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Associate professor janta m.
Associate professor
 Wortham (2006) that Curriculum is a planned set of course that is presented to
teachers to arrange teaching and learning in certain level of ages.
 Nation & Macalister (2010) define Curriculum as a guidance in designing courses
that consist of outer cycle namely Principles, Environment, and needs that involve
practical and theoretical considerations that will have a major effect in guiding
the actual process of course production. Inner cycle that consists of goals and its
center, contents and sequences, format and presentation, and monitoring and
 Cottington (2010), curriculum (or curriculum standards) to refer to the
standards, benchmarks, and outcomes that delineate the content to be taught and
learned in science classrooms.
 Slattery (2006) Curriculum should be developed time by times to the postmodern
curriculum that is radically eclectic, determined in the context of relatedness,
recursive in its complexity, autobiographically intuitive, aesthetically
intersubjective, embodied, phenomenological, experiential, simultaneously
quantum and cosmic, hopeful in its constructive dimension, radical in its
deconstructive movement, liberating in its poststructural intents, empowering in
its spirituality, ironic in its kaleidoscopic sensibilities, and ultimately, a
hermeneutic searchfor greater understanding that motivates and satisfies us on
the journey.
 Lake and Winterbottom (2010) in Kattington (2010), Curriculum is a set of rule
that benefits students by providing them with practice in both content and social
curriculum through the use of active learning, exploration of interests, civic
responsibility, character building, and recognizing and helping thecommunity.
 Tomlinson (2008 Ed) impled that curriculum requires too much to be
accomplished within a unit and that their students want a moremanageable and
realistic learning goal.
Definitional issues of Curriculum
(kf7oqmdsf kl/efiff;u ;DaGwL d'2fx?_
 Curriculum as subject and subject matter
विषय विषयिस्तुका रुपमा पाठ्यक्रम
Curriculum as experience
अनुभिका रुपमा पाठ्यक्रम
Curriculum as Objectives
उद्देश्यका रुपमा पाठ्यक्रम
Curriculum as Plan योजनाका रुपमा पाठ्यक्रम
kf7oqmd ljifo j:t'sf] ?kdf (Curriculum and subject
 kf7oqmd ljifoj:t'sf ¿kdf eGg] ;f]rclt k'/fgf]dfGotf xf] . o;n] kf7oqmdnfO{lzIf0f l;sfOsf] dxTjk"0f{Pjd clt cfjZosLo ;fdu|Lsf]
¿kdf lng]ul/G5. kf7oqmdsf ljifoj:t'nfO{ dflg;df af}l4stfsf] ljsf; ug]{dfWod dflgG5 . ljBfyL{x¿n]l;Sg] / l;Sg' kg]{ljifoj:t'x¿ k"j{
lgwf{/0f k|lqmofaf6 lglZrt ug]{ul/G5. o:tf] kf7oqmdlzIf0fs]lGb|t x'G5. ljifoj:t'df s]lGb|t of] kf7oqmd Seven liberal Arts
df cfwfl/t x'G5. h;leq Grammar,Rhetoric,logic, and Arithmetic, Geometry, AstronomyMusic kb{5. ljifoj:t'sf] ¿kdf
kf7oqmd eg]cjwf/0ffn] k7g–kf7gsf;fdu|LnfO{ Jojl:ytu/]sf] x'G5 . ljBfno – dxfljBfnodf k9fOul/g]ljifoj:t' cnu–cnutof/
u/Lk|of]usf] nflul;kmfl/;ul/Psf] x'G5 . lzIf0fl;sfOdf ljifoj:t'nfO{ ljz]if :yfgk|bfg ul/G5
Curriculum as subject and subject matter
विषय विषयिस्तुका रुपमा पाठ्यक्रम
 सबैभन्दा पुरानो र ऐततहाससक दृष्टिकोण
 परम्परागत पद्धततमा आधाररत तनधाारर
 पठनपाठनका लागग तयार पाररएको औजार
 सबैभन्दा पहहला सिक्षकहरुद्िारा विद्यार्थीलाई अध्यापन गनाका लागग तयार पाररएको
विषयिस्तुको सूची
यस अन्तरगत तनम्न अिधारणाहरुमा प्रटिहुन आिश्यक छ
Perennialist concept of
पाठ्क्रमको स्र्थातयत्ििादी धारणा
 सिक्षा र िैक्षक्षक कायाक्रमहरु ष्स्र्थरतामा आधाररत हुनुपदाछ
भन्ने मान्यतामा आधाररत अिधारणालाई पाठ्यक्रमको
स्र्थातयत्िादी अिधारणा मातनन्छ । खासमा पाठ्यक्रममा
समािेि हुने विषयिस्तुहरु देि काल पररष्स्र्थतत अनुसार
पररिततात नभई तनष्श्चत उमेर समूह र कक्षाका विद्यार्थीहरूका
लागग एक
ै प्रकारको हुनुपदाछ भन्ने मान्यतालाई प्रार्थसमकतामा
राख्ने यो अिधारणाले प्राचीन पाठ्यक्रम पद्धततमा सात उदार
कला हरु लाई पाठ्यक्रमका विषयिस्तु हुनु पदाछ भन्ने मान्यता
राखखन्छ ।
Seven Liberal Arts
 Grammar व्याकरण
 Rhetoric अलङ्कारिास्र
 Logic तक
ा िास्र
 Arithmetic अङ्कगखणत
 Geometry ज्यासमतत
 Astronomy ज्योततष
 Music सङ्गीत
(knowledge is truth , truth is everywhere the same. So education should be
everywhere the same. )
Essentialalist Concept of Curriculum
आिश्यक्त्तािादी पाठ्क्रमको अिधारणा
 समयको पररितानसँगै समाजका आिश्यकता र समस्याहरु पतन पररितान हुन्छन् ।
उनीहरूको आिश्यकता र समस्यालाई समाधान गना जुन पाठ्यक्रम उपयोगी गर्थयो त्यो
पाठ्यक्रम आजका आिश्यकता र समस्यालाई सम्बोधन गना उपयोगी नहुन सक्त्छ यही
कारण पाठ्यक्रम तनरन्तर रुपमा पररितान गनुापदाछ तर्थावप पाठ्यक्रम विकास तर्था
पररमाजान गदाा सबैलाई मान्य हुने गरी का विषय क्षेरहरुलाई समािेि भने गना आिश्यक
छ ।
Basic Level
Advance level
Curriculum as structure of
विधागत सरचनाकारुपमा पाठ्यक्रम
 Curriculum should consist entirely of knowledge which
concern from established discipline. पाठ्यक्रममा पूणा
ज्ञान हुनु पछा जुन स्र्थावपत विधासग सम्बष्न्धत हुन्छ।
 सिै तहका पाठ्यक्रमहरुको विकास र व्यिस्र्थापनमा स्र्थावपत
विधाहरुलाइ तनदेिीत ससद्धान्तका रुपमा अङगीकार गरीनु
पदाछ ।
Characteristics of curriculum as subject matter
विषयिस्तुका रुपमा पाठ्यक्रमका वििेषताहरु
Traditional Concept.
Limited in classroom situation.
Focus on the content only.
Emphasis on passive learning.
Neglect covert aspect of
Emphasis on intellectual
Curriculum as experience
(अनुभिको रूपमा पाठ्यक्रम)
परम्परािादी पाठ्यक्रम विषयिस्तुको सूचीमा मार क
े ष्न्ित भयो भन्दै यसका
विरुद्धमा विकससत भएको अिधारणाका रूपमा अनुभि मा आधाररत पाठकलाई
सलइन्छ । ससकारुको रुगच र आिश्यकता सँग सम्बष्न्धत गराई जीिनका
आिश्यकता र िास्तविकतालाई प्रतततनगधत्ि गना र उत्पादक एिम ् सक्रक्रय ज्ञान
प्रदान गनाका लागग तयार पाररएको पाठ्यक्रम ढाँचा नै अनुभि रुपमा पाठ्यक्रम
हो ।यो अिधारणालाई Rousseau,Montessori ,Frobel,Freire,Deweyआहद
जस्ता आधुतनक सिक्षाविद्हरुले
प्रयोगमा ल्याएका छन्। िैक्षक्षक पररिेिमा ससकारुले प्राप्त गरेका सम्पूणा
अनुभिहरुको समूहलाई पाठ्यक्रमका रूपमा सलनु नै अनुभिका रूपमा पाठ्यक्रम
Curriculum as experience
 "The scheme of curriculum must take account of
the adaptation of studies to the needs of existing
community life, it must selected with the
intention of improving the life we live in common
so that future shall be better than the past"-John
Dewey ("पाठ्यक्रमको योजनाले विद्यमान सामुदातयक
जीिनको आिश्यकतालाई अध्ययनको अनुक
ू लनको लेखा
सलनुपदाछ, यो हामीले साझा जीिनमा सुधार गने
असभप्रायले चयन गनुापदाछ ताक्रक भविटय विगतको
भन्दा राम्रो होस ्") - जोन डेिे
"Curriculum is that series of things
which children and youth must do
and experience by way of developing
ability to do the things well that up
the affairs of adult life".-Bobbit
("पाठ्यक्रम भनेको ती चीजहरूको श्रृंखला
हो जुन बच्चाहरू र युिाहरूले गनै पछा र
अनुभि गना सक्त्ने क्षमता विकास गरेर ती
चीजहरूको ियस्क जीिनको मासमलामा
अनुभि गनुापदाछ"।)
अनुभिका रुपमा पाठ्यक्रमका वििेषताहरु
 Child centered(बाल क
े ष्न्ित)
 Curriculum as guided living. (तनदेसित जीिनको रूपमा पाठ्यक्रम)
 Curriculum as guided learning experience. (तनदेसित सिक्षा अनुभिको
रूपमा पाठ्यक्रम)
 Curriculum as extra class activities. (अततररक्त्त कक्षा गततविगधहरूको रूपमा
 Guided by School. (स्क
ू ल द्िारा तनदेसित)
 Flexibility in subject matter. (विषय मा लचकता)
 Naturalistic. (प्राकर ततक)
p2]Zosf ¿kdfkf7oqmd (Curriculum as objectives)
 kf7oqmd Ps l;sfOnfO{ Jojl:yt ug{agfOPsf] lnlvt b:tfj]h xf], h;n]JolQm, ;dfh / /fi6«n]/fv]sf ck]Iffk'/fug{
rflxg] cfjZos 1fg, ;Lk,Ifdtf tyf Jojxf/ ePsf gful/s tof/ ug]{ p2]ZolnPsf] x'G5. To;}n]kf7oqmddf lgwf{l/t
p2]ZonfO{z}lifs sfo{qmdsf] k|f0fdflgG5 . p2]Zosf cfwf/df g}lzIfsn]ljifoj:t' lzIf0fug]{,lzIf0fljlw k|ljlw tyf
z}lIfs k|of]uu/L l;sf¿nfO{ ljleGg lqmofsnfkdf ;DnUgu/fO{ pgLx¿sf] lrGtg, Jojxf/df ¿kfGt/0fug]{sfd ub{5.
