity that sells for commodity-like profit margins. The new news is that for the uniqueness to be effective, it must be dramatic -ten times bigger than you think it needs to be—and the drama must be focused directly on the Overt Benefit and Real Reason to Believe.
  • 39. In round three, Ventin’ Scents is the winner as it offers the greatest Dramatic Difference of the three. The benefit it offers cannot easily be achieved in any other manner. Opti- roma and HearthGlow offer decreasing levels of uniqueness. HearthGlow provides many features; however, the end benefit of it versus competing logs is insignificant. Round 3 Score 3 points if you namedVentin’ Scents as #1 Score 1 point if you named HearthGlow as #3
  • 40. What makes an idea clear ? • Overt Benefit What’s in it for the customer? And is the benefit overtly clear • Real Reason to Believe Why should the customer believe you will deliver on the promise made above? • Dramatic Difference How revolutionary and new-to-the-world is your benefit/reason to believe.
  • 41. Payoff Dramatic difference how is their life different and better Proof Reason why should they believe you and dramatic difference OVERT BENEFIT REASON WHY DRAMATIC DIFFERENCE
  • 42. My son’s work • Phoenix retreats • Classic addiction treatment does not work. Success 5-15% at a cost of $30,000 - $70,000 • No change in stimulus / response • No change in connectivity • No change in environment • Psilocybin + therapy = 50- 70 % cure rates • Iboga can help after by reducing cravings • Research in collaboration with John Hopkins • Support from the UN to treat prisoners and prostitutes New: Psilocybin + Iboga Holistic Replacement habits Works with prisoners and prostitutes
  • 43. Putting the idea in practice _____________________ (business name) is the first to offer _________________ (Overt Benefit) that’s because of _____________________ (Real Reason to Believe) or What makes ______________________ (business name) dramatically different is that it’s the only company to offer ______________________ (Dramatic Difference) My company: ( company name ) Is developing ( a defined offering/project ) To help ( a target audience ) ( solve a problem ) with (unique benefit or RTB /secret sauce)
  • 44. Example Let’s choose one of the following One of your masters projects Phoenix retreats OR Smart-sprints
  • 45.
  • 46. Paper is just the first step …
  • 47. If it is important… you can (and should ) go further ! Big Idea Papertype StoryType PretoType ProtoType Thought Land Action Land
  • 48. Storytyping The human mind is essentially a high-powered story machine. According to research, a message delivered in the form of a story is twenty-two times more memorable than a simple fact. AND we relate to stories Context - Where did it all begin? What is your background? Example: In a social experiment called the Significant Objects Project a number of people bought two hundred random objects in thrift shops and garage sales for a total of 129 USD. Action - What can you/or want to do? What is the problem? Example: Each object was sold on EBay with the the addition of a fictional piece of writing relating to the object. This wasn’t an attempt to fool buyers; buyers; the stories clearly weren’t true. Result – What Happened Example: The random objects sold on EBay for a for a total of over 8,000 USD confirming the persuasive power of narrative.
  • 49. Phoenix Retreats is the first to offer safe replacement habits with the use of Psilocybin and Iboga with a 50-70% cure rates, Research in collaboration with John Hopkins and the support of UN.
  • 50. Story work in groups Context: 3rd Try Action: I doubted, but I saw the work they are doing with Prisoners and Prostitute Result: It really worked If you don’t know what to do, give Phoenix a try
  • 51. The biggest challenge with rationale research People don’t think what they feel, they don’t say what they think, and they don’t do what they say. (David Ogilvy)
  • 52. Pretotyping ReadThis book ! • Validating market interest and actual use of a potential innovation • by simulating the core experience • with the minimum investment of time and resources Fake it, before you make it
  • 53. You’ll also see pretotyping in action Walhub
  • 54. IBM speech to text example
  • 55.