To;}n]kf7oqmd JolQm, ;dfh, ;d'bfo Pjd /fli6«o ck]Iff;Fu;DalGwt dxTjk"0f{lnlvt ;fdu|L xf] . of] wf/0ffsf
k|d'vkIfw/dfR. W TylerelgG5 . kf7oqmdsf] k|d'vcªu g}p2]Zo xf], h;n]z}lIfs sfo{qmdnfO{ Jojl:ytu/L
uGtJodf k'¥ofpg dfu{lgb]{zg ub{5. l;sf¿nfO{ s] l;sfpg] slt l;sfpg] s;/L l;sfpg] eGg] s'/f p2]Zon] k|i6ub{5.
Elements of Curriculum
z}Ifl0fs of]hgfsf] ¿kdfkf7oqmd Curriculum as
Instructional Plan
Hilda taba curriculum as aplan for instruction .o;
cjwf/0ff cg';f/ kf7oqmd ljBfno tyf dxfljBfnosf ljleGg sIff, tx / ljifosf]
k7gkf7g ug{ agfOPsf] Jol:yt cfjlwssfo{qmd xf]. s'g} ljifo, sIff / txdf s]
slt k9fpg], s:tf] 1fg, ;Lk, Ifdtf, k|bfg ug]{ slt ;do l;dfsf] sfo{qmd agfpg],
s] s:tf p2]Zo /fVg], lzIf0f ljlw–k|ljlws] s:tf] x'g], d"Nofªsg s;/L ug]{,
lzIfs ljBfyL{sf lqmofsnk s] s:tf x'g] eGg] s'/fsf] ;"lglZrttf ul/Psf]
sfo{qmd g} z}Ifl0fs of]hgfsf ¿kdf kf7oqmd हो।
Saylor and Alexander-"Curriculum is
conceived of as a plan for providing sets
of learning opportunities to achieve
broad educational goals and related
specific objectives for an identifiable
population saved by a single school
center" ( "पाठ्यक्रम एकल स्क
ू लद्िारा
सुरक्षक्षत गररएको पहहचान योग्य जनसृंख्याको
लागग विस्तरत िैक्षक्षक लक्ष्यहरू र सम्बष्न्धत
विसिटि उद्देश्यहरू प्राप्त गना ससकाउने
अिसरहरू प्रदान गने योजनाको रूपमा तयार
गररएको हुन्छ"।)
System view of curriculum
(पाठ्क्रमको प्रणालीगत दृष्टिकोण)
"System is a systematic management of the
elements that operates in unique way" –Craford.
ु ट्िै तररकाले सञ्चासलत तत्िहरूको एक व्यिष्स्र्थत
व्यिस्र्थापन हो प्रणाली मातनन्छ ।
"A learning system is an original combination of
peopel, materials , facilities and equipment's
which interact among each other to achieve the
goal."-Davis "
"सिक्षा प्रणाली भनेको विद्यार्थी, सामग्री, सुविधा र
उपकरणहरूको मौसलक सृंयोजन हो जसले लक्ष्य प्राप्त
गना एक अकाा बीच अन्तक्रक्र
ा या गदाछ।"
Components of Educational
Input process
 Operant
 Objectives
 Content
 Teaching materials
 Physical facilities
Administrative personals
Unit II: Managing Curriculum
 Foundations of curriculum planning
 Social forces
 Treatment of knowledge
 Human growth and development
 Learning as a process Technology
 Managing curriculum development
 Establishing a philosophy
 Formulating goals
 Classifying goals and objectives
 Using objectives to order learning
 Assessing needs and aspects of needs assessment
 Stages of curriculum management plans - Analysis stage, Design
stage, Implementation stage, and Evaluation stage
Analysis of society and culture
 ;dfhsf] ;+/rgf -Structure of socicty_
 ;fdflhs cfjZostf -Social Needs_
 JolQmut tyf ;fdflhs lqmofsnfk -Individual and Social activity_
 ;dfhsf] wd{ ;+:s[lt -Religion and Culture of society_
 ;dfhsf] 1fg Pj= ;Lk -Knowledge and skills of society_
 ;dfhsf] cfly{s;fdflhs cj:yf-Socio-Economic condition of sociecty_
 lj1fg / k|ljlwsf] cj:yf -Science and techology_
 ;dfhsf] cGt/lqmof Pj+ åGå -Social interation and conflict_
 ;fdflhs ;dfof]hg -Social Adjustment_
Treatment of knowledge
Meaning of knowledge
 Knowledge is the accumulation of facts and information.
 Knowledge is broader, deeper and rich than information.
 facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or
education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.
 awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation
 the fact of knowing
 information or what is already known
 the whole of what can be learned or found out.
Characteristics of knowledge
 Knowledge is like wealth, the more he gets, the more he craves.
ज्ञान भनेको धनजस्तै हो, जतत कमायो उती तरटणा जाग्दछ।
 Knowledge never decays.
ज्ञान कहहले विफल हुँदैन।
 Knowledge once gained casts a light beyond its own immediate boundaries.
ज्ञानले एक पिक यसको आफ्नै सीमानाहरू भन्दा परको प्रकाि प्राप्त गदाछ।
 Information is the source of knowledge.
जानकारी ज्ञान को स्रोत हो।
 The word knowledge implies three things – truth, proof, conviction
ज्ञानले तीन चीजलाई सृंक
े त गदाछ - सत्य, प्रमाण, विश्िस्तता
 Facts and values are the basis of the structures of knowledge.
तथ्य र मूल्यहरू ज्ञानको सृंरचनाहरूकाआधार हुन ्।
 Knowledge is boundless
ज्ञान असीमीत हुन्छ।
Sources of knowledge
Types Of Knowledge
 Factual Knowledge:
ability to know fact Knowledge is refers to what we do with
information and how we make meaning from it.
 Conceptual Knowledge: ability to conceptualize the actions.
 Procedural Knowledge: Knowing how to perform action.
 Analytical Knowledge: ability to analyse the action
 Conditional knowledge: knowing the ways and purpose of
knowledge .
 Meta-Cognitive Knowledge: ability to monitor, regulate, control and
organize our own mental activities
Human Growth and
 Growth refers to physical increase in some quantity over time. It includes
changes in terms of height, weight, body proportions and general physical
 In Encyclopedia Britannica, growth is defined as “an increase in size or the
amount of an entity”.
(It means growth involves all those structural and physiological changes that
take place within individual during the process of maturation. For example,
growth of a child means the increase in weight, height and different organs of
the child’s body.)
 Hurlock has defined Growth as “change in size, in proportion,
disappearance of old features and acquisition of new ones”. Growth refers
to structural and physiological changes
 (Crow and Crow, 1962). Thus, growth refers to an increase in physical size
of whole or any of its part and can be measured
 Development refers to the qualitative changes in the
organism as whole. Development is a continuous process
through which physical, emotional and intellectual
changes occur. It is a wider and more comprehensive
term than growth. It is also possible without growth.
Unit Three
The standard based Curriculum
 Concept, origin, importance of standard based
 Roles played by standard in teaching learning
assessment process.
 How standards works in school.
 Managing standard based education .
 Role of technology
 Balancing standards based curriculum
What is a standard?
 A statement of what students should know and be able to
do and demonstrate at the end of the process at each
 The Standards can be used as a reference point for
planning, teaching and learning programs, and for
assessing student progress.
प्रत्येक तहको अन्त्यमा विद्यार्थीले क
े र्थाहा पाउनुपदाछ र क
े गना
सक्षम हुनुपदाछ भन्ने क
ु राको ब्याख्या।
 योजना बनाउने, ससक्त्ने र ससकाउने कायाक्रमहरू, र
विद्यार्थीहरूको प्रगतत मूल्याङ्कन गना प्रयोगमा आउने
What is Standards based
 The Standards define what students should know and be
able to do at each level. The Standards can be used as a
reference point for planning teaching and learning
programs, and for assessing student progress. Standards
should help teachers set targets and monitor
achievement and develop programs that support and
improve student learning.
 मापदण्डले प्रत्येक तहमा विद्यार्थीहरुमा बबकससतहुने
सक्षमतालाइ जनाउछ । यो ससक्त्ने र ससकाउने कायाक्रमहरूको
योजना बनाउन, र विद्यार्थीहरूको प्रगततको आकलन गना
सन्दभा प्रयोगमा आउदछ।यसले सिक्षकहरूलाई लक्ष्यहरू
तनधाारण गना उपलष्ब्ध अनुगमन गना कायाक्रमहरू विकास
गना मद्दत पुर्याउँछ । जसका कारण विद्यार्थीको ससकाइमा
सुधार आउँछ ।
 The term standards-based refers to systems of instruction,
assessment, grading, and academic reporting that are based on
students demonstrating, understanding or mastery of the
knowledge and skills they are expected to learn as they progress
through their education
 मापदण्ड-आधाररत भन्नाले सिक्षण प्रणाली , मूल्याृंकन, ग्रेडडङ, र
िैक्षक्षक प्रततिेदन सम्बष्न्ध समग्र प्रणालीहरू लाइ बुझाउँदछ । जुन
विद्यार्थीहरूको बुझाइ िा ज्ञान र दक्षतामा तनपुणता प्रदिानीमा
आधाररत हुन्छन् ।
What is a Standards Based Curriculum,
 A Standards Based curriculum is a body of knowledge and set of
competencies that form the basis for a quality education.
 It defines what students should know, understand and be able to
do and includes the accompanying teaching
Characteristics of standard based education.
• Standards are connected to community needs and student needs समुदाय र विद्यार्थीको
आिश्यकतामा जोडीएको हुन्छ ।
Empower teachers सिक्षकहरुलाई सिक्त्त बनाउनु
Based on principled procedures सैद्धाष्न्तक प्रक्रक्रयाहरूमा आधाररत
Flexible and able to change लगचलो र पररितान गना सष्जलो
Includes time lines for student's learning, development, and growth विद्यार्थीको ससकाई र
विकासको लागग समय ससमा
Describes a whole curriculum सम्पूणा पाठ्यक्रमको िणान गदाछ ।
Hidden curriculum is considered लुप्त पाठ्यक्रमलाइ जोड
• Identifies big ideas, concepts, and outcomes विसिटि विचार, अिधारणा, र पररणामहरू
पहहचान गदाछ
Includes assessment: formative, summative, diagnosis, and generative मूल्याङ्कन
प्रकर यामा तनमााणात्मक तनणायात्मक र तनदानात्मक तरीकाको प्रयेग
Includes ways to satisfy सन्तुष्टिमा जोड
• Includes time lines for student's learning, development, and growth
विद्यार्थीको ससकाई र विकासको लागग समय ससमा
• Describes a whole curriculum सम्पूणा पाठ्यक्रमको िणान गदाछ ।
• Hidden curriculum is considered लुप्त पाठ्यक्रमलाइ जोड
• Identifies big ideas, concepts, and outcomes विसिटि विचार,
अिधारणा, र पररणामहरू पहहचान गदाछ
• Includes assessment: formative, summative, diagnosis, and
generative मूल्याङ्कन प्रकर यामा तनमााणात्मक तनणायात्मक र तनदानात्मक
तरीकाको प्रयेग
• Includes ways to satisfy सन्तुष्टिमा जोड
Areas of SBA
 Learners will communicate in both oral and written forms
 Three modes of communication are involved here: the
interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational
 Learners will gain deeper understanding of their
culture(s) and other cultures in terms of their
perspectives (e.g. values, ideas, attitudes, etc.), practices
(pattern of social interactions), and products (e.g. books,
laws, music, etc).
Connections,Comparison and
 Learners will make connections with other subject areas.
 Comparison
 Learners will gain awareness of cross- cultural
similarities and differences (in terms of both languages
and culture).
 Communities
 Learners will extend their learning experiences from the
EFL classroom to the outside world through activities
such as the use of the internet. They will therefore be
made aware that they live in a global world..
characteristics of Standards-
based classroom
 Classroom climate is characterized by respectful behaviors,
routines, and discourse.
 Classroom practices and instruction honor the diversity of
interests, needs, and strengths of all learners.
 The teacher ensures that all components of the lesson
(e.g., learning activities, assessment, homework) contribute
to the lesson objectives and to student mastery of the
 Learning time is maximized for all students.
 Instruction activates students’ prior knowledge and
experience, and supplies background knowledge.
 Students respond to opportunities provided by the teacher
to make connections between the lesson and personal
Importance of standard based education
 Equal opportunity for learning
 Easy to evaluate student performance
 Useful for remedial instructional strategies
 Useful for behavior modification of learner
 Maintain national standard of education
 Develop competent manpower.
 Easy to measure student performance
Managing of standard based education
मापदण्डमा आधाररत सिक्षाको व्यिस्र्थापन
 Use of proper resources. उपयूक्त्त सामग्रीको प्रयोग
 Use and aligning various instructional Strategies. विविध
शैक्षणिक रिनितीको ममलाि र प्रयोग
 Teaching materials . शैक्षक्षकसामग्रीको प्रयोग
 Emphasis on Developmental stages. विकासात्मक चरिमा जोड
 Manage Competency of teacher . मशक्षकको दक्षताको ब्यबस्थापि
 Addressing Student Motivation. विद्याथीको उत्प्रेरिाको सम्बोधि
 Chronological order of content उपयूक्त्त विषयबस्तुको क्रममकता
Unit IV: Curriculum Development Models
4.1 Concept of model
4.2 Continuum of curriculum model
4.3 Representative curriculum models
4.3.1 Rational models
• Ralph Tyler model
• Hilda Taba model
• Strengths and weaknesses of rational model
4.3.2 Cyclical models
• Wheeler’s model
• Audrey and Howard Nichole’s model
• Strengths and weaknesses of cyclical model
4.3.3 Dynamic models
• Decker Walker’s model
• Malcolm Skibeck's model
• Strengths and weaknesses of dynamic model
What is curriculum? पाठ्यक्रम क
े हो?
• Curriculum is a design plan for learning
that requires the purposeful and proactive
organization, sequencing, and
management of the interactions among
the teacher, the students, and the content
knowledge we want students to acquire.
“The planned and guided learning experiences and intended learning
outcomes, formulated through the systematic reconstruction of
knowledge and experiences, under the auspices of the school, for the
learners’ continuous and willful growth in personal social competence.”
(Daniel Tanner, 1980)
 "
Unit four Curriculum Development
• Concept of Model
• Rational Model
• Cyclical Model
• Dynamic Model
What is a curriculum model?
 A model is a format for curriculum design developed to
meet unique needs, contexts, and/or purposes. In order
to address these goals, curriculum developers design,
reconfigure, or rearrange one or more key curriculum
 पाठ्यक्रम उद्देश्यहरू पूरा गिन र लक्ष्यहरूलाई सम्बोधि
गिन, पाठ्यक्रम विकासकतानहरूले तयार गरेको िमुिा पाठ्क्रम
ढााँचा हो,
Definitions of Model
 “A model is miniature representation of real object that summarized
data and acts as an aid to comprehension” –Zais
(नमुना बास्तविक बस्तुको सानो रुप हो । जसले तथ्याङ्कलाइ साराँिमा बुझ्न
सघाउँ छ ।)
Model is a simplified representation of reality that depicts relationship
between variables in a diagram. M. Print
(िमूिा बास्तविकताको सरल प्रनतनिधधत्ि हो जसले िस्तुहरुको सम्बन्धलाई
प्रायजसो रेखाधचत्रमा प्रस्तुत गदनछ ।)
Rational Model
 Scientific and systematic approach
 Simple and straight forward model.
 Logical steps.
 Short term Approach
 Simple and Clear
 Objective oriented
 1949 by Ralph Tyler in his classic book Basic Principles
of Curriculum and Instruction.
 One of the best known models for curriculum
 Known for the special attention it gives to the planning
 deductive for it proceeds from the general (examining
the needs of society, for example) to the specific
(specifying instructional objectives).
Tyler Model
 What educational purposes should the school
seek to attain?(Objective)
 What educational experiences can be provided
that are likely to attain these propose ?
 How can these educational experiences be
effectively organized ?(Strategies)
 How can we determine whether these purposes
are being attained ? (Evaluation)
Weakness of Tyler Model
 It limits what students can learn.
 It treats ends and means separately.