  • 56. XYZ Hypothesis: What you get when you apply “say it with numbers” to the Market Engagement Hypothesis. The basic form for the XYZ Hypothesis is: “At least X% of Y will Z,” where X% represents a percentage of your target market, Y, and Z represents how that percentage of the market will engage with your new product idea. Example - the XYZ Hypothesis for Second-Day Sushi: “At least 20% of packaged-sushi eaters will try Second-Day Sushi if it’s half the price of regular packaged sushi.” xyz hypothesis: A small, specific, easily and quickly testable hypothesis that is derived from, and consistent with, a broader XYZ Hypothesis. The process of going from a broad XYZ Hypothesis to one or more xyz hypotheses is called hypozooming. Example - a possible xyz hypothesis for Second- Day Sushi is: “At least 20% of students buying packaged sushi at Coupa CafĂŠ today at lunch will choose Second-Day Sushi if it’s half the price of regular packaged sushi.” But it is more than faking it. It is about testing something
  • 57.
  • 58. PRETOTYPING vs PROTOTYPING 58 TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION USER INNOVATION BUSINESS INNOVATION THE SWEET SPOT Will people continue to use it? Do people pay for it? Are people interested in it? Do people use it as expected? PRETOTYPING Will it work as expected? How cheaply can we build it? PROTOTYPING Can we build it? How fast can we make it? Source : Verhaert Innovation Day 2019
  • 59. How to pretotype ? xyz to mimic XYZ
  • 60. Complexity Time / Effort Your message Your Target You gotta put in the effort to simplify ! 3/2/2020 60
  • 61. When you get it right… you’ll get back to a big idea… Overnight ? Send via Fedex Safety important? Buy a Volvo Think Different? Buy Apple
  • 62. Clarity • Big Ideas • Papertyping • Storytyping • Pretotyping Want it • Ask • Test • Look for negatives Will Pay • Pricing • Thoughtland  actionland • Back of the envelope Kill or continue • Shoot puppies • Stop riding dead horses
  • 63. I'll believe it when I see it vs. I'll see it when I believe it - research You need insights not confirmation to drive your business forward 63
  • 64. The 5 keys to good research 1. Understand your biases 2. Think about questions you need answered, before looking for answers 3. Define success before you start 4. Stay focused on the big picture 5. Actively search for negatives
  • 65. #1 Understand your biases • Desire bias: SUGGING Selling under the guise of market research • Cognitive bias: We see what we believe is true • Confirmation bias (people will find the information that supports their opinion (and ignore information that denies it), selective memory Ă  knowing this impacts how questions are worded. Positively or negatively.. What are you looking for? Prove yourself wrong or right?
  • 66. An example: global warming Hot summers Warm winters Evidence of global warming Cold summers Cold winters Evidence of global warming Clearly there is evidence of global warming ?!
  • 67. #2 Identify the questions, before looking for answers • Richard Thaler (Nobel Laureate).. let me ask the questions and I can lead you to any conclusion • Just like in alignment • Doing wrong things righter makes things wronger • Positive answers to the wrong questions are a sure recipe for overconfidence Note: It will always be hard to know what you don’t know… but you gotta try The right questions will be hypothesis based and reflect your learning objectives
  • 68. #3 Define success before you start • Invest some time in market math what is reasonable/ what is needed • Define metrics • Commit to the metrics • Keep it simple.. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. (Leonardo da Vinci)
  • 69. # 4 Stay focused on the big picture Do they want it ? Have they demonstrated they want it
  • 71. #5 Actively search for negatives (and really listen)
  • 72. Advice from the Mom test 1. Talk about their life instead of your idea 2. Ask about specifics in the past instead of generics or opinions about the future 3. Talk less and listen more
  • 73.