 It doesn’t indicate who decides what is
‘worthwhile’ learning
 It doesn’t consider that not all learning
outcomes can be measured
 It fails to consider the changing environment.
 It fails to recognize that the future cannot be
predicted accurately with precision
Compare between Tyler and Taba Model
Advantages of rational model
 It provides an easy to follow step-by-step
guide to curriculum planning and
 It begins with a set of clear objectives that
teachers must plan tasks and work towards
achieving the specified outcomes
 It aims at student's developing behavior as
their target of teaching.
Disadvantages of rational model
 It does not have a feedback mechanism to tell people how to correct it.
 It seems lack a procedure between evaluation and organization, and this
procedure is execution. For example, they do not apply to all subjects or the
design of a subject’s content.
 It sees curriculum development as a fixed, linear process.
 The division of labor at the various points/steps are fixed so curriculum ‘actors’
are unaware of what others do .
 It cannot account for the many/complex outcomes of learning.
 It limits what students can learn.
 It treats ends and means separately.
 It doesn’t indicate who decides what is ‘worthwhile’ learning.
 It doesn’t consider that not all learning outcomes can be measured
 It fails to consider the changing environment.
 It fails to recognize that the future cannot be predicted accurately with
Cycical Model of Curriculum
 D.K WHEELER ¨A former member of the University of Western Australia, Wheeler
developed and extended the ideas forwarded by Tyler and particularly Taba. ¨ He
suggested five inter-related phases in the curriculum process which logically
would produce an effective curriculum.
 Cyclical models lie along with the continuum between the extremes of rational and
dynamic models, incorporating elements of both to provide a different approach to
devising curricula.
 ¨Basically, these models are extension of rational models in that they are
essentially logical and sequential in approach.
 In cyclical model elements of curriculum as inter-related and interdependent. ¨
 In the 1970s, a new element was introduced into the curriculum process of
cyclical models called Situational Analysis
 In the Cyclical Models, curriculum is a continuous cycle responding to the changes within education
where any new information or practice will bring changes
Dynamic / interaction Model
 According to Murry Print (1989) the major
proponents of the dynamic or interaction model
are Decker Walker (1971)and Malcolm Skilbek
(1976) .
 They argue that the objective or rational model
of curriculum development were neither popular
nor successful.
Skilbeck Model of Curriculum
 Skilbeck’s curriculum model develop in 1976.
 Skillbeck suggested an approach for devising curriculum at the school
level by which teacher could realistically develop appropriate curriculum.
 The model claims that for SBCD (School Based
Curriculum Development) to work effectively five
steps are required in the curriculum process.
 Skilbeck model locates curriculum design and development firmly within a
cultural framework. It views such design as a means whereby teachers
modify and transform pupil experience through providing insights into
cultural values, interpretative frameworks and symbolic systems.
 It is a more comprehensive framework, which can encompass either the
process model or the objective model depending on which aspects of the
curriculum are being designed. It is flexible, adaptable and open to
interpretation in the light of changing circumstances.
Malcolm Skilbeck’s Model
Unit V: Dissemination and Implementation of
 5.1 Concept of curriculum dissemination
 5.2 Models of curriculum dissemination
 5.2.1 Schon's models
 5.2.2 Havelock's model
 5.3 Concept of implementation of curriculum
 5.4 Relationship of implementation to planning
 5.5 Role of incrementalism, communication and supports in effective curriculum
 5.6 Theory of change
 5.6.1 Resistance to curriculum change
 5.6.2 Receptivity to curriculum change
 5.6.3 Models of curriculum change · Overcoming resistance to change model ·
Organizational change model
Curriculum dissemination
 Curriculum dissemination is an essential component
and phase of curriculum development. It creates a
bridge between the curriculum theory and its
implementation or practice. Indeed, the
implementation of the new curriculum is the
realization of a process of educational change.
Hence, the importance of curriculum dissemination
strategies. In this regard, Kelly (2004:107) observes
that ―… a major reason for the failure of the
Schools Council to influence curriculum change
more directly and more widely was to be found in
the dissemination strategies that were adopted‖.
 According to Carl et al (1988) and Leithwood
(1991) curriculum dissemination or curriculum
diffusion consists in the distribution or
publication of information, reflections and
decisions. It refers to the spread of
information about curriculum renewal,
namely about innovative instruction or
instruction-related practices aimed at
preparing and informing all those involved
with the curriculum change.
 The-Curriculum-Theory-and-Practice-by-A.V.Kelly_.pdf
Models of curriculum dissemination
Centre Periphery
े न्ि पररगध नमुना
Proliferation of Centres
model बहु क
े न्ि नमुना
Shifting Centres model
े न्ि पररितान नमुना
Models of curriculum dissemination
Research, Development and Diffusion (R, D & D)
modelअनुसन्धान विकास र विस्तार नमुना
Problem-Solving (PS)
modelसमस्या समाधान नमुना
CentrePeriphery model,
 Centre-Periphery approach is that it assumes that the
process of dissemination must be centrally controlled
and managed, that the innovation is planned and
prepared in detail prior to its dissemination and that
the process of that dissemination is one-way – from the
centre out to the consumers on the periphery
Proliferation of Centres model
 The Proliferation of Centres model attempts to
overcome these factors, or at least to reduce their
significance, by creating secondary centres to extend
the reach and thus the efficiency of the primary centre.
The intention is that the work of the central
development team is supported and extended by local
development groups. In turn, these local groups are
supported by the central team through the provision not
only of advice but also sometimes of courses of training.
Shifting Centres model
 Shifting Centres model, was posited to explain the
spread, witnessed in recent years, of ideas such as
those of civil rights, black power, disarmament and
student activism, in other words changes of values and
attitudes of a more subtle and less deliberate kind.
These developments are characterized by the absence
of any clearly established centre and of any stable,
centrally established message. Indeed, this is a model
which appears to be more successful at explaining how
unplanned diffusion occurs than at offering a strategy
for planned dissemination. Schon believes it has
potential value for curriculum change but this must be
questionable, since it is a model which appears to offer
no basis for the development of any specific message
Havelock’s models
 Social Interaction (SI) model
 Problem-Solving (PS)
Curriculum implementation
The next step after curriculum planning and designing is to
mplement it. As teachers, this is one of the major roles that we
do in school. We have the recommended curriculum guide that
can be download in the internet/through website and our task is
o implement it. So, the success of the learning depends on the
mplementation effort
Curriculum implementation
 Curriculum implementation
refers to how the planned or officially
designed course of study is translated by the
teacher into syllabi, schemes of work and
lessons to be delivered to students.
 Curriculum implementation means putting
into practice the written curriculum that has
been design into syllabi, course of study,
curricular guides and subject. It is the process
where the learners acquire the intended
knowledge , skills and attitudes for them to
function effectively in the society.
Ornstein and Hunkins (1998)
 curriculum implementation as the interaction
between the curriculum that has been written
and planned and the persons who are in
charge to deliver it. The effort and success of
the implementation would lie on the hands of
the teachers.
Curriculum Stakeholders
Learners Teacher
Parents school
curriculum implementation
implies the following
 Shift from what is current to a new or enhanced
curriculum Change in knowledge, actions, attitudes
of the person involved.
 A complete transition or shift from the previous to
a new curriculum.. Today we are dealing with
millenians,21st century learners where in they are
very literate when it comes to computers.
 Definitely, as teachers we have to upgrade
ourselves with the latest knowledge and
information;Attitude-Being very strict to students is
not applicable ..before and after…that’s why Deped
is encouraging us to use positive discipline.
Loucks and Lieberman (1983)
 curriculum implementation as the trying out of a new practice and
what it looks like when actually used in school system.
 In the classroom context, curriculum implementation means teaching
what has been written in the lesson plan.
 It means using the plan as a guide to engage with the learners in the
teaching-learning process with the end in view that learning has
occurred and learning outcome has been achieved.
 We formulate objectives with the end in the mind of what the students
are expected to do, perform or learned after the lesson.
 Educational change is a broad term that refers to both
shifting paradigms within education and efforts of reform
within education. The former is often a part of the latter,
since most change within the field of education is initiated
for the improvement of the institution. Similarly, shifting
perspectives within the field of education are most often a
result of an awareness of new ideas and new needs. The
efforts taken to adjust to those new ideas and meet those
needs can be categorized as educational change.
 िैक्षक्षक पररितान एक व्यापक िब्द हो ।जसले सिक्षा सभर
सुधार को प्रयास लाई जनाउँछ। पूिा र पतछल्लो को फरक
पररितान हो। सिक्षा को क्षेर सभर धेरैजसो पररितान सृंस्र्था को
सुधार को लागी िुरू गरीएका छन। त्यस्तै गरी, सिक्षा को
क्षेरमा पररितानले प्राय: नयाँ विचारहरु र नयाँ आिश्यकताहरु
को एक जागरूकता ल्याएको हुन्छ। ती नयाँ विचारहरु लाई
समायोष्जत गना र ती आिश्यकताहरु लाई पूरा गना को लागी
िैक्षक्षक पररितान गररन्छ ।
 Fullan (1982, 1991) proposed that there are four broad
phases in the change process:
 initiation,
 implementation,
 continuation,
 outcome.
Curriculum Change Theories
Lovell and Wile’s Theory
Lewin’s Theory
Kowasalski and Reitzug’s
Skilbeck’s Theory
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Curriculum planning and practice( note)
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Curriculum planning and practice( note)

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  • 13. Cont.…….  Wortham (2006) that Curriculum is a planned set of course that is presented to teachers to arrange teaching and learning in certain level of ages.  Nation & Macalister (2010) define Curriculum as a guidance in designing courses that consist of outer cycle namely Principles, Environment, and needs that involve practical and theoretical considerations that will have a major effect in guiding the actual process of course production. Inner cycle that consists of goals and its center, contents and sequences, format and presentation, and monitoring and assessment.  Cottington (2010), curriculum (or curriculum standards) to refer to the standards, benchmarks, and outcomes that delineate the content to be taught and learned in science classrooms.
  • 14. Cont….  Slattery (2006) Curriculum should be developed time by times to the postmodern curriculum that is radically eclectic, determined in the context of relatedness, recursive in its complexity, autobiographically intuitive, aesthetically intersubjective, embodied, phenomenological, experiential, simultaneously quantum and cosmic, hopeful in its constructive dimension, radical in its deconstructive movement, liberating in its poststructural intents, empowering in its spirituality, ironic in its kaleidoscopic sensibilities, and ultimately, a hermeneutic searchfor greater understanding that motivates and satisfies us on the journey.  Lake and Winterbottom (2010) in Kattington (2010), Curriculum is a set of rule that benefits students by providing them with practice in both content and social curriculum through the use of active learning, exploration of interests, civic responsibility, character building, and recognizing and helping thecommunity.  Tomlinson (2008 Ed) impled that curriculum requires too much to be accomplished within a unit and that their students want a moremanageable and realistic learning goal.
  • 15. Definitional issues of Curriculum (kf7oqmdsf kl/efiff;u ;DaGwL d'2fx?_  Curriculum as subject and subject matter विषय विषयिस्तुका रुपमा पाठ्यक्रम Curriculum as experience अनुभिका रुपमा पाठ्यक्रम Curriculum as Objectives उद्देश्यका रुपमा पाठ्यक्रम Curriculum as Plan योजनाका रुपमा पाठ्यक्रम
  • 16. kf7oqmd ljifo j:t'sf] ?kdf (Curriculum and subject matter)  kf7oqmd ljifoj:t'sf ¿kdf eGg] ;f]rclt k'/fgf]dfGotf xf] . o;n] kf7oqmdnfO{lzIf0f l;sfOsf] dxTjk"0f{Pjd clt cfjZosLo ;fdu|Lsf] ¿kdf lng]ul/G5. kf7oqmdsf ljifoj:t'nfO{ dflg;df af}l4stfsf] ljsf; ug]{dfWod dflgG5 . ljBfyL{x¿n]l;Sg] / l;Sg' kg]{ljifoj:t'x¿ k"j{ lgwf{/0f k|lqmofaf6 lglZrt ug]{ul/G5. o:tf] kf7oqmdlzIf0fs]lGb|t x'G5. ljifoj:t'df s]lGb|t of] kf7oqmd Seven liberal Arts df cfwfl/t x'G5. h;leq Grammar,Rhetoric,logic, and Arithmetic, Geometry, AstronomyMusic kb{5. ljifoj:t'sf] ¿kdf kf7oqmd eg]cjwf/0ffn] k7g–kf7gsf;fdu|LnfO{ Jojl:ytu/]sf] x'G5 . ljBfno – dxfljBfnodf k9fOul/g]ljifoj:t' cnu–cnutof/ u/Lk|of]usf] nflul;kmfl/;ul/Psf] x'G5 . lzIf0fl;sfOdf ljifoj:t'nfO{ ljz]if :yfgk|bfg ul/G5
  • 17. Curriculum as subject and subject matter विषय विषयिस्तुका रुपमा पाठ्यक्रम  सबैभन्दा पुरानो र ऐततहाससक दृष्टिकोण  परम्परागत पद्धततमा आधाररत तनधाारर  पठनपाठनका लागग तयार पाररएको औजार  सबैभन्दा पहहला सिक्षकहरुद्िारा विद्यार्थीलाई अध्यापन गनाका लागग तयार पाररएको विषयिस्तुको सूची यस अन्तरगत तनम्न अिधारणाहरुमा प्रटिहुन आिश्यक छ
  • 18. Perennialist concept of curriculum पाठ्क्रमको स्र्थातयत्ििादी धारणा  सिक्षा र िैक्षक्षक कायाक्रमहरु ष्स्र्थरतामा आधाररत हुनुपदाछ भन्ने मान्यतामा आधाररत अिधारणालाई पाठ्यक्रमको स्र्थातयत्िादी अिधारणा मातनन्छ । खासमा पाठ्यक्रममा समािेि हुने विषयिस्तुहरु देि काल पररष्स्र्थतत अनुसार पररिततात नभई तनष्श्चत उमेर समूह र कक्षाका विद्यार्थीहरूका लागग एक ै प्रकारको हुनुपदाछ भन्ने मान्यतालाई प्रार्थसमकतामा राख्ने यो अिधारणाले प्राचीन पाठ्यक्रम पद्धततमा सात उदार कला हरु लाई पाठ्यक्रमका विषयिस्तु हुनु पदाछ भन्ने मान्यता राखखन्छ ।
  • 19. Seven Liberal Arts  Grammar व्याकरण  Rhetoric अलङ्कारिास्र  Logic तक ा िास्र  Arithmetic अङ्कगखणत  Geometry ज्यासमतत  Astronomy ज्योततष  Music सङ्गीत (knowledge is truth , truth is everywhere the same. So education should be everywhere the same. )
  • 20. Essentialalist Concept of Curriculum आिश्यक्त्तािादी पाठ्क्रमको अिधारणा  समयको पररितानसँगै समाजका आिश्यकता र समस्याहरु पतन पररितान हुन्छन् । उनीहरूको आिश्यकता र समस्यालाई समाधान गना जुन पाठ्यक्रम उपयोगी गर्थयो त्यो पाठ्यक्रम आजका आिश्यकता र समस्यालाई सम्बोधन गना उपयोगी नहुन सक्त्छ यही कारण पाठ्यक्रम तनरन्तर रुपमा पररितान गनुापदाछ तर्थावप पाठ्यक्रम विकास तर्था पररमाजान गदाा सबैलाई मान्य हुने गरी का विषय क्षेरहरुलाई समािेि भने गना आिश्यक छ ।
  • 23. Curriculum as structure of discipline विधागत सरचनाकारुपमा पाठ्यक्रम  Curriculum should consist entirely of knowledge which concern from established discipline. पाठ्यक्रममा पूणा ज्ञान हुनु पछा जुन स्र्थावपत विधासग सम्बष्न्धत हुन्छ।  सिै तहका पाठ्यक्रमहरुको विकास र व्यिस्र्थापनमा स्र्थावपत विधाहरुलाइ तनदेिीत ससद्धान्तका रुपमा अङगीकार गरीनु पदाछ ।
  • 24. Characteristics of curriculum as subject matter विषयिस्तुका रुपमा पाठ्यक्रमका वििेषताहरु Traditional Concept. Limited in classroom situation. Focus on the content only. Emphasis on passive learning. Neglect covert aspect of curriculum. Emphasis on intellectual development.