  • 74. Target Deliverables • A quick honest assessment – do you have something ? • A list of key death threats
  • 75. Clarity • Big Ideas • Papertyping • Storytyping • Pretotyping Want it • Ask • Test • Look for negatives Will Pay • Pricing • Thoughtland  actionland • Back of the envelope Kill or continue • Shoot puppies • Stop riding dead horses
  • 76. Why WTP is important • Quite simply, no margin = no mission • WTP is the real end goal
  • 77. Tools you should know about • Van Westendorp pricing models (where expensive, where cheap to identify a range of prices) • Fermi Estimations / Chain calculations • WTP modeling • Lifetime value calculations
  • 78. VAN WESTENDORP pricing analysis: how to gauge the ‘perceived’ value  ask the customer ! 4 questions 1. At what price would you say the product is INEXPENSIVE (a bargain) 2. At what price would you say the product is EXPENSIVE but worth considering? 3. At what price would you say the product is TOO EXPENSIVE to consider? 4. At what price would you say the product is TOO CHEAP to be of value? OPTIMAL price point is at the crossing of TOO EXPENSIVE and TOO CHEAP RANGE of acceptable pricing
  • 79. Lifetime value Cost of client acquisition + Purchase #1 profits + Lifetime profits --------------------- Profit per customer * market size = Profit potential Present this with reasonable proof you can deliver (or will be able to deliver soon)
  • 80. If you want to be taken seriously never do top-down financials
  • 81. Top down versus bottom up • Top down If every child in China sent me 1€ • Bottom up I got one child to send me 1€ and this is how much it costs
  • 82. SPRINT - A cost per lead model that might be useful to you Questions to think about: Price elasticity, ways to staffing events, ongoing revenues A very simple model Investment % Cumulative Cost to Number Unit Investment Convert Net Invest next Stage Total Market 2,500 2 5,000 10% 250.00 5,000 20 Aware 250 50 12,500 10% 25.00 17,500 700 Interested 25 500 12,500 25% 6.25 30,000 4,800 Desire 6.25 1500 3,125 50% 3.13 33,125 10,600 Act 3.13 5000 15,625 50% 1.56 48,750 Cost per Client 31,200 Sprint Sale price 85,000 Days # people € Day rate Cost of people 73,500 70 1.5 700 Cost of event space 10,500 Cumulative 70 150 Margin 11,500 -19,700 Add-on sales Revenue 50,000 Cost 30,000 Cumulative Assumptions Investment/costs Conversion Thecostof 4-5emails %webelievewoulddo a shortassessment Costsof content 10mailingswitha 1.5%responserate Costof call 25%isreasonableaswebroughtthemto thisstage Costof 2meetings+follow-up Currentconversion 4Daysfora finaloffer 5%lostinsetup Numberthatcouldhelp DayrateEUR Localconsultantcost 700 Bryan+Dom 1100 Int'lconsultantscosts 1200 EventLocationif off site 150 LowCostInt'lconsultants 200
  • 83. Clarity • Big Ideas • Papertyping • Storytyping • Pretotyping Want it • Ask • Test • Look for negatives Will Pay • Pricing • Thoughtland  actionland • Back of the envelope Kill or continue • Shoot puppies • Stop riding dead horses
  • 84. The biggest 3 mistakes of Entrepreneurs 1. Investing in the wrong business 2. People don’t buy your product or service because they don’t understand why they should… 3. Staying too long in the wrong business.. (after you should know it is time to change…) The most expensive mistake (by far) is #3
  • 85. “Dakota tribal wisdom says that when you're on a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount. Of course, there are other strategies. You can change riders. You can get a committee to study the dead horse. You can benchmark how other companies ride dead horses. You can declare that it's cheaper to feed a dead horse. You can harness several dead horses together. But after you've tried all these things, you're still going to have to dismount.”
  • 86. • Talk to 20 people (that are not your friends) • If no one hates the idea, be scared • Ask people “if this fails” why would it fail (you’ll get a lot more information than asking what they think of the idea !) • Keep it simple … • Evidence people want it • Evidence people will pay • Evidence they will pay enough
  • 87. My strongest advice If you want to be a successful entrepreneur learn to kill your own ideas
  • 88. Top 20% performers kill 9 times more projects before detailed design starts (HBR 2017) “They eliminate the walking dead to save the living “
  • 89. It is easy to kill bad ideas, great companies kill good ideas (early) Jack Welch
  • 90. Read this book someday it is short and well worth your time
  • 92. A productizable Innovation product Built on things people already know
  • 93. 5-Day sprints A 5-Day Sprint will not change habits and will not be very distinctive 5-Day sprints + Alignment + Habit building CEOs Innovation Mgrs Google Method Sell Sprint CEOs Innovation Mgrs + all departments Google + Assessment + ABCs + software Sell Sprint + 1 year activities + ongoing SW usage
  • 94. Insights 1. Habits are interesting but not compelling 2. People like the idea of sprints but prefer a tailormade solution 3. Big and small companies have different budgets and different needs 4. A sprint based on individual interests is likely to be more successful and more motivating 5. Starting small in a ‘safe’ environment is appealing 6. Frustration innovation consultants: A few good recipes but I didn’t learn to cook 7. Too many “experts” , who should I trust and why