  • 25. Curriculum as experience (अनुभिको रूपमा पाठ्यक्रम) परम्परािादी पाठ्यक्रम विषयिस्तुको सूचीमा मार क े ष्न्ित भयो भन्दै यसका विरुद्धमा विकससत भएको अिधारणाका रूपमा अनुभि मा आधाररत पाठकलाई सलइन्छ । ससकारुको रुगच र आिश्यकता सँग सम्बष्न्धत गराई जीिनका आिश्यकता र िास्तविकतालाई प्रतततनगधत्ि गना र उत्पादक एिम ् सक्रक्रय ज्ञान प्रदान गनाका लागग तयार पाररएको पाठ्यक्रम ढाँचा नै अनुभि रुपमा पाठ्यक्रम हो ।यो अिधारणालाई Rousseau,Montessori ,Frobel,Freire,Deweyआहद जस्ता आधुतनक सिक्षाविद्हरुले प्रयोगमा ल्याएका छन्। िैक्षक्षक पररिेिमा ससकारुले प्राप्त गरेका सम्पूणा अनुभिहरुको समूहलाई पाठ्यक्रमका रूपमा सलनु नै अनुभिका रूपमा पाठ्यक्रम हो।
  • 26. Curriculum as experience  "The scheme of curriculum must take account of the adaptation of studies to the needs of existing community life, it must selected with the intention of improving the life we live in common so that future shall be better than the past"-John Dewey ("पाठ्यक्रमको योजनाले विद्यमान सामुदातयक जीिनको आिश्यकतालाई अध्ययनको अनुक ू लनको लेखा सलनुपदाछ, यो हामीले साझा जीिनमा सुधार गने असभप्रायले चयन गनुापदाछ ताक्रक भविटय विगतको भन्दा राम्रो होस ्") - जोन डेिे
  • 27. Cont…. "Curriculum is that series of things which children and youth must do and experience by way of developing ability to do the things well that up the affairs of adult life".-Bobbit ("पाठ्यक्रम भनेको ती चीजहरूको श्रृंखला हो जुन बच्चाहरू र युिाहरूले गनै पछा र अनुभि गना सक्त्ने क्षमता विकास गरेर ती चीजहरूको ियस्क जीिनको मासमलामा अनुभि गनुापदाछ"।)
  • 28. अनुभिका रुपमा पाठ्यक्रमका वििेषताहरु  Child centered(बाल क े ष्न्ित)  Curriculum as guided living. (तनदेसित जीिनको रूपमा पाठ्यक्रम)  Curriculum as guided learning experience. (तनदेसित सिक्षा अनुभिको रूपमा पाठ्यक्रम)  Curriculum as extra class activities. (अततररक्त्त कक्षा गततविगधहरूको रूपमा पाठ्यक्रम)  Guided by School. (स्क ू ल द्िारा तनदेसित)  Flexibility in subject matter. (विषय मा लचकता)  Naturalistic. (प्राकर ततक)
  • 29. p2]Zosf ¿kdfkf7oqmd (Curriculum as objectives)  kf7oqmd Ps l;sfOnfO{ Jojl:yt ug{agfOPsf] lnlvt b:tfj]h xf], h;n]JolQm, ;dfh / /fi6«n]/fv]sf ck]Iffk'/fug{ rflxg] cfjZos 1fg, ;Lk,Ifdtf tyf Jojxf/ ePsf gful/s tof/ ug]{ p2]ZolnPsf] x'G5. To;}n]kf7oqmddf lgwf{l/t p2]ZonfO{z}lifs sfo{qmdsf] k|f0fdflgG5 . p2]Zosf cfwf/df g}lzIfsn]ljifoj:t' lzIf0fug]{,lzIf0fljlw k|ljlw tyf z}lIfs k|of]uu/L l;sf¿nfO{ ljleGg lqmofsnfkdf ;DnUgu/fO{ pgLx¿sf] lrGtg, Jojxf/df ¿kfGt/0fug]{sfd ub{5. To;}n]kf7oqmd JolQm, ;dfh, ;d'bfo Pjd /fli6«o ck]Iff;Fu;DalGwt dxTjk"0f{lnlvt ;fdu|L xf] . of] wf/0ffsf k|d'vkIfw/dfR. W TylerelgG5 . kf7oqmdsf] k|d'vcªu g}p2]Zo xf], h;n]z}lIfs sfo{qmdnfO{ Jojl:ytu/L uGtJodf k'¥ofpg dfu{lgb]{zg ub{5. l;sf¿nfO{ s] l;sfpg] slt l;sfpg] s;/L l;sfpg] eGg] s'/f p2]Zon] k|i6ub{5.
  • 31. z}Ifl0fs of]hgfsf] ¿kdfkf7oqmd Curriculum as Instructional Plan Hilda taba curriculum as aplan for instruction .o; cjwf/0ff cg';f/ kf7oqmd ljBfno tyf dxfljBfnosf ljleGg sIff, tx / ljifosf] k7gkf7g ug{ agfOPsf] Jol:yt cfjlwssfo{qmd xf]. s'g} ljifo, sIff / txdf s] slt k9fpg], s:tf] 1fg, ;Lk, Ifdtf, k|bfg ug]{ slt ;do l;dfsf] sfo{qmd agfpg], s] s:tf p2]Zo /fVg], lzIf0f ljlw–k|ljlws] s:tf] x'g], d"Nofªsg s;/L ug]{, lzIfs ljBfyL{sf lqmofsnk s] s:tf x'g] eGg] s'/fsf] ;"lglZrttf ul/Psf] sfo{qmd g} z}Ifl0fs of]hgfsf ¿kdf kf7oqmd हो।
  • 32. Cont… Saylor and Alexander-"Curriculum is conceived of as a plan for providing sets of learning opportunities to achieve broad educational goals and related specific objectives for an identifiable population saved by a single school center" ( "पाठ्यक्रम एकल स्क ू लद्िारा सुरक्षक्षत गररएको पहहचान योग्य जनसृंख्याको लागग विस्तरत िैक्षक्षक लक्ष्यहरू र सम्बष्न्धत विसिटि उद्देश्यहरू प्राप्त गना ससकाउने अिसरहरू प्रदान गने योजनाको रूपमा तयार गररएको हुन्छ"।)
  • 33. System view of curriculum (पाठ्क्रमको प्रणालीगत दृष्टिकोण) "System is a systematic management of the elements that operates in unique way" –Craford. "छ ु ट्िै तररकाले सञ्चासलत तत्िहरूको एक व्यिष्स्र्थत व्यिस्र्थापन हो प्रणाली मातनन्छ । "A learning system is an original combination of peopel, materials , facilities and equipment's which interact among each other to achieve the goal."-Davis " "सिक्षा प्रणाली भनेको विद्यार्थी, सामग्री, सुविधा र उपकरणहरूको मौसलक सृंयोजन हो जसले लक्ष्य प्राप्त गना एक अकाा बीच अन्तक्रक्र ा या गदाछ।"
  • 35. Input  Operant  Objectives  Content  Teaching materials  Physical facilities Operator Teacher Student Administrative personals
  • 36.
  • 37. Unit II: Managing Curriculum Development  Foundations of curriculum planning  Social forces  Treatment of knowledge  Human growth and development  Learning as a process Technology  Managing curriculum development  Establishing a philosophy  Formulating goals  Classifying goals and objectives  Using objectives to order learning  Assessing needs and aspects of needs assessment  Stages of curriculum management plans - Analysis stage, Design stage, Implementation stage, and Evaluation stage
  • 38. Analysis of society and culture  ;dfhsf] ;+/rgf -Structure of socicty_  ;fdflhs cfjZostf -Social Needs_  JolQmut tyf ;fdflhs lqmofsnfk -Individual and Social activity_  ;dfhsf] wd{ ;+:s[lt -Religion and Culture of society_  ;dfhsf] 1fg Pj= ;Lk -Knowledge and skills of society_  ;dfhsf] cfly{s;fdflhs cj:yf-Socio-Economic condition of sociecty_  lj1fg / k|ljlwsf] cj:yf -Science and techology_  ;dfhsf] cGt/lqmof Pj+ åGå -Social interation and conflict_  ;fdflhs ;dfof]hg -Social Adjustment_
  • 39. Treatment of knowledge Meaning of knowledge  Knowledge is the accumulation of facts and information.  Knowledge is broader, deeper and rich than information.  facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.  awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation  the fact of knowing  information or what is already known  the whole of what can be learned or found out.
  • 40. Characteristics of knowledge  Knowledge is like wealth, the more he gets, the more he craves. ज्ञान भनेको धनजस्तै हो, जतत कमायो उती तरटणा जाग्दछ।  Knowledge never decays. ज्ञान कहहले विफल हुँदैन।  Knowledge once gained casts a light beyond its own immediate boundaries. ज्ञानले एक पिक यसको आफ्नै सीमानाहरू भन्दा परको प्रकाि प्राप्त गदाछ।  Information is the source of knowledge. जानकारी ज्ञान को स्रोत हो।  The word knowledge implies three things – truth, proof, conviction ज्ञानले तीन चीजलाई सृंक े त गदाछ - सत्य, प्रमाण, विश्िस्तता  Facts and values are the basis of the structures of knowledge. तथ्य र मूल्यहरू ज्ञानको सृंरचनाहरूकाआधार हुन ्।  Knowledge is boundless ज्ञान असीमीत हुन्छ।
  • 42.
  • 43. Types Of Knowledge  Factual Knowledge: ability to know fact Knowledge is refers to what we do with information and how we make meaning from it.  Conceptual Knowledge: ability to conceptualize the actions.  Procedural Knowledge: Knowing how to perform action.  Analytical Knowledge: ability to analyse the action  Conditional knowledge: knowing the ways and purpose of knowledge .  Meta-Cognitive Knowledge: ability to monitor, regulate, control and organize our own mental activities
  • 44. Human Growth and Development  Growth refers to physical increase in some quantity over time. It includes changes in terms of height, weight, body proportions and general physical appearance.  In Encyclopedia Britannica, growth is defined as “an increase in size or the amount of an entity”. (It means growth involves all those structural and physiological changes that take place within individual during the process of maturation. For example, growth of a child means the increase in weight, height and different organs of the child’s body.)  Hurlock has defined Growth as “change in size, in proportion, disappearance of old features and acquisition of new ones”. Growth refers to structural and physiological changes  (Crow and Crow, 1962). Thus, growth refers to an increase in physical size of whole or any of its part and can be measured
  • 45. Development  Development refers to the qualitative changes in the organism as whole. Development is a continuous process through which physical, emotional and intellectual changes occur. It is a wider and more comprehensive term than growth. It is also possible without growth.
  • 46.
  • 47. Unit Three The standard based Curriculum  Concept, origin, importance of standard based education.  Roles played by standard in teaching learning assessment process.  How standards works in school.  Managing standard based education .  Role of technology  Balancing standards based curriculum
  • 48. What is a standard?  A statement of what students should know and be able to do and demonstrate at the end of the process at each level.  The Standards can be used as a reference point for planning, teaching and learning programs, and for assessing student progress. प्रत्येक तहको अन्त्यमा विद्यार्थीले क े र्थाहा पाउनुपदाछ र क े गना सक्षम हुनुपदाछ भन्ने क ु राको ब्याख्या।  योजना बनाउने, ससक्त्ने र ससकाउने कायाक्रमहरू, र विद्यार्थीहरूको प्रगतत मूल्याङ्कन गना प्रयोगमा आउने पद्धतत।
  • 49. What is Standards based education?  The Standards define what students should know and be able to do at each level. The Standards can be used as a reference point for planning teaching and learning programs, and for assessing student progress. Standards should help teachers set targets and monitor achievement and develop programs that support and improve student learning.  मापदण्डले प्रत्येक तहमा विद्यार्थीहरुमा बबकससतहुने सक्षमतालाइ जनाउछ । यो ससक्त्ने र ससकाउने कायाक्रमहरूको योजना बनाउन, र विद्यार्थीहरूको प्रगततको आकलन गना सन्दभा प्रयोगमा आउदछ।यसले सिक्षकहरूलाई लक्ष्यहरू तनधाारण गना उपलष्ब्ध अनुगमन गना कायाक्रमहरू विकास गना मद्दत पुर्याउँछ । जसका कारण विद्यार्थीको ससकाइमा सुधार आउँछ ।
  • 50. cont  The term standards-based refers to systems of instruction, assessment, grading, and academic reporting that are based on students demonstrating, understanding or mastery of the knowledge and skills they are expected to learn as they progress through their education  मापदण्ड-आधाररत भन्नाले सिक्षण प्रणाली , मूल्याृंकन, ग्रेडडङ, र िैक्षक्षक प्रततिेदन सम्बष्न्ध समग्र प्रणालीहरू लाइ बुझाउँदछ । जुन विद्यार्थीहरूको बुझाइ िा ज्ञान र दक्षतामा तनपुणता प्रदिानीमा आधाररत हुन्छन् ।
  • 51. What is a Standards Based Curriculum, (SBC)?  A Standards Based curriculum is a body of knowledge and set of competencies that form the basis for a quality education.  It defines what students should know, understand and be able to do and includes the accompanying teaching
  • 52. Characteristics of standard based education. • Standards are connected to community needs and student needs समुदाय र विद्यार्थीको आिश्यकतामा जोडीएको हुन्छ । Empower teachers सिक्षकहरुलाई सिक्त्त बनाउनु Based on principled procedures सैद्धाष्न्तक प्रक्रक्रयाहरूमा आधाररत Flexible and able to change लगचलो र पररितान गना सष्जलो Includes time lines for student's learning, development, and growth विद्यार्थीको ससकाई र विकासको लागग समय ससमा Describes a whole curriculum सम्पूणा पाठ्यक्रमको िणान गदाछ । Hidden curriculum is considered लुप्त पाठ्यक्रमलाइ जोड • Identifies big ideas, concepts, and outcomes विसिटि विचार, अिधारणा, र पररणामहरू पहहचान गदाछ Includes assessment: formative, summative, diagnosis, and generative मूल्याङ्कन प्रकर यामा तनमााणात्मक तनणायात्मक र तनदानात्मक तरीकाको प्रयेग Includes ways to satisfy सन्तुष्टिमा जोड
  • 53. Cont…… • Includes time lines for student's learning, development, and growth विद्यार्थीको ससकाई र विकासको लागग समय ससमा • Describes a whole curriculum सम्पूणा पाठ्यक्रमको िणान गदाछ । • Hidden curriculum is considered लुप्त पाठ्यक्रमलाइ जोड • Identifies big ideas, concepts, and outcomes विसिटि विचार, अिधारणा, र पररणामहरू पहहचान गदाछ • Includes assessment: formative, summative, diagnosis, and generative मूल्याङ्कन प्रकर यामा तनमााणात्मक तनणायात्मक र तनदानात्मक तरीकाको प्रयेग • Includes ways to satisfy सन्तुष्टिमा जोड
  • 55. Communication  Learners will communicate in both oral and written forms  Three modes of communication are involved here: the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication.
  • 56. Culture  Learners will gain deeper understanding of their culture(s) and other cultures in terms of their perspectives (e.g. values, ideas, attitudes, etc.), practices (pattern of social interactions), and products (e.g. books, laws, music, etc).
  • 57. Connections,Comparison and Communities  Learners will make connections with other subject areas.  Comparison  Learners will gain awareness of cross- cultural similarities and differences (in terms of both languages and culture).  Communities  Learners will extend their learning experiences from the EFL classroom to the outside world through activities such as the use of the internet. They will therefore be made aware that they live in a global world..
  • 58. characteristics of Standards- based classroom  Classroom climate is characterized by respectful behaviors, routines, and discourse.  Classroom practices and instruction honor the diversity of interests, needs, and strengths of all learners.  The teacher ensures that all components of the lesson (e.g., learning activities, assessment, homework) contribute to the lesson objectives and to student mastery of the standard(s).  Learning time is maximized for all students.  Instruction activates students’ prior knowledge and experience, and supplies background knowledge.  Students respond to opportunities provided by the teacher to make connections between the lesson and personal experience.
  • 59. Importance of standard based education  Equal opportunity for learning  Easy to evaluate student performance  Useful for remedial instructional strategies  Useful for behavior modification of learner  Maintain national standard of education  Develop competent manpower.  Easy to measure student performance
  • 60. Managing of standard based education मापदण्डमा आधाररत सिक्षाको व्यिस्र्थापन  Use of proper resources. उपयूक्त्त सामग्रीको प्रयोग  Use and aligning various instructional Strategies. विविध शैक्षणिक रिनितीको ममलाि र प्रयोग  Teaching materials . शैक्षक्षकसामग्रीको प्रयोग  Emphasis on Developmental stages. विकासात्मक चरिमा जोड  Manage Competency of teacher . मशक्षकको दक्षताको ब्यबस्थापि  Addressing Student Motivation. विद्याथीको उत्प्रेरिाको सम्बोधि  Chronological order of content उपयूक्त्त विषयबस्तुको क्रममकता
  • 61.
  • 62.
  • 63. Unit IV: Curriculum Development Models 4.1 Concept of model 4.2 Continuum of curriculum model 4.3 Representative curriculum models 4.3.1 Rational models • Ralph Tyler model • Hilda Taba model • Strengths and weaknesses of rational model 4.3.2 Cyclical models • Wheeler’s model • Audrey and Howard Nichole’s model • Strengths and weaknesses of cyclical model 4.3.3 Dynamic models • Decker Walker’s model • Malcolm Skibeck's model • Strengths and weaknesses of dynamic model
  • 64. What is curriculum? पाठ्यक्रम क े हो? • Curriculum is a design plan for learning that requires the purposeful and proactive organization, sequencing, and management of the interactions among the teacher, the students, and the content knowledge we want students to acquire.
  • 65.  “The planned and guided learning experiences and intended learning outcomes, formulated through the systematic reconstruction of knowledge and experiences, under the auspices of the school, for the learners’ continuous and willful growth in personal social competence.” (Daniel Tanner, 1980)  "
  • 66. Unit four Curriculum Development Model • Concept of Model • Rational Model • Cyclical Model • Dynamic Model
  • 67. What is a curriculum model?  A model is a format for curriculum design developed to meet unique needs, contexts, and/or purposes. In order to address these goals, curriculum developers design, reconfigure, or rearrange one or more key curriculum components.  पाठ्यक्रम उद्देश्यहरू पूरा गिन र लक्ष्यहरूलाई सम्बोधि गिन, पाठ्यक्रम विकासकतानहरूले तयार गरेको िमुिा पाठ्क्रम ढााँचा हो,
  • 68. Definitions of Model  “A model is miniature representation of real object that summarized data and acts as an aid to comprehension” –Zais (नमुना बास्तविक बस्तुको सानो रुप हो । जसले तथ्याङ्कलाइ साराँिमा बुझ्न सघाउँ छ ।) Model is a simplified representation of reality that depicts relationship between variables in a diagram. M. Print (िमूिा बास्तविकताको सरल प्रनतनिधधत्ि हो जसले िस्तुहरुको सम्बन्धलाई प्रायजसो रेखाधचत्रमा प्रस्तुत गदनछ ।)
  • 69. Rational Model  Scientific and systematic approach  Simple and straight forward model.  Logical steps.  Short term Approach  Simple and Clear  Objective oriented
  • 70. THE TYLER MODEL  1949 by Ralph Tyler in his classic book Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction.  One of the best known models for curriculum development.  Known for the special attention it gives to the planning phases.  deductive for it proceeds from the general (examining the needs of society, for example) to the specific (specifying instructional objectives).
  • 71.
  • 72. Tyler Model  What educational purposes should the school seek to attain?(Objective)  What educational experiences can be provided that are likely to attain these propose ? (Content)  How can these educational experiences be effectively organized ?(Strategies)  How can we determine whether these purposes are being attained ? (Evaluation)
  • 73. Weakness of Tyler Model  It limits what students can learn.  It treats ends and means separately.  It doesn’t indicate who decides what is ‘worthwhile’ learning  It doesn’t consider that not all learning outcomes can be measured  It fails to consider the changing environment.  It fails to recognize that the future cannot be predicted accurately with precision
  • 74.