  • 96. 4 Ps Problem / Pain Projects done now and habits to deliver future projects Promise (Make a SPECIFIC promise to SOLVE this problem.) A double-dip Projects done now, faster than ever before Plus a way to turn these methods into habits Proof (Reason to believe) Based on the proven Google Sprint Methodogy and the latest science on building habits With powerful alignment to focus on the right things Training to build skills And support to build long-term habits Payoff (Dramatic Difference) Work done + habits Built Pricing A low price for Sprints (the thing easy to compare) 250 , 100 and 50 K packages for big, medium, small Profit (How will this make money) Day rates higher than average A program that could be run with other consultants
  • 97. SPRINT Sherpas One Sprint Post Training Build Ability Inspirations Days Sprint Markets 2 Sprint per year Change Behaviour to habits Coaching + Train the trainer Alignment The right Things Seeds for The future Training Build Ability What is a sprint Build Check & Comm SPRINTMARKE T Sprint Cross-company Sprint Cross-companyMultiple Sprints 97
  • 98. Rationale 1. The alignment up-front will ensure you are working on the right projects 2. Built on a proven method that generates results fast 3. Training first will help ensure success in the Sprint and build long-term skills 4. Working first individually then as a company will build expertise across the company and experience working together 5. The long-term reinforcement program will change behaviours into habits
  • 99. BIG MEDIUM SME Budget (k EUR) 250 100 50 Working Days 152 52 28 Fee per day (k EUR) 1,6 1,9 1,8 3 levels of Service + ongoing income (software for driving and tracking Sprint Market)
  • 100. Feedback • Too Expensive (without details shown) • Not enough clarity on what after • Focus too large • Like the idea of solving things while learning (double dip = strong)
  • 101. Insights 1. Family companies are the type of company I like working with Focus = credibility 2. Any problem == > Business model innovation = more clear and credible 3. Don’t divide by company size, but by company needs 4. More clarity on the next steps
  • 102.
  • 103. Name Smart Sprints Smart Sprints Headline A brighter future for your family business A brighter future for your family business Who CEOs of Family owned companies Advisors to family owned companies without an innovation service Problem / Pain How to make their business future proof How to better help their best clients with their long- term challenges Promise (Make a SPECIFIC promise to SOLVE this problem.) Personalized solutions for your company 1. Identify the strengths and area’s to work on as building blocks for the right business model, 2. Fuel your organization with a can-do attitude, 3. Develop and attract an engaged workforce. Personalized solutions for your company 1. Identify the strengths and area’s to work on as building blocks for the right business model, 2. Fuel your organization with a can-do attitude, 3. Develop and attract an engaged workforce. Proof (Reason to believe) A smart methodology combining BMI from St. Gallens, Google Sprints and Long-term habit building program based on the ABCs taught at leading MBA programs Brought to you by experienced people: Bryan a successful entrepreneur, Dominique CFO and family business expert and your trusted advisors A smart methodology combining BMI from St. Gallens, Google Sprints and Long-term habit building program based on the ABCs taught at leading MBA programs Brought to you by experienced people: Bryan a successful entrepreneur, Dominique CFO and family business expert and your trusted advisors Payoff (Dramatic Difference) Fast Results + habits Built Better service for you most important clients New fees Learn by doing- building expertise for the future Pricing 25, 40 and 72K 25, 40 and 72K less 20% Profit (How will this make money) Day rates higher than average A program that could be run with other consultants Day rates higher than average A program that could be run with other consultants Problems (Death Threats to test) How to take away the "academic" feel 20% is too high for us and maybe too low for them and not much room to price up Actions Focus more on the doing See if 20% is enough Problems (Death Threats to test) Too complicated Too complicated Actions Simplify Simplify Problems (Death Threats to test) Where is the urgency to act Why should I trust these people Actions Target transistions An intro program
  • 104. Details PRE-SPRINT SPRINT: All of a google sprint + training POST-SPRINT AM PM Closing Project Kick-off Bright Spots Assessments Monday Alignment Map , Sketch Challenge discussion Weekly Project Updates Tuesday Vote on Focus , Build Story-boarding Group feedback BMI Workshop Wednesday Communicate and Check Prototype + First Feedback Idea Building Optional Thursday Prototype Prototype Testing discussion Master Classes Friday Test Systems What next Deliverables Bright Spot Identification Alignment on the challenges Follow-up to ensure habits started continue Areas for improvment System analysis and work on at least 2 challenges (Who, What, How or Value extraction) Help with testing and executing ideas Decisions on the areas to work Actionland experiments and testing on during the Sprint Real market feedback Agreement what next Learning by Doing Learning by Doing Changing by Doing How to make this simpler ?
  • 105. Details – Follow-up Project Kickoff Meeting 90 Minutes to Launch an Innovation Project Project into Cycles of Learning 10:00 Review Team Roles & Responsibilities 20:00 Review Idea for Clarity 30:00 Key Risks Analysis 20:00 Build Learning Plan 10:00 Review Next Meeting's Agenda Project Update Meeting 45 Minutes to Update Management on Learnings related to your Innovation Project 5 OR 10 Follow-up workshops Title Title Value Creation Value Capture Manage ment / Systems Incl Ready, Willing And Able: A Habit Building Approach To Make Innovation Happen ! a a a Select 4 OR9 of the following 1 8 WaysTo Do Better Mentoring a 2 A SystemsView Of Change Management a a a 3 Building A Culture For Innovation Success a a a 4 BusinessModel Innovation a a 5 Buzz Marketing - Using Social Media Effectively a a 6 Co-Creation- Building Value Together a a a 7 Customer Focused Innovation Research a a 8 Execution - Getting ThingsDone a a a 9 Forecasting And BusinessPlanning a 10 Innovation EcosystemDevelopment a a a 11 Innovation Portfolios a a a 12 Investing In Innovation a a a 13 Market Timing- When To Be First Or Second a a 14 People And TeamsFor Innovation Success a 15 Pitch Workshop a a a 16 Pricing For Value And Profits a a 17 Rethinking Market Research a a 18 Speed - New ThoughtsOn An Old Idea a a a 19 Strategic Thinking For New Products a a a 20 The Power Of Theory a a a 21 The Science Of Innovation- FactsAnd Best Practices a a a 22 Up to 1 new workshop tailored to your organization
  • 106. Our offer • We offer 3 different programs, you decide what fits best your needs OFFER BRONZE SILVER GOLD Alignment workshop on business model 1 day 1 day 1 day Sprint 1 sprint 5 days 1 sprint 5 days 2 sprints 2 x 5 days Execution mentorship (group) 1 hour / week 10 weeks 10x virtual 1 hour / week 10 weeks 5x virtual + 5x F2F 2 hours / week 20 weeks 20 x F2F Smart Mastermind Round Table Included Included Included ‘How to’ masterclasses (group) - 3 hours / bi-weekly 5 masterclasses 3 hours / bi-weekly 10 masterclasses 25k 72k40kSMART SPRINT
  • 107. How would you rate this idea ? Clarity Meaningful Unique 2 Golden rules If Clarity < 7  Write it again If [(Meaningful * .6 ) + (Unique * .4 )] < 6  You probably got a loser One Suggestion 80
  • 108. What is the riskiest assumption ? How could this be pretotyped for less than €1000 in 5 days?