  • 75.
  • 76.
  • 78. Compare between Tyler and Taba Model
  • 79. Advantages of rational model  It provides an easy to follow step-by-step guide to curriculum planning and development  It begins with a set of clear objectives that teachers must plan tasks and work towards achieving the specified outcomes  It aims at student's developing behavior as their target of teaching.
  • 80. Disadvantages of rational model  It does not have a feedback mechanism to tell people how to correct it.  It seems lack a procedure between evaluation and organization, and this procedure is execution. For example, they do not apply to all subjects or the design of a subject’s content.  It sees curriculum development as a fixed, linear process.  The division of labor at the various points/steps are fixed so curriculum ‘actors’ are unaware of what others do .  It cannot account for the many/complex outcomes of learning.  It limits what students can learn.  It treats ends and means separately.  It doesn’t indicate who decides what is ‘worthwhile’ learning.  It doesn’t consider that not all learning outcomes can be measured  It fails to consider the changing environment.  It fails to recognize that the future cannot be predicted accurately with precision.
  • 81. Cycical Model of Curriculum  D.K WHEELER ¨A former member of the University of Western Australia, Wheeler developed and extended the ideas forwarded by Tyler and particularly Taba. ¨ He suggested five inter-related phases in the curriculum process which logically would produce an effective curriculum.  Cyclical models lie along with the continuum between the extremes of rational and dynamic models, incorporating elements of both to provide a different approach to devising curricula.  ¨Basically, these models are extension of rational models in that they are essentially logical and sequential in approach.  In cyclical model elements of curriculum as inter-related and interdependent. ¨  In the 1970s, a new element was introduced into the curriculum process of cyclical models called Situational Analysis  In the Cyclical Models, curriculum is a continuous cycle responding to the changes within education where any new information or practice will bring changes
  • 82.
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  • 86.
  • 87. Dynamic / interaction Model  According to Murry Print (1989) the major proponents of the dynamic or interaction model are Decker Walker (1971)and Malcolm Skilbek (1976) .  They argue that the objective or rational model of curriculum development were neither popular nor successful.
  • 88.
  • 89.
  • 90. Skilbeck Model of Curriculum Development  Skilbeck’s curriculum model develop in 1976.  Skillbeck suggested an approach for devising curriculum at the school level by which teacher could realistically develop appropriate curriculum.  The model claims that for SBCD (School Based Curriculum Development) to work effectively five steps are required in the curriculum process.  Skilbeck model locates curriculum design and development firmly within a cultural framework. It views such design as a means whereby teachers modify and transform pupil experience through providing insights into cultural values, interpretative frameworks and symbolic systems.  It is a more comprehensive framework, which can encompass either the process model or the objective model depending on which aspects of the curriculum are being designed. It is flexible, adaptable and open to interpretation in the light of changing circumstances.
  • 92. Unit V: Dissemination and Implementation of Curriculum  5.1 Concept of curriculum dissemination  5.2 Models of curriculum dissemination  5.2.1 Schon's models  5.2.2 Havelock's model  5.3 Concept of implementation of curriculum  5.4 Relationship of implementation to planning  5.5 Role of incrementalism, communication and supports in effective curriculum implementation  5.6 Theory of change  5.6.1 Resistance to curriculum change  5.6.2 Receptivity to curriculum change  5.6.3 Models of curriculum change · Overcoming resistance to change model · Organizational change model
  • 93. Curriculum dissemination  Curriculum dissemination is an essential component and phase of curriculum development. It creates a bridge between the curriculum theory and its implementation or practice. Indeed, the implementation of the new curriculum is the realization of a process of educational change. Hence, the importance of curriculum dissemination strategies. In this regard, Kelly (2004:107) observes that ―… a major reason for the failure of the Schools Council to influence curriculum change more directly and more widely was to be found in the dissemination strategies that were adopted‖.
  • 94.  According to Carl et al (1988) and Leithwood (1991) curriculum dissemination or curriculum diffusion consists in the distribution or publication of information, reflections and decisions. It refers to the spread of information about curriculum renewal, namely about innovative instruction or instruction-related practices aimed at preparing and informing all those involved with the curriculum change.
  • 96. Models of curriculum dissemination Centre Periphery modelक े न्ि पररगध नमुना Proliferation of Centres model बहु क े न्ि नमुना Shifting Centres model क े न्ि पररितान नमुना Schon (1971)
  • 97. Models of curriculum dissemination Research, Development and Diffusion (R, D & D) modelअनुसन्धान विकास र विस्तार नमुना Problem-Solving (PS) modelसमस्या समाधान नमुना
  • 98.
  • 99.
  • 100. CentrePeriphery model,  Centre-Periphery approach is that it assumes that the process of dissemination must be centrally controlled and managed, that the innovation is planned and prepared in detail prior to its dissemination and that the process of that dissemination is one-way – from the centre out to the consumers on the periphery
  • 101. Proliferation of Centres model  The Proliferation of Centres model attempts to overcome these factors, or at least to reduce their significance, by creating secondary centres to extend the reach and thus the efficiency of the primary centre. The intention is that the work of the central development team is supported and extended by local development groups. In turn, these local groups are supported by the central team through the provision not only of advice but also sometimes of courses of training.
  • 102. Shifting Centres model  Shifting Centres model, was posited to explain the spread, witnessed in recent years, of ideas such as those of civil rights, black power, disarmament and student activism, in other words changes of values and attitudes of a more subtle and less deliberate kind. These developments are characterized by the absence of any clearly established centre and of any stable, centrally established message. Indeed, this is a model which appears to be more successful at explaining how unplanned diffusion occurs than at offering a strategy for planned dissemination. Schon believes it has potential value for curriculum change but this must be questionable, since it is a model which appears to offer no basis for the development of any specific message
  • 103. Havelock’s models  Social Interaction (SI) model  Problem-Solving (PS)
  • 104. Curriculum implementation The next step after curriculum planning and designing is to mplement it. As teachers, this is one of the major roles that we do in school. We have the recommended curriculum guide that can be download in the internet/through website and our task is o implement it. So, the success of the learning depends on the mplementation effort
  • 105. Curriculum implementation  Curriculum implementation refers to how the planned or officially designed course of study is translated by the teacher into syllabi, schemes of work and lessons to be delivered to students.  Curriculum implementation means putting into practice the written curriculum that has been design into syllabi, course of study, curricular guides and subject. It is the process where the learners acquire the intended knowledge , skills and attitudes for them to function effectively in the society.
  • 106. Ornstein and Hunkins (1998)  curriculum implementation as the interaction between the curriculum that has been written and planned and the persons who are in charge to deliver it. The effort and success of the implementation would lie on the hands of the teachers.
  • 107. Curriculum Stakeholders Learners Teacher School leader Community Parents school Local Government Units Non- Government Agencies Government Agencies
  • 108. curriculum implementation implies the following  Shift from what is current to a new or enhanced curriculum Change in knowledge, actions, attitudes of the person involved.  A complete transition or shift from the previous to a new curriculum.. Today we are dealing with millenians,21st century learners where in they are very literate when it comes to computers.  Definitely, as teachers we have to upgrade ourselves with the latest knowledge and information;Attitude-Being very strict to students is not applicable ..before and after…that’s why Deped is encouraging us to use positive discipline.
  • 109. Loucks and Lieberman (1983)  curriculum implementation as the trying out of a new practice and what it looks like when actually used in school system.  In the classroom context, curriculum implementation means teaching what has been written in the lesson plan.  It means using the plan as a guide to engage with the learners in the teaching-learning process with the end in view that learning has occurred and learning outcome has been achieved.  We formulate objectives with the end in the mind of what the students are expected to do, perform or learned after the lesson.
  • 111.  Educational change is a broad term that refers to both shifting paradigms within education and efforts of reform within education. The former is often a part of the latter, since most change within the field of education is initiated for the improvement of the institution. Similarly, shifting perspectives within the field of education are most often a result of an awareness of new ideas and new needs. The efforts taken to adjust to those new ideas and meet those needs can be categorized as educational change.
  • 112.  िैक्षक्षक पररितान एक व्यापक िब्द हो ।जसले सिक्षा सभर सुधार को प्रयास लाई जनाउँछ। पूिा र पतछल्लो को फरक पररितान हो। सिक्षा को क्षेर सभर धेरैजसो पररितान सृंस्र्था को सुधार को लागी िुरू गरीएका छन। त्यस्तै गरी, सिक्षा को क्षेरमा पररितानले प्राय: नयाँ विचारहरु र नयाँ आिश्यकताहरु को एक जागरूकता ल्याएको हुन्छ। ती नयाँ विचारहरु लाई समायोष्जत गना र ती आिश्यकताहरु लाई पूरा गना को लागी िैक्षक्षक पररितान गररन्छ ।
  • 113.  Fullan (1982, 1991) proposed that there are four broad phases in the change process:  initiation,  implementation,  continuation,  outcome.
  • 114. Curriculum Change Theories Lovell and Wile’s Theory Lewin’s Theory Kowasalski and Reitzug’s Theory Skilbeck’s Theory