  • 110. Assignment objectives • To learn individually how to make an idea clear enough that you can get feedback • To see how when you start working as an individual then work in a group your group work will be more effectively • To be able to create a clear, compelling 4Ps for your idea • To create some simple back of the envelope number for your product
  • 111. Assignment for the next class As a Group Build your ideas as a group (note: start with individual work) Go from thoughtland to actionland… see how far you can get with real potential buyers (I would love to see a video of an interview) Deliverable: 1 presentation 1. On maximum 3 slides. 1. what you tested 2. what you learned (issues, death threats, strategic updates) 3. Back of the envelope number 4. your new 4PS 2. AND Embedded copies of the videos of the people in your group and key test results (Suggested format Video 1, Video 2, Key learnings) Individual • At least 2 30-60 second videos with your group idea • Weekly Journal rnal Deadline : 14/1 2 days before the next class
  • 112. Numbers • We didn’t cover back of the envelope calculations in class, but it is something I think you can do. • The basics in this case are to estimate the cost of client acquisition and then check if a price that would be willing to pay might be profitable. On the next page is a sample set of number of an Build Innovation habits service This is part of your next assignment
  • 113. SPRINT - A cost per lead model that might be useful to you Questions to think about: Price elasticity, ways to staffing events, ongoing revenues A very simple model Investment % Cumulative Cost to Number Unit Investment Convert Net Invest next Stage Total Market 2,500 2 5,000 10% 250.00 5,000 20 Aware 250 50 12,500 10% 25.00 17,500 700 Interested 25 500 12,500 25% 6.25 30,000 4,800 Desire 6.25 1500 3,125 50% 3.13 33,125 10,600 Act 3.13 5000 15,625 50% 1.56 48,750 Cost per Client 31,200 Sprint Sale price 85,000 Days # people € Day rate Cost of people 73,500 70 1.5 700 Cost of event space 10,500 Cumulative 70 150 Margin 11,500 -19,700 Add-on sales Revenue 50,000 Cost 30,000 Cumulative Assumptions Investment/costs Conversion Thecostof 4-5emails %webelievewoulddo a shortassessment Costsof content 10mailingswitha 1.5%responserate Costof call 25%isreasonableaswebroughtthemto thisstage Costof 2meetings+follow-up Currentconversion 4Daysfora finaloffer 5%lostinsetup Numberthatcouldhelp DayrateEUR Localconsultantcost 700 Bryan+Dom 1100 Int'lconsultantscosts 1200 EventLocationif off site 150 LowCostInt'lconsultants 200
  • 114. Suggested process • Do you agree on your TRUE NORTH ? / IDEA • Note: it probably makes sense to at least test your 4Ps in your group and with a few people before make individual videos • Work first as individuals • Key questions (see attached). Goal: think harder about the challenges • Your 30-60 videos • Get feedback (meaningful, unique, death threats) • Then work as a group • What you tested • What you learned • Your new version
  • 115. Sample videos and a completed assignment Here are 2 links to the same file Google Drive: MVkdi_Eu/view Dropbox: - %20Communicate%20%2B%20Check%20Submission%20%2 B%20Individual%20Videos%20and%20Key%20Learnings.ppt
  • 116. A note for the groups presenting (Groups 3 and 4) • I would like your presentation to highlight the value of getting feedback. My suggested format for your presentation is the following: 1. What you tested (elevator pitch or 4P) 2. How you tested things 3. What did you learn 4. What is your new best idea going forward ? 1. Did feedback change your strategy ? (your TRUE NORTH) 2. What is your updated idea
  • 117. Suggestions on how to get feedback
  • 118. Check your ideas Clarity Meaningful Unique 2 Golden rules If Clarity < 7  Write it again If [(Meaningful * .6 ) + (Unique * .4 )] < 6  You probably got a loser One Suggestion 80
  • 119.
  • 120. Advice from the Mom test 1. Talk about their life instead of your idea 2. Ask about specifics in the past instead of generics or opinions about the future 3. Talk less and listen more
  • 121. Questions to ask as you develop your 4Ps
  • 122. The types of questions to ask (1) • Why is this a problem? • Is the problem really worth solving? • Can the problem be described in a completely different way? Try to come up with at least 3–4 different ways of describing or interpreting the problem. • Who is it a problem for? Who is it not a problem for? • Who are the other stakeholders? • How does each stakeholder view the problem? (Go and ask them if possible) • How do the stakeholders currently solve (or deal with) the problem?
  • 123. The types of questions to ask (2) • Could we be wrong about the problem? Could we be looking at a symptom of a deeper problem? • How exactly does the problem occur, step by step? What actually happens? What does it look like if we film it with a video camera? • Which observations is our current diagnosis of the problem based on? Are the observations correct? Can they be interpreted in a different way? • Are there cases where the problem does not occur? What is special about these cases? • If any solutions have been attempted in the past, why did these fail? Was it only a matter of poor execution, or did the attempted solution address the wrong problem? • If any new solutions have been proposed, what do these solutions assume about the problem? Is there any evidence that those assumptions